HOT 閃亮星─妖靈稿件大募集
Major Alex
魚寶寶 2 級
2023-06-05 12:15:09 成為 POPO作者

我的 PO 書格言


I walkin', so I live,when that light falled, U can't prove that I'm dead,Time and space is so Unbelievable, It all happend in silence,ends when that groly fades

給 POPO 讀者的話

更新 2023-06-05 15:07:04 Love, you know, is that one force that cannot be explained, cannot be broken down into a chemical process, It is a beacon that guides us back home, even if we know that’s hard, and the light that illuminates our loss.

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刀神 冰如劍

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