HOT 創作馬拉松,正式起跑閃亮星─無聊種子稿件大募集




  (This   is   a   translation   of   the   indictment   against   Lau   San   Ching   by   the   Chinese   Government)



(1982)   Guangzhou   Prosecutions   Su   No.64(reference   number)

The   defendant   is   Lau   San   Ching   for   (or   Liu   Shan   Qing),male,29   years   of   age,   of   Huizhou,   Guangdong   province,   Han   race,   university   educated.   The   defendant   was   employed   as   a   salesperson   by   the   XXXX   company   in   Hong   Kong,   his   residence   is   at   xxxx   (a   Hong   Kong   address).   Detained   on   27   December   1981because   of   a   counter-revolutionary   case,   the   arrest   was   approved   by   this   department   on   5   January,1982.

The   Guangzhou   Public   Security   Bureau   has   finished   the   inquiry   of   the   counter-   revolutionary   case   of   the   defendant   Lau   San   Ching.   On   3   July   1982,   the   case   was   transferred   to   this   department   for   review   and   prosecution.   After   the   judgement   of   the   prosecution,   the   facts   of   the   violations   by   the   defendant   are   as   follows:

The   defendant,   Lau   San   Ching,   is   a   member   of   the   anti-China   and   anti-communist   forces   in   Hong   Kong.   From   January   1980   to   December1981   he   visited   Guangzhou   and   Shanghai   surreptitiously   many   times   and   passed   on   reactionary   publications,   spread   counter-revolutionary   ideas   to   counter   revolutionaries   He   Qiu,   CHEN   Er   Jin   and   FU   Shen   Qi   (all   were   dealt   with   in   separate   cases).   LAU   supported   and   financially   assisted   them   to   carry   out   counter-revolutionary   propaganda   and   incitement,   in   their   vain   attempt   to   overthrow   the   regime   of   the   people's   democratic   dictatorship   and   the   socialist   institution.

In   January   1980,   defendant   Lau   San   Ching   and   counter-revolutionary   He   Qiu   decided   to   strengthen   liaison   and   to   coordinate   the   activities   inside   and   outside   China.   The   defendant   provided   to   He   Qiu   ‘The   Tragedy   of   the   Chinese   Revolution‘,   ‘War   News’   and   similar   reactionary   Publications.   Furthermore,   the   defendant   collected   ‘The   People's   Road‘,   ‘On   Freedom‘   and   similar   publications   and   brought   them   to   Hong   Kong.   In   July   the   same   year,   the   defendant   made   incitements   to   He   Qiu   and   CHEN   Er   Jin,   smearing   the   Chinese   party   as   "not   the   real   working   class   political   party,   ...having   been   corrupted   and   decadent   and   has   produced   a   bureaucratic   class,"   and   encouraged   them   "   get   organized,   promote   the   democracy   movement,   put   out   publications."   and   advocated   them   to   overthrow   our   people's   democratic   dictatorship   regime   through"   organizing   workers   and   the   democracy   movement."

In   July   1980,   defendant   Lau   San   Ching   and   He   Qiu   secretly   planned   to   send   people   to   various   areas   of   China   to   liaise   with   illegal   organizations,   preparing   to   hold   a   "National   Civilian   Publication   Representatives   Convention”   in   Guangzhou.

Lau   also   actively   supported   He   Qiu   financially   to   establish   a   "National   Civilian   Publications   Association   of   China"   in   the   vain   attempt   to   form   a   political   force,   to   work   in   concert   with   anti-China,   anti-communist   forces   in   producing   counter-revolutionary   public   opinions.

In   March   1981,   defendant   Lau   San   Ching   provided   He   Qiu   with   activity   funds   of   RMB120,   HKD400,   and   the   name   and   address   of   a   certain   foreign   reporter   based   in   Beijing.   The   plan   was   for   He   Qiu   to   go   to   Beijing   to   make   counter-revolutionary   liaisons   and   to   hold   a   foreign   press   conference.   It   was   decided   that   LAU   San   Ching   would   support   the   activity   in   Hong   Kong   by   creating   public   opinions,   resisting   and   sabotaging   the   execution   of   the   laws   of   the   country.

In   February   1981,   defendant   Lau   San   Ching   went   to   Shanghai   surreptitiously   and   incited   counter-revolutionary   FU   Shen   Oi   and   said   "   hope   that   an   independent   political   force   exists.   ‘Civilian   Publications   Association’   should   be   like   the   Solidarity   Union   of   Poland   and   occupy   the   same   status   as   the   Communist   Party,""   China   should   be   like   Poland,   learning   from   the   Polish   Union,   then   socialism   could   be   established.   Your   democracy   movement   should   develop   in   this   direction."   LAU   gave   FU   RBM100   to   assist   his   counter-revolutionary   propaganda   activities,   and   took   the   illegal   publication   ‘Responsibility’   back   to   Hong   Kong.

The   above   facts   are   verified   by   a   very   careful   inquiry   by   the   public   security   Bureau,   and   there   are   a   lot   of   secondary   evidence,   witnesses   and   testimonies.   But   the   defendant   continues   to   spread   reactionary   opinions   and   stubbornly   resists   the   education   of   the   government.

The   opinions   of   our   department:

Defendant   LAU   San   Ching   is   a   member   of   the   Hong   Kong   anti-China,   anti-communist   forces,   surreptitiously   entered   places   like   Guangzhou   and   Shanghai   many   times   to   conduct   counter-revolutionary   propaganda,   supported   counter-revolutionaries   such   as   He   Qiu,   Fu   Shen   Qi   to   conduct   counter-revolutionary   activities   wildly,   inciting   the   people   to   resist   and   sabotage   the   execution   of   laws   of   the   system.   This   type   of   behavior,   seriously   endangers   the   regime   of   our   people's   democratic   dictatorship   and   the   socialist   system,   contravenes   Section   102   of   the   Criminal   Law   Code   of   the   People’s   Republic   of   China.   It   constitutes   the   crime   of   counter-revolutionary   propaganda   and   incitement.   To   safeguard   the   regime   of   the   people’s   democratic   dictatorship   and   the   socialist   system,   to   ensure   the   smooth   development   of   the   "four   modernizations"   we   especially   bring   this   case   for   public   prosecution

.   We   plead   the   court   to   punish   the   defendant   Lau   San   Ching   according   to   the   law.

Submitted   to:

Intermediate   Level   People's   Court,   Guangzhou,   Province   of   Guangdong.

By   Prosecutor:   ZHANG   Da   Mou

Date:25   August   1982


1.   The   defendant,   LAU   San   Ching,   is   presently   detained   at   the   No.1   Detention   Centre   of   the   Guangzhou   Public   Security   Bureau.

2.   Documents   for   this   case   total   3   volumes.

end   of   translation-

