HOT 創作馬拉松,正式起跑閃亮星─無聊種子稿件大募集


Guess   I'm   never   going   to   change   this  

I   condescended  

The   way   of   living   is   a   sin

Knowing   the   holy   miracle   doesn't   exist

Bad   days   have   gone   far  

Thank   me   for   making   me  

So   happy   now

It's   a   delightful   day  

When   it's   a   delightful   life   itself

So,   smile!

All   day   long  

Make   my   feet   leave   the   ground!

But   my   feet   don't   let   me  

In   my   mind  

There's   a   way   right   to   the   town

In   my   dreams  

A   race   begins   to   start   now

The   reality  

True   or   false

Really   don't   know  

But   I'm   in   awe

Simple   the   way   it   is  

They   shouldn't   be   convinced

Is   it   the   truth   or   not  

Only   you   can   see

Not   everyone's   away

It's   just   you   and   me

Souring   with   your   eyes   opened

What   could   I   say

In   my   heart  

There's   a   fragile   glass

Could   break   as   soon   as  

You   attack

But   I   won't   let   it   collapse  

Only   if   you   make   my   heart  


Flying   to   the   top

Still   cannot   try   to   pick   it   up

Who   will   be   the   one

To   save   my   tears   drop

I'll   pray   for   you  

If   you   cannot   tell   what   is   true

Sorry   for   your   missing   calls

But   you   will   realize   it   all

I'm   not   sure   I   am   strong   enough

To   let   go   those   broken   hearts  

Perhaps   one   day   in   the   near   future  

I   will   go   back   again   to   the   start

Smile,   can   I   do   that  

My   inner   parts   suggest   me   to   hold   back

Tell   me   what   I   should   do

Or   I   would   be   nothing   but   sad

Street   lights   glimmering

Young   hearts   pondering

What   I'm   dreaming

Is   to   make   the   world  

Start   burning  

And   we   ran

out   of   the   bar

chasing   the   stars

though   we   can't   scream   too   loud

get   out   of   cars

lead   me   to   heaven  

crazy   they   said

but   we'd   better   just   forget  

where   we   are

to   the   yard   where   we   grew   up

(back   to   when   we   were   young)

I   startled

in   my   broken   barn   home

come   and   make   my   harmed   pieces

turn   to   bright   light   glow  

Passion   is   gone

feeling   coolly

and   ordinary

despite   the   ambitions   and   goal  

where   are

the   pushfulness   and   drive   going?


did   not   a   thing   that   I   want   to   do  

last   for   a   long   period

Why   can   you   be   so   happy

while   standing   in   front   of   me


and   smiling

Parting   all   night

reach   there   with   no   guide  

I   feel   like   jumping   up   to   the   sky

because   we   couldn't   get   more   high

I   haven't   laughed   so   hard   for   long

so   let's   get   excited   now

yet   I   don't   know

Life   isn't   just   like   this  

It   should   be   fulfilled  

"Just   do   it

Dare   to   live  

we   only   live   once

so   try   to   step   outside   your   comfort   zone"

Why   not   do   things   that   make   you   smile

and   have   so   much   fun   in   your   life

till   the   day   you   die

thanks   to   the   high?

We   were   young

wandering   in   the   street  

chasing   my   destiny


desperately   believe

my   fate   is   controlled   by   me

We   were   young

still   persuading   our   dreams

with   the   gallant   hearts

pounding   in   irregular   beats

but   the   strength   that   we   used   to   seek

has   gradually   faded

We   are   young

with   some   meaningful   experiences

in   our   own   life   that   we   used   to   take   for   granted

though   we   know   we   won't   forever   live

but   could   we   talk   about,   please?

our   hot-blooded   dreams


it   doesn't   easy   at   all

I   screwed   it   up

in   total

dream   away

dream   away

should't   I   be   world-known?  

cause   I've   tried   so   hard   in   or-

der   to   let   my   talent

fully   show

dream   away  

dream   away  


I'm   going   to   the   top  

afraid   of   being   stopped  

can   I   stay   forever  

just   don't   tell   me   the   truth  

that   is   cruel   enough  


Solo   blue   strap   hanging   while   missing   the   beat  

I'm   strangled   by   the   true-to-life   scenery  


it's   happening,


in   my   heart   that   isn't   bleeding  

