HOT 創作馬拉松,正式起跑閃亮星─語風稿件大募集

Why megachurches do not exist in Taiwan

I’ve   become   a   Christian   for   several   years   now,   during   all   these   years,   I   have   been   to   different   churches   across   Taipei   City   to   attend   Sunday   services   and   I   would   like   to   share   my   first   hand   observation   about   why   it   is   difficult   for   megachurches   to   exit   in   Taiwan.

As   I   recall,   the   Christianity   really   got   my   attention   for   the   first   time   was   when   I   saw   Pastor   Joel   Osteen's   book   "Become   A   Better   You"   in   a   local   bookstore   back   in   2008.   The   cover   of   this   book   was   really   appealing   to   me,   because   after   all   Pastor   Joel   is   a   really   handsome   guy.   Then   I   opened   the   book,   flipped   through   the   pages   and   found   out   that   as   a   non   English   native   speaker   as   myself,   his   writing   is   totally   readable   and   understandable,   therefore   I   gladly   bought   the   book   and   quickly   finished   reading   in   a   couple   of   days.   I   have   to   admit   that   reading   this   book   was   a   truly   pleasant   experience   for   me,   because   I   did   not   have   to   check   my   dictionary   all   the   time.   And   besides   readable   and   understandable,   I   also   found   all   of   his   books   very   encouraging   and   inspiring,   so   I   started   to   watch   his   weekly   TV   broadcast   as   well.   Pastor   Joel   always   ends   his   sermons   with   "Get   into   a   good   Bible   based   church   and   keep   God   first   place."   And   I   followed   his   instruction,   found   a   nearby   church,   baptized   after   6   months   and   have   become   a   Christian   ever   since.   Long   story   short,   I   have   become   a   Christian   all   because   of   this   charismatic   pastor's   books   and   TV   sermons.   How   ironic   in   some   way!

And   now,   I   would   like   to   take   some   time   to   talk   about   the   pastors   in   Taiwan.   Most   of   them   are   male   and   look   old.   They   have   gray   hair,   wear   thick   glasses   and   old   fashioned   suits.   There   are   female   pastors   as   well,   most   of   them   are   single   and   hardly   attractive,   they   look   like   they   still   live   in   the   ancient   Israel,   they   do   not   wear   any   makeups   and   their   dresses   are   outdated.   No   wonder   they   are   still   single   and   they   do   not   look   like   they   will   be   getting   married   any   sooner.   I   know   God   tell   us   not   to   judge   people   by   their   appearances,   however   I   must   say   most   of   the   Taiwanese   pastors   are   disgrace   to   God.   Because   according   to   Genesis   "God   created   Mankind   in   his   own   image"   and   every   time   when   I   look   at   these   pastors,   I   do   not   see   the   image   of   God.   I   see   really   boring   people   preach   really   boring   sermons.   No   surprise   that   they   can   not   attract   new   people   to   join   their   churches.   I   mean,   if   you   can   not   look   like   Pastor   Joel   Osteen   or   his   lovely   wife   Victoria   Osteen,   at   least   try   to   preach   like   Pastor   Rick   Warren,   be   funny   and   articulate.

What   I   really   want   to   express   is   that   there   is   practically   no   pastors   with   charisma   in   Taiwan   and   that   is   the   main   reason   why   Christian   population   can   not   grow   in   this   country.   It   is   for   that   reason,   there   won't   be   any   megachurches   in   this   country.   Unappealing   and   unpersuasive   pastors   are   the   first   reason   why   megachurches   do   not   exist   in   Taiwan.  

The   second   reason   is   that   even   though   Taiwan   is   considered   to   be   a   developed   country,   but   thanks   to   our   “genius”   government   and   totally   inactive   female   President,   this   country   is   extremely   poor,   poorer   than   Thailand   and   the   Philippines,   not   to   mention   China.   The   Gross   national   income   has   not   increased   in   16   years.   The   Young   Generation   has   no   hope,   live   like   the   Israeli   slaves   in   Egypt   and   do   not   know   where   the   future   lies.   The   young   people   in   Taiwan   desperately   need   to   hear   the   encouraging   and   inspiring   Prosperity   Gospel.   They   need   to   become   prosperous   first,   so   they   can   be   saved,   then   become   the   true   living   testimony   of   Jesus   Christ.

I   personally   think   this   World   desperately   needs   megachurches,   especially   in   poor   Countries.   Taiwan   needs   megachurches   as   well,   because   the   people   in   Taiwan   are   getting   poorer   and   poorer.   Every   citizen   in   this   country   is   suffering   and   desperately   need   to   become   prosperous   and   be   saved   at   the   same   time.   People   represent   power.   The   more   people,   the   more   influential   churches   become.

Finally,   I   want   to   stress   that   to   repent   is   equally   important.   In   whatever   way,   the   top   priority   is   to   attract   sinners   to   go   to   church   first.   Sometimes   people   need   to   get   out   of   poverty,   so   they   will   be   willing   to   learn   the   true   meaning   of   the   Gospel   and   repent,   then   ultimately   become   Christians.  


