HOT 創作馬拉松,正式起跑閃亮星─無聊種子稿件大募集

The Forgotten City, Chapter 4, The Message From....

                              Finally,   we   were   here.   We   all   know   our   names,   and   we   remembered   everything   we   had   forgotten   about.   Then   we   found   out   that   we   were   actually   neighbours!   But,   before   we   came   home,   I   actually   "forgot"   we   were   neighbours.   On   the   other   hand,   we   found   a   message.   It   floated   slowly   down   to   the   ground.   We   picked   it   up.   It   said,   "Welcome   to   The   Forgotten   City.   We   saw   you   two   have   some   worries,   some   memories   that   you   don't   want   to   remember.   We   think   forgetting   is   a   great   idea!   We   always   put   people   in   the   Forgotten   City,   because   they   don't   want   to   live   in   reality.   We'd   like   to   help   you   to   forget.   Sincerely,   The   Forgotten   City."   Shocked   by   the   message,   we   ran   to   the   police   office   the   next   morning.   Nevertheless,   the   message   was   gone,   so   nobody   believed   us.   We   promised   to   each   other   that   we   would   never   forget   each   other   until   we   were   dead,   and   to   never   tell   anyone   about   The   Forgotten   City.

