HOT 創作馬拉松,正式起跑閃亮星─無聊種子稿件大募集

The Forgotten City, Chapter 3, My Name is...

              We   walked   around   the   wall,   to   see   if   there   was   an   exit.   Nevertheless   we   didn't   find   any   way   out.   Then   we   walked   to   the   bus   station,   and   we   found   out   that   the   bus   station   was   gone.   However   there   was   a   road,   which   was   the   road   where   we   came   from.   We   walked   to   the   road   to   see   if   we   could   get   out   from   there.   Still,   we   could   not   because   the   road   continuously   looped.   We   went   out,   then   we   came   in.   I   said,"   There   must   be   a   way   out,   we   just   need   to   find   it   ..."   Brittany   sighed   heavily,"   Nah...   That   is   impossible,   there   is   no   way   out!   Give   up!   "   I   said   angrily,"   So   you   means   that   you   don't   want   to   get   out   of   here,   right?   "   "   No...   I   mean   maybe   before   we   find   the   exit,   we   would   already   forgot   who   are   us.   And   so   there   would   be   no   meaning   to   search   for   the   exit   now.     It   is   too   hard   to   find   the   exit...   let's   just   give   up   and   enjoy   the   time   before   we   forgot   who   are   us."   I   said   sadly,"   Come   on!   Let's   just   believe   in   ourselves!   Even   there   are   no   time   left,   we   still   have   the   chance   to   find   the   exit,   right?   Even   the   possibility   is   very   very   low,   there   are   still   chances,   right?   So,   let's   rush!   Run   run   run~   There   are   just   a   little   bit   time   left~"   "Okay,   fine..."   sighed   Brittany,"   Just   praying   that   we   could   find   the   exit   fast!"  

              Then   we   started   to   walk   all   over   the   city.   We   walked   to   every   places   in   the   city   to   find   a   exit.   We   walked   and   walked,   the   time   just   gone   away   quickly.   We   almost   forgot   our   name   and   our   personality.   Before   that   happened,   we   found   a   little   door   on   the   big,   huge,   enormous   wall.   Yet,   the   door   was   locked.   We   think   and   think   to   try   to   thought   out   a   way   to   open   the   door.   Until...   I   cried,   and   said   broken-heartedly,   "   Brittany...   I   am   so   so   so   sorry   about   this.   I   give   up!   I   give   up   to   get   out   of   here.   It   really   is   too   hard   for   only   two   people   to   get   out   of   here   with   no   help.   You   are   right,   we   should   have   give   up   half   hour   ago.   I   think   we   are   losing   our   memory...   I   think   I   have   no   hope   now...   I   forgot   my   name..."   "No!   Think!   What   did   you   tell   me?   You   told   me   to   try   and   don't   give   up.   You   encouraged   me...   and   so   you   shouldn't   be   the   one   who   give   up   first."     And   then   we   think   harder   than   before.   Until,   we   thought   of   a   interest   idea...   we   said   together,"   It   must   be   our   name!"    

                  "But......   I   forgot   my   name.......   I...   will   stay   here.   You   can   head   off   to   the   door...   Don't   worry   about   me..."   I   said   sadly.   "   No   way!   I   would   not   just   give   up   now!   I   would   help   you   to   get   in   this   damn   door!   You   are   my   best   friend   now!   Maybe   it   is   crazy,   but   you   are   my   best   friend   in   my   life   now!   I   wouldn't   give   up   you!"   shouted   Brittany   with   some   tears   in   her   eyes.   "   Oh   my......   I...   Thank   you."   I   said   with   grateful   heart   and   also   crying.   Then,   we   opened   the   door,   Brittany   said   her   name   out   loud.   And   it   is   my   turn...   I   said   very   quietly,   "My   name   is...   Olivia..."   "Louder   please!"   shouted   Brittany   standing   inside   the   door.   So   I   shouted,   "   My   name   is   Olivia!"   Then   the   door   opened   for   me.   We   walked   together   inside   the   door.

