HOT 創作馬拉松,正式起跑閃亮星─無聊種子稿件大募集

Book 3: Where My Dream Is

Chapter   1           Return   to   Earth

After   Dimitri’s   flesh   body   disappeared   mysteriously   into   thin   air,   a   minuscule   shred   of   his   consciousness,   invisible   to   the   naked   eye,   floated   in   the   vast   universe.   Sometimes   he   felt   as   if   his   body   could   extend   indefinitely   and   merge   with   the   universe,   though   actually   at   that   moment   it   was   no   more.     At   other   times,   he   felt   that   his   body   could   contract   at   will   until   it   was   smaller   than   the   tiniest   particle   of   dust.     Thus,   Dimitri   roamed   freely   in   the   universe,   neither   happy   nor   sad,   just   floating   incessantly,   unrestrainedly   and   spontaneously.     For   him,   time   had   no   continuity   with   no   beginning   and   no   end   and   space,   too,   was   of   no   consequence.     Dimitri   realized   that   he   was   at   the   very   original   spot   of   the   universe.

Dimitri’s   consciousness   loitered   at   the   original   spot   of   the   universe.     He   was   tired   of   wandering   and   did   not   want   to   drift   aimlessly   around   anymore.     He   felt   a   sense   of   peace.     He   was   also   tired.     These   strange   sensations,   hazy   and   obvious,   were   mixed   with   a   mild   feeling   of   joy.     But   no,   it   could   not   be   called   joy   because   if   it   was   joy,   its   opposing   feeling   of   sadness   would   be   sure   to   exist.     Nor   was   it   a   feeling   of   comfort   and   ease   because   its   contrasting   sensation   would   be   pain   and   worry.     No,   it   was   a   neutral   feeling,   seemingly   there   but   not   really   there,   existing   yet   non-existent.     It   had   no   negative   or   contrasting   sensations.     Dimitri   was   not   willing   to   think   further   or   analyze   the   question   rationally.     He   had   given   up   on   thought   and   immersed   himself   completely   in   enjoyment,   fully   savoring   this   strange,   warm   feeling.

Dimitri’s   shred   of   consciousness   that   non-material   substance,   rested   calmly   at   the   original   spot   of   the   universe.     Tired   of   roaming,   he   was   not   willing   to   drift   about   any   more.     Suddenly   a   picture   popped   into   his   consciousness.     A   pair   of   naked   lovers   was   asleep,   clasped   comfortably   in   each   other’s   arms.     They   seemed   to   be   sleeping   so   soundly   that   it   seemed   as   if   nothing   could   ever   wake   them   up.     The   man   was   handsome   and   muscular   and   the   woman   was   slender   and   beautiful   as   a   flower.     Dimitri’s   heart   lurched.   “Aren’t   they   my   faithful   servants   Creativity   and   Imagination?”     He   hoped   they   would   sleep   on   forever   and   never   wake   up   because   if   they   do,   the   man   Creativity   would   work   tirelessly   on   and   the   woman   Imagination   would   rack   her   brains   furiously.   “They   would   destroy   the   perfect   equilibrium   of   his   present   state   of   mind,   so   peaceful,   bright   and   beautiful”   he   thought.

But   Dimitri   was   disappointed.     Imagination’s   slim,   delicate   fingers   moved   and   caressed   Creativity’s   broad   chest.     Creativity   blinked   opened   his   sleepy   eyes.     Standing   up   he   stretched   his   sculptured   limbs   lazily.   Extending   his   hand   to   his   beautiful,   curvaceous   and   delicate   companion   who   was   still   reclining   on   the   soft   grass   he   carefully   helped   her   up.   The   two   of   them   then   walked   into   the   woods,   towards   a   stream   of   clear   and   pure,   water   as   yet   uncontaminated   by   humans.     They   scooped   up   the   cold   crystal   clear   water   with   their   hands   and   sprayed   their   heads   and   faces   with   it.   Then   laughing   joyously   they   dived   in   and   swam   around   happily.     They   frolicked   light-heartedly   in   the   water   splashing   each   other   in   fun.   Imagination   threw   herself   into   Creativity’s   arms   and   the   two   embraced   and   kissed   each   other.    

  “Look!     How   beautiful   the   galaxy   is!”   she   said,   looking   at   the   myriads   of   stars   twinkling   in   the   night   sky,   feeling   happy   and   satisfied.   “Our   earth   too   should   be   one   of   those   brilliant   celestial   bodies,   but   humans   have   used   up   almost   all   of   the   earth’s   resources   and   have   brought   destruction,   pollution   and   contamination   everywhere   they   went.     Once   earth   becomes   unfit   as   a   human   habitat   we   need   to   find   a   safe   haven   somewhere   else   in   the   universe   and   lead   them   to   it.     To   some   other   planet   perhaps?     But   the   environment   there   may   not   be   suitable   for   humans.     That   is   a   problem   I   have   been   trying   to   solve   for   a   long   time   but   have   failed   to   find   a   desirable   solution.”     Creativity   was   silent   as   he   too   had   no   good   answer   to   her   question.     Suddenly   Imagination   jumped   up   and   clapped   her   hands   happily   like   a   child   and   said,  

  “Yes.     Yes.     Why   don’t   we   ourselves   create   another   planet   suitable   for   humans   to   live   and   relocate   them   there?     What   do   you   think?”

“Good   idea!     Good   idea!”   exclaimed   Creativity;   his   eyes   alight   as   he   grasped   the   possibilities   of   her   suggestion.   “I   can   imitate   God’s   might   and   power   that   he   used   in   creating   the   universe   and   create   another   planet   suitable   for   humans,   with   light,   heat,   air,   oceans,   land   and   all   kinds   of   life.   The   climate   would   be   warm   and   comfortable,   suitable   for   people   to   live   and   procreate.     Good   idea!     A   very   good   idea!”     The   two   of   them   danced   happily   in   the   stream.   “Why   don’t   we   begin   the   work   right   away?”   he   said.     Hand   in   hand   the   two   of   them   walked   out   of   the   water   onto   land.    

Suddenly   a   huge,   eye-blindingly   brilliant   ball   of   light   appeared   in   the   dark   sky.     A   figure   could   be   seen   in   that   ball   of   light,   who   spoke   in   a   loud,   solemn   voice,   “You   two   miserable,   ignorant   human   being!     I   drove   you   out   of   the   Garden   of   Eden   because   you   had   acquired   knowledge   and   thought.     Now   you   have   the   audacity   to   think   of   copying   my   creation   of   the   universe   and   dare   to   think   of   creating   a   planet   of   your   own?     I   am   the   Creator   of   the   universe.     I   and   I   alone   control   it.     It   operates   on   my   orders   according   to   my   plan.   How   dare   the   two   of   you   challenge   me?     Stop   your   creativity   and   imagination   at   once   or   you   will   incur   the   wrath   of   heaven.”     Creativity   and   Imagination   knelt   on   the   ground,   cowed,   flustered,   and   panic-stricken   because   they   knew   they   had   angered   God   himself.   The   brilliant   ball   of   light   disappeared   and   blurry   and   indistinct   darkness   once   again   reigned   in   the   universe.

  “Wait   a   minute.     Wait   a   minute”   shouted   Dimitri,   raising   his   head   towards   the   gray   pre-dawn   skies.     “That’s   not   fair!     You   said   man   was   made   to   your   own   image   and   likeness.     That   means   there   are   human   elements   in   you   and   divine   elements   in   man;   therefore   there   are   parts   of   you   in   me   and   me   in   you.     You   are   part   of   me   and   I   am   part   of   you.     To   be   perfectly   fair,   it   could   be   said   that   you   and   the   humans   you   created   have   much   in   common   and   are   created   mutually.   Man   should   have   the   right   to   make   his   own   decisions   and   not   be   your   vassal.”   The   gray   skies   did   not   answer   him,   but   was   somber   and   silent   as   usual.  

  Dimitri   woke   from   his   reverie   and   found   himself   sitting   on   a   bench   by   the   lake,   his   shoulders   and   hat   covered   with   dew.     His   dilapidated   jacket   and   loose   black   slacks   were   also   wet   from   the   fog   and   mist.     He   was   deeply   shocked   to   realize   that   he   had   been   sitting   there   the   whole   night,   his   mind   frantically   imagining   things.     He   suddenly   recalled   that   his   flesh   body   had   disappeared   into   thin   air   and   his   minuscule   shred   of   consciousness   loitered   at   the   original   spot   of   the   universe,   savoring   sensations   of   peace   and   tranquility.     How   come   he   was   back   on   earth   again?     What   was   there   on   this   earth   that   he   could   not   relinquish?     He   was   a   penniless   homeless   person   and   blind   into   the   bargain.     What   caused   him   to   cling   so   tenaciously   to   this   mundane   world,   unwilling   to   depart?   Ah!   It   could   only   be   because   he   valued   this   precious   flesh   body   and   treasured   life   itself,   so   he   could   not   give   them   up   so   lightly   and   casually.

Day   broke.     The   first   light   of   day   gradually   brightened   the   skies   dispersing   the   blurry   and   indistinct   pre-dawn   bleakness.   A   few   cars   drove   past   swiftly.     Dimitri   was   puzzled   as   to   why   the   streets   looked   so   deserted   and   empty   as   normally   they   would   be   crowded   with   traffic   by   this   time.     Then   he   realized   it   was   Sunday   and   most   people   were   in   church,   so   there   weren’t   as   many   people   on   the   streets   and   also   fewer   cars   on   the   road.     He   remembered   that   in   his   reverie,   he   elevated   the   position   of   man   to   the   same   level   as   God   and   thought   that   was   presumptuous   self-glorification   on   his   part   and   really   sacrilegious.   “I   had   better   leave   the   question   of   relationship   between   God   and   man   to   philosophers   and   wiser   men   than   I   to   solve.     Why   make   such   ado   about   nothing   and   rack   my   brains   over   this   insolvable   Gordian   knot?  

Just   then,   the   enticing   aroma   of   fresh   French   fries   and   pastry   wafted   over   from   the   shops   across   the   street   and   Dimitri’s   stomach   growled.     “I   have   really   over-estimated   the   power   of   man”   he   thought.     “Take   me   for   instance.     I   am   so   hungry   but   there   is   nothing   I   can   do   about   it.     I   can’t   even   solve   the   problem   of   my   empty   stomach.     Yes,   I’d   rather   be   an   insignificant   man.     Well,   I   suppose   I   had   better   pluck   myself   up   and   rummage   through   the   garbage   cans   around   here   to   see   if   I   can   find   left-overs   people   threw   away   so   I   can   fill   my   stomach”   said   Dimitri   with   a   helpless,   wry   expression   on   his   face.     The   image   of   a   large   hamburger   came   into   his   mind.     “How   I   would   really   enjoy   it   if   I   had   a   large   hamburger   like   that”   he   thought.     “I   would   chew   and   savor   every   bite   before   swallowing   it.     The   feeling   of   a   full   stomach   would   be   really   marvelous!”

The   sun   rose   high   in   the   sky.     It   was   another   lovely   bright   sunny   morning.     Cars   and   pedestrians   increased.     From   the   fast   food   restaurant   across   the   street   came   the   barking   of   a   dog.     Dimitri   could   determine   that   it   was   s   medium-size   dog   of   a   smaller   species,   about   15-20   pounds.     It   should   be   a   cute-looking,   likable   puppy.     Dimitri   made   friends   easily   with   all   kinds   of   animals   as   his   heart   was   full   of   love.     Normally   a   shabbily-dressed   blind   man,   tapping   his   way   around   with   a   white   cane   would   easily   arouse   the   enmity   of   dogs,   but   not   Dimitri.     Somehow,   even   the   most   vicious   dogs   could   sense   his   innate   love   and   friendliness.     Animals’   reaction   is   more   sensitive   than   we   think.     Whenever   he   sat   on   a   bench,   wild   pigeons   flying   overhead   would   drop   down   to   the   ground   around   him   in   a   show   of   trust   and   friendliness,   whether   he   had   anything   to   feed   them   or   not.

Soon   a   car   stopped   in   the   shade   of   a   tree   near   Dimitri.     As   soon   as   the   car   door   opened,   a   black,   long-eared   dog   jumped   out   and   made   straight   for   Dimitri.     Its   fur   was   bright   and   shiny   and   its   body   fat   and   well-fed,   evidently   someone’s   well-loved   pet.     The   dog   jumped   up   the   bench   and   climbed   onto   Dimitri’s   lap,   its   short   stumpy   tail   wagging   furiously   in   greeting.   It   looked   happy   and   excited.     Dimitri   caressed   the   dog   and   held   it   in   his   arms.     He   found   the   dog   had   a   paper   bag   in   his   mouth   with   a   small   paper   box   inside   it.     Somehow   he   knew   it   was   an   extra-large   size   hamburger.     The   lovely   little   dog   barked   and   the   paper   bag   dropped   from   its   mouth   to   the   ground.   It   hurriedly   jumped   down   to   retrieve   it   and   once   again   jumped   up   onto   the   bench   and   offered   his   paper   bag   to   Dimitri.   Hurrying   footsteps   walked   over.   “Maureen,   you   are   a   bad   boy!”   scolded   a   female   voice.     Evidently   the   dog’s   mistress   was   here.     “The   moment   the   car   stopped   you   ran   off.     Have   you   forgotten   everything   I   taught   you?”   The   footsteps   suddenly   stopped.   When   the   dog’s   owner   saw   her   pet   playing   with   a   homeless   man   she   called   out   in   surprise.   “Dimitri!     Is   that   you?     Haven’t   seen   you   for   a   long   time.     Where   have   you   been   to   recently?   The   people   in   the   neighborhood   are   all   thinking   of   you.”     Dimitri’s   eyes   brightened.     In   his   mind’s   eye,   he   seemed   to   see   a   tall   and   slender   woman   in   a   sky   blue   suit,   with   a   broad-rimmed   white   sun   hat   and   white   leather   walking   shoes.   In   reality   the   woman   was   dressed   exactly   as   he   thought   she   was.   He   recognized   the   melancholy   and   sexy   voice   and   answered,   “Is   that   you   Charina?     Haven’t   seen   you   for   a   long   time.   Is   this   dog   yours?”

“Yes,   it’s   mine.     It’s   a   boy   dog,   but   because   he   is   so   naughty   I   gave   him   a   female   name   Maureen,   hoping   he   would   be   docile   and   fair   as   a   girl.”

“It’s   a   lovely   dog.     I   remember   when   I   was   young   I   used   to   have   a   play   fellow   like   that.     Is   he   a   small   black   cock   spaniel?   Am   I   right?”

“Yes,   you’re   right.”

“I   think   I   can   be   a   good   friend   of   his.     I   am   friends   with   all   dogs.     By   the

way,   are   you   still   single?”

“Yes,   I’m   still   single.”

“That’s   strange.”

“What   so   bad   about   being   single?”   asked   Charina   defensively.

“Heavens!     Are   the   handsome   young   men   in   the   city   all   blind   like   me   that   they   let   such   a   beautiful   young   woman   live   alone?”   joked   Dimitri.

“It’s   not   that   I   haven’t   thought   of   getting   married”   admitted   Charina.     “It’s   just   that   at   the   moment   I   must   devote   all   my   time   and   attention   to   my   writing,   so   I   just   cannot   be   distracted   by   anything   else.   Oh,   what   happened   to   your   eyes,   Dimitri?”     Dimitri   seemed   to   make   out   shadowy   movements   of   her   hands   as   they   moved   to   and   fro   before   his   eyes   under   the   bright   sunlight.

“It’s   nothing.     I   became   blind.     I   think   it   must   be   the   will   of   heaven.     I   have   become   used   to   it,   but   it   is   not   very   convenient   when   I   try   to   get   around   in   the   streets.     It’s   nothing   really”,   replied   Dimitri   resignedly.

“It   must   be   God’s   will”   said   Charina,   making   the   sign   of   the   cross   on   herself.   “He   must   have   great   things   in   store   for   you   to   do.”

“Let’s   hope   so”   replied   Dimitri.     Then   he   quickly   changed   the   subject   and   asked,   “Are   you   still   writing   novels?     I   am   a   great   fan   of   yours.     What   kind   of   novels   are   you   writing   at   the   moment?”

“That’s   what   has   been   bothering   me”   replied   Charina.   “I   have   published   about   two   dozen   novels   and   have   also   had   quite   a   following.     But   I   feel   that   the   novels   I   have   written   are   shallow,   mediocre   and   the   themes   have   been   much   repeated.     I   want   to   write   about   something   that   has   not   been   dealt   with,   something   novel   and   original.   But   I   have   not   been   able   to   settle   down   on   anything   as   yet   and   haven’t   written   a   single   word   for   over   a   year.     You   can   say   I   have   been   having   a   writer’s   block.”

“Really?     What   do   you   want   to   write   about?     Perhaps   I   can   give   you   some   materials   or   suggestions.”

“I   want   to   write   about   what   is   behind   the   blue   skies”   said   Charina   pointing   to   the   skies   above   her.     “I   want   to   know   if   there   in   the   Kingdom   beyond   the   blue   skies   there   is   love   and   warfare.   That   would   be   an   attractive   topic.”

“Of   course   there   is”   replied   Dimitri   without   hesitation.   “Where   there   are   people,   there   will   always   be   love   conflict   and   war.     That   is   an   unchangeable   ironclad   rule.”

“Tell   me   what   you   know   about   things   in   the   heavens   so   that   I   can   use   them   in   my   next   book”   begged   Charina   excitedly.

“To   put   it   simply,”   began   Dimitri   like   a   bard   of   old,   “beyond   the   blue   skies   there   is   a   wealthy,   mysterious   Kingdom.     The   King   of   this   realm   has   lots   of   beauties   and   they   all   lived   in   a   solid   gold   palace.     The   Kingdom   is   famous   for   its   beautiful   women   which   are   as   prolific   as   the   flowers   growing   everywhere   in   the   gardens.     This   aroused   the   envy   and   jealousy   of   a   primitive   native   tribe   living   in   the   dense   forests   and   mountains   and   conflicts   and   warfare   thus   began.   So   long   as   there   are   human   beings,   there   will   be   envy   and   jealousy...”

“Stop.     Stop”   cried   Charina.   “This   must   be   a   very   interesting   story.     I   need   more   time   to   listen   to   you   tell   me   everything   in   detail   but   now   I   must   go   to   church   for   mass.     Can   you   wait   for   me   here?     I   will   be   back   before   noon.”

“No   problem.     I   have   time   to   spare.     I   will   sit   here   and   wait   for   you   till   you   come   back.”

“I   meant   to   take   Maureen   back   home   before   I   went   to   Mass,   but   now   it’s   too   late.     Would   you   be   willing   to   take   care   of   him   for   me?”

“Sure,   no   problem.   I   would   be   more   than   happy   to   take   care   of   this   lovely   little   dog   for   you.     We   will   be   good   friends.”  

  Dimitri   was   different   from   other   homeless   people.     Although   he   was   shabbily   dressed,   he   was   not   dirty.     Many   homeless   people   are   bad-tempered,   irrational   and   addicted   to   alcohol   and   drugs.     They   do   not   wash   and   often   give   off   a   stink   that   makes   it   impossible   for   people   to   get   near   them.   Dimitri,   on   the   other   hand,   was   gentle   and   well-mannered,   quietly   doing   good   in   the   neighborhood,   earning   the   reputation   of   a   ‘Good   Samaritan’   (See   book   1The   Dream-Maker).     Therefore   Charina   had   no   qualms   about   leaving   her   pet   in   his   care.     Pointing   to   the   paper   bag,   she   said,   “This   is   the   breakfast   I   bought   for   Maureen,   but   he   is   a   hospitable   little   guy   and   has   evidently   decided   that   he   wants   you   to   have   it.   Go   on   and   eat   it   before   it   gets   cold.”

“What   will   Maureen   have   then   if   I   eat   his   breakfast?’   asked   Dimitri   shyly.

“Oh,   he   has   his   own   food”   replied   his   owner.   “Wait   here   a   moment   please,”   said   Charina   walking   quickly   towards   her   car   and   came   back   soon   with   a   bag.   “This   is   his   dog   food.     There   is   a   bowl   inside   you   can   use   to   scoop   it   out   and   there   are   some   bottled   water   that   both   of   you   can   drink.   My   car   is   right   there   under   the   trees.     If   it   gets   too   hot,   get   in   the   car   and   listen   to   some   music.     I   will   be   back   before   noon.”    

“No   problem.     No   problem.     Leave   everything   to   me.     You   better   go   or   you   will   be   late.     Being   late   for   Mass   is   disrespectful   to   God.”

“Good.     See   you   later.”     Saying   so,   she   left.

After   Charina   left,   Dimitri   opened   the   paper   bag   and   took   out   the   still   warm   hamburger.     He   tore   off   half   and   offered   it   to   Maureen   who   refused   the   offer   as   if   saying   “that’s   for   you.”     So   Dimitri   happily   bit   off   a   large   chunk,   chewed   blissfully   before   swallowing   it,   thinking   “I   must   thank   heaven   for   sending   me   such   a   lovely   little   dog   generous   enough   share   his   food   with   me   when   I   was   really   starving.   Yes,   I   must   thank   heaven   for   that.   After   seeing   to   it   that   Maureen   was   well   fed,   Dimitri   put   the   plastic   bowl   back   into   the   dog   food   bag   and   stuffed   it   into   his   coat   pocket.   Maureen   was   an   active   puppy   to   whom   the   world   was   a   novel   and   interesting   place.     He   ran   around   on   the   grass   by   the   side   of   the   lake   exploring   whatever   caught   his   fancy.   He   barked   at   the   squirrels   looking   for   food   on   the   ground,   sending   them   scrambling   up   the   trees   in   fright.     He   harassed   the   wild   ducks   and   geese   until   they   squawked   and   screeched   as   they   waddled   indignantly   back   into   the   lake.     To   him   all   this   was   a   marvelous   game.     But   the   moment   Dimitri   called   out,   “Maureen,   come   back   here!”   he   would   go   back   at   once,   jump   onto   Dimitri’s   lap   as   if   to   say,   “Look,   here   I   am!     I   haven’t   wandered   far.”     Dimitri   ruffled   the   fur   on   his   chubby   body   affectionately   saying,   “Good   boy!     Good   boy!”       Soon,   something   new   again   caught   his   eye   and   he   jumped   down   and   raced   excitedly   towards   the   grass.

Dimitri   stood   up,   stretched   himself   and   massaged   his   aching   back   before   reclining   on   the   bench   to   let   the   warm   sun   dry   his   moist   clothing.     He   closed   his   eyes,   pulled   his   cap   lower   down   his   face   and   let   the   warm   sun   bathe   his   whole   body,   fully   enjoying   the   free   sunshine   that   was   available   to   all.   It   suddenly   came   to   Dimitri   that   he   was   the   mighty   ruler   of   a   powerful   and   magnificent   Kingdom   with   many   loyal   subjects.     There   whatever   he   wished   for   would   materialize   at   once   before   him,   be   it   hundred-year-old   wine   or   exotic   delicacies.     He   had   many   sweet,   gentle   and   talented   beauties   who   loved   him   and   gathered   around   him   catering   to   his   every   want,   all   of   them   living   happily   together   in   a   beautiful   palace.     Where   were   all   of   them   now?     He   then   remembered   that   the   palace   had   been   burned,   the   beauties   had   all   returned   to   the   mundane   world   and   his   Kingdom   of   Dreams   was   no   more.   He   was   again   a   poor   homeless   person,   a   blind   man   cursed   by   fate.   Life   on   the   streets   meant   being   a   victim   of   hunger,   cold   and   illness.     In   fact   there   were   little   of   life’s   misfortunes   he   had   not   been   through.     Luckily   he   could   dodge   reality   anytime   he   wanted   by   escaping   to   his   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     “But   does   dreamland   exist?”   he   asked   himself.   “I   don’t   think   dreams   are   all   unreal,   nor   is   real   life   completely   real   either.   Both   of   them   may   be   unreal   or   both   may   be   real.   If   I   wanted   to,   I   could   let   my   two   loyal   servants   Creativity   and   Imagination   build   another   beautiful   world   for   me.     But   in   life   there   would   always   be   successes   and   failures.   If   we   could   have   our   every   wish   fulfilled   merely   by   desiring   it   and   even   change   the   seasons   of   the   year   at   will   it   would   be   like   living   in   a   magical   realm.   But   in   the   long   run   even   such   a   perfect   life   would   pall   and   become   flat.   Real   life   is   full   of   successes   intertwined   with   failures   with   all   kinds   of   variables,   which   is   what   makes   it   interesting.   Otherwise   life   would   be   too   dull.

Dimitri‘s   feet   moved   subconsciously   on   the   ground.     He   wanted   to   see   if   he   would   be   lucky   enough   to   find   a   half   smoked   cigarette   butt   around.     In   this   day   and   age,   when   most   people   had   given   up   smoking,   the   probability   of   finding   one   was   slim   indeed   and   the   fact   that   he   was   blind   made   the   probability   even   slimmer.   But   still   he   stooped   and   ran   his   hands   over   the   ground   to   see   if   a   miracle   would   happen.   A   tall,   muscular   man   walked   over,   saying,   “Hey   Dimitri,   my   old   friend,   what   are   you   doing?   Trying   to   find   a   cigarette   butt?   I   have   a   pack   here.     Take   one.”   Dimitri’s   heart   jumped   at   the   words.   “I   am   having   extremely   good   luck   today”   he   thought.   “When   I   am   hungry   a   small   dog   comes   over   and   gives   me   a   hamburger.     I   want   to   smoke   and   an   unknown   old   friend   offers   me   a   cigarette.     It’s   my   lucky   day   today.”   The   two   of   them   sat   down   together   on   the   bench.   The   tall   guy   offered   Dimitri   a   cigarette   and   lit   it   for   him.     Maureen,   who   was   playing   nearby   noticed   that   there   was   a   stranger   sitting   on   the   bench   talking   to   Dimitri   and   came   racing   back.     He   jumped   onto   Dimitri’s   lap   and   barked   at   the   stranger   making   low,   angry   guttural   sounds   in   his   throat.     Dimitri   took   the   little   dog   into   his   arms   and   soothed   him   by   stroking   his   fur   lovingly.   “Good   boy.     Good   boy.     Don’t   be   nervous.   He   is   an   old   friend   of   mine.   Don’t   be   angry.”     Dimitri   was   by   nature   kind   and   generous,   so   to   him   everyone   else   was   good   and   kind-hearted   too.   The   man   who   appeared   so   suddenly   was   strong   and   muscular   with   the   fierce   face   of   a   ruthless   murderer.     When   he   smiled,   he   seemed   guileless   and   innocent   with   a   touch   of   slyness.   So   it   was   hard   to   determine   whether   he   was   good   or   evil,   honest   or   deceitful.   Dimitri   felt   that   this   man’s   voice   was   somewhat   familiar,   that   he   had   heard   him   talk   before,   but   he   could   not   really   place   him.  

“How   did   you   know   my   name   was   Dimitri?”   he   asked   while   he   puffed   on   his   cigarette.

“Even   though   I   am   new   in   this   area   I   heard   of   you   soon   after   I   arrived.   In   this   neighborhood   who   doesn’t   know   your   name?”   replied   the   man   laughing.   “Your   nickname   is   ‘broken   ball’.     Anyone   can   kick   you   around   and   you   will   not   be   angry   or   retaliate.   You   are   really   a   good   sport,   but   perhaps   you   are   too   good   a   sport,   my   friend.”  

Dimitri   was   silent   for   a   moment   mulling   over   the   man’s   words.     He   felt   there   was   something   wrong   with   his   answer.   “I   disappeared   into   thin   air   last   winter,   around   Christmastime.     Looking   at   the   climate   now,   it   should   be   around   June   or   July,   so   I   have   been   absent   from   this   region   for   at   least   half   a   year.   The   man   professes   to   be   new   in   this   area   but   has   heard   about   me   and   knows   everything   about   me   like   an   old   friend.   It’s   strange   and   doesn’t   add   up.”     But   Dimitri   did   not   want   to   think   further   on   this   discrepancy.

“Is   this   your   dog?   It   looks   very   nice   but   why   is   he   so   unfriendly   to   me?”

“No”   replied   Dimitri   “He’s   not   mine.     How   could   I   afford   such   an   expensive   pet?     I   am   only   taking   care   of   him   temporarily   for   his   owner,”

“Is   the   owner   the   tall,   beautiful   young   lady   who   was   talking   to   you   a   moment   ago?     The   one   in   the   pale   blue   skirt?”

“Yes,   her   name   is   Charina.     She’s   the   one   who   asked   me   to   take   care   of   Maureen   for   a   while.”

“Do   you   know   where   she   lives?”   the   man   asked   suddenly.  

Dimitri   was   at   once   on   his   guard.   Why   was   a   stranger   asking   about   the   residence   of   a   single   woman   he   doesn’t   even   know?

“I   don’t   really   know”   he   replied   evasively.   “Should   be   somewhere   around   here.”

“Good”   replied   the   man   “I   ‘m   sure   I   will   be   able   to   find   her.”   Dimitri   was   troubled   by   his   words   and   was   afraid   that   there   would   be   trouble.   Maureen’s   enmity   increased,   growling   angrily   at   the   stranger.  

“My   old   friend,   we   will   meet   again,”   said   the   man   standing   up.     He   threw   something   on   the   bench   and   said,   “Here’s   some   cigarettes,   there   should   be   half   a   pack   left.   The   lighter’s   also   in   there.     Enjoy.     He   stretched   out   his   hand   to   stroke   Maureen’s   head.   The   angry   little   dog   turned   its   head   to   bite   his   hand   viciously,   but   the   man   was   agile   and   withdrew   it   quickly   before   he   could   be   bitten.    

After   the   man   left   the   tense   situation   was   diffused   and   Maureen   jumped   down   to   the   grass   again   to   resume   his   pursuits.     Dimitri   sat   on   the   bench   smoking   his   cigarette   and   thought,   “I’m   sure   I   have   heard   his   voice   somewhere   before   but   I   cannot   place   it.   I   should   not   have   told   him   that   Charina   lived   in   this   neighborhood.     If   he   is   up   to   mischief,   I   have   just   shortened   the   area   he   needed   to   search   in   order   to   find   her.     I   hope   nothing   will   happen.”     Just   then,   a   group   of   people   came   onto   the   scene   and   Dimitri   could   hear   laughter,   shouting   and   excited   chatter   behind   his   bench.     From   these   voices,   Dimitri   could   make   out   that   it   was   two   families   and   their   children   about   to   play   a   game   of   soccer.     The   fathers   were   the   coaches   and   the   mothers   were   the   cheerleaders   shouting   encouragements.   Dimitri   was   sure   that   they   would   have   brought   an   abundance   of   food   with   them   to   have   a   sumptuous   picnic   after   the   ball   game.   Maureen   was   eager   to   join   in   the   fun,   but   he   was   not   able   to   kick   the   ball,   so   he   waited   by   the   sidelines.     Whenever   a   ball   rolled   out,   he   would   run   to   retrieve   it   and   dribble   it   back   to   the   game.   The   players   were   delighted   with   Maureen   and   cried   out.   “Good   boy!     Good   boy!   You   are   so   smart”   They   would   shake   his   paws,   pat   his   head   and   play   with   him.     Soon   Maureen   was   part   of   the   game   and   played   with   everyone.   Dimitri   thought.

“Life   should   be   like   this,   full   of   happiness   and   laughter.     Unfortunately,   conflict,   dissent   and   discord   far   exceed   peace   and   harmony.”

Dimitri   inhaled   deeply   at   what   was   left   of   his   cigarette   before   regretfully   tossing   the   butt   to   the   ground   and   snuffed   it   out   with   his   foot.   Then   he   picked   up   the   butt   and   put   it   in   his   pocket.  

“Hey,   old   dog,”   a   voice   beside   him   remarked,   “Are   you   too   stingy   to   throw   away   your   cigarette   butt?”

“No,   I’m   only   picking   it   up   to   throw   into   the   garbage   can   later”   replied   Dimitri.     He   knew   from   that   voice   that   it   was   one   of   his   homeless   pals,   a   dirty,   dilapidated   bum.

“If   you   can   offer   me   a   cigarette,   I   will   tell   you   some   good   news.”

“What   good   news?”   Taking   out   a   cigarette,   Dimitri   generously   tossed   it   to   his   friend   and   lighted   it   for   him.     The   man   puffed   greedily   at   his   cigarette   and   then   sighed   in   satisfaction.

“It’s   been   a   long   time   since   I’ve   had   a   real   cigarette.”

“What   good   news   do   you   have?     Go   on   tell,   so   I   can   share   in   it.”

“Are   you   hungry?”   asked   the   man   abruptly.

“No,   I   just   ate   and   am   quite   full.”

“Further   on   down   the   street,   some   academy   is   holding   a   gathering,   some   kind   of   outdoor   party.   There   is   a   lot   of   food   there.     You   can   go   and   get   some.     It’s   free.   You   may   be   full   now,   but   can   you   say   you   won’t   be   hungry   later   on?   Our   stomachs   are   bothersome   things   and   need   to   be   fed   every   few   hours.   Why   don’t   you   go   get   some   of   the   food   and   keep   it   for   when   you   need   it?”  

“That’s   a   great   idea,   but   I   can’t   go   because   I   am   taking   care   of   a   dog   for   a   friend.     I   can’t   leave.”

“Oh,   that’s   Maureen”   said   the   man   looking   at   the   cute   little   dog   running   around   on   the   grass.     “Its   owner   is   that   tall   beautiful   lady,   right?”

“Yes,   that’s   she.”   said   Dimitri   nodding.

“I   would   love   to   do   something   for   her,   too”   said   the   man   “even   if   I   die   doing   it   but   we   are   people   from   two   entirely   different   worlds   that   can’t   even   dream   of   intermingling.”

“Why   are   we   people   from   two   different   worlds?     We   live   on   the   same   earth.   It’s   only   that   they   like   the   sedentary   life   of   being   settled   in   one   place   while   we   prefer   a   nomad   one,   roaming   all   around   the   place.     That’s   the   only   difference.”  

“What’s   the   matter   with   your   eyes?”   asked   the   man,   waving   a   hand   in   front   of   Dimitri’s   eyes   while   puffing   greedily   at   his   cigarette.

“Blind”   replied   Dimitri   shortly.

“Are   you   really   blind   or   only   pretending   to   be?”

“Of   course   I’m   really   blind.     Why   should   I   pretend?”

“I   thought   it   was   your   choice   of   occupation,   you   know,   pretending   to   be   blind   to   get   the   sympathy   of   people   passing   by.   You   could   just   sit   at   a   street   corner   and   ask   for   money.   That’s   a   cushy   way   of   life,   man.”

“Perhaps   one   day   when   I’m   really   down   and   out,   I   would   be   forced   to   do   so”   sighed   Dimitri.     “That   is   one   way   to   make   a   living.     In   this   world   if   it   weren’t   for   the   fact   that   there   was   no   way   out,   who   would   be   willing   to   lose   their   self-respect   and   become   a   beggar?”

The   man   stood   up,   tossed   away   his   cigarette   butt   and   then   looking   slyly   at   Dimitri,   said,   “Hey,   old   dog.     If   you   are   willing   to   give   me   another   cigarette,   I   will   tell   you   about   another   interesting   piece   of   news   that   happened   in   this   neighborhood.”    

“Go   on,   take   another   one”   said   Dimitri   taking   out   his   cigarette   pack   and   giving   the   man   another   one.   “It   was   given   to   me   by   someone   else   anyway,   so   why   not   share   it   with   friends?”

“Recently   a   very   stupid   thief   began   appearing   in   this   neighborhood”   the   man   began   after   taking   a   few   puffs   at   his   cigarette.     “He’s   not   only   a   thief;   he   is   also   a   sexual   predator.     He   made   use   of   the   fact   that   in   this   recent   hot   weather   some   people   don’t   close   their   windows   tightly   at   night   so   he   got   into   people’s   houses   through   open   windows   and   tried   to   molest   the   mistress   of   the   house   or   young   girls.     They   woke   up   and   screamed   and   shouted   and   some   even   managed   to   call   911.     Up   to   now   he   has   never   succeeded   in   his   endeavors,   but   he   somehow   always   managed   to   escape   every   single   time.   I   myself   saw   him   prop   one   hand   on   the   wall   and   jump   easily   into   the   yard.     Then   somehow   he   vaulted   to   the   top   of   the   house,   jumping   from   roof   to   roof   agilely   and   easily.     The   police   shot   at   him   but   never   got   him.     He   must   be   an   accomplished   gymnast   and   an   expert   of   Chinese   Kun   Fu   to   be   able   to   surge   up   such   heights   and   make   his   way   there   as   if   it   were   flat   ground.”     Dimitri   sank   into   deep   thought.     He   intuitively   felt   that   the   person   who   inquired   after   Charina’s   address   a   while   ago   was   somehow   linked   to   this   sexual   predator.   “Hey,   old   dog.     Do   you   still   remember   my   name?”   asked   the   man.     “I’m   David,   remember.”

“Yes,   I   know   your   voice.   You’re   David.”

“Hey,   old   dog,   what   about   lending   me   your   sunglasses?   They   look   nice.”

“Why   not?”   answered   Dimitri,   taking   off   his   sunglasses   and   handing   them   to   David.     The   man   put   on   the   sunglasses,   scooped   up   the   white   cane   at   Dimitri’s   feet   and   swiftly   walked   away.

“Come,   back.     Come   back.”sputtered   Dimitri   indignantly.

Hearing   Dimitri’s   shout,   Maureen   turned   and   saw   a   homeless   man   walk   quickly   away   taking   Dimitri’s   cane   with   him.     The   intelligent   dog   knew   something   must   have   happened,   so   he   immediately   followed   him.     After   a   few   blocks   David   stood   in   front   of   the   post   office   begging   for   alms   pretending   to   be   a   blind   man.     A   middle-aged   woman   walking   down   the   steps   of   the   post   office   took   pity   on   him   and   taking   a   bill   from   her   purse,   handed   it   to   him.     David’s   eyes   lighted   up   behind   the   glasses,

“Oh   thank   you,   generous   and   kind-hearted   lady.     Thank   you   for   the   five   –dollar   bill.”

“How   do   you   know   it’s   a   five   dollar   bill?”   asked   the   woman   in   astonishment.   “Can   you   see?”

“Oh   no,   no,   no...”stuttered   David.   “I   am   blind,   but   I   can   feel   that   it’s   five   dollars.”  

“What?”   said   the   woman   “You   know   how   much   a   bill   is   just   by   feeling   it?”

“   mean...”   David   was   trying   hard   to   extricate   himself   from   this   embarrassing   situation   and   gestured   with   his   hand   loosening   his   hold   on   the   white   cane.   Maureen,   who   had   been   sitting   nearby   waiting   for   an   opportunity,   immediately   dashed   up   and   wrested   the   cane   from   his   hands,   turned   and   quickly   made   off   the   way   he   came   with   the   cane   firmly   between   its   teeth.

“Give   me   back   my   white   cane,   you   son   of   a   bitch”   screamed   David,   running   after   the   dog.   “Give   me   back   my   white   cane...”

Catching   on   to   the   fact   that   she   had   been   swindled   the   middle-aged   woman   shouted,   “Liar!     Liar!”     Pedestrians   stopped   to   watch   David   running   after   the   dog   while   the   woman   told   them   her   story.     David   realized   that   his   ploy   to   get   money   by   pretending   to   be   blind   had   been   exposed,   so   he   gave   up   chasing   Maureen   and   quickly   slipped   away   in   another   direction.

Maureen   crossed   several   blocks   safely   and   made   for   the   side   of   the   lake   with   the   white   cane   in   its   mouth.   When   his   figure   appeared   at   the   corner   of   the   street,   the   children   and   adults   surrounding   Dimitri   saw   him   coming   and   cried   out   happily,

  “Hey,   your   little   dog   is   coming   back!”      

  “Look!   He   has   your   white   cane   in   his   mouth!”    

  “Good   dog.     Good   dog.”

  “He   is   really   smart.”

Dimitri   was   very   happy,   but   just   at   that   moment   he   heard   the   sudden   screeching   of   tires   and   the   people   around   him   exclaimed   and   shrieked   in   alarm.   Dimitri’s   heart   lurched   in   fear,   “What   could   have   happened?   I   hope   it’s   not   Maureen!”   he   thought.     Although   dogs   are   color   blind,   Maureen   had   undergone   special   training   and   the   intelligent   little   dog   understood   the   difference   between   traffic   signals.     Red   meant   stop   and   green   meant   go.   Charina   had   also   repeatedly   taught   him   so.     But   this   time   he   was   in   such   a   hurry   to   give   the   white   cane   back   to   his   new   friend,   that   he   ignored   the   red   light.   Just   when   he   got   to   the   middle   of   the   road,   a   sedan   came   driving   up   swiftly.     Luckily   it   braked   just   in   the   nick   of   time   before   it   hit   the   dog.   Maureen   was   scared   out   of   his   wits   and   sat   down   lamely   in   the   middle   of   the   road.     The   angry   driver   rolled   down   his   window   and   was   about   to   blast   the   culprit   who   almost   caused   a   terrible   accident   when   his   eyes   rested   on   a   cute   little   puppy   sitting   in   the   middle   of   the   road   with   a   white   cane   of   a   blind   man   in   his   mouth,   his   expression   scared   but   also   engagingly   pitiful   and   repentant.     The   driver’s   anger   vanished   at   the   sight   and   he   asked   kindly,   “Are   you   alright,   boy?”     Maureen   nodded   and   the   driver   made   a   sign   telling   Maureen   to   go   first,   and   then   drove   off   slowly   after   seeing   that   it   had   crossed   the   street   safely.   The   people   surrounding   Dimitri   clapped   and   whistled   and   gave   Maureen   a   hero’s   welcome.     His   mistress   Charina   was   also   back.     Dimitri   stooped   down   and   picked   up   his   white   cane.     This   time   he   was   going   to   hold   onto   it   tightly   as   he   would   not   be   able   to   walk   anywhere   without   it.     Maureen   saw   his   mistress   and   jumped   into   Charina’s   arms   and   began   nudging   and   licking   her   face.   “Ok.     OK.     Good   boy.     Good   boy.     Hey,   stop   licking   now   or   you   will   mess   up   my   makeup!”   She   put   the   dog   down   to   the   ground   and   walked   with   Dimitri   towards   her   car   and   the   three   of   them   drove   away.

The   hot   sun   gradually   lost   some   of   its   heat   and   breaths   of   cool   air   could   be   felt.   The   man   who   asked   about   Charina’s   address   sat   alone   in   the   shade   of   a   tree,   murmuring,   “Emmanuel.     Emmanuel.     That’s   not   a   bad   name   she   has   given   me.”     His   eyes   were   on   a   dried   up   dead   tree   with   ants   all   over   it   and   thought,   “I   wonder   if   that   little   tree   is   itchy   with   all   those   ants   crawling   on   it.”   The   thought   of   itching   ignited   the   itch   of   his   athlete   feet.     He   immediately   took   off   his   shoes   and   socks   and   rubbed   them   on   the   tree,   first   the   right   foot,   then   the   left   foot;   first   the   bottom   of   his   feet   then   the   front.   A   look   of   satisfaction   appeared   on   his   face,   and   the   sly,   innocent   smile   softened   his   fierce   and   ruthless   expression.     He   folded   his   feet   into   a   yoga-like   position,   much   like   that   of   the   monks   during   meditation.     He   liked   this   position,   but   his   heart   refused   to   calm   down.     His   hands   were   playing   with   a   dark,   rusty   bronze   tortoise.     He   turned   it   over   and   saw   on   its   stomach   a   row   of   characters   which   looked   as   if   they   were   ancient   Chinese   pictographs.     He   did   not   understand   any   of   those   words   but   just   liked   the   shape   of   the   tortoise.     Its   head   and   tail   looked   alive   and   in   motion   while   its   four   legs   seemed   to   be   swimming   in   the   water.     He   had   just   acquired   it   accidentally   earlier   that   afternoon.  

  He   was   wandering   aimlessly   around   the   streets   when   he   happened   to   step   into   a   store   piled   high   with   all   kinds   of   products.     They   were   not   categorized   and   exhibited   in   an   orderly   fashion   like   in   other   stores   so   that   customers   could   see   what   was   on   sale   at   a   glance.     In   fact,   everything   was   piled   lackadaisically   on   tables   and   strewed   about   any   old   way.   The   salesperson   was   a   very   old   woman,   stooped   and   wrinkled,   with   a   pointed   hat   on   her   head.   When   she   saw   a   customer   step   in,   her   eyes   shone   with   intelligence   and   looked   Emmanuel   up   and   down   saying,

“Sir,   I   can   see   you   are   schizophrenic.     Would   you   like   to   talk   to   me?     I   charge   only   $15   for   that.     But   if   you   want   to   know   more   in   detail   I   can   use   the   taro   cards   to   tell   you   fortune.     For   that   I   charge   $50.     How   about   it,   sir?”   As   it   happened   that   this   was   not   only   an   antique   store,   buying   and   selling   old   things   but   it   was   also   a   place   for   fortune-telling.

“To   hell   with   that   mumbo   jumbo”   replied   Emmanuel   rudely,   waving   the   old   woman   aside.     “I   don’t   believe   in   that   stuff.”     The   old   woman’s   sharp   eyes   followed   Emmanuel   as   he   wandered   around   the   store.     The   interior   of   the   store   was   dim   and   the   wares   exhibited   there   were   mostly   old   radios,   lamps,   alarm   clocks,   telephone   and   dust-coated   swallow-tailed   coats,   nothing   much   of   interest,   interesting   only   to   junk   collectors   and   people   who   cherished   old   things.   Emmanuel   was   just   about   to   leave   when   his   foot   kicked   against   something   hard   on   the   ground.   He   picked   it   up   and   saw   it   was   an   old   rusty   bronze   tortoise.

“Put   that   back   where   you   found   it.     It’s   not   for   sale”   said   the   old   woman.

“What   rot”   said   Emmanuel   crudely.   “What   is   it   doing   in   your   store   if   it’s   not   for   sale?”

“It   belongs   to   a   white-bearded   dwarf   who   left   it   with   me   fifty   years   ago.     He   said   he   would   be   back   for   it,   but   he   never   came   back.     However,   I   will   keep   my   promise   and   keep   it   for   him.     Put   it   back   where   it   belongs.”

Emmanuel   refused   to   listen   to   the   old   woman’s   explanations.     Peeling   out   ten   dollars   from   his   wallet,   he   threw   it   on   the   table   and   walked   quickly   out   of   the   store.   “Hey!     Hey!     Hey!   Come   back!   Robber!   Thief...”   cried   the   old   woman.     But   perhaps   because   she   was   old,   feeble   and   not   able   to   walk   very   fast,   she   did   not   rush   out   after   him.     Thus   Emmanuel   got   this   bronze   tortoise   by   cheating   the   old   woman   out   of   her   antique   and   paying   only   a   pittance.

Emmanuel   examined   the   tortoise   in   his   hand,   touching   and   pulling   it.   He   found   that   its   tail   was   movable   and   should   have   some   kind   of   mechanism   attached   inside.     He   pulled   it   out   as   far   as   it   would   go   and   then   let   go.     It   bounced   back.     Ah!   evidently   there   was   a   spring   inside.   Just   at   that   moment,   a   thin   line   of   powder   squirted   out   of   the   tortoise’   mouth   straight   towards   Emmanuel’s   nose   and   mouth.     He   seemed   to   smell   the   sweet   fragrance   of   unknown   flowers   and   fell   fast   asleep   on   the   bench.

A   while   ago,   Charina   and   Dimitri   were   sitting   at   the   two   ends   of   her   oblong   dining   table   with   Maureen   between   them.     A   blue   balloon   entangled   in   a   branch   of   a   tree   in   her   back   yard,   danced   in   the   breeze.   She   originally   wanted   to   treat   him   to   a   nice   dinner   at   a   high   class   restaurant,   but   Dimitri   shrugged,   pointed   to   his   dilapidated   clothing   and   politely   declined   saying   he   was   not   dressed   for   it.   Charina   took   him   to   an   optometrist   and   bought   him   a   pair   of   sunglasses   to   replace   the   pair   David   took   and   then   went   to   the   grocery   store   and   bought   some   grocery   and   items   for   daily   use.   Before   going   home,   she   stopped   at   a   pizza   shop   and   ordered   some   pizza.     Dimitri   sat   at   the   table   enjoying   his   extremely   satisfying   meal,   drinking   from   his   tall   glass   of   beer   from   time   to   time.     He   felt   that   the   food   he   was   eating   was   delicious   and   life   was   really   wonderful.   Fearing   that   Maureen’s   long   ears   might   brush   into   the   cheese   and   other   sauces   on   his   dish   which   would   tarnish   his   long   silky   fur,   Charina   tied   his   ears   together   with   a   bow   at   the   top   of   his   head,   making   him   look   cuter   than   ever.   She   had   cut   up   some   pizza   into   bite-size   pieces   for   Maureen   to   make   it   easier   for   him   to   eat.     To   his   mistress,   Maureen   was   a   member   of   her   family   and   equal   in   position   to   any   other   human   being,   so   he   sat   at   the   table   with   them   and   partook   daintily   of   his   meal.     As   for   Charina,   she   had   a   plate   of   fresh   lettuce   dribbled   with   some   vinegar   and   pepper   and   a   slice   of   turkey.   She   murmured,   “Women   love   to   be   beautiful.     In   order   to   keep   their   figures   they   have   to   sacrifice   their   enjoyment   of   food!”     She   looked   at   Maureen   and   said,   “It   is   a   rare   opportunity   that   brought   him   into   this   world.     I   know   dogs   are   not   supposed   to   eat   the   same   food   as   humans,   but   I   want   him   to   experience   the   different   gourmet   food   we   humans   have   so   as   not   to   waste   this   unique   chance   of   his   having   lived   in   this   world   of   ours.”

Now   the   two   of   them   were   sitting   in   Charina’s   large   bright   living   room.     Exhausted   by   his   morning’s   adventure   of   running   around,   jumping   and   playing,   Maureen   lay   by   his   mistress’s   side   fast   asleep.     Charina   took   a   sparkling   glass   half   full   of   crushed   ice   and   placed   it   in   front   of   Dimitri   and   then   poured   some   good   whiskey   into   it.   She   also   poured   another   glass   for   herself,   held   up   the   glass   to   Dimitri   and   said,   “Cheers!”     Dimitri   too   held   up   his   glass   and   the   two   of   them   both   took   a   sip.   “Well”   Charina   then   said,   “now   we   are   all   set.     How   about   going   on   with   your   story   of   the   Kingdom   in   the   Dreams?     It   must   be   a   very   interesting   and   fascinating   story.     I   am   all   ears.”   “Where   should   I   begin?”   murmured   Dimitri,   gazing   at   the   sky   outside   the   window.     “Let’s   start   with   my   twenty-four   beauties   then.     They   are   all   different   and   have   different   backgrounds;   I   will   introduce   them   to   you.”     He   took   another   sip   of   the   whiskey   and   as   if   reminiscing   about   the   past   began   to   tell   his   story.  

  The   afternoon   heat   abated   somewhat   and   the   air   began   to   cool   down   with   the   evening   breeze.   A   thin   thread   tied   to   a   blue   balloon   was   entangled   with   a   branch   of   a   tree   in   Charina’s   back   yard.     The   balloon   bobbled   restlessly   in   the   light   breeze   as   if   struggling   to   free   itself   from   the   shackles   of   the   thread   and   fly   away   into   the   skies.     But   its   foot   was   bound   by   the   thin   thread.     Dimitri’s   story   came   to   a   close   for   the   time   being.     Charina   added   some   more   ice   to   Dimitri’s   glass   and   poured   more   whiskey.     She   did   the   same   for   herself.     She   took   a   sip   and   asked,   “When   you   led   the   beauties   one   by   one   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   why   did   you   forget   me?     Why   didn’t   you   take   me   there   too?   If   you   did,   I   would   have   had   more   material   for   my   writing.”  

“   never   thought   of   it   at   the   time.”   Dimitri   never   thought   she   would   ask   such   a   question   and   did   not   know   what   to   say.   “But   you   can   make   use   of   the   creativity   and   imagination   that   is   inherent   in   you   and   create   for   yourself   your   own   Kingdom   in   the   Dreams.”

“But   my   kingdom   would   not   be   as   beautiful   and   perfect   as   yours”  

“No.   No.   No.   No.”   said   Dimitri   waving   his   hands   in   disagreement.   “You   just   need   to   scatter   some   seeds   in   the   fertile   soil   of   your   dreams   and   they   will   naturally   grow   and   blossom   into   beautiful   flowers   in   your   dreams.     Like   the   reflection   in   the   water   of   the   magnificent   scenic   mountains,   they   will   be   just   as   beautiful.   So   long   as   you   have   a   pure   and   kind   heart   what   appears   in   your   dreams   will   sure   to   be   bright,   calm   and   beautiful.”  

  Charina’s   eyes   brightened   at   his   words   which   shook   up   her   heart   with   unrestrained   sentiments   but   she   could   not   distinguish   what   kind   of   feeling   that   was.     She   suddenly   stood   up   saying,”   Every   day   I   release   a   blue   balloon   into   the   skies   from   my   back   yard,   hoping   it   would   bring   me   back   some   message   about   the   world   beyond   the   blue   skies.   But   day   after   day   my   hopes   have   all   been   dashed.   I   never   gave   up   and   continued   to   do   so.     Let’s   hope   that   today   I   will   get   some   extraordinary   news.”     Saying   so,   she   opened   the   French   windows   and   stepped   into   the   back   yard.     She   grabbed   hold   of   the   thread   tied   to   the   blue   balloon   and   then   let   out   the   air   in   the   balloon.     She   was   keyed   up   as   her   hands   felt   nervously   all   over   the   flat   balloon   and   then   exclaimed   excitedly,   “It’s   here!     It’s   here!     I   have   news   from   the   world   beyond   the   blue   skies.   It’s   a   note.     This   is   really   too   fascinating!”   Affected   by   her   emotions,   Dimitri   also   became   excited.     He   took   up   his   white   cane,   groped   his   way   towards   the   French   windows,   also   walked   out   into   the   back   yard.     Charina   held   a   piece   of   paper   in   her   hand   and   said,   “It’s   here.     It’s   here.”     The   two   of   them   stood   to   read   the   note   from   heaven.   It   said,   “Dear   King   Dimitri,   Knowing   your   love   for   roaming   freely   around   the   world,   I   would   not   have   intruded   on   you   except   for   real   emergencies.     Recently   emissaries   sent   by   the   almighty   god,   Zeus   have   been   flying   over   our   kingdom.     They   reported   to   him   that   our   magnificent   palace   had   been   burnt   down   to   the   ground   and   the   coat   of   iron   covering   the   gold   palace   at   the   other   end   of   the   Kingdom   had   been   torn   off   and   it   is   again   shining   brilliantly   in   all   its   glory.   Zeus   was   mystified   as   to   what   had   happened.     He   wants   you   to   come   back   to   your   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   wants   to   meet   with   you.   Signed   Medusa”                                                                                                      

  “Medusa...Medusa...   the   name   sounds   so   familiar.     Is   she   one   of   the           goddesses   in   Greek   mythology?”

“Yes,”   nodded   Dimitri.     “That’s   her,   Medusa.”

“How   could   that   be?     How   could   that   be?”   muttered   Charina.

“Why   couldn’t   that   be?”   asked   Dimitri.     “Anything   is   possible   in   dreams.”

“Come   on.     Come   on”   urged   Charina.   “Come   back   to   the   living   room   and   tell   me   in   detail   about   everything   that   happened   in   your   Kingdom   of   Dreams.”   Dimitri   sat   down   at   his   original   seat   in   the   living   room   and   fell   into   a   deep   reverie.   “Why   does   Zeus   want   to   see   me?     He   knows   everything   that   happened   in   the   Kingdom.     His   two   beloved   daughters   Charmaine   and   Clementine   would   have   told   him   in   detail   about   it.   What   more   is   that   to   talk   to   me   about?”     Charina   came   out   of   her   room   carrying   a   bottle   of   wine   in   her   arms.     The   bottle   looked   classic   and   antique,   obviously   quite   aged.   She   said,   “Come   on.     This   is   a   bottle   of   wine   I   treasure.   I   inherited   it   from   my   father   and   have   kept   for   a   long   time.     Up   to   now   I   have   never   been   tempted   to   open   it   whatever   the   occasion.   Today,   I   will   make   an   exception   and   open   the   bottle   for   you.   You   can   drink   this   rare   and   delicious   wine   and   tell   me   your   story   at   the   same   time.”

“No.   No.   No.   This   whisky   is   good   enough   for   me”   said   Dimitri.   “Don’t   open   this   bottle   just   for   me.”

“Oh   no”   replied   Charina   “This   is   the   highest   form   of   enjoyment.     A   good   story   should   be   accompanied   by   good   wine.”   Saying   so,   she   pulled   the   cork   out   of   the   bottle.     Immediately   an   intoxicating   fragrance   of   aged   wine   filled   the   whole   room.     Even   Maureen   woke   up   and   sniffed   her   ears   upright   and   her   eyes   bright.

“Alright”   said   Dimitri   “Since   you   have   already   opened   the   bottle,   I   will   go   on   with   my   tale.”   So   he   told   the   story   of   his   Kingdom   in   the   Dreams   much   as   a   minstrel   of   old.

It   was   afternoon   commute   time   and   the   traffic   on   the   freeway   was   bumper   to   bumper.   In   the   lineup   was   an   old,   dilapidated   pickup   truck   chugging   along   like   a   tired   old   ox.   The   setting   sun   blazed   down   with   eye-dazzling   brilliance   on   the   rear   view   mirror,   causing   Richard   to   adjust   its   angle.     Keeping   his   foot   on   the   gas   pedal,   he   inched   along   with   the   slow   traffic.   Needless   to   say,   his   companion   was   Jamaz.     The   two   of   them   were   ideal   partners   and   inseparable.   They   had   been   working   hard   for   Mrs.   Novella   Silkes   these   last   few   days,   mowing   the   lawn,   cutting   and   pruning   the   trees   and   bushes,   spraying   fertilizers   and   insecticides   and   were   rewarded   by   a   generous   payment.

“We   got   paid   today”   said   Richard.   “Where   shall   we   go?”

“Up   to   you.     You   are   the   brains   so   you   decide.”

“What   do   you   think   of   Mr.   O’Brian,   Novella’s   fiancé?”     asked   Richard,   changing   the   subject.   “I   heard   they   are   about   to   give   a   huge   wedding”

“I   know.     He   seems   like   a   good   guy,   very   refined,   comes   from   a   pedigree   family,   has   an   enormous   fortune   and   is   the   envy   of   everyone.   But,   in   my   heart   I   feel   pretty...   I   feel   bad   for   Dimitri.”

“Why?”   asked   Richard   in   surprise.    

“He   took   over   World   Bank   as   well   as   Novella,   one   of   Dimitri’s   beauties   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     He   grabbed   someone   else’s   money   and   someone   else’s   beauty,   of   course   I   feel   bad.”

“Ha.   Ha.   Ha.   Ha”   laughed   Richard.     “My   old   pal,   you   really   do   not   understand   Dimitri’s   intentions,   do   you?       Why   do   you   think   he   brought   all   these   beauties   safely   back   to   this   mundane   world   and   then   disappeared   completely   himself?     He   wanted   every   one   of   them   to   find   their   own   desired   destination.   You   mean   you   really   didn’t   understand   what   he   took   great   pains   to   accomplish?”

“Really?     Was   that   his   intention?     Then   I   won’t   feel   bad   at   all.”   said   Jamaz,   greatly   relieved.

The   dilapidated   pick-up   truck   finally   left   the   congested   traffic.     Getting   off   the   freeway,   it   twisted   and   turned   until   it   came   to   a   quiet   corner,   a   deserted   rose   garden.   The   half   burnt   house   inside   the   garden   was   their   temporary   abode.   However,   the   days   of   their   residence   here   may   be   numbered   because   a   ‘for   sale’   sign   had   been   erected   at   the   front   entrance   and   the   property   was   sure   to   be   auctioned   off   soon.     Getting   out   of   the   car,   the   two   of   them   walked   towards   the   entrance   of   the   garden   and   stopped   abruptly.     On   the   steps   of   the   entrance   was   a   fashionably   but   scantily   dressed   young   woman.     She   had   on   a   low   cut,   braless   tank   top   and   mini   shorts   that   showed   off   her   long   and   shapely   legs.   Though   the   sun   had   set   and   it   was   dusk   they   could   still   see   an   enormous   diamond   sparkle   dazzlingly   on   her   finger.    

“Are   you   waiting   for   someone,   Miss?”   asked   Richard   walking   over   to   her.

“No,   I   am   lost   and   don’t   know   how   to   get   out   of   here”   she   replied   in   a   low   and   enticing   voice.

“That’s   easy”   said   Richard.     “We   will   drive   you   around   town   in   our   car.   You   can   look   at   the   houses   and   tell   us   which   one   is   yours.     How’s   that?”

“No,   that   won’t   do”   she   replied.   She   stood   up,   showing   off   her   alluring   figure.     She   walked   over   and   opened   her   name   brand   handbag   before   them.   “Look   at   all   this   cash   I   have   here.     Why   don’t   you   take   me   out   for   a   night   on   the   town?”     Richard   and   Jamaz,   the   ex   president   and   vice-president   of   World   Bank   were   no   strangers   to   money.     They   had   seen   it   piled   up   high   to   the   ceilings   in   the   bank   vaults,   so   they   were   not   dazzled   by   this   display   of   wealth.     However   in   the   present   setting,   the   sight   of   a   beautiful   young   woman   with   a   handbag   full   of   cash   and   an   enormous   diamond   ring   on   her   finger   surprised   them.

“Why   not?     We’ll   take   you   on   a   night   out   on   the   town.     But   we   just   got   off   work   and   need   to   freshen   up.     Why   don’t   you   give   us   some   time   to   wash   and   change?”

“Good.     Good.”   said   the   young   woman,   clapping   her   hands   happily   like   a   naive   little   girl.   “But   be   quick.”

“We   won’t   take   long.     But   it’s   dark   now   and   not   safe   for   you   to   be   standing   here   alone.     Why   don’t   you   come   into   the   garden   and   wait   for   us.”

“Sure   thing”   said   the   young   woman   and   followed   them   into   the   deserted   rose   garden.

Richard   brought   a   three-legged   chair   from   the   house   and   set   it   down   on   the   ground   saying,”   Have   a   seat,   but   be   careful.     The   chair   has   only   three   legs.   Don’t   fall   down.”

  “Really?     This   is   interesting.     I   like   to   play   dangerous   games.”   They   smiled   at   each   other   and   Richard   walked   back   into   the   long   deserted   house.   The   electricity   had   long   been   cut   off,   but   there   was   a   faucet   in   the   garden   that   still   worked.     Jamaz   had   already   stripped   himself   naked   and   was   vigorously   washing   his   hair   and   body,   getting   rid   of   the   sweat   and   grime   of   the   day.     Richard   joined   him   before   the   faucet   and   soaped   himself   briskly,   asking  

“What   do   you   think   of   that   hot,   sexy   broad   out   there?   There’s   something   not   quite   right   about   her.”

“What’s   not   right   about   her?     Hey,   it’s   a   feast   that   just   dropped   onto   our   laps.”

“No,   something   is   not   quite   right   there.”   replied   Richard   after   thinking   a   moment.   “Mr.   Finger   has   disappeared   for   quite   some   time.     That   little   guy   likes   to   make   trouble.     Could   he   have   got   into   trouble   again   and   made   mischief?”

“No,   I   don’t   think   so.     But   now   that   you   mention   it,   that   broad’s   sudden   appearance   is   quite   out   of   the   ordinary.   Do   you   think   she   came   for   us?”

“No,   I   don’t   think   she   came   for   us.     I   am   afraid   she   came   for   Dimitri.”

“Dimitri   never   mentioned   he   had   an   enemy   as   beautiful   and   attractive   as   this   female.”

“I   don’t   know.   We’ll   go   with   the   flow,   act   accordingly   and   see   how   things   turn   out.     I’m   afraid   she’s   a   spy,   here   to   get   news   and   information   about   Dimitri.   Never   mind,   we’ll   just   go   along   with   her   and   see   how   it   goes.”

Having   co-coordinated   their   plan   of   action,   Richard   and   Jamaz   quickly   dried   themselves   and   put   on   their   jeans.     The   weather   was   still   hot   so   they   each   wore   a   t-shirt   on   top   and   went   out.   Though   not   particularly   handsome,   the   two   of   them   exuded   a   masculine   charm   and   character.     Richard   drove   Megginn’s   taxi   out   to   the   entrance   of   the   garden.     The   others   piled   in   and   the   three   of   them   quickly   drove   towards   the   city   for   a   wild   night   on   the   town   where   the   lights   were   numerous   as   the   stars   in   the   sky   and   just   as   dazzling.

The   last   rays   of   the   setting   sun   were   enveloped   by   the   dark   night.   The   room   was   dark.     Dimitri   continued   telling   his   story,   but   his   words   were   beginning   to   be   slurred.     He   was   very   tired.     He   had   not   slept   at   all   the   night   before,   having   spent   the   time   in   wild   and   frenzied   imagination.     He   did   not   have   a   chance   to   take   a   nap   all   morning   and   all   afternoon   and   now   the   wonderful   wine   he   had   been   offered   began   to   take   effect.     He   felt   drowsy,   but   Charina   was   sitting   across   from   him   all   attention,   eyes   wide   open,   completely   entranced   by   his   fascinating   tale   so   Dimitri   tried   his   best   to   go   on.     In   the   end   he   stopped   talking   in   the   middle   of   a   sentence   and   his   soft   snore   grew   louder   and   louder.     He   was   just   telling   about   the   exciting   battle   between   King   Dimitri   and   the   sun   god   Apollo   in   the   blue   skies   when   he   fell   asleep.     Not   wishing   to   disturb   his   slumber,   Charina   kept   the   room   dark   to   preserve   the   mysterious   atmosphere   of   night.     She   sat   alone   on   the   sofa   and   sipped   from   her   glass.     She   thought   of   her   conversation   with   Dimitri   a   while   ago.     He   had   said,   “You   can   make   use   of   the   creativity   and   imagination   that   is   inherent   in   you   and   create   for   yourself   your   own   beautiful   Kingdom.”     “He   is   right”   thought   Charina.   “Why   don’t   I   try   and   do   it   myself?”     She   remembered   also   his   words   about   dreams.     “He   said   that   I   just   needed   to   scatter   some   seeds   in   the   fertile   soil   of   my   dreams   and   they   will   naturally   grow   and   blossom   into   beautiful   flowers.     Beautiful   scenery   reflected   in   the   water   was   just   as   beautiful   as   the   original   scenery   itself.     So   long   as   my   soul   is   pure   and   kind,   its   reflection   in   this   ugly   world   will   be   just   as   beautiful   as   my   soul.     Flowers   would   propagate   and   people   would   be   kind   and   good.”     Charina’s   bright   and   shining   eyes   shone   with   a   sacred   light.   “Right!”   she   thought.   “Dimitri   built   his   Kingdom   in   the   heavens.     Why   don’t   I   build   a   calm,   peaceful   and   bright   paradise   on   this   mundane   world?     So   long   as   my   heart   and   soul   is   pure,   good   and   kind,   whatever   I   see   would   be   just   as   beautiful   and   good.   Right!     That   will   be   the   topic   of   my   next   book.     Right!     Good...”     Charina   looked   at   Dimitri   sleeping   so   soundly   on   the   sofa,   and   thought,   “He   is   my   spiritual   mentor.     From   the   time   I   first   saw   him   I   knew   he   was   not   a   simple   homeless   person,   but   why   has   fate   been   so   harsh   on   him   and   condemned   him   to   a   life   of   darkness   as   a   blind   man?     It’s   really   sad...”

Cute   and   clever   Maureen   jumped   onto   Charina’s   lap   making   a   series   of   whining   noises   through   her   nose   like   a   spoilt   child   complaining.     Charina   looked   at   the   clock   and   realized   it   was   eight   o’clock.   ”Oh   sweetie,   are   you   hungry?   Alright,   alright,   I   will   give   you   some   food.     But   you   can’t   have   any   more   human   food   tonight.     Too   much   of   it   is   bad   for   you.     You   can   have   some   of   your   own   dog   food.”     Charina   scooped   up   a   bowl   of   dog   food   and   put   it   before   her   on   the   table.     Maureen   sniffed   at   it   and   then   again   made   the   whining   noise   in   protest.     Charina   knew   what   he   wanted   and   said,   “Alright,   alright,   I’ll   add   some   milk   in   it.”     Saying   so,   she   went   to   the   kitchen,   got   some   milk   and   added   it   to   his   bowl.     Maureen   was   satisfied   then   and   began   to   eat   happily.  

  Charina   looked   at   Dimitri   still   sleeping   soundly   on   the   sofa   and   thought,   “Why   don’t   I   make   a   nice   dinner   for   this   poor   man   beleaguered   by   fate,   this   homeless   person   who   is   at   the   same   time   noble   as   a   poet?”   Charina   peeled   and   diced   an   assortment   of   fruits   and   made   a   bowl   of   fruit   salad.     She   heated   over   medium   heat   some   of   the   clam   chowder   she   had   made   that   morning   and   put   some   bread   in   the   oven.     Then   she   took   a   steak   from   the   refrigerator,   gathered   up   a   small   bottle   of   gas   and   a   frying   pan   and   went   out   into   the   backyard   to   cook   it.     She   worked   silently,   her   thoughts   still   on   Dimitri’s   magical   story.   She   did   not   turn   on   the   light   afraid   it   would   disperse   the   tranquility.     No   one   knew   that   Dimitri   made   use   of   this   short   nap   to   go   back   to   his   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   carried   out   earth-shaking   operations.

Charina   and   Dimitri   sat   at   two   ends   of   the   beautifully   spread   dining   table   with   candles   burning   brightly   in   their   silver   holders.     Dimitri   ate   with   gusto,   appreciatively   expressing   his   heartfelt   thanks.   As   a   homeless   person   he   considered   it   lucky   to   be   able   to   fill   his   stomach.     It   was   inconceivable   to   have   his   beautiful   hostess   go   to   the   trouble   of   cooking   a   sumptuous   feast   just   for   him.   Charina   did   not   eat   much   and   just   nibbled   on   some   lettuce   salad   and   a   few   slices   of   smoked   meat.  

“Don’t   say   such   things”   she   said,   interrupting   his   effusive   thanks.   “To   me   you   are   my   spiritual   mentor   and   guardian.     I   have   received   more   from   you   than   anything   I   can   ever   do   in   return.   From   now   on,   please   don’t   stand   on   ceremony   with   me,   ok?”

“Sure”   replied   Dimitri   nodding.   “I   won’t   say   it   again.   But   I   really   haven’t   done   anything   for   you   except   tell   you   some   stories.     By   the   way,   where   were   we   up   to   in   the   story?   I’m   afraid   I   have   forgotten.”

“You   were   telling   me   about   King   Dimitri’s   exciting   and   decisive   battle   in   the   skies   with   the   sun   god   Apollo...”

“Oh   yes,   that’s   right...   Why   don’t   I   go   on   with   the   story   and   finish   the   whole   narrative   after   we   have   done   eating.     Actually,   there   is   so   much   to   tell   about   the   things   that   happen   in   the   Kingdom   that   it’s   hard   to   cover   everything.   Any   one   of   them   could   be   incorporated   into   your   writing...”

“Oh   no,   no.   That’s   not   necessary.   You   have   already   told   me   a   lot   about   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   I   need   time   to   absorb   and   digest   them.     Every   one   of   the   details   and   situations   has   a   deep   significance.     Instead   of   swallowing   it   whole,   it   would   be   more   meaningful   if   I   had   time   to   ponder   over   them   before   continuing.     To   do   otherwise   would   not   be   doing   full   justice   to   this   fascinating   and   wonderful   story.”

“Good”   said   Dimitri.     “Then   we   will   meet   again   one   of   these   days   and   continue   with   the   story.”     He   was   feeling   extremely   satisfied   after   a   meal   of   great   food   and   wine.     He   hurriedly   cleaned   his   plate   off   the   last   crumbs   of   dinner   and   drank   up   the   coffee   that   remained   in   his   cup.   Patting   his   stomach   in   gratification   he   said,   “How   wonderful   life   is...!     It   is   late.     I   had   better   leave   and   you   need   to   rest.”

“It’   so   late   at   night   and   you   cannot   see.     Won’t   that   be   too   dangerous   for   you?     Where   will   you   go?”

“Look   how   wonderful   the   weather   is   tonight,   neither   hot   nor   cold.   The   sparkling   stars   covering   the   skies   are   waiting   for   me.     On   such   a   night   and   in   such   beautiful   weather   it   would   be   a   waste   to   stay   indoors.   I   would   not   feel   comfortable   doing   so.”

“Alright,   if   that   is   what   you   want”   replied   Charina   helplessly.     Dimitri   laid   his   hand   on   her   shoulders   and   let   her   guide   him   down   the   steps.   “This   used   to   be   my   garage”   she   continued,   “but   I   have   made   it   into   Maureen’s   playroom.”

“Really?     That’s   a   great   use   of   space.”   In   a   corner   of   the   garage   was   Maureen’s   dog   house   with   a   soiled   dog   diaper,   which   Charina   had   forgotten   to   dispose   of,   strewn   beside   it   and   large   and   small   balls   were   scattered   all   over   the   ground.   Charina   opened   the   side   door   and   led   Dimitri   out   onto   the   street.   There   was   a   small   pet   entrance   covered   with   a   flap   cut   into   the   side   door   to   allow   Maureen   free   access.     The   little   dog   knew   it   was   time   to   say   goodbye   to   his   new   friend   so   he   jumped   into   Dimitri’s   arms.     Dimitri   kissed   him   and   said,

“My   precious   little   friend,   we’ll   see   each   other   again   soon.     Take   good   care   of   you   mistress.   Understand?”     Maureen   barked   to   show   he   understood.

“How   can   I   find   you,   Dimitri”   asked   Charina.

“Now   that   I   am   blind,   my   movements   are   sadly   curtailed   and   I   cannot   wander   too   far   so   I   am   always   somewhere   around   this   neighborhood.     When   you   want   me   you   can   let   Maureen   out   and   with   his   sharp   nose,   he   will   find   me.”     Dimitri   waved   his   hand   and   took   leave   of   his   two   friends.

Relying   on   his   white   cane,   Dimitri   made   his   way   alone   on   the   dark   street.     The   night   breeze   blowing   gently   against   his   cheeks   cleared   his   head   and   the   effects   of   the   alcohol   he   had   taken   largely   receded.     He   walked   on   silently.     From   force   of   habit   his   feet   brought   him   to   the   area   of   the   senior   citizen   apartment   he   used   to   live   in.     He   hadn’t   been   back   for   more   than   half   a   year,   and   he   thought   that   little   studio   apartment   which   had   kept   him   safe   from   the   elements   must   have   been   given   to   someone   else.     They   could   not   have   kept   it   empty   for   him   all   this   time.   “Where   can   I   sleep   tonight?”   he   wondered.     He   trudged   on   aimlessly   around   and   found   himself   near   the   alley   where   he   used   to   have   a   dilapidated   shack   and   remembered   there   was   a   deserted   warehouse   next   to   it.   “How   come   I   have   wandered   back   to   my   old   hangouts   tonight?”   he   wondered.   “If   I   had   stayed   on   at   Charina’s   place   tonight,   that   would   have   been   great.     I   would   be   lying   comfortably   on   a   soft   mattress   now   and   not   trying   to   find   somewhere   to   sleep   on   the   stone   hard   ground   away   from   the   wind.   Hm....   In   my   present   situation,   penniless   and   blind,   without   the   help   of   my   good   friends   whom   I   have   lost   contact   with,   how   long   can   I   last?     No,   I   must   persist   in   my   nomad   life   and   cannot   give   up   my   way   of   life   just   for   the   sake   of   a   warm   and   comfortable   bed.   Fate   is   like   a   kaleidoscope.     Who   knows   what   will   happen   next?”   Concentrating   on   his   thoughts,   he   did   not   notice   where   he   was   going.     He   tripped   and   fell   flat   on   his   face   to   the   ground.     “Oh   gosh”   he   thought.     “This   is   terrible   and   will   hurt   me   bad.   It   may   even   cause   a   concussion.”     But   strange   to   say   he   not   only   suffered   no   pain   but   felt   as   if   he   had   landed   on   something   soft,   like   a   mattress   with   springs   in   it.     He   stretched   out   his   hands   stroking   the   surface   of   this   miraculous   thing   which   had   caught   his   fall   and   found   it   was   indeed   an   old   discarded   mattress.     “Who   was   this   that   have   no   regard   for   public   welfare   and   throw   away   such   a   large   object   carelessly   blocking   the   sidewalk?”   he   railed.     But   then   he   thought,   “Hey,   but   that’s   good   for   me!   He   just   gave   me   a   place   to   sleep.     Today   is   a   fortunate   day   indeed;   whatever   I   want   and   need   comes   to   me   effortlessly.   When   I   need   a   place   to   sleep   someone   prepares   a   mattress   for   me!”   He   made   himself   comfortable   on   the   old   mattress   and   was   soon   snoring   away.

While   Dimitri   was   still   in   a   state   of   being   half   asleep   and   half   awake   in   the   medium   between   reality   and   fantasy,   he   found   himself   floating   like   a   feather   up   in   the   air   as   high   as   the   deserted   warehouse.     He   awoke   with   a   start   thinking   his   soul   had   left   his   body,   and   at   that   moment   felt   his   body   falling   downwards.     When   it   was   almost   touching   the   ground,   he   took   a   deep   breath   and   let   his   lungs   be   filled   with   air.     The   he   flapped   his   hands   around   and   at   the   same   time   kicked   his   legs   as   if   he   were   swimming   frog   style.   He   stayed   his   descent   and   managed   to   hold   still   and   float.   He   was   not   swimming   in   the   water   but   in   the   air   and   after   a   few   trials   could   co-ordinate   his   hands   and   feet   and   his   breathing   so   well   that   he   could   float   forward   or   backwards,   up   or   down   and   turn   around   at   will.  

Suddenly   he   found   to   his   incredible   joy   that   he   could   see   again.   He   thought   that   perhaps   it   was   just   his   imagination   and   creativity   at   work   that   was   causing   this   illusion,   but   whether   it   was   real   or   unreal   did   not   matter   so   long   as   he   could   see   again.   He   swam   on   in   the   air   until   he   came   upon   a   scene   of   noisy   and   thriving   night   life   with   flashing   neon   lights   shining   on   crowds   of   joy   seekers.   He   happened   to   catch   sight   of   his   old   friend   Richard   talking   with   a   young   woman   before   a   night   club   while   he   leisurely   smoked   a   cigarette.     She   was   curvaceous   and   fashionably   but   scantily   clad   and   looked   hot   and   wild.   Sounds   of   shouting   and   discord   came   from   inside   the   night   club   as   if   there   was   a   fight   going   on.     Dimitri   shouted   to   Richard   calling   out   his   name   loudly,   but   he   did   not   seem   to   hear.     He   plunged   downward   until   he   just   floated   over   their   heads   but   they   did   not   seem   to   notice   that   either.     He   seemed   to   be   invisible   to   them.     Dimitri   was   lost   in   another   sphere   of   time.

Richard,   Jamaz   and   Salina   walked   out   of   the   luxurious   five-star   hotel   after   a   large   and   satisfying   meal,   having   savored   some   dishes   the   two   men   had   never   tasted   before.     Salina   was   interested   in   all   kinds   of   food,   ordering   the   best   and   most   expensive   dishes.   They   had   an   Indian   curry   seafood   plate   called   Samundari   Zhazana   which   included   a   lobster,   a   crab,   four   abalone   with   white   truffle   and   caviar   stuffed   inside   half   a   tomato   and   quail   eggs.   Richard   noticed   that   a   dazzling   diamond   necklace   had   suddenly   appeared   magically   around   her   neck   which   aroused   his   suspicions   as   to   who   this   young   woman   really   was   and   where   she   came   from.   On   the   ride   over   to   the   hotel   Richard   had   asked   her,

“Beautiful   lady,   could   you   tell   us   what   your   name   is?”

“Salina”   she   answered   after   a   pause.   Richard   had   wondered   at   the   time   why   she   needed   to   think   before   answering.     During   dinner,   he   asked   her   a   question   calling   her   by   that   name,   but   she   seemed   oblivious,   as   if   he   was   not   talking   to   her   and   that   Salina   was   a   name   not   connected   to   her   at   all.     Evidently   that   wasn’t   her   name   at   all,   just   a   cover   up.   When   paying   for   the   dinner,   Salina   seemed   to   have   no   notion   of   money   and   had   trouble   distinguishing   between   the   bills   she   had   on   hand.     So   Richard   helped   her   by   taking   money   from   her   purse   and   adding   a   sizable   tip   before   the   three   of   them   walked   out   of   the   hotel   happy   and   full.  

Salina   strolled   on   the   streets   arm   in   arm   with   her   two   escorts   exclaiming.   “Ah,   what   a   wonderful   meal!     Isn’t   it   good   to   be   rich?   You   can   eat   all   those   delicious   dishes   and   receive   princely,   VIP   treatment   from   the   staff!     You   can’t   have   that   without   money.”     The   arms   of   the   two   men   felt   the   vibrations   from   her   bouncing,   elastic   breasts   as   she   squeezed   their   arms   in   greater   intimacy,   but   they   did   not   react.     The   woman   in   a   dress   walking   a   bit   ahead   of   them   turned   her   head   and   they   saw   a   face   covered   with   a   beard.     Seeing   Jamaz’s   tall   and   muscular   figure,   the   person   put   his   fingers   into   his   mouth,   issued   a   shrill,   appreciative   whistle   and   threw   him   a   flirting   and   coquettish   look.   Jamaz   scowled   angrily   at   him   in   repudiation.   The   person   muttered   “You’re   stupid!”     He   pranced   away   seductively   swaying   his   hips   and   soon   disappeared   into   a   side   street.    

“Hey!     Is   that   a   man   or   a   woman?”   asked   Salina.

“We   are   now   at   the   Castro   District   in   San   Francisco,   the   gay   capitol   of   the   world.     The   sexes   of   many   people   here   are   different   and   opposing   to   their   physical   and   psychological   makeup.     I   can’t   really   explain   to   you   the   intricate   changes   of   course...     You   know   what,   why   don’t   we   stop   at   every   bar   and   night   club   we   come   across.     We   can   just   go   in,   have   a   drink   and   look   around.     You   will   have   an   eye-opening   experience   and   you   will   understand...”

“Great!     Great!”   exclaimed   Salina,   jumping   up   and   down.   “That’s   just   what   I   wanted   to   do.”

“But   Miss,”   said   Richard.     “Please   take   off   your   diamond   ring   and   necklace.   We   are   not   going   to   a   grand   party   and   such   expensive   jewelry   is   not   suitable   for   strolling   around   the   streets.”

“So   what?     These   are   not   expensive   and   don’t   worth   much.     With   the   two   of   you   as   my   strong   and   muscular   body   guards,   what   have   I   to   worry   about?   Come   on,   let’s   go.”

“Miss,   according   to   my   estimate   these   jewels   are   real   and   are   worth   well   over   a   million   dollars   and   you   think   they’re   not   worth   much?   “   But   Richard   cajoled   in   vain.     Salina   obstinately   refused   to   take   off   her   expensive   ring   and   necklace   and   there   was   nothing   he   could   do   about   it,   so   the   three   of   them   browsed   around   the   streets   in   this   area   of   special   interest.

Dimitri’s   sphere   of   time   had   changed   again.     He   seemed   to   be   hovering   in   the   air   above   a   city   in   Europe.   He   descended   a   bit   from   his   height   to   get   a   closer   look   and   found   that   on   many   of   the   streets   there   were   stores   with   large   display   windows.     To   his   amazement   he   saw   that   what   was   on   display   were   not   mannequins   wearing   the   latest   fashions,   but   actual   live   women   sitting   there   in   all   kinds   of   alluring   poses   to   attract   customers.   Dimitri   suddenly   understood   that   this   was   the   red   lantern   districts.   Men   could   shop   around   the   display   windows,   chose   who   they   want,   discuss   the   price   and   then   go   into   a   room   to   have   sex   with   them.   He   was   conscious   of   an   inexplicable   sense   of   sorrow   because   now   that   he   did   not   have   a   flesh   body   he   could   not   enjoy   the   pleasures   of   the   flesh.     He   felt   that   infinite   and   unhindered   freedom   was   not   as   important   and   mesmerizing   as   sexual   gratification   with   its   soul-shattering   orgasms.   Dimitri’s   eyes’   met   those   of   the   woman   in   the   display   window   and   was   surprised   to   find   his   body   suddenly   responding   in   the   most   unexpected   way.     Just   that   exchange   of   gazes   had   brought   him   to   a   sexual   climax.     Dimitri   was   shocked   but   he   was   still   puzzled   and   uncertain,   so   he   floated   to   another   display   window.     When   he   exchanged   glances   with   another   woman   inside   the   window,   he   again   felt   the   pleasures   of   sexual   intercourse   and   also   climaxed.   “How   could   I   attain   climax   and   orgasm   just   by   gazing   at   a   woman,   without   actually   having   any   sexual   contact   with   the   woman?”   he   marveled.   Dimitri   was   overjoyed.   He   danced   happily   in   the   air,   shouting   exuberantly   in   glee   but   no   one   could   see   his   figure   or   hear   his   voice.

Whenever   the   three   of   them   stopped   at   a   bar   or   a   nightclub,   another   piece   of   jewelry   would   magically   appear   on   Salina’s   body.   When   they   left   the   establishment   a   considerable   entourage   followed   them   attracted   by   Salina’s   beauty,   her   alluring   figure   and   an   aura   of   wildness   which   added   to   her   fascination.     Her   admirers   were   loath   to   depart   and   kept   on   following   her   around.     By   then   dazzling   diamond   bracelets   shone   on   her   hands   and   ankle   bracelets   decorated   her   legs   and   the   ranks   of   her   escorts   had   swelled   to   such   a   size   as   to   cause   quite   a   commotion   in   the   area.     At   last   they   entered   a   night   club,   sat   down   and   ordered   some   wine.     An   exquisite   pair   of   diamond   ear   rings   appeared   on   Salina’s   ears.   Two   huge,   dazzling   diamonds   hung   down   on   short   gold   chains   adorned   her   delicate   ears.   Salina   appeared   to   be   intoxicated.     Her   sultry   eyes   bewitched,   her   tipsy   mannerisms   entranced   and   the   two   diamond   earrings   swayed   with   her   movements   revealed   and   accented   her   wantonness   and   debauchery.     Richard   realized   that   sooner   or   later   Salina   would   cause   trouble   and   was   about   to   bring   a   close   to   their   adventure,   when   three   big   and   husky   men   came   to   their   table   and   said   to   Richard.   “The   two   of   you   scram,   but   leave   the   woman   here.”     “I   knew   it”   thought   Richard   resignedly.   “Trouble   is   here.”   Exchanging   a   meaningful   glance   with   Jamaz,   he   slowly   finished   the   wine   in   his   glass   and   said   to   Salina,   “Let’s   go   out   and   have   a   breath   of   fresh   air.     My   brother   will   take   care   of   things   here.”     Saying   so   he   stood   up,   held   out   his   hand   to   help   Salina   up   and   led   her   out   of   the   night   club.

Richard   stood   smoking   outside   the   night   club   seeming   completely   at   ease.   It   was   then   that   Dimitri   saw   them   and   flew   above   their   heads,   but   they   could   not   see   him   and   had   no   notion   he   was   near.

“Will   Jamaz   be   able   to   take   care   of   all   three   of   those   big   guys   alone?”   asked   Salina   nervously.  

  “Don’t   worry.     Everything   will   be   alright.   Jamaz   fought   lions   and   tigers   in   the   African   grasslands   with   his   bare   hands   and   won.     These   three   guys   are   no   problem   at   all.     Why   don’t   you   stay   here   for   a   moment   and   don’t   move.     I   will   go   and   drive   my   car   over.     When   I   get   back,   things   should   be   resolved   and   we   can   leave.”    

Shouts,   cries   and   sounds   of   fighting   sounded   inside   the   night   club.   The   three   big   guys   saw   that   Jamaz   was   tall,   muscular   and   heavily   built   and   would   not   be   easily   defeated,   so   they   drew   out   their   knives   and   surrounded   him,   circling   threateningly.     Taking   the   wine   bottle   on   the   table   by   the   neck,   Jamaz   smashed   the   bottom   on   the   corner   of   the   table,   creating   uneven,   jagged   edges   as   sharp   and   lethal   as   the   teeth   of   a   wild   animal.   Without   further   ado   he   rushed   at   one   of   the   men   and   thrust   the   bottle   at   his   chest   with   all   his   might.     The   man   screamed   and   fell   to   the   ground.     From   the   left,   the   knife   of   the   second   man   plunged   at   his   ribs.     Jamaz   kept   his   cool.   Blocking   the   knife   with   his   left   arm,   he   jabbed   the   broken   bottle   in   his   right   hand   straight   at   the   man’s   throat   and   the   man   fell   with   a   whimper.     Scared   out   of   his   wits   that   he   was   the   only   one   remaining,   the   third   man   knew   he   could   not   possibly   win   and   tried   to   escape   but   it   was   too   late.   His   back   was   to   the   wall   and   there   was   no   retreat.   In   desperation   he   made   a   last   ditch   struggle   and   rushed   at   Jamaz   with   his   weapon.     Jamaz   stepped   aside   to   let   him   pass   and   then   rammed   the   jagged   bottle   fiercely   into   his   back.   The   man   fell   to   the   ground   unconscious.     Jamaz   threw   the   broken   bottle   to   the   ground,   dusted   his   hands   and   sauntered   out   of   the   nightclub   oblivious   of   his   dumb   stricken   audience.   It   was   only   after   five   or   six   seconds   that   they   realized   what   had   happened   and   broke   into   loud   cheers   for   Jamaz’s   bravery.   When   Salina   saw   Jamaz   stride   victoriously   out   of   the   door,   she   ran   to   him   and   put   her   arms   around   his   waist   asking,   “All   settled?”

“Hmm”   replied   Jamaz,   in   assent.   Clasping   him   to   her   body   even   tighter,   Salina   cheered   and   said,   “You’re   really   great!   You   are   my   hero!”

“That’s   nothing”   replied   Jamaz.     “I   have   a   brother   who   is   just   as   good   and   is   even   better   than   I   am,”

“Really?     Can   there   be   such   a   person?     Who   is   he?     Can   I   see   him?”

“Sure,   but   he   is   a   monk   now   and   can   have   nothing   to   do   with   a   woman.”

Just   then   Richard   arrived   driving   the   old   taxi.     The   two   of   them   quickly   got   in   and   they   drove   off   a   few   blocks   away   from   the   police   with   their   blazing   lights   and   screaming   sirens.

Dimitri   felt   completely   lost   between   the   different   spheres   of   time.     The   scene   before   his   eyes   shifted   once   more   and   he   seemed   to   have   gone   back   to   a   previous   period   of   time.     Shadows   of   very   familiar   people   passed   before   him,   his   good   friends   and   brothers,   but   where   the   heck   was   he?     It   looked   like   the   abandoned   rose   garden   or   was   it   his   little   studio   apartment   that   protected   him   from   the   rain   and   wind?     He   was   really   confused.     He   saw   Richard   turning   lamb   chops   on   the   grill.     Drops   of   fat   dripping   onto   the   hot   embers   sizzled   and   hissed   and   a   tempting   aroma   permeated   the   air.

“It   is   strange   that   we   have   not   heard   anything   from   Dimitri   yet”   said   Richard.   ‘He   has   been   away   from   quite   some   time   now   and   I   am   wondering   when   he   will   return.     Could   he   really   be   dead?”

  “I   don’t   think   he   is   dead”   said   Jamaz.     “If   it’s   his   turn   to   die,   it   is   I   who   should   die   in   his   place   because   I   am   not   afraid   to   die.”

“No,   no,   no   bro”   interrupted   a   third   man   dressed   as   a   monk   who   was   sitting   cross-legged   by   the   side.     It   was   Big-O.     “If   anyone   should   die   instead   of   Dimitri   it   should   be   me.     My   two   hands   are   tainted   with   too   much   blood.     For   me,   death   may   be   the   release   I   need   and   my   best   chance   at   redemption.     Let   me   die.”     Richard’s   lamb   chop   was   cooked   to   perfection   and   ready   to   eat.     He   handed   it   to   Mr.   Kaffee,   who   refused   saying,   “No   thank   you.     I’ve   already   had   quite   a   few   pieces   and   am   already   full.     At   my   age   I   have   to   be   careful   about   diet.     Too   much   meat   is   bad   for   my   digestion   and   will   make   my   stomach   uncomfortable.     You   guys   don’t   have   to   worry   about   Dimitri.     He   is   the   king   of   a   realm   and   must   have   his   own   plans   for   what   to   do.     I’m   sure   he   is   planning   what   the   next   step   should   be.     There   are   still   unresolved   things   in   his   Kingdom,   so   don’t   worry   too   much   about   him.”     Richard   next   handed   the   lamb   chop   to   the   white-haired   dwarf   Mickey   who   took   it   and   stuffed   it   into   his   mouth   ravenously.     He   took   a   quaff   of   his   hard   liquor   before   he   had   even   chewed   the   meat   properly   and   swallowed   everything   down   his   throat.     He   never   had   any   table   manners   to   speak   of   so   his   friends   took   it   in   their   stride.   “Right”   he   said.     “You   are   right.     I   believe   that   soon   there   will   be   great   chances   in   Dimitri’s   Kingdom   of   Dreams   which   he   would   have   to   deal   with.     He   may   already   be   back   amongst   us,   only   we   don’t   know   of   it   yet.”  

Dimitri’s   heart   swelled   and   was   gladdened   at   the   heart-felt   words   of   his   friends.     He   was   an   emotional   man   and   felt   teary-eyed   that   he   had   inadvertently   made   friends   who   were   even   willing   to   die   for   him.     He   longed   for   a   bottle   of   hard   liquor   so   he   could   take   a   large   gulp   to   calm   his   agitated   heart,   but   then   realized   that   his   friends   could   neither   see   nor   hear   him   though   he   was   in   their   midst.     It   was   as   if   he   wasn’t   there   at   all.     His   soul   must   have   left   his   body   he   thought   and   his   friends   of   course   could   not   see   his   soul.     “But   are   there   such   things   as   souls   in   this   world?”   he   wondered.     “It   must   be   a   special   effect   concocted   by   my   loyal   servants   Imagination   and   Creativity.     If   my   flesh   body   is   not   in   this   sphere   of   time,   how   could   it   enjoy   the   stimulation   that   liquor   brings   to   the   body?     How   could   I   feel   full   if   I   cannot   eat?”

The   enticing   aroma   of   sizzling   lamb   chops   made   Dimitri’s   mouth   water.     A   strange   thing   happened.     He   felt   full   and   satisfied   just   by   inhaling   the   fragrance   of   the   meat   and   became   tipsy   merely   by   smelling   the   liquor.     He   felt   as   stimulated   as   if   he   had   drunk   the   alcohol.     This   discovery   excited   him   more   than   ever.     Sight   could   bring   him   sexual   satisfaction,   and   smell   could   make   him   feel   full.     The   astounding   revelation   stunned   him   and   filled   him   with   elation.     Dimitri   suddenly   remembered   that   he   had   just   seen   Richard   leisurely   smoking   and   talking   with   a   beautiful   young   woman   on   the   streets   of   the   other   town.     How   come   he   is   now   grilling   and   chatting   with   friends   here?     Could   it   be   that   I   am   seeing   him   in   two   different   dimension   of   time?     Does   that   mean   that   time   does   not   proceed   in   a   straight   line   but   can   go   forwards   to   the   future   and   backwards   to   the   past   as   well?     This   is   really   confusing.”     Dimitri   again   seemed   to   turn   into   a   feather   floating   in   the   air.

Richard   drove   across   the   Bay   Bridge   towards   the   city   they   had   started   out   from.     He   stole   a   glance   at   his   passenger   through   the   rear-view   mirror   and   saw   that   Salina   had   taken   off   her   expensive   sandals   and   was   curled   up   comfortably   half   sitting   and   half   lying   on   the   backseat.     The   sight   of   her   scantily   dressed   figure   and   fully   exposed   deep   cleavage   gave   Richard   a   deep   jolt.     To   these   two   strong,   virile   and   charismatic   males,   the   attractions   of   the   woman   were   greater   than   a   bomb.     Salina   knew   that   she   had   completely   enslaved   the   hearts   of   these   two   men   as   she   reclined   on   the   backseat,   idly   chatting   with   them.     Her   half   inebriated   state   increased   her   distracting   charms.   “This   city   is   great…but   you   must   be   rich…otherwise   who   is   willing   to   give   you   VIP   treatment,   be   so   subservient   and   obey   your   slightest   wish?     Money   is   really   useful…but   that   is   not   satisfying   enough.     Next   time   we   must   think   of   something   new   and   more   stimulating.”     Richard   and   Jamaz   looked   at   each   other   silently.     She   then   continued,   “My   gold   palace   is   grand   and   really   magnificent,   but   it   is   situated   in   the   deep   forests   surrounded   by   endless   mountains.     The   wide   expanse   of   blue   lake   is   spectacular   but   after   a   while   it   all   gets   old.     They   cannot   be   compared   to   the   vibrant   and   kaleidoscopic   night   life   here   in   the   city.     The   two   of   you   must   think   of   something   else   even   more   interesting   that   we   can   try   out   next   time.”     Her   words   were   like   cold   water   poured   over   Richard’s   head,   dousing   all   his   ardor   and   slowing   down   his   racing   heart.     His   head   cleared   and   he   was   certain   this   woman   came   from   Dimitri’s   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   but   he   had   no   way   of   knowing   her   status   there.     “Who   could   she   be?”   wondered   Richard.   “Could   she   be   the   one   called   Viola   who   is   said   to   be   Mr.   Finger’s   new   bride.   But   no   one   had   ever   seen   before.   Mr.   Finger   had   disappeared   from   the   face   of   the   earth.   Who   could   this   woman   be?”     Richard   drove   off   the   freeway   and   turned   onto   the   local   streets.     Salina   suddenly   sat   up   straight   and   commanded,   “Stop!”     Richard   hastily   stepped   on   the   brakes.     Salina   opened   the   car   door,   got   out   and   said,   “I   know   where   you   two   live   and   will   come   by   when   I   am   free.     Goodbye!”     She   waved   carelessly   and   walked   lightly   away,   her   heavily   bejeweled   figure   soon   disappearing   at   the   turn   of   the   street.     She   appeared   in   their   life   like   a   dream   and   disappeared   also   like   a   dream,   leaving   no   trace   at   all.     The   two   men   shrugged   and   didn’t   know   what   to   say.

Dimitri   made   his   way   swimming   frog-style   vigorously   upwards   in   the   air   making   use   of   both   arms   and   legs.     The   wind   was   strong   higher   up   in   the   air   between   tall   buildings   so   he   had   to   exert   himself   to   ascend,   but   he   was   very   happy   because   there   was   a   brand   new   idea   in   his   heart.     Like   a   newly-wed   wife   who   just   found   out   she   was   pregnant,   it   was   a   wondrous   and   heart-felt   happiness.     The   special   effect   produced   by   the   combined   efforts   of   Imagination   and   Creativity   made   him   very   happy.     It   was   as   if   they   had   given   him   an   inexhaustible   treasure.     Actually   this   treasure   is   in   everyone’s   heart   because   creativity   and   imagination   are   inherent   in   every   life   at   birth.     But   how   best   to   use   them   is   a   boundless   and   limitless   insight   perfected   only   after   long   term   study   and   frequent   use.     In   this   way,   the   loss   of   sight   to   Dimitri   was   a   blessing   in   disguise;     for   otherwise,   he   would   not   have   inadvertently   acquired   the   unique   creation   of   Creativity   and   Imagination.

Dimitri   suddenly   found   that   the   tall   building   he   was   swimming   next   to   was   the   headquarters   of   World   Bank,   which   was   only   a   small   portion   of   his   financial   empire.     He   actually   had   no   idea   of   his   own   total   worth.     Then   he   remembered   that   his   entire   empire   had   collapsed.     But   he   thought   if   sight   could   produce   the   satisfaction   of   sex   and   smell   could   appease   the   cravings   of   his   stomach,   money   was   superfluous   to   his   life.     Dimitri   swam   to   the   top   of   the   building   and   stood   swaying   dangerously   on   the   rail.     Actually   his   feet   were   firmly   and   solidly   planted   on   the   rails.     He   threw   out   his   arms   and   shouted,   “I   am   Dimitri.     I   used   to   own   fabulous   wealth.     I   am   willing   to   give   it   all   up   and   share   it   with   those   in   need.     I   am   willing   to   share   it   all   with   the   world.”     With   these   words,   piles   upon   piles   of   cash   in   large   denominations   appeared   before   him.     He   took   up   armfuls   of   those   enticing   large   denomination   cash   and   scattered   them   into   the   air,   letting   them   rain   down   like   butterflies   blown   about   in   the   wind,   or   like   fallen   leaves   fluttering   to   the   ground.     But   when   they   reached   the   ground   they   disappeared   like   raindrops   absorbed   by   the   soil.     Was   Dimitri   performing   a   magic   feat?     Well,   we   cannot   really   condone   that   it   was,   but   neither   can   we   say   that   it   was   not.     It   was   really   magic   in   a   way   because   in   scattering   the   cash   his   heart   was   absolutely   benevolent   and   in   earnest,   wishing   to   share   his   wealth   with   the   world.     But   in   this   world   there   is   no   free   lunch.     Wealth   could   only   come   from   sweat   of   the   brow   or   from   labor   of   the   brain.     Not   a   single   penny   could   be   rained   down   from   on   high   like   rain   or   snow.     Therefore,   when   those   large   denomination   cash   reached   the   ground,   they   disappeared   without   a   trace.     Dimitri   continued   to   ascent   higher   into   the   sky   until   he   reached   another   dimension   of   time.

A   police   car   came   slowly   to   a   stop   by   the   side   of   the   street.     A   tall   and   stern-looking   officer   got   out   and   walked   quickly   towards   Emmanuel,   who   was   fast   asleep   on   a   bench.

“Wake   up,   sir.     Get   up!”   said   the   policeman   shaking   him.       “This   is   not   the   place   for   you   to   sleep.     It   is   for   people   to   wait   for   the   bus   and   for   tourists   to   sit   and   rest.     If   you   want   to   sleep,   go   back   home.”

“OK,   if   you   won’t   let   me   sleep   here,   I’ll   just   sit   up”   replied   Emmanuel,   looking   disdainfully   at   the   policeman.     He   was   just   having   a   wonderful   dream   and   was   annoyed   to   be   awakened.”How’s   that?”

“Of   course,   of   course.     That   is   your   right.     But   there   have   been   quite   a   few   unfortunate   accidents   around   here   recently   so   I   would   advise   you   to   go   back   home.     It   is   not   safe   here.     You   might   get   hurt.”

“That’s   my   own   business   and   has   nothing   to   do   with   you.     Just   sitting   here   is   not   against   the   law,   is   it?”

“Aright   then,   sit!”said   the   policeman   turning   away   resignedly   and   walked   back   to   his   car.     His   foot   hit   an   object   on   the   ground,   a   rusty   bronze   tortoise.     “Don’t   forget   to   take   your   toy   with   you   when   you   leave”   he   added   and   got   into   the   car.

“That   guy   back   there   really   looks   bad”   said   the   police   woman   who   was   in   the   driver’s   seat   as   they   drove   away.     “He   looks   like   a   ruffian   and   a   murderer.”

“Yah,   that’s   what   I   think   so   too.     Recently   this   area   has   not   been   very   safe.     There   have   been   many   cases   or   rape.     We   had   better   be   on   the   lookout   so   that   nothing   bad   happens   on   our   watch.”

Emmanuel   watched   as   the   police   car   drove   out   of   sight   and   then   looked   at   the   rusty,   bronze   tortoise   on   the   ground.     The   tortoise’s   head   was   raised   high   as   if   looking   at   him   and   its   mouth   was   open.     Emmanuel   remembered   pulling   at   the   tail   when   a   thin   line   of   powder   squirted   out.   He   smelled   the   sweet   fragrance   of   unknown   flowers   and   fell   unconscious.   “Wow”   he   thought,   “it   could   have   been   some   kind   of   magic   potion   left   behind   from   ancient   times   and   I   just   happened   to   accidentally   come   across   it.   This   would   be   an   invaluable   asset   when   I   am   out   hunting   women.”   Charina’s   tall,   slender   image   dressed   in   a   sky   blue   dress,   with   broad-rimmed   white   sun   hat   and   white   leather   walking   shoes   came   to   mind   and   would   not   go   away.     “If   I   do   …and…I   could   easily   do   whatever   I   want   with   her!”   thought   he   and   a   naïve   yet   sly   smile   lit   up   his   face.     He   picked   up   the   rusty   bronze   tortoise   from   the   ground   and   carefully   tucked   it   inside   his   pocket.   Then   exhibiting   his   skill   of   swiftness   and   agility   he   quickly   disappeared   into   the   night.

Charina’s   white,   jade-like   arms   seemed   even   smoother   and   more   delicate   under   the   moonlight.     She   took   a   glass,   half-filled   it   with   crushed   ice   and   then   poured   in   golden   colored   whiskey.     She   took   a   sip,   put   the   glass   onto   the   coffee   table   in   front   of   her   and   lay   back   comfortably   on   the   sofa.     It   was   a   corner   of   the   room   that   the   moonlight   could   not   shone   directly   on.     The   whole   house   was   dark   and   lit   only   by   the   moonlight.     Maureen   lay   at   her   feet,   seemingly   fast   asleep   but   every   now   and   then   the   parting   words   of   his   new   friend   came   to   mind   and   “Take   good   care   of   your   mistress   my   precious   little   friend.     Understand?”   resounded   in   his   little   brain.   He   would   lift   his   head   and   look   at   his   mistress   as   if   to   assure   himself   that   things   were   alright.     Only   when   he   saw   Charina   sitting   comfortably   on   the   sofa   drinking   her   whiskey   and   everything   was   serene   and   quiet   as   usual   would   he   put   his   head   back   down   on   his   paws   and   lie   at   his   mistress’   feet.     From   time   to   time   Charina   would   put   the   sole   of   her   exquisite   feet   on   Maureen   and   caress   his   soft   and   silky   smooth   fur,   which   made   her   feel   good.     Since   Dimitri   left,   she   had   been   sitting   on   the   sofa,   sipping   her   whiskey,   deep   in   thought   about   every   sentence   Dimitri   uttered   and   every   detail   of   his   story.     She   had   suffered   a   severe   writer’s   block   for   almost   one   and   a   half   year   and   could   not   find   anything   worth   writing   about.     Dimitri’s   story   gave   her   inspiration   and   her   creative   talents   were   stimulated   and   energized.     Once   awakened,   literary   thoughts   suddenly   flowed   and   surged   until   they   were   all   tangled   up   together   and   she   did   not   know   where   to   start.     She   drank   glass   after   glass   of   the   excellent   whiskey   and   lost   count.     Perhaps   it   was   the   alcohol   that   clouded   her   brain   and   hampered   her   ability   to   concentrate.     Sleepiness   crept   on   her.     She   decided   to   look   Dimitri   up   the   next   day   and   talk   with   him   more   in   detail.     She   would   start   writing   after   she   had   a   better   grip   and   overall   understanding   of   the   story.     She   felt   it   was   useless   to   continue   sitting   here   and   try   in   vain   to   make   head   or   tails   out   of   the   hash   in   her   brain.     She   was   just   about   to   stand   up   and   go   to   her   bedroom   when   she   suddenly   remembered   Dimitri’s   telling   her   how   he   led   his   twenty-four   beauties   one   by   one   into   his   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   how   when   calamity   struck,   he   safely   evacuated   them   back   to   the   mundane   world   again.   “What   a   wonderful   place   to   start”   she   thought.     “I   could   begin   with   the   lives   of   the   twenty-four   beauties   after   their   return   to   earth!”     She   felt   invigorated   and   re-energized.     The   pent-up   vexations   of   the   past   months   were   swept   away.     She   stood   up   and   walked   waveringly   into   her   bedroom.

Parting   the   long   hair   behind   her   neck,   she   unzipped   the   zipper   of   her   sky   blue   dress   and   stepped   out   of   it   when   it   pooled   at   her   feet.   Then   she   took   off   her   pedi-coat.     Though   tipsy,   Charina’s   movements   retained   her   feminine   charm.     The   weather   being   so   hot,   she   decided   to   take   off   her   bra   as   well   and   lay   down   perfectly   relaxed   on   her   comfortable   bed.     She   covered   her   abdomen   with   a   light   blanket   and   fell   asleep.     She   had   forgotten   to   close   her   slightly   opened   window   and   a   small   mosquito   flew   in   through   the   crack.     After   flying   around   the   room   a   few   times,   it   located   its   target,   stopped   on   Charina’s   beautiful   thigh   and   began   to   suck   her   blood.   Feeling   itchy,   Charina   slapped   at   her   thigh.   The   greedy   little   mosquito,   heavy   with   freshly   sucked   blood   was   sluggish   and   slow   to   move   and   was   squashed   under   her   hand,   leaving   a   spot   of   fresh   blood   on   Charina’s   snow   white   skin.

Under   the   moonlight,   a   shadow   flashed   by.     Emmanuel   propped   one   hand   on   the   wall   and   jumped   easily   into   Charina’s   back   yard.     He   landed   almost   noiselessly   on   both   legs,   but   still   hunched   behind   a   tree   to   survey   the   layout.   Seeing   nothing   out   of   the   ordinary,   he   walked   silently   to   a   slightly   opened   window   to   peek   in.   Greatly   tempted   by   Charina’s   almost   nude   body,   he   pulled   out   a   bronze   tortoise   from   his   pocket   and   pointed   its   head   at   the   direction   the   nose   and   mouth   of   Charina   who   was   lying   on   the   bed   nearby.     He   pulled   and   then   released   the   mechanism   at   its   tail   and   a   thin   line   of   powder   squirted   out   of   the   tortoise’   mouth   straight   towards   Charina’s   nose   and   mouth.     Charina   was   not   really   asleep   yet.     She   was   thinking   if   she   could   enter   Dimitri’s   Kingdom   of   Dreams   that   night   it   would   be   sure   to   be   a   wonderful   journey   and   experience.     Just   then   she   smelled   an   intoxicating   fragrance   of   flowers   and   fell   fast   asleep.    

After   a   few   minutes,   Emmanuel   jumped   through   the   window   and   sneaked   up   to   the   bed.     He   pulled   off   the   light   blanket   Charina   had   covered   herself   with   and   her   almost   nude   body   was   fully   exposed   to   his   view.     Charina’s   full   breasts   and   long   shapely   legs   enticed   him   beyond   control.     Hot   blood   rushed   to   his   brains   bringing   him   to   full   arousal,   so   he   hungrily   caressed   her   body   unrestrainedly   with   both   hands.   Just   when   he   was   about   to   take   off   the   last   remaining   clothing   on   her   body,   he   heard   a   sudden   thump   followed   by   a   stream   of   a   dog’s   frantic   barking.     Intelligent   Maureen   had   discovered   the   scent   of   the   unwelcomed   intruder   and   had   been   watching   him   from   a   dark   corner.   His   little   head   told   him   he   was   no   match   for   the   tall,   strong   and   brutal   looking   ruffian   and   that   even   if   he   attacked   him   with   all   the   might   and   power   of   his   little   body,   it   was   pointless   and   suicidal.   So   he   did   the   clever   thing   and   escaped   through   the   pet   entrance   in   the   garage.     The   closing   of   the   flap   made   a   thumping   sound   and   he   barked   to   scare   the   intruder   inside   the   room.     Then   he   made   use   of   his   sharp   sense   of   smell   and   ran   as   fast   as   he   could   to   find   Dimitri.     Emmanuel   had   forgotten   the   fact   that   Maureen   had   a   very   intelligent   and   extremely   protective   dog.     He   swore   profusely,   “Son   of   a   bitch!   That   little   dog’s   trying   to   wreck   my   hunting   and   spoil   my   evening.”     He   went   back   to   Charina’s   bed   and   continued   to   fondle   and   play   with   Charina’s   curvaceous   body.   How   sad   and   unjust   that   a   beautiful   and   talented   author   such   as   she   became   a   plaything   in   the   intruder’s   hands.

Trancelike,   Dimitri   came   to   a   place   which   looked   strange   yet   familiar.   Before   him   was   a   wide   expanse   of   blue   skies   without   a   single   cloud   where   he   swan   on   frog-style.     “This   wide   expanse   of   blue   skies   seems   so   familiar   to   me   as   if   I   had   seen   it   before”   he   thought.     Then   he   looked   down   and   saw   a   wide   stretch   of   lake   water,   with   its   roiling   waves.   “Isn’t   that   the   Star-Moon   Lake   that   I   have   always   been   thinking   of?     Ah,   I   have   come   back   to   the   magic   sphere   of   my   Kingdom   of   Dreams.”     He   descended   towards   the   ground   as   if   desirous   of   revisiting   his   magnificent   palace,   but   what   met   his   eyes   was   only   dilapidated   walls   and   burnt   out   buildings,   a   scene   of   complete   ruin.   “Ah   yes,   my   magnificent   palace   had   been   completely   burnt   to   the   ground.     What   is   left   are   only   vestiges   of   its   remains.”     He   suddenly   had   an   odd   thought,   “Did   my   magnificent   palace   ever   actually   exist?     Since   I   can   see   its   remains,   it   must   have   existed”   he   reasoned.   “I   remember   the   beautiful   palace   was   created   by   a   pair   of   invisible   hands.     Now   I   know   the   invisible   hands   were   the   combined   efforts   of   my   loyal   servants   Creativity   and   Imagination.     They   worked   according   to   my   design   and   realized   my   desires.   They   built   this   magnificent   palace   for   me.   But   whether   it   was   Creativity   or   Imagination,   they   were   both   abstract   ideological   forms.     When   this   abstract   consciousness   became   graphic   and   concrete,   they   could   become   real   and   tangible   objects   in   our   external   material   world.   This   process   of   turning   the   strength   of   our   mind   power   into   material   things   is   really   magical   and   unbelievable.     If   we   go   on   reasoning   in   this   way,   then   the   magnificent   palace,   the   beauties   and   the   people   of   the   Kingdom   were   all   products   of   my   soul   and   had   never   existed.     But   then   these   ruins   prove   they   had   existed,   so   how   could   we   disavow   their   previous   existence.   Buildings,   pavilions,   palaces   had   once   really   existed   here;   there   had   been   songs,   dances   and   laughter   and   shadows   of   the   beautiful   women   everywhere.     How   could   we   say   they   never   existed?     Dimitri   was   again   confused.

Floating   and   thinking,   thinking   and   floating   Dimitri   flew   past   the   lake   and   found   himself   near   the   Giant   Mountain.     Giant   Mountain   looked   like   a   paralyzed   giant   lying   inert   and   helpless   on   the   horizon.     Though   he   would   have   loved   to   change   his   immobilized   body   to   another   position,   he   was   powerless   to   move   even   a   finger.     It   was   as   if   he   was   frozen   forever   in   an   endless   nightmare.     If   he   should   ever   be   freed,   the   thing   he   wanted   most   to   do   would   be   to   sit   up,   stand   up,   stretch   his   sore   and   stiff   muscles   and   shake   off   the   yoke   thrust   on   him   by   fate.    

Dimitri’s   eyes   were   suddenly   blinded   by   the   brilliant   and   dazzling   sheen   of   metal.     The   magnificent   palace   built   of   solid   gold   appeared   before   his   eyes.     Realizing   that   he   was   flying   too   low,   he   was   just   about   to   ascend   when   hundreds   of   barbarian   warriors   appeared   from   behind   the   gold   palace.     The   angry   mass   of   barbarians   rushed   towards   Dimitri   shouting   and   screaming   and     throwing   their   spears   at   him.     A   hail   of   arrows   followed.     Luckily   Dimitri   ascended   so   quickly   that   the   spears   and   arrows   missed   him   and   whooshed   by   harmlessly   beneath   his   feet   and   he   was   able   to   escape   unscathed.     After   reaching   a   safe   height,   Dimitri   looked   down   on   the   scene   below   and   saw   that   barbarian   warriors   were   gathered   down   on   the   ground   as   far   as   his   eyes   could   reach,   screaming   at   him   in   a   language   he   could   not   understand   and   gesturing   menacingly.     Dimitri   did   not   mind   but   found   it   strange   that   his   body   could   be   seen   in   this   dimension   of   time.     He   was   just   about   to   leave   when   he   discovered   that   at   the   dome   of   the   gold   palace   a   skilled   marksman   lay   in   wait.     The   sharp-shooter   had   a   rhinoceros   horn   on   the   top   of   his   head   and   strange,   peculiar   looking   eyes   both   at   the   front   and   back   of   his   head.   He   was   naked   except   for   a   leopard   skin   at   his   waist,   and   bulging   muscles   covered   his   body.   “Why,   that’s   Cyclops,”   thought   Dimitri.     In   the   meantime,   the   man   took   up   his   bow   and   arrow   and   took   aim   at   Dimitri.   He   pulled   taut   the   string   of   his   bow   with   his   right   hand   to   the   shape   of   a   full   moon.     The   sight   of   the   bow   and   arrow   greatly   alarmed   Dimitri   because   no   one   understood   better   than   he   the   magical   functions   and   attributes   of   this   miraculous   weapon.     He   used   to   be   their   master.     Their   present   owner,   however,   was   his   enemy   and   nemesis   Cyclops.     He   knew   that   the   magic   bow   could   send   the   magic   arrow   after   the   target   set   by   its   owner   and   it   would   tenaciously   and   persistently   follow   the   target   until   it   reached   and   destroyed   it.   There   was   no   stopping   the   arrow   once   it   was   on   route.     The   string   of   the   bow   zinged   as   Cyclops   let   fly   the   arrow   which   flew   straight   at   Dimitri   swift   as   lightning.     Shocked   and   horror-stricken,   Dimitri   lost   control   of   his   equilibrium   and   fell   from   his   position   in   the   air,   as   if   dropping   from   beyond   the     sky   into   a   fathomless   abyss.     “Oh,   this   would   be   the   death   of   me!”   he   shouted,   as   he   knew   that   a   fall   from   such   a   height   would   smash   him   to   pieces.

Dimitri   was   wet   with   perspiration   as   he   woke   from   his   nightmare.     He   found   himself   still   sleeping   on   the   old   discarded   mattress   thrown   carelessly   by   the   roadside.   Though   the   mattress   was   lumpy   and   not   very   comfortable,   to   Dimitri   having   anything   to   sleep   on   was   a   luxury.     The   scenes   in   his   dreams   came   back   again   to   him.     He   liked   to   dwell   on   the   details   of   his   dreams,   reiterating   and   mulling   over   them.     It   was   an   old   habit   cultivated   over   the   years   which   he   was   unable   to   change.     The   first   part   of   his   dream   brought   him   the   joy   of   a   great   harvest,   from   which   he   gained   precious   knowledge.     It   was   as   if   Fate   was   hinting   at   something   to   him.     He   decided   that   he   should   think   over   the   details   more   carefully   in   order   to   gain   more   nutrients   or   it   would   not   be   doing   full   justice   to   a   good   dream.     But   the   second   half   of   the   dream   was   a   nightmare   and   brought   him   alarm   and   horror   that   he   found   hard   to   face.     Hopefully   that   was   only   a   fragment   of   the   dream,   not   the   total.     But   it   also   seemed   as   if   Fate   was   trying   to   give   him   a   warning   through   the   dream.     Whether   a   good   dream   or   a   nightmare,   Dimitri   decided   to   regurgitate   and   weigh   all   relevant   details   so   as   not   to   lose   any   information   or   message.

      Dimitri   went   over   the   details   of   his   dream   over   and   over   again   with   great   relish   and   fell   into   deep   thought.     He   felt   a   pain   on   his   left   foot   as   if   a   wild   dog   bit   it   and   kept   tugging   at   it.   “Hey!”   he   thought,   getting   angry.   “I   am   not   dead   yet.   Are   you   in   a   hurry   to   get   to   my   bones?”     He   raised   his   foot   intending   to   drive   the   dog   away,   but   his   foot   connected   with   its   soft   belly.     It   cried   out   in   pain,   but   instead   of   going   away,   it   came   even   closer   and   got   on   the   mattress.   Dimitri   seemed   to   recognize   the   familiar   bark.     Biting   onto   Dimitri’s   sleeve,   it   kept   tugging   at   it.     Dimitri’s   hand   accidentally   touched   the   soft,   silky   fur   and   large   long   ears   signaling   to   his   brain   that   it   was   his   little   friend.“Are   you   Maureen?     It’s   very   late.     Why   are   you   out   here?     Has   something   happened   to   Charina?”“Woof.     Woof”   replied   Maureen   as   if   saying   “You’re   right.     Now   hurry.     Let’s   make   haste   and   save   her.”     Dimitri   seemed   to   understand   the   dog   and   rose   quickly,   picked   up   his   white   cane   and   had   just   taken   a   few   steps   when   he   realized   that   everything   was   pitch   dark   before   his   eyes.     He   was   blind.     He   would   have   a   hard   time   just   making   his   own   way   on   the   streets.     How   was   he   to   save   Charina?     Maureen   kept   on   barking   as   if   pressing   him   to   hurry.     A   wide   expanse   of   beautiful   cloudless   blue   skies   appeared   again   in   his   brain,   a   scene   so   very   dear   to   him   and   to   which   he   was   very   familiar.     It   was   the   sky   in   his   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     He   saw   a   black   spot   moving   swiftly   in   the   air   there   and   made   it   out   to   be   a   huge   flying   bird.     Ah,   it   was   the   snake-haired   beauty   Medusa,   the   protector   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     He   called   out   her   name   loudly   three   times   and   the   black   bird   turned   and   made   swiftly   for   the   place   where   Dimitri   had   called   her   from.     It   flew   from   the   remote   and   faraway   Kingdom   of   another   dimension   of   time,   leaping   hurriedly   past   the   time   barrier   and   reached   the   mundane   world.

The   air   around   the   deserted   warehouse   was   disturbed   by   a   gusty   gale   raised   by   mighty   wings,   sending   currents   flurrying   and   whirling.     A   big   black   bird   flew   past.     It   turned   around,   closed   her   wings,   somersaulted   in   the   air   and   dropped   down   swiftly.     As   it   reached   the   ground,   it   turned   to   human   form.   Yes,   it   was   Medusa   whom   we   haven’t   seen   for   a   long   time.     She   had   covered   her   snake   hair   with   a   red   bandana   and   donned   a   black   T-Shirt   the   same   color   as   her   skin,   blue   jeans   and   a   pair   of   white   tennis   shoes.   She   was   tall   and   athletic-looking   seeming   to   have   infinite   reserve   of   energy   and   power.     Little   Maureen   hid   in   Dimitri’s   arms   and   looked   dumbstruck   and   transfixed   at   the   visitor   who   could   change   from   bird   to   human.   Medusa   walked   to   Dimitri   and   bowed.

“Your   Majesty”   she   said.     “I   am   here.     What   are   your   orders?”

“This   is   my   new   friend,   Maureen”   he   said   smiling,   softly   patting   the   dog’s   intelligent   little   head.   “His   beautiful   mistress   is   in   trouble.     Please   go   and   help   her…     Go,   my   little   friend.     Lead   Medusa   to   your   mistress   at   once   or   it   might   be   too   late.”     Maureen   seemed   to   wake   up   as   if   from   a   dream.     He   jumped   down   and   ran   swiftly   towards   his   home,   followed   by   Medusa.     Their   two   figures   disappeared   into   the   night.

It   was   far   into   the   night,   almost   getting   near   dawn   but   Dimitri   found   he   could   no   longer   go   back   to   sleep.       He   dragged   the   mattress   so   that   it   leaned   against   the   wall   and   wouldn’t   obstruct   pedestrians   too   much,   hoping   that   then   people   won’t   notice   it   and   would   just   leave   it   there   for   him   to   be   able   to   have   a   resting   place   for   a   few   more   nights.     Dimitri   sat   down   against   the   wall.     Though   the   suspense   of   how   Medusa   and   Maureen   were   faring   in   their   attempt   to   save   Charina   was   gnawing   at   him,   as   a   blind   man   there   was   nothing   else   he   could   do   and   worry   and   uneasiness   were   futile   and   pointless.     Dimitri   was   filled   with   hopeless   anger   at   his   own   inferiority,   his   incompetence   and   inability   to   act,   thinking   he   had   become   a   useless   good-for-nothing.       Just   then   the   wide   expanse   of   cloudless   blue   skies   again   appeared   before   his   eyes.     It   was   the   blue   skies   of   his   Kingdom   in   the   Dreams,   so   dear   and   familiar   to   him.     Wasn’t   it   from   the   depth   of   this   dimension   of   time   that   Medusa   flew   to   the   mundane   world,   leaping   across   time   barrier   to   answer   his   call?     Blurry,   indistinct   images   that   looked   like   flowers   moved   around   in   the   blue   skies,   the   sight   of   which   dispersed   Dimitri’s   depression,   leaving   no   trace   behind   of   the   worries   and   recriminations   that   had   been   troubling   him.     It   was   an   extremely   beautiful   blossom,   a   white   lily   which   suddenly   stood   out   from   among   the   indistinct   floral   images   in   the   sky.     It   looked   like   a   lily,   but   Dimitri   was   not   sure   what   kind   of   flower   it   really   was.     He   could   see   it   swaying   in   the   slight   breeze,   its   white   petals   fluttering   slightly.     Then   suddenly   it   turned   into   an   enchanting   naked   beauty,   a   very   beautiful   woman,   sexually   enticing   and   alluring.     Dimitri   rubbed   his   eyes   and   stared   at   her   to   make   sure   that   it   was   no   mirage.     But   just   as   quickly,   she   turned   back   into   a   white   flower   that   looked   like   a   lily   but   was   not   actually   a   lily.     Such   strange   and   magical   transformations   took   place   repeatedly   among   the   shadowy   and   blurry   flowers   in   the   skies.     A   bright   red   flower   that   looked   like   a   rose,   other   delicate   yellow   and   pale   blue   blossoms   all   turned   into   naked   beauties.     Blossoms   that   looked   so   pure   and   sacred   suddenly   became   lusty   women,   lewd   and   wanton,   luring   him   on   with   explicit   motions   and   expressions.     Tempted   beyond   control,   Dimitri   felt   himself   reacting   impulsively   and   a   strong   sexual   urge   pulsed   through   his   body.     But   just   as   he   was   losing   control   of   himself,   the   beauties   again   reverted   back   to   their   floral   shapes   that   seemed   so   pure   and   sacred   and   untouched   by   earthly   vices.     Dimitri   was   startled.     How   could   purity   and   sacredness   be   connected   in   any   way   to   lewdness   and   wantonness?     But   then   he   thought,   “Purity   and   sacredness   are   really   not   that   much   different   from   lewdness   and   wantonness.   They   are   but   two   opposite   sides   of   the   same   coin.     Take   the   scenes   before   me,   pure   and   sacred   flowers   could   turn   into   naked   beauties,   and   the   same   naked   beauties   could   change   back   to   pure   and   sacred   flowers.     The   interim   between   them   is   hard   to   define.     Why   not   let   them   appear   and   disappear,   re-appear   and   once   more   disappear   before   me   as   they   will.     Why   try   to   categorize   their   differences?     What   significance   is   that   to   me?     I   am   only   a   cool,   level-headed   and   intelligent   observer,   here   to   silently   watch   the   process   of   these   capricious   changes.

Quiet   and   melodious   music   sounded   in   his   ears.     A   flute   and   a   stringed   instrument   were   playing   out   a   musical   conversation   in   a   duet,   one   asking   and   one   answering.     Dimitri   was   curious   and   tried   to   find   the   source   of   the   music,   when   to   his   amazement   he   discovered   that   it   actually   originated   from   the   depth   of   his   own   heart.     It   was   a   duet   produced   by   the   combined   efforts   of   his   loyal   servants   Creativity   and   Imagination.     Creativity   was   slowly   plucking   his   stringed   instrument;   his   glittering   eyes   bright   and   intent   with   fierce,   unquenchable   sexual   fire,   his   body   sending   forth   a   strong   masculine   musky   scent.   He   was   trying   to   seduce   Imagination   with   his   music.     Beautiful   and   fascinating   Imagination’s   flute   answered   his   call,   tactfully   refusing   his   request   for   love,   yet   in   a   manner   so   hesitant   and   vulnerable   as   to   leave   room   for   reconsideration,   expressing   a   young   girl’s   shyness   and   bashfulness,   taking   the   position   of   half   resisting   yet   half   welcoming.     The   duet   of   the   stringed   instrument   and   the   flute   was   sometimes   harmonious   but   sometimes   divergent.     Yet   there   was   intriguing   harmony   in   their   divergence.     From   time   to   time   the   music   was   low   and   gentle   and   then   became   loud   and   fervent.     Dimitri’s   nerves   was   now   taut   and   now   relaxed;   the   blood   coursing   through   the   veins   also   either   speeded   up   or   slowed   down   according   to   the   music   and   his   metabolism   created   relative   changes   causing   him   to   feel   a   sexual   impulse   stronger   and   more   explosive   than   he   had   ever   felt   before.     Dimitri   was   flabbergasted.     “Are   my   two   loyal   servants   Creativity   and   Imagination   ganging   up   to   toy   with   me?”   he   thought.     “No.     I   think   they   meant   to   use   their   musical   instruments   as   catalysts   to   expedite   my   innate   vitality,   so   that   the   gradually   aging   organs   in   my   body   would   once   more   be   full   of   life   force   and   I   could   regain   my   long   vanished   youth.     What   they   do   not   understand   is   that   it   is   only   my   flesh   body   that   could   be   manipulated,   the   real   me   is   a   level-headed   and   intelligent   observer,   silently   watching   these   changes   but   would   never   be   part   of   them.

On   the   other   hand,   Emmanuel   was   totally   aroused   by   the   beauty   lying   exposed   before   him.   He   was   devoid   of   the   ability   to   distinguish   between   right   and   wrong,   good   and   evil.     His   brain   seemed   to   have   stopped   functioning   altogether   and   his   only   objective   was   to   insert   his   penis,   hard   and   stiff   as   a   spear,   into   Charina’s   body.     He   parted   Charina’s   beautiful   legs   and   was   about   to   force   the   spear   into   her   body   when   the   sound   of   loud   poundings   at   the   front   door   accompanied   by   the   frantic   barking   of   a   dog   broke   up   the   quiet   of   the   night.     Emmanuel   knew   that   the   racket   would   be   sure   to   wake   up   the   neighbors,   thus   spoiling   his   nefarious   plans   for   the   night.     Furious   at   this   interruption,   he   picked   up   his   underpants,   put   it   on   and   turned   to   walked   out   and   take   care   of   the   unwelcomed   visitors.   But   before   he   could   do   so,   there   was   a   loud   crash   and   wooden   splinters   flew   all   over   the   place.     Medusa   had   kicked   open   the   front   door   made   of   solid   hard   wood,   which   fell   to   the   ground   with   a   bang,   and   she   rushed   into   the   house.     The   red   bandana   she   had   tied   on   her   head   fell   off,   freeing   the   head   of   serpent-hair   to   spring   up   in   all   directions   hissing   savagely.     Clever   and   intelligent   little   Maureen   followed   closely   behind   barking   loudly   and   angrily.     One   look   at   Medusa,   the   protector   of   the   Kingdom   in   the   Dreams   and   Emmanuel   knew   that   he   was   no   match   for   her   bravery   and   strength.     He   quickly   walked   back   to   the   bedroom,   cast   a   regretful   and   longing   glance   at   beautiful   Charina   lying   naked   and   unconscious   on   the   bed   and   made   the   reluctant   choice   of   retreat.     Smashing   open   the   window   nearest   to   him,   he   leapt   into   the   back   yard,   jumped   up   to   the   roof   and   quickly   made   his   way   from   roof   to   roof   and   soon   disappeared   into   the   night.     Medusa   wanted   to   change   into   a   bird,   fly   up   into   the   skies   and   capture   the   shameless   rapist,   but   then   she   had   second   thoughts.     She   did   not   want   to   draw   attention   to   herself   and   scare   the   neighbors.     It   would   also   be   harmful   to   Dimitri   who   was   trying   to   keep   a   low   profile.     Lights   in   the   neighboring   houses   came   on   one   after   another.     It   had   not   been   peaceful   in   this   neighborhood   in   recent   days   because   of   the   rapist   and   everyone   was   on   high   alert.     Medusa   decided   to   leave.     After   covering   up   Charina’s   nude   body   with   the   light   blanket   on   the   bed,   she   stooped   down   to   Maureen,   patted   him   on   the   head   and   said,   “I   must   leave   now.     Take   good   care   of   your   mistress,   understand?”     Maureen   barked   to   signify   he   understood.     Medusa   once   more   covered   her   snake   hair   with   the   bandana   and   walked   quickly   out   of   the   house.

Medusa   walked   quickly   away   from   the   scene   sprinting   lightly   along   the   route   she   had   come   from,   in   a   hurry   to   report   back   to   King   Dimitri.     When   Dimitri,   who   was   sitting   alone   by   the   side   of   the   empty   street,   heard   light,   firm   footsteps   running   swiftly   in   his   direction,   he   knew   it   was   Medusa   coming   back.     The   sound   of   her   tread   told   him   that   she   came   bearing   glad   tidings.     Indeed   Medusa   soon   appeared   before   him   and   bowed   saying,  

“Your   orders   have   been   carried   out,   your   majesty.     Everything   has   been   straightened   out   and   I   saved   the   beautiful   young   woman.”

“Really!     What   happened?”   asked   Dimitri   curiously.

“It’s   nothing   much,   only   a   petty   burglar   who   broke   into   a   private   home.     The   rascal   used   some   kind   of   potion   to   render   the   mistress   of   the   house   unconscious   and   was   about   to   rape   her   when   I   arrived   and   foiled   his   evil   plans   just   in   a   nick   of   time.     He   hastily   broke   a   back   window   and   escaped   through   it.     I   wanted   to   run   after   him   and   catch   the   knave   but   then   I   was   afraid   it   would   scare   the   neighbors,   disrupt   the   neighborhood   and   bring   unwanted   attention   to   us,   so   I   let   him   go.”

“Right.     You   did   right.     My   philosophy   has   always   been   to   turn   large   issues   into   small   ones   and   small   ones   into   nothing”   said   Dimitri,   commending   the   way   the   matter   had   been   handled.

“But   strange   to   say,   that   rapist   seemed   to   know   me.     When   I   rushed   into   the   room   he   was   greatly   agitated   to   see   me   and   immediately   turned   tail   and   ran.     He   broke   a   window   and   escaped   without   looking   back.     He   was   extremely   agile,   jumping   up   to   the   roof   and   making   his   way   from   roof   to   roof   as   if   he   were   flying   and   soon   disappeared   from   sight.     The   next   time   I   see   him   I   will   catch   him   and   get   to   the   bottom   of   this”   said   Medusa   still   greatly   annoyed.

“We’ll   see   about   this   later.     By   the   way,   could   you   tell   me   how   our   people   are   faring   into   the   dense   forests   and   steep   mountains?”

“Don’t   worry,   your   majesty”   replied   Medusa   in   high   spirits.     “We   evacuated   to   White   Fairy’s   temple   according   to   your   orders   and   used   it   as   our   center   command.     We   have   set   up   guards   in   the   surrounding   forests   and   mountains   and   established   strong   lines   of   defense   that   can   resist   any   offensive   action.     All   your   subjects   are   united   in   their   determination   to   strengthen   ourselves   and   expand   our   potential,   waiting   for   the   day   when   your   majesty   returns   and   lead   us   out   of   steep   mountains   and   troubled   waters.     Led   by   our   king   we   will   destroy   the   barbarians   who   forcibly   occupied   our   kingdom   and   take   back   our   homeland   with   its   beautiful   mountains   and   lakes.”     Dimitri   smiled   wryly   at   her   words.    

  “I   have   always   promoted   peace   my   whole   life”   he   thought   “and   have   never   taken   up   arms   lightly   because   war   brings   loss   of   life   which   I   am   loathe   to   see.     However,   sometimes   war   is   inevitable   and   is   the   simplest   and   most   direct   way   to   solve   disputes.     I   wonder   if   there   is   a   way   in   this   world   to   solve   crisis   without   resorting   to   arms   and   shedding   blood.     This   is   a   chance   to   test   my   intelligence.”     Turning   to   Medusa,   he   asked,   “What   have   the   barbarians   been   up   to   lately?”

“Nothing   much.     White   Fairy   is   in   charge   of   surveillance   and   detection   because   she   can   change   into   a   flower   and   hide   among   real   flowers   or   turn   into   a   puff   of   smoke   which   is   impervious   to   weapons.     She   reported   that   after   they   occupied   our   territory   and   took   over   the   gold   palace,   they   seemed   to   be   perfectly   satisfied.     All   they   do   is   eat,   drink   and   make   merry   and   do   not   seem   to   have   any   other   agenda   on   their   minds.     What’s   strange   is   their   leaders:   the   ferocious   Cyclops,   the   seductive   but   intelligent   Viola   have   not   been   seen   lately.     White   Fairy   is   afraid   they   are   up   to   no   good   and   have   stepped   up   surveillance.”

“These   are   very   correct   steps   to   take”   said   Dimitri.   Then   he   suddenly   changed   the   subject   and   asked,   “By   the   way   Medusa,   I   got   the   message   you   sent   me.     Do   you   know   why   Zeus,   the   King   of   gods   wants   to   see   me?     What   does   he   want   to   discuss   with   me?”

“I   suppose   it‘s   that   magnificent   gold   palace   again.     Viola,   that   bewitching   and   vicious   woman   ordered   the   barbarians   to   tear   off   the   iron   that   we   coated   the   gold   palace   with.     Nowadays   the   solid   gold   palace   is   again   shining   brilliantly   under   the   sun   and   must   have   sparked   off   the   jealous   rage   of   the   King   of   gods.     I   think   he   wants   to   see   you   and   take   you   to   task   for   not   fulfilling   your   promise   to   cover   up   the   gold   palace.”

“That’s   another   headache”   sighed   Dimitri   shaking   his   head.   “Anyway,   I   will   come   back   myself   to   the   Kingdom   at   the   suitable   time   and   solve   these   difficult   problems.”

“Your   majesty,   the   day   is   breaking   and   I   had   better   leave   or   the   sight   of   me   would   alarm   the   residents   here.”

“Sure.     You   leave   first   and   I   will   come   back   to   the   Kingdom   as   soon   as   I   have   dealt   with   some   problems   here.”

“Take   care   of   yourself,   your   majesty”   said   Medusa,   looking   at   the   blind   homeless   man   stooping   at   a   corner   of   the   street.   His   clothes   were   dilapidated   and   his   face   weather-beaten.   Who   would   have   guessed   that   he   was   King   Dimitri,   noble   as   a   poet   and   beloved   of   all   the   people   in   his   Kingdom?     “Don’t   forget   that   your   people   are   craning   their   necks   waiting   for   you   to   return   and   lead   them   in   the   fight   against   the   aggressors   and   rebuild   their   homeland.”     Saying   so,   she   opened   her   arms   and   her   body   floated   upwards.     Then   she   turned   a   somersault,   changed   again   to   a   huge   serpent-haired   black   bird   and   soared   straight   up   swiftly   into   the   skies.   Actually,   while   Dimitri   took   a   short   nap   on   Charina’s   sofa   earlier   in   the   night,   he   made   use   of   the   opportunity   to   go   back   to   his   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   arranged   and   directed   a   hair-raising   scenario.   There   he   accidentally   discovered   the   secret   love   affair   between   Medusa   and   White   Fairy,   which   he   did   not   wish   to   deal   with   it   at   the   time,   so   he   buried   it   in   the   depth   of   his   heart.   The   details   of   this   episode   will   gradually   be   revealed   to   the   reader   later   on   in   the   narrative,   but   to   avoid   confusion   as   to   the   logical   sequence   of   events,   we   are   first   mentioning   it   here   at   the   time   when   it   actually   occurred.

After   Medusa   left   like   a   whirlwind,   Dimitri   remained   sitting   at   the   empty   street   corner,   his   back   against   the   hard   cold   outer   wall   of   the   deserted   warehouse.     He   was   again   deep   in   thought.     He   went   over   in   detail   from   the   very   beginning   of   how   his   two   loyal   servants   created   his   Kingdom   of   Dreams   for   him.     He   thought   of   how   they   scouted   out   the   location   and   how   they   gathered   the   beauties   from   all   corners   of   the   earth.     All   this   was   carried   out   with   his   consent.     Creativity   and   Imagination   created   the   Kingdom   for   their   master   out   of   the   goodness   of   their   hearts   to   add   color,   music,   light   and   special   effects   to   brighten   his   poor,   lonely   and   forlorn   nomad   life.   They   never   realized   that   situations   they   had   no   notion   of   would   evolve   which   produced   myriads   of   confusing   bonds   between   Dimitri   and   his   Kingdom,   uniting   them   by   countless   ties.     He   felt   as   if   he   was   entangled   in   a   spider   web   from   which   he   was   unable   to   extricate   himself   and   felt   greatly   worried.     He   did   not   blame   his   two   loyal   servants.     He   was   only   trying   to   think   of   a   satisfactory   way   out   of   this   prickly   predicament.     Just   at   this   moment   when   he   was   trying   to   solve   the   multitude   of   problems   he   was   facing,   another   drama   was   unfolding   on   the   opposite   side   of   the   wall   in   the   interior   of   the   deserted   warehouse.

This   deserted   old   warehouse   was   not   large   and   was   filled   only   with   odds   and   ends   of   abandoned   broken   down   furniture   covered   with   thick   coat   of   dust.     In   fact,   dust   balls   covered   the   whole   area   and   dense   cobwebs   hung   down   on   the   four   corners   of   the   wall.     What’s   startling   was   that   in   the   midst   of   this   desolate   scene,   two   tiny   human   voices,   a   male   and   a   female,   were   heard.     They   seemed   to   be   talking,   or   more   precisely   they   were   quarreling.     A   shaft   of   bright   moonlight   came   through   the   broken   transom   window   and   shone   on   a   corner   of   the   warehouse   which   was   much   cleaner   than   the   rest   of   the   place.     The   floor   had   been   swept   and   covered   with   a   neatly   folded   blanket   with   fresh   flower   petals   strewn   all   over   it.   Under   the   moonlight   two   little   people   were   talking.     The   female   tweaked   the   male’s   ear   scolding   him   saying,

“I   asked   you   to   accompany   me   to   this   mundane   world   not   for   you   to   play   around   and   run   wild.   We   are   here   on   serious   business!     Look   what   you   have   done!     You   have   been   breaking   into   houses,   trying   to   rape   young   women   and   creating   a   furor.     How   could   you   show   your   face   in   public   after   this?   You   are   not   only   of   no   help;   you   are   ruining   my   important   plans!”     Her   features   were   clearly   revealed   in   the   luminous   moonlight,   beautiful   and   bewitching   but   also   wild   and   untamed.   It   was   Viola!     Ah,   if   Viola   was   here,   the   little   man   whose   ear   she   was   tweaking   must   be   Mr.   Finger.

“Don’t   blame   me.     You   say   I   break   into   houses   and   try   to   rape   women,   thereby   ruining   your   plans.     What   about   yourself?     Didn’t   you   go   out   on   the   town   with   Richard   and   Jamaz   and   flirted   outrageously   with   them?   Didn’t   the   three   of   you   paint   the   town   red   and   got   drunk?   And   you   blame   me?”   Viola   tightened   her   hold   on   Mr.   Finger’s   ear   and   tweaked   it   harder.     Mr.   Finger   bent   down   in   pain   and   begged,   “Let   go!     Let   go!   I   will   obey   all   your   orders   from   now   on.     I’ll   be   good.”

“What   right   have   you   to   reproach   me?”   scolded   Viola   angrily.   “I   have   my   own   plans   and   arrangements.     You   only   have   to   carry   out   my   orders.     Don’t   forget   you   have   signed   the   paper   that   sold   yourself   to   me   body   and   soul.     You   live   if   I   let   you   live   and   die   when   I   want   you   to   die.   Understand?     If   I   didn’t   transfuse   half   the   blood   in   my   body   into   yours,   how   could   you   enlarge   and   contract   your   body   at   will?   How   could   you   be   stronger   and   more   agile   than   any   normal   man?   Not   only   are   you   not   grateful   for   all   I   have   done   for   you,   you   dare   to   reproach   me?   You   are   beyond   cure!     You   say   I   hang   out   with   Richard   and   Jamaz,   that’s   because   you   gave   me   the   information   that   they   are   Dimitri’s   good   friends   and   that   I   may   get   information   about   him   from   them.     Wasn’t   that   what   you   told   me?”

“Yes.     Yes,   you   are   right.     It’s   all   my   fault.     It’s   all   my   fault.     Please   let   go   of   my   ear   and   let   me   explain.     Please.     Please.”     Viola’s   anger   seemed   to   be   mostly   spent   so   she   let   go   of   his   ear   and   said,   “Alright.   Tell   me   what   you’ve   been   doing   and   what   results   you   have   got   these   last   few   days.”

“As   a   matter   of   fact   I   have   already   found   out   Dimitri’s   whereabouts,   but   he   has   divine   protection   so   I   find   it   hard   to   get   near   him.     The   reason   I   tried   to   rape   Charina   was   because   I   wanted   to   flush   him   out,   give   him   a   bash   on   the   head   as   it   were   and   deflate   his   ego   and   his   arrogance.     I   did   it   for   you.     Is   that   so   wrong?”

“Your   intentions   may   be   good,   but   things   must   proceed   according   to   plan.     You   must   play   the   cards   you   are   dealt   in   a   logical   and   orderly   fashion.   Your   way   of   doing   things   at   random   and   kicking   up   a   fuss   recklessly   will   not   do.   Look   where   it   landed   you,     you   led   the   snake-haired   Medusa   straight   to   us!     You   know   she   is   our   nemesis.   Now   what   do   you   think   we   should   do?”   asked   Viola,   still   angry   at   the   little   man.

“OK.     OK”   said   Mr.   Finger   spreading   out   his   hands   in   resignation.   “I   will   obey   your   orders   from   now   on   and   not   do   anything   on   my   own.   Will   that   do?     Now   how   do   you   think   we   should   proceed?”

“First   of   all   you   must   stay   out   of   sight   for   a   time   and   not   show   your   face   until   the   mess   you   have   created   blows   over.     I’ll   tell   you   then   what   to   do.”   Viola’s   eyes   were   insightful   and   her   tone   resolute.     “Dimitri   may   have   divine   help   and   we   cannot   get   to   him   directly,   but   we’ll   see   what   can   be   done   to   his   twenty-four   beauties.   They   are   all   his   darlings   and   dear   to   his   heart.     He   will   not   be   able   to   withstand   any   harm   coming   to   them.     We   need   only   take   a   few   of   them   hostage   and   Dimitri   will   be   sure   to   come   running,   willing   to   do   anything   we   want   to   get   them   back.     He   will   be   begging   my   forgiveness   for   what   he   has   done.     He   dared   to   destroy   my   pure   gold   palace   so   my   dearest   dreams   could   not   be   realized.     I   want   his   blood   in   redemption   for   his   sins.”   Viola   and   Mr.   Finger   were   a   couple   at   extreme   loggerheads   with   each   other   to   the   point   where   both   tried   to   kill   the   other   (see   Book   2   Kingdom   In   The   Dreams).   It   was   strange   and   surprising   to   find   them   together   here   close   partners   and   conspirators.

The   day   dawned.     The   city   woke   up   slowly.     Cars   and   pedestrians   gradually   increased.     Dimitri   was   still   sitting   at   the   cold   street   corner.     He   took   out   a   cigarette   and   began   to   smoke,   his   spirits   calm   and   happy.     He   had   looked   into   the   depth   of   his   heart   and   saw   his   two   loyal   workaholic   servants   lying   on   the   lush   green   field   fast   asleep.   Since   they   only   stopped   working   when   they   were   asleep,   that   was   also   Dimitri’s   chance   to   feel   serene   and   peaceful.     He   was   totally   ignorant   of   the   fact   that   he   had   already   been   targeted   for   revenge   and   that   his   enemies   were   planning   to   get   to   him   through   his   precious   beauties.   That   was   because   there   was   no   trace   of   the   things   that   happened   in   the   dimension   of   time   of   his   Kingdom   of   Dreams   in   his   present   practical   world.

                                                            Chapter   2               Treasure   and   Hatred

This   was   about   half   a   century   ago   when   Dimitri   was   still   a   boy.     Or   to   be   more   precise,   it   was   a   fragment   of   recollections   about   his   previous   life   that   had   lingered   in   Dimitri’s   memory   -   an   indelible   picture   of   a   spring   morning.     The   pure   and   clear   morning   sunlight   shone   on   the   dilapidated   buildings   of   the   slums   where   the   trash   in   the   decrepit   garbage   can   overflowed   to   the   ground   surrounding   it.     Perhaps   in   the   trash   there   was   a   dead   cat   whose   carcass   sent   off   wave   after   wave   of   rancid,   stinking   odor.     Like   a   patient   suffering   from   severe   depression,   dismal   mood   flowed   in   his   limbs   and   body.     Annoying   and   disorderly   swarms   of   flies   buzzed   around   non-stop,   refusing   to   be   dispersed.       By   chance   a   gust   of   spring   breeze   passed   by   carrying   along   with   it   a   tiny   flower   seed   which   was   dropped   accidentally   onto   this   dirty   patch   of   earth.   No   one   was   there   to   water   or   fertilize   it,   but   the   nutrients   inherent   in   the   soil   provided   enough   nourishment   to   let   the   seed   develop,   sprout   and   grow   into   a   lovely   flower.     The   blossoming   of   the   flower   changed   decay   to   magic   and   made   this   dirty   and   messy   plot   of   land   into   a   paradise   on   earth.

Rhythmical   musical   notes   floated   in   the   air   like   colorful   butterflies   dancing   in   the   spring   breeze.     Hundreds   of   people   assembled   in   the   square   before   the   City   Hall,   seemingly   there   for   some   gathering   or   festival.     On   the   makeshift   stage,   skillful   and   proficient   jazz   musicians   went   all   out   concentrating   on   performing   an   energetic   Dixieland   type   of   music   with   a   tempo   that   was   light,   quick   and   had   a   strong   rhythm.     Dimitri’s   weather-beaten   features   appeared   behind   the   large   ball   of   pink   cotton   candy.     He   was   like   a   child   again,   licking   at   the   candy   in   his   hand,   savoring   its   sweet   taste.     He   never   missed   lively   occasions   like   these,   full   of   hustle   and   bustle.     He   would   push   his   way   into   the   crowd   to   listen   intently   to   the   performance,   his   foot   tapping   in   time   to   the   music;   and   then   he   would   get   out   of   the   crowd   at   the   other   end   to   join   and   chat   leisurely   with   his   crowd   of   nomad   friends   who   were   sitting   or   lying   on   the   sidewalks.   Tiny   almost   invisible   flower   pollen   and   petals   were   lifted   into   the   air   by   the   spring   breeze.     Ah,   these   were   good   times.     When   Dimitri   appeared   no   one   knew   from   whence   he   came   and   when   he   disappeared   in   the   crowd   at   will   no   one   knew   where   he   had   gone   to.     He   was   like   a   happy   fairy   who   had   come   down   to   earth   to   have   a   good   time.

In   this   season   of   pollinating   trees   and   flowers,   a   bus   carrying   only   a   few   passengers   was   moving   slowly   and   sedately   on   the   streets   of   the   city.   The   driver   was   in   a   happy   mood   as   he   leisurely   took   charge   of   the   steering   wheel,   genially   calling   out   greetings   and   goodbyes   to   the   passengers   as   they   got   on   or   off   his   bus.   On   such   a   bright   and   cheery   spring   day,   it   was   hard   to   be   in   a   bad   mood.   But   strange   to   say,   the   crime   and   murder   rate   of   this   city   was   very   high   and   never   seemed   to   drop.     It’s   really   perplexing   that   in   spite   of   such   beautiful   weather   there   were   people   who   would   commit   crimes   and   even   murder.     Just   then   a   shrill   old   voice   sounded   from   the   seat   behind   him.

“Excuse   me   sir,   I   need   to   get   off   at   Broadway   and   13th   Street.   Could   you   call   me   when   the   time   comes?”   asked   an   old   dwarf   with   a   long   white   beard.     He   wore   Chinese   style   pants   and   shirt   and   a   melon   shaped   cap,   but   had   no   pigtail.     He   looked   strange   and   outlandish.

“Sure   sir,   no   problem.     I   will   call   you   when   we   get   there;   but   for   your   own   safety,   please   don’t   leave   your   seat   until   I   stop   the   bus”   replied   the   driver   good-naturedly.     He   slowly   eased   the   bus   to   a   standstill   at   the   next   stop   and   a   muscular   man,   obviously   drunk   got   on,   still   holding   a   half   empty   bottle   of   liquor.    

“I   have   no   money   today.   I   will   pay   next   time”   he   announced   in   a   hoarse   voice   and   then   swaggered   arrogantly   towards   the   back   of   the   bus.     The   driver   recognized   the   man   as   a   frequent   free-loader   and   decided   to   put   his   foot   down   on   his   “free   rides”   this   time.     He   stopped   the   bus.

“Please   do   not   disrupt   public   order”   he   said   through   his   microphone.     “Everyone   is   required   to   pay   for   his   ticket.     If   you   will   not   do   so,   please   get   off   the   bus.     I   won’t   budge   until   you   do   so.”     The   other   passengers   began   to   boo.     The   drunk   knew   it   was   dangerous   to   incur   public   wrath,   so   he   slunk   off   the   bus   from   the   back   door.     Standing   outside   he   shouting   curses   at   the   driver,   who   ignored   him   and   drove   away.     At   the   next   stop   he   stopped   the   bus,   stood   up   to   carry   the   white-bearded   dwarf   in   his   arms   and   set   him   down   on   the   sidewalk.   “Have   a   nice   day,   sir”   he   said   pleasantly   and   the   white-bearded   dwarf   waved   his   thanks   to   the   driver   who   got   back   to   his   seat   and   drove   away.     He   helped   the   old   dwarf   because   he   was   short   in   stature   and   light   in   weight,   looking   like   a   five-year-old   child.     What   he   didn’t   know   was   that   in   the   dwarf’s   pocket   was   another   even   smaller   person   no   larger   than   a   finger.    

Noontime   on   this   spring   day   was   relaxed   and   leisurely.     Pedestrians   were   not   in   such   as   hurry   and   many   sat   in   cafes   eating,   drinking,   chatting   and   laughing.     Richard,   Jamaz,   Big   O   and   Mr.   Kaffee   normally   met   every   other   day   as   they   took   turns   in   caring   for     Mr.   Finger.   That   day   it   was   Richard’s   turn,   but   he   and   Jamaz   were   called   to   work,   so   they   asked   Dwarf   Mickey   to   take   over   instead.     Taking   care   of   this   trouble-making   little   man   was   no   mean   task.     Luckily   Mr.   Finger   was   asleep   in   Dwarf   Mickey’s   pocket   and   had   not   woken   up,   so   he   was   able   to   take   a   break   and   enjoy   some   window   shopping.     He   stood   in   front   of   an   optometrist’s   and   looked   at   the   frames   exhibited   there,   but   then   realized   none   of   them   suited   him,   so   he   walked   on   to   the   next   store   which   happened   to   sell   all   kinds   of   tobacco   and   pipes.     He   was   not   interested   in   those   either   so   he   continued   on   to   the   following   one   which   was   a   bookshop   with   all   kinds   of   newspapers   and   magazines   at   the   front.     He   peeked   inside   and   saw   that   it   was   lined   with   bookshelves   from   floor   to   ceiling,   and   there   was   an   area   where   customers   could   sit   and   read   and   drink   coffee.     Dwarf   Mickey   walked   in.     He   could   only   reach   the   bottom   shelves   as   the   top   ones   were   too   high   for   him,   so   he   casually   grabbed   one   and   found   it   was   pornographic   magazine.     Just   as   he   was   entranced,   avidly   staring   at   the   pictures,   a   gentle,   admonishing   voice   behind   him   said,

“Ah   my   little   boy,   don’t   read   such   trash.     It’s   not   good   for   you.”     It   was   a   woman   about   forty   years   old,   a   mother   of   three   perhaps   who   had   aged   well.     Dwarf   Mickey   raised   his   head   and   looked   at   her   saying,

“It’s   bad   for   me?   But   looking   at   the   pictures   makes   me   feel   young   and   strong   again.     In   fact   I   think   they   are   beneficial   to   me!”

“I’m   sorry.     Go   ahead.       I   don’t   want   to   bother   you”   said   the   woman   hurriedly,   greatly   embarrassed   when   she   saw   Dwarf   Mickey’s   deeply   wrinkled   face   and   realized   that   he   was   not   a   naughty   young   boy   as   she   had   first   assumed   by   just   looking   at   his   back,   but   a   white-bearded   dwarf.     Just   at   that   moment   the   little   man   in   his   pocket   woke   up,   stretched   his   arms   and   legs   and   shouted,   “Let   me   out!     Let   me   out!”     The   woman   looked   around   greatly   surprised   at   the   voice   coming   out   of   nowhere.   Dwarf   Mickey   quickly   covered   up   by   saying,   “Oh,   don’t   be   surprised,   that   only   a   mechanical   toy   I   have   in   my   pocket   that   can   talk.”     Saying   so,   he   put   the   magazine   back   on   the   shelf   and   quickly   left   the   store.

Dwarf   Mickey   left   the   chaotic   main   streets   and   walked   on   making   several   twists   and   turns   until   he   came   to   a   quiet,   narrow   alley   where   no   other   pedestrians   were   walking   by.     Only   then   did   he   take   Mr.   Finger   carefully   out   of   his   pocket   and   placed   him   on   the   ground.     When   the   little   man   got   his   bearings,   he   stretched   his   arms   and   legs   and   then   turning   to   the   white-bearded   old   dwarf   began   his   tirade,

“You   old   son-of-a-bitch,   why   did   you   leave   me   in   your   pocket   for   so   long?   You   could   have   suffocated   me!   Did   you   want   to   murder   me?”   Dwarf   Mickey   was   taken   by   surprise   that   the   first   thing   Mr.   Finger   did   upon   waking   up   was   to   shout   at   him   so   rudely.     Though   he   was   very   old,   his   temper   was   no   less   volatile,   so   pushing   up   the   sleeves   of   his   jacket   as   if   looking   for   a   fight,   he   said,

“You   disrespectful   little   son-of-a-gun,   not   only   are   you   unappreciative   for   what   I   have   done   for   you,   you   are   downright   ungrateful   and   rude!     I   put   you   in   my   pocket   so   you   could   sleep   comfortably.     I   was   afraid   to   crush   you   or   cause   you   any   discomfort   so   I   took   great   caution   on   the   way.     After   all   this   you   dare   to   point   your   fingers   in   my   face   and   curse   and   shout   at   me?     I   am   doing   this   only   because   my   good   friend   Dimitri   asked   us   all   to   look   after   you.     If   not   on   his   behalf,   I   won’t   even   lift   a   finger   for   you.”

“Alright,   I   don’t   want   to   deal   with   you   either.     I   don’t   want   to   quarrel   with   you   as   it   would   be   a   waste   of   energy.”     He   stretched   himself   lazily   and   then   continued,   “Now   I   am   awake.     I   need   to   drink.     Go   get   me   some   liquor.”

“Liquor?     You   want   to   drink   liquor?     What   do   you   take   me   for?   Your   servant?”   replied   Dwarf   Mickey   angrily.   “If   you   want   to   drink,   go   and   get   some   yourself.     I   don’t   have   a   single   penny   in   my   pocket,   so   I   certainly   cannot   buy   any   for   you.”

“That’s   your   business,   not   mine.     I   am   just   telling   you   I   want   liquor   and   it   is   your   job   to   get   some   for   me,   otherwise   I   will   go   and   tell   Dimitri.”     That   made   the   old   man   very   angry.

“Go   and   tell   and   see   if   I   care.     I   have   no   money   and   it   makes   no   difference   whom   you   tell   your   story   to!   You   can   go   and   get   wine   yourself   if   you   want   any   as   I   certainly   will   not.”

“So   you   say!     Don’t   regret   it   later   on”   said   Mr.   Finger   with   both   hands   on   his   hips   pugnaciously.

“I   mean   what   I   say   and   never   regret   my   own   words.”     Dwarf   Mickey   replied   resolutely.     Not   being   able   to   get   his   way   through   threats   and   intimidation,   Mr.   Finger   changed   tactics.     He   threw   himself   on   the   ground   and   began   rolling   around   thumping   his   hands   and   feet,   all   the   while   wailing   and   crying   with   tears   and   mucus   all   over   his   face,   saying,  

“Ah,   poor   me!     How   pitiful   my   life   is!     I   don’t   know   who   brought   me   onto   this   world…I   am   so   small…I   can   only   let   myself   be   bullied   by   anyone   bigger   than   I   am…Ah,   poor   me…Where   are   you   Dimitri?   Come   quickly   and   help   me,   I   beg   you…I   beg   you…”   Dwarf   Mickey   was   a   fearless   soul   who   was   not   afraid   of   anything,   but   he   felt   helpless   against   Mr.   Finger’s   rascally   behavior.     His   pitiful   words   about   his   small   stature   somehow   gained   his   sympathy,   so   he   said   to   him

“Alright,   alright   I   surrender.   I’ll   try   and   think   of   a   way   to   get   you   some   liquor.   Will   you   stop   now?”   Hearing   that   Dwarf   Mickey   was   beginning   to   turn   around,   Mr.   Finger   at   once   stopped   his   wailing,   got   onto   his   feet   and   opening   his   eyes   wide   asked,

“That’s   great!     That’s   great!   I   won’t   curse   you   any   more.     From   now   on   I   won’t   call   you   an   old   son-of-a-bitch   either.     I   will   call   you   ‘white-haired   Mickey’   instead,   how’s   that?     Go   quickly   and   get   me   some   liquor,   otherwise   the   wine   bugs   in   my   stomach   will   be   causing   a   riot!”  

“Let   me   think”   said   Dwarf   Mickey   rolling   his   eyes.     Then   he   said,   “Get   me   a   piece   of   paper,   any   paper.   I   will   show   you   one   of   my   magic   tricks.”     Mr.   Finger   walked   all   around   looking   for   scraps   of   paper   but   could   not   find   any   in   the   nearby   area.     Suddenly   his   eyes   lighted   on   a   dirty   tissue   someone   had   used   and   then   discarded.     He   picked   it   up   gingerly   and   gave   it   to   Dwarf   Mickey   saying,

“Just   my   luck   that   there   isn’t   a   single   shred   of   waste   paper   around   when   I   need   one.     There’s   only   this   dirty   tissue.     Will   it   do?”

“No   problem”   said   Dwarf   Mickey.     “So   long   as   it’s   paper,   it   will   do.”   He   grabbed   it   from   Mr.   Finger   and   closed   his   fist   over   it.     Then   he   opened   his   hand.     Lo   and   behold!   Lying   on   the   palm   of   his   hand   was   a   crispy,   brand   new   hundred   dollar   bill!     Dwarf   Mickey   was   proud   of   his   ability   to   change   decay   to   magic.     He   glanced   sideways   at   Mr.   Finger   and   asked,   “Did   you   see   that?   Now   are   you   convinced   of   my   powers?”     Mr.   Fingers   nodded   his   head   repeatedly   saying,

“Sure.     Sure.     I   am   completely   won   over   by   your   magical   powers.     But…he-he…If   you   could   use   your   magic   to   create   a   little   woman   just   my   size   for   me,   I   would   be   more   thoroughly   convinced.     In   fact   I   would   kneel   down   and   kow-tow   you,   he-he…”     Dwarf   Mickey   was   taken   aback   that   Mr.   Finger   would   ask   such   a   thing   of   him   and   said,

“Don’t   be   so   greedy.     Getting   some   money   to   buy   you   liquor   is   quite   enough.     I   do   not   have   the   ability   to   conjure   up   a   woman   for   you.     Sorry.”

There   was   a   liquor   store   near   the   entrance   to   the   narrow   alley.     A   young   girl   was   standing   by   the   counter   talking   to   the   owner.     She   wore   a   pair   of   old-fashioned   faded   blue   denim   jeans   which   showed   off   her   suave   and   slender   figure.     She   had   on   a   sleeveless   T-shirt   and   her   hair   was   short   and   sassy,   emanating   an   aura   of   youth   and   vitality.     Dwarf   Mickey   walked   towards   the   young   girl,   but   because   he   was   so   short,   they   were   not   aware   of   his   approach   at   all.    

“This   economic   downturn   has   really   harmed   a   lot   of   people”   she   said.     “In   this   climate   it   is   next   to   impossible   to   find   a   job.”   Flipping   the   newspaper   in   her   hand   to   the   section   on   job   opportunities   she   scanned   over   the   ads.

“You’re   right.     My   business   is   hurting,   too.     Why   don’t   you   buy   a   lotto   ticket?   There’s   one   with   a   huge   prize   coming   up   in   a   day   or   two.     If   you   are   lucky,   all   your   problems   will   be   solved.”

“Good   idea”   said   the   girl,   getting   excited   over   the   prospect   “I’ll   buy   one.”     Dwarf   Mickey   was   getting   impatient.     He   jumped   up   and   down   shouting,   “I   need   help!     I   need   help!”     The   young   girl   looked   down   and   saw   a   white-bearded   old   dwarf   shouting   at   them.     She   good-naturedly   bent   down   and   picked   him   up.     Dwarf   Mickey   took   out   the   brand   new   hundred   dollar   bill   from   the   crook   of   her   arm   and   handed   it   to   the   owner.

“Give   me   a   bottle   of   good   whiskey   and   keep   the   rest   for   your   tip”   said   he   grandly.   The   owner   took   the   bill,   happy   to   get   a   rich   customer   in   such   bad   economic   times,   but   he   was   also   a   little   suspicious   of   this   strange,   outlandish-looking   dwarf   with   a   white   beard.     He   took   a   colored   pen   and   made   a   few   strokes   on   the   bill,   but   nothing   changed.     Then   taking   the   newspaper   and   he   rubbed   the   hundred-dollar   bill   on   it   but   no   color   came   off   either.   “This   looks   okay   and   perhaps   is   not   counterfeit”   he   thought.     The   dwarf   looked   on   and   laughed.

“You   won’t   find   anything   flaws   with   this   bill”   he   said.

“Then   there’s   something   wrong   with   it?”   asked   the   owner.

“Of   course   not”   he   amended,   aware   that   he   almost   gave   the   show   away.   “This   is   a   genuine   bill   so   you   will   not   find   anything   wrong   with   it.”     The   owner   took   down   a   bottle   of   good   whiskey   from   the   showcase   and   gave   it   to   Dwarf   Mickey   together   with   the   change.     Dwarf   Mickey   took   the   liquor   and   pushed   the   change   back   to   the   owner   saying,   “That’s   for   you.”     The   owner   was   very   happy   and   thanked   him   profusely.     The   young   girl   carried   Dwarf   Mickey   out   to   the   pavement   and   set   him   down   on   the   ground.

“Thank   you,   my   good-hearted   lass”   said   the   old   dwarf.     “Your   good   heart   will   get   its   just   reward   and   I   am   sure   you   will   find   a   good   job.     You   may   even   win   the   grand   lotto   prize.”     The   girl   saw   the   bus   she   wanted   to   catch   coming   towards   her   and   ran   for   it.     Turning   back   to   Dwarf   Mickey   she   waved   goodbye.  

“Thank   you,   good   sir”   she   said.   “Have   a   nice   day”   and   quickly   climbed   onto   her   bus.     Dwarf   Mickey   saw   a   little   piece   of   white   paper   drift   down   to   the   ground.     He   picked   it   up   and   shook   his   head   when   he   saw   that   it   was   the   lotto   ticket   she   had   just   bought.   He   then   walked   back   into   the   narrow   alley   with   Mr.   Finger   still   in   his   pocket.

Dwarf   Mickey   cupped   his   hand   and   poured   some   liquor   into   it.     Mr.   Finger   lay   prostrate   on   the   edge   of   his   hand,   leaned   out   his   head   and   drank   greedily.     When   it   was   all   gone,   Dwarf   Mickey   again   poured   some   more   for   the   little   man   while   he   himself   drank   straight   from   the   bottle   time   and   again.     After   a   few   rounds   both   of   them   were   more   than   satisfied.     Mr.   Finger   raised   his   head   and   hiccupped.     Dwarf   Mickey   took   out   a   package   of   corn   chips   and   said,   “Come   have   some   snacks,   it’s   no   fun   just   drinking   liquor.”     Mr.   Finger   rubbed   his   mouth   with   his   hand   to   wipe   away   remnants   of   the   wine   and   began   knawing   on   a   piece   of   chip.

“The   young   girl   who   just   helped   you   at   the   liquor   store,   was   she   pretty?”   asked   Mr.   Finger.

“Yah,   she   was   a   pretty   young   lass.”

“Pity   I   only   saw   her   back   as   she   ran   to   her   bus   and   never   saw   her   face.     Did   you   notice   she   took   the   same   bus   that   brought   us   here?     Which   city   did   we   come   from   at   the   time?”

“From   Milpitas,   not   far   from   here.”

“That’s   a   strange   name.   My   penis.   My   penis.   Did   they   really   name   a   city,   my   penis?”

“No.   No.   No.   No.   You   got   it   all   wrong”   corrected   Dwarf   Mickey.     “It’s   Milpitas.     Mil   as   in   milk,   pi   as   in   pee   pee   and   tas   as   in   us.     Milpitas.”

“Oh,   mil   –   pee   –   tas.     My   penis.”   Dwarf   Mickey   gawked   at   him   in   surprise   with   wide   open   eyes,   his   eyebrows   raised   and   hair   almost   standing   up   straight.

“What?   Oh,   my   goodness,   what   did   you   say?   Milpitas,   you   imbecile.   Pronounce   it   correctly   or   people   will   laugh   at   you.”

“My,   my,   my   penis.     I   like   to   call   it   my   penis.     What   can   you   do   to   me?”

“Alright,   call   it   whatever   you   will”   replied   Dwarf   Mickey   resignedly.     Walking   to   a   corner   of   the   street,   Mr.   Finger   stood   with   his   feet   spread   apart   and   urinated.     To   him   urinating   wherever   and   whenever   he   pleased   had   become   a   habit,   as   natural   as   eating   and   drinking.     He   then   turned   to   Dwarf   Mickey   and   said,

“I   want   some   more   wine.     Pour   me   some   more.”     Dwarf   Mickey   poured   some   more   for   him   and   he   again   lay   on   the   old   dwarf’s   hand   and   drank.     When   his   thirst   was   finally   satisfied   after   a   few   more   rounds,   Mr.   Finger   patted   his   tummy   and   sighed   contently,   “The   wine   bugs   in   my   tummy   are   finally   satisfied.     Oh   yes,   that   young   woman   dropped   a   piece   of   paper.     What   was   it?”

“It’s   a   lotto   ticket.     It   might   bring   her   great   luck.”

“Let   me   see   it.     Let   me   see   it”   he   ordered.

“What   do   you   want   to   look   at   it   for?     You   don’t   know   anything   about   it.”     Taking   the   ticket   out   of   his   pocket   he   read   the   six   figures   out   loud   and   told   the   little   man.     “There   are   six   figures   on   this   ticket.     Every   one   of   them   has   to   fit   the   numbers   that   come   out   of   the   lotto   machine   in   order   to   win   the   grand   prize.”

“That’s   too   hard.     I’m   not   interested   in   it   at   all.”

“If   you   were   interested   I   could   easily   let   you   win   the   first   prize.     Don’t   forget   I   am   the   god   of   wealth   in   charge   of   all   the   wealth   in   the   world.     I   can   make   anything   happen.     How   about   it?     Beg   me,   kow-tow   to   me   and   I   will   let   you   win.”

“Even   if   you   take   all   the   money   in   the   world   and   put   it   before   my   eyes,   I   won’t   even   look   at   it.     Of   what   use   is   money?     Can   money   buy   a   woman   of   my   size?     No.     What   I   want   is   a   woman   that   suits   me.     Of   what   use   is   all   the   money   in   the   world   to   me?     None   at   all.”

“I   understand   your   sorrow”   sighed   Dwarf   Mickey.   “I   know   because   I   suffer   from   the   same   malady.     Where   can   you   find   a   woman   the   size   of   a   finger   that   would   suit   you?   Take   me   for   instance.     I   am   bigger   and   taller   than   you,   but   I   am   a   midget.     Where   can   I   find   female   midget   for   a   mate?     I’m   afraid   that   you   and   I   are   destined   to   be   solitary   bachelors   our   whole   lives.”     On   this   beautiful   spring   day,   when   the   warm   sun   was   shining   and   flowers   were   blooming,   the   two   lovelorn   bachelors   in   heat   sat   in   the   narrow   alley   trying   to   drown   their   sorrow   with   liquor.     But   alas,   no   amount   of   wine   could   make   them   forget   the   sorrow   in   their   hearts.

A   shadow   streaked   past   the   entrance,   and   then   turned   back   and   entered   the   alley.     It   was   the   young   woman   with   short,   chic   haircut   who   had   just   helped   Dwarf   Mickey   at   the   liquor   store.   She   was   wearing   the   faded   blue   jeans   and   sleeveless   t-shirt   and   was   searching   the   ground   intently   as   if   looking   for   something.   As   soon   as   she   got   on   the   bus,   she   discovered   that   she   had   lost   her   lotto   ticket.     Though   it   was   worth   only   a   dollar,   it   represented   all   the   wealth   she   possessed.     She   owed   a   debt   of   unimaginable   size   and   had   to   pinch   every   penny.     Of   course,   the   debt   was   of   her   own   choosing,   something   she   took   on   as   her   responsibility,   for   it   was   inconceivable   for   a   young   girl   like   her   to   have   gotten   in   so   deep   all   by   herself.     Engrossed   in   her   search   she   was   unaware   of   her   surroundings   and   drew   near   to   where   Dwarf   Mickey   was   sitting.

“My   good-hearted   young   lady,   what   are   you   looking   for?     Could   it   be   this   lotto   ticket?”     The   young   girl   raised   her   head   and   saw   the   old   dwarf   holding   a   small   piece   of   paper   in   his   hand.     Her   eyes   lighted   up   and   exclaimed,

“Oh   yes,   that’s   it!     I   was   looking   for   the   lotto   ticket   I   just   bought.     I   might   just   hit   the   jack-pot.     Who   knows?”

“Could   you   tell   me   why   you   want   to   win   the   jack-pot?     Perhaps   I   might   be   able   to   help.”

“No   one   can   help   me”   sighed   the   young   girl.     “I   owe   a   huge   debt.   Even   if   I   was   able   to   hit   the   jack-pot,   it   would   only   be   a   fraction   of   what   I   owe.”    

“How   much   money   do   you   owe?”   asked   Mr.   Finger   who   had   finally   finished   drinking   the   wine   in   Dwarf   Mickey’s   hand   and   raised   his   head   to   join   in   the   conversation.   “This   old   guy,   this   little   dwarf   will   be   able   to   help   you.”     When   Mr.   Finger’s   eyes   connected   with   those   of   the   young   girl,   both   of   them   recoiled   as   if   struck   by   lightning.    

“So   here   you   are,   Mr.   Finger”   exclaimed   the   young   girl   angrily.     “If   I   had   not   been   taken   in   by   your   dastardly   trick,   King   Dimitri’s   Kingdom   would   not   have   been   destroyed   by   fire   and   certainly   would   not   have   been   taken   over   by   the   barbarian   tribes.     Do   you   know   how   many   brave   warriors   lost   their   precious   lives   to   protect   their   homeland   and   country?”     The   girl   was   furious.     She   rolled   up   the   newspaper   in   her   hand   and   lunged   towards   the   little   man   swatting   at   him   with   it.     Mr.   Finger   tried   to   run   away   and   when   he   couldn’t   do   it   fast   enough,   rolled   and   tumbled   on   the   ground   trying   to   get   away   from   the   newspaper   she   used   as   a   weapon   against   him.

“Help!     Help!”   he   shouted.     “Dimitri   come   and   help   me.     You   old   son-of-a-gun,   how   could   you   stand   idly   by   and   see   her   kill   me?     How   would   you   justify   my   death   to   King   Dimitri?”     Seeing   that   the   young   girl   was   really   greatly   incensed   and   very   angry,   Dwarf   Mickey   became   worried   about   Mr.   Finger’s   fate.     He   went   forward   and   clutched   her   legs,   saying

“Stop!     Stop,   young   lady.     Please   don’t   be   so   angry.     Mr.   Finger   is   small   and   vulnerable.     You   could   really   kill   him   with   that   roll   of   newspaper   if   you   use   all   your   strength.     How   are   we   to   face   King   Dimitri   and   tell   him   about   the   death   of   his   friend?   “

“King   Dimitri?”   said   the   young   girl   forgetting   her   anger   and   opened   her   eyes   wide.   “Where   is   he?     Do   you   know   where   he   is   now?   Do   you   know?”

“I   don’t   really   know   where   he   is   now,   but   I   am   sure   he   will   appear   presently.”

“You’re   not   kidding   me,   right?”   asked   the   girl,   not   sure   whether   to   believe   him   or   not.   “Will   he   really   come   back?     Didn’t   he   disappear?”

“Believe   me,   I   won’t   deceive   you.”

“Who   are   you?     Why   should   I   believe   anything   you   say?”     She   looked   at   him   intently   and   said,   “But   you   look   familiar   somehow,   now   where   have   I   seen   you   before…”

“You   don’t   remember   me?   But   I   remember   you.”   said   Dwarf   Mickey   smiling   mysteriously.     “You   were   one   of   the   twenty-four   beauties   who   often   went   at   night   to   a   secret   dark   room   in   the   side   hall   of   King   Dimitri’s   Administration   Building   on   Twin   Peaks.   There   you   lighted   candles,   burnt   incense   and   changed   the   food   you   offered   to   me.     Now   do   you   remember   who   I   am?”    

“Ah!   now   I   remember”   said   the   young   girl   hitting   her   forehead   with   the   palm   of   her   hand.   “You   are   the   dwarf;   they   say   you   are   the   god   of   wealth!   Your   appearance   here   means   there   is   hope   for   King   Dimitri’s   Kingdom.”     Dwarf   Mickey   laughed   loudly,   happy   and   proud   that   his   exalted   identity   was   now   out   in   the   open.    

“I   think   your   name   is   Dorna,   the   youngest   of   the   twenty-four   beauties.     Am   I   right?”

“Yes,   you   are   right.     I   am   Dorna.     Dorna   is   me”   smiled   the   girl.     Seeing   the   two   of   them   happily   engrossed   in   their   conversation,   Mr.   Finger   grabbed   hold   of   this   opportunity   to   slip   away  

unnoticed.     By   the   time   they   realized   something   was   amiss,   the   little   man   was   long   gone.     They   looked   everywhere,   but   after   just   the   few   short   minutes   that   they   stood   conversing,   they   could   no   longer   find   any   trace   of   him   anywhere.     They   were   afraid   for   his   safety,   and   were   embarrassed   to   let   King   Dimitri   know   of   their   lack   of   supervision.

The   sun   gradually   slanted   towards   the   west.     Time   was   slipping   away   fast   by   seconds   and   minutes.     Dwarf   Mickey   and   Dorna   went   searching   for   Mr.   Finger   in   the   area   around   the   narrow   alley   and   the   liquor   store.     They   searched   every   nook   and   cranny,   looked   under   every   movable   rock   and   stone   but   came   up   empty-handed.     The   little   man   just   wasn’t   there.   Their   spirits   grew   heavier   and   heavier   with   the   passing   of   time.     Luckily   Richard   and   Jamaz   came   upon   the   two   of   them   on   the   streets.     They   knew   Dorna   from   before   and   so   needed   no   introduction.     On   learning   that   Mr.   Finger   had   disappeared   for   no   apparent   reason   and   could   not   be   found,   they   were   greatly   mystified.     The   little   man’s   legs   were   so   short   that   it   was   inconceivable   for   him   to   have   gone   far.     They   decided   to   extend   the   area   of   their   search   to   the   nearby   stores   and   apartments   and   they   did   so   meticulously,   to   the   great   perplexity   and   consternation   of   the   few   store   owners   there.   The   apartments   in   the   area   were   more   numerous   and   were   heavily   secured   with   the   front   doors   locked   at   all   times.     The   possibility   of   Mr.   Finger   slipping   in   was   nonexistent.     The   little   man   was   a   pest,   creating   trouble   and   discord   everywhere   he   went,   but   at   the   same   time   he   also   brought   laughter   and   liveliness   into   their   lives.     The   wicked   ideas   and   tricks   and   the   odd   remarks   his   peculiar   mind   came   up   with   often   made   them   split   their   sides   with   laughter.     He   was   greatly   loved   by   Dimitri   who   did   not   severely   reprimand   him   even   when   he   almost   brought   his   Kingdom   of   Dreams   to   the   brink   of   collapse   through   his   dastardly   tricks.     Dimitri’s   love   remained   unabated   in   spite   of   everything,   so   his   friends   were   worried   about   how   to   account   for   Mr.   Finger’s   disappearance.

Suddenly   Dwarf   Mickey’s   chest   felt   as   if   it   had   been   heavily   hit   by   something.     His   heart   pounded   rapidly   and   irregularly   and   his   internal   organs   seemed   to   have   been   turned   topsy-turvy.     He   blacked   out   and   collapsed   with   a   thud   to   the   ground.   The   others   immediately   rushed   over,   calling   his   name   repeatedly,   some   massaging   his   chest   and   some   pounding   him   on   the   back.   After   a   while   Dwarf   Mickey   came   to,   but   his   eyes   stared   unseeingly   straight   ahead   at   the   skies   while   he   murmured,   “What   a   terrible   mess!   Earth-shaking   changes   have   happened   in   King   Dimitri’s   Kingdom   of   Dreams!     That   thief,   that   robber   who   stole   my   treasure   has   re-appeared.     I   have   waited   for   almost   a   century   for   him.”   The   others   were   mystified   by   his   almost   incoherent   mutterings,   not   understanding   what   they   meant.     They   heard   him   go   on   to   say,   “He   may   use   my   treasure   to   cause   a   second   tsunami   in   the   economic   world.     I   must   stop   them   before   they   begin;   otherwise   the   people   would   suffer   and   the   world   would   go   through   another   economic   crisis.”     He   stood   up   slowly   and   said   to   Dorna,

“Quick.     Go   quickly   to   Megginn   and   Samantha,   King   Dimitri’s   chief   financial   officers.     Tell   them   to   meet   me   at   Dream-Makers   Bakery.     I   need   to   talk   to   them   as   soon   as   possible.”

“Yes   sir,   I   will   do   so   at   once”   replied   Dorna   obediently.   “Shall   I   notify   Aisha   as   well?   She   is   the   queen   of   our   Kingdom.”

“No,   let   her   be   for   the   moment”   replied   Dwarf   Mickey   after   a   moment   of   thought.     “Let   the   beautiful   and   noble   queen   stay   happily   immersed   in   the   sea   of   academic   research.     We   will   notify   her   when   it   is   necessary.     I   have   other   things   to   attend   to   and   must   leave   now.     Meet   me   at   the   bakery.”     Saying   so,   he   left   without   another   word.

The   last   scarlet   clouds   in   the   western   skies,   so   like   the   drunken   blush   of   the   imperial   concubine,   disappeared   in   the   deepening   dusk.   The   roar   of   powerful   engines   rocked   the   air   as   a   luxurious,   streamlined   airplane   appeared   and   slowly   touched   down.     It   ran   on   the   extremely   straight   runway   towards   the   other   end.     After   it   slowed   down,   it   made   a   turn   and   four   powerful   lights   shone   on   it.     The   plane   slipped   onto   the   apron   and   came   to   a   stand-still.     A   ladder   was   pushed   over   to   the   door   of   the   plane   which   opened   and   Megginn   walked   down   it   looking   extremely   gaunt   and   tired,   her   long,   beautiful   hair   blown   about   by   the   strong   wind.     When   she   got   to   the   last   step,   she   turned   to   the   crew   who   came   down   behind   her,   shook   their   hands   and   said   goodbye.     She   took   a   last   look   at   the   plane   especially   assigned   to   the   president   of   World   Bank   and   waved   goodbye   to   it,   while   the   crew   saluted   her   for   the   last   time.     The   next   day   the   plane   would   have   a   new   boss.

Megginn   walked   quickly   to   the   brand   new,   luxurious   aerodynamic   race   car   that   was   waiting   for   her   at   the   parking   area.     It   was   evidently   an   extremely   expensive   car   and   if   it   could   fly,   it   would   probably   be   no   slower   than   that   plane   that   had   just   touched   down   here.   Megginn   opened   the   door   of   the   car   and   entered   it   almost   half   reclining.     The   engine   revved   up   like   a   dozen   young   beasts   roaring   in   unison   and   the   car   took   off   at   an   alarmingly   fast   pace.     The   driver   was   her   old   partner,   vice-president   of   World   Bank,   Samantha.     She   glanced   at   the   tired-looking   Megginn   and   asked,

“How   did   it   go?   Was   it   smooth?”

“Not   bad.     The   guy   who   took   over   was   no   other   than   the   new   manager   Mr.   O’Brian”   said   Megginn   morosely.     “He   is   Novella’s   fiancé   and   was   very   courteous   and   did   not   nitpick   over   details.     There   was   no   haggling   so   we   quickly   went   over   the   agreement   and   World   Bank   was   taken   over   by   its   new   owner.     As   I   signed   my   name   to   the   contract   I   said   to   him,   ‘One   day   I   will   represent   Dimitri   to   regain   the   ownership   of   World   Bank.”     He   politely   replied   that   he   would   be   waiting   for   that   day   to   arrive.”     Samantha   was   silent   as   she   listened,   concentrating   her   attention   on   driving   the   flying   race   car.     “Who   could   have   predicted”   continued   Megginn   “that   a   huge   financial   empire   like   Dimitri’s   would   so   quickly   turn   to   dust,   collapsing   like   a   house   of   cards.   It   really   makes   me   feel   regretful   that   the   accumulation   and   dispersion   of   wealth   in   life   could   be   changed   in   the   blink   of   an   eye.”     Samantha   slowed   the   car   down   after   she   left   the   freeway   and   drove   down   the   local   streets.     Megginn   realized   that   it   was   not   the   direction   to   her   house   and   asked   in   surprise,

“That’s   not   the   way   home.     Where   are   you   taking   me?     I   am   very   tired   and   would   like   to   go   to   sleep   as   soon   as   possible.”

“I’m   afraid   now   is   not   the   time   for   sleep.     A   very   busy   schedule   is   ahead   of   us.”

“Busy   schedule?     How   could   that   be?   I   have   been   relieved   of   all   my   titles   and   duties!”

“I   just   got   a   call   from   Dorna.     She   sounded   extremely   excited.     She   said   Dwarf   Mickey   wants   to   see   you   and   me   for   an   emergency   meeting.”

“Dwarf   Mickey?     That’s   a   strange   sounding   name!     Who   is   he?     Why   does   he   want   to   see   us?”

“Don’t   you   remember   that   there   used   to   be   a   secret   dark   room   in   the   side   hall   of   King   Dimitri’s   Administrative   Building   on   Twin   Peaks?     No   one   is   allowed   to   go   in   there   except   the   twenty-four   of   us   and   Ilene   and   her   twelve   palace   attendants.     Every   evening   we   go   there,   worship   at   the   shrine   and   bring   fresh   offerings.”

“Of   course   I   remember;   how   could   I   forget?     I   remember   the   shrine   was   dedicated   to   the   god   of   wealth.     He   wore   the   robes   of   the   Qing   Dynasty   made   of   gold   threads,   and   a   small   melon   shaped   hat.     He   also   had   a   long,   white   beard.     He   is   strange   looking   but   I   have   heard   that   he   was   miraculously   effective.     Do   you   mean   him?”

“Yes,   he   is   the   god   of   wealth   that   Dimitri   believes   in.     Now   he   calls   himself   Dwarf   Mickey.”

“I   heard   that   his   white   beard   had   been   singed   and   he   disappeared   altogether.     Soon   after   that   King   Dimitri’s   Kingdom   collapsed.   “

“Life   is   really   strange.     Dwarf   Mickey   mysteriously   disappeared   and   now   he   has   surfaced   again   so   unexpectedly.   He   is   calling   an   emergency   meeting   and   is   urgently   asking   expressly   for   you   and   me,   saying   he   has   important   things   to   announce.     No   wonder   Dorna   was   so   excited   over   the   phone   that   she   was   almost   incoherent!     I   think   it   has   to   do   with   getting   Dimitri’s   financial   empire   back   into   shape   again.”     Megginn   eyes   brightened.     The   fatigue   of   her   journey   and   despondency   of   her   spirits   miraculously   disappeared.     Like   riding   in   a   roller   coaster,   one   minute   she   was   down   in   the   deepest   dumps   but   now   she   had   climbed   onto   the   highest   mental   cliffs.     She   became   excited   too   and   said,

“That’s   great!     I   haven’t   been   to   the   bakery   for   a   long   time.   Let’s   go   there   quickly.     I   would   like   to   visit   Amalia.”

“Don’t   be   in   such   a   hurry.     We   cannot   go   dressed   like   this   and   certainly   not   in   this   car.     We   must   go   back   to   my   place,   get   changed   and   drive   there   in   our   old   taxi   to   throw   dust   in   people’s   eyes.     There’s   a   lot   of   pepperasi   around.     Although   I   am   no   longer   a   world   famous   model   and   you   are   not   the   president   of   World   Bank   any   more,   the   two   of   us   are   still   people   of   interest   to   them   and   have   name   recognition.”     Saying   so   both   of   them   laughed.     The   car   made   several   turns   and   disappeared   into   the   night.

The   store   sold   antiques,   used   goods   and   told   fortunes   on   the   side.     It   was   the   one   Emmanuel   had   walked   into   by   accident.     Though   the   surrounding   stores   had   all   closed   for   the   day,   this   one   was   still   open.     Its   customers   kept   late   hours,   many   of   whom   came   in   the   deep   of   the   night   to   ask   for   advice   when   they   felt   lost,   confused   or   dazed.     They   hoped   that   supernatural   powers   would   be   able   to   help   them   and   would   explain   and   predict   the   unknown   future.   It   was   not   that   late   when   Dwarf   Mickey   pushed   open   the   door   to   the   store   shouting,

“Melissa!     Where   are   you?     I   am   Mickey.     I   am   here.     Come   out   quick!”     The   old   woman   dressed   as   a   witch   was   sitting   behind   the   counter   with   her   eyes   closed   waiting   for   customers   when   she   heard   someone   shouting.   With   half-opened   eyes   she   came   out   from   behind   the   counter   in   her   wheel   chair,   without   knowing   who   it   was   that   was   speaking   to   her.

“Well   sir,   do   you   want   to   have   your   fortune   told   by   tarot   cards?     That’s   $50.”

“What   tarot   cards?     I   was   the   one   that   taught   you   what   little   you   know.     Open   you   sleepy   eyes   and   see   who   I   am.”     Opening   her   drowsy   eyes,   the   old   woman   looked   at   the   speaker.

“You   old   bum   you.     Why   are   you   here   so   late?”   she   shouted.   “Where   have   you   been   hiding?     I   thought   you   had   died   long   ago   and   turned   to   dust!     Why   have   you   come   to   see   me   after   all   this   time?”

“No   time   to   talk   nonsense”   he   replied.     Holding   out   his   open   palm   he   said,   “Give   me   back   the   thing   I   left   with   you.   That   bronze   tortoise.     Give   it   back   to   me.”

“You   mean   that   rusty   piece   of   metal?     Nobody   even   glanced   at   it   for   fifty   years.     Recently   a   young   man   came   in   and   just   bought   it   by   force   even   though   I   told   him   it   was   not   for   sale!”

“What!     Someone   took   it?     You   really   messed   me   up   badly   this   time.   “

“Who   knew   what   that   was?     When   you   gave   it   to   me   you   said   you   would   come   for   it   soon.

It’s   been   fifty   years   now.     Well,   what’s   gone   is   gone,   what’s   the   big   deal?”

“No   big   deal?   No   big   deal?   Do   you   know   what’s   in   it?”   shouted   Dwarf   Mickey.   “It’s…     Oh,   never   mind,   I   don’t   have   time   to   talk   about   it.     What   did   the   young   man   look   like?”

“He   was   a   mean   looking   guy,   tall   and   muscular.     The   funny   thing   is   sometimes   there   was   a   sly-looking     expression   on   his   face,   but   it   was   still   somehow   both   naïve   and   innocent.     I   have   a   feeling   that   though   he   looked   fierce   and   vicious,   he   was   not   a   really   bad   man…”

“Alright,   alright.     I   know   now”   interrupted   Dwarf   Mickey   impatiently   “You   don’t   have   to   be   so   long-winded.”     Saying   so,   he   turned   and   slammed   out   of   the   store.

“Hey   you   old   bum   you!     Come   back.     You   just   got   here,   how   could   you   leave   just   like   that?     Come   back…   I   still   want   to   talk   to   you!”

Like   the   low-key   philosophy   of   its   founder   Dimitri   who   preferred   to   be   inconspicuous,   the   signboard   of   Dream-Maker’s   Bakery   was   at   an   unassuming   corner   of   the   street.     In   its   heyday,   the   bakery   had   once   been   flourishing,   but   after   Dimitri   left   it   gradually   slid   downhill.     Many   of   its   old   customers   complained   that   when   that   blind   and   mystical   chef   was   no   longer   there,   the   quality   of   its   cakes   and   pastries   were   also   no   longer   up   to   par.   He   was   rumored   to   have   disappeared   from   the   face   of   the   earth.     Word   spread   and   the   business   of   Dream-Maker’s   bakery   declined.   Perhaps   it   was   only   the   customer’s   psychological   reaction,   but   the   general   trend   could   not   be   bucked.     Now   the   iron   gate   was   pulled   down   and   business   was   closed   for   the   day,   but   lights   shone   brightly   in   the   workshop   at   the   back.     Megginn   and   Samantha   had   arrived.     Sheila   and   Yoko   had   put   Amalia   to   bed   and   were   now   down   in   the   workshop   chatting   animatedly   with   the   others.     Mary   was   going   over   the   accounts   and   doing   the   book-keeping.     Laverne   had   already   gotten   her   R.N.   license.     Every   morning   she   brought   Mark   to   work   at   the   bakery   and   after   work   both   of   them   would   have   their   dinner   at   the   bakery   before   going   home   together.     Mr.   Kaffee   and   Richard   were   sitting   drinking   liquor   and   eating   some   dishes   prepared   for   them   while   they   waited   at   a   corner   of   the   room.     The   beauties   had   scattered.     They   either   had   jobs   or   had   found   their   own   niche   in   life   so   the   glory   of   their   former   life   was   no   more.   The   exquisitely   remodeled   house   next   door   had   not   been   rented   out   but   now   stood   empty   and   unused.     Jamaz   and   Big-O   sat   in   Richard’s   old   vehicle   doing   surveillance.     From   time   to   time   they   would   start   up   the   car   and   patrol   the   surrounding   area   on   the   lookout   for   any   unusual   activities.     Of   course   they   would   be   notified   of   the   results   of   the   meeting   by   Richard   or   Mr.   Kaffee.     Just   as   everyone   was   getting   impatient,   Dwarf   Mickey   came   rushing   into   the   bakery   through   the   back   gate,   his   head   and   face   wet   with   perspiration,   shouting

“Mr.   Finger   had   only   left   us   for   a   few   hours,   but   look   at   the   turmoil   he   has   caused!     He   is   really   a   trouble-maker!”       All   eyes   turned   to   him.

“”Don’t   be   in   such   a   hurry.     Take   your   time,”   said   Mr.   Kaffee   smiling.   “Come   sit   down   here   and   take   a   rest   before   speaking   to   us.”  

“Have   a   drink   before   we   talk”   said   Richard   pouring   a   glass   of   liquor   for   him.     “Whatever   it   is,   we   are   all   here   and   can   put   our   heads   together   and   help   come   to   a   conclusion.”     Dwarf   Mickey   accepted   the   glass,   finished   it   in   one   quaff   and   then   said,

“We   don’t   need   to   look   for   that   little   man   Mr.   Finger   any   more.     I   believe   he   has   gone   back   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   because   only   there   can   he   find   his   woman.     In   our   world   there   are   no   little   women   of   his   size.     He   is   really   obsessed   about   women   and   must   have   gone   back.”

“I   heard   him   said   he   has   a   beautiful   bride,   called   Viola”   said   Richard.   “I   don’t   believe   she   came   back   to   our   world   with   him.     He   must   have   gone   back   to   her.”     The   others   were   all   very   much   surprised   at   the   turn   of   events.

“The   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   the   world   we   are   living   in   now   are   in   two   different   dimensions   of   time.     The   time   frame   is   completely   different.     Though   Mr.   Finger   had   only   left   us   for   a   few   hours,   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   it   is   already   quite   a   long   period   of   time.   During   this   time,   earth-shaking   changes   had   taken   place   there.     I   can   feel   changes   in   the   shell   of   the   earth   as   immense   as   those   caused   by   earthquakes.     Because   of   that   the   treasure   stolen   from   me   a   century   ago   had   resurfaced.     I   traced   it   to   Dimitri’s   Kingdom   of   Dreams   where   the   clue   ended.     I   have   always   suspected   that   the   thief   had   died   and   had   now   reincarnated   to   another   life   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   because   he   was   not   willing   to   give   up   the   treasure.     I   have   wondered   for   a   long   time   who   the   thief   could   be.     I   have   investigated   and   rejected   all   suspects.     The   only   possibility   that   remained   is   Mr.   Finger’s   new   bride.”

“The   two   of   them   are   extremely   suitable   and   should   be   very   happy   together”   said   Mr.   Kaffee.   “What   more   could   they   want?     What   do   they   want   to   do?”

“I’m   afraid   things   are   not   that   simple”   said   Richard   and   went   on   to   tell   how   he   and   Jamaz   met   Salina.     The   others   also   felt   the   meeting   was   not   accidental   and   that   there   was   much   that   needed   to   be   cleared.     They   were   afraid   it   was   a   plot   to   get   information   about   Dimitri   and   the   whereabouts   of   his   twenty-four   beauties   through   his   friends   Richard   and   Jamaz.

  “If   that’s   the   case,   I’m   afraid   they   have   already   moved   part   of   my   treasure   to   this   mundane   world   and   may   be   intending   to   move   still   more   here”   said   Dwarf   Mickey   after   listening   to   Richard’s   report.   Turning   to   Megginn   he   asked,   “King   Dimitri’s   financial   empire   may   have   collapsed,   but   surely   there   is   still   some   capital   left   somewhere   that   we   can   use.     How   much   do   you   think   we   can   we   get   our   hands   on?”   Megginn’s   expression   turned   somber   as   she   replied,

“Ever   since   King   Dimitri’s   financial   empire   collapsed,   his   emissaries   throughout   the   world   who   had   control   of   large   sums   of   his   money   declared   their   independence   and   severed   all   contact   with   the   Kingdom.     When   they   heard   the   news   that   he   had   mysteriously   disappeared   into   thin   air,   they   added   fuel   to   the   fire   by   spreading   rumors   that   rocked   the   foundations   of   World   Bank.     It   was   as   if   they   wished   to   uproot   all   traces   of   Dimitri’s   power   and   wealth   from   the   face   of   the   earth.     Today   I   was   in   Washington   D.C.   finalizing   the   transfer   of   World   Bank.     We   are   now   formally   penniless,   without   any   resources   at   all.”

“Well”   sighed   Dwarf   Mickey,   “it   seems   that   the   job   of   gathering   the   necessary   capital   can   only   fall   on   me.     I   will   have   to   sacrifice   part   of   the   remaining   years   of   my   life   in   exchange   for   it,   but   I   have   already   lived   past   the   century   mark   so   it’s   no   big   deal.   I   myself   don’t   even   know   how   many   years   I   can   give   up   for   this   deal.”

“Oh,   no,   no”   cried   Dorna   hastily.   “Let   me   give   up   part   of   the   remaining   years   of   my   life   instead.     I   am   young   and   can   afford   to   do   so.   I   feel   that   I   am   largely   to   blame   for   causing   the   total   collapse   of   King   Dimitri’s   financial   empire.     If   I   did   not   fall   for   Mr.   Finger’s   trick,   the   outcome   would   not   have   been   so   serious.     Please   allow   me   to   sacrifice   part   of   my   life   instead   of   you.   Please,   please.”

“Don’t   forget   that   only   I   am   the   god   of   wealth   and   only   I   can   exchange   part   of   my   life   for   a   large   amount   of   money”   said   Dwarf   Mickey,   patting   Dorna   lovingly   on   the   shoulder.   “That’s   not   interchangeable   or   negotiable.”     The   room   turned   silent   with   everyone’s   heart   full   of   worry   and   sadness.     The   hitherto   quiet   and   reserved   Yoko   suddenly   broke   her   silence.

“Mr.   Mickey”   said   she,   “have   you   forgotten   that   once   you   came   into   our   bakery   and   emptied   a   large   bag   of   ancient   gold   coins   onto   the   counter.     I   collected   them   together   and   put   them   into   a   safe   in   our   bank   where   they   have   remained   all   this   time.   I   believe   they   are   extremely   valuable   and   are   worth   much   more   than   their   face   value.     Each   one   of   them   is   a   valuable   witness   of   the   historical   development   of   the   human   race.     They   represent   ancient   history   and   therefore   are   of   great   historical   significance.     Do   you   think   these   coins   will   be   of   help   to   us   under   the   present   circumstances?”     On   hearing   her   words,   Dwarf   Mickey   laughed   happily.     He   clapped   his   forehead,   saying,

“I   am   really   getting   old   and   have   forgotten   these   coins   which   I   had   gathered   together   expressly   for   the   purpose   of   helping   Dimitri   stage   a   comeback.     My   premonitions   had   been   correct.     Dimitri   began   with   nothing   and   then   had   everything.   Later,   he   went   from   having   everything   back   to   having   nothing.     Now   we   are   beginning   again   from   nothing,   rebuilding   Dimitri’s   huge   financial   empire   so   people   would   rub   their   eyes   and   see   us   in   a   new   light.     Only   then   would   you   appreciate   the   wonderful   powers   of   Dwarf   Mickey!     Not   only   that,   I   would   make   use   of   this   opportunity   to   catch   that   thief   who   stole   my   treasure   one   hundred   years   ago   and   get   it   all   back   again.”     His   words   greatly   boosted   everyone’s   morale   and   an   atmosphere   of   exultation   permeated   the   room.     Richard   took   out   some   wine   glasses   and   prepared   to   pour   liquor   for   everyone.  

“That’s   too   strong   for   us,”   objected   Sheila   and   Mary.     “We   can’t   drink   that!”

“Why   don’t   we   break   out   some   champagne”   suggested   Samantha.     Everyone   agreed.

Pop!     Pop!     Pop!   went   the   champagne   bottles.     They   all   raised   their   glasses   and   congratulated   each   other   in   high   spirits   because   the   chips   for   resurrecting   Dimitri’s   financial   empire   seemed   to   be   falling   in   place.   Soon   everyone   was   feeling   the   warm   and   fuzzy   effects   of   the   champagne.

“How   are   we   to   change   these   ancient   gold   coins   into   capital?”   asked   Yoko.

“No   problem”   said   Mr.   Kaffee.     “I   am   a   collector   of   antiques   and   know   quite   a   few   very   reputable   connoisseurs   of   ancient   coins.     I   can   take   our   coins   to   them   for   appraisal   and   have   them   write   and   sign   an   endorsement.     Then   we   will   hold   an   auction   to   get   the   maximum   profit.”

“Good   idea!”     “Good   idea!”   agreed   everyone   and   they   clapped   enthusiastically.

“What   will   be   the   next   step   after   we   have   raised   enough   funds?”   asked   Megginn.

“Don’t   forget   me.     Don’t   forget   me!”   interrupted   the   impatient   Dorna.     “I   want   to   atone   for   my   misconduct.     I   regret   my   part   in   the   fall   of   King   Dimitri’s   empire.     Give   me   a   second   chance.”  

“Let   me   think,   little   girl”   said   Dwarf   Mickey   who   seemed   to   have   taken   a   special   liking   to   naughty   girl   Dorna.     He   patted   her   on   the   head   saying,   “I   will   give   you   a   detailed   list   of   stocks   bonds   and   other   commodities   every   month,   telling   you   which   ones   to   buy   or   sell   and   when   to   do   so.   You   just   have   to   carry   out   my   orders   faithfully   and   soon   we   would   have   quickly   accumulated   a   huge   amount   of   capital…”     Then   turning   to   Megginn   and   Samantha,   he   said,   “The   next   step   will   depend   on   you   two.     Megginn,   you   are   an   expert   in   finance   and   know   more   than   I   in   this   field.     What   do   you   think   we   should   do   next?”     Megginn   bit   her   lower   lip   inthought   for   a   while   before   saying,

“I   want   to   buy   back   or   take   over   the   enterprises   that   used   to   belong   to   King   Dimitri.   Then   I   will   deal   with   those   emissaries   all   over   the   world   who   were   commissioned   to   take   care   of   Dimitri’s   assets   but   instead   betrayed   him.     By   hook   or   by   crook,   I   will   deal   them   a   severe   blow   on   the   head   and   see   that   they   receive   their   just   deserts   and   are   severely   punished.”

“Good.     Good”   said   Dwarf   Mickey.     “You   just   missed   one   thing.     You   must   pay   great   attention   to   the   financial   market   and   prevent   the   thief   who   stole   my   treasure   from   using   it   to   create   havoc   resulting   in   another   financial   tsunami.     This   is   something   you   must   remember   to   keep   in   mind.”     Then   turning   to   Samantha   he   said,   “I   am   sure   you   know   very   well   what   your   part   in   all   this   is.     Your   agile   and   flexible   social   skills   can   be   fully   displayed   and   will   be   much   in   need.”

“What   about   me?”   asked   Richard.     “Give   me   something   to   do,   too.     I   have   a   lot   of   time   on   my   hands.”

“Don’t   worry.     Your   plate   will   be   more   than   full   and   your   troubles   will   be   legion   too”   said   Dwarf   Mickey   looking   very   serious   and   solemn.   “Let   me   tell   you.   I   believe   that   Mr.   Finger   and   his   so-called   bride   Viola   have   returned   to   this   mundane   world.     Mr.   Finger’s   appearance   has   been   greatly   altered.     He   has   somehow   acquired   the   ability   to   change   the   size   of   his   body   at   will.     He   can   now   take   the   shape   of   a   normal-sized   man,   tall   and   muscular.     What   is   worse,   he   has   gotten   hold   of   an   artifact   which   looks   like   an   old   rusty   bronze   tortoise,   but   has   a   potent   mixture   of   powder   stored   inside   its   interior.   When   spurted   on   its   victim,   this   powder   could   cause   the   person   to   be   rendered   unconscious   and   become   completely   vulnerable,   unable   to   protect   herself.     I’m   afraid   he   would   use   this   on   King   Dimitri’s   twenty-four   beauties   in   retaliation.     Your   job   is   to   protect   the   twenty-four   beauties.     Is   this   work   important   enough   for   you?”     His   audience   once   more   turned   silent,   their   high   spirits   dampened   by   his   ominous   words.

“Where   is   King   Dimitri?”   asked   Mr.   Kaffee.     “Why   isn’t   he   back   here   working   together   with   us   to   pull   through   this   crisis?”

“I   believe   he   is   already   back   and   will   appear   at   the   suitable   time.     I   am   still   mystified   about   what   really   happened   in   King   Dimitri’s   Kingdom   to   cause   the   shell   of   the   earth   there   to   undergo   such   drastic   changes.”

Upon   waking,   Mr.   Finger   found   himself   lying   on   a   soft,   comfortable   bed.     Looking   around   the   room   in   the   gloaming   light,   he   saw   miniature   tables,   chairs,   dressers   and   all   kinds   of   furniture   decorating   the   small   room.     In   a   corner   there   were   earthen   containers   used   to   store   wine.     Why,   this   was   the   love   nest   he   and   Viola   had   built   together!   He   had   returned   to   King   Dimitri’s   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     The   odor   of   decaying   flower   petals   told   Mr.   Finger   that   quite   some   time   had   passed   since   Viola   last   visited   the   tree   hole   house   she   built   with   her   own   hands.     He   sat   up   and   walked   over   to   the   tree   hole   to   peek   out   at   the   world   outside   in   the   faint   light.     The   scene   that   met   his   eyes   caused   him   to   blink   in   surprise.   In   the   dense   fog   the   outlook   seemed   to   have   changed   considerably.       Normally   even   in   the   densest   fog   or   on   dark   nights,   the   shape   of   Giant   Mountain   was   clearly   discernable   in   the   distance   like   a   giant   lying   horizontally   on   the   ground.     Day   was   now   beginning   to   break,   but   there   was   no   large   shape   visible   across   the   lake.   What   next   surprised   him   was   the   sound   of   rushing   water   which   he   had   never   heard   before.     He   returned   to   his   soft   and   comfortable   bed,   determined   to   explore   everything   more   fully   when   it   was   brighter.     Lying   there   on   the   bed,   his   mind   was   bombarded   with   all   kinds   of   thoughts.     He   thought   of   his   romance   with   Viola   so   sweet   and   tender   at   the   beginning   but   which   ended   abruptly   so   drastically,   resulting   in   Viola   and   he   trying   to   kill   each   other.     Now   he   was   back,   trying   to   make   up   with   his   beloved   wife   and   wondered   if   she   would   forgive   him.     Viola   knew   he   had   magic   powers   which   could   still   be   useful   to   her.     Therefore   she   just   might   not   try   to   kill   him   this   time.     At   the   moment   Viola   was   holding   all   the   cards   and   he   was   the   weak   and   vulnerable   one.     She   could   change   her   shape   at   will   while   he   was   only   the   size   of   a   finger.     For   her,   to   kill   him   was   as   easy   as   swatting   a   fly.     The   way   to   go   would   be   to   appear   repentant   and   vulnerable   and   try   to   gain   her   sympathy   and   pity.     If   he   succeeded   he   would   be   able   to   have   a   beautiful   wife   again.     Thinking   so,   Mr.   Finger   was   greatly   comforted.     He   turned   around   and   was   soon   sound   asleep.

Early   next   morning   the   sun   was   shining   and   the   weather   was   mild   and   beautiful.     Mr.   Finger   opened   his   eyes   and   felt   rested   and   energetic.     He   sat   up   and   got   out   of   bed.     Walking   down   the   crude   stairs   that   had   been   cut   inside   the   tree   he   soon   reached   the   tree   hole   on   the   ground.     The   scenery   before   him   greatly   shocked   him.     The   lake   water   was   blue   and   crystal   clear   as   before   but   the   water   level   had   risen   considerably.     He   used   to   have   to   walk   quite   a   distance   to   get   to   the   lake,   but   now   the   water   was   only   a   few   feet   from   his   tree.     What   amazed   him   more   was   that   the   horizontal   giant   lying   on   the   opposite   side   of   the   lake   had   fractured   into   several   sections   and   now   looked   scattered   and   disorderly.     The   head   was   still   clearly   discernable,   but   his   broken   body   and   feet   were   either   partially   above   water   or   completely   submerged.   The   solid   gold   palace   situated   at   the   chest   of   the   giant   that   used   to   glitter   with   eye-dazzling   brilliance   under   the   sunlight   had   completely   disappeared,   and   was   probably   buried   under   the   lake.     Mr.   Finger   looked   to   the   left   and   saw   the   ruins   of   King   Dimitri’s   former   magnificent   palace   which   had   long   been   burnt   to   the   ground.     Where   icy,   crystal   clear   water   flowed   between   the   Twin   Peaks   into   the   mouth   of   the   lake,   a   huge   cliff   had   suddenly   risen   from   the   earth.   Water   crashed   against   it   and   formed   a   waterfall   about   twenty   to   thirty   yards   wide.     Mr.   Finger   thought,   “Ah   yes,   the   sound   of   water   I   heard   last   night   was   that   of   water   colliding   against   the   cliff!     The   changes   Mother   Nature   made   in   the   earth’s   crust   were   really   majestic   and   frightening.     Now   that   this   place   had   changed   so   drastically   that   it   is   almost   beyond   recognition,   where   am   I   to   find   my   little   wife,   beautiful   as   a   flower?   I   may   have   to   remain   a   bachelor   for   the   rest   of   my   life   for   where   else   can   I   find   another   woman   of   my   size?”     His   thoughts   turned   back   to   the   past   and   Mr.   Finger   deeply   regretted   having   tricked   Dorna   which   ultimately   led   to   the   destruction   of   Dimitri’s   magnificent   palace   and   mysterious   Kingdom.     “If   I   hadn’t   done   that,”   he   thought,   “I   would   still   be   living   the   easy   life   wearing   expensive   clothes   and   enjoying   delicious   food   and   mouth-watering   wine.     Now   everything   is   in   ruins.   Oh!   How   I   regret   having   listened   to   Viola   and   caused   all   this   destruction   and   devastation!”

Mr.   Finger   looked   all   around   him   and   saw   only   water,   water   everywhere.     He   did   not   know   where   to   go   from   here   or   what   to   do.   Suddenly   his   gaze   was   arrested   by   something   red   entangled   with   weeds   in   the   shallow   water.     He   waded   in   to   retrieve   it   and   recognized   that   it   was   a   little   embroidered   bag   Lotus   used   to   wear   around   her   waist,   and   wondered   how   it   came   to   turn   up   here.     Immediately   the   image   of   the   gentle,   endearing   girl   came   to   mind.     He   undid   the   button   of   the   bag   and   found   a   sewing   kit   containing   some   sewing   needles   and   silk   thread   belonging   to   the   calm   and   quiet   beauty   of   few   words   who   loved   to   do   needlework.     His   stomach   rumbled   just   then   and   the   little   man   had   a   sudden   inspiration   as   to   how   to   appease   his   hunger.     Taking   the   smallest   needle   in   the   bag,   he   smashed   at   it   with   a   rock   until   it   bent   and   took   on   the   shape   of   a   hook.     He   threaded   the   eye   of   the   needle   with   some   silk   thread   and   tied   a   dead   knot.   Then   wading   into   shallow   water,   he   managed   to   catch   an   unnamed   insect   which   he   pierced   with   his   hooked   needle   to   use   as   live   bait   and   decided   to   try   his   luck   at   fishing.   He   was   optimistic   because   the   previously   dead   lake   seemed   to   have   revived   as   he   had   caught   glimpses   of   fish   and   shrimps   swimming   around   just   now   when   he   waded   into   it.     The   blue   waters   of   the   lake   were   once   more   coming   to   life.     He   threw   his   bait   far   out   into   the   water   hoping   to   be   lucky   enough   to   catch   some   small   fish   or   shrimp   for   breakfast.     He   sat   idly   by   the   bank   of   the   lake   to   wait   for   the   outcome.     Bored   by   not   receiving   any   nibble,   he   began   pulling   at   his   make-shift   fishing   rod   and   saw   his   thread   sink   down   as   if   the   hook   had   caught   on   something.     Greatly   exhilarated,   he   pulled   his   thread   inch   by   inch   back   towards   land   but   began   to   have   doubts   when   the   thread   though   heavy   showed   no   sign   of   struggle.     Surely   a   live   fish   or   shrimp   however   small   would   put   up   a   struggle   when   caught   and   he   would   feel   the   tension   on   the   thread.     He   felt   nothing.   When   the   fish   hook   finally   emerged   from   the   water,   Mr.   Finger   was   greatly   disappointed.     He   had   caught   a   dead   fish   with   its   white   belly   turned   upwards.   Just   then   he   heard   a   barely   audible   cry   for   help.   “Help   me!     Help   me!     Don’t   desert   me!   Please,   I   beg   of   you.”   Mr.   Finger   examined   his   catch   more   carefully   and   saw   that   a   tiny   figure   was   clinging   desperately   to   the   tail   of   the   dead   fish.     His   heart   felt   as   if   punched   by   a   heavy   object   and   he   thought   that   in   this   wide,   wide   world,   there   could   never   be   another   little   woman   the   same   size   as   he.   This   must   be   his   beloved   wife,   Viola.     But   what   was   she   doing   floating   in   the   water,   clinging   to   the   tail   of   a   dead   fish?   There   was   no   time   for   speculation.     Mr.   Finger   used   all   the   strength   of   his   little   body   and   finally   succeeded   in   pulling   the   dead   fish   to   shore.     He   pried   open   Viola’s   icy   cold   hands   which   was   still   grasping   the   fish   with   a   deathlike   grip.     She   had   been   in   the   cold   water   for   too   long   and   had   lost   so   much   body   heat     as   to   be   almost   on   the   point   of   death.

Mr.   Finger   placed   his   beloved   little   wife   on   the   soft   bed.     Even   he   himself   did   not   know   where   he   found   the   strength   to   carry   her   from   the   bank   of   the   lake   to   the   tree   hole   and   then   climb   up   the   stairs   inside   the   tree   with   her   on   his   back.     He   felt   completely   exhausted   but   there   was   no   time   for   rest   as   Viola,   being   seriously   hypothermic,   needed   immediate   help.     He   suddenly   remembered   that   there   should   be   some   of   the   wine   which   Viola   had   made   before   left   in   the   earthen   containers   in   the   corner   of   the   room   and   immediately   went   to   get   them.     He   fed   it   to   her   little   by   little   mouth   to   mouth   before   pouring   some   on   her   chest   near   the   area   of   the   heart   and   began   to   massage   her   carefully.     Then   he   did   the   same   to   the   rest   of   her   body   including   her   hands   and   feet.     Soon   Viola’s   bloodless   countenance   began   to   show   some   color,   signally   that   she   had   passed   the   danger   zone,   but   she   was   still   very   weak.   When   Viola   opened   her   eyes   and   saw   Mr.   Finger   tirelessly   massaging   her   whole   body,   tears   of   gratitude   flowed   down   her   cheeks   and   she   murmured,

“I   am   so   glad   I   did   not   kill   you   that   day   or   you   would   not   be   here   today   to   save   me.     We   were   such   a   loving   and   well-suited   couple.     I   don’t   know   why   things   changed   and   we   became   a   pair   of   fierce   enemies   bent   on   killing   each   other.     Well,   all   that   is   now   over   and   done   with.     We   are   together   again   destined   never   to   part.”     Mr.   Finger   saw   that   Viola   was   still   very   weak   and   spoke   haltingly   as   if   short   of   breath,   so   he   stopped   her   saying,

“You   should   rest   now   and   try   to   sleep.     Everything   can   wait   till   tomorrow   when   you   have   gained   your   strength   and   feel   better.”     He   then   went   outside   to   collect   some   nectar   of   flowers   and   other   wild   fruit   and   fed   them   to   her.     Then   clasping   Viola   tightly   to   his   chest,   he   tried   to   warm   her   still   cold   body   with   his   own   body   heat.     The   two   little   people   lay   clasped   together   on   the   bed   and   soon   fell   asleep.

In   her   dreams   Viola   seemed   to   return   to   the   quiet   afternoon   of   the   day   of   the   incident.     She   was   sitting   on   King   Dimitri’s   gold   throne,   looking   around   the   dazzling,   magnificent   pure   gold   palace.     She   had   faithfully   executed   her   mother’s   instructions   given   to   her   in   her   dreams   and   in   three   steps   successfully   destroyed   Dimitri’s   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   took   over   the   gold   palace   for   herself.     She   was   delirious   with   joy   that   she   had   successfully   fulfilled   her   mother’s   dying   wish   for   revenge   and   was   now   the   mistress   of   the   gold   palace   that   had   been   her   dream   for   so   long,   but   Viola   soon   found   that   euphoria   and   curiosity   soon   evaporated   and   was   followed   by   emptiness.   What   had   total   authority   and   enormous   wealth   brought   her?   At   this   point   she   was   actually   nostalgic   for   the   safe   haven   in   the   tree   hole   which   she   had   decorated   into   a   small,   cozy   home.     Everything   there   was   simple   and   primitive,   but   every   piece   of   furniture,   every   table,   every   chair   had   made   with   her   own   hands.     The   small   room   had   been   filled   with   warmth   and   delight,   especially   after   she   met   her   husband,   Mr.   Finger,   another   little   person   like   herself.     He   was   sly   and   devious   at   times,   but   they   had   been   a   loving   couple.   They   became   estranged   but   she   couldn’t   help   wondering   whether   he   was   alive   or   dead   or   what   had   happened   to   him.     Another   thing   on   her   mind   was   the   fact   that   while   she   was   destroying   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   after   she   took   over   King   Dimitri’s   gold   palace,   the   man   himself   had   never   put   in   an   appearance.     Could   he   have   built   another   larger   and   much   more   magnificent   kingdom   in   some   other   dimension   of   time?   Viola’s   hatred   for   Dimitri   had   not   abated   and   thirst   for   revenge   was   burning   as   strong   as   ever   in   her   heart.   She   sat   on   the   throne   with   one   hand   cupping   her   chin   and   drowsily   dozed   off   when   the   sound   of   a   man’s   sobbing   woke   her   from   her   nap.     It   was   the   expression   of   intense   grief   and   sorrow   in   his   heart   which   he   seemed   to   be   struggling   hard   to   stifle   but   failed.     It   came   off   and   on   in   fits   and   starts   and   disturbed   Viola’s   nap   which   made   her   very   angry.   “Who   dares   to   be   so   bold   as   to   cry   near   my   throne?”   she   thought.     “I   will   cut   off   his   weeping   head   for   such   affront!”     She   called   over   an   attendant   and   asked,

“Who   is   that   crying?”

“It’s   King   Cyclops   crying   in   the   corridor   outside.”

Viola   was   greatly   surprised   and   stood   up   to   see   for   herself   what   was   going   on.

Cyclops’   imposing   physique   was   crouched   in   a   corner   of   the   corridor   crying   bitterly.     He   tried   his   best   to   suppress   his   sorrow   so   that   his   sobs   would   not   wake   up   his   beloved   daughter   who   was   catnapping   on   her   throne.   Viola   came   to   him   and   gently   asked

“Sire,   why   are   you   crying?   Is   there   something   not   to   your   liking?”

“Oh,   no,   no”   replied   Cyclops,   hastily   wiping   away   his   tears   when   he   saw   Viola   had   come   to   make   inquiries   about   his   emotional   outbreak.   “Everything   is   fine.   I   am   perfectly   satisfied.   After   taking   over   King   Dimitri’s   Kingdom   and   his   gold   palace   we   have   been   living   a   very   luxurious   life,   celebrating   with   songs,   music,   liquor   and   banquets   night   and   day.   I   was   just   thinking   about   your   poor   mother   who   is   still   suffering   the   torture   of   the   damned   in   the   fires   of   Gehenna,   and   my   heart   feels   such   pain   that   it   seemed   to   be   torn   in   half.     That   is   why   I   was   crying.     I   would   like   to   go   and   save   her   but   I   was   afraid   you   would   not   agree.”

“Why   wouldn’t   I   let   you   go   and   save   her?”   asked   Viola   greatly   surprised.     “In   fact,   I   have   been   thinking   of   doing   just   that,   but   haven’t   had   the   chance   to   talk   to   you   about   it   yet.     I   was   able   to   topple   King   Dimitri’s   Kingdom   by   successfully   carrying   out   mother’s   three-step   plan   of   revenge.   I   am   more   than   willing   to   share   the   fruits   of   our   labor   with   her,   why   wouldn’t   I   want   you   to   save   her?”

“Perhaps   you   do   not   quite   know   what   kind   of   person   your   mother   is”   said   Cyclops   after   a   moment   of   hesitation.     “She   is   very   ambitious   and   has   an   insatiable   lust   for   power   and   authority.   I   was   afraid   that   if   we   saved   her   from   the   fires   of   hell,   you   and   she   would   come   into   conflict   and   cause   another   catastrophe   with   terrible   consequences.     That   is   what   I   was   worrying   about   and   that   is   the   reason   why   I   have   never   talked   to   you   about   it.”

“Sire,   you   think   too   much”   said   Viola   smilingly   patting   Cyclops’   strong   muscular   shoulder.   “Mother   and   I   are   very   close;   our   relationship   is   thicker   than   blood   and   more   fiery   than   liquor.     You   were   not   present   at   the   time   and   so   could   not   have   imagined   the   tragic   scene.   When   I   burst   out   from   my   mother’s   womb   I   was   just   an   unformed   fetus.     I   saw   with   my   own   eyes   the   lower   part   of   her   body   lying   in   a   pool   of   blood   on   the   ground,   while   the   upper   part   of   her   body   still   hung   from   a   withered   branch   of   a   tree.     But   she   would   not   give   up   her   spirit,   even   though   she   was   suffering   unimaginable   pain.     She   was   waiting   for   me   to   grow   up   and   go   to   her   side   so   she   could   inject   her   blood   into   my   body.     This   way   I   would   be   able   to   change   my   physical   size   at   will.     She   formed   a   three-step   plan   for   revenge   for   me   to   carry   out   so   I   could   destroy   King   Dimitri’s   Kingdom.     Ah   Sire,   my   relationship   with   mother   is   so   very   close.     Now   that   I   know   mother   is   suffering   in   the   fires   of   hell,   how   could   I   not   go   and   save   her?   Even   if   one   day   she   should   want   to   be   in   total   control   of   the   gold   palace   and   the   new   kingdom   we   have   formed,   I   have   no   qualms   about   letting   her   have   it   all.     I   want   to   continue   my   pursuit   of   King   Dimitri.   My   thirst   for   revenge   has   not   yet   been   satisfied   and   I   will   not   stop   until   I   finally   have   him   cornered   and   kill   him…The   question   is   how   will   we   go   about   saving   mother   from   the   fires   of   Gehenna?   Where   is   it?”

“I   know   how   to   get   there.     The   entrance   is   just   below   that   sheer   cliff   which   has   a   bottomless   chasm.     I   once   fell   off   the   cliff   and   almost   died,   so   I   know   the   location.”     Father   and   daughter   clasped   each   other’s   hands   tightly.

“What   are   we   waiting   for?”   said   Viola

Having   decided   on   their   plan   of   action,   Viola   at   once   mobilized   her   subjects,   ordering   every   single   man,   woman   and   child   in   the   barbarian   tribes   to   go   into   the   dense   forests   and   chop   down   all   kinds   of   sturdy   rattan-like   climbing   vine.     They   were   told   to   pile   up   their   gatherings   by   the   side   of   the   steep   cliff   for   Cyclops   to   use.     Only   the   superhuman   strength   of   his   arms   and   wrists   could   twist   these   tough   vines   together   into   resilient   heavy-duty   ropes.   The   barbarian   tribes   were   once   more   galvanized   into   action   and   all   of   a   sudden   people   were   busily   coming   and   going.   Viola   walked   back   to   her   gold   palace   and   sat   alone   on   her   throne   thinking,   “Am   I   really   willing   to   give   up   all   I   have,   including   this   brilliant   gold   palace   and   hand   them   all   over   to   another   woman?”     But   then   the   images   of   the   raging   fires   of   hell   appeared   and   she   saw   in   her   mind’s   eye   her   mother   Ileen   struggling   futilely   to   keep   afloat   in   those   roaring   flames   enduring   unimaginable   pain   and   suffering.     Viola   folded   her   hands   in   prayer,   praying   to   heaven   that   this   time   she   would   succeed   in   safely   rescuing   her   mother   from   the   fires   of   Gehenna.   The   rest   could   be   considered   later.

Dream-maker’s   Bakery   was   open   for   business   and   seemed   to   be   operating   as   they   normally   do.     But   appearances   were   deceiving;   for   beneath   the   apparent   calm,     numerous   frantic   activities   were   going   on   to   bring   about   the   resurrection   of   Dimitri’s   financial   empire.     Mr.   Kaffee   had   successfully   gathered   the   necessary   capital   by   the   auction   of   the   ancient   gold   coins   and   gave   them   to   Dorna   to   invest   according   to   Dwarf   Mickey’s   detailed   instructions.     Dwarf   Mickey   on   his   part   wrote   down   in   detail   which   stock,   bond   or   commodity   she   was   to   buy   or   sell   as   well   as   the   exact   time   and   date   she   was   to   do   so.     Dorna   was   meticulous   in   carrying   out   his   orders   and   as   a   result   had   made   killings   after   killings,   which   greatly   increased   her   respect   for   Dwarf   Mickey’s   powers   of   foretelling   the   future.     Dorna’s   eyes   were   glued   to   the   computer   screen   as   she   studied   the   column   of   figures   displaying   the   ups   and   downs   of   the   stock   market.     She   couldn’t   help   exclaiming   in   surprise   and   chortling   in   glee   when   she   saw   the   stock   market   performing   just   as   Dwarf   Mickey   predicted.   The   god   of   wealth’s   ability   to   foretell   the   future   was   uncanny   and   infallible.     Dorna’s   determination   to   redeem   herself   made   her   so   absorbed   in   her   work   as   to   forget   to   eat   and   sleep.     Aisha,   who   loved   the   young   girl   like   a   daughter,   had   been   worrying   about   the   girl’s   future   because   she   knew   that   Dorna   did   not   like   to   study   and   had   left   school   too   long   to   be   able   to   continue   her   formal   education.   Therefore   she   was   greatly   relieved   when   Dorna   decided   to   go   back   to   work   in   Dream-maker’s   Bakery   and   seemed   to   be   doing   well.     She   thought   it   was   the   right   path   to   take   and   so   condoned   the   move.     Megginn   and   Samantha   had   moved   back   to   the   Young   Women’s   Boarding   House,   where   rooms   had   been   reserved   for   them   on   the   onset.   They   thought   it   would   be   easier   to   communicate   if   they   lived   on   site   and   they   loved   to   be   once   more   reunited   with   their   sisters.     Soon   the   place   revived   and   became   lively   and   bustling   again.     Amalia’s   Alzheimer’s   disease   also   gained   from   the   change   and   her   condition   improved   quite   remarkably.     She   was   more   interested   in   her   surroundings   and   began   talking   to   those   around   her,   even   though   her   words   were   often   off   the   mark   and   her   answers   did   not   fit   the   questions   asked   of   her.     But   all   in   all   it   was   a   great   improvement   and   a   joyful   one   to   her   loving   family.

Megginn   was   capable,   experienced   and   an   expert   at   finance   and   money   management.     These   days   she   went   all   out   working   night   and   day   planning   the   resurrection   of   King   Dimitri’s   financial   empire.   She   racked   her   brains   thinking   of   ways   to   achieve   her   goal.   With   the   continuous   influx   of   capital,   her   plan   was   being   realized   step   by   step.     Previous   enterprises   that   used   to   belong   to   King   Dimitri   were   in   the   process   of   being   bought   back   or   were   experiencing   hostile   take-over.     Samantha   was   every   inch   the   prominent   socialite,   as   her   mission   was   to   hob-nob   with   the   movers   and   shakers   and   make   herself   lively   and   active   on   the   social   scene.     She   attended   ribbon-   cutting   ceremonies,   registered   the   their   various   newly   acquired   companies   and   enterprises,   and   joined   in   the   dizzying   whirl   of   non-stop   social   activities.   She   was   so   busy   that   she   had   hardly   a   moment   to   call   her   own.     When   she   could   not   disengage   herself   from   some   important   event,   she   would   call   on   Mr.   Kaffee   for   help   and   he   would   gladly   oblige   by   going   in   her   stead.     Soon   rumor   began   to   float   around   that   the   ex   big   shot   who   used   to   dominate   both   the   underworld   and   the   world   of   finance   was   ready   to   re-emerge   as   a   power   to   be   reckoned   with.     Richard,   Jamaz   and   Big-O   were   also   itching   for   action   and   were   busy   preparing   themselves   for   any   emergency.   Two   of   the   three   would   accompany   Megginn   or   Samantha   as   bodyguards   whenever   they   went   out,   while   one   of   them   always   remained   behind   at   the   bakery   to   ensure   the   safety   of   King   Dimitri’s   secret   headquarters   in   the   mundane   world.

Everyone   was   frantically   busy   at   his   or   her   own   specific   post,   but   the   busiest   of   all   were   King   Dimitri’s   loyal   servants   Creativity   and   Imagination.     The   two   of   them   danced   happily   hand   in   hand   around   the   bakery   and   the   connecting   Young   Women’s   Boarding   House.     Their   wild,   feverish   twirling   and   whirling   forms   appeared   in   every   corner   of   the   boarding   house,   in   the   front   of   the   bakery   as   well   as   the   workroom   behind.     Though   no   one   could   see   them   with   their   naked   eye,   they   danced   tirelessly   on,   distributing   happy   vibes.     Hand   in   hand,   they   danced   on   and   on,   twirling   and   whirling,   intoxicated   with   their   dance   to   the   point   of   forgetting   themselves.     Perhaps   the   ingenious   ideas,   the   clever   strategies   and   inventive   plans   that   came   to   the   brains   of   the   inhabitants   there   originated   from   the   vibes   of   the   dancing   couple.    

By   or   before   four,   five   o’clock   in   the   morning   early   risers   had   begun   arriving   at   the   quiet   lakeside   to   walk   or   jog   and   were   gradually   joined   by   many   more   as   the   morning   progressed.     It   was   not   easy   to   find   such   a   spacious   place   in   a   metropolitan   city.     There   was   a   long   pier   stretching   well   into   the   middle   of   the   lake   where   few   people   deigned   to   visit.     It   had   been   out   of   repair   for   a   long   time   and   was   dilapidated   and   covered   with   feathers   and   feces   of   birds   which   reeked   of   an   offensive   odor   under   the   sunshine.     Dimitri   loved   the   quiet   tranquility   of   the   lakeside   and   used   to   come   here   often   to   contemplate   and   be   alone   with   his   thoughts,   never   seeming   to   mind   the   foul   smell   or   the   filth.     But   one   day   a   resourceful   entrepreneur   came   upon   the   place,   saw   its   potential   and   applied   for   a   permit   to   redevelop   the   pier   into   a   business.     He   spent   a   lot   of   money   on   cleaning   the   place   up   and   beautified   both   the   pier   and   its   surrounding   environment.     He   isolated   the   aquatic   birds   to   a   place   further   away   and   proceeded   to   transform   the   place   into   a   European   style   outdoor   café   which   became   a   favorite   haunt   of   residents   and   tourists   alike.   On   sunny   afternoons   in   spring   and   summer,   the   tables   under   the   multi-colored   umbrella   he   set   up   were   usually   full   of   customers,   dressed   in   colorful   t-shirts,   shorts   and   sandals   which   added   youthful   vigor   and   vitality   to   the   scene,   breathing   new   life   into   the   lonely   lakeside   making   it   into   a   scenic   spot.     Charina   sat   under   an   umbrella   as   blue   as   the   blue   skies   at   the   far   end   of   the   pier   which   protruded   almost   to   the   middle   of   the   lake.     She   was   wearing   a   sleeveless   yellow   shirt,   narrow   black   skirt   and   a   pair   of   Greek   sandals,   serenely   sipping   her   coffee,   looking   very   cool.     The   companion   she   was   conversing   with   was   no   other   than   the   homeless   man,   Dimitri.     He   was   still   wearing   his   dilapidated   dark   brown   jacket,   loose   black   trousers   and   ill-fitting   block-headed   shoes.     His   safari   hat   was   so   old   it   was   almost   in   tatters,   but   he   never   changed   his   outfit.     Strange   to   say,   though   his   clothes   looked   shabby   and   used   they   never   gave   off   any   unpleasant   odor.     Clever   and   intelligent   Maureen   sat   on   his   lap   listening   to   their   conversation.     Dimitri   had   been   wandering   aimlessly   around   the   lake,   not   really   knowing   where   he   wanted   to   go,   letting   the   white   cane   in   his   hand   guide   him   on   his   way.     Maureen’s   sharp   nose   caught   the   scent   of   his   new   friend   and   led   his   mistress   to   him.    

Charina   led   Dimitri   to   the   far   end   of   the   long   dock   where   it   was   not   so   crowded.     After   the   waiter   had   brought   them   their   coffee   and   red   wine,   she   began   to   tell   him   the   happenings   of   the   last   few   days.

“That   night   after   you   left,   that’s   almost   three   days   ago   now,   I   suddenly   smelled   an   intoxicating   fragrance   of   flowers   and   immediately   lost   consciousness.     When   I   came   to   I   found   that   I   was   completely   naked   and   wrapped   in   a   blanket.     Opening   my   eyes   I   saw   that   a   policewoman   was   sitting   nearby   keeping   guard   on   me.     It   was   then   that   I   realized   someone   had   broken   into   my   home   and   attempted   to   rape   me,   and   that   a   good   Samaritan   had   come   to   my   rescue   and   routed   the   scoundrel.     The   broken   windows   and   doors   showed   signs   of   a   fierce   struggle   but   there   was   no   eye   witness   to   all   this   other   than   my   clever   little   dog   Maureen   here.     He   cannot   speak   our   human   language   and   therefore   is   unable   to   bear   witness   to   what   happened.     The   policewoman   took   my   testimony   and   left.     She   cautioned   me   to   make   sure   that   all   my   windows   and   doors   were   closed   and   locked   at   night   because   a   serial   rapist   seemed   to   be   targeting   the   area.”     Dimitri’s   hand   reached   carefully   and   hesitantly   for   his   glass   of   wine   and   took   a   large   gulp   before   saying,

“That   night,   it   was   your   clever   little   Maureen   who   found   me   with   his   extraordinary   sense   of   smell   and   made   me   understand   something   was   amiss.     But   I   am   a   helpless   blind   man,   utterly   useless   in   an   emergency.     I   suddenly   thought   of   Medusa,   the   guardian   of   my   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   so   I   summoned   her   and   told   her   to   deal   with   the   crisis.     It   was   Maureen   who   led   her   to   your   home,   and   it   is   your   little   dog   you   should   thank   for   saving   you.”

“Yes,   yes”   exclaimed   Charina   as   if   waking   from   a   dream.     “The   police   and   I   were   both   puzzled   as   to   who   could   have   the   strength   to   break   down   that   thick   and   solid   front   door   into   smithereens…     Oh,   by   the   way   there   is   something   I   must   give   you.     I   almost   forgot.     I   found   a   note   in   the   balloon   in   my   back   yard   today…”     Saying   so   she   opened   her   purse,   took   out   a   piece   of   white   paper   which   she   handed   to   Dimitri   and   said   “Here   you   are.”

“Don’t   forget   I   am   blind”   said   he   smiling   wryly.     “I   cannot   see.     Please   read   it   to   me.”     Charina   took   over   the   paper   and   read,

“My   dear   Majesty:     There   was   a   large   earthquake   in   the   Kingdom   the   other   day   which   caused   great   changes   in   the   earth’s   crust.     Giant   Mountain   has   been   totally   destroyed   and   the   gold   palace   sank   to   the   bottom   of   the   lake.     The   barbarian   tribes   have   disappeared.     This   is   a   great   opportunity   to   re-establish   our   Kingdom.     Please   come   back   to   your   Kingdom   and   lead   us   in   this   endeavor.       Signed   Medusa.”     After   reading   the   note,   Charina   sat   there   staring   at   Dimitri.   He   calmly   took   another   drink   from   his   glass   and   said,

“Do   you   remember   the   first   time   I   visited   you   at   your   house,   Charina?     That   day   I   was   very   tired   and   you   offered   me   some   very   good,   rare   wine,   so   I   fell   asleep   on   your   sofa…”

“Yes,   I   remember”   replied   Charina   after   a   moment   of   reminisce.   “I   made   you   your   dinner   while   you   were   sleeping.”

“I   made   use   of   the   opportunity   to   visit   my   Kingdom   in   the   Dreams   and   fulfilled   a   very   important   mission…”

“What?     What   did   you   do?     What   important   mission?”   asked   Charina.

“I’ll   tell   you   about   it   one   day.     Now   is   not   the   time   to   do   so.     Oh,   you   just   said   that   rapist   left   his   clothes   at   your   house.     Is   that   right?”

“Yes,   that   is   so.     The   police   took   them   as   evidence   to   be   used   against   him   should   he   get   caught.”

“My   dear   little   friend,   do   you   recall   the   scent   of   that   man?”   asked   Dimitri   patting   the   little   dog.     Maureen   barked   loudly   and   boldly   as   if   saying   confidently   ‘Of   course   I   do.     This   little   thing   is   nothing   to   me!’.”     Turning   to   Charina   he   said,   “May   I   borrow   your   little   dog   for   a   while?     I   will   return   him   to   you   by   nightfall.     I   need   his   strong   sense   of   smell   to   lead   me   to   the   rapist   who   tried   to   attack   you.     I   need   to   talk   to   them   face-to-face   in   order   to   settle   the   old   score   between   us   and   untie   the   dead   knot.   I   did   not   expect   them   to   move   so   fast   and   I   am   incensed   that   they   chose   you   as   the   target   of   their   revenge…I   never   dreamed   that   the   time   difference   between   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   the   mundane   world   we   live   in   is   so   great.     It’s   really   hard   to   calculate.     But   we   have   no   time   for   that   now   and   will   leave   the   problem   for   the   astrophysicists   to   solve.     We   must   concentrate   on   solving   our   immediate   problems.”     Charina   opened   her   eyes   wide   as   if   about   to   ask   another   question   but   did   not   quite   know   what   to   ask.     Dimitri   continued,   “I   cannot   tell   you   the   complete   story   just   yet.     Please   go   back   home   and   wait   for   me.     I   will   return   your   dog   to   you   by   nightfall.”

The   wind   was   howling   in   the   mountains.     By   the   sheer   cliff   the   barbarians   had   piled   up   mounds   of   rattan-like   vines   which   Cyclops   formed   into   a   tough,   thick   rope.     He   tied   one   end   of   it   around   a   huge   tree   by   the   cliff   which   requires   several   people   together   to   embrace.     The   other   end   was   wrapped   around   an   enormous   stone   weighing   several   hundred   pounds.     Cyclops   raised   the   stone   with   his   huge   arms   and   threw   it   down   the   abyss.     On   its   way   down,   the   stone   fell   through   the   trees   and   bushes   that   grew   on   the   side   of   the   cliff   giving   off   a   loud   rustling   noise,   and   clanged   and   crashed   as   it   impacted   the   protruding   rocks.     The   long   rope   slid   downwards   quickly   with   the   stone.     Finally   after   an   interminable   wait,   came   the   final   boom   as   the   stone   hit   rock   bottom   and   came   to   a   stop.     Cyclops   tried   tugging   at   the   rope,   which   was   just   long   enough   and   was   happy   to   find   it   intact   and   had   not   broken   on   its   way   down.   Viola   waved   the   barbarians   away   saying,

“Go   back   and   guard   my   beloved   gold   palace.   See   that   no   harm   comes   to   it   or   else   I   will   cut   off   all   your   heads   when   I   come   back.”     Her   subjects   bowed   in   submissions   and   left.       Cyclops   took   Dimitri’s   magic   bow,   his   quiver   full   of   sharp   arrows   and   put   them   behind   his   back.     Viola   then   turned   herself   into   a   tiny   little   woman   and   clung   to   the   single   horn   on   Cyclops   head   while   he   held   onto   the   rope   and   began   his   dangerous   descent   slowly   down   the   deep   abyss   adventuring   into   the   unknown.

Cyclops   climbed   slowly   down   his   rope,   past   the   cluster   of   trees   and   bushes   that   had   been   crushed   and   torn   by   the   huge   falling   rock   he   tossed   down,   and   circumvented   the   rocks   protruding   from   the   bare,   steep   surface   of   the   cliff.     When   he   was   half   way   down,   he   noticed   that   the   surrounding   cliff   was   sheer   and   steep   with   no   foothold   at   all   and   no   cover,   making   their   exposed   position   extremely   vulnerable.     Suddenly   he   thought   of   something   and   called   out   to   Viola   who   was   hanging   on   to   the   single   horn   at   the   top   of   his   head,

“I   was   once   attacked   right   here   by   the   valiant   snake-haired   gorgon   Medusa.     Twice   she   charged   down   at   me   from   on   high   while   I   was   stuck   here   defenseless,   but   twice   she   changed   course   and   let   me   go.     Today   would   be   the   third   time   if   she   should   appear   and   I   am   not   sure   whether   she   would   let   me   go   once   more.     Be   aware   of   your   surroundings   and   be   on   alert   to   any   changes   in   case   Medusa   attacks   us   here   in   the   middle   of   our   descent.”

“It’s   alright   Sire.     I   am   not   afraid   of   her.     I   only   worry   that   she   would   not   come.   If   she   dares   to   come   and   attack   us   while   we   are   hanging   here   defenseless,   I   will   change   back   to   my   normal   human   size   and   use   your   magic   bow   and   arrow   to   kill   her.   Yes,   I   will   certainly   kill   her.”   Just   then   in   the   waning   sunlight   a   black   spot   appeared   on   the   horizon,   flying   swiftly   towards   them   as   if   curious   to   investigate   what   they   were.     Viola   at   once   changed   into   her   human   shape   and   stepping   firmly   on   Cyclops’   broad   shoulders   pulled   an   arrow   from   the   quiver.     Fitting   it   tightly   to   the   bow,   she   let   it   fly   fast   as   lightning   towards   the   approaching   black   spot,   hitting   it   right   on   target.     The   black   spot   gave   a   heart-rending   scream   and   fell   into   the   bottomless   chasm.     It   was   not   Medusa,   but   only   a   large   mountain   eagle.     “What   a   pity   it   was   not   Medusa!”   exclaimed   Viola.     “If   it   were   that   snake-haired   gorgon   I   killed   just   now,   it   would   have   been   the   be-all   and   end-all   here   and   would   have   solved   the   ultimate   problem.”   (In   Book   2   Cyclops   used   the   magic   bow   and   arrow   to   wound   Medusa,   who   was   saved   by   Queen   Aisha.   So   King   Dimitri’s   two   state   treasures   were   separated.   The   bow   and   arrow   fell   into   Cyclops   hands   while   the   magic   sword   was   still   held   by   Medusa.   Unfortunately   both   weapons   were   later   stolen   by   King   Dimitri’s   enemy   and   caused   a   brutal   and   bloody   battle.   It   will   be   dealt   with   later   in   this   book)   As   they   talked,   the   sun   was   gradually   setting   in   the   west.     Cyclops’   speed   of   descent   was   also   growing   faster   and   faster.     The   bottom   of   the   cliff   was   where   the   entrance   to   Gehenna   was.     It   was   the   place   where   Ileen   was   imprisoned.

The   sun   was   high   in   the   sky.     Maureen   was   sniffing   the   ground   intently,   focusing   his   attention   on   finding   the   scent   to   his   mistress’   attacker.     It   was   extremely   hot   and   poor   little   Maureen,   with   his   coat   of   long   fur   was   feeling   the   heat.     He   was   panting   with   his   tongue   lolling   out,   breathing   heavily.     Normally   when   he   went   out   with   his   mistress   he   was   never   leached   and   could   walk   about   freely.     But   as   Dimitri   could   not   see,   he   had   to   put   the   leach   on   the   dog   in   order   to   know   his   whereabouts,   whether   he   was   going   straight   or   turning   right   or   left.     It   was   a   way   to   communicate   with   his   little   friend.     No   far   from   them   came   the   familiar   sound   of   the   ice-bar   vendor,   hawking   his   wares   through   his   bell.     Maureen   barked   excitedly   and   ran   towards   the   man.     Dimitri   knew   the   dog   was   thirsty,   so   he   took   out   a   dollar   bill   and   bought   a   banana   flavored   popsicle   to   reward   his   intelligent   little   friend.     Maureen   sat   down   in   the   shade   by   the   wall.

  Dimitri   sat   beside   him,   tore   open   the   paper   cover   and   offered   it   to   Maureen   who   licked   greedily   at   the   stick.    

“No”   he   admonished   the   dog   laughingly.     “That’s   not   the   way   to   eat   a   popsicle.     Let   me   teach   you   how   to   do   it.”     He   bit   off   a   piece,   chewed   it   in   his   mouth   and   then   swallowed   the   sweet,   soothing,   icy   slush.       Maureen   quickly   understood   and   did   the   same.     Some   ice   fell   on   the   ground,   but   he   paid   it   no   heed   and   did   not   deign   to   lick   it   from   the   ground.     Neither   did   he   smell   around   telephone   poles   or   bushes,   thus   proving   he   was   a   well-mannered   dog.   The   man   and   the   dog   took   alternate   bites   of   the   popsicle   and   soon   polished   it   off.     Across   the   street   some   young   school   boys   just   let   out   of   school,   were   laughing,   talking   and   horse   playing.     Maureen   barked   at   them.     Understanding   that   the   little   envied   the   boys   and   would   like   to   go   to   school   too,   Dimitri   took   him   in   his   arms   saying,

“If   you   were   a   little   boy,   you   would   be   the   most   loveable   and   clever   little   student.     But   you   are   not.     Let’s   hope   that   in   your   next   incarnation   you   could   have   a   human   form.”   Saying   so,   he   stood   up   and   the   two   of   them   continued   on   their   way,   looking   for   their   target.

Dimitri   and   Maureen   was   just   walking   along,   when   they   heard   a   high   and   old   sounding   voice   call   out   to   them,

“Well,   well,   here   you   are   Dimitri!     We   have   all   been   busting   our   asses   day   and   night   for   you.     And   here   you   are   serenely   walking   your   dog!”     Dimitri   at   once   recognized   the   voice   as   belonging   to   Dwarf   Mickey,   and   called   out   happily,

“Is   that   you   Mr.   Mickey?     It’s   great   to   meet   you   here.     How   have   you   been   doing?”   Maureen   barked   and   came   over   wagging   his   short   stem   of   a   tail   to   sit   before   Dwarf   Mickey.     He   offered   the   old   dwarf   his   right   paw   in   greeting.     Dwarf   Mickey   shook   his   paw   and   then   taking   him   into   his   arms   kissed   and   patted   him   saying,

“What   a   clever   little   dog!     What   an   intelligent   little   one!”     He   then   stood   up   to   talk   to   Dimitri   about   the   recent   happenings,   how   they   were   gathering   capital   to   buy   and   sell   stocks,   bonds   and   other   commodities,   how   they   were   buying   back   the   enterprises   that   used   to   belong   to   Dimitri   etc.    

“Your   activities   and   endeavors   should   not   be   for   me   alone   but   also   for   the   good   of   the   people   of   the   whole   world.     It   should   be   used   to   prop   up   the   sliding   global   economy   and   for   the   restoration   of   global   economic   order…     It’s   a   pity   I   am   not   the   President,   or   I   would   nominate   you   as   my   Treasury   Secretary.     Only   your   extraordinary   brain   power   could   deal   with   the   present   crisis   and   be   up   to   the   task   of   taking   care   of   finances   of   the   whole   country.”     Dwarf   Mickey   laughed   loudly   saying,

“If   you   were   the   President,   I   would   recommend   Medusa   to   you   as   your   Minister   of   Defense.     Only   she   could   stop   the   war   and   terrorist   activities   around   the   world   and   bring   about   world   peace.     Only   she   has   that   power   and   ability,   right?”     The   two   of   them   looked   at   each   other   and   laughed   boisterously,   till   they   almost   doubled   over.     Maureen,   affected   by   their   happy   mood,   ran   around   them   in   circles.   Then   Dwarf   Mickey   turned   to   Dimitri   and   asked,   “Do   you   know   that   Mr.   Finger   has   disappeared?”

“I   not   only   know   that”   replied   Dimitri,   his   face   turning   serious.     “I   know   he   is   back   here   on   earth   and   has   brought   his   so-called   wife   Viola   with   him.     Their   mission   is   to   seek   revenge   against   me.     But   I   did   not   think   they   would   come   so   fast…The   time   difference   between   our   world   and   that   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   is   so   huge   that   it   is   impossible   to   fathom.     But   we   have   no   time   for   that   now,   so   we’ll   leave   that   to   the   learned   astronomers.     My   immediate   goal   is   to   find   those   two   little   people   and   talk   to   them.     I   must   untie   the   dead   knot   that   is   between   us.”

“Do   you   want   me   to   tell   the   others   about   your   return?”

“You   can   tell   Richard,   Jamaz,   Big-O   and   Mr.   Kaffee”   said   Dimitri   after   a   pause.   “But   don’t   let   the   beauties   know   about   it   yet.”   At   that   moment,   Maureen   suddenly   let   out   an   excited   yap   and   strained   at   his   leach   trying   to   rush   forward.     His   sensitive   nose   had   caught   the   scent   of   the   scoundrel   who   attacked   his   mistress   and   was   in   a   frenzy   to   get   him.

When   Cyclops’   two   feet   touched   the   ground,   it   was   pitch   dark   all   around   that   he   could   see   nothing.     He   looked   up   at   the   skies,   but   they   were   inky   with   no   moon   or   stars   to   light   up   the   darkness.     He   seemed   to   have   landed   in   a   deep   crevice.     “Could   this   be   the   entrance   to   Gehenna?”   he   thought.    

“Look,   Sire!”exclaimed   Viola,   who   was   perched   on   top   of   his   head,   holding   on   to   his   single   horn.     Cyclops   looked   back   and   saw   a   weak   gleam   of   light   as   if   coming   through   the   crack   of   a   door.     He   made   his   way   carefully   in   the   darkness   towards   that   crack   of   light,   pushed   at   it   with   his   hands   and   found   it   was   indeed   a   huge   stone   door.     Cyclops   with   his   superhuman   strength,   hundreds   of   times   stronger   than   a   normal   man,   pushed   against   the   door   with   all   his   might,   but   made   absolutely   no   impact   on   it.     In   fact   the   door   did   not   even   budge.     Discouraged   and   angry,     he   punched   the   door   furiously   with   his   mighty   fists.     The   booming   sound   of   the   impact   resounded   in   the   valley,   but   the   door   did   not   shift   in   the   slightest.     To   have   come   so   far   and   reached   the   entrance   to   Gehenna,   only   to   be   stopped   at   the   door   was   so   maddening   and   infuriating   that   Cyclops   flew   into   a   towering   rage.     Viola   tried   to   calm   him   down   by   saying,

“Don’t   be   impatient,   Sire”   she   said.   “Let   me   have   a   try.     I   may   be   small   in   stature   but   in   this   case   it   might   be   a   strong   point   and   have   its   redeeming   value.     Let   me   try.     It’s   a   method   of   the   last   resort.”     Cyclops   carefully   lifted   Viola   from   his   head   and   placed   her   before   the   door.   She   stood   on   tiptoes   and   squeezed   her   body   sideways   inch   by   inch   through   the   narrow   aperture.     That   confining   space   miraculously   allowed   the   passage   of   her   tiny   body.     Viola   did   her   best   to   suppress   the   delirious   joy   in   her   heart   and   concentrated   all   her   attention   on   forcing   her   body   inch   by   inch   through   the   narrow   gap   until   she   got   to   the   other   side   of   the   stone   door.     When   she   resumed   her   full   stature   she   immediately   realized   that   she   faced   another   obstacle   just   as   difficult,   for   across   the   double   stone   door   was   a   large   stone   bolt   locking   it   in   place.     The   bolt   was   long   and   heavy   and   quite   beyond   the   strength   of   a   young   woman   to   lift,   not   to   say   remove.     She   knew   it   was   impossible   for   her   to   try   to   lift   it   by   hand,   but   wondered   if   it   would   be   possible   to   use   her   shoulder   to   dislodge   it   and   immediately   put   her   idea   to   the   test.     Placing   her   right   shoulder   under   the   stone   bolt,   she   used   all   her   strength   to   push   it   upwards.     It   actually   moved   a   little.     Greatly   encouraged,   Viola   continually   used   her   shoulder   to   raise   the   bolt   and   push   it   towards   the   left,   once,   twice,   thrice….     When   the   skin   of   her   right   shoulder   became   bruised   and   bloody,   she   used   the   same   method   with   her   left   shoulder   until   both   shoulders   were   gashed   and   bloody.   Unbalanced   by   the   constant   nudging,   the   heavy   bolt   at   last   leaned   towards   one   side   and   fell   heavily   to   the   ground.     Viola   called   loudly   to   Cyclops   on   the   other   side   of   the   huge   stone   door   saying,   “Sire,   use   your   strength   and   see   if   you   can   push   open   the   door.”   Cyclops   immediately   pushed   hard   at   the   door,   which   gave   out   harsh   scraping   sounds   and   actually   creaked   open   several   inches.     His   confidence   fully   restored,   Cyclops   bunched   up   his   mighty   muscles   until   the   veins   on   his   forehead   and   his   legs   bulged   out.     Planting   his   feet   firmly   on   the   ground,   he   placed   both   hands   on   the   door   and   pushed   forward   with   all   his   might.     The   stone   door   actually   clamored   open   with   a   thundering   din.

The   scene   before   them   suddenly   opened   up,   startling   and   surprising   Cyclops   and   Viola   who   could   not   believe   their   eyes.     The   full   moon   hung   luminously   in   the   sky,   shining   on   calm,   lake   waters   so   crystal   clear   that   you   could   see   right   to   the   bottom,   without   a   single   wave   to   mar   the   mirror-like   surface.     There   were   two   moons,   one   in   the   sky   and   one   on   the   water,   vying   for   splendor.     The   surrounding   trees   and   shrubs   were   quiet.     A   gentle   breeze   ruffled   the   tips   of   the   branches   until   they   swayed   slightly   in   response.     How   could   this   be   Gehenna?     Where   are   the   fiery   fires   of   hell?     This   beautiful   scenery   seemed   to   be   a   paradise   on   earth!     Could   we   have   come   to   the   wrong   place   and   this   is   not   the   entrance   to   Gehenna?     Cyclops   and   Viola   walked   on   intending   to   explore   further   into   this   picturesque   place.     But   they   came   upon   scene   after   scene   of   trees   and   flowers   bursting   with   blooms,   which   seemed   more   colorful   and   resplendent   than   ever   under   the   radiant   moonlight.   The   drooping   branches   of   the   weeping   willows   by   the   side   of   the   lake   swayed   in   their   own   reflection   in   the   water.   Cyclops   and   Viola   doubted   more   than   ever   that   they   were   in   the   right   place.     Just   then,   they   heard   sounds   coming   from   the   lake   as   if   someone   was   wading   in   shallow   water.     Looking   towards   it,   they   were   so   astounded   that   they   just   stood   there   too   flabbergasted   to   be   able   to   move   at   all,   thinking   that   their   eyes   must   be   deceiving   them.     For   the   lower   part   of   a   woman’s   body   was   sitting   by   the   bank   of   the   lake,   playfully   splashing   the   shallow   water   where   she   dipped   her   beautiful   shapely   long   legs.     The   top   part   of   her   body   was   a   few   feet   away.     Under   the   moonlight   they   could   see   her   long   hair   falling   about   her   face   while   she   concentrated   on   weaving   a   broad   waistband   with   strands   of   weeping   willow   she   had   gathered.     The   woman   raised   her   head   and   suddenly   under   the   bright   moonlight   a   beautiful   face,   calm   and   serious,   glowing   with   a   sacred   sheen   appeared   before   them.     To   their   astonishment   they   found   it   was   Ileen!

“You   are   here!”   she   said.     “I   am   so   glad.   The   fact   that   two   of   you   are   willing   to   brave   the   fiery   flames   of   Hell,   burst   into   the   underworld   to   save   me,   makes   me   very   pleased   and   happy.     You   are   my   two   dearest   persons   on   the   face   of   the   earth.     Just   now   I   heard   the   loud   crash   of   your   pushing   open   the   gates   to   Jehenna.”       As   she   talked,   she   waved   and   called   to   the   lower   part   of   her   body   playing   by   the   bank   of   the   lake,   “Quick,   my   dear!     Come   back   here   and   meet   our   loved   ones.     You   only   know   about   running   here   and   there   playing.     Quick,   come   back   here!”   The   long   shapely   legs   withdrew   itself   from   the   shallow   water   and   walked   sedately   towards   Ileen.     Ileen   placed   her   hands   on   its   waist,   vaulted   herself   up   and   connected   with   the   lower   part   of   her   own   body.     She   circled   the   broad   weeping   willow   belt   she   had   just   finished   weaving   around   her   waist   before   walking   slowly   and   awkwardly   towards   Cyclops   and   Viola.     Her   movements   were   slow   because   her   body   had   been   cut   in   two   at   the   waist   and   separated   into   two   parts   so   her   hands   and   feet   could   not   co-ordinate   well   naturally.     Cyclops   embraced   his   woman   ardently,   muttering   indistinctly,   “This   is   such   a   surprise.     You   are   not   dead   but   still   living!     That’s   great.     That’s   great.     It   is   good   that   you   are   alive.     Thank   God.     Thank   God…”   and   tears   sprang   from   his   eyes.     Viola   too   came   up   to   embrace   her   mother.

“What’s   all   this   about,   Mother?”   she   asked.     “Is   what   I   saw   in   my   dreams   all   false,   all   untrue?   Was   it   only   a   nightmare?”

“No,   no   child”   said   Ileen,   lovingly   caressing   the   face   of   her   only   daughter.     “All   this   is   true.     But   as   one’s   disposition   changes,   everything   changes   with   it.”

Ileen   had   lived   a   tumultuous   life   full   of   ups   and   downs,   life   and   death.     Her   love-hate   relationship   with   Dimitri   was   hard   to   decipher   and   had   been   told   in   book   1   and   2   of   this   series   so   I   will   not   reiterate   it   here.     After   she   injected   her   own   blood   into   her   daughter’s   body,   she   was   condemned   to   suffer   the   penalty   of   the   damned   and   burn   forever   in   the   fiery   flames   of   Gehenna.     Day   and   night   she   struggled   to   stay   afloat   in   the   rolling   waves   of   fire   and   wondered   despairingly   if   her   sufferings   would   ever   end.     She   couldn’t   help   thinking   that   if   she   hadn’t   fought   with   the   other   beauties   hoping   to   gain   Dimitri’s   exclusive   favor,   she   would   not   be   in   the   position   she   was   in.     “Dimitri   did   not   seem   to   favor   any   beauty   in   particular,   always   treating   every   one   of   us   equally,   without   any   partiality.   The   fact   that   he   did   not   favor   me   over   the   others   angered   me   and   put   me   in   a   jealous   rage.     That   anger   soon   turned   to   hate   which   in   turn   resulted   in   this   untenable   position.     I   really   regret   what   I   had   done.     It   was   I   who   seduced   Cyclops   and   committed   the   heinous   crime   of   treason,   almost   causing   the   collapse   of   King   Dimitri’s   Kingdom.     Hundreds   of   Dimitri’s   loyal   warriors   died   in   battle   because   of   me,   a   crime   which   made   it   impossible   for   him   to   forgive   me.     His   sentence   condemning   me   to   be   cut   in   half   from   the   waist   was   an   extreme   punishment,   but   in   light   of   my   crimes   it   was   a   fitting   one.     I   cannot   blame   him   for   it.     I   really   should   not   have   done   what   I   did.”     That   flash   of   remorse   and   contrition   in   her   heart   brought   about   a   miraculous   change.     The   fire   that   had   been   tormenting   her   for   so   long   lost   most   of   its   power   and   her   suffering   decreased   as   a   result.     Ileen   was   greatly   surprised.     She   continued   to   look   into   her   heart   and   continued   her   self-examination   and   self-reflection.     “I   should   not   have   planted   the   seed   for   revenge   into   the   heart   of   my   beloved   daughter   Viola,   leading   her   to   commit   crimes   as   wicked   as   mine.     She   took   so   many   precious   lives   and   destroyed   Dimitri’s   Kingdom   of   Dreams.   The   buck   should   stop   with   me.     I   am   the   culprit   who   brought   about   all   this   destruction.     I   am   the   responsible   party   and   should   suffer   forever   in   the   fires   of   Gehenna.     If   confession   and   contrition   could   lessen   my   crime   and   eventually   gain   absolution,   I   am   willing   to   stay   here   forever.”     At   that   moment,   the   fire   disappeared.     Ileen’s   heart   was   full   of   calm   and   peace.   She   no   longer   felt   hatred,   only   regret.     A   strong   feeling   of   love   came   into   her   heart.     It   was   not   the   sexual   love   between   man   and   woman,   but   a   love   for   all   living   things   on   earth.     That   feeling   of   universal   love   changed   the   surrounding   environment   into   one   of   artistic   and   poetic   beauty   brimming   with   harmony.

Viola’s   mind   was   full   of   suspicion,   but   the   fact   that   the   terrifying   fires   of   Gehenna   which   she   saw   in   her   dreams   had   really   disappeared   without   a   trace   was   an   undisputable   reality.

“Mother”   she   said,   “since   it   is   so,   why   don’t   you   come   with   us   to   our   home   above   the   steep   cliff.     We   have   taken   Dimitri’s   brilliant   and   magnificent   gold   palace   for   our   own   use.     The   three   of   us   can   live   happily   there   in   the   utmost   luxury   and   comfort   one   can   ever   imagine.     I   will   stay   with   you   and   serve   you   to   make   up   for   all   your   suffering.     Won’t   that   be   great?”

“No,   no,   my   daughter”   replied   Ileen   firmly.     “It   is   not   that   I   do   not   want   to   live   with   you   but   I   cannot   leave.     The   crystal   clear   lake   water   you   see   before   you   is   alive   and   magical.     It   is   always   testing   me   and   my   thoughts.     In   the   depth   of   my   soul,   the   seeds   of   revenge   have   not   yet   been   thoroughly   rooted   out.     If   I   leave   here   and   go   back   with   you,   if   ever   my   desire   for   revenge   is   reignited,   I   would   really   forever   be   consigned   to   the   fires   of   Gehenna   without   reprieve.     So   I   must   stay   here   and   pray   and   repent   as   penance   for   my   sins   until   the   day   the   fire   for   revenge   is   doused   out   forever   in   my   heart.”

“Is   this   true?”     Viola   found   her   mother’s   words   incomprehensible.

“Of   course   it’s   true”   replied   Ilene.     “I   can   prove   it   to   you   and   you   will   understand.”     To   persuade   her   daughter   to   believe   in   the   truth   of   her   situation,   Ilene   let   the   remaining   fire   of   hatred   in   her   heart   that   had   not   yet   been   exterminated   flare   to   life   again.     The   crystal   clear   lake   water   immediately   reacted   by   coming   to   a   boil   and   sending   flames   blazing   up   to   the   skies   in   the   middle   of   the   lake   which   then   came   roaring   and   pouncing   towards   the   three   of   them.     Cyclops   ever   alert   immediately   grabbed   hold   of   Ilene   who   was   not   able   to   walk   quickly   and   carried   her   to   a   place   of   safety.     Viola   followed   behind   immediately   and   so   was   not   touched   by   the   flames,   but   looking   back   at   the   place   where   they   had   been   standing,   they   saw   that   the   shrubs,   trees   and   flowers   which   flourished   there   had   been   burnt   to   cinders   and   all   that   remained   was   black,   burnt   earth.     Ileen   quickly   disciplined   her   mind   to   suppress   all   thoughts   of   revenge   and   hatred.     The   lake   water   reacted   immediately   and   reverted   back   to   its   earlier   calm   and   tranquility.    

“Did   you   see   that?”   she   asked   Viola.   “This   is   the   strictest   supervision   and   restriction.     I   must   stay   here   and   repent   day   and   night   for   the   crimes   I   have   committed,   until   all   thoughts   of   hatred   and   revenge   are   completely   exterminated.”     Viola   nodded   silently   to   show   that   she   understood.     Then   she   looked   inquiringly   at   Cyclops,   who   said,

“I   have   incurred   the   wrath   of   heaven   and   am   sure   to   be   severely   punished.     I   will   stay   here   with   your   mother   to   keep   her   company   and   take   care   of   her.     I   repent   my   sins   and   am   willing   to   spend   the   rest   of   my   life   doing   penance   and   praying   for   absolution.”  

“The   climate   here   is   perfect   and   the   environment   is   ideal,”   said   Viola   after   a   moment   of   silence.     “I   am   sure   the   two   of   you   will   live   comfortably   here.     Perhaps   one   day   I   too   will   come   back     and   keep   you   company   and   the   three   of   us   can   live   happily   together…But   mother,   can   you   tell   me   is   there   any   way   to   let   the   two   halves   of   your   body   be   reconnected   together   again   and   become   whole?”     Ileen   thought   of   the   tragic   circumstances   of   her   execution   and   her   face   saddened.    

“It   was   King   Dimitri   who   ordered   Medusa   to   be   the   executioner   and   cut   me   in   half.     If   anyone   can   counter   this   command,   it   would   have   to   be   the   person   who   gave   the   command.     I   think   only   King   Dimitri   would   be   able   to   let   me   become   whole   again.     Perhaps   even   he   would   not   know   how   to   bring   this   about,   so   it’s   no   use   begging   him.     Let   it   be.     I   am   perfectly   satisfied   with   my   present   life.     Let   me   live   here   peacefully   and   tranquilly,   doing   penance   for   my   sins.     I   would   be   grateful   and   happy   if   I   could   spend   the   rest   of   my   life   like   this.”

“No,   no,   Mother”   replied   Viola.   “I   will   capture   Dimitri   and   compel   him   to   come   here   and   beg   your   forgiveness.     I   will   make   him   connect   the   two   parts   of   your   body   together   again   and   make   you   whole.     If   he   won’t   do   it,   I   will   cut   him   in   half   at   the   waist   and   give   him   a   taste   of   what   cruel   and   inhuman   execution   feels   like!”

With   Dimitri’s   magic   bow   and   arrows   on   her   back,   Viola   climbed   up   the   sturdy   vine   that   she   and   Cyclops   had   come   down   on.     When   she   said   goodbye   to   her   parents   Cyclops   and   Ileen   at   the   gate   of   Gehenna,     her   father   had   given   her   the   weapons,   cautioning   her   that   they   were   for   self-protection   only   and   not   to   be   used   as   a   weapon   to   kill.     From   his   words   it   could   be   seen   that   Cyclops   had   changed   and   really   repented   the   error   of   his   ways.     He   remained   behind   willingly   to   keep   Ileen   company   so   that   both   of   them   could   do   penance   together   and   pray   for   absolution.     Viola   climbed   steadily   up   using   all   her   strength.     Her   mother’s   admonitions   kept   coming   back   to   her,   “I   know   it’s   painful   to   extinguish   the   fires   of   hatred   in   your   heart   because   I   myself   have   had   that   agonizing   experience.     But   it   is   something   you   must   do,   or   else   like   me   you   will   be   condemned   to   the   fires   of   hell   for   all   eternity.     My   dear   daughter,   listen   to   me.     Please   quench   the   fires   of   hatred   in   your   heart.”    

“I   cannot   do   that”   thought   Viola.     “I   can   never   forget   the   tragic   scene   of   my   mother’s   savage   execution,   of   her   body   being   cut   in   half.     I   must   have   my   revenge   and   the   only   way   to   do   so   will   be   to   expand   my   kingdom   and   my   power.     I   will   command   my   barbarian   soldiers   to   look   for   and   capture   Dimitri.     I   will   drag   him   before   my   mother   and   make   him   beg   her   forgiveness   for   putting   her   through   such   cruel   torture.     I   will   then   force   Dimitri   to   put   the   two   pieces   of   my   mother’s   body   together   and   make   her   whole   again.     Unless   I   accomplish   all   that,   I   can   never   rest   and   the   fire   of   hatred   cannot   be   extinguished.”     Her   mind   was   in   a   whirl,   as   she   climbed   laboriously   up   the   cliff.     Suddenly   it   occurred   to   her   that   without   the   backing   and   support   of   Cyclops   she   might   have   trouble   controlling   the   barbarian   warriors.     “These   barbarian   soldiers   are   primitive   and   warlike.     They   have   a   thirst   for   war   and   bloodshed.     To   maintain   status   quo   I   would   have   to   afford   them   a   way   to   vent   their   aggression   and   bloodthirstiness   by   continually   keeping   them   on   the   warpath.     I   will   make   war   on   the   remnants   of   the   tribes   loyal   to   Dimitri   so   my   soldiers   could   satisfy   their   lust   to   kill   and   I   could   expand   my   territory   and   my   power.     At   the   same   time   it   would   force   Dimitri   to   come   out   and   face   me   so   I   can   talk   with   him!     Great!   That’s   a   great   plan   and   it   would   be   killing   three   birds   with   one   stone!”     Viola   finally   reached   the   top   of   the   cliff   and   stood   up   to   walk   when   she   realized   that   her   two   feet   refused   to   move.     She   had   spent   all   the   strength   in   her   body   in   the   steep   climb   and   was   now   on   the   point   of   collapse.     But   there   was   no   time   to   be   lost   for   this   was   a   dangerous   place   where   ferocious   beasts   abounded   in   the   dark   forests.     Numerous   fierce   and   malevolent   eyes   lurking   in   the   dark   were   just   looking   for   a   chance   to   attack.     Taking   the   magic   bow   from   her   back   Viola   waved   it   threateningly   all   around.     The   wild   beasts   recognized   Dimitri’s   magic   bow   and   knew   that   it   represented   King   Dimitri   himself,   so   none   dared   to   come   forward   and   soon   all   slunk   quietly   away.     Only   then   did   Viola   drag   her   leaden   footsteps   towards   her   gold   palace.

Viola   passed   safely   through   the   forests   and   hills   without   being   attacked   by   any   wild   animals,   but   the   anger   in   her   breast   grew   because   the   hills   and   forests   were   all   unguarded.     She   had   set   sentinels   at   several   strategic   spots   but   there   was   not   a   soul   around.     She   thought   that   the   lazy   and   undisciplined   barbarian   soldiers   must   have   taken   advantage   of   her   absence   to   slack   off   and   go   carousing   with   their   friends   and   buddies,   forgetting   all   about   their   duty   to   stand   guard   and   protect   their   kingdom.     She   decided   then   and   there   to   chop   off   several   heads   as   a   warning   to   the   others   after   she   got   back   to   the   gold   palace.       Almost   fainting   with   fatigue,   Viola   dragged   her   heavy   feet,   and   kept   on   walking   towards   her   palace   using   all   the   strength   she   had   left.     When   she   passed   the   encampment   of   the   barbarian   tribes,   she   was   greatly   upset   to   find   that   the   camp   was   quiet   and   empty,   with   no   sign   of   life.     She   noticed   that   the   camp   fires   were   newly   put   out,   so   there   must   have   been   people   here   not   too   long   ago.   Where   could   the   men,   women   and   children   all   gone   to?     Has   something   drastic   happened   here   at   the   gold   palace?     She   quickened   her   steps   and   walked   on.    

She   came   to   the   gate   of   the   gold   palace   which   looked   like   an   open   bloody   mouth,   pushed   open   the   heavy   gold   door   and   walked   onto   the   narrow   winding   path   paved   with   gold.     The   flowers   and   shrubs   on   both   sides   of   the   path   were   blooming   profusely   in   an   explosion   of   colors.     Then   she   came   to   the   fountain.     Nine   gold   dragons   had   been   placed   at   different   strategic   positions   around   the   fountain   so   that   the   water   that   sprouted   from   their   mouths   crisscrossed   and   formed   an   extravagant   web   of   water   display.     Brilliant,   shimmering   diamonds   covered   the   bottom   of   the   fountain   where   glittering   gold   sand   had   also   been   scattered   and   where   all   kinds   of   fish   swam   leisurely   to   and   fro.   When   she   walked   into   the   majestic   and   glittering   gold   palace,   she   was   astonished   that   there   were   no   attendants   visible.     She   was   the   only   one   standing   in   the   grand   empty   hall.   Where   have   all   the   people   gone   to?     She   was   just   about   to   ascend   the   gold   throne   and   rest   for   a   while,   when   suddenly   she   felt   the   world   spinning   around   her.     At   first   she   thought   what   she   was   feeling   was   dizziness   caused   by   fatigue   because   she   had   expended   too   much   energy   climbing   up   the   cliff.       But   in   the   next   moments   the   ground   under   her   feet   trembled   and   she   found   it   hard   to   remain   still.     The   entire   gold   palace   swung   from   right   to   left   and   then   shook   up   and   down   violently.     The   whole   of   Giant   Mountain   seemed   to   be   on   the   verge   of   disintegration.     Viola   then   realized   this   must   be   the   earth-quake   that   people   talked   about.     She   had   never   experienced   anything   so   hair-raising   and   tempestuous   in   her   life.     Viola   quickly   ran   towards   the   bank   of   the   lake.     While   looking   back   at   the   gold   palace   which   was   actually   tottering,   a   violent   force   hit   her   and   threw   her   into   the   lake.

Turbulent   waves   carried   Viola   out   to   the   deep   waters   where   the   only   thing   she   could   see   was   water,   water   all   around   her,   with   so   sight   of   land.     Gigantic   pillars   of   water   crashed   down   and   she   struggled   against   the   tumultuous   waves   trying   to   keep   afloat   and   not   let   them   push   her   to   the   bottom   of   the   lake.     Suddenly   a   series   of   ear-deafening   crashes   were   heard.     When   Viola   turned   back   to   look,   she   saw   that   Giant   Mountain   which   used   to   lie   horizontally   on   the   horizon   was   split   into   several   parts   and   in   the   blink   of   an   eye   her   beloved   magnificent   gold   palace   sank   to   the   bottom   of   the   lake.   The   forces   of   the   traumatic   change   to   the   earth’s   crust   which   had   pushed   her   into   the   water   and   carried   her   further   and   further   away,   suddenly   reversed   course.     A   strong   suction   pulled   her   towards   the   center   of   gravity.     Viola   struggled   against   it   frantically,   knowing   that   if   she   let   herself   be   pulled   down   into   this   deadly   whirlpool,   this   pool   of   water   would   become   her   grave.     Just   at   this   moment,   she   heard   the   sound   of   neighing   and   saw   the   handsome   white   flying   horse   rise   up   from   the   waves   flapping   its   wings.     King   Dimitri,   with   his   magic   sword   held   between   his   teeth,   got   on   his   horse   and   they   flew   away.     Viola   knew   then   that   it   was   Dimitri   who   had   caused   all   those   drastic   changes   to   the   earth’s   crust   but   she   couldn’t   figure   out   how   he   did   it.   Extremely   angry,   she   took   the   magic   bow   and   arrow   from   her   back   and   let   it   fly   straight   at   Dmitri’s   back.     But   just   then   a   huge   wave   rose   up   and   crashed   down   on   her,   forcing   her   to   struggle   for   her   life   unable   to   see   whether   she   succeeded   in   hitting   her   target   and   what   became   of   Dimitri.  

  Quick   as   lightning,   the   magic   arrow   flew   straight   at   its   target,   but   as   the   air   was   filled   with   the   aftermath   of   a   huge   earthquake   with   the   winds   howling,   waves   crashing,   and   deafening   sounds   of   mountains   breaking   up,   Dimitri   was   not   aware   that   someone   was   launching   a   surprise   attack   at   him   behind   his   back.     The   flying   arrow   was   indeed   a   magic   arrow.     As   it   got   near   to   its   target,   it   became   aware   that   it   was   its   master,   King   Dimitri   it   was   shooting   at   and   at   once   changed   course,   streaked   on   ahead   to   destinations   unknown.       King   Dimitri   flew   into   the   skies   and   soon   disappeared   from   sight.     This   wide   expanse   of   lake   water   saw   the   geographic   phenomena   of   an   earthquake   followed   by   a   tsunami.

Viola   struggled   desperately   in   the   churning   waters.     Her   strength   had   been   greatly   depleted   by   the   steep   climb   up   the   cliff,   but   now   in   the   extremely   critical   situation   she   found   herself   in   she   was   forced   to   use   the   last   remnants   of   her   strength   to   continue   swimming   using   both   hands   and   feet.     She   knew   that   if   she   stopped   moving   forward   she   would   be   pulled   down   into   the   bottom   of   the   lake   by   the   whirlpool.     Her   limbs   were   sore,   frozen   and   numb   but   she   persisted   in   swimming   on   nonstop.     What   scared   her   most   was   the   fact   that   with   each   stroke   she   swam,   her   body   seemed   to   shrink   an   inch.     As   she   swam   on   her   body   shrank   inch   by   inch   until   it   resumed   its   original   size   no   larger   than   a   finger.     At   this   pivotal   moment   when   her   heart   and   her   body   almost   gave   out   in   fatigue,   her   hand   touched   something   live   and   slippery   like   a   fish’s   tail.     She   clutched   at   it   frantically   with   both   hands.     Like   her,   the   fish   was   struggling   against   the   waves,   trying   to   swim   forward   and   not   to   be   caught   in   the   whirlpool.   Viola   managed   to   grab   hold   of   the   fish   firmly   with   her   hands   and   won   a   precious   moment’s   reprieve.     Several   times   the   waves   pushed   them   towards   the   opposite   shore   and   then   pulled   them   back   again   like   a   tug   of   war,   but   the   roiling   waves   gradually   calmed   down.     The   fish   seemed   to   have   come   to   the   end   of   its   resources.     It   tail   flickered   for   the   last   time   and   moved   no   more.     Clutching   the   dead   fish   with   a   deathlike   grip,   Viola   floated   on   the   water   with   it.   As   luck   would   have   it,   they   floated   to   shore   and   were   caught   by   the   makeshift   pole   Mr.   Finger   threw   out   into   the   water.     Thus   Viola   had   a   narrow   escape   and   was   inadvertently   saved   by   Mr.,   Finger.

Dwarf   Mickey   watched   as   Dimitri’s     retreating   figure   hurried   forward   with   the   little   dog   and   soon   disappeared     from   sight   at   the   bend   of   the   next   street.     He   shook   his   head,   sighed   and   smiled   sardonically.     The   expression   on   his   face   was   very   complicated.     He   was   thinking   “Is   it   all   worth   it?     Dimitri   created   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   for   himself,   but   it   had   also   brought   him   a   lot   of   trouble   and   worries.     Is   what   he   got   from   it   worth   the   troubles   and   worries,   or   is   it   very   hard   to   decide   whether   the   pluses   and   minuses   actually   break   even?   Perhaps   loving   to   play   mind   games   is   just   part   of   human   nature   and   Dimitri   is   no   exception…     A   homeless   blind   man   like   Dimitri   loves   to   dream   and   use   dreams   to   while   away   the   time   that   hangs   heavy   on   his   hands;   for   what   else   is   there   for   a   man   like   him   to   do?     For   while   he   is   a   blind,   homeless   person   in   thisa   mundane   world,   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   he   is   a   mighty   king,   rich   as   Midas.     It   is   hard   to   say   whether   he   is   a   lucky   guy   or   a   luckless   person.”     Dwarf   Mickey   laughed   wryly.     Behind   him   came   the   familiar   sound   of   a   car   braking   and   he   knew   who   it   was   without   turning   his   head.     Every   single   screw   and   spare   parts   in   that   dilapidated   pick-up   truck   clanked   and   rattled   when   the   car   was   in   motion.     The   only   thing   that   didn’t   make   a   sound   was   the   horn.     Richard   and   Jamaz   walked   up   to   him.

“Hey,   Dwarf   Mickey”   said   Richard   “What   are   you   doing   here?     Was   that   Dimitri   who   just   left?     I   thought   that   retreating   back   looked   familiar.     How   come   he   has   a   little   dog   with   him?     Whose   dog   was   that?     Was   that   man   really   Dimitri?”     Dwarf   Mickey   turned   around   and   raised   his   head   to   look   at   his   two   tall,   stalwart   friends.

“I’ll   answer   your   questions   later.     Dimitri   left   in   a   hurry   to   solve   a   difficult   problem   that   had   been   giving   him   a   lot   of   headaches.     He   is   trying   to   untie   a   Gordian   knot   which   he   inadvertently   tied   with   someone.     Let’s   not   distract   him…”     Saying   so,   he   shook   his   head   repeatedly   with   a   cynical   smile.     Richard   and   Jamaz   exchanged   a   knowing   glance.     The   two   of   them   had   been   partners   for   so   long   that   they   could   understand   each   other   without   words.

“Hey,   Dwarf”   said   Richard,   “You   seem   depressed.     Let’s   go   and   have   a   good   time;     that’ll   cheer   you   up.     Come   on,   get   into   the   car.”     Dwarf   Mickey   got   into   the   car   in   silence   and   sat   between   the   two   friends.     Richard   started   up   his   rackety   jalopy   where   everything   rattled   and   only   the   horn   was   silent.     They   had   only   driven   a   short   distance   when   a   police   car   passed   by.     There   were   four   policemen   in   it   and   two   of   them   turned   to   glare   at   the   dilapidated   pickup   truck.     Richard   kept   saluting   them   with   his   hand   in   apology   because   no   one   in   his   car   was   wearing   a   seatbelt.     However,   the   policemen   evidently   had   better   things   to   do   and   had   no   time   to   deal   with   minor   misdemeanors,   so   they   drove   off   in   a   hurry.    

The   sun   was   slowly   going   down   in   the   west   and   the   day   was   drawing   to   a   close.     Richard

drove   towards   a   district   where   street-walkers   gathered.     Here   and   there   on   the   streets,   scantily-dressed   hookers   stood   on   corners   trying   to   drum   up   business.     Richard   stopped   his   car   and   walked   towards   a   beautiful   young   woman,   whose   short   and   overly   tight   clothing   fully   exposed   her   sexy   and   curvaceous   figure,   and   said   casually,

“Hey   babe,   are   you   new   here?     I   haven’t   seen   you   around   before.     How’s   business   this   evening?”     The   young   woman   looked   at   Richard   who   was   sweaty   and   whose   clothes   were   dirty   and   oily.     He   certainly   did   not   look   like   a   good   prospect.     She   glanced   at   the   tall   and   muscular   black     man   standing   beside   him,   just   as   badly   dressed   and   certainly   did     not   look   like   a   good   guy.

“None   of   your   business”   she   replied   shortly.     “Are   the   two   of   you   cops?”

“Oh   no,   no’   replied   Richard.     “Do   we   look   like   cops?     We   are   just   men   who   like   to   walk   around   here   and   bring   you   girls   business,   especially   fresh   meat   like   you.     How   about   it?     Want   to   get   in   my   car?”     The   girl   was   young   but   seemed   to   know   her   way   around.     She   certainly   wasn’t   about   to   get   into   the   car   just   like   that.    

“Want   me   to   get   into   your   car?     That’s   possible,   but   I   don’t   like   your   old,   broken-down   jalopy.     If   you   want   me   to   go   with   you,   go   get   an   extra   long   limousine!”

“You’re   kidding!     A   limousine?”   replied   Richard   sarcastically.     “Do   I   look   like   a   guy   who   owns   a   limousine?   And   even   if   I   do,   are   you   worthy   of   such   a   car?”

“If   you   don’t   have   a   limousine,   just   get   out   of   here.     Scram!     Don’t   block   my   business.”

At   this   juncture   it   was   hard   to   say   whether   the   conversation   was   banter   or   a   quarrel.       Dwarf   Mickey   walked   out   of   the   car   saying,

“You   want   a   limousine?     I’ll   get   you   one   right   away,   but   then   you’ll   have   no   excuse.”

“Here   you   are,   girl”   said   Richard,   pulling   Dwarf   Mickey   towards   her.     “This   is   a   bona   fide   billionaire.     We   wanted   to   get   you   for   him   and   bring   you   some   business.”     The   young   girl   snorted   rudely   and   spat   on   the   ground,   showing   her   true   colors   of   being   just   a   coarse   and   uncivilized   prostitute.

“You   want   me   to   go   with   him?     A   midget?     I   ‘d   rather   go   with   a   dog!”   she   said,   glancing

contemptuously   at   Dwarf   Mickey’s   short   stature,   not   quite   up   to   her   thighs   and   thought   he   was   old,   ugly   and   had   a   white   beard.    

“You…you…you…”stuttered   Dwarf   Mickey,   so   angry   that   he   could   not   even   speak.

“Don’t   look   at   a   book   by   the   cover”   said   Richard.     “He   may   be   short   but   he   is   a   real   Midas.     Don’t   let   this   golden   opportunity   slip   away.     If   you   do,   you   will   regret   it   for   the   rest   of   your   life.     You   will   never   have   a   second   chance.”

“You   con   artists”   said   she   laughing   insolently.   “You   guys   are   really   green   if   you   think   you   can   take   me   in.     Think   I   was   just   born   yesterday?     I’ve   been   out   maneuvering   in   the   world   since   I   was   a   child   and   know   my   way   around.     Scram.     Get   out   of   here   and   stop   obstructing   my   business.”

“Good,   good”   sputtered   Dwarf   Mickey,   so   angry   that   he   was   red   in   the   face.     “You   don’t   believe   me?     I   will   show   you.”   He   waved   his   hand   towards   the   empty   street.     Lo   and   behold!   An   extra   long,   brand   new   black   limousine   appeared   and   came   slowly   to   a   stop   right   beside   them.     Mr.   Kaffee,   the   quintessential   flamboyant   big   shot   with   his   expensive   suit   and   air   of   authority   and   power   opened   the   door   and   stepped   out.     He   greeted   the   three   of   them   and   said   respectfully,

“Mr.   Mickey,   this   is   the   vehicle   Megginn   ordered   especially   for   you.     Would   you   like   to   try   it   out   and   see   if   it   suits   you?”     Opening   the   door   of   the   limousine,   he   invited   Dwarf   Mickey   to   get   in   and   then   respectfully   closed   the   door.     Turning   to   Richard   and   Jamaz,   he   asked,   “How   about   the   two   of   you?     Want   to   come   along   for   the   ride,   or   would   you   prefer   your   own   car.?”

“As   for   me”   replied   Richard   laughingly   “there’s   no   way   I   will   leave   my   precious   jalopy   behind.     It’s   been   with   me   for   so   long   it’s   almost   like   a   friend.     Jamaz   and   I   will   meet   you   there.”  

Saying   so,   the   two   of   them   got   into   their   car   and   drove   away.     Mr.   Kaffee   didn’t   even   spare   a   glance   at   the   hooker   standing   on   the   street.     He   got   into   the   limousine   and   drove   away,   leaving   the   know-it-all   young   street-walker   who   thought   herself   so   smart   and   savvy,   standing   there   on   the   pavement   dumbfounded.     She   stared   at   the   departing   cars   thinking,   “I’ve   been   walking   the   streets   for   so   many   years.   I’ve   always   dreamed   of   a   Prince   Charming   inviting   me   to   get   into   his   limousine…     Today   it   really   happened,   but   I   let   this   rare   opportunity   slip   away   through   my   fingers.   Was   it   really   as   that   oily-tongued   guy   said   that   I   let   that   chance   of   a   lifetime   slip   away?     If   only   I   could   be   like   that   old   dwarf;   just   wave   my   hand   in   the   air   and   whatever   I   wish   for   will   come   true.   Won’t   that   be   great?”     Subconsciously     she   too   waved   her   hand   in   the   air,   wishing   for   a   dazzling   diamond   ring,   but   no   miracle   happened.

The   luminous   moonlight   shone   down   from   above,   almost   bright   as   daylight.     This   same   moon,   eternal   and   unchanging,   had   mesmerized   people   all   through   the   ages.     Or   you   can   say   that   nothing   is   ever   eternal   and   unchanging   in   the   universe.     Every   second,   numerous   new   planets   are   born   and   just   as   many   of   them   die   away.     Take   our   earth   for   instance,   the   ocean   can   turn   into   fertile   farmland   and   farmland   can   turn   into   ocean.       In   one   second,   Giant   Mountain,   which   had   lain   peacefully   on   the   horizon   since   the   beginning   of   times,   buckled   and   crumpled   into   several   pieces,   with   only   its   head   still   discernable,   seeming   more   odd   and   bizarre   than   ever.

    On   the   opposite   side   of   the   lake,   Viola   had   fully   recovered   after   a   few   days   rest   and   care   and   seemed   more   beautiful   and   alluring   than   ever.     She   was   telling   Mr.   Finger,   who   was   reclining   on   the   palm   of   her   hand,   the   happenings   of   the   last   few   days,   how   she   and   Cyclops   climbed   down   the   steep   cliff,   broke   open   the   gates   of   hell   and   found   her   mother;   how   she   then   climbed   laboriously   up   the   cliff   alone,   went   back   to   the   gold   palace   and   experienced   the   frightening   earthquake   and   the   subsequent   tsunami.     She   told   of   her   struggles   in   the   turbulent   waves   and   how   she   battled   to   swim   away   from   the   whirlpool.     Finally   she   told   him   she   saw   King   Dimitri,   mouth   open,   biting   on   his   magic   sword   between   his   teeth,   jump   on   his   flying   horse   and   fly   off   to   the   unknown.  

  “All   this   must   have   been   meticulously   planned   and   executed   by   Dimitri   to   destroy   the   gold   palace   I   love   with   all   my   heart   and   annihilate   the   new   kingdom   I   created   with   the   barbarian   tribes…”

“That   rascal!”     cried   Mr.   Finger,   “I   was   really   blind   to   consider   him   my   friend.     I   used   to   think   he   was   like   a   broken   ball   by   the   roadside   that   anyone   could   kick   around.   He   looked   like   such   a   Mr.   Goody-   good,   so   easy   to   get   along   with   that   I   never   realized   he   was   such   a   wicked   and   vicious   ruffian!”       Mr.   Finger   was   always   an   indiscriminate   man,   influenced   only   by   his   own   likes   and   dislikes,   regardless   of   truth   or   morals.     He   was   fickle   like   a   grass   that   bends   whichever   way   the   wind   blows,   always   agreeing   with   the   person   he   was   closest   to   at   the   moment.     A   cold   and   ghastly   smile   passed   over   Viola’s   face   and   she   said,

“No   matter   how   meticulous   or   thorough   his   plans   were,   Dimitri   never   dreamed   that   I   would   have   survived   catastrophes   of   such   magnitude   and   be   still   alive.     Perhaps   he   never   even   knew   that   such   a   person   as   I   existed.     I   must   demand   restitution   from   him   for   my   mother   and   myself.   I   have   to   be   thankful   to   the   fish   that   died   to   save   my   life.     Somehow   I   think   that   fish   was   an   incarnation   of   the   big   white   fish   that   used   to   carry   us   in   her   mouth   back   and   forth   from   these   shores.   Do   you   remember   that   big   white   fish?”

“Of   course   I   do,   but   strange   to   say   I   haven’t   seen   her   for   a   long   time.     Have   you?”

“No”   said   Viola   shaking   her   head.     “I   haven’t   either.”     Viola’s   premonitions   were   not   without   foundation.     That   big   white   fish   was   by   nature   very   kind   and   loved   to   help   the   small   and   helpless.     Viola   never   dreamed   that   the   fish   could   have   been   raped   and   killed   by   Cyclops.     She   looked   into   the   distance   and   her   eyes   stopped   at   the   newly   emerged   waterfall,   whose   veil   of   fast   moving   and   foaming   water   tumbled   into   the   lake   with   a   thundering   crash.

  “What   was   above   the   water   has   sunk   to   the   bottom”   she   muttered,   “and   what   was   buried   at   the   bottom   has   at   last   risen   to   the   top.     The   earth’s   crest   has   experienced   huge   changes   just   as   my   brain   has.     Earth-shaking   experiences   have   jolted   my   brain   and   I   can   now   recall   memories   of   my   past   life.     I   had   buried   such   a   huge   trove   of   treasures   here   that   it   was   something   I   had   never   been   able   to   forget.     To   retrieve   it   I   have   reincarnated   to   this   present   life,   never   thinking   I   would   have   to   go   through   such   unthinkably   harrowing   trials   of   pain   and   hatred.

“Treasure?     What   treasure?     Where   is   it?”   asked   Mr.   Finger   urgently.

“The   treasure   is   there   behind   the   waterfall”   answered   Viola   pointing   to   the   waterfall   in   the   distance.     “I   buried   it   there   and   now   it   has   again   emerged.     The   value   of   this   treasure   trove   far   surpasses   that   of   the   gold   palace.     I   was   fortunate   enough   to   survive   unthinkable   disasters   and   hae   profited   from   my   misfortunes   in   regaining   my   treasures.   ”   Mr.   Finger   looked   to   where   she   pointed   and   under   the   luminous   moonlight   with   the   frothy   water   particles   dancing   in   the   air,     he   saw   a   magnificent   multi-colored   rainbow   in   the   night   sky   spanning   across   the   lake.     The   sight   was   so   gloriously   resplendent   and   awe-inspiring   that   both   Viola   and   Mr.   Finger   exclaimed   in   delight   and   excitement.

“Look,   how   beautiful   it   is!”   said   Mr.   Finger.     “I   have   never   yet   seen   one   at   night.     How   magical   nature   is!     That   can   perhaps   be   called   one   of   Nature’s   treasures.”     Viola   was   happy   as   a   little   girl   and   kept   waving   at   the   rainbow,   crowing   gleefully   and   sending   it   kisses   with   her   fingers.     Then   she   turned   to   Mr.   Finger   and   said   seriously,

“If   you   will   help   me,   I   am   willing   to   give   all   the   treasures   to   you   as   a   present.     Their   worth   is   astronomical   and   inestimable.     Just   help   me   and   all   of   it   is   yours.”

“What   can   I   do   for   you?”   asked   Mr.   Finger.     “I   am   only   as   tall   as   a   finger   and   have   trouble   fending   for   myself.     How   can   I   help   you?”

“You   can   if   you   want   to”   persisted   Viola.     “I   know   you   can   move   freely   between   this   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   the   mundane   world.     I   want   you   to   take   me   to   the   mundane   world   with   you   and   look   for   Dimitri.     I   want   to   exact   my   pound   of   flesh   from   him.   You   only   have   to   take   me   there.”

“To   help   you   get   to   the   mundane   world…”   smiled   Mr.   Finger,   blinking   slyly,   his   eyes   rolling   in   speculation.     “That’s   not   difficult   to   do.     You   promise   me   invaluable   riches,   but   treasures   no   matter   how   valuable   mean   nothing   to   me.     I   am   so   small;   what   can   they   do   for   me?     I   have   this   one   condition…     I   want   to   be   able   to   change   my   size   at   will   like   you.     I   want   to   be   able   to   grow   taller   and   stronger   than   a   normal   man   and   to   shrink   back   to   my   normal   size   whenever   I   want   to   as   you   do.     If   I   could   do   that   I   would   really   be   satisfied.     If   you   can   do   that   for   me,   I   will   take   you   to   the   mundane   world.”

“You   think   I’m   really   naïve   and   don’t   know   what   you   are   about?”   said   Viola   giving   him   a   white   eye.     “You   want   a   strong   and   muscular   physique   so   you   could   go   around   dallying   with   other   women,   right?”

“He-he…”   he   snickered   and   did   not   answer   her   question.     Viola   thought   for   a   moment   and   came   to   a   decision.

“Alright”   she   said.     “I   will   do   as   you   ask,   but   you   must   first   sign   an   indenture   selling   yourself   to   me   and   swear   a   binding   oath   that   from   now   on   you   belong   to   me,   body   and   soul.     You   will   obey   my   every   order   or   the   oath   you   have   sworn   will   descend   on   you   and   you   will   come   to   no   good   end.     How   about   it?     Do   you   agree?”

“Sure,   sure…”   said   Mr.   Finger   laughingly,   happily   clapping   his   hands.     “No   problem…I   will   obey   you   and   do   whatever   you   say.”     Mr.   Finger   did   not   put   any   store   on   his   own   credibility.     He   could   swear   up   and   down   and   not   mean   a   word.     He   never   took   his   own   word   seriously,   so   he   made   this   simple   promise   without   tuning   a   hair.     “Let’s   go   back   to   the   tree   hole   and   celebrate

our   new   partnership.     We   will   drink   till   we’re   drunk   and   then   tomorrow   we   will   already   be   in   the   mundane   world.”

“This   time   we   are   going   to   go   to   the   mundane   world   not   just   for   fun   and   sight-seeing.     We   are   on   a   mission   to   find   Dimitri   and   get   our   revenge.     Remember   that!”

“Sure,   sure.     Whatever   you   say.     Let’s   go   back   home   and   drink   to   our   heart’s   content.”

Viola   got   up   and   walked   to   the   tree   hole.     She   changed   back   to   a   tiny   person,   even   smaller   than   Mr.   Finger,   but   a   sexy   and   curvaceous   beauty   nonetheless.


                            Actually,   this   pair   of   little   people   stayed   at   their   home   in   the   tree   hole   for   another   couple   of   days   because   Viola   insisted   on   going   back   to   check   on   the   treasure   trove   and   make   sure   everything   was   alright.     Mr.   Finger,   who   could   never   resist   her   for   long,   had   to   give   in.     That   evening   the   two   of   them   changed   to   the   normal   human   size,   walked   to   the   bank   of   the   lake   and   managed   to   get   hold   of   a   boat   that   the   local   inhabitants   normally   used   to   get   around.     Mr.   Finger   took   up   the   oars   and   rowed   vigorously.     Chest   heaving,   muscles   bulging,   he   seemed   to   be   stronger   and   more   powerful   than   an   ordinary   man   and   sitting   at   the   bow   Viola’s   alluring   and   curvaceous   figure   emphasized   all   the   more   her   wild   and   untamed   beauty.     The   boat   flew   down   the   lake.     Because   the   earthquake   had   caused   great   upheavals   in   the   earth’s   crust,   the   topography   of   this   part   of   the   lake   was   greatly   affected.     A   huge   rock   rose   out   of   the   water   at   the   river’s   estuary   and   the   lake   water   splashing   against   it   formed   a   waterfall   20-30   yards   in   width   “Quick!   Quick!     Dash   through   the   waterfall”   cried   Viola   urgently   as   the   boat   neared   the   waterfall.     Mr.   Finger   rowed   more   quickly   than   ever   and   in   a   mad   dash   pierced   the   watery   curtain   made   up   of   innumerable   dense   water   particles   which   rained   down   on   their   heads.     Before   them   was   a   curving   cove   and   Mr.   Finger   made   for   the   bank   of   the   lake.   Viola   quickly   jumped   out   of   the   boat   followed   by   Mr.   Finger.     She   seemed   very   familiar   with   the   terrain   and   soon   found   a   narrow   flight   of   steps.   She   walked   quickly   up,   made   a   few   turns   and   came   to   a   cave.     The   cave   was   not   pitch   dark   as   was   normally   the   case,   but   was   lighted   up   by   the   luster   of   twelve   enormous   pearls,   as   big   as   goose   eggs,   embedded   in   its   walls.     Inside   the   spacious   cave   were   a   few   dozen   sturdy   and   magnificently   carved   wooden   chests.     Viola   counted   them   and   smiled   because   the   number   coincided   with   what   she   remembered   from   her   previous   incarnation.     She   opened   some   of   the   chests   and   saw   that   they   were   full   of   all   kinds   of   brilliant,   glittering   gems.     She   grabbed   a   handful   from   each   until   she   had   filled   up   the   cloth   bag   she   had   brought   with   her.     She   then   closed   the   chests   and   happily   led   Mr.   Finger   from   the   cave   with   a   light   step.

The   fiery   red   setting   sun   had   sunk   to   a   45   degree   angle   in   the   western   skies.       Its   fierce,   intimidating   heat   had   abated   somewhat,   but   the   temperature   was   still   unbearably   hot.     Office   hours   were   over   so   the   crowds   of   pedestrians   and   bumper   to   bumper   cars   had   also   disappeared.     The   cute   and   clever   little   dog   Maureen,   covered   with   soft,   long   hair,   was   panting   with   tongue   lolling,   his   only   means   of   dispersing   heat.     Dimitri   too   was   perspiring   profusely,   his   clothes   sticking   to   his   body   while   he   hurried   after   Maureen.     The   two   of   them   meandered   down   the   street,   zigzagging   this   way   and   that   as   the   little   dog   tried   to   catch   the   scent   of   his   quarry   in   the   man-made   forest.     He   was   lost   in   the   maze   of   confusing   scents   all   around   him.     However,   when   the   crowds   thinned   and   traffic   slowed   down,   Maureen’s   sensitive   sense   of   smell   was   again   in   full   swing.     His   spirits   lifted   and   he   seemed   to   have   forgotten   his   fatigue   as   he   led   Dimitri   full   steam   ahead.     Although   Dimitri’s   sense   of   direction   was   by   then   quite   confused,   he   felt   that   the   environment   around   him   was   becoming   more   and   more   familiar.     Maureen   seemed   to   be   leading   him   towards   the   alley   where   he   used   to   have   a   dilapidated   shack   which   was   later   torn   down.     If   that   was   the   case,   he   had   left   a   mattress   against   the   wall   that   someone   had   discarded.     He   hoped   it   had   not   been   taken   away   so   he   could   have   a   place   to   rest   his   head   that   night.     No   matter   how   tiring   the   day,   what   more   could   one   ask   of   life   than   to   be   able   to   sleep   comfortably   at   night   and   have   a   sweet   dream?     Maureen   seemed   to   have   locked   on   to   his   target.     He   became   excited   and   agitated   rushing   on   straight   ahead,   pulling   Dimitri   along   with   him.     Dimitri   could   not   but   follow   behind   helter-skelter,   holding   onto   the   dog   leach   and   tapping   his   white   cane   fast   and   furiously   on   the   ground   to   get   his   bearings.     Sure   enough,   Maureen   turned   into   the   alley   and   stopped   in   front   of   the   door   of   the   vacant   warehouse,   barking   loudly.     Dimitri   was   startled.   “Could   they   be   hiding   right   here   in   this   empty   warehouse?     How   was   it   that   I   had   no   inkling   of   it   when   I   spent   the   night   here?”   Suddenly,   Dimitri   changed   into   his   heroic   alter   ego   and   spoke   loudly   and   majestically   to   the   closed   windows   and   door,   “Mr.   Finger   and   Viola,   I   know   both   of   you   are   hiding   inside   there.   Every   wrong   has   its   culprit   and   every   debt   its   debtor.   I   am   here   to   talk   things   over   with   you.     If   you   have   a   grievance   I   will   right   it;   if   you   feel   I   owe   you   a   debt   I   am   here   to   pay   it.     I   alone   am   responsible.     If   you   feel   I   have   wronged   you,   I   am   willing   to   make   it   up   to   you   in   whatever   way   you   wish.     Even   if   you   think   I   should   forfeit   my   life,   I   am   willing   to   hand   it   to   you   with   both   hands.     But   do   not   take   it   out   on   other   innocent   bystanders.   Let   out   your   wrath   on   me   and   me   alone.   I   will   meet   with   you   two   tonight,   bring   the   whole   affair   out   in   the   open   and   settle   our   score   once   and   for   all,   so   that   from   now   on   you   have   no   need   to   live   in   hiding   but   can   live   your   life   freely   and   openly   in   any   way   you   choose.   How   about   it?     See   you   both   tonight.”     Saying   so   Dimitri   took   Maureen   into   his   arms,   smoothed   the   hair   on   his   small   head   and   said,   “Good   boy!     Good   boy!     You   have   done   a   great   job.     It’s   time   to   take   you   back   to   your   mistress.     She   hasn’t   seen   you   all   afternoon   and   must   be   missing   you.”     He   put   Maureen   down   onto   the   ground   and   tapping   his   white   cane,   walked   with   him   towards   the   entrance   to   the   alley.

On   the   other   side   of   the   warehouse,   just   separated   by   a   wall,   Mr.   Finger   and   Viola   were   fast   asleep   on   their   temporary   bed   in   a   secluded   corner   of   their   secret   hideout.     Mr.   Finger   was   the   first   to   wake   up.     Glancing   at   the   fiery   setting   sun   outside   the   window,   he   yawned,   feeling   it   was   too   early   and   there   was   still   a   lot   of   time   to   kill.     The   various   sexually   predatorial   activities   he   had   recently   attempted   to   carry   out   had   all   failed   and   had   brought   down   a   firestorm   of   outraged   protests   from   the   residents   and   tightened   surveillance   from   the   police.     As   a   result   the   two   of   them   had   to   work   surreptitiously,   only   going   out   under   cover   of   darkness   and   laying   low   during   the   day.     Now   that   he   was   awake,   Mr.   Finger’s   eyes   were   sharp   and   agile   as   ever,   looking   all   around   him   as   if   plotting   something   nefarious.     Viola   opened   her   eyes.     Seeing   Mr.   Finger’s   expression,   she   asked,

“I   asked   you   to   use   your   brains   and   think   of   a   way   out   of   our   present   stagnant   situation.     I   wanted   you   to   find   the   weak   link   in   Dimitri’s   inner   circle   so   we   can   get   in   and   look   for   an   opportunity   to   take   one   of   the   beauties   as   hostage.     Did   you   even   think   about   it?”

“Don’t   be   so   impatient”   replied   Mr.   Finger   yawning.     “I   was   just   on   the   verge   of   a   breakthrough,   but   you   interrupted   me   with   your   nagging   and   now   I   have   lost   the   thread   of   my   thoughts.”

“Nonsense!”   said   Viola   giving   him   a   white   eye.     “I   don’t   believe   a   word   you   say!   If   you   have   any   new   idea,   just   spit   it   out   and   stop   keeping   me   in   suspense.”

“Once   I   found   myself   in   the   backyard   of   Aisha,   one   of   Dimitri’s   beauties.     She   was   swimming   laps   in   her   pool   extremely   fast   and   energetically   as   if   trying   to   expend   as   much   energy   as   possible.     I   hid   in   one   of   her   sandals   and   so   could   see   her   every   move   clearly.     When   she   came   out   of   the   pool,   she   guzzled   down   half   a   bottle   of   brandy.     Her   eyes   became   dazed   and   lusterless   and   she   seemed   to   be   irrational   and   semiconscious.       Aisha   was   normally   a   calm   and   decorous   person,   well-respected   by   all,   including   Dimitri.     I   didn’t   know   why   she   became   like   that   all   of   a   sudden.   Later,   Jamaz,   a   strong   and   stalwart   black   guy,   another   good   friend   of   Dimitri’s   appeared.     The   two   of   them   did   not   say   a   word,   just   looked   at   each   other   intently.     Aisha   gave   a   nod   and   the   two   of   them   began   to   have   sex   there   by   the   pool.     They   went   at   it   three   times.     I   saw   it   all   and   was   it   a   feast   for   one’s   eyes!”

“Wow!     Was   it   for   real?     Why   didn’t   you   mention   it   earlier?     Hey,   that’s   a   heaven-sent   opportunity,   something   we   could   use   to   spoil   their   friendship   and   create   controversy.     Why   did   you   wait   so   long?     You   should   have   said   something   before   this!”

“Don’t   get   so   excited   about   it”   said   Mr.   Finger   slanting   a   glance   at   Viola.     “I   told   Dimitri   about   it,   but   not   only   did   he   not   punish   his   woman   who   committed   adultery   with   his   good   friend,   he   made   her   his   queen   instead.     Isn’t   that   strange?”

“Really?”   said   Viola   greatly   surprised.     “That   Dimitri   is   no   simple   character   if   he   could   tolerate   what   no   normal   man   would.   It’s   like   a   sharp   knife   piercing   one’s   heart.       Instead   of   being   furious   with   Aisha,   he   made   her   his   queen.     That   is   no   simple   man.”

“No,   no”   said   Mr.   Finger   disdainfully.     “He’s   nothing   that   great.     To   me   Dimitri   is   only   a   broken   ball   by   the   roadside   that   anyone   can   kick   around.     What   is   a   man’s   worse   nightmare?     Isn’t   it   finding   out   that   his   woman   had   been   unfaithful   to   him   and   had   sex   with   someone   else?     If   he   is   able   to   endure   such   shame   without   reacting,   he   is   not   a   real   man.”

“No,   you   don’t   understand”   sad   Viola   stopping   his   self-righteous   upbraid.   “It’s   because   he   can   tolerate   what   no   normal   man   could   that   makes   him   a   cut   above   the   average.   I   suppose   I   should   reassess   my   evaluation   of   the   man.”  

“There’s   something   even   funnier!     Dimitri   resumed   his   close   friendship   with   Jamaz,   that   big   black   guy   who   was   his   wife’s   lover,   as   if   nothing   had   happened.   They’re   closer   than   brothers.     Don’t   you   think   that’s   strange?”

“No,   it’s   not   at   all   strange.     It’s   just   another   proof   of   his   slick   and   evasive   psychology   of   life.     But   when   porcelain   is   broken,   it   could   be   mended   and   look   good   as   new,   but   the   crack   will   always   be   there.     We   must   seize   every   chance   we   have.     We   can   make   use   of   this   to   break   up   their   unity   for   our   own   purposes.”       Just   then   a   dog   began   barking   furiously   and   Dimitri’s   voice   from   outside   the   building   sounded   loud   and   clear   in   the   room.     Mr.   Finger   and   Viola   exchanged   a   look,   greatly   surprised.

“That’s   his   voice.     I’m   sure   of   it”   ”   whispered   Mr.   Finger.   Viola   nodded.

“That’s   daring   of   him!”   she   said.   “We   haven’t   been   able   to   find   him   but   he   has   found   us!   That’s   good.     It   will   save   us   a   lot   of   trouble.   We   will   settle   everything   tonight.”

The   sun   had   set   in   the   west.     Cars   and   pedestrians   were   few   and   far   between.     Dimitri   held   Maureen   in   his   arms   and   stood   at   the   crossroad   thinking,   “It’s   a   long   way   from   here   to   Charina’s   house.     If   I   return   this   dog   to   its   owner,   I   would   have   to   walk   quite   a   distance.     Going   there   would   be   easy   as   I   have   Maureen   to   lead   the   way,   but   coming   back   would   be   hard   and   time-consuming   as   I   would   be   entirely   on   my   own   with   only   the   white   cane   as   my   guide.   Also,   Charina   would   be   sure   to   ask   me   to   stay   for   dinner   and   over   the   dinner   table   we   would   drink   and   talk   about   her   favorite   subject   –   stories   of   what   is   beyond   the   blue   skies.     I   would   then   miss   my   appointment   with   those   two   little   people,   thereby   missing   the   opportunity   to   talk   about   our   differences   and   untie   the   knot   that   has   been   between   us   for   so   long.     But   if   I   let   Maureen   go   home   by   himself,   I   am   fully   confident   he   would   be   able   to   do   so,   but   that   would   be   irresponsible   of   me.   What   if   he   meets   the   dog   catcher   and   is   taken   to   the   pond?   He   may   even   be   euthanasized   if   we   don’t   get   to   him   in   time.     That   would   be   a   burden   on   my   conscience   that   I   wouldn’t   ever   be   able   to   resolve   in   my   lifetime.     Standing   there   Dimitri   was   in   a   quandary   and   did   not   know   what   to   do.

A   dilapidated   pick-up   truck   clattered   down   the   street   with   every   single   part   rattling   in   unison.     The   familiar   sound   of   brakes   being   applied   sounded   behind   Dimitri’s   solitary   figure,   followed   by   the   sounds   of   slamming   car   doors   and   running   footsteps   combined   with   glad   shouts.

“Hey,   Dimitri,   you   son-of-a   gun!     You’re   back!   Why   didn’t   you   let   us   know   ahead   of   time?”   shouted   one   happy   voice.

“Damn   it,   I   knew   your   disappearance   into   thin   air   was   not   real.   You   left   your   fucking   clothes   behind   on   the   ground   in   the   park   just   to   fool   us,   right?”   said   another   hoarse   voice.   A   warm   and   happy   feeling   permeated   Dimitri’s   body.     He   knew   who   they   were   without   turning   his   head.     They   were   his   best   friends   and   life-long   buddies,   Richard   and   Jamaz.     The   three   of   them   stood   on   the   sidewalk,   laughing   and   shouting   in   great   glee,   happily   slapping   each   other’s   backs   and   punching   each   other’s   shoulders   and   chests   while   shouting   boisterous   obscenities.     The   little   dog   sitting   on   the   ground   felt   left   out   and   barked   in   protest.     Dimitri   stooped   down   to   pick   up   Maureen   and   said   to   his   two   friends,

“Let   me   introduce   you   to   my   little   friend   Maureen.”     Richard   and   Jamaz   took   turns   holding   and   kissing   the   little   dog   crooning,

“Oh,   you   are   that   precious   little   dog   Maureen.     Look   how   cute   you   are.”

“Dwarf   Mickey   told   us   all   about   you,   about   how   brave   and   clever   you   were   to   save   your   mistress.     You   are   really   special!”     Satisfied   by   being   made   much   of,   Maureen   was   as   happy   as   the   three   friends.     Richard   carried   the   little   dog   on   his   shoulders   saying,

“I   know   great   changes   have   taken   place   in   your   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     We   here   are   doing   our   best   to   help   re-establish   your   financial   empire.     Everyone   has   been   working   hard   and   we   have   established   secret   headquarter   here.”

“I   heard   that   you   are   having   some   trouble   with   some   enemies   and   that   you   intend   to   meet   them   tonight.     Are   you   going   to   fight   with   them?   Just   leave   these   little   things   to   Jamaz   and   me.     You   don’t   have   to   deal   with   them   yourself   at   all.   If   you   think   the   two   of   us   are   not   enough,   I   can   call   Big-O.”

“Don’t   worry’   smiled   Dimitri.     “I   am   not   going   to   fight   anyone   tonight.     I   am   just   meeting   with   two   little   people   and   have   a   heart-to-heart   talk   with   them.     I   am   trying   to   untie   a   dead   knot   that   somehow   entangled   the   three   of   us.     Once   that’s   settled   everything   would   be   fine.     Oh   yes,   at   the   moment   I   have   a   problem   that   you   guys   can   help   me   with.”

“Sure,   anything   you   say”   replied   the   two   of   them   in   a   chorus.     “Say   the   word   and   it   will   be   done.”

“I   need   to   send   my   new   little   friend   back   home   to   his   mistress.     He   has   been   with   me   the   whole   afternoon   and   I   am   sure   she   is   worried   and   missing   him.”

“No   problem.     But   where   do   we   take   him   to?     Where   does   his   mistress   live?”

“I   don’t   really   know   the   exact   address…”   said   Dimitri.     “Hey   Maureen,   you   know   your   way   back   home,   right?”     Maureen   barked   as   if   saying   indignantly   of   course   he   did,   how   could   a   clever   dog   like   him   not   know   his   way   home?     “Well   then,   Maureen,   you   go   into   their   car   with   them.     If   you   want   them   to   turn   left,   look   to   the   left   and   bark   twice.     If   you   want   them   to   turn   right,   look   to   the   right   and   bark   twice.     If   you   want   them   to   go   straight,   then   look   straight   ahead   and   bark   twice.     If   you   want   them   to   stop,   bark   three   times.     Would   that   do?”     Maureen   barked   his   agreement.     Turning   to   his   friends,   Dimitri   said,   “After   I   am   finished   here,   I   may   have   to   come   to   your   garden   estate   and   stay   for   a   few   days.     Being   on   the   streets   all   day   increases   my   chances   of   meeting   other   members   of   the   Kingdom.     Do   you   welcome   me?”

“Hey,   man”   said   Jamaz   hitting   Dimitri   on   the   shoulder   “Do   you   even   need   to   ask?”

“We’ll   leave   you   then   and   wait   for   you   at   home”   said   Richard.     Carrying   Maureen   on   his   shoulders   he   walked   towards   his   car.     Maureen   barked   at   Dimitri   as   if   saying   goodbye.     Dimitri   waved   at   them   until   he   heard   the   car   start   up,   make   a   quick   turn   and   drive   off.     The   dilapidated   pickup   truck   clanked   and   rattled   its   way   down   the   street   with   little   Maureen   directing.     Soon   he   would   be   jumping   into   his   mistress’s   arms.

“Did   you   notice   that   Dimitri   seemed   distressed?”   asked   Jamaz.     “I   wonder   what   he   would   be   facing   tonight   and   what   knot   he   hopes   to   untie.     He   didn’t   want   our   help   but   I   worry   that   he   may   be   in   danger.”

“Don’t   worry   about   him,   brother”   replied   Richard   optimistically.     “He   is   a   real   man,   of   a   breed   apart   from   us   and   has   the   protection   of   the   gods.     Don’t   worry.     He   will   come   out   safely   from   any   danger.     Nothing   can   stop   him.”

Dimitri   temporarily   laid   down   the   heavy   burdens   on   his   shoulders   for   a   moment   of   peace   and   quiet.     By   force   of   habit   he   walked   towards   another   street   corner.     He   stood   before   a   store   that   had   already   closed   up   for   the   day.     He   never   knew   what   merchandise   it   sold.     It   was   only   recently   that   he   found   out   they   sold   all   kinds   ink   cartridge   for   computers   and   printers,   carrying   a   large   variety   of   ink   of   all   brands.     Dimitri   was   not   familiar   with   the   byproducts   of   the   most   advanced   branches   of   science   and   had   no   interest   in   them.     The   reason   he   came   here   was   because   every   afternoon   at   dusk   when   all   the   shops   closed   down   it   was   practice   time   for   the   pianist     who   lived   on   the   second   floor   apartment   which   had   a   separate   staircase   next   to   the   store.     Dimitri   would   sit   on   the   ground   outside   and   listen   to   a   free   concert   of   high   quality   music.     Soon   notes   from   the   piano   floated   down   from   the   windows   of   the   apartment.     Dimitri   took   out   a   cigarette   and   lighted   it   while   he   enjoyed   the   smooth   and   flowing   music.     He   seemed   to   see   waves   in   the   water   reflect   the   bright   and   luminous   moonlight.     As   he   listened   entranced   and   enchanted,   he  

thought   of   his   life   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     He   had   hibernated   there   for   too   long.     Now   that   he   had   returned   to   the   mundane   world   he   found   that   much   had   changed   during   his   absence.     Instruments   familiar   to   him   such   as   tape   recorders,   record   players   and   typewriters   had   long   been   obsolete   and   replaced   by   digital   machines   such   as   the   computer.     He   felt   as   if   he   was   from   another   century   and   that   he   as   a   person   was   about   to   be   abolished   by   this   new   age.     He   did   not   know   who   was   playing   the   piano,   but   from   the   skillful   fingers   and   the   depth   of   the   music,   the   musician   was   a   highly   proficient   amateur   pianist   and   performer.     From   the   way   the   fingers   touched   the   keys   so   lightly   and   delicately,   Dimitri   surmised   it   must   be   a   woman.     He   did   not   know   who   the   composer   was   but   he   was   sure   it   was   a   talented   one.     Led   by   the   exquisite   music,   Dimitri   seemed   to   see   the   composer   describe   straightforwardly   and   succinctly   the   moon   in   the   sky   and   the   swaying   sheen   of   the   waves.     Then   he   seemed   to   have   submerged   to   the   bottom   of   the   water   and   watched   the   moon   from   beneath   the   oscillating   waves.     The   music   described   the   exquisite   splendor   of   the   moon   from   every   angle,   marveling   at   its   unmatched   beauty.This   composition   must   have   lasted   for   a   century   or   two   and   have   become   an   immortal   piece   of   music,   or   you   can   call   it   the   everlasting   quintessential   model.     Dimitri   had   a   strange   thought.     There   was   a   connection   and   inevitability   between   classical   civilization   and   modern   technology   but   it   was   hard   to   determine   what   kind   of   connection   and   inevitability   it   was.   The   charm   and   fascination   of   classical   civilization   is   in   the   fact   that   it   could   last   forever   indefinitely   in   time,   while   modern   technology   was   continuously   reinventing   itself,   striving   to   break   through   and   soar   into   the   skies.     Was   the   relation   between   these   two   one   of   competition   or   one   of   restriction?     It   was   hard   to   fathom.     Suddenly   the   music   stopped   and   the   lid   of   the   piano   closed   down.     Dimitri   knew   that   practice   was   over.   Light   footsteps   sounded   on   the   wooden   floor   and   soon   moved   farther   and   farther   away.     Dimitri   quickly   checked   to   see   the   whereabouts   of   his   two   servants   Imagination   and   Creativity   and   was   relieved   to   find   they   were   still   fast   asleep   on   the   green   grass   of   the   moorlands   and   had   not   been   awakened   by   the   music.     He   knew   that   the   moment   they   awoke,   these   two   workaholics   would   surely   buzz   around   causing   sparks   of   strange   friction   leading   to   unimaginable   fantasies   that   would   spread   out   and   out   like   ripples   getting   wider   and   wider.     Dimitri   greatly   admired   the   work   ethics   of   his   two   servants,   but   he   also   treasured   the   time   they   slept   because   only   then   could   he   get   some   respite,   a   few   moments   of   peace   and   tranquility.     He   stood   up   and   knew   it   was   time   for   him   to   go   to   his   meeting.

Dimitri   squatted   on   the   ground   under   a   dim   streetlight,   eating   the   food   in   his   bowl.   All   around   him   were   huge   tall   office   buildings.       It   was   long   past   office   hours,   so   the   empty   streets   were   quite   deserted.     At   the   corner   of   the   square,   he   happened   to   walk   past   a   store   selling   Vietnamese   fast   food   which   was   still   open.     He   was   very   hungry   and   remembered   that   Charina   had   given   him   a   bowl   and   a   bag   of   dog   food   for   Maureen.     Taking   out   the   bowl   he   scooped   some   dog   food   into   it   and   ate   as   he   walked.     But   dog   food   was   hard   and   difficult   for   humans   to   swallow   and   digest.     Dimitri   thought   it   would   be   better   if   he   could   soften   it   by   soaking   it   in   water,   so   he   walked   back   to   the   small   Vietnamese   store   and   asked   the   owner   for   some   water.     Then   stooping   under   the   street   lights,   he   ate   the   food   in   his   bowl   feeling   quite   carefree.     “It’s   food,   isn’t   it?   If   a   dog   could   eat   it,   why   not   humans?   “he   thought.

Suddenly   he   seemed   to   hear   something   and   stopped   chewing.     Empty,   sightless   eyes   stared   ahead   at   the   nearby   cement   ground   of   the   square,   where   there   was   no   grass   or   shrubs,   but   he   seemed   to   hear   the   sound   of   grasshoppers   or   crickets   jumping   around   in   the   grass   or   it   could   be   the   feeble   rustling   of   the   grass   as   small   animals   walked   over   it.

“Ha,   ha   Dimitri”   sounded   Mr.   Finger’s   familiar   voice.   “Look   at   you   eating   dog   food!     What   a   wretched   and   miserable   end   you   have   come   to!     Ha,   ha.”

“Is   that   you,   Mr.   Finger?”   answered   Dimitri,   a   cordial   smile   on   his   face.   “Very   happy   to   see   you   again.     Is   your   bride   Viola   with   you?”

“Of   course   I   am   here”   interrupted   a   female   voice   before   he   even   finished   speaking.     “Didn’t   you   say   ‘an   eye   for   an   eye   and   a   tooth   for   a   tooth’?     So   of   course   I   am   here.”     Dimitri   knew   that   must   be   Viola.     He   kept   his   composure   and   his   smile   and   said,

“Good.     Good.   That’s   what   I   said   and   I   will   keep   my   word.     Please   put   everything   on   the   table   and   tell   me   in   plain   words   what   you   have   against   me   and   where   I   have   wronged   you.     If   I   was   in   the   wrong   I   will   take   full   responsibility   for   my   actions.”

“That’s   great.   You   are   a   real   man”   answered   Viola.     Out   of   the   blue,   a   brilliant   flash   of   gold   appeared   before   their   eyes   and   the   magnificent   pure   gold   palace   materialized   on   the   square.     Dimitri   was   shocked   that   his   sense   of   sight   had   miraculously   recovered.     Actually   this   was   not   at   all   strange.     It   was   all   the   work   of   Imagination   and   Creativity,   his   two   loyal   servants,   who   had   come   to   his   side   unseen.     Viola   walked   up   the   steps   to   the   solid   gold   throne   and   sat   down.     Dimitri   saw   Viola   was   wearing   a   tiara   with   a   spectacular   ruby   large   as   an   egg   mounted   in   front.   All   around   it   was   an   array   of   priceless   jewels   of   all   colors.   Mr.   Finger   had   transformed   himself     to   the   shape   of   a   normal   man   and   was   respectfully   attending   to   her.     Viola   made   a   sign   with   her   hand   and   Mr.   Finger   at   once   bent   down   to   hear   her   whispered   instructions.   Dimitri   knew   that   it   was   time   for   real   face-to-face   battle.     He   remained   calmly   squatting     on   the   ground   scooping   some   more   of   the   dog   food   in   his   bowl   with   his   fingers   into   his   mouth.     Before   he   had   time   to   chewed   properly   and   swallow   down   his   food,   Mr.   Finger   said   loudly   in   an   arrogant   voice,

“Dimitri!     Though   you   have   become   nothing   but   a   pitiful   beggar   eating   dog   food,   our   esteemed   Queen   Viola   recognizes   the   fact   that   you   used   to   be   a   powerful   monarch   and   a   king   in   your   own   realm.   She   pities   you   and   therefore   has   ordered   a   feast   to   accord   you   courteous   reception.”     Saying   so   he   clapped   his   hands   three   times   and   melodious   music   floated   naturally   in   the   air   throughout   the   palace   as   if   an   organized   orchestra   was   hidden   in   the   next   room,   but   there   was   no   sign   of   any   musician   or   musical   instrument.     Then   a   procession   of   attendants   dressed   in   costumes   of   their   own   country   and   tribe   came   in,   carrying   silver   trays   of   food   considered   the   best   in   their   lands.   Some   dishes   were   steaming   hot   or   giving   off   a   sizzling   sound.     The   palace   was   soon   filled   with   the   enticing   aroma   of   food   and   wine.     Dimitri   scraped   the   last   of   the   food   in   his   bowl   into   his   mouth,   chewed   thoroughly   before   swallowing   and   then   put   the   bowl   back   into   his   pocket.     He   kept   his   smile   on   his   face   while   he   said   to   them,

“Although   I   have   now   become   a   mere   beggar   on   the   streets,   there   is   nothing   I   have   not   tasted.     To   me   food   is   merely   nutrition   to   keep   me   alive   and   nothing   else.     Please   dismiss   your   attendants   and   the   food   and   dispense   with   all   these   unnecessary   protocol.   Let’s   get   down   to   essentials,   talk   about   what   enmity   there   is   between   us   and   come   to   a   conclusion.   Then   we   can   all   go   on   our   way   peacefully   and   live   our   own   lives.”     Viola   nodded   in   agreement.     Mr.   Finger   waved   his   hands   in   dismissal   and   the   attendants   left   in   an   orderly   manner   the   way   they   came,   but   the   moment   they   stepped   out   of   the   gold   palace   they   and   their   silver   plates   of   food   all   disappeared   like   a   puff   of   smoke   into   thin   air.   They   were   like   a   mirage,   coming   from   illusion   and   disappearing   into   one   as   well.     The   music   too   stopped   and   the   two   sides   returned   to   their   confrontation.     The   air   at   once   keyed   up   and   turned   tense.  

The   red   ruby   on   Viola’s   tiara   shone   with   a   brilliant   sheen   as   she   and   Mr.   Finger   whispered   together.     Then   straightening   from   his   ultra   subservient   position   and   playing   the   jackal   to   the   tiger,   Mr.   Finger   turned   to   Dimitri   and   said   in   a   loud   and   domineering   voice,

“I   now   represent   her   majesty   Queen   Viola   in   bringing   you   to   account   for   destroying   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   devastating   the   beautiful   landscape,   breaking   Giant   Mountain   into   several   parts   so   that   the   place   is   now   beyond   recognition.     You   even   sank   Queen   Viola’s   favorite   gold   palace   to   the   bottom   of   the   lake.     You   have   brought   about   an   earthquake   and   a   tsunami   that   almost   caused   her   to   die   in   the   turbulent   waves.     Do   you   acknowledge   your   guilt?     Queen   Viola   would   have   handed   down   the   death   penalty,   but   she   is   kind   and   generous   by   nature   and   gives   you   this   chance   to   explain   and   defend   yourself.     Speak!     Confess   your   reasons   for   doing   so.”     Dimitri’s   facial   expression   did   not   change   and   he   went   on   to   speak   calmly   and   confidently.

“That   beautiful   landscape   did   not   belong   to   anyone   in   particular.     It   was   I   who   first   went   there   and   established   my   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     I   erected   buildings   and   palaces   and   it   was   I   who   built   the   solid   gold   palace.     But   it   was   you,   Viola,   together   with   Cyclops   aided   by   those   barbarian   tribes   who   set   fire   to   my   palace,   overturned   my   kingdom   and   forcibly   occupied   my   gold   palace.  

What   really   happened   is   easily   discernible   to   all   and   does   not   need   to   be   explained   or   debated.”   Looking   around   him   he   saw   that   the   gold   palace   he   was   standing   in   was   exactly   the   same   as   the   one   he   had   built,   accurate   in   every   detail,   so   he   went   on   to   say,   “I   had   already   sunk   the   gold   palace   to   the   bottom   of   the   water,   but   its   image   has   remained   in   your   brain,   and   you   are   able   to   make   it   appear   in   this   mundane   world   at   will.     To   you,   it   was   no   loss   at   all   as   there   is   no   real   boundary   between   true   existence   and   phantom   impressions.     It   is   hard   to   distinguish   between   existence   and   nil-existence,   or   it   can   be   said   that   there   is   no   real   difference   between   them.     Since   you   can   make   your   beloved   gold   palace   appear   whenever   you   desire,   why   entangle   yourself   needlessly   with   the   one   that   has   already   been   sunk   to   the   bottom   of   the   lake?     Isn’t   that   worrying   yourself   over   nothing?”

“Nonsense!”   shouted   Mr.   Finger.     “That’s   a   lame   excuse!     Do   you   know   who   you   are   speaking   to…”     But   Viola   waved   her   hand   and   stopped   his   harangue.  

“You   have   not   explained   why   you   sank   my   gold   palace   into   the   lake”   she   pointed   out.

“Also,   how   did   you   cause   such   natural   disasters   as   earthquakes   and   tsunamis?   I   was   almost   suck   into   the   whirlpool   and   died!     Shouldn’t   you   be   responsible   for   that?”

“I   cannot   let   you   in   on   the   details   of   this   yet”   he   replied   earnestly.   “One   day   when   the   truth   comes   to   light,   you   will   understand.     I   am   sorry   I   almost   caused   you   to   die   in   the   turbulent   waters.     That   is   my   fault,   my   miscalculation.     Before   I   started   the   earthquake   I   made   careful   investigations   in   the   area   and   knew   for   certain   that   your   majesty   was   not   in   the   gold   palace   and   that   you   and   Cyclops   had   climbed   down   the   steep   cliff.     I   used   a   stratagem   to   send   away   the   barbarian   tribes   and   made   sure   that   there   was   no   one   in   the   gold   palace   and   the   surrounding   area   when   the   earthquake   and   tsunami   happened.     I   hope   your   majesty   will   take   into   account   the   fact   that   I   had   done   all   I   could   not   to   harm   lives.”     Viola   saw   that   Dimitri   was   telling   the   truth   and   was   so   accurate   in   every   detail   so   as   to   make   his   explanations   impregnable,   placing   her   in   the   unenviable   and   embarrassing   position   of   having   nothing   to   say.     After   a   few   minutes   of   silence,   she   called   Mr.   Finger   to   her   again   and   whispered   in   his   ear.

The   two   of   them   looked   at   each   other   as   if   having   come   to   a   common   decision.     Viola   waved   her   hand   and   several   cases   appeared   magically   on   the   ground   of   solid   gold.     They   were   exquisitely   carved   and   made   of   rosewood,   which   was   the   hardest   of   all   wood   and   could   last   hundreds   of   years   without   rotting.    

“Listen   to   me   carefully,   Dimitri”   said   Mr.   Finger.   “You   used   earthquake   and   tsunami   to   attack   Giant   Mountain,   almost   drowning   her   royal   majesty.     But   Queen   Viola   not   only   survived,   she   actually   made   a   miraculous   discovery.   Therefore,   she   will   not   punish   you   for   your   carelessness   since   she   profited   from   it   and   found   an   immense   treasure   trove   of   immeasurable   richness.   It   is   a   gift   from   God.     She   is   placing   a   small   portion   of   her   discovery   before   you   so   that   you   poor   homeless   beggar   can   widen   your   horizon   and   knowledge   and   see   Queen   Viola’s   boundless   wealth.”   Dimitri’s   two   loyal   servants   Creativity   and   Imagination   shook   their   heads   at   those   words.

“Pride   goes   for   a   fall”   said   Creativity   to   his   partner.     “That   has   always   been   man’s   most   common   failing.     They   are   showing   off   their   wealth   to   Dimitri.     Isn’t   that   ridiculous?     In   fact   it   is   really   foolish   of   them.”

“Let   them   be”   answered   Imagination.   “I   think   there   is   an   objective   to   what   they   are   doing.     Be   patient   and   watch,   there’s   more   to   come.”     Mr.   Finger   walked   down   the   steps   and   opened   the   nearest   case.     The   bluest   sapphires,   bluer   than   the   ocean   were   piled   to   the   brim.     The   second   case   was   full   of   rubies,   more   fiery   than   flames   and   brighter   than   blood.   The   third   case   contained   emeralds   and   the   fourth   case   was   a   mixture   of   dazzling   diamonds   of   all   colors.   The   dazzling,   brilliant,   multi-colored   luster   was   sharp   as   knives   but   was   nurturing   to   the   eyes   that   behold   them.   Then   Mr.   Finger   opened   the   last   case   full   of   pink   diamonds.     Strange   to   say   there   was   a   pair   of   exquisite   gold   stiletto   lying   on   top   of   the   diamonds.     Both   Dimitri   and   Viola’s   eyes   were   drawn   towards   them.     Dimitri   was   sure   he   had   seen   this   pair   of   exquisite   gold   shoes   before   and   searched   in   his   sub-consciousness   deep   as   the   sea,   for   the   events   of   his   past   dreams   where   he   had   seen   it.     Viola   exclaimed   softly,   “Ah!   The   memory   of   my   past   life   has   come   back   to   me!     This   pair   of   stiletto,   which   I   have   long   since   forgotten,   was   hidden   here   in   this   case.     She   said   to   Mr.   Finger,   “Go   bring   me   that   pair   of   shoes.     I   want   to   change   into   it.”

The   soft   voice   sounded   in   Mr.   Finger’s   ears   like   a   nightingale’s   song.     He   picked   up   the   pair   of   shoes   as   if   in   a   trance   and   walked   up   the   steps   to   Viola’s   throne,   knelt   down   and   took   off   the   pair   of   gem-studded   shoes   she   had   on   her   foot.     The   sight   of   her   white,   jade-like   foot   before   his   eyes   fully   aroused   him   and   he   found   it   hard   to   control   his   excitement.     He   held   her   foot   in   his   hand   and   carefully   fondled   it,   even   putting   his   face   down   to   kiss   it.     In   the   end,   he   reluctantly   picked   up   the   stiletto   and   put   it   on   for   her   very   unwillingly.     But   Mr.   Finger   still   knelt   on   the   ground   caressing   her   calf   murmuring,   “How   lucky   I   am   to   have   put   my   body   and   soul   fully   into   your   hands.”     Then   hitting   his   right   palm   with   his   left   fist   he   added,   “Signing   that   indenture   was   the   best   thing   I   have   ever   done   in   my   life…     I   am   willing   to   be   your   slave   forever…”     He   went   on   hysterically,   “I   am   so   proud   of   myself   for   selling   my   body   and   soul   to   you…”   Viola   gave   him   a   white   eye   smiling   faintly;   it   was   a   flirtatious   gesture   that   could   enslave   any   man.    

“Look   at   you…   “she   said.   “You   act   without   thinking   of   time   and   place…     There   is   a   third   person   present   here…     Act   accordingly.     Don’t   touch   me   above   the   knee.     Stand   up…”     Though   her   slightly   reproachful   words   implied   condemnation,   it   was   music   to   Mr.   Finger’s   ears,   who   felt   good   and   comfortable   at   such   reprimand.     He   knew   his   actions   were   a   misstep,   so   he   stood   up,   went   to   stand   beside   Queen   Viola   and   no   longer   dared   to   indulge   in   his   former   transgressions.     Dimitri   pondered   on   the   relationship   between   the   two   little   people   as   he   listened   to   their   dialogue   and   watched   their   expressions   and   actions.     At   first   he   had   frowned   at   Mr.   Finger’s   servile   and   fawning   attitude,   thinking   it   was   beneath   him   to   act   so.     But   later   seeing   him   so   enthralled   with   Viola   that   he   was   almost   at   the   point   of   publicly   seeking   sexual   fulfillment   at   the   most   inopportune   moment,   Dimitri   was   really   didn’t   know   whether   to   cry   or   to   laugh.     Mr.   Finger   was   just   such   a   person.     You   could   say   he   was   naïve   and   innocent,   always   doing   what   he   wanted   without   thinking   of   the   consequences.     But   to   be   perfectly   frank,   he   was   a   person   who   could   not   distinguish   between   right   and   wrong,   good   and   evil.     He   acted   only   according   to   his   own   likes   and   dislikes,   so   his   actions,   no   matter   how   strange   or   deviate   did   not   surprise   people   who   knew   him.     He   was   a   little   person   completely   lacking   in   logical   thought,   so   Dimitri   was   not   surprised   at   anything   he   did.    

“Dimitri”   said   Viola.     “You   see   all   this   wealth   before   you.     Their   value   is   astronomical   and   immeasurable.     All   these   precious   gems   will   be   yours   if   you   would   promise   me   one   thing.     My   condition   is   very   simple…”

“Here   it   comes”   thought   Dimitri.     Not   waiting   for   her   to   finish   speaking,   Dimitri   interrupted   her   saying,   “Your   majesty,   please   do   not   tell   me   your   condition   yet.     Let   me   prove   one   thing   to   you.     I   want   you   to   see   with   your   own   eyes   my   illusionary   magic   so   you   would   believe   in   the   truthfulness   of   what   I   say.”

Dimitri   got   up   from   his   squatting   position   and   walked   to   one   of   the   cases   of   precious   gems.     His   two   loyal   servants   Creativity   and   Imagination   knew   their   master   King   Dimitri   was   up   to   something   and   so   they   held   hands   with   their   fingers   tightly   clasped   and   quickly   followed   him.     Dimitri   picked   up   a   sparkling   diamond   the   size   of   a   quail   egg   and   said,

“Your   majesty,   Mr.   Finger,   please   close   your   eyes   and   let   me   show   you   one   of   my   magic   tricks.”     The   two   of   them   were   quite   cooperative   and   closed   their   eyes.     Dimitri   threw   the   diamond   in   his   hand   high   into   the   sky.     His   two   loyal   servants,   Creativity   and   Imagination,   quickly   pointed   their   free   hand   towards   the   sky   and   all   of   a   sudden   murmurs   of     thunder   could   be   heard.   The   heavens   opened   and   a   deluge   of   rainfall   poured   down   from   the   skies,   followed   by   the   sound   of   large   pieces   of   hail   hitting   the   ground.     Mr.   Finger   couldn’t   control   his   curiosity   and   slitting   open   his   eyes   a   tiny   bit,   peeked   out.     He   saw   that   it   was   pitch   dark   both   inside   and   outside   the   gold   palace   and   nothing   could   be   seen,   so   he   closed   his   eyes   again.     After   a   while,   they   heard   Dimitri   shout,   “Stop!”   and   the   rain,   hail   and   thunder   halted   abruptly   like   well-trained   soldiers   obeying   the   orders   of   their   superiors   instantaneously,   without   the   least   hesitation.     Everything   was   quiet   and   Dimitri   said,   “Open   your   eyes   please   your   majesty   and   Mr.   Finger.”     They   did   so   and   were   shocked   to   find   that   the   ground,   both   inside   and   outside   the   gold   palace   even   beyond   places   where   the   eyes   could   reach,   were   piled   with   priceless,   sparkling   diamonds   of   all   colors   and   sizes   that   dazzled   the   eyes.   What   was   even   more   amazing,   some   diamonds   were   forced   to   halt   in   midair   when   Dimitri   gave   his   command   to   stop,   and   had   no   time   to   fall   to   the   ground,   so   looking   all   around   them   Viola   and   Mr.   Finger   saw   that   the   skies   high   and   low,   far   and   near   were   full   of   exquisite   diamonds   of   all   shapes,   colors   and   sizes,   twinkling   in   the   air.     They   were   stunned   and   astounded   at   the   sight   which   left   them   speechless   and   dumbfounded.

“You   may   think   this   is   only   an   illusion,   a   trick   of   the   eye,   or   a   kind   of   con”   said   Dimitri   as   he   paced   leisurely   before   the   throne.     “I   will   not   try   to   explain   because   this   is   a   deep   philosophy   that   cannot   be   described   in   a   few   words   and   depends   on   one’s   understanding   and   enlightenment   to   comprehend.     Suffice   it   to   say   that   I   think   your   majesty   will   understand   what   I   mean.     The   image   of   the   gold   palace   that   I   sank   to   the   bottom   of   the   lake   has   been   deeply   imprinted   in   your   brain   and   memory,   and   you   can   reproduce   it   at   will   so   that   the   brilliant,   glittering   palace   is   again   before   our   eyes.     If   you   can   do   this,   why   can’t   I   change   the   myriads   of   stars   in   the   skies   into   sparkling   diamonds   and   rain   them   down   on   the   mundane   world   like   rainfall   and   hale?     It   shouldn’t   seem   strange   to   you.     As   I   just   said,   there   is   really   no   marked   boundary   between   true   existence   and   phantom   impressions.     In   other   words,   this   boundary   is   between   existent   and   nil-existent,   between   may   be   existent   and   may   not.     Or   perhaps   it   does   not   exist   at   all.     Of   course   all   this   is   all   up   to   one’s   own   comprehension   and   understanding.     Saying   so,   Dimitri   waved   at   the   skies   and   the   quail-sized   diamond   he   had   thrown   upwards,   fell   into   his   hands.     His   two   loyal   servants,   Creativity   and   Imaginative,   quickly   let   fall   the   hands   they   had   pointed   to   the   skies   and   loosened   the   fingers   clasped   tightly   together   as   they   stood   hand   in   hand.     Strange   to   say,   it   was   as   if   a   soft   breeze   blew   over   everything.     The   dark   clouds   in   the   sky   and   the   sparkling   diamonds   that   covered   the   ground   and   twinkled   in   the   skies   all   disappeared   without   a   trace.     Everything   returned   to   normal   and   myriads   of   stars   dotted   the   night   sky.    

“I   originally   intended   to   use   these   cases   of   gems   as   bargaining   chips.”   said   Viola   self-consciously   and   not   a   little   embarrassed.     “But   I   see   that   these   things   do   not   mean   anything   to   you.     Please   don’t   laugh   at   me…”

“No,   no,   please   don’t   say   so,   your   majesty”   interrupted   Dimitri   before   she   finished   speaking.   “There   is   a   treasure   trove   in   all   our   hearts.     You   have   it.     I   have   it.     Mr.   Finger   also   has   it.     It   is   distributed   impartially   and   equally   to   everyone   and   is   inexhaustible   and   immeasurable.”     He   looked   at   Mr.   Finger   and   said   to   him,   “My   dear   friend,   you   too   have   a   treasure   trove,   inexhaustible   and   immeasurable.     Why   did   you   sign   an   indenture   and   sell   yourself   body   and   soul   to   someone   else   as   a   slave?   Isn’t   that   ridiculous?”

“This   is   my   personal   business”   replied   Mr.   Finger   arrogantly   and   rudely.     “I   can   do   whatever   I   want   with   my   own   body.     I   can   sell   it   to   whomever   I   wish   and   not   even   ask   for   anything   in   return.     I   am   willing   to   be   an   indentured   slave   to   Queen   Viola.     What   business   is   it   of   your?”

“Yes,   you   are   right”   replied   Dimitri   with   a   mirthless   laugh.     “It’s   none   of   my   business.   It   is   a   private   affair   between   the   two   of   you   and   I   won’t   say   anything   more   about   it.”     Dimitri   looked   at   the   large   diamond   that   had   fallen   back   into   his   hand   from   the   sky   and   threw   it   back   into   the   case   he   had   originally   taken   it   from.     Turning   to   Viola   he   said   seriously,   “Your   majesty,   I   think   you   took   these   cases   of   gems   from   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   out   of   the   treasure   trove   of   Dwarf   Mickey,   the   god   of   treasure.     Am   I   right?     I   suggest   you   return   these   cases   to   where   you   took   them   from.     Treasures   from   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   do   not   belong   to   anyone   in   particular.   Of   course   it’s   not   mine.     You   should   return   them.”    

“Sure”   said   Viola.     She   waved   her   hand   and   the   cases   of   priceless   gems   and   diamonds   disappeared   from   sight.     Viola   straightened   up   and   changed   her   posture.     She   was   still   wearing   the   tiara   with   a   huge   red   ruby   in   the   center   and   said   frostily,   “I   think   now   we   can   speak   frankly   about   the   problem   between   you   and   me   and   my   mother.”     Creativity   and   Imagination   looked   guardedly   at   each   other,   knowing   that   the   dialogue   had   finally   come   to   its   true   subject.     Dimitri   was   greatly   agitated   and   said   earnestly   to   Viola,

“Your   majesty,   in   the   past   I   have   often   wondered   whether   you   really   existed.   Normally   speaking,   an   unformed   fetus   has   little   chance   of   survival   if   she   left   her   mother’s   womb,   but   I   prayed   desperately   for   a   miracle,   for   divine   clemency   that   would   allow   you   to   live.   Only   then   could   my   guilty   conscience   and   the   self-condemnation   deep   in   my   heart   be   slightly   assuaged.     There   was   a   time   when   I   felt   that   you   really   existed   somewhere   around   me,   sometimes   near,   sometimes   far.     I   felt   your   existence   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   within   the   sphere   of   those   miraculous   mountains   and   lakes.     Then   one   day   I   heard   that   Mr.   Finger   had   married   a   little   beauty   of   the   same   size   as   he   is.     It   was   then   that   I   was   sure   Mr.   Finger’s   bride   was   you.     You   had   survived.     For   that   I   was   happy   and   exultant   for   a   long   time.     Because   of   the   many   things   that   required   my   attention   in   the   mundane   world,   my   stay   in   the   Kingdom   was   usually   short.   I   would   stay   only   for   a   few   days   and   then   would   go   back   to   the   mundane   world.     Child,   all   these   years   I   have   felt   remorseful   about   my   treatment   of   you   and   your   mother.     I   deeply   regretted   the   extreme   torture   I   inflicted   on   her.     It   was   an   act   that   has   plagued   me   night   and   day   giving   me   no   peace   and   plunged   me   into   the   deepest   despair.     But,   child,   I   never   thought   that   hatred   was   hereditary   but   in   you   I   could   see   traces   of   your   mother.     The   fact   that   she   has   endured   indescribable   pain   and   suffering   in   the   fires   of   Gehenna   should   have   been   enough   of   a   lesson   for   you   to   learn   from.

Child,   listen   to   my   sincere   advice   and   restrain   your   actions.     If   you   can   do   so,   your   tussled   heart   will   be   freed   and   you   can   fly   light-hearted   as   a   white   dove   in   the   blue   skies.     How   carefree   and   comfortable   that   would   be!     Why   let   revenge   and   hatred   occupy   your   heart?     Listen   to   my   words…”      

Ever   since   Viola   came   into   contact   with   Dimitri,   she   had   lost   in   every   encounter.     Furthermore,       Dimitri’s   words   were   reproving   and   admonishing   as   if   he   was   reading   her   a   lecture   which   irked   her   no   end   and   aroused   the   rebel   in   her.   She   fretfully   interrupted   him   saying,

“Let   the   dead   past   bury   its   dead.     Forget   all   that   life   and   death,   right   and   wrong   stuff.     Now   my   mother   is   still   suffering   in   the   roaring   flames   of   Gehenna   with   her   body   cut   in   half   at   the   waist,   which   was   all   your   doing.     I   believe   that   you   have   the   power   to   make   her   body   whole   again.     Now   I   ask   you   only   this   question:     Are   you   willing   to   go   back   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   with   me,   heal   her   and   join   her   body   together?”

“The   fires   of   Gehenna   have   turned   into   a   paradise   because   Ileen   has   made   a   180   degree   change   in   her   state   of   mind.   Her   surroundings   change   as   her   mind   changes.     Only   when   the   remnant   of   the   fire   of   hatred   in   her   heart   is   extinguished   will   she   be   able   to   free   from   the   fires   of   hell   and   her   body   can   become   whole   again..   No   one   can   help.     Everything   depends   on   herself   alone.     She   alone   can   help   herself.”

“Then   you   are   not   willing   to   go   with   me?”   asked   Viola.

“No,   it’s   not   that   I   am   unwilling   to   help,   it’s   that   I   cannot.   The   fire   of   revenge   in   Ileen’s   heart   will   be   extinguished   naturally.     Only   then   will   she   be   saved.     Have   you   heard   of   the   words

“More   haste,   less   speed?”     Viola   did   not   know   what   to   say.     She   waved   her   hand   at   Mr.   Finger   and   he   hastened   to   her,   stooping   low   to   hear   her   whispered   words,

“Is   he   telling   the   truth   or   lying?”

“He’s   just   making   excuses”   said   Mr.   Finger   provocatively.     “He   doesn’t   want   to   go   back   with   your   majesty.     He   doesn’t   want   to   help   your   mother.     He’s   just   shirking   responsibility.”

Mr.   Finger   was   just   such   a   person,   anxious   to   stir   up   trouble,   happy   only   when   things   around   him   are   in   turmoil.   Viola’s   eyes   were   already   irate   and   Mr.   Finger’s   words   just   added   fuel   to   fire   fanning   the   flames   of   anger   in   her   eyes.

“Then   tell   me   what   we   should   do?”   hissed   Viola   gnashing   her   teeth,   her   expression   ferocious   and   fearsome.

“I   say   ‘in   for   a   penny,   in   for   a   pound’”   said   Mr.   Finger   trying   to   stir   up   trouble   and   incite   Viola   into   doing   a   foolish   thing.   “Why   don’t   we   just   kidnap   him   and   force   him   to   go   back   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   with   us.   Once   we   have   him   in   our   hands,   we   need   not   fear   he   would   not   do   as   we   ask.     He   would   have   to   capitulate.”   This   meeting   was   meant   to   solve   a   serious   problem   and   was   about   to   end   successfully   when   the   little   man   stuck   in   his   oar   and   muddled   things   so   badly   that   it   became   impossible   to   solve.

“Didn’t   you   say   he   has   the   protection   of   the   gods   and   it   would   be   hard   for   us   to   get   near   him?”

“Your   majesty,   do   you   see   anyone   by   his   side   at   the   moment?     No.   Why   don’t   we   make   the   most   of   this   lucky   break   and   kidnap   him?   If   we   miss   this   opportunity,   it   may   never   come   again.     Please   make   up   your   mind,   your   majesty   and   give   your   orders.”     Viola   hesitated   and   couldn’t   quite   make   up   her   mind.  

“Didn’t   you   say   he   was   blind?”   she   asked.     “How   come   his   eyes   are   bright   and   piercing?   They   seem   to   be   even   sharper   than   a   normal   human   being.

“This   is   strange…I   wonder   what   this   is   all   about…The   other   day   when   I   met   him   on   the   street,   I   am   certain   he   was   completely   blind.     Could   he   be   pretending?     Or   perhaps   sometimes   he   can   see,   but   at   other   times   he   cannot…?   But   no   matter   what,   we   must   make   full   use   of   this   chance   we   have   when   he   is   completely   alone   and   take   him   down.     That   should   be   easily   accomplished.”

“Since   it   is   so”   nodded   Viola   “let’s   carry   out   our   original   plan.”  

“They   don’t   seem   to   know   of   our   existence”   said   Creativity   to   Imagination,   both   of   whom   were   following   closely   behind   Dimitri.   “What   do   you   think   they   will   do   next?”

“When   humans   want   to   lure   someone   on   to   do   something   either   good   or   bad,   they   do   one   of   two   things”   replied   Imagination   smilingly.     “First   they   tempt   him   with   material   gain.     They   have   already   tried   that   but   failed   to   seduce   Dimitri   with   priceless   gems.   Their   next   step   would   be   sex   I   think.   Wait   and   see.     There’s   more   drama   ahead.”     Beautiful   Imagination   miscalculated   this   time.     They   did   not   intend   to   use   sex   to   overcome   Dimitri.     They   intended   to   use   direct   force   to   kidnap   him.

Mr.   Finger   stood   up   straight   and   said   in   a   loud   voice,   “Queen   Viola   is   ever   benevolent   and   forgives   all   Dimitri’s   transgressions.     What   is   done   is   done   and   cannot   be   undone.     She   will   not   probe   into   it   any   more.     To   preserve   peace   and   tranquility   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   Queen   Viola   is   willing   to   cease   the   enmity   between   them   and   make   peace   with   Dimitri.     In   spite   of   the   great   disparity   of   their   respective   positions   she   is   willing   to   extend   her   hand   in   friendship.     Her   majesty   had   chosen   twelve   of   the   most   beautiful   young   girls   of   our   realm   and   trained   them   herself   to   perform   a   dance   which   she   is   now   sharing   with   our   illustrious   guest.”     He   clapped   his   hands   three   times   and   music   again   resounded   in   the   great   hall   of   the   gold   palace.   The   sound   of   invisible   musicians   playing   all   kinds   of   drums   filled   the   air.   At   first   the   its   beat   was   slow,   like   raindrops   falling   on   leaves,   but   gradually   gathered   memento   and   became   terse   and   fast   and   loud,   like   hordes   of   wild   horses   galloping   on   the   grasslands,   their   pounding   hoofs   trampling   the   ground   creating   a   loud   crescendo.     Just   then   twelve   naked   young   women   made   their   entry   dancing   swiftly   into   the   hall   from   different   entrances,   twirling   and   dancing   light-footed   and   agile   as   the   antelopes   that   roam   the   grassland   on   the   horizon.     They   flew   all   around   the   hall,   dipping,   turning   and   jumping,   their   supple   muscles   and   beautiful   figures   perfect   combinations   of   feminine   grace   and   beauty.     Just   as   Dimitri   was   shaken   by   the   music   and   the   unbelievable   scene   before   him,   the   twelve   naked   beauties   suddenly   closed   in   around   him,   forming   the   battle   array   of   hunters   surrounding   and   going   after   their   prey.   It   was   too   late   for   Dimitri   to   make   a   break   and   try   to   escape.    

Dimitri’s   loyal   servants,   Creativity   and   Imagination,   saw   the   gravity   of   the   situation,   so   holding   each   other’s   hand   and   clasping   their   fingers   tightly   together,   they   pointed   their   free   hand   towards   the   sky.     The   sea   of   flowers   behind   them,   boundless   and   limitless,   began   to   sway   and   roll   like   waves   in   the   sea.     Viola   gave   the   order   for   the   dancers   to   act   and   they   immediately   sprang   towards   Dimitri   like   beasts   of   prey.   Some   grabbed   him   around   the   neck,   some   tackled   his   arms   and   legs   while   the   others   worked   together   to   try   to   carry   him   away   as   their   hostage.     Creativity   and   Imagination’s   fingers   pointed   ahead   and   in   answer   to   their   command   the   sea   of   flowers   behind   them   rushed   ahead   like   flood   water   bursting   free   of   the   dam.  

  Wave   after   wave   of   flowers,   majestic   and   unstoppable,   swelled   and   rapidly   gained   speed   as   they   surged   forward   towards   the   gold   palace   and   swallowed   it   up   whole.     The   sea   of   flowers   rolled   on   and   on,   wave   after   wave,   obliterating   whatever   was   in   their   path.     In   the   end   the   surrounding   palaces,   skyscrapers   and   tall   buildings   were   all   eradicated   by   the   gentle   but   persistent   and   ever-moving   sea   of   flowers,   leaving   behind   nothing   but   emptiness.   Waves   of   the   sea   of   flowers   rose   and   fell   gently   like   a   mother   bathing   her   precious   infant,   spraying   water   on   the   baby’s   body.     Waves   of   the   sea   of   flowers   moved   on,   wave   pushing   wave   on   and   on,   gently,   like   a   mother’s   hand   spraying   water   on   her   baby’s   body,   carefully   washing   him.     Waves   of   the   sea   of   flowers   moved   on,   gently   and   nurturing   but   wherever   it   passed   everything   was   destroyed.     Even   the   waves   themselves   disappeared   at   the   end   of   the   horizon.   The   gold   palace   was   gone.     So   were   Viola   and   her   obsequious   attendant,   Mr.   Finger,   who   were   pushed   by   the   sea   of   flowers   to   we   know   not   where.     Creativity   and   Imagination   had   also   disappeared   and   Dimitri   had   no   notion   of   where   they   went   because   he   had   stopped   using   his   brains.     Since   he   had   stopped   using   his   brains,   there   was   no   way   for   him   to   know   what   his   loyal   servants   were   about.

Dimitri   squatted   under   the   street   lights   as   though   he   had   never   moved   his   position,   but   unfortunately   he   was   again   blind   because   his   loyal   servants   Creativity   and   Imagination   had   temporarily   left   him.     Normally   those   two   were   always   with   him.     Why   had   they   left?     Because   Dimitri   had   stopped   using   his   brains.     When   he   restarts,   his   two   loyal   servants   would   naturally   be   back   to   be   at   the   beck   and   call   of   their   master.    

  Dimitri   felt   he   was   in   a   wilderness,   surrounding   by   silence.     Endless   expanse   of   grassland,   boundless   wilderness   all   eerily   silent   extended   outwards   indefinitely,   with   only   him   as   the   lone   solitary   man   in   existence   on   this   earth.     It   was   as   if   mankind   had   not   yet   fully   evolved   and   therefore   had   not   yet   populated   the   earth,   so   Dimitri   felt   lonesome   and   isolated   as   there   was   no   other   human   being   on   this   wide   expanse   of   wilderness.     But   how   was   the   earth   formed?     What   was   it   like   before   the   earth   came   into   existence?     Before   this,   everything   was   a   huge   ball   of   roaring   fire,   unimaginably   frightening   and   terrifying.     When   the   fire   died   down,   all   that   remained   were   white   ashes   blowing   about   the   earth.     That   was   before   heaven   and   earth   was   separated.     It   was   only   when   the   ashes   gradually   cooled   down   and   solidified   that   land   was   formed.   Later   the   land   came   to   life   and   green   plants   and   trees   covered   the   earth.     Dimitri   felt   as   if   he   was   the   only   human   on   the   earth.     There   was   no   bird   in   the   sky,   no   other   animal   walking   on   the   surface   of   the   earth   and   no   fish   and   other   aquatic   life   in   the   sea.     He   was   the   one   solitary   living   thing   in   existence.     But   wasn’t   this   place   a   metropolis   not   long   ago?     Why,   hundreds   and   thousands   of   people   used   to   live   and   work   here   and   cars   and   trucks   packed   the   streets!     People   used   concrete   to   seal   up   the   earth   and   used   concrete   and   steel   to   build   a   man-made   forest   that   represented   human   intelligence   and   skill.   That   was   not   so   long   ago.     Since   when   did   all   this   revert   back   to   wilderness,   silent   and   lonely?   Wasn’t   this   place   originally   a   scene   of   desolation   with   hot   ashes   floating   everywhere?   Dimitri   was   baffled   and   perplexed.     Ashes,   wilderness   and   metropolis,   are   all   stops   in   human   development.     Each   one   seemed   to   be   a   starting   point,   but   also   a   terminal.     There   was   really   no   significant   difference   or   meaning   between   them   because   they   follow   each   other   in   a   cycle.   Time   moves   on,   but   its   speed   was   too   slow   or   too   fast   for   us   to   feel   the   movement.     Things   change.       Perhaps   the   speed   of   change   was   too   fast   or   slow   for   us   to   feel   the   change.     Sometimes   huge   changes   occur   in   a   flash   fast   as   lightning,   but   at   other   times   slight   changes   happen   only   after   hundreds   of   years   of   patient   expectations.     Dimitri   thought   of   his   recent   conversation   with   Viola,   of   how   he   told   her   there   was   really   no   marked   boundary   between   true   existence   and   phantom   impressions,   that   the   difference   between   existent   and   nil-existence   was   vague   and   indistinct.   To   be   more   specific,   these   two   states   of   existence   are   interchangeable.

  In   the   distance,   a   flag   was   fluttering   in   the   wind,   a   window   left   open   by   a   careless   employee   also   creaked   and   squeaked   in   the   breeze.     Dimitri   suddenly   felt   that   he   was   back   in   the   metropolis   where   hundreds   of   people   lived   together.     Because   it   was   after   office   hours,   there   was   no   one   about,   thereby   giving   him   the   impression   of   solitary   isolation   and   loneliness.     He   also   heard   cries   of   “Dimitri!     Dimitri!”   from   afar   coming   closer   and   closer   to   him.     He   knew   it   was   his   good   friends   Richard   and   Jamaz   coming   to   look   for   him.     Soon   he   heard   running   footsteps   and   Richard   was   saying,

“Dimitri!     We’ve   been   looking   for   you   everywhere!     What   are   you   doing   here   all   alone   in   this   empty   square?   Come   on;   let’s   go   back   to   the   deserted   rose   garden.     Mr.   Kaffee,   Big-O   and   Dwarf   Mickey   are   all   waiting   for   you   there.     We   have   prepared   a   sumptuous   dinner   and   a   lot   of   good   wine.     Come   quickly.     We   want   to   welcome   you   back   and   celebrate   the   reunion   of   old   friends.”   Richard   helped   Dimitri   up   without   waiting   for   his   reply   and   Jamaz   picked   up   the   white   cane   on   the   ground   beside   him   and   the   three   of   them   quickly   left   the   deserted   square.

                                                  Chapter   3         Giant   Mountain

The   crystal   clear   blue   water   of   Star-Moon   Lake   rippled   gently   under   the   starlit   skies.     A   dark   figure   flashed   by   in   the   moonlight   astride   a   flying   broom.     It   was   not   the   original   owner   of   the   broom,   but   a   svelte   young   woman.     Ever   since   Amalia   fell   ill,   she   had   been   living   in   Dream-Makers   Bakery   under   the   tender   loving   care   of   Sheila   and   Yoko,   so   it   could   not   be   she   who   appeared   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.       Before   leaving   the   Kingdom,   Dorna   had   given   the   broom   to   Deanna   and   it   had   become   a   convenient   means   of   transportation   for   the   young   native   girl   in   her   work   as   liaison   between   the   native   tribes   spread   wide   apart   in   the   mountains,   saving   her   from   having   to   climb   mountains   and   wade   through   waters.     Deanna   circled   around   Giant   Mountains   on   her   flying   broom.     She   waited   for   the   dust   to   settle   and   things   to   calm   down   after   the   two   great   natural   disasters   before   visiting   the   area.     This   was   her   first   trip   back   to   assess   the   damage   after   the   huge   earthquake   and   tsunami.     She   stopped   in   midair   to   further   check   the   head   of   the   giant   which   was   still   discernable.       Facing   the   decapitated   head   alone   in   the   dead   of   night   made   Deanna’s   flesh   crawl.   The   atmosphere   of   horror   and   fright   raised   the   fine   hairs   of   her   body,   but   she   felt   she   had   to   examine   the   remains   of   the   giant’s   head.     Giant   Mountain   was   in   disarray,   having   been   broken   into   several   sections.     Parts   of   it   had   sunk   all   the   way   to   the   bottom   of   the   lake,   but   parts   were   visible   above   the   water.     The   best   preserved   section   was   the   head   of   the   giant   which   was   still   gazing   up   at   the   skies.     But   Deanna   noticed   that   the   upward   gazing   head   was   tilted   slightly   towards   the   right.     The   shift   was   barely   perceptible,   but   could   not   escape   the   sharp   eyes   of   the   young   girl   who   had   grown   up   in   these   parts   and   who   knew   every   mountain,   every   tree,   and   every   blade   of   grass.     “But   why   was   the   head   tilted   towards   the   right?”   she   asked   herself.     “Perhaps   his   huge   body   which   had   lain   paralyzed   on   the   horizon   since   the   beginning   of   time   was   beginning   to   feel   the   effects   of   immobility   and   was   numb,   stiff   and   tired.     He   may   just   have   wanted   to   change   his   posture   a   bit   and   turn   to   the   right.       He   had   lain   in   the   same   position   for   too   long   causing   his   flesh   to   rot   and   his   bones   to   loosen   so   the   slightest   change   to   his   posture   brought   about   an   earthquake   and   a   tsunami,   breaking   Giant   Mountain   into   several   sections.     But   what   prompted   the   giant   who   had   been   lying   motionless   on   his   back   on   the   horizon   since   the   beginning   of   time   to   move   his   body?       Did   he   receive   some   stimulation,   some   unbearable   pain   or   perhaps   an   intolerable   itch   that   caused   him   to   want   to   move   his   body?   There   had   to   be   a   cause   and   I   hope   I   will   be   able   to   get   to   the   bottom   of   this.”     Deanna   geared   her   broom   for   descent   until   she   hovered   two   three   feet   above   the   water.     She   said   to   the   broom,

“Be   good   and   wait   for   me   here.     Don’t   you   go   wandering   anywhere   else   by   yourself.     I   want   to   dive   to   the   bottom   of   the   lake   and   take   a   look   at   the   condition   of   King   Dimitri’s   gold   palace.     I   will   be   up   very   quickly.     I   cannot   let   a   valuable   asset   of   the   Kingdom   lie   buried   at   the   bottom   of   the   water   without   taking   a   look.”     Before   coming   here,   Deanna   had   already   pleated   her   long   and   lustrous   hair   into   a   braid,   which   she   now   wound   around   her   neck   and   then   dived   into   the   blue   waters.

Deanna   was   an   excellent   swimmer   and   agile   as   a   fish   in   the   water   because   this   lake   was   like   a   second   home   to   her.     The   luminous   moonlight   penetrated   the   crystal   clear   blue   waves   and

lighted   up   her   way.     Then   as   she   descended   deeper,   the   light   gradually   changed   to   a   metallic   yellow   hue   which   lighted   up   blue   water   together   with   silver   moonlight,   creating   a   mysterious   and   fantastic   world   of   lights.     As   she   swam   a   bit   lower,   the   majestic   gold   palace   suddenly   came   into   view,   resting   peacefully   and   sedately   on   a   long   stretch   of   smooth   white   sand.     Deanna   was   amazed   at   the   sight.     Who   had   the   power   to   take   the   huge   gold   palace   and   settle   it   magically   on   this   large   stretch   of   underwater   beach?     Was   it   just   coincidence   that   amid   the   chaos   of   the   huge   earthquake   which   broke   up   Giant   Mountain   and   the   ensuing   roaring   tsunami,   the   gold   palace   just   happened   to   sink   down   to   this   most   suitable   location   without   the   least   bit   of   damage?   This   was   really   unimaginable!     She   swam   around   outside   the   palace   and   found   no   damage   whatsoever.     Clamping   her   teeth   on   the   tail   end   of   her   long   braid   around   her   neck   to   keep   it   from   getting   loose,   she   swam   into   the   palace.     She   looked   around   and   was   overjoyed   to   see   that   the   lifelike   sculptures   of   the   twenty-four   beauties   were   not   at   all   affected   by   the   natural   disasters   and   were   perfectly   preserved.     As   she   was   busy   inspecting   the   premises,   she   forgot   to   bite   onto   her   braid   which   gradually   uncoiled,   forming   a   long   pigtail   behind   her   head   which   looked   like   a   gleaming   black   water   snake   following   closely   behind   her   head.     Just   then   she   realized   that   the   oxygen   in   her   body   was   getting   low   and   knew   it   was   time   to   swim   out   through   the   window,   go   up   to   the   surface   for   more   air   before   coming   down   to   resume   her   inspection.     On   her   way   out   she   felt   something   pull   at   her   head   and   her   ascent   was   somewhat   slowed   by   her   braid   which   had   been   caught   on   something.     She   looked   back   and   saw   that   the   end   of   her   braid   was   caught   by   King   Dimitri’s   magic   bow   which   was   hanging   on   the   window.     Deanna   was   overjoyed   and   almost   shouted   out   loud   in   excitement.     She   took   the   magic   bow,   slung   it   around   her   shoulder   and   quickly   swam   to   the   surface.     She   broke   out   of   the   water   just   under   the   place   where   the   flying   broom   was   hovering,   waiting   patiently   for   its   rider.     She   hung   the   bow   onto   the   broom   and   said   happily,

“My   precious   broom,   see   how   fortunate   I   am   today?     I   accidentally   came   across   one   of   the   most   important   treasures   of   our   Kingdom   -   King   Dimitri’s   magic   bow!     I   want   to   go   down   again   and   see   if   I   can   find   the   quiver   of   arrows   as   well.     If   I   could   do   so,   it   would   be   fantastic!     Wish   me   luck!”     Saying   so,   Deanna   again   dived   into   the   crystal   clear   blue   waters.     This   time   she   was   even   luckier,   for   she   saw   the   quiver   of   arrows   half   buried   in   the   pure   white   sand   and   in   no   time   pulled   it   out   and   swam   back   again   to   the   top.     Hanging   the   quiver   on   the   broom   with   the   bow,   she   cried   excitedly   “See   here,   my   luck   has   held   and   I   got   the   magic   arrows   as   well!”     The   magic   bow   ands   arrow   fell   to   the   bottom   of   the   lake   while   Viola   was   battling   for   her   life   amid   the   ferocious   waves   of   the   tsunami   and   they   just   happened   to   land   near   the   gold   palace.     It   could   be   said   that   thus   these   two   magic   weapons   have   at   last   been   returned   to   their   rightful   owner.     Deanna   jumped   onto   the   flying   broom   and   swiftly   flew   away   towards   the   forests,   hurrying   to   report   the   glad   tidings   to   Medusa   and   the   White   Fairy   to   let   them   know   that   there   is   hope   now   and   that   King   Dimitri’s   Kingdom   of   Dreams   would   be   sure   to   revive.

  Dimitri   woke   gradually   from   his   dreams   amid   the   twittering   of   birds,   silvery   and   melodious.     In   this   deserted   rose   garden,   lay   the   ruins   of   a   house,   most   of   which   had   been   burnt   down   years   ago.     The   small   part   that   was   left   standing   had   become   the   temporary   home   of   Richard   and   Jamaz.     The   dazzling   afternoon   sun   filtered   through   the   branches   of   the   tree   that   scattered   its   rays   on   the   flight   of   steps.     Dimitri,   who   was   used   to   a   nomad   life     having   lived   most   of   his   life   in   the   open   air   on   the   streets,   did   not   like   to   be   cooped   up   indoors.     Therefore,   he   took   a   rough   gunny   bag,   spread   it   on   the   concrete   ground   under   the   eaves,   and   considered   it   his   temporary   bed.     He   lay   down   on   it   and   by   force   of   habit   put   his   olive-colored   safari   hat   over   his   tummy   and   folded   his   hands   behind   his   head   as   his   pillow.     Last   night   old   friends,   exuberant   to   be   reunited   after   a   long   separation,   ate,   drank   and   talked   all   through   the   night.     Dimitri   drank   too   much   and   was   still   feeling   groggy   and   half   awake,   but   he   was   able   to   connect   the   dots   and   piece   together   the   recent   events   as   reported   to   him   by   his   friends.

Last   night   after   Richard   and   Jamaz   found   Dimitri   sitting   alone   in   a   corner   of   the   desolated   square,   surrounded   by   skyscrapers,   they   brought   him   back   to   the   long   deserted   rose   garden.     From   afar   they   could   hear   pleasant   jazz   music   and   smell   the   fragrance   of   meat   being   broiled   over   the   fire,   but   alas   there   was   also   a   sniff   of   something   being   burnt,   for   Mr.   Kaffee,   Big-O   and   Dwarf   Mickey   were   not   the   connoisseur   of   BBQing   that   Richard   was.     Richard   was   indeed   acknowledged   to   be   as   good   as   a   first   class   chef   in   this   respect,   for   his   meat   was   always   cooked   to   perfection:     tender,   juicy   and   just   done.     The   old   friends   hugged   each   other,   clapping   each   other   on   the   back   talking   animatedly.     Richard   immediately   took   over   the   lamb   chop   in   Dwarf   Mickey’s   hand   and   found   that   one   side   was   burnt   while   the   other   side   was   still   raw.   He   said,

“Watch   me!     I   will   turn   this   lamb   chop   into   one   with   a   special   flavor!   Do   you   believe   me?”

“Of   course   we   do.”   His   friends   responded.

“You   are   the   acknowledged   chef!   “

“We   know   what   you   can   do.

The   old   friends   sat   down   around   the   fire.     Jamaz   popped   open   a   few   bottles   of   liquor   and   handed   them   around   before   going   to   help   Richard   with   the   meat.     Richard   worked   efficiently   and   quickly   because   he   knew   everyone   was   hungry.     Mr.   Kaffee   took   a   large   gulp   of   liquor   and   said   to   Dimitri,

“They   were   looking   for   you   everywhere   and   I   heard   that   they   finally   found   you   at   the   square.     That   place   is   always   deserted   after   office   hours   with   scarcely   a   person   in   sight.     What   were   you   doing   there?”

“I   was   just   passing   by   when   I   happened   to   come   across   Mr.   Finger   and   his   bride   Viola.”     ”   replied   Dimitri,   also   taking   a   large   gulp   of   wine.     “I   got   entangled   with   them   and   was   hoping   that   I   could   make   use   of   this   meeting   to   untie   the   Gordian   knot   and   resolve   our   differences.     But   in   the   end   nothing   was   accomplished   and   the   dead   knot   was   still   there   between   us.”

“Oh?”   exclaimed   his   audience   when   they   heard   that   he   had   met   with   Mr.   Finger   and   Viola   and   all   eyes   riveted   to   Dimitri.     So   Dimitri   told   them   what   had   happened…

“Well,   well,   well…”   said   Dwarf   Mickey,   “I   knew   the   treasure   trove   was   still   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     If   it   weren’t   for   those   great   changes   to   the   earth’s   crust,   it   would   be   hard   to   tell   when   they   would   resurface…   It’s   hard   to   imagine   that   Viola   is   that   master   thief   after   several   reincarnations…He   is   able   to   move   cases   of   precious   diamonds   and   gems   to   this   mundane   world   and   show   them   to   you…Hmm,   his   ability   is   quite   impressive…”

“Actually   that’s   not   very   hard   to   do”   said   Dimitri.     “Just   think   about   it.     Take   a   case   of   jewelry,   for   example.     You   can   easily   use   your   imagination   to   move   it   to   somewhere   else.”

“You   mean…   “said   M.   Kaffee   “that   you   can   use   creativity   and   imagination   to   take   the   place   of   objective   reality?   You   mean   you   can   easily   make   impossible   things   possible?   Isn’t   it   a   bit   like   cheating   yourself?”

“It’s   not   surprising   that   you   have   these   doubts”   said   Dimitri.       When   certain   things   happen,   your   doubts   will   naturally   melt   away.   When   the   internal   world   of   your   soul   and   the   outer   objective   physical   world   are   in   full   accord   and   reach   the   level   of   perfect   harmony,   then   all   infinite   potentialities   become   possible.     There   will   be   no   more   questions   of   cheating   and   being   cheated…”   Dwarf   Mickey   nodded   his   head   in   agreement.     He   looked   up   at   the   myriads   of   stars   in   the   sky   and   said,

“The   direction   of   the   development   of   human   civilization   vied   more   towards   the   exploration   of   the   material   world   and   the   deep   and   dark   universe   than   towards   the   inner   world   of   one’s   heart.     The   direction   of   the   development   of   modern   science   completely   ignores   the   exploration   of   man’s   innermost   world   and   concentrates   on   the   depth   of   the   external   cosmos.

Actually   the   solution   to   their   problem   which   they   were   so   actively   pursuing   were   buried   deeply   in   the   internal   world   of   one’s   heart,   like   my   treasure   trove   that   had   been   lost   for   almost   a   century   and   whose   worth   is   inestimable   is   still   buried   in   the   soil   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   whole   and   untouched,   Isn’t   this   rather   like   rejecting   what   is   near   at   hand   and   seeking   for   what   is   far   away?”

“You   mean   we   should   give   up   the   exploration   of   modern   science   and   concentrate   on   pursuing   depth   of   the   inner   world   of   the   heart?”   asked   Mr.   Kaffee.

“No,   no,   no”   interrupted   Dwarf   Mickey.     “That   is   not   what   I   meant.     I   think   we   should   pay   equal   attention   on   both   worlds.   That   would   be   the   ideal   mode   of   approach.”   The   fat   in   the   meat   chops   began   to   drop   onto   the   charcoal   fire   and   produced   a   sizzling   sound.     Soon   Richard   brought   over   a   large   plate   of   mouth-watering   crispy   lamb   chops   perfectly   grilled   to   a   golden   brown,     giving   off   an   enticing   aroma     and   served   them   to   his   friends   saying,

“Hey   guys,   you   must   be   hungry   so   let’s   all   start   eating   and   stop   talking   about   this   boring   troublesome   philosophical   stuff.     Leave   that   to   the   intellectuals.     We   should   concentrate   on   eating   our   meat   and   drinking   our   liquor.     Isn’t   that   more   practical?”     Everyone   laughed   and   fell   to   with   gusto.

“You   guys   just   talked   about   some   cases   of   jewelry.     What   was   that   about?”   asked   mr.   Kaffee.       A   friend   of   mine   mentioned   to   me   recently   that   he   wanted   to   sell   off   his   jewelry   business.     I   think   that   he   is   having   money   trouble   in   this   economic   tsunami   or   he   would   not   be   willing   to   give   up   his   lucrative   trade.     I   mentioned   it   to   Samantha   who   is   a   connoisseur   of   jewelry   and   she   in   turn   persuaded   Megginn   to   look   into   it.     They   told   me   to   talk   to   this   guy   and   we   will   be   going   to   his   large   jewelry   store   soon   and   see   how   things   go.”     Dimitri   took   another   gulp   of   his   liquor   and   felt   a   fiery   hot   line   go   down   from   his   throat   to   his   stomach.     Extremely   satisfied,   he   wiped   the   remnants   of   the   liquor   from   the   corner   of   his   lips   and   said,

“Nowadays   I   am   no   longer   interested   in   the   business   of   making   money.     Let   the   two   of   them   decide   what   to   do   and   I   will   be   behind   them   100%.”     Dwarf   Mickey   tore   a   large   chunk   of   meat   from   his   chop   and   swallowed   it   without   chewing   it   thoroughly.     Then   he   too   gulped   some   wine   and   said,

“Humans   are   never   tired   of   accumulating   wealth.     To   put   it   nicely   they   want   the   satisfaction   that   comes   with   self-   accomplishment,   but   to   put   it   bluntly,   it   is   just   plain   avarice,   a   part   of   human   nature   that   came   with   them   at   birth.     But   no   matter   what,   the   accumulation   of   wealth   is   one   of   the   forces   that   propel   human   civilization   forward.     Young   people   nowadays   are   eloquent   and   are   meticulous   calculators,   very   ambitious   about   their   future.     I   am   out-of-date   and   should   retire   soon   and   let   the   new   generation   take   over…”     The   white-bearded   god   of   wealth   shook   his   head   and   laughed   wryly.

Dimitri   lay   flat   on   his   back   on   the   cold   cement   ground   with   only   a   rough   gunny   bag   under   him.   His   body   felt   stiff   and   uncomfortable   after   having   been   in   the   same   position   for   too   long,   so   he   turned   sideways   to   the   right,   curled   up   his   body   and   put   one   of   his   arms   under   his   cheek   as   his   pillow.     He   was   wide   awake   by   then,   but   kept   his   eyes   closed   and   did   not   sit   up   because   there   wasn’t   much   to   do   and   he   preferred   to   lie   there.     The   difference   in   temperature   and   the   noise   from   the   city   told   him   it   was   about   three,   four   o’clock   in   the   afternoon.     He   just   lay   there   quietly   and   did   not   feel   like   getting   up   because   there   was   nothing   for   him   to   do.     The   only   thing   he   could   do   was   to   let   time   slide   quietly   by   unnoticed.     Ever   since   he   was   a   youth   he   had   known   that   one   day   he   would   become   blind   so   he   used   to   blindfold   his   eyes   with   a   dark-colored   kerchief   and   try   to   experience   what   it   felt   like   to   be   a   blind   man.     But   the   action   only   gave   him   great   pressure   because   he   found   it   impossible   to   do   anything   when   blindfolded,   so   he   quickly   took   down   the   kerchief.     He   lay   there   motionlessly   doing   nothing   because   there   was   nothing   to   do.     The   only   thing   he   could   do   was   to   let   time   pass   him   by   quietly,   unnoticed.     He   opened   his   eyes   and   found   that   the   world   was   dark   before   his   eyes.     He   raised   his   hand   to   pull   away   the   kerchief   but   was   surprised   to   find   there   was   nothing   covering   his   eyes.     It   was   then   that   he   realized   he   was   blind.

The   deserted   rose   garden   took   up   quite   a   bit   of   space.   Years   of   neglect   resulted   in   overgrown   weeds   and   dry   and   withered   leaves   covering   the   ground.     Wasn’t   it   strange   that   in   the   midst   of   the   busy   metropolis   a   garden   like   this   could   remain   forsaken   and   abandoned   for   so   long?     The   roses   in   the   garden   bloomed   in   spite   of   lack   of   care,   as   if   trying   to   show   off   their   brilliant   colors.     But   their   petals   were   covered   with   dust   and   tall   weeds   almost   crowded   out   the   rose   bushes.     They   were   like   high-born,   aristocratic   ladies   down   on   their   luck.     The   familiar   sound   of   brakes   being   applied   was   heard   and   soon   Dimitri   heard   footsteps   walking   towards   him   through   the   grass   and   bushes.     Dimitri’s   empty,   sightless   eyes   turned   towards   the   noise,   knowing   Richard   and   Jamaz   were   back.     Seeing   that   Dimitri’s   eyes   were   open,   Richard   said,

“Hi,   Dimitri.     Had   a   good   nap?     Did   you   have   any   good   dreams?”     Dimitri   was   surprised   they   were   home   so   early,   so   instead   of   answering,   he   asked,

“Is   something   wrong?”

“No,   no”   said   Richard.   “   Mr.   Kaffee   told   us   to   come   back   and   change   into   our   suits.     He   wants   us   to   accompany   Samantha   and   Megginn   to   a   large   exhibition   a   famous   jeweler   is   giving.     Samantha   received   an   invitation   two   weeks   ago.     Mr.   Kaffee   said   although   the   two   of   us   were   bodyguards,   we   still   had   to   be   suitably   dressed   in   our   best   costumes.”

“I   hate   to   dress   up”   complained   Jamaz.     “It   feels   so   confined   and   restricted.     I   can’t   stand   neckties   either;   it’s   like   the   dog   collar,   really,   really   uncomfortable!”     Saying   so,   the   two   of   them   went   into   the   burnt   house   and   started   rummaging   through   their   chests   and   boxes,   looking   for   their   formal   suits   which   they   hadn’t   worn   since   they   resigned   from   their   posts   as   president   and   vice-president   of   World   Bank.     Finally   they   found   the   custom-made   clothes   at   the   bottom   of   their   trunk.     Carrying   his   in   his   hand,   Richard   walked   out   and   said   to   Dimitri,

“Have   to   leave   now.     We   must   go   to   the   bakery,   wash   and   dressed   up   before   joining   the   others.     Continue   with   your   rest,   Dimitri,   we’ll   bring   dinner   home.”     The   two   of   them   walked   through   the   weed   infested   deserted   garden   towards   the   gate.     Half   way   towards   the   entrance   Richard   suddenly   remembered   something   and   turned   back   saying,

“Oh   yes,   I   forgot   to   tell   you   something.     Recently   a   group   of   homeless   people   have   been   hanging   out   around   here,   thinking   of   moving   in   on   us.     At   first,   I   didn’t   mind   and   had   no   problem   sharing   the   use   of   this   place   with   them.     I   thought   we   were   all   poor   and   homeless   vagabonds   and   this   quiet   garden   is   large   enough   for   us   all   to   co-exist   peacefully.     But   as   soon   as   they   got   here,   these   hooligans   began   to   smoke   drugs,   indulge   in   sex   orgies,     fuck   each   other   from   behind,   throw   used   needles,   bottles   and   waste   all   around   as   well   as   urinate   and   relieve   themselves   anywhere   they   felt   like,   stinking   up   the   whole   place,   making   our   little   paradise   utterly   unlivable.     I   drove   them   all   out   and   beat   up   anyone   I   see   lurking   around.     Their   leader   came   over   with   a   gun   and   tried   to   intimidate   us,   but   Jamaz   and   I   took   his   gun   away,   beat   the   crap   out   of   him     and   threw   him   out   again.     If   they   come   back   here   while   we   are   gone,   don’t   tangle   with   them   in   any   way.     They   are   ruthless   and   barbaric.     Just   go   to   some   remote   corner   of   the   garden   and   ignore   them.     Wait   for   us   to   deal   with   them   when   we   come   back.     Better   yet,   leave   the   garden   temporarily   but   don’t   go   far.     You   are   blind   and   have   trouble   making   your   way.     Leave   them   to   the   two   of   us…”

“Don’t   worry,   I   won’t   get   into   a   fight   with   anyone”   said   Dimitri   smiling.   “Didn’t   Mr.   Finger   say   I   was   like   a   broken   ball   by   the   side   of   the   street   that   anyone   can   kick   around?     If   these   people   do   come   here   I   will   go   to   a   quiet,   isolated   corner   or   leave   here   altogether.     You   guys   have   work   to   do.     Go   and   do   your   job.     I’ll   be   alright.”

Richard   and   Jamaz   left   as   quickly   as   they   came,   but   their   words   remained   with   Dimitri.

“Yes,”   he   thought,   “In   this   world   there   are   people,   rotten   to   the   core,   living   miserable,   decadent   and   corrupt   lives.   Their   creed   seems   to   be   the   more   corrupt,   the   better.     But   they   are   not   of   the   majority,   in   fact   there   aren’t   really   that   many   of   them.     I,   too,   am   a   homeless   vagabond   and   one   who   loves   to   dream.     If   my   life   is   an   experiment,   are   the   results   correct   or   incorrect?     According   to   the   normal   pattern   of   life   ,   when   a   boy   grows   up   to   be   a   man   he   must   earn   his   own   living,   get   a   job   somewhere   as   a   clerk   or   civil   employee   and   try   to   live   within   his   means   on   a   meager   salary.     He   will   marry   and   have   children.     The   plainer   the   wife’s   appearance   ,   the   more   complacent   his   life   will   be,   and   he   will   feel   safe   and   free   from   pressure.     As   for   children,   one   or   two   is   the   ideal   number,   as   he   would   not   be   able   to   afford   more.     They   scrimp   and   save   and   go   on   a   family   vacations   when   they   could   afford   to.   After   a   few   such   vacations   and   it   would   be   time     to   retire…   But   my   mode   of   life   has   gone   the   opposite   way.     I   unconsciously   walked   on   the   path   towards   becoming   a   blind   homeless   person,   a   homeless   person   who   loves   to   dream.     People   may   pity   me   and   feel   sorry   for   my   plight,   but   in   reality,   I   could   not   have   met   my   good   friends   otherwise.     Friends   are   the   riches   I   have   accumulated   in   life   and   whom   I   cannot   live   without.     Friends   are   indispensible,   especially   to   a   blind   man   like   me.     My   love   of   dreams   enabled   me   to   build   my   Kingdom   of   Dreams   with   its   magnificent   palaces,   twenty-four   beauties   and   my   Kingdom   full   of   loyal   subjects.     Though   I   am   a   penniless,   blind   homeless   person,   in   my   dreams   I   am   the   powerful   sovereign   of   a   kingdom   and   richer   than   Midas.   Who   can   say   that   my   experiment   of   life   is   a   failure   and   not   a   success?

Life   may   be   experimental,   but   fate   cannot   be   changed.     The   ingredients   that   make   up   fate   had   been   predestined   the   moment   life   began.   These   complicated   and   hard   to   understand   ingredients   cannot   be   calculated,   even   by   the   most   advanced   computers   invented   by   man.   When   a   man   is   born,   he   lives   according   to   the   route   set   out   by   fate.     Some   lives   are   smooth   and   successful,   paved   with   fame   and   fortune.     Others   walk   on   a   hard   and   tortuous   path,   full   of   loneliness   and   misfortune.     The   components   of   people’s   lives   may   be   as   different   as   the   innumerable   combinations   of   the   kaleidoscope,   but   the   end   is   invariably   the   same   –   death,   the   great   equalizer.     Before   the   god   of   Fate,   we   are   all   helpless   and   insignificant   because   his   decrees   are   final   and   not   to   be   bargained   with.     We   can   only   accept   our   fate   without   resistance,   for   resistance   is   futile   anyway.     Do   you   think   that   I,   Dimitri,   was   willing   to   accept   my   fate   as   a   blind   man?     Certainly   not,   but   what   could   I   do?     Before   Fate,   I   am   insignificant   and   helpless,   unable   to   resist   in   any   way.     My   way   of   coping,   my   way   to   pull   wool   over   the   eyes   of   the   god   of   fate,   is   to   develop   a   beautiful   secret   garden   in   the   innermost   part   of   my   heart   without   his   notice.     No   one   but   me   could   touch   this   place.

Dimitri   changed   from   sleeping   sideways   to   lying   flat   on   his   back   on   the   cement   ground,   in   exactly   the   same   position   as   that   giant   on   Giant   Mountain   who   lay   peacefully   on   the   horizon.     They   both   faced   the   blue   heavens   as   if   asking   it   a   puzzling   question   that   had   never   been   answered   for   thousands   of   years.     Dimitri   knew   that   step   by   step   he   was   sinking   deeper   into   that   place   deep   in   his   heart   and   felt   drowsiness   again   come   over   him   like   a   teasing   light   fog.     Unwilling   to   give   up   enjoying   the   beauties   of   this   spring   dawn   he   resisted   the   enticement   of   sleep.   So   shouldering   a   shovel   and   holding   some   gardening   tools   in   his   hand,   he   walked   along   the   winding   path   to   the   top   of   the   small   hill.     He   stopped   at   a   spot   facing   the   water   but   was   sheltered   from   the   wind.     The   soil   there   was   suitable   for   planting   flowers,   so   Dimitri   had   chosen   it   as   the   location   for   the   beautiful   secret   garden   in   the   depth   of   his   heart.     The   garden   was   not   large,   but   neither   was   it   small.     Dimitri   had   pulled   up   all   the   weeds   here   and   in   the   bordering   areas,   and   had   pruned   the   trees,   shrubs   and   plants   using   suitable   tools.     Multi-colored   flowers   were   planted   everywhere   filling   every   corner,   all   vying   to   outdo   the   others   in   color   and   fragrance.     It   was   really   a   wonderful   sight.     What   was   more   wondrous   and   could   not   be   seen   in   other   gardens   was,   flowers   of   different   seasons   all   bloomed   at   the   same   time.     Dimitri   straightened   up   to   take   a   break   and   to   stretch   himself.     He   glanced   at   the   opposite   shore   where   the   giant   had   been   lying   on   the   horizon   since   the   beginning   of   time   and   then   turned   back   to   his   gardening.     He   worked   on   happily   and   diligently   under   the   blue   skies.     When   next   he   stood   up   to   take   a   break   and   glanced   again   at   the   giant,   his   heart   seemed   to   give   a   lurch   and   he   suddenly   remembered   that   the   mountain   had   been   completely   destroyed   and   only   the   giant’s   head   remained   intact,   the   rest   of   his   body   having   sunk   to   the   bottom   of   the   water.     How   could   it   be   untouched?     How   could   the   giant   be   lying   there   intact?   As   soon   as   the   idea   flashed   across   his   brain,   the   world   around   him   began   to   shake   violently   and   the   very   ground   under   his   feet   trembled.   A   series   of   ear-deafening   crashes   were   heard.   The   world   shook   and   spinned   and   Giant   Mountain   split   into   several   parts.   The   earthquake   caused   traumatic   changes   to   the   earth’s   crust   which   brought   about   a   tsunami.     It   was   as   if   the   earthquake   and   the   tsunami   were   again   re-enacted   before   Dimitri’s   eyes.

Dimitri   sat   up   on   the   cement   ground.     His   panic-stricken,   sightless   eyes   stared   straight   ahead,   murmuring,   “Did   I   unknowingly   kill   the   giant   who   had   lain   on   the   horizon   since   the   beginning   of   time?   I   thought   he   must   be   stiff,   numb   and   in   pain   after   lying   in   the   same   position   for   so   long   and   only   wanted   to   ease   his   discomfort   by   changing   his   position   a   little;   never   dreaming   it   would   cause   him   to   disintegrate   completely   with   only   his   head   remaining   above   the   water   untouched.     I   have   unwittingly   committed   another   heinuous   crime,   for   which   I   could   never   atone.”  

  A   slight   wind   blew   over   the   deserted   garden,   causing   flowers   to   flutter   and   ruffled   the   leaves   and   branches.     The   tall   weeds   rustled   with   a   noise   too   slight   for   human   footsteps.     It   was   as   if   some   animal   was   quickly   making   its   way   through   them.     Then   came   a   string   of   barks.     Before   Dimitri   realized   what   was   happening,   a   small   plump   furry   dog   jumped   onto   his   lap.     He   knew   it   was   his   little   friend   Maureen   when   his   hands   touched   those   long   furry   ears.    

“Hey,   my   dear   little   friend,   how   did   you   know   I   was   here?”     The   little   dog   jumped   to   the   ground   and   tugged   at   Dimitri’s   trousers   with   his   mouth   as   if   urging   him   to   get   up   and   follow   him.     Dimitri   was   greatly   alarmed   and   asked,   “Is   something   wrong?     Where   is   your   mistress?     Has   something   happened   to   Charina?   It’s   broad   daylight   now,   how   can   I   call   on   Medusa   to   help   her?

Alas,   beautiful   women   are   more   apt   to   get   into   messy   situations…”   Dimitri   was   working   himself   up   into   a   fit   of   anxiety   not   knowing   what   to   do   when   he   heard   a   familiar   voice   calling   from   outside   the   rose   garden,

“Hey   Maureen,   where   are   you?     Maureen?     Did   you   find   Dimitri?     If   not,   come   out   and   we   will   look   for   him   somewhere   else.”     Dimitri   was   greatly   relieved   when   he   realized   that   it   was   Charina   and   knew   that   nothing   had   happened   to   her.     He   quickly   stood   up,   took   up   his   white   cane   and   tottered   out   of   the   deserted   garden   after   Maureen.

When   Charina   saw   Dimitri   appear   at   the   entrance   of   the   garden   tapping   his   white   cane,   she   got   hold   of   his   elbow   and   said   in   a   trembling   voice,

“Get   into   the   car.     It’s   not   safe   here.     Some   hooligans   are   running   towards   us.     Hurry!     Come   on.     Get   into   the   car.”     From   the   trembling   of   her   voice,   Dimitri   knew   the   situation   must   be   getting   tense.     He   could   not   see,   but   his   movements   were   still   quick   and   nimble.     When   his   fingers   touched   the   car   door   that   had   already   been   opened   for   him,   he   quickly   got   in   and   Maureen   jumped   after   him   and   settled   on   his   lap.     Charina   closed   their   car   door   and   quickly   went   over   to   the   driver’s   side   and   got   in.     No   sooner   had   her   side   of   the   car   door   closed   when   she   heard   fists   pounding   on   the   outside   of   her   car   and   a   rough   voice   saying,

“Come   on   my   pretty   little   filly!     Come   out.   Don’t   leave   so   fast.     Stay.     Let’s   play   a   while.     It   will   be   fun.”   Luckily,   she   had   left   the   engine   running,   so   stepping   on   the   gas   the   car   streaked   away,   its   wheels   squealing   in   protest   when   the   car   made   a   quick   turn.     After   they   had   finally   left   the   rose   garden   behind   and   the   coast   seemed   clear,   Charina   began   to   calm   down.     Dimitri   waited   till   her   chest   stopped   heaving   in   agitation   to   ask,

“What   happened,   Charina?”

“Why   didn’t   you   get   in   touch   these   last   few   days?”   she   sighed,   giving   him   a   white   eye.   “I   have   been   looking   for   you   around   the   lake   many   times   but   saw   no   sign   of   you.     I   took   Maureen   and   visited   all   your   old   haunts,   always   setting   him   free   to   look   for   you,   hoping   his   sensitive   nose   would   find   you.     When   we   got   to   the   rose   garden,   the   weeds   were   so   overgrown   and   the   place   seemed   to   be   so   deserted   that   I   did   not   dare   to   go   in,   afraid   there   might   be   unscrupulous   people   hiding   there.     I   sent   Maureen   in   to   check   and   you   were   really   there!     Luckily   we   got   out   in   a   nick   of   time,   otherwise   we   would   be   in   deep   trouble!.     After   I   sent   Maureen   into   the   deserted   garden,   I   saw   some   homeless   persons   dressed   in   dirty,   dilapidated   clothes,   sitting   around   with   wooden   expressions,   doing   nothing.     When   they   saw   me   they   laughed   maliciously   uttering   obscenities,   with   saliva   running   down   the   corner   of   their   mouths   and   stood   up   to   close   in   slowly   on   me.     I   got   really   nervous   and   scared,   but   luckily   you   appeared   with   Maureen.     So   I   opened   the   car   door   for   you   and   left   the   place   quickly.     How   could   you   be   staying   there   at   that   really   scary   place?   I   was   scared   to   death!”

“Sorry.     Sorry.     That   was   all   my   fault.     Sorry   you   had   such   a   scare   but   the   cause   of   it   all   was   your   beauty.     It’s   beautiful   women   who   easily   get   into   trouble   and   land   in   these   messy   situations,   don’t   they?”   said   Dimitri   in   an   apologizing   but   also   flattering   tone.       Charina   sighed.

“In   this   large   metropolis   criminal   elements   are   in   every   dark   corner   and   we   hear   of   crimes   being   committed   day   or   night,   day   in   and   day   out.     Wherever   people   congregate,   there   is   sure   to   be   all   kinds   of   undesirable   people   doing   all   kinds   of   bad   things,   big   and   small.     Why   are   there   so   many   strange,   extraordinary   people   that   cannot   live   peacefully   with   others?     It   would   be   really   wonderful   if   everyone   could   just   co-exist   peacefully,   live   and   let   live!”   contemplated   Charina   in   her   sad   and   sexy   tone   of   voice.

“Don’t   be   so   pessimistic   and   disappointed”   said   Dimitri.     “The   garden   in   some   people’s   hearts   are   dried   up   and   deserted.     But   if   heaven   will   send   down   much   needed   rainfall   and   some   seeds   are   sown,   flowers   will   grow   in   the   rich   soil.”

“Hey,   Dimitri”   said   Charina   with   a   smile.     “Since   when   have   you   become   a   poet   and   speak   with   rhymes   and   metaphors?     Sounds   good!”

Charina’s   hands   stayed   on   the   steering   wheel   and   the   car   rolled   smoothly   on   the   streets   beside   the   lake.     She   turned   off   the   air-conditioning   and   opened   the   windows   to   let   in   fresh   air,   which   was   so   invigorating.

“Let’s   stop   here   for   a   moment   to   enjoy   this   cool   breeze   and   breathe   this   fresh   air”   said   Dimitri.     Charina   stopped   by   the   roadside   as   requested   and   they   sat   in   the   car   enjoying   the   cool   and   refreshing   air.

“What   have   you   been   doing   with   yourself   these   last   few   days,   Charina?”   continued   Dimitri   in   a   conversational   voice.     “You   seemed   to   be   in   a   hurry   to   get   me.     Is   there   something   I   could   do   for   you?”

“Does   there   have   to   be   something   special   for   me   to   come   to   you?     Can’t   I   look   for   you   if   there   isn’t   an   emergency?”     teased   Charina,   her   large   beautiful   eyes   glancing   at   him   soulfully.  

“Alright,   alright,   teasing   aside,   I’ll   come   to   the   point   quickly.     Stimulated   by   our   talks,   I   have   been   flooded   with   inspirations   these   last   few   days   and   my   brain   had   recovered   its   creativity.     I   had   planned   to   seclude   myself   from   the   outside   world   and   take   two   weeks   off   to   concentrate   on   my   writing.     This   morning   I   drove   to   the   supermarket   to   get   enough   groceries   and   supplies   for   the   next   two   weeks.     Perhaps   I   was   too   excited   and   got   up   too   early   because   when   I   got   to   the   store,   there   were   very   few   cars   in   the   parking   lot.     I   saw   a   white   dove   flying   around   in   the   blue   skies.     It   circled   above   my   head,   sometimes   swooping   down   to   fly   in   front   of   me   as   if   to   catch   my   attention..     Looking   closely   I   saw   it   had   a   piece   of   white   paper   in   its   beak   and   knew   at   once   it   was   a   message   for   you   from   that   mysterious   place   beyond   the   blue   skies   so   I   held   out   my   hand   towards   it.     The   dove   dropped   the   paper   letting   it   float   down   onto   my   hand   and   it   flew   quickly   away   back   to   the   blue   skies.    

“What   did   the   note   say?”   asked   Dimitri   urgently.

“Take   it   easy.     I’ll   read   it   to   you”   said   Charina,   opening   her   handbag   to   look   for   the   paper.     She   found   it   and   read   aloud:     Dear   King   Dimitri:     Several   days   ago,   Deanna   dived   into   our   Star-Moon   Lake.     To   her   surprise   she   saw   that   our   gold   palace   was   completely   untouched   and   well-preserved   sitting   on   an   underwater   beach   of   the   smooth   white   sand   at   the   bottom   of   the   shallow   waters.     She   was   also   very   fortunate   to   recover   your   magic   bow   and   arrow   there   at   the   bottom   of   the   lake.     Now   the   two   national   treasures   are   back   in   our   hands   again   and   I   have   placed   them   in   a   shrine     together   with   the   magic   sword   in   White   Fairy’s   temple.     The   barbarian   tribes   who   occupied   our   kingdom   have   retreated   back   to   their   land   and   do   not   seem   to   have   any   aggressive   intentions.     In   a   few   days,   I   intend   to   lead   our   people   back   to   our   beautiful   homeland   again   so   that   they   could   resume   their   tasks   of   fishing,   hunting   or   farming.     Everything   will   be   back   to   normal   and   our   people   would   again   live   their   peaceful   and   harmonious   life.     My   dear   majesty,   please   come   back   to   your   Kingdom.     Your   people   are   awaiting   your   presence   and   leadership.   Signed   Medusa.”     After   hearing   Charina   read   the   letter   to   him,   Dimitri   fell   silent.    

“If   I   return   to   the   Kingdom,”   he   thought   “I   would   disrupt   the   peaceful   and   harmonious   life   of   the   people,   who   live   secluded   from   the   world.     Why   don’t   I   just   pretend   I   had   never   been   there   and   leave   them   to   their   peaceful   life?     It   would   be   as   if   nothing   had   ever   happened   there,   no   palace,   no   royal   concubines,   no   loyal   subjects…But   on   the   other   hand,   if   I   don’t   go   back   to   my   Kingdom   will   I   be   content   to   roam   around   in   this   mundane   world   as   a   blind   homeless   vagabond?   What   and   where   is   my   final   destination?     Am   I   to   roam   forever   in   this   mundane   world,   this   infinite   universe?   Or   perhaps   roaming   is     my   destination.”       Charina’s   beautiful   eyes   glittered   as   she   watched   Dimitri.      

“The   first   time   I   received   messages   for   you   from   the   mysterious   place   beyond   the   blue   skies”   she   murmured,   “it   told   you   that   Zeus,   the   god   of   heaven,   wanted   to   talk   to   you.     Then   there   was   the   second   message   telling   of   the   natural   disasters   of   earthquake   and   tsunami.     This   time   they   told   you   your   gold   palace   was   intact   and   your   national   treasures   of   the   magic   bow   and   arrow   had   been   recovered   and   are   in   safe   keeping   at   White   Fairy’s   temple   in   the   mountains.   Don’t   you   think   that   these   three   letters   would   give   me   enough   material   to   write   a   long,   moving   and   mysterious   novel?       Could   you   give   me   the   lowdown   and   tell   me   the   full   story?     I   would   prefer   to   know   all   the   details   before   I   begin   writing.     I   just   want   to   write   down   this   amazing   story   for   the   world.     The   copyright   belongs   to   you   alone.”

“Copyright?”   laughed   Dimitri.     “That’s   ridiculous.     I   just   had   a   few   dreams   and   I   can   get   a   copyright   for   that?”     Though   Dimitri   was   blind   and   could   not   see,   he   turned   his   eyes   towards   that   far-away   place.     He   knew   that   Charina,   the   young   and   beautiful   authoress,   was   mesmerized   by   his   stories   and   was   completely   consumed   by   them.   “Of   course   I   could   tell   you   the   story.     But   it   is   long   and   complicated   and   may   take   more   than   three   days   and   three   nights.”

“Well   then,   let’s   take   more   than   three   days   and   three   nights”   she   replied.   “I   have   prepared   a   guest   room   for   you   in   my   house   with   pajamas,   slippers   and   all   your   favorite   food   and   drinks.   Why   not   stay   with   me   for   a   few   days   and   tell   me   the   full   story?”

“You   mean   right   now?”

“Of   course”   she   answered,   “what   are   we   waiting   for?”

“When   I   left   the   deserted   garden,   I   did   not   leave   any   note   for   my   good   friends   Richard   and   Jamaz.     They   would   be   very   worried   and   would   think   something   bad   had   happened   to   me.   They   might   even   think   I   had   been   kidnapped   or   killed   by   those   hobos   outside   the   garden.”

“Leave   a   note?”   inquired   Charina   in   surprise.     “That’s   so   antiquated,   so   last   century.     No   one   does   that   any   more.     Nowadays   we   never   leave   notes.     Don’t   they   have   cell   phones?     Why   not   just   text   them   or   leave   a   message   on   their   voicemail   to   tell   them   you   are   at   my   place.”

“Hey,   that’s   a   good   idea.     I   really   am   out   of   touch   with   the   present   day   technologies.”

“Are   Richard   and   Jamaz   the   two   guys   who   returned   Maureen   to   me?   They   talk   hand   in   glove   with   each   other,   often   finishing   each   other’s   sentences.   They’re   really   great   partners.     Since   they   are   your   good   friends,   they   will   surely   become   mine   as   well.”

“I   have   some   more   good   friends.     Mr.   Kaffee   used   to   be   a   big   shot   in   the   underworld,   but   now   he   has   reformed.     Another   is   Dwarf   Mickey.     From   his   name   you   know   he   is   a   dwarf   and   he   is   a   white-bearded   old   man.     But   don’t   look   down   on   him.     In   reality   he   is   the   god   of   wealth   and   has   all   the   wealth   of   the   world   under   his   control.     Then   there   is   Big-O   who   used   to   be   a   professional   assassin   but   is   now   a   devoted   monk…     Of   course   there   is   another   one   who   has   now   betrayed   me   and   my   friends.     That   is   Mr.   Finger.     I   am   sure   that   one   day   he   will   repent   and   come   back   to   the   fold.     He   is   a   very   small   person,   only   as   tall   as   a   finger,   hence   his   name.”

“Wow!”   exclaimed   Charina.     “Your   friends’   backgrounds   are   so   diverse   and   unique   they   seem   to   be   vaudevillians!     Well,   if   they   are   your   friends   they   are   my   friends   too.     Why   don’t   I   open   my   house   to   all   of   them   and   invite   them   here   for   dinner.     We   can   have   a   wonderful   time   together.”     The   message   was   sent   and   within   fifteen   minutes   the   reply   came   back   saying,   “Thank   you   for   your   kind   invitation.     We   will   all   be   there.     You   are   right   in   saying   we   are   like   vaudevillians   and   we   are   also   alcoholics   and   love   to   drink.     Be   sure   to   have   some   good   wine   and   liquor   ready   for   us.     Thank   you.”

Dimitri   wore   the   loose   and   comfortable   pajamas   Charina   had   prepared   for   him   and   relaxed   on   the   sofa.     He   happily   enjoyed   a   hot   bath   and   was   feeling   pleasantly   refreshed.     He   had   shaved   and   looked   to   be   in   glowing   health.     But   his   hair   had   not   been   cut   and   was   rather   long.     Charina   said   she   would   cut   it   for   him   in   a   day   or   two.   Dimitri   was   drinking   some   Chinese   Oolong   tea.     He   knew   his   good   friends   would   be   clamoring   for   drinks   when   they   came   so   he   did   not   want   to   start   drinking   too   soon.     His   friends   could   eat   and   drink   a   lot.     Dwarf   Mickey   may   be   old   and   short   in   stature   but   his   appetite   was   that   of   a   strapping   young   man.     So   Charina   had   driven   back   to   the   supermarket   and   bought   a   lot   more   of   food   and   a   whole   case   of   hard   liquor   for   Dimitri’s   good   friends,   so   that   after   her   guests   had   had   enough   to   eat   and   drink   they   would   feel   right   at   home.     Charina   was   busy   in   the   kitchen   where   the   enticing   aroma   of   French   onion   soup   stewing   on   the   stove   filled   the   air.     Other   side   dishes   such   as   king   crab   legs   and   lobsters   had   been   bought   ready-made.     Beef   steak   had   been   marinated   and   would   be   ready   to   be   cooked   as   soon   as   the   guests   arrived   and   Charina   hummed   happily   as   she   prepared   a   fruit   salad.     Dimitri   sipped   his   Oolong   tea.     On   the   coffee   table   were   a   note   book,   a   pen   and   a   voice   recorder,   for   Charina   would   be   coming   soon   to   hear   him   tell   the   story   of   the   kingdom   beyond   the   blue   skies.     He   was   wondering   where   he   should   begin   this   complicated   and   intricate   tale   interrelated   in   innumerable   ways.     He   thought   for   a   moment   and   then   murmured,   “Yes,   that   would   be   a   good   place   to   start.”

Under   the   hazy   moon   and   misty   fog,   a   wisp   of   smoke   flew   out   of   the   dense   forest,   landing   amid   a   bed   of   flowers   at   the   border   of   the   trees   and   changed   into   a   white   lily.     In   appearance   it   was   much   the   same   as   the   other   flowers   and   bloomed   silently   in   their   midst   under   the   gentle   moonlight.     The   meandering   line   of   the   forest   extended   indefinitely   towards   the   skies,   where   the   flapping   of   mighty   wings   were   heard.     A   huge   snake-haired   black   bird   with   a   human   face   flew   down   from   on   high,   somersaulted   when   it   neared   the   ground   and   changed   into   human   form.     She   landed   near   the   borders   of   the   forest,   her   eyes   searching   all   around   the   surrounding   area.

“That’s   strange!”   she   thought.     “This   is   the   time   and   place   White   Fairy   and   I   agreed   on   to   meet.     Why   isn’t   she   here?”     Her   piercing   eyes   inspected   every   white   flower   around   her   until   she   saw   a   white   lily   and   said   with   a   smile,   “Come   out!     I   have   found   out   which   white   lily   is   you.   If   you   don’t   show   yourself,   I   will   pull   you   out   by   the   root!”     A   white   lily   changed   into   human   form,   ran   swiftly   towards   Medusa   and   embraced   her   affectionately,   throwing   her   lovely   white   arms   around   Medusa’s   neck.     Medusa   lowered   her   head   and   kissed   White   Fairy’s   rosy   lips.     The   two   of   them   stood   there   kissing   and   hugging   for   a   long   time,   until   White   Fairy   uttered   strangling   noises   as   if   she   needed   air   to   breathe.     Her   feeble   arms   pushed   Medusa   away   and   gave   her   a   white   eye.

“You   are   really   greedy”   she   scolded.     “You   have   sucked   out   all   the   nectar   I   have   been   gathering   for   a   long   time!”

“Hm,”   said   Medusa   proudly.   “To   be   able   to   taste   the   honey   made   by   the   goddess   of   flowers   herself   is   really   the   most   inestimable   pleasure   between   heaven   and   earth!”     Saying   so   she   lifted   White   Fairy’s   beautiful   face   with   her   hands,   covered   the   petal-like   lips   with   her   own   and   again   started   to   greedily   suck   the   sweet   nectar.     White   Fairy   did   not   mind   and   willing   fed   the   honey   she   worked   so   hard   to   collect   into   Medusa’s   mouth.     The   two   of   them   stood   mouth   to   mouth   for   a   long   time   until   White   Fairy   panted   and   once   more   pushed   Medusa   away.     She   combed   through   her   tangled   hair   with   her   fingers,   glanced   reprovingly   at   Medusa   and   sadly   hung   her   head.     Medusa   was   greatly   surprised   and   asked,

“My   beautiful   goddess,   is   something   worrying   you?     Dimitri’s   national   treasures,   the   magic   bow   and   arrow   and   the   magic   sword   are   all   back   with   their   rightful   owner,   safely   stored   in   your   temple,     In   a   few   days   I   will   be   bringing   all   the   native   tribes   back   to   their   beautiful   land.     Why   are   you   sad?”

“I…”   said   White   Fairy   sadly,   “I   think…   you   and   me…our   relationship   has   been   discovered   by   King   Dimitri.”

“Really?   Why   would   you   think   so?”

“Try   to   think   back…     That   day   just   before   the   earthquake   and   tsunami   happened,   I   thought   I   heard   Lightning   neigh   happily   as   if   he   had   caught   sight   of   his   beloved   master   whom   he   hadn’t   seen   for   a   long   time.     Then   there   was   a   period   of   relative   calm   and   quiet.     At   the   time   you   and   I   were   madly   making   love   in   the   depth   of   the   forest.     Then   all   hell   broke   loose   when   the   earthquake   and   tsunami   erupted.     When   things   finally   settled   down,   I   saw   Lightning   fly   down   from   the   skies,   his   body   dripping   wet,   as   if   he   had   been   in   the   lake   waters   for   quite   some   time   before   flying   back   home.     I   think   King   Dimitri   rode   his   horse   Lightning   somewhere   and   carried   out   some   extraordinary   feats   and   then   left   stealthily   without   letting   anyone   know.     Since   he   could   come   and   go   so   surreptitiously,   he   could   have   discovered   our   intimate   relationship.”

“Well…”   murmured   Medusa   with   a   shiver,   “now   that   you   say   so,   I   remember   something   suspicious   too…That   day,   when   Lightning   came   back   his   body   all   wet,   I   was   afraid   something   might   have   happened   to   the   magic   sword   and   went   to   check   on   it.     I   found   the   sword   safely   hanging   on   the   horse’s   back.     To   make   sure   all   was   right,   I   pulled   the   sword   out   of   the   scabbard   and   saw   that   it   was   covered   with   mud   and   tiny   particles   of   rock….Could   King   Dimitri   have   ridden   his   horse   and   used   his   sword   to   stab,   hack   and   chop   at   some   rock   and   mud   thus   causing   the   earthquake   and   tsunami?”     White   Fairy   raised   her   head   and   looked   at   the   crescent   moon   in   the   skies   saying,

“That’s   not   what   I   was   worried   about.     I   was   afraid   that   our   intimate   relationship   had   been   exposed   and   King   Dimitri   knows   about   it   now.”     Medusa   loosened   her   arms   which   had   been   around   White   Fairy’s   waist   and   began   to   walk   to   and   fro   her   expression   calm   and   composed.     She   turned   her   piercing   eyes   towards   White   Fairy   and   said,

“King   Dimitri   is   a   great   sovereign,   wise,   sagacious   and   broad-minded.     His   motto   has   always   been   to   be   severe   with   himself   but   lenient   towards   others.     He   is   calm,   collected   and   reasonable.     I   do   not   think   he   will   mind   our   intimate   relationship.     Neither   you   nor   I   belong   to   the   human   species.     You   are   a   flower,   a   puff   of   smoke   and   I   am   but   a   black   bird.   Even   though   we   have   been   able   to   turn   into   human   form   after   thousands   of   years   of   prayer   and   self-cultivation,   strictly   speaking   we   are   not   human   and   are   not   restricted   by   the   morals   and   laws   of   man.     I   am   sure   King   Dimitri   is   aware   of   that   and   would   not   mind.     If   he   should   be   displeased   by   our   actions,   we   can   still   argue   our   case   strongly.     Don’t   you   think   so?”     After   hearing   Medusa’s   words,   White   Fairy’s   timorous   heart   calmed   down.

On   the   day   of   the   disaster,   King   Dimitri   did   go   back   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     He   did   not   notify   anyone   and   just   inspected   the   area   where   the   various   native   tribes   had   retreated   to.     He   was   relieved   to   find   that   they   were   safe   and   were   living   a   normal   life,   even   though   their   surroundings   were   not   as   desirable   as   those   in   their   own   homeland.     He   had   long   suspected   the   possibility   of   an   intimate   relationship   between   Medusa   and   the   White   Fairy,   but   had   never   probed   further   into   it.     His   suspicion   was   confirmed   that   day   when   he   saw   the   two   of   them   making   love   ardently   deep   in   the   forest.     At   first   he   was   displeased   and   even   a   little   angry,   but   like   the   ripple   on   the   water,   once   it   widened   and   dispersed,   everything   calmed   down   again.     All   twenty-four   beauties   were   products   of   his   heart   and   brain.   Since   he   had   created   them   he   felt   they   were   like   his   children   so   he   should   be   responsible   for   their   future   and   find   them   desirable   destinations.     Just   as   Medusa   said,   because   they   were   not   humans,   they   should   not   be   confined   by   laws   and   morals   of   human   society.     Since   they   were   in   love   with   each   other   there   was   no   reason   why   they   should   not   be   allowed   to   be   together   forever.     God’s   laws   should   be   obeyed   and   his   command   that   same   sex   marriage   should   be   forbidden   must   be   upheld.   But   Medusa   and   White   Fairy   were   two   mainstays   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     Medusa   was   a   brave   warrior   and   protector   of   the   Kingdom.   White   Fairy   was   the   intel   gatherer   of   the   Kingdom,   willingly   risking   her   life   to   take   on   the   dangerous   assignment   of   gathering   enemy   intelligence.   White   Fairy   was   the   one   who   presented   Dimitri   with   the   magic   sword   and   the   magic   bow   and   arrow,   the   national   treasures   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     So   shouldn’t   they   be   treated   more   leniently?   Dimitri’s   displeasure   was   diffused   by   his   own   thoughts.     He   was   no   longer   angry   and   wished   the   two   of   them   the   best   of   luck   in   their   union.

From   afar,   Dimitri   saw   his   magic   horse   Lightning   freely   gallivanting   on   the   smooth   plains,   stopping   now   and   then   to   munch   on   the   fresh   grass.     As   if   sensing   he   was   being   watched,   the   horse   raised   its   head   and   saw   Dimitri   smiling   at   him   some   distance   away.     Ecstatic   on   perceiving   his   beloved   master   whom   he   had   not   seen   for   a   long   time,   Lightning   let   out   loud   and   excited   neighs   and   galloped   towards   him.     Dimitri   made   a   sign   for   him   to   be   quiet.     Lightning   immediately   leapt   into   the   air   and   with   just   a   few   flaps   of   his   mighty   wings   stopped   before   his   master.     Dimitri   patted   his   neck   lovingly   and   the   horse   nudged   him   affectionately.     Dimitri   saw   that   his   magic   sword   was   safely   tucked   by   the   side   of   the   saddle   as   he   jumped   onto   the   back   of   his   magic   steed.     Dimitri   took   up   the   reins   and   said,   “Let’s   fly   up   to   the   King   Zeus’s   seventh   heaven.     He   wants   to   see   me   for   something.   Let’s   go   and   see   what   had   happened.”     Lightning   flapped   his   mighty   wings   and   man   and   horse   flew   up   into   the   skies.   Suddenly   he   stopped   and   flew   back   because   Dimitri   remembered   he   seemed   to   have   promised   to   take   Charina   with   him.  

Maureen,   who   had   been   lying   quietly   on   Dimitri’s   lap   as   if   asleep,   suddenly   raised   his   head.     Ears   erect,   he   looked   vigilantly   towards   the   front   door   and   jumped   down   to   the   ground   barking   ferociously.     Dimitri   had   been   reminiscing   and   recounting   the   stories   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   Charina   was   listening   intently   while   taking   notes.     Maureen’s   frantic   barking   followed   by   the   doorbell’s   insistent   ringing   interrupted   their   dreamlike   trance.     Charina   looked   out   the   window   and   saw   it   was   getting   dark.     Then   looking   at   the   clock   she   saw   it   was   already   8:05p.m.

“How   time   flies!     Our   guests   are   here”   exclaimed   Charina   and   hurried   to   open   the   door.     She   found   four   and   a   half   men   of   different   shapes   and   sizes   standing   outside.     The   four   tall   and   muscular   men   were   of   course   Richard,   Jamaz,   Mr.   Kaffee   and   Big-O.     When   Charina   opened   the   door,   the   half-man   who   was   straddled   piggyback   on   Richard’s   neck,   who   was   of   course   the   white-bearded   Dwarf   Mickey,   squeaked   in   his   high   pitched   voice   saying,

“Hi,   we   are   the   ones   who,   as   you   say,   look   like   vaudevillians.     We   are   here   at   your   invitation   and   hope   you   have   lots   of   goodies   for   us   to   eat.     Go   on,   bring   them   out.   Ha,   ha…”     Charina   knew   these   were   good   friends   of   Dimitri’s,   so   she   opened   the   door   wide   and   warmly   welcomed   them.     Richard   and   Jamaz   she   had   seen   before.     Dwarf   Mickey,   like   Mr.   Finger,   was   not   one   to   care   about     normal   courtesies   and   the   niceties   of   society,   considering     these   rules   and   regulations   vulgar   and   meaningless.     He   strode   into   the   living   room   and   was   soon   chasing   after   his   old   friend   Maureen;   the   two   of   them   playing   happily   together.     Dimitri   came   over   and   introduced   Charina   to   Mr.   Kaffee   and   Big-O.     Mr.   Kaffee   was   dressed   in   an   expensive   dark   gray   suit,   well   cut   and   of   superior   quality   material.     He   had   a   polished   manner   that   bespoke   a   man   of   consequence,   a   big   shot   rich   and   influential.     When   Charina   held   out   her   snow-white   hand   to   Big-O   for   a   handshake,   she   suddenly   realized   that   he   was   a   former   cold-blooded   assassin   who   killed   without   remorse   and   that   his   hands   were   stained   with   blood.     The   very   thought   brought   shivers   to   her   body   and   her   skin   crawled.     Mr.   Kaffee   understood   the   delicacy   of   her   feelings   and   saw   her   fear,   so   he   said   gently,

“Ah,   miss,   don’t   be   afraid.   That   was   all   in   the   past.     Big-O   has   reformed   and   is   now   a   benevolent   monk   and   spends   his   time   in   prayer   and   helping   others.     If   you   don’t   believe   me,   slap   him   on   the   face   and   he   will   not   be   angry.”     Mr.   Kaffee’s   words,   gentle   and   comical   at   the   same   time   diffused   the   situation,   fully   exhibiting   his   diplomatic   capabilities.     Dimitri   led   his   good   friends   into   the   living   room.     Richard   was   not   one   to   stand   on   ceremony.     He   felt   very   much   at   home   and   made   straight   for   the   kitchen.   He   saw   the   steaks   marinating   on   the   counter   and   said,   “Hey!   Cooking   steak   is   my   specialty,   leave   them   to   me.”     Holding   the   large   platter   of   meat   in   one   hand,   he   took   the   portable   gas   tank   from   the   corner   of   the   kitchen,   as   well   as   the   frying   pan   and   other   utensils   in   his   other   hand.     He   stepped   out   of   the   French   doors   into   the   back   yard,   prepared   to   start   cooking   the   steaks.     A   beautiful   table   cloth   covered   the   dining   table   and   Charina   had   spread   the   table   with   lovely   napkins,   plates   and   silverware.     As   she   was   lighting   the   candles   she   saw   that   Jamaz   was   busy   opening   up   bottles   filling   the   room   with   the   enticing   fragrance   of   wine   and   liquor,   stimulating   everyone’s   appetite.     Richard   walked   past   Jamaz   and   cautioned   him   saying,

“Hey   buddy,   I   know   this   is   very   tempting   but   remember   to   drink   from   your   cup   and   not   guzzle   it   straight   from   the   bottle.     That’s   too   barbaric.     You’ll   scare   our   beautiful   and   cultured   hostess.”     Jamaz   nodded.     He   poured   some   strong   whiskey   into   a   large   glass,   drank   three   glasses   one   after   another   and   then   wiped   his   mouth   with   his   sleeves.   He   sighed   in   satisfaction   and   said,   “Now   that’s   what   I   call   a   treat!     I   really   couldn’t   stand   it   there   at   that   fucking   jewelry   exhibition.     It   was   so   stuffy   I   felt   stifled!     They   served   what   they   said   was   the   most   expensive   champagne,   but   to   me   it   tasted   like   soda   water.     That’s   not   wine   at   all!   I   won’t   feel   drunk   even   if   I   drank   fifty   gallons!”     Charina’s   beautiful   large   eyes   opened   wide   as   she   stared   unbelievably   at   this   tall,   muscular   black   man   who   could   drink   like   a   fish.     Jamaz   drank   another   glass   before   pouring   the   drinks   into   the   other   glasses   on   the   table.     Charina   shook   her   head   and   walked   into   the   kitchen,   followed   by   Big-O   who   courteously   and   humbly   offered   to   help.     She   took   out   the   freshly-baked   French   rolls   from   the   oven   and   put   them   into   two   baskets   covered   with   checkered   cloth.     She   handed   them   to   Big-O   saying,   “Take   these   out   to   the   dining   room   and   put   them   at   each   end   of   the   table.     Then   come   back   and   help   me   take   out   the   soup.     Thank   you.”     Big-O   bowed   and   said,   ”Sure,   miss.”     He   was   soon   back   and   took   the   bowls   of   delicious   hot   French   onion   soup   into   the   dining   room   and   put   them   on   the   place   mat.     Charina   looked   at   him   and   thought,   “He   looks   so   obliging,   polite   and   humble.     It’s   hard   to   imagine   that   he   used   to   be   a   professional   assassin,   a   remorseless   cold-blooded   killer.     The   molding   of   a   person’s   character   is   really   intriguing.     The   luring   aroma   of   barbequing   steak   from   the   back   yard   made   everyone   hungry.     Richard   knew   everyone’s   preference.     Dimitri   wanted   his   steak   100%well   done,   while   Mr.   Kaffee   preferred   his   80%   done.     Richard,   Jamaz   and   Big-O   liked   theirs   medium   rare,   about   40-   50%   cooked,   but   Dwarf   Mickey   had   no   preference   at   all.     He   could   eat   his   however   it   is   done   and   could   even   devour   his   raw.     Yet   no   matter   what   he   ate,   his   stomach   never   gave   him   any   trouble.     Jamaz   went   into   the   back   yard   and   helped   bring   the   steaks   onto   the   table   as   soon   as   Richard   pronounced   them   done.     Charina   slipped   upstairs   to   freshen   up.   She   hastily   washed   her   face   and   combed   her   hair,   but   had   no   time   to   do   more.     She   looked   at   her   own   reflection   in   the   mirror   and   thought   she   looked   alright.     It   would   have   to   do.     She   hurried   back   to   the   dining   room,   said   a   few   words   of   welcome.     Holding   up   her   glass   she   said,   “Cheers!”   and   dinner   began.     With   the   exception   of   Mr.   Kaffee,   the   dining   etiquette   of   Dimitri’s   good   friends   was   far   from   desirable.   The   worst   offender   was   of   course   Dwarf   Mickey.     Taking   the   soup   bowl   with   both   hands,   the   white-bearded   old   dwarf   drank   his   greedily   straight   from   the   bowl,   dripping   all   over   himself.   He   did   not   utilize   his   knife   and   fork   at   all   but   used   his   fingers   for   everything,   grabbing   at   whatever   took   his   fancy.     When   his   hands   were   oily   and   dirty   he   would   just   wipe   them   on   the   napkin   or   the   tablecloth,   making   a   mess   of   everything.     Even   his   white   beard   was   spattered   with   steak   sauce   and   Tabasco,   giving   him   a   comical   appearance   which   made   you   laugh   even   though   you   were   annoyed.     Richard,   Jamaz   and   Big-O   concentrated   all   their   attention   on   the   food   before   them   and   fell   to   with   gusto.     Perhaps   these   homeless   vagabonds   had   been   living   a   nomad   lifestyle   for   too   long.     Once   they   came   into   a   warm,   comfortable   home   and   were   together   with   their   good   friends,   their   appetites     greatly   increased   and   soon   they   had   cleaned   up   the   plates   and   finished   every   scrap   of   food   on   the   table.    

Charina   brought   out   the   Italian   dessert   she   had   made   for   them   –   Tiramisu!     It   was   her   specialty   made   with   just   the   right   amount   of   rum   and   melted   in   their   mouths.     Her   guests   were   delighted   and   were   lavish   in   their   praise.     Dwarf   Mickey   polished   off   more   than   half   of   the   dessert.     He   was   the   shortest   of   them   all   but   his   appetite   was   alarming.     Dimitri   asked   Mr.   Kaffee,

“How   did   the   jewelry   exhibition   you   guys   went   to   turn   out?     Was   it   well   organized   and   successful?”

“Ha!”     laughed   Mr.   Kaffee.     “Not   only   was   it   marvelous,   I’m   sure   a   spectacular   show   will   soon   follow.     I   feel   in   my   bones   that   something   is   about   to   happen.”

“Really”   exclaimed   Dimitri,     “Why   don’t   you   tell   me   in   detail   what   happened   today.”   Just   as   Mr.   Kaffee   was   about   to   tell   him   about   the   jewelry   exhibition,   Dimitri   stopped   him   saying,   “Just   a   minute.     Why   don’t   we   wait   till   our   beautiful   hostess   comes   back.     She   loves   a   great   tale   and   you,   Mr.   Kaffee,   are   a   great   story-teller.     I   think   she   will   take   notes   and   later   incorporate   it   into   her   novels.”     Charina   who   was   making   coffee   for   them   in   the   pantry   heard   Dimitri’s   remarks   and   said   happily,

“Right.     Right.     I   love   to   hear   stories.     You   do   know   me   well,   Dimitri.     Coffee   will   be   ready   soon,   why   don’t   you   all   go   to   the   living   room.”

“Why   don’t   we   all   pitch   in   and   clean   up   the   dining   room”   suggested   Richard   loudly.     “Our   beautiful   hostess   has   worked   hard   to   prepare   the   sumptuous   feast   for   us,   the   least   we   can   do   is   to   clean   up   the   mess   we   have   created.     Otherwise   our   beautiful   hostess   will   not   invite   us   here   again.”     Big-O   stood   up   to   clear   the   table.     He   took   the   dirty   plates,   bowl,   glasses,   knives,   forks   and   spoons   into   the   kitchen.     There   Richard,   who   had   done   a   stint   as   dish-washer   in   a   Chinese   restaurant   when   he   first   arrived   in   the   U.S.,   rolled   up   his   sleeves,   threw   the   bones   and   left-over   into   the   garbage   can   and   started   washing.     His   movements   were   quick   and   efficient.     Jamaz   was   in   the   dining   room   wiping   the   table   and   chairs   and   sweeping   under   the   table,   cleaning   up   after   Dwarf   Mickey,   picking   up   every   scrap   of   food   the   old   dwarf   had   dropped   on   the   carpet.     Meanwhile   Dimitri   and   Mr.   Kaffee   had   already   settled   down   cozily   on   the   comfortable   living   room   sofas.     Dwarf   Mickey   grabbed   hold   of   the   plate   with   remnants   of   the   dessert   and   sat   in   a   corner   of   the   living   room   to   enjoy   it.     The   happiest   of   all   was   little   Maureen.     He   went   from   the   candle-lit   dining   room   to   the   kitchen,   then   into   the   living   room   where   moonlight   was   bright.     He   would   jump   onto   Dimitri’s   lap   and   step   all   over   him   and   then   jump   down   to   share   the   dessert   with   Dwarf   Mickey.     It   was   a   mesmerizing   evening,   but   there   was   a   sense   of   tenseness   and   expectancy   in   the   atmosphere.

When   everyone   had   found   their   seat,   Mr.   Kaffee   began   recounting   the   events   of   the   day   when   he   accompanied   Megginn   and   Samantha   to   the   high   class   jewelry   exhibition   and   auction.   He   spoke   concisely   and   to   the   point,   fast-forwarding   the   various   scenarios.     For   purposes   of   security,   the   organization   sponsoring   the   auction   allowed   only   their   invited   guests   to   pass   through   the   exhibition   hall   two   at   a   time   into   the   room   where   the   auction   was   to   take   place.     In   the   exhibition   hall,   the   priceless   jewelry   were   displayed   under   bright   rays   of   light   behind   thick,   bullet-proof   glass,   emphasizing   their   brilliance   and   inestimable   worth.     Megginn   accompanied   by   Richard   walked   quickly,   stiffly   and   mechanically   through   the   exhibition,   stopping   only   for   a   few   seconds   before   the   last   exhibition   of   a   huge   deep   pink   diamond,   attracted   by   the   splendor   of   its   dazzling   glitter   made   more   showy   and   ostentatious   by   the   light   shining   upon   it.     It   was   really   a   rare   gem,   reflecting   the   natural   grace   of   a   little   girl   strolling.     The   masterpiece   of   a   superb   diamond   cutter,   its   many   facets   gleamed   and   sparkled.     Megginn   looked   at   it   for   a   moment   and   then   walked   into   the   auction   room.     The   next   couple   to   enter   was   Samantha   accompanied   by   Jamaz,   followed   later   by   Mr.   Kaffee   walking   alone.     These   two   legendary   beauties   of   the   world   of   high   finance   immediately   drew   everyone’s   eyes.     In   this   environment   their   mechanical   and   wooden   movements   automatically   disappeared   and   they   reverted   back   to   their   social   persona   of   leisurely,   graceful   and   beautiful   socialites.   Such   was   one’s   natural   human   response   to   the   temporary   scrutiny   of   others.     The   continuity   of   movements   of   human   limbs   is   a   visual   enjoyment   and   persistence   of   vision   is   surely   God’s   gift   to   mankind.

Megginn   and   Samantha’s   beautiful   eyes   looked   through   the   crowd   and   found   that   the   invitations   had   been   very   exclusive   indeed,   for   the   crowd   was   not   large,   composed   mostly   of   people   they   knew,   crème   de   la   crème   of   those   at   the   tip   of   the   social   pyramid,   whose   hobby   was   collecting   priceless   gems.     Most   were   VIP   customers   of   World   Bank,   merchant   princes,   wives   and   daughters   of   the   top   families.     Though   Megginn   and   Samantha   had   lost   the   titles   of   president   and   vice-president   of   World   Bank,   their   aura   of   fascination   remained   and   no   one   dared   to   overlook   their   financial   power.     The   room   lighted   up   on   their   entry.     Gentlemen   stood   up,   smiled   and   nodded   or   walked   up   to   shake   their   hands.     Ladies   they   were   familiar   with   hugged   and   air-kissed   them   warmly   and   they   all   swarmed   to   sit   down   together.     Mr.   Kaffee   also   mixed   with   the   crowd,   nodding   and   exchanging   pleasantries   with   people   he   knew   before   sitting   down   at   his   assigned   seat.   Soon   he   was   chatting   happily   with   those   around   him,   for   everyone   knew   this   former   big   shot   who   had   his   feet   in   the   financial   world   as   well   as   the   underworld.     He   may   be   a   “has-been”   now   but   was   certainly   not   out   of   power,   for   his   behind-the-scene   backer   was   no   other   than   the   mysterious   multi-trillionaire,   who   showed   signs   of   making   a   comeback   with   the   intention   of   taking   back   all   lost   ground.     In   this   day   and   age   of   great   recession   and   depression,   who   could   say   they   would   not   need   help   from   this   big   shot   one   day?     So   they   took   this   opportunity   to   socialize   with   him,   show   their   friendliness   and   pave   the   ground   for   possible   transactions   in   the   near   future.     Although   the   two   stalwart   men,   Richard   and   Jamaz,   were   quite   formally   and   expensively   attired,   people   saw   at   a   glance   that   they   were   bodyguards   and   were   politely   shown   to   seats   at   a   table   in   a   corner   where   they   were   offered   food   and   drinks.   But   they   did   not   dare   relax   their   vigilance   and   kept   their   eyes   fixed   on   their   mistress,   the   two   breathtaking   beauties   they   were   sent   to   guard.    

More   guests   arrived   and   then   it   was   time   for   the   exhibition   and   auction   to   begin.     The   organizer   of   the   function   was   no   other   than   the   famous   diamond   jeweler,   Dr.   Schneider     He   thanked   all   present   for   attending   and   promised   that   the   buyer   of   the   priceless   items   on   sale   that   day   would   be   sure   to   be   pleased   with   their   purchase.     Dr.   Schneider   was   an   old   gentleman   in   his   seventies.     His   hair   was   grayish   white,   but   his   eyes   were   sharp   and   alert.     Though   slightly   overweight,   he   still   had   the   physique   of   a   much   younger   man.     He   was   a   legendary   figure.     He   was   born   into   a   family   of   jewelers   who   emigrated   from   Europe   to   the   U.S.   in   the   middle   of   the   19th   century   and   opened   a   small   jewelry   store   on   the   East   coast.     For   almost   a   century,   this   small   jewelry   store   handed   down   from   father   to   son   struggled   on   until   it   came   down   to   Dr.   Schneider.   He   inherited   the   store   from   his   father   but   at   the   beginning   had   little   interest   in   the   business,   absorbed   instead   in   geological   research.     He   got   a   PhD   in   this   field   and   published   many   articles   which   were   greatly   acclaimed.   He   specialized   in   field   work   and   his   footprints   could   be   found   in   those   areas   of   the   world   where   the   terrain   was   complex   and   geological   structure   was   unique.     Then   one   day   while   working   on   a   project   at   a   desolate   and   uninhabited   island   in   Africa,   he   discovered   ores   of   diamond   and   immediately   took   steps   to   buy   the   island   from   its   government   for   a   very   low   price.   That   changed   the   course   of   his   life.     From   then   on   he   took   over   the   family   jewelry   business   and   concentrated   on   strengthening   and   expanding   it   until   he   became   known   as   the   King   of   Diamonds.

Dr.   Schneider   then   introduced   to   his   audience   the   tall,   thin   man   standing   next   to   him   who   was   about   his   age.     Bright,   razor-sharp   eyes   looking   out   from   behind   the   man’s   gold   rimmed   glasses   demonstrated   his   intelligence   and   capability.     Actually   the   gentleman   needed   no   introduction.     He   was   the   Mr.   Wolfe,   famous   throughout   the   jewelry   world.     Beginning   life   as   a   humble   apprentice,   he   had   been   seasoned   through   much   travail   for   more   than   half   a   century,

from   which   he   had   gathered   rich   experience   and   extensive   knowledge.   He   could   distinguish   between   real   and   the   fraudulent   gems   at   a   glance   and   could   tell   exactly   the   quality   and   degree   of   perfection   of   a   diamond   and   other   precious   gems   without   having   to   resort   to   scientific   instruments.     He   was   acknowledged   as   the   supreme   authority   on   appraising   diamonds   and   other   precious   stones.   Besides   being   an   expert   appraiser,   he   was   gifted   with   a   pair   of   extremely   clever   hands   and   a   talent   for   creating   original   and   ingenuous   designs   that   won   him   universal   acclaim.     As   a   result   his   jewelry   was   much   sought   after   and   the   prices   skyrocketed.     Such   talent   naturally   caught   the   eye   of   Dr.   Schneider   and   became   his   right-hand   man.     He   was   the   logical   candidate   chosen   to   preside   over   the   annual   exhibition   and   auction.

The   curtain   formally   rose   on   this   long   touted   auction   when   Dr.   Schneider   bowed   to   the   audience   and   exited   the   stage   extending   his   arms   towards   Mr.   Wolfe   as   if   saying,   “It’s   all   yours!”       Gavel   in   hand   Mr.   Wolfe   walked   towards   the   podium   and   the   very   sight   of   the   smiling   and   experienced   auctioneer   at   his   professional   post   galvanized   the   audience.     An   old   hand   at   this,   Mr.   Wolfe   certainly   knew   how   to   work   the   audience   and   the   atmosphere   in   the   room   rose   to   a   red   hot   pitch.     The   first   item   to   be   unveiled   on   the   auction   table   was   a   huge10-carat   diamond.   The   large   screen   on   the   wall   behind   each   exhibit   showed   enlarged   pictures   from   every   angle   so   that   the   audience   could   have   an   enhanced   view   of   the   item.     The   gem   itself   was   brilliant   and   exquisite.     It   had   so   few   flaws   that   no   elaborate   design   was   needed   to   enhance   its   perfection   and   the   simple   cuts   the   jeweler   used   to   make   it   into   a   ring   only   augmented   and   amplified   its   value.     Bidder   cards   were   raised   in   all   corners   of   the   room   and   offers   were   quickly   acknowledged   and   repeated   by   Mr.   Wolfe,   who   continuously   repeated   the   latest   bid   until   it   was   topped   by   another.   The   mood   turned   tense   as   the   rich   and   famous   from   all   around   the   world   tried   to   outdo   each   other   and   flaunt   their   wealth.     The   auction   room   became   a   stage   for   them   to   compete   and   show   off   their   financial   power   for   to   defeat   your   opponent   and   have   him   trounced   at   your   feet   as   it   were,   was   a   great   satisfaction   to   their   vanity.   The   congratulations   of   others   on   their   success   made   them   feel   as   if   they   were   walking   on   clouds.     Samantha   normally   loved   these   gatherings,   but   on   this   occasion   there   was   not   even   a   peep   out   of   her   and   she   made   no   movement   at   all   to   join   in   the   fun.   Megginn   was   curious   and   looked   at   her   inquiringly   and   Samantha   smiled   at   her.     Her   eyes   seemed   to   say,   “I   have   already   selected   my   target.     Wait   and   see.”     In   reality,   like   paintings   and   antiques,   precious   stones   had   no   set   objective   price   or   value.     Everything   depended   on   the   eye   of   the   beholder,   on   how   much   the   person   buying   it   loved   it.     Let   us   say   someone   gave   you   a   famous   painting   or   an   antique.     If   you   do   not   know   its   history   or   do   not   particularly   like   it,   to   you   it   would   only   be   a   piece   of   paper   or   a   pile   of   metal   scraps.     But   if   you   know   the   history   of   the   painting   or   antique   and   loved   it,   you   would   be   willing   to   pay   any   astronomical   price   to   get   it   for   yourself,   so   long   as   it   was   within   your   means.     But   of   course   unlike   paintings   and   antiques,   gems   do   have   a   comparatively   reasonable   market   price,   but   that   is   not   always   objective   as   you   have   to   take   into   consideration   the   emotions   of   the   buyer.     Very   soon,   the   huge   exquisite   10-carat   diamond   was   sold   for   an   astronomical   price   and   the   room   exploded   into   enthusiastic   clapping.    

The   next   item   exhibited   on   the   auction   block   was   a   large   pearl,   beautiful   both   in   shape   and   luster.     Mr.   Wolfe   shouted,   “Attention   please,   ladies   and   gentleman!     At   first   glance   this   may   appear   to   be   just   another   large   raw   pearl   that   the   buyer   could   buy   and   plan   to   make   into   a   ring   or   a   pendant   for   a   necklace.     But   this   pearl   is   not   at   all   common.     Let   me   show   you   its   fabulous   properties   which   you   may   not   be   aware   of.   ”   Then   turning   backstage,   he   ordered,   “Lights   out   please!”   The   electricians   at   once   went   to   work   to   cut   off   electricity   to   the   chandeliers   hanging   from   the   ceiling   and   the   room   plunged   into   darkness.   The   only   light   in   the   room   came   from   the   pearl   which   gave   off   a   gleaming   lustrous   sheen.   The   audience   gasped   and   exclaimed   in   surprise.     In   the   darkness   came   Mr.   Wolfe   voice   saying,   “This   pearl   came   from   the   ancient   Persian   Empire.     It   is   what   the   Chinese   call   “pearl   that   shines   at   night   in   the   dark”.   The   light   came   on   but   Megginn   was   deep   in   thought.     Bids   from   all   around   her   were   shouted   excitedly,   but   she   did   not   seem   to   hear   them   at   all.     She   stared   intently   at   the   pearl   thinking   of   the   pearls   produced   in   the   crystal   blue   waters   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     “Deanna   often   swam   there   and   bought   up   pearls   for   us   to   play   with,   some   of   which   were   large   as   a   de-shelled   litchi”   she   remembered.     “In   the   great   dome   of   the   gold   palace,   there   was   a   heavy   gold   chain   holding   up   a   huge   pearl   large   as   a   human   skull.     They   say   Deanna   got   it   from   the   mouth   an   enormous   oyster   at   the   bottom   of   the   lake.     At   night,   that   huge   pearl   also   gave   off   a   soft   lustrous   light,   which   though   not   very   bright,   could   illuminate   the   hall   so   that   the   features   of   one’s   face   were   perfectly   discernable.   Such   pearls   were   commonplace   and   could   be   got   easily   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   as   they   were   everywhere,   but   here   in   this   mundane   world   such   a   pearl   was   considered   unique,   which   is   why   there   is   a   saying,   “Objects   are   valued   because   of   their   rarity.”   Immersed   in   thought,   Megginn   was   not   aware   of   the   passing   of   time,   but   item   after   item   were   sold   for   unbelievably   high   prices,   and   exclamations   of   surprise   or   shock   could   be   heard.  

  Then   came   the   grand   finale,   the   pink   diamond   that   Samantha   had   targeted.   Dark   pink   in   color,   the   huge   diamond   looked   like   a   beautiful   little   girl   strolling   and   radiated   a   dazzling   brilliance   over   the   auction   table.   The   workmanship   of   the   diamond   cutter   was   really   superb   with   every   facet   giving   off   a   magnificent   sparkle.     If   it   were   made   into   a   pendant   and   draped   around   the   neck   on   a   platinum   chain,   it   would   be   sure   to   attract   all   eyes   in   any   assembly   so   it   was   no   wonder   that   all   the   ladies   present   looked   upon   it   with   envious   and   covetous   eyes.     Mr.   Wolfe   sighed   and   said   emotionally,   “This   is   most   perfect   diamond   I   have   ever   seen   in   my   whole   life.     There   is   not   the   slightest   imperfection   in   it.     No   one   knows   which   genius   cut   this   flawless   gem   so   perfectly.

“Who   owns   this   diamond?”   shouted   someone   in   the   audience.

“I   don’t   know”   replied   Mr.   Wolfe   with   a   wry   smile.     “She   is   very   mysterious   and   refuses   to   give   her   name.     I   can   only   tell   you   she   is   a   very   beautiful   woman,   so   we   are   calling   this   diamond   ‘Pink   Puzzle’.”

“Where   was   its   place   of   origin?     Which   continent   did   it   come   from?”   asked   another.

“I   don’t   know”   replied   Mr.   Wolfe   shaking   his   head.   “I   have   seen   many   precious   stones   in   my   life,   but   I   have   no   way   of   determining   the   origin   of   this   diamond   because   I   have   never   seen   one   this   pure   and   of   such   immaculate   properties.     If   there   was   a   flaw,   no   matter   how   minuscule,   I   would   be   able   to   tell   you   its   place   of   origin,   but   this   one   is   so   perfect   it   has   left   me   clueless…   Perhaps   this   beautiful   gem   flew   down   from   beyond   the   skies   and   was   God’s   present   to   mankind.”     His   words   stunned   the   audience   and   for   a   moment   there   was   complete   silence,   with   perhaps   only   the   breathing   of   one’s   neighbor   vaguely   audible.   Confronted   by   a   jewel   so   perfect   that   even   a   connoisseur   like   Mr.   Wolfe   could   not   tell   its   place   of   origin,   owned   by   a   mysterious   person   no   one   had   ever   seen   or   heard   of   and   came   with   a   price   tag   one   could   only   fathom,   no   one   in   the   audience   dared   to   make   a   bid.     Feeling   that   the   atmosphere   in   the   room   was   getting   awkward   and   stagnant,   Dr.   Schneider   again   came   onstage   and   said,   “Perhaps   the   price   of   this   diamond   is   slightly   higher   than   normal   and   our   honorable   clients   need   privacy   and   time   to   think   it   over.     Those   interested,   please   contact   either   me   or   Mr.   Wolfe   personally   and   we   will   talk   individually.     Our   annual   auction   is   now   ended.     Thank   you   all   for   coming.”     Mr.   Kaffee’s   report   of   the   auction   came   to   an   end.   The   various   fast-forward   scenarios   he   described   also   stopped   abruptly.

The   good   friends,   who   had   gathered   together   in   Charina’s   living   room   to   listen   to   Mr.   Kaffee’s   account   of   the   auction,   fell   silent.     Suddenly   Dwarf   Mickey   hit   the   coffee   table   so   hard   with   his   hands   that   the   cups   and   saucers   on   it   shuddered.     Maureen,   who   was   asleep   in   Dimitri’s   lap,   woke   up.     His   ears   stiffened   to   attention   and   his   inquisitive   eyes   looked   at   his   friend   inquiringly.

“I   know   it   must   be   the   work   of   Mr.   Finger!”   said   Dwarf   Mickey   angrily   in   his   shrill   voice.     “We   were   looking   for   him   everywhere,   worrying   about   his   safety,   while   he   sneaked   back   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   found   his   bride   Viola,   who   I   believe   to   be   the   thief   that   stole   my   treasures.   I   traced   him   to   the   Kingdom   of   dreams   and   lost   track   of   him   there,   never   dreaming   that   he   had   incarnated   to   a   tiny   woman   the   same   size   as   Mr.   Finger,   as   if   she   had   be   designed   just   for   him.     These   two   little   people   are   really   a   pair   of   strange   adversaries.   Not   long   ago,   they   seemed   to   be   mortal   enemies   who   were   at   each   other’s   throat   attempting   to   kill   each   other,   but   now   they   seemed   to   have   reconciled   and   are   all   lovey-dovey   again.     I   think   it   was   that   woman   Viola   who   used   some   kind   of   magic   power   to   enable   both   of   them   to   assume   bodies   of   normal   human   beings.     They   then   went   to   the   treasure   trove   and   brought   part   of   it   back   to   the   mundane   world   and   are   having   the   time   of   their   lives   squandering   money   like   there’s   no   tomorrow.   They   took   my   prize   diamond   that   looked   like   a   lovely   little   girl   strolling   and   called   it   ‘Pink   Puzzle’.   Yeah,   that   name   is   quite   appropriate.     They   took   my   treasure   to   the   auction   to   get   as   much   money   as   possible   to   support   their   lavish   lifestyle.     That’s   really   unforgivable!”

“Oh,   so   that’s   how   it   is!”   said   Mr.   Kaffee,   realizing   what   it   was   all   about.     “Do   you   want   me   to   tell   Megginn   to   buy   the   diamond   back?     The   price   will   be   stiff   though   and   she’ll   need   some   time   to   gather   the   funds.”

“No,   no,   no.     That   won’t   be   necessary”   replied   Dwarf   Mickey   crossing   his   hands   confidently   over   his   chest.   “You   don’t   need   to   go   through   all   that   trouble.     That   magnificent   diamond   called…what   was   it   called?...   oh   yes,   ‘Pink   Puzzle’!     That’s   a   magical   gem.     I   was   the   one   who   cut   it   and   gave   it   its   new   life.     I   believe   it   knows   its   way   back   home   and   will   not   get   lost.”  

The   eyes   of   everyone   in   the   room   centered   on   Dwarf   Mickey   inquisitively   as   if   asking,   “Oh,   really?   What   is   all   this   about,   could   you   tell   us?”

“You   guys   want   to   know   the   lowdown   eh?”   smiled   Dwarf   Mickey.   “Ok,   I’ll   tell   you.”

“Wait   a   minute,   wait   a   minute”   said   Charina,   her   eyes   bright   with   excitement,   hurriedly   turning   on   her   voice   recorder   and   opening   her   note   book   to   record   this   interesting   story.

“Long,   long   ago…”   began   Dwarf   Mickey,   shaking   his   head   like   a   bard   of   old.     “Actually,   it   was   about   a   hundred   years   ago.     A   hundred   years   is   really   not   a   very   long   time   in   the   systematic   plan   of   things.     At   the   time,   Dimitri   had   not   yet   come   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.   He   had   not   yet   built   his   Kingdom   and   his   palaces   in   this   beautiful   land,   the   last   piece   of   paradise   untouched   by   civilization.     The   people   there   were   tranquil   and   peace-loving   and   lived   a   simple   life   according   to   ancient   standards.     They   rose   with   the   sun   to   work   on   the   land   and   rested   when   the   sun   went   down.     The   tribes   existed   peacefully   side   by   side   but   rarely   interacted.   Then   one   day,   this   tranquility   was   broken.     A   huge   snake-haired   black   bird   with   a   woman’s   face   who   spoke   the   human   language   flew   into   their   midst   from   no   one   knew   where.   She   called   herself   Medusa.     She   was   extremely   aggressive   and   cruel,   turning   people   she   did   not   like   into   stone   with   her   ferocious   stare.     Her   sharp   claws   were   lethal   and   the   black   feathers   on   her   body   were   sharp   as   a   knife.   She   ordered   the   natives   to   deliver   their   most   beautiful   young   virgin   as   sacrifice   to   her   lover,   another   monster   called   Cyclops   who   had   been   badly   wounded   when   he   was   struck   by   thunder   and   needed   to   drink   a   virgin’s   blood   once   a   year   to   survive.   Cyclops   was   extremely   strong   physically   and   cruel   and   ugly   by   nature.     He   had   one   huge   eye   on   his   face   and   another   at   the   back   of   his   head   and   there   was   a   rhinoceros   horn   on   the   top   of   his   head.   (See   Book   1   The   Dreammaker).     The   natives   did   not   dare   refuse   Medusa’s   request   for   then   she   would   be   extremely   angry   and   take   her   revenge   by   turning   the   disobedient   natives   into   stone   with   her   lethal   stare.   The   elders   of   the   tribes   could   only   agree   to   deliver   one   beautiful   young   virgin   every   year   as   sacrifice   to   the   two   monsters.     As   the   date   for   the   sacrifice   drew   near,   parents   of   young   girls   would   be   full   of   apprehension   and   sadness,   fearing   that   their   young   daughters   would   be   chosen   to   be   sacrificed.   It   was   just   at   one   such   critical   time,   that   some   natives   saw   a   beautiful   little   girl   with   rosy   cheeks   dressed   all   in   pink,   playing   in   the   woods.     No   one   had   ever   seen   her   before   or   knew   where   she   came   from.     She   was   thought   to   be   a   non-local   girl   from   another   tribe.     Quick-thinking   parents   sought   to   save   their   own   daughters   by   sacrificing   an   unknown   girl,   so   they   came   together   and   tried   to   close   in   on   her   several   times.     But   the   clever   girl   was   nimble   and   quick   on   her   feet   and   all   their   attempts   failed.     It   was   as   if   she   saw   through   their   black-hearted   plan   and   she   giggled   as   she   slipped   dexterously   away   from   their   traps   or   concealed   ambush.   The   hapless   natives   could   only   stand   helplessly   by   and   watch   her   escape   their   clutches.   I   was   present   at   the   scene   and   knew   at   once   that   the   lovely   girl   dressed   in   pink   was   no   mortal   girl.     She   must   be   some   fabulous   substance   that   had   long   been   exposed   to   the   unique   beauty   of   this   piece   of   virgin   soil   and   had   fed   on   the   essence   of   the   sun   and   the   moon   for   such   a   very   long   time   that   she   could   change   into   human   form.   As   to   what   substance   that   was,   I   could   not   fathom.     To   catch   such   a   free   spirit   was   no   easy   feat,   so   I   fell   to   thinking   what   a   little   girl   would   love   and   be   attracted   by   and   came   up   with   the   notion   of   a   doll.     So   I   slipped   unnoticed   into   some   natives’   tents   and   stole   some   cloth   and   cotton,   which   I   made   into   two   dolls.     I   placed   the   dolls   around   the   place   where   the   little   girl   loved   to   roam,   and   lay   in   wait,   after   scattering   some   red   strings   on   the   ground   as   snares.   Early   one   morning,   the   little   girl   appeared   again   skipping   and   playing   at   her   favorite   haunt.     Her   eyes   shone   when   she   saw   the   dolls   and   walked   over   towards   them.     She   picked   one   up,   hugging   and   rocking   it   in   her   arms   while   humming   a   song   under   her   breath,   fully   exhibiting   maternal   love   inherent   in   all   females   and   the   greatness   of   all   mothers.     I   pulled   the   red   string   in   my   hands   tautly   and   caught   her   ankle.     The   clever   little   girl   immediately   realized   that   she   had   fallen   into   a   trap.     She   threw   down   the   doll   and   quickly   ran   away.     I   waited   till   the   pool   of   red   silk   thread   in   my   hand   stopped   rolling   and   knew   the   girl   had   hidden   somewhere   and   would   not   dare   to   show   herself.     So   I   slowly   rolled   up   my   thread,   following   the   way   it   led   until   I   came   to   a   pile   of   rocks   of   all   sizes.     The   red   thread   was   buried   in   the   pile.     I   worked   hard   moving   away   the   rocks   and   was   very   happy   to   come   across   a   large   piece   of   diamond   ore   which   I   put   into   my   pocket   and   walked   home.     I   examined   my   precious   stone   from   all   angles   and   following   its   natural   form   cut   it   into   the   shape   of   a   little   girl   walking.   They   called   the   diamond   ‘Pink   Puzzle’.     I   quite   like   the   name.     ‘Pink   Puzzle’,   m-m-m   quite   aptly   named.     Very   good.”     On   hearing   Dwarf   Mickey’s   extraordinary   tale,   his   audience   was   greatly   astonished.

“You   mean   to   say   that   it   was   you   who   carved   and   cut   that   fabulous   diamond?”   exclaimed   Charina   opening   her   eyes   wide.   “Then   how   did   it   get   to   the   auction?”

“I   don’t   know”   answered   Dwarf   Mickey   shrugging   his   shoulders.     “You’ll   have   to   ask   Mr.   Finger   and   that   woman   Viola   about   that.”  

Mr.   Finger,   who   took   the   name   of   Emmanuel   and   Viola,   who   now   called   herself   Salina   took   the   special   private   elevator   designed   for   the   exclusive   use   of   VIP   guests   of   the   presidential   suite   located   on   the   top   floor   of   the   hotel.     After   failing   to   capture   Dimitri   and   bring   him   back   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   Salina’s   desire   for   revenge   seemed   to   have   abated   somewhat.   Perhaps   Dimitri’s   persuasive   speech   admonishing   and   advising   her   had   taken   effect,   for   her   thoughts   of   revenge   had   cooled   and   slackened   to   some   extent,   though   she   herself   was   not   quite   aware   of   it   yet.     The   small   bag   of   precious   stones   she   had   brought   with   her   from   her   treasure   trove   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   would   last   her   for   quite   some   time,   no   matter   how   lavishly   she   squandered   it   on   her   extravagant   lifestyle.     Even   if   she   used   it   all   up,   it   did   not   matter   because   there   was   always   more   where   it   came   from.     She   had   an   inexhaustible   supply   of   diamonds   and   precious   stones,   enough   to   last   her   several   lifetimes.   Her   present   goal   was   to   come   to   the   mundane   world   and   have   a   grand   vacation   to   experience   all   the   luxuries   money   could   offer.     She   had   just   taken   a   sunbath   on   the   smooth   white   sands   of   the   beach   and   swam   in   the   crystal   clear   blue   waters   of   the   ocean.     Feeling   extremely   comfortable,   she   decided   to   go   back   to   the   presidential   suite,   take   a   slow   shower,   and   ask   Mr.   Finger   to   use   his   clever   brains   to   think   of   something   novel   and   exciting   to   do.

The   elevator   door   opened   and   the   breath-taking   sight   of   an   unbelievably   spacious   rooftop   garden   came   into   view.   It   was   an   entirely   man-made   garden   where   the   soil   was   transported   by   numerous   trips   of   the   helicopter   but   it   was   ingeniously   designed   and   manifested   the   latest   trends   in   landscaping   as   well.     Luscious   green   lawns   with   exotic   tropical   flowers   scattered   around   gave   it   a   unique   look,   quite   a   break-away   from   the   conventional   practice.   In   the   middle   of   the   garden   was   a   strange   building   in   the   shape   of   a   large   open   sun   umbrella   used   on   beaches,   made   with   materials   which   could   absorb   the   sun’s   rays   and   turn   them   into   electricity.   Evidently   green   technology   was   included   in   the   architect’s   skillful   and   innovative   design.     This   pent-house,   completely   independent   of   the   main   hotel,   was   the   presidential   suite   which   was   furnished   with   state-of-the-art   furniture,   giving   the   impression   of   streamlined   motion,   making   the   inhabitants   feel   both   comfortable   and   energetic.     The   most   striking   feature   was   that   every   one   of   its   outsized   windows   would   give   a   360   degree   unobstructed   view   of   blue   skies,   white   clouds,   turquoise   seas   and   snowy   sand   beaches   as   well   as   the   beautiful   changes   of   night   and   day.   The   floating   white   clouds   gave   the   impression   that   you   just   had   to   open   the   window   to   pluck   one.     It   was   a   relaxing   and   happy   view,   one   that   guaranteed   you   would   not   miss   any   beautiful   sight   if   you   deigned   to   look   out   of   the   windows.  

  Still   clad   in   their   bathing   suits,   Emmanuel   grabbed   hold   of   Salina   and   twirled   her   around   gleefully   in   the   air   while   his   feet   kept   in   step   with   the   waltz   and   began   dancing   in   the   spacious   room,   asking,

“Hey,   my   great   rich   woman,   how   do   you   like   the   arrangements   I   made   for   you?”

“Magnificent!”   replied   Salina,   tapping   his   head.   “Your   little   brain   has   been   working   fine.     Now   let   me   down.     Let’s   take   a   bath   to   wash   away   our   perspiration,   sand   and   salt,   and   think   of   where   to   go   next.”

“Don’t   worry   your   little   brain   about   this.     I   have   made   arrangements   for   everything.     After   our   bath   we’ll   drink   champagne   and   enjoy   the   view   here   in   our   living   room.     Then   we   will   go   out   and   dine   at   a   famous   steak   house   nearby   which   is   said   to   have   an   extraordinarily   good   flavor,   different   from   anywhere   else.     Would   you   like   to   do   that?”

“Sure.     Great!”   said   she   happily.

The   radiance   of   the   setting   sun   painted   the   clouds   into   different   shades   of   red,   yellow   and   purple,   making   the   sky   resplendent   with   variegated   coloration,   offering   a   lavish   feast   for   the   eyes.   Soon   the   setting   sun   would   gradually   sink   below   the   horizon   and   the   clouds   too   would   wind   down   their   reflected   multi-colored   glory.     Like   the   shows   on   the   stage   of   human   life,   tragedy,   comedy,   separation   and   reunification   take   turns   being   performed.     At   the   moment,   the   skies   were   at   their   most   showy   and   on   the   stage   of   life;   the   comedy   being   performed   was   at   its   glorious   climax   nearing   the   end   full   of   wealth   and   honor.

As   Emmanuel   and   Salina   soaked   in   the   hot   tub,   playing   around   and   having   even   more   vigorous   and   torrid   sex,   a   maid   came   in   with   complimentary   offerings   of   the   hotel   made   up   especially   for   their   top   VIP   customers   and   were   rarely   seen   on   the   open   markets:     a   tray   of   delicious   appetizers   and   a   bottle   of   the   most   expensive   champagne   sitting   in   a   bucket   of   ice.     She   quietly   put   them   on   the   table   and   just   as   silently   withdrew.     The   appetizers   looked   mouthwatering   and   gave   off   a   savory   aroma   which   enticed   people’s   appetites.     Emmanuel   and   Samantha   walked   out   of   the   bathroom   wearing   the   soft   white   corduroy   bathrobes   hemmed   with   gold   provided   by   the   hotel.   They   walked   over   to   the   French   windows   and   sat   down.     Emmanuel   picked   up   two   delicate   crystal   glasses,   filled   them   up   with   the   champagne   which   gave   off   a   delicate   and   refreshing   fragrance.     Holding   up   a   glass   and   they   saluted   each   other   and   said   “Cheers!”     The   champagne   had   been   chilled   to   just   the   right   temperature   and   upon   drinking,   brought   a   pleasant   sensation   of   coolness   and   happiness.     However,   when   it   went   down   the   throat,   the   stomach   felt   warm   and   comfortable.   Emmanuel   sighed   and   said,

“Such   is   life,   isn’t   it?”

“Money   is   good”   replied   Salina.     “If   we   didn’t   have   any   we   couldn’t   possibly   be   enjoying   the   luxuries   we   do   now”.     Emmanuel   moved   closer   to   her   and   put   his   arms   around   her   slender   waist,   saying

“Just   having   money   is   no   use.     You   have   to   know   how   to   spend   it.     What   do   you   think   of   my   arrangements   of   the   last   few   days?     Satisfied   with   my   service?”     Salina   smiled   and   nodded.     Emmanuel   held   a   large   quantity   of   champagne   in   his   mouth,   put   his   arms   around   Salina’s   neck   and   kissed   her,   all   the   while   feeding   the   wine   from   his   mouth   to   hers.   His   hands   were   not   idle   either.   Sneaking   in   through   the   opening   of   her   bathrobe,   they   were   busy   caressing   her   wobbly   breasts.     Salina   drank   the   champagne,   gave   Emmanuel   a   white   eye   and   pushed   his   hands   away   saying,

  “You   are   really   insatiable!     How   many   times   a   day   do   you   have   to   have   sex?     We   just   did   it   in   the   Jacuzzi   and   you   want   to   do   it   again?   You   are   too   greedy.”     Emmanuel’s   expression   was   one   of   indifference;   he   looked   at   her   cheekily   and   said,

“Don’t   forget   I   am   your   most   humble   servant.   I   will   be   at   your   service   till   I   draw   my   last   breath.   I   will   never   be   satisfied.”     Salina   used   her   fork   to   pick   up   a   piece   of   escargot,   put   it   in   her   mouth,   savored   its   exotic   taste   and   said,

“Money   itself   is   useless.     You   need   to   have   a   flesh   body.     Without   it   you   would   not   be   able   to   enjoy   the   luxuries   money   could   buy.     You   have   signed   an   indenture   by   which   I   own   you   body   and   soul.     You   live   and   die   by   my   wishes.     If   one   day   I   find   you   have   betrayed   me,   I   will   change   you   back   to   a   tiny   little   man   as   tall   as   a   finger   and   you   will   no   longer   be   able   to   experience   the   joys   of   life   of   a   normal   human   being.     I   mean   it.     Remember   my   words   and   don’t   you   dare   turn   a   deaf   ear.”     Emmanuel   was   alarmed,   but   he   managed   to   maintain   a   calm   demeanor.   He   shook   his   head   and   said   in   his   usual   naive,   sly,   mischievous   and   lovable   manner,

“No,   no,   no,   no.     That   would   never   happen.     You   are   the   love   of   my   life.     I’d   rather   betray   Dimitri   than   you.     Rest   assured   and   set   your   heart   at   ease   about   that.”     In   his   heart,   Emmanuel   knew   what   Salina   said   was   true.     If   he   were   again   the   little   man   as   tall   as   a   finger,   he   would   not   only   have   to   be   on   the   alert   against   being   crushed   by   people   of   normal   height,   but   would   also   have   to   be   on   his   guard   against   dogs   and   cats.     Wasn’t   he   pursued   once   by   a   Pekinese   dog   and   had   to   rush   to   Dimitri   for   help?     “Yes,”   he   thought.   “Dimitri   saved   me   and   took   me   to   his   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     There   in   his   magic   kingdom   I   met   Viola,   who   was   of   my   same   height.     For   the   first   time   in   my   life,   I   had   a   woman.     Then   Viola   found   a   treasure   trove   and   now   we   are   able   to   enjoy   all   this   wealth   and   luxury.     The   twists   and   turns   of   Fate   are   really   incomprehensible   and   hard   to   explain.   Dimitri   is   my   benefactor,   not   my   enemy.     Are   my   actions   of   betrayal   against   him   too…?     Hah,   what   has   all   that   to   do   with   me?     Viola’s   enmity   towards   Dimitri   is   not   my   affair.     Why   should   I   be   drawn   into   it?     I   will   just   enjoy   myself   while   I   can   and   avail   myself   of   the   highest   luxuries   of   the   mundane   world   which   happened   to   drop   into   my   lap.”     Salina   was   reclining   on   the   soft   sofa,   her   hands   beneath   her   head,   fully   exposing   her   curvaceous   figure.     Emmanuel   took   another   gulp   of   champagne.     Looking   at   her   he   was   again   fully   aroused,   but   Salina’s   brows   were   knit   in   thought   as   she   said,

“Dimitri   is   really   a   strange   creature.     In   his   Kingdom   of   Dreams   he   has   a   magnificent   palace   and   across   the   lake   he   has   a   pure   gold   palace.     There   are   24   beauties   to   accompany   him   and   loyal   subjects   who   love   and   obey   him.     But   he   doesn’t   really   appreciate   what   he   has   and   prefers   to   wander   in   this   mundane   world   as   a   homeless   person   at   the   mercy   of   the   elements.   He   is   often   hungry   and   is   sometimes   reduced   to   eating   dog   food.   Why   on   earth   would   he   do   that?     But   strange   to   say,   he   could   balance   these   two   absolutely   different   psychological   and   physical   worlds   into   perfect   accord   without   controversy.   Adjusting   the   realities   of   the   mundane   world   with   that   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   is   no   simple   task,   but   he   was   able   to   do   it.     He   is   my   enemy,   but   he   is   an   enemy   to   be   respected.     I   don’t   know   why,   but   my   enmity   towards   him   seems   to   decrease   day   by   day.     Don’t   you   think   that’s   strange?”

“Hum.     Don’t   think   too   highly   of   him”   said   Emmanuel   coldly   with   a   sneer.     “In   my   eyes   he   is   only   a   broken   ball   by   the   side   of   the   street   that   anyone   could   kick   without   meeting   any   resistance.     No   matter   what   I   do   to   hurt   him,   he   would   not   reprimand   me.     He   is   just   such   a   goody   goody.”   At   these   words,   Salina   cast   a   cold   and   calculating   look   at   him,   which   made   the   man   hang   his   head,   afraid   to   meet   her   glance.     He   suddenly   remembered   their   meeting   with   Dimitri   in   the   desolate   square   two   days   ago.     At   the   time   they   were   enemies   but   Dimitri   pointed   out   that   there   was   a   treasure   trove   in   everyone’s   heart,   that   Dimitri   had   one,   Salina   had   one   and   that   he   Mr.   Finger   had   one   too,   only   he   was   no   aware   of   it   yet.   “I   suppose   what   he   meant   was   that   it   was   beneath   me   to   be   so   servile   and   fawning   because   I   too   have   a   treasure   trove   just   as   good   as   Salina’s.     But   the   problem   was   I   don’t   know   how   to   get   my   hands   on   this   treasure   and   use   it   at   will.     The   next   time   I   see   Dimitri,   I   will   force   him   to   tell   me   the   secret.     If   he   won’t   tell   me   I   will   end   our   friendship!”     This   was   Emmanuel’s   wishful   thinking.     Actually   getting   hold   of   and   using   this   elusive   treasure   trove   was   no   easy   task.     The   technique   is   subtle,   profound   and   takes   a   long   period   of   time   of   understanding   and   exercise   to   master.   It   was   not   something   which   Emmanuel   could   do   at   this   present   stage   of   his   life.     At   the   same   time   he   thought   of   his   life   over   the   last   few   days,   of   splurging   extravagantly   on   the   whirlwind   shopping   spree   and   of   throwing   money   around   like   there’s   no   tomorrow   as   if   the   whole   world   could   be   bought   at   the   stretch   of   his   hand.   “Money   is   really   a   good   stuff”   he   thought.

Wave   after   wave   of   flowers,   majestic   and   unstoppable,   swelled   and   gained   speed   as   they   surged   forward.     Emmanuel   and   Salina   drifted   with   the   flow.   Holding   tightly   onto   each   other’s   hand   so   as   not   to   be   separated,   they   rose   and   fell   with   the   waves   of   flowers.   But   in   their   hearts   they   felt   not   the   slightest   fear   or   anger,   only   peace   and   tranquility   which   was   a   sorrowful,   moving   and   heartfelt   emotion.     They   lost   count   of   time   and   distance   as   they   travelled   with   the   waves   of   flowers,   but   after   their   feet   touched   the   ground,   the   waves   of   flowers   still   surged   on   to   they   knew   not   what   destination   and   disappeared   from   view.     It   was   a   most   peaceful   and   gentle   force,   but   also   the   most   powerful   and   all-conquering.   There   was   nothing   it   could   not   resolve.     Emmanuel   and   Salina   looked   at   each   other   and   found   that   they   were   both   very   wet,   covered   from   head   to   foot   with   petals,   filaments,   pollen   and   nectar   of   flowers.     They   felt   very   uncomfortable   and   sticky   not   with   salt   water   but   sweet   nectar.     Luckily   it   was   late   at   night   otherwise   bees   would   be   swarming   around   them   trying   to   gather   the   sugary   substance.     Salina   looked   at   Emmanuel   helplessly   and   asked,

“What   shall   we   do?     This   is   too   uncomfortable.   We   must   find   somewhere   to   clean   up   and   get   into   some   dry   clothing.”     Emmanuel   looked   around   at   the   unfamiliar   surroundings   which   nevertheless   pricked   his   memory.     He   felt   somehow   that   he   had   been   here   before.    

“Don’t   be   afraid.     I’m   here”   he   said.     “Just   follow   me”       He   then   led   Salina   across   several   streets.     It   was   dark   so   there   weren’t   too   many   pedestrians   about   but   those   who   were   cast   surprised   looks   at   this   bedraggled   pair.   After   passing   through   a   few   more   streets,   the   sound   of   falling   water   could   be   heard.   Ah!     They   had   come   to   the   famous   water   fountain   in   the   city’s   Central   Park.   Columns   of   water   shot   up   high   into   the   skies   and   then   came   tumbling   down   scattering   water   drops   everywhere,   forming   a   misty   web.     Multicolored   lights   of   pale   shades   of   pink,   green,   blue,   yellow   and   purple   at   the   bottom   of   the   water   fountain   alternated   in   casting   their   glow   on   the   display,   adding   to   the   poetic   and   romantic   atmosphere   of   the   place.     It   was   late,   but   the   benches   around   the   large   waterfall   were   still   occupied   by   lovers   whispering,   embracing   and   kissing.   There   were   many   bronze   statues   scattered   all   around   the   park   of   great   musicians,   artists   and   writers,   extremely   true   to   life.     Some   had   smiles   on   their   faces   as   if   they   had   received   inspiration   from   them   and   saluted   by   raising   up   imaginary   cups   saying   ‘cheers!’   The   expressions   on   their   faces   were   not   at   all   wooden   but   were   natural   and   vivid.     Some   people   stood   transfixed   before   these   statues   deep   in   thought   loath   to   leave.    

Emmanuel   pointed   to   the   fountain   and   laughed,   “Come   on   Salina,   that’s   our   bath.     What   are   you   waiting   for?”     Saying   so,   he   jumped   over   the   barrier   and   plunged   into   the   fountain.     Salina   followed   suit.     They   sank   their   heads   and   bodies   in   the   water   to   wash   away   the   nectar   and   the   flower   petals   sticking   to   them.     Then   poking   their   heads   out   of   the   water,   they   smiled   happily   and   splashed   water   at   each   other   in   fun.   Their   wild   and   unbridled   conduct   shocked   the   people   around   them   who   were   stunned   and   frowned   in   disapproval.     Soon   a   police   car   appeared   and   a   policeman   and   a   policewoman   came   out   of   the   car   and   walked   to   the   water   fountain.   The   policeman   shouted   at   Emmanuel,

“Aren’t   you   the   guy   that   I   caught   sleeping   on   public   benches   last   time?   Now   I   find   you   taking   a   bath   in   the   fountain.     Come   out   at   once   or   I   will   arrest   you   for   disrupting   public   order.”

As   it   happened   this   was   the   same   policeman   that   found   Emmanuel   sleeping   on   a   bench   one   night   and   told   him   to   move   on.     Emmanuel   was   angry   but   had   to   climb   reluctantly   out   of   the   water   fountain,   followed   by   Salina.     He   walked   over   to   the   policeman,   took   off   his   soaking   wet   T-shirt,   wrung   it   dry   and   then   put   it   back   on   again,   saying   defiantly,

“Why   can’t   I   take   a   bath   in   the   water   fountain?     You   keep   saying   ‘can’t   do   this,   can’t   do   that’,   I   want   to   know   what   I   can   do...”     The   policeman   looked   at   Emmanuel’s   seemingly   naïve   and   innocent   but   also   sly   and   arrogant   face   and   was   at   a   loss   as   to   how   to   deal   with   this   unreasonable   man   who   had   no   notion   of   right   and   wrong,   of   what   could   or   couldn’t   be   done.     Not   wishing   to   be   bogged   down   with   such   nitty-gritty   headaches,   he   decided   not   to   deal   with   him   anymore   but   send   him   on   his   way.     So   he   said,

“Alright,   you’re   all   wet   so   I’ll   let   you   off   this   time.     If   you   live   not   far   from   here   I   will   take   you   home   in   my   car.     How   about   that?”

“I   have   no   home.     I   am   homeless.     Is   that   against   your   law   too?”     replied   Emmanuel   arrogantly.     Meanwhile   Salina,   who   was   standing   next   to   him,   was   soaking   wet.   Water   streamed   down   from   her   hair   onto   her   face   and   body   and   made   the   ground   around   her   all   wet.   Her   clothes   stuck   to   her   body   like   a   second   skin,   fully   revealing   the   contours   of   her   shapely   and   curvaceous   figure,   making   it   seem   that   they   were   about   to   burst   out   of   her   clothes.     Though   it   was   summer,   the   ocean   breeze   around   the   Bay   at   night-time   was   still   quite   chilly   and   she   could   not   stop   shivering.     The   compassionate   police-woman   went   to   the   car,   opened   the   trunk   and   took   out   a   clean   towel   which   she   handed   to   Salina   saying,

“Here,   wipe   your   hair,   your   face   and   your   body   with   this   or   you   will   catch   a   cold.”     Salina   smiled   at   her   gratefully   in   thanks.  

“Is   that   all?”   asked   Emmanuel.     “Can   we   go   now?”     The   policeman   nodded   and   said,

“Alright,   go.     Next   time   obey   the   law   or   I   will   really   arrest   you.”

“Can’t   do   this.     Can’t   do   that.   What   is   the   law   about   anyway?”   grumbled   Emmanuel   as   he   walked   away   with   Samantha.     He   wants   to   arrest   me   for   breaking   the   public   peace,   disrupting   public   order,   he   says.     If   he   dares   to   arrest   me,   I   will   sue   him   for   impeding   my   personal   freedom…”     The   two   police   shook   their   heads   as   they   looked   at   the   retreating   figures   until   they   were   lost   from   sight   and   then   they   went   back   to   their   car,   started   the   engine   and   slowly   drove   away   from   the   scene.

Emmanuel   put   his   arms   around   Salina   who   was   still   shivering   under   the   towel   around   her   body   and   walked   aimlessly   around   this   strange   city   which   was   also   oddly   familiar.     The   weather   was   not   cold,   but   under   the   sea   breeze   Salina   still   shivered   and   felt   goose   bumps   all   over   her   skin.

“Darn   it”   thought   Emmanuel   greatly   irritated.     “It   is   great   to   have   a   normal   flesh   body,   but   because   of   it   I   have   to   obey   these   crazy   rules   and   regulations!   I   don’t   think   it’s   worth   it.   When   I   lived   in   King   Dimitri’s   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   I   was   free   to   roam   unimpeded   and   unfettered   anywhere   I   wanted.   In   fact   King   Dimitri   ordered   all   insects,   fish,   birds   and   animals   on   his   kingdom   to   protect   and   help   me.     Tasty   food   and   magnificent   clothes   were   provided   for   me.   Ah,   all   those   wonderful   wine   and   gourmet   dishes!     Why   did   I   leave   all   that   to   come   back   to   this   mundane   world   and   suffer?”     But   then   he   thought   for   a   moment   and   changed   his   mind.     “No,   a   normal   human   body   is   worth   any   price.     I   cannot   give   it   all   up   as   I   have   not   yet   experienced   the   pleasures   and   luxuries   of   this   world.   No,   I   cannot.”     Just   then,   they   came   to   a   small   24-hour   restaurant.  

“Excellent!”   exclaimed   Emmanuel   greatly   elated.   “Let’s   get   out   of   this   chilly   night   and   have   something   to   eat   inside.     We’ll   think   of   where   to   go   next   after   we   have   filled   our   stomach.”

They   walked   into   the   nearly   empty   restaurant   where   the   lights   were   low.     It   was   not   very   late   as   the   bars   and   nightclubs   around   the   area   were   still   open,   attracting   lovers   of   night   life.     Soon   when   they   closed   up,   patrons   would   be   crowding   into   these   small   restaurants   for   a   snack.     Emmanuel   ordered   large   cups   of   hot   chocolate   and   sandwiches   and   the   two   of   them   felt   much   better   when   their   stomachs   were   full   and   they   were   no   longer   cold.     An   array   of   bottles   of   hot   liquors   at   the   bar   caught   Emmanuel’s   eye   and   reminded   him   of   his   favorite   pastime   –   drinking!     He   snapped   his   fingers   at   the   receptionist   at   the   counter   by   the   door   and   called   out,   “A   bottle   of   good   whiskey.”     The   woman   who   was   apparently   hostess/owner   soon   came   over   with   the   whiskey   and   a   bucket   of   ice.

“Want   some   ice?”   Emmanuel   asked   Salina.

“I’ll   drink   the   way   you   do”   she   answered.     “What   do   you   mean   by   wanting   some   ice?     I   don’t   understand.”

“I   normally   drink   mine   straight,   but   some   people   prefer   adding   ice   to   dilute   their   drinks.     They   think   it’s   more   flavorful   that   way.   It’s   to   each   his   own.     What   about   you?   Which   way   would   you   take   it?”

“I’ll   take   it   diluted.     Give   me   some   ice.”   Emmanuel   poured   out   some   whiskey   into   her   glass   and   added   some   ice   saying,

  “I   like   mine   straight   without   adding   anything   to   it.     Why   dilute   a   perfectly   good   drink   with   ice?”     He   poured   himself   a   full   glass   of   whiskey   and   took   a   large   gulp.     “You   know,   when   my   friends   and   I   drink   together,   they   would   pour   a   glass   of   liquor   and   put   me   inside   the   glass.     I   would   sink   to   the   bottom   of   the   glass,   gulp   down   some   liquor   and   then   raise   myself   up   again.     That’s   the   way   to   drink!”

“Really?     That’s   interesting!     One   of   these   days,   we   must   find   a   secluded   spot   and   try   out   your   way   of   drinking.     We   can   pour   out   a   full   glass   of   the   finest   liquor,   shrink   ourselves   to   our   original   size   and   jump   into   the   glass.     That   would   be   interesting.”   The   two   of   them   drank   glass   after   glass   until   the   bottle   was   empty   and   they   themselves   were   quite   tipsy.   Having   been   busy   most   of   the   day,   they   were   getting   sleepy   and   fell   asleep   at   their   table.   The   night   deepened   and   patrons   began   coming   in   for   a   snack   or   a   night   cap.     The   woman,   who   was   apparently   the   owner   of   the   restaurant,   came   to   their   table   and   pushed   Emmanuel’s   arms   saying,

“Hey,   wake   up   sir.     This   is   a   restaurant   not   a   motel.     This   is   not   a   place   for   you   to   sleep;   you   have   to   go   to   a   motel   for   that.     If   you   have   finished   eating,   you   had   better   leave.   We   need   to   do   business   here.”   Emmanuel   was   angry   at   being   rudely   awakened   from   a   deep   sleep   and   was   about   to   explode   when   Salina   took   something   out   of   her   bag   and   put   it   into   the   owner’s   hand.   The   woman   looked   at   it   and   her   eyes   grew   large   in   surprise.     It   was   a   brilliant   square   sapphire.  

“This   is   for   you”   said   Salina   in   a   conciliatory   voice.     “It’s   late   and   we   are   tired.     Will   you   let   us   rest   for   a   while   here?     We   will   leave   when   the   day   breaks.     Will   that   be   alright?”

“Of   course,   of   course”   she   replied   a   large   smile   on   her   face.     She   knew   a   real   gem   when   she   saw   one   and   realized   it   was   a   genuine   jewel.   “You   may   stay   for   as   long   as   you   like.     But   if   you   don’t   feel   comfortable,   why   not   come   upstairs   with   me   to   my   room.     There   is   a   bed   there.     You   can   rest   for   a   bit   and   it   will   be   daybreak.     Please   follow   me.”     Emmanuel   and   Salina   looked   at   each   other.     Salina’s   eyes   seemed   to   say,   “See   how   powerful   money   is?”     Emmanuel   shook   his   head   and   had   to   admit   that   money   was   indeed   powerful   for   in   the   twinkling   of   an   eye   it   changed   an   angry   and   arrogant   woman   who   was   about   to   evict   them   from   the   premises   into   a   fawning   and   subservient   one,   eager   to   please.

When   they   woke   up   the   next   day,   it   was   already   noontime.   Refreshed   after   a   good   night’s   sleep   they   were   physically   restored   and   walked   down   to   the   restaurant   in   radiating   health.     The   hostess/owner   greeted   them   all   smiles   asking   solicitously,

“I   hope   you   had   a   good   night’s   sleep.     Are   you   hungry?     Would   you   like   something   to   eat?”   Salina   shook   her   head,   thinking,   “Yesterday   was   a   fluke   and   we   had   to   stop   here.   With   all   this   huge   amount   of   money   with   me,   who   needs   to   sample   your   basic   fast   food   anymore?”     The   woman   continued,   “Would   you   like   to   go   sight-seeing   around   here?     There   are   quite   a   few   scenic   spots   worth   seeing.   You   are   welcome   to   come   back   afterwards.     Food   and   board   are   all   free   of   charge.     Hope   you   come   back.”     Emmanuel   waved   her   away   arrogantly   like   a   big   shot   and   said,

“No   thank   you.     We   will   not   be   back.”     The   woman   hurriedly   opened   the   door   for   them,   thanking   them   for   their   business   and   bid   them   farewell,   bowing   repeatedly   as   they   walked   out   onto   the   street.

  The   first   thing   that   greeted   their   eyes   was   a   wrinkled   old   woman   in   an   electric   wheelchair.     She   was   Melissa,   the   owner   the   antique   shop   that   also   told   fortunes.   Seeing   Emmanuel,   she   shouted,  

“Robber!     Robber!     Give   me   back   my   tortoise!     It’s   my   antique.   What   made   you   think   you   could   take   it   and   just   leave   me   $10!     Robber!     Robber...”     Her   shouting   caused   several   pedestrians   to   turn   their   heads   and   stop   to   see   what   the   commotion   was   about.     Salina   immediately   went   to   her,   put   something   in   her   palm   whispering,”   Shut   up,   do   you   hear   me?”   The   old   woman   opened   her   hand   and   saw   a   huge   square   naked   ruby   large   as   a   dice   flashing   in   all   its   brilliant   crimson   glory.     She   became   speechless.   Her   eyes   widened   and   her   mouth   opened   in   shock   as   Emmanuel   and   Salina   laughed   aloud   and   walked   carelessly   away.   She   called   after   them,   “Hey!     You’re   welcome   to   drop   in   any   time   to   my   antique   shop!   If   you   go   looking   for   antiques,   don’t   forget   me!   My   tarot   cards   are   very   accurate.     Come   by   if   you   want   your   fortune   told…   Come   again.”     But   the   two   had   walked   far   away   and   did   not   even   turn   their   heads.

The   two   of   them   walked   aimlessly   around   the   city.     Salina   looked   at   herself   and   said,

“Let’s   go   somewhere   to   get   some   new   clothes.     I   think   it’s   about   time   to   get   rid   of   these   dirty   rags   and   change   into   something   decent.”

“Sure.     Let   me   see   where   we   can   get   some   high   quality   clothes”   replied   Emmanuel   as   they   turned   around   the   corner   of   the   street   and   came   face   to   face   with   a   homeless   person   sitting   on   the   pavement.     He   was   dressed   in   ragged   clothes   and   wore   an   old   olive   safari   hat.     The   tinted   glasses   and   white   cane   said   that   this   was   a   blind   man.   Emmanuel   was   shocked   and   thought   it   was   Dimitri,   but   on   second   look   he   realized   that   the   stature   was   different.     There   was   a   cracked   and   dirty   bowl   in   front   of   the   beggar   which   he   hit   with   a   fork,   chanting,   “Spare   money…spare   money…”     Salina   looked   surprised   as   if   asking,   “What   is   this?”     Emmanuel   told   her   this   was   a   poor   blind   beggar   asking   for   money   from   passersby.     He   also   told   her   that   Dimitri   used   to   be   a   beggar   just   like   him.

“Poor   man!”   exclaimed   Salina   sympathetically.   “He   has   no   money   and   is   blind.”   Taking   something   from   her   bag,   she   threw   it   into   the   blind   man’s   empty   bowl.     The   blind   man   was   greatly   surprised   by   the   clanging   of   something   in   his   bowl.     He   looked   down   and   exclaimed,              

“Why,   that’s   a   brilliant   green   emerald!     Thank   the   two   of   you   so   much.     Thank   you.     Thank   you.”     Saying   so,   he   grabbed   the   gem   as   he   stood   up   and   walked   ecstatically   away,   so   excited   that   he   forgot   all   about   his   white   cane.

“Didn’t   you   say   he   was   blind?”   exclaimed   Salina   looking   at   Emmanuel   questionly.     “He   knew   that   what   I   tossed   down   was   a   green   emerald   and   look   at   the   way   he   walks.     He   didn’t   even   need   his   cane.”

“I   don’t   know   what   all   this   is   about   either”   replied   Emmanuel   shrugging   his   shoulders.     Actually   the   man   was   a   homeless   friend   of   Dmitri’s   called   David,   who   decided   to   impersonate   Dimitri   by   dressing   like   him   and   made   his   living   begging   on   the   streets   pretending   to   be   blind.   The   two   of   them   were   naïve   and   did   not   understand   that   there   were   dark   elements   of   society   that   lived   on   cheating,   swindling   and   deception.     These   two   little   people   were   really   like   a   sheet   of   white   paper,   completely   unaware   of   the   ways   of   the   mundane   world.   They   did   not   realize   that   strolling   along   aimlessly   on   the   streets   of   the   metropolis   put   them   in   more   danger   than   wandering   in   the   wilderness   and   forests   where   ferocious   beasts   of   prey   lurked.

When   Emmanuel   and   Salina   resurfaced,   their   appearances   had   been   completely   changed.     The   hair   dresser   who   did   Salina’s   hair   was   a   famous   stylist   and   designer   who   cut   and   layered   her   long   hair   so   that   it   fell   just   to   her   shoulders   and   could   keep   its   shape   no   matter   how   she   swung   her   head   or   how   much   the   wind   ruffled   it.     She   wore   a   pink   dress   with   butterflies   embroidered   in   the   Chinese   style   around   the   waist,   which   gave   her   a   look   both   classy   and   stylish.     Emmanuel   bought   a   pair   of   expensive   dark   grey   pants   of   the   best   material   available   and   a   black   silk   short-sleeved   shirt   with   shiny   silver   buttons.   The   leather   suitcase   he   was   holding   in   his   hand   looked   large   and   heavy,   but   with   his   strong   and   muscular   arm   it   seemed   light   as   an   empty   matchbox.   This   was   the   street   where   many   internationally   famous,   high   class   brand   name   chain   stores   congregated   and   set   up   their   flagship   stores   and   that   was   where   Emmanuel   and   Salina   started   their   mad   shopping   spree.   There   were   no   price   tags   in   these   stores   because   those   that   needed   to   know   the   price   before   they   buy   would   never   step   into   them.     The   customers   that   came   here   to   shop   looked   around,   picked   up   what   they   wanted,   never   considering   the   cost.   Emmanuel   and   Salina   stopped   at   the   counter   selling   watches   and   chose   a   pair   of   wrist   watches,   one   for   men   and   one   for   ladies,   studded   with   diamonds.     Salina   immediately   picked   up   the   ladies   watch   and   put   it   on   her   wrist,   admiring   its   beautiful   shape.

“Please   miss”   said   a   salesgirl   standing   by,   “Would   you   please   go   to   the   counter   and   pay   for   it   before   wearing   it?”

“No,   I   want   to   wear   it   now”   replied   Salina.   “Can’t   I   do   that?”

“Of   course,   miss…   eh…Would   you   like   me   to   check   the   correct   time   and   adjust   it?”

“No   need.     Time   is   of   no   consequence   to   me.”     Salina   then   walked   over   to   the   counter,   put   all   her   purchases   on   it   and   the   salesgirl   registered   them   one   by   one   into   the   computer.   Salina   was   getting   impatient.     She   dug   into   her   bag   again   and   came   up   with   a   pink   diamond   which   she   threw   on   the   counter   saying,   “Don’t   bother   adding   up   the   total.     Will   this   be   enough   to   pay   for   it   all?”     The   salesgirl’s   eyes   brightened   in   surprise.     They   had   never   seen   any   customer   pay   for   their   purchases   with   precious   stone,   using   barter,   the   most   primitive   way   of   exchange.

“Could   you   please   give   me   a   few   minutes,   miss?     I   need   to   check   with   the   manager   on   this.”     Saying   so,   she   picked   up   the   sparking   pink   diamond   and   went   into   the   manager’s   office.     In   a   few   minutes   a   man   impeccably   dressed   in   an   expensive   suit   came   out   and   bowed   respectfully   to   Salina   saying,  

“The   value   of   your   diamond   far   exceeds   the   purchases   you   have   made.     Would   you   like   us   to   give   you   back   the   rest   in   cash?”

“That’s   alright.     Keep   the   rest   for   your   tips”   said   Salina   grandly.     Stuffing   her   purchases   into   the   large   leather   suitcase   Emmanuel   carried,   they   left   the   store,   leaving   the   manager   and   salesgirls   gaping   at   their   backs,   wondering   where   in   the   world   these   two   strange   customers   came   from.

Salina’s   long   hair   swung   freely   about   her   head   as   she   strode   down   the   street.     Her   wild   beauty   and   graceful   if   flirtatious   bearing   gave   off   scent   of   an   exotic   foreign   land.     Emmanuel   walked   by   her   side,   one   hand   holding   the   heavy   suitcase   while   the   other   circled   her   slender   waist.   His   tall   and   muscular   figure   caught   the   eye   of   the   young   girls   scantily   dressed   in   bikinis   that   fully   exposed   their   figures.     They   cast   seductive   looks   at   him,   and   jealous   but   envious   ones   at   his   companion.     Emmanuel   walked   arrogantly   on,   majestic   as   a   king,   with   his   arm   around   Salina,   seemingly   unconscious   of   the   female   admiration   and   made   straight   for   phenomenally   grandiose   casino   hotel.

  Emmanuel   and   Salina   sat   near   the   window   in   the   quiet,   comfortable   but   also   classic   and   magnificently   decorated   dining   room.     Only   two,   three   tables   of   this   spacious   room   were   occupied   because   it   catered   exclusively   to   the   VIP   customers   of   the   grand   and   luxurious   casino-hotel   wherein   it   was   situated   and   was   not   open   to   the   public.   Emmanuel   somehow   stumbled   upon   this   dining   hall.     When   the   captain   asked   for   his   VIP   card,   he   waved   him   aside,   telling   him   they   just   signed   in   and   the   VIP   card   was   being   processed   and   pushed   his   way   arrogantly   into   the   dining   room   together   with   Salina,   her   shopping   bags   and   his   heavy   leather   suitcase.     They   seated   themselves   at   a   table   near   the   window   and   settled   their   belongings   around   them.     The   captain   bowed   and   went   to   notify   the   manager.     The   manager’s   first   reaction   was   to   tell   the   security   guards   to   evict   the   two   personae   non   gratae,   but   then   he   remembered   the   latest   gossip   about   two   extravagant   “jewelry   customers”   who   were   said   to   be   frantically   buying   the   most   expensive   high-end   clothes,   jewelry,   shoes   etc.   and   always   threw   down   precious   stones   for   their   purchases,   never   bargaining,   never   asking   about   the   price   and   gave   huge   tips.   They   spent   money   like   water   and   were   said   to   have   thrown   a   large   emerald   into   the   tin   bowl   of   a   roadside   beggar!   “Could   it   be   them?”   he   wondered   and   decided   to   err   on   the   side   of   caution.     He   told   the   captain,   who   was   well-experienced   in   taking   care   of   VIP   customers,   to   take   care   of   the   two   guests   personally.     Meanwhile   Emmanuel   and   Salina   were   looking   at   the   menu   with   confusing   items   of   foreign   sounding   food   and   did   not   know   what   to   order.

“What   would   you   recommend?”   Emmanuel   asked   the   captain.   The   captain   began   reciting   a   string   of   strange   sounding   dishes   which   Emmanuel   couldn’t   make   head   of   tails   out   of,   so   he   cut   him   off   and   said,   “Just   give   me   a   steak   and   seafood   for   the   lady.     The   best   and   most   expensive   ones.     As   for   the   rest,   bring   on   what   you   think   is   good.”    


“Yes,   sir.     Yes,   sir”   said   the   captain,   who   bowed   and   went   to   order   their   food.     Salina   sat   there   looking   out   of   the   window   at   the   beautiful   scenery   extending   far   away   in   the   horizon.   The   calm   sea   under   clear   blue   skies   stretched   out   endlessly   far   away   until   it   was   impossible   to   distinguish   between   the   sea   and   the   skies.   The   white   sand   of   the   beach   nearby   was   very   crowded.   Young   people   were   whiling   away   the   time   sitting   or   lying   on   the   sand   or   running   around   having   fun.     Towards   the   right   was   the   swimming   pool   and   Jacuzzi   belonging   to   the   hotel.     The   pool   was   empty   but   there   were   young   men   and   women   sitting   or   chatting   under   the   colorful   sun   umbrellas   around   it.     Salina   noticed   that   Emmanuel’s   eyes   were   drawn   to   two   beautiful   blonde-haired   young   women   with   flawless   white   skin   and   alluring   figures   and   her   heart   tightened   in   jealousy.     She   remembered   the   flirtatious   glances   young   women   cast   at   him   when   they   passed   the   beach   on   their   way   to   the   casino/hotel   and   her   obsession   to   excel   rose   to   prominence   in   her   consciousness.     “With   my   curvaceous   figure,”   she   thought,   “if   I   walked   onto   that   beach   in   my   bikinis,   I   am   sure   to   be   the   target   of   all   eyes   and   will   certainly   outdo   Emmanuel.”   Soon   the   table   was   covered   with   dishes   of   all   kinds   of   gourmet   food,   but   Salina   had   lost   her   appetite   and   barely   tasted   them.     Her   heart   had   flown   to   the   white   sand   beach   below   and   she   kept   impatiently   telling   Emmanuel   to   hurry   up   and   finish   his   lunch.

“Come   on,   be   quick.     I   want   to   go   to   the   beach   and   take   a   sun   bath.     Look   how   tempting   the   white   sand   looks.     I   also   want   to   go   swimming.     Eat   faster,   Emmanuel,   I   want   to   leave.”   Pressed   by   her   repeated   urgings,   Emmanuel   wolfed   down   his   steak   and   other   food.     Salina   took   out   a   naked   pink   diamond   and   handed   it   to   the   captain   saying,

  “This   is   for   you.     Keep   the   change   as   your   tips.”     The   captain   was   flabbergasted   and   speechless.     The   manager   walked   into   the   dining   room   and   bowed   respectfully   to   Salina   saying,

“M’am,   I   am   sorry   if   our   food   does   not   meet   your   expectations   as   you   have   scarcely   touched   them.”    

“Oh   no”   replied   Salina   shaking   her   head.   “I   am   just   in   a   hurry   to   take   a   sunbath   and   swim   in   the   water,   so   I   did   not   want   to   be   too   full.”

“Why   yes   m’am”   commented   the   world-wise   manager   smoothly,   “Blue   skies,   white   sand   and   blue   waters   are   an   extraordinarily   beautiful   combination   few   can   ignore.   I   am   relieved   that   you   are   not   displeased   with   our   food.     Please   come   back.     If   there   is   any   special   dish   you   would   like   to   try,   I   will   have   our   chef   make   it   especially   for   you   according   to   your   specifications   and   if   there   is   anything   I   could   do   for   you,   you   need   only   to   let   us   know.”     Salina   nodded   and   stood   up   to   leave.     The   manager   followed   her   saying,   “I   see   that   you   have   your   shopping   bags   and   a   large   suitcase   with   you.     Perhaps   you   have   not   yet   arranged   for   your   lodgings.     Would   you   like   me   to   call   the   concierge   and   set   it   up   for   you?”     Salina   nodded   her   agreement.     The   room   began   to   fill   as   other   expensively   dressed   customers   strolled   into   the   dining   room   and   in   a   few   minutes   the   manager   of   the   hotel   himself   hurried   in   accompanied   by   two   clerks   who   quickly   made   the   check-in   arrangements   on   the   spot   and   assigned   bellboys   to   carry   their   parcels,   bags   and   luggage.   The   manager   himself   and   his   two   clerks   led   the   way   as   Salina   and   Emmanuel   walked   out   of   the   dining   room,   followed   by   the   bellboys   carrying   all   their   purchases   and   the   suitcase.     The   dining   room   manager   and   captain   stood   by   the   door   smiling   and   bowing   obsequiously,   saying,   “Please   come   back.   It   would   be   our   greatest   pleasure   to   serve   you   again   next   time.”     They   were   making   such   a   big   to-do   that   made   Salina   feel   special   and   very   satisfied,   as   if   she   was   being   treated   like   a   queen   and   caused   the   other   customers   to   stare   at   them   curiously,   wondering   just   who   they   were   to   be   given   such   special   VIP   treatment.   That   was   the   course   of   events   how   Emmanuel   and   Salina   arrived   at   this   city   by   the   sea   and   came   to   be   lodged   in   the   presidential   suite   of   this   large   and   luxurious   casino-resort.

Dimitri   and   his   friends   sat   in   Charina’s   living   room   drinking   fragrant,   freshly-made   coffee   and   talked   sporadically   about   Emmanuel   and   Salina,   wondering   what   mischievous,   underhand   tricks   these   two   strange   little   people   from   the   Kingdom   of   Dream   would   come   up   with.   They   could   not   understand   how   the   huge   pink   diamond   known   as   “Pink   Puzzle”   came   to   be   auctioned   off.    

“On   the   surface,”   said   Mr.   Kaffee   “these   grand   and   internationally   well-known   jewelry   stores   may   seem   to   be   rock   solid   and   impervious   to   the   ups   and   down   of   the   financial   world.     They   hold   exclusive   auctions   for   selected   customers   with   all   the   trappings   of   wealth   and   luxury   with   great   pomp   and   showmanship.     But   in   reality,   things   are   not   going   well   for   them.     They   have   over-expanded   and   are   strapped   for   cash   in   this   global   economic   downturn.”Dwarf   Mickey   stood   up,   stretched   himself   and   said,

“It’s   alright.     Let’s   drop   the   subject.     I   think   the   two   little   people   just   grabbed   some   jewels   and   came   to   this   mundane   world   to   eat,   drink,   make   merry   and   have   some   fun.   I   don’t   think   there   is   much   in   this   world   to   attract   them   so   they   will   soon   be   going   back.   This   pink   diamond   is   fabulously   expensive,   worth   an   astronomical   amount   of   money.     But   it   is   not   the   most   expensive   thing   in   my   treasure   trove.     ‘Pink   Puzzle’   is   a   magical   gem.     The   person   who   covets   it   would   be   down   on   their   luck   and     in   deep   trouble   because   it   knows   its   way   back   to   the   treasure   trove   and   would   just   disappear   one   day…”     Before   he   finished   speaking,   loud   snores   were   heard   and   they   saw   that   Jamaz,   having   drunk   too   much   wine   had   fallen   fast   asleep.     Richard   went   over   and   shook   him   by   the   shoulder,   saying,

“Hey!   Wake   up   man.   It’s   late.     Time   to   leave…”  

“Oh   no”   said   Charina.     “It’s   late   and   there   are   enough   guest   rooms   to   accommodate   all   of   you.     Stay.       It   would   be   more   fun   staying   together…”

“What?”   said   Jamaz   groggily.     “Time   to   leave?     Okay,   let’s   get   going.”

“We   have   to   go   back   to   our   own   place   in   the   rose   garden”   said   Richard.     It   may   be   deserted   and   dilapidated   but   it’s   quite   in   demand.   If   we   don’t   go   back   it   may   be   taken   over   by   other   homeless   ruffians.     In   fact   we   may   even   have   to   fight   them   to   defend   our   home   and   hearth   and   throw   out   anyone   who   has   taken   over…”

“Good!     Let’s   go!”   said   Jamaz,   whose   eyes   had   brightened   at   the   prospect   of   a   good   fight.   Charina   looked   at   Mr.   Kaffee   and   Big-O   and   said,

“What!     You   two   are   leaving,   too?”

“Oh   yes,”   replied   Mr.   Kaffee.   “Big-O   has   to   go   back   and   say   his   evening   prayers.   I   am   used   to   peace   and   quiet,   so   I   would   be   leaving   with   him.     The   little   temple   by   the   lake   suits   me   fine.”   Charina’s   eyes   looked   inquiringly   at   Dwarf   Mickey,   who   jumped   down   from   the   sofa.

“Don’t   worry   about   me”   he   said.     “I   have   my   own   place   to   go   to.”     Everyone   knew   that   he   was   the   god   of   wealth   that   Dimitri   had   put   on   his   altar   in   his   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   so   any   temple   or   religious   institution   suited   him   fine.   In   fact   he   brought   prosperity   to   wherever   he   chose   to   stop.     His   fervent   believers   would   come   in   droves   to   pray   and   the   temple   would   be   crowded   with   pilgrims   who   brought   along   candles   and   incense   and   made   generous   donations.   Who   doesn’t   love   money?   Who   doesn’t   want   the   god   of   wealth   to   shower   riches   on   him?     So   Dwarf   Mickey   was   one   of   the   most   popular   gods   in   the   temples.     It   is   just   human   nature   and   justifiable.   So   Charina   stood   silently   behind   Dimitri   as   he   saw   his   friends   off.    

“Don’t   be   sad   Charina”   said   Mr.   Kaffee,   comforting   the   hospitable   hostess.   “Where   there   is   break   up,   there   is   gathering.     Just   give   us   a   call   and   we   will   gather   together   again,   right?     We   will   be   just   as   happy   and   merry   as   we   were   tonight.”

The   living   room   looked   lonely   and   desolate   after   the   guests   left.   Silently   Charina   began   cleaning   up   the   leftovers   and   stacking   the   plates,   bowls   and   cups   into   the   kitchen   sink,   to   be   dealt   with   the   next   day   after   a   good   night’s   sleep.     Dimitri   wanted   to   help   but   did   not   know   where   to   cut   in.     Sensitive   to   his   feeling   of   helplessness   because   of   his   blindness,   Charina   helped   him   to   the   sofa.     She   took   a   small   clean   towel   and   wiped   up   the   spills   on   the   coffee   table   saying,

  “Have   a   seat.     I’ll   be   right   with   you   and   want   to   talk   to   you   some   more.”     Going   back   to   the   kitchen,   she   put   two   clean   crystal   glasses   onto   a   tray   and   added   to   it   the   bottle   of   half-full   vintage   red   wine   that   she   had   opened   for   Dimitri   the   last   time   he   was   here.   She   put   together   the   finger   food   left   on   various   dishes   and   combined   them   into   one   and   walked   back   with   them   all   to   the   living   room.     She   sat   down   beside   him   and   poured   out   the   fragrant   red   wine.   Dimitri   inhaled   the   unique   fragrance   and   said   smilingly,

“You’ve   been   busy   all   day,   Charina.     Aren’t   you   tired   and   sleepy?   You   still   want   some   red   wine?”

“To   tell   you   the   truth,   I   do   feel   rather   tired   and   would   love   to   rest”   said   Charina   with   a   frown.     ‘But   on   the   other   hand   my   curiosity   had   been   aroused   and   I   would   really   love   to   know   about   all   the   exciting   things   that   happened   afterwards   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.”

“Where   did   we   stop   at   last   time?”

“You   stopped   at   when   you   got   on   your   magic   horse   Lightning   and   flew   straight   up   to   the   skies   to   meet   King   Zeus.   The   rest   should   be   even   more   thrilling!   My   feelings   are   controversial.   It   is   hard   to   choose   between   sleep   and   listening   to   the   story.     Why   don’t   you   choose   for   me?     Tell   me   which   is   better   for   me…”   Holding   up   her   glass,   she   touched   it   to   Dimitri’s   and   said,   “Cheers!”  

“Why   don’t   we   do   both?”   replied   Dimitri   drinking   from   his   glass,   after   a   moment   of   thought.     “Would   you   like   me   to   take   you   on   a   tour   of   my   Kingdom   of   Dreams   so   you   can   see   everything   for   yourself?   You   can   fall   asleep   and   let   your   flesh   body   have   the   rest   it   sorely   needs,   and   I   will   take   you   on   a   tour   to   my   Kingdom   of   Dreams   while   you   sleep.     How’s   that?”    

“You   mean   to   say   my   body   can   fall   asleep   in   my   bed,   but   my   soul   can   separate   itself   from   my   body   and   go   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams?”   asked   Charina   as   her   eyes   widened   in   surprise.   “Can   body   and   soul   be   separated?”

“Generally   speaking,   it   can   be   done”   Dimitri   replied   diffidently   after   some   moments   of   thought.   “But   strictly   speaking,   flesh   body,   soul   and   dreams   do   not   exist.     They   are   only   impressions   of   transient   existence…I   will   not   go   into   this   too   deeply   as   it   would   leave   you   more   confused   than   ever   and   you   would   not   be   able   to   enjoy   your   sweet   slumber   anymore.   We   can   start   again   from   where   we   left   off.”

“But   how   can   we   start   again?     It   had   all   taken   place   already.     It’s   not   like   a   novel   where   we   can   turn   back   a   few   pages.   It   had   all   happened   before   now.”

“My   Kingdom   of   Dreams   belongs   to   a   mysterious   dimension   of   time,   which   does   not   belong   anywhere.     To   be   more   precise,   it   is   the   point   at   which   the   universe   began.     Things   present,   past   or   future   can   all   become   the   beginning   or   the   end   no   matter   where   it   is.   At   this   original   spot   of   the   universe,   things   could   never   have   happened   or   have   already   happened.   It   is   very   strange   and   mysterious   place   impossible   to   put   into   words.”

  “Alright,   let’s   not   talk   about   this   anymore…”   nodded   Charina   like   a   gentle   lamb.     “Shall   we   sleep   together   or   on   separate   beds?     I’m   afraid   that   once   we   get   to   our   Kingdom   of   Dreams   I   am   not   familiar   with   things   there.     What   would   happen   if   I   get   separated   from   you   or   get   lost?   So   perhaps   we   had   better   sleep   together”.     She   blushed   and   added,   “But..   you   must   promise   not   to   touch   my   flesh   body…”     Dimitri   burst   into   laughter   and   said,

“I   know   you   are   a   very   pretty   woman.     I   also   understand   the   attraction   of   opposite   sexes   and   the   satisfaction   of   combination   of   body   and   soul.     But   what   I   long   for   most,   is   the   pure,   innocent   and   naïve   friendship   between   Adam   and   Eve   before   they   tasted   the   forbidden   fruit.     Think   back   to   the   time   when   you   were   in   your   early   teens   and   did   not   yet   fully   understand   what   sex   is   all   about,   were   you   ever   attracted   to   the   opposite   sex?     How   did   first   love   feel?     Wasn’t   it   a   feeling   one   feels   nostalgic   about?   For   my   part,   I   long   only   for   that   feeling   of   first   love   when   I   did   not   yet   understand   sex,   but   was   embroiled   in   that   everlasting   yearning   of   my   heart…     Rest   assured,   Charina,   I   will   not   offend   you.”

“Actually   I   am   in   a   quandary   myself.     On   the   one   hand,   I   am   afraid   you   would   want   me…But   on   the   other   hand,   in   my   innermost   heart   I   welcome   your   advances   and   would   love   to   have   you   possess   me…Isn’t   that   controversial?”   Her   voice   became   lower   and   lower   until   it   was   almost   inaudible.     She   held   up   her   glass   and   said,   “Cheers!     Let’s   drink   up   our   wine   and   let   things   advance   as   they   would.”     The   two   of   them   finished   off   their   drinks,   stood   up   and   Charina   took   Dimitri’s   arm   in   her   own   and   led   him   into   her   bedroom.

Charina’s   ears   were   filled   with   the   sound   of   wind   as   it   rushed   by.     She   opened   her   eyes   to   find   she   was   surrounded   by   blue   skies   and   that   she   was   safely   nestled   in   King   Dimitri’s   strong   arms   and   sitting   on   the   magic   horse   Lightning.     Lightning   neighed   loudly,   flapped   his   mighty   wings   and   flew   high   into   the   skies.   Charina   glanced   up   at   this   man   who   was   leading   her   on   a   tour   of   his   magic   kingdom   and   saw   that   he   looked   buoyant   and   radiant,   his   expression   brave   and   resolute,   with   no   trace   of   the   dejected,   listless   homeless   person   who   huddled   on   street   corners   weaving   dreams.   Dimitri   had   transformed   back   to   his   true   self,   the   mighty,   brave   but   kind   and   generous   king   beloved   by   his   subjects   and   people.    

King   Dimitri   tugged   on   the   reins   and   at   that   signal,   Lightning,   who   was   always   in   silent   accord   with   its   master,   at   once   slowed   down   its   upward   swing.     It   knew   the   master   had   changed   his   mind   about   his   destination,   so   it   changed   course   and   turned   left.

“Let’s   first   touch   down   at   the   ruins   of   the   burnt   palace   by   the   bank   of   the   lake”   said   Dimitri   to   Lightning.   “There   are   some   things   I   need   to   do   there.     After   that,   we   will   fly   up   to   seventh   heaven   and   meet   with   King   Zeus.”     Lightning   neighed   and   flapping   his   wings   descended   slowly.

“Didn’t   you   say   you   would   take   me   on   a   tour   of   your   palace?”   asked   Charina   in   surprise.   “Why   are   you   changing   your   mind?”

“Zeus   is   the   father   of   the   gods   and   the   god   of   all   gods”   replied   Dimitri   in   a   concerned   manner.   “He   is   omnipotent.     Though   he   likes   me   a   lot   and   is   very   friendly,   treating   me   as   an   equal,   an   emperor’s   heart   is   hard   to   gauge.     He   is   narrow-minded   and   very   jealous.     He   sent   word   for   me   to   go   and   see   him   several   times.   I’m   afraid   it’s   because   my   gold   palace   has   become   uncovered   and   is   again   bright   and   dazzling.   I’m   afraid   he   is   going   to   reprimand   me   for   going   back   on   my   word.     The   outcome   is   not   promising…     I   am   thinking   of   leaving   you   at   a   safe   place   first   and   then   go   and   meet   Zeus.     I   am   not   afraid   to   face   his   thousands   of   celestial   soldiers   alone   on   my   steed,   but   if   you   are   with   me   and   it   comes   to   mortal   combat,   I   do   not   wish   any   harm   to   come   to   you   during   the   fight.   So   it   would   be   much   safer   to   leave   you   in   the   ruins   of   the   palace   and   ask   my   two   loyal   friends   to   protect   you.”     Charina   looked   towards   the   left   and   saw   a   magnificent   gold   palace   giving   off   a   splendid   and   radiant   brilliance   under   the   sunlight.     She   cried   out,

“Is   that   the   solid   gold   palace   you   told   me   about?”

“Yes”   nodded   Dimitri.     “I   ordered   it   to   be   covered   with   iron   to   mask   its   dazzling   glitter,   but   unfortunately   Cyclops   and   Viola   led   the   barbarian   troops   against   my   kingdom   during   my   absence   and   occupied   the   Giant   Mountains   and   the   gold   palace.     They   ordered   their   troops   to   tear   off   the   iron   cover;   so   now   the   gold   palace   has   regained   its   original   brilliance   and   is   shining   radiantly   under   the   sun.     It   is   grander   and   much   more   magnificent   than   Zeus’   own   bronze   palace   in   the   seventh   heaven,   which   is   something   the   god   of   heaven   could   not   possibly   stomach.   He   must   look   upon   it   as   a   challenge   to   his   power   and   authority.   That,   I   think,   is   why   he   wants   to   see   me.”   As   they   were   talking,   Lightning   flew   towards   the   ground   in   a   beautiful   arc   and   landed   surely   and   accurately   by   the   banks   of   the   lake.    

King   Dimitri   dismounted   and   then   carried   Charina   down   from   the   horse’s   back   in   his   arms.     Charina   looked   around   and   saw   utter   destruction.   Pillars   had   been   toppled,   wreckage   of   the   destroyed   building   lay   in   ruins   but   the   scope   and   excellence   of   the   former   magnificent   palace   were   still   discernible.     Some   pieces   of   classic   and   luxurious   furniture   had   been   broken,   but   with   careful   work   could   still   be   restored.   She   said   confidently   to   Dimitri,

“Given   time,   I   think   that   I   would   be   able   to   re-establish   a   home   here.”

“No,   no,   no   don’t   even   think   about   it”   said   Dimitri   shaking   his   head   and   pointing   towards   the   left.     “Cyclops   and   Viola   are   in   the   gold   palace   on   the   opposite   shore.     Any   movement   here   will   arouse   the   suspicion   of   the   barbarians.     If   you   see   anyone   coming   towards   this   side   of   the   lake   by   boat,   you   must   hide   yourself   in   the   dense   forests.     Oh   yes,   I   must   call   on   my   two   loyal   friends   to   come   and   protect   you.”     Saying   so,   Dimitri   put   his   fingers   into   his   mouth   to   issue   a   shrill   call   and   then   cried   out,   “Cortez   and   Kojak,   where   are   you?     Are   you   nearby?   Please   show   yourselves!”     The   heads   of   two   fierce   tigers   peeped   out   from   the   ruins.     Though   their   old   master   had   disappeared   to   they   know   not   where,   they   were   loyal   to   their   post   of   watching   over   the   ruins   of   his   castle.   Seeing   their   old   master   standing   by   the   bank   of   the   lake,   they   jumped   out   and   rushed   excitedly   towards   him,   tails   switching   in   glee.     They   gave   out   roars   so   loud   and   ferocious   that   the   surrounding   area   vibrated   and   shook,   scaring   Charina   so   much   that   she   hid   behind   King   Dimitri.     Dimitri   made   a   sign   for   silence   and   the   two   ferocious   beasts   stopped   submissively   before   him   and   sat   down.     He   pulled   Charina   from   behind   his   back   and   said   to   the   two   tigers,

“This   is   my   good   friend   Charina.     She   is   a   guest   in   our   Kingdom.     You   two   must   do   your   best   to   protect   her   so   that   she   does   not   come   to   any   harm.     Is   that   understood?”     The   tigers   nodded.     He   then   turned   to   Charina   and   made   introductions.     “This   one   is   Kojak.     That   one   is   Cortez.     They   are   my   good   friends.”     The   two   tigers   walked   docilely   towards   Charina   and   rubbed   against   her   legs   like   friendly   kittens   and   Charina   did   her   best   to   hide   her   fear   and   patted   them   on   the   head.     King   Dimitri   then   turned   to   instruct   the   two   tigers   on   their   duties.   “If   anyone   from   the   opposite   shore   should   discover   that   Charina   is   here   and   come   towards   this   side   of   the   lake   to   capture   her,   you   two   must   protect   her,   retreat   into   the   forest   and   ask   for   help   from   Medusa.     Is   that   understood?”     The   two   animals   let   out   low   growls   and   showed   their   fierce   teeth   to   signify   they   understood   and   would   guard   her   well.     King   Dimitri   smiled   and   said   to   Charina,

“If   you   are   interested,   you   could   walk   through   the   ruins   of   the   palace   and   look   for   treasures.     Perhaps   you   might   find   material   that   would   help   your   writing.   I   will   come   back   for   you   when   the   moon   rises   and   we   will   go   back   to   the   mundane   world.   So   we’ll   say   goodbye   for   now   and   I’ll   go   about   my   business.”   Saying   so,   King   Dimitri   mounted   his   horse.     Lightning   flapped   his   mighty   wings   and   flew   into   the   skies.

Thick,   heavy   clouds   floated   in   the   skies   like   the   continent   floating   on   the   wide   expanse   of   ocean   below.     Lightning   flew   higher   and   higher.     As   they   neared   the   thick   clouds,   they   heard   loud,   booming   sounds   similar   to   the   thundering   of   tens   of   thousands   of   hoofs,   mixed   with   the   clashing   of   all   manners   of   weapons   and   the   battle   shouts   of   soldiers   rise   one   after   another.   It   seemed   as   if   two   mighty   armies   were   battling   each   other   to   the   death.     Dimitri’s   heart   tightened.     “Could   some   tragic   catastrophe   be   happening   in   King   Zeus’s   seventh   heaven?”   he   wondered   “If   so,   I   must   fly   there   and   try   to   help   the   mighty   king   of   gods,   who   befriended   me,   overlooking   the   disparity   of   our   mutual   positions   and   treated   me   as   a   friend   and   an   equal.   I   will   commit   myself   even   unto   death   to   protecting   his   person   and   his   imperial   power.”   Dimitri   never   used   his   whip   on   his   beloved   steed;     he   just   softly   clamped   Lightning’s   flank   with   his   knees,   their   mutually   agreed   on   signal,   and   Lightning   understood   that   his   master   was   upset   and   perturbed   and   wished   to   rush   ahead   and   find   out   what   all   this   commotion   was   about.     He   flapped   his   mighty   wings   and   surged   full   speed   ahead   into   the   sky.

Upon   reaching   the   clouds,   Dimitri   saw   groups   of   soldiers   on   horseback   streak   past   him   swift   as   the   wind,   paying   no   heed   whatsoever   to   his   uninvited   presence.     Their   concentration   was   centered   solely   on   the   changes   in   the   battlefield.     Tens   of   thousands   of   cavalrymen   were   assembled   on   the   open   fields.     They   were   divided   into   sections   galloping   at   full   speed,   their   formation   uniform   and   strictly   regimented.     They   separated,   rejoined,   and   then   separated   again   to   form   all   manners   of   complex   patterns.   In   a   moment   thousands   of   cavalrymen   suddenly   scattered   in   all   directions   and   then   just   as   swiftly   congregated   into   a   united   whole   again.     They   split   into   two   and   fought   each   other   as   fiercely   and   bravely   as   if   they   were   real   enemies.     Dimitri   looked   up   at   the   reviewing   stand   and   saw   the   handsome   and   brave   sun   god,   Apollo,   standing   there   confidently   commanding   his   troops   using   flags   of   all   colors   and   hand   signals.     Tens   of   thousands   of   cavalrymen   were   so   attuned   to   his   command   that   they   seemed   to   be   extensions   of   his   fingers   and   arms,   co-operating   seamlessly.     In   a   second   the   two   sections   that   had   been   fighting   to   the   death,   merged   into   one.     Such   a   well-trained   and   well-equipped   army   was   really   invincible.     Dimitri   rode   slowly   towards   the   reviewing   stand.     The   sun   god   Apollo   caught   sight   of   him.     Rushing   down,   he   jumped   into   his   glittering   gold   chariot   and   hurried   towards   his   guest.     When   the   two   met,   they   were   both   very   excited,   hugging   and   kissing   each   other   in   exuberance.    

“Brother   Dimitri,   we   haven’t   seen   you   for   a   long   time.     How   are   you?”exclaimed   Apollo.

“I   am   so   sorry   I   haven’t   been   to   see   you   and   pay   my   respects   to   King   Zeus.   There   were   some   things   I   had   to   deal   with   in   the   mundane   world.   I   received   King   Zeus’   summons   and   am   here   to   see   what   he   wanted.     How   are   you,   Brother   Apollo?”

“I   am   fine.     Everything   is   fine.     Father   Zeus   is   in   the   big   tent   over   there   watching   me   drill   the   army.     He   intends   to   lead   it   to   restore   your   kingdom   for   you   and   is   greatly   distressed   that   we   have   not   heard   from   you.     Come   on,   let’s   go   and   see   him.     I’m   sure   he   would   be   very   relieved   and   happy   to   see   you.”     Saying   so   the   two   of   them   rode   towards   the   big   tent.

Looking   out   from   his   tent   King   Zeus   saw   two   black   spots   far   away   in   the   horizon   coming   fast   towards   him.     He   knew   that   the   one   glittering   bright   as   the   sun   was   his   beloved   son   Apollo   and   was   wondering   who   the   imposing   figure   on   a   snow   white   steed   riding   beside   the   sun   god   was.     When   they   came   near,   he   realized   that   it   was   King   Dimitri   whom   they   haven’t   seen   for   a   long   time   and   a   smile   came   to   King   Zeus’   normally   solemn   face.     His   eyes   softened   and   his   expression   showed   his   relief   at   seeing   Dimitri   whole   and   unharmed.     He   thought   Dimitri   looked   magnificent,   brave   and   heroic   as   ever,   belying   the   rumors   that   his   Kingdom   had   been   occupied   by   barbarian   troops,   his   palace   burnt   and   that   he   himself   was   destitute   and   homeless,   roaming   the   streets   of   the   mundane   world   as   a   blind   beggar.     He   was   glad   that   the   rumors   were   unsubstantial.   When   King   Dimitri   came   to   the   big   tent,   he   quickly   jumped   off   his   horse,   walked   into   the   tent   and   bent   one   knee   before   his   liege   lord   saying,

“Your   majesty,   please   excuse   your   vassal   Dimitri   for   being   late   in   answering   your   summons.     I   am   now   here   for   you   to   command.     Please   let   me   know   what   you   wish   of   me.”   King   Zeus   was   very   happy   to   see   that   Dimitri   was   so   respectful   of   court   protocol.     He   laughed   heartily,   and   stood   up   saying,

“King   Dimitri,   you   and   I   are   both   sovereigns.     We   are   equal   so   you   need   not   kneel   to   me.     Please   stand.”     Sun   god   Apollo   was   astounded   to   see   his   normally   stern   and   dignified   father   treat   anyone   so   politely   and   genially,   which   only   showed   his   father’s   high   regard   for   Dimitri   in   his   heart.     King   Zeus’   twin   daughter,   Charmaine   and   Clementine   who   were   snuggled   by   their   father’s     side,   looked   at   Dimitri   with   eyes   beaming   with   affection.     He   was   the   man   of   their   dreams   and   their   hero.     They   had   been   separated   from   him   for   such   a   long   time   and   only   the   presence   of   their   father   prevented   them   from   showing   their   emotions   and   throwing   themselves   into   Dimitri’s   arms.     King   Dimitri   stood   up   as   commanded   and   King   Zeus   sat   back   on   his   royal   throne.

“It   had   been   reported   to   me   that   your   Kingdom   had   been   invaded   and   occupied   by   barbarian   troops   and   your   palace   burnt   down.     These   soldiers   had   the   impudence   to   tear   off   the   iron   cover   you   put   over   the   gold   palace   so   it   is   once   again   glittering   and   sparkling   under   the   sun,   outshining   my   bronze   palace   here   in   the   seventh   heaven.   This   is   something   I   cannot   possibly   allow.     I   told   my   son   to   drill   and   train   the   troops,   getting   them   ready   for   battle.     They   will   swoop   down   and   obliterate   these   upstart   barbarians   and   at   the   same   time   restore   your   Kingdom   to   you.     The   timing   of   your   arrival   is   really   excellent.     I   am   putting   you   in   charge   of   my   army.     You   give   the   order   to   attack   and   they   will   swoop   down   and   kill   all   these   barbarians   and   appease   my   anger.”

“My   Kingdom   in   the   Dreams   is   only   a   tiny   piece   of   land   on   the   edge   of   the   universe”   said   King   Dimitri,   bowing.   “I   am   anxious   that   undeserving   as   I   am,   your   majesty   has   seen   fit   to   bestow   your   love   and   friendship   on   me   but   I   am   also   extremely   grateful.     However,   I   must   beg   you   to   rescind   your   order.   Annihilating   the   barbarian   troops   will   cause   savage   and   brutal   bloodshed   both   to   the   enemy   and   to   our   own   troops,   which   is   something   I   would   like   to   prevent   at   all   cost.     I   have   already   devised   a   plan   to   restore   my   kingdom   and   drive   the   barbarians   back   to   their   own   land   without   shedding   any   blood.   I   can   also   make   the   gold   palace   on   Giant   Mountain   disappear   from   the   horizon   forever.     I   beg   your   majesty   to   take   back   your   order.”

“Father   Zeus,”   said   Apollo   who   was   standing   by.     “If   it   is   possible   to   accomplish   what   we   desire   without   bloodshed   that   naturally   would   be   the   best   way   to   go.     Since   King   Dimitri   already   has   a   plan,   why   not   let   him   try?     If   he   fails,   we   can   always   send   in   the   troops.     What   do   you   think,   Father?”  

“Are   you   confident   that   you   could   recover   your   Kingdom   without   a   fight?”   asked   King   Zeus   doubtfully.  

“Yes,   your   majesty,”   replied   King   Dimitri.     “Tonight   after   sunset   when   the   moon   first   rises,   I   will   drive   the   barbarian   troops   back   to   their   own   land   and   will   make   the   gold   palace   disappear   forever   from   the   horizon.   I   am   confident   of   that,   but…”

“What   is   it?”   asked   King   Zeus,   seeing   that   Dimitri   wanted   to   say   something   but   for   some   reason   was   reluctant   to   do   so.     King   Dimitri   looked   at   the   twin   sisters,   Charmaine   and   Clementine,   snuggling   by   their   father’s   side   and   said,

“I   would   like   the   help   of   your   two   beloved   daughters   Charmaine   and   Clementine.     Would   your   majesty   give   them   permission   to   do   so?”   Charmaine   and   Clementine   were   ecstatic   when   they   heard   Dimitri’s   request.     They   quickly   knelt   down   in   front   of   their   father   begging,

“We   are   willing   to   go   with   King   Dimitri   and   help   him   to   the   best   of   our   abilities.     Please   Father,   let   us   go!”     King   Zeus   looked   lovingly   at   his   twin   daughters.     Though   they   seemed   beautiful   as   flowers   they   had   no   substance   and   no   flesh   body.     He   knew   that   the   two   of   them   had   a   deep   history   with   King   Dimitri,   a   sentimental   relationship,   so   he   said   smilingly,

“Why   not?     You   two   have   been   cooped   up   here   for   quite   a   while   and   it’s   time   for   you   to   have   a   break.   Go   with   King   Dimitri,   but   you   must   be   back   as   soon   as   the   mission   is   accomplished.”

“Yes,   Father”   said   the   two   nymphs,   their   voices   echoing   the   happiness   in   their   hearts.

King   Dimitri   sat   between   the   twin   beauties   on   his   magic   horse   Lightning,   who   flapped   its   mighty   wings   on   the   long   distance   journey   in   the   universe.     Charmaine   sat   behind   King   Dimitri,   holding   fast   to   his   waist.     Now   she   had   her   own   features   and   did   not   need   the   use   of   a   mirror   or   the   water   surface   to   talk   to   people.   This   was   the   first   time   she   was   with   the   man   she   loved   and   held   on   tightly   to   his   strong   and   virile   waist.     Though   she   had   no   substance   and   no   flesh   body,   she   still   felt   perfectly   satisfied   and   happy.     Clementine   sat   in   front   of   King   Dimitri,   nestled   in   his   arms.   She   was   confused   and   at   a   loss.     King   Dimitri   once   gave   her   a   flesh   body   which   she   dissolved   in   the   lake   water   in   order   to   save   her   twin   sister.     This   was   the   first   time   she   had   been   so   close   to   the   man   of   her   dreams   since   that   time.   She   realized   that   it   was   possible   to   feel   spiritual   love   without   having   a   flesh   body   and   that   love   did   not   need   the   sense   of   touch   (Please   see   Book   2   Kingdom   in   the   Dreams).     Lightning   flew   past   the   interminable   time   and   space   of   the   universe.     Directed   by   Clementine,   it   gradually   descended   and   landed   on   a   white   celestial   body,   wild,   cold   and   extremely   clean.     It   was   the   planet   closest   to   the   earth   –   the   moon.   Lightning   raced   towards   the   wide   expanse   of   white   wilderness,   in   the   depth   of   which   was   a   small   house   built   of   white   marble   and   transparent   glass.     This   was   Charmaine   and   Clementine’s   home   on   the   moon.   The   three   of   them   dismounted   at   the   door   of   the   house.     The   door   was   left   unlocked   because   they   were   the   only   inhabitants   of   the   place,   and   need   not   fear   the   intrusion   of   any   uninvited   guests.   They   walked   into   the   house.     In   spite   of   the   fact   that   it   had   been   left   uninhabited   for   a   long   time,   the   interior   was   clean   and   tidy,   with   not   a   speck   of   dust   on   the   furniture.   King   Dimitri   sat   down   while   the   sisters   hurried   to   prepare   food   to   offer   to   their   guest.   Having   no   flesh   bodies,   neither   of   them   needed   nourishment,   but   there   always   were   some   fruits   and   drinks   to   give   the   place   a   feeling   of   home.     Charmaine   brought   out   a   bottle   of   wine   and   some   wine   glasses,   saying

“Try   this   wine.     It’s   from   Father’s   seventh   heaven   and   is   made   of   various   blossoms   and   fruit.     Is   it   good?”     Clementine   brought   out   a   plate   of   heavenly   fruit   with   no   known   name   which   she   had   peeled   and   cut   into   slices   and   put   onto   a   plate.     King   Dimitri   tried   the   wine   and   found   it   so   fragrant   and   tasty   that   he   finished   his   glass   in   a   quaff.   The   wine,   which   was   sweet,   pure,   fragrant   and   not   at   all   potent,   slid   down   his   throat   in   a   warm   stream   right   into   his   belly.     “This   is   really   good   wine,”   he   thought.   Finding   the   fruit   just   as   sweet   and   delicious,   he   said,

“It   is   good   that   you   two   have   no   flesh   body   because   then   you   need   no   food.   You   would   never   be   in   the   position   I   am   in   now,   both   hungry,   thirsty   and   in   dire   need   of   sustenance.     Actually   flesh   body   is   not   necessarily   a   good   thing.     Not   having   one   saves   you   a   lot   of   trouble.”     The   twin   sisters   smiled   as   they   sat   silently   by,   happy   and   satisfied   as   they   watched   King   Dimitri   guzzle   down   his   food   ravenously.     King   Dimitri   continued,   “After   the   long   ride   I   am   feeling   tired.     Now   that   I   have   eaten   my   fill,   I   am   feeling   sleepy.     This   is   another   defect   of   the   flesh   body.     The   two   of   you   would   never   feel   hungry   or   tired,   and   that   is   so   wonderful.    

“If   you   are   feeling   tired”   suggested   Clementine,   “Why   don’t   you   go   and   take   a   nap   in   our   bedroom?”     Dimitri’s   face   turned   worried   and   concerned   as   he   said,

“I   can’t   fall   asleep   even   if   I   lie   on   the   most   comfortable   bed.     I   have   promised   your   father   that   before   the   sun   rises,   I   will   force   the   barbarian   troops   back   to   their   own   territory   and   make   the   gold   palace,   which   has   made   your   father   so   angry,   disappear   from   the   face   of   the   earth.     I   have   made   the   promise,   but   am   not   100%   certain   I   would   be   able   to   do   all   this.   So   how   can   I   set   everything   aside   and   take   a   good   nap?   Time   is   of   the   essence.     I   think   I   had   better   take   Lightning   and   go   back   to   my   Kingdom   of   Dreams   to   see   how   things   are   out   there.     I’ll   be   right   back…You   two   wait   for   me   here.”

“No,   no,   no”   said   Clementine.   “You   do   not   need   to   go   back   and   forth   like   that;   it’ll   consume   too   much   of   your   time   and   energy.     You   can   see   whatever   you   want   to   right   here   without   having   to   leave.”

“Really?”   replied   Dimitri   looking   doubtfully   at   Clementine   and   glancing   at   the   silent   Charmaine   who   said,

“It’s   true.     She   is   not   joking   with   you.     From   here   you   can   see   anything   you   want   to.     If   you   don’t   believe   us   come   and   see   for   yourself.”

King   Dimitri   followed   the   twins   into   another   room,   which   was   obviously   their   bedroom.     Twin   beds   were   placed   side   by   side   and   the   beddings   showed   that   they   had   not   been   used   for   quite   some   time.     As   in   most   girls’   bedrooms,   there   always   was   a   dressing   table   with   mirrors   and   combs   etc   on   it.     Here   by   the   window,   on   the   twins’   dressing   table   was   a   large   bronze   mirror,   so   bright   and   well-polished   that   it   reflected   every   feature   of   the   face,   eyes,   and   eyebrows   even   to   the   finest   body   hair.     Suddenly,   the   setting   sun   appeared   in   the   mirror   shining   on   the   gold   palace,   making   it   more   dazzling   and   radiant   than   ever   and   cast   its   large,   imposing   and   magnificent   shadow   on   the   ground   towards   the   east.   The   shadow   seemed   mysterious   and   diabolic   as   if   it   concealed   innumerable   secrets.     The   palace   was   empty.     The   barbarian   soldiers   had   all   been   sent   out   to   cut   and   gather   durable   vines   and   bring   them   to   the   edge   of   the   cliff.     Cyclops   was   there   to   pick   out   the   strongest   vines   and   make   them   into   a   heavy   duty   rope.     He   tied   one   end   of   the   rope   to   a   root   of   the   big   and   sturdy   tree   that   extended   outwards   from   the   cliff   and   bound   the   other   end   on   a   huge   rock   which   he   lifted   over   his   head   with   his   mighty   arms   and   threw   down   the   steep   cliff.     King   Dimitri’s   full   attention   was   concentrated   on   the   mirror,   avidly   observing   Cyclops’   every   move   and   action   wondering   what   it   was   all   about,   when   Viola   appeared.     She   gathered   all   the   barbarian   soldiers   together   and   instructed   and   exhorted   them   severely   saying,   “You   must   protect   and   watch   over   the   gold   palace   while   we   are   not   here.     Make   sure   no   harm   comes   to   it   or   I   will   cut   off   your   heads   when   I   come   back.”     Then   turning   herself   into   a   figure   as   small   as   a   finger,   she   climbed   onto   the   horn   on   Cyclops’s   head.     Carrying   his   magic   bow   and   arrow   Cyclops   climbed   down   the   sturdy   vine   rope   into   the   deep   abyss.     Without   the   tight   control   of   Cyclops   and   Viola,   the   unrestrained   barbarians   were   gave   a   loud   shout   and   dispersed   like   a   tray   of   loose   sand,   free   to   pursue   their   own   destination.     King   Dimitri   was   greatly   heartened   at   what   he   saw.     It   was   as   if   a   bright   light   shone   in   his   mind.     He   rushed   to   the   dressing   table   to   get   a   closer   look   at   the   two   and   he   said   excitedly,

“That’s   just   great.     It’s   the   chance   of   a   lifetime.     It   is   as   if   heaven   is   helping   me.     Cyclops   and   Viola   are   going   down   to   a   place   at   the   bottom   of   this   steep   cliff.     Climbing   up   and   down   will   take   a   long   time.     It   will   give   me   just   the   interval   I   need   to   do   what   I   have   to   do.   These   barbarian   soldiers   are   leaderless.   Without   a   head,   they   would   be   easy   to   defeat   or   to   instigate   them   to   return   to   their   own   domain.”     Charmaine   and   Clementine   became   excited   too   and   said,

“You   asked   the   two   of   us   to   come   with   you   and   help   you   without   telling   us   what   you   want   us   to   do.     Why   don’t   you   tell   us   your   plan   so   we   can   go   forward   with   it?   What   mission   do   you   have   for   the   two   of   us?”     King   Dimitri   tapped   his   head   with   his   hand   and   laughed   heartily   saying,

“It’s   amiss   of   me   not   to   fill   you   in   on   what   my   plans   are.     I   wasn’t   quite   sure   of   my   own   intentions   in   the   beginning,   I   only   knew   that   though   you   are   both   beautiful   as   flowers,   you   do   not   have   a   flesh   body   and   therefore   need   not   fear   Cyclops’   magic   bow   and   arrow.     Therefore   you   would   be   able   to   help   me   without   being   hurt   yourself.     My   magic   sword   is   in   no   way   inferior   to   his   magic   bow   and   arrow.     If   it   comes   to   a   battle   between   us,   I   am   confident   of   my   success.     But   now   it   seems   things   are   much   simpler   and   I   need   not   have   worried.     Cyclops   and   Viola   have   both   climbed   down   the   cliff   and   the   barbarians   are   without   leaders.     We   need   only   do…and   then   do   …   and   we   are   sure   to   succeed!   Ha,   ha,   ha.”       After   listening   carefully   to   King   Dimitri’s   whispered   instructions,   Charmaine   and   Clementine’s   eyes   brightened   and   said,

“Yes,   that’s   simple   enough.     We   are   sure   we   can   do   that.     Oh   yes,   we   are   sure   of   a   resounding   success.”     King   Dimitri   looked   again   at   the   mirror   and   said,

“The   sun   is   setting.     It’s   still   early.     When   the   moon   and   the   stars   come   out   we   will   leave   here   and   go   all   out   to   create   an   earth-shaking   splash   that   would   stun   Father   Zeus   himself!”   “Look   at   the   woman   there.     Who   is   she?”   asked   Clementine   pointed   to   the   mirror.  

The   scene   on   the   mirror   had   changed   to   the   ruins   of   the   burnt   palace   by   the   side   of   the   lake.   In   the   middle   of   the   ruins   where   the   former   great   hall   had   been,   King   Dimitri’s   gold   throne   somehow   escaped   the   fire   and   sparkled   and   shone   under   the   rays   of   the   setting   sun,   the   precious   stones   embedded   in   it   glittered   and   gleamed   like   stars   in   the   sky.     A   tall,   slim   beauty   with   a   pair   of   binoculars   in   her   hand   smiled   as   she   sat   on   the   throne   looking   at   the   surrounding   scenery.     The   two   ferocious   tigers,   Cortez   and   Kojak,   sat   on   guard   on   two   sides   of   the   throne,   just   like   they   used   to   do   when   King   Dimitri   was   there.  

“Oh,   that   my   guest   Charina,   an   authoress   from   the   mundane   world”   replied   King   Dimitri   earnestly.     She   wants   to   write   a   novel   about   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     I   brought   her   along   for   the   trip   so   she   can   see   things   for   herself,   which   might   help   her   with   her   writing.”     Charmaine   and   Clementine’s   beautiful   eyes   with   their   long   eyelashes   blinked   several   times   and   they   said   with   a   touch   of   envy   and   jealousy,

“Does   that   mean   that   you   will   be   adding   another   beauty   to   you   court?”

“Oh,   no,   no,   no”   replied   King   Dimitri   quickly,   shaking   his   head   “I   will   never   backtrack   and   do   such   foolish   things   any   more.       I   won’t   ever   build   gorgeous   palaces   and   collect   beauties   from   all   over   the   world   to   live   there.   Relationship   between   man   and   woman   are   simple   and   yet   complicated.     It’s   an   immeasurable   burden.     I   gathered   24   beauties   from   the   mundane   world   and   have   just   sent   them   all   back   there   again.     I   certainly   will   not   do   this   foolish   thing   all   over   again.”

“What?”   the   two   sisters   cried   in   surprise.     “You   think   that   the   relationship   between   man   and   woman   is   foolish?”

“Oh   no,   that’s   not   what   I   mean”   explained   King   Dimitri   hastily.     “I   acknowledge   that   the   union   of   body   and   soul   between   man   and   woman   is   very   beautiful   and   is   one   of   the   highest   enjoyments   in   life.     It   is   what   every   man   and   woman   should   seek.     But   though   the   union   of   body   and   soul   is   one   of   the   highest   enjoyments   of   life,   it   is   subject   to   change   with   time.     I   think   that   pure   spiritual   love,   like   the   love   between   us   is   more   preferable.     It   will   last   forever   and   will   be   permanently   imprinted   on   my   mind.     Don’t   you   think   so?     If   possible   I   would   like   you   to   meet   Charina,   the   authoress       I   think   you   would   enjoy   talking   with   her   about   my   views   on   love.

“Sure,”   replied   the   sisters.     “If   there   is   a   chance,   we   would   love   to   meet   and   talk   to   her.   I   think   the   relationship   between   us   is   the   best   testimony   to   your   view   on   ideal   love.     We   both   have   the   appearance   of   a   human,   but   have   no   substance,   no   flesh   body.     Yet   we   have   for   you   the   deepest   love.”

King   Dimitri   put   Charina   in   the   midst   of   the   burnt   ruins   of   his   palace   so   she   could   roam   around   at   will   and   collect   material   for   her   writing.     With   the   two   fierce   tigers   as   body   guards,   she   was   as   safe   as   could   be,   so   King   Dimitri   rode   on   his   magic   horse   and   flew   to   the   seventh   heaven   to   meet   with   King   Zeus   and   his   son   Apollo.     Charina   looked   around   and   found   herself   in   what   must   have   been   the   great   hall.     Two   marble   steps   led   to   a   platform   where   King   Dimitri’s   throne   had   been;   but   having   been   exposed   to   fire,   smoke,   dust,   ashes   the   elements,   the   symbol   of   King   Dimitri’s   royal   authority   was   almost   unrecognizable.     Intricately   carved   chairs   made   from   the   most   expensive   wood   were   scattered   and   overturned   on   both   sides   of   the   throne   and   Charina   guessed   they   must   have   been   seats   assigned   to   the   beauties.   They   were   beautiful,   but   broken.     Charina   thought   that   with   care   they   could   be   restored   and   refurbished,   so   she   took   them   from   the   ruins   and   dragged   them   over   so   they   formed   a   semicircle   around   the   throne.     The   immense   pillars   which   were   used   to   support   the   roof   had   been   toppled   and   they   were   too   big   and   heavy   to   be   moved,   so   Charina   had   to   leave   them   lying   there   but   with   her   work,   the   image   of   what   the   hall   had   been   like   gradually   became   discernible.   Charina   continued   her   work   among   the   ashes.     Kicking   among   the   ashes   and   digging   in   the   soil,   she   found   jewelry   made   with   diamonds,   gems   and   other   precious   stone   lying   everywhere   just   for   the   taking.     She   also   found   some   women’s   apparel   lying   around.   Though   partially   burnt   by   fire,   the   excellent   quality   of   the   material   and   intricate   workmanship   left   little   to   the   imagination   of   the   immense   wealth,   pomp   and   splendor   of   King   Dimitri’s   court,   of   all   the   beauties   in   their   best   dresses   gathering   at   banquets   and   festivals.     She   walked   forward   to   further   explore   the   ruins.     She   estimated   that   she   was   in   the   side   hall   next   to   the   great   hall.     There   in   the   ashes   and   ruins,   she   found   a   slightly   damaged   book   of   poems   hand   written   by   a   fine   feminine   hand,   an   unfinished   dissertation   on   “On   Life   in   Matriarchal   Society”   and   also   a   pair   of   binoculars   in   perfect   condition   which   Queen   Aisha   had   been   using   to   observe   the   surrounding   areas   during   the   invasion   of   the   barbarians.     She   put   all   these   precious   memorabilia   into   her   backpack,   congratulating   herself   that   she   had   brought   the   bag   along   with   her   when   she   left;   otherwise   she   would   not   be   able   to   bring   any   souvenirs   of   the   trip   back   with   her   and   return   empty-handed,   which   would   have   been   a   terrible   letdown.   She   thought   that   the   unfinished   dissertation   must   belong   to   the   capable   and   learned   Queen   Aisha   and   the   book   of   poems,   which   recorded   odds   and   ends   of   life   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   was   an   even   more   precious   source   for   her   own   writing   for   it   gave   her   first-hand   knowledge   of   life   there.     She   looked   at   the   fine,   delicate   writing   and   thought   it   looked   very   familiar,   much   like   that   of   Angelica’s.     The   poetess   Angelica   was   known   as   the   “Hermit   Poetess   of   the   Rose   Garden”,   seldom   joining   any   social   gatherings.     She   left   her   rose   garden   only   for   her   early   morning   jogging.     Does   her   long   hermitage   mean   that   she   had   a   secret   route   to   Dimitri’s   Kingdom   of   Dreams?     Charina   thought   that   she   must   ask   Angelica   about   it   the   next   time   she   met   her.     Charina   walked   carefully   on   in   the   ashes   and   came   to   a   row   of   overturned   cabinet,   with   broken   glass   all   around   it.     It   must   have   belonged   to   a   wine   cellar,   she   thought.     Though   some   bottles   were   broken,   there   were   still   some   that   were   left   whole,   all   famous   wine   from   all   over   the   world.     What   looked   strange   to   Charina   was,   she   saw   an   ancient-looking   porcelain   bottle   placed   on   a   small   square   table   next   to   the   cabinet.     Though   the   bottle   had   been   scorched   by   fire   and   covered   with   dust   and   ashes,   the   strange   thing   was   the   small   table   it   was   placed   on   was   unscathed.   She   walked   over   and   pulled   out   the   stopper.   A   strong   aroma   of   liquor   rushed   at   her   nostrils.   She   cleaned   up   the   mouth   of   the   bottle   and   took   a   sip.     The   wine   went   down   her   throat   right   to   her   stomach.     What   good   wine,   she   thought.     It   must   be   the   100-year-old   mao   tai   wine   Dorna   had   used   to   pacify   Mr.   Finger   with.     She   put   the   stopper   tightly   back   on   the   porcelain   bottle   and   put   it   into   her   backpack   as   well,   meaning   to   share   it   with   Dimitri   when   they   got   back.     Charina   carefully   bypassed   the   broken   glass   and   continued   to   walk   forward.     She   came   to   a   place   that   looked   like   a   kitchen.   A   lot   of   bowls   and   dishes   lay   in   the   dust   and   ashes   but   an   array   of   complete   cooking   utensils   hung   untouched   on   the   wall.     She   walked   on   to   an   open   space   that   could   have   been   the   back   garden.   In   the   corner   of   the   garden   was   a   rusted   water   faucet   with   two   buckets,   mops   and   cleaning   cloth.   Charina   eyes   brightened.     “Why   don’t   I   use   these   cleaning   utensils   to   wash   and   clean   up   King   Dmitri’s   throne   so   that   the   throne   that   symbolizes   the   authority   sees   the   light   of   day   again?”

Obediently   following   Charina’s   orders,   the   two   tigers   Kojak   and   Cortez   took   the   buckets   between   their   teeth   and   trotted   to   the   lake   to   fill   them   with   water;   while   Charina   carried   the   mop,   broom,   cleaning   cloth   and   other   cleaning   utensils   and   made   her   way   towards   the   great   hall.     It   was   laborious   as   her   feet   were   immersed   to   the   ankle   in   ashes   with   each   step   she   took.     Soon   the   tigers   were   back   with   their   buckets   of   clear   lake   water   and   saw   that   Charina   was   sweeping   away   the   dust   and   ashes   from   the   platform   with   a   broom.     Seeing   that   the   dust   and   ashes   accumulated   there   was   really   too   thick,   she   took   the   buckets   of   water   and   simply   splashed   it   on   the   throne   one   after   the   other   and   the   two   tigers   took   the   empty   buckets   and   ran   towards   the   lake   to   get   more.   She   scrubbed   non-stop   at   the   dirt,   once,   twice,   thrice.     The   tigers   ran   innumerable   times   to   and   fro   from   the   ruins   to   the   lake   procuring   innumerable   buckets   of   water   for   her   until   at   last   it   was   clean   again   and   the   hundreds   of   brilliant   precious   stones   embedded   in   it   once   more   gave   forth   their   brilliance.     Seeing   there   was   still   dirt   lodged   between   the   precious   stones,   Charina   sprayed   the   gap   with   a   bottle   of   cleansing   fluid   and   then   carefully   cleaned   every   inch   of   the   throne.   Finally   satisfied   with   her   work,   she   splashed   it   again   with   clean   lake   water   and   rubbed   it   dry   with   her   clean   cloth.     The   throne   that   symbolizes   the   royal   authority   of   King   Dimitri   at   last   again   saw   the   light   of   day.     Every   gleaming   precious   stone   seemed   to   be   telling   the   history   of   the   golden   era   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     Charina   splashed   water   on   the   platform   to   clear   away   the   remaining   dust   and   ashes,   straightened   up   the   overturned   chairs   and   put   them   in   their   place.   By   then,   she   was   very   tired   and   her   arms   and   legs   were   sore   so   she   sat   on   the   throne   to   rest.     The   two   tigers   sat   one   on   each   side   guarding   their   new   mistress.  

  Charina   took   out   the   binoculars   she   had   picked   up   among   the   ashes,   rubbed   on   the   lenses   and   used   it   to   look   at   the   mountain   ranges   and   lake   around   her   and   at   the   far   away   forest.     She   saw   the   dazzling   and   brilliant   gold   palace   towards   the   left   on   the   other   side   of   the   lake.     There   was   no   activity   inside   the   palace   but   she   saw   that   the   barbarian   soldiers   were   busy   carrying   armfuls   of   vines   to   the   edge   of   the   sheer   cliff   at   the   back   of   the   palace.     No   one   even   looked   towards   this   side   of   the   lake,   so   she   was   confident   she   had   not   been   detected   and   therefore   need   not   worry   about   her   safety.     She   put   down   the   binoculars   in   her   hand   and   absent-mindedly   stroked   the   backs   of   the   tigers   sitting   beside   the   throne,   finding   their   fur   rather   short,   coarse   and   prickly,   so   different   from   the   long,   silky   smooth   fur   of   her   pet   Maureen.     Suddenly   she   smiled   as   she   thought   of   how   Maureen   would   react   when   faced   with   large   tigers   a   hundred   times   his   size.     The   dog   would   probably   tremble   in   fear.     If   he   heard   their   loud,   ferocious   roars   he   would   really   be   terror-stricken.   I   would   have   to   take   him   into   my   arms,   hold   him   tightly   and   comfort   him   to   give   him   a   sense   of   safety   again.     Suddenly   a   strange   thought   occurred   to   her.     “What   if   I   set   up   a   tent   here?   Who   is   to   say   it   is   not   like   a   home?   There   is   so   much   in   these   ruins   that   by   digging   carefully   and   salvaging   what   I   find,   I   can   surely   procure   all   that   is   necessary   to   make   a   warm,   comfortable   home   here.     Of   course   that   will   take   a   lot   of   time   and   effort.”     Charina   was   suddenly   struck   with   the   thought   that   somehow   at   the   back   of   her   mind   there   always   was   a   longing   to   make   a   home   for   Dimitri,   willing   to   join   her   life   to   his,   always   thinking   of   the   two   of   them   as   belonging   together.     What   mysterious   magnetism   does   Dimitri   have   that   he   is   constantly   in   her   mind?   Up   to   a   few   days   ago,   he   was   only   a   stranger,   a   homeless   person   who   sometimes   appeared   in   her   neighborhood.   They   would   nod   to   each   other   or   exchange   a   few   casual   words   but   that   was   the   extent   of   their   relationship.   Then   in   the   last   few   days   they   got   to   know   each   better.     She   discovered   that   this   homeless   beggar   had   a   Kingdom   of   Dreams   in   his   heart   and   that   he   was   its   sovereign   ruler   and   a   noble   poet,   confirming   the   saying   never   to   judge   a   book   by   its   cover.   One   should   never   look   down   upon   lowly   homeless   beggars   lying   drunk   by   the   wayside,   for   they   may   have   Kingdom   of   Dreams   in   their   hearts   and   are   sovereign   kings   and   poets.     Charina   smiled   wryly   at   herself   in   self-mockery,   wondering   if   her   imagination   was   getting   fanciful   almost   to   the   point   of   absurd.     The   sun   was   setting   on   the   horizon.     The   moon   was   rising   in   the   east.   A   few   stars   began   to   twinkle   in   the   blue   skies.     Soon   her   prince   would   fly   down   on   his   white   horse   and   take   her   back   to   the   familiar   mundane   world.

The   pale   crescent   moon   was   traveling   slowly   towards   the   center   of   the   sky,   and   will   gradually   grow   to   be   a   full   moon.     Under   the   luminous   moonlight,   the   sea   was   calm   with   waves   lapping   gently   against   the   beach.   On   a   path   by   the   white   sand,   a   man   and   a   woman   were   strolling   along   talking   and   laughing.     Salina   wore   an   extremely   well   designed   blue   silk   dress   as   blue   as   the   blue   sea.     In   fact   she   looked   like   a   nymph   who   just   rose   out   of   the   deep   sea.   Her   silk   dress   reflected   luminous   moonlight,   giving   forth   a   faint   gleam.     Her   companion,   who   of   course   was   Emmanuel,   was   in   a   beige   suit.     He   did   not   use   a   tie   and   left   the   collar   of   his   bright   red   shirt   open,   emanating   an   air   of   unrestrained,   brawny   masculine   charm   and   fascination.     The   fawn-colored   safari   straw   hat   on   his   head   added   to   his   attraction.

“You   mean   you   really   can   drive?”   asked   Salina   with   a   smile.

“What’s   the   big   deal?     Of   course   I   can   drive”   replied   Emmanuel   gesticulating   wildly.   “When   my   old   friend   Richard   was   driving,   I   poke   my   head   out   of   his   breast   pocket   and   watch   what   he   was   doing.     He   just   steps   on   the   gas,   turns   the   steering   wheel   this   way   and   that.     He   uses   both   his   hands   and   his   feet   and   looks   everywhere   with   his   eyes.     It’s   simple.     I   know   how   to   drive   just   by   observing.   Piece   of   cake.     Saw   you   had   your   eyes   on   the   jet   black   sports   car   parked   outside   the   steak   house.     Yah,   the   car   is   streamlined   and   its   shape   is   unique…     One   of   these   days   we   can   buy   one   and   play   with   it   and   I   can   show   off   my   excellent   driving   skills.     It’s   a   pity   cars   don’t   fly   in   the   air;   otherwise   I   can   fly   it   like   an   airplane   and   you   will   know   how   accomplished   I   am.”   The   two   of   them   did   not   make   use   of   the   luxurious   limousine   provided   by   the   hotel   for   its   VIP   customers   but   chose   to   walk   to   the   famous   steak   house   a   few   blocks   down   and   enjoyed   a   sumptuous   meal.     Emmanuel   and   Salina   had   never   in   their   whole   lives   tasted   new   York   steak   as   good   as   those   served   to   them.   They   asked   the   well-known   dessert   chef   there   to   make   a   banana   cake   for   them.     He   used   butter,   cheese   and   other   ingredients   and   in   the   end   poured   rum   over   it   and   lighted   it   up   before   serving.   That   common,   everyday   dessert   became   a   singular   and   fabulous   concoction   in   his   skillful   hands.     Salina   was   fascinated   and   as   usual   gave   the   chef   a   naked   diamond   for   his   efforts,   giving   rise   to   cries   of   envy   and   admiration   of   the   people   around   them.     A   customer   at   the   neighboring   table   was   an   old   gentleman   nearing   his   seventies,   with   gold-rimmed   glasses   and   eyes   sharp   with   intelligence   and   efficiency.   He   eyed   the   naked   diamond   flashing   green   and   blue   lights   in   the   hands   of   the   chef   and   knew   it   to   be   a   real   treasure.     When   Salina   and   Emmanuel   walked   out   of   the   restaurant   under   the   admiring   looks   of   all   the   patrons,   the   old   gentleman   quickly   settled   his   account   and   walked   out   after   them   with   his   beautiful   young   companion.   Emmanuel   walked   around   the   jet   black   car   parked   in   front   of   the   restaurant   admiringly   and   said   to   Salina.

“This   car   is   a   thousand   times   better   than   the   dilapidated   old   truck   my   old   friend   Richard   has.     It   should   have   been   thrown   away   long   ago,   but   he   said   it’s   his   old   friend   and   he   loves   the   old   thing   and   will   not   discard   it.   Isn’t   he   crazy?”     Just   then   the   old   gentleman   came   out   of   the   restaurant   and   was   gratified   that   Emmanuel   liked   his   car.     He   stopped   beside   Emmanuel   saying,

“This   car   has   600   horsepower   and   requires   only   2-3   seconds   to   go   from   0   to   100.   It’s   really   amazing.   At   my   age,   driving   it   takes   me   back   to   the   heady   days   of   my   youth   when   I   was   taking   part   in   an   800   meter   race   and   won   the   championship.     This   car   not   only   has   600   horsepower,   it   also   handles   extremely   well   and   is   worth   every   penny   of   the   exorbitant   price   I   paid   for   it.     It   shifts   so   smoothly   that   it   reminds   me   of   playing   basketball   when   I   was   young.     I   would   jump   up,   turn   at   the   waist   and   shoot   at   the   basket   combining   a   whole   series   of   movements   into   one   seamless   flow.   This   car’s   capability   to   shift   is   just   like   my   nimbleness   when   I   was   young.   I   love   to   drive   it   because   it   brings   back   the   golden   age   of   my   life.”

“This   car   is   really   incredible.     How   much   did   you   pay   for   it?”   asked   Emmanuel

“Talking   about   price   is   too   vulgar”   replied   the   old   gentleman.     “What   brings   you   happiness   is   worth   any   price.   As   a   matter   of   fact   I   am   thinking   of   changing   cars.     If   you   are   thinking   of   getting   one   I   can   let   you   have   this   one.     Price   is   of   no   consequence….     Come   and   see   me   if   you   are   interested.”     Saying   so,   he   took   out   a   card,   handed   it   to   Emmanuel   and   opened   the   car   door   for   his   beautiful   young   companion.   The   young   woman   had   long   blonde   hair   just   reaching   her   shoulders   and   wore   a   clinging   mini   black   dress,   showing   off   her   shapely   long   legs.     After   she   was   seated,   he   went   to   the   driver’s   side,   opened   the   door   and   said   to   Emmanuel,   “I’m   sorry   this   sports   car   seats   only   two,   so   I   can’t   give   you   guys   a   ride.     See   you.”     He   closed   the   door,   started   the   engine   and   the   car   shot   out   like   an   unbridled   horse   and   soon   disappeared   from   sight   on   the   road.     Emmanuel   looked   at   the   card   in   his   hand   and   saw   that   the   old   man   was   the   top   designer   and   appraiser   of   a   prominent   jewelry   store   called   Steve   R.   Wolfe.     He   looked   at   Salina   and   asked,

“What   about   it?     Are   you   interested   in   the   deal?   Shall   we   spend   some   money   and   buy   it?”

“Leave   that   for   tomorrow.     For   tonight   we   should   think   about   where   to   go   next   to   have   a   good   time”   said   Salina.

“I   have   already   planned   what   to   do”   replied   Emmanuel.   “You   needn’t   worry   your   little   head   about   such   things.     We   will   first   go   to   a   disco   to   dance   and   drink   in   order   to   digest   the   large   dinner.     Then   we   will   go   to   one   of   those   large   casinos   and   try   our   luck.     How   about   it?”

“You   know   how   to   gamble?”   asked   Salina   is   surprise.

“Of   course.     I   used   to   frequent   innumerable   gambling   halls   and   casinos   big   and   small   with   Richard   and   Jamaz.     My   stature   was   too   small   to   gamble   on   the   tables   but   I   watched   the   two   down   on   their   luck   guys   lose   their   shirts.     They   really   were   pitiful   and   doomed   to   be   poor.     If   it   were   me,   I   would   have   won   the   whole   gambling   hall   over   and   make   the   owner   pay   me”   said   Emmanuel   boastfully.

“Alright,   let’s   go   then”   said   Salina   already   walking   away.     “What   are   you   waiting   for?”   Saying   so,   the   two   of   them   walked   into   the   night.     The   night   was   still   young.

Some   time   the   next   day,   Mr.   Finger   slowly   woke   up.     He   was   still   groggy   and   had   a   spitting   headache.   They   had   drunk   too   much   the   night   before,   resulting   in   this   mother   of   all   hangovers.     He   opened   his   drowsy   eyes   and   found   himself   in   a   porcelain   bowl   full   of   dark   brown   liquor.   When   he   licked   his   fingers   and   found   it   was   good   whiskey,   he   slowly   remembered   the   evens   of   the   night   before.     When   he   and   Salina   came   back   to   their   presidential   suite   in   the   hotel   after   carousing   till   the   wee   hours,   he   saw   a   porcelain   bowl   in   the   bathroom   and   said   to   Salina,

“Do   you   know   how   I   used   to   drink?     They   would   pour   liquor   into   a   glass   and   put   me   inside   it.   I   would   drink   immersed   in   liquor   inside   the   glass.     That’s   what   you   call   drinking!     Would   you   dare   to   drink   lying   inside   a   bowl?”

“Why   not”   replied   Salina,   also   very   drunk   by   then.     “I   dare   to   do   whatever   you   dare   to.”   Mr.   Finger   poured   the   whole   bottle   of   whiskey   into   the   bowl   and   said,   “Let’s   change   back   to   our   original   height   and   lie   inside   drinking.     That   what   I   call   real   drinking.”     So   the   two   of   them   took   off   all   their   clothes,   changed   back   to   little   people   small   as   a   finger   and   jumped   into   the   porcelain   bowl   and   lay   there   drinking   into   a   stupor.     As   Mr.   Finger   gradually   woke   up,   his   head   cleared   and   his   memory   also   came   back   little   by   little..     He   seemed   to   remember   that   after   dancing   and   drinking   at   the   disco,   they   went   to   a   large   casino.     Not   having   any   cash   on   hand,   they   exchanged   precious   diamonds   for   chips.   The   general   manager   himself   came   to   serve   them   and   gave   them   a   million   dollars   worth   of   chips   for   the   first   diamond.     In   the   beginning   things   were   fine   and   the   chips   before   him   were   piled   high   as   a   mountain,   but   then   like   all   gamblers,   he   became   greedy.     The   more   he   won,   the   more   risks   he   took   to   win   even   more   until   he   lost   all   that   he   had   won   as   well   as   the   million   dollars   he   started   with.     He   remembered   going   back   several   times   to   the   manager   to   exchange   diamond   for   more   chips,   which   he   then   lost   again   and   again.     “Oh   dear,   Salina’s   bag   of   jewels   must   be   almost   empty   by   now.   If   I   had   known   this   would   happen,   I   would   not   have   gone   to   the   casino”   he   thought   regretfully.     “But   there   are   lots   where   this   came   from   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     Losing   a   bit   of   it   is   nothing!   I   will   win   it   all   back   next   time.   The   treasure   is   inexhaustible.     We   just   have   to   go   back   and   get   some   more.”     A   smile   came   on   to   Mr.   Finger’s   face   and   he   was   thinking   confidently   of   future   pursuits   when   he   heard   Salina   crying   and   shouting,

  “Help!     Help!   I   am   drowning!     I   am   drowning!”     He   turned   and   saw   Salina’s   hands   waving   in   the   air,   legs   kicking   and   splashing   in   the   liquor.     He   pushed   her   shoulders   shouting,

“Salina!     Salina!   Wake   up!     Wake   up!     Are   you   having   a   nightmare?     Don’t   be   afraid,   I   am   here   beside   you.”     He   then   put   his   arms   around   her   and   tried   to   comfort   her.     Salina   opened   her   eyes   saying,

“I   was   scared   to   death.     It   was   really   frightening.     It’s   good   that   it   was   only   a   dream.     I   dreamed   again   of   the   earthquake   and   the   tsunami.     I   was   struggling   in   the   enormous   waves   which   seemed   to   have   a   magnetic   force   that   kept   dragging   me   down   to   the   center   of     gravity.     I   almost   died.”

“Don’t   be   afraid,   my   pretty   little   darling.     I   am   here   and   will   protect   you.     You   do   not   have   to   be   afraid   of   anything.     Drink   some   liquor.”   Cupping   his   hands,   Mr.   Finger   scooped   some   liquor   and   offered   it   to   Salina.     It   was   then   that   she   found   they   were   both   naked   in   the   porcelain   bowl.

“You   mean   to   say   that   both   of   us   lay   in   the   liquor   all   night?”   cried   Salina.     “No   wonder   I   had   nightmares   of   drowning!”     She   gave   Mr.   Finger   a   white   eye   and   said,   “It   was   all   your   fault!”

“Right.     Right.     It’s   all   my   fault.     Now   let’s   get   up,   take   a   shower   and   wash   away   all   this   whiskey.     Then   we   will   go   and   get   something   to   eat.     After   that   we   can   visit   that   old   guy   about   the   jet   black   car   we   saw   last   night.     What   do   you   think?     Tonight   we   can   go   for   a   spin   along   the   coast.”     Saying   so,   Mr.   Finger   stepped   out   of   the   porcelain   bowl   and   then   turned   to   help   Salina   out.     Salina   stepped   out   of   the   bowl,   changed   back   to   a   normal   human   shape   and   walked   into   the   shower.     Salina   was   heard   to   say,

“Tell   me   the   truth.     Do   you   really   know   how   to   drive?     You   said   you   knew   how   to   gamble,   but   you   lost   your   shirt.     It   would   be   a   catastrophe   if   you   don’t   know   how   to   drive   and   we   go   for   a   spin   full   speed   on   the   road.”

“Trust   me”   replied   Mr.   Finger   in   the   steamy   shower   stall.     “My   driving   skills   are   a   thousand   times   better   than   Richard.     I’ll   show   you.     But   I   have   forgotten   how   to   turn   on   those   huge,   bright   headlights.”

The   skirt   hem   of   Salina’s   white   sleeveless   dress   dotted   with   purple   flowers   swayed   in   the   spring   breeze.     She   looked   very   graceful   and   distinguished   in   her   new   dress,   which   was   uniquely   cut   and   hand-made,   but   it   could   not   hide   the   exoticism   of   her   natural   beauty   and   allure.   She   and   Emmanuel   strolled   leisurely   hand   in   hand   on   the   sidewalks.     Emmanuel   walked   on   arrogantly   with   his   head   held   high,   holding   onto   Salina’s   hand   showing   off   his   trophy   to   the   world   as   if   saying   boastfully     “See   what   a   beautiful   woman   I   have   captured!   What   man   can   be   compared   to   me?   She   also   has   a   whole   treasure   trove   of   inestimable   value,   diamonds,   rubies   and   other   gems.     Conquering   this   woman   is   akin   to   conquering   the   world!”     Salina,   who   was   walking   quietly   beside   Emmanuel,   frowned   and   said   pensively,

“Emmanuel,   somehow   I   have   a   bad   foreboding   that   something   bad   is   going   to   happen.     I   cannot   free   myself   from   a   sense   of   fear.     I   feel   that   something   untoward   is   imminent.   Do   you   feel   anything?”   Emmanuel’s   strong   arms   held   onto   Salina’s   waist   and   said   with   a   smile,

“Baby,   this   is   the   third   time   you   have   mentioned   this.     Look   at   this   beautiful   weather,   this   calm   sea,   this   straight   and   endless   road.   Everything   is   so   beautiful.     Later   we   will   go   and   buy   the   jet   black   car   we   saw   yesterday   and   the   two   of   us   will   fly   along   the   coast   having   an   exciting   and   romantic   time.     Everything   is   fine.     Don’t   worry   yourself   needlessly.”

“Really?     We   are   going   to   see   the   guy   called   Wolfe.     His   eyes   are   so   piercing   and   penetrating;   he   scares   me.   I   don’t   really   want   to   see   him   again.”

“Hey,   don’t   be   afraid,   baby.     I   am   here.     What   is   there   to   be   scared   about?   His   world-famous,   high-end   jewelry   store   is   just   a   few   blocks   down   the   street.     We   are   walking   towards   it   as   we   speak   according   to   his   directions.     Why   do   you   want   to   chicken   out?     No,   no,   no.     I   am   here   and   everything   will   be   fine.     Don’t   worry.”    

After   they   woke   up   in   the   whiskey-filled   porcelain   cup   that   morning,   the   two   of   them   went   to   the   bathroom   and   took   a   long,   steamy   shower   to   wash   away   the   smell   and   remnants   of   the   whiskey.     Then   they   sat   down   to   eat   the   breakfast   which   the   restaurant   for   the   exclusive   use   of   VIP   customers   sent   up   to   their   presidential   suite.     It   was   especially   prepared   according   to   their   individual   tastes   by   the   chef.   Still   feeling   the   effects   of   their   hangover,   they   went   back   to   their   rooms   and   took   a   nice,   cozy   and   comfortable   nap.     It   was   already   afternoon   when   they   woke   up.   Emmanuel   wore   his   newly   acquired   clothes,   a   grey   suit,   and   white   shirt   leaving   his   collar   open   without   a   tie.     He   sat   on   the   sofa,   lit   up   a   Havana   cigar   and   puffed   away,   imitating   the   air   of   a   big   shot   like   his   friend,   Mr.   Kaffee.     Salina   was   in   the   bedroom   trying   on   all   her   new   clothes   one   by   one.     She   remembered   that   young   woman   in   the   mini-skirt   showing   off   her   beautiful   shapely   long   legs,   who   was   with   Mr.   Wolfe   last   night.   Salina   was   competitive   by   nature   and   originally   intended   to   wear   a   mini-skirt   to   show   off   her   beautiful   legs   too,   but   somehow   she   was   feeling   despondent   and   not   in   the   mood   for   competition.     In   the   end,   she   chose   a   white,   sleeveless,   linen   dress   with   small   purple   flowers   dotting   the   hem   and   walked   out   of   the   bedroom.     Emmanuel   had   been   waiting   in   the   living   room   for   over   two   hours   and   was   getting   impatient.     He   was   thinking   of   going   out   alone   when   he   reconsidered.   “Beautiful   women   are   not   easy   to   deal   with,   especially   if   they   control   the   purse!   What   can   I   do?     Wait   patiently,   I   suppose.”     Just   then,   Salina   came   out   and   they   left   the   hotel   room   to   walk   to   the   world   famous   jewelry   store.     When   they   got   to   the   front   door   of   the   store,   Salina   asked,,

“Are   we   really   going   to   go   in   there?”

“Of   course”   replied   Emmanuel,   opening   the   door   for   her.   “We   are   already   here,   why   not   go   in?”  

When   Salina   entered   the   exhibition   hall,   she   was   dazzled   by   the   magnificence   and   opulence   of   the   room,   and   by   the   brilliant   and   rare   precious   stones   in   the   show   cases.   This   was   the   flagship   store   of   this   world-famous   jewelry   chain,   so   the   items   exhibited   here   had   to   be   of   the   first   waters   to   live   up   to   its   reputation.     The   exhibition   hall   was   exquisitely   designed   in   glass   and   crystal,   which   created   a   fairyland   atmosphere   when   bright   focus   lights   were   shone   on   it.     The   show   cases,   designed   in   all   kinds   of   unique   shapes   and   sizes,   were   made   of   strong,   transparent,   bullet-proof   glass   and   could   only   be   opened   by   a   secret   code   which   was   changed   daily.     The   safety   of   the   merchandise   was   really   meticulous.     Salina   and   Emmanuel   walked   slowly   among   the   different   showcases.     They   were   surprised   that   they   were   the   only   people   in   the   room   with   no   other   customers   and   no   salesperson   in   sight.     Actually   they   were   under   surveillance   from   the   moment   they   stepped   into   the   store   to   make   sure   that   they   carried   no   weapons   and   gage   whether   they   were   possibly   big   VIP   prospects.     A   middle-aged   lady   with   short,   expensively   cut   hair   appeared   from   a   corner   of   the   room.     She   walked   and   circled   past   several   showcases   and   came   towards   them   smiling   in   welcome,   appearing   very   sophisticated,   capable   and   experienced.   She   was   dressed   in   an   expensive   business   suit,   showing   that   she   was   obviously   not   a   common   salesperson,   but   a   senior   staff   member.    

“Welcome   to   our   store,   ladies   and   gentlemen.     My   name   is   Josephine.     What   can   I   do   for   you   today?”   Salina   casually   touched   her   hair   with   her   hand,   showing   off   the   10-carat   diamond   gleaming   on   her   finger   and   asked,

“Do   you   have   anything   here   that   is   bigger   and   better   than   this   ring   I   have   on?”   Josephine   smiled   and   thought   to   herself,   “Hm.     The   god   of   wealth   has   come   to   our   store.”     Turning   to   Salina   she   said,  

“You,   my   dear   lady,   must   be   a   connoisseur   of   diamonds   and   precious   gems…   It   is   lucky   that   you   came   today   because   our   senior   designer   and   an   authority   on   appraisals   is   here.     Would   you   like   to   talk   to   him?”     Wolfe?”   asked   Emmanuel,   taking   out   a   card   from   his   breast   pocket.   “He   is   the   one   we   came   to   see.   Here   is   his   card.”     Josephine   glanced   at   the   card   and   said,

“That’s   great.     Would   you   please   follow   me   to   the   reception   room?     I   will   let   him   know   you   are   here.”     Salina   and   Emmanuel   followed   Josephine   out   of   the   exhibition   hall.     She   stopped,   pressed   a   button   and   the   door   automatically   opened   like   an   elevator   door.

Paintings   of   people   standing   or   sitting   hung   on   the   walls,   obviously   portraits   of   ancestors   of   the   family.     Their   clothing   and   features   were   all   different,   seeming   to   have   been   drawn   by   different   painters   at   different   periods   of   time.   But   all   these   portraits   had   one   common   and   distinctive   feature.     They   all   had   the   capable,   sharp   and   aggressive   onward   seeking   look   of   the   entrepreneur   and   long   straight   noses   expressed   their   indefatigable   perseverance.     After   two,   three   hundred   years   of   hard   work,   the   family   finally   produced   a   descendant   known   as   the   “King   of   Diamonds”   in   this   area.     Strange   to   say,   all   these   portraits   were   of   men.     Did   no   female   of   the   family   inherit   the   dominant   genes   of   entrepreneurship?     The   decoration   and   furnishings   of   the   reception   room   emanated   classic   serenity   and   quiet,   like   a   reproduction   of   the   times   in   the   16th   century,   full   of   royal   magnificence   and   solemnity.     After   Salina   and   Emmanuel   took   their   seats,   Josephine   asked   solicitously,

“Would   you   like   something   to   drink?     Coffee?     Champagne?   Or   anything   else?”     Her   words   reminded   Emmanuel   that   he   had   not   had   anything   to   drink   yet   that   day   and   his   addiction   for   drinks   dominated   his   mind   to   the   exclusion   of   all   else.  

“How   about   some   whiskey?”   he   asked

“Good”   smiled   Josephine.     “Some   drink   to   loosen   up.”   An   attendant   came   in   with   a   bottle   of   good   whiskey   and   two   glasses.   “Would   you   like   some   ice?”   she   asked.

“No,   thank   you.   I   always   take   mine   straight”   replied   Emmanuel.

“I’d   like   two   pieces   of   ice   please”   said   Salina   frowning.     After   the   attendant   left   the   room,   Josephine   said,

“Please   wait   just   a   few   minutes.     I   will   go   and   ask   Mr.   Wolfe   to   come   and   talk   to   you.   He   is   also   very   fond   of   whiskey.”     Saying   so,   she   too   left   the   room.     Emmanuel   quaffed   from   his   glass   saying,

“Good   stuff.     Good   stuff.”

“Don’t   drink   too   much.     You   need   a   clear   head   for   business.     My   inauspicious   premonitions   are   getting   stronger   and   stronger   and   it   bothers   me.     Don’t   drink   so   much.”

“Ha.   Ha.   Ha”   laughed   Emmanuel.     “Don’t   be   afraid,   baby.     I   will   take   care   of   you.     You   don’t   have   to   worry.     No   one   will   hurt   you.     Come   on,   take   a   sip.     Whiskey   will   calm   you   and   make   you   more   comfortable.”     Salina   also   took   a   quaff   and   then   sighed,

“I   am   here   adventuring   in   this   mundane   world,   enjoying   all   the   comfort   and   luxuries   it   has   to   offer.     But   actually   what   I   am   nostalgic   about   are   the   mountains   and   lakes   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   its   quiet   and   serenity.     It   is   the   land   where   I   was   born,   where   I   grew   up   and   it   has   nourished   me   all   these   years.     Also   I   am   concerned   for   my   parents   who   are   still   in   Gahanna,   deep   in   the   bowels   of   the   earth,   repenting   their   past   misdeeds   and   praying   for   redemption.     I   am   getting   tired   of   roaming   in   this   mundane   world.     Let’s   go   back   to   our   home   in   the   quiet   and   serene   Kingdom   of   Dreams.”

“What   so   good   about   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams?”   asked   Emmanuel   taking   another   quaff   of   whiskey.   “The   palace   has   been   burnt,   the   gold   palace   has   sunk   to   the   bottom   of   the   lake   and   Giant   Mountain   has   broken   into   several   sections.     It’s   a   wilderness   back   there.     What’s   so   good   about   it?     I   promised   to   take   you   back,   but   only   after   I   have   enjoyed   myself   a   few   more   days.     When   I   am   sick   and   tired   of   this   place,   I   will   take   you   back.”

“I   know.     I   know”   said   Salina,   suddenly   turning   tense   and   excited.     “I   know   now   why   I   am   having   these   bad   omens   of   the   future.     When   I   climbed   up   from   the   steep   cliff   that   day,   I   found   that   all   the   sentries   had   abandoned   their   posts   and   every   one   of   the   barbarian   soldiers   and   natives   had   disappeared.   Immediately   after   that   the   earthquake   and   tsunami   happened   and   I   almost   lost   my   life   in   the   turbulent   waves.     Why   did   the   natives   disappear?”     Just   then   there   was   a   knock   at   the   door   and   Mr.   Wolfe   walked   in,   smiling   widely,   beaming   with   satisfaction.

Josephine   stopped   before   the   door   of   an   office   where   indistinct   murmurs   of   conversation   could   be   heard.     When   the   voices   came   to   a   stop,   she   took   the   opportunity   to   knock   and   heard   someone   say,   “Come   in   please.”     Josephine   pushed   open   the   door   and   saw   Mr.   Schneider,   the   owner   of   this   world-famous   jewelry   store,   sitting   behind   his   desk   which   was   piled   high   with   all   kinds   of   books   like   a   retail   bookseller.     The   bookcase   was   full   of   all   kinds   of   books   on   geology,   some   were   opened,   and   some   were   laid   on   the   floor.     It   could   be   presumed   that   this   was   the   office   of   a   studious   academic   scholar.     Seated   across   from   him   was   Mr.   Wolfe,   his   right-hand   man   and   the   acknowledged   authority   of   the   jewelry   world.   The   room   was   full   of   the   smell   of   strong   coffee   and   cigars.     The   ceiling   fan   was   whirling;   the   windows   were   open   with   screens   in   place   to   prevent   flies   and   mosquitoes   from   flying   in.     This   was   a   typical   old-fashioned   office.   It   was   here   in   this   utilitarian,   low-key   office   that   Mr.   Schneider   pushed   his   company   step   by   step   up   to   the   pinnacle   of   the   jewelry   world.   It   was   evident   that   he   was   a   conservative   man,   not   given   to   seeking   the   latest   fads   and   trends,   as   his   office   still   retained   the   atmosphere   and   appearance   of   the   40s   and   50s.     The   two   of   them   were   discussing   the   serious   crisis   confronting   their   company,   which   needed   to   be   resolved   immediately.     In   recent   years   they   had   expanded   too   rapidly   and   had   over   five   hundred   branches   all   over   the   world   and   more   than   thirty   thousand   employees.   In   face   of   the   present   devastating   financial   downturn,   their   cash   flow   was   drying   up   and   they   were   seriously   short   of   cash.   In   order   to   downsize   the   company   and   lay   off   the   employees   they   needed   a   sizable   amount   of   money   to   pay   the   severance   package,   but   the   high   class   gems   and   jewelry   which   they   had   accumulated   sat   idle   in   their   various   branches   with   no   potential   customer   showing   any   interest.     With   their   assets   lying   inactive   and   bank   interest   for   the   money   they   had   borrowed   due   every   month,   they   were   badly   in   need   of   a   large   amount   of   cash   to   cut   their   losses,   lay   off   employees,   downsize   the   company   and   survive   to   fight   another   day.   The   two   men   sat   there   troubled,   racking   their   brains   to   find   a   way   to   get   the   required   money   but   to   no   avail.     Mr.   Wolfe   suddenly   changed   the   subject   and   asked,

“Have   you   heard   that   recently   two   diamond-rich   customers   have   been   going   around   the   city   on   a   shopping   spree   and   paying   for   everything   in   fabulous   diamonds?   They   seem   to   have   no   cash   on   hand   and   paid   for   all   services   and   merchandise   with   a   priceless   diamond.   It   did   not   matter   whether   it   was   a   dinner,   a   tip   to   a   waiter   or   a   chef,   clothing,   or   alms   for   a   beggar,   the   payment   was   always   an   enormously   expensive   diamond.     They   didn’t   seem   to   have   any   money,   only   diamonds.   It’s   really   mysterious,   this   strange   couple.     Wonder   where   they   came   from.”

“I’ve   heard   about   them,   too”   replied   Mr.   Schneider.     “It’s   really   unheard   of!     They   pay   for   everything   with   a   diamond,   regardless   of   whether   the   thing   they   bought   was   expensive   or   cheap.     It   was   as   if   they   were   still   living   in   the   ancient   society   where   everything   was   bartered.     It   was   the   exchange   of   one   thing   for   another.     It’s   really   weird.”

“I   saw   that   strange   couple   last   night”   said   Mr.   Wolfe.     “when   I   was   eating   at   the   steak   house   nearby.     They   were   pretty   interested   in   my   jet   black   sports   car.     I   gave   them   my   card.     I   wonder   if   they   will   come   to   look   me   up…     This   morning   the   CEO   of   one   of   the   casinos/hotels   came   to   my   office   to   see   me.     He   brought   along   quite   a   handful   of   very   high   quality   diamonds   and   asked   me   to   appraise   them.     I   knew   just   by   looking   that   they   were   the   purest   of   diamonds   of   a   caliber   so   high   that   even   I   had   never   seen   anything   like   them   before.     The   CEO   told   me   they   were   given   to   him   in   lieu   of   payment   for   the   chips   at   his   casino.     He   said   “The   two   of   them   were   pretty   drunk   and   lost   everything   at   the   tables   and   it   was   my   good   fortunate   to   have   been   there   on   the   spot   and   grabbed   hold   of   the   diamonds.   I   made   a   bundle   from   the   deal.     I’m   only   afraid   that   in   the   morning   when   they   get   over   their   hangover,   they   will   come   back   to   the   casino   and   ask   to   redeem   their   diamonds   with   cash.     Then   it   would   have   been   much   ado   about   nothing   and   to   me   that   would   be   more   of   a   loss   than   again!   ”   Mr.   Wolfe   frowned   and   continued,   “I’m   sure   you   know   who   that   CEO   is   without   my   naming   him.   He   used   to   be   in   the   mafia,   then   somehow   became   legit   and   is   now   the   CEO   and   owner   of   a   super   large   casino.   Upon   leaving,   he   smiled   mysteriously   at   me   saying,   ‘These   two   strange   people   don’t   seem   to   be   citizens   of   any   country   as   they   had   no   passports   or   personal   IDs.     I   don’t   think   anyone   would   look   for   them   or   make   inquiries   if   they   should   disappear   from   the   face   of   the   earth.   There   won’t   be   any   clues   at   all…’   and   then   he   left.”

“Those   two   people   are   here”   said   Josephine   to   Mr.   Wolfe.   “I   think   they   are   the   diamond-rich   customers   you   just   mentioned.     The   man   seemed   to   be   an   alcoholic.     He   is   now   drinking   whiskey   and   waiting   for   you.”     Mr.   Wolfe   stood   up   and   walked   quickly   towards   the   door.   Then   turned   his   head   and   said   to   Mr.   Schneider,

“I   will   go   and   see   what   this   is   all   about.     Don’t   come   out   yet   and   stay   out   of   the   fray   for   the   time   being.   We’ll   talk   it   over   when   I   come   back.”     After   he   left,   Mr.   Schneider   looked   meaningfully   at   Josephine   as   if   saying,”   You   go   back   there   and   see   how   things   are   going.     Then   come   back   and   report   to   me.”

When   Josephine   got   back   to   the   reception   room,   Mr.   Wolfe   was   rattling   on   eloquently   and   incessantly   about   cars,   singing   the   praises   of   his   car   as   if   it   could   even   fly   in   the   air.   Emmanuel   was   listening   rapturously   with   great   interest,   but   Salina   was   left   out   of   the   conversation   and   was   sitting   silently   in   the   cold   on   the   sidelines.     Josephine   saw   that   their   glasses   were   empty,   so   she   went   up   and   refilled   them   and   added   a   piece   of   ice   into   Salina’s   glass.     Mr.   Wolfe   made   the   introductions   saying,

“This   is   Josephine,   the   business   manager   of   our   flag   ship   store   here.   I   think   you   have   already   met   her.”   Emmanuel   and   Salina   nodded.

“It’s   a   great   honor   to   meet   you”   said   Josephine   quickly.   She   poured   a   glass   for   herself   and   sat   down   next   to   Salina.     The   two   men   were   talking   earnestly   about   cars   in   great   detail,   about   the   techniques   of   driving,   how   to   overtake   a   car,   how   to   get   away   from   the   pursuit   of   police   cars   etc.     Josephine   complimented   Salina   on   her   natural   beauty   that   needed   no   help   from   cosmetics   and   expressed   envy   for   her   perfect   skin,   dewy   complexion   and   her   delicate   and   exquisite   figure.     She   exclaimed   over   the   expensive   dress   Salina   was   wearing   saying   it   was   so   classy,   suave   and   elegant   and   that   the   choice   fully   demonstrated   her   refined   and   excellent   taste.     She   then   went   on   to   tell   Salina   how   her   hair   suited   her   and   how   it   was   the   latest   trend…   Such   extravagant   flattery   soon   had   Salina   smiling   and   purring   in   satisfaction   and   content.     Josephine   then   commented   on   the   huge   diamond   on   Salina’s   finger,   saying   it   was   the   largest,   purest   diamond   she   had   ever   seen   in   her   life.

“In   my   line   of   work   here,   I   have   seen   many,   many   grand   socialites   and   have   bought   and   sold   innumerable   very   expensive   diamonds,   gems   and   jewelry,   but   none   can   be   compared   to   you   and   your   diamond   ring.     Only   your   lovely,   elegant   and   jade-like   white   hand   is   fit   to   wear   this   magnificent,   dazzling   diamond   ring!   You   are   the   envy   of   all   the   women   in   the   world   and   that   of   course   includes   me.”     Salina   was   so   delighted   and   elated   by   Josephine’s   fawning   words   that   she   was   almost   on   the   point   of   taking   off   the   ring   and   giving   it   to   the   woman.     But   perhaps   the   ring   was   not   meant   to   be   Josephine’s   for   just   then,   Mr.   Wolfe   suddenly   changed   the   subject   and   turning   to   Salina   said,

“My   dear   classy   and   beautiful   Miss   Salina,   I   was   just   wondering   why   you   only   wear   a   thin   red   thread   around   your   beautiful   swanlike   throat.     If   you   are   willing,   I   would   like   to   design   a   special   diamond   necklace   for   you   that   fit   your   noble   status   and   disposition.”

“I   don’t   know   why   I   am   wearing   this   red   thread”   replied   Salina   “but   it   goes   with   this   pendant   I   have.”     Saying   so   she   pulled   out   the   huge   deep   pink   diamond   pendant   in   the   shape   of   a   girl   walking   that   was   attached   to   the   red   string.   When   the   pendant   lay   exhibited   on   Salina’s   breast,   the   whole   room   lighted   up   in   a   blaze   of   glory.     Mr.   Wolfe’s   eyes   opened   wide   and   stared   unblinkingly   at   the   diamond,   his   mouth   half   open   in   astonishment.     He   murmured,

“My   dear   beautiful   Miss   Salina,   could   you   possibly   take   off   the   pink   diamond   pendant   you   are   wearing   and   let   me   have   a   closer   look   at   it?”

“Why   not?”   replied   Salina   graciously.     She   took   off   the   pendant   from   her   neck   and   gave   it   to   Mr.   Wolfe,   who   held   the   diamond   reverently   in   his   hands,   softly   caressing   its   surface.     He   kissed   it   repeatedly   and   then   held   it   to   his   cheek   rubbing   it   gently   against   his   skin   muttering,

“Ah,   this   is   really   a   rare   and   unique   treasure,   second   to   none   in   the   whole   world!     To   live   to   see   one   is   a   once   in   a   lifetime   opportunity.     I   am   greatly   favored   to   be   so   honored   and   to   hold   a   diamond   of   such   unique   qualifications   in   my   hands.”

“Do   you   really   like   it   so   much?”   asked   a   half-drunk   Emmanuel,   who   walked   over   and   loudly   broke   into   Mr.   Wolfe’s   reverie.   “I’ll   exchange   it   for   your   car.   What   do   you   think?”  

Mr.   Wolfe’s   heart   accelerated   at   these   words   and   he   thought   to   himself,  

“These   two   naïve   and   inexperienced   fools   do   not   know   that   there   is   an   unknown   force   from   the   mafia   underworld   that   wants   to   kill   them   and   make   them   disappear   from   the   face   of   the   earth.     Why   don’t   I   take   the   initiative   and   strike   first   before   they   do?     I’ll   give   these   two   my   car   in   exchange   for   this   rare   and   unique   treasure   that   is   worth   an   astronomical   price.”   So   turning   to   Emmanuel   he   said,   “That’s   a   bargain!   Your   word   once   given   is   past   recalling.”

“Ha,   ha”   laughed   Emmanuel.     “You   can   count   on   the   word   of   Mr.   Finger…..”     Emmanuel   realized   his   slip   of   tongue   by   calling   himself   with   his   real   name   and   quickly   covered   it   up   saying,   “I   mean   my   word   is   golden.     I   never   go   back   on   it.   So   let’s   get   down   to   business.”   These   two   little   people   who   came   to   the   mundane   world   to   have   a   good   time   were   really   too   innocent   and   naïve,   never   suspecting   the   malicious   intents   of   the   unsavory   elements   of   society   and   the   pitfalls   and   traps   they   set   for   their   victims.   They   did   not   understand   that   before   a   sale   is   final,   they   had   to   sign   a   contract   and   they   must   read   and   understand   every   line   and   bargain   for   every   benefit   in   order   to   protect   their   own   interests.   So   they   lightly   gave   away   a   rare   and   unique   treasure   in   a   barter,   exchanging   one   commodity   for   another,   using   a   primitive   method   of   exchange,   long   obsolete.     Mr.   Wolfe   enthusiastically   called   out   his   customary   and   professional   words   of   concluding   a   transaction,   “Deal!”     He   put   the   large   pink   diamond   into   his   pocket   and   took   out   the   keys   to   his   car   from   another   pocket.     Handing   it   to   Emmanuel,   he   said,   “Here   are   the   keys.   The   car   is   in   the   parking   lot.   The   tank   is   full.     Enjoy   and   good   luck!”   That   was   the   unbelievable   and   farce   like   story   of   how   the   Pink   Diamond   happened   to   fall   into   Mr.   Wolfe’s   hands   and   came   to   appear   on   the   auction   block.

The   crescent   moon   gradually   moved   to   the   middle   of   the   sky.     The   area   around   the   gold   palace   was   dotted   with   camp   fires   lighted   by   the   barbarian   soldiers.     As   the   night   advanced,   the   temperature   dropped   drastically   and   Charina   shivered   with   cold   in   spite   of   the   two   tigers   which   shielded   her   with   their   bodies   and   tried   to   warm   her   with   their   body   heat.   Charina   was   so   cold   that   her   lips   trembled   and   her   teeth   knocked   together.   Suddenly   she   remembered   there   was   a   bottle   of   hundred-year-old   Mao   Tai   wine   in   her   backpack,   so   she   took   it   out   and   had   a   great   gulp.     Warmth   immediately   circled   in   her   bloodstream   and   she   felt   a   lot   better,   but   the   cold   weather   system   still   made   her   uncomfortable.     Just   as   she   was   getting   impatient   about   waiting,   she   suddenly   saw   two   golden   streaks   of   light   appear   from   the   darkness   of   the   dense   forests   and   fly   towards   the   gold   palace.   She   took   up   her   binoculars   to   have   a   closer   look   and   found   that   the   two   streaks   of   light   were   two   nymphs   wearing   strange   transparent   golden   garments,   thin   as   dragonfly   wings   which   gave   off   a   golden   light.     Charina   remembered   Dimitri   once   told   her   about   two   nymphs   Charmaine   and   Clementine,   who   had   beautiful   faces   but   no   flesh   body.     “Could   it   be   these   two?”   she   wondered.     “But   what   are   they   doing   here   at   this   place   and   time?”     The   two   nymphs   circled   the   gold   palace   twice   singing   in   a   sweet,   lovely   voice,   causing   great   turmoil   and   agitation   on   the   ground   below.     The   barbarian   soldiers   were   shouting   and,   running   after   the   nymphs   as   they   flew   around   the   gold   palace   and   their   tribesmen   old   and   young   all   came   out   to   see   the   abnormal   sight.     These   barbarians   had   never   seen   such   beautiful   nymphs,   especially   as   these   two   flew   down   from   the   skies.   Finally,   the   two   nymphs   landed   on   the   dome   of   the   gold   palace   and   one   of   them   said,

“Brave   warriors,   why   are   you   willing   to   be   ruled   by   those   two   monsters   Cyclops   and   Viola   and   obey   their   orders?     You   live   from   day   to   day   with   your   hearts   in   your   mouths,   never   knowing   when   calamity   would   strike   and   you   would   be   killed   for   no   reason   whatsoever   just   on   their   whims.     Are   you   willing   to   go   on   living   such   lives?”

“My   dear   uncles,   aunts,   brothers   and   sisters”   continued   another   nymph.     “Why   did   you   leave   your   familiar   homestead   and   come   to   this   strange   land?     Now   that   Cyclops   and   Viola   have   climbed   down   the   depth   of   the   steep,   bottomless   cliff   and   won’t   be   back   any   time   soon,   it   is   a   golden   opportunity   for   you   all   to   escape   and   go   back   to   your   own   home   turf.     We   were   sent   here   from   the   heaven   above   to   lead   you   back   to   your   homeland.     Those   who   want   to   go   home   and   escape   the   two   tyrants,   follow   us.”     Saying   so,   the   two   beautiful   nymphs   ascended   lightly   to   the   skies   and   flew   away   and   the   barbarian   soldiers   and   all   their   tribesmen   quickly   followed   on   their   way   back   to   their   homeland.     Soon   the   area   was   eerily   silent   with   no   sign   of   human   life,   with   only   the   empty   gold   palace   standing   tall   on   the   Giant   Mountains.     Charina   put   down   the   binoculars   in   her   hand   and   her   face   lighted   up   in   a   knowing   smile.     She   understood   Dimitri’s   intentions   well   and   knew   this   was   all   part   of   his   plan.     First   he   used   strategy   to   draw   the   barbarian   tribes   away   from   the   gold   palace   area   to   minimize   fatalities   to   almost   zero,   because   his   generous   heart   cringed   at   unnecessary   casualties   and   death.     Charina   shivered   in   the   cold   wind   and   took   out   the   bottle   of   mao-tai   again   to   get   warm,   but   just   as   she   tilted   the   bottle   to   drink,   she   heard   the   shrill   neighing   of   a   horse   and   knew   that   King   Dimitri   was   back.

The   serious-looking   policeman   was   patrolling   leisurely   along   the   streets.     It   was   Sunday.     People   were   all   glued   to   their   TV   sets   watching   the   World   Series,   to   see   which   team   would   clinch   the   World   championship,   so   there   were   very   few   cars   and   pedestrians   out   on   the   streets.     The   sun   was   setting   in   the   east   and   soon   it   would   be   dark.     The   policeman   looked   at   his   watch   and   said   to   his   partner,

“One   more   hour   and   we’ll   be   done   for   the   day.     What   are   you   planning   to   do   tonight?”

“Nothing   much”   replied   the   policewoman.

“What   about   having   dinner   together   tonight?”

“Is   that   supposed   to   be   a   date?”   asked   she,   with   a   smile.     Before   he   could   answer,   a   strange   looking,   uniquely   shaped   black   sports   car   flew   swiftly   by   on   his   left.   The   policeman   swerved   his   car   alertly   towards   the   right   to   prevent   being   hit   and   muttered   angrily,

“Damn   fool.     That’s   a   solid   yellow!   You’re   not   allowed   to   pass,   you   dumb   ass!     You’re   asking   for   trouble   disregarding   all   traffic   rules   and   passing   a   police   car.   When   I   catch   up   with   you   I   will   teach   you   to   disrespect   the   law!”     Turning   on   his   siren,   the   policeman   drove   his   car   in   hot   pursuit,   shouting   into   his   microphone,   “Stop!   That   black   sports   car   in   front,   stop   immediately.     You   have   violated   traffic   laws.   Slow   down   and   park   towards   the   side.”     There   was   no   way   that   the   driver   of   the   jet   black   sports   car   did   not   hear   those   orders,   but   he   chose   to   ignore   them   and   continued   to   zigzag   through   the   cars,   bulldozing   his   way   through   the   traffic.   The   drivers   around   him,   intimidated   by   his   erratic   driving   and   protective   of   their   own   safety   all   slowed   down   to   make   way   for   this   crazy   and   aggressive   madman,   allowing   him   to   zip   his   way   through.     The   policeman   behind   him   cursed   in   frustration,   knowing   his   own   vehicle   was   no   match   in   speed   to   the   getaway   car.     Taking   up   his   walkie-talkie   connected   with   police   dispatch,   he   called   out,  

“Reporting   a   strange   looking   jet   black   sports   car   violating   traffic   rules,   passing   on   solid   yellow   and   speeding   at   over   a   hundred   mph.   Too   fast   for   me   to   overtake.   Sending   over   pictures   I   took   of   the   vehicle.”     At   the   other   end   of   the   trunk   radio   came   the   voice   of   another   police   officer,  

“You   just   found   out   about   this   guy?   That   jet-black   sports   car   has   been   causing   huge   traffic   jams   on   city   streets.     We   tried   to   stop   him   several   times   but   he   always   rammed   his   way   out   and   got   away.   His   sports   car   was   so   fast   that   it’s   almost   impossible   to   outrun   and   was   so   much   more   superior   to   our   old   rundown   ones   in   every   way   that   there   is   no   comparison.     His   car   is   unique   in   that   it   is   the   only   one   of   its   kind.     They   built   only   one   car   of   this   model,   so   there’s   no   second   one   like   it   in   the   world.   It   belongs   to   Mr.   Wolfe,   the   famous   jewelry   appraiser   who   reported   it   missing   recently.     He   sent   us   pictures   of   the   car   thieves   from   the   surveillance   tape   in   his   garage,   which   recorded   the   whole   process.   No   one   knows   who   they   are   unfortunately.   Wanna   see   what   they   look   like?   I   can   forward   them   to   you.”

“That   would   be   great.     I   certainly   want   to   see   what   they   look   like.”

“Sure.     Sending   them   over   as   I   speak”   said   the   voice   at   the   other   end.   “Hey,   you’ll   be   off   the   clock   very   soon.     Want   to   stay   on   and   join   in   the   capture   of   these   car   thieves?     They   are   driving   towards   the   oceanside.     It’s   a   dead-end   and   they   would   have   to   turn   back.   We   have   prepared   road   blocks   and   other   instruments   for   the   blockade.     Interested   in   joining   us?   We   are   short   on   manpower.”   The   voice   at   the   other   end   hesitated   for   a   moment   before   saying,

“Hey,   that   would   be   great.     I   really   want   to   get   this   guy   who   thumbs   his   nose   at   the   police.     Watch   me   teach   him   a   lesson   when   I   get   my   hands   on   him!   OK,   I   volunteer   to   join   in.”

“Ha,   ha,   ha”   came   the   laughter   over   the   phone.     “We   are   really   short   of   manpower   and   several   officers   had   volunteered   to   stay   on   after   work.     We   called   in   the   fire   fighters   and   they   were   willing   to   send   in   fire   trucks   as   well.     We   are   preparing   to   launch   a   huge   blockade.   Our   helicopters   are   already   overhead   monitoring   their   every   move.     They   have   nowhere   to   go.”

Two   images   appeared   on   the   computer   screen   in   the   police   car.     One   was   Emmanuel,   impeccably   dressed   in   an   expensive   suit   and   the   other   of   course   was   the   beautiful   and   wildly   exotic   Salina.

“It’s   that   guy   again”   shouted   the   policeman.     “I   let   him   go   last   time   when   he   bathed   in   the   water   fountain.   Now   he   has   escalated   to   stealing   cars   and   causing   traffic   jams   on   busy   streets!   This   time   I   will   surely   arrest   him   and   certainly   will   not   let   him   slip   by   again!”

“Yes,   that’s   them”   exclaimed   the   policewoman.   “The   woman   is   called   Salina,   I   remember.   Why,   she’s   getting   even   more   beautiful!     Ah,   it’s   that   wonderful,   expensively   well-tailored   dress   that   has   enhanced   her   appearance,   but   she   herself   is   much   improved   from   the   time   at   the   water   fountain.”

“This   time   I   will   arrest   both   of   them”   said   the   policeman   furiously.   “I   will   beat   the   crap   out   of   that   guy!”     Saying   so,   he   drove   his   car   towards   the   freeway   exit,   in   the   opposite   direction   of   where   the   jet-black   car   had   sped.     He   suspected   that   sooner   or   later,   these   two   car   thieves   would   come   back   to   the   city   they   were   familiar   with,   so   he   decided   to   be   fully   prepared   and   wait   for   them   here   so   as   to   arrest   them.    

Mr.   Wolfe   was   scheming   and   immoral   and   had   no   compunctions   about   fleecing   the   naïve,   guileless   pair   of   their   priceless   treasure.   These   two   little   people   were   just   in   the   mundane   world   to   have   a   good   time   and   knew   nothing   of   the   pitfalls   of   the   world.   He   took   them   to   the   stairs   of   the   parking   garage   and   then   stopped,   knowing   that   if   he   went   further,   his   image   would   be   caught   by   the   surveillance   camera.   This   way,   he   could   report   his   beloved   car   stolen   later   and   disclaim   any   knowledge   of   the   pair   and   there   would   be   no   evidence   to   connect   him   to   them.   Entering   the   underground   garage,   Emmanuel’s   eyes   were   glued   to   the   uniquely   designed,   jet-black   sports   car   parked   there   at   the   corner.     Though   quiet   and   unmoving,   the   car   seemed   to   radiate   immense   explosive   and   aggressive   power,   like   a   shark   lurking   in   the   deep   sea   waters,   which   could   swiftly   and   with   great   dexterity   attack   its   victim   from   any   angle   anytime.     The   car   was   not   locked.     Emmanuel   helped   Salina   into   the   passenger   seat,   clicked   on   her   seat   belt   and   then   walked   over   to   the   driver’s   seat.     When   he   turned   on   the   engine,   the   strange   looking   sports   car   growled   and   jumped,   giving   Emmanuel   a   great   scare.     He   quickly   stepped   on   the   brakes.     The   horsepower   of   the   car   was   really   formidable.     Emmanuel   tried   a   few   more   times   and   every   time   the   car   growled   and   jumped.   After   repeated   trials,   he   finally   understood   how   it   worked   and   was   able   to   manage   the   powerful   car.     Only   then   did   he   drive   it   slowly   out   of   the   garage.

Only   a   few   cars   and   pedestrians   were   about   on   the   quiet   streets   at   dusk.     Like   a   just   released   wild   horse,   the   jet-black   sports   car   dashed   ahead   recklessly.   At   first   Emmanuel   found   it   hard   to   control   this   wild   intractable   horse,   but   he   quickly   got   the   hang   of   it,   ascertained   its   true   nature   and   gradually   understood   how   to   control   this   powerful   sports   car.   Emmanuel   treated   the   city   streets   like   a   recreation   center,   as   if   the   ancient   Roman   Coliseum,   where   the   slaves   wrestled   with   wild   animals   had   moved   onto   the   modern   streets.     Having   no   notion   of   traffic   rules   or   street   signs,   he   blithely   zigzagged   through   the   traffic,   forcibly   forging   a   path   for   himself,   oblivious   of   all   the   other   cars   on   the   road.     He   sped   on:   running   red   lights,   passing   on   solid   yellow,   made   u-turns   whenever   he   felt   like   it   and   drove   on   the   wrong   side   of   one-way   streets   etc.     Though   his   driving   skills   improved   and   he   did   manage   to   avoid   several   head-on   collisions   if   just   barely,   his   adventures   on   the   road   gave   rise   to   traffic   jams   that   paralyzed   city   streets.     He   forced   an   oncoming   truck   that   was   driving   at   full   speed   to   brake   suddenly   and   give   him   the   right   of   way,   making   the   maddened   and   infuriated   truck   driver   stick   his   head   out   the   window,   give   him   the   finger   and   shout   obscenities   at   him.   “Fuck   you!     You   dumb   ass,   you   want   to   die?   Go   to   hell!”   he   screamed.     Emmanuel   didn’t   care   and   continued   playing   his   car   game,   causing   mayhem   wherever   he   went   and   endless   horns   blasted   in   protest.   Soon   shrill   police   sirens   sounded   all   around   him,   but   that   only   served   to   excite   and   stimulate   him.     He   exerted   himself,   using   all   his   skill   to   outmaneuver   the   police   blockade   and   continued   driving   at   breakneck   speed,   leaving   the   helpless   police   in   the   dust.     The   police,   in   frustration,   parked   two   police   cars   sideways   across   the   street,   hoping   to   block   him,   but   he   managed   to   drive   his   extremely   flexible   and   maneuverable   sports   car   onto   the   sidewalks   and   slipped   away.     As   the   car   poised   in   midair,   the   police   shot   at   the   tires,   hoping   to   stop   his   mad   dash,   only   to   find   that   even   the   tires   of   the   sports   car   were   bullet   proof,   leaving   the   nonplussed   police   not   knowing   what   to   do   next.     One   hair-raising   scenario   followed   by   another,   caused   the   beautiful   passenger   in   the   jet-black   sports   car   to   shriek   in   shock   and   excitement,   feeling   extremely   aroused   and   stimulated,   never   realizing   the   mortal   danger   such   activities   could   cause   to   others   and   to   herself.   Emmanuel   sped   along   the   freeway,   asking   Salina   who   was   sitting   next   to   him,

“What   do   you   think   of   my   driving   skills?     Satisfied?”

“Good   job.     Good   job”   replied   Salina,   giving   him   a   thumb   up.  

Holding   up   her   binoculars,   Charina   looked   towards   where   a   horse   was   neighing   shrilly   and   saw   King   Dimitri   flying   towards   her.   Clutching   the   binoculars   in   one   hand,   she   waved   at   him   with   the   other,   but   though   the   moon   was   in   the   sky,   it   was   after   all   night   time.     All   around   her   was   dark   and   King   Dimitri   did   not   seem   to   have   discovered   her   position.     When   the   two   tigers   saw   their   master   sweeping   past   in   the   air,   they   jumped   for   joy   and   loudly   roared   their   welcome.     On   hearing   them,   King   Dimitri   quickly   turned   around   and   waved   his   hands   towards   the   ruins   of   the   palace   to   let   them   know   he   heard   them   and   then   made   a   signal   for   them   to   be   quiet.     The   tigers   immediately   ceased   their   noise   and   King   Dimitri   flew   towards   the   gold   palace   on   Giant   Mountain.   Through   her   binoculars,   Charina   kept   track   of   his   whereabouts   and   saw   the   magic   horse   Lightning   flap   its   wings   more   slowly   as   it   gradually   decreased   its   speed   and   descended   from   the   heights.     King   Dimitri   encircled   the   gold   palace   three   times   and   found   that   the   area   around   the   palace   and   the   barbarian   encampment   was   quiet   and   empty,   with   no   trace   of   human   activity.     He   knew   then   that   Charmaine   and   Clementine   had   succeeded   in   leading   the   barbarian   tribes   back   to   their   own   domain.   What   he   never   dreamed   of   was   that   Viola   had   came   back   and   was   at   that   moment   sitting   on   the   throne   of   her   beloved   gold   palace   wondering   what   happened   to   her   subjects   as   all   the   barbarian   warriors   and   their   tribesmen   had   disappeared.     King   Dimitri   did   not   linger   long   in   the   area   but   directed   Lightning   towards   the   Giant   Mountains   which   lay   horizontally   on   the   horizon.     He   flew   towards   a   corner   of   the   mountain   and   was   lost   from   view.   Charina   stood   up   and   searched   for   him   all   around   with   her   binoculars,   but   he   had   disappeared   completely.   She   was   puzzled.     Had   the   rocks   and   cliffs   hid   him   from   sight?   Why   had   he   vanished   to   a   remote   corner   of   the   mountain   and   was   staying   there   for   so   long?   What   could   he   be   doing   there?   All   of   a   sudden   the   earth   shook   with   a   huge   rocking   motion   like   an   earthquake,   which   forced   Charina   to   sink   back   onto   the   throne.

The   police   officer   drove   slowly   onto   city   streets.     He   took   up   his   walkie   talkie   and   reported   to   his   superior   saying,

“Sir,   I   just   got   off   the   freeway   and   am   back   in   the   city.     Where   should   I   station   myself?”

“Very   good.     Wait   for   him   exactly   where   you   are,   just   off   the   freeway.     Keep   your   motor   running   because   the   car   thieves   are   on   their   way   back   to   the   city.     That   man   is   not   only   a   thief;   he   risks   his   life   heedlessly,   driving   at   breakneck   speed   in   the   dark   without   any   lights   on.   I   think   he   is   trying   to   avoid   detection   by   our   helicopters.”

“Gosh”   muttered   the   policeman   “What   kind   of   guy   is   this   that   takes   such   risks?     Driving   at   high   speed   in   the   dark   the   way   he   does   without   lights   on   is   suicidal!”     Turning   to   his   walkie   talkie,   he   asked,   “Sir,   are   you   sure   he   will   return   to   our   city?     He   could   drive   on   further   to   any   city   along   the   freeway.”

“No”   replied   his   dispatcher,   “We   are   sure   they   will   come   back.   We   have   detected   that   they   have   been   staying   at   the   presidential   suite   with   a   roof   top   garden   on   the   pent   house   of   a   large   casino/hotel.     They   are   even   now   on   their   way   back   as   we   speak.   With   the   speed   he   is   driving   they   should   be   there   in   a   couple   of   minutes.     We   will   then   close   in   on   them.”

“Good.     Good”   said   the   policeman   excitedly.   “I   am   getting   impatient.”     The   voice   at   the   other   end   was   silent   for   a   few   seconds.     Then   it   continued,  

“Somehow   I   have   a   feeling   that   this   is   not   a   simple   case   of   car   theft.     The   two   of   them   were   joyriding   for   a   while   along   the   coastline   flying   towards   the   south.     Then   it   was   as   if   they   were   satisfied   or   perhaps   the   novelty   wore   off,   because   they   became   tired   of   it   and   stopped   at   a   rest   area   along   the   freeway.     They   left   the   car   and   went   into   a   fast   food   store.   While   they   were   inside   the   store,   a   motorcycle   drove   up   and   stopped   beside   their   sports   car.     The   motorcyclist   was   dressed   all   in   black   and   had   his   helmet   on,   so   we   couldn’t   see   his   face   but   he   took   out   a   black   tin   box   and   quickly   affixed   it   underneath   our   friend’s   jet   black   sports   car.   Then   he   got   on   his   motorcycle   and   quickly   sped   away.     I   think   something   is   going   to   happen.     We’ll   wait   and   see.”     The   loud   sound   of   an   approaching   helicopter   could   be   heard   and   the   voice   over   the   walkie   talkie   turned   tense   as   the   dispatcher   said,   “They’re   back.     They’re   back.     They   have   entered   city   limits.     When   you   see   them,   tail   them   and   cut   off   any   route   of   retreat.”   Just   as   he   was   speaking,   a   black   sports   car   with   no   lights   on   streaked   by   the   left   side   of   the   police   car   at   an   alarming   speed,   like   a   shark   in   the   deep   waters   that   had   discovered   its   victim   and   was   making   its   sudden   and   silent   attack.     The   policeman   turned   on   his   siren   and   quickly   followed   in   its   wake.   The   black   sports   car   zigzagged   its   way   on   the   streets.     It   made   right   and   left   turns   seeming   at   random   until   it   disappeared   completely   from   sight   and   shook   off   its   pursuers.

The   residential   district   was   meticulously   landscaped   with   tall   trees,   flowering   bushes   and   well-kept   lawns.     The   street   lights   were   dim,   giving   forth   an   atmosphere   of   quiet,   peace   and   tranquility.   Emmanuel’s   first   impression   when   he   stumbled   upon   this   place   was   that   it   was   a   good   place   to   hide.     Abruptly   he   turned   the   steering   wheel   and   the   sports   car   dashed   into   the   dense   shade   of   trees   and   shrubbery.     He   didn’t   care   what   plants   or   flowers   he   killed   or   what   well-tended   blades   of   grass   were   crushed   by   the   wheels   and   just   parked   his   car   under   a   tall   tree.   Emmanuel   turned   to   Salina   in   the   passenger’s   seat   and   said,

“I   always   suspected   that   the   helicopter   hovering   overhead   was   spying   on   us.”

“You   mean   to   say   that   human   eyes   are   as   keen   as   an   eagle’s   and   can   see   all   the   details   of   what   is   happening   on   the   ground   below?”   she   asked.

“Human   eyes   are   of   course   not   that   keen”   answered   Emmanuel.     “Only   Medusa’s   eyesight   is   even   sharper   than   an   eagle’s.     But   you   cannot   underestimate   the   power   of   modern   science   and   technology.     Perhaps   there   are   ways   they   can   see   what   happens   on   the   ground   below   even   in   the   dark   of   the   night.     Who   knows?”  

“Medusa!”   cried   Salina   in   fright.     “Don’t   even   mention   her.     Just   the   sound   of   her   name

scares   me   to   death   and   makes   the   hair   stand   up   all   over   my   body!”

“Really?     I   have   the   same   feeling”   said   Emmanuel.     “When   I   came   back   here   to   the   mundane   world,   I   felt   that   we   had   fallen   into   an   inescapable   snare,   very   hard   for   us   to   escape   unscathed.”     ,

“Then   who   is   our   enemy?”   muttered   Salina   softly.     “Is   it   Dimitri?     I   don’t   think   so   because   I   no   longer   think   of   him   as   my   enemy.     In   fact   I   think   he   is   a   kind   and   generous   man.     Then   who   is   our   enemy?     These   people   look   like   policemen.     Did   you   offend   them   in   any   way?     Why   are   they   after   us?”

“I   don’t   know”   replied   Emmanuel.

“Oh,   I   know!”   cried   Salina.     “Could   the   premonitions   of   something   bad   happening   fall   on   the   heads   of   my   poor,   unfortunate   parents   who   are   repenting   their   sins   in   Gahanna,   praying   for   redemption?     Their   safety   is   something   that   is   on   my   mind   all   the   time…I   want…I   must   go   back   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   visit   my   poor   parents   to   see   if   they’re   alright.”

“Oh   no”   said   Emmanuel,   shaking   his   head   violently.     “That   is   only   your   imagination   at   work.     Don’t   scare   yourself   needlessly.     I’m   sure   nothing   has   happened   to   them…”

Pushing   open   the   car   door,   Emmanuel   stepped   out   and   stood   in   the   shade   of   the   trees.   Looking   up   towards   the   skies,   he   saw   that   the   helicopter   was   still   hovering   nearby,   which   meant   they   were   still   under   scrutiny   and   not   out   of   danger   yet.     Just   as   he   was   thinking   of   the   best   way   of   escape,   his   attention   was   distracted   by   the   sound   of   splashing   water   behind   the   wooden   fence,   as   if   someone   was   swimming.   It   must   be   someone’s   backyard   with   the   fence   erected   to   protect   their   personal   privacy   from   the   prying   eyes   of   the   outside   world,   he   thought.   Emmanuel   became   curious.     He   climbed   up   the   hood   of   his   car   and   then   stepped   up   onto   the   roof,   where   holding   onto   the   fence   he   peeped   inside.     A   woman   was   swimming   in   the   pool.     Looking   around   under   the   moonlight,   he   thought   the   place   looked   very   familiar   as   if   he   had   been   there   before.   The   contours   of   the   house   gave   him   a   feeling   of   warmth.     The   lawn   was   neatly   cut.     Under   a   large   opened   sun   umbrella   by   the   side   of   the   pool,   there   was   a   lounge   chair   and   a   small   round   table   with   a   bottle   of   brandy   and   an   tall   empty   glass.   The   woman   had   finished   her   lap   and   was   walking   up   the   steps   of   the   pool   with   drops   of   water   dripping   down   her   graceful,   tall   and   slender   body.   Taking   up   the   bath   towel   on   the   chair   she   dried   herself   with   it   and   then   took   off   her   swimming   cap   to   let   down   her   lovely   long   hair,   which   she   wound   casually   into   a   bun   at   the   back   of   her   head.     She   then   turned   and   lay   down   languidly   on   the   lounge   chair   to   rest.     It   was   then   that   Emmanuel   saw   her   features   and   realized   with   a   start   that   it   was   Queen   Aisha   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams!     Looking   subconsciously   at   the   pair   of   exquisite   sandals   placed   neatly   and   quietly   on   the   lawn,   he   remembered   he   had   once   hidden   in   one   of   them   and   from   there   he   had   witnessed   an   exciting   and   sexy   scene   enacted   before   his   very   eyes.   Salina   was   getting   impatient.   Pushing   open   the   car   door   she   also   got   out   and   was   about   to   ask   Emmanuel   what   he   was   looking   at   when   a   low,   masculine   voice   behind   them   growled   menacingly,

  “What   are   you   two   doing   here?     Peeping   Toms   prying   into   other   people’s   private   life?”   Emmanuel   and   Salina   were   surprised   at   the   unexpected   interruption.     Turning   their   heads,   they   saw   the   tall,   muscular   African   American   man   they   knew   as   Jamaz.     All   three   of   them   stood   frozen   in   place   in   shock.

“Aren’t   you   the   one   called   Salina?”   asked   Jamaz.   “What   are   you   doing   here?”     Although   Emmanuel   looked   quite   different   from   what   he   used   to,   Jamaz   looked   closely   at   him   for   a   long   time   and   then   said,   “If   she   is   Salina,   you   must   be…Mr.   Finger...?     We   have   been   looking   for   you   for   a   very   long   time…King   Dimitri   wants   to   see   you   two.”     Emmanuel   was   very   angry   that   his   true   identity   had   been   discovered.   To   cover   up   his   shame   and   anger,   he   jumped   down   from   the   car,   looked   meaningfully   at   Salina   and   the   two   of   them   opened   their   car   doors   and   got   into   their   jet   black   sports   car.     Before   taking   off,   Emmanuel   threw   the   following   words   at   them   through   his   clenched   teeth,   “Scram!     Don’t   interfere   with   what   is   none   of   your   business”   The   sports   car   sprang   to   life   growling   and   shot   out   like   a   cannon   ball.

Strong   shock   waves   rising   up   from   the   center   of   the   earth   rocked   the   ground,   one   wave   more   intense   and   powerful   than   the   last.   Some   moved   up   and   down,   some   rocked   from   side   to   side.     Charina   clutched   tightly   onto   the   arms   of   the   throne   she   was   sitting   on   to   keep   her   equilibrium,   otherwise   she   would   have   been   thrown   down   to   the   ground.     Shock   waves   churned   the   calm,   tranquil   lake   into   a   mass   of   turbulent   waves   making   schools   of   fishes   jump   frantically   out   of   the   water,   many   landing   on   the   beaches   trembling   and   gasping   for   breath   before   stretching   out   unmoving   in   death.   Wings   fluttering,   birds   in   the   forests   flew   up   to   the   skies,   twittering,   chirping,   and   screeching   in   fright.   The   wild   animals   too   left   their   caves   and   ran   around   frantically   trying   to   find   a   way   out   and   escape   what   was   to   come.     The   two   tigers   growled   and   tottered   about   on   shaky   feet   as   if   drunk.     Charina   patted   and   stroked   their   broad,   massive   backs   murmuring,   “It’s   ok.   Don’t   be   so   nervous,   King   Dimitri   will   be   back   very   soon.”   Making   use   of   the   lull   between   shakes,   she   took   up   the   binoculars   and   looked   once   more   towards   that   corner   of   the   mountain   where   she   had   last   seen   Dimitri,   but   saw   no   sign   of   him.     Turmoil   began   to   build   up   in   these   former   tranquil   and   serene   mountain   and   waters   and   was   gradually   increasing,   foretelling   of   the   calamity   about   to   happen.     Although   Charina   was   stroking   the   tigers,   trying   to   calm   their   fears,   she   herself   was   actually   very   anxious   and   agitated.

“Where   is   Dimitri   at   this   most   critical   time?”   thought   Charina.     “Where   has   he   disappeared   to?   Could   he   have   abandoned   me   in   this   strange   land?     No,   no.     He   wouldn’t   do   that.     He   must   be   hiding   somewhere   in   a   secret   corner   of   these   mountains   and   preparing   to   do   something   great   and   earth-shaking.”

The   black   sports   car   dashed   out   of   the   deep   shade   of   the   trees   and   bushes.   Making   full   use   of   its   superb   functions   and   unmatched   speed   and   agility,   it   managed   under   cover   of   the   darkness   to   shake   off   the   pursuing   police.     However,   even   though   it   turned   off   all   its   lights,   it   could   not   escape   the   sharp   surveillance   of   the   helicopters   in   the   sky   above.   The   moment   the   car   appeared,   the   police   were   immediately   notified   and   with   sirens   wailing,   all   sped   to   the   appointed   place   forming   a   formidable   dragnet   and   began   their   siege.    

Jamaz   stood   there   stock   still,   perplexed   at   what   had   happened   and   couldn’t   make   head   or   tail   out   of   how   Salina,   whom   he   knew   was   the   alter   ego   of   Viola,   came   to   be   together   with   Mr.   Finger,   whose   appearance   and   figure   had   been   completely   changed.     He   wondered   how   they   could   have   appeared   at   the   very   spot   he   was   patrolling.     Just   then   from   behind   him   came   the   sound   of   a   car   approaching.     It   was   his   friend   and   partner’s   old   rundown   jalopy   where   the   only   thing   that   did   not   make   a   noise   was   the   horn.     Hearing   three   whistles,   their   pre-arranged   signal,   Jamaz   came   out   of   the   shade   and   ran   towards   the   car.     Richard   was   still   his   dilly-dally   self   as   if   he   didn’t   give   a   damn   about   anything   at   all   and   asked,

“Hey   bro,   how   are   things   going   here?”     Jamaz   told   him   about   meeting   Salina   and   Mr.   Finger   here   at   this   very   spot.   “Hmm”   said   Richard,   “Mr.   Kaffee   has   really   seen   a   lot   of   the   world   and   is   shrewd,   crafty   and   very   experienced.     Early   this   morning   he   said   that   he   smelled   something   unusual   in   the   air,   that   something   was   brewing   and   was   about   to   explode.   The   whole   city   is   now   being   overturned   with   sirens   wailing   and   police   cars   flying   about.   These   last   few   days,   Mr.   Kaffee   set   up   camp   at   the   Dream-maker’s   Bakery   and   Big-O   too,   has   been   pulling   security   duty   and   patrols   the   area   very   diligently.   Mr.   Kaffee   wants   you   and   me   to   be   extra   alert   and   careful   about   the   safety   of   this   area   because   Aisha   and   Novella   both   live   here.     He   is   especially   concerned   about   Novella’s   large   and   formal   wedding   with   Mr.   O’Brien   which   is   to   take   place   very   soon.     This   is   the   first   wedding   of   a   member   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   Mr.   Kaffee   doesn’t   want   anything   to   happen   and   disrupt   it…”     His   words   were   interrupted   by   the   noise   of   a   huge   explosion   followed   by   sirens   and   police   cars   rushing   to   the   site   of   the   explosion.     “See,   something   big   has   happened.     Mr.   Kaffee   is   really   an   experienced   and   knowledgeable   veteran!   He   can   foresee   the   future   and   predict   it   with   accuracy.     I   think   you   had   better   stay   here   and   make   sure   of   Aisha’s   safety   while   I   go   and   see   what   has   happened.     See   you   here   in   a   little   bit.”     Saying   so,   Richard   drove   off   and   Jamaz   went   back   to   the   shade   of   the   trees.

These   two   little   persons,   completely   ignorant   of   the   ways   of   the   world,   had   no   inkling   of   the   boundaries   of   human   behavior.     They   only   intended   to   come   to   the   mundane   world   and   have   a   good   time,   but   unknowingly   broke   the   laws   of   society   thus   incurring   the   wrath   of   the   police,   who   swore   to   arrest   them   and   bring   them   to   justice.   The   two   of   them   were   not   aware   at   all   that   their   irresponsible   behavior   had   brought   them   into   great   danger.   Neither   did   they   know   that   the   world   was   full   of   pitfalls   and   that   money   and   riches   should   not   be   flaunted.     They   were   oblivious   of   the   fact   that   the   precious   jewelry   they   brought   with   them   from   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   had   given   rise   to   envy,   jealousy   and   they   looked   to   take   for   themselves   what   belongs   to   others   .   They   decided   to   go   back   to   their   casino/hotel,   rest   a   while   before   going   out   to   dinner.   Then   they   wanted   to   find   a   nightclub   to   have   a   great   time   and   while   away   the   rest   of   the   night,   never   dreaming   that   the   moment   their   black   sports   car   re-appeared,   it   was   spotted   by   the   police   and   sirens   sounded   all   around   and   the   police   were   in   hot   pursuit.     Emmanuel   stepped   on   the   gas   and   the   super   fast   and   agile   car   dashed   right   and   left   overtaking   other   cars,   hoping   to   once   again   throw   off   the   police.     Police   cars   did   their   best   to   catch   up,   but   were   no   match   for   the   unique   jet   black   sports   car   and   had   to   fall   back.     Just   as   Emmanuel   was   feeling   very   proud   of   himself   for   once   again   outrunning   his   pursuers,   he   heard   the   police   loud   speakers   blare   out   orders.

“Listen   all   cars   and   pedestrians.     The   police   are   trying   to   capture   dangerous   criminals.     To   prevent   unnecessary   casualties,   all   cars   please   stop   and   park   by   the   side   of   the   street.     Pedestrians   too   stop   walking   and   find   a   safe   place   to   hide.     Cars   and   pedestrians   for   your   own   safety,   please   co-operate.     The   police   are   trying   to   capture   dangerous   criminals……”   Helicopters   hovered   overhead,   sirens   wailed   relentlessly   and   loudspeakers   blared   out   orders   to   clear   the   roads.   Soon   Emmanuel   found   himself   isolated   on   the   empty   streets   with   three   or   four   police   cars   slowly   driving   up   towards   him   from   behind.     The   police   dragnet   was   closing   in.   Trying   to   force   his   way   out,   Emmanuel   drove   forward   and   tried   to   turn   right,   only   to   find   police   barricades   blocking   all   exit.     He   drove   on   to   the   next   street   and   tried   to   turn   left,   but   found   two   huge   fire   trucks   parked   sideways   on   the   street,   leaving   no   space   for   him   to   slip   through.     The   fire   trucks   were   parked   but   their   engines   were   still   running   as   if   ready   for   action   at   any   moment.   He   thought   of   dashing   through   the   sidewalks   as   he   did   before,   but   saw   the   firemen   staring   angrily   at   him   as   if   saying,   “Come   on,   try   it   and   see   if   you   want   a   head   to   head   collision   with   our   fire   truck!”   and   made   as   if   ready   to   carry   out   their   threat.     Left   with   no   choice,   Emmanuel   had   to   continue   driving   on,   even   knowing   that   he   was   being   forced   towards   the   spot   where   the   police   would   be   lying   in   wait.   When   he   saw   a   tunnel   not   far   in   front   of   him,   alarm   bells   rang   in   his   head.     He   knew   that   if   the   police   were   lying   in   wait   for   him   at   the   other   end   of   the   tunnel   and   blocked   all   exit,   he   would   be   driving   himself   and   Salina   into   the   police   dragnet.     With   the   police   cars   in   front   of   and   at   the   back   of   them,   they   would   be   easily   captured,   with   no   possibility   of   escape,   which   was   not   the   outcome   he   wanted.     Salina   who   was   sitting   beside   him   had   come   to   the   same   conclusion.    

“There   is   no   other   way;   we’ll   have   to   bail   out”   said   Emmanuel.   “We   must   get   out   of   this   car.     When   I   count   to   three,   we   must   open   the   car   door   at   the   same   time,   change   into   our   original   size   to   avoid   detection   and   escape   towards   the   sidewalk.”     Emmanuel   counted   to   three.   The   jet   black   sports   car   braked   suddenly   and   both   of   them   opened   the   car   door,   changed   their   shape,   jumped   out   and   made   for   a   blind   spot   easily   overlooked.     Luckily   the   crafty   Salina   brought   along   a   handkerchief   as   camouflage,   under   which   they   hid   as   they   made   their   way   now   fast   now   slow   towards   a   place   of   safety.     Suddenly   a   huge   explosion   rent   the   air   and   the   jet   black   sports   car   they   had   just   been   driving   burst   into   flames   and   was   blown   into   smithereens.     The   fire   trucks   that   had   been   following   them   immediately   rushed   to   the   scene   and   began   putting   out   the   flames.     The   police   were   shocked   by   this   unexpected   turn   of   events   and   all   eyes   were   drawn   to   the   still   smothering   chars   of   the   car.     Emmanuel   and   Salina   took   advantage   of   their   distraction   and   ran   away   from   the   scene.

After   the   fire   was   extinguished,   it   was   found   that   the   bomb   had   reduced   the   jet   black   sports   car   to   a   pile   of   burnt   wreckage.   The   police   were   gratified   that   while   going   through   the   wreckage   no   blood   stains   or   human   remains   were   found.     In   a   word,   there   were   no   bodies.     Where   could   the   two   live   persons   who   were   inside   the   car   have   gone   to?     How   could   they   just   disappear   like   a   puff   of   smoke   and   vanish   into   thin   air?   The   police   were   mystified.     This   baffling   bombing   incident   became   the   talk   of   the   town   and   the   hottest   topic   of   street   gossips   but   there   was   not   a   single   clue   that   could   lead   to   the   solving   of   the   mystery   and   it   became   an   unsolved   crime,   a   cold   case   that   was   gradually   forgotten.  

Emmanuel   and   Salina   looked   around   the   empty   streets,   free   of   cars   and   pedestrians.     They   quickly   enlarged   their   bodies   to   the   normal   human   size   and   took   off   running   as   fast   as   they   could.     But   the   moment   they   caught   sight   of   people   in   the   distance,   they   became   alert   and   immediately   changed   back   to   their   original   shape.     Hiding   themselves   under   the   handkerchief   the   two   of   them   continued   to   make   their   escape   from   the   scene.     Some   sharp-eyed   pedestrians   may   have   caught   sight   of   two   naked   forms,   a   man   and   a   woman,   streaking   past   them   on   the   street   and   was   gone   in   a   second.     They   must   have   thought   it   was   a   trick   of   the   eye.     Actually   who   could   have   known   that   in   this   world   there   were   people   who   were   able   to   change   the   size   and   shape   of   their   bodies   at   will   from   tiny   figures   the   size   of   a   finger   to   the   normal   human   sizes   and   vice   versa?   No   one   would   credit   such   a   tale.     Emmanuel   and   Salina   ran   desperately   along   until   they   came   to   the   only   safe   haven   they   knew,   the   abandoned   warehouse   they   had   once   stayed   in.   They   knew   for   certain   that   they   could   no   longer   go   back   to   the   luxurious   presidential   suite   for   it   was   sure   to   be   under   police   surveillance.  

They   squeezed   through   the   crack   underneath   the   door   and   entered   the   warehouse.     Looking   around   they   saw   that   the   corners   of   the   walls   were   covered   with   cobwebs   and   furniture   was   scattered   all   over   the   place.     They   were   relieved   to   find   that   everything   was   covered   with   a   thick   layer   of   dust,   undisturbed   by   any   footprints   which   proved   that   no   one   had   been   here   since   they   left   and   it   could   be   a   temporary   resting   place   for   them.     It   was   only   then   that   Emmanuel   heaved   a   sigh   of   relief   and   tried   to   calm   his   racing   heart.     Salina   walked   to   the   corner   where   they   used   to   sleep.     She   took   up   the   bedding   and   shook   it   vigorously   to   get   rid   of   the   dust   that   had   accumulated   there   and   then   turning   it   inside   out   remade   the   bed.   She   lay   down   languidly   on   top   of   it   and   sighed,

“Gosh,   I’m   tired!   I   really   regret   coming   to   this   mundane   world.     Although   we   have   been   able   to   enjoy   much   of   the   luxuries   life   has   to   offer,   we   almost   lost   our   lives.   No   matter   how   you   look   at   it,   it’s   really   is   not   worthwhile.”

“Who   could   it   be   that   wanted   to   kill   us?”   mused   Emmanuel   angrily.   “We   were   really   lucky   to   get   out   of   the   car   just   in   a   nick   of   time.     Three   seconds   longer   and   we   would   have   been   blown   up   into   smithereens   together   with   the   black   sports   car.     Who   could   this   unknown   enemy   be   who   hated   us   so   much   he   wanted   us   to   die   that   way?   I   never   realized   we   had   an   enemy…”

“We   were   too   naïve”   said   Salina.     “We   did   not   realize   that   the   world   was   full   of   pitfalls   and   that   jewels   and   riches   were   not   to   be   flaunted.     We   did   not   think   much   of   the   diamonds   and   jewels   we   brought   from   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   spent   them   like   water,   as   if   they   were   nothing.     It   must   have   incurred   the   envy   and   jealousy   of   others   and   brought   upon   ourselves   this   catastrophe   that   almost   killed   us.     Just   thinking   of   what   we   went   through   just   now   makes   my   heart   beat   erratically.”

“I   think   I   know   who   did   this”   replied   Emmanuel   angrily.     “It   must   be   that   guy   Wolfe,   the   jewelry   expert   and   appraiser   or   the   manager   of   that   huge   casino.     I   don’t   even   know   his   name.   You   know   what?   It   couldn’t   be   anyone   else.     I   will   not   rest   until   I   have   my   revenge   on   them.”   Salina   yawned   and   turned   to   change   her   sleeping   posture,   fully   exposing   her   beautiful   figure   and   Emmanuel   sat   down   beside   her   on   their   temporary   bed.

  “You   know   what   Emmanuel?”   said   Salina,   “Let   it   go.     These   are   really   bad   people.     We   are   on   their   turf   and   there’s   no   way   we   can   get   the   better   of   them.   As   the   saying   goes,   “What   goes   around   comes   around”     I   envied   King   Dimitri   his   gold   palace   and   got   in   league   Cyclops   and   the   native   warriors   to   trash     his   kingdom   and   take   away     from   him   the   gold   palace   that   I   loved   so   much.     Now   these   people   want   the   diamonds   we   brought   with   us   to   the   mundane   world   and   we   almost   lost   our   lives   because   of   their   envy   and   jealousy.     I   say   this   is   an   eye   for   an   eye,   tit   for   tat.   ..   I   think   you   had   better   come   back   with   me   to   our   peaceful   and   beautiful   Kingdom   of   Dreams.   I   want   to   see   my   poor   parents   who   remain   at   Gahanna   repenting   their   past   sins.   I   will   be   satisfied   just   to   be   by   their   side,   living   a   quiet   and   peaceful   life.   Really   Emmanuel,   let   go   back   home   as   soon   as   possible.     What   is   there   for   us   to   stay   here   in   this   mundane   world?”

“Oh   no,   no,   no.     I   cannot   leave   yet.     I   must   know   who   it   is   that   wanted   to   kill   us.   Why   don’t   you   go   back   first   and   see   your   parents.     I   will   be   back   pretty   soon   and   we’ll   meet   in   our   nest   in   the   tree   hole.     How   about   it…?”     Salina   gave   him   a   white   eye.     Her   sharp   eyes   seemed   to   be   able   to   penetrate   his   innermost   thoughts.

“Don’t   even   try   to   use   that   trash   on   me.     You   think   I   am   not   aware   of   what   you   are   about?   You   have   set   your   sights   on   some   beautiful   woman   and   don’t   want   me   around   to   hamper   your   style   and   foil   your   unspeakable,   evil   designs,   right?   You   know   Emmanuel,   those   who   do   wrong   will   not   come   to   a   good   end.     Go   back   with   me   to   our   tranquil   and   peaceful   home   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.”

“My   precious   darling”   replied   Emmanuel,   again   his   smiling,   cheeky   self.   “Don’t   be   oversensitive.   With   a   beauty   like   you   by   my   side   I   am   more   than   satisfied.     Why   do   I   need   to   go   hunting   for   others?     Put   away   your   suspicions;   they   are   pointless…”     Salina   yawned   again   sleepily,   so   tired   that   even   her   speech   was   becoming   slurred.     “As   you   will   then.     I   won’t   nag   any   more.     But   I   must   remind   you   that   I   have   your   indenture   papers   and   your   sworn   oath.     If   you   dare   to   go   back   on   your   oath,   the   end   will   be   terrible.     Those   who   do   wrong   will   not   come   to   a   good   end.     I   will   say   no   more.”     Salina   turned   round   and   soon   fell   asleep.     In   her   dreams   she   would   go   back   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   she   longs   for.     She   was   born   there   and   grew   up   there   and   there   is   her   home   sweet   home.

Emmanuel   took   up   a   corner   of   the   comforter   and   covered   Salina’s   body   with   it.   Then   creeping   as   silently   as   he   could,   he   sneaked   out   from   under   the   crack   of   the   door.     Outside   the   streets   were   empty,   with   not   a   pedestrian   in   sight.   Flinging   his   arms   out   wide   like   a   bird   stretching   its   wings,   he   was   conscious   of   the   wind   passing   under   his   armpits.     He   looked   up   at   the   skies   and   exalted   at   a   complete   sense   of   freedom   without   Salina   there   to   hinder   and   restrict   him.     Now   he   was   really   like   a   bird,   able   to   fly   freely   wherever   he   willed,   at   whatever   heights   he   wanted.     Salina’s   astute   assumption   that   the   real   reason   for   Emmanuel’s   unwillingness   to   go   back   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   with   her   was   not   because   of   revenge,   was   absolutely   correct.   The   impression   of   Aisha’s   beautiful   and   exquisite   sandals   had   haunted   him   ever   since   he   saw   them   lying   on   the   lawn   by   the   swimming   pool,   and   it   remained   fresh   and   indelible   in   his   mind   ever   since.   So   he   ran   swiftly   towards   Aisha’s   house.   Because   he   knew   he   was   now   the   police’s   most   wanted   list,   he   remained   extremely   vigilant   and   did   his   best   to   keep   his   profile   away   from   people   he   passed.   Emmanuel   had   little   sense   of   right   and   wrong   and   could   not   distinguish   between   good   and   evil.     Whatever   he   did   was   motivated   only   by   his   own   personal   preference   and   he   always   acted   as   he   willed   regardless   of   others   or   of   consequences.   He   could   never   forget   the   time   when   he   hid   in   one   of   those   exquisite   sandals   and   saw   with   his   own   eyes   an   extremely   torrid   and   sexy   scene.     He   was   only   the   size   of   a   finger   then   so   he   could   only   look   on   with   envy   but   was   unable   to   do   anything   about   it.     Now   things   were   different.     He   had   become   tall   and   brawny,   stronger   and   more   intimidating   than   an   ordinary   man,   so   he   thought   he   could   now   do   whatever   he   wanted.     His   simple   mind   did   not   tell   him   that   Aisha   was   no   ordinary   woman.     She   was   the   exalted   Queen   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   a   very   important   position   in   King   Dimitri’s   eyes   and   therefore   was   not   someone   he   could   think   of   trifle   with.     Emmanuel   was   not   a   man   who   kept   his   word   and   sprouting   out   serious   oaths   as   if   they   were   nothing   was   a   common   place   habit   of   his,   never   thinking   what   would   happen   if   one   of   them   actually   came   true.   This   action   of   his   was   really   foolish   and   idiotic.

Among   the   ruins   of   the   burnt   palace   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   Charina   was   using   her   binoculars   to   search   the   faraway   Giant   Mountains   for   any   trace   of   King   Dimitri.     She   seemed   to   have   found   the   center   of   the   powerful   earthquake.     Under   the   misty   moonlight,   she   saw   that   the   paralyzed   giant   lying   horizontally   on   the   horizon   seemed   to   be   struggling   to   sit   up,   but   didn’t   have   the   strength   to   do   so   and   had   to   lie   back   down.   Then   he   seemed   to   be   trying   to   change   his   posture   by   turning   to   his   right   side,   but   that   too   failed.     Every   time   he   tried   to   move   his   body,   the   earth   quaked.     Was   the   giant   who   had   lain   there   horizontally   since   the   beginning   of   time   feeling   uncomfortable   after   staying   in   the   same   position   for   too   long?   Or   was   it   because   he   had   received   some   kind   of   stimulus   that   made   him   long   to   change   his   position?     Huge   rocks   and   boulders   blocked   Charina’s   view   of   the   bottom   of   the   feet   of   the   giant,   so   she   was   not   able   to   see   what   was   happening.     Actually,   King   Dimitri   riding   on   his   snow-white   steed   was   flying   up   and   down   the   almost   180   degrees   sheer   cliff   that   was   the   bottom   of   the   giant’s   feet.     It   was   a   place   where   neither   sunlight   nor   moonlight   ever   shone   so   it   was   extremely   cold,   damp   and   moist.   The   geological   structure   of   the   bottom   of   this   part   of   the   lake   was   so   strangely   formed   that   strong,   treacherous   circles   of   currents   and   riptides   were   ever   present   to   trap   unwary   sailors.   Natives   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   knew   never   to   go   near   this   part   of   the   lake.     King   Dimitri   drew   this   magic   sword   and   thrust   it   into   the   cliff,   trying   to   find   the   weakest   and   most   sensitive   part   of   the   giant’s   feet,   to   stimulate   him   to   produce   enough   power   to   move   or   change   his   posture.   That   would   be   killing   two   birds   with   one   stone,   for   not   only   would   it   sooth   the   giant   who   had   lain   in   the   same   posture   for   too   long,   but   in   changing   his   posture   the   giant   would   swoop   the   gold   palace   off   his   chest   right   into   the   lake,   which   was   King   Dimitri’s   real   goal   -   to   fulfill   his   promise   to   King   Zeus.   So   far,   his   sword   thrusts   only   made   the   giant   produce   some   minor   partial   tremors,   not   enough   to   make   him   change   his   posture.     That   was   the   cause   of   the   small   earthquakes   so   far.     King   Dimitri   suddenly   thought   of   the   story   of   Achilles’   Heels,   the   only   weak   and   vulnerable   spot   of   the   Greek   hero’s   body.     Could   the   giant’s   vulnerability   also   lie   in   his   heels?     But   the   giant’s   heels   were   under   water,   where   dangerous   and   treacherous   whirlpools   and   riptides   exist   to   pull   sailors   to   their   death   at   the   bottom   of   the   lake.   Just   then   King   Dimitri’s   eye   fell   on   the   coil   of   ropes   on   the   back   of   his   white   horse   and   was   greatly   inspired.     Taking   down   the   rope,   he   tied   one   end   around   Lightning’s   neck   and   the   other   around   his   own   waist.     He   then   said   to   his   horse,

“Spread   your   wings   and   float   on   top   of   the   water   while   I   dive   into   the   lake.     Hopefully   I   will   succeed   this   time   in   forcing   the   giant   to   change   his   posture.”     Saying   so,   he   jumped   off   his   horse   and   dived   into   the   lake.

King   Dimitri   swam   downwards   in   the   pitch   black   water   until   he   reached   the   place   where   he   suspected   the   bottom   of   the   giant’s   heel   to   be.     He   took   the   magic   sword   which   he   bit   between   his   teeth   and   thrust   it   mightily   at   the   cliff.     That   was   indeed   where   the   giant’s   heel   was,   his   weakest   and   most   vulnerable   spot.     The   giant’s   huge   body   shivered   and   King   Dimitri   knew   that   he   had   succeeded.   He   quickly   pulled   at   his   rope   and   made   his   way   swiftly   upwards.     Unfortunately   he   got   pulled   into   a   huge   whirlpool   which   dragged   him   back   down.     Luckily   the   magic   horse   Lightning   floating   on   the   water   felt   the   tug   and   had   an   intuition   that   his   master   was   in   trouble.   Flapping   his   wings   urgently   he   surged   upwards   a   few   feet   thus   helping   his   master   break   away   from   the   pull   of   the   whirlpool.     With   his   magic   sword   bitten   between   his   teeth,   King   Dimitri   broke   out   of   the   water   and   swam   towards   his   white   horse.     He   jumped   onto   the   horse,   put   his   sword   back   into   its   shield   and   said   “Let’s   get   going   and   leave   here   as   quickly   as   possible.”     Just   then,   the   sound   of   huge   crashes   resounded   in   the   air   as   Giant   Mountain   broke   into   several   sections   and   sank   to   the   bottom   of   the   lake,   producing   earth-shaking   landslides,   earthquakes   and   tsunami   that   rocked   the   area.     But   King   Dimitri   was   safely   on   his   precious   horse   Lightning.     He   rose   into   the   air   and   left   the   area.

The   thundering   roar   of   the   mountain   splitting   up   into   several   sections   rocked   the   area.     Charina,   who   was   sitting   on   King   Dimitri’s   throne   felt   as   if   she   was   in   a   boat   going   now   up,   now   down,   now   right,   now   left,   swaying,   reeling   and   shaking   uncontrollably.   She   clung   desperately   to   the   arms   of   the   throne   for   support   as   the   world   around   her   seemed   to   shake   and   sway   menacingly.     She   felt   as   if   she   was   in   a   small,   solitary   raft   being   tossed   around   helplessly   in   an   angry   sea   amid   tall   waves   and   mighty   winds,   in   danger   of   being   swallowed   up   by   the   waves   any   minute.     The   sky   seemed   to   be   falling   down   so   Charina   squeezed   her   eyes   tightly   shut.     She   calmed   down   in   the   face   of   imminent   death   and   felt   that   eternal   sleep   was   not   as   frightening   as   she   had   thought.  

After   a   while   the   more   momentous   of   the   earthquakes   seemed   to   slow   down.     The   sky   had   not   fallen   down   and   the   shrill   neighing   of   a   horse   broke   into   her   consciousness.   She   opened   her   eyes   in   surprise   and   used   her   binoculars   to   search   the   skies   above.     She   saw   King   Dimitri   come   flying   towards   her   on   his   magic   horse   Lightning   that   flapped   his   mighty   wings   as   he   flew   across   the   wide   expanse   of   blue   lake.   As   they   came   close,   Lightning   slowed   down   and   landed   steadily   on   the   bank   of   the   lake.   King   Dimitri   dismounted,   smiled   at   her   and   untied   the   rope   at   his   waist.     Charina   could   not   control   the   excitement   and   agitation   in   her   heart.     She   stood   up   unsteadily   and   tottered   towards   him.     King   Dimitri   opened   his   arms   and   enfolded   her   in   his   embrace,   patting   her   on   the   back   saying,   “It’s   alright   now.     The   worst   is   over…     You   must   have   been   frightened.     I   didn’t   think   it   would   be   that   bad   either.     I   never   thought   Giant   Mountain   would   break   into   several   sections.     But   it’s   great   that   everything   is   alright   now   and   no   one   got   hurt…”   He   sighed   and   continued,   “At   least   I   have   fulfilled   my   promise   to   King   Zeus.     The   gold   palace   has   fallen   into   the   lake   waters.”     He   took   his   arms   from   around   Charina   and   patted   the   head   of   his   two   pet   tigers   saying,   “Good   for   you   two.   You   did   a   really   good   job   protecting   my   guest   Charina.   I   will   reward   you   later   on   when   I   have   more   time.”     King   Dimitri   rolled   up   the   coil   of   rope   and   put   it   back   on   his   horse   and   then   he   tightened   the   strap   securing   his   magic   sword   on   the   other   flank.     He   hugged   the   neck   of   his   favorite   steed   and   softly   caressed   his   mane   saying,

“Thank   you   Lightning.     If   it   were   not   for   your   quick   thinking   in   springing   up   above   the   water   to   help   pull   me   out   of   the   whirlpool,   I   would   have   been   pulled   down   into   the   bottom   of   the   lake   and   died…   Now   we   have   to   part   for   a   time   but   I   am   sure   we   will   be   seeing   each   other   soon.     You   must   go   back   to   Medusa   for   she   will   be   greatly   worried   if   you   disappeared.     My   dear   friend,   adieu.     Go   back   to   Medusa…”     Saying   so,   King   Dimitri   took   a   few   steps   back   to   give   this   unique   creature     enough   space   to   take   off   into   the   air.     There   was   a   tacit   understanding   between   the   magic   horse   Lightning   and   its   master.     It   knew   instinctively   that   this   was   not   the   place   for   them   to   linger   on   for   long.   Flapping   its   wings,   it   soared   up   into   the   skies   and   flew   towards   the   mountain   and   forests   but   turned   its   head   several   times   to   look   back   down   at   King   Dimitri,   expressing   its   reluctance   to   leave   its   beloved   master.

King   Dimitri   stood   by   the   lake   looking   towards   the   right   at   the   Giant   Mountain   which   had   broken   into   several   sections,   some   of   which   had   fallen   into   the   lake,   his   eyes   reflecting,   sorrow,   pain   and   regret.     He   stood   in   the   cold   wind,   with   his   wet   clothes   clinging   to   his   body.     Charina   said   softly   to   the   two   tigers,  

“Go   and   find   some   dry   sticks   and   wood   and   pile   them   behind   the   fallen   wall.   It’s   not   windy   there   and   we   must   start   a   fire   to   let   King   Dimitri   get   warm   and   dry   his   clothes.   Go   quickly.”     The   two   of   them   immediately   took   off   to   carry   out   her   orders.   Charina   ran   back   to   the   throne   and   took   up   her   backpack,   rummaging   for   the   bottle   of   hundred-year-old   maotai   wine.   She   handed   it   to   King   Dimitri   saying,

“Here   drink   some   of   this   or   you’ll   get   sick.     You   are   wet   through   and   through.     The   wine   will   help   you   get   warm.”     Dimitri   took     the   wine   and   drank   straight   from   the   bottle.     A   warm   streak   went   from   his   throat   to   his   stomach   and   his   body   immediately   felt   warmer.

“This   is   the   hundred-year-old   wine   I   had   been   hoarding   for   a   long   time.     It   is   very   lucky   for   you   to   find   this   small   bottle   in   the   midst   of   this   huge   debris   and   ruins.”

“Go   on,   take   another   drink”   replied   Charina   smiling.   “Warm   yourself   so   you   don’t   get   sick.”     Dimitri   drank   again   from   the   bottle   and   sighed   saying,

“The   Giant   Mountain   was   not   as   lucky   as   you.     It’s   really   a   pity   that   I   accidentally   killed   him.     I   hope   he   will   forgive   my   unintentional   crime.”     He   stopped   for   a   moment,   took   another   drink   and   continued,   “This   giant   had   been   lying   here   paralyzed   since   the   beginning   of   time.     I   thought   he   must   be   feeling   stiff,   painful   and   numb   and   would   be   more   comfortable   if   he   could   change   his   sleeping   position.     I   thrust   my   sword   into   his   heel   where   he   was   most   vulnerable,   only   meaning   to   galvanize   him   into   action   and   turn   over   to   his   side.     I   never   dreamed   that   his   body   would   break   into   several   sections.   I   certainly   did   not   mean   to   kill   this   giant   who   had   co-exised   peacefully   with   me   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   for   so   many   years.”

“This   was   not   your   fault”   comforted   Charina.     “You   meant   well.   The   giant   had   been   lying   there   for   a   long,   long   time   enduring   the   corrosion   of   time   and   the   elements.     His   body   had   long   eroded   and   lost   the   ability   to   move.   It   could   not   possibly   stand   up   to   such   drastic   upheavals.   I   am   sure   he   will   certainly   not   blame   you…”

“You   are   right   Charina’   replied   Dimitri.     “Look   how   huge   the   body   of   the   giant   is.     It’s   made   up   of   huge   rocks   and   heavy   soil.   If   even   such   a   body   could   not   stand   the   erosion   of   time,   how   could   the   flesh   body   of   us   humans   do   more?     After   a   few   short   decades   our   strength   and   spirits   would   be   drained   and   we   would   face   destruction   and   death.”

Dimitri   followed   Charina   to   the   spot   behind   the   wall.     She   took   out   the   box   of   matches   she   had   found   amidst   the   dust   and   debris   of   the   ruins   and   hoped   it   would   still   work.     Luckily   it   sprang   to   life   at   the   first   strike   and   ignited   the   dry   wood   and   twigs   into   flames   which   gradually   became   a   roaring   fire.   The   tigers   continued   to   look   for   twigs   and   dry   wood   to   feed   the   fire.     Dimitri   and   Charina   looked   at   each   other   and   smiled.     Dimitri’s   eyes   seemed   to   say,   “Your   luck   is   so   good.”   Charina   smiled   back   in   tacit   understanding.     Dimitri   took   off   his   wet   clothing   which   Charina   hung   on   long   sticks   and   waved   them   to   and   fro   above   the   fire   to   dry   them.     Dimitri   sat   by   the   fire.     It   was   only   then   that   he   felt   cold   and   shivered,   feeling   goose   pimples   rising   on   the   skin   all   over   his   body.     He   immediately   took   another   drink   and   said,

“Let’s   sleep   here   by   the   fire.     I   must   take   you   back   to   the   familiar   mundane   world.”     Charina   nodded   while   she   continued   to   dry   Dimitri’s   wet   clothes.       Dimitri’s   body   temperature   rose   and   he   murmured,   “We   should   make   full   use   of   our   flesh   bodies   while   it   is   still   warm   and   functioning.     Why   let   our   flesh   body   experience   unnecessary   worries   and   sadness?   We   should   enjoy   the   happiness   that   body   temperature   brings.   Our   body   has   a   fantastic   brain,   able   to   weave   dreams.     How   wonderful   it   is   that   we   could   travel   at   will   between   the   mundane   world   and   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     It   is   really   a   fantastic   treat.     Yes,   we   should   enjoy   the   human   body   and   not   trouble   our   minds   about   unnecessary   sorrow   and   sadness.   We   do   not   want   to   be   like   the   giant   who   waited   too   long   to   fulfill   his   dream   and   broke   into   several   sections   to   his   everlasting   regret.”     Soon   the   wet   clothes   were   dry.     Dimitri   put   them   on   and   felt   snug   and   comfortable   to   be   dry   and   warm   again.     He   took   Charina’s   hand   and   walked   to   the   fire,   saying,

“I   am   so   sorry,   Charina.     I   meant   to   show   you   around   my   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   never   thought   so   many   unexpected   things   would   happen.     I   am   sorry   you   were   frightened   and   scared.”

“There’s   no   need   for   apology.     It   was   an   adventure   for   me   to   come   to   your   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   a   novel   experience   that   expanded   my   field   of   vision   and   broadened   my   views.     I   now   know   that   besides   the   city   where   we   live   there   is   another   even   broader   sphere   –   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams!”     Saying   so,   they   lay   down   by   the   warm   fire.     Both   of   them   had   gone   through   a   lot   that   day   and   no   sooner   had   they   lain   down   their   head   than   they   fell   fast   asleep.

The   silence   of   the   dark   night   was   abruptly   broken   by   shrill   police   sirens   coming   from   all   corners   some   far,   some   near,   some   loud,   some   remote,   but   all   seemed   to   be   rushing   towards   one   designated   gathering   spot.     Charina’s   slumber   was   disturbed   by   the   noise   of   several   police   cars   with   sirens   blaring   racing   through   the   quiet   and   tranquil   residential   streets   where   she   lived.     She   tossed   about   restlessly   on   the   verge   of   waking   up,   but   was   still   engrossed   in   her   dreams.     Another   police   car   with   high   pitched   siren   screaming   raced   by,   jolting   Charina   awake.     She   opened   her   sleepy   eyes   and   wondered   what   had   happened.     Why   are   the   police   so   blatantly   disrupting   the   peace   of   the   neighborhood   and   the   disturbing   the   rest   of   its   residents   with   their   racing   cars   and   shrill   sirens?   Was   there   a   major   crisis   somewhere?     She   found   she   was   back   in   her   own   comfortable   bedroom.     Looking   over   she   saw   Dimitri’s   blank   eyes   staring   at   her   but   did   not   seem   to   be   seeing   her.

“Did   the   police   sirens   wake   you   up,   Dimitri?”   she   asked.     Dimitri   sighed   and   said,

“In   our   Kingdom   of   Dreams   we   encountered   earthquakes   and   tsunami   where   I   almost   lost   my   life.     We   come   back   to   the   mundane   world   and   find   upheavals   and   chaos.   The   police   seem   to   be   involved   in   a   major   case.     Just   now   I   heard   loudspeakers   shouting   about   capturing   dangerous   criminals   and   I   was   wondering   if   there   really   is   such   a   thing   as   a   serene   and   happy   paradise   anywhere   on   this   planet”

“I   seemed   to   have   heard   something   like   that   too…”   said   Charina,   but   before   she   could   finish   her   sentence   a   huge   explosion   was   heard   in   the   direction   of   the   tunnel   nearby.   The   ominous   noise   sounded   especially   frightening   in   the   darkness   of   the   night.   Maureen   jumped   onto   the   bed   whining   and   whimpering   as   if   she   was   really   scared.     Charina   immediately   took   him   into   her   arms   and   patted   him   comfortingly…

“Something   has   happened.     It   has   really   happened.     That   was   what   I   have   been   worrying   about   all   along…”muttered   Dimitri.     “These   two   little   people   came   to   the   mundane   world   to   have   a   good   time,   but   living   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   they   know   nothing   about   this   world   they   have   come   to.   They   are   completely   ignorant   of   how   to   behave,   but   think   they   know   everything,   especially   that   Mr.   Finger.     He   is   a   daredevil,   reckless   and   impudent.   I   wonder   what   earthshaking   trouble   they   have   gotten   into   now...     Let’s   hope   it’s   not   life   threatening,   that’s   the   best   scenario…”

“You   mean   that   guy   that   broke   into   my   house   and   tried   to   rape   me?”   asked   Charina,   her   large   eyes   full   of   fear.     “You   said   his   name   was   Mr.   Finger   and   he   could   change   his   form   at   will.     His   appearance   has   also   been   completely   altered.     What   if   in   the   midst   of   all   this   turmoil,   he   breaks   in   here   again   tonight,   what   shall   I   do?”     Dimitri   smiled   as   he   turned   to   hold   Charina   shoulders   and   caressed   it   comfortingly   saying,

“Don’t   be   afraid.     I   don’t   think   he   would   dare   to   come.     Even   if   he   does   I   only   have   to   say   Medusa’s   name   three   times   and   she   will   appear   at   my   beck   and   call   and   come   to   your   rescue.     Don’t   be   afraid….”     Only   then   did   the   look   of   fright   and   desperation   disappear   from   Charina’s   eyes   and   she   regained   her   composure   saying,

“Can   you   go   back   to   sleep?     If   not,   I   will   make   some   coffee,   get   something   to   eat   and   we   can   enjoy   a   snack.   We   can   talk   about   what   we   just   went   through   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   I   will   write   it   all   down   while   the   memory   is   still   fresh.”     Dimitri   of   course   agreed.

Charina   hastily   did   her   ablutions   and   was   making   coffee.     The   methodic   and   rhythmic   sound   of   the   percolating   coffee   pot   created   a   comforting   and   calming   effect   in   the   turbulent   night.   Charina   walked   into   the   living   room   with   the   coffee   and   a   plate   of   dessert.   She   sat   down   before   Dimitri   and   handed   him   a   cup   of   coffee.   He   took   it   and   was   sipping   it   appreciatively   when   Maureen,   who   was   lying   on   Dimitri’s   lap,   smelled   the   fragrance   of   food.     He   raised   his   head   and   sniffed   hungrily   as   if   he   wanted   some   too.     Charina   obligingly   broke   off   a   piece   of   cake,   offered   it   to   him   and   watched   as   he   ate   it   happily.   She   sat   across   from   Dimitri   drinking   her   coffee   in   a   reflective   and   reminiscing   mood   as   if   mentally   drafting   her   manuscript   and   asked

  “From   where   I   was   sitting   in   the   ruins   of   the   palace,   there   seemed   to   be   about   a   thousand   barbarian   soldiers   at   the   gold   palace.     Was   that   about   right?”     Dimitri   smiled   and   replied,

“Yes,   but   it’s   closer   to   four,   five   thousand   if   you   include   the   elderly,   the   women   and   the   children”  

“The   two   fierce   tigers,   Kojak   and   Cortes,   are   extremely   loyal   to   you.     Did   you   raise   them   from   tiny   cubs?”     Dimitri   shrugged   and   said,

“They   used   to   be   two   specimens.   I   placed   one   on   each   side   of   my   throne   as   ornaments.     Somehow   they   came   to   life.     You   know   that   in   my   Kingdom   of   Dreams   anything   is   possible.”

“And   what   about   that   white   flying   horse   you   ride.     I   have   only   heard   of   flying   horses   in   mythology   and   never   dreamed   I   would   actually   see   one   with   my   own   eyes   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     What   can   you   tell   me   about   him?     Like   what   is   his   origin   and   such…”    

  “As   to   that…”   said   Dimitri   seeming   to   sink   into   a   reverie.   “If   you   want   to   write   about   the   story   of   the   flying   horse   Lightning,   it   would   have   to   be   another   separate   story   altogether.     He   is   a   very   unique   creature.”

Charina   sat   before   her   laptop   computer,   fingers   flying   nimbly   over   the   keyboard.     Dimitri   smiled   at   her   in   relief   because   he   knew   that   now   creative   thoughts   were   rushing   through   her   brains   in   an   unstoppable   flow   and   that   her   writer’s   block   of   the   past   year   was   over.     But   after   a   while   his   smile   vanished   as   he   realized   he   was   feeling   an   inexplicable   nervous   tension   the   source   of   which   he   could   not   fathom.   Perhaps   it   was   because   he   was   worried   about   the   two   little   people   Viola   and   Mr.   Finger,   wondering   where   they   were   …   Just   then   the   ringing   of   the   cell   phone   startled   them   both.     Who   could   be   calling   this   late   in   the   night?   Charina   took   out   her   cell   phone   and   asked,

“Hello,   who   is   this?”

“Sorry   for   disturbing   you   this   late   in   the   night”   said   a   man’s   voice   at   the   other   end.     “This   is   Richard.     Is   Dimitri   there?     I   have   an   urgent   message   that   must   be   given   to     him.”

“Of   course.     Hold   on   a   minute   please.”     Saying   so,   she   handed   her   cell   phone   to   Dimitri.

“What   is   it,   Richard?     It’s   very   late.     Has   something   important   happened?”

“Jamaz   was   badly   wounded   and   is   in   critical   condition   at   the   ER   of   the   hospital.”

“What?   Tell   me   what   happened.”     In   the   deep   and   quiet   night,   the   words   from   the   cell   phone   could   be   clearly   heard   in   the   air.

“It   was   Mr.   Finger   who   did   it.   I   know   it   was   him   even   though   he   changed   his   appearance   and   assumed   a   normal   human   shape.   I   am   quite   certain   of   it.     He   also   stabbed   my   arm   with   a   pair   of   large   garden   shears.   He   is   really   ruthless.”

“Which   hospital   are   you   at   now?   I’ll   be   right   over.”

“No,   no.     Don’t   come.     Queen   Aisha   is   here.     She   fainted   and   lost   consciousness   for   a   while   but   has   now   revived.     When   she   heard   that   Jamaz   nearly   died   protecting   her,   she   insisted   on   remaining   at   the   ER   to   see   how   the   surgery   turns   out.   If   you   come   here   you   will   meet   her.     Do   you   think   that’s   wise?”

“Oh…     Queen   Aisha   is   there.     To   see   her   now   may   not   be   the   best   thing   to   do…     Let   me   know   how   Jamaz’s   surgery   goes   as   soon   as   you   know.”

“Of   course.   I   will   let   you   know   as   soon   as   the   doctor   talks   to   me”   said   Richard   and   hung   up.   Dimitri   was   devastated   by   the   disastrous   news   and   wondered   how   things   could   have   deteriorated   to   such   a   degree   and   was   extremely   worried   for   his   good   friend   Jamaz.     Seeing   how   stunned   Dimitri   was   at   the   unexpected   turn   of   events,   Charina   could   not   concentrate   on   her   writing.     Turning   to   him   she   suggested,

“Let’s   go   for   a   walk.     I   will   bring   my   cell   phone   in   case   Richard   calls.     How   about   it?”   Dimitri   nodded   in   agreement.

The   water   in   the   swimming   pool   rippled   and   splashed   as   Aisha   swam   back   and   forth   from   one   end   to   the   other,   agile   as   a   fish   until   her   limbs   were   tired   and   the   desired   effect   of   the   exercise   was   reached.   She   then   walked   slowly   up   the   steps   of   the   pool   with   drops   of   water   dripping   down   her   slender   and   graceful   body.   Taking   up   the   large   bath   towel   on   the   lounge   chair   she   dried   herself   with   it   and   then   paced   up   and   down   the   soft   grass   until   she   recovered   her   breath.     She   poured   half   a   cup   of   brandy   and   lay   down   on   the   lounge   chair   to   rest.   She   was   using   the   strenuous   exercise   to   give   her   brains   a   rest,   but   now   that   the   exercise   was   done,   her   worries   and   vexations   seemed   to   have   returned.     She   had   been   trying   to   recall   her   dissertation   “On   Life   in   Matriarchal   Society”   which   she   had   been   writing   while   she   was   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.   But   the   barbarian   tribes   had   invaded   the   Kingdom   and   the   magnificent   palace   was   burnt   to   the   ground,   probably   turning   her   unfinished   thesis   to   ashes   at   the   same   time.   To   try   and   write   down   the   whole   manuscript   from   memory   was   of   course   impossible.   She   could   remember   most   of   the   contents   but   many   of   the   details   and   fine   points   were   hazy   and   textual   research   would   have   to   be   done   on   it   once   more.   Writing   a   thesis   was   easy   when   compared   to   trying   to   reproduce   a   half-finished   one   from   memory,   which   needed   more   painstaking   care   and   mental   labor.     As   Aisha’s   eyes   gazed   at   the   night   skies,   shrill   screams   of   police   sirens   in   the   neighboring   streets   broke   the   peaceful   serenity   of   the   residential   district   as   police   cars   rushed   by.     This   female   scholar   had   been   solely   concentrated   on   her   studies   and   was   immersed   in   the   sea   of   the   mysteries   of   knowledge.   The   disruptive   disturbance   reminded   her   that   there   was   an   outside   world   with   turbulent   unrest   and   criminal   activities.   Aisha   was   surprised   that   so   late   on   such   a   quiet   night   the   police   would   risk   waking   the   whole   neighborhood   by   their   sirens,   loudspeakers   and   racing   police   cars.     Something   must   be   afoot.     She   suddenly   remembered   the   gossips   going   around   her   neighborhood   that   there   was   a   serial   rapist   who   broke   into   residences   by   force   and   attempted   to   rape   women.     She   rose   abruptly   from   her   lounge   chair,   crossed   the   grass   on   her   bare   feet   to   step   into   her   beautiful   and   exquisite   sandals   preparing   to   go   back   to   her   house   and   securely   close   all   the   windows   and   doors.     She   never   dreamed   that   danger   was   already   drawing   near   and   was   right   outside   her   wooden   fence.

Emmanuel   looked   cautiously   right   and   left   and   was   overjoyed   to   find   that   there   was   no   one   around   and   that   all   was   quiet   and   serene.     “That   obnoxious   Jamaz   had   apparently   gone   away”   he   thought   “There’s   no   time   like   the   present.”   Stretching   out   his   arm,   he   vaulted   over   the   fence   and   jumped   into   the   back   yard.     Aisha   was   stepping   into   her   beautiful   sandals   and   was   just   about   to   turn   around   when   suddenly   she   was   confronted   by   a   tall   and   stalwart   man   standing   right   in   front   of   her.     She   stared   at   him   in   shock   and   before   she   could   shout   for   help,   the   man   pressed   a   mechanism   of   the   small   object   he   held   in   his   hand   and   a   thin   line   of   powder   squirted   out   straight   at   Aisha’s   nose   and   mouth.     She   only   had   time   to   smell   a   strong   flowery   fragrance   before   she   fainted   and   lost   consciousness.     Emmanuel   took   a   few   steps   forward   and   caught   her   by   the   waist   before   she   fell   to   the   ground.     He   was   elated   by   his   success   and   was   about   to   carry   her   into   the   house   when   someone   else   jumped   over   the   fence   behind   him   shouting,

  “Hey!     What   are   you   going   to   do   to   her?”     Emmanuel   turned   his   head   and   found   it   was   again   that   spoilsport   Jamaz.

“What   I   want   to   do   is   my   business”   replied   he   crossly,   “and   has   nothing   to   do   with   you.   Scram!”

“I   saw   you   from   afar   rushing   towards   this   house”   said   Jamaz,   with   his   hands   on   his   hips.     “You   were   too   engrossed   in   your   nefarious   intentions   to   notice   me   and   just   hid   in   the   bushes.”     Jamaz   pointed   at   Aisha   saying,   “Don’t   you   know   who   she   is?     She   is   the   queen   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   the   royal   spouse   of   your   friend   King   Dimitri.     What   are   you   trying   to   do?”

“What   rot!     Who   cares   whether   she   is   queen   or   not.     Dimitri   has   more   women   than   he   knows   how   to   deal   with.     Why   can’t   I   have   some   fun   and   share   one   of   them   with   him?   I   don’t   think   he   would   mind.     In   fact   I   am   sure   it   would   be   alright   with   him.”

“Oh,   so   it’s   just   a   woman   you   want.     That’s   easy.   I’ll   take   you   woman   hunting.     You   can   take   your   pick   and   have   as   many   as   you   want,   but   you   cannot   touch   this   one.”     Emmanuel   flew   into   a   rage.     He   strode   over   the   lawn,   carefully   placed   Aisha’s   unconscious   body   on   the   lounge   chair   and   pointing   his   fingers   at   Jamaz   began   his   tirade,

“Shut   your   trap!   Who   says   I   can’t   have   this   woman?   Are   you   the   only   one   who   can   have   her?     You   think   I   don’t   know   what   she   is   to   you?   I   was   hiding   in   her   sandals   that   day   when   the   two   of   you   were   going   at   it   and   saw   everything   from   beginning   to   end.     I   was   only   as   big   as   a   finger   at   the   time   so   there   was   nothing   I   could   do   about   it.     Now   I   am   tall   and   strong   as   any   man   so   I   can   do   whatever   I   want   whenever   I   want   to.   Who   are   you   to   stop   me?   Mind   your   own   business   or   I   will   kill   you.”   Jamaz   was   at   first   appalled   at   Emmanuel’s   outburst,   but   after   he   realized   the   guy   knew   what   he   was   talking   about,   he   changed   his   tune   and   became   more   conciliatory,

“That   day   I   was   asked   to   come   here   to   clean   the   pool   and   take   care   of   some   gardening   work   for   a   friend.     What   happened   between   us   was   a   fluke.     She   was   in   a   semi-conscious   state,   not   at   all   in   control   of   her   senses   and   her   reason.     I   was   obsessed   by   some   devilish   idea   when   we   had   sex   together.     I   swear   to   you   at   the   time   I   was   not   aware   that   she   was   Aisha,   King   Dimitri’s   royal   spouse.     If   I   did,   I   would   never   have   done   this   horrific   deed.     So   I   am   advising   you   not   to   follow   in   my   footsteps.     Do   not   do   something   that   would   be   disloyal   to   your   friend.   To   find   a   woman   is   the   easiest   thing   in   the   world.     I’ll   take   you   to   find   one   or   as   many   as   you   want.”

“Shut   up.     Scram.     Don’t   stay   here   yapping   your   nonsense.     Today   I   am   set   on   having   this   woman.     Since   you   dare   to   stop   me,   I   will   kill   you.”     Saying   so,   Emmanuel   took   up   a   pair   of   long,   sharp   gardening   shears   and   aimed   it   straight   at   Jamaz’s   chest.     Jamaz   dodged   but   persisted   in   trying   to   talk   some   sense   into   Emmanuel.

“You   saved   my   life   once,   so   I   owe   you   (see   Book   1).     If   you   want   to   kill   me,   so   be   it,   come   and   get   me.   I   promise   not   to   raise   my   hand   against   you,   but   I   will   not   stand   by   and   watch   you   dishonor   Queen   Aisha.”   Emmanuel   did   not   reply,   but   attacked   Jamaz   from   all   kinds   of   cunning   and   crafty   angles   with   his   garden   shears.     Since   acquiring   the   body   of   a   stalwart   man,   Emmanuel’s   movements   became   as   fast   and   deadly   as   the   spotted   leopard   running   freely   on   the   grasslands.   Jamaz   was   not   aware   of   this   change   and   in   a   moment   of   carelessness   was   wounded   by   a   thrust   of   the   shears   on   his   left   arm   where   blood   sprouted   out   and   reddened   his   whole   arm.     Jamaz   wiped   the   blood   that   had   sprayed   onto   his   face   with   his   right   hand   and   smiled   at   Emmanuel   as   if   he   did   not   feel   the   pain   at   all,   saying,

“Sure,   let   the   blood   flow.     May   every   drop   of   blood   cleanse   away   my   sin   against   Queen   Aisha.     Let   the   blood   be   my   contrition.     Come   on,   Mr.   Finger,   come   and   kill   me.     Today   I   will   atone   for   my   sin   with   my   life   and   prove   my   loyalty   to   King   Dimitri.”     The   two   of   them   continued   the   uneven   fight   earnestly,   one   attacking   aggressively   without   having   to   think   of   defense,   and   the   other   only   defending   himself   without   attacking   his   opponent.  

Richard   drove   his   jalopy   towards   his   pre-arranged   rendezvous   with   Jamaz,   his   rickety   truck   clanging   noisily   along   the   way.     He   was   about   to   whistle   to   announce   his   presence   when   he   heard   the   noise   of   combat   and   shouting   coming   from   the   back   yard   of   Aisha’s   house   and   knew   something   was   amiss.     He   quickly   got   out   of   his   car,   ran   to   the   wooden   fence   and   also   jumped   over.     The   first   thing   he   saw   was   the   tender   green   grass   smeared   with   bright   red   blood   flowing   from   Jamaz’s   several   wounds.     His   old   friend   was   in   a   bad   shape.     He   had   lost   so   much   blood   that   his   movements   were   slow   and   clumsy,   but   Emmanuel   still   pressed   on   relentlessly   with   his   sharp   long   garden   shears   and   finally   stabbed   him   in   the   chest   with   a   might   thrust.     Jamaz   tottered   back   a   few   steps   and   looked   down   at   the   gaping   wound   in   his   chest   where   blood   was   spurting   out.     He   blacked   out   and   fell   to   the   ground.     Emmanuel   was   shocked   and   only   then   did   he   realize   the   seriousness   of   his   actions,   that   he   had   killed   his   good   friend   Jamaz.     Richard   rushed   over   to   his   fallen   pal   who   was   short   of   breath   and   whose   throat   rumbled   with   painful   groans.     He   knelt   down   and   putting   his   face   close   to   Jamaz   said,

“My   old   friend,   chin   up.   Don’t   you   dare   die   on   me!   Please   struggle   to   remain   conscious.     You   must   live   on.     You   cannot   die!   How   can   I   live   on   alone   in   this   world   without   you?   Don’t   black   out   please.   I’ll   get   help.     When   you   recover,   we   will   go   out   on   the   town   as   usual   eat,   drink   and   be   merry.   Don’t   die,   Jamaz.     Dimitri   will   not   agree   to   let   you   die,   either…”   Emmanuel   rushed   up   to   them   shears   in   hand   in   full   attack   mode.     Richard   threw   up   his   arm   to   ward   off   the   attack   and   was   badly   injured   with   blood   flowing   from   his   wound..   He   had   taken   measure   of   his   bearings   as   soon   as   he   came   on   the   scene   and   knew   what   must   have   happened.     It   was   fortunate   that   he   had   already   contacted   Mr.   Kaffee   and   Big-O   and   asked   them   both   to   come   and   meet   here   in   case   re-enforcements   were   needed.   Richard   calculated   that   they   should   already   be   on   their   way   and   the   most   important   thing   at   the   moment   was   to   calm   Emmanuel   down   and   stall   for   time.   That   little   man   could   not   distinguish   between   good   and   evil,   he   should   not   be   allowed   to   wreck   more   havoc.     Standing   up   he   faced   Emmanuel   who   stood   there   fiercely   with   the   sharp,   bloody   shears   still   in   his   hands,   but   his   expression   was   also   tinted   with   alarm   and   panic.

“Ok,   I   know   who   you   are”   said   Richard   calmly.     “Listen,   although   you   have   changed   your   size   and   your   shape,   from   your   eyes,   I   know   you   are   Mr.   Finger…   If   you   still   have   any   trace   of   human   decency   left   in   you,   think   of   the   past   and   of   how   I   have   always   treated   you.     Look   at   this   man   lying   at   your   feet,   dying.   Think   back   on   how   he   treated   you.     How   could   you   hurt   him   to   such   a   degree?   Who   was   it   that   fed   you   when   you   were   hungry   and   got   you   wine   when   you   had   a   thirst   for   liquor?   Wasn’t   it   the   two   of   us   who   took   you   everywhere,   to   bars   and   restaurants,   casinos   and   brothels,   anywhere   you   wanted   to   go   to   make   you   happy…?     Although   you   had   once   saved   our   lives,   you   have   already   taken   back   his.     Do   you   want   to   take   mine   as   well?   I,   Richard   am   a   man   who   believe   in   loyalty.     If   you   want   my   life,   come   and   get   it   from   me…”     Before   he   finished   speaking   another   flying   figure   came   over   the   wall.     It   was   Big-O.     Richard’s   heart   gladdened   at   the   sight   of   the   monk,   for   if   he   was   here   Mr.   Kaffee   could   not   be   far   behind.

“You   owe   him   your   life”   shouted   the   big   monk,   “but   I   do   not.     Stand   aside   and   let   me   take   care   of   him.     I   want   to   find   out   what   kind   of   a   hero   is   a   man   who   would   kill   his   old   friend   and   brother.”   Saying   so,   Big-O   came   to   stand   beside   Richard   and   made   a   stance   of   battle.   Richard’   eyes   turned   to   a   spot   behind   Emmanuel.     He   smiled   effusively   and   said,

“Hi,   King   Dimitri,   when   did   you   get   here?     We   are   just   settling   some   unfinished   business   here,   please   don’t   concern   yourself   with   it,   we   can   deal   with   him.”   Emmanuel   turned   around   but   saw   no   one,   and   immediately   realized   he   had   fallen   for   a   trick.     Big-O   made   use   of   his   inattention   to   grab   the   garden   shears   out   of   his   hand   and   elbowed   him   hard   on   the   chest   that   made   him   stagger   back   a   few   steps.   Mr.   Kaffee   strolled   out   from   the   shadows   to   the   swimming   pool   with   a   cell   phone   in   his   hand   saying,

“Hello,   is   that   the   police   station?     Are   you   looking   for   a   serial   rapist   that’s   been   terrorizing   this   district?     He   is   here.     If   you   want   him   please   come   as   quickly   as   you   can.     I   can’t   be   responsible   if   he   runs   away.     My   address   here   is…   Please   come   as   quickly   as   possible.     Oh   yes,   there   are   two   people   down,   one   of   them   with   severe   injuries.     Please   send   an   ambulance   along   as   well.”   Emmanuel   realized   that   things   were   getting   out   of   hand.     Now   that   re-enforcements   had   arrived   it   was   three   to   one   and   the   police   were   coming   as   well,   so   the   best   plan   was   to   vamoose!   So   turning   around   he   jumped   over   the   fence   and   escaped   into   the   darkness.     Big-O   picked   up   the   pair   of   garden   shears   and   threw   it   at   Emmanuel’s   departing   figure   before   Richard   could   stop   him.   Luckily   it   missed   its   target   and   was   stuck   on   the   fence.     Big-O   jumped   over   the   fence   and   ran   after   him.     Richard   looked   at   Mr.   Kaffee.

“It’s   okay.     Let   him   go”   said   Mr.   Kaffee.   “The   police   will   be   here   soon   and   Big-O   has   a   long   police   record.     It’s   better   for   him   not   to   be   seen   the   police.   Let   him   run   after   Mr.   Finger.     Nothing   will   happen.”   Shrill   sounds   of   police   siren   and   the   wailing   of   the   ambulance   came   nearer   and   nearer.     Mr.   Kaffee   looked   down   and   saw   a   tiny   rusty   object   lying   on   the   grass.     He   picked   it   up   and   found   it   was   an   exquisitely   made   antique-looking   bronze   tortoise.  

“Ah”,   he   thought   “That   must   be   what   Dwarf   Mickey   was   talking   about,   the   thing   with   magic   potion   inside   that   smelled   like   flowers   and   could   make   people   lose   their   senses.     This   is   evil   and   should   not   be   allowed   to   exist.”     Saying   so,   he   threw   it   into   the   deep   water   of   the   swimming   pool,   so   that   this   evil   thing   would   remain   forever   in   the   water,   just   as   the   gold   palace   would   remain   forever   in   the   lake   waters   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     In   no   time   the   back   yard   was   swarming   with   police   taking   photos   of   the   crime   scene   and   looking   for   clues   and   fingerprints.     Jamaz   and   Aisha   were   put   on   gurneys   and   taken   to   the   hospital,   while   Richard   and   Mr.   Kaffee   were   taken   to   the   police   station   as   eyewitnesses   to   give   their   sworn   testimony.

Emmanuel’s   movements   had   become   much   more   nimble   and   agile   after   he   acquired   the   ability   to   change   the   size   and   shape   of   his   body   at   will.     He   sprang   from   rooftop   to   rooftop   jumping   up   and   down   as   if   it   were   level   ground.     But   the   person   following   him   was   no   mean   figure.     Big-O   was   a   renowned   assassin,   having   killed   numerous   targets   and   had   his   own   unique   technique   for   hunting   down   his   prey.   He   followed   Emmanuel   tenaciously   never   letting   up.   Emmanuel   knew   that   in   the   end   Big-O   would   catch   up   with   him,   so   he   thought   of   turning   back   to   face   him,   take   a   last   stance   and   fight   it   out.     But   then   he   knew   he   was   no   match   for   the   renowned   assassin…   Suddenly   he   remembered   his   old   trick.     He   jumped   down   from   the   roof   top   to   the   ground   and   changed   back   to   his   original   shape   no   taller   than   a   finger.     He   then   hid   himself   in   the   shade   of   a   garbage   pile.     There   were   many   alleys   and   side   streets   all   around   that   it   was   like   a   maze.     Dwarf   Mickey   had   once   brought   him   here   to   buy   liquor   for   him   so   he   knew   the   district.     Soon   Big-O   came   running,   but   was   flummoxed   by   the   complicated   terrain.     He   tried   one   alley   after   another   and   finally   chose   a   long   and   twisting   one   and   ran   on.   Emmanuel   was   happy   to   have   fooled   his   pursuer.     He   jumped   out   of   his   hiding   place   and   tried   to   enlarge   his   body   by   shaking   his   head   as   he   usually   did   but   failed   again   and   again.     No   matter   how   many   times   he   shook   his   head,   his   body   remained   the   size   of   a   finger.     Emmanuel   was   devastated.     He   remembered   that   he   had   signed   an   indenture   document   and   sworn   an   oath   to   Viola   that   he   would   obey   her   in   all   things   his   whole   life.   He   had   not   kept   his   oath   and   had   betrayed   Viola   by   his   actions.     Could   his   oath   have   come   back   to   haunt   him   now?   Emmanuel   was   scared   and   alarmed.     But   something   worse   happened.     A   large   black   cat   jumped   down   from   the   roof   of   a   house,   flashing   green   eyes   shining   fiercely   as   it   looked   hungrily   at   the   tiny   figure   of   Mr.   Finger,   apparently   taking   him   for   a   mouse.   It   crouched   down   low   with   its   stomach   touching   the   ground,   moving   forward   by   increments   getting   ready   to   pounce.     Mr.   Finger   was   in   no   position   to   save   himself.     In   fact   he   was   not   even   able   to   run   away.     Step   by   step   he   retreated   from   his   predator   until   he   found   himself   backed   into   a   corner   with   nowhere   to   go.     In   desperation   he   cried   out,  

“Dimitri!   Help!     Where   are   you,   Richard   and   Jamaz?     Where   the   heck   are   you   guys?   I   am   in   trouble.     Come   and   help   me!”     Suddenly   he   remembered   that   he   had   severely   wounded   Jamaz   who   may   even   have   died   .     “Oh,   how   could   I   have   done   such   a   dastardly   thing   as   killing   my   good   friend?     I   really   deserve   to   be   punished.   This   is   inevitably   just   deserts   for   my   crimes.”     The   black   cat   pounced   at   Mr.   Finger,   who   quickly   lay   down   flat   on   the   ground   and   rolled   under   the   crack   of   the   door   of   the   house.   In   this   critical   moment   of   life   and   death,   he   again   had   a   narrow   escape   and   managed   to   save   his   life.

Dimitri   put   his   left   hand   on   Charina’s   right   shoulder,   holding   the   white   cane   which   he   is   never   without,   in   his   right   hand.     The   two   of   them   together   with   Maureen,   which   Charina   led   on   a   leash,   walked   leisurely   on   the   sidewalks   around   Lake   Merritt.   Charina   seldom   came   out   so   late   at   night,   so   she   made   sure   that   her   dog   was   leashed   for   fear   it   would   take   it   into   its   head   to   adventure   out   into   the   night   on   its   own.   The   lake   water   was   calm   and   smooth,   covered   with   a   light   coat   of   fog.     Cars   drove   by   fast   and   there   were   no   other   pedestrians   about.     Now   and   then   a   police   car   would   drive   slowly   by,   evidently   on   patrol   as   it   did   not   have   its   siren   blaring.     The   situation   had   calmed   down   somewhat,   quite   different   from   tense   and   nerve-racking   atmosphere   earlier   in   the   night.   Dimitri   too   seemed   more   composed.     He   seemed   to   have   taken   a   ‘come   what   may’   attitude   about   the   future,   as   worrying   would   not   mend   matters.   They   made   a   whole   round   of   the   lake   in   about   an   hour   and   Charina   led   Dimitri   to   a   bench   and   said,

“It’s   been   quite   a   walk.     Let’s   sit   down   and   take   a   break.”     Dimitri   nodded   his   assent   and   both   of   them   sat   down.     Maureen   went   over   to   Dimitri   and   sat   down   by   his   side.   Dimitri   lovingly   stroked   its   silky   smooth   fur   and   said,

“Did   you   know   that   I   used   to   hang   around   here   all   the   time?     The   rose   garden   we   just   passed   was   one   of   my   favorite   haunts.     I   would   bring   a   bottle   of   liquor   there   and   spend   the   night   in   the   open   with   the   beautiful   roses.   Sometimes   I   get   drunk   and   worry   that   the   flowers   would   wilt   while   I   sleep…   Sadly   such   carefree   and   poetic   times   are   no   more.”     Charina   shook   her   head,   her   long   hair   swaying,   giving   off   a   rose-like   fragrance   and   said,

“So   long   as   there   is   poetry   in   your   heart,   your   life   will   be   beautiful   as   a   poem.   Poetic   environment   is   always   around,   so   there   is   no   question   of   its   disappearing   and   being   no   more…But   sometimes,   I   have   a   fantasy   of   dressing   up   as   a   homeless   person   and   go   gallivanting   to   the   farthest   corners   of   the   world   with   you.     That   should   be   a   wonderful   experience.”

“The   life   of   a   homeless   person   is   not   as   romantic   as   you   seem   to   think”   replied   Dimitri   smiling.     “It   is   not   the   kind   of   life   most   people   could   handle.   If   you   are   interested,   we   could   give   it   a   try   and   you   would   know   all   the   ups   and   down   of   vagabond   life.   A   police   car   drove   slowly   by   and   stopped   nearby.     The   policeman   rolled   down   his   car   window   and   gave   them   a   puzzled   look:   a   beautiful   and   classy   looking   woman   sitting   next   to   a   middle-aged   homeless   person.   These   two   completely   different   classes   of   people   were   actually   sitting   companionably   side   by   side.     He   stepped   out   of   his   car   and   walked   over   to   them   saying,

“We   are   looking   for   a   pair   of   fugitives,   a   man   and   a   woman.     Have   you   seen   anyone   like   them   around   here?”

“No”   replied   Charina.   “We   have   made   a   round   of   the   lake   and   haven’t   seen   another   person.”     The   policeman   sized   up   the   pair   in   front   of   him   and   decided   they   were   not   the   ones   the   police   were   after.     He   took   out   his   notebook   and   asked   politely,

“May   I   have   your   names,   please   and   your   occupation?”   Charina   told   him   her   name   and   that   she   was   a   freelance   writer.     His   eyes   turned   towards   Dimitri   and   asked,

“What’s   yours,   sir?”    

“People   call   me   Dimitri.     I   have   no   last   name.     I   am   a   vagabond.”

“May   I   know   the   name   of   this   little   cock   spaniel?”


“That   a   good   name”   smiled   the   policeman.     Then   he   said,   “This   is   not   the   safest   place   to   be,   especially   at   night.     Also   we   are   trying   to   capture   two   dangerous   criminals   who   are   on   the   run.     For   your   own   safety,   I   suggest   you   two   had   better   go   back   home.”

“Yes   sir”   replied   Charina   politely   “We’re   sitting   down   to   catch   our   breath   and   were   just   intending   to   leave.”

As   the   police   car   drove   off,   Charina’s   cell   phone   began   to   ring   insistently.     She   opened   it   and   handed   it   to   Dimitri   who   asked   nervously,

“Richard?     This   is   Dimitri.     How   are   things   going?”

“Good   news.   Good   news”   came   Richard’s   excited   voice   on   the   other   end.   “Jamaz’s   surgery   went   very   smoothly   and   was   a   success.     He   is   not   out   of   the   woods   yet   and   is   still   in   critical   condition.     The   next   two   days   will   be   crucial.     I   think   his   strong   and   robust   physique   will   stand   him   in   good   stead   and   give   him   a   greater   chance   to   recover.     Why,   he   used   to   run   around   the   wilds   of   Africa,   fighting   with   leopards.     He   is   not   that   easy   to   kill.   I   am   confident   of   that.”

“Yes.   Yes”   replied   Dimitri.     “I   have   confidence   in   him,   too.     I   am   sure   he   will   survive…”

“Jamaz   is   now   in   intensive   care”   continued   Richard.     “When   Queen   Aisha   saw   that   the   surgery   went   well,   she   was   extremely   relieved   and   went   back   home   to   rest.   Marcelina   is   now   with   him   to   take   care   of   his   every   need.     After   the   members   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   learned   how   heroically   Jamaz   fought   and   risked   his   life   to   save   Queen   Aisha   from   being   harmed   by   the   serial   rapist,   they   regarded   him   as   their   hero   and   vied   for   the   privilege   of   nursing   him   back   to   health   again.     They   made   a   list,   taking   turns   to   come   to   the   ICU   and   see   to   his   comfort.”

“That’s   great”   said   Dimitri   happily   “That   is   what   human   behavior   should   be   like.     Oh   yes,   any   news   of   Mr.   Finger   and   Viola?     They   have   now   made   the   police   “Most   Wanted”   list.     I   think   we   should   send   them   back   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   before   the   police   arrest   them.”

“Big-O   ran   after   Mr.   Finger”   answered   Richard,   “but   we   haven’t   heard   anything   from   him   yet.   Perhaps   Dwarf   Mickey   will   know   of   a   way   to   get   to   these   two   little   trouble-makers.   I   intend   to   go   now   to   the   temples   and   places   where   Dwarf   Mickey   usually   frequents   and   see   if   I   can   find   him.”

“Good,   good.   That’s   a   good   idea.”   said   Dimitri.     Then   he   asked   solicitously,   “How’s   your   wound,   Richard?”

“No   problem”   replied   Richard   proudly.   “It’s   only   a   flesh   wound.”

“Good.     Keep   me   posted   on   happenings   on   your   end.     Goodbye.”   Dimitri   hung   up   with   a   sigh   of   relief.

“Well,   that’s   that”   said   Charina   with   a   smile.     “You   don’t   have   to   worry   about   them   anymore.”   But   Dimitri   shook   his   head   and   said,

“How   can   I   not   worry?   If   Mr.   Finger   and   Viola   are   arrested,   there   will   be   hell   to   pay…   If   the   police   want   to   know   where   they   are   from,   then   the   mysterious   veil   would   be   torn   from   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   the   future   of   the   natives   living   there   would   be   seriously   jeopardized.   It   would   be   hard   to   determine   what   would   happen   there.

“Let’s   go   and   wait   at   home”   said   Charina   and   then   comforted   him   saying,   “Who   knows?     Perhaps   there   may   be   good   news   from   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.”     Saying   so,   she   helped   him   up   from   the   bench   and   the   two   of   them   together   with   Maureen   quickly   went   on   their   way   back   to   the   house.   Charina   then   quickly   went   and   got   the   blue   balloon,   filled   it   up   with   air,   tied   it   up   with   a   thread   and   let   fly   high   up   into   the   skies.   She   instinctively   felt   that   there   will   be   good   news.

Mr.   Finger   rolled   into   the   room   from   under   the   crack   in   the   door,   his   body   covered   in   cold   sweat.     He   had   luckily   once   more   escaped   from   the   jaws   of   death   and   had   not   fallen   victim   to   the   sharp   claws   and   teeth   of   the   large   wild   cat.     He   pulled   himself   together   and   looked   around.   He   was   in   a   small   room   with   an   altar,   on   which   two   flickering,   almost   burnt   out   candles   gave   off   a   weak   light.   There   were   also   several   statues   of   gods   on   the   altar.   The   large   wild   cat,   angry   at   being   deprived   of   its   meal   was   howling   indignantly   outside   the   door   and   scratching   the   wooden   door   with   its   sharp   claws   in   a   fit   of   rage   at   not   being   able   to   pounce   on   its   victim   and   bite   it   with   its   razor-like   teeth.     Neither   was   Mr.   Finger   one   to   take   things   lying   down.   Once   he   was   reasonably   assured   of   his   safety,   he   got   up   from   the   ground   and   walked   to   the   door,   kicked   it   with   his   feet   and   again   began   his   tirade,

“You   darned   cat,   you   animal   you.     Normally   I   could   easily   choke   you   to   death   with   just   two   fingers.     You   think   you   can   get   the   better   of   me   now   that   I   am   only   the   size   of   a   finger?   Wait   and   see!”     He   looked   around   to   see   if   there   was   anything   he   could   use   as   a   weapon,   but   the   only   things   he   found   were   the   two   almost   burnt   out   candles   on   the   altar.   If   he   threw   them   at   the   cat,   the   animal   could   easily   dodge   them.     If   he   set   fire   to   this   small   temple,   the   building   would   burn   down   with   him   in   it   but   the   cat   would   have   run   away   and   escaped   all   harm.   That’s   not   worth   it.   He   hung   his   head   in   despair   and   then   suddenly   his   anger   spilt   in   another   direction   and   he   thought,

“You   Dimitri   you!   You   call   yourself   my   good   friend   and   say   we   are   closer   than   brothers,   but   where   are   you   when   I   am   in   trouble,   being   preyed   upon   by   a   cat?   What   kind   of   friend   are   you   that   you   don’t   come   to   my   aid?   Screw   you!     We   won’t   be   friends   any   more.”     Then   he   thought   of   Richard   and   Jamaz.   “And   you   two,   Richard   and   Jamaz.     You   also   say   you   are   my   friend   and   brother.     We   eat   and   drink   together,   go   gambling   and   whoring   together.     You   said   we   will   stick   together   in   life   and   death,   through   thick   and   thin,   but   when   I   am   in   trouble   no   one   is   here   to   help.     What   kind   of   friend   are   you?”     Suddenly   a   bloody   scene   flashed   through   his   mind.     Jamaz   was   mortally   wounded   with   blood   gushing   out   of   the   several   wounds   he   had   inflicted   on   him.   Then   he   thrust   the   pair   of   long   garden   shears   fiercely   into   his   chest.     Jamaz   tottered   back   a   few   step   and   fell   to   the   ground.     Richard   rushed   to   help   and   Mr.   Finger   remembered   cutting   Richard   on   the   arm   with   the   shears   as   well.     It   was   then   that   Mr.   Finger   remembered   what   he   had   done.     Large   beads   of   sweat   popped   up   on   his   forehead.     He   paced   the   room   greatly   troubled,   rubbing   his   hands   together   in   anxiety.     He   hit   himself   on   his   face   crying,

“I   am   really   muddle-brained   and   thick-headed.     What   have   I   done?   I   have   killed   my   good   friend   Jamaz!   I   am   worse   than   an   animal…   I   wonder   how   Jamaz   is   now.     Could   he   have   died?   Oh,   what   a   moron   I   am,   worse   than   a   beast…”     He   raised   his   head   and   looked   at   the   statues   on   the   altar   and   thought,   “There   is   nothing   I   can   do   now.     Let   me   pray   to   the   gods   and   hope   a   miracle   will   happen.”     He   knelt   down   before   the   statue   in   the   middle   and   kow-towed   repeatedly   saying,   “Oh   god   high   above,     I   am   your   undeserving   disciple   Mr.   Finger.     In   a   fit   of   rage   I   could   not   control,   I   mortally   wounded   my   good   friend   Jamaz.     He   may   even   have   died.     If   he   has   died,   my   sin   is   inexcusable   and   unforgivable.     Please   protect   him   and   let   him   live.     I   did   not   kill   him   on   purpose.   I   swear   it.     I   am   willing   to   give   up   my   own   life   in   exchange   for   his.     Really,   really,   I   did   not   do   it   on   purpose.   I   will   swear   an   oath   to   you   that   I   did   not   mean   to   do   it   and   I   am   willing   to   give   up   my   life   if   you   would   spare   his…”     Mr.   Finger   looked   up   at   the   statue   he   was   praying   to   and   saw   that   it   looked   aloof,   unmoved   and   indifferent,   and   had   the   same   wooden   expression   showing   no   sign   of   having   heard   his   desperate   prayers.     He   again   felt   very   angry.   Jumping   up   and   pointing   his   fingers   at   the   statue,   he   burst   into   words   of   discrimination   and   condemnation.     “Who   do   you   think   you   are?     I   knelt   down   before   you   and   poured   out   my   heart,   begging   for   forgiveness   and   mercy.   But   you   didn’t   even   hear   me   and   just   stood   there   expressionless   and   mute   like   the   mud   figure   you   are.     What   are   you   but   a   lifeless   thing?     You   are   not   the   only   god   here.     There   are   others   better   than   you.     I’ll   go   and   beg   them.”     Mr.   Finger   knelt   before   the   statue   on   the   right,   kowtowed   repeatedly   to   it   and   repeated   his   prayers   as   before.     But   he   did   not   get   any   better   results.     He   again   rose   and   was   about   to   heap   insults   on   that   god   too,   when   he   heard   someone   laughing   coldly   at   him   and   a   shrill   voice   said,

“Why   are   you   praying   to   those   mud   and   wood   statues   for?     They   can   neither   see   nor   hear   you.     You   are   just   wasting   your   time.     Why   don’t   you   pray   to   me,   a   live   and   real   god?   Ha-ha.     I   can   see   you   are   only   a   fool.     Ha-ha…”     Mr.   Finger   followed   this   voice   and   saw   in   the   shadows   on   the   farthest   left   side   of   the   altar   was   another   statue.     He   walked   over   to   the   statue   and   saw   that   it   had   white   hair   and   a   long   white   beard   and   was   wearing   a   small   melon   like   cap.     Why,   wasn’t   that   Dwarf   Mickey?     Mr.   Finger   was   extremely   happy   to   see   him   and   shouted,

“Hey,   Dwarf   Mickey,   old   brother!     What   are   you   doing   here   in   this   dilapidated   old   temple?   It’s   a   real   coincidence   meeting   you   here.     Just   my   good   luck.     Looks   like   my   luck   is   finally   turning.     Hey   old   brother   I   need   your   help.     Please   help   me…”   Dwarf   Mickey   interrupted   him   before   he   had   finished   speaking.     He   waved   him   over   saying,

“Hey,   kneel   down   and   start   kowtowing.     I   want   you   to   repeat   the   performance   you   just   did   for   those   two   gods…”     Mr.   Finger   rubbed   his   hands   together   again   as   if   abashed.     He   resumed   his   normal   cheeky   behavior   and   said,

“Come   on.     Don’t   be   so   sarcastic.   We’re   friends   after   all   and   don’t   have   to   go   through   all   that   shenanigan.     I   know   you   are   the   god   of   wealth   and   I   greatly   respect   you.     You   heard   me   pray   to   them   just   now.     I   really   meant   what   I   said.     I   really   did   not   mean   to   hurt   Jamaz,   but   in   a   fit   of   rage   I   was   not   able   to   control   I   hurt   him   badly.     It’s   the   real   truth,   I   can   swear   to   it.     I   really   am   willing   to   give   up   my   life   for   his   if   his   life   is   in   danger.     I   really   mean   it   Dwarf   Mickey,   I   swear!”

“You   dare   to   face   me   after   the   atrocities   you   have   committed?”   scolded   Dwarf   Mickey   sternly.     “How   dare   you   hurt   you   own   friend…   But   you   contrition   and   your   willingness   to   give   your   life   for   his,   show   that   you   still   have   some   shred   of   decency   left   and   are   therefore   salvageable…     Jamaz   won’t   die.     He   still   has   work   to   do.     Heaven   won’t   let   him   die   like   that.”

“That’s   great.   You   have   set   my   heart   at   rest”   said   Mr.   Finger   with   a   sigh   of   relief.   “But   what   are   you   doing   here?     This   dilapidated   temple   is   too   small   for   a   great   big   god   of   wealth   like   you   Dwarf   Mickey.”

“What   am   I   doing   here?”   asked   the   Dwarf   glaring   at   the   little   man.   “I   am   waiting   here   for   you,   that’s   why.”

“Waiting   for   me?”   asked   Mr.   Finger   in   surprise,   pointing   at   himself.   “Why   are   you   waiting   for   me?     What   do   you   want   with   me?”

“To   collect   a   debt.   Do   you   mean   to   say   you   are   not   going   to   pay   your   debt?   You   and   Viola   broke   into   my   treasure   trove   and   brought   a   bag   of   diamond   to   this   mundane   world   and   had   great   fun   scattering   it   all   around.     Don’t   you   think   I   have   the   right   to   collect?”

“That   has   nothing   to   do   with   me”   said   Mr.   Finger   righteously.   “It   was   Viola   who   broke   into   your   treasure   trove.     It   was   she   who   brought   me   with   her.     It   was   she   that   did   everything   and   so   has   nothing   to   do   with   me.”   He   shoved   out   the   palms   of   his   hands   as   if   to   push   away   all   responsibility.   “Go   and   find   Viola.     It   has   nothing   to   do   with   me.”

“Oh   yes.     Where   is   your   wife   Viola.     Why   isn’t   she   with   you?”asked   Dwarf   Mickey.

“She   went   back   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   long   ago”   Mr.   Finger   replied.   “She   said   this   mundane   world   has   lost   its   attraction   and   she   is   homesick,   so   she   went   back.”

“Your   wife   is   very   clever   and   has   gone   back   to   where   she   belongs.     Why   aren’t   you   with   her?”

“I   haven’t   had   enough   fun   yet.     I   will   stay   on   for   a   while   longer   and   have   more   fun.”   He   walked   over   to   the   door,   but   stopped   at   the   threshold.     He   walked   back   and   said   cheekily   to   Dwarf   Mickey,   “Hey,   Dwarf   Mickey,   we   are   old   friends,   right?     I   have   a   favor   to   ask.     You   may   be   a   dwarf   and   are   short   in   stature;   you   are   still   able   to   take   care   of   the   cat   outside,   right?     Please   go   and   drive   that   cat   away   so   I   can   leave.”     Dwarf   Mickey‘s   face   was   without   expression   as   he   said,

“I   knew   you   were   going   to   default   on   your   debt.     That   cat   was   called   by   me   to   stay   by   the   door   to   block   your   escape.   So,   you   are   trying   to   escape,   right?     If   you   dare   to   take   one   step   out   of   that   door,   the   cat   will   pounce   and   bite   your   head   off.     If   you   don’t   believe   me,   just   give   it   a   try.”   But   that   was   the   wrong   approach   to   take   with   the   little   man,   who   again   got   on   his   high   horse   and   became   really   angry,   saying

“What?     You   want   to   scare   me?   I’ll   let   you   know   I   am   not   afraid   of   your   strong   arm   tactics.     If   you   dare   to   threaten   me   I   will   take   the   candles   on   the   altar   and   set   fire   to   this   temple.   You   old   man   will   burn   to   death.     I   don’t   care   if   I   die   so   long   as   I   take   you   with   me.   You   think   I   don’t   dare   to   do   so?”   Dwarf   Mickey   knew   that   this   little   man   could   not   distinguish   between   right   and   wrong,   good   and   evil.   If   an   idea   enters   his   brain   he   was   capable   of   carrying   it   out   regardless   of   consequences.   He   rolled   his   eyes   around   and   thought   of   a   plan.     He   smiled   at   Mr.   Finger   and   said,

“Hey,   old   friend,   have   you   had   any   wine   today?     I   have   this   bottle   of   excellent   liquor.   Want   to   try   some?     The   night   is   long   and   we   don’t   have   anything   to   do.     What   about   whiling   away   the   night   with   good   drinks?”   Dwarf   Mickey   wanted   to   get   the   little   man   drunk   so   he   could   deal   with   him   and   he   knew   that   wine   was   one   thing   Mr.   Finger   could   never   refuse.   Indeed   the   little   man   took   the   bait   and   his   mouth   watered   at   the   prospect   of   good   wine.   He   swallowed   his   saliva   as   his   mouth   watered   and   he   said,

“Where’s   your   wine?     Bring   it   out.     Bring   it   out.   The   wine   bugs   in   my   stomach   are   rioting!”   Dwarf   Mickey   jumped   down   from   the   altar   and   dove   under   the   table,   bringing   out   an   earthen   wine   jar   and   an   empty   bowl.     He   broke   open   the   sealed   jar   and   the   fragrance   of   seasoned   wine   filled   the   room.     He   poured   some   wine   into   the   bowl   and   asked,

“What   do   you   want   to   do?   Would   you   like   to   lie   in   there   and   drink?   That’s   your   favorite   way   to   indulge,   right?”

“Yeah,   old   friends   are   the   best   because   they   know   all   my   strange   habits”   Saying   so,   Mr.   Finger   began   to   take   off   all   his   clothes   and   jumped   into   the   bowl   of   wine   and   began   drinking   veraciously.     Dwarf   Mickey   meanwhile   took   up   the   whole   jug   and   began   drinking   from   it.     He   knew   that   to   let   the   little   man   remain   alone   in   the   mundane   world   would   cause   unimaginable   trouble,   so   he   decided   to   get   him   drunk   and   take   him   back   by   force   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   place   him   in   the   custody   of   his   wife   Viola.   Viola   would   be   able   to   keep   a   sharp   eye   on   him   so   he   would   not   be   able   to   run   around   causing   trouble.     It   would   also   set   King   Dimitri’s   heart   at   rest   if   he   didn’t   have   this   trouble-maker   underfoot.

The   door   to   the   dilapidated   temple   was   pushed   open   and   under   the   crescent   moon   a   shadowy   figure   could   be   seen   hastily   streaking   into   the   room.     It   was   Richard,   who   had   been   trying   to   track   down   Dwarf   Mickey   at   the   old   man’s   old   haunts.   He   looked   around   the   dimly   lit   empty   room,   lighted   only   by   two   dying   candles.     He   saw   a   jug   of   good   wine   three   quarters   gone,   an   empty   bowl   with   some   dregs   of   wine   left   in   it   and   knew   what   must   have   happened.     Dwarf   Mickey   and   Mr.   Finger   had   been   here,   drinking.   Knowing   the   little   man’s   eccentric   habit,   he   must   have   jumped   into   the   bowl   and   enjoyed   his   drink   lying   down;   while   Dwarf   Mickey   would   have   held   the   jug   fast   in   his   arms   and   drank   straight   from   it.     Where   could   the   two   intoxicated   people   have   gone   to?     Richard   was   impatient   to   continue   on   his   mission   and   so   did   not   bother   searching   the   room   for   more   clues,   thereby   missing   the   chance   to   stop   a   great   tragedy   from   happening.     Since   the   persons   he   was   looking   for   were   not   there,   Richard   proceeded   to   other   temples   Dwarf   Mickey   was   known   to   frequent.   He   did   not   see   the   words   Dwarf   Mickey   wrote   on   the   thick   dust   on   top   of   the   altar.     It   said,   “I   have   captured   the   little   trouble-maker   Mr.   Finger   and   am   on   my   way   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     I   will   leave   him   with   his   wife   Viola,   who   is   the   only   one   in   the   world   who   can   control   and   discipline   him.     The   lost   treasure   trove   I   have   been   trying   so   long   to   track   down   has   surfaced.     My   duty   is   done.     I   will   be   going   back   to   my   treasures   and   will   sink   down   to   the   bottom   of   Sun   Moon   Lake   together   with   them.   My   favorite   pastime   is   having   a   good   time   with   my   friends,   eating   meat   and   drinking   wine.     I   hate   all   tragic   moments   such   as   saying   goodbye   to   old   friends   never   to   see   each   other   again.     Therefore   I   am   leaving   these   words   to   bid   you   all   farewell.     Adieu   my   good   friends”   It   was   signed   “Dwarf   Mickey.”     In   his   hurry,   Richard   did   not   see   the   note   and   therefore   was   not   able   to   inform   Dimitri   of   this   abrupt   and   sudden   turn   of   affairs,   causing   irreversible   and   eternal   regret   in   the   minds   of   Dimitri   and   all   the   people   around   him.

The   moon   leaning   towards   the   west   shone   down   bright   as   day.     A   small   canoe   came   flying   over   the   mirror-like   waters.     The   bulging   muscles   on   the   arms   of   the   man   at   the   oars,   flexed   as   he   paddled   fast   and   furiously.     Why,   wasn’t   that   Mr.   Finger?   He   has   once   more   reverted   to   the   figure   of   a   tall   and   brawny   man.     The   woman   at   the   other   end   of   the   canoe   was   the   wildly   gorgeous   Viola,   but   her   expression   now   was   gentler   than   and   not   as   wild   as   before.     When   she   first   got   back   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   she   climbed   down   the   sheer   cliff   to   the   depth   of   Gahanna   to   visit   her   parents,   who   now   spent   their   days   fervently   praying   ,   deeply   contrite   of   their   sins.     Viola   was   extremely   happy   to   find   that   their   life   was   the   same   as   it   was   the   last   time   she   was   here,   with   no   changes   at   all.   Her   mother   Aileen’s   body   which   had   been   cut   in   two,   had   miraculously   combined   into   one.     Just   as   Dimitri   had   predicted,   as   the   fire   of   revenge   in   her   heart   diminished   little   by   little,   her   body   recovered   and   come   together   little   by   little   as   well   and   the   day   would   come   when   she   could   walk   like   a   normal   human   being.   When   Viola   convinced   herself   that   all   was   well   with   her   parents,   she   went   back   to   her   own   little   nest   in   the   tree   hole.     When   she   climbed   onto   the   level   part   of   the   hole,   she   saw   Mr.   Finger   lying   on   the   bed,   thrashing   and   shouting,  

“I   swear…I   swear…   I   did   not   kill   him   on   purpose.     He   is   my   good   friend…   I   swear   that   if   I   could   exchange   my   life   for   his,   I   would   do   it...   I   swear…I   swear   I   truly   mean   it…   I   did   not   kill   him   on   purpose…”   He   was   lying   on   the   bed   but   his   hands   were   swinging   around   and   his   feet   were   kicking   frantically.   Viola   said   nothing,   but   walking   up   to   Mr.   Finger   began   slapping   him   his   cheeks   hard.     Mr.   Finger   woke   from   his   nightmare   feeling   heat   on   his   face.     He   opened   his   drowsy   eyes   and   saw   Viola   hands   on   hips   standing   before   him.     Twisting   one   of   his   ears   with   her   hand,   she   asked,

“What   bad   thing   have   you   done   now?     You   killed   someone?   Who   have   you   killed……?”

“No,   no,   no…”   stuttered   Mr.   Finger.     “How   can   I   kill   anyone?     It’s   nothing   like   that   at   all…”   and   he   told   Viola   the   story   from   beginning   to   end.   “You   know,   it’s   all   your   fault   for   turning   me   into   a   tiny   figure   and   then   made   it   so   I   couldn’t   change   back   to   a   large   human   form   again.       I   could   easily   have   become   a   meal   for   the   large   wild   cat.     It   was   really   scary.”

“Now   you   know   my   powers.     Don’t   forget   you   swore   an   oath   and   sold   yourself   to   me   when   you   signed   the   indenture   papers.     Your   body   and   soul   belong   solely   to   me.     You   live   if   I   let   you   live   and   die   when   I   want   you   to.”     Her   fingers   on   his   ear   twisted   harder   and   Mr.   Finger   cried   out   in   pain   saying,

“Yes,   yes,   yes.     I   will   listen   to   everything   you   say…I   will   live   if   you   let   me   and   die   when   you   order   me   to.     I’ll   do   whatever   you   say,   please,   please   let   go   of   your   fingers…”     Viola   loosened   her   hand   and   sat   down   beside   Mr.   Finger.     They   sat   side   by   side   like   any   other   ordinary   couple   and   talked   about   things   that   happened   in   the   past   to   while   away   the   night.     Suddenly   they   saw   in   the   corner   of   the   room,   the   cotton   pouch   they   had   used   to   carry   the   precious   stones   they   took   away   to   the   mundane   world.     There   were   still   about   two   dozen   of   them   left   in   the   pouch   and   they   seem   to   be   struggling   inside   trying   to   get   out.     Or   there   seemed   to   be   a   small   animal   inside   struggling   to   be   free.     Viola   looked   at   the   cotton   pouch   and   said   as   if   recalling   something,

“Was   it   Dwarf   Mickey   who   brought   you   back   here   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams?”

“Who   else?     When   I   woke   up   I   was   lying   here   on   the   bed.     It   must   have   been   him.     Who   else   could   it   have   been?”     Viola   looked   at   the   pouch   and   said   quietly,

“Dwarf   Mickey   has   returned   here.     He   must   have   gone   to   the   treasure   trove   and   summoned   all   the   treasures   that   had   been   scattered   all   over   the   world   to   come   back   to   their   original   home.     So   that   must   be   why   those   diamonds   left   in   the   pouch   are   struggling   to   join   ranks   with   their   comrades.   They   are   useless   to   us   here,   so   why   don’t   we   take   them   back   to   the   treasure   trove?”     Viola’s   character   seemed   to   have   made   a   180   degree   transition.     Some   sacred   and   mysterious   strength   had   dissipated   her   normally   insatiable   greed.     That   strength   exits   between   heaven   and   earth   and   if   properly   channeled   could   make   life   more   beautiful   than   ever.   Viola   and   Mr.   Finger   picked   up   the   cotton   pouch,   climbed   down   the   stairs   inside   the   tree   and   walked   out   of   the   tree   hole.     She   shrugged   and   changed   herself   to   a   normal   human   shape,   turning   into   a   beautiful   young   woman.     Mr.   Finger   followed   suit   but   nothing   happened.     He   was   still   a   tiny   person,   small   as   a   finger.     Viola   giggled   at   his   frustration   and   said   to   him,

“From   now   on   you   can   change   your   shape   only   with   my   permission.     Understand?”     Mr.   Finger   nodded   his   head   helplessly   and   said,

“Yes.     Yes.   You   are   my   master.     I   will   listen   to   your   every   command.”

“Alright.     You   may   now   shrug   yourself   and   see   what   happens.”     Mr.   Finger   shrugged   again   and   immediately   changed   into   a   tall,   stalwart   man.     They   jumped   into   a   canoe   and   rowed   towards   the   roaring   waterfall.

The   canoe   dashed   into   the   roaring   waterfall   which   was   noisy   as   a   herd   of   racing   horses.     The   drops   of   water   dancing   in   the   veils   of   the   fall   drenched   Viola   and   Mr.   Finger’s   heads,   faces   and   bodies   as   they   passed   through.     After   they   docked   and   secured   their   canoe   by   the   bank   of   the   lake,   Viola   took   out   the   cotton   pouch   she   had   brought   with   her   and   found   that   the   diamonds   inside   were   jumping   and   struggling   even   more   desperately   than   before   as   if   conscious   that   they   were   getting   nearer   to   their   home   and   so   were   becoming   extremely   excited.     She   untied   the   strings   to   the   cotton   pouch   and   the   diamonds   jumped   out,   changed   into   tiny   human   forms,   some   male   some   female   and   made   frantically   for   the   shore.   They   dashed   up   the   stone   steps   skipping   and   dancing   right   up   to   the   mouth   of   the   cave,   which   shimmered   with   a   multicolored   rainbow   of   colors   given   off   by   the   diamonds   gathered   inside.     A   party   was   in   full   swing   inside   the   cave,   which   was   full   of   laughter   and   busy   footsteps,   accompanied   by   melodious   music.   Viola   and   Mr.   Finger   also   walked   up   the   steps,   curious   to   see   what   was   going   on.   Suddenly   they   heard   a   female   voice   singing,

      “For   reasons   unknown,   we   who   used   to   be   stars   in   the   skies,

          Have   been   scattered   far   and   wide.

          Why   are   we   gathered   together   here   again

          Never   shall   we   part   again   since   we   have   been   reunited

          Be   it   in   the   heavens,   on   earth   or   at   the   bottom   of   the   water

          Never   shall   we   part   again   since   we   have   been   reunited…”

Viola   and   Mr.   Finger   stood   at   the   entrance   of   the   cave   and   peeked   inside.     Tiny   figures,   who   had   been   changed   from   diamonds,   filled   the   floor   of   the   cave.     The   one   singing   was   none   other   than   the   walking   girl   known   as   Pink   Puzzle.   She   had   been   transformed   into   a   real   live   girl,   happy   and   vivacious,   dancing   and   singing   among   the   others   tiny   figures,   who   chimed   in,   singing,

                              “Never   shall   we   part   again   since   we   have   been   united,

                                  Never   shall   we   part   again   since   we   have   been   united   …”

Suddenly   a   voice   from   among   the   dancing   and   singing   figures   cried   out,   “Outsiders!     There   are   outsiders   at   the   mouth   of   the   cave   peeping   in!”     A   burst   of   uproar   and   commotion   followed   as   these   tiny   figures   transformed   from   unique   multi-colored   diamonds   quickly   found   their   seemingly   preordained   place   in   queues   and   hastily   jumped   into   their   own   wooden   box.   The   tops   of   dozens   of   boxes   automatically   closed   with   a   bang   and   in   no   time   the   cave   was   emptied   of   all   traces   of   the   partying   figures,   with   not   a   single   diamond   remaining.     It   was   only   then   that   Viola   and   Mr.   Finger   saw   Dwarf   Mickey   sitting   in   the   middle   of   the   cave,   so   completely   soused   that   he   could   hardly   keep   his   dazed   and   blurry   eyes   open.     The   tiara   studded   with   a   huge   ruby   which   he   wore   on   his   head   was   askew   but   he   kept   drinking   from   the   pot   in   his   hand.   Then   he   spoke,

“So   you   are   here.   I   knew   it   must   be   you   two,   Viola   and   Mr.   Finger.   The   diamonds   you   have   stolen   from   me   have   all   come   back.     They   have   returned,   with   not   a   single   one   missing…”   Dwarf   Mickey   stood   up   and   walked   shakily   towards   a   wooden   box.   Propping   himself   with   his   arms,   he   vaulted   up   the   box   and   sat   on   it.     Tilting   his   head,   he   took   another   swing   from   his   pot   of   wine.     He   looked   at   Viola   and   said,  

“It   was   a   great   idea   to   store   all   my   treasures   in   this   cave.     When   the   earthquake   struck,   the   cave   sank   to   the   bottom   of   the   lake,   which   was   why   neither   you   nor   I   could   find   it   all   this   time.   I   thought   they   had   changed   back   to   stars   and   returned   to   their   places   in   the   skies.   Thank   heavens   they   resurfaced   and   I   recovered   my   long   lost   treasure   trove   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.   That’s   great.     My   duty   is   done…You   two   better   leave…”     He   took   another   swing   and   muttered,   “Yes,   it’s   a   great   idea   to   sink   the   treasure   trove   to   the   bottom   of   the   water.     No   one   will   ever   be   able   to   get   their   hands   on   them   again.   Well,   now   that   I   have   found   them   again,   my   job   is   done.     I   will   remain   with   them   at   the   bottom   of   Sun   Moon   Lake   till   the   end   of   time.     That’s   a   great   idea.     Go   on,   you   two.   You   had   better   leave.”     Viola   hung   her   head   shyly   like   a   naughty   girl   who   had   been   caught   doing   a   bad   thing   and   did   not   know   what   to   say,   but   Mr.   Finger   tried   to   dissuade   him   saying,

“Hey   you   old   man,   you   really   take   things   too   hard!   How   could   you   sink   to   the   bottom   of   the   lake   with   your   treasures?     Who   will   be   my   companion   and   drink   with   me?”     Dwarf   Mickey   interrupted   him   before   he   finished   speaking.     Glaring   at   him   he   said   gruffly,

“Shut   up.   Say   no   more.   You   two   better   get   going.     Do   you   really   want   to   sink   to   the   bottom   of   the   waters   with   me?”   Mr.   Finger   and   Dwarf   Mickey   had   been   good   friends   and   often   cracked   jokes   at   each   other.     Mr.   Finger   took   great   pleasure   teasing   the   old   dwarf   until   the   latter   was   really   riled,   so   he   thought   nothing   of   making   the   old   man   mad.     But   he   also   knew   that   the   old   man   was   a   straight   arrow   and   always   said   what   was   on   his   mind.     He   said   what   he   meant   and   once   his   mind   was   made   up,   nothing   could   sway   him.   Suddenly   the   cave   shuddered   and   seemed   to   be   sinking.     Viola   and   Mr.   Finger   looked   at   each   other   and   without   a   word   bent   on   escaping   from   the   sinking   cave.     Both   turned   and   ran   out   of   the   cave,   rushed   down   the   steps,   jumped   into   their   little   canoe,   dashed   through   the   waterfall   and   rowed   for   the   opposite   shore   as   fast   as   they   could.     Behind   them   came   the   sound   of   a   huge   crash,   but   unlike   last   time,   it   was   not   followed   by   any   landslides   or   tsunami   so   the   two   of   them   were   able   to   reach   the   opposite   shore   safely.

It   was   the   crack   of   dawn;   the   sun’s   rays   had   just   begun   to   peep   out   in   the   east.     Its   golden   rays   gradually   spread   over   the   earth   and   naturally   shone   on   Charina’s   little   back   yard.     As   Charina   and   Dimitri   sat   before   the   French   doors   of   the   living   room,   her   eyes   kept   roaming   towards   the   blue   balloon   softly   flapping   in   the   breeze,   hoping   for   news   from   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     Dimitri   looked   very   solemn,   his   hands   anxiously   clutching   the   arms   of   the   sofa,   unable   to   anything   but   sit   there   waiting   for   news.   He   had   heard   from   Richard   just   as   day   broke   and   knew   that   Dwarf   Mickey   had   left   behind   a   note   in   the   dilapidated   little   temple.     Richard   had   read   the   short   note   to   Dimitri   over   the   telephone,   so   Dimitri   knew   of   the   little   old   man’s   intention   to   sink   to   the   bottom   of   Sun   Moon   Lake   together   with   his   treasures.     Richard   had   spent   the   better   part   of   the   night   in   the   maze-like   streets   trying   to   track   down   Dwarf   Mickey   and   Mr.   Finger   but   could   find   no   clue   of   their   whereabouts.   It   was   then   that   he   came   upon   Big-O,   panting   from   his   search.     The   two   of   them   put   their   heads   together   and   decided   that   instead   of   searching   randomly   they   should   go   back   to   the   dilapidated   old   temple,   which   was   the   last   place   Richard   found   traces   of   the   two   and   start   again   from   there.   They   searched   the   place   carefully   and   saw   the   words   Dwarf   Mickey   left   behind   on   the   thick   dust   of   the   altar.     He   immediately   reported   to   Dimitri,   who   said,

“Okay.     I   know   now.   The   two   of   you   have   been   searching   all   night   and   must   be   very   tired.   You   should   both   go   home   and   take   a   break.   There   is   nothing   we   can   do   at   the   moment   except   wait   for   news…     Hopefully   news   will   come   soon   from   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams…   We’ll   talk   about   this   when   we   meet.”     Charina   had   heard   the   conversation   and   knew   the   gist   of   things.   She   immediately   suggested   going   back   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   right   away   and   perhaps   stop   Dwarf   Mickey   from   going   down   to   the   bottom   of   the   lake   with   his   treasures.  

“Too   late”   sighed   Dimitri   shaking   his   head.   “It’s   too   late.   He   had   left   quite   a   while   ago.”

“How   could   it   be   too   late?     In   your   Kingdom   of   Dreams   there   is   no   such   thing   as   the   starting   point   or   the   ending   point.   There   is   no   beginning   and   no   end.     Any   point   could   be   the   original   one,   and   we   could   go   back   to   the   time   before   it   happened.     You   told   me   it   was   like   flipping   the   pages   of   a   book.     You   could   start   at   the   beginning,   the   end   or   the   middle.     If   you   want   to   you   could   write   a   completely   new   book   and   no   one   would   stop   you.   How   could   it   be   too   late?”

“Don’t   forget   that   Dwarf   Mickey   may   look   like   a   short,   eccentric   dwarf”   replied   Dimitri   with   a   wry   smile,   “but   actually   he   is   the   god   of   wealth   in   charge   of   all   the   riches   of   the   world.     He   knows   what   he   is   doing   and   there   is   sure   to   be   a   reason   or   plan   for   his   actions.   I   know   him   well.     Once   he   has   decided   on   a   course   of   action,   wild   horses   could   not   draw   him   back.   He   will   persevere   to   the   end   and   no   one   could   change   his   mind.   Who   knows   what   is   in   store?     Perhaps   changing   the   course   of   things   he   has   decided   on   would   bring   about   unknown   tragic   consequences.”

“Really?”   said   Charina   mystified.     She   remembered   the   first   time   she   saw   Dwarf   Mickey.     His   dictatorial   manners   and   sticking   to   his   own   way   whatever   other   may   say   did   not   leave   her   with   a   favorable   impression.     In   fact,   his   slovenly   clothing   and   terrible   table   manners   were   quite   repulsive.     But   as   she   grew   to   know   him   better,   she   discovered   that   he   was   quite   witty   and   humorous   and   was   a   lovable   old   man.   He   was   very   old,   with   snow   white   long   white   beard   and   eye   brows,   but   hated   to   be   called   old.   If   you   did   so,   he   would   fly   into   a   rage   and   turn   his   back   on   you.   Charina   turned   to   Dimitri   and   asked,   “Richard   read   you   the   note   over   the   phone   saying   Dwarf   Mickey   decided   to   go   down   to   the   bottom   of   the   Sun   Moon   Lake   together   with   his   treasures.   Does   it   mean   he   will   commit   suicide?     Will   he   really   die?”

“I   don’t   know”   replied   Dimitri.   “I   cannot   answer   your   question   because   I   don’t   have   the   answer.     As   you   said,   anything   can   happen   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     Nothing   is   impossible.   It   is   not   a   question   of   yes   or   no.   It   has   no   answer   therefore   I   cannot   answer   your   question.

In   the   wide   expanse   of   blue   skies,   a   white   dove   could   be   seen   flying   freely   in   the   blue   skies.     When   it   saw   the   blue   balloon,   it   seemed   to   have   found   its   target   and   flew   towards   it.     It   encircled   the   balloon   a   few   times   and   slowly   descended.     Catching   sight   of   the   white   dove,   Charina   said   in   a   trembling   voice,  

“It’s   here!     The   white   dove   is   here.     It   knows   me   as   I   have   seen   her   before.     She   is   the   messenger   from   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.”     Charina   opened   the   French   doors   and   ran   into   the   small   back   yard   waving,   jumping   and   calling   to   the   white   dove   saying,   “I’m   here.     I’m   right   here.     Have   you   brought   me   good   news?”   The   dove   also   saw   Charina   and   opening   its   beak   dropped   the   note   she   had   been   holding   there.     Then   it   turned   around   and   flew   back   towards   the   deep   blue   skies.     Charina   ran   towards   the   white   piece   of   paper   fluttering   down   from   above   and   extricated   it   from   the   branches   of   a   small   tree.     As   she   ran   into   the   living   room   with   the   note   in   her   hand,   Dimitri   asked   anxiously,

“What   does   it   say?     What   does   it   say?”     Charina   held   the   note   and   with   eyes   wide   open,   read   it   slowly   and   clearly.    

“Dear   King   Dimitri:   I   want   to   report   to   you   very   good   news,   but   I   don’t   know   where   to   begin.   It   is   quite   an   unbelievable   mystery.   Giant   Mountain   has   reverted   back   to   its   original   form.     The   broken   parts   that   had   sunk   to   the   bottom   of   the   lake   have   come   back   up   and   the   Giant   Mountain   is   now   as   good   as   it   ever   was   before.   The   giant’s   paralyzed   posture   however   has   changed.     It   is   no   longer   lying   prostrate   but   is   reclining   towards   the   right   with   his   legs   slightly   bent.   His   right   hand   cups   his   chin   and   his   left   hand   is   on   his   abdomen.     He   is   fast   asleep,   his   expression   serene   and   comfortable.     He   looks   as   if   one   day   he   would   wake   up,   yawn,   sit   up   and   stretch   himself.     He   may   ever   stand   up   and   walk   around.     It   is   really   quite   surreal   and   unbelievable.   Nothing   is   impossible   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     You   must   be   very   happy   to   hear   of   this   good   news.     Another   thing   I   need   to   report   is,   that   huge   cliff   with   its   30   –   40   meter   waterfall   that   emerged   at   the   entrance   of   the   lake   after   the   earthquake   and   tsunami,   somehow   suddenly   sank   to   the   bottom   of   the   lake.     Deanna   swam   down   and   found   the   floor   of   the   lake   smooth   and   clean   with   no   trace   of   the   fallen   cliff.     Isn’t   that   strange?   I   have   led   the   natives   back   to   the   Kingdom   They   are   fishing,   hunting   and   farming   as   they   used   to   and   have   resumed   the   old   order   of   life.   The   mountains   and   waters   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   are   even   more   beautiful   than   they   used   to   be.     The   people   are   all   waiting   impatiently   for   the   return   of   their   King.     When   will   you   come   back,   King   Dimitri?     Why   are   you   still   wandering   around   in   the   mundane   world?     Come   back,   your   majesty.   Signed   Medusa.”     There   was   no   mention   of   Dwarf   Mickey.     Medusa   did   not   seem   to   know   that   the   treasury   trove   was   in   the   huge   cliff,   and   that   Dwarf   Mickey   had   sunk   to   the   bottom   of   the   lake   with   it.   “Well”   said   Charina.   “That   should   be   considered   good   news.   Right?”   Dimitri   nodded,   but   did   not   reply.   With   his   hands   on   his   cheeks,   he   seemed   half   asleep   as   he   fell   into   a   deep   reverie.   Charina   did   not   want   to   bother   him,   so   she   took   Maureen   and   tiptoed   out   of   the   living   room.     Dimitri   remembered   the   first   time   Dwarf   Mickey   entered   his   dreams,   and   reminisced   about   how   they   later   became   friends   remembering   every   little   detail,   each   droplets   of   conversation.   Dwarf   Mickey   was   incredible   and   inexplicable.     Dimitri   could   only   save   the   image   of   his   old   friend   intact   in   his   heart.


                Chapter   4                   Imagination   and   Creativity

Under   the   sunlight,   a   slew   of   soap   bubbles   floated   in   the   air,   glistening   with   multi-colored   sheen.     A   young   mother   holding   her   4-5-year-old   son   walked   past   Dimitri.     The   boy   looked   at   Dimitri   crouched   at   the   corner   of   the   street,   his   clothes   tattered,   his   disorderly   beard   unshaved,   staring   at   the   blue   skies   with   sightless   eyes   and   felt   a   sense   of   pity   for   the   poor   homeless   beggar.     He   walked   over   and   held   out   something   towards   Dimitri   saying,

“Here.   This   is   for   you   to   play   with.”     Dimitri   held   out   his   hands,   ran   his   fingers   over   the   object   and   knew   it   was   a   toy   like   the   one   he   had   played   with   when   he   was   a   boy.   It   was   a   small   glass   bottle   attached   with   a   tiny   straw   circled   with   some   wire.     He   looked   towards   the   boy   and   said,

“Thank   you   very   much.     God   bless   you.   It’s   very   kind   of   you.”     The   boy   giggled   and   ran   back   to   his   mother   and   the   two   of   them   walked   away   holding   hands.     Dimitri   was   just   feeling   bored   wondering   what   to   do   with   his   time   when   here   was   a   toy   he   had   not   played   with   since   he   was   small.     He   had   long   forgotten   that   such   a   thing   existed.     Pulling   out   the   stopper,   he   dipped   his   tiny   straw   into   the   bottle   and   blew   on   it.   A   string   of   multi-colored   soap   bubbles   floated   into   the   air.   Dimitri   seemed   to   have   recovered   the   childlike   innocence   of   his   childhood   and   continued   to   blow   soap   bubbles   with   great   relish   and   zest.     All   around   him   were   noisy   footsteps,   some   brisk,   and   full   of   confidence.     Though   he   was   blind,   Dimitri   could   feel   the   vibes   of   the   jeering   and   scornful   looks   cast   his   way,   looks   that   were   completely   devoid   of   human   sentiment.     They   seemed   to   say,   “Time   is   money.     Time   can   produce   wealth.   Sitting   at   the   corner   of   the   street   is   just   wasting   time   and   wasting   your   life.   You   are   a   dreg   of   society,   a   good-for-nothing!”   But   Dimitri   sat   there   completely   ignoring   those   knife-like   digs.   As   he   continued   to   blow   soap   bubbles,   he   muttered   to   himself,     “I   live   for   myself   alone.     What   has   other   people’s   looks   have   to   do   with   me?   To   care   about   the   opinion   of   others   is   like   asking   for   trouble   and   worrying   myself   for   nothing…”   The   multi-colored   bubbles   floating   upwards   and   soon   disappeared.     Like   dreams,   bubbles   burst   easily,   but   soon   other   bubbles   float   up   to   the   skies,   just   as   other   dreams   come   to   take   the   place   of   their   predecessors..   Thus,   Dimitri’s   boring   life   became   rich   and   full,   and   lacked   for   nothing.     He   comforted   himself   saying,”   So   long   as   there   are   dreams,   everything   will   be   fine.     So   long   as   there   are   dreams,   life   is   beautiful   and   I   shall   want   for   nothing   and   I   need   nothing   else.”     He   blew   another   fabulously   large   bubble   which   floated   up   and   up   towards   the   skies.

Dimitri   sat   there   blowing   bubbles.     The   strange   and   comic   figure   of   a   middle-aged   homeless   person,   whose   attention   was   solely   concentrated   on   blowing   soap   bubbles   using   a   toy   for   young   boys,   aroused   the   curiosity   of   passerbyers.     Although   Dimitri   was   blind,   he   was   very   sensitive   to   the   atmosphere   around   him   and   soon   he   felt   he   had   become   an   object   of   interest   to   curious   pedestrians.     It   was   then   that   he   realized   he   was   in   the   wrong   place.     Across   the   street   was   a   fashionable   café   which   was   full   any   time   of   the   day   and   people   were   constantly   coming   in   or   going   out.   He   stood   up   and   walked   to   a   street   corner   to   escape   the   scrutiny   of   other   people.

    Just   at   this   time   his   loyal   servants   Imagination   and   Creativity   were   mingling   in   the   crowd   inside   the   cafe.     They   were   like   two   genii   hiding   in   the   air.     They   could   see   everything   but   were   invisible   to   others.   The   strong   and   enticing   smell   of   coffee   permeated   the   café   while   melodious   love   songs   of   the   oldies   that   had   recently   become   all   the   vogue,   played   in   the   background.   Good   songs   will   never   go   out   of   fashion.   The   patrons   here   all   have   electronic   devices   in   front   of   them,   some   big   some   small.   The   biggest   were   about   the   size   of   a   notebook,   while   the   small   ones   fit   the   palm   of   their   hands.   Imagination   and   Creativity   remembered   that   on   their   way   to   this   café,   whether   it   was   at   bus   stops,   or   on   BART,   many   passengers   had   electronic   screens   before   them.     Even   pedestrians   hurrying   on   their   way   glanced   every   now   and   then   at   something   in   their   hands.   What   fascination   is   there   on   the   electronic   screen   that   could   catch   the   attention   of   thus   many   people   for   such   long   a   time?   They   were   all   so   absorbed   that   their   eyeballs   stared   unblinkingly   at   the   screen!  

  Imagination   looked   amidst   the   patrons   curious   to   find   out   what   could   attract   the   interest   and   attention   of   so   many   people.     She   found   that   some   were   playing   video   games,   some   were   trying   to   solve   difficult   and   intricate   mathematic   problems,   some   were   looking   for   and   downloading   information   they   needed   from   the   libraries   and   some   were   shopping   online,   buying   clothes,   shoes,   underwear   or   cosmetics.     Some   housewives   were   doing   a   whole   week’s   grocery   shopping   and   some   people   were   just   answering   or   deleting   e-mails.   Still   others   were   in   chat   rooms   talking   online   with   friends   and   relatives   on   the   other   side   of   the   globe   or   talking   to   absolute   strangers   in   foreign   countries.   In   a   word,   you   can   buy   anything   you   want   online   with   the   exception   of   drugs   or   medication   that   needed   a   doctor’s   prescription.     The   web   also   offered   all   kinds   of   strange   and   multifarious   information,   such   as   teaching   you   how   to   make   a   bomb   yourself   at   home   and   how   to   commit   suicide   etc.     In   the   end   Imagination   came   to   the   conclusion   that   so   long   as   you   know   how   to   operate   this   handy   and   portable   machine,   you   can   have   all   the   information   the   world   has   to   offer   in   your   palm.     Of   course   there   were   lots   of   other   functions   of   this   handy   and   portable   machine   that   they   had   not   discovered.

After   making   a   round   of   this   café   which   fused   the   decor   of   old   fashioned   charm   and   grace   with   that   of   the   modern   age,   Imagination   and   her   companion   Creativity   met   in   front   of   the   large,   bright,   squeaky   clean   window.     Creativity   was   a   tall   and   athletic-looking   young   man,   much   like   a   handsome   sun   god   Apollo.     He   was   tall   and   stalwart,   excluding   an   air   of   eye-dazzling   brilliance   like   the   sun.     His   companion   Imagination   was   entirely   different.     Aside   from   a   beautiful   countenance,   her   character   was   gentle,   sentimental   and   alluring   as   the   moonlight   and   as   beloved   by   all.   Imagination   was   saying   musingly,

“The   fact   that   science,   civilization   and   technology   have   progressed   to   the   present   stage   is   really   unbelievable.”     Creativity   folded   his   arms   over   his   chest   and   replied,

“Not   only   that.     Man   is   also   developing   a   means   of   transportation   that   would   enable   them   to   travel   into   the   universe.     Many   years   ago   they   had   already   landed   on   the   moon.     The   next   target   must   be   Mars.   After   they   have   visited   all   nine   planets   in   the   solar   system,   they   may   even   go   beyond   that   and   advance   to   the   remote   Milky   Way   System.”

“Really”   muttered   Imagination.   “Such   speed   is   really   unimaginable.     I   think   science   is   progressing   too   fast.     Man   should   stop   and   think   what   should   be   done   next;   or   to   put   it   more   bluntly   they   should   consider   whether   it   is   worthwhile   to   push   forward   at   the   rate   they   are   doing   now.”

“What?”   exclaimed   Creativity,   “stop?     That’s   impossible.”     Using   his   chin   to   indicate   the   scene   outside   the   windows,   he   said,   “Look   at   the   passing   cars   on   the   streets.     Man’s   technology   and   civilization   are   like   cars   without   brakes.     Once   the   engine   is   started   it   will   never   stop.     Only   when   the   gas   in   its   tank   is   all   used   up   will   it   slow   down   and   stop.   So   once   on   course,   the   advancement   of   science   and   technology   will   never   stop.”

“That’s   just   what   I   am   worried   about”   said   Imagination,   brushing   aside   a   strand   of   hair   that   had   fallen   to   her   forehead.   She   looked   at   Creativity   and   said,   “Man’s   behavior   is   like   that   of   a   prodigal   son   who   squanders   the   money   left   him   by   his   forefathers   lavishly   without   restraint.   They   are   digging   and   excavating   everywhere,   unearthing   minerals   and   other   natural   materials.     These   are   God’s   gift   to   the   planet   and   should   not   be   used   up   so   heedlessly   without   thought   to   future   generations.   What   would   happen   when   they   had   excavated   everything?     That   is   why   I   say   man   should   stop   for   a   moment   to   reflect   and   think   things   over   and   then   decide   how   things   should   be   done   next.”

“What   should   be   done   next…”   muttered   Creativity.   “What   is   your   opinion   of   the   next   step?”

“The   path   of   the   development   of   human   civilization   has   been   hard,   twisting   and   uneven.   They   should   stop   and   look   back   on   what   they   have   gone   through.   Look   at   the   ecological   balance   of   our   natural   environment   now   and   compare   it   with   what   it   was   before.     It   is   completely   different   and   beyond   recognition   from   what   was.   If   man   goes   on   the   way   they   have   been   doing,   the   result   would   hardly   bear   thinking.     So   that   is   why   I   think   Man   should   stop   to   reflect,   think   things   over,   do   some   honest   self   introspection   and   decide   what   next   step   to   take.   Human   civilization   had   gone   through   a   torturous   and   uneven   path   to   get   to   where   we   are   today,   so   I   feel   we   should   go   back   to   the   time   before   civilization   began,   to   that   original   starting   point   and   consider   and   plan   how   the   development   of   human   civilization   should   go.”   Creativity’s   eyes   were   full   of   doubt   and   perplexity,   he   murmured,

“Man   should   go   back   to   the   time   before   human   civilization   began,   to   that   original   starting   point…   Isn’t   that   saying…that   we   should   go   back   to   the   Garden   of   Eden?   But   man   had   been   driven   out   of   the   Garden   by   Jehovah,   how   can   we   go   back?”     Imagination   and   Creativity   are   two   genii   who   hide   in   the   air.     Their   conversation   are   like   air   communicating   with   air,   no   one   else   can   hear   or   be   aware   of   their   existence.

It   was   a   lovely   early   morning   in   spring.     The   dawn   fog   had   yet   to   fully   recede,   but   in   the   large   garden   luxuriant   trees   and   bushes   were   lush   with   emerald   green   leaves.     Myriads   of   colorful   and   unique   flowers   which   grew   on   both   sides   of   the   winding   garden   path,   tossed   their   heads   in   the   light   spring   breeze   as   if   vying   for   attention.   A   man   and   a   woman   could   be   seen   strolling   down   the   garden   path   laughing   and   chatting   and   came   nearer   and   nearer.   They   were   naked   as   the   day   they   were   created.   The   man   suddenly   laughed   heartily   and   said,

“I   have   almost   forgotten   that   your   name   used   to   be   Eve.     It   was   King   Dimitri   who   gave   you   the   new   name   of   Imagination.     Ah   yes,   I   have   even   entirely   forgotten   my   own   original   name   of   Adam,   which   King   Dimitri   changed   to   Creativity.”     The   beautiful   young   woman   called   Eve   immediately   made   a   sign   for   silence   to   her   companion,   saying

“Sh-sh-sh!     Don’t   talk   so   loudly!     Have   you   forgotten   that   the   reason   we   are   back   here   at   the   Garden   of   Eden   is   to   get   another   taste   of   the   forbidden   fruit?     The   flavor   of   that   apple   so   sweet   and   fragrant   once   savored   is   unforgettable.   If   you   laugh   and   talk   without   restrain,   you   might   attract   the   attention   of   Jehovah   and   the   result   would   be   a   catastrophe.     If   you   anger   him,   the   punishment   this   time   may   not   be   so   simple   as   being   driven   out   of   the   Garden   of   Eden.”     The   two   of   them   stopped   before   an   apple   tree.     Adam   said,

“I   think   that   serpent   will   show   itself   pretty   soon   and   try   to   entice   you   to   take   a   bite   of   the   forbidden   fruit.”     Eve   blushed   slightly   and   answered,

“Actually   the   serpent’s   temptation   was   not   necessary.     I   had   long   been   curious   about   the   apple   and   wanted   to   taste   it.   If   not   for   Jehovah’s   orders   and   fear   of   his   reprisal   I   would   have   picked   one   and   tasted   it   long   before.     But   it   was   bound   to   happen   sooner   or   later,   I’m   afraid.   The   serpent’s   temptation   only   precipitated   the   act.     The   flavor   was   really   unforgettable.   Isn’t   the   purpose   of   our   visit   here   to   get   another   taste   of   the   forbidden   fruit?”     Saying   so,   Eve   jumped   high   and   plucked   a   juicy   red   apple   from   the   tree.   She   took   a   bite   of   the   crunchy   fruit   and   closed   her   eyes   in   ecstasy   as   she   savored   its   unparalleled   taste.     She   held   the   apple   to   Adam,   who   also   took   a   bite   and   smacked   his   lips   at   the   wonderful   flavor.  

“The   serpent   that   tempted   you   to   break   Jehovah’s   law   by   eating   the   forbidden   fruit   was   really   the   devil”   he   said.     “Thus   we   incurred   the   wrath   of   God   and   were   driven   out   of   the   Garden   of   Eden.   But   the   forbidden   fruit   was   also   called   the   Fruit   of   Knowledge.     Why   should   Jehovah   be   so   angry   that   we   ate   it?   Why   were   we   punished   so   severely   for   eating   the   fruit   of   knowledge?   What   is   the   logical   inevitability   of   this?”     Imagination   glanced   at   Creativity,   saying,

“Isn’t   that   perfectly   clear?   Jehovah   created   Man,   who   in   turn   created   their   own   brilliant   civilization   so   lustrous   and   brilliant   that   even   the   Creator   himself   was   stunned   and   astonished   that   his   creatures   could   achieve   such   distinguished   and   illustrious   results.   But   Jehovah   in   his   omniscience   knew   that   man   would   not   be   able   to   use   this   knowledge   wisely   and   that   they   may   even   misuse   and   misdirect   it   to   their   detriment.   Look   at   what   is   happening   in   the   world   today   and   you   know   He   is   right.     Global   warming,   the   rising   of   sea   levels,   drastic   climate   changes   etc.   are   all   signs   that   Doomsday   is   on   the   way.”    

“Yes,   you   are   right”   nodded   Creativity.     “But   according   to   your   theory,   we   opened   the   floodgates   of   human   civilization   by   eating   this   first   apple.     Now   that   we   have   eaten   the   second   one,   do   you   think   civilization   will   surge   forward   even   more   rapidly   than   before?”

“No,   no,   no”   replied   Imagination   “I   don’t   mean   that   at   all.     I   think   Man   should   stop   to   reflect,   think   things   over,   do   some   honest   self   introspection   and   decide   what   next   step   to   take.   Civilization   will   never   stop   progressing.   As   you   said,   like   a   brakeless   car,   once   the   engine   is   started   it   will   never   stop.     Only   when   the   gas   in   its   tank   is   all   used   up   will   it   slow   down.     Man’s   brain   will   never   stop   working   either.     But   I   hope   man   will   change   the   direction   of   their   pursuits   from   unlimited   expansion   to   more   introversive   ones,   such   as   searching   into   the   depth   of   their   own   souls.”

“Searching   into   the   depth   of   their   own   souls…?”   questioned   Creativity.     “I   don’t   understand   what   you   mean…”

“What’s   so   hard   to   understand   about   that?”   smiled   Imagination.   “It’s   very   simple.   In   the   depth   of   King   Dimitri’s   heart,   there   is   a   piece   of   land   called   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     It   is   an   area   of   infinite   possibilities.   Don’t   you   think   it   is   worthwhile   for   man   to   visit   there   and   see   for   themselves...?   Actually   I   came   to   these   conclusions   only   after   a   lot   of   internal   struggle.     Will   man   bring   their   modern   cutting   edge   technology   there?   King   Dimitri’s   Kingdom   is   the   last   existing   piece   of   virgin   soil   untouched   by   civilization.   If   man   went   there   and   dug   and   excavated   indiscriminately,   they   would   have   destroyed   our   refuge.     Where   are   we   to   find   another   untouched   piece   of   virgin   soil   to   stay   in?     What   shall   we   do   then?”     Suddenly   a   few   white   clouds   gradually   moved   towards   each   other   to   form   the   figure   of   a   man   and   rumbles   of   thunder   were   heard.     Creativity   became   frightened   as   he   looked   towards   the   sky   and   said,

“Oh   my   gosh,   catastrophe   is   here.     Jehovah   is   furious   that   intruders   dared   to   trespass   into   the   Garden   of   Eden.     What   shall   we   do?”     He   pulled   Imagination   by   the   hand   and   the   two   of   them   ran   out   of   the   Garden   of   Eden   as   fast   as   they   could,   leaving   the   remnant   of   the   unfinished   forbidden   fruit   behind   under   the   apple   tree.

A   string   of   soap   bubbles   floated   into   the   air,   but   soon   burst   and   disappeared.   Another   string   of   bubbles   appeared.     Sitting   at   the   corner   of   the   street,   Dimitri   used   his   tiny   straw   to   kept   blowing   soap   bubbles   to   while   away   the   time.     He   had   nothing   to   do,   or   to   put   it   more   precisely   there   was   nothing   he   had   to   do   within   a   particular   time   frame,   which   was   equivalent   to   having   nothing   to   do.     With   too   much   leisure   time,   he   felt   it   hard   to   dispel   boredom.   He   did   not   know   what   to   do   with   the   limitless   time   on   his   hands   which   seemed   to   spread   outwards   infinitely.     Unlike   normal   people   who   always   feel   they   do   not   have   enough   time   to   do   what   they   need   or   want   to,   Dimitri   found   he   had   more   time   than   he   knew   what   to   do   with.   Time   was   like   a   flood   that   completely   inundated   him   and   spread   outwards   indefinitely.     To   Dimitri   too   much   time,   so   limitless   and   unending,   was   like   zero.     If   time   was   equal   to   zero,   then   space   does   not   exist   either.     If   time   and   space   were   both   zero,   then   zero   plus   zero   was   still   zero.     In   a   second   or   less,   time   and   space   separate   and   each   go   its   own   different   way.   Suddenly   Dimitri   felt   a   pang   in   his   heart   and   he   murmured,

“Time   and   space   overlap   and   are   equal   to   zero.     When   will   such   a   phenomena   happen?”     He   smiled   wryly   and   continued,   “I   am   back   at   my   old   tricks   again,   going   off   into   wild   flights   of   fancy.     What   is   this   ‘time   and   space   overlap   and   equal   to   zero’?     What   has   it   to   do   with   me?”     Dimitri   raised   his   hand   and   lighted   slapped   his   cheeks.   “It’s   really   just   senseless   ideas…Well,   old   habits   die   hard   and   this   bad   habit   of   mine   may   well   remain   with   me   for   the   rest   of   my   life.     But   this   bad   habit   does   help   me   while   away   the   limitless   time   on   my   hands,   otherwise   what   can   I   do   with   all   this   leisure?”   Dimitri   smiled   wryly   and   went   back   to   his   toy.     String   after   string   of   soap   bubbles   floated   into   the   air.

Someone   approached,   plopped   down   beside   Dimitri   and   elbowed   him   saying,

“Hey,   old   dog,   are   you   up   to   your   old   tricks   again?   You   go   into   your   wild   flights   of   fancy,   mutter   to   yourself   and   even   slap   your   own   face   while   you   smile   wryly.     People   will   think   you   are   mad!”   Dimitri   knew   from   his   voice   that   it   was   his   old   friend,   David,   another   homeless   vagabond.

“How   are   you,   David?”   he   asked.     “How   have   you   been   doing?”

“Same   old   shit,   different   day”   sighed   David.   “Times   are   tough   and   it’s   getting   harder   and   harder   to   get   by.     I   scrounged   about   for   half   the   morning   and   only   got   these   few   cigarette   butts…   Most   people   nowadays   think   smoking   will   cause   lung   cancer   and   so   have   quit.   Also   with   the   economic   downturn,   people   have   no   money   and   cigarette   prices   keep   going   up,   so   fewer   people   can   afford   to   smoke.   It’s   getting   more   and   more   difficult   to   find   cigarette   butts   on   the   ground.   Life   is   getting   tougher   and   tough…   Stop   blowing   soap   bubbles,   that’s   kids’   stuff.   Come   on,   I’ll   give   you   a   cigarette   butt,   let’s   smoke.”     Saying   so,   he   took   out   a   crumpled   piece   of   paper   from   his   pocket,   and   carefully   selected   a   flattened   cigarette   butt   which   he   handed   over   to   Dimitri.     Dimitri   took   over   the   butt   and   rolled   it   carefully   to   its   original   round   shape   without   spilling   any   of   the   tobacco   inside.   David   struck   a   match   and   lighted   the   cigarette   butt   which   Dimitri   inhaled   deeply.     All   of   a   sudden   Dimitri   felt   his   heart-rate   accelerate;   his   head   spin   around   dizzily   and   knew   that   his   blood   pressure   must   be   sky-rocketing.   “Cigarettes   are   the   devil!”   he   thought.   Turning   to   David,   he   said,

“Actually   smoking   is   really   nonessential.   If   you   have   a   cigarette   on   hand   it’s   pretty   satisfying   to   have   a   smoke;   but   if   you   don’t   have   one,   it’s   okay   too.   There   really   is   no   need   to   spend   a   lot   of   time   scrounging   all   over   for   cigarette   butts   flattened   by   other   people’s   shoes.”

“That’s   easy   for   you   to   say”   answered   David,   who   had   also   taken   out   a   cigarette   butt   for   himself.     He   inhaled   deeply   and   continued,   “This   stuff   is   habit-forming.     Once   you’re   indicted   to   it,   it’s   not   easy   to   quit.   I   spend   most   of   the   day   looking   for   cigarette   butts   to   pick   up.   It’s   okay,   since   I   don’t   have   anything   else   to   do   anyway.   Collecting   them   has   become   a   daily   routine   for   me.     You   know,   it’s   not   too   bad   for   me   although   not   having   anything   to   smoke   is   a   pain.   The   alcoholics   and   drug   addicts   have   it   worse.   When   they   suffer     withdrawal   symptoms,   it’s   infinitely   worse…”  

“You’re   right,   it’s   best   not   to   be   addicted   to   anything”   answered   Dimitri   vaguely.   David   dragged   mightily   on   his   cigarette   repeatedly,   sucking   the   smoke   into   his   lungs   and   then   let   it   all   out   until   his   cigarette   butt   was   reduced   to   cinders   and   burnt   his   fingers.     Only   then   did   he   reluctantly   throw   it   to   the   roadside   and   let   it   die   out   on   its   own.     Suddenly   David   thought   of   something   and   asked,

“Have   you   heard   of   two   very   strange   incidents   that   happened   recently?”

“What   incidents?   I   haven’t   heard   of   any”   answered   Dimitri.

“There   is   a   guy   called…now   what’s   his   name…eh,   he’s   called…   Gosh,   I’ve   forgotten   his   name.     Anyway   he’s   a   famous   jewelry   designer   or   some   kind   of   jewelry   expert.   Recently   he   became   mentally   unbalanced.     He   would   neither   sleep   nor   eat   for   days   and   would   go   around   asking   people,   “Have   you   seen   my   Pink   Puzzle?   Ah,   the   Pink   Puzzle   used   to   be   the   brightest   star   in   the   heavens   and   I   was   fortunate   enough   to   get   hold   of   it.   How   did   it   change   into   a   common   rock?     Could   it   have   flown   back   to   the   skies?”     He   would   roam   around   in   a   crazy   manner   and   was   finally   taken   to   the   madhouse.”

“Really?”   said   Dimitri,   astonished   by   the   news.     “That’s   really   an   extraordinary   piece   of   news.”   But   in   his   heart,   he   had   already   guessed   at   the   true   story.  

“There’s   something   even   more   strange”   continued   David.   “The   owner   of   that   luxurious   casino   hotel   called…gosh,   I’ve   forgotten   his   name   too.     Anyway,   he’s   a   really   a   heartless   rich   guy.     He   said   that   we   homeless   vagabonds   were   dirty   and   our   clothes   were   tattered.     He   forbade   us   to   be   near   the   streets   around   his   casino/hotel   saying   that   we   would   tarnish   the   image   of   his   business.     He   further   said   that   if   we   dared   to   approach   his   casino,   he   would   order   his   goon   squad   to   beat   us   up.   Several   of   us   were   badly   hurt   by   the   goons,   but   the   owner   was   not   a   bit   concerned.   But   this   time   he   had   his   comeuppance!     Recently   he   somehow   got   his   hands   on   a   batch   of   valuable   diamonds.     He   put   them   up   as   collateral   at   a   group   of   banks   and   got   a   lot   of   money   for   them,   which   he   used   to   expand   his   business.     But   somehow   the   batch   of   diamonds   turned   into   rocks.   The   banks   sued   him   for   fraud   through   sorcery   and   the   courts   ordered   him   to   pay   back   the   money   he   got   and   also   closed   down   his   luxurious   casino/hotel.   In   desperation   and   frustration,   he   committed   suicide   by   jumping   from   a   high   building.   Isn’t   that   just   retribution?”

“Is   that   so?”   exclaimed   Dimitri.     “As   the   saying   goes,   men   die   for   wealth   and   birds   die   for   food.   It   seems   that   ill-gotten   goods   are   not   really   good   for   us   and   are   like   a   bolt   from   the   blue.     But   how   many   people   in   this   world   can   remain   unmoved   in   face   of   the   temptation   of   wealth?   Too   few,   too   few….”     Dimitri   knew   that   all   these   valuable   diamonds   and   jewels   were   brought   into   the   mundane   world   by   Viola   and   Mr.   Finger,   who   stole   them   from   Dwarf   Mickey’s   treasure   trove   and   squandered   them   all   having   a   good   time.   Now   these   precious   diamonds   and   jewels   have   been   called   back   to   the   treasure   trove   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   by   Dwarf   Mickey,   the   god   of   wealth.   But   Dimitri   could   not   tell   this   inside   story   to   outsiders.     Even   if   he   did,   he   would   not   be   believed,   so   he   could   only   remain   silent   and   keep   his   own   counsel.

The   blue   skies   dimmed   and   turned   a   deeper   blue.     Soon   that   deeper   blue   would   flair   up   into   a   myriad   of   colors   of   the   late   afternoon   sky.     David   looked   at   the   skies   and   said,

“I   want   to   confess   to   you   that   I   did   something   bad   a   few   days   ago.     I   put   on   your   dark   glasses,   held   a   white   cane   and   pretended   to   be   you   sitting   at   the   corner   of   the   street,   begging   for   alms.     My   luck   was   good   and   the   diamond   couple   came   by.     The   guy   was   tall   and   stalwart,   and   the   woman   was   very   beautiful.     She   was   also   very   generous.     Perhaps   she   pitied   my   pretended   blindness.     Anyway   she   dropped   something   in   my   jar   with   a   clang.     I   looked   down   and   found   it   was   a   large   glittering   green   diamond.     I   was   so   happy   I   completely   forgot   I   was   pretending   to   be   a   blind   beggar.   I   snatched   it   up   ran   away   in   exaltation.     I’m   afraid   that   young   couple   will   never   again   give   anything   to   the   blind,   thinking   they   were   all   frauds.     Though   it   was   not   my   intention,   I’m   afraid   I   have   hurt   the   prospects   of   real   blind   beggars.   Later,   I   realized   these   two   must   have   been   the   diamond   couple   everyone   was   talking   about   at   the   time.     I   went   to   various   Chinatown   jewelry   stores   trying   to   sell   that   green   diamond.     One   of   the   store   owners   tried   to   fleece   me   and   taking   me   for   a   fool   offered   me   a   ridiculously   low   price.   Although   I   am   not   a   professional   jeweler,   I   am   not   a   blind   man   who   could   be   easily   conned.     Anyone   with   eyes   could   see   that   what   I   had   was   a   priceless   gem   dazzling   in   its   glittering   brilliance.     It   was   no   ordinary   jewel.   I   turned   around   and   walked   out   of   the   shop.   That   store   owner   followed   me   and   for   several   days   wherever   I   went   there   he   would   be   sure   to   turn   up,   beseeching   me   to   sell   my   diamond   to   him.     His   manners   became   quite   humble   and   servile.   In   fact   one   day   he   caught   up   with   me   several   times   and   flashed   large   quantities   of   cash   before   me,   hoping   the   sight   of   those   greenbacks   would   facilitate   a   quick   sale.   I   thought   that   since   he   was   so   obsessed   with   the   green   diamond,   I   might   as   well   let   him   continue   making   offers   until   I   was   satisfied   with   the   price.   I   would   string   him   along   and   take   him   for   all   I   could.     But   alas,   perhaps   I   was   too   greedy   for   when   I   looked   at   the   diamond   which   I   held   tightly   in   my   hand   the   following   day,   the   green   diamond   had   turned   into   a   common   rock.   Fate   played   a   great   joke   on   me.   The   bird   I   already   had   in   hand   just   flew   away.   I   suppose   I   was   destined   to   be   a   beggar,   not   fit   to   enjoy   enormous   wealth   that   just   dropped   into   my   lap!   My   luck   is   really   bad…   I   suppose   if   I   had   not   been   so   greedy   and   sold   the   diamond   for   a   reasonable   price,   I   would   now   be   a   wealthy   man.     But   I   was   too   greedy   and   my   diamond   turned   into   stone…I   don’t   know   how   heaven   arranges   man’s   destinies.     Some   people   have   more   money   than   they   can   ever   spend   in   their   whole   lifetime,   while   I   am   poor   as   a   church   mouse   and   roam   the   streets   all   day   enduring   hunger   and   thirst   like   a   wild   dog…   I   really   don’t   know   how   heaven   distributes   the   wealth   of   the   world…     Is   my   life   really   so   cheap   and   inconsequential?”  

  The   blue   skies   became   deeper   and   darker.     David   was   a   man   nearing   old   age.     The   numerous   wrinkles   on   his   face   seemed   to   be   telling   of   the   misfortunes   of   his   life.   He   spoke   to   Dimitri   remorsefully   and   angrily   and   taking   out   his   crumpled   wad   of   paper,   selected   another   cigarette   butt   and   offered   it   to   Dimitri.

“No,   thank   you,   I’ve   already   enjoyed   the   one   you   just   gave   me”   replied   Dimitri.     “I   am   not   addicted   to   smoking   so   you   had   better   keep   it   for   yourself.”   David   softly   rolled   it   to   its   original   round   shape   with   his   fingers,   loosening   the   tobacco   inside   without   spilling   any.   He   lighted   it,   inhaled   deeply   and   then   puffed   out   the   smoke.     He   continued,

“My   life   is   really   cheap   and   I   really   don’t   know   how   I   will   die.     Perhaps   I   will   become   critically   ill   and   die   by   the   roadside.     I   will   become   an   unclaimed   corpse,   a   John   Doe   missed   by   no   one.   The   police   would   release   my   body   to   some   medical   facility,   who   in   turn   will   give   it   to   some   professor   of   Anatomy   and   Physiology   to   be   used   to   teach   his   medical   students   how   to   dissect   a   human   body.   I   will   be   laid   on   a   slab   in   a   lab   and   the   professor   will   use   his   scalpel   to   open   up   my   body,   take   out   my   heart,   liver,   stomach,   kidney   and   other   organs.     He   will   cut   off   my   limbs   and   my   head   and   divide   them   among   his   students   to   do   experiments   on.   I   myself   don’t   really   know   what   the   inside   of   my   body   is   like,   but   the   professor   will   use   my   body   to   teach   his   students   saying,   “This   is   muscle…this   is   nerves…this   is   human   brain…   It’s   really   un-nerving   to   contemplate…   In   the   end   my   body   will   become   a   heap   of   strips   and   slices.     But   I   suppose   that’s   alright   since   I   am   dead   already   and   won’t   feel   anything…   But   I   am   really   unwilling   to   die   without   knowing   what   my   destiny   is   like…When   they   dismember   my   body,   perhaps   they   could   also   find   what   my   fate,   my   destiny   was   like…Oh   well,   Dimitri,   I   think   that   like   you   I   am   also   given   to   flights   of   fancy.     What’s   the   use   of   thinking   about   these   things?     I   am   feeling   hungry   again.     This   stomach   of   mine   is   really   troublesome.     It’s   like   a   bottomless   pit   that   can   never   be   filled…I   suppose   I   would   have   to   try   my   luck   and   see   if   I   can   find   something   to   eat.   Goodbye   my   old   friend,   let’s   both   go   our   own   way   to   get   some   food.”   Saying   so,   the   aging   man   stood   up,   dusted   the   seat   of   his   pants   and   continued   on   his   way   along   the   roadside.

In   the   blue   skies   the   sun,   gradually   setting   in   the   west.   was   like   a   torch   unwilling   to   be   extinguished   and   was   giving   forth   the   remainder   of   his   energy.     After   David   left,   Dimitri’s   mind   was   in   turmoil.     He   was   wondering   how   his   life   would   end.   Perhaps   it   would   be   just   as   tragic   and   wretched   as   David’s,   dying   by   the   roadside   and   given   by   the   authorities   to   medical   facilities   as   a   corpse   to   be   dissected   as   experiments   for   medical   students.   To   be   high-minded,   it   would   be   a   contribution   to   society   to   donate   one’s   body   to   further   scientific   research.     “But   my   fate   is   even   worse”   he   thought..     “At   least   David   was   able   to   see   with   his   eyes   while   he   was   alive   and   his   movements   were   free.     But   I   cannot   see,   my   movements   are   inhibited   and   my   body   suffers   from   other   impediments   caused   by   my   disability.   In   the   end   I   still   cannot   escape   the   fate   of   being   dismembered   and   dissected…David   hopes   that   after   he   is   dead,   he   could   know   what   his   fate   and   destiny   was   like.     That   of   course   is   impossible.     No   matter   how   minutely   his   body   is   cut   up,   he   will   not   be   able   to   see   his   destiny.     In   my   case   no   matter   how   you   cut   me   up   you   cannot   find   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   in   my   heart.     In   this   mundane   world   I   may   be   a   poor,   disabled,   penniless   homeless   beggar   but   in   my   Kingdom   of   Dreams   I   am   a   king,   rich   as   Midas.   I   have   magnificent   palaces,   numerous   beauties   to   see   to   my   every   want   and   the   love   of   loyal   subjects.     Everything   is   so   perfect   here.   If   there   is   a   Kingdom   of   Dreams   in   my   heart,   shouldn’t   there   be   one   too   in   David’s   heart?   I   think   that   in   the   heart   of   every   poor   and   suffering   person,   there   should   be   a   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     When   the   suffering   of   their   bodies   torments   them,   they   can   always   seek   refuge   there   and   find   solace   and   peace.   There   unattainable   things   could   be   gotten   and   indignant   feelings   could   be   soothed.   But   it   seems   that   not   everyone   has   found   their   innate   Kingdom.   I   suppose   I   am   lucky   in   this   regard.     In   the   depth   of   my   heart,   there   is   this   last   piece   of   paradise.   When   I   find   the   trials   and   tribulations   of   the   mundane   world   too   much   for   me,   I   can   always   retreat   there.     Though   I   am   feeling   hungry,   thirsty   and   tired   now   and   before   my   eyes   are   only   fuzzy   darkness   that   makes   it   hard   for   me   to   find   my   way,   all   this   is   of   no   consequence   because   when   darkness   falls   beautiful   dreams   will   come   to   me,   which   I   could   savor   and   enjoy   to   my   heart’s   content.”     Dimitri   smiled.   The   setting   sun   suddenly   burst   forth   with   its   remaining   energy   dazzling   as   gold   and   flaming   as   fire   and   colored   the   skies   with   its   brilliant   rays.

The   figure   of   a   tall   and   stalwart   man   rushing   swiftly   ahead   flashed   by   under   the   luminous   moonlight.     Ah,   it   was   that   man   Creativity   who   so   much   resembled   the   sun   god   Apollo!   He   was   carrying   a   woman   under   his   arms,   no   other   than   the   gentle   Imagination   who   was   beautiful   as   a   flower.   The   two   of   them,   afraid   of   being   caught   by   Jehovah,   had   been   running   for   their   lives   ever   since   escaping   the   Garden   of   Eden.     At   first   they   ran   hand   in   hand,   but   the   delicate   Imagination   was   much   slower   than   her   partner,   so   Creativity   swooped   her   up   and   carried   her   under   his   arms   to   increase   the   speed   of   their   get-away.   They   had   been   dashing   mindlessly   along   from   morning   till   night   for   they   knew   not   how   long   or   how   far,   until   the   moon   rose   up.   They   did   not   know   whether   it   was   the   darkness   that   helped   them   or   whether   it   was   that   Jehovah   had   never   attempted   to   capture   them;   but   they   seemed   to   have   gotten   away   this   time.   Imagination   spoke   up   from   under   Creativity’s   arms,

“Stop.     Stop.     Let   me   down.   You   are   suffocating   me!”     Creativity   stopped   and   let   her   down.     Imagination   stood   there   trying   to   get   her   breath   and   used   her   fingers   to   comb   her   tangled   hair   messed   up   by   the   wind,   saying,

“Jehovah   did   not   come   after   us.     He   let   us   off   the   hook   once   more.   To   be   truthful,   he   is   really   kind   and   did   not   have   the   heart   to   punish   us   or   we   would   never   have   been   able   to   get   away.”   Creativity   nodded   in   agreement.     Imagination   looked   up   at   Creativity   and   saw   that   he   was   calm   and   collected   as   usual.   She   walked   up   to   him   and   snuggled   in   his   arms.   Using   her   slender   hands   to   caress   his   broad   chest   she   continued,   “Ah,   how   strong   you   are!   You   have   been   carrying   me   under   your   arms   from   morning   till   night   which   doubled   the   weight,   but   you   are   not   even   panting.   You   are   stronger   than   the   most   majestic   and   noble   steed!”     Creativity   smiled   in   satisfaction   saying,

“I   just   never   got   the   chance   to   compete   in   the   Olympic   marathon   races   that   humans   hold   every   four   years.     Otherwise   I   am   sure   I   could   easily   win   the   championship   and   my   record   would   never   be   surpassed!”     Imagination   walked   away   from   him   and   looked   all   around   saying,

“Where   is   this   place?     It   looks   so   familiar!   The   lake   is   not   as   large   and   majestic   as   Star   Moon   Lake   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   the   water   is   not   as   blue   and   crystal   clear.     The   rose   bushes   are   pretty,   but   then   again   they   are   not   as   magnificent   as   those   in   King   Dimitri’s   garden   that   he   planted   and   took   care   of   himself.     But   it’s   still   a   rather   nice   place   in   the   mundane   world.     Ah,   I   remember   now…Isn’t   this   the   rose   garden   that   King   Dimitri   used   to   come   and   linger   around?   “

“Ah   yes”   exclaimed   Creativity   as   if   suddenly   thinking   of   something.   “Shouldn’t   we   go   now   to   find   our   master   King   Dimitri?”     Imagination   smiled   mysteriously   and   said,

“Oh   no,   no,   no.     We   don’t   need   to   go   and   find   him.     He   will   come   here   to   find   us.”

“Really?     How   do   you   know?”

“I   think   our   master   is   about   to   have   an   amorous   affair   and   will   be   in   danger.   It   will   be   up   to   us   to   help   him   out   of   the   tangle   and   ensure   his   safety.     We   just   have   to   wait   here   and   he   will   come   to   us.”

The   sun   was   setting   and   infused   the   surrounding   clouds   with   shades   of   brilliant   color   but   Dimitri   was   still   sitting   at   the   corner   of   the   street   deep   in   thought.   However,   he   was   about   to   come   out   of   his   reverie   for   he   had   come   to   a   satisfactory   conclusion.   He   thought   that   even   if   his   fate   was   similar   to   David’s   and   was   to   end   on   the   lab   table   of   some   medical   school   to   be   sliced   and   dissected,   it   was   alright.     For   then   he   would   have   made   his   last   contribution   to   society   with   his   flesh   body.   Feeling   quite   helpless,   he   thought   to   himself,

“This   flesh   body   of   mine   has   been   with   me   for   many,   many   years.     It   could   be   said   to   be   my   best   and   most   intimate   friend.     It   has   brought   me   some   pleasure,   but   mostly   it   was   pain   and   suffering.   The   pleasures   were   short   and   transient   delights   alas,   mainly   found   in   sexual   encounters,   epicurean   delights   and   good   wine,   but   they   helped   me   forget   the   troubles   of   this   mundane   world.     The   rest   of   the   time   I   was   embroiled   in   a   whirlpool   of   pain   and   despair.     But   luckily   I   have   a   Kingdom   of   Dreams   where   I   could   escape   and   hide   from   the   realities   of   life.   What   can   I   say?     This   flesh   body   of   mine   brings   me   trouble   and   vexation!   I   have   two   loyal   servants   Imagination   and   Creativity   who   are   completely   free   from   the   binds   and   restraints   of   the   flesh   body.   How   wonderful   it   would   be   if   I   could   be   like   them   and   fly   around   freely   between   heaven   and   earth!   They   can   change   themselves   at   will   and   hide   in   the   air,   or   change   to   all   kinds   of   forms   as   they   emerge   again.   My   greatest   trouble,   it   seems,   is   having   a   flesh   body   that   encumbers   me   and   of   which   I   have   no   way   of   ridding   myself   of.     I   really   don’t   know   how   to   treat   it.   This   is   another   question   I   need   to   think   about”.     By   then   Dimitri   had   fully   woken   up   from   his   reverie.     Feeling   time   hanging   heavily   on   his   hands,   he   decided   to   look   up   his   two   loyal   friends,   Imagination   and   Creativity,   whom   he   had   not   heard   from   for   a   long   time.   Dimitri   proceeded   to   concentrate   his   attention   on   the   innermost   part   of   his   heart   and   found   that   his   two   loyal   servants   were   at   the   rose   garden.     He   was   greatly   surprised   and   wondered   what   they   were   doing   there.     They   seemed   to   be   waiting   for   him,   so   he   decided   to   join   them.     The   full   moon   had   risen   to   the   middle   of   the   sky.     Moonlight   shone   on   the   large   metropolis   with   its   tall,   majestic   high-rises.     However   the   relationship   between   the   inhabitants   of   this   large   city   had   gradually   become   more   and   more   cold   and   aloof.   Why   was   that,   he   wondered.     Was   indifference   and   aloofness   the   characteristics   of   the   modern   civilization?”   “I   don’t   believe   so”   thought   Dimitri.   “Aloofness   and   indifference   just   means   that   modern   civilization   is   ill.”

Dimitri’s   bottom   felt   painful   after   having   sat   on   the   cement   pavement   for   so   long.     He   thought   to   himself,   “Staying   in   the   same   position   for   too   long   is   really   quite   unbearable.     No   wonder   even   the   giant   of   Giant   Mountain   needed   a   change   of   position!”     Just   as   he   was   about   to   get   up   and   stretch   his   arms   and   legs,   the   sounds   of   a   frantically   barking   dog   on   the   opposite   side   of   the   street   reached   his   ears.   Then   he   heard   an   animal   running   swiftly   towards   him   and   a   plump   little   dog   with   long   silky   fur   soft   as   velvet   leapt   into   his   arms   and   licked   his   face   affectionately,   its   tail   switching   in   excitement.     Dimitri   petted   him   lovingly   in   return,   for   the   large   long   ears   told   him   it   was   his   little   friend   Maureen.  

“Ah,   my   little   friend”   he   said   happily,   “how   did   you   find   me?     Did   your   beautiful   mistress   come   with   you?”       Then   hasty   footsteps   and   the   sound   of   shopping   cart   wheels   came   towards   him   and   someone   sat   down   right   next   to   him   on   his   left   side.     The   natural   scent   of   the   skin   faintly   tinctured   with   the   fragrance   of   roses   told   him   that   Charina,   the   authoress   had   arrived.

“Why   didn’t   you   even   say   goodbye   when   you   left…”   asked   a   melancholy   voice.

“I…I   am   sorry”   replied   Dimitri.   “I’m   afraid   that   I   am   used   to   a   vagabond   life   of   roaming   all   around,   treating   the   skies   as   my   tent   and   the   earth   as   my   bed.   Occasionally   I   would   seek   refuge   from   the   weather   under   the   eaves   of   someone’s   home,   never   having   to   say   goodbye   to   the   owner   of   the   house.     I   did   not   say   goodbye   to   you   because   you   were   still   sound   asleep   but   I   did   tell   Maureen   that   I   would   apologize   to   you   if   you   felt   angry   at   my   lack   of   manners.”

“After   you   left”   continued   Charina   sadly,   “I   found   I   could   not   settle   down   to   my   writing….     I   have   been   looking   for   you   in   every   nook   and   cranny   of   every   street   in   the   city   to   no   avail.     Just   now   I   asked   another   homeless   person   a   few   blocks   down   about   your   whereabouts   and   was   told   that   you   were   recently   seen   around   here.   Maureen   caught   your   scent   and   began   barking   so   here   we   are.”

“Really?     Is   there   something   urgent   to   make   you   search   for   me?”   asked   Dimitri.

“Have   you   forgotten?”   asked   Charina   in   her   sad   and   sexy   voice,   giving   Dimitri   a   white   eye.   “I   told   you   I   wanted   to   accompany   you   and   experience   the   life   of   a   vagabond   first   hand…     So   you   see,   I   bought   a   shopping   cart   and   put   into   it   a   sleeping   bag,   a   woolen   blanket,   food,   water,   a   bottle   of   your   favorite   whiskey   and   some   things   a   woman   needs…   I   am   looking   for   you   because   I   want   to   go   with   you   while   you   roam   the   earth”

“You   prepared   all   this   to   roam   around   with   me?”   asked   Dimitri   incredulously   and   couldn’t   help   laughing.   “But   none   of   it   is   needed   for   a   vagabond   life!   Look   at   me.     Do   I   have   anything   like   what   you   have   in   your   cart?     A   real   vagabond   has   nothing   at   all.     The   sumptuous   food,   water   and   wine   you   have   prepared   look   more   like   you   are   looking   for   a   scenic   spot   to   have   a   picnic!”   Then   he   suddenly   realized   that   his   words   and   tone   smacked   of   sarcastic   criticism   and   rebuke,   so   he   quickly   changed   the   subject   and   gentled   the   tone   of   his   voice   saying,

“Since   you   are   already   here   and   wish   to   experience   the   life   of   a   vagabond,   I’ll   help   realize   your   dream.     I   will   tell   you   about   the   things   you   ought   to   know   about   living   on   the   streets.   I   think   I   mentioned   to   you   once   before   and   I   will   stress   it   again   here,   that   the   reality   of   the   kind   of   life   you   wish   to   experience   is   not   an   easy   one.     It   is   arduous   and   full   of   hardship   and   not   at   all   romantic   and   easygoing   as   you   may   have   thought   it   to   be;   for   reality   and   imagination   are   two   completely   different   things.     I   want   you   to   be   psychologically   prepared   for   it.”     Charina   was   very   excited   to   hear   that   Dimitri   would   let   her   accompany   him   and   said,

“I   am   fully   prepared   mentally   and   psychologically   for   the   change.     I   will   do   whatever   you   tell   me   to.”     Then   Dimitri   suddenly   thought   of   something   and   said,

“No,   no,   no,   I   still   can’t   take   you   with   me.     You   are   too   beautiful   and   elegant   to   be   sleeping   on   the   streets.     It   will   be   dangerous   for   you.”   Charina   had   known   Dimitri   would   have   such   a   reaction   and   had   prepared   for   it.     She   was   full   of   self-confidence   and   said   to   him,

“Don’t   worry   about   it.     I   have   thought   about   this   and   am   perfectly   camouflaged.     I   am   wearing   an   outfit   exactly   like   yours:   safari   hat,   brown   jacket,   and   black   baggy   pants   and   round-headed   black   shoes.   I   even   smeared   my   face   with   dust   and   mud.     Nobody   will   think   I   am   not   a   bona-fide   hobo.   I   have   cut   off   my   beautiful   long,   flowing   hair   which   I   had   treasured   and   coddled   for   years   into   a   short   sassy   style.     When   I   put   my   hat   on   no   one   will   ever   discover   that   I   am   a   woman.     Will   that   do?”     Dimitri   sighed,   smiled   wryly   and   stood   up   to   stretch   his   cramped   arms   and   legs   saying,

“Since   you   have   already   made   up   your   mind,   let’s   go   and   roam   around   the   world.”

“Oh,   great,   great!”   said   Charina   jumping   up   excitedly.   “But   where   shall   we   go?”

“Roaming   around   has   no   direction   and   no   purpose.   We   just   accommodate   ourselves   to   circumstances.   Since   you   asked,   why   don’t   we   go   to…remember   the   rose   garden   near   the   lake   I   once   mentioned   to   you?     Why   don’t   we   go   there?     We   can   go   into   the   midst   of   the   roses,   take   out   our   food   and   have   a   picnic   out   there   under   the   moonlight.”

“Good   idea!     Good   idea!”   exclaimed   Charina   in   a   rare   ecstatic   mood.   “What   are   we   waiting   for?     Let’s   get   going!”

The   two   of   them   went   on   their   way   talking   and   laughing,   their   jolly   and   mirthful   conversation   lightening   up   the   lonely   road.     Although   it   wasn’t   very   late,   now   that   the   peak   traffic   hours   were   over   and   the   office   workers   had   all   gone   home,   cars   and   pedestrians   were   few   and   far   between.     Charina   pushed   her   shopping   cart   and   Dimitri   walked   along   with   his   left   hand   on   her   right   shoulder   and   the   white   cane   in   his   other   hand   lightly   tapping   all   the   way.   Clever   little   Maureen   was   perched   in   the   baby   seat   of   the   shopping   cart,   happily   looking   all   around   at   the   streets.

“Why   don’t   you   let   Maureen   walk   on   his   own?”   asked   Dimitri.   “That   would   give   him   more   exercise.”

“I   think   he’s   had   enough   exercise”   replied   Charina.     “I   took   off   his   leach   and   let   him   run   around   freely   on   the   streets   looking   for   you   while   I   followed   close   behind,   always   keeping   my   eyes   on   his   whereabouts.     A   police-woman   saw   that   Maureen   was   not   on   a   leach   and   thought   it   was   a   threat   to   the   passersby,   so   she   gave   me   a   ticket.     Wasn’t   that   the   worst   of   luck?     I   tried   to   explain   to   her   that   Maureen   was   the   cleverest   and   sweetest   of   dogs   that   would   never   hurt   a   soul,   but   she   wouldn’t   listen   and   insisted   on   writing   me   a   ticket.   Wasn’t   that   absurd?   I   am   so   angry.     I   think   the   police   have   impeded   on   my   personal   freedom!”

“Oh?”   said   Dimitri.   “Perhaps   I   am   so   used   to   my   nomad   life,   leisurely   and   carefree,   secluded   from   the   world   that   I   have   forgotten   there   is   such   a   thing   as   law   and   order.   Nevertheless,   I   would   never   trifle   with   the   law.”

“Don’t   you   think   the   police-woman   overdid   it   and   impeded   my   personal   freedom?”   argued   Charina.   “I   agree   that   society   needs   laws   to   protect   public   order,   but   public   servants   while   carrying   out   their   duties,   need   to   take   into   account   mitigating   circumstances.   Take   a   clever   little   dog   like   Maureen   for   example.   Everyone   loves   it!     How   could   such   a   lovable   little   dog   bite   and   hurt   people?     Don’t   you   think   the   police-woman   was   too   rigid   in   dealing   with   this?     She   should   have   been   more   flexible.     She   poked   her   nose   into   what’s   none   of   her   business   and   impeded   on   my   personal   freedom”

“Oh   no,   no”   disagreed   Dimitri.     “Law   is   needed   to   preserve   social   order,   or   there   would   be   chaos.   Once   a   law   is   established   it   should   be   upheld   with   no   exceptions.   The   regulation   that   dogs   must   be   on   a   leash   on   the   streets   under   human   supervision   is   reasonable   and   logical.   Since   it   is   the   law,   we   must   uphold   it.   Otherwise   human   society   will   deteriorate   back   to   the   time   of   jungle   law   thousands   of   years   ago,   where   only   the   strongest   survived   and   the   weak   were   the   prey   of   the   strong.   We   would   be   back   to   uncivilized   primitive   society.     Would   you   like   to   go   back   to   such   times   and   live   always   in   fear   and   anxiety?”

“But   I   still   think   the   police   went   too   far   and   impeded   my   personal   freedom”   insisted   the   pouting   Charina.     “I   feel   that   anarchism   is   more   my   cup   of   tea.”   Dimitri   smiled   and   went   on   patiently,

“What   is   freedom?   What   is   the   true   meaning   of   freedom?   To   my   mind,   freedom   is   not   without   limit   and   restraint.   Freedom   without   restraint   and   limit   becomes   unbridled   indulgence   and   gratification   and   loses   its   true   meaning.”     He   stopped   for   a   moment   as   if   to   collect   his   thoughts   and   then   went   on,   “Take   me   for   example.     I   am   blind.     My   flesh   body   seems   to   be   incarcerated   for   life   in   a   dark   prison   with   no   chance   of   parole.   But   just   because   of   this,   my   imagination   and   creativity   became   alive   and   resurrected   from   my   flesh   body.   They   became   carefree   and   spontaneous   and   created   my   Kingdom   of   Dreams.   So   I   came   to   the   conclusion   that   absolute   restriction   creates   absolute   freedom.     What   do   you   think?”     Dimitri   seemed   to   want   to   clarify   his   meaning   more   and   added,   “I   don’t   mean   to   say   that   one   must   lose   one’s   sight   in   order   to   bring   one’s   imagination   and   creativity   into   full   play.   Actually   some   sighted   people   are   also   very   good   at   utilizing   these   innate   natural   resources.     I   used   myself   as   an   example   because   you   have   been   to   my   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   and   thus   would   be   able   to   understand   what   I   mean   better.”     Spell-bound   and   fascinated,   Charina   was   silent   trying   to   absorb   the   meaning   of   his   words   when   Dimitri   suddenly   interrupted   her   thoughts   saying,   “Oh   by   the   way,   we   must   turn   right   here   or   we   would   overshoot   our   destination.”     Dimitri   was   completely   blind,   but   he   was   very   familiar   with   this   part   of   town   and   knew   his   way   around   the   area.

Turning   the   corner   they   came   to   a   quiet   and   comparatively   narrow   street.     The   shops   on   both   sides   had   long   closed   their   doors.     The   rooms   above   the   shops   were   either   offices   or   homes   but   no   lights   showed   at   all   in   these   two   rows   of   three-storey   buildings.   It   was   as   if   no   one   lived   there   at   all.   They   seemed   to   have   walked   into   an   empty   city.     As   they   went   further   on,   Charina’s   eyes   opened   wide   in   shock.     The   large   store   windows   were   riddled   with   bullet   holes   and   spider   weblike   cracks   extended   outwards   from   these   holes.   The   doors   were   also   pierced   with   bullets.     Though   all   the   shops   had   pulled   up   their   iron   security   grill   gate,   these   also   bore   evidence   of   having   been   hit   by   gunfire.   There   were   rows   of   machine   gun   bullet   holes   on   the   street   sign   proving   that   a   fierce   gun   fight   had   taken   place   here.   Remnants   of   brown-colored   blood   stains   and   broken   glass   not   quite   cleaned   up   remained   on   the   ground.   This   was   the   site   of   a   fierce   gang   battle   where   two   rival   gangs   clashed   over   territorial   rights,   which   ended   with   both   sides   leaving   behind   casualties   before   the   police   arrived.     Charina   gave   a   cry   of   alarm   and   described   to   Dimitri   the   scene   before   them.

“Don’t   be   afraid.     Don’t   be   nervous,   but   let’s   move   on   quickly   and   leave   this   troubled   spot.   These   scenes   are   common   in   the   life   of   a   vagabond;   I   have   seen   more   than   a   few   of   them,   so   don’t   be   nervous   and   afraid.”     Charina   nodded   and   silently   hurried   towards   the   next   street   corner.     Perhaps   because   she   was   too   scared   and   nervous,   she   failed   to   notice   that   on   the   opposite   side   of   the   street   a   pair   of   eyes   was   staring   at   them   in   envy   and   jealousy.     While   Charina   and   Dimitri   waited   at   the   corner   for   a   change   of   light,   Dimitri   said   to   her,

“You   come   from   the   upper   echelon   of   society   and   have   always   led   a   very   comfortable   life.     You   are   highly   educated   and   have   made   a   success   of   your   career.     You   do   not   know   that   there   is   another   class   of   people   living   at   the   bottom   of   society,   full   of   poverty,   crime   and   violence.   Now   that   you   have   seen   the   two   extremes   of   society   it   would   certainly   be   a   great   help   to   your   writing.”     The   green   light   came   on   and   the   two   hurried   across   the   street   towards   the   rose   garden   by   the   lake,   closely   surveyed   by   the   pair   of   cold   eyes.

The   sad,   weather-beaten   face   deeply   etched   with   wrinkles   of   Dimitri’s   old   friend   David,   who   was   already   getting   on   in   age,   had   seldom   been   happy.   He   pulled   a   plastic   bag   out   of   a   broken   paper   box   and   took   out   a   tattered   and   dirty   blanket   which   he   spread   on   the   ground.     He   then   placed   the   broken   paper   box   at   one   end   to   shelter   his   head   somewhat   from   the   cold   night   wind.   There   had   been   a   fierce   gun   battle   here   not   so   long   ago,   where   gang   members   on   both   sides   gave   up   their   lives,   so   most   people   chose   other   routes   and   gave   the   place   a   wide   berth.     But   David   craved   solitude   and   chose   to   spend   the   night   here.   He   stooped   by   the   roadside   slowly   smoking   his   cigarette   butt,   its   dim   light   brightening   and   dimming,   he   asked   himself,

“Am   I   really   old?   My   legs   are   no   longer   as   nimble   and   agile   as   they   used   to   be   and   my   back   bothers   me   all   the   time.     The   night   is   still   young   but   I   am   already   very   tired.   The   decades   rolled   by   so   fast.     My   life   seemed   scarcely   to   have   begun,   but   here   it   is   already   ending…”     He   threw   away   his   cigarette   butt   and   was   about   to   lie   down   to   rest,   when   he   saw   two   homeless   persons   like   him   coming   towards   him   on   the   opposite   side   of   the   street.     One   of   them   was   pushing   a   brand   new   shopping   cart   while   the   other   wore   dark   glasses   and   had   a   white   cane   in   his   hand.     David   recognized   him   as   his   old   friend   Dimitri   and   also   guessed   at   the   identity   of   his   companion.

That   evening   after   leaving   Dimitri   at   the   noisy   street   corner,   David   walked   on,   eyes   peeled   for   cigarette   butts   left   on   the   streets.     He   rummaged   in   every   garbage   can   for   discarded   left-over   food,   but   unfortunately   came   up   with   only   a   few   empty   beer   cans.   He   was   greatly   disappointed   and   walked   towards   Dream-Maker’s   Bakery,   knowing   that   they   always   left   day-old   bread   and   pastries   that   would   not   keep   in   a   wicker   basket   in   front   of   the   store   for   anyone   to   take.     It   was   just   after   5p.m.   but   the   store   was   already   closed.   The   iron   security   grill   gate   was   down   and   locked   by   a   large   padlock.   After   Dimitri   left   the   bakery,   business   deteriorated   and   was   no   longer   the   busy   and   popular   place   where   people   stood   in   line   to   buy   their   bread   and   pastry.   The   beauties   who   lived   in   the   women’s   dorm   next   door   had   also   dispersed,   each   looking   for   her   own   destiny.   The   wicker   basket   was   there   but   alas,   it   was   empty.     David   knew   that   the   new   hobos   who   had   been   loitering   around   the   area   recently   must   have   gotten   to   it   before   him.     He   sighed,   resigned   to   a   hungry   night   without   food   and   was   about   to   leave   when   he   heard   a   musical   voice   nearby   saying,

“Excuse   me   sir.     May   I   bother   you   for   a   minute   of   your   time   and   ask   you   a   question?”   David   turned   towards   the   speaker   and   was   surprised   to   see   a   homeless   person   wearing   an   old   olive-colored   safari   hat,   a   raggedy   brown   jacket   and   dirty   black   baggy   pants.     On   his   feet   was   a   pair   of   over-sized   block-headed   black   shoes.     The   dress   code   was   a   replica   of   his   old   friend   Dimitri!     The   person’s   face   was   smeared   with   dust   and   mud   as   to   be   almost   unrecognizable,   but   it   could   not   disguise   a   pair   of   large,   beautiful,   soulful   eyes.

“Were   you   talking   to   me?”   asked   David

“Yes.     Yes.   I   just   wanted   to   ask   if   you   had   seen   a   homeless   person   called   Dimitri   around   here   recently?”

“Oh,   you   mean   the   old   dog   Dimitri.     He   is   blind,   right?”

“Right.     He   is   a   blind   man.     Has   he   been   around   here   recently?   I   want   to   find   him.”     David   looked   at   the   speaker   and   the   brand   new,   fully   packed   shopping   cart   he   was   pushing.     Plastic   containers,   probably   full   of   food,   lying   at   the   top,   caught   his   eye   and   had   him   drooling.

“Er….oh   yes,   yes.     I   just   talked   to   him   a   while   ago   for   quite   a   long   time…   He   is   somewhere   around….”   said   David,   his   eyes   locked   on   the   food   in   the   shopping   cart.     The   speaker   seemed   to   understand   his   unspoken   request.     He   picked   up   a   plastic   container,   a   bottle   of   water   and   handed   them   to   David   saying,

“Hope   you   have   a   nice   evening.”     The   cocker   spaniel   which   had   been   lying   in   the   baby   seat   of   the   shopping   cart   suddenly   stood   up   and   barked   several   times,   evidently   having   caught   the   scent   of   his   old   friend.

“Dimitri   should   be   somewhere   several   blocks   from   here.     I   was   just   talking   to   him   a   while   back.     Go   and   find   him.”     David   thanked   his   generous   benefactor   profusely   and   stood   looking   at   the   retreating   back   as   that   person   hurried   quickly   away..     Though   he   was   wearing   loose,   ill-fitting   clothing,   it   could   not   conceal   his   tall,   svelte   figure.   When   he   handed   over   the   container   and   bottle   of   bottle,   David   noticed   that   the   hands   were   slim   and   white.     They   were   a   woman’s   hands   that   had   never   been   coarsened   by   physical   labor.     He   also   observed   that   as   he   walked   away   his   bare   ankles   were   trim   and   white   as   alabaster.     Suddenly   a   scene   from   the   past   flashed   into   his   mind.     He   remembered   seeing   Dimitri   talking   to   a   genteel   and   refined   young   woman   one   day   by   the   lakeside.   She   was   wearing   a   sky   blue   dress,   white,   broad-brimmed   sun   hat   and   white   walking   shoes.   She   was   classy   and   elegant.   This   must   be   her!     He   remembered   that   on   that   day   the   woman   had   a   lovely   cocker   spaniel   with   her.     That   just   clinched   it.     It   must   be   the   same   woman.   David   smacked   his   forehead   and   said   to   himself,   “What   charm   and   fascination   could   that   blind   old   dog   have   that   attracts   such   a   beautiful   woman   to   ask   all   around   for   his   whereabouts?   Why   is   it   that   I   do   not   have   such   good   luck?     Such   erotic   (amorous)   luck   could   never   drop   into   my   lap!”

In   the   shadows   where   moonlight   could   not   penetrate,   David   half   stooped,   half   sat   on   the   ground,   his   eyes   full   of   envy   and   jealousy   as   he   watched   the   two   figures   walk   farther   and   farther   away.   Thoughts   emerged   one   after   another   in   his   brain   driving   sleepiness   away.     He   thought,

“A   man   like   Dimitri   is   like   a   broken   ball   by   the   roadside,   which   anyone   could   kick.     He   is   so   mellow,   mild   and   good   tempered   that   he   is   never   angry.   His   is   also   a   mysterious   character   who   would   disappear   for   months   on   end   as   if   he   had   evaporated   from   this   earth.   No   one   knows   where   he   went.     Then   he   would   suddenly   reappear   amongst   us   homeless   persons   and   jabber   about   his   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   things   that   happened   there.     He   says   everyone   has   his   own   Kingdom   of   Dreams…   We   all   think   he   is   a   crazy   fool   and   none   pay   any   attention   to   his   gibberish   and   he   doesn’t   care.   He   is   able   to   maintain   a   happy   disposition   that   external   circumstances   cannot   dampen,   which   is   truly   admirable!     Of   this   I   am   really   envious!   Take   all   of   us   poor   hobos   for   example,   we   are   poor   as   church   mice   and   have   nothing   to   call   our   own,   so   it   stands   to   reason   we   have   nothing   to   worry   about,   but   we   still   have   to   be   concerned   about   where   our   next   meal   is   coming   from.     But   Dimitri   seems   to   be   able   to   be   above   such   mundane   anxieties   and   always   maintains   a   happy   mood,   which   dissolves   all   trouble   until   they   melt   away   and   become   nonexistent.   His   soul   seems   to   be   able   to   exist   independently   outside   of   his   body.     This   is   something   I   admire   and   envy   most.    

Dimitri   also   has   made   many   friends.     Richard   and   Jamaz   are   two   half   hobo   and   half   part-time   laborers   who   are   willing   to   lay   down   their   lives   for   him.     Mr.   Kaffee,   that   underworld   big   shot,   is   another   of   his   friends.     Though   he   has   retired   from   both   financial,   political   and   gang   activities,   he   is   still   a   force   to   be   reckoned   with   and   wields   great   influence   in   the   worlds   he   used   to   dominate.   Another   one   is   that   cold-blooded   assassin   Big-O   who   obeys   Dimitri’s   every   wish   and   order.     I   have   always   wondered   what   power   and   charm   that   blind   old   dog   wields   that   attracts   beautiful   women   as   well   as   formidable   men   to   him.     I   am   really   envious   and   jealous   of   him.     Oh   yes,   recently   a   white-bearded   old   dwarf   joined   their   ranks   who   is   said   to   have   mastered   a   magic   feat   lost   to   the   world   for   thousands   of   years   and   can   turn   a   piece   of   waste   paper   into   a   crispy   greenback.   The   next   time   I   see   the   dwarf,   I   will   beg   him   to   teach   me   a   few   tricks.     I   will   do   anything   he   asks   me   to,   even   if   he   wants   me   to   kowtow   to   him   three   hundred   times.   I   am   down   on   my   luck   and   desperate.

David   was   full   of   pent-up   grievance   and   frustration   when   it   came   to   the   subject   of   money,   which   he   considered   useful   but   also   the   root   of   all   trouble.     He   sighed   and   said   to   himself,

“My   whole   life   has   been   frittered   away.   Time   rolled   by   with   nothing   accomplished.   Now   that   I   am   old   there   is   almost   no   hope   of   a   turnover.   My   life   has   been   most   unfortunate   and   I   have   never   been   able   to   break   out   from   under   the   cloud   of   bad   luck   hanging   over   me.   Why   can’t   I   be   like   Dimitri   and   live   on   happily?   This   blasted   life   of   mine   is   really,   really   jinxed.”   David’s   life   has   really   been   quite   miserable,   always   living   on   the   brink   of   starvation.     He   did   not   know   who   his   parents   were,   having   lived   all   his   young   life   in   various   foster   homes   and   in   and   out   of   juvenile   hall.     Later   when   he   came   of   age   he   was   incarcerated   quite   a   few   times.     Then   he   decided   to   reform   and   got   a   part-time   job.   He   actually   had   some   savings   and   a   woman   was   willing   to   live   with   him   and   make   a   home.     Life   seemed   to   be   going   on   a   smoother,   upward   path.   But   alas   the   good   life   was   like   the   morning   dew,   gone   in   a   flash.     The   miserly   sun   shut   off   its   radiance   from   his   life   and   the   sky   above   him   was   once   more   grey   and   dark.   There   was   a   mortal   weakness   in   his   character,   an   innate   inertia.     He   had   never   had   any   formal   schooling   but   did   know   how   to   read   and   write   a   few   words.   He   had   some   sly   cleverness   that   he   used   to   go   after   petty   gains   and   became   prone   to   pilfering.   That   in   itself   would   not   have   done   too   great   a   harm   to   his   life,   but   he   believed   that   all   his   employers   were   against   him   and   did   their   utmost   to   exploit   him,   sucking   away   his   lifeblood.     Therefore,   he   worked   lackadaisically   at   his   job,   never   overlooking   a   chance   to   filch   whatever   he   could.   When   it   came   to   real   work   he   shifted   it   to   others   when   he   could.   He   would   make   excuses   and   use   any   pretext   to   get   out   of   it.   When   he   couldn’t,   he   would   drag   his   feet   and   muddle   through   in   a   perfunctory   way.   So   it   was   no   wonder   that   no   one   would   hire   him   and   when   someone   did   take   him   on,   the   job   never   lasted   more   than   a   month.   As   time   went   by,   the   woman   who   lived   with   him   left   him,   his   savings   were   all   spent   and   he   grew   old.   The   only   road   left   to   him   was   to   go   back   to   being   a   hobo,   begging   on   the   streets.   He   was   never   willing   to   examine   the   real   cause   of   his   failure   in   life   but   became   more   and   more   cynical.     He   was   indignant   over   the   inequality   of   the   social   system   and   the   injustice   of   the   laws.   Viewing   the   world   with   such   eyes,   he   was   never   happy,   for   in   this   world   there   is   no   system   that   could   equally   distribute   the   wealth   of   the   world.  

A   popular   political   theory   advocating   the   use   of   force   to   equally   distribute   the   wealth   of   this   world   once   appeared   and   dominated   almost   half   the   population   and   territory   of   the   world.   After   a   century’s   trial,   it   was   proved   that   this   theory   was   a   dead   end   and   was   thrown   into   the   garbage   can   of   the   human   history.     That   theory   was   communism.     The   current   system   of   free   market   in   use   all   over   the   world   is   a   far   superior   system,   but   it   too   has   major   flaws   hard   to   overcome.     For   instance,   the   gap   between   the   rich   and   the   poor   has   become   wider   and   wider,   giving   rise   to   the   adversity   and   antagonism   of   these   two   classes   of   people.     Many   lucky   people   live   happily   above   the   poverty   line,   but   many   more   unfortunate   people   living   under   the   poverty   line   struggle   for   their   very   existence.   Inequality   between   the   rich   and   the   poor   will   become   a   hard   to   solve   problem   in   the   development   of   human   civilization.   David’s   sad   face   reflected   his   uncomprehending   quandary.     He   lighted   up   the   last   of   his   cigarette   butt   and   smoked   silently,   thinking   his   own   thoughts.

“Is   the   distribution   of   wealth   in   this   world   solely   in   the   hands   of   fate?   Is   the   scale   he   holds   in   his   hand   the   tool   with   which   he   deals   out   wealth?   Then   what   measure   does   he   go   by?   It   is   certainly   not   according   to   one’s   intelligence   for   many   intelligent   men   are   poor   and   destitute,   of   which   I   am   a   prime   example.   On   the   other   hand,   many   a   simple   and   ignorant   man   enjoy   great   wealth.   Is   that   Fate’s   way   of   playing   a   trick   on   humanity   or   is   that   a   sarcastic   practical   joke?”     Looking   at   Dimitri’s   disappearing   back,   he   thought,   “Dimitri   often   talks   about   his   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     I   wonder   how   wealth   is   distributed   there?”

Suddenly   like   lightning   lighting   up   the   dark   skies,   David’s   muddled   and   confused   brain   had   an   intuitive   inspiration.   His   eyes   lighted   up   as   if   he   had   discovered   a   treasure   trove.   He   racked   his   brains   and   recalled   Dimitri’s   words   about   his   Kingdom   of   Dreams.   “If   you   can   give   up   your   longing   and   quest   for   the   material   things   of   the   external   world   and   go   back   to   the   innermost   part   of   your   heart   and   make   good   use   of   your   imagination   and   creativity   as   naturally   as   the   bird   used   its   wings,   then   you   will   be   able   to   fly   freely   in   the   blue   skies   “shi   seng   yu”   (submerged?)   in   your   boundless   inner   world.     That   is   where   your   Kingdom   of   Dreams   is.     There   your   depressed   heart   will   be   liberated;   your   twisted,   unbalanced   and   deformed   thoughts   will   be   soothed   and   once   more   regain   balance   and   steadiness.     Desires   which   you   have   never   been   able   to   attain   will   be   satisfied.”

“Really?”   murmured   David.     “My   unattainable   desires   will   be   satisfied?   Well,   I   would   like   to   see   once   more   that   rare   and   unique   green   diamond   which   I   had   lost.   Would   I   be   able   to   do   so?”     Something   green   and   brilliant   suddenly   appeared   before   his   eyes.     He   took   a   closer   look   and   found   it   was   not   only   one   glittering   green   diamond,   but   actually   a   whole   box   of   them   at   his   feet.     David   was   exuberant   and   dug   his   hands   into   the   box   to   hold   up   a   handful   of   these   rare   brilliant   green   diamonds   but   his   hands   came   up   empty.   To   his   dismay   he   found   that   it   was   only   a   temporary   illusion.   He   sat   back   on   the   ground   in   disappointment   and   wondered   whether   Dimitri   had   tricked   him   and   was   just   playing   him.   “Oh   no,   no.     Just   now   I   clearly   saw   with   my   own   eyes   that   box   of   glittering   brilliant   gems.     Let   me   try   again   and   see   whether   Dimitri   was   playing   a   trick   with   me.”     He   remembered   that   one   afternoon   he   saw   in   the   display   window   of   a   high   class   man’s   clothing   store   an   expensive   suit   made   of   high   quality   wool   and   of   excellent   cut.   At   the   time   he   had   thought   that   if   he   put   on   that   suit   he   would   become   a   big   shot.     Suddenly   that   suit   of   clothes   too   appeared   before   his   eyes.     David   remembered   once   seeing   some   very   appetizing   food   in   a   magazine   and   thought   what   a   wonderful   experience   it   would   be   if   he   could   wear   that   suit   of   clothes,   walk   into   that   restaurant   and   order   a   whole   table   of   their   best   dishes.     All   at   once   a   whole   table   of   appetizing   food   materialized   before   him.   He   seemed   to   be   getting   the   knack   of   using   the   two   innate   tools   that   came   with   his   birth,   namely   imagination   and   creativity.   Like   a   child   who   couldn’t   stop   playing   with   a   new   toy,   David   couldn’t   bear   to   tear   himself   away   from   his   newly   acquired   skill   and   practiced   until   it   came   to   him   naturally.   But   these   pictures   were   like   slide   shows   projected   onto   the   screen.   Though   realistic,   clear   and   sharply   defined,   they   were   just   individual   pictures.   David   thought   that   it   would   be   wonderful   if   they   could   be   combined   together   seamlessly   like   a   movie   and   he   himself   could   enter   into   it   and   interact   as   part   of   the   story.   The   moment   that   thought   flashed   in   his   mind   the   scene   before   his   eyes   changed   in   a   bright   dazzling   blaze   of   light.     He   looked   closer   and   found   that   before   him   was   a   large   garden   where   myriads   of   multi-colored   flowers   bloomed   in   profusion.     In   the   middle   of   the   garden   was   a   majestic   palace   built   of   solid   gold.     David   walked   on   the   solid   gold   pavement   towards   the   gold   fountain   where   sprouts   of   water   crisscrossed   to   form   different   patterns.   He   stepped   onto   the   gold   bridge   and   looked   down,   amazed   to   find   that   the   bottom   of   the   fountain   was   covered   with   a   thick   layer   of   sparkling   gold   sand.   Fish   of   all   colors   and   species   swam   leisurely   there.     He   then   proceeded   quickly   to   the   spacious   great   hall   of   the   gold   palace   where   he   was   confronted   by   the   huge   portrait   of   a   large,   majestic   bird   with   the   face   of   a   beautiful   snake-haired   woman   whose   powerful   winged   were   soaring   in   flight.   The   walls   of   the   hall   were   covered   with   murals   and   exquisite,   true   to   life   sculptures   of   King   Dimitri’s   twenty-four   beauties   but   he   had   no   time   to   spare   on   these   magnificent   art   works.     He   rushed   up   the   steps   and   plopped   himself   down   on   King   Dimitri’s   gold   throne.   David   sat   there   looking   around   at   his   glorious   and   resplendent   surroundings   in   great   satisfaction   and   said   loudly,

“Who   would   have   thought   that   I,   David,   am   able   to   sit   here   on   a   king’s   throne?     From   now   on   I   am   an   almighty   king   in   control   of   a   kingdom.   Ha,   ha,   ha…”     His   laughter   resounded   in   the   large,   empty   hall   seeming   more   lonely   and   desolate   than   ever.   “No”   thought   he.   “This   is   not   right.     This   is   the   first   day   of   my   rule.     The   atmosphere   should   be   jolly,   and   cheerful.     There   should   be   a   large   orchestra   making   loud   and   merry   music   and   lots   of   beautiful   women   surrounding   me   seeing   to   my   every   want.”   At   once   the   air   was   full   of   music;   an   endless   stream   of   beautiful   women   walked   in   from   the   entrance   of   the   hall   and   the   room   was   soon   permeated   with   the   fragrance   they   brought   with   them.     David’s   eyes   fell   on   a   beauty   who   looked   familiar   as   if   he   had   seen   her   somewhere   before,   He   stood   up   and   walked   down   from   his   throne   to   dance   with   her.     She   was   slender   of   waist,   light   on   her   feet   and   her   features   were   beautiful   as   a   painting   but   for   the   life   of   him   he   could   not   remember   her   name.     After   the   dance   David   took   her   to   the   back   of   the   palace   and   naturally   had   his   way   with   her.   While   they   were   making   torrid   love   together,   Dimitri’s   words   came   again   to   him,   “What’s   happening   now   is   all   an   illusion.   If   you   take   all   this   for   reality   you   will   be   thrown   into   a   deep   abyss   which   you   will   never   be   able   to   climb   out   of.   You   should   realize   that   things   in   this   world   are   like   this.     What   is   true   is   illusionary   and   what   is   illusionary   is   true.   True   and   false,   illusions   and   reality,   there   really   is   no   real   boundary   between   them.     Only   by   thoroughly   giving   up   your   quest   for   material   things   can   you   possess   everything.   This   is   my   sincere   advice   to   you.     Remember   it   and   never   forget.”    

Soon   David   woke   up   from   his   marvelous   dream.     He   looked   around   and   found   that   all   around   was   poverty   and   dilapidation.     Bullet   holes   were   everywhere   and   broken   glass   covered   the   ground.   The   two   rows   of   buildings   were   dark   and   silent;   the   streets   were   deserted   with   no   sign   of   cars   and   pedestrians.     It   was   like   an   empty   city   with   only   the   moon   high   up   in   the   sky   looking   down.   David   suddenly   remembered   who   the   beauty   he   made   frantic   love   with   in   his   dream   was.     She   was   a   street   hooker   who   worked   in   this   area.     He   never   knew   her   name,   so   naturally   he   could   not   recall   it   in   his   dreams.   He   had   had   his   eyes   on   her   for   quite   a   while   but   had   no   money   to   pay   her,   so   he   could   only   exchange   an   occasional   casual   wisecrack   with   her   when   they   happened   to   meet.   Thinking   of   the   dream,   David   could   not   help   snickering.     “I   have   actually   sat   on   a   gold   throne   and   became   the   king   of   a   realm.   When   I   go   out   on   the   streets   looking   for   food   and   cigarette   butts,   and   see   those   well-dressed   big   shots   with   their   luxury   sedans,   chauffeurs   and   bodyguards   I   will   no   longer   look   at   them   with   envy.     If   I   see   those   beautifully   dressed   and   bejeweled   society   women   walking   into   high   class   restaurants   or   shopping   malls,   I   will   no   longer   feel   inferior   or   unworthy   because   in   King   Dimitri’s   magic   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   my   unattainable   dreams   have   been   satisfied;   my   deformed   thoughts   have   been   straightened;   seriously   unbalanced   heart   is   now   balanced   and   steady.   I   finally   understand   the   true   meaning   of   the   saying,   “Only   by   thoroughly   giving   up   can   you   really   possess”.   The   almighty   king   is   the   equal   of   the   common   soldier.     A   lowly   prostitute   is   the   equal   of   the   noble   socialite.     The   richest   nabob   and   the   beggar   are   also   equals.   When   everything   comes   down   to   0,   everything   is   equal,   for   0   plus   0   equals   0.”   David’s   heart   and   mind   was   full   of   brightness   because   the   dead   knot   which   had   plagued   him   for   so   many   years   have   been   untied   and   he   felt   free   and   happy.     But   consumed   in   his   own   thoughts   he   was   not   aware   that   he   was   being   surrounded   by   about   half   a   dozen   husky,   terrifying-looking   ruffians.   Something   was   going   to   happen.

Under   the   luminous   moonlight,   gorgeous   roses   were   in   full   bloom.   Roses   of   different   colors   and   species   thrived   in   clusters   in   flowers   beds   all   around   the   garden.   In   the   midst   of   these   beautiful   and   magnificent   flowers,   two   crystal   glasses   clinked.     Dimitri   and   Charina   were   sitting   on   a   woolen   blanket   with   a   sumptuous   meal   spread   before   them,   happily   toasting   each   other,   enjoying   themselves   thoroughly.   Charina   had   taken   clean   water   and   a   wet   towel   and   cleaned   off   the   mud   and   dust   that   she   had   put   on   her   face   as   camouflage,   revealing   her   beautiful,   elegant   countenance   and   large   soulful   eyes   which   looked   around   with   speaking   glances.   She   had   discarded   her   dilapidated   safari   hat,   dirty   heavy   coat   and   shirt   revealing   the   yellow   summer   dress   with   narrow   straps   that   she   wore   underneath.   She   still   had   on   the   black   baggy   pants,   but   had   changed   her   ill-fitting   block-headed   shoes   for   a   pair   of   pretty   sandals.   It   was   deep   into   the   night   and   there   was   no   one   around   at   the   wide   expanse   of   land   by   the   lake.     Wasn’t   Dimitri   worried   about   the   welfare   and   safety   of   the   beautiful   and   stylish   lady   by   his   side?   Actually   he   was   not   at   all   concerned   because   as   soon   as   he   stepped   into   the   rose   garden   he   saw   his   two   loyal   servants   Imagination   and   Creativity   standing   hand   in   hand   underneath   a   large   tree.     They   bowed   respectfully   to   him.     He   returned   their   salute   by   waving   his   hand   at   them,   thereby   acknowledging   their   presence.   Charina,   who   was   standing   beside   him,   asked   who   he   was   waving   to   and   if   he   had   seen   a   friend.     Dimitri   didn’t   know   how   to   reply,   so   he   hemmed   and   hawed   and   evaded   her   question.   He   knew   and   trusted   the   abilities   of   his   two   loyal   servants,   so   naturally   he   was   not   worried   about   the   safety   of   himself   and   his   beautiful   companion   and   had   no   compunction   about   drinking   to   his   heart’s   content.   He   held   up   his   glass   and   said   happily,

“I   never   imagined   that   in   my   lonely   nomad   life   I   would   get   to   know   you.     Neither   had   I   ever   dreamed   that   one   day   you   and   I   would   be   together   and   picnic   in   this   beautiful   garden   under   the   bright   luscious   moonlight.   This   is   really   one   of   life’s   wonderful   adventures.”   Charina   took   a   cracker,   put   a   piece   of   smoked   cheese   on   it   and   then   spread   it   thickly   with   caviar.     She   handed   the   sandwich-like   appetizer   to   Dimitri   saying,

“Try   this   and   see   if   you   like   it.”   Dimitri   took   a   bite   and   found   the   taste   quite   unique,   aromatic   and   tasty;   so   he   complimented   her   saying,

“Good.   Good.     This   really   tastes   wonderful   –   one   of   the   great   delicacies   of   this   world!     I   cannot   eat   this   without   accompanying   it   with   some   more   whiskey.”   Saying   so,   he   took   up   his   glass   and   drank   up   half   of   it.     Charina   also   made   one   for   herself   and   chewed   on   it   reflectively   accompanied   by   a   sip   of   her   whiskey.

“Have   you   any   plans   for   the   future?”   she   asked.    

“Plans?”   inquired   Dimitri   quite   startled   by   her   question.     “What   plans?     We   roaming   hobos   have   no   plans   and   do   not   need   any.     We   are   but   a   falling   leaf   drifting   with   the   wind,   or   like   a   flower   that   blooms   and   withers   before   falling   to   the   ground.     We   have   no   plans.”   Charina   nodded   her   head   and   then   said,

“You   sound   pretty   poetic   but   too   passive   and   negative   by   far.   Do   you   never   think   of   stopping   your   roaming,   form   a   family   and   live   a   normal   and   more   stabilized   life?”   Dimitri   smiled   wryly   and   tossed   off   the   rest   of   the   whiskey   in   his   glass.     Charina   refilled   it   for   him   and   continued,   “If   there   is   a   woman   who   is   willing   to   marry   you,   take   care   of   your   home,   cook   and   wash   for   you   and   even   have   children   with   you   so   your   noble   bloodline   can   be   continued,   would   you   consider   it?”     Dimitri   sighed   to   himself   and   secretly   thought,

“There   is   goes   again.     As   the   saying   goes,   “The   hardest   thing   to   endure   is   a   woman’s   dedication.   It’s   what   every   man   craves   for   but   it’s   also   what   he   is   most   afraid   of   getting…”     He   cleared   his   throat,   hesitant   as   to   how   to   reply.   “As   to   that…I   have   never…eh…   thought   of   it   before   and…eh…have   never   met   with   such   a   situation…”     Charina   calmly   cut   a   piece   of   pama   ham   and   handed   it   to   Dimitri   wrapped   in   lettuce,   saying,

“Don’t   worry   about   it.     Have   something   to   eat   and   think   it   over   carefully.     Now   that   you   are   confronted   with   such   a   situation,   are   you   willing   to   consider   it?”     Dimitri   made   use   of   the   pretext   of   chewing   his   food   to   stall   for   time.     His   brain   was   going   at   a   furiously   fast   rate,   thinking   of   how   to   deal   with   this   dilemma.     It   was   not   an   easy   question   to   answer.     If   in   trying   to   slur   things   over   his   answer   was   too   vague   and   ambiguous,   it   would   not   convey   his   true   meaning   and   certainly   would   not   resolve   the   problem.     On   the   other   hand,   if   his   reply   was   concise   and   to   the   point,   it   would   hurt   Charina’s   self   respect.     Charina,   after   all,   was   a   beautiful   and   extremely   intelligent   lady   from   a   well-to-do   family   and   an   authoress   of   some   repute.     For   her   to   say   what   she   had   just   said   took   a   lot   of   courage   and   it   was   an   extremely   high   compliment   to   him,   Dimitri,   that   she   thought   him   worthy   of   her.   How   could   he   refuse?     But   if   he   did   not   refuse,   there   really   was   no   way   he   could   accept   her   offer…   Caught   up   in   the   quandary,   Dimitri   was   at   a   loss   as   to   what   to   do.   Finally   with   Charina’s   piercing   eyes   centered   on   him,   he   realized   he   could   not   procrastinate   any   longer   and   braced   himself   to   reply   in   a   roundabout   way   saying,

“…eh…   Charina…don’t   you   feel…   that   is   to   say…   I   feel…”   Charina   kept   smiling   and   looking   at   Dimitri   as   if   finding   his   awkward   and   embarrassed   body   language   and   expression   both   funny   and   amusing.   She   held   up   her   wine   glass   and   said,

“Come   on   Dimitri,   don’t   worry.   Have   a   drink   and   we   can   talk   this   over.”   Dimitri   gulped   down   his   whiskey   and   continued,

“You   know,   Charina,   everyone   in   this   world   has   his   place   and   plays   a   role.   You   play   your   role   and   I   play   mine.   Two   mysterious   elements   define   which   role   one   is   to   play:   the   innate   fate   one   is   born   with   and   character   which   is   developed   later.   Take   you   for   instance:   your   innate   fate   is   much   better   than   that   of   an   ordinary   person.   You   were   born   into   a   lap   of   luxury,   have   always   lived   an   affluent   life   and   was   very   well   educated.   Then   as   you   grew   up   your   character   was   inclined   towards   the   artistic   and   you   loved   to   read   and   write.   That   naturally   led   to   the   life   of   a   scholar   and   you   became   an   author   of   some   acclaim.   You   filled   well   the   role   you   were   meant   for   in   life.     It   was   the   same   with   me.     My   innate   fate   was   very   poor.   I   was   born   with   serious   eye   problems   which   later   led   to   my   blindness.   From   the   time   I   had   memory,   I   was   always   on   the   streets,   begging,   so   it   seemed   to   be   that   I   was   born   with   wanderlust   and   roaming   has   become   my   way   of   life.   That   was   how   I   came   to   be   a   blind   vagabond.   It   is   result   of   interaction   between   my   innate   fate   and   character   or   way   of   life.   You   are   like   a   bird,   flying   freely   in   the   skies,   while   I   am   like   a   fish   in   the   water.     You   and   I   are   two   entirely   different   species   of   animals   and   unfortunately   it   is   impossible   to   combine   the   two   and   make   them   live   in   the   same   habitat.     I   am   sure   the   conclusion   is   only   ‘no’”.     Charina   kept   looking   at   Dimitri   with   a   tranquil   smile   and   said,

“Are   you   done?     If   so,   please   allow   me   to   say   something.     I   feel   that   your   misgivings   are   based   on   your   grave   psychological   obstacles.   The   main   reason   is   that   you   don’t   think   you   are   worthy   of   me.     Is   that   right?     But   I   must   tell   you   not   to   belittle   yourself   unwarrantedly.     In   your   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   you   are   a   benevolent   king   whom   all   your   subjects   love   and   respect.     You   are   a   noble   poet.     It   was   your   noble   talents   that   made   me   love   you   at   first   sight   and   the   reason   why   I   want   to   marry   you.”     Charina   stopped   for   a   moment,   sipped   a   little   whiskey   and   continued,   “Alright,   let’s   compromise.     I   have   a   plan   that   will   dissolve   the   contradictions   and   solve   our   problems.   During   the   day   you   can   play   your   own   role   and   roam   wherever   you   want.     I   know   you   have   a   lot   of   good   friends   as   well   as   your   own   business   to   take   care   of.   But   at   night,   please   return   to   my   house.   A   sumptuous   meal   will   be   prepared   for   you.     After   dinner,   if   you   feel   uncomfortable   sleeping   indoors,   I   have   a   large   back   yard.     Feel   free   to   make   your   bed   anywhere   outdoors   that   takes   your   fancy.   It   sets   my   mind   at   ease   to   know   you   are   in   my   home.”     Charina   again   stopped   for   a   moment   and   eyed   the   sleeping   bag   for   two   spread   out   beside   them   that   she   had   just   bought.   Charina’s   voice   dropped   so   low   as   to   be   almost   inaudible   as   she   blushed   and   continued,   “I   want   to   have   children   with   you.   It   would   be   a   pity   to   let   your   noble   line   end   with   you   and   not   pass   your   royal   blood   along   to   your   descendants…”     Dimitri’s   heart   lurched   when   he   heard   her   words   and   was   deeply   distressed.  

“Gosh!”     he   thought.     “This   does   it!   How   can   one   reply   to   an   offer   like   this   from   a   beautiful   and   classy   lady?   If   I   refuse   she   will   feel   rejected,   repulsed   and   so   humiliated   that   I’m   afraid   she   would   jump   right   down   a   steep   cliff   if   one   was   nearby.   Imagination!     Where   are   you?     I   need   your   help.     Show   yourself   immediately!”

Imagination   and   Creativity   were   holding   hand,   talking   and   laughing   under   the   shade   of   the   tall   tree   when   suddenly   Imagination   became   still.     She   had   received   the   call   for   help   from   King   Dimitri.   He   turned   to   Creativity   and   said,

“Our   master   is   in   trouble   and   has   called   me   for   help.   I   must   go   and   get   him   out   of   whatever   predicament   he   is   in.   You   stay   here.     I’ll   be   back.”

“What   predicament   can   he   be   in?”   inquired   Creativity,   quite   puzzled.   “Wasn’t   he   talking   animatedly   with   a   beautiful   woman   under   the   moonlight   amidst   the   beautiful   roses?   What   help   could   he   need   from   you?”

“That   beautiful   woman   is   the   trouble!”   replied   Imagination.   “She   has   offered   herself   to   our   master   who   doesn’t   know   what   to   do.   That’s   why   he   is   calling   to   me   for   help.”

“Offered   herself   to   him?   Isn’t   that   a   good   thing?     If   you   barge   in   now,   you   would   be   disrupting   their   intimate   tete-a-tete.”   Imagination   gave   him   a   white   eye   and   said,

“You   are   really   dense   sometimes   Creativity.   You   should   know   how   our   master’s   mind   works   by   now.   He   does   not   want   to   be   embroiled   in   any   more   amorous   affairs   of   the   heart.     They   twist   around   him   like   webs   that   refuse   to   go   away   and   are   impossible   to   untangle.   That’s   why   he   is   calling   to   me   for   help.”   She   was   about   to   walk   out   of   the   shade   when   Creativity   grabbed   hold   of   her   arm   saying,

“I   sense   five,   six   people   coming   towards   the   rose   garden.     These   are   evil   persons   and   are   up   to   no   good.”

“I   have   no   time   to   deal   with   these   people”   said   Imagination.   “My   master   calls   and   I   must   go   to   him   immediately.   Only   a   woman   can   deal   with   affairs   of   the   heart.     I   will   go   and   leave   these   ruffians   for   you   to   deal   with.”

“No   problem”   replied   Creativity.   “Leave   these   thugs   to   me.”   Imagination   then   walked   out   of   the   shade   towards   the   beds   of   roses.

David   realized   that   there   were   some   people   moving   around   him.     Before   he   understood   what   was   happening,   his   collar   was   tightly   grasped   by   rough   hands   which   pulled   him   up   and   slapped   him   so   powerfully   on   the   face   that   blood   sprouted   from   his   nose   and   mouth.

“Who   the   fuck   sent   you   here   to   spy   on   us?”   growled   a   low   masculine   voice.   “What   are   you   doing   on   our   turf?     Are   you   snooping   here   to   report   to   your   boss?     Who   is   he?”   Before   David   had   time   to   gather   his   wits   to   reply,   the   man   jerked   up   his   strong,   massive   knee   and   hit   David’s   stomach   several   times   so   strongly   that   he   was   dizzy   with   pain   and   lost   control   of   his   bowels.   The   man   then   threw   the   old   man   to   the   ground   in   disgust   and   kicked   him   viciously,   saying,   “Talk!     Who   sent   you   here...   What?   You’re   not   talking...   Good!     I   haven’t   killed   anyone   for   quite   a   few   days   and   I’m   raring   to   go.     Why   don’t   I   practice   on   you?     I   will   crack   your   head   open   and   your   noodles   flow   out!   Wait   and   see…”   Saying   so,   he   took   a   gun   out   of   his   pocket   and   pointed   it   at   David’s   forehead.     In   fear   and   desperation,   David   cried   out,

“Dimitri!     Dimitri!   Help   me…       Dimitri!     Dimitri!     Help...”

“What,   you   dare   to   make   a   noise?     Watch   me   shoot   you   right   now!”     Just   as   he   was   about   to   pull   the   trigger,   a   short   man   with   a   narrow   forehead   and   pointed   head   walked   out   of   the   shadows.     His   eyes   were   like   those   of   a   mouse,   darting   around   furtively,   advertising   the   fact   that   this   was   a   man   harboring   evil   intentions   and   full   of   wicked   ideas.   He   caught   the   man’s   arm   and   said,

“Not   so   fast,   boss.     Listen,   I   have   something   important   to   tell   you   first.”

“What   the   fuck!”   grunted   the   man   impatiently.   “Scram!   Can’t   you   see   I’m   busy?”   The   short   guy   pulled   him   over   to   the   side   and   asked,

“Ever   heard   of   a   dude   called   Dimitri   Jackson,   boss?”

“No.     Who   is   he?     Never   heard   of   him.     Must   be   a   nobody.”

“No   way   boss.   He   is   a   mysterious   trillionaire,   really,   really   loaded.     He   owns   a   lot   of   businesses   that   he   hires   to   run   for   him.     He   never   shows   himself   in   public   and   no   one   knows   who   he   really   is.”

“What’s   that   got   to   do   with   me?     He   goes   his   way   and   I   go   mine.     We   have   nothing   to   do   with   each   other.”

“Oh   no,   boss.   I   think   you’ll   be   coming   into   big   bucks.     That   dude   Dimitri   loves   to   dress   up   as   a   homeless   person   and   fool   around   with   other   dirty   and   stinky   homeless   hobos.   No   one   knows   anything   about   him   so   it’s   very   hard   to   catch   him.     But   recently   word   on   the   street   is   he   has   become   blind   so   he   must   wear   shades   and   carry   a   white   cane.   Just   now   I   saw   a   man   like   that   walk   past   us   with   another   hobo,   that   my   eyes   told   me   was   woman   in   disguise.   Hey,   boss   that’s   why   I   said   you   are   about   to   come   into   big   bucks.     If   that   homeless   man   is   Dimitri,   we   could   easily   take   him.     If   you   have   Dimitri   in   your   control,   you   are   in   control   of   his   immense   fortune.     As   to   his   companion,   we   can   strip   off   her   clothes   when   we   get   hold   of   her.     The   chick   may   even   turn   out   to   be   a   great   beauty!   So   boss   you   may   gain   control   of   both   a   fortune   and   a   beauty!”     The   man   he   addressed   as   chief,   laughed   heartily   and   slapped   the   short   guy   on   his   shoulders   saying,

“Great,   bro!     If   I   get   control   of   this   great   fortune   I   will   share   it   with   you.   Let   me   kill   the   spy   first   and   then   go   and   catch   these   two   homeless   persons.”   The   short   guy   with   a   pointed   head   and   mouse-like   eyes   said,

“No   boss,   don’t   kill   him   yet.   Just   now   he   was   shouting   for   Dimitri.     What   if   the   guy   is   in   Dimitri’s   camp?     People   say   Dimitri   is   a   good   friend   of   Mr.   Kaffee   that   retired   underworld   big   shot   who   is   still   very   powerful.   What’s   worse,   that   killer   Big-O   is   loyal   to   him.   We   do   not   want   to   make   these   two   angry   with   us.     They   can   make   our   lives   hell   and   kick   us   out   of   our   turf.   If   Big-O   comes   after   us,   there   will   be   no   tomorrow.   Why   don’t   we   just   tie   up   the   old   fellow   and   throw   him   by   the   roadside.     We   should   hurry   after   the   two   hobos   in   the   rose   garden.”

“You   are   right.   Don’t   sweat   the   little   stuff.   We   should   go   after   the   important   targets   first.”

Flowers   swayed   and   leaves   rustled   as   someone   walked   through   the   rose   bushes   and   came   towards   the   picnic   site.     The   clever   and   ever   vigilant   little   dog   Maureen   barked   at   the   direction   where   the   noise   was   coming   from.     Dimitri   immediately   caught   hold   of   it   and   patted   its   head   saying,

“Don’t   be   afraid,   my   little   friend.   It’s   only   an   old   friend   of   mine   coming   to   see   us.   Stop   barking   so   you   won’t   wake   up   the   pretty   roses   that   are   all   asleep.”   Then   looking   up   at   Charina,   he   said,   “It’s   a   good   friend   of   mine   called   Imagination.     She   can   be   invisible   and   hide   herself   in   the   air   but   she   will   be   showing   herself   pretty   soon.   Please   don’t   be   afraid.”  

“King   Dimitri!”   called   a   sweet   voice   in   the   air,   “did   you   call   me?     What   can   I   do   for   you?   May   I   show   myself?”    

“Yes,   show   yourself”   called   Dimitri   to   the   empty   air.   No   sooner   had   the   words   left   his   mouth   than   under   the   moonlight   a   young   woman   with   long   hair   falling   to   her   waist   suddenly   appeared   before   them.     She   had   an   alluring   figure   and   a   beautiful   face,   which   revealed   two   mysterious   dimples   when   she   smiled   at   them.   She   stood   under   the   moonlight   and   bowed   reverently   before   Dimitri.     “Now   that   you   are   here,   please   sit   down   so   the   two   of   you   can   talk   together   comfortably.”     He   held   up   his   glass   of   whiskey   full   to   the   brim,   finished   it   with   a   quaff   and   said,   “I’m   afraid   I   have   had   too   much   to   drink   and   am   feeling   a   bit   tipsy.     I   think   I   had   better   go   to   sleep.     You   two   can   chat   together.”     Saying   so,   he   laid   himself   on   the   ground,   immediately   fell   asleep   and   was   soon   snoring.     Charina’s   eyes   were   still   wide   open   in   shock   at   the   dramatic   events   that   enfolded   before   her   eyes,   but   Imagination   curled   her   legs   under   herself   and   sat   down   quite   naturally   beside   Charina,   saying,

“I   know   you   are   the   authoress   Charina.     I   have   known   you   since   the   very   first   day   you   got   to   know   Dimitri,   only   you   did   not   know   of   my   existence.     I   am   a   small   cell   in   King   Dimitri’s   brain.     I   have   a   companion   called   Creativity.     Our   names   were   given   to   us   by   King   Dimitri.     At   the   moment   Creativity   is   roaming   around   the   area   seeing   to   our   security.   You   may   rest   assured   that   we   are   all   perfectly   safe   here   on   this   lonely   stretch   of   land   near   the   lake.     We   will   not   be   disturbed   or   attacked   here   at   the   rose   garden.”

“Attacked?     “asked   Charina   greatly   mystified.     “Who   would   want   to   attack   us?”

“In   human   society”   answered   Imagination   with   a   mysterious   smile   on   her   face,   “there   are   kind   people   of   candid   and   open-hearted   disposition,   but   there   are   more   who   are   vicious   and   malicious.     It   is   these   people   who   cause   trouble   and   disrupt   the   peace   and   harmony   of   our   society.   But   you   may   rest   assured   that   my   companion   Creativity   is   perfectly   capable   of   dealing   with   any   situation.”

“Of   course…”   nodded   Charina   half-doubtfully.     “But   I   only   trust   Dimitri.   Since   he   has   allowed   me   to   come   with   him   on   his   roaming,   I   am   sure   he   has   considered   everything,   including   safety.”   Imagination   kept   the   mysterious   smile   on   her   face   and   changed   the   subject   saying,

“Oh,   by   the   way,   do   you   remember   the   first   time   you   went   to   King   Dimitri’s   Kingdom   of   Dreams?     You   happened   to   come   across   an   enormous   earthquake   followed   by   a   tsunami…”

“Oh   yes”   replied   Charina   with   her   eyes   lighting   up.   “It’s   an   unforgettable   experience.     Were   you   there   too?”

“Yes,   I   was   there.     Don’t   forget   I   am   a   cell   in   King   Dimitri’s   brain”   replied   Imagination.   “I   remember   King   Dimitri   put   you   in   the   ruins   of   the   burnt   down   palace   so   you   could   gather   whatever   material     you   needed   for   your   writing.   I   was   with   King   Dimitri   when   he   jumped   on   his   magic   horse   Lightning   and   soared   up   to   the   skies   to   meet   with   King   Zeus.   Chalk   it   up   to   feminine   intuition   if   you   will   but   since   our   first   meeting   I   have   known   the   secret   in   your   heart.   Perhaps   it   takes   a   woman   to   know   a   woman   but   I   have   known   that   you   wish   to   make   a   home   for   King   Dimitri   so   he   could   live   a   happy   life.     You   are   willing   to   be   with   him   your   whole   life.”     Charina   silently   nodded   and   glanced   at   Dimitri,   who   was   lying   asleep   under   the   roses.   Under   the   moonlight,   Imagination’s   eyes   glittered   as   she   looked   straight   at   Charina   and   said,   “I’m   afraid   Charina,   that   your   wish   cannot   be   realized   in   the   near   future   because   King   Dimitri   is   not   psychologically   ready   yet   to   take   this   step.     He   has   not   been   able   to   free   himself   of   an   extremely   tragic   event   of   his   past.   Perhaps   I   should   tell   you   about   it   so   you   would   understand.”

“Really?”   exclaimed   Charina   urgently   as   her   curiosity   had   been   aroused.   “I   would   appreciate   it   very   much   if   you   would   tell   me   about   this.”   Imagination   then   made   use   of   this   opportunity   to   relate   to   her   Dimitri’s   intricate   relationship   with   Ileen,   Cyclops   and   Viola   (please   read   Book1   and   2   for   details).   A   deep   silence   ensued   at   the   end   of   her   tale.   After   a   while   Charina   raised   her   head,   her   large   soulful   eyes   looking   at   Imagination’s   and   murmured,”   Now   I   understand   why   Dimitri   asked   you   here   to   tell   me   this   story.     He   has   not   yet   emerged   from   the   shadow   of   the   tragedy   in   his   life.     I   fully   understand,   but   my   love   for   him   will   not   change.   With   love   comes   the   urge   for   a   closer   sexual   relationship,   which   is   perfectly   natural.   Is   it   wrong   for   me   to   want   to   have   children   with   him   to   continue   his   bloodline?   I   don’t   think   so.     Neither   do   I   know   how   to   stop   loving   him.”

“Of   course   you   are   not   wrong”   replied   Imagination   diplomatically.   “From   love   to   sex   is   a   natural   progression   and   is   part   of   human   nature.     Modern   civilization   has   progressed   too   fast.   In   seeking   instant   gratification,   the   position   of   love   and   sex   has   somewhat   become   reversed   and   sexual   relationship   between   the   sexes   has   become   as   simple,   commonplace   and   straightforward   as   shaking   hands.   Sex   has   taken   the   place   of   love   with   the   result   that   uncurbed   sex   has   become   a   rampage,   increasing   the   number   of   abortions   and   illegitimate   children.   Society   has   become   more   complicated   and   illogical.   Marrying   in   haste   without   much   thought   leads   inevitably   to   divorce.   Then   seeking   the   same   unattainable   happiness,   they   remarry   and   get   divorced   again.   Thus   marriage   and   divorce   has   become   an   unending   cycle,   as   common   as   eating   three   meals   a   day   and   soon   they   find   their   whole   life   had   gone   by,   frittered   away   in   such   trivial   pursuit,   seeking   happiness   ever   unattainable.   I   feel   that   this   is   the   wrong   way   to   go.     How   I   hope   we   could   go   back   fifty   years,   even   a   century   when   society   was   more   conservative   and   under   the   constraints   of   morality   people   have   a   more   rational   understanding   of   love   and   sex.   Man   and   woman   would   be   willing   to   go   through   a   longer   period   of   knowing   and   understanding   each   other   and   marriage   would   no   longer   be   an   irrational   decision.   That   is   what   modern   society   needs   right   now.   Your   idea   was   right.     You   go   from   love   to   sex,   but   Charina   do   you   know   that   there   is   another   more   superior   and   noble   form   of   love   that   rises   above   sex?”

“Another   more   superior   and   noble   form   of   love   that   rises   above   sexual   love?     What   can   that   be?”   asked   Charina,   quite   mystified.

“I   think   I   will   ask   two   nymphs   from   heaven   to   come   down   and   explain   it   to   you   so   you   would   better   understand   what   I   mean.”     Imagination   put   her   finger   to   her   lips   she   said,   “Sh-sh-sh.     Be   quie.”     Then   raising   her   head   to   look   up   at   the   myriad   of   stars   in   the   skies,   she   cupped   her   hands   and   lowered   her   voice   whispering,   “Hey,   Charmaine!     Clementine!   What   are   you   two   doing?   Are   you   free?     If   so,   why   don’t   you   come   down   to   earth   for   a   moment?     I   want   you   to   meet   a   new   friend   of   King   Dimitri’s   whom     I   think   he   would   like   you   two   to   meet.”

In   the   skies   above   the   rose   garden   by   the   lake   floated   some   clouds.   There   were   no   winds   so   they   stayed   stable   and   unmoving   as   if   asleep.   Under   the   luminous   moonlight,   two   svelte   figures,   one   followed   by   another,   flashed   by,   jumping   from   one   cloud   to   another,   and   then   to   those   further   on.   They   wore   flimsy   clothes   resembling   the   semi-transparent   wings   of   dragonflies,   giving   off   scintillating   golden   sparkle   under   the   moonlight,   now   revealing   now   concealing   their   fascinating   figures   as   they   jumped   and   flew   from   cloud   to   cloud.   As   they   got   nearer   to   the   rose   garden   the   two   of   them   became   greatly   excited.     At   the   same   time   in   the   darkness   on   the   ground   below,   some   tall   husky   figures   emerged   from   the   shadows   and   were   running   towards   the   rose   garden.   One   of   figures,   a   short   man   with   pointed   head   and   small   mouse-like   eyes   stopped   the   other   goons   and   rubbed   his   eyes   saying,

“Hey   guys!     Did   you   see   two   beautiful   young   girls   flash   by   on   the   clouds   above?   Did   you   see   them?”     His   boss,   a   husky   brawny   tough   guy   snarled,

“Shut   your   trap,   you   goony   wimp,   something’s   wrong   with   your   eyes.   What   beautiful   young   girls?   All   you   can   think   of   is   women!     Let’s   get   on   with   it   and   not   waste   time.     If   our   quarry   escapes   it   will   be   all   for   nothing!”   Just   as   they   were   about   to   set   off   again,   two   figures   in   the   skies   above   suddenly   jumped   off   the   clouds   and   floated   lightly   down   to   the   rose   garden   like   two   feathers.     That   man   with   the   pointed   head   and   mouse   like   eyes   pointed   to   the   skies   saying,

“Nothing   is   wrong   with   my   eyes!     Was   I   wrong?     Look!   Don’t   you   all   see   it?     I   wasn’t   wrong   was   I?     Are   you   all   blind?     This   time   it’s   not   only   one   girl,   it’s   several!   One   is   in   the   garden   and   two   more   dropping   down   from   the   sky.     Hey   boss,   you’re   in   luck!”   In   the   face   of   reality,   the   husky,   brawny   tough   guy   had   nothing   to   say   this   time.     He   swiped   his   mouth   with   the   back   of   his   hand   as   if   to   wipe   off   the   saliva   that   was   drooling   in   his   mouth.

“Son-of-a   bitch”   he   exclaimed.   “Is   there   really   such   a   thing   as   fairies   coming   down   to   earth   from   the   skies?   There   really   were   two   females   who   jumped   down   from   the   clouds.   I   don’t   give   a   damn   about   the   mysterious   dude   you   talked   about   but   I   want   these   females.”

“Hey   boss,   you’ll   get   both   money   and   females,   I   am   sure   of   it.     Just   don’t   forget   us   when   you   do.   You   have   the   steak   but   we’ll   get   to   gnaw   some   bones,   right?”   The   other   men   also   began   to   clamor   and   shout   not   to   be   forgotten.     Creativity,   who   was   hiding   in   the   air,   had   long   zoomed   in   on   this   group   of   mobsters.     He   thought,

“This   is   human   greed   at   work,   looking   to   take   for   oneself   what   belongs   to   others.     Let   me   teach   these   fellows   a   lesson,   these   toads   who   are   hankering   for   a   taste   of   a   swan.”

When   Imagination   saw   two   beautiful   nymphs   drifting   down   from   the   skies,   their   clothing   fluttering   in   the   breeze,   she   immediately   jumped   up   excitedly   to   give   them   a   warm   embrace.     The   motionless   form   of   Dimitri   lying   sound   asleep   in   the   midst   of   the   roses   caught   the   eyes   of   Clementine   and   Charmaine,   who   sighed   and   said,

“Father   Zeus   has   been   sending   out   scouts   to   look   for   King   Dimitri   in   the   four   corners   of   the   earth,   not   knowing   he   is   sound   asleep   right   here   in   the   rose   garden.   How   unhappy   Father   Zeus   would   be   to   hear   this!   “

“Let’s   allow   King   Dimitri   to   sleep   on   uninterrupted”   suggested   Imagination   “and   permit   me   to   introduce   to   you   to   a   friend.”     She   waved   to   Charina   signaling   her   to   come   and   meet   the   two   nymphs.     Charina   walked   over   smiling.     She   first   embraced   Clementine   and   felt   as   if   her   arms   were   clasping   empty   air.     Then   she   embraced   Charmaine   and   again   felt   as   if   she   was   hugging   a   vacuous   void.   Suddenly   she   remembered   Dimitri   telling   her   about   the   24   beauties   in   his   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   how   two   of   them   were   nymphs   with   image   but   no   substance.   That   is   to   say   they   had   no   flesh   bodies.   She   concluded   that   the   nymphs   before   her   must   be   the   two   Dimitri   had   mentioned   and   understood   why   Imagination   wanted   her   to   meet   them.   Little   dog   Maureen   lay   at   the   feet   of   its   mistress,   looking   up   at   the   two   nymphs   who   had   flown   down   from   the   skies.     Clementine   and   Charmaine   reached   down   and   softly   patted   its   head   and   teased   him   saying,   “Ah,   little   dog,   lovely   little   dog.     I   bet   you   are   the   cleverest   dog   in   the   whole   city   of   humans.”

“Come   on,   everyone,   let’s   sit   down   and   talk   instead   of   standing   on   ceremony”   said   Imagination.   “King   Dimitri   had   a   little   too   much   to   drink   tonight,   so   I   think   we   should   let   him   sleep   it   off.”   Saying   so,   the   four   beauties   sat   down   on   the   woolen   blanket.     Having   no   flesh   bodies,   Clementine   and   Charmaine   needed   no   food   or   drink.     Imagination   knew   the   sisters   well,   having   often   spent   a   lot   of   time   with   them   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   talking   and   laughing.     Ah!   Those   happy,   carefree   days   were   like   the   flowing   water,   gone   forever,   never   to   return.   “How   have   you   two   been   doing   these   days?”   continued   Imagination.   “What’s   been   keeping   you   busy?   Oh   yes,   you   just   mentioned   that   King   Zeus   has   sent   scouts   out   looking   for   King   Dimitri.     Do   you   know   what   your   heavenly   father   wants   with   him?”

“Actually,   there’s   nothing   urgent”   answered   Clementine.     “You   know   how   Father   Zeus   is.     He   likes   things   around   him   to   be   lively   and   bustling   with   activity   and   hates   it   when   it’s   quiet   and   still   with   nothing   much   going   on.   Recently   he   was   in   a   good   mood   and   there   was   not   much   on   the   horizon,   so   he   decided   to   give   a   magnificent   banquet,   inviting   all   the   gods   on   Olympus   and   the   kings   of   various   kingdoms   to   join.     Of   course   King   Dimitri,   being   one   of   his   favorite   people,   was   an   honored   guests.       Father   Zeus   sent   people   out   with   the   invitation,   and   was   frustrated   when   they   couldn’t   find   him   anywhere.     That’s   all.     Also,   King   Zeus   suddenly   remembered   the   wonderful   wine   he   was   once   offered   at   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.   It   was   made   from   the   nectar   of   a   hundred   flowers   and   tasted   just   out   of   this   world,   impossible   to   describe   with   words.     Just   the   thought   of   this   wine   would   make   him   drool   with   envy,   so   he   sent   the   two   of   us   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   to   learn   how   to   make   this   wine.”

“Really?”exclaimed   Imagination,   greatly   interested.   “So   the   two   of   you   must   have   been   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   recently?     Did   you   see   the   White   Fairy?   She’s   the   one   who   made   the   wine.     I’m   sure   she   must   have   given   you   the   recipe   instead   of   refusing   to   reveal   her   secret.”

“Of   course   she   would   not   refuse   to   share;   we   have   always   been   intimate   bosom   friends.   But   the   making   of   the   wine   is   a   pretty   intricate   procedure   involving   many   secrets   steps   and   it’s   not   something   we   could   learn   in   a   hurry;   so   White   Fairy   volunteered   to   go   with   us   to   the   Seventh   Heaven   and   make   the   wine   there   for   King   Zeus.     Medusa   said   many   of   the   flowers   that   go   into   the   wine   were   available   only   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   nowhere   else,   so   she   organized   the   loyal   people   of   the   kingdom   to   go   out   in   the   wilds   and   the   mountains   to   gather   those   flowers,   which   she   later   helped   us   transport   to   the   Seventh   heaven.     While   White   Fairy   was   making   the   wine,   she   at   the   same   time   taught   us   step   by   step   the   secrets   of   making   the   wine   Father   Zeus   so   loved.   We   were   careful   to   have   everything   ready   in   time   for   Father   Zeus   grand   banquet.”

“So   you   saw   Medusa   recently,   too”   exclaimed   Imagination.     “How   is   she?   Is   everything   alright   with   her?”

“Oh,   everything   is   fine   with   her,   but   the   duty   of   protecting   the   safety   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   is   a   heavy   burden.     Cyclops   and   Viola   have   been   very   quiet   recently   and   may   have   left   the   area,   but   Medusa   never   knows   when   they   will   pop   up   and   create   more   mischief.     Neither   can   she   be   sure   of   what   other   schemes,   conspiracy   and   intrigues   they   will   cook   up   to   destroy   the   Kingdom.     Medusa   lives   from   day   to   day   on   tenterhooks,   ever   vigilant,   wary   and   alert,   carrying   out   her   job   of   protecting   the   Kingdom   which   King   Dimitri   entrusted   to   her.   She   is   so   looking   forward   to   the   day   when   King   Dimitri   would   go   back   and   take   up   the   reins   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   again.”     After   a   silence,   she   said,   “Medusa   hopes   that   you   and   your   partner   Creativity   would   build   a   palace,   grander   and   more   magnificent   that   the   old   one   that   was   burnt   down   all   ready   for   the   day   when   King   Dimitri   returns.     She   also   mentioned   that   she   would   like   to   mobilize   the   people   of   the   Kingdom   to   salvage   the   gold   palace   that   was   sunk   to   the   bottom   of   Sun   Moon   Lake   and   put   it   back   on   Giant   Mountain.     But   this   must   wait   till   King   Dimitri   returns   and   give   the   order.     It   was   not   her   decision   to   make…   “  

“Oh,   by   the   way   “interrupted   Charmaine,   “why   were   the   two   of   us   called   here?     Is   there   an   emergency?   Father’s   magnificent   banquet   is   still   ongoing   big-time   in   the   Seventh   Heaven.     White   Fairy   is   covering   up   for   us   while   we   slip   out.     She   is   single-handedly   taking   care   of   the   wine   for   the   whole   banquet   and   I   am   sure   she   is   having   a   hectic   time   but   we   sit   here   leisurely   chatting   with   you   guys   while   King   Dimitri   sleeps.   She’ll   be   angry   if   she   knew   this.”

“Oh   no,   no”   replied   Imagination.     “She   will   never   be   angry.     We   are   all   good   sisters.     In   fact   I   am   sure   she   will   be   very   happy.     Actually   inviting   you   both   here   to   meet   Charina   was   not   my   personal   decision.     It   was   King   Dimitri’s   idea   to   let   you   know   each   other   and   have   a   good   heart   to   heart   talk.”

“Oh,   is   that   so?”     mused   Charmaine.   Turning   to   Charina,   she   said,   “As   a   matter   of   fact,   we   knew   you   a   while   ago.     My   sister   and   I   saw   you   in   the   bronze   mirror   in   our   palace   in   the   moon   when   you   were   washing   King   Dimitri’s   throne   in   the   ruins   of   the   palace   and   we   knew   the   secret   wish   in   your   heart.     You   wanted   to   give   him   a   home   where   he   could   settle   down   and   no   longer   live   the   nomad   life   of   a   drifter.   We   saw   it   all   and   we   understood.”     Charina   was   shocked   and   embarrassed   that   the   secret   in   the   innermost   sanctuary   of   her   heart   was   thus   exposed.     She   blushed   furiously   and   lowered   her   head,   not   knowing   how   to   answer.   Clever   and   sensitive,   Charina   had   guessed   at   the   reason   for   arranging   her   meeting   with   the   two   nymphs.   Just   then,   sounds   of   loud   shouting   and   fighting   were   heard   at   the   gate   to   the   rose   garden.

A   tall,   stalwart,   violent-looking   mobster   rushed   into   the   rose   garden   ahead   of   his   band   of   five,   six   ferocious   ruffians.     He   was   in   such   a   hurry   that   in   the   darkness   he   hit   his   head   hard   against   a   protruding   wall   which   was   solid   as   a   bastion   of   iron,   forcing   him   to   totter   back   a   few   steps   as   golden   stars   flashed   before   his   eyes.   He   rubbed   his   eyes   as   he   looked   around   and   asked   his   followers,

“You   guys   see   any   wall   in   front?”

“No,   boss”   they   replied.     “We   don’t   see   no   wall   in   front,   only   empty   space.”

“That’s   strange”   he   muttered   to   himself.     “I   know   I   hit   a   wall.     How   come   there’s   nothing   there?”     The   short   man   with   a   narrow   forehead   and   pointed   head   who   was   following   right   behind   him   saw   everything   that   happened.   There   really   was   nothing   in   front   of   his   boss,   but   then   he   also   clearly   saw   him   hit   something   solid   and   totter   back   from   the   impact!.    

“That’s   spooky!”   thought   he   as   his   sly,   mouse   like   eyes   rolled   around   in   contemplation   of   the   situation.   “There   are   lots   of   strange   things   happening   in   this   world,   such   as   nymphs   from   heaven   floating   down   to   earth;   so   nothing   is   impossible.     There   seems   to   be   something   jinxed   about   tonight   and   things   don’t   look   good.   Better   not   get   mixed   up   with   it.   I   had   better   take   the   first   chance   I   get   to   bail   out   and   look   for   that   mysterious   trillionaire   by   myself.   Once   I   capture   him,   I   would   be   coming   into   big   bucks   and   will   be   in   control   of   unlimited   wealth.     If   I   am   so   lucky   as   to   capture   those   two   nymphs   and   have   my   way   with   them   they   would   make   ideal   playthings.”     The   short   man   was   lost   in   his   wishful   thinking…      

The   big   boss   was   not   willing   to   give   up.     He   braced   himself   and   led   his   underlings   forward   again.     This   time   he   was   hit   by   an   iron   fist   right   in   the   face.   He   fell   backwards   heavily   against   his   followers   and   who   were   knocked   down   right   and   left   like   dominoes   and   the   ground   was   scattered   with   bodies   like   so   many   rolling   gourds.   The   short   man   with   the   pointed   head   made   use   of   this   opportunity   to   slip   silently   away.     The   big   boss   angrily   picked   himself   up   from   the   ground   and   roared   at   his   followers   in   exasperation,

“Who   the   fuck   dares   to   surprise   attack   me,   eh?   Speak   or   I   will   shoot   the   whole   pack   of   you   good   for   nothing   hooligans.”   The   thugs   slowly   getting   up   from   the   ground   saw   that   the   big   boss   really   got   it   this   time!   His   face   was   swollen,   his   left   eye   black   and   blue,   his   nose   bloody   and   broken   and   blood   was   dripping   down   from   the   corner   of   his   lips.   To   vent   his   anger   and   frustration   he   kicked   and   hit   his   followers,   shouting,   “Talk,   you   idiots.     Who   was   it   that   attacked   me?   If   you   won’t   talk   I   will   really   kill   all   of   you!”

“Hey,   boss”   said   his   followers   enduring   the   kicks   and   insults   in   meek   submission.   “We   have   all   been   with   you   for   many   years   and   have   made   our   bones   and   proved   our   loyalty   to   you   again   and   again.   Nobody   here   dares   to   attack   you.     That   would   be   bringing   disaster   on   ourselves!   Hey   boss,   we   swear   it’s   not   us.     You   think   it   over   carefully.”  

“They   are   right”   thought   the   big   boss.     “These   men   have   been   with   me   for   a   long   time   and   are   scared   to   death   of   me.     They   don’t   dare   move   a   finger   even   when   I   am   asleep.     But   who   in   the   world   would   dare   to   give   me   a   surprise   attack?”     He   turned   suddenly,   took   his   gun   out   of   his   pocket   and   aimed   it   at   the   sky   shouting,   “Who   the   fuck   is   secretly   attacking   me?     Come   out   or   I’ll   fire!”   Just   as   he   was   about   to   pull   the   trigger,   the   wrist   of   his   right   hand   which   was   holding   the   gun   was   suddenly   clasped   in   a   viselike   grip   and   the   gun   was   easily   taken   away   from   him.

“So   you   are   the   big   boss!”   said   a   voice   in   the   air.   “You   are   the   chief   culprit   guilty   of   the   most   heinous   crimes   and   have   no   regard   for   law   and   order.     Today   I   will   teach   you   a   lesson.”   Iron   fists   punched   in   quick   succession   at   his   jaw   and   stomach   and   his   buttocks   received   vicious   kicks   which   sent   him   groveling   on   the   ground.   The   world   seemed   to   spin   around   him   and   golden   stars   flashed   by   before   his   eyes.   This   mob   boss   was   used   to   bullying   others   and   being   surrounded   and   protected   by   members   of   his   gang   at   all   times   nobody   could   get   close   to   him.     He   was   sadly   out   of   practice   when   it   came   to   hand   to   hand   combat   and   was   easily   subdued.   The   tall   stalwart   mobster   felt   himself   being   lifted   up   and   easily   thrown   through   the   air   like   a   rag   doll   until   he   landed   in   the   middle   of   the   lake   with   a   loud   splash,   causing   sprouts   of   water   to   rise   up   high   into   the   air.   His   followers   could   hardly   believe   their   eyes   and   stood   there   aghast,   only   to   be   attacked   by   the   invisible   iron   fist.     Some   were   hit   in   the   jaw   causing   it   to   be   unhinged   and   teeth   knocked   out.   Others   were   hit   in   the   stomach   and   rolled   on   the   ground   in   pain.     Within   a   second   all   five   or   six   of   them   were   swept   away   like   fallen   leaves   blown   away   by   the   autumn   wind   and   then   thrown   one   by   one   into   the   lake   like   their   boss.     A   voice   in   the   air   laughed   heartily   and   said,   “All   of   you   are   bullies   accustomed   to   tyrannizing   good   guys.     Today   I   want   you   to   experience   what   it   is   like   to   be   beaten.     I   want   the   cold   lake   water   to   clear   your   brains   and   be   aware   that   this   is   what   you   will   get   if   you   victimize   others   again.”

The   four   young   beauties   nonpareil   sat   around   the   woolen   blanket   talking   animatedly   with     melodious   laughter   ringing   out   like   the   tinkling   of   bells.     Suddenly   Charmaine   looked   up   at   the   skies   sprinkled   with   myriads   of   twinkling   stars   and   said   pensively,

“I   wonder   how   Father   Zeus’s   magnificent   banquet   is   going   on.   Could   he   be   looking   for   the   two   of   us?     If   he   knew   we   had   slipped   out   to   come   down   here,   he   may   really   get   angry.     His   mood   is   mercurial   and   I   worry   that   perhaps   he   will   blame   some   innocent   third   party   for   our   behavior…”   Suddenly   Charmaine   pointed   to   the   heavens   and   cried,   “Oh   look!   Someone   is   mimicking   the   way   Clementine   and   I   fly!”     A   shadow   streaked   in   an   arc   across   the   sky   and   fell   into   the   middle   of   the   lake.     A   loud   splash   followed   causing   sprouts   of   water   to   rise   high   into   the   air.    

“That’s   a   very   poor   imitation   of   our   flying   skills”   commented   Clementine.   “We   do   a   much   better   job   than   that!   He   is   so   clumsy   that   he   falls   into   the   lake.     I   would   give   him   a   zero   for   his   efforts.   What   do   you   guys   say?”     Immediately   after   that   five   or   six   shadowy   figures   could   be   seen   hurtling   in   an   arc   in   the   air   towards   the   middle   of   the   lake,   followed   by   loud   sounds   of   heavy   bodies   popping   into   the   water   one   after   another,   causing   the   four   beauties   to   bend   in   side-splitting   laughter.   “Well,”   Clementine   continued,   “these   stupid   men   must   have   seen   Charmaine   and   I   flying   down   here   and   tried   to   I   imitate   us.     They   certainly   did   an   awful   job   and   all   fell   into   the   icy   cold   lake   water   and   took   a   very   cold   bath.”

“These   are   no   stupid   men   trying   to   imitate   your   flying   skills”   said   Imagination   seriously.   “What   you   just   saw   was   my   partner   Creativity   punishing   these   rascals.”     Then   she   went   on   to   explain   what   had   happened.   “   Today   we   have   you   three   here   as   our   VIP   guests   -   two   beautiful   nymphs   from     the   faraway   celestial   skies   and   Dimitri’s   good   friend,   the   famous   authoress   Charina.     As   King   Dimitri’s   loyal   servants,   Creativity   and   I   are   responsible   for   your   safety,   so   we   took   certain   precautions.     If   the   slightest   harm   came   to   any   one   of   you   through   our   negligence,   our   master   would   lose   face   and   there   is   no   way   we   could   account   for   it   to   King   Dimitri…   The   clever   little   dog   Maureen   who   was   sitting   quietly   beside   its   mistress   suddenly   growled   deeply   and   barked   unceasingly   at   the   other   end   of   the   flower   bed.     That   short   man   with   a   narrow   forehead   and   pointed   head   had   surreptitiously   left   his   big   boss   and   fellow   hooligans   when   the   going   got   tough   and   sneaked   away   to   another   part   of   the   rose   garden.     By   sheer   luck   he   happened   to   wander   near   the   place   where   the   four   beauties   sat   talking.   He   stuck   his   head   out   of   the   flower   beds   and   immediately   stilled   as   if   turned   to   stone.     Greatly   excited,   his   body   tingled   and   his   legs   grew   numb   and   unable   to   move   because   at   the   other   end   of   the   flower   bed,   he   saw   four   immaculate   beauties   chatting   on   a   woolen   blanket.     Every   one   of   the   young   women   was   astonishingly   and   breathtakingly   beautiful.   The   short   man   thought   to   himself,   “To   capture   all   four   of   these   young   women   would   be   very   difficult,   but   even   if   I   only   get   two   of   them   I   would   be   able   to   enjoy   sublime   fulfillment   for   the   rest   of   my   life.     If   I   can   also   capture   the   sleeping   trillionaire   Dimitri   Jackson,   I   could   gain   control   of   his   immense   fortune.     Then   I   would   have   both   beauties   and   fortune.”     Just   as   he   was   lost   in   his   wishful   thinking,   his   position   was   exposed.   The   ever   vigilant   little   Maureen   spotted   him   amid   the   flowers   and   began   barking   frantically.   “Opportunities   don’t   come   by   twice.     I   had   better   grab   it   while   I   can.”   thought   the   short   man   with   a   narrow   forehead.     So   he   ran   out   of   the   flower   bed   and   made   for   Clementine,   who   sat   there   quiet   and   motionless   without   the   slightest   hint   of   fear.   As   the   man   lugged   forward   to   grab   hold   of   his   prey,   he   felt   as   if   he   was   clasping   empty   air,   lost   his   balance   and   fell   to   the   ground.   He   immediately   jumped   up   and   headed   for   Charmaine.     The   same   thing   happened.     He   clearly   and   definitely   caught   hold   of   the   young   woman,   but   somehow   he   seemed   to   be   holding   a   vacuous   void   and   fell   headlong   to   the   ground   again.   Before   he   could   get   up,   the   resourceful   Imagination   circled   behind   him,   grabbed   hold   of   the   heavy   ice   bucket   and   hit   him   on   the   head   with   all   her   might.     The   short   man   blacked   out   and   fainted.     Imagination   was   very   angry   and   shouted   into   the   air,

  “Where   are   you   Creativity?     Show   yourself   at   once.     I   was   just   boasting   about   how   resourceful   you   were   and   that   with   you   as   our   bodyguard   nothing   untoward   would   happen.   Now   look   what   happened!     Our   three   honored   guests   were   almost   assaulted   by   this   hooligan!   The   fact   that   you   made   me   lose   face   is   non-consequential,   but   by   allowing   these   ruffians   to   even   enter   the   rose   garden   and   upset   our   honored   guests   while   they   were   all   having   an   animated   conversation   has   made   your   master   King   Dimitri   lose   face   as   well!”

“I   am   sorry,   so   very   sorry!”   said   a   pleasing   masculine   voice   in   the   air.   “I   was   busy   attending   to   the   big   boss   and   his   group   of   underlings   and   did   not   notice   that   this   slippery   little   eel   had   slipped   out   of   the   net!   I   didn’t   know   that   he   had   somehow   wandered   to   this   place.     Let   me   take   care   of   him   first.”     The   short   man   who   had   fainted   on   the   ground   seemed   to   be   waking   up   and   made   a   slight   movement.     Before   he   could   really   come   to,   he   was   hauled   up   into   the   air   and   another   shadow   flew   in   an   arc   towards   the   middle   of   the   lake   to   join   his   comrades   in   the   icy   water.     Clementine   and   Charmaine   chuckled   merrily,   clapped   their   hands   and   said,   “That’s   wonderful!   Let   him   go   and   take   an   icy   shower   too!     Oh   yes,   we   haven’t   seen   you   for   a   long   time,   Creativity.     Why   don’t   you   show   yourself?”

“There   is   a   new   guest   here.     I   don’t   have   any   clothes   on,   so   it’s   not   decent   for   me   to   show   myself.   I   think   I   had   better   go   and   patrol   the   area   around   the   rose   garden.     I   promise   you   I   will   not   let   in   another   rascal   to   interrupt   your   conversation.”     With   that   a   slight   wind   rose   and   Creativity   seemed   to   have   left   them.

“I   had   better   go   back   to   my   duties   too”   said   Imagination.     “You   three   can   continue   your   conversation.   I   will   be   standing   guard   inside   the   garden   to   safeguard   your   privacy.”     Saying   so,   she   too   disappeared   into   thin   air.     Clementine   and   Charmaine   looked   at   each   other   for   a   moment.    

“I   think   that   the   two   of   us   had   better   go   back   to   Father   Zeus’   banquet   in   the   Seventh   heaven”   said   Clementine.   “We’ve   been   here   too   long   and   are   worried   about   how   the   banquet   is   going.     If   Father   Zeus   found   that   the   two   of   us   had   slipped   away   without   telling   him,   there   will   be   a   big   uproar.     Also   we   cannot   in   good   conscience   leave   all   the   work   to   White   Fairy.”   The   twins   looked   again   at   each   other,   then   two   pairs   of   eloquent   eyes   turned   inquiringly   to   Charina.   Charina   knew   that   she   had   to   say   something   to   let   them   know   her   feelings,   so   she   raised   her   eyes   to   the   two   nymphs   and   said,

“When   I   saw   the   two   of   you   drop   down   from   the   skies,   I   already   understood   the   reason   for   your   coming   and   what   you   wanted   me   to   know.     First   of   all,   allow   me   to   show   my   respect   for   the   pure   and   unswerving   love   you   have   for   King   Dimitri.   I   now   understand   that   the   existence   of   a   flesh   body   is   not   material   to   true   love   and   that   time   and   distance   is   also   no   hindrance   to   it   either.   Love   is   an   unchanging   feeling.     The   idea   of   unconventional   love   which   I   have   learned   from   you   will   be   of   great   use   to   me   my   whole   life.     But   I   have   also   heard   King   Dimitri   say   that   we   should   not   fail   to   live   up   to   the   body   temperature   of   our   flesh   body,   that   we   should   enjoy   it   to   the   utmost

while   our   body   is   still   warm   and   alive   instead   of   bemoaning   its   loss   when   our   body   temperature   is   gone.   I   believe   that   by   “enjoy   it   to   the   utmost”   Dimitri   did   not   mean   we   should   seek   to   overindulge   in   carnal   desire.   I   think   he   is   in   favor   of   severely   controlling   our   lust   so   it   won’t   become   wanton   and   unbridled.   Take   Dimitri   and   me   for   example.     Our   body   temperatures   are   normal,   our   blood   runs   smoothly,   our   flesh   bodies   are   in   their   prime.     But   from   the   two   of   you   I   understand   the   true   meaning   of   love.     I   will   not   seek   love   blindly,   nor   will   I   try   unceasingly   to   entangle   myself   with   Dimitri.   I   will   wait   silently   and   patiently   for   the   day   when   Dimitri   is   ready   to   accept   me   as   the   25th   beauty   in   his   Kingdom   of   Dreams.”   Clementine   and   Charmaine   looked   at   each   other   and   smiled,   revealing   their   relief   and   gratification.   Their   feet   left   the   ground   and   their   bodies   began   their   ascent   to   the   skies.     They   said   together,

“Good   luck!     Good   luck!   We   will   become   good   sisters.     One   day   your   wish   will   come   true   and   you   will   become   the   25th   member   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     Good   luck!     Good   luck!”   Saying   so,   they   flew   into   the   night   sky   and   became   one   with   the   endless   darkness.

After   watching   the   figures   of   two   nymphs   disappear   into   the   skies,   Charina   silently   went   about   packing   up   the   utensils   used   during   the   picnic,   put   the   left-overs   into   paper   bags   and   then   placed   them   all   back   into   the   brand   new   shopping   cart.   She   thought   about   what   had   just   happened.     It   seemed   so   real   and   yet   so   fanciful.     Did   the   two   nymphs   really   fly   down   from   the   skies   to   this   rose   garden?   Did   Dimitri   really   have   two   loyal   servants   Imagination   and   Creativity   who   could   appear   out   of   thin   air   and   disappear   into   it   at   will?   As   for   Creativity,   I   only   heard   his   voice   but   did   not   see   him   in   person.     It’s   really   an   amazing   and   unbelievable   experience!     Charina’s   foot   came   into   contact   with   some   pieces   of   ice   scattered   on   the   ground.     She   picked   up   the   lid   and   put   it   back   on   the   ice   bucket   remembering   how   just   now   Imagination   had   used   the   bucket   to   hit   the   short   man   with   a   pointed   forehead   with   such   force   that   he   fell   to   the   ground   in   a   faint.     Then   all   this   really   happened?   It’s   really   amazing   how   unimaginable   things   happen   in   this   world   of   ours.   Charina   took   some   pieces   of   ice   out   of   the   bucket,   put   them   into   a   glass   and   poured   herself   a   full   glass   of   whiskey.   She   sat   down   on   the   woolen   blanket   and   thought   of   things   that   weighed   on   her   mind.   The   lovely   little   dog   Maureen   knew   that   its   mistress   had   things   on   her   mind,   so   it   sat   down   by   her   feet   quietly   and   kept   her   company.     Charina   drank   her   whiskey   and   made   a   decision.

“I   will   keep   the   promise   I   just   made.   I   will   be   rational   and   calm,   waiting   silently   and   patiently   for   the   day   when   Dimitri   is   ready   to   accept   me   as   the   25th   beauty   in   his   Kingdom   of   Dreams…     No   matter   whether   he   will   do   so   or   not,   I   have   made   my   decision.     I   will   wait   and   see   whether   he   will   come   up   with   any   other   excuse.”   Dimitri’s   words   rang   again   in   her   ears,  

“Fail   not   to   live   up   to   the   body   temperature   of   our   flesh   body.    

    Enjoy   it   to   the   utmost   while   it   is   still   warm   and   alive.  

    Bemoan   not   its   loss   when   our   body   temperature   is   gone;

    For   once   it   is   gone   to   the   land   of   no   return,  

    It   will   never   come   back   again.”

  These   words   sounded   sad   and   pensive,   but   also   had   a   tantalizing   touch   of   provoking   lust.     Dimitri   was   not   a   playboy   type   overly   interested   in   sex.     On   the   contrary,   he   seemed   to   be   more   like   an   ascetic.   Charina   could   not   make   head   or   tails   out   of   the   true   meaning   of   those   words,   so   she   shrugged   and   decided   to   put   it   aside   for   the   moment,   thinking   there   was   ample   time   to   ask   him   about   it   later   when   she   had   a   chance.   She   tilted   her   glass   to   finish   off   her   whiskey.

It   was   still   summer,   but   late   at   night   the   wind   was   still   rather   cold   by   the   side   of   the   lake.     Perhaps   Charina’s   clothing   was   too   thin;   she   shivered   in   the   cool   air   and   finished   her   drink   in   a   quaff.     Patting   Maureen   lightly   on   the   head   she   said,   “I   am   going   to   sleep.     What   about   you?”     Maureen   barked   as   if   telling   her   to   sleep   in   peace   and   it   would   stand   guard   during   the   night.     Charina   smiled,   patted   Maureen   on   the   head   and   stood   up.   Dimitri   had   not   really   been   asleep.     He   only   pretended   to   snore,   while   in   reality   his   ears   were   attuned   to   the   conversation   of   the   beauties.     He   heard   Charina   getting   into   her   sleeping   bag   and   everything   around   turned   quiet.     He   opened   one   eye,   winked   at   Maureen   cheekily   and   waved   to   it.     The   little   dog   understood   and   curled   itself   into   the   crook   of   Dimitri’s   arms.     It   was   only   then   that   Dimitri   let   himself   slip   into   dreamland.

The   dreamland   Dimitri   entered   this   time   was   quite   different.   His   former   dreams   were   utterly   illusory   and   unreal   and   their   contents,   unsubstantial   and   preposterous,   were   mostly   in   unconnected   bits   and   pieces   impossible   to   piece   together   into   a   logical   whole.     This   time   it   was   quite   different.     He   was   perfectly   aware   that   he   had   entered   a   real   and   stable   world.     Everything   around   him   reflected   a   golden   brilliance   bright   as   the   sun   but   was   not   hurtful   to   his   eyes.   Neither   was   the   sunlight   that   shone   on   his   body   too   hot   to   bear.     In   fact   it   felt   warm   and   welcoming.   His   body   was   surrounded   in   a   circle   of   light.     Dimitri   wanted   to   know   where   he   was   and   decided   to   find   his   bearing.     He   looked   around   and   discovered   that   the   sunlight   did   not   cast   a   shadow   of   his   body   on   the   ground.   If   that   was   so,   where   had   his   body   gone   to?   Had   it   died   and   been   destroyed?   Was   this   an   eternal   state   of   mind?   Dimitri   was   both   sad   and   happy   at   the   turn   of   events.     He   was   sad   that   this   flesh   body   of   his   that   had   been   with   him   for   so   many   years,   though   disabled   and   sickly   and   a   burden   on   him   at   times,   was   dearer   to   him   than   a   direct   relative.     He   felt   lost   and   disconsolate   without   it.   But   on   the   other   hand   he   was   happy   to   find   that   the   loss   of   his   flesh   body   did   not   mean   utter   destruction   of   him   as   an   entity.     He   had   achieved   ‘eternal   existence’,   which   is   his   true   self.     A   mild   feeling   of   happiness   rose   from   the   depth   of   his   heart.     It   was   a   feeling   quite   different   from   the   conventional   one   that   resulted   from   stark   contrast   with   the   stimulation   of   great   pain.   The   mild   feeling   of   delight   in   Dimitri’s   heart   was   a   natural   feeling,   one   that   was   barely   discernable   but   which   he   happened   to   catch.   “Why   have   I   unknowingly   overlooked   such   a   feeling   in   all   the   years   I   have   been   alive?”   Dimitri   wondered.   Such   mild   feeling   of   happiness   is   a   minute   one   impossible   to   express   in   words.     All   his   life,   Dimitri’s   flesh   body   had   suffered   all   kinds   of   worries   and   vexations.     They   wrapped   themselves   so   tightly   around   him,   some   light   as     spider’s   web   and   others   tenacious   as   fishing   net,   that   he   was   unable   to   untangle   himself.     But   now   in   this   perfect   world   full   of   brightness   and   radiance   all   his   troubles,   vexations   and   fetters   disappeared   without   a   trace.     In   this   pure   world   of   unending   happiness,   this   eternal   existence   is   my   real   self.     So   there   is   such   wonderful   state   of   mind   in   this   world   of   ours!     Why   have   I   never   known   of   its   existence   before?     It’s   really   stupid   of   me!     Perhaps   trouble   and   suffering   had   hoodwinked   my   eyes.     Now   I   finally   understand   that   the   happiness   brought   by   piling   up   money   and   material   goods   is   not   real.     They   are   false   because   such   feeling   will   disappear   when   money   and   material   goods   disappear,   while   the   mild   happiness   I   feel   now   is   not   dependant   on   anything   else.     This   is   my   real   self   in   an   eternal   existence.

Dimitri   was   enjoying   his   solitary   walk,   strolling   aimlessly   amid   the   wide   expanse   of   brilliance,   intoxicated   by   the   mild,   natural   feeling   of   happiness   and   delight   emanating   from   the   depth   of   his   heart.   Suddenly   he   stumbled   and   fell   into   a   dark   abyss.   His   eyes   could   not   distinguish   anything   so   he   tried   to   feel   the   space   around   him.     It   was   not   very   big,   just   large   enough   to   accommodate   him.     The   temperature   was   warm   and   familiar   which   made   Dimitri   come   to   the   conclusion   that   he   had   again   fallen   into   the   prison   of   his   flesh   body,   a   prison   where   he   could   not   see   the   light   of   day.     He   sighed   and   wondered   how   long   he   would   be   held   captive   in   this   dark   prison   where   he   could   not   even   see   his   own   fingers   before   he   would   have   a   chance   to   catch   another   glimpse   of   the   outside   world,   so   thriving   and   prosperous.   He   thought,

“Wasn’t   I   just   walking   alone   in   a   bright   and   delightful   state   of   mind?     How   could   it   be   that   in   the   twinkling   of   an   eye   I   am   once   more   back   in   this   dark   dungeon?   It   seems   that   brightness   and   darkness   are   only   changes   in   effects   of   the   vision   and   are   not   that   far   apart!   Perhaps   very   soon   I   will   again   be   able   to   see   the   magnificent   radiance.”   All   of   a   sudden   brightness   flooded   Dimitri’s   eyes   as   his   loyal   servants   Imagination   and   Creativity   pried   open   a   gap   on   the   top   of   his   head   where   his   eyes   were   and   opened   up   a   skylight   for   him.     From   the   skylight,   he   saw   the   wonderful   vast   starlit   skies   stretching   endlessly   before   him,   where   the   stars   were   arranged   in   an   extremely   orderly   manner.     The   star   nearest   to   Dimitri   shone   brilliantly   dazzling   his   eyes   and   then   changed   into   a   beautiful   flower   of   a   shape   he   had   never   seen   before.     Dimitri   turned   himself   into   a   bee   and   made   straight   for   the   flower.     Actually,   Dimitri’s   sickly,   disabled   body   had   been   changed   into   a   streamlined   spaceship,   which   he   was   piloting,   flying   in   the   universe,   visiting   the   various   stars.     Dimitri   was   completely   lost,   not   knowing   whether   he   was   actually   a   work   bee   busily   dancing   amongst   the   flowers   blooming   luxuriantly   in   the   garden   gathering   nectar   or   an   astronaut   flying   a   spaceship   transformed   from   his   own   flesh   body   in   the   endless   universe.   “Perhaps   I   will   lose   my   way   in   the   universe.   I   will   fly   this   spaceship   which   was   transformed   from   my   flesh   body   and   visit   the   flesh   body   of   a   female.   But   whether   I   am   a   bee   or   an   astronaut,   it   is   a   grand   adventure   impossible   to   explain   in   words.”     It   suddenly   came   to   Dimitri   that   this   strange   but   wonderful   experience   was   really   the   reappearance   of   the   bright   and   radiant   state   of   mind.     Not   only   was   it   reappearance,   it   was   superimposed   on   the   flesh   body   of   his   which   was   like   a   dark   dungeon   where   the   sunlight   never   penetrated.     The   superimposition   of   spirit   and   flesh   body   is   as   short   and   accidental   as   the   meeting   of   water   and   duckweed.     Weed   and   water   will   always   part   in   the   end.     Flesh   body   came   from   dust   and   one   day   will   inevitably   return   to   dust.     Spirit   came   from   heaven   and   earth   and   it   too   will   one   day   revert   to   nature.   That   short   and   accidental   meeting   of   spirit   and   flesh   body   is   something   that   should   be   treasured.     He   thought,   “Didn’t   I   tell   Charina   once   that   we   should   live   up   to   and   enjoy   our   flesh   body   to   the   fullest   while   we   could?     That   was   what   I   meant.     At   the   time   Charina   didn’t   appear   to   understand   the   meaning   of   those   words.     Now   that   I   have   come   to   an   understanding   of   all   this,   I   hope   I   will   still   remember   it   when   I   wake   up   as   this   will   be   the   best   interpretation   and   explanation   of   what   I   meant   by   the   superimposition   of   spirit   and   flesh   body”     The   string   of   unceasing   barking   entered   his   consciousness.     Maureen   was   trying   to   wake   him   by   biting   and   pulling   at   the   legs   of   his   trousers   and   he   also   heard   the   sounds   of   Charina’s   choking   cough   and   painful   groans.     “Oh   no”   he   thought.   “My   beautiful   companion   is   not   used   to   life   in   the   open.     It’s   her   first   day   experiencing   the   life   of   a   homeless   person.   Has   all   this   been   too   much   for   her?”

It   was   a   heavily   misty   morning,   but   once   the   fog   cleared   it   was   sure   to   be   a   bright   and   sunny   day.   David   had   been   thrown   down   on   the   ground   at   the   corner   of   the   street,   his   hands   bound   behind   him   and   his   mouth   stuffed   with   rags.   He   was   no   longer   terrified   for   himself.     On   the   contrary   his   heart   was   full   of   peace.     He   thought,   “Dimitri   is   really   a   strange   guy.     He   led   me   into   his   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   enabled   me   to   enjoy   the   awesome   life   of   a   magnificent   king,   experiencing   all   the   wealth   and   riches   the   world   could   offer.     Having   experienced   all   that,   I   would   have   died   without   regret,   even   if   those   ruffians   who   roughed   me   up   had   shot   and   killed   me.”     A   car   on   the   street   nearby   screeched   to   a   halt   and   hurried   footstep   could   be   heard   coming   towards   him.   Afraid   that   it   was   the   thugs   back   to   kill   him,   David   closed   his   eyes   and   waited   for   the   end   to   come.   But   he   felt   someone   pull   the   rags   out   of   his   mouth   and   loosened   his   bound   hands.     Opening   his   eyes   he   saw   it   was   Dimitri’s   good   friend   Richard   who   was   crouched   beside   him,   grinning   cockily   and   making   fun   of   him   saying,

“What   happened   to   you,   old   dog?     Got   into   a   quarrel   with   someone   over   cigarette   butts   and   got   the   shit   beaten   out   of   you?   They   even   bound   and   gagged   you   and   threw   you   here   at   the   corner   of   the   street!”     David   sat   up,   shook   his   stiff   and   numb   arms   and   muttered,

“No,   no,   no…   It   wasn’t   like   that   at   all!   I   don’t   understand   myself   what   happened   last   night.     I   just   know   I   almost   lost   my   life.”     He   then   told   his   story   to   Richard   haltingly,   jumbling   up   the   facts,   but   used   to   his   ramblings   Richard   got   the   point   and   comforted   him   saying,

“In   this   world   there   are   a   lot   of   good   people,   but   there   are   also   bad   ones.     It   was   your   tough   luck   to   have   tangled   with   the   bad   elements   last   night.   What   else   is   there   to   say?   You   were   at   the   wrong   place   at   the   wrong   time.”     He   then   called   to   Jamaz,   whose   extraordinary   physique  

  always   much   stronger   than   that   of   an   ordinary   man,   had   miraculously   recovered   from   his   wounds   and   was   back   to   normal   again.   Richard   asked   him   to   bring   over   one   of   those   old   work   pants   which   they   kept   in   the   trunk   of   their   pick-up   truck   and   gave   it   to   David   saying,   “Clean   yourself   up   old   dog.   Find   somewhere   to   wash   away   your   pee   and   poo.   Then   put   on   this   clean   pair   of   pants   and   go   about   your   business.     We   have   things   to   do   so   we   are   leaving.     You   take   care.”     Richard   stood   up   to   leave,   but   stopped   to   ask,

“Oh,   by   the   way,   have   you   seen   Dimitri?     I’m   looking   for   him.”

“Dimitri?     I   saw   him   over   there   last   night”   replied   David   pointing   towards   the   lake.   Richard   sighed   and   hit   his   forehead   saying,

“We   searched   for   him   in   all   his   old   haunts,   but   just   missed   looking   in   the   rose   garden.   Let’s   go   there   right   away.”

“No,   no”   said   David.     “I   don’t   think   you   should   go   there.     I   saw   him   with   a   beautiful   young   woman.   She   was   dressed   as   a   hobo,   but   I   saw   through   her   disguise   right   away.   If   the   two   of   you   rush   in   there,   you   might   be   interrupting   their   romantic   tete-a   tete   and   they   certainly   won’t   thank   you   for   it!”     David   smiled   slyly   and   insolently   and   went   on   to   describe   in   detail   Dimitri’s   young   companion.   Richard   knew   at   once   who   she   was   and   said,

“Oh,   it’s   her!   No   wonder   no   one   answered   when   I   called   her   cell   phone.   She   purposefully   didn’t   carry   it   with   her!   I   went   to   her   house,   but   everything   was   dark   and   looked   empty.     I   thought   she   was   out   of   town…     So   the   two   of   them   got   together!     Since   they   are   together   why   not   stay   inside   the   house   then,   enveloped   in   the   sweet   intimacy   of   a   world   consisting   only   of   the   two   of   them?     What   are   they   doing   in   that   god   forsaken   rose   garden?”     He   shook   his   head,   quite   mystified   at   the   turn   of   events   and   walked   quickly   away   together   with   Jamaz.    

It   was   still   very   early   in   the   morning   and   the   street   was   empty   of   pedestrians.     David   made   use   of   this   to   take   off   his   dirty   pants,   which   he   used   to   wipe   himself   as   clean   as   possible   and   then   put   on   the   pants   Richard   had   given   him.   Once   comparatively   clean,   his   personality   underwent   a   complete   change   and   he   walked   away   happily,   all   the   while   looking   for   cigarette   butts   by   the   roadside,   hoping   to   stock   up   on   them   so   that   if   he   should   be   lucky   enough   to   meet   Dimitri   he   would   offer   them   as   tribute   to   the   mighty   king   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.    

Dimitri’s   solitary   figure   gradually   emerged   from   the   thick   fog,   making   his   way   with   the   help   of   his   white   cane.     He   did   not   stop   long   at   Charina’s   house   after   taking   her   home.     He   was   puzzling   over   a   question   that   had   baffled   him   since   his   youth,   namely   whether   King   Dimitri   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   just   happened   one   day   to   dream   of   Dimitri,   or   did   Dimitri   randomly   dream   of   King   Dimitri   by   chance?   Or   was   it   that   sometimes   King   Dimitri   dreamed   about   his   alternate   self   who   was   a   homeless   man   suffering   in   the   mundane   world;   and   sometimes   Dimitri   went   into   dreamland   to   look   for   the   noble   King   Dimitri?     Or   perhaps   both   of   these   suppositions   were   true.     Perhaps   Dimitri   could   move   freely   between   dreamland   and   the   real   world,   playing   the   role   of   two   different   characters.     Perhaps   these   two   different   characters   were   personified   by   Dimitri.     The   question   was   very   simple,   but   it   puzzled   Dimitri   for   decades   and   could   not   be   resolved   to   his   satisfaction.   Take   the   present   for   example.     Dimitri   was   piloting   the   spaceship   transformed   from   his   flesh   body   from   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   to   the   mundane   world,   but   he   felt   as   if   his   flesh   body   had   never   left   the   world   for   even   one   step.     Then   how   could   it   be   flying   back   here?     Then   dreamland   was   a   kind   of   elusive,   non-existent   supposition;   or   was   it   a   part   of   and   continuation   of   real   life?     Dimitri   fell   into   a   deep   reverie.

At   the   crack   of   dawn,   Maureen   woke   Dimitri   up   by   pulling   at   the   leg   of   his   pants.   He   got   up   and   felt   his   way   towards   Charina   who   was   coughing   up   a   storm.   She   seemed   to   be   short   of   breath   and   her   forehead   was   hot   to   his   touch.   It   was   then   that   he   realized   she   was   sick.     Charina   also   woke   up   and   asked,

“What   happened?”

“You   are   coughing   and   your   forehead   is   hot.     I’m   afraid   you   are   sick   but   don’t   worry.   Get   dressed.     I   will   take   you   home   where   you   can   rest   better.”  

“I’m   so   sorry   to   be   causing   you   all   this   trouble   on   my   very   first   day   out   as   a   vagabond”   said   she.   It   was   only   then   that   Charina   realized   she   was   aching   all   over   her   body.   Her   head   was   aching   badly   and   her   nose   was   all   stuffed   up.   “I   am   really   quite   hopeless”   she   sighed.

“Don’t   say   so”   said   Dimitri   trying   to   comfort   her.     “It’s   not   your   fault.   You   are   not   used   to   this   harsh   life.     A   flower   raised   in   a   hothouse   is   acclimated   to   warm   temperature   and   the   meticulous   care   lavished   upon   it,   so   it   flourishes   and   blooms   luxuriantly   and   graces   the   world   with   its   beauty,   exhibiting   the   value   and   meaning   of   its   life   in   a   special   way.     Once   you   suddenly   move   it   outdoors   and   expose   it   to   the   elements,   it   will   droop   and   wilt.   So   it   is   with   you.     That’s   only   natural   and   not   your   fault   at   all.   “

“Really?     Then   what   about   you?”   asked   Charina   curiously.   “I   saw   you   lying   fast   asleep   on   the   soil   under   the   shadow   of   the   rose   bushes   and   was   afraid   you   might   catch   cold   or   get   arthritis   doing   so.     How   come   you   are   not   affected?”

“Don’t   forget   that   I   have   been   living   this   nomad   life   for   a   long,   long   time”   explained   Dimitri   wryly,   “so   I   am   used   to   the   harsh   environments   and   is   not   that   affected   by   the   hot   and   cold   weather.     I   am   like   a   migratory   bird   that   moves   with   the   weather.     Every   year   around   spring   and   summer,   I   fly   here   from   faraway   places   and   fly   back   there   again   when   fall   comes.”

“Where   are   you   going?”   asked   Charina   tensely   grabbing   hold   of   his   arm.   “Will   you   be   going   to   some   faraway   place?   If   you   do,   please   don’t   forget   to   take   me   with   you.”

“Oh   no,   no   I’m   not   going   anywhere”   replied   Dimitri   patting   her   white,   ivory   like   hands   comfortingly.   “I   will   just   be   taking   you   home.     Come   on.     Get   dressed   and   let’s   get   going   and   not   make   your   cold   worse   than   it   already   is.”     Intelligent   little   dog   Maureen   came   toddling   up   to   its   mistress   dragging   her   old,   dark   brown   jacket   between   its   teeth.     Charina   got   out   of   her   sleeping   bag   and   obediently   put   on   the   jacket,   cap   and   round-toed   shoes.   Dimitri   helped   by   rolling   up   her   sleeping   bag   and   the   woolen   blanket   and   piled   them   all   in   the   shopping   cart.   He   did   not   forget   to   pick   up   little   Maureen   and   put   it   into   the   cart   as   well.     Dimitri   pushed   the   cart   while   Charina   walked   in   front   leading   the   way   and   quickly   walked   away   from   the   rose   garden   into   a   thick   fog.   Dimitri   suddenly   remembered   how   he   used   to   materialize   before   Megan   in   a   timely   fashion   and   help   push   her   stalled   old,   heavy   luxury   sedan.     Now   he   was   helping   Charina   push   this   light   shopping   cart.   Whether   it   was   a   heavy   luxury   sedan   or   a   light   shopping   cart,   he   always   felt   it   a   pleasure   and   an   honor   to   be   able   to   help   a   damsel   in   distress.     After   a   few   twists   and   turns   on   the   streets   in   the   thick   fog,   they   arrived   at   Charina’s   house.     She   immediately   went   into   the   kitchen   and   made   a   cup   of   hot   coffee,   for   she   knew   what   comfort   it   was   to   someone   used   to   life   in   the   raw,   cold   weather.   For   herself,   she   boiled   a   cup   of   hot   water   and   put   in   several   slices   of   lemon   for   she   heard   that   it   was   a   great   antidote   for   the   common   cold.     Dimitri   took   the   sleeping   bag   and   the   woolen   blanket   out   of   the   cart   and   put   them   in   the   storage   room.     Not   knowing   what   to   do   with   the   leftover   food   and   the   utensils,   he   just   left   them   there   for   Charina   to   deal   with   later   on.  

The   two   of   them   sat   in   the   quiet   living   room.     Dimitri   was   holding   the   thermos   cup   in   his   hand   and   expressing   his   appreciation   with   thankful   noises   while   enjoying   the   hot   coffee.     He   loved   such   simple   pleasures   of   life.   Charina   was   sipping   her   hot   lemon   drink   with   a   feeling   of   delight   and   gratification   at   Dimitri’s   enjoyment.   After   finishing   his   drink,   Dimitri   put   his   cup   on   the   table,   stood   up   and   said   to   Charina,

“After   you   finish   your   hot   lemon   drink,   you   should   take   a   hot   bath   and   then   go   straight   to   bed   for   a   nice   long   nap.     If   you   can   get   your   body   to   perspire,   your   cold   will   go   away   without   medication.”     He   patted   little   dog   Maureen   who   was   lying   on   his   legs   saying,   “Stay   here   and   keep   your   mistress   company.     Don’t   be   naughty   and   go   gallivanting   around.”     Maureen   barked   as   if   saying   “I   know.”

“Are   you   leaving   already?”

“Yes,   I   have   something   I   must   attend   to.”     Charina   knew   it   was   just   an   excuse,   for   what   pressing   business   could   a   homeless   vagabond   have   that   was   so   pressing?   But   this   time,   she   was   wrong.     Mr.   Kaffee   was   like   a   cat   on   a   hot   tin   roof   and   sent   Big   O,   Richard   and   Jamaz   to   look   everywhere   for   Dimitri   as   if   something   urgent   had   come   up,   only   Dimitri   did   not   know   about   it   then.

“When   will   you   be   back?”

“I   don’t   know,   but   I   will   be   back…”

“I   would   like   to   have   a   definite   date.”

“I   cannot   be   sure.     Why   don’t   you   treat   me   as   a   migratory   bird,   Charina.     I   will   come   when   the   time   is   right,   but   when   it’s   time   to   go   nothing   can   keep   me.   Just   let   the   two   of   us   be   free   agents   without   ties.     Won’t   that   be   best?”     Charina   knew   that   she   would   not   be   able   to   get   anything   else   out   of   him,   so   she   fell   silent.     Dimitri   opened   the   front   door   and   walked   into   the   thick   fog.   He   did   not   really   know   where   he   should   go,   so   he   just   let   his   legs   take   him   wherever   they   would.

Looking   at   Dimitri’s   departing   figure,   Charina   felt   a   keen   sense   of   loss.     She   took   his   advice   of   soaking   herself   a   hot   bath   and   perspired   a   bit.     After   she   got   out,   she   dressed   and   fed   her   little   dog   Maureen   and   was   about   to   go   to   her   bedroom   to   take   a   nap,   perspire   some   more   hoping   that   her   cold   would   have   gone   away   when   she   woke   up.   Just   then   her   cell   phone   rang.     She   answered   it   saying,

“Hello,   this   is   Charina.     Who’s   calling   please?”

“Hi   Charina,   this   is   Richard.     Is   Dimitri   there   with   you?     We   have   been   looking   for   him   all   of   last   night.     At   dawn   today   an   old   hobo   told   us   that   he   saw   you   and   Dimitri   at   the   rose   garden.     We   rushed   there   but   didn’t   see   you   guys.     I   guess   you   had   already   left.   So   you   are   home   now.     Is   Dimitri   there?”

“Oh,   it’s   Dimitri   you   want.     He   just   left.     Has   something   important   come   up?”

“Yes.     Mr.   Kaffee   is   like   a   cat   on   a   hot   tin   roof   and   sent   everyone   looking   all   over   for   him.     I’m   not   very   sure   of   the   why   though.   Do   you   know   where   he   has   gone   to?”

“No.     He   said   he   is   like   a   migratory   bird   that   will   come   when   the   time   is   right,   but   when   it’s   time   to   go   nothing   can   keep   him.     I   don’t   know   where   he   has   gone   to.”

“What?     A   migratory   bird?     Since   when   has   Dimitri   been   interested   in   birds?   But   even   if   he   is   really   a   migratory   bird   he   would   not   have   flown   very   far   away   and   is   still   somewhere   in   this   city.     We   will   keep   looking.”     With   that   he   hung   up.     Charina   was   preparing   to   go   into   her   room   when   her   cell   phone   rang   again,

“Hello.     This   is   Charina.     Who’s   calling   please?”

“Hi   Charina,   this   is   Angelica.     Sorry   to   be   disturbing   you   so   early   in   the   morning.”

“Hi   Angelica.     How   are   you?     Where   are   you   calling   from?”

“I   originally   intended   to   jog   around   the   lake   like   I   normally   do.     But   as   soon   as   I   got   out,   I   found   it   was   extremely   foggy.     My   good   friend   and   Tai   Ji   tutor,   Lotus,   once   told   me   that   doing   tai   ji   in   the   fog   was   very   harmful   as   the   air   was   too   damp   and   moist.     I   thought   that   if   it’s   not   good   for   doing   tai   ji,   it   would   not   be   good   for   jogging   either.   I   am   right   near   your   house.     May   I   come   and   visit   you?   Is   it   a   convenient   time?”

“Why,   that’s   wonderful!     Come   on   over.     I   was   just   hoping   for   a   good   friend   to   talk   to.     I   have   a   lot   on   my   mind   that   I   would   love   to   talk   over   with   someone.”

“Really?     What   happened?     I   would   love   to   come   but   I   can’t   stay   too   long   as   I   have   an   appointment   with   another   friend   of   mine,   Aisha   Jefferson,   a   famous   scholar   of   humanism.     Have   you   heard   of   her?   If   you   are   interested,   I   could   bring   you   with   me   to   see   her.     Didn’t   you   mention   last   time   that   you’ve   been   having   writer’s   block   recently?     Aisha   is   a   renowned   scholar   and   writer.     Maybe   she   would   be   able   to   help…”

“Aisha   Jefferson…that   name   sounds   so   familiar…where   have   I   heard   of   it   before?   Oh   yes,   she   had   an   unfinished   dissertation   on   “On   Life   in   Matriarchal   Society”.     Is   that   so?     Also   I   remember   you   wrote   a   book   of   poems,   which   recorded   odds   and   ends   of   life   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     I   have   that   manuscript   too.”

“What?   What   did   you   say?     I   didn’t   quite   catch   it.   What   manuscript   is   in   your   hands?”

“Don’t   be   too   excited.     We’ll   talk   about   it   when   you   get   here,   okay?     Come   quickly.”   Charina   was   very   excited   when   she   hung   up   and   marveled   at   the   wonderful   opportunity   that   had   just   dropped   into   her   lap   as   it   were.   “I   could   give   Queen   Aisha   back   the   manuscript   I   rescued   from   the   ruins   of   the   palace   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   as   a   tribute   at   our   first   meeting”   she   thought.   “She   is   Dimitri’s   royal   consort   and   if   she   is   happy   to   get   back   the   dissertation   she   must   have   thought   she   had   lost   forever,   she   might   even   agree   to   accept   me   as   the   25th   beauty   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.   If   Angelica   and   the   twin   nymphs   Charmaine   and   Clementine   all   put   in   a   good   word   for   me,   I   don’t   see   how   Dimitri   could   refuse!”     At   that   thought,   Charina   felt   greatly   energized   and   invigorated   and   her   cold   healed   without   further   treatment.   Her   brains   were   working   furiously   as   she   thought   of   what   should   be   done.   “If   I   should   have   the   honor   to   meet   the   internationally   renowned   scholar   of   humanism,   I   think   I   should   dress   simply   but   elegantly   as   I   normally   do   to   give   her   a   good   impression.     Why   don’t   I   wear   my   sky   blue   dress   with   a   full   skirt,   a   broad-rimmed   white   sun   hat   and   white   leather   walking   shoes?     That   was   what   I   wore   the   first   time   I   saw   Dimitri.     Charina   stood   up   and   went   to   her   dressing   table   to   put   on   some   light   make-up.   Little   dog   Maureen   cocked   her   head   and   looked   at   its   mistress   in   a   puzzling   manner   as   if   wondering   what   was   going   on   with   her.

The   fog   gradually   dispersed   and   pedestrians   began   to   come   out   onto   the   streets.     David’s   deeply   wrinkled   face   was   lighted   up   with   seldom   seen   smiles   as   he   looked   for   cigarette   butts.     His   former   gloomy   and   wobegone   countenance   vanished   and   he   was   wreathed   in   smiles   greeting   people   who   passed   by   with   a   cheery   “Hi!”     “Good   morning,   sir!”   exuding   the   air   of   bonneamie   of   a   happy   homeless   man.   It   was   still   early   in   the   morning.     David   stopped   at   an   empty   parking   lot   next   to   the   back   door   of   an   office   building   where   there   was   a   large   plate   full   of   sand   provided   especially   for   office   workers   who   had   an   urge   to   smoke   during   the   work   day.   Smoking   was   prohibited   inside   the   building,   but   here   next   to   the   empty   parking   lot   smokers   could   indulge   without   causing   too   much   air   pollution.   David’s   eyes   lighted   up   when   he   saw   that   there   were   a   lot   of   cigarette   butts   inside   the   plate.     He   knew   that   the   janitors   had   not   yet   gotten   there   to   clean   up   and   that   no   other   homeless   persons   had   reached   there   either.   “Ha!”   he   exclaimed   in   satisfaction,   “I’m   the   early   bird   that   gets   the   worm.”   He   quickened   his   steps   and   pulled   out   the   long   cigarette   butts   and   then   the   half-smoked   ones   as   well,   carefully   folding   them   into   his   wrinkled   paper   towel,   crowing   at   his   bumper   harvest.   The   cigarette   plate   was   like   a   birthday   cake   stuck   full   of   candles.   His   exuberance   at   his   good   fortune   was   no   less   than   that   of   a   financier   who   made   a   million   dollar   gain   from   a   deal.     He   lighted   up   one   of   the   butts,   dragged   deeply   on   it     and   thought   as   he   walked   away.

“It   seems   that   my   luck   has   changed.     I   have   always   thought   that   I   was   a   most   unfortunate   guy,   scourged   with   bad   luck,   cursed   with   one   calamity   following   another.   The   stubborn   belief   that   I   am   cursed   has   always   blocked   my   heart   like   a   thousand   pound   stone,   making   it   hard   for   me   to   breath.     But   Dimitri   took   me   to   his   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   changed   my   prospects   forever.     That   damned   curse   that   has   pressured   my   heart   all   these   years   was   broken   and   melted   completely   away.   I   realize   I   am   not   a   cursed   fellow,   nor   am   I   a   symbol   of   bad   luck.   More   than   that,   I   have   discovered   a   limitless   treasure   trove   in   my   heart   which   could   never   be   used   up.     All   of   us   have   a   treasure   trove   in   our   heart   waiting   to   be   discovered.   Fate   is   only   a   frame   of   mind.   Even   though   the   outside   world   has   not   changed   in   the   least,   so   long   as   one’s   frame   of   mind   changes,   everything   changes.     How   I   wish   to   see   my   savior   Dimitri   now.     I   want   to   thank   him   and   let   him   know   that   my   life   has   changed   completely.”   Just   at   this   time,   David   saw   a   ragged   solitary   figure   wearing   dark   glasses,   with   a   white   cane   in   his   hand   emerge   from   the   mist   and   walk   towards   him.     He   laughed   heartily   and   said,   “Ha,   it   seems   I   am   really   in   luck.     Whatever   I   think   of   or   want   will   materialize   before   me!     Isn’t   that   guy   walking   towards   me   my   savior   Dimitri?”  

Sitting   in   Charina’s   living   room,   Angelica’s   beautiful   eyes   stared   in   amazement   at   the   four   things   laid   before   her   on   the   coffee   table:   That   gem-   studded   double-barreled   telescope,   quite   obviously   belonging   to   a   royal   household,   was   the   very   one   Queen   Aisha   had   used   to   observe   the   scene   of   battle.   The   antique   porcelain   bottle   used   to   contain   hundred   year   old   mao   tai   wine   looked   very   familiar.   Then   there   were   printed   pages   of   a   half-finished   dissertation   “On   Life   in   Matriarchal   Society”   and   a   notebook   titled   “Perceptions   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams”.     Angelica   walked   out   of   the   fog   whistling,   wearing   gray   sweatshirt   and   pants   almost   the   color   of   the   fog,   accenting   her   beautiful   slim   figure.     Her   long   hair   was   caught   in   a   ponytail   behind   her   head.     When   she   got   to   Charina’s   house,   her   hostess   was   already   waiting   smilingly   at   the   front   door   to   welcome   her.   Now   she   took   up   the   notebook   and   turned   a   page   or   two.   Who   else   could   the   fine   handwriting   belong   to   except   herself?   Greatly   puzzled,   she   turned   her   large   beautiful   eyes   in   astonishment   at   Charina,   asking  

“Where   did   you   get   these   things?”

“I   looked   through   your   notebook.   Could   you   first   tell   me   how   you   happened   to   be   in   the   mysterious   Kingdom   of   Dreams?   Then   I   will   tell   you   the   story   of   how   I   came   by   these   things.”

“It   was   a   star-studded   summer   evening”   said   Angelica,   her   eyes   displaying   her   confusion   and   perplexity   as   she   began   her   recollections   of   the   past.   “I   had   just   finished   a   poem   that   I   considered   my   best   and   was   afraid   that   I   would   never   again   be   able   to   write   one   that   would   surpass   it.   In   the   summer   when   roses   were   in   full   bloom,   a   brilliant   shooting   star   flashed   over   the   night   sky.     At   the   time,   I   was   filled   with   a   sense   of   sadness   and   thought   that   life   should   end   at   its   most   beautiful   moment   in   order   to   keep   its   beauty   and   immortality   forever.   I   took   up   the   silver   pistol   I   have   had   in   my   possession   for   a   long   time   in   preparation   of   the   day   I   wanted   to   end   my   life.     I   walked   to   my   rose   garden   and   was   about   to   shoot   myself,   when   I   chanced   to   wake   up   a   homeless   person   who   had   slipped   unnoticed   into   the   garden   and   was   sleeping   there.     I   think   you   could   guess   who   that   person   was.     King   Dimitri   stopped   me   from   committing   suicide   and   took   me   to   his   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     There   I   encountered   unimaginable   and   mysterious   experiences   that   changed   my   life   forever.     I   no   longer   believe   that   life   should   end   at   its   most   beautiful   moment   because   life   itself   is   beautiful   and   beyond   comparison.   It   is   stable   and   consistent.   That   is   how   I   went   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams…   But   what   about   you?     When   and   how   did   you   go   there?”   Like   a   story-teller,   Charina   summarized   her   journey   to   the   mysterious   kingdom,   and   told   of   how   King   Dimitri   led   her   to   a   strange   land,   how   she   looked   in   the   ruins   of   the   burnt   down   palace   for   material   she   could   write   about.   When   she   came   to   the   part   of   how   she   personally   survived   a   hair-raising   earthquake   and   tsunami,   how   the   Giant   Mountain   broke   into   several   parts   and   how   the   gold   palace   sank   to   the   bottom   of   the   water,   Angelica   was   so   stunned   and   shocked   that   she   stood   up   and   exclaimed,

“Oh   my   god!     All   this   is   too   sudden   and   unexpected!   I   don’t   think   Queen   Aisha   knows   anything   about   these   changes   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     Let’s   go   and   report   these   recent   happenings   to   her.”    

“It’s   okay,   Angelica”   soothed   Charina.   “Things   are   not   as   bad   as   they   seem.”   She   took   out   the   three   short   letters   Medusa   had   sent   to   King   Dimitri   and   handed   them   to   her   friend,   who   read   them   and   was   reassured   that   the   strong,   energetic   strokes   could   only   be   the   virile   handwriting   of   the   brave   Medusa,   Protector   of   the   Kingdom.   She   patted   her   chest   and   said,

“How   perilous   this   all   was!   So   the   giant   had   only   changed   his   position   from   lying   face   upwards   to   sideways   and   now   everything   is   quiet   again.     That’s   good.     That’s   good.     But   I   still   think   we   should   go   and   tell   everything   to   Queen   Aisha.”     Angelica   stuffed   the   three   letters   into   her   bosom   and   asked   Charina,   “Do   you   have   a   handbag   where   we   can   put   these   four   items?     I   think   we   should   bring   them   along   too.   Queen   Aisha   should   see   them   as   they   are   proof   that   you   have   actually   been   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.”     Angelica’s   words   were   just   what   Charina   hoped   for.   She   brought   over   the   handbag   she   had   already   gotten   ready   beforehand   and   put   all   four   things   into   it.     Then   the   two   of   them   hastily   left   the   house.   Maureen   of   course   followed   her   mistress   wherever   she   went.

Two   mid-sized   cigarettes   had   been   lighted.     David   and   Dimitri   were   sitting   by   the   square   next   to   the   Bart   station   puffing   leisurely   and   contentedly,   sending   whiffs   of   smoke   into   the   air   where   they   disintegrated   without   a   trace.     It   was   a   bright,   sunny   day.   Crowds   of   people   came   and   went,   busily   going   about   their   business.   Humans   are   really   a   strange   breed   of   animals,   obsessed   with   racing   against   time.   Why   are   they   always   in   a   hurry?     What   is   there   worthy   for   them   to   be   hurrying?   Disorderly   footsteps   all   around   him   aroused   Dimitri’s   interest.     The   footsteps   of   those   wearing   tennis   shoes   were   soft   and   light   and   emitted   a   squeaky   sound   when   rubber   rubbed   against   cement.   Some   footsteps   were   heavy,   as   if   belonging   to   a   person   of   successful   accomplishments,   a   middle-aged   man   perhaps   wearing   an   expensive   suit   and   leather   shoes.     Still   other   footsteps   were   light,   quick   and   spritely.     They   must   belong   to   a   beautiful   woman…Dimitri   felt   dazed   and   again   fell   into   a   reverie.   After   a   while,   he   muttered,

“Let   those   hard-working   people   go   about   their   business.     They   will   get   their   just   deserts.   Let   those   who   love   to   dream   weave   their   dreams,   where   they   too   will   get   their   happiness   and   satisfaction.     This   world   is   just.”   David   who   was   sitting   beside   him   threw   away   his   cigarette   butt,   yawned   and   said,

“I   didn’t   sleep   well   last   night.     Those   damned   hooligans   roughed   me   up   and   I   couldn’t   get   any   rest.   Now   I   am   feeling   sleepy.     I   would   certainly   like   to   find   a   quiet   alley   to   have   some   shut-eye   and   have   a   nice   dream.     That   would   be   great!”

“Don’t   you   find   that   traveling   between   dreamland   to   real   life   is   as   dangerous   as   walking   on   tight   ropes?”   asked   Dimitri.     “The   least   misstep   and   you   will   fall   down   a   bottomless   abyss.   That   is   because   you   cannot   bring   the   riches   in   your   dreams   into   real   life.     In   your   dreams   you   are   a   noble   king   rich   as   Croesus,   but   in   real   life   you   and   I   are   humble   hobos.   The   difference   between   these   two   are   really   too   great.   If   you   cannot   keep   your   prospects   in   their   proper   balance,   you   will   fall   into   a   pit   of   pain   and   bitterness   from   which   it   would   be   hard   to   extricate   yourself.   You   must   be   extremely   careful   about   this.   Please   remember   my   words   and   beware   of   the   pitfall.”

“Just   as   you   said,   “Let   those   hard-working   people   go   about   their   business.     They   will   get   their   just   deserts.   Let   those   who   love   to   dream   weave   their   dreams,   where   they   too   will   get   their   happiness   and   satisfaction.     I   choose   to   be   a   dreamer   and   a   hobo.   Materially   speaking,   I   may   be   lacking,   but   I   will   not   regret   my   choice   of   being   a   lazy   but   happy   hobo.     It’s   my   choice.   I   will   get   my   happiness   and   satisfaction   and   that’s   enough   for   me…”     Dimitri   nodded   in   agreement   and   then   added,

“I   always   thought   that   dreamland   is   an   extension   of   real   life.   It   is   a   part   of   real   life.     But   I   never   could   clearly   define   which   is   real   and   which   is   illusionary.     Perhaps   both   are   unreal   and   illusionary.   In   a   word,   it   is   impossible   to   use   scientific   methods   to   analyze   dreams   and   real   life.   Don’t   you   think   so...?”

“Your   words   are   too   abstract,”   commented   David   with   a   wry   smile.   “I   don’t   understand   and   I   don’t   want   to   understand.   What   is   dreamland?   That   I   can   understand,   but   when   you   get   down   to   it,   I   don’t   seem   to   understand.   It’s   a   kind   of   obscure   and   ambiguous   concept.”

“You   are   right”   said   Dimitri   laughing   heartily.   “Life   and   dreamland   are   both   obscure   and   ambiguous   concepts.     So   long   as   it   is   in   our   hearts,   things   are   fine.     There   is   no   need   to   waste   time   in   thinking   about   it,   for   however   we   diagnose   it   is   just   a   waste   of   time.   It’s   a   problem   without   a   solution…   But   I   think   the   day   will   come   when   I   will   come   to   an   understanding   of   this   problem.     Perhaps   one   day   the   solution   will   come   to   me   unheralded,   suddenly   and   accidentally,   just   as   naturally   as   when   your   bowels   moves   smoothly   and   your   stool   pops   out.   I   believe   that   day   will   come   within   my   lifetime.   Now   I   just   to   have   to   sit   quietly   and   wait.”     David   yawned,   stood   up   and   stretched   himself   saying,

“Good!   You   sit   there   and   wait.     Be   sure   to   let   me   know   when   you   solve   the   problem.   I   have   to   leave   now.   I   am   going   to   look   for   a   quiet   and   deserted   ally   where   I   can   take   a   good   nap…Strange   to   say,   my   eyes   used   to   be   glued   to   the   ground   looking   for   cigarette   butts   people   had   thrown   away   as     if   that’s   the   only   thing   that   could   catch   my   attention.   Now   it’s   different.   My   eyes   are   free   to   roam.   Any   tiny   thing   that   happens   around   me   could   arouse   my   curiosity.   A   child   went   into   a   shop   to   buy   a   candy;   a   tiny   weed   grew   out   of   the   crevice   of   cement   by   the   roadside;   a   dollar   bill   floated   down   from   the   sky   etc.   are   all   material   I   had   gathered   that   could   be   weaved   into   a   dream.   How   wonderful   life   is!”

“Let   me   give   you   a   gift”   said   Dimitri   pointing   to   the   tall,   magnificent   and   grandiose   building   across   the   street.   “Why   don’t   you   put   that   building   into   your   brain   to   use   as   material?”   Dimitri   was   blind,   but   he   could   still   remember   distinctly   that   across   the   street   from   the   BART   station   was   the   main   office   of   World   Bank.

“Good   idea!”exclaimed   David,   whose   eyes   lighted   up   at   the   thought.   “Why   didn’t   I   think   of   it?   Well,   this   proves   that   you   are   the   real   Dream-maker,   the   granddaddy   of   dreamers.     I   am   only   one   of   your   disciples   who   stand   behind   you   waving   flags   and   shouting.”     The   two   of   them   looked   at   each   other   and   laughed   heartily.   None   of   the   people   who   walked   by   even   noticed   or   paid   any   attention   to   the   absurd   conversation   of   these   two   hobos.

A   man   dressed   in   the   black   habit   of   the   clergy   walked   out   from   the   dense   shade   of   trees   and   shrubs.   Brilliant   sunshine   spilled   onto   his   shoulders   showering   his   whole   body   with   golden   radiance.   With   long   brown   hair   coming   down   to   his   shoulders   and   beard   covering   half   his   face,   he   had   an   uncanny   resemblance   to   Jesus   Christ   who   died   almost   two   thousand   years   ago.   You   would   have   thought   Jesus   had   resurrected   again.     But   this   man   wore   a   pair   of   round   rimless   spectacles   and   was   a   lookalike   for   a   rock   and   roll   singer.     Bible   in   hand,   he   would   read   a   few   lines   and   then   talk   loudly   to   the   crowd.     But   he   was   too   far   away   for   them   to   hear   what   he   had   to   say.   David   sat   back   on   the   ground   next   to   Dimitri   and   said,

“There’s   a   clergyman   over   there   gesturing   and   reading   the   Bible   aloud,   but   he’s   too   far   away   for   me   to   hear   what   he’s   saying.   He’s   walking   towards   us.     Let’s   wait   and   hear   what   he   has   to   say.”     Dimitri   nodded   his   agreement.   Just   then,   the   clergyman   came   near   and   they   heard   him   shouting   at   the   top   of   his   voice,  

“My   dear   brothers   and   sisters…you   are   all   gentle   lambs   in   my   herd.     Why   do   you   abandon   God’s   house?   That’s   like   leaving   the   safety   of   the   herd   to   wonder   aimlessly   around…Don’t   you   know   that   disaster   is   looming?   When   doomsday   comes,   flood   water   will   swallow   the   earth,   fire   will   consume   the   whole   world…Quick!     Quick!     Come   back   to   the   safety   of   the   fold.     Here   is   the   safest   place   to   be.     Let   me   read   to   you   a   section   of   the   Bible.     Let   us   pray.

Our   Father   who   art   in   heaven,   hallowed   be   thy   name

Thy   Kingdom   come;   thy   will   be   done   on   earth   as   it   is   in   Heaven.

Give   us   this   day   our   daily   bread;   and   forgive   us   our   debts   as   we   forgive   our   debtors;

Lead   us   not   into   temptation   but   deliver   us   from   evil.    

For   Thine   is   the   kingdom,   and   the   Power,   and   the   Glory,   foever.     Amen

If   you   forgive   others   their   transgressions

Your   heavenly   Father   will   also   forgive   you.

But   if   you   do   not   forgive   others,

Neither   will   your   Father   forgive   your   transgressions.

Dear   brothers   and   sisters   look   through   your   finances   and   pay   back   the   debts   you   owe…But   write   off   the   debts   others   owe   you…just   as   our   Lord   forgives   us   our   sins.     When   Judgment   Day   comes,   floods   and   fire   will   destroy   the   world.     Everything   will   turn   to   zero.     You   and   I   will   be   the   only   survivors   because   we   are   Israelites,   the   chosen   people   of   God,       Brothers   and   sisters,   hasten   back   to   the   fold.   The   Kingdom   of   Heaven   is   coming   near..     God’s   Will   will   be   done   on   earth   as   it   is   in   heaven…This   world   must   be   destroyed.     Then   a   new   world   order,   a   new   set   of   morals   will   be   set   up.     God’s   Will   will   then   be   done   on   earth   as   it   is   in   heaven…”     The   hysterical   clergyman   shouted   his   sermon   at   the   top   of   his   hoarse   voice,   but   none   stopped   to   hear.     The   passersby   hastened   about   their   business,   oblivious   of   his   admonitions.   Some   even   looked   contemptuously   at   him   as   they   walked   by.   Haste.     Haste   seemed   to   be   the   common   failing   of   the   modern   world,   but   the   shouting   of   the   clergyman   woke   a   man   and   a   woman   from   their   deep   slumber.

Imagination   and   Creativity   did   not   hide   themselves   in   the   air.     This   time,   they   hid   in   the   brain   of   their   master,   King   Dimitri.     They   were   fast   asleep   on   the   soft   green   grass,   arms   clasped   tightly   around   each   other   until   they   were   woken   by   the   shouting   of   the   clergyman.   They   came   to   Dimitri’s   eye   socket   and   looked   out   of   the   window   sill,   just   in   time   to   see   the   departing   back   of   the   clergyman   clad   in   black.   He   was   walking   through   the   crowd   of   pedestrians   loudly   reading   the   Bible,   but   none   of   them   stopped   to   listen   and   bypassed   him   as   if   he   did   not   even   exist.  

“The   passage   that   clergyman   was   reciting   sounded   pretty   reasonable”   said   Creativity.     “Why   isn’t   any   one   of   those   busy   people   stopping   to   spend   even   a   minute   to   listen   to   him?   Do   the   people   of   today   no   longer   need   God’s   teachings?   “       Imagination   snorted   and   replied,

“Humans   have   not   yet   evolved   to   the   stage   where   they   are   equal   to   God,   but   they   are   already   arrogant   and   presumptuous.     Perhaps   the   wonderful   civilization   humans   have   created   had   gone   to   their   heads….Perhaps   the   reason   Jehovah   was   so   angry   when   we   ate   the   forbidden   fruit   and   threw   us   out   of   the   Garden   of   Eden   was   because   he   already   foresaw   humans   could   not   use   their   knowledge   wisely.   If   things   proceed   along   this   path,   it   is   quite   possible   that   the   human   race   would   run   their   flourishing   civilization   to   the   ground   until   it   is   completely   destroyed…”     Creativity   was   silent   for   a   moment.     Then   he   said,

“You   are   right.     War   and   destruction   had   been   going   on   non-stop   in   this   world.   The   jungle   law   of   survival   of   the   fittest   has   dominated   their   culture   and   is   getting   worse   every   day.   On   the   surface   human   civilization   may   seem   to   be   wonderful   and   flourishing,   but   underneath   its   thin   veneer   of   respectability,   it   is   full   of   evil,   wickedness,   debauchery   and   corruption.   The   human   race   is   really   going   step   by   step   towards   a   crisis,   only   they   are   still   ignorant   of   the   fact.   What   is   more   ludicrous   is   that   they   had   actually   invented   a   very   formidable   kind   of   weapon   called   nuclear   bombs,   which   could   blow   up   the   earth   to   smithereens.     Isn’t   that   a   foolish   thing   to   do?   The   weapon   they   themselves   invented   will   destroy   their   own   precious   planet.   The   way   things   are   going,   Jehovah   will   not   need   to   use   flood   and   fire   to   destroy   the   world;   humans   would   do   it   themselves.”   Imagination   breathed   deeply   to   calm   herself   down   and   said,  

“The   world   is   full   of   sin   and   unjust   acts.     I   believe   it   needs   to   be   completely   destroyed   before   a   new   world   order   and   new   rules   of   morality   could   be   set   up.     But   I   also   feel   that   man’s   conscience   still   exists   and   some   of   them   could   still   be   reawakened.     Didn’t   you   just   see   the   clergyman   dressed   in   black   shouting   to   the   masses?     Will   the   Israelites   who   are   the   Chosen   people   return   to   the   fold?   When   Doomsday   arrives,   they   will   be   the   only   survivors.     Do   you   think   we   should   look   among   the   people   and   pick   out   those   who   are   outstanding   and   kind?   Then   when   Doomsday   arrives,   they   would   not   be   completely   wiped   out.     I   think   we   should   give   a   ray   of   hope   to   the   human   race.”   Creativity   jumped   up   in   excitement   when   he   heard   these   words,   clapped   his   hands   and   laughed   aloud   saying,

“What   a   great   idea!   Why   didn’t   I   think   of   that?     By   doing   so,   we   would   be   helping   King   Dimitri   and   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   will   prosper   again.   Come   on.   Let’s   get   moving!”   Saying   so,   Creativity   took   the   hands   of   her   partner   and   rushed   out   of   Dimitri’s   body.     But   they   still   hid   in   the   air,   invisible   to   others,   and   went   searching   for   the   good   and   the   outstanding   to   later   populate   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.

David’s   eyes   returned   from   the   disappearing   form   of   the   clergyman.     He   took   out   two   cigarette   butts,   gave   one   to   Dimitri   and   lighted   the   other   for   himself.     He   sighed   as   he   smoked,

“Well,   that’s   one   less   place   to   eat!”

“What   do   you   mean?”   asked   Dimitri,   not   understanding   what   his   friend   meant.     “What   one   less   place   to   eat?”

“You   may   not   know   about   this”   replied   David,   taking   a   big   puff   at   his   cigarette.   “Let   me   tell   you…     In   the   slum   district   where   we   sometimes   hang   out,   there   was   a   small   and   dilapidated   church.   The   clergyman   who   just   walked   past   here   was   the   pastor   officiating   there.     We   called   him   John,   though   that   may   not   be   his   real   name.   He   often   prepared   meals   for   the   poor   and   hungry.     Many   of   us   homeless   hobos   used   to   line   up   there   to   get   a   box   of   food   to   fill   our   stomachs.     John   always   used   that   time   to   preach   sermons   to   his   captive   audience.     His   favorite   topic   is   the   one   about   Doomsday   that   you   just   heard.   We   really   didn’t   want   to   listen   to   his   fire-and-brimstone   theory.     I   for   one   always   hurried   through   my   meal   and   tried   to   slink   away   un-noticed   before   he   finished.   But   more   often   than   not   he   would   catch   me,   and   call   me   back,   telling   me   to   mind   my   manners   and   sit   there   until   the   sermon   was   finished.   What   could   I   do?   My   stomach   was   full   of   the   food   he   provided,   so   unwilling   though   I   was,   I   had   to   sit   through   his   sermons.     That’s   why   his   church   was   my   last   resort.   I   didn’t   go   there   unless   I   couldn’t   find   food   anywhere   else.   I   heard   that   gradually   fewer   and   fewer   people   went   there   and   the   church   became   strapped   for   funds.   The   food   they   provided   also   deteriorated   in   both   quantity   and   quality.   The   latest   news   is   that   the   little   church   had   to   close   because   very   few   people   went   there   any   more.   The   property   was   sold   to   developers   who   tore   the   church   down   and   built   a   mall   on   the   land.   Having   lost   his   living,   that   clergyman   John   is   now   preaching   his   sermons   on   the   streets.     His   future   doesn’t   seem   too   bright   either…”       Dimitri   puffed   silently   on   his   cigarette,   thinking,

“The   power   of   the   church   has   weakened.     In   a   few   decades,   it   has   lost   its   parishioners   and   the   property   itself   has   been   sold.   During   the   Dark   Ages,   divinity   reigned   supreme,   intolerant   of   any   challenge   or   question,   allowing   the   church   to   control   the   ideology   of   man   for   thousands   of   years.   But   the   era   of   divine   rights   when   divinity   rules   all,   is   now   gone   forever.   Nowadays   man’s   freedom   of   thought   has   emerged,   strengthened   and   risen   above   divinity.   This   trend   may   not   be   a   good   one.     The   best   ratio   would   be   the   balance   of   divinity   and   humanism,   where   the   two   would   mutually   restrain   and   rely   on   each   other.   But   this   is   too   big   a   problem   for   me,   a   mere   hobo,   to   solve.     So   I   had   better   leave   it   for   theologians   to   rack   their   brains   over.”     David’s   cigarette   had   almost   burnt   to   the   edge,   but   reluctant   to   discard   it,   he   still   took   a   last   mighty   drag   into   his   lungs   and   two   lines   of   smoke   came   out   of   his   nostrils.   He   said,

“When   John   used   to   rattle   on   and   on   about   his   Doomsday   theories   I   always   tried   to   sneak   away.     I   was   sick   and   tired   of   hearing   about   the   Kingdom   of   Heaven,   the   coming   of   Doomsday   as   well   as   the   floods   and   fire…I   thought   he   was   just   trying   to   scare   those   rich   ladies   and   gentlemen.   For   what   meaning   are   his   words   to   me?     My   primary   concern   was   to   fill   my   stomach   so   I   won’t   go   hungry,   there’s   nothing   more   important   to   me   outside   of   that…But   just   now,   hearing   him   babble   on   about   Heaven,   Judgment   Day,   end   of   the   world   est.   didn’t   feel   the   repugnance   that   I   used   to..   especially   after   I   had   been   to   your   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   his   talking   about   the   Kingdom   of   Heaven   resonated   in   me   and   made   me   think   perhaps   there   really   may   be   such   a   place…   If   there   is   such   a   place   as   Kingdom   of   Heaven,   then   there   may   also   be   a   place   called   Hell!   Oh   yes,   have   you   been   to   these   two   places?”

“I…I…     What   were   you   talking   about?”   asked   Dimitri   absent-mindedly,   his   mind   obviously   somewhere   else   and   did   not   hear   David’s   question.   “Were   you   asking   me   something   about   heaven   and   hell?   About   whether   they   exist   and   whether   I   had   been   there?     I   don’t   know   whether   they   exit   or   not.     They   may,   but   again   they   may   not.   I’m   not   sure.   I   may   have   been   there,   but   again   I   may   not.     I   don’t   remember.     It’s   possible   that   they   both   exist   and   that   I   have   been   there.     I   am   really   sorry   I   cannot   answer   your   questions.     I   really   don’t   remember.   Perhaps   they   do   not   exist   and   I   have   never   been   there.     I   just   don’t   remember.”   Hearing   his   words,   David   knew   that   Dimitri’s   mind   was   somewhere   else,   so   he   didn’t   pursue   the   subject   any   more.    

“I’m   exhausted…Didn’t   sleep   much   last   night…Don’t   even   want   to   move,   so   I   will   just   take   a   nap   here.”     He   looked   at   the   magnificent   and   grandiose   building   across   the   street   and   said   sleepily,   “The   most   practical   would   be   to   get   what   I   can   and   put   the   World   Bank   into   my   brains   to   weave   a   fabulous   dream.   I   don’t   need   to   think   of   anything   else.”   Saying   so,   he   lay   down   on   the   ground   and   was   soon   snoring   away.     Dimitri   seemed   to   be   talking   to   the   sleeping   David,   but   he   seemed   more   to   be   talking   to   himself,

“You   not   only   can   put   that   magnificent   and   grandiose   building   across   the   street   into   your   brains,   you   can   put   the   whole   world   there   too.     You   can   even   put   the   whole   universe   into   your   brain.   Then   you   will   realize   that   time   and   space   do   not   exist   any   more   and   everything   is   equal   to   zero.”     In   the   bustling,   flourishing   metropolis,   pedestrians   were   busily   going   about   their   own   business.   No   one   would   pause   or   pay   the   least   attention   to   the   two   dirty   and   ragged   homeless   persons,   one   sitting   and   one   sleeping.   If   this   society   were   a   huge   and   precise   machine,   these   two   hobos   would   be   the   useless   discards   and   waste   material   it   produced.

The   flowing   crowd   of   people   hustled   and   bustled   about   swarming   into   the   BART   station   wave   after   wave   and   surging   out   just   as   busily.     Imagination   and   Creativity   stood   hand   in   hand   among   the   crowd,   looking   at   the   sea   of   human   faces,   wondering   which   were   the   ones   they   could   pick.   It   was   Creativity‘s   sharp   eyes   that   caught   sight   of   their   target.     She   squeezed   Imagination’s   hand,   threw   him   a   warning   glance   and   said,

“What   do   you   think   of   that   one?”   At   the   gate   of   the   BART   station,   there   was   a   middle-aged   man   in   his   fifties   holding   a   brief   case,   who   was   walking   towards   the   parking   lot.   He   was   neatly   dressed.     His   chiseled   features   were   clear   cut,   solemn   and   aloof,   obviously   not   a   man   to   be   trifled   with.     “Do   you   know   what’s   in   his   briefcase?”asked   Creativity.     Imagination   glanced   at   the   old-fashioned   briefcase,   his   x-ray   like   eyes   penetrating   into   its   interior   and   responded,

“He’s   a   lawyer.     There   are   lots   of   files   in   his   suitcase,   all   of   them   material   about   his   client   who   was   a   famous   athlete..   That   was   an   old   case   that   exploded   onto   the   social   scene   years   ago   and   captured   the   attention   of   the   whole   nation.     It   even   led   to   social   unrest,   insurgence   and   racial   tension…     His   client   was   enraged   at   an   affair   between   his   wife,   who   was   20   years   younger   than   he,   and   another   man   and   in   a   fit   of   jealous   rage,   killed   them   both.   Then   he   tried   to   make   a   run   for   it,   but   was   stopped   at   the   border   by   the   police   and   brought   back.   All   the   evidence   pointed   to   his   guilt.”

“What   happened   then?”   asked   Creativity.     “What   was   the   verdict?   Since   he   killed   two   people   intentionally   he   should   get   the   death   penalty,   right?”

“No”   replied   Imagination   indignantly.   “Not   only   did   he   not   get   the   death   penalty,   the   jury   acquitted   him   and   he   was   released!   Wasn’t   that   outrageous?”

“Really!”   exclaimed   Creativity.   “How   could   that   be?”

“The   defendant   was   a   famous   athlete   and   a   multi-millionaire.     He   could   afford   to   gather   together   a   group   of   the   best   defense   lawyers   in   the   country   known   as   the   “Dream   Team”.   These   were   old   hands   of   the   court   room   and   knew   every   trick   of   the   trade.     They   were   experts   at   manipulating   the   law   and   knew   every   loophole.     In   the   end,   they   got   the   murderer   off   scot-   free.”

“If   I   were   the   judge”   cried   Creativity   angrily   “I   would   never   let   that   happen   in   my   court.   This   is   another   example   of   miscarriage   of   justice.     These   lawyers   who   make   their   living   manipulating   the   law   instead   of   upholding   it   will   never   be   allowed   to   enter   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   disturb   that   bright,   serene   paradise   on   earth.”   Imagination   frowned   as   if   engrossed   in   thought.  

“You   can’t   tarnish   the   whole   profession   in   one   broad   stroke”   he   protested.   “There   are   so   many   laws   and   they   are   so   complicated   that   a   lay   person   could   easily   be   caught   in   its   web   and   not   know   how   to   get   out.   Then   they   would   badly   need   the   help   of   law   professionals…As   for   the   rest,   let   the   humans   worry   about   them.     They   are   not   our   concern.   As   to   whether   we   need   lawyers   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   we   had   better   leave   that   in   King   Dimitri’s   hands…”

Another   woman   talking   animatedly   on   her   cell   phone   walked   past   the   two   of   them.   She   had   just   parked   her   expensive   luxury   car   at   the   parking   lot   and   was   hurrying   towards   the   entrance   of   the   BART   station.   She   wore   a   pair   of   tight,   old-fashioned   jeans   which   had   been   washed   till   it   was   faded   in   color,   white   casual   walking   shoes,   white   short-sleeve   t-shirt   and   her   short     hair   was     neatly   cut.     She   was   no   longer   young,   but   had   retained   a   slim   figure.     Her   sharp   eyes   revealed   her  

shrewdness   and   capability.   Her   voice   was   a   little   hoarse,   perhaps   due   to   indulging   in   alcohol   and   smoking.    

“Yes”   she   said   as   she   talked   on   her   phone.   “I   am   the   CEO   on   duty.   What   is   it?   So   many   people   not   coming   in   today...   Have   you   asked   them   why?     …   What?   Going   to   ball   games...   Absurd!   …Don’t   these   people   know   that   every   minute   of   their   time   is   paid   for   by   the   company?…   Every   minute   of   their   time   should   be   spent   working   for   the   company,   or   else   they   are   guilty   of   dereliction…   These   people   are   really   without   conscience!...     Don’t   they   know   that   recently   competition   is   so   fierce   that   our   company   is   having   to   fight   harder   and   harder   to   stay   ahead   of   our   competitors?     So   many   people   not   coming   to   work   all   at   once   will   greatly   affect   our   production.     Who   will   be   responsible   if   we   fall   behind   on   our   quota,   cannot   finish   our   work   on   time   and   miss   the   delivery   date?...Tell   the   people   in   Human   Resources   that   all   those   who   did   not   come   to   work   for   no   valid   reason   will   be   fired.     Tell   them   that   I   said   so.   Our   company   does   not   want   irresponsible   employees   who   think   only   of   their   own   pleasure   and   are   not   at   all   concerned   about   the   good   of   the   company.   Why   do   we   want   to   keep   such   people?   Fire   them   all…   What?     They   are   protected   by   union   contracts   and   cannot   be   fired?...Oh…   Then   tell   them   that   there   will   be   no   pay   for   the   time   not   put   in   and   put   their   names   on   the   black   list.     Their   contracts   are   not   to   be   renewed   when   this   one   expires.   I   want   all   of   them   to   get   their   pink   slips   then!...   I   am   on   my   way   to   the   office.     We’ll   talk   about   it   then…”     She   hung   up   and   hurried   quickly   into   the   BART   station.     Obviously   she   was   an   upper   management   CEO   type   and   was   still   muttering   angrily   as   she   walked   away,   “Who   on   earth   is   so   stupid   as   to   organize   ball   games   on   a   week   day?   Just   to   see   people   playing   ball.     That’s   absurd!   A   big   ball   park   can   hold   tens   of   thousands   of   spectators   at   a   time.     It’s   wasting   energy   that   could   have   been   put   to   good   use   at   their   jobs.     All   those   tens   of   thousands   of   people   could   have   produced   a   lot   of   economic   value.     Have   those   people   organizing   ball   games   ever   thought   of   that?   That’s   so   much   waste…”     Imagination   and   Creativity   looked   at   each   other,   shook   their   heads   and   sighed,   obviously   not   agreeing   with   that   woman’s   words.

“I   think   that   woman   must   be   a   mammonite”   said   Imagination.   “She   measures   everything   by   its   economic   value.     She   is   not   young   but   has   kept   her   figure.     That   means   she   must   exercise   a   lot,   or   she   would   not   have   been   able   to   manage   to   look   like   that.   Since   she   herself   loves   exercise,   why   does   she   censure   her   employees   for   watching   ball   games?     There   is   an   old   saying,   “Do   unto   as   you   would   that   they   should   do   to   you.”   That   woman   is   too   selfish.”

“Labor   and   management   have   always   been   on   opposite   sides   in   any   dispute”   said   Creativity.   “Their   relationship   has   become   more   and   more   strained   and   the   controversy   has   become   deeper   than   ever.   Both   sides   think   their   relationship   is   one   of   exploitation   and   being   exploited.     Actually   that   perception   is   too   rigid.   They   should   look   at   it   from   another   prospective.     The   relationship   between   labor   and   management   is   one   of   co-operation.   One   offers   capital   and   the   other   offers   labor.     Together   they   produce   a   valuable   product.   The   gain   can   be   shared   and   everyone   will   be   happy.     Why   let   things   deteriorate   to   such   a   state   that   there   is   so   much   bad   feeling,   distrust   and   enmity?   …Actually   labor   and   management   rely   on   each   other.     I   don’t   see   why   they   are   always   in   controversy   and   rubbing   each   other   the   wrong   way.   If   both   sides   took   a   step   back   and   thought   for   the   other   side   a   little,   I   am   sure   things   would   ease   up   and   both   sides   could   co-exist   peacefully.”

“Human   society   is   trending   towards   large   metropolis,   with   large   populations   crowding   into   limited   space”   said   Imagination.     “I   don’t   like   that   at   all.   I   prefer   the   old   pastoral   way   of   life,   like   the   one   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     The   Kingdom   is   not   large   but   the   population   is   also   small.     Life   there   is   simple,   just   farming,   fishing   and   hunting   and   you   can   choose   what   you   want   to   do.   If   you   don’t   want   to   do   anything,   and   want   to   shut   yourself   inside   you   home   and   sleep;   that’s   ok   too.     No   one   will   interfere   with   you.   There   is   no   question   of   exploiting   or   being   exploited   there.   There   is   so   much   grain   and   food   piled   up   in   the   granary,   that   no   one   will   ever   be   lacking   in   anything.   Children   play   in   the   courtyards;   women   weave   inside   the   hut.     Life   is   simple   and   serene.     No   one   has   to   worry   about   feeding   themselves   and   their   family.     How   I   wish   to   go   back   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   live   the   life   there.     You   get   up   when   the   sun   rises   and   go   to   work.     You   rest   when   the   sun   sets.     But   our   master   King   Dimitri   does   not   seem   to   intend   to   go   back   there.”

“Right”   echoed   Creativity.   “Every   morning   with   the   hoe   on   my   shoulder,   I   would   walk   towards   the   fields   at   the   dawn’s   first   light.   I   would   work   hard   and   let   sweat   flow   from   my   body   into   the   soil,   watching   with   happy   satisfaction   as   the   seeds   I   planted,   sprout   and   grow   into   wheat.   Then   when   the   sun   sets   I   will   go   back   to   my   hut,   eat   a   full   meal   and   then   close   the   door   and   have   a   good   night’s   sleep.     I   like   this   simple   but   fulfilling   life   too.”

After   leaving   the   noisy   metropolis   with   its   crowds   of   people   and   unending   traffic,   Imagination   held   Creativity’s   hand   and   stopped   at   a   place   where   there   were   beautiful   hills   and   water.     It   was   a   serene   house   in   the   suburbs.     Imagination   stood   by   the   lake   looking   at   the   crystal   clear   sparkling   lake   water.     Then   she   gazed   at   the   nearby   hills   where   there   were   quite   a   few   houses,   classic   looking   and   artistically   built,   giving   forth   a   jolly   atmosphere   of   liveliness.

“How   lucky   are   these   people   living   here!”   said   Imagination.   “They   can   enjoy   the   serene   hills   and   lake   water,   but   also   have   the   use   of   all   the   modern   conveniences.   How   I   would   like   to   keep   this   very   good   memory   of   life   on   earth   forever   deeply   etched   in   my   memory,   never   to   be   forgotten.   I   could   bring   it   out   and   wonder   upon   it   any   time   I   want.”     Creativity   laughed   and   said,

“You   needn’t   spend   too   much   time   pondering   over   this   beautiful   scenery.     It   is   only   a   section   of   your   impressions.     Everything   will   change.     Don’t   forget   that   your   name   is   Imagination   and   mine   is   Creativity.   Whatever   you   can   imagine,   I   can   make   it   reality.     Only   thus   can   we   improve   and   advance,   right?”

“You   are   right,”   said   Imagination   smiling   and   nodding   her   head.     “You   are   right.   Your   name   is   Creativity   and   mine   is   Imagination…”     Among   the   many   people   strolling   around   the   lake   under   the   brilliant   but   serene   sunshine   was   a   young   couple   pushing   a   stroller.   The   young   mother’s   face   was   wreathed   in   happy   smiles   as   she   said,

“Thank   the   Lord   my   decision   was   the   correct   one.     Look   how   healthy   and   lively   our   son   is!”     Her   husband   and   father   of   the   boy,   who   was   walking   next   to   her,   said,

“I’ll   have   to   admit   that   your   decision   was   the   right   one.   However,   you   do   have   an   irregular   heart,   which   could   have   been   very   dangerous   during   pregnancy   and   childbirth.   But   you   were   so   determined   to   go   through   with   it   that   I   couldn’t   stop   you.     Luckily   everything   turned   out   right   and   both   you   and   the   baby   were   safe.     We   have   really   been   extremely   fortunate.   God   has   been   especially   good   to   you.”

“At   the   time”   replied   the   young   mother   reminiscing   about   the   past,   “when   the   doctor   confirmed   that   I   was   pregnant,   I   was   so   happy!     That   tiny   speck   of   life   was   God’s   gift   to   me   to   be   temporarily   lodged   in   my   womb.     I   decided   to   take   great   care   and   protect   it   until   I   could   bring   it   safely   into   this   world.   Not   only   that,   when   God   gave   me   this   great   gift,   he   also   buried   his   instructions   in   the   mind   of   this   new   life,   to   be   gradually   unfolded   as   he   grew   up.”     Just   then   two   beautiful   large   butterflies   appeared,   one   flying   slightly   higher   than   the   other.   They   hovered   around   the   stroller   causing   the   baby   to   giggle   with   laughter,   waving   his   two   chubby   arms   in   delight   as   if   mimicking   the   dancing   of   the   butterflies.     After   a   while   they   flew   away,   disappearing   into   the   flower   beds   causing   the   baby   to   break   into   tears.     The   young   mother   quickly   picked   him   up   and   hugged   him   close,   soothing   him   with   words   and   gentle   kisses.     The   baby’s   clear   and   childish   cries   caused   his   mother   to   increase   her   tender,   loving   care.     After   a   while,   the   baby   stopped   crying   and   smiled   through   his   tears   because   he   saw   the   two   butterflies   hovering   over   some   flowers   sucking   honey   from   them.   To   a   baby,   new   to   this   world,   every   little   thing   was   novel,   curious   and   interesting.   His   recent   tears,   not   yet   dry   on   his   eyelashes,   sparkled   under   the   sunlight.

“You   know”   continued   the   young   man   “that   women,   with   health   problems   and   not   suited   to   pregnancy,   just   like   you   used   to   be,   often   have   abortions.   Others   had   no   choice   but   to   have   the   procedure   done   due   to   family   or   moral   issues,   such   as   rape   or   incest.   Of   course   there   are   many   other   reasons   why   women   chose   to   stop   their   pregnancy   such   as   economic   or   family   difficulties   etc.   But   some   women   do   it   because   they   do   not   wish   pregnancy   to   interfere   with   their   happy   and   carefree   life   as   a   bachelorette.”     The   young   mother   put   the   baby   back   into   his   stroller   and   pushed   it   slowly   forward   with   her   husband   by   her   side.   He   continued   as   they   walked   along,   “There   are   many   reasons   why   women   chose   abortion.   But   the   womb   is   a   part   of   a   woman’s   body   whose   main   function   is   procreation.   Of   course   women   have   a   right   to   use   and   control   their   own   bodies,   with   a   right   to   choose   to   be   pregnant   or   to   have   an   abortion.   But   to   me   babies   are   gifts   from   God   and   his   instructions   are   imbedded   in   their   thought   to   be   gradually   unfolded   as   they   grow   up.     In   that   I   believe   firmly   and   have   no   doubts   whatever.”     The   young   man   walked   on   deep   in   thought.     His   young   wife   only   knew   that   he   was   a   wealthy   medical   doctor,   but   did   not   know   that   he   did   abortions   as   well.

Dimitri   did   not   change   his   position   as   he   squatted   by   the   square   in   front   of   the   BART   station.     With   everything   pitch   black   in   front   of   him,   he   had   nowhere   to   go   and   there   was   nowhere   he   wanted   to   go.     David   lay   there   beside   him   on   the   hard,   icy   cold   pavement,   snoring   loudly.   In   this   densely   populated   metropolis   full   of   busy   traffic   and   noisy   streets,   it   was   amazing   how   he   could   be   totally   oblivious   of   all   that   was   happening   around   him   and   remain   sound   asleep,   a   feat   not   many   people   were   capable   of.   Dimitri   wondered   who   the   happier   person   was:   the   workaholic   busy   toiling   from   morning   to   night   to   get   ahead   at   his   job   and   to   support   his   family   or   this   snoozing   hobo   lost   in   dreams   he   had   woven.   Hard   to   say.     Dimitri   listened   intently   to   the   disorderly   footsteps   around   him   trying   to   hear   if   any   resembled   those   of   his   loyal   servants   Creativity   and   Imagination.     Then   he   remembered   that   the   two   of   them   could   hide   in   the   air   so   their   footsteps   would   naturally   be   soundless.  

“Oh   yes”   remembered   Dimitri.     “Not   long   ago,   the   two   of   them   told   me   they   were   off   searching   for   out-standing   and   good-hearted   people   to   be   citizens   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.   I   wonder   when   they   will   be   back.     My   two   loyal   servants   are   really   great.     They   are   enthusiastically   going   about   rebuilding   my   palace   on   an   even   grander   scale   than   before   and   make   it   into   a   magnificent,   grandiose   and   awe-inspiring   structure.   Actually   it   was   these   two   who   originally   urged   me   to   enter   this   mysterious   and   magical   world   and   build   my   own   Kingdom   of   Dreams…Ah,   this   is   a   long   and   fantastic   story,   one   full   of   twists   and   turns.   On   my   first   day   in   this   wonderful   domain   I   had   just   discovered,   I   was   walking   in   the   densely   wooded   mountains   when   I   came   across   a   small   temple   and   met   White   Fairy,   who   generously   gave   me   gifts   of   the   magic   sword,   bow   and   arrow.   Using   these   weapons   I   was   able   to   defeat   and   tame   the   gorgon   Medusa,   who   later   became   the   protector   of   my   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     In   the   end   it   was   Viola   and   Cyclops   who   were   jealous   of   me   and   through   treachery   and   deception   destroyed   my   kingdom   by   fire.

Dimitri   had   a   strange   thought.     “Did   I   create   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   all   by   myself?     It   doesn’t   seem   so.     Consider   the   tall   and   magnificent   mountain   ranges,   the   crystal   clear   and   icy   cold   Sun   Moon   Lake.     They   were   there   long   before   I   showed   up.     I   did   not   create   them   because   they   were   already   in   existence   when   I   chanced   to   come   upon   them.   So   I   was   not   the   creator   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   I   was   only   the   discoverer   of   the   place.   But   the   august   and   resplendent   palace,   the   twenty-four   beauties   from   all   corners   of   the   earth   and   my   loyal   subjects   had   all   been   gathered   together   by   me.     I   always   thought   my   creation   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   was   clear   cut   and   definite,   but   now   it   isn’t   that   clear   anymore   and   I   am   beginning   to   have   doubts   about   it.   Is   the   world   of   dreams   the   product   that   I   single-handedly   created,   designed   and   brought   into   existence?   Or   was   it   already   in   existence   when   I   came   across   it   by   chance?...Perhaps   I   can   put   it   this   way.     The   world   of   dreams   was   already   quietly   and   serenely   in   existence   when   I   happened   to   stumble   across   it.     After   I   discovered   the   place,   I   took   great   pains   to   meticulously   design   it   and   then   brought   my   plans   to   successful   completion.     Look   at   David   here.     He   has   already   entered   his   own   dreamland   and   is   building   a   Kingdom   that   belongs   to   him   alone.     Everyone   has   a   world   that   belongs   to   him   and   therefore   can   build   his   own   Kingdom   according   to   his   wishes   and   inclination.     There   is   a   treasure   trove   inside   all   of   us,   only   some   have   not   been   discovered   and   therefore   had   not   yet   been   developed.

Imagination   and   Creativity   walked   among   the   crowd   hand   in   hand,   looking   for   honest,   kind-hearted   and   outstanding   people   for   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   but   after   spending   a   lot   of   time   on   their   endeavor   they   still   came   up   empty-handed.   Imagination   sighed   and   said,

“Such   people   are   hard   to   find.   Some   are   kind-hearted   but   not   very   intelligent.     Therefore   they   would   not   be   of   much   use.     Others   are   clever   and   intelligent   but   crafty   and   scheming   so   they   are   not   a   good   choice   either.   It   seems   that   good,   kind-hearted   and   out-standing   people   who   are   also   clever   and   intelligent   are   not   easy   to   find.     Let’s   go   back.     King   Dimitri   is   still   waiting   for   us   and   might   be   getting   anxious.”     Creativity   nodded   his   head   in   agreement,

“Yes,   suitable   candidates   are   hard   to   find.     We   have   been   walking   about   for   quite   a   while   and   have   not   found   a   single   one.     You   are   right,   we   should   be   turning   back   and   report   back   to   King   Dimitri.     He   might   have   things   he   wants   us   to   do.     By   the   way,   do   you   remember   the   woman   with   disorderly   hair   that   we   met   at   the   pharmacy?     You   said   her   two   nipples   had   been   badly   bitten   and   was   in   great   pain,   so   she   was   at   the   pharmacy   to   buy   painkillers   and   anti-inflammatory   medication.   “

“Humph”   snorted   Imagination.   “Why   are   you   still   worried   about   that   slut?   Do   you   know   what   she   did   today?   She   told   her   family   she   was   going   to   class   but   she   first   went   to   a   beauty   parlor   to   look   for   her   lover,   a   hair   dresser   and   made   use   of   the   time   before   his   first   customer   came   in   to   have   sex   with   him.     Then   she   went   to   the   neighboring   community   college.     The   time   was   early   so   the   campus   was   still   pretty   empty.     She   came   across   the   janitor   with   whom   she   had   had   casual   sex   with.     They   looked   knowingly   at   each   other   and   made   for   the   restrooms.     While   they   were   having   sex   there,   the   janitor   was   so   consumed   with   lust   that   he   brutally   bit   her   nipples   until   they   were   split   and   bloody   and   left   numerous   black   and   blue   bruises   all   over   her   body…Why   are   you   worrying   about   such   an   immoral   and   slutty   woman?”

“Oh   no,   I   am   not   worrying   about   that   woman”   replied   Creativity.     “It   is   her   husband   that   I   am   sympathetic   to.   If   I   were   that   woman’s   husband   and   knew   that   she   had   betrayed   me   in   such   a   way   I   would   really   be   so   angry   that   it   might   even   drive   me   to   commit   a   serious   crime.   So   many   people   in   this   mundane   world   commit   spur   of   the   moment   crimes   and   then   had   to   pay   for   it   in   the   court   of   law.     Her   husband   had   been   arrested   by   the   police   on   grounds   of   domestic   violence.   It’s   just   not   worthwhile!”

“That’s   correct”   said   Imagination.     “The   people   in   this   world   are   divided   into   two   sexes,   men   and   women.   The   relationship   between   them   has   developed   into   countless   ever-changing   variations.   Couples   that   get   along   well,   are   not   that   numerous.     Most   couples   are   in   a   state   of   semi-cold   war.     Behind   closed   doors   there   are   always   lots   of   things   that   are   kept   from   the   outside   world.”   Creativity   circled   his   arms   around   Imagination’s   slim   waist   and   said,

“No   matter   what,   the   two   of   us   will   never   betray   each   other.     At   least   it   is   so   with   me   because   I   know   there   is   no   woman   in   this   world   that   suits   me   better   than   you.”     Imagination   gave   him   a   white   eye   and   then   smiled   sweetly,   showing   her   two   lovely   dimples   saying,

“Don’t   be   so   confident.     Maybe   one   day,   just   like   the   time   when   we   ate   the   forbidden   fruit,   I   may   betray   you   just   to   find   out   if   the   experience   is   as   rousing   and   stimulating   as   people   say   “       Creativity   laughed   and   said,

“I   am   very   confident   that   you   will   never   do   so   because   in   your   heart   you   also   know   that   in   this   world   there   is   no   other   man   that   suits   you   as   well   as   I   do.     You   are   a   bone   taken   from   my   ribs.     Heaven   meant   us   to   be   a   couple   and   we   will   never   betray   each   other.”     Imagination   pretended   to   be   angry,   glared   at   him   and   said,

“Let’s   stop   joking   around   and   report   to   King   Dimitri   that   we   did   not   find   any   suitable   candidate   because   we   had   no   standard   or   criterion   to   go   by.   How   are   we   to   measure   who   is   kind,   good   and   intelligent   enough   to   be   our   choice.”     Saying   so,   they   had   come   to   the   square   and   saw   that   Dimitri   was   so   bored   that   he   was   yawning   again   and   again   and   seemed   to   be   getting   sleepy.

David’s   snores   were   even   and   regular,   now   high   now   low,   as   if   he   was   making   music   or   humming   a   song   out   of   tune.     Dimitri   was   squatting   beside   him   with   nowhere   to   go   and   nowhere   he   wanted   to   go.     Listening   to   David’s   snores,   his   thoughts   became   muddled   and   his   eyelids   seemed   to   getting   heavier   and   heavier   until   he   was   getting   really   sleepy.     He   conjured   up   the   image   of   the   magnificent   and   grandiose   World   Bank   and   put   it   into   his   brain.     Then   he   put   the   whole   world   and   the   whole   universe   into   his   brain.     His   consciousness   became   more   and   more   muddled   and   disoriented.     Time   and   space   gradually   stopped   expanding   and   seemed   about   to   solidify   at   zero   but   David’s   snores,   out   of   tune   as   they   were,   seemed   to   be   a   rustic   tune   that   was   driving   Dimitri   into   slumber.   Dimitri’s   eyelids   became   heavier   and   heavier   as   if   dragged   down   by   lumps   of   iron.   Soon   he   could   no   longer   resist   and   his   eyes   closed.   The   myriads   of   stars   in   the   heaven   also   fell.   Just   as   he   was   poised   between   slumber   and   wakefulness,   his   heart   jumped   as   his   loyal   servants   Imagination   and   Creativity   came   back   and   woke   him.     He   opened   his   eyes   and   the   state   of   zero   was   broken.     Just   now   time   and   space   interposed   on   each   other   to   form   zero   which   no   longer   existed.     Time   and   space   expanded   outward.     Myriads   of   stars   were   again   presented   before   his   eyes.     Every   star   was   rotating   in   its   orbit.     Dimitri   was   greatly   surprised,   and   thought,   “Just   now   when   I   closed   my   eyes,   did   the   whole   universe   disappear   and   then   reappeared   when   I   opened   my   eyes?   “   Dimitri   saw   that   a   fresh   flower   just   opened   on   one   of   the   myriads   of   stars   in   the   universe   “Isn’t   that   the   place   where   human   civilization   began?   That   flower   will   proliferate   into   spring   with   its   profusion   of   color.     But   human   civilization   has   not   yet   been   fully   developed   to   its   highest   level   and   may   perish   half   way   because   it   seemed   to   have   gone   astray   on   the   wrong   track   and   is   on   the   course   to   destruction.   Dimitri   did   not   think   so   because   he   felt   that   human   civilization   still   had   the   ability   to   awake   and   veer   away   from   the   wrong   course   they   were   on.     He   was   sure   they   would   gradually   get   back   on   track   to   peace   and   prosperity.     Dimitri   did   not   have   time   to   think   more   on   the   subject   because   his   loyal   servants   Creativity   and   Imagination   were   back   and   wanted   to   report   to   him   about   their   quest   for   good   and   intelligent   candidates   to   populate   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.

Creativity   and   Imagination   held   hands   and   tip-toed   into   Dimitri’s   brain.   Here   was   their   homeland   and   perching   place,   an   endless   spread   of   tender   green   grassland,   where   everything   was   so   familiar   it   filled   their   hearts   with   endearment.   But   they   knew   that   they   had   disturbed   the   rest   of   their   master   King   Dimitri,   so   they   sat   silently   on   the   soft   and   comfortable   grass,   not   daring   to   talk   or   laugh   out   loud,   waiting   to   be   called   and   questioned   by   their   master.   Dimitri   knew   that   his   two   loyal   servants   had   returned,   so   he   gradually   woke   from   the   drowsy   and   confused   state   of   semi-sleep   and   asked,

“So   the   two   of   you   are   back.     You   have   been   out     looking   for   candidates   for   my   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     Any   good   results?”   Imaginaion   was   the   first   to   answer   and   told   his   master   about   their   quest.     Creativity   continued,

“We   are   so   sorry,   your   majesty.   We   have   not   been   able   to   find   any   suitable   candidate   and   therefore   have   not   fulfilled   our   duty.     Perhaps   we   should   look   in   places   farther   away…”     Dimitri   did   not   reprimed   them   at   all,   but   smiled   and   said,

“Even   before   you   left,   I   had   known   that   you   would   not   be   able   to   find   any   suitable   candidates.   Perhaps   I   should   put   it   this   way.     In   this   world   there   is   no   person   perfect   enough   to   be   eligible   to   live   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     But   on   the   other   hand,   there   is   no   one   in   this   world   that   is   not   eligible   to   enter   it   either.   I   mean   everyone   is   qualified   to   enter   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   because   in   this   world   there   is   no   one   that   is   100%   clever,   intelligent   and   good.     Neither   is   there   a   person   who   is   100%   bad.     In   other   words,   most   people   are   a   mixture   of   good   and   bad.     Some   have   more   good   in   them   than   bad   but   others   have   more   bad   than   good.”

“Your   majesty”   asked   Imagination,   “Do   you   have   some   criterior   which   we   can   use   to   measure   the   people   we   meet   to   see   if   they   qualify?”     Dimitri   thought   for   a   moment   and   then   answered   tentatively,

“I   don’t   really   have   any   rules   or   criterior   for   you   two   to   follow.     Just   as   you   said,   some   people   are   good   but   not   intelligent   so   you   didn’t   choose   them.     That’s   not   entirely   correct   because   the   reason   they   did   not   seem   intelligent   to   you   was   because   that   part   of   them   had   not   yet   been   fully   developed,   just   as   some   treasure   troves   have   not   yet   been   discovered.     Once   developed   they   will   become   good   and   intelligent   people.   You   also   said   some   people   were   very   clever   and   outstanding,   but   they   were   crafty   and   scheming   so   they   were   not   a   good   choice   either.   That   is   not   entirely   the   case.     The   good   part   of   their   nature   had   temporarily   been   covered   up   by   the   bad,   like   clouds   covering   the   blue   skies.     Once   the   black   clouds   are   blown   away   and   dissipated,   the   blue   skies   will   come   out   again.     I   think   that   man’s   true   nature   is   predominately   good   and   intelligent.     If   we   cultivate   and   guide   them   on   the   right   path   they   will   all   be   eligible   to   enter   my   Kingdom   of   Dreams.   They   only   need   a   positive   and   upward   striving   heart,   endeavor   to   hold   themselves   to   the   highest   level   and   aim   for   perfection.   That   would   be   enough.”     Imagination   and   Creativity   repeated   Dimitri’s   words   under   their   breath,   “They   only   need   a   positive   and   upward   striving   heart,   endeavor   to   hold   themselves   to   the   highest   level   and   aim   for   perfection.   That   would   be   enough.”

Seeing   that   the   two   of   them   did   not   really   get   his   meaning,   he   continued   to   explain   further,

“Your   names   used   to   be   Adam   and   Eve.     You   greatly   angered   Jehovah   by   going   against   his   orders   and   tasting   the   forbidden   fruit.     For   that   you   two   were   driven   out   of   the   Garden   of   Eden.   Jehovah   knew   that   humans   would   not   be   able   to   use   their   intelligence   wisely.     Take   things   in   our   modern   world   for   instance.     The   more   developed   our   science   and   technology   is,   the   more   flourishing   our   civilization   would   be.     But   morality,   on   the   other   hand,   had   deteriorated   drastically   and   had   lost   all   sense   of   human   decency.     The   reason   I   changed   your   names   to   Imagination   and   Creativity   was   because   I   believed   they   are   the   best   part   of   human   nature.   Those   who   could   retain   these   two   traits   are   sure   to   be   the   best   and   most   intelligent   of   people.   Human   civilization   has   not   yet   been   fully   developed   to   its   highest   level.     They   still   have   quite   a   way   to   go.     But   so   long   as   humans   aim   high,   seek   perfection   and   continue   striving   upwards   their   civilization   would   not   be   like   a   brilliant   meteor   that   flashes   brightly   but   all   too   briefly   across   the   sky,   only   to   fall   into   the   eternal   dark   abyss   of   the   universe.    

Imagination   and   Creativity   were   greatly   inspired   and   encouraged   by   Dimitri’s   words.     Their   eyes   brightened   with   a   radiant   look,   but   their   expression   was   still   slightly   perplexed   and   mystified.   So   Dimitri   continued   to   explain,

“Since   the   two   of   you   have   been   able   to   construct   a   dreamland   for   me   with   a   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   I   am   sure   that   you   are   also   fully   capable   of   transferring   this   dreamland   to   the   mundane   world.   Why   should   we   be   actively   seeking   to   escape   to   the   world   of   dreams?     No   matter   how   perfect   this   Kingdom   of   Dreams   that   you   have   created   for   me   is,   with   tall   and   magnificent   mountain   ranges,   crystal   clear   and   icy   cold   Sun   Moon   Lake,   august   and   resplendent   palace,   a   lot   of   beauties   and   loyal   subjects,   don’t   you   feel   that   it   is   too   passive   and   negative   to   just   hide   in   dreamland   and   be   afraid   to   face   reality?   Why   don’t   we   bring   this   wonderful   dreamland   to   the   real   world?     We   can   share   our   dreams   with   everyone,   turn   dreams   to   ideals   and   realize   them   in   this   real   world.     Don’t   mistake   my   meaning   and   think   I   am   belittling   dreamland.     On   the   contrary,   I   think   that   establishing   a   Kingdom   of   Dreams   for   oneself   is   absolutely   necessary   because   there   always   will   be   setbacks,   defeats   and   reverses   in   one’s   life.     No   one   can   control   fate.     No   one   knows   where   fate   will   take   you.     When   unfortunate   and   catastrophical   things   happen,   dreamland   is   the   best   place   to   retreat   to.     There   we   can   rest,   lick   our   wounds,   gather   up   our   strength   and   wait   for   an   opportunity   to   start   anew.     Actually   there   is   no   conflict   and   contradictions   between   dreamland   and   the   real   world.   The   two   are   actually   complementary   to   each   other.     They   could   exchange   information   and   learn   from   each   other.   You   can   travel   freely   to   and   fro   between   these   two   worlds   without   hindrance.     Everyone   has   a   dreamland   in   their   hearts   and   everyone   is   the   ruler   in   their   land   of   dreams.     The   earth   is   the   most   precious   present   God   has   given   to   the   human   race.     Every   flower,   every   tree   on   this   planet   should   be   treasured   and   loved.     No   one   would   destroy   the   environment   by   ceaseless   logging   or   plundering   and   pillaging   natural   resources.     No   one   wants   to   be   the   black   sheep   who   destroys   the   family   by   his   extravagance.     Everyone   understands   they   should   have   a   positive   and   upward   striving   heart   and   endeavor   to   hold   themselves   to   the   highest   level   and   aim   for   perfection.     Then   everyone   would   have   become   a   model   citizen   of   this   earth.   By   then   there   would   really   be   no   need   to   look   for   suitable   candidates   for   our   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   right?”

For   a   while,   Imagination   and   Creativity   hung   their   heads   deep   in   thought.   Then   Creativity   broke   the   silence   saying,

“Your   majesty,   I   think   I   have   an   inkling   of   your   train   of   thoughts.   You   mean   to   tell   us   that   in   order   to   change   the   world,   we   must   begin   by   changing   the   way   people   think…   You   mentioned   that   people   must   have   a   positive   and   upward   striving   heart,   endeavor   to   hold   themselves   to   the   highest   level   and   aim   for   perfection.     This   I   think   I   understand.     I   know   what   it   is   to   strive   upwards   and   aim   for   perfection,   but   don’t   quite   understand   what   upward   striving   means.   How   do   they   strive   upwards   and   towards   which   direction   should   they   go?   Could   you   please   clarify   that   point   for   me?”   Dimitri   smiled   and   nodded   his   head   in   satisfaction,   saying

“The   fact   that   you   can   ask   such   a   question   shows   me   that   you   have   got   to   the   essence   of   the   question.   Just   as   I   said   a   while   ago,   you   two   angered   Jehovah   by   eating   the   forbidden   fruit   and   were   driven   out   of   the   Garden   of   Eden.     But   driving   you   out   did   not   solve   the   problem.   Jehovah   was   too   soft-hearted   to   destroy   the   two   of   you   who   were   masterpieces   created   by   him,   his   most   precious   gift   to   the   world.     Out   of   the   kindness   of   his   heart   he   drove   you   out   of   the   Garden   of   Eden,   casting   you   adrift   to   roam   the   world   and   live   or   die   as   a   matter   of   course…”   The   expressions   on   Imagination   and   Creativity’s   faces   became   very   emotional   when   they   heard   this   and   Dimitri   paused   for   a   moment   to   let   them   regain   control   of   themselves.     Then   he   went   on   to   say,   “You   two   can   go   back   through   the   times   and   carefully   reminisce   about   the   past,   starting   from   the   time   of   your   rebirth   as   the   most   basic   of   elements.     Many   millions   of   years   of   evolution   had   wrought   great   changes   to   your   external   appearances,   especially   your   brain,   which   became   bigger   and   could   process   more   complex   and   meticulous   thoughts.   Or   you   can   say   that   on   the   very   first   day   you   were   born   into   this   world,   the   seeds   of   imagination   and   creativity   were   sown   in   your   brain;   but   at   the   same   time   the   seeds   of   avarice   and   ambition   also   germinated.   Imagination   and   creativity   were   forces   that   propelled   civilization   forward,   but   avarice   and   wild   ambition   took   it   in   the   wrong   direction.   Look   at   the   world   today.     It   is   full   of   boundless   cravings   trending   towards   the   jungle   law   of   survival   of   the   fittest.   The   avarice   in   man’s   heart   is   like   a   relentless   flood   that   uncurbed   flood   its   banks,   overwhelming   everything   it   meets.     The   wild   ambition   in   man’s   heart   is   like   a   flaring   flame   capable   of   reducing   everything   it   encounters   into   cinders.   The   Doomsday   prophesy   will   soon   be   realized,   so   I   say   Jehovah   did   not   solve   any   problems   by   driving   you   two   out   of   the   Garden   of   Eden.   Jehovah   is   benevolent   and   did   not   want   to   destroy   his   masterpiece,   his   most   precious   gift   to   the   world   himself.     What   he   did   not   expect   was   that   mankind   created   such   a   brilliant,   glorious   and   spectacular   civilization   that   it   stunned   and   amazed   Jehovah   himself.”     Imagination   and   Creativity   again   bowed   their   heads   deep   in   thought   and   then   asked,

“Is   our   fate   destined   to   be   walking   step   by   step   towards   destruction?   Is   there   no   way   to   reverse   this   tragic   trend?   Can’t   we   find   a   path   to   save   ourselves?”

“Oh   no,   no”   replied   Dimitri   smiling   confidently.   “Man’s   future   is   not   that   tragic   at   all.   Of   course   there   is   a   way   to   save   yourselves.     It   depends   on   whether   or   not   you   are   willing   to   take   my   advice.”   The   eyes   of   Imagination   and   Creativity   brightened   as   the   fire   of   hope   was   lighted   in   them.   They   asked   urgently,

“Please   tell   us   what   we   must   do   to   help   ourselves,   your   majesty…     Please   tell   us   what   to   do   to   save   ourselves….”     Dimitri   maintained   his   calm   and   kind   demeanor,   smiling   as   he   said,

“Don’t   worry.     Settle   down   and   listen   to   me.     Actually   it   is   very   simple   and   easy   and   it’s   something   you   two   can   easily   do…”     He   stopped   for   a   moment   and   said,

“Go   back   to   the   Garden   of   Eden,   to   the   time   before   you   ate   the   forbidden   fruit.   Recapture   the   state   of   naiveté   and   innocence   of   heart   you   had   then.     Let   your   brain   become   empty   and   innocent.   Everything   will   be   different   then.”   Imagination   and   Creativity   were   greatly   alarmed   at   their   master’s   words   and   exclaimed   almost   in   one   voice,

“What?     Go   back   to   the   Garden   of   Eden?   That’s   impossible!   “cried   both   of   them   in   shock.   “   We   can’t   possibly   do   that!   Even   if   we   were   willing   to   listen   to   your   advice   and   do   as   we   were   told,   Jehovah   will   never   accept   us   back   to   the   garden   because   we   had   broken   his   command   and   ate   the   forbidden   fruit.     How   could   he   forgive   us   and   let   us   go   back   into   the   garden?”     Dimitri’s   smile   broadened   and   became   deeper   and   more   meaningful   as   if   he   knew   some   secret   that   they   did   not.     He   said,

“Oh   no.     Don’t   say   that!   Jehovah   is   benevolent.     If   you   are   willing   to   go   back   to   the   Garden   of   Eden,   to   the   time   before   you   ate   the   forbidden   fruit   and   recapture   the   state   of   naiveté   and   innocence   of   heart   you   had   then.     If   you   let   your   brains   become   empty   and   innocent,   Jehovah   will   take   you   back   and   let   you   live   once   more   in   the   Garden   enjoying   the   carefree   life   you   used   to   take   for   granted…”     Seeing   the   unbelieving   expressions   on   their   faces,   Dimitri   continued,   “…alright,   let   me   express   myself   in   another   way.     What   I   meant   by   returning   to   the   state   of   naiveté   of   the   time   before   you   ate   the   forbidden   fruit   was   actually   just   adjusting   your   heart   to   zero.     I   know   that   is   hard   to   do.     After   millions   of   years   of   evolution,   man’s   brain   had   become   bigger   and   can   process   more   complex   and   meticulous   thoughts.   Man   is   used   to   using   their   imagination   and   creativity   as   their   mode   of   thought   and   it   had   become   a   habit   with   them.     To   give   this   up   and   change   to   the   zero   mode   of   thought   will   be   very   difficult.     But   this   is   the   only   secret   and   the   tortuous   path   to   regain   entry   to   the   Garden   of   Eden.   There   are   no   other   choices   left.   Do   not   be   mystified   by   my   zero   mode   of   thought.     It   does   not   mean   that   everything   becomes   zero   and   therefore   no   longer   exists,   like   the   black   hole   in   the   universe.   All   that   comes   near   its   magnetic   field   is   absorbed,   swallowed   and   disappears   without   a   trace   and   the   ultimate   outcome   is   death   and   destruction.       My   concept   of   zero,   on   the   contrary,   incorporates   infinite   possibilities.     Zero   is   neutral   between   have   and   have   not,   like   the   relationship   between   zero   and   one.   Zero   can   turn   to   one   and   one   can   become   zero.   So   the   relationship   between   zero   and   one,   existent   and   non-existent   is   repetitive,   rotating   backwards   and   forwards   forever.   Only   by   returning   to   zero   can   one   be   free   of   the   constraints   of   wild   ambition   and   avarice   and   truly   reach   the   goal   of   thought,   introspection   and   holding   themselves   to   the   highest   level.”

After   listening   to   Dimitri’s   explanation,   Imagination   and   Creativity   seemed   to   have   only   a   vague   idea   of   what   he   meant   and   still   had   a   lot   of   questions.     Creativity   asked,

“…Your   majesty,   you   just   said   that   we   had   to   give   up   our   brain’s   present   mode   of   thought.     I   do   not   understand   what   that   means.   Could   you   please   explain   it   further   for   us?”   Dimitri   was   still   smiling   and   answered   calmly,

“That’s   a   very   good   question   and   just   to   the   point!     I   will   answer   it   like   this.     I   am   very   grateful   for   your   good   intentions   and   your   kindness   in   rebuilding   my   burnt   down   palace   into   one   that   is   even   grander   and   more   magnificent   than   before.   I   saw   it.     But   others   have   not   seen   it   yet   because   they   use   the   traditional,   physical   way   of   thought.     Even   if   they   used   the   latest   scientific   methods   and   the   most   intricate   mathematical   calculations,   they   would   still   not   be   able   to   ascertain   the   existence   of   our   Kingdom   of   Dreams.   But   neither   could   they   negate   its   existence.     You   and   I   have   seen   it,   so   the   impression   of   the   palace   is   freshly   engraved   in   our   brains   and   cannot   be   erased   by   anyone   else.   That   was   because   I   had   again   entered   the   state   of   zero.     Zero   is   not   entirely   nihil   between   existent   and   non-existent.     It   is   an   area   full   of   all   kinds   of   potential.   In   this   state   of   zero   I   dimly   saw   a   grandiose   and   mammoth   outline.     Then   the   outline   gradually   became   more   distinct   because   in   the   state   of   zero   everything   will   appear.     Under   the   bright   moonlight   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   I   saw   the   extravagant,   magnificent   and   awe-inspiring   palace   which   I   knew   the   two   of   you   had   built   for   me.   So   in   order   to   enter   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   one’s   brain   must   give   up   using   the   traditional   way   and   use   instead   the   simpler   more   direct   way.     Can   you   understand   what   I   mean?”     Seeing   the   expression   on   their   faces   turn   to   “Ah,   so   that’s   what   it   is,”   as   if   a   sudden   burst   of   understanding   had   reached   them,   Dimitri   gave   a   sigh   of   relief   that   at   last   he   had   explained   himself   clearly   to   his   loyal   servants.     He   continued   to   say,   “You   two   have   perched   in   my   brains   for   a   long   time   and   have   turned   the   tender   green   grass   there   into   your   home   and   yourselves   into   my   loyal   servants.   That   is   an   expression   of   your   modesty   and   humbleness.     I   do   not   think   of   our   relationship   in   that   way   at   all.   To   me,   the   three   of   us   are   equals.     We   are   a   trio   of   equal,   co-operating   partners.   But   for   the   sake   of   spiritual   unity   and   in   order   to   march   in   step,   the   two   of   you   must   listen   to   my   commands,   marching   or   halting   when   I   tell   you   to.     We   cannot   act   as   we   did   before,   with   the   three   of   us   riding   in   our   chariots   but   pulling   in   different   directions,   each   doing   things   his   own   way.   That   will   make   a   mess   of   the   matter   and   prevent   us   from   realizing   our   aim   of   holding   ourselves   to   the   highest   level.   The   two   of   you   are   very   generous   and   built   a   palace   that   was   bigger,   more   grandiose   and   magnificent   than   my   old   one.   But   that   was   not   what   I   needed   or   wanted   at   all.     Like   two   indefatigable   workaholics,   one   of   you   brought   her   imagination   and   intelligence   into   full   play   and   painstakingly   drew   the   blueprints,   while   the   other   worked   night   and   day   without   stop   to   create   the   mammoth   palace.     Your   non-stop   labor   disturbed   me   and   made   it   impossible   for   me   to   have   the   ease   of   mind   to   concentrate   on   the   state   of   zero.   Now   that   is   not   good   for   any   of   us.   Of   course   I   know   that   the   two   of   you   had   used   imagination   and   creativity   the   traditional   way   for   millions   of   years.     It   is   hard   for   you   to   stop   and   change   to   another   way.     It   is   like   taming   a   wild   horse,   but   don’t   be   afraid,   I   will   always   be   here   for   you   and   help   and   advice   you   because   we   are   a   trio   of   equal   co-operating   partners.   We   are   indispensible   to   each   other   and   cannot   accomplish   anything   without   each   other.   Only   by   uniting   together   and   marching   in   step   can   we   have   the   strength   to   accomplish   our   goal.   Entering   the   state   of   zero   takes   years   of   learning,   groping   and   practice.   When   you   can   go   in   and   out   of   this   state   freely   and   easily,   and   use   imagination   and   creativity   within   the   state   of   zero,   then   you   will   understand   its   secret...

Some   passersby   were   curious   about   the   two   hobos,   one   sleeping   and   one   sitting   by   the   side   of   the   square.   Such   sights   were   not   unique   by   any   means,   but   these   two   were   somewhat   different.     The   one   sleeping   on   the   ground   was   snoring   loudly   completely   oblivious   of   the   noises   and   traffic   around   him.     The   other   one   looked   even   more   curious.     He   was   smiling   widely,   sometimes   nodding   and   sometimes   shaking   his   head,   all   the   while   muttering   to   himself   as   if   conversing   with   someone.     Sometimes   he   raised   his   voice   and   gesticulated   with   his   hands   to   make   his   point   as   if   he   were   talking   rhetorically.   Curious   pedestrians   stopped   to   hear   what   he   was   muttering   about   and   caught   fragments   of   words   such   as   “…Garden   of   Eden…Jehovah…Kingdom   in   the   Dreams…state   of   zero…”   Though   his   words   were   incoherent,   they   were   fresh   and   curious   enough   to   make   people   stop   to   hear   more.     Soon   there   was   a   small   crowd   surrounding   the   two   hobos.     Some   stood   outside   the   crowd   pointing   their   fingers   and   gossiping   amongst   themselves.   Jeering   sounds   and   laughter   could   be   heard   here   and   there.  

“…Look   at   that   crazy   man!”exclaimed   someone   in   the   crowd.   “He   looks   as   if   he   was   giving   a   speech!...”

“…Hey,   his   eyes   are   blank   and   look   straight   at   you.     I   think   he   is   blind!...”

In   this   highly   civilized   society,   mentally   ill   people   with   abnormal   behavior   were   getting   more   and   more   numerous.   Was   this   because   society   is   ill   or   was   civilization   itself   broken?   Richard   passed   by   in   his   dilapidated   jalopy   and   saw   a   crowd   of   people   surrounding   something   or   someone.   He   wondered   what   had   happened   and   got   out   to   find   out   for   himself.   He   pushed   through   the   crowd   and   was   greatly   surprised   to   see   Dimitri   sitting   there   muttering   to   himself   and   gesturing   with   his   hands   as   if   he   was   talking   to   someone.   He   was   indignant   to   find   that   his   friend   Dimitri   whom   he   had   been   looking   for   all   day   had   become   the   center   of   attention   of   this   curious   crowd   of   onlookers.   Richard   immediately   walked   over   to   Dimitri,   patted   him   lightly   on   the   shoulder   and   said,

“Hey   Dimitri,   wake   up…wake   up…       Are   you   day   dreaming   again?...   I   was   looking   for   you   everywhere,   but   all   this   time   you   were   sitting   here   day   dreaming!     Wake   up,   Dimitri!     Hey,   wake   up,   quick!     Mr.   Kaffee   is   very   worried   about   something   and   sent   all   of   us   to   look   for   you,   so   wake   up   pal!”     Then   turning   to   the   crowd   of   curious   spectators   he   waved   his   hands   at   them   as   if   he   was   herding   ducks   and   said,   “Go!     Go!   You   people!     What   is   there   to   see   here?   Scram   all   of   you,   vamoose!!!”     Seeing   Richard’s   brutish   figure   and   ferocious   looks,   the   crowd   scattered.     A   few   of   them   stood   their   ground,   waiting   to   see   if   there   would   be   any   more   dramatic   developments.     Richard   rolled   up   his   sleeves,   showing   his   formidable   muscles   and   said   threateningly,   “What?   Are   you   guys   still   here?     Want   a   taste   of   my   fists?”     Not   wanting   any   trouble,   they   slunk   away,   muttering,   “Bad   luck   meeting   another   crazy   guy!”   Turning   back   to   Dimitri,   Richard   helped   him   up   saying,   “Come   on,   Dimitri.     Let’s   go   and   see   Mr.   Kaffee.     He’s   like   a   cat   on   a   hot   tin   roof!”

“Why   does   he   want   to   see   me?     Has   some   emergency   come   up?”

“I’m   not   very   clear   about   this.     You’ll   know   when   you   get   there.”     Richard   saw   then   there   was   another   person   sound   asleep   on   the   ground.     He   took   a   closer   look   and   exclaimed,   “Hey!     That’s   old   David!     What’s   he   doing   here?   He   is   sleeping   so   soundly   that   fireworks   won’t   wake   him!”

“Sh-   sh-“   shushed   Dimitri   with   his   fingers   to   his   lips.   “Don’t   wake   him.   He   is   in   his   dreamland   weaving   pleasant   dreams   …     Let’s   leave   now   and   not   keep   Mr.   Kaffee   waiting…”

Mr.   Kaffee   was   pacing   back   and   forth   in   the   small   back   yard   of   Dream-maker’s   Bakery,   moving   around   to   release   some   of   his   tension.     On   the   glass   window   was   a   notice,   “We   are   closed   for   one   week   due   to   internal   repair.   Welcome   old   and   new   customers   to   come   back   after   we   open   for   business   next   week.”   Mr.   Kaffee   had   not   been   notified   of   this   change   beforehand   and   was   wondering,

“Could   this   be   Mary   and   Sheila’s   way   of   playing   a   prank   on   me?”     But   this   didn’t   look   like   a   prank.   He   felt   that   something   was   wrong   when   he   got   Megginn’s   note   last   night   and   came   here   quickly   to   see   how   things   were.   He   found   that   not   only   was   the   shop   boarded   and   closed     but   the   luxurious   three   story   apartment   house   prepared   for   members   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   was   also   empty.     It   was   then   that   he   was   sure   things   were   seriously   wrong   and   sent   Richard,   Jamaz   and   Big-O   out   to   look   for   Dimitri.     Just   then,   Jamaz   and   Big-O   rushed   in   panting   and   sweating.     Seeing   their   dejected   expression,   he   knew   that   they   had   not   been   able   to   find   Dimitri.   He   thought   to   himself,   “What   could   have   happened?     We   have   looked   at   all   the   places   he   frequents   to   no   avail.   Could   he   have   disappeared   into   thin   air   again   for   no   reason   at   all   just   like   last   time?”   Greatly   mystified   and   alarmed,   Mr.   Kaffee   felt   that   the   burden   on   his   shoulders   was   heavier   than   ever.   He   could   not   possibly   shoulder   the   burden   of   managing   Dimitri’s   financial   empire   alone.     Just     as   he   was   wondering   what   to   do,   his   cell   phone   rang.     When   he   saw   Richard’s   number   reflected   on   the   screen,   he   intuitively   felt   that   perhaps   there   was   good   news   this   time.     He   flipped   open   his   cell   phone,   his   voice   trembling   with   nervousness   and   excitement,

“How   is   it   Richard?     Did   you   find   him?”

“Very   good…Very   good…You’ll   be   here   in   two   minutes?   Why,   that’s   wonderful!”

“The   faster   the   better.     The   faster   the   better.     Goodbye.”

Mr.   Kaffee   gave   a   sigh   of   relief   and   collapsed   onto   a   chair   like   an   airless   ball.     He   was   thinking   that   if   steps   were   taken   right   away,   the   management   of   Dimitri’s   financial   empire   could   still   be   retained   in   their   hands.     Otherwise   it   might   be   too   late.   Soon   the   familiar   sounds   of   Richard’s   car   coming   to   a   stop   outside   the   gate   were   heard   and   Dimitri   walked   in   quickly,   his   hand   on   Richard’s   shoulder.     The   first   question   he   asked   was,

“Where   is   Amalia?     They   couldn’t   have   just   left   her   here   all   by   herself   when   they   left,   could   they?”     The   appearance   of   Dimitri   at   once   set   Mr.   Kaffee’s   mind   at   peace.     He   also   knew   the   important   position   Amalia   held   in   Dimitri’s   heart,   so   he   smiled   and   said,

“Don’t   worry.     Don’t   worry.     You   know   that   Sheila   and   Yoko   treat   Amalia   like   she   was   their   own   mother   and   take   meticulous   care   of   her.   They   would   never   leave   an   old   lady   suffering   from   Alzheimer’s   disease   alone   here   when   they   leave.   They   must   have   taken   her   along   with   them.”

“Yes,   I   think   so   too…But   what   could   it   be   that   made   them   all   leave   so   suddenly,   leaving   just   an   empty   building   here?”  

“I   think   what   happened   was   this”   said   Mr.   Kaffee   who   had   calmed   down   by   then   and   regained   his   sharp   senses..   “Novella   will   be   marrying   Mr.   O’Brian   soon.     The   relationship   between   the   beauties   of   the   Kingdom   is   very   close,   so   they   must   have   closed   up   shop   to   help   with   the   wedding.   They   may   be   gathered   together   somewhere   and   having   a   reunion!   I   think   they   are   probably   at   Novella’s   mansion.     It   is   big   enough   and   has   enough   bedrooms   to   accommodate   everyone…   I   will   ask   around   and   we   will   be   able   to   know   more   definitely   how   things   are.”

“That’s   good.     That’s   good.     Let   them   get   together   and   have   a   good   time…”     Then   he   suddenly   thought   of   something   and   asked   Mr.   Kaffee.     “Richard   just   told   me   that   you   were   frantically   looking   for   me.   Is   something   wrong?”     Mr.   Kaffee   immediately   took   out   his   cell   phone,   scrolled   it   to   the   text   that   Megginn   had   sent   him   and   handed   it   to   Dimitri   saying,

“Look,   that’s   the   text   that   Megginn   sent   me.     How   can   I   not   go   out   of   my   mind   with   worry?”     Then   he   quickly   took   his   hand   back   and   smiled   awkwardly   in   great   embarrassment   saying,   “Sorry.     Sorry.     I   am   so   worried   that   I   forgot   you   cannot   see.     Let   me   read   it   to   you.”     Then   he   read,   “I   have   established   a   new   foundation   called   “The   Dream-Maker’s   Foundation”   and   put   all   King   Dimitri’s   astronomical   wealth   entrusted   to   me   into   it.     I   think   King   Dimitri   will   agree   to   the   steps   I   have   taken.   Signed   Megginn.”   Dimitri   fell   into   a   reverie   after   hearing   those   words   and   muttered,

“Astronomical   wealth.   Astronomical   wealth.     How   much   is   that?     How   much   is   astronomical   wealth?   During   my   lifetime   I   seemed   to   have   owned   a   lot   of   wealth.   But   it   was   accumulated   and   then   lost.   Lost   and   gained   back   again.   Lost   and   gained   back;   gained   back   and   lost   for   I   know   not   how   many   times.   However,   now   I   seem   to   have   been   liberated   from   the   confines   of   this   astronomical   wealth.     How   much   really   is   astronomical   wealth?   I   think   it   must   be   near   to   zero…”     Dimitri   roared   with   laughter   at   the   thought.     He   clapped   his   hands   and   shouted,   “That’s   wonderful.     I   am   free   again.     I   was   originally   a   vagabond.     Now   everything   has   come   back   to   zero!”


Chapter   5           Where   My   Dream   Is

The   gentle   spring   breeze   blew   on   softly,   over   and   over,   back   and   forth   with   no   one   knowing   from   whence   it   came.   It   veered   about   as   if   it   had   lost   its   direction,   loitering   aimlessly   and   leisurely   around,   hesitant   to   leave.   The   gentle   spring   breeze   blew   on   softly,   over   and   over,   back   and   forth   caressing   the   poor,   barren   earth’s   withered   brown   grass.   It   blew   on   softly   and   repetitively   until   the   grassland   was   covered   with   different   hues   of   green.   The   gentle   spring   breeze   blew   on   softly,   over   and   over,   back   and   forth   like   a   beautiful   girl’s   even   breathing;   her   swelling   breasts   rose   and   fell   faintly   with   each   inhaling   and   exhaling   breath,   exuding   the   fragrance   of   flowers.   No   one   knows   from   whence   she   came.   It   only   loitered   around   aimlessly   and   leisurely,   reluctant   to   leave.   Perhaps   it   came   from   the   valley   or   the   faraway   ocean,   or   even   from   the   other   end   of   the   world   beyond   the   horizon.   Perhaps   it   had   lost   its   direction   and   had   gone   adrift,   So   it   was   loitering   aimlessly   around   the   plains   and   prairie,   loathe   to   leave.   The   gentle   spring   breeze   blew   on   softly,   over   and   over,   back   and   forth.

The   spring   breeze   was   like   a   naughty   urchin   on   his   first   day   of   adventuring   to   the   outside   world.     Everything   was   curious,   fresh   and   novel   to   him.     At   the   moment,   he   was   prowling   around   freely   in   Aisha’s   back   yard.     Look!   An   ever-widening   circle   of   ripples   marred   the   smooth   surface   of   the   water   in   the   swimming   pool.     That   naughty   urchin   must   be   stooping   by   the   side   of   the   pool   ruffling   the   water   with   his   small   hands   for   fun.   The   swing   by   the   corner   of   the   wall   was   swaying   rhythmically.     It   must   be   him   again   oscillating,   flying   and   dancing   in   tempo   with   the   breeze.   Can’t   you   hear   his   gurgling   laughter   resounding   in   the   air?   In   the   garden,   budding   flowers   swayed   and   danced   in   the   spring   breeze,   as   if   the   naughty   urchin   was   shaking   every   one   of   their   branches,   shouting   “Spring   is   here!     Spring   is   here!     Why   aren’t   you   showing   your   beautiful   faces?”     That   meddling   is   quite   superfluous   of   the   little   fellow,   for   you   would   think   those   beautiful   budding   flowers   already   know   that   spring   was   here!   The   spring   breeze   flew   high   into   the   sky.     The   naughty   urchin   flew   with   it   to   the   roof   of   the   house,   his   eyes   caught   by   the   chimes   hanging   on   the   eaves.   Out   of   curiosity,   he   shook   and   hit   at   them   with   his   little   hands,   filling   the   air   with   the   tintinnabulation   of   the   musical   instruments.     The   tinkling   sound   of   these   mystical   chimes   was   like   a   bugle   call   to   the   flowers,   telling   them   spring   was   really   here;   so   they   all   bloomed   at   once   in   one   accord,   flooding   the   garden   with   blossoms   of   numerous   shapes   and   colors.     The   spring   breeze   had   really   heralded   to   the   world   the   advent   of   enchanting   spring.  

The   spring   breeze   was   like   a   petty   thief,   a   remarkably   skillful   one   at   that,   capable   of   climbing   walls   and   getting   inside   houses   without   much   ado.   There   was   no   wall   in   the   world   thick   enough   to   stop   her;   no   window   she   could   not   get   through.   After   all,   windows   have   cracks   and   the   spring   breeze   can   get   through   all   apertures,   however   narrow   they   may   be.   But   spring   breeze   never   had   to   use   its   special   talents   in   this   respect   for   in   the   season   when   all   things   appear   fresh   and   gay   and   the   air   is   warm   and   fragrant   with   the   scent   of   flowers,   all   windows   are   open   to   welcome   the   coming   of   spring.   Aisha   is   no   exception   to   the   rule.     Like   other   people,   she   had   opened   her   French   windows   to   let   the   warm   spring   breeze   blow   inside   her   house.     White   lacy   curtains   fluttered   in   the   spring   breeze,   like   the   hem   of   some   bride’s   elaborate   wedding   gown.   The   spring   breeze   circled   around   every   room   looking   at   the   hundreds   of   books   filling   the   bookcases   around   the   walls.   Actually,   it   did   not   really   want   to   steal   anything   but   was   only   curious   to   find   out   what   the   mistress   of   the   house   was   doing.   She   was   not   putting   on   make-up   before   the   mirror,   but   was   reading   quietly.   The   spring   breeze   was   really   too   nosy!

Aisha,   wearing   her   long   hair   loosely   coiled   in   a   chignon   (bun),   was   sitting   tranquilly   on   the   sofa   before   a   window   leisurely   reading   a   book,   with   her   hair   loosely       She   often   lifted   her   head   to   look   at   the   white   lacy   curtains   fluttering   in   the   spring   breeze   like   the   hem   of   some   bride’s   elaborate   wedding   gown.   Slight   wrinkles   at   the   corners   of   her   eyes   only   added   to   her   mature   and   enchanting   beauty   and   limpid   and   lucid   eyes,   deep   as   a   crystal   clear   autumn   pond   were   the   very   symbol   of   wisdom.   Looking   down,   she   began   to   read   Angelica’s   latest   book   of   poems.     Aisha   read   on   slowly   and   attentively   trying   ferret   out   the   meaning   between   the   lines   where   the   poetess   usually   unwittingly   revealed   the   secrets   of   her   heart.   Aisha   seemed   to   understand   what   Angelica   was   trying   to   say   and   gained   complete   knowledge   of   her   thoughts.   Angelica   was   a   very   talented   poetess;   but   her   quest   for   perfect   beauty   always   tangled   with   self-destruction   which   leaned   towards   a   suicidal   tendency.   King   Dimitri   often   warned   Aisha   that   Angelica   was   like   an   exquisitely   beautiful   but   fragile   crystal   easily   shattered,   so   Aisha   was   very   attentive   to   all   Angelica’s   words   and   action.     She   was   gratified   to   find   that   Angelica’s   latest   poems   were   no   longer   tinged   with   alarming,   terrifying   or   shocking   sensations,   but   on   the   contrary   revealed   typically   feminine   sentiments   such   as   tenderness,   elegance   and   refinement.   Her   mode   of   writing   had   changes,   which   meant   that   her   way   of   thinking   had   changed   as   well.     Formerly   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   Aisha   was   the   Queen   of   the   realm,   beloved   by   all   her   subjects.     Now   back   in   the   mundane   world,   she   reverted   back   to   the   status   of   a   common   citizen,   but   still   kept   in   contact   with   all   the   younger   beauties   of   the   kingdom.   The   beauties   loved   and   respected   her   just   as   they   did   when   she   was   their   queen   and   their   relationship   was   deep   as   one   between   sisters.   They   always   consulted   her   when   confronted   with   problems   or   unhappiness   and   Aisha’s   advice   was   always   treasured.     Aisha   always   set   aside   some   time   from   her   studies   and   research   to   spend   with   the   beauties,   taking   seriously   her   mother   like+   position   as   their   friend,   sister   and   confidant.   She   spent   less   time   on   attending   conventions   and   refused   all   opportunities   to   go   abroad.     That   day   she   had   made   an   appointment   to   have   breakfast   with   Angelica   so   they   could   have   a   nice   chat   about   how   the   beautiful   poetess   was   doing.   Aisha   looked   at   the   clock   on   the   wall.     It   was   eight   o’clock   sharp.   The   door   bell   rang.     Aisha   knew   it   must   be   Angelica   who   was   always   punctual.     She   stood   up   to   open   the   door,   never   imagining   that   outside   the   door   there   was   a   stranger   with   Angelica,   a   young   woman   she   had   never   met   before,   holding   a   clever   little   dog,   Maureen   on   a   leash.

A   brand   new   imposing   looking   black   limousine   drove   slowly   up   to   the   gas   station   and   came   to   a   stop.     No   one   knew   which   big   shot   had   arrived.   The   person   who   pushed   open   the   car   door   and   stepped   out   was   not   a   liveried   chauffeur,   but   a   svelte   young   woman   with   an   enticing   figure.   She   was   dressed   for   the   summer   in   a   mini   skirt   and   a   tank   top,   exuding   the   vigor   and   vitality   of   youth   and   the   sophistication   of   the   city   dweller.     She   stood   before   the   gas   pump   looking   a   bit   perplexed   as   she   hadn’t   had   to   drive   herself   for   quite   a   while   not   to   mention   gas   up   the   car   by   herself.   She   was   surprised   that   she   had   forgotten   how   to   do   such   a   simple   and   familiar   task   and   wasn’t   sure   where   to   begin   now.     Perhaps   it   was   because   these   last   few   days   her   heart   was   beset   with   complex   and   incomprehensible   sentiments   making   her   feel   tense,   uneasy   and   fearful.   She   looked   up   at   the   wide   expanse   of   blue   skies   above   her   head,   as   if   only   it   was   capable   of   calming   her   troubled   spirits   and   then   set   her   mind   to   remembering   the   steps   needed   to   add   gas   to   her   car.     Taking   a   credit   card   from   her   handbag,   she   pushed   it   into   the   slot   beside   the   computer   screen   and   typed   in   her   zip   code   and   pocketed   the   credit   card   when   it   slid   out.   Then   taking   the   long   gas   pipe   nozzle   in   her   hand   she   walked   to   her   car   and   was   aghast   that   she   couldn’t   find   where   she   was   supposed   to   plug   it   into.     The   limousine   was   bought   expressly   for   Megginn   by   Mr.   Kaffee   when   she   ascended   to   the   throne   of   CEO   of   World   Bank.     The   limousine   was   for   her   own   private   use   and   came   with   its   own   chauffeur   to   drive   her   around.     After   all,   the   car   was   not   only   a   means   of   conveyance   but   also   a   status   symbol   as   well.     Therefore   Megginn   never   had   to   drive   herself   and   certainly   did   not   have   to   get   gas   for   it.   She   walked   around   inspecting   the   car   and   at   last   found   an   opening   on   the   right   side   just   before   the   front   door.   She   uncapped   it   quickly   and   plugged   the   gas   nozzle   into   the   hole   and   let   gas   flow   into   the   tank.     Then   she   put   the   cap   tightly   on   and   replaced   the   gas   pipe   on   its   hanger.   She   tore   out   her   receipt   from   the   machine   and   walked   to   the   driver’s   side   of   the   limousine,   got   into   the   car,   stepped   on   the   gas   and   drove   slowly   out   of   the   gas   station   under   the   wide   expanse   of   clear   blue   skies.

Megginn   drove   on   hands   clutching   the   steering   wheel,   eyes   on   the   road   straight   ahead   and   foot   sometimes   stepping   on   the   accelerator,   thoroughly   enjoying   the   exhilarating   exuberance   of   speed.     The   limousine   performed   spectacularly,   maintaining   a   smooth   and   even   balance   throughout.     Every   now   and   then   Megginn   would   look   up   at   the   blue   skies   above   as   if   afraid   it   would   have   disappeared   without   her   knowing   it.   Recently   she   had   been   experiencing   such   feelings   of   restless   uneasiness   for   quite   a   while,   afraid   that   the   blue   skies   would   somehow   suddenly   escape.   “Why   would   the   skies,   so   high,   so   deep   and   huge   and   so   far-reaching   that   it   covers   the   whole   earth,   want   to   disappear?”   she   thought.     “Where   could   it   go?     It   has   nowhere   to   escape   to!     But   why   would   I   want   to   disappear?   Everything   is   going   so   smoothly...The   ownership   and   management   of   World   Bank   has   been   taken   back.     All   Dimitri’s   former   industries,   companies   and   properties   have   also   been   recovered.   His   huge   financial   empire   had   not   only   suffered   no   loss,   but   had   on   the   contrary   expanded   quite   a   bit.   Whatever   I   painstakingly   designed   and   carried   out   myself   worked   perfectly   like   clockwork,   so   where   did   this   feeling   of   unrest   and   uneasiness   come   from?”     She   diagnosed   it   as   her   own   psychological   conditioned   reflex.     The   one   who   wished   to   escape   was   herself;   only   she   transferred   such   feelings   to   the   blue   skies   above   her   head.     Just   then   the   profound,   psychological   and   insinuative   words   Aisha   once   said   to   her   suddenly   came   to   mind.   ‘Everyone   one   is   like   a   long   string   of   astronomical   numbers,   followed   by   seventeen   or   eighteen   zeros.   It’s   really   hard   to   read   out   such   numbers.     If   the   first   of   these   numbers,   the   capital   letter   ‘I’   disappears,   then   what   meaning   do   all   the   zeros   that   follow   have?’   Megginn   suddenly   thought,   “Why,   that’s   just   what   is   happening   to   me!   I   have   worked   tirelessly   to   see   that   World   Bank   and   all   his   other   assets,   which   had   struck   out   to   become   their   own   independent   entities,   were   fully   recovered.   Dimitri’s   huge   financial   empire   is   now   even   stronger   than   it   had   ever   been   before.     But   his   astronomical   wealth,   with   all   the   zeros   after   it,   is   meaningless   without   the   capital   I,   Dimitri,   who   had   disappeared   without   a   trace.     I   worked   this   hard   because   of   my   love   and   loyalty   to   Dimitri.     What   motive   have   I   to   go   on   without   him?     Aisha   was   right.     If   the   first   of   these   numbers,   the   capital   letter   ‘I’   disappears,   then   what   meaning   do   all   the   zeros   that   follow   have?”     Last   night   Megginn   made   her   final   decision   and   texted   it   to   Mr.   Kaffee,   after   which   all   the   fatigue   and   exhaustion   accumulated   from   months   of   hard   work   collapsed   on   her.     Laying   her   head   down   on   her   desk,   she   fell   sound   asleep   and   did   not   wake   until   the   following   morning.   She   stared   dumbfounded   at   the   blue   skies   outside   the   window   lost   in   thought.   Then   her   eyes   fell   onto   the   string   of   astronomical   figures   on   her   computer   screen,   changing   every   second   as   if   they   were   alive.   Her   eyes   moved   backwards   and   forwards   between   the   blue   skies   and   the   computer   screen   two   or   three   times.     She   suddenly   stood   up,   as   if   she   had   come   to   a   certain   enlightenment.     Walking   to   her   private   room   behind   the   office,   she   took   off   her   somber,   dull   but   very   expensive   business   suit   and   changed   to   the   casual   but   lively   and   youthful   attire   she   used   to   favor   –   mini   skirt   and   tank   top.     The   whole   building   was   silent   with   no   sound   of   human   activity   as   she   walked   out   of   her   CEO   office.     It   was   the   silence   before   another   busy   and   hectic   day.   Megginn   took   the   elevator   from   the   24th   floor   down   to   the   spacious   lobby.     She   walked   out   of   the   front   door   of   World   Bank,   and   crossed   over   to   the   parking   structure   reserved   for   the   senior   staff.     Raising   her   head   to   the   blue   skies,   she   again   felt   her   own   insignificance.   Nodding   to   the   parking   lot   attendant   she   walked   over   to   her   car   and   drove   away,   eager   to   talk   to   Aisha   as   soon   as   possible   about   the   decision   she   had   made.     She   had   come   to   this   decision   inspired   by   Aisha’s   words,   so   Megginn   thought   Aisha   would   approve.     As   she   drove,   Megginn   thought   about   the   dramatic   happenings   that   enfolded   in   the   last   twenty-four   hours.     She   drove   more   slowly   and   just   got   off   the   freeway   exit,   which   was   about   ten     minutes   away   from   Aisha’s   home,   when   suddenly   the   emergency   alarm   in   her   car   sounded   and   red   lights   flashed   on   and   off   on   all   the   gauges   and   instruments   on   the   dash   board.   The   speed   of   her   car   suddenly   slowed   to   almost   a   stop   and   crawled   along   like   an   old   ox   pulling   a   broken   cart.   Megginn   was   greatly   alarmed   and   immediately   pulled   her   car   to   a   stop   near   the   sidewalk.   She   quickly   turned   offal   the   systems   in   her   car   and   sat   there   at   a   loss,   not   knowing   what   had   happened.

Megginn   gazed   at   the   blue   skies   as   if   hoping   to   once   more   gather   strength   from   the   endless   stretch   of   blue   atmosphere   high   above.   She   gradually   closed   her   eyes   while   keeping   the   impression   of   the   clear   blue   skies   before   her.     She   took   this   impression   deep   into   her   heart   and   felt   her   fear   and   alarm   quickly   subside.     She   was   once   more   at   peace,   her   brain   calm   and   cool,   her   senses   sharp   and   agile   as   before.   After   adjusting   herself   mentally,   she   opened   her   eyes   and   tried   again   to   start   her   car.   Once.     Twice.     Thrice.     Nothing   happened.     This   luxurious   limousine   had   really   stalled   and   broke   down   by   the   roadside   like   a   pile   of   rubbish.   The   strange   thing   was   this   car   was   practically   brand   new,   having   just   come   off   the   assembling   line   not   so   long   ago   and   had   been   performing   flawlessly.   The   brand   name   itself   was   a   guarantee   of   the   highest   quality.     How   could   it   have   broken   down   so   quickly?     From   the   way   it   was   acting   up,   the   trouble   did   not   seem   to   be   a   minor   one.     Something   was   drastically   wrong.     But   where   was   the   problem   and   why   did   this   happen   now?   Megginn   again   looked   towards   the   blue   skies   while   her   mind   raced   back   frantically   to   the   time   she   drove   the   car   out   of   the   parking   structure   and   went   over   everything   she   had   done   since   then,   not   overlooking   even   the   smallest   detail.   Suddenly   she   found   the   crux   of   the   matter   and   exclaimed   out   loud,   “Oh   gosh!     That’s   it!”   She   realized   that   the   mistake   had   been   made   when   she   took   the   gas   nozzle   off   the   hanger.     She   had   injected   diesel   fuel   into   her   gas   tank   instead   of   regular   unleaded   gas!     For   a   gas   engine,   the   influx   of   a   large   quantity   of   diesel   fuel   was   detrimental.     Megginn   slapped   her   thigh   with   her   hand   as   if   angry   with   herself   and   muttered,

“What   a   fool   I   was…   I   had   not   been   feeling   quite   myself   since   early   this   morning,   but   how   could   I   be   so   absent-minded   as   to   add   diesel   fuel   instead   of   gas   into   my   car?   What   I   did   was   equivalent   to   murdering   this   noble   brand   name   car.     Even   after   it   had   been   fixed,   its   life   span   would   surely   be   shortened.”   Megginn   was   a   very   sentimental   person   who   was   warmly   attached   to   people   she   knew   and   things   she   had   used   and   never   discarded   old   things   lightly.     It   was   not   that   she   was   cheap,   but   was   because   she   was   sentimental.   Take   that   old   beige-colored   sedan   of   hers   for   example.     It   was   the   car   she   had   ridden   in   since   she   was   a   child.     It   could   be   said   that   the   car   grew   up   with   her   and   to   her   it   was   a   dear   old   friend,   older   than   she   was.     Although   the   engine   of   the   jalopy   did   not   work   well   anymore   and   took   a   long   time   to   start,   Megginn   was   not   willing   to   dump   it   in   the   junk   yard   to   be   dismembered   and   crushed.     She   thought   that   was   no   way   to   treat   an   old   friend.     So   too   soft-hearted   to   dispose   of   it,   she   let   that   old   beige-colored   sedan   stay   in   her   garage,   no   longer   used,   but   retired   it   in   comfort.     If   that   was   the   way   she   treated   old   friends,   she   could   feel   no   less   for   her   brand   name,   new   friend   whom   it   seems   she   had   unwittingly   murdered!   That   regrettable   fact   couldn’t   help   but   make   her   sadly   repentant.     But   the   blunder   had   been   made   and   there   was   no   possible   recourse   to   resort   to.

Eyes   reddened   and   moistened,   Megginn   seemed   to   be   on   the   verge   of   tears.   She   was   truly   remorseful   and   heartsick   to   be   the   one   who   had   accidentally   caused   her   new   friend   such   serious   harm   without   meaning   to.   She   used   her   hands   to   softly   stroke   the   steering   wheel   and   the   luxurious   leather   seat   beside   her,   hoping   to   comfort   this   new   friend   with   her   caressing   touch.     But   what   was   done   was   done   and   could   not   be   undone.   After   a   while,   she   began   to   laugh   disparagingly   and   hysterically,

“These   last   few   days,   my   mood   had   been   so   abnormal   and   absent-minded   as   to   make   me   add   diesel   fuel   to   my   gas   tank…   It’s   really   like   a   farce.     If   people   knew   of   this,   they   would   really   laugh   their   heads   off.”     Megginn   took   out   a   tissue   and   wiped   the   corners   of   her   eyes,   opened   the   car   door   and   walked   out.     She   looked   around   and   saw   neither   car   nor   pedestrian,   for   who   would   be   out   and   about   so   early   on   a   Sunday   morning?   Most   people   would   be   taking   it   easy   at   home.   In   fact,   subconsciously   she   was   hoping   that   Dimitri   would   suddenly   appear   before   her   as   he   used   to   do.     Actually   Dimitri   did   come   to   her   rescue   quite   a   few   times   when   her   old   beige   jalopy   was   stranded   on   the   streets.   Megginn   would   sit   in   the   driver’s   seat   and   Dimitri   would   push   with   all   his   might   and   the   engine   would   purr   and   come   to   life.   But   this   time   things   were   different.     Even   if   Dimitri   appeared,   he   would   not   be   able   to   help   because   the   engine   of   this   luxurious   brand   name   car   had   been   totaled.     No   matter   how   hard   you   push   it   would   not   be   able   to   move.   Also   Dimitri   had   vaporized   from   the   face   of   the   earth   for   so   long   without   a   trace   that   there’s   no   knowing   whether   he   was   dead   or   alive.     Megginn   waited   for   a   few   minutes   longer   by   the   roadside,   but   of   course   she   was   disappointed   for   Dimitri   did   not   appear.   But   that   was   only   what   she   expected.   Megginn   sighed   and   looked   down   on   the   beautiful   but   flimsy   semi-high   heeled   sandals   she   was   wearing.   It   was   only   ten   minutes   by   car   to   Aisha’   house,   but   would   take   at   least   an   hour   or   more   on   foot.   The   streets   were   not   even   and   slopped   up   and   down.     Megginn   again   sighed   and   thought,

“I   just   trashed   my   brand   new   car   almost   beyond   repair.     Now   I   will   be   subjecting   my   beautiful   sandals   to   the   torture   of   long   distance   walking   on   these   streets   while   carrying   the   weight   of   my   body.   It’s   really   disheartening!”   But   there   was   nothing   else   she   could   do,   so   Megginn   set   out   to   trudge   her   way   forward   carefully   so   her   beautiful   shoes   would   not   come   to   too   great   harm.    

Megginn   had   only   taken   a   dozen   or   so   steps   when   suddenly   from   behind   her   came   the   explosive   sounds   of   a   powerful   engine   as   loud   as   the   roar   of   ten   or   twelve   wild   puppy   beasts   as   well   as   a   string   of   honking   of   the   car   horn   that   seemed   to   be   calling   her,   “Megginn!     Megginn!”   She   turned   her   head   and   saw   a   bright   red   convertible   flash   by   and   came   to   a   stop   just   a   little   beyond   her.     She   joyfully   recognized   it   as   belonging   to   her   good   friend   and   partner,   Samantha.   Indeed,   the   door   opened   and   Samantha   came   out,   waving   to   her   and   shouting,

“Hey!   I   saw   you   as   soon   as   I   got   off   the   freeway.     I   saw   you   park   the   car   by   the   roadside   and   start   walking   on   the   street   alone.     Why   did   you   stop?     Why   didn’t   you   continue   driving?”   When   Megginn   walked   over   and   told   her   the   story   of   how   she   had   injected   diesel   fuel   into   her   gas   tank   instead   of   regular   unleaded   gas,   thus   ruining   the   engine,   Samantha   began   to   laugh   so   hard   she   could   hardly   stand   up   straight.   After   a   while,   she   turned   serious   and   said,

“No,   no,   that   cannot   be.   You   are   the   smartest   one   of   us   all.   You   run   King   Dimitri’s   enormous   financial   empire   so   efficiently   that   now   it   is   even   stronger   and   better   than   it   was   before   and   you   saw   to   it   that   all   his   other   assets,   which   had   struck   out   to   become   their   own   independent   entities,   were   fully   recovered.   How   come   that   after   just   an   absence   of   two   days   you   have   become   so   absent-minded   that   you   allow   such   crazy   things   to   happen   to   you?     Are   you   not   feeling   well?   Do   you   want   to   see   a   doctor?”

“No.     No.     I   am   perfectly   fine,”   answered   Megginn   shaking   her   head.     “It’s   just   that   these   few   days   I   have   not   been   myself.   I   was   going   to   see   Aisha   and   talk   to   her.     She   seems   to   have   a   particularly   attractive   magnetic   field   that   just   coming   near   her   could   settle   me   down   and   bring   peace.     Her   words   are   also   comforting,   so   I   always   visit   her   from   time   to   time.   She   is   really   worthy   of   being   our   Queen   Aisha.”

“Right,”   said   Samantha.   “I   feel   the   same   way.     I’ll   give   you   a   ride,   as   I   am   just   going   there,   too.”     So   opening   the   door   of   the   car   Samantha   waved   her   hand   to   invite   her   friend   in,   saying   at   the   same   time,   “I   am   taking   her   white   wedding   gown   to   her   for   the   final   fitting.     She   had   tried   it   on   several   times   already   so   it   should   be   perfect   this   time.     Because   Aisha   is   our   queen,   I   am   paying   her   the   special   respect   of   bringing   it   to   her   myself.     The   dresses   of   all   the   others   have   been   sent   to   Novella’s   mansion.   They’ve   all   been   tried   and   fitted   numerous   times   and   should   be   alright.   I   hope   you   will   go   and   try   yours   on   when   you   have   time   and   have   whatever   changes   you   want   made   done   before   the   important   day.   The   choosing   of   materials   and   patterns,   the   making   of   the   wedding   gowns   as   well   as   fittings   and   subsequent   changes   have   taken   me   more   than   half   a   year.   Now   everything   is   finally   done.”     Seeing   Megginn   settled   in   her   seat,   Samantha   walked   over   to   the   driver’s   side   of   the   car,   got   in,   turned   on   the   engine   and   the   car   flew   forward   to   Aisha’s   house.

Two   happy   smiling   faces   greeted   Aisha   when   she   opened   the   front   door.     One   was   of   course   Angelica;   the   other   was   an   equally   beautiful   face,   but   one   she   did   not   know   and   had   never   seen   before.

“Hi   Aisha,   good   morning”   said   Angelica.   “I   brought   along   a   new   friend   that   I   have   mentioned   to   you   several   times   before,   the   authoress   Charina.   I   am   sorry   for   not   asking   you   for   permission   first.     Hope   you   don’t   mind.”

“Hi   Aisha”   said   Charina.     “I’ve   heard   a   lot   about   you.     It’s   an   honor   to   finally   meet   you   in   person.”

“Welcome.     Welcome   “said   Aisha.     “Come   on   in.     Of   course   I   don’t   mind.”

“I   have   my   little   dog   Maureen   with   me.     May   it   come   in   as   well   or   should   I   leave   it   outside   in   the   yard   and   let   it   roam   around   by   itself?”

“Oh   no,   no,   of   course   it   can   come   in   too”   replied   the   hospitable   hostess.   “That’s   a   cute   little   dog   you   have   there.     It   is   my   new   friend   too,   so   come   on   in   all   of   you.”   Before   they   had   time   to   walk   into   Aisha’s   hallway,   the   sound   of   a   powerful   engine   was   heard   and   a   red   streamlined   sports   car   quickly   appeared   and   stopped   accurately   on   the   driveway.   Two   car   doors   banged   shut   and   a   voice   was   heard   saying,

“Hey,   wait   for   us.     Don’t   close   the   door.   We   want   to   come   in   as   well.”   The   three   of   them   looked   back   and   saw   it   was   two   more   guests,   Samantha   and   Megginn.     In   this   lovely   spring   weather,   Samantha   was   not   one   to   miss   the   opportunity   of   showing   off   her   curvaceous   figure.   She   was   wearing   white   shorts   and   a   uniquely   cut   orange   t-shirt.   Angelica   quickly   introduced   them   to   Charina   and   the   five   of   them   walked   together   into   Aisha’s   living   room.     Little   Maureen   followed   their   hostess   into   the   house   with   a   dignified   air,   neither   meek   not   pert   and   joined   the   circle   of   human   society,   sitting   silently   down   on   the   carpet   at   the   feet   of   its   mistress   when   everyone   settled   down.   It   looked   up   at   Aisha,   understanding   in   its   intelligent   mind   that   this   elegant   and   regal-looking   lady   would   have   a   great   impact   on   the   future   of   its   mistress.   Charina   had   trained   it   well,   so   it   restrained   its   normally   outgoing   and   bubbly   nature   and   sat   there   docilely,   afraid   to   set   a   wrong   foot   forward.     It   was   obvious   to   everyone   that   this   was   an   accomplished   and   well-trained   little   dog,   a   really   lovable   one.

“Aisha”   began   Angelica,   “I   have   brought   along   some   things   I   want   you   to   see.     I   am   sure   you   will   be   very   much   interested   in   them   and   will   also   be   very   much   surprised…”   Saying   so,   she   looked   (searched)   in   her   handbag   and   took   out   an   old   and   rustic-looking   porcelain   bottle   that   used   to   contain   100-year-old   mao-tai   wine,   which   she   handed   to   Aisha.    

“This   looks   like   a   wine-bottle   from   ancient   times,”   said   Aisha   after   she   had   looked   it   over   carefully   for   a   long   time.   Then   she   pulled   out   the   cork.   Although   the   bottle   was   empty,   a   strong   fragrance   of   wine   permeated   the   air   of   Aisha’s   spacious   living   room.  

“This   bottle   may   not   be   familiar   to   you.   You   may   not   have   seen   it   before…     Here   is   something   else   that   will   be   quite   familiar.     It’s   something   you   had   used   before…”   Saying   so,   Angelica   rummaged   in   her   hand   bag   and   produced   a   gem-studded   double-barreled   telescope   with   a   flourish   as   if   she   was   a   magician   performing   a   magic   feat.   Aisha’s   hands   seemed   to   tremble   as   she   took   over   the   instrument.     This   was   hers.     How   could   she   ever   forget   the   time   when   she   used   it   to   watch   from   afar   the   tragic   battle   on   Giant   Mountain?     She   held   it   up,   looked   through   its   lenses   and   then   set   it   down,   softly   caressing   it   with   her   hands   saying,

“This…this   telescope…     Where   did   you   get   it?   I   remember   it   was   buried   in   the   ruins   of   the   magnificent   palace   in   King   Dimitri’s   Kingdom   of   Dreams!   How   did   it   fall   into   your   hands?...Could   you   have…could   you…you…”     Angelica   seemed   to   be   bent   on   teasing   Aisha.

“Don’t   be   impatient,”   said   Angelica,   who   seemed   bent   on   teasing   Aisha,   “There   are   still   more   astonishing   things   to   see…     Look   at   this!   Whose   papers   do   you   think   these   are…”   Saying   so,   she   took   out   a   stack   of   papers   and   handed   them   to   Aisha,   who   caught   a   glimpse   of   the   heading   on   the   title   page   saying   “On   Life   in   Matriarchal   Society”.     Aisha   quickly   scanned   over   the   first   few   pages   and   confirmed   that   it   was   indeed   her   unfinished   dissertation   that   was   lost   in   the   ruins   of   the   palace   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.   These   last   few   months,   she   had   been   laboriously   wracking   her   brains   trying   to   reproduce   from   memory   the   material   she   had   written,   but   had   not   been   able   to   do   so   to   her   satisfaction.     She   was   only   able   to   remember   parts   of   it   and   had   been   frustrated   in   her   efforts   to   put   together   the   whole   dissertation.   Yet   here   was   her   manuscript,   magically   returned   to   her.     Happy   and   astonished,   she   held   the   stack   of   papers   tightly   in   her   hands,   her   priceless   possession!   But   then   she   thought   that   something   was   not   quite   right   about   this.   It   happened   too   suddenly   and   unexpectedly.   Her   face   turned   solemn   and   serious   as   she   asked,

“Did   you   go   back   by   yourself   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams?   Otherwise,   how   you   have   gotten   this   manuscript?   I   have   repeatedly   told   you   all   not   to   go   back   there   because   the   area   is   still   occupied   by   the   barbarian   tribes.     If   they   should   get   hold   of   you   the   result   would   be   disastrous!   Why   did   go   against   my   express   request   and   went   back   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   all   by   yourself?”     Megginn   and   Samantha   had   never   seen   the   soft-spoken   Aisha   so   angry   before   and   were   too   scared   to   speak   out   and   to   help   Angelica.   But   Angelica   kept   smiling.     Taking   out   some   pieces   of   paper   from   her   bosom,   she   said,

“Don’t   be   angry,   Aisha.     Read   these   letters   first   before   you   read   me   the   riot   act.”     Aisha   unfolded   the   papers   and   saw   at   first   glance   that   the   bold   handwriting   belonged   to   Medusa.     She   looked   for   the   signature   at   the   end   of   the   letter   and   confirmed   it   was   really   written   by   Medusa.   Eyes   opened   wide,   expression   fearful   and   agitated,   she   began   reading   the   contents   of   the   letter   and   everyone’s   heart   tightened,   too.     But   as   she   read   on,   her   expression   gradually   calmed   down,   until   towards   the   end   her   lips   curved   in   a   slight   smile.   It   was   only   then   that   everyone’s   heart   eased   and   they   breathed   a   sigh   of   relief.   Aisha   then   passed   the   letters   to   Megginn   and   Samantha   and   asked   them   to   read   them   too.     Her   voice   gentled   as   she   turned   to   Angelica   and   asked,

“Can   you   tell   me   what   this   is   all   about?”

“You   want   to   know   what   this   is   all   about?”   repeated   Angelica   with   a   grimace.   “I’m   afraid   I   can’t   make   head   or   tails   about   it   either.   I   think   we   had   better   ask   our   authoress   here   to   tell   us   her   story   from   beginning   to   end.”

Young   Dorna   was   fast   asleep.     She   was   really   too   tired.     The   night   before,   she   swam   in   the   pool   most   of   the   night   before   showering   and   going   to   bed.     She   was   making   use   of   the   week   that   Dream-Maker’s   Bakery   closed   shop   to   visit   Aisha.   Normally   each   was   busy   with   her   own   schedule   and   did   not   have   much   opportunity   to   meet.     The   two   of   them   were   very   close   in   the   kingdom   of   Dreams.     It   was   almost   a   mother-daughter   relationship,   so   Dorna   made   use   of   this   rare   opportunity   to   spend   some   quality   time   with   Aisha.   The   enticing   fragrance   of   spring   flowers   seemed   to   waft   through   the   cracks   of   door   and   windows   into   the   room.     Dorna   half   opened   her   sleepy   eyes   and   saw   that   it   was   already   bright   and   sunny   in   the   garden   outside   the   windows.   Spring   flowers   were   in   full   bloom   and   trees   rich   with   tender   buds   danced   in   the   spring   breeze.     Dorna   again   closed   her   sleepy   eyes   while   the   chirping   of   birds   mixed   with   soft   human   conversation   filled   her   ears.     She   drowsily   remembered   that   Aisha   had   told   her   Angelica   was   coming   for   breakfast   early   this   morning,   but   there   was   more   than   two   voices   outside.   There   seemed   to   be   a   third   one   as   well.     Just   then   loud   sounds   of   a   familiar   car   engine   were   heard   which   she   knew   to   be   Samantha’s   expensive   sports   car.     All   of   a   sudden   the   air   outside   became   lively   with   greetings   and   laughter   so   Dorna   surmised   that   other   beauties   had   also   arrived.     Then   she   heard   them   all   walk   into   Aisha’s   living   room   and   were   soon   chatting   happily   together.     Dorna   was   a   sociable   girl   who   dearly   loved   hustle   and   bustle,   so   she   scrambled   out   of   bed   excitedly   and   quickly   donned   her   clothes.   Hastening   through   her   morning   ablutions,   she   walked   towards   the   living   room   and   saw   that   a   strange   young   woman   was   telling   a   story   about   King   Dimitri.     Not   wishing   to   interrupt   her,   Dorna   silently   greeted   the   guests   with   her   eyes   and   sat   down   quietly   beside   Aisha.   She   saw   a   cute   little   dog   sitting   on   the   carpet   looking   at   her.     Being   a   dog-lover,   she   picked   it   up   quite   naturally   and   placed   it   on   her   lap   instead.   That   little   act   won   her   the   firm   friendship   of   this   new   visitor.

Charina   was   telling   the   story   of   under   what   circumstances   she   met   Dimitri,   how   she   got   to   know   him,   how   he   offered   to   provide   her   with   material   for   her   writing   and   personally   brought   her   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   to   let   her   see   the   place   for   herself.     Being   a   novelist,   she   made   such   good   use   of   her   powers   of   narration   that   her   audience   was   captured   by   the   eloquent,   dramatic   and   vivid   portrayal   of   her   story   which   she   described   in   great   detail   in   her   easy,   flowing   style.   She   was   in   the   process   of   telling   about   how   she   was   looking   for   material   for   her   writing   in   the   burnt   out   ruins   of   the   palace   while   Dimitri   flew   up   to   the   seventh   heaven   on   the   back   of   his   magic   steed   Lightning   to   meet   with   King   Zeus,   when   a   huge   earthquake   followed   by   a   thundering   tsunami   shook   the   area.     She   told   of   how   King   Dimitri   courageously   riding   on   his   snow-white   steed   flew   up   and   down   the   almost   180   degrees   sheer   cliff   that   was   the   bottom   of   the   giant’s   feet.     He   drew   his   magic   sword   and   thrust   it   into   the   cliff,   trying   to   find   the   weakest   and   most   sensitive   part   of   the   feet   but   was   not   able   to   locate   the   precise   point   to   stimulate   the   giant   to   move   or   change   his   posture,   which   was   the   cause   of   the   gigantic   earthquake   that   rocked   the   whole   area.   Giant   Mountain   broke   into   several   sections,   shrugging   off   the   gold   palace   in   the   process   which   fell   into   the   bottom   of   the   lake.   Everyone   listened   heart   in   mouth   with   abated   breath,   at   the   most   scary   and   dramatic   parts,   only   breathing   a   sigh   of   relief   when   they   heard   that   King   Dimitri   survived   and   arrived   back   safely   and   unscathed.

“Then   King   Dimitri   returned   back   to   the   mundane   world   after   that?”   asked   Aisha.

“Yes,   he   is   back”   replied   Charina.   “That   is   something   I   don’t   understand.   With   so   many   beauties   around   him,   why   would   he   choose   to   live   the   nomad   life   of   a   homeless   person?”   Aisha   was   silent,   her   expression   sad   and   sorrowful.

“That   old   dog   is   really   too   much!”   cried   Dorna   in   exasperation.   “He   promised   to   take   me   with   him   on   his   adventures   but   he   went   into   this   all   alone.     He   knows   that’s   what   I   am   most   interested   in   but   he   left   me   out!     Wait   till   I   see   him   next   time.   I   will   certainly   give   him   a   piece   of   my   mind!”   These   words   fully   exposed   the   willful   nature   of   this   wild   girl   who   so   often   acted   before   she   thought.   It   also   showed   how   King   Dimitri   spoilt   this   youngest   of   his   24   beauties.  

“Hey,   don’t   interrupt,   little   girl”   interrupted   Angelica.   “Charina   has   more   to   tell   us.   You   may   express   your   thought   after   she   has   finished,   okay?”     By   then   everyone   had   basically   put   together   the   whole   story   by   bits   and   pieces   like   a   jigsaw   puzzle,   but   at   these   words   all   eyes   again   switched   to   Charina.

Then   Charina   went   on   with   her   story   starting   from   how   she   disguised   herself   by   smearing   her   face   with   dust   and   mud   as   to   be   almost   unrecognizable.   She   cut   off   her   beautiful   flowing   long   hair   and   put   on   an   old   olive-colored   safari   hat.   Then   she   dressed   herself   as   a   homeless   person   by   putting   on   a   raggedy   brown   jacket,   dirty   black   baggy   pants   and   a   pair   of   over-sized   block-headed   black   shoes,   looking   from   afar   like   a   replica   of   her   old   friend   Dimitri.   She   did   all   this   because   she   was   determined   to   bum   around   with   Dimitri   and   experience   firsthand   the   life   of   a   homeless   person.   Then   she   told   of   how   while   she   and   Dimitri   were   having   dinner   under   the   moonlight   in   a   corner   of   the   rose   garden,   he   called   to   his   female   servant   Imagination   to   come   out   and   meet   Charina.   She   continued,

“That   beautiful   female   servant   appeared   suddenly   from   out   of   the   empty   air   and   scared   me   to   half   to   death.     It   seemed   that   she   could   hide   herself   in   the   air   and   appear   and   disappear   at   will.   To   them   it   was   a   commonplace   occurrence,   so   I   too   gradually   took   it   as   a   matter   of   course.   Dimitri   whether   accidentally   or   by   design   had   partaken   of   quite   a   lot   of   wine   and   went   to   sleep   it   off   under   the   shade   of   some   rose   bushes,   leaving   Imagination   and   I   to   chat   by   ourselves.     Imagination   called   out   to   Charmaine   and   Clementine   and   the   two   beautiful   nymphs   came   floated   down   from   the   sky   like   falling   leaves   and   the   four   of   us   sat   down   and   talked   face   to   face.     Just   at   this   time,   some   local   mobsters   and   hooligans   who   prey   on   women   rushed   into   the   rose   garden.     Creativity,   another   of   Dimitri’s   loyal   servants,   stopped   them   and   beat   them   up.     Then   he   threw   them   all   into   the   lake   as   punishment.   Creativity   is   Dimitri’s   male   servant.     He   was   said   to   be   a   tall,   husky   man,   very   handsome   and   resembled   the   sun   god   Apollo.   Knowing   the   etiquette   of   our   society,   he   did   not   show   himself   because   he   was   naked   at   the   time.   These   two   hid   in   the   air   and   therefore   had   no   need   for   clothes,   so   I   have   only   heard   him   speak   but   had   never   seen   him.   Later   Imagination   also   disappeared   into   thin   air.     She   did   not   go   far,   but   was   patrolling   the   area   with   her   companion,   acting   as   look-outs   and   bodyguards   to   assure   our   safety.   I   chatted   for   a   while   longer   with   the   two   nymphs.     Then   they   too   left   to   go   back   to   the   Seventh   Heaven.     Before   leaving   they   gave   me   their   blessing   and   congratulated   me   that   one   day   my   most   cherished   wish   would   be   granted   and   I   would   become   the   25th   beauty   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams…”     Charina   lowered   her   head   and   glanced   surreptitiously   at   her   hostess   to   gauge   Aisha’s   reaction   to   these   words   and   see   if   there   was   any   change   in   her   expression   and   attitude.

“Clementine   and   Charmaine   congratulated   you   on   becoming   the   25th   beauty   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams”   teased   Angelica.   “What   about   you   yourself,   Charina?   Is   that   what   you   wish,   too?”     Charina   blushed   and   lowered   her   head   even   more   before   replying   in   a   very   low   voice,

“Of   course,   it   is.       Only   I   felt   shy   about   being   the   one   to   ask.”

“What   is   there   to   be   shy   about?”   continued   Angelica.   “Why   don’t   you   just   say   loudly   ‘I   want   to   become   the   25th   beauty   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams?’   Or   you   can   say   even   more   forthrightly,   ‘I   want   to   marry   Dimitri’.     That’s   all   it   takes!”   Young   and   warm-hearted   Dorna,   who   was   a   busybody,   pushed   Aisha’s   arms   begging,

“Come   on,   say   yes,   Aisha.     Please   say   ‘yes’.   Such   a   beautiful   and   intelligent   authoress   is   naturally   eligible   to   become   a   member   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.   Say   ‘yes   “quickly   Aisha!   I   beg   you.”   Aisha   knew   that   it   was   time   to   take   a   stand,   so   clearing   her   throat   she   turned   to   Charina   and   said   seriously,

“I   understand   your   wish.     Since   King   Dimitri   had   taken   it   upon   himself   to   show   you   his   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   the   veil   of   secrecy   about   it   is   no   longer   a   concern   and   I   have   no   need   to   conceal   anything   from   you.   On   the   contrary,   I   can   talk   frankly   and   candidly.     After   the   magnificent   and   grandiose   palace   was   constructed,   I   was   the   first   person   Dimitri   invited   to   live   there.     As   the   palace   was   too   big   and   empty,   he   decided   it   needed   more   inhabitants   to   liven   things   up   so   that   the   palace   would   be   a   happy   and   exciting   place   full   of   life.   So   gradually   over   time   he   brought   more   members   to   live   there.   Every   one   of   them   had   their   own   unique   personal   history   and   background   and   came   from   different   strata   of   life.   The   reasons   why   they   wished   to   come   to   live   there   are   also   different,   which   I   presume   you   well   know,   or   we   could   talk   about   that   later.   The   time   we   spent   with   King   Dimitri   on   the   whole   was   full   of   happiness   and   excitement,   though   there   have   been   dangers   and   catastrophes,   all   of   which   are   events   we   will   never   forget.   King   Dimitri   seemed   to   be   a   prophet   who   could   foretell   the   future,   for   he   knew   in   advance   that   a   great   disaster   was   about   to   happen.   He   told   the   beauties   he   had   gathered   from   different   places   in   the   world   to   leave   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   go   back   to   the   mundane   world.   Indeed,   soon   after   that   his   arch   enemy   Cyclops   led   an   army   of   barbarian   warriors   invaded   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   burnt   down   Dimitri’s   magnificent   palace.     I   was   the   last   one   to   leave   the   Kingdom.     Back   here   in   the   mundane   world   we   all   reverted   back   to   the   status   of   a   common   citizen   and   are   living   a   normal   life.   Everyone   has   the   right   to   fall   in   love,   marry   and   set   up   a   happy   family.   King   Dimitri   thought   that   his   presence   could   hinder   the   beauties   from   seeking   this   future   happiness   for   themselves,   so   he   simply   evaporated   from   this   earth.     Just   now   you   asked   why   with   so   many   floral   beauties   around   him,   would   he   choose   to   live   the   nomad   life   of   a   homeless   person.   This   is   the   best   answer.     He   purposefully   steered   clear   of   the   beauties   to   give   the   members   of   his   kingdom   ample   room   to   bring   their   intelligence   and   abilities   into   full   play.     Actually   there   was   no   need   for   him   to   do   so.     Back   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   although   we   lived   in   the   magnificent   palace   as   his   royal   spouse   and   imperial   concubines,   in   reality   most   of   the   beauties   had   never   have   intimate   physical   relations   with   him.   Our   love   and   esteem   for   Dimitri   come   sincerely   from   the   bottom   of   our   hearts.     He   does   not   owe   us   anything.     There   was   no   necessity   at   all   for   him   to   disappear   from   the   earth   so   totally   and   abruptly   as   he   did.   But   since   he   had   decided   to   do   so,   I   thought   it   was   my   duty   to   respect   his   wishes.     If   I   accept   you   into   our   midst   as   the   twenty-fifth   beauty,   the   number   of   beauties   would   be   increased   instead   of   decreased.     That   would   go   completely   against   King   Dimitri’s   wishes.   So…so…I…I…cannot   grant   …”   Seeing   that   Aisha   was   about   to   deny   her   request,   Charina   said,

“I’m   sorry.   Would   you   excuse   me   for   interrupting   you,   your   Majesty   and   allow   me   to   say   a   few   more   words?   I   know   it   was   rather   impertinent   of   me   to   arrive   at   your   doorsteps   uninvited,   especially   when   I   came   to   make   such   a   bold   and   troubling   request.   But   that   is   my   dearest   wish,   something   that   has   been   lodged   in   my   heart   for   some   time   and   which   I   find   I   simply   must   act   upon   regardless   of   consequences.   I   used   to   be   rather   proud   of   my   looks,   but   today   after   meeting   you   all,   I   find   that   every   one   of   you   is   a   matchless   beauty.   Of   course   there   are   dozen   others   I   have   not   met   yet,   but   I   am   sure   they   too   are   diamonds   of   the   first   water,   which   makes   me   feel   embarrassed   that   I   dare   to   presume   to   join   your   ranks.   On   the   surface,   Dimitri   is   a   non-prepossessing   blind   man,   a   penniless   homeless   person   who   can   in   no   way   be   a   match   for   you   all   in   any   form   or   way.   Yet   you   all   love   him   and   willingly   follow   him   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     There   you   found   him   to   be   a   wise,   good   and   brave   king.     He   is   generous,   kind   and   never   cruel   to   anyone,   so   he   is   beloved   by   all   his   subjects.     As   a   result   he   easily   captured   your   hearts.     I   was   fortunate   enough   to   get   to   know   him   and   spent   some   time   with   him.   He   personally   took   me   on   a   guided   tour   of   his   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   where   I   saw   another   side   of   him   which   made   me   fall   in   love   with   him.     Perhaps   that   was   what   fate   destined   to   happen.     I   would   think   it   an   honor   to   be   allowed   to   become   a   member   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   join   your   ranks.   I   will   be   satisfied   even   if   I   can   only   get   1/25th   of   this   man’s   love.   That   is   why   I   have   laid   off   all   pretenses   and   personally   come   to   your   majesty   with   my   bold   and   troubling   request…”   Charina   lowered   her   head;   with   her   chin   almost   touching   her   chest.     She   blushed   furiously,   her   eyes   moist   and   red   with   tears   threatening   to   fall.   For   a   proud   and   beautiful   young   woman   like   her   and   a   notable   authoress   to   boot,   to   humble   herself   before   so   many   to   petition   to   marry   an   old   and   ugly   homeless   man   and   be   refused   really   put   her   in   an   untenable   and   embarrassing   position.   Angelica   stood   up   and   walked   over   to   sit   on   the   right   side   of   Aisha,   while   Dorna   sat   on   the   left   side,   sandwiching   Aisha   between   them.

“Your   majesty”   said   Angelica   in   a   beseeching   voice   “Let   me   say   a   few   words.   Now   we   know   King   Dimitri   did   not   evaporate   from   the   world   but   is   still   living.     But   he   chooses   to   avoid   us.     You   are   now   our   Queen   and   your   word   is   law.   Charina   is   earnest   in   her   petition   and   her   words   are   reasonable   and   logical.   It   really   moved   me.   I   think   you   should   accept   her,   or   else   how   are   we   to   resolve   this?   I   think   one   day   if   we   see   King   Dimitri   again,   he   will   not   blame   you   for   it.”

“Yes,   yes”   said   Dorna   shaking   Aisha’s   arms.   “Angelica   is   right.     I   think   that   Charina   has   done   you   a   great   favor   by   bringing   back   your   unfinished   dissertation   that   was   lost   in   the   ruins   of   the   palace   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.   Just   for   that   great   meritorious   deed,   you   should   grant   her   request.     Look   at   how   you   have   embarrassed   her.     If   you   don’t   grant   her   request,   she   is   going   to   cry!   That   would   be   too   bad.     You   are   our   Queen,   beloved   by   all   your   subjects,   why   are   you   in   such   a   quandary   and   can’t   make   up   your   mind   about   such   a   small   matter   as   this?”

“I   don’t   think   King   Dimitri   will   have   any   objections”   continued   Angelica.     “When   he   took   Charina   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   himself   and   showed   her   around,   I   think   he   had   already   thought   about   her   becoming   a   member   of   the   Kingdom.   Your   granting   her   request   would   just   be   carrying   out   his   original   intentions…   He   not   only   won’t   scold   you,   I   am   sure   he   would   praise   your   intelligence.   Don’t   you   think   so?”

“If   King   Dimitri   scolds   you”   interrupted   Dorna,   “I   will   jump   out   and   argue   with   him   till   the   end.     He   dared   to   go   back   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   experience   the   earthquake   and   tsunami   and   all   those   grand   adventures   without   me,   after   he   had   given   me   his   word   that   he   would   take   me   along!     You   know   I   love   adventure.     I   think   the   earthquake   and   tsunami   would   be   something   like   riding   on   those   roller   coasters   I   haven’t   gotten   on   his   case   yet,   so   he   would   not   dare   to   scold   you.   Don’t   be   afraid.     With   me   as   your   general,   standing   by   my   beautiful   queen,   protecting   you,   who   dares   to   say   anything   objectionable   to   you?”   With   the   two   of   them   chattering   by   her   side   non-stop,   wheedling   and   cajoling   half   playfully   and   half   in   earnest,   Aisha   began   to   have   second   thoughts   about   her   position.   She   looked   inquiringly   at   Megginn,   who   was   intelligent   and   calm   and   was   her   right   hand   in   the   Kingdom.     Megginn   looked   at   her   steadily   as   if   saying,   “Go   on.   Grant   her   request.     It’s   hard   to   find   such   an   intelligent   and   clever   authoress   even   if   you   lighted   a   lantern   and   went   looking   for   one.     She   will   be   an   asset   to   the   Kingdom.     Since   she   is   adamant   about   joining   us,   let   her!”

“This   is   a   very   hard   decision   for   me   to   make”   said   Aisha.   She   finally   nodded   and   said   “Alright,   so   be   it.   I   will   make   the   decision   for   King   Dimitri   and   grant   your   request   to   become   the   25th   beauty   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     In   the   future   if   King   Dimitri   should   reprimand   us,   I   alone   will   be   responsible.”   At   her   words,   everyone   laughed   and   clapped   and   expressed   their   satisfaction   and   agreement.     Charina   was   so   happy   she   burst   into   tears.     Her   heart’s   desire   had   at   last   been   granted.     Encouraged   by   the   happy   atmosphere,   Little   Maureen   jumped   down   to   the   floor   and   began   shaking   its   head   and   twisting   its   body   and   rump   (butt),   dancing   the   cha   cha   which   its   mistress   had   taught   it.     Everyone   laughed   heartily   and   Dorna   shouted,

“Hey,   great   dancing   Maureen.     That’s   just   great.     Let’s   break   out   the   champagne   and   celebrate!”

“Oh   no,   Dorna,   you   are   getting   too   excited   again”   said   Queen   Aisha.   “It’s   still   morning   and   too   early   for   drinking.   Drink   too   much   and   you   waste   the   whole   day   being   befuddled   and   not   able   to   do   anything.   There   is   a   custom   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   that   whenever   a   new   member   joins   us   we   give   a   party   to   welcome   her.   I   never   thought   we   would   hold   another   such   a   welcome   party   again,   but   today   we   have   a   new   member   joining   us!     Why   don’t   we   organize   a   grand   party   to   formally   welcome   Charina   to   our   midst?   We   haven’t   held   such   a   party   for   quite   a   while   and   it’s   time   for   us   to   have   a   good   time.”

“Leave   it   to   me”   said   Samantha.   “I   am   good   at   organizing   parties.   I   will   make   sure   that   there   is   good   food,   good   drinks   and   everyone   will   have   a   grand   time.   I   am   sure   you   will   all   be   satisfied.”

  “Speaking   of   food,   I’m   feeling   hungry.   My   stomach   is   growling”   said   Dorna.     “I   know   a   newly   opened   restaurant.   Let’s   go   there   and   try   it   out.”     Saying   so,   she   began   walking   to   the   door.

“Come   on   back   here”   ordered   Aisha,   pretending   to   be   angry.   “You   are   always   in   such   a   rush   you   don’t   think   first.   There   are   still   a   lot   of   things   to   talk   over   that   is   unsuitable   to   be   done   in   a   public   place.   Things   about   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   are   not   for   other   ears.   Let’s   all   set   about   making   breakfast   ourselves   here   in   my   kitchen.     That   would   be   both   cozy   and   merry.”     Everyone   concurred   to   Aisha’s   suggestion.   Queen   Aisha   had   their   heartfelt   admiration   and   could   always   convince   them   with   her   sensible   and   practical   ideas.

The   enticing   aroma   of   coffee   perking,   bread   toasting,   bacon   and   eggs   frying   permeated   Aisha’s   kitchen   amid   the   chattering   and   laughter   of   five   six   women,   all   working   busily   in   the   kitchen,   cutting   up   fruit,   tossing   salads   or   squeezing   juice.   Soon   the   table   was   spread   full   of   simple   but   tasty   breakfast   food   and   everyone   sat   down   to   eat   and   talk.     In   this   relaxed   and   casual   atmosphere,   they   naturally   no   longer   adhered   to   strict   court   protocol   but   acted   and   spoke   informally   as   common   citizens.

“Oh   yes   Aisha”   said   Samantha   “I   have   brought   your   wedding   gown.     You’ve   had   several   fittings   now,   so   it   should   fit   you   perfectly   this   time.   Try   it   on   later   and   see.”

“Good”   replied   Aisha   putting   down   her   coffee   cup.   “I’ll   do   so   later.”

“What...   wedding   gown...?”   exclaimed   Charina,   her   face   clearly   showing   her   shock   and   mystification.     Turning   to   Aisha   she   stammered,   “Are   you…   are   you…getting   married…?”   Aisha   sighed   and   then   replied,

“As   the   newest   member   of   our   Kingdom,   you   are   naturally   not   aware   of   our   plans.     Actually,   I   should   have   told   you   about   it.   It’s   like   this...     Novella,   a   member   of   our   Kingdom   whom   I   don’t   think   you   have   met,   is   getting   married   to   Mr.   O’Brian   and   they   plan   to   have   a   big   and   lavish   wedding.   All   of   us   consider   it   a   privilege   and   honor   to   be   one   of   King   Dimitri’s   wives   but   though   we   are   nominally   his   Queen   and   royal   concubines,   it   is   really   regrettable   that   not   one   of   us   had   ever   gone   through   a   formal   wedding   ceremony.   So   some   of   our   members   suggested   that   we   should   make   full   use   of   this   elaborate   wedding   of   Novella’s   and   formally   say   our   marriage   vows   to   King   Dimitri   at   the   same   time   in   a   group   wedding.   In   a   way   it   will   also   be   a   conscientious   and   responsible   summary   of   one   stage   of   our   lives.     At   first   I   had   reservations   about   this,   fearing   it   would   become   headline   news   that   would   bring   down   the   unwelcome   attention   of   the   paparazzi   and   news   media,   thereby   causing   us   all   kinds   of   inconvenience   and   mischief.   It   would   also   be   against   King   Dimitri’s   customary   low-key   style   of   life.   Just   think   of   this:   seventeen   of   us   marrying   one   single   man,   and   that   man   is   not   even   present   at   the   ceremony,   his   whereabouts   unknown.   A   wedding   with   no   groom   is   unheard   of   and   will   become   a   fiasco,   mocked   and   laughed   at   in   society.   Since   this   was   sure   to   turn   into   a   mockery   and   fodder   for   the   scandal   sheets,   it   would   be   better   not   to   go   through   it   at   all.   But   then   after   thinking   things   over,   I   felt   that   this   suggestion   had   its   merits.   As   I   just   mentioned,   we   are   all   King   Dimitri’s   wives,   but   most   of   the   beauties   had   never   had   physical   intimacy   with   him   and   became   one   of   his   wives   without   going   through   any   formal   ceremony.     I   realize   that   this   was   not   fair   to   them,   so   participating   in   a   group   wedding   would   be   one   way   to   make   amends   to   them   psychologically,   while   satisfying   their   wish   to   be   married   to   him.   At   the   same   time,   we   would   be   saying   goodbye   to   one   chapter   of   our   lives,   that   beautiful,   happy   and   exciting   time   we   spent   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.   Though   we   hate   to   think   that   things   have   come   to   an   end,   but   it   is   a   reality.     From   this   time   on,   all   of   us   will   do   as   King   Dimitri   wishes   and   go   forth   and   seek   what   he   calls   “a   happy   life”.   So   this   group   wedding   is   not   only   a   beautiful   full   stop,   but   also   a   brand   new   beginning   of   our   future   life.”

“What   beginning?     What   full   stop?”   cried   Dorna   impatiently.     “I   don’t   know   what   you   are   talking   about.     From   what   you   just   said,   it   seems   as   if   marriage   and   divorce   are   almost   the   same   thing   and   there’s   not   much   difference   between   a   wedding   and   a   funeral!   It’s   too   frustrating   and   disappointing.   I   don’t   want   to   wear   that   darn   wedding   dress.     It’s   so   tight,   stiff   and   uncomfortable.   What’s   it   all   for   anyway?   I   don’t   care   about   saying   goodbye   and   all   that   stuff   you   just   said.   Wait   till   I   see   the   old   dog   again,   I   won’t   let   him   get   away   with   it   so   easily   this   time.   I   will   follow   closely   on   his   heels,   even   if   he   goes   to   the   end   of   the   world!     Wherever   he   goes,   I   too   will   go.   You   just   wait   and   see.”     Aisha   glared   at   Dorna   reprovingly   and   Angelica   murmured,

“Hey   you   naughty   girl,   don’t   monkey   around.   What’s   wrong   with   wearing   wedding   gowns?     The   seventeen   of   us   will   all   be   wearing   the   same   style   of   formal   white   wedding   gown   and   will   look   so   good.     And   you,   my   pet,   will   be   the   prettiest   of   us   all.   So   sh-sh,   don’t   gripe   any   more,   Aisha   is   looking   melancholy…”     Glancing   up   and   seeing   Aisha’s   sorrowful   expression,   Dorna   knew   the   queen   was   angry,   so   she   immediately   shut   her   mouth   and   said   no   more.

“If   that   is   so…”   said   Charina,   “since   I   am   now   a   member   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   should   I   also   go   and   have   a   wedding   dress   made   and   take   part   in   the   group   wedding?”

“Of   course”   said   Aisha,   nodding   her   head.     Turning   to   Samantha,   she   asked,   “But   time   is   short,   would   they   be   able   to   make   another   one   in   time?”   Samantha   hastily   swallowed   the   lettuce   in   her   mouth   and   drank   some   fresh   orange   juice   before   replying,

“There   shouldn’t   be   a   problem.   All   our   wedding   gowns   were   made   by   hand   at   one   of   the   world-famous   wedding   dress   shops   which   specializes   in   doing   high   quality   work.     It’s   very   time-consuming,   but   by   working   three   shifts,   they   should   be   able   to   have   one   ready   before   the   wedding   date.     The   owner   of   this   world-famous   shop   that   specializes   in   making   wedding   gowns   by   hand,   would   surely   accommodate   their   VIP   customer   who   ordered   a   total   of   seventeen   such   expensive   high-end   gowns   at   the   same   time!   I   will   guarantee   there   won’t   be   any   problem,   but   after   we   finish   eating,   Charina   must   go   there   with   me   to   let   them   take   her   measurements   and   have   the   work   started   as   soon   as   possible.”     Angelica   suddenly   thought   of   something   and   said,

“Oh,   by   the   way,   your   majesty,   there   is   something   important   that   I   must   ask   you   about.   In   order   to   ensure   that   this   grand   and   elaborate   wedding   go   smoothly,   we   have   been   busy   preparing   for   almost   a   year   now.     Mr.   O’Brian   has   established   a   special   preparatory   committee   to   oversee   the   event.   They   have   booked   the   city’s   grandest   historical   church   for   the   wedding   ceremony   and   asked   a   famous   and   much-respected   pastor   to   officiate.     I   was   responsible   for   issuing   the   invitations   and   tallying   up   the   responses.     By   yesterday,   all   the   replies   were   back   and   except   for   the   few   who   were   abroad,   or   who   had   businesses   they   could   not   leave,   95%   of   those   invited   said   that   they   would   be   able   to   attend.     From   the   list   of   the   guests   who   would   be   attending,   you   could   surmise   that   Mr.   O’Brian   came   from   a   family   of   blue   bloods   with   enormous   wealth   as   well   as   innumerable   prominent   social   connections,   for   among   the   guests   were   members   of   many   royal   families   and   the   elite   of   political   and   financial   personages.   This   wedding   will   surely   turn   out   to   be   the   wedding   of   the   century!   I   gave   the   list   to   the   preparatory   committee   yesterday   and   they   wanted   me   to   inquire   if   all   the   members   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   intend   to   attend   the   wedding   dinner.   They   need   to   know   this   to   order   the   food   and   arrange   seating   at   the   tables.”     Aisha   was   silent   for   a   moment   still   thinking   over   the   question   over   when   Dorna   interrupted   scornfully   saying,

"Really   Angelica,   I   think   you   are   making   much   ado   about   nothing!   It’s   Mr.   O’Brian   who   is   getting   married   and   he   has   lots   of   people   under   him   to   take   care   of   everything.     Why   do   they   need   you   to   run   around   doing   all   these   things?   You’re   only   making   unnecessary   work   for   yourself.”     Angelica   did   not   get   angry,   but   answered   Dorna   patiently   and   pleasantly,

“Don’t   talk   like   that   you   naughty   girl.   It’s   not   nice.   Novella   is   the   first   member   of   our   Kingdom   to   get   married.     We   had   always   been   on   very   good   terms   with   each   other   and   she   is   just   like   a   sister   to   us.     So   why   shouldn’t   we   get   involved   in   her   wedding   plans   and   help   out   as   much   as   possible?   Lotus   is   doing   the   flowers   for   this   event.     This   is   called   “acting   in   concert   and   pooling   everyone’s   wisdom   and   efforts.”

“Acting   in   concert   and   pooling   everyone’s   wisdom   and   efforts…   Sounds   good,   but   I   think   you   are   just   fooling   me…”     Dorna   stood   up   and   strolled   about   saying   with   a   very   straight   face,   “I   think   it’s   you   who   want   to   get   married   so   badly   that   you   have   gone   cuckoo!   Otherwise,   why   are   you   going   all   out   and   doing   your   utmost   for   Novella’s   wedding?     Wasn’t   it   you   who   introduced   her   to   Mr.   O’Brian?   It’s   you   who   want   to   get   married…”   Saying   so,   she   slipped   behind   Aisha’s   chair   and   crouched   down   to   escape   Angelica’s   wrath.   Dorna’s   words   made   everyone   in   the   room   laugh   out   loud.   Even   Angelica,   whose   face   turned   red   with   indignation,   couldn’t   help   smiling   as   she   scolded   Dorna   saying,

“You   naughty   girl,   you!   What   do   you   mean   I   want   to   get   married?     I   want   nothing   of   the   sort!   Tell   me   whom   I   want   to   marry.     Go   on,   name   him!     If   you   can’t   do   so,   see   what   I   am   going   to   do   to   you   today…”     Angelica,   too,   stood   up   from   her   chair   and   made   as   if   she   was   going   after   the   naughty   girl.     Aisha   knew   that   the   two   of   them   often   kidded   each   other   in   fun,   so   she   did   not   take   their   altercation   seriously,   and   just   said,

“Stop   your   horseplay   you   two,   and   sit   down   please…   I   have   something   serious   to   say…   First   of   all,   after   hearing   Angelica’s   words,   I   think   that   we   should   make   some   changes   in   our   plans.   In   the   beginning,   I   just   thought   it   was   an   ordinary   wedding.     I   did   not   know   that   it   would   be   so   lavish   and   elaborate   as   to   be   attended   by   royalty,   princes   of   commerce   and   big   shot   politicians   as   well   as   so   many   other   important   guests.   Minus   Novella,   who   will   be   marrying   Mr.   O’Brian,   there   will   be   sixteen   of   us   saying   our   vows   and   all   marry   one   man,   who   isn’t   even   present   at   the   ceremony.   It   will   most   certainly   cause   a   great   uproar   and   disrupt   Novella   and   Mr.   O’Brian’s   wedding.   The   media   would   accuse   us   of   trying   to   capture   attention   and   shock   the   world.     This   will   go   completely   against   King   Dimitri’s   low-key   style   of   life.   So   I   think   our   plans   need   to   be   modified…     Since   preparations   for   the   wedding   are   mostly   complete   and   the   wedding   date   set,   that   need   not   and   cannot   be   changed.     Novella   and   Mr.   O’Brian   will   get   married   as   planned.   Our   group   wedding,   however,   will   be   postponed   till   after   all   the   guests   have   left   the   church.   We   will   ask   that   much   respected   and   prestigious   pastor   to   stay   behind   and   officiate   a   second   short   but   solemn   ceremony   for   us.     It   does   not   matter   if   there   are   no   guests   present.   Secondly,   because   we   have   no   groom,   I   don’t   think   we   should   take   part   in   the   wedding   dinner   either.   It   will   only   sadden   us   to   be   in   that   happy,   celebratory   feast.   Also,   the   presence   of   sixteen   of   us   will   be   sure   to   overshadow   Novella   and   divert   everyone’s   attention   to   us   instead.   We   should   step   aside   and   let   Novella   be   the   star   at   her   wedding,   the   center   of   all   attention.   It   is   a   great   day   for   her,   when   she   should   shine,   glimmer,   charm   and   fascinate.   It’s   only   right   that   we   leave   the   stage   to   her.     But   on   the   other   hand,   Novella   is   the   first   of   us   to   marry.     It   will   be   unjust   to   her   if   I   do   not   attend   and   all   the   rest   of   you   are   absent   too.     The   bride   will   feel   a   sense   of   loss   and   unbalance.   I   will   find   a   chance   to   explain   our   predicament   to   her.   Elina   is   Novella’s   cousin,   so   she   should   go.   Samantha   has   always   been   responsible   for   the   p.r.   of   the   Kingdom,   so   it   is   only   right   that   she   represent   us   at   the   wedding   dinner.   What   do   you   think   about   these   changes   I   have   made?     Although   I   do   not   intend   to   attend   the   dinner,   if   any   one   of   you   would   like   to   go,   I   have   no   objections   at   all.     You   are   all   at   liberty   to   do   whatever   you   wish,   just   so   you   do   not   attend   as   a   group   of   brides!     But   you   must   all   keep   the   secrets   of   the   Kingdom   and   not   let   outsiders   know   about   us.”     Aisha’s   decision   was   so   steady   and   well-balanced   and   had   taken   every   aspect   into   consideration,   that   no   one   had   anything   further   to   add.     So   everyone   hastened   to   finish   their   breakfast.  

“We   must   make   the   best   use   of   our   time   to   get   things   done”   said   Samantha.     Then   turning   to   Charina   she   continued,   “You   come   with   me   now   to   the   wedding   gown   shop   so   they   can   take   your   measurements   and   start   on   making   your   dress   without   delay.”

“Megginn’s   car   had   broken   down,   so   I   will   take   her   home,”   said   Angelica.   “Then   I   will   go   to   Lotus’   place   and   see   if   she   needs   help.”

“All   you   ladies   go   about   your   own   business”   said   Aisha   I   will   drive   Megginn   home.     There   are   still   some   things   I   need   to   talk   to   her   about.”   Dorna   looked   at   Charina   and   said,

“Charina,   would   you   like   to   go   to   the   dress-maker’s   with   Samantha   and   leave   your   lovely   and   clever   little   dog   with   me?     It’s   a   too   glorious   a   day   to   spend   indoors.     I   can   take   it   out   on   an   excursion.”     Charina   looked   at   her   pet   Maureen,   which   barked   ‘bow   wow’   as   if   saying,   “That   just   what   I   would   like   to   do;   only   I   didn’t   want   to   be   the   one   to   suggest   it…”   So   everyone   hastily   stood   up   and   set   about   helping   to   clean   up.   Some   carried   the   used   plates,   cups,   dishes   and   utensils   to   the   sink   and   mopped   the   kitchen   table,   while   others   scraped   them   clean   and   put   them   into   the   dish   washer,   still   others   were   taking   care   of   the   left-overs…     Dorna   walked   over   and   made   two   large   sandwiches   with   the   food   that   had   not   been   touched   and   put   them   into   zip   lock   bags   and   then   placed   the   bags   into   a   box.

“Hey   naughty   girl,”   said   Angelica   curiously,   “Why   have   you   made   two   more   sandwiches?     Are   you   still   hungry?”

“No,   I   am   quite   full,”   replied   Dorna.     I’m   making   these   so   that   I   can   put   them   where   homeless   people   often   show   up.     Who   knows   who   will   pick   them   up?     Perhaps   one   of   them   will   be   King   Dimitri   in   disguise.”   She   glanced   then   at   Charina   and   everyone   knew   that   the   naughty   girl,   who   loved   to   play   practical   jokes,   was   making   fun   of   the   newest   member.   Nobody   paid   much   attention   to   her   and   everyone   hurried   to   leave   and   go   about   their   own   business.     Dorna   quickly   changed   into   pink   shorts   and   socks,   white   short-sleeved   shirt   and   white   tennis   shoes.   Then   she   pushed   her   beloved   bicycle   out   of   the   garage,   put   Maureen   into   the   basket   in   front   of   her   bike   and   the   box   of   sandwiches   on   the   rack   at   the   back.   Then   waving   a   suave   goodbye   to   Aisha   and   Megginn   she   rode   out   towards   the   shadowy   woods   and   plains.

Rows   upon   rows   of   books   were   neatly   lined   up   on   the   bookshelves,   which   covered   almost   all   the   walls   in   Aisha’s   room.     In   fact,     books,   which   were   the   main   content   of   the   room   were   also   stacked   on   every   available   surface   even   spilling   out   onto   window   sills,   corridors   and   even   the   bathroom,   fully   demonstrating   the   academic   absorption   and   high   level   achievements   of   the   its   mistress.     The   huge   amount   of   printed   matter   gathered   there   gave   forth   a   faint   odor   of   paper   and   ink,   which   mixed   naturally   with   the   lingering   feminine   scent   of   the   lady   of   the   house,   much   like   a   rare   orchid   of   a   secluded   valley,   growing,   flowering   and   fading   naturally   by   itself,   giving   off   its   heady   fragrance   regardless   of   whether   or   not   it   had   an   audience   to   appreciate   it.   Aisha   led   Megginn   back   to   the   living   room   and   the   two   of   them   sat   on   the   sofa   enjoying   a   cup   of   fresh   coffee.   Megginn   looked   around   at   the   rich   collection   of   books   in   the   room   and   said,

“I   really   admire   you,   Aisha.     You   can   sit   here   amidst   this   vast   collection   of   books   and   leisurely   roam   the   sea   of   wisdom   seeking   intellectual   nutrition   to   turn   into   profound   and   insightful   knowledge.”       Aisha   smiled   and   replied,

“Don’t   you   go   flattering   me,   Megginn.     Aren’t   you   doing   the   same   thing?   You   put   your   astute   and   perceptive   knowledge   of   economics   into   practical   use.   You   have   not   only   turned   around   King   Dimitri’s   failing   financial   empire   but   have   managed   it   so   expertly   that   it   has   since   increased   in   value   many   fold   as   well!   Isn’t   that   an   excellent   example   of   putting   knowledge   of   economics   into   live   use?”       At   her   words,   an   anxious   expression   filled   Megginn’s   face   and   she   said   heavy-heartedly,

“King   Dimitri   is   back.     I   thought   that   since   he   chose   to   evaporate   from   this   earth,   he   would   not   be   coming   back.     Now   he   has   returned,   but   I   have   liquidated   all   assets   of   his   huge   financial   empire   and   transferred   them   into   an   account   called   “Dream-Maker’s   Fund”   a   non-profit   philanthropic   organization,   working   for   the   good   of   society   in   general.   That’s   just   wonderful,   isn’t   it?     I   have   really   turned   him   into   a   penniless   homeless   person.   I   won’t   blame   him   for   being   angry   at   me…”

“No,   he   won’t   be   angry   at   you”   said   Aisha   smilingly.   “I   got   your   text   message   telling   me   you   had   established   “Dream-maker’s   Fund”   with   King   Dimitri’s   assets   and   I   think   it’s   a   great   idea.   Remember   how   we   were   just   talking   about   how   the   essence   of   knowledge   is   to   use   it   effectively?   Accumulating   wealth   is   great,   but   using   it   wisely   is   even   more   important.   You   not   only   knew   how   to   accumulate   wealth,   you   understood   how   to   use   it   wisely   and   effectively   by   putting   King   Dimitri’s   huge   financial   empire   to   the   best   and   most   appropriate   use.   That’s   what   I   would   call   financial   genius.     I   am   sure   King   Dimitri   will   not   find   fault   with   your   action.     If   he   does,   he   would   not   the   King   Dimitri   we   all   love   and   respect.”

“You   sure…?”   murmured   Megginn   half   believing   and   half   doubting   “I   really   can’t   believe   that…You   really     think   he   will   not   blame   me…?”

“Don’t   worry   about   it,”   said   Aisha   very   confidently.   “Let   me   give   you   another   example.   The   wonderful   time   we   spent   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   was   really   a   fantastic   and   intriguing   adventure.   The   Kingdom   of   Dreams   was   a   marvelous   space   in   time   where   anything   you   wish   for   could   immediately   become   reality.   You   have   lived   there   too   for   a   time   and   know   what   I   say   is   true.     King   Dimitri   once   said   that   there   is   a   treasure   trove   in   everyone’s   heart.   If   you   knew   how   to   tap,   develop   and   use   it,   it   would   be   a   perpetual   and   infinite   resource   forever   at   your   fingertips.   Now   you,   Megginn,   know   how   to   use   your   knowledge   of   business   and   finance   very   effectively.     You   were   not   only   able   to   tap   and   develop   your   resources,   you   understood   how   to   use   it   most   efficiently   and   effectively.     I   am   sure   King   Dimitri   will   be   extremely   gratified   at   what   you   have   done   and   will   certainly   not   blame   you   for   it.     He   is   a   man   of   great   talent   and   bold   vision.     The   so-called   “financial   empire”   which   he   put   under   your   care   and   management   is   but   a   very   small   portion   of   his   huge,   limitless   treasure   trove,   just   a   drop   in   the   ocean   as   it   were.     He   would   hardly   miss   it.   So   don’t   worry,   he   won’t   criticize   your   action.     Don’t   worry.”   Megginn’s   vivid   and   intelligent   eyes   brightened   and   sparkled   with   new   understanding   as   she   said,

“I   think   I   am   beginning   to   see   the   light.   This   is   really   too   awesome!   Dreams   and   reality   can   be   linked   together,   even   though   tentatively   and   fragilely,   but   they   can   be   connected…”   Aisha   smiled,   pleased   and   happy,   slight   wrinkles   gathering   at   the   corners   of   her   eyes.     She   nodded   in   satisfaction   and   said   with   a   dreamlike   expression   on   her   face,

“Recently   I   have   been   thinking   over   King   Dimitri’s   words.   He   often   said   that   dreams   are   a   part   of   real   life   and   also   its   extension.     There   is   really   no   real   boundary   line   between   dreams   and   reality.   Things   that   happen   in   real   life   are   neutrality   between   existent   and   non-existent.   If   raised   to   the   abstract   level   of   philosophy,   his   words   could   be   constituted   to   be   the   concept   of   dreams   which   covers   a   man’s   whole   life   from   birth   to   death,   from   death   to   birth.     According   to   Dimitri’s   theory,   there   is   no   real   boundary   between   life   and   death   either.   These   last   few   days   I   have   been   reflecting   on   whether   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   appeared   in   my   dreams   or   whether   I   am   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   dreaming   about   real   life.     If   it   is   as   King   Dimitri   said   that   there   is   not   any   real   demarcation   between   dreams   and   real   life,   then   everything   in   our   real   life   be   it   the   things   we   see   -   a   flower,   a   tree,   the   clothes   we   wear   -     a   fragment   of   cloth,   a   dress,   or   what   we   eat   -     rice   or   wheat,   are   all   tightly   connected   to   the   concept   of   dreams.   We   just   talked   about   King   Dimitri’s   belief   that   there   is   a   treasure   trove   in   everyone’s   heart.   If   you   know   how   to   tap,   develop   and   use   it,   it   will   be   a   perpetual   and   infinite   resource   forever   at   your   fingertips.   Then   the   concept   of   dreams   would   be   a   part   of   this   vast   and   infinite   treasure   trove.     That   is   a   blank   and   novel   area   where   no   humans   had   hitherto   set   foot   in.     It   has   lots   of   potential   and   is   worthy   of   intelligent   exploration   and   further   research   and   study.     What   do   you   think,   Megginn?”   Megginn   was   silent   thinking   over   Aisha’s   words.     Then   she   raised   her   head   and   replied,

“You   are   right…But   I   am   more   concerned   about…whether   we   will   ever   see   King   Dimitri   again   in   this   life…”

“I’m   sure   we   will”   said   Aisha   firmly.   “We   will   all   see   him   again.   He   is   like   a   traveler   who   loves   to   roam   around   the   world.   When   he   is   tired,   he   will   come   home.   We   just   have   to   wait   patiently   in   our   dreams;   he   will   be   back   one   of   these   days…”

The   pipe-like   saxophone   puffed   out   strains   of   rich,   zesty   musical   notes.   Sweet   melody,   so   happy,   bold   and   flowing,   played   with   the   enthusiastic   style   and   rhythm   of   jazz   was   accompanied   by   the   melancholy,   passionate   and   ringing   notes   of   the   violin.   The   violinist   was   using   the   most   intricate,   flowery   and   luxuriant   techniques   at   his   command   to   send   his   music   soaring   to   the   masses   gathered   there.   The   two   instruments   were   very   different,   one   classical   and   one   modern,   yet   they   collaborated   so   seamlessly   as   they   performed,   one   asking   and   one   was   replying.   The   clever   teaming   up   of   two   instruments   one   classic   and   one   modern   produced   a   spectacular   impression   that   led   the   audience   into   a   realm   of   deep   thought.   Mixed   in   the   music   was   the   rhythm   of   drums,   so   vivid   and   full   of   life,   as   if   coming   from   the   mysterious   African   jungles.   Of   course   the   participation   of   the   base   guitar   was   inevitable   to   add   to   the   rhythm   and   volume   of   the   music.   The   people   stopping   by   the   square   to   listen   to   the   street   performers   grew   more   and   more   numerous,   many   of   whom   really   liked   what   they   were   hearing   and   threw   down   more   and   more   coins   and   paper   bills.   People   in   the   crowd   were   pointing   and   chattering   saying,

“Hey,   look!   The   musician   playing   the   saxophone   is   blind!   His   clothes   are   so   old   and   raggedy   he   looks   like   a   homeless   person;   but   his   music   is   not   bad!”

“What’s   so   strange   about   that?     The   violinist   seems   familiar.   He   looks   like   Mr.   Kaffee,   that   mobster   that   dominated   both   the   underworld   and   the   world   of   high   finance   a   while   back.   Yah,   yah,   that’s   him,   that’s   him   alright!   How   come   he   is   so   desperate   now   that   he   has   become   a   street   musician   in   the   company   of   hobos?   But   his   violin   performance   is   first   class!”

“Hey,   I   know   that   drummer.     He   is   Jamaz.     That   one   playing   the   base   guitar   is   Richard.     These   two   are   inseparable   pals.   When   they   were   flush   with   cash   they   lived   a   life   of   debauchery,   eating   drinking   and   womanizing.   When   the   money   was   gone   they   would   do   odd   jobs.     I   didn’t   know   they   were   also   pretty   good   musicians.”

“Who   is   that   guy   in   a   monks’   habit   on   the   fringe   of   the   crowd   doing   security   work?”

“You   don’t   know   him?     If   the   violinist   is   Mr.   Kaffee,   that   monk   must   be   his   henchman   Big-O,   that   #1   assassin.   The   tattoos   on   his   chest   is   his   trade   mark.     See   it?     See   it?     Don’t   get   too   near   him.     He   could   break   your   neck   with   one   twist   of   his   hands.”

“Hey!     The   guy   over   there   stooping   on   the   ground   picking   up   coins   and   paper   bills   is   that   poor   hobo   who   is   always   around   here   picking   up   cigarette   butts.   Now   he   has   been   elevated   to   the   job   of   collecting   money   for   the   group.   Looks   as   if   fortune   has   smiled   on   him   and   he   will   be   making   some   money.”     The   square   was   quite   windy   and   the   paper   bills   people   threw   down   could   easily   be   blown   away   by   the   wind,   so   David   was   busy   collecting   the   bills   and   thrusting   them   into   his   bosom   while   throwing   the   coins   into   a   tin   box   before   him.   When   the   paper   bills   thrust   into   his   bosom   for   safe-keeping   became   a   thick   wad,   he   looked   meaningfully   at   Big-O,   as   if   telling   him   they’ve   got   enough   money   for   food   and   drinks   that   night   and   the   old   monk   nodded.   Big-O   strode   to   the   front   and   shouted,

“That’s   it!     Thank   you   everyone   for   your   kind   contributions.     We   are   done   for   the   day.     We’ll   be   back   here   tomorrow.     Hope   you   come   again.”   His   booming   voice   seemed   to   have   the   effect   of   a   military   order   and   the   crowd   obediently   dispersed.     The   good   friends   gathered   together   to   carefully   put   away   the   musical   instruments,   the   tools   of   their   trade   that   they   rely   on   for   their   livelihood   and   cannot   be   damaged.   Richard   was   the   one   who   thought   of   the   plan   to   form   a   band   and   perform   on   the   streets   to   earn   some   money.   They   wouldn’t   get   rich   by   it,   but   it   was   enough   for   the   friends   to   get   some   food   and   drinks   for   the   day.   Not   enough   for   them   to   get   really   quality   good   liquor   perhaps,   but   they   were   satisfied   with   cheap   whiskey.

That   day   Richard   led   Dimitri   to   the   back   yard   of   Dream-maker’s   Bakery   where   he   met   with   his   old   friends.   Dimitri   was   not   too   distressed   to   learn   that   Megginn   had   donated   all   his   assets   to   the   Dream-maker’s   Fund.   He   was   a   poor   hobo   and   did   not   set   great   store   on   money,   which   to   him   was   transient   and   as   quickly   vanishing   as   cloud   and   smoke.   But   his   friends   were   in   dire   straits   and   Dimitri   wanted   to   do   something   for   their   daily   expenses.   At   the   moment   they   had   no   roof   over   their   heads   and   no   place   to   call   home.   Richard,   however,   was   not   worried.    

“Don’t   worry”   he   said.     “We   are   not   picky   and   don’t   need   much.   It’s   not   hard   to   think   of   something   we   can   do   to   feed   ourselves.”     Suddenly,   he   seemed   to   have   hit   upon   a   bright   idea   and   rushed   outside,   coming   back   soon   with   a   large   case   that   obviously   held   some   valuable   musical   instrument.     Knowing   that   Richard’s   business   dealings   had   always   been   somewhat   non-conventional   and   questionable,   his   friends   had   long   learned   to   turn   a   blind   eye   and   not   inquire   too   closely.     He   opened   the   case   and   a   shiny   gold   tenor   saxophone   came   into   view.     He   joined   the   two   separate   parts,   added   a   reed   to   the   mouth   piece   and   handed   it   over   to   Dimitri.     Dimitri   was   greatly   elated   to   find   that   it   was   his   favorite   instrument,   so   familiar   to   him.

“Now   I   get   your   point”   he   said.   “You   think   we   can   play   on   the   streets   and   earn   our   keep   as   street   musicians.   Although   I   used   to   play   the   saxophone   when   I   was   young,   I   haven’t   touched   it   in   decades.     I   don’t   think   we   can   make   a   living   by   it.”     Mr.   Kaffee   threw   a   glance   at   Big-O,   who   was   standing   behind   him.     Big-O   quickly   left   for   their   temple   which   was   just   nearby,   and   soon   returned   with   a   leather   case.

“Why   don’t   you   try?”   suggested   Richard.   “How   could   you   know   if   you   are   good   enough   or   not   without   trying?   Maybe   after   some   practice   you   will   find   you   are   as   good   as   you   ever   were!”   Dimitri’s   two   loyal   servants,   Imagination   and   Creativity,   who   had   been   hiding   inside   his   brain,   also   cajoled   their   master,   saying

“Sire,   why   don’t   you   try   it   out   as   they   want   you   to?     Didn’t   you   tell   us   that   everything   will   be   okay   if   you   just   let   yourself   enter   the   state   of   zero.   Why   don’t   you   enter   the   state   of   zero   and   leave   the   rest   to   us?”     Dimitri   followed   the   advice   of   his   loyal   servants   and   entered   the   state   of   zero.   Taking   up   the   saxophone,   he   began   playing.     He   first   tried   out   some   sounds   and   keys,   playing   the   scales   a   couple   of   times   and   keys   familiarizing   his   fingers.   Then   the   pipe-like   saxophone   puffed   out   strains   of   rich,   zesty   musical   notes.     Mr.   Kaffee   also   opened   up   his   case   and   took   out   a   classical   looking   violin,   whose   lines   were   old   and   simple   and   looked   as   if   it   was   at   least   a   couple   of   centuries   old.   It   was   Mr.   Kaffee’s   favorite   instrument,   one   which   he   never   parted   with   even   at   the   most   stringent   point   of   his   life.   He   tuned   it   and   then   putting   his   bow   to   the   strings   and   using   his   spectacular   technique   played   an   intricate,   flowery   and   luxuriant   Italian   song.   Even   if   the   great   legendary   violinist   Niccole   Paganini   were   still   alive,   he   could   not   have   done   better.   Richard   was   ecstatically   exultant   and   cried,  

“I   also   have   an   instrument.     My   base   guitar   and   Jamaz’s   African   drum   can   provide   great   background   music.     Hey   guys,   we   have   enough   instruments   to   organize   a   band!”     Thus,   this   strange-looking   band,   hastily   put   together   was   born.     But   it   was   already   late,   so   they   practiced   for   a   while   and   decided   to   go   on   the   road   the   next   day   and   begin   their   career   as   street   musicians.

David   opened   his   fuzzy   eyes   and   saw   myriads   of   stars   dotting   the   evening   skies.   The   large   clock   in   the   distance   chimed   four   times,   announcing   to   the   world   that   it   was   4a.m.,   almost   dawn   now.   David   sat   up   in   shock.   He   remembered   coming   to   this   square   the   morning   before   when   the   traffic   was   heavy   and   there   were   lots   of   pedestrians   coming   and   going.   That   meant   he   had   been   sleeping   for   almost   one   whole   day.     He   looked   around   and   confirmed   that   he   had   not   moved   and   was   still   at   the   same   square.      

“Where   is   Dimitri?”   he   wondered.     “He   has   disappeared!   That   blasted   old   dog   just   up   and   left   without   waking   me!”   But   then   he   hysterically   slapped   himself   on   his   cheeks   and   muttered,   “It   was   Dimitri   who   changed   my   life.     He   is   my   savior.   I   should   not   be   foul-mouthing   him   behind   his   back.”       His   heart   gave   a   lurch   when   he   felt   a   cold,   wet   patch   on   the   crotch   of   his   trousers,   but   then   he   remembered   that   last   night   he   once   more   visited   Dimitri’s   Kingdom   of   Dreams   where   he   again   sat   on   King   Dimitri’s   pure   gold   throne.   The   air   was   full   of   wonderful   music   and   an   endless   array   of   the   most   delicious   food   was   brought   before   him.   Beautiful   women   from   all   the   countries   of   the   world   surrounded   him.     They   were   palace   attendants   whose   duty   was   to   see   to   his   every   want.   After   eating   his   fill,   he   had   a   great   time   dancing   with   the   palace   attendants   one   by   one   before   choosing   two   of   them   to   accompany   him   to   the   back   of   the   palace   where   he   was   able   to   fulfill   his   wildest   sexual   fantasies...     “Well   I   suppose   my   cold,   wet   pants   are   proof   of   that   dreamlike   experience.   I   haven’t   had   wet   dreams   for   so   long   that   I   scarcely   remember   the   last   time   I   had   one.     It   must   have   been   years   ago.     I   thought   only   young   men   had   them.     Does   this   mean   that   youth   and   vitality   are   again   back   in   my   withered   and   rickety   body?   I   thought   that   I   had   lived   my   life   in   vain   and   would   never   have   a   second   chance,   as   Lady   Luck   would   never   smile   on   someone   who   picked   cigarette   butts   on   the   streets   all   day.     Who   knew   that   towards   the   terminal   of   my   life   I   was   to   experience   a   surprising   second   revival?   Only   now   do   I   really   understand   what   life   is   all   about.     If   youthfulness   again   visits   this   withered   and   rickety   body   and   I   can   revert   back   again   to   a   young   man,   full   of   vitality,   I   will   not   waste   my   life   like   I   did.   I   will   plan   it   and   then   step   by   step   carry   out   the   plan   in   a   down-to-earth   manner.   But   though   life   can   be   planned,   can   fate   be   experimented   with?   I   don’t   think   so.     The   reason   why   my   life   was   turned   around   was   because   I   met   Dimitri.     He   is   my   savior.     I   should   follow   him   closely.”     David   jumped   to   his   feet   at   the   thought   and   walked   onward   on   the   thoroughfare.     So   early   in   the   morning,   this   huge   metropolis   was   empty   and   desolate.     He   walked   on   aimlessly   searching   for   his   old   friend,   with   one   goal   in   mind,   “So   long   as   Dimitri   is   in   this   world,   I   will   certainly   find   him.     When   I   do,   I   will   follow   him   wherever   he   goes   for   the   rest   of   my   life.”

Noontime   sun   shone   brightly   on   every   corner   of   the   metropolis.     Cars   rushed   by   like   fishes   swimming   freely   in   the   rivers.     Pedestrians   walked   with   quick   steps   busily   seeking   to   fulfill   their   dreams   or   just   making   a   living.   While   David   looked   for   his   old   friend   Dimitri,   he   was   also   busy   searching   the   pavements   for   any   cigarette   butts   he   could   find.     He   had   been   to   all   Dimitri’s   old   haunts,   but   could   find   no   trace   of   him.     Trying   to   find   a   man   in   this   large   metropolis   was   really   like   looking   for   a   needle   in   a   haystack.     Tired,   thirsty   and   hungry,   David   was   just   about   to   sit   down   in   the   shade   of   a   tall   building   to   rest   for   a   while   when   he   caught   sight   of   a   white   box   and   a   bottle   of   water   on   top   of   a   nearby   garbage   can.   His   sixth   sense   and   past   experience   told   him   that   it   was   food.     He   quickly   walked   over,   pounced   on   them   and   opened   the   white   box.     In   it   were   two   sandwiches,   clean   and   untouched,   not   half-eaten   leftovers   thrown   away   by   its   owner.   Too   famished   to   think   of   anything   more,   David   opened   his   mouth   and   fell   to   with   gusto.     Not   taking   time   to   chew   his   food   well,   he   swallowed   large   chunks   of   it   and   choked.   Quickly   opening   the   bottle   of   water,   he   drank   thirstily   and   washed   his   food   down.   In   no   time   he   had   polished   off   the   two   sandwiches   and   burped   in   satisfaction.     He   walked   back   to   the   shade   of   the   tall   building,   lighted   up   a   cigarette   butt   and   leisurely   enjoyed   his   smoke   leaning   back   on   the   pillar,   thinking,   “I   am   really   in   luck.     Just   as   I   was   feeling   tired,   hungry   and   thirsty,   someone   prepared   two   delicious   sandwiches   for   me   and   put   them   right   before   me!   That   was   really,   really   unexpected!     I   never   thought   Lady   Luck   would   smile   at   me!”

Dorna   who   was   standing   at   the   corner   of   the   opposite   side   of   the   street   watched   as   the   homeless   person   took   her   sandwiches   and   ate   ravenously   with   obvious   enjoyment.     Though   disappointed   that   it   was   not   Dimitri,   she   was   happy   that   her   efforts   had   not   gone   to   waste   and   that   she   was   able   to   do   something   for   the   homeless   people.     She   turned   her   bike   around   and   rode   towards   the   lake.     Knowing   that   most   of   the   beauties   were   gathered   at   Novella’s   mansion   these   days,   she   decided   to   join   the   fun   as   she   had   nothing   much   to   do   anyway.     She   was   not   interested   in   trying   on   wedding   gowns   but   did   want   to   find   someone   to   chat   with.   Alas,   unbeknown   to   her,   by   leaving   the   area   she   lost   the   best   clue   of   finding   Dimitri.

  People   intent   on   their   own   business,   walked   quickly   past   David   as   he   sat   in   the   shade   with   his   back   to   the   pillar,   for   homeless   people   sitting   on   the   sidewalks   nodding   off   in   sleep   was   such   a   common   sight   that   no   one   paid   him   any   heed.   David   nodded   off   for   he   knew   not   how   long,   but   strands   of   lively   tenor   saxophone   music   in   the   distance   woke   him   up.     Curious   as   to   what   was   going   on,   he   walked   towards   the   source   of   the   sounds   and   came   upon   a   crowd   of   people   at   the   edge   of   the   square.     He   elbowed   his   way   through   the   crowd   and   to   his   surprise   saw   that   the   musician   playing   enthusiastically   on   the   gold   colored   saxophone   was   his   savior   Dimitri!   He   also   recognized   the   man   playing   African   drums   was   Jamaz,   and   the   base   guitarist   was   Richard,   both   of   whom   he   was   familiar   with.   After   a   while   he   got   to   know   the   violinist   Mr.   Kaffee   and   the   security   guy   Big-O   and   was   given   the   job   of   taking   in   the   money   thrown   down   by   the   audience.   David   was   soon   squatting   on   the   ground   busily   collecting   the   bills   and   thrusting   them   into   his   bosom   for   safe-keeping,   while   throwing   the   coins   into   a   tin   box   before   him   until   he   had   quite   a   high   pile   of   them.     Then   when   the   sun   was   setting   and   the   impromptu   performance   ended,   they   calculated   their   first   day’s   takings   and   happily   found   that   it   was   not   a   bad   haul.     The   first   thing   they   bought   with   the   money   was   cheap   whiskey   and   then   used   the   remainder   to   buy   meat   and   other   food.   Upon   leaving   the   store,   Jamaz   snatched   up   a   bottle   of   whiskey,   opened   it   and   started   guzzling   down   the   liquor.

“Hey,   old   pal,   don’t   start   just   yet”   said   Richard.   “Wait   till   the   meat   is   cooked   and   then   eat   and   drink   the   two   together.   Won’t   that   be   more   fun?”   Jamaz   wiped   his   mouth   with   the   back   of   his   hand,   hiccupped   and   then   sighed,   saying

“Can’t   wait.     The   liquor   worms   in   my   stomach   are   clamoring.   I   have   worked   hard   on   the   drums   for   hours   and   think   this   tired   body   of   mine   has   earned   the   right   to   be   compensated!”

“You’re   right.     You’re   right”   agreed   Mr.   Kaffee.   “Go   on   and   drink   as   much   as   you   want.   You   can   drink   till   you   drop!”   Dimitri   did   not   have   a   great   capacity   for   liquor;   nor   did   he   need   a   lot   of   food,   but   he   was   very   happy   to   see   his   friends   in   such   good   mood   and   the   group   of   them   walked   on   in   high   spirits   towards   the   only   gathering   place   they   had   –   the   deserted   and   overgrown   rose   garden.   On   the   surface,   a   group   of   homeless   people   gathering   together   to   eat   and   drink   is   not   unusual.     But   quite   often   unusual   things   happen   under   quite   normal   circumstances.

The   tall,   majestic   and   intricately   carved   front   gate   was   tightly   closed,   but   the   side   door   was   open.     Dorna   pushed   her   bicycle   through   it   and   waved   at   Yolanda,   who   was   on   duty   that   day   at   the   lodge.   Yolanda   was   an   elderly   woman   nearing   sixty,   with   very   intelligent   eyes   and   was   a   trusted   aid   to   her   mistress.   She   smiled   and   waved   her   through.   Because   Novella,   the   mistress   of   the   mansion,   was   preparing   for   her   elaborate   wedding,   a   dozen   or   so   of   her   intimate   companions   had   moved   in   with   her   to   keep   her   company   and   help   in   whatever   way   they   could.     The   increase   of   inhabitants   naturally   meant   a   lot   more   foot   traffic   in   and   out   of   the   house,   so   Yolanda   memorized   the   faces   of   the   beauties   who   had   moved   in   and   let   them   pass   through   freely   without   calling   for   verification.   Dorna   was   one   of   the   beauties   so   she   had   free   access.     The   long   driveway   before   her   was   shaded   by   tall   trees   and   had   been   swept   clean   of   all   fallen   leaves   and   dry   twigs,   so   Dorna   got   on   her   bicycle   and   rode   on.   This   was   a   huge   mansion.     To   the   left   of   the   driveway   were   the   mini   golf   course,   tennis   court   and   swimming   pool.     Beside   them   was   the   gym   and   Jacuzzi.   Anything   that   was   needed   to   keep   a   healthy   life   style   was   all   there.     Underground   was   a   large   parking   lot   with   the   capacity   of   parking   at   least   thirty   to   forty   cars.   To   the   right   of   the   driveway   was   the   large,   professionally   manicured   garden   where   myriads   of   multi-colored   flowers   large   and   small   bloomed.   The   trees   and   floral   displays   looked   all   the   more   picturesque   and   luxuriant   in   spring   under   the   warm   and   brilliant   sunshine.     Dorna   was   perplexed   because   it   was   so   quiet.     Normally   there   were   always   a   few   of   the   beauties   strolling   or   sitting   around   the   garden   talking   and   laughing   with   each   other.   But   today   there   was   an   unusual   stillness,   a   hushed   silence.     Just   then   she   saw   an   old,   bent   figure   emerge   from   the   trees   and   flower   bed.     It   was   an   old   man   with   white   hair,   white   eye-brows   and   a   long   white   beard,   Novella’s   trusted   old   retainer   whose   family   had   served   hers   for   generations.   Dorna   knew   him   but   could   not   remember   his   name.   The   old   man   was   old   and   had   long   retired,   no   longer   responsible   for   the   odds   and   ends   of   estate   management.     Actually   he   was   Yolanda’s   father   and   had   watched   Novella   grow   up   and   she   always   treated   him   as   a   faithful   and   trusted   family   servant.     Now   that   he   was   old   and   had   retired,   Novella   let   him   stay   on   at   the   small   cottage   at   the   edge   of   the   garden   where   he   could   live   out   the   remainder   of   his   life   in   peace   and   comfort   and   pass   the   time   working   among   the   trees   and   flowers   at   will.   Dorna   waved   at   him   and   the   old   man   bowed   his   bent   body   politely   in   salute.   Dorna   increased   the   speed   of   her   bicycle   and   soon   passed   the   fountain   with   its   multi-swishing,   crisscrossing   jets   of   water.     She   stopped   at   the   front   door,   jumping   off   her   bicycle   in   a   graceful   and   agile   movement.  

Dorna   agilely   and   gracefully   got   off   her   bike,   parked   it   and   took   little   Maureen   out   of   the   basket.   She   set   it   on   the   ground   so   that   it   could   move   around   freely.   Maureen   was   very   curious   about   the   new   environment   it   found   itself   in,   so   it   ran   happily   around   sniffing   inquisitively   at   places   that   aroused   its   interest.   Just   then   a   tall,   slim   figure   stepped   out   the   door.     Dorna   was   happy   to   see   that   it   was   the   famous   ballerina   Natalie,   who   stepped   into   the   sunshine   and   waved   at   Dorna   saying,

“Hi,   Dorna!   How   are   you?     Haven’t   seen   you   for   two   days.     How’ve   you   been   doing?”

“Hi,   Natalie”   said   Dorna,   wiping   perspiration   from   her   forehead.   “How   are   you?     Why   haven’t   I   seen   any   of   the   others   around?   Where   have   they   gone   to?”     Natalie   walked   over   to   Dorna,   wearing   the   leotard   she   usually   put   on   during   her   dancing   practice   and   plain   white   tennis   shoes   on   her   feet   instead   of   her   ballet   shoes.   When   she   saw   a   cute,   pudgy   cock   spaniel   with   a   coat   of   shiny,   long   black   fur   and   two   long   ears   running   out   from   behind   the   water   fountain,   she   stooped   down   and   opened   her   arms   as   if   to   embrace   it,   cooing,

“You   must   be   that   clever   little   dog   Maureen…”     Maureen   ambled   over   barking,   as   if   to   say,   “You’re   right.     That’s   me…     How   did   you   know   my   name?”   Then   it   jumped   into   Natalie’s   arms.     Carrying   Maureen   in   her   arms,   Natalie   stood   up   and   put   her   finger   to   her   lips,   saying,   “Sh-sh-sh.     Don’t   bark.     You   will   wake   the   others…”

“How   did   you   know   its   name   is   Maureen?”   asked   Dorna   greatly   surprised.

“I   not   only   know   its   name   is   Maureen,   I   even   know   its   mistress   is   called   Charina,   a   well-known   writer”   replied   Natalie   smiling   mysteriously.     “I   even   know   that   Charina   is   the   newest   member   of   our   Kingdom,   the   25th   beauty.     Am   I   right?”

“What?”   cried   Dorna,   her   eyes   opened   wide   in   amazement.   “How   come   you   know   everything?     Do   you   have   a   crystal   ball   like   the   gypsies   and   can   tell   the   past   and   the   future?”   Natalie   giggled   in   glee   at   Dorna’s   dumbfounded   look.

“Of   course   not”   she   said,   and   nodded   towards   the   parking   lot.     Dorna   looked   over   and   saw   that   among   the   few   cars   that   were   parked   there   was   one   which   belonged   to   Angelica.   “Angelica   came   over   early   in   the   morning”   continued   Natalie   “and   told   us   everything   that   happened   at   Aisha’s   house.     How   else   could   I   have   known?   Also   Samantha   just   called   and   said   that   she   would   be   coming   here   later   on   and   bring   the   famous   writer   Charina   with   her   to   introduce   us   to   the   newest   member   of   our   Kingdom   and   the   25th   beauty.”

“So   that’s   what   happened!”   exclaimed   Dorna.   “Since   Angelica   is   here,   where   is   she?     Also   where   are   the   other   beauties?     Why   aren’t   any   of   them   about?”

“Lotus   took   Angelica   to   the   back   to   look   at   the   flowers   and   talk   about   floral   decorations   for   the   wedding   banquet.”   Dorna   nodded.     Then   she   thought   of   something   and   asked,

“Just   now   you   told   Maureen   not   to   bark   or   else   she   would   wake   the   others.     What’s   that   all   about?     It’s   almost   noon   now.     Are   the   beauties   still   sleeping?”

“That’s   a   long   story”   sighed   Natalie.   “It   just   happened   early   this   morning,   so   of   course   you   couldn’t   have   known…   Why   don’t   you   and   I   walk   over   to   the   flower   gardens?   Lotus,   Angelica   and   I   will   update   you   on   the   most   recent   happenings.”

At   four   o’clock   in   the   morning,   the   skies   were   still   dark.   Darkness   spread   out   continuously,   coloring   the   skies   into   deep   somber   hues   of   dark   blue,   ornamented   only   by   a   few   scattered   stars.     Dim   flickering   path   lights   shone   on   the   narrow   paths   leading   into   depth   of   the   large,   dark   garden.     Lotus,   the   beauty   gentle   as   the   full   moon,   was   dressed   plainly   like   a   peasant   girl   in   cotton   shirt   and   skirt   and   rubber   boots.   With   an   umbrella   in   one   hand   and   a   flashlight   in   the   other,   she   was   slowly   walking   on   the   narrow   path,   inspecting   the   flower   beds.     Sometimes,   she   would   walk   into   the   beds,   turn   on   her   flashlight   and   scrutinize   the   growth   of   a   plant   or   flower,   snatching   away   the   occasional   slug   or   snail   that   dared   to   venture   out   under   cover   of   darkness   and   feast   on   her   precious   plants.   She   knew   exacting   where   the   flower   buds   ready   to   burst   into   bloom   were   and   which   flowers   were   faded,   drooping   and   about   to   fall   onto   the   soil.   Though   she   could   not   enumerate   the   exact   number   of   flowers   in   the   garden,   she   knew   that   the   number   of   budding   and   blooming   flowers   far   exceeded   the   fading   and   withering   ones.   The   whole   garden   exuded   an   aura   of   thriving   and   flourishing   growth,   which   greatly   comforted   her.     Gentle   breeze   ruffled   her   long,   soft,   black   hair   as   if   telling   of   her   happiness   and   satisfaction.   Thus   she   walked   along   the   paths   before   the   break   of   dawn,   using   the   flashlight   to   inspect   her   beloved   flower   beds   and   soon   found   that   she   had   made   more   than   half   a   round   of   the   large   garden.     Just   then   the   automatic   sprinkler   came   on.   Alerted   by   the   timer,   a   number   of   water   nozzles,   some   taller   than   the   others,   raised   their   heads   from   the   soil.     They   had   been   strategically   placed   and   designed   to   cover   every   inch   of   the   garden   and   were   timed   to   gush   out   sprays   of   water   as   scheduled.     In   the   dim   light,   thin   crisscrossing   streams   of   water   soon   covered   the   garden   with   a   cloud   of   misty   water   particles   that   drenched   and   inundated   the   area,   presenting   an   almost   mystic,   and   fairy   land   world.   Lotus   opened   her   umbrella   and   turned   on   her   flashlight   to   finish   her   inspection   of   the   rest   of   the   garden   before   taking   shelter   in   a   straw   hut   by   the   edge   of   the   garden.   The   humble   straw   hut   at   the   edge   of   the   meticulously   manicured   garden   gave   it   a   rustic   touch,   quite   similar   to   Lotus’   homeland,   so   she   often   loved   to   come   here   to   rest   and   while   away   the   time.   Suddenly   she   was   startled   to   see   a   figure   running   towards   the   shed   from   the   misty   and   watery   garden,   but   seeing   that   it   was   someone   slim   and   agile,   she   figured   it   must   be   one   of   the   beauties,   so   she   called   out,

“Who’s   there?     Come   over   here   and   get   out   of   the   rain”   and   then   turned   on   her   flashlight   to   illuminate   the   way.     Hearing   Lotus’   voice   and   seeing   the   light,   the   figure   rushed   over   and   dashed   into   the   hut.   It   was   the   famous   ballerina   Natalie.     Lotus   who   was   quiet   and   serene   as   the   full   moon   smiled   and   handed   her   handkerchief   over   to   Natalie   saying,   “Wipe   away   the   water   from   your   face,   hair   and   arms   or   you   would   catch   a   cold.”     Natalie   gratefully   took   the   handkerchief   offered   to   her   and   did   as   she   was   told,   saying,

“It   was   a   fine   starry   night   when   I   started   out   of   the   house.     How   come   it   began   to   rain   all   of   a   sudden?”     Lotus   pointed   towards   the   garden   and   said   smilingly,

“Look   closely.     Is   that   rain?”   Natalie   looked   at   the   misty   night   outside   and   couldn’t   help   laughing.     She   stopped   wiping   her   face   and   holding   the   wet   handkerchief   in   her   hand   she   looked   carefully   at   the   scene   outside   the   straw   hut,   saying,   “I   don’t   normally   come   out   to   the   garden   this   early   in   the   morning,   so   I   didn’t   know   the   sprinkler   system   comes   on   at   this   time.”

“So   what   happy   event   made   you   dash   out   this   early   into   the   garden   then?”   asked   Lotus.  

“It   was   nothing   special,   really…”   replied   Natalie,   smiling   shyly.   “I   had   problems   sleeping   last   night.     In   fact   I   didn’t   sleep   all   night   and   suddenly   thought   of   White   Fairy   and   her   ethereal   figure   dancing   amidst   the   flowers.   I   got   up   impulsively   and   thought   about   going   into   the   garden   and   dance   among   the   flowers   like   she   did.     I   just   danced   for   a   little   while   when   it   started   to   rain.     No,   no…   when   the   automatic   sprinkler   system   came   on…     Why   are   you   up   so   early   and   walking   about   the   garden?”     Lotus   sighed   and   said,

“I   came   to   see   how   the   flowers   were   doing.     I   want   Novella   to   have   the   best   floral   arrangements   possible   for   her   wedding   banquet,   but   in   order   to   do   so   I   need   a   lot   of   fresh   flowers.   The   garden   here   produces   a   lot   of   them   but   it   would   still   be   far   from   enough.     Angelica   said   I   could   pick   whatever   I   wanted   from   her   garden.     I   went   over   to   see   what   was   there   and   found   that   even   if   I   took   all   of   hers,   it   still   wasn’t   enough.     So   I   was   worried   about   this   and   couldn’t   sleep   either…”

“Couldn’t   you   buy   good   quality   ones   from   the   nurseries   and   flower   markets?”   asked   Natalie.

“Of   course   I   could”   replied   Lotus.     “That’s   doable,   too.     But   I   thought   that   if   all   the   flowers   were   produced   by   the   gardens   of   the   bride,   it   would   be   extra   special   and   meaningful…”

“How   many   flowers   do   you   need?     The   numbers   should   be   staggering   if   the   total   is   more   than   what   two   gardens   could   produce.”

“I   don’t   know   exactly   how   many   I   would   need.     Novella   is   the   first   among   us   to   marry,   so   I   wanted   to   make   it   extra   special.     So   many   VIP   guests   have   been   invited   that   the   banquet   site   is   huge.     I   want   the   place   to   be   decorated   with   masses   and   masses   of   fresh   flowers   as   if   it   were   an   indoor   garden   or   you   could   say   as   if   it   were   located   in   a   sea   of   flowers.     Then   the   guests   would   have   the   extraordinary   feeling   that   they   were   surrounded   by   flowers.   Just   think   of   a   candlelit   table   amidst   myriads   of   fragrant   blossoms.     Won’t   that   be   a   scene   to   remember   and   make   them   feel   as   if   they   were   in   heaven   instead   of   in   this   mundane   world   of   ours?     On   top   of   it   all,   bubbly   champagne   in   tall   crystal   wine   glasses,   shiny   expensive   silver   utensils   uniformly   laid   out,   plates   full   of   the   tastiest   food,   wonderful   music   floating   in   the   air   and   couples   dancing   on   the   dancing   floor…   Wouldn’t   that   create   never-to-be-forgotten   impressions   and   memories   in   the   mind   of   the   guests?”

“Wow!”   exclaimed   Natalie.     “Your   plan   blows   my   mind   away!     But   to   realize   it   would   not   be   easy,   if   not   impossible….   I   think…   I   think   I   know   of   someone   who   could   help   you   realize   it   though…”

“Really?   Who   would   that   be?”asked   Lotus.

“White   Fairy!”   replied   Natalie

“Oh!   Why   did   you   think   of   her   all   of   a   sudden?”

“Have   you   forgotten   that   ballet   “The   Bear   and   the   Flower”   that   King   Dimitri   wrote,   directed   and   choreographed?”   asked   Natalie.     “In   the   second   scene,   it   was   written   that   “When   the   first   rays   of   dawn   flashed   across   the   skies,   it   was   the   time   when   the   Flower   Fairy   was   born.     A   sea   of   exuberant   flowers   raised   their   voices   to   the   skies   to   hail   the   birth   of   their   new-born   fairy.”     That   Flower   Fairy   was   the   incarnation   of   White   Fairy.   I   am   sure   she   would   be   able   to   help   you.   Isn’t   the   sea   of   flowers   mentioned   in   the   ballet   similar   to   the   decorations   you   envisioned   for   the   wedding   banquet?   That’s   why   I   thought   of   her.   Also   I   was   out   there   in   the   garden   just   now   trying   to   emulate   the   Flower   Fairy’s   wonderfully   graceful   and   elegant   dancing…”

“But   White   Fairy   is   far   away   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams”   said   Lotus.     “How   can   she   come   to   the   mundane   world   in   time   to   help   me?”

“Don’t   forget   what   King   Dimitri   often   told   us.     He   said   that   dreams   are   a   part   of   reality.   In   fact   it   is   an   extension   of   the   real   world.   You   can   say   there   is   no   boundary   between   dreams   and   reality,   so   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   exists   inside   the   real   world.     So   long   as   there   are   dreams   in   your   heart,   those   dreams   can   be   realized.     I’m   sure   you   still   remember   King   Dimitri’s   words…”

Miracles   do   happen.   A   wisp   of   light   smoke   suddenly   flew   out   of   the   mystic,   fairy   land   world   covered   by   a   cloud   of   misty   water   particles,   as   if   it   was   a   small   part   of   that   miraculous   world   which   had   decided   to   separate   itself   from   the   whole   and   flew   swiftly   towards   the   straw   hut   by   the   edge   of   the   garden.     Lotus   and   Natalie   were   so   taken   aback   by   this   sudden   turn   of   events   that   their   mouths   opened   in   astonishment   and   they   completely   lost   the   power   of   speech.     The   wisp   of   light   smoke   flew   right   into   the   straw   hut   and   changed   into   human   form.     It   was   no   other   than   White   Fairy.     Lotus   and   Natalie   shrieked   in   joy   and   surprise   and   the   three   of   them   came   together   in   a   tight   embrace.   They   had   been   companions   closer   than   sisters   and   were   elated   to   be   reunited   again   after   a   long   separation.   Lotus   was   moved   to   happy   tears   and   it   was   a   while   before   they   calmed   down   and   separated.

“Oh   White   Fairy,   we   haven’t   seen   you   for   such   a   long   time.     You   can’t   imagine   how   we   have   missed   you!”   said   Natalie.     “How   come   you   are   here   today?”     White   Fairy   combed   her   tussled   long   hair   with   her   fingers,   took   a   deep   breath   and   replied,

“I   first   went   to   the   back   yard   of   Dream-maker’s   Bakery.     Then   I   tried   the   women’s   dorm   next   door,   but   found   them   both   empty   and   abandoned.   I   flew   around   the   area   trying   to   find   some   clue   as   to   your   whereabouts,   but   could   not   find   any.   Just   a   moment   ago   I   flew   over   this   garden   and   was   attracted   by   the   straw   hut.     Then   I   looked   closer   and   saw   two   figures   under   it   that   looked   familiar   so   I   decided   to   fly   down   and   see   what’s   going   on…     You   just   asked   why   I   am   here   today,   right?     Medusa   sent   me   to   find   King   Dimitri   to   report   some   good   news   to   him.   But   I   looked   everywhere   and   could   find   no   trace   of   him   anywhere.     Do   you   have   any   information   I   could   use?   But   I   am   sure   you   are   in   contact   with   Queen   Aisha.     I   think   it   would   be   the   same   if   I   reported   the   good   news   to   her.”   Even   the   normally   silent   Lotus   was   moved   to   words   and   said,

“Look   at   you!   You   are   perspiring   all   over!   What’s   the   good   news   that   you   are   in   such   a   hurry   to   report?     Tell   us   and   let   us   be   happy   too.”

“Yes,”   prompted   Natalie   excitedly.     “Tell   us!   Tell   us!   Don’t   keep   us   in   suspense!”

“It’s   great   news!”   said   the   White   Fairy.     “King   Zeus   actually   granted   our   request   to   dredge   up   the   magnificent   gold   palace   from   the   bottom   of   the   lake   and   place   it   at   its   old   site   on   Giant   Mountain.     The   gold   palace   can   again   see   the   light   of   day   and   sparkle   bright   and   shiny   under   the   sun.     Isn’t   that   great   news?”

“Really?”   exclaimed   Natalie.   “That   King   Zeus   was   so   jealous   of   our   pure   gold   palace   that   sparkled   and   shone   brighter   under   the   sun   than   his   bronze   one   in   the   Seventh   Heaven,   that   he   ordered   King   Dimitri   to   destroy   the   palace.     King   Dimitri   first   mobilized   his   whole   Kingdom   to   coat   the   palace   in   iron   to   cover   its   brilliance   and   then   had   to   resort   to   a   hurricane   and   tsunami   to   topple   the   gold   palace   to   the   bottom   of   our   Sun   Moon   Lake.   I   heard   that   King   Dimitri   almost   lost   his   life   in   that   endeavor.   Why   has   King   Zeus   changed   his   mind   and   is   allowing   the   gold   palace   to   be   dredged   up   and   see   the   light   of   day   again?”

“Right,   “said   Lotus.   “Isn’t   that   treating   all   this   as   a   joke?   Like   children   playing   house?   What   really   happened?”

“Yes,   it   is”   sighed   White   Fairy.   “To   make   this   long   story   short   I’ll   try   to   summarize   it   in   a   few   words.   Recently,   King   Zeus   became   addicted   to   the   wine   I   make   out   of   a   hundred   flowers,   so   he   often   summoned   me   to   the   Seventh   Heaven   to   make   it   for   him.   I   got   tired   of   making   those   long   trips,   so   I   suggested   teaching   his   twin   daughters   Charmaine   and   Clementine   how   to   brew   the   wine   so   he   could   enjoy   it   whenever   he   wanted   to.   He   was   happy   to   agree   and   that   of   course   let   me   off   the   hook   forever,   as   once   the   two   of   them   knew   how   to   brew   the   wine   I   would   never   have   to   go   back   there   again.     One   afternoon   while   the   three   of   us   were   resting   between   the   work   of   wine-making,   we   somehow   got   to   talking   about   the   gold   palace.     I   said   that   the   gold   palace   was   so   magnificent   and   was   the   culmination   of   thousands   of   years   of   human   civilization   and   technology   and   also   lamented   that   it   was   such   a   waste   to   let   it   sink   to   the   bottom   of   the   lake.     Charmaine   agreed   and   said   that   it   was   she   who   falsified   Father   Zeus’   command   and   ordered   celestial   artists   and   workers   to   go   down   to   earth   and   finish   building   the   gold   palace   within   one   night.   She   also   thought   it   a   waste   to   let   the   gold   palace   remain   in   the   water   forever.   The   two   sisters   decided   they   would   talk   their   heavenly   father   Zeus   into   rescinding   his   command   and   let   the   gold   palace   resurface   again.     At   first   they   did   not   succeed   for   King   Zeus   stubbornly   refused   to   reconsider.     But   the   two   of   them   did   not   despair   and   broached   the   subject   again   and   again   attempting   to   wear   down   their   father’s   resistance   over   time   by   never   giving   up.     Finally   seeing   that   their   strategy   was   not   working,   they   decided   to   change   to   hard-line   tactics   and   use   threat   as   well   as   cajoling.     They   told   their   father   that   if   he   did   not   agree   to   their   request   they   and   White   Fairy   would   stop   making   the   wine   for   him   and   he   could   never   have   his   favorite   drink   again.   You   know   King   Zeus   is   a   glutton,   a   lover   of   good   food   and   wine   and   Charmaine   and   Clementine   are   the   apples   of   his   eye,   whom   he   could   not   live   without,   so   in   the   end   he   relented   and   allowed   the   gold   palace   to   be   brought   up   from   the   bottom   of   the   lake.   It   was   just   that   simple!”

“This   is   really   ridiculous”   sighed   Lotus   shaking   her   head.   “I   don’t   know   whether   to   laugh   or   cry.”

“Yes,   it’s   really   like   a   farce…”     The   three   of   them   looked   at   each   other   and   burst   out   laughing.     White   Fairy   stood   up   to   go   and   said,

“Well,   I   have   told   you   the   good   news.     Day   is   breaking   and   the   sun   will   be   up   soon,   so   I   had   better   leave   now   and   go   about   my   business.”

“Hey,   wait   a   second”   said   Natalie   pulling   at   White   Fairy’s   hand.     Lotus   has   a   favor   to   ask   of   you.”

“A   favor   from   me?”     Turning   her   questioning   eyes   to   Lotus,   she   asked,   “What   can   I   do   for   you?”   So   Lotus   told   her   the   whole   story   in   detail   and   revealed   her   grand   plan   for   the   wedding   banquet,   adding

“We   need   fresh   flowers   to   decorate   the   wedding   banquet,   but   have   no   way   of   getting   such   a   huge   amount   of   good   quality   ones.     I   was   just   worrying   about   what   to   do.”

“I   see   I   must   congratulate   you   all”   said   White   Fairy   her   face   lighting   up   in   happiness   and   excitement.     “Finally   all   of   you   are   getting   your   wish   to   formally   marry   King   Dimitri   in   a   group   wedding…     I   must   go   back   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   as   soon   as   possible   and   let   all   the   loyal   subjects   know   these   happy   tidings…”     But   then   her   expression   changed   and   she   seemed   somehow   ashamed   and   saddened.     Natalie   and   Lotus   both   knew   all   about   her   intimate   relationship   with   Medusa,   so   they   did   not   say   anything.

  “I   think   that   Medusa   and   I   would   not   be   able   to   come   to   your   wedding”   said   White   Fairy…but   we   would   like   to   give   you   a   wedding   present…I   would   like   to   present   you   with   100,000   fresh   flowers   as   our   wedding   gift   to   all   of   you.     Would   that   be   enough?”     Exclaiming   with   great   emotion,   Lotus   and   Natalie   jumped   up   and   each   held   one   of   White   Fairy’s   hand   which   they   shook   with   excitement   and   joy.

“That’s   just   great”   exclaimed   Lotus.   “I   knew   that   you   were   the   one   to   ask.     You   are   the   Flower   Fairy   in   charge   of   all   the   flowers   and   see   that   they   bloomed   at   the   right   season.   Just   imagine   100,000   flowers!   That’s   more   than   enough!”     White   Fairy   looked   at   the   misty   garden   outside   the   straw   hut   and   said,  

“I’m   afraid   that   the   branches   of   the   trees   and   bushes   out   there   cannot   withstand   the   weight   of   100,000   flowers.   Let’s   do   it   this   way.     Starting   from   today   when   the   first   flush   of   dawn   breaks   in   the   skies,   I   will   order   one   third   of   the   100,000   flowers   to   bloom   in   this   garden.   This   will   go   on   for   three   days   and   you   will   have   all   100,000   flowers.   You   must   organize   gardeners   to   cut   them   at   their   prime   early   in   the   morning   and   store   them   properly.     I   guarantee   that   they   will   remain   fresh   for   ten   days…That’s   it   then.     I   have   to   leave   now   and   bring   the   glad   tidings   to   all   the   people   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.”     Saying   so,   she   turned   back   to   a   wisp   of   smoke   and   flew   into   the   night   skies.   Lotus   and   Natalie   watched   as   the   wisp   of   smoke   flew   farther   and   farther   away   until   it   was   out   of   sight   altogether.     At   the   same   time   they   noticed   that   day   was   breaking  

and   the   first   flush   of   dawn   lit   up   the   morning   skies.     They   seemed   to   hear   joyous   sounds   of   flowers   near   and   far   hailing   their   Flower   Fairy   and   celebrating   their   birth   into   this   garden.     Lotus   and   Natalie   turned   their   eyes   back   to   the   garden   around   them   and   saw   to   their   amazement   that   myriads   of   multi-colored   flowers   of   all   sizes   and   shapes   were   blooming   on   all   the   trees   and   branches.     Each   and   every   flower   represented   a   brand   new   idea.

Standing   by   the   porch,   Dorna   looked   towards   the   large   garden   and   saw   that   in   the   distance   there   were   lots   of   gardeners   busily   cutting   down   the   flowers.   Then   there   were   others   who   carefully   sorted   them   out   by   species,   bound   them   into   bunches   and   then   put   them   into   carts   which   took   them   to   the   cool   underground   parking   lot.   There   was   water   supply   there   and   humidifiers,   which   could   keep   the   blossoms   moist   and   cool.  

“Everything   is   going   according   to   schedule”   said   Dorna.   “All   seems   fine,   so   why   are   you   sighing   and   looking   so   miserable?”   Natalie   arms   seemed   to   be   aching,   so   she   put   little   Maureen   down   to   the   ground   and   exclaimed

“Hey,   you   are   no   light   weight,   Maureen!   You   can   walk   by   yourself,   but   don’t   wander   far,   keep   within   our   sight.”     Turning   to   Dorna,   she   added,   “Just   now   I   just   told   you   half   of   what   was   happening.     There’s   still   the   other   half.     Don’t   be   impatient,   I’ll   tell   you   the   rest.”     Saying   so,   they   continued   talking   and   walking   towards   the   flower   garden.

The   wisp   of   light   smoke,   personification   of   the   White   Fairy,   flew   farther   and   farther   away   until   it   blended   completely   into   the   first   light   of   dawn.     Natalie   felt   an   indescribable   melancholy   rise   in   her   heart.     She   was   remembering   the   time   when   King   Dimitri   directed   and   choreographed   the   ballet   “The   Bear   and   the   Flower.”   In   one   of   the   scenes,   the   Flower   Fairy,   incarnation   of   White   Fairy,   was   born.   It   could   be   said   that   it   was   King   Dimitri   who   created   White   Fairy   and   gave   her   life.     But   now   she   had   decided   to   go   her   own   separate   way   and   live   her   life   according   to   her   own   free   will,   choosing   her   own   destination   and   happiness…   Lotus,   on   the   other   hand,   was   happily   dashing   in   and   out   of   the   flower   beds,   carefully   examining   the   colors   and   shapes   of   the   newly   born   blossoms,   silently   designing   in   her   head   the   floral   arrangements   she   would   be   creating   in   the   banquet   hall.   Suddenly   the   harsh   and   piercing   noise   of   glass   shattering,   the   loud   crash   of   heavy   objects   falling   to   the   ground,   mixed   with   distressed   cries   and   shouts   rent   the   calm,   serene   silence   of   the   dawn.

“Oh   my   gosh!”   cried   Natalie   in   distress.     “It   must   be   Amalia   acting   up   again!   I’ve   noticed   that   in   these   last   few   days   her   actions   have   become   more   and   more   abnormal   and   weird.   Last   night   when   we   were   all   in   bed,   she   suddenly   turned   on   all   the   lights   so   the   whole   house   became   brightly   lit   from   top   to   bottom.     Then   she   knocked   on   every   bedroom   doors   shouting   loudly,   “Hey!     It’s   day   time,   girls.     Lazybones,   it’s   time   to   get   up!   Why   are   you   still   in   bed?     You   sleep   from   morning   till   night.     Isn’t   that   enough,   you   sluggards?   Up!     Up!     Get   up   at   once!”   It   was   like   that   several   times   last   night,   so   none   of   us   was   able   to   get   any   rest…   As   I   couldn’t   sleep   anyway   with   Amalia   acting   up,   I   decided   to   get   up,   go   to   the   garden,   and   try   out   some   of   White   Fairy’s   dance   steps   as   well   as   some   of   my   own   which   had   gotten   rusty   with   lack   of   practice.     The   way   it’s   going,   I’m   afraid   Amalia’s   condition   is   going   from   bad   to   worse…   Sheila   and   Yoko   have   really   done   a   spectacular   job   of   taking   care   of   Amalia,   silently   enduring   a   lot   of   hardship   and   inconvenience   without   complaint.   I   don’t   see   how   we   are   to   resolve   this   in   the   long   run…”

“Oh   yes,”   agreed   Lotus.     “These   two   have   endured   a   lot   and   you   can   see   they   have   dark   circles   beneath   their   eyes   all   the   time   because   of   overwork   and   lack   of   sleep.   Sheila   told   me   that   Amalia   has   been   very   destructive   recently.     She   used   to   love   flowers,   so   they   kept   the   vases   in   her   room   filled   with   fresh   flowers.   Nowadays   she   would   get   up   stealthily   at   night,   pull   the   flowers   out   of   the   vases,   and   snap   the   stems   in   two.     Then   she   would   pull   off   the   petals   of   the   blossoms   and   scatter   them   all   over   the   floor,   creating   a   big   mess.     They   spend   a   lot   of   time   every   day   cleaning   up   after   her,   so   Sheila   bought   some   beautiful,   realistic-looking   silk   and   plastic   flowers   to   put   in   the   vases,   thinking   Amalia   would   not   be   able   to   snap   them   in   two   or   tear   off   the   petals.     But   that   night,   Amalia   took   the   vases   to   the   faucet   and   filled   them   with   water!   After   a   while   she   would   pour   out   all   the   water   and   later   refilled   them.   She   spent   the   whole   night   doing   that,   preventing   others   from   getting   any   rest   at   all…   All   the   beauties   are   loving   souls.     I   think   that   in   the   future   we   should   all   take   turns   taking   care   of   Amalia.     There   are   quite   a   few   of   us,   so   it   should   work   out.   It   is   not   fair   to   burden   Sheila   and   Yoko   with   all   the   work…   But,   Novella’s   grand   wedding   is   drawing   near.   I   hope   and   pray   that   everything   will   run   smoothly   and   nothing   untoward   would   happen   to   mar   the   event…     Well,   I   think   we   had   better   go   back   to   the   house   and   see   what’s   happening   there…”

“I   really   respect   Sheila   and   Yoko   a   lot”   said   Natalie.     “The   two   of   them   are   so   kind-hearted,   devoted,   faithful   and   loyal.     Yoko   was   abandoned   at   birth   and   taken   in   by   Amalia,   who   literally   brought   her   up,   so   Yoko   treats   Amalia   like   a   mother   or   grandmother.   As   for   Sheila,   we   all   know   her   tragic   history.   When   she   was   rescued   from   the   clutches   of   the   barbarian   tribes   by   Amalia   and   brought   back   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   we   all   saw   that   she   was   a   cripple   with   one   leg   shorter   than   the   other   and   limped   very   badly.     Amalia   had   magic   powers   which   could   be   used   once   and   once   only.     She   originally   meant   to   use   that   once   in   a   lifetime   magic   power   to   cure   her   only   son   of   his   blindness,   but   she   had   lost   track   of   him   since   he   was   a   boy;   while   here   right   before   her   eyes   was   a   poor   girl   that   needed   her   help.   Out   of   the   goodness   of   her   heart,   Amalia   used   her   magic   powers   to   cure   Sheila.     She   first   shrank   the   girl’s   body   to   the   size   of   a   finger   and   swallowed   her   whole,   feeling   her   pass   through   her   abdomen   and   reach   her   womb.   There   she   was   made   whole   and   reborn   into   the   world   with   a   new   body.     Sheila   was   unique   in   being   the   only   person   in   the   whole   world   to   go   back   to   the   womb   and   be   reborn   again.   She   had   been   reborn,   normal   and   complete   in   every   respect,   including   her   virginity,   which   had   been   so   savagely   taken   away   by   gangsters.     Her   legs   were   long,   straight   and   even,   to   help   her   face   a   normal   life   (see     Book   1   The   Dream   Maker).     Because   of   all   this,   Yoko   and   Sheila   have   taken   care   of   the   old   lady   selflessly   and   without   complaint   through   thick   and   thin   all   these   years,.   They   were   always   by   her   side,   taking   good   care   of   her,   reciprocating   her   kindness   and   favor   by   selfless   devotion.     Their   loyalty   and   selflessness   has   made   me   respect   and   love   them   more   than   ever…”

“Yes”   said   Lotus   after   a   pregnant   pause.   “I   feel   the   same   as   you   do.   I   often   ponder   over   the   reason   why   we   humans   must   face   old   age,   sickness   and   finally   death.   The   process   we   go   through   from   birth   to   death   is   an   unchangeable   law.     Take   Amalia   for   instance.     She   has   the   ability   to   break   though   the   time   and   space   barrier   but   still   cannot   escape   this   unchangeable   law.     Do   you   remember   that   moonlit   night   when   Amalia   appeared   over   the   skies   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   for   the   first   time?     She   flew   in   tipsily   on   her   magic   flying   broom,   so   unsteady   on   her   seat   that   she   was   swaying   dangerously   from   left   to   right   until   she   fell   headlong   into   the   cold   waters   of   Sun-Moon   Lake.     It   was   fortunate   that   Deanna,   who   had   the   ability   to   remain   in   the   water   for   three   days   and   three   nights,   was   there.     It   was   she   who   dived   to   the   bottom   of   the   lake   and   dragged   Amalia   to   shore.   Amalia’s   actions   may   seem   strange,   odd   and   bizarre   at   times,   but   she   is   extremely   good   hearted   and   kind   to   all   the   beauties,   acting   like   a   kind   and   benign   elder…     But   she   too   is   no   exception   to   this   universal   and   unchangeable   law.     She   has   grown   old…     What   can   I   say?     Do   you   remember   the   winter   nights   when   the   winds   were   howling   outside   and   the   snow   was   falling?     We   would   sit   around   the   warm   crackling   fire   and   listen   to   Amalia   telling   us   stories   of   what   happened   centuries   ago?   I   still   remember   those   wonderful   stories   with   delight   and   nostalgia.     Then   there   were   also   evenings   when   we   sat   by   the   side   of   the   lake   under   the   luminous   moonlight   with   the   spring   breeze   ruffling   our   hair,   listening   to   Amalia   recount   strange   and   outlandish   tales   and   events   that   happened   thousands   of   miles   away…Ah!   Those   happy   days   are   gone   forever,   never   to   return…   If   King   Dimitri   knew   how   sick   Amalia   has   become,   I   am   sure   he   would   be   extremely   distressed   and   worried…”     Natalie   and   Lotus   walked   on   as   they   talked.   Their   footsteps   quick   as   they   went   back   to   the   mansion.

“Your   words   remind   me   of   something   that   has   always   been   rather   puzzling   to   me”   said   Natalie.   “What   is   the   real   relationship   between   Amalia   and   King   Dimitri?     Or   has   something   happened   to   strain   their   relationship?   It’s   like   an   enigmatic   puzzle,   impossible   to   solve.   King   Dimitri   is   very   respectful   to   Amalia,   much   like   how   a   son   treats   a   mother.   Amalia   really   treats   him   like   a   son   sometimes,   but   then   at   other   times,   she   treats   him   like   an   enemy,   like   a   thorn   in   one’s   flesh   that   must   be   plucked   out…   “

“I   don’t   know   either”   replied   Lotus.     “This   puzzle   is   like   a   hot   potato.     I   don’t   think   even   King   Dimitri   and   Amalia   know   the   reason   for   their   behavior,   so   how   could   we   know?   We   can   treat   them   only   as   a   pair   of   mother   and   son   who   has   their   own   love-hate   relationship   to   solve…”

The   hurricane   came   quickly   and   was   over   just   as   fast!     When   Natalie   and   Lotus   got   to   the   mansion,   Sheila   and   Yoko   were   kneeling   on   the   ground   before   Amalia,   grabbing   hold   of   her   legs   and   comforting   her.   Amalia   was   tiring.     Having   thrown   a   great   fit,   she   was   beginning   to   calm   down.     She   pulled   up   Sheila   and   Yoko   and   the   three   of   them   hugged   together   and   cried.   Elina   walked   over   to   the   trio   smiling.     Being   an   ophthalmologist,   she   had   more   medical   knowledge   than   the   others   and   knew   that   now   was   the   best   time   to   calm   down   an   unstable   patient.     Knowing   that   Amalia   loved   sweets   and   candy   was   her   pacifier,   she   handed   her   a   piece   of   chocolate,   saying,

“This   is   my   favorite   brand   of   chocolate.     Try   and   see   if   you   like   it.”   Amalia   took   the   chocolate   and   put   it   in   her   mouth.     “How   was   it?   Do   you   like   it?”     Amalia   nodded.     “Good.   If   you   like   it,   I   will   give   you   a   whole   box   tomorrow.”   Amalia   nodded   again.     Elina   poured   some   water   into   a   cup   and   gave   it   to   her   saying,   “Have   a   drink   of   water   and   take   this   vitamin   pill.   You   haven’t   slept   all   night;   the   pill   will   replenish   your   energy.”     Amalia   obediently   swallowed   the   pill.     Actually   the   medication   Elina   gave   her   was   not   a   vitamin   pill   but   a   sedative,   because   she   knew   what   Amalia   needed   most   was   sufficient   sleep.   Soon   Amalia   was   nodding   off,   so   Sheila   and   Yoko   helped   her   walk   upstairs   to   her   bedroom   and   tucked   her   into   bed.   The   old   lady   had   left,   but   a   heavy   cloud   still   hung   over   the   large   living   room.     Everyone   was   worried   about   the   swift   decline   of   Amalia’s   health.

“We   should   take   Amalia   to   see   her   personal   physician   tomorrow”   said   Elina.     “Her   condition   is   worsening   so   her   medication   may   need   adjusting.     It’s   useless   for   us   to   worry   in   vain   about   it,   because   her   treatment   is   job   of   medical   professionals.”     Though   Elina’s   common   sense   words   were   true,   it   could   not   lessen   the   heavy   suffocating   atmosphere   of   the   room.  

“Do   you   know   who   Lotus   and   I   met   in   the   garden   at   dawn   this   morning?”   said   Natalie,   wanting   to   lighten   up   everyone’s   mood.   “You’ll   never   guess…   It   was   really   a   great   surprise…”     She   proceeded   to   describe   in   great   detail   the   meeting   with   White   Fairy   in   the   flower   garden.     The   story   succeeded   in   distracting   everyone’s   attention.   The   eyes   of   the   beauties   opened   wide   in   surprise.   Their   eyes   lighted   up   and   all   began   talking   at   once,

“Where   is   the   White   Fairy?”  

“We   haven’t   seen   her   for   a   long   time…”

“I   really   miss   her…”

“She   was   in   a   hurry   to   report   our   happy   news   back   to   the   people   in   the   Kingdom   ”   replied   Natalie,   “so   she   left   rather   hastily…”

“You   should   not   have   let   her   go.     I   have   a   lot   of   questions   about   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   I   wanted   to   ask   her…”

“Oh   yes”   added   Natalie,   “She   told   us   that   King   Zeus   actually   granted   our   request   to   dredge   up   the   magnificent   gold   palace   from   the   bottom   of   the   lake   and   place   it   at   its   original   site   on   Giant   Mountain.     The   gold   palace   can   again   see   the   light   of   day   and   sparkle   bright   and   shiny   under   the   sun.     Isn’t   that   great   news?   Medusa   is   already   rolling   up   her   sleeves   preparing   for   action…”

“That’s   great.”

“Yes,   that   wonderful   news!”

“Our   Kingdom   of   Dreams   will   regain   its   past   glory…”   Everyone   was   excitedly   discussing   this   latest   happening   when   the   landline   telephone   rang.     Novella   answered,

“Hello,   this   is   Novella…   Is   that   so...   Really?       Good.   I   already   know   about   it…     From   now   on,   tell   everyone   to   stop   their   normal   work   routine   and   concentrate   on   gathering   up   all   the   flowers   that   are   blooming   in   the   garden…But   caution   them   to   be   careful   and   not   crush   or   harm   any   of   the   beautiful   flowers…Tell   everyone   that   this   work   will   go   on   for   two   more   days.     It   will   be   the   same   tomorrow   and   the   day   after…   If   you   think   we   are   short   of   staff,   just   hire   more   gardeners   to   help.     Hire   as   many   as   needed…Thank   you…   I   know…   Thank   you.”     All   eyes   turned   to   Novella   as   she   hung   up   the   phone,   so   she   explained   saying,   “That   was   Yolanda.     She   was   on   duty   last   night   at   the   lodge.   She   said   that   when   she   went   to   make   the   rounds   of   the   grounds   early   this   morning;   the   trees   and   bushes   were   heavy   with   flowers   of   all   colors,   shapes   and   sizes.     She   said   that   never   in   her   life   had   she   seen   so   many   flowers   all   bloom   at   the   same   time   and   that   the   scene   was   really   majestic   and   awesome.     She   congratulated   me   saying   that   this   was   a   good   omen   for   my   upcoming   wedding!”

“Of   course   it’s   a   good   omen.   Look   at   the   hundreds   and   thousands   of   flowers   rushing   to   bloom,   all   vying   to   take   part   in   your   wedding   banquet.     How   could   that   not   be   a   good   omen?”

“The   wedding   is   not   only   about   me.     It’s   all   of   yours   as   well!”   said   Novella.     “The   group   wedding   of   so   many   fabulous   beauties   marrying   King   Dimitri   will   surely   become   the   talk   of   the   world!     These   hundreds   and   thousands   of   flowers   that   rush   to   bloom   are   all   vying   to   attend   your   group   wedding!”   Everyone   was   talking   and   laughing   happily   and   excitedly,   when   Elena   made   a   sign   for   quiet   and   said,

“Sh-sh-sh.     Tone   down   your   voices,   ladies,   or   else   you   will   wake   up   Amalia,   whom   we   had   just   put   to   sleep!     I   suggest   that   everyone   go   back   to   bed   and   make   up   for   the   sleep   you   all   missed   last   night.     There   are   lots   of   things   to   do   after   you   wake   up.”     The   beauties   took   her   advice   and   all   trooped   upstairs   to   their   rooms   to   catch   a   little   more   sleep;   but   Lotus   and   Natalie   stayed   in   the   living   room   talking   quietly,   too   wired   up   by   the   morning’s   events   to   be   able   to   sleep.     The   skies   brightened   and   the   morning   sun   peeked   out   in   the   east.     Soon   Angelica   arrived   and   joined   them.   Lotus   took   her   out   to   the   garden   to   oversee   and   direct   the   work   of   cutting   and   storing   the   flowers.    

On   the   way   to   the   garden,   Natalie   told   Dorna   the   second   part   of   the   events   so   far     so   Dorna   was   at   last   able   to   get   the   entire   picture.  

“As   you   just   said,”   continued   Natalie   “everything   had   gone   very   well   and   everyone   should   be   happy.     But   the   fact   that   Amalia’s   Alzheimer’s   disease   has   worsened   and   she   seems   to   be   going   swiftly   downhill,   have   put   a   damper   on   everyone’s   spirits.   It’s   hard   to   imagine   what   the   future   will   hold…”

“Don’t   worry   about   Amalia’s   condition.     I   am   able   to   deal   with   it”   said   Dorna   full   of   self-confidence.     “Leave   it   to   me.     If   you   don’t   believe   me,   just   wait   and   see   …”

“Alzheimer’s   disease   is   no   joking   matter”   said   Natalie,   giving   Dorna   a   white   eye.     “Even   the   best   doctors   and   the   most   modern   science   and   technology   have   been   stumped   and   can   find   no   cure.   What   can   you   do?     Only   professional   doctors   and   pharmacists   can   think   of   ways   to   slow   the   progress   of   this   disease   that   up   to   now   has   no   cure.   Amalia’s   condition   is   a   very   important   issue   to   us   and   is   one   that   we   treat   seriously   and   with   great   caution.   So   don’t   you   go   and   try   your   half-baked   ideas   on   her.     They   not   only   won’t   cure   her,   they   may   even   cause   great   damage…     Then   what?”     Just   then   they   saw   Angelica   and   Lotus   walking   towards   them   from   the   other   end   of   the   mansion.   Lotus   waved   to   them   and   pointed   towards   Dorna’s   back.     Not   knowing   what   Lotus   meant,   Dorna   looked   to   see   what   was   going   on   and   saw   Maureen   running   back   towards   the   mansion.     So   she   shouted,

“Hey   Maureen,   what   are   you   doing?     Come   back   here.     Don’t   you   go   running   all   around   the   place…”   and   made   as   if   to   go   after   the   little   dog.     Natalie   held   onto   her   arm   and   said,

“Let   it   go,   Dorna.   It’s   a   clever   little   animal   and   must   have   found   something   of   interest…”   Just   then   Lotus   and   Angelica   reached   them   and   Lotus   said,

“Hi   Dorna,   haven’t   seen   you   for   a   while.     Is   that   little   cocker   spaniel   that   is   running   back   towards   the   mansion   called   Maureen…?”  

“I   got   a   call   from   Samantha   a   couple   of   minutes   ago”   Angelica   added,   “saying   she   was   only   about   two   blocks   away   and   will   be   arriving   momentarily.   She   also   said   she   was   bringing   Charina,   the   25th   beauty   and   the   newest   member   of   the   Kingdom,   so   we   could   get   to   know   each   other…”

“So   that’s   why   Maureen   was   running   back   towards   the   house”   said   Lotus.     “It   must   know   somehow   that   its   mistress   is   coming…”   Just   then   the   loud   sound   of   purring   engines   reached   them   and   Samantha’s   bright   red,   streamlined   sports   car   flew   around   the   water   fountain   and   came   to   an   abrupt   halt   at   the   front   door.

Samantha   brought   the   happy   and   excited   Charina   to   the   front   door   of   the   luxurious   mansion,   intending   to   introduce   the   25th   beauty   to   the   other   members   of   the   Kingdom.   But   the   moment   they   stepped   into   the   hallway,   they   became   aware   that   all   was   not   well   and   the   atmosphere   was   very   tense.   Amalia   was   sitting   on   the   sofa   in   the   middle   of   the   room.     She   had   woken   up   around   noon   and   as   was   her   custom,   had   immediately   woken   up   every   one   of   the   beauties,   who   had   to   get   out   of   bed,   get   dressed,   quickly   do   their   morning   ablutions   and   then   hasten   downstairs   to   wait   on   Amalia.   Sheila   and   Yoko   had   made   fresh   coffee   for   those   who   wanted   any.   Amalia   did   not   drink   coffee,   so   they   made   tea   especially   for   her.   Samantha   walked   into   the   room   and   saw   that   the   beauties   were   all   throwing   warning   glances   at   her.   Then   she   noticed   that   Amalia’s   eyes   were   staring   blankly   straight   ahead   and   realized   that   the   old   lady’s   illness   must   have   acted   up   again.   But   since   both   she   and   Charina   had   already   walked   into   the   room   and   were   both   seen   by   Amalia,   there   was   no   alternative   but   to   go   ahead   and   greet   her…

“Hi   Amalia!”   said   Samantha.     “How   are   you?   I   am   Samantha…Let   me   introduce   you   to   the   newest   member   of   our   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     This   is   Charina…”   The   old   lady   erupted   into   a   furious   tirade   before   Samantha   even   finished   speaking,   shouting   angrily   in   great   irritation,

“Go   away!     I   don’t   know   you…   Scram!   ...   Go   get   me   Dimitri…     Why   hasn’t   he   been   to   see   me   for   so   long?   Is   he   so   afraid   of   seeing   me…?   Go   get   him…”   Charina   was   shocked   by   this   rude   reception.     Her   face   flushed   with   embarrassment   and   she   wished   she   could   just   sink   to   the   ground.   Understanding   her   feelings   of   awkwardness   and   shame,   Samantha   squeezed   her   hand   tightly   as   if   telling   her   to   calm   down   and   not   be   alarmed,   that   Amalia   was   a   very   sick   old   woman.   The   beauties   were   so   appalled   by   Amalia’s   rude   and   unfriendly   greeting   that   they   were   struck   dumb   and   did   not   know   how   to   react.     Luckily   Dorna   and   the   three   others   got   back   just   in   time.   Seeing   the   helpless   expressions   of   the   beauties   and   Charina   standing   there   with   her   head   hung   low   and   her   face   red   with   humiliation,   the   sharp   and   sensitive   Dorna   immediately   realized   what   had   happened.   Natalie   glanced   at   her   as   if   saying,   “A   moment   ago   you   said   we   could   leave   everything   to   you.   Well,   now   is   the   time   to   show   your   stuff!   Do   something.”   Dorna   strode   over   casually   and   confidently   towards   Amalia,   bowed   respectfully   to   her   and   then   said,

“Hi   Amalia.     I   am   Dorna…   Do   you   remember   me?...     I   used   to   play   hide-and-seek   with   you.   Have   you   forgotten?...”   Amalia’s   face   remained   wooden   and   expressionless.     It   was   hard   to   tell   what   she   was   really   thinking   and   feeling.     Dorna   drew   an   arc   in   the   air   before   her   and   asked,

“Do   you   remember   you   used   to   have   a   magic   flying   broom?     I   have   learned   to   use   it   too.   Would   you   like   me   to   take   you   out   and   play?”   Saying   so,   she   made   a   movement   of   getting   on   a   broom   and   about   to   fly   off.   She   was   hoping   to   distract   the   old   woman,   get   on   her   good   side   and   diffuse   the   situation.     But   far   from   being   pacified,   Amalia   got   angry   and   shouted,

“Scram!   I   don’t   know   you.   Stop   bothering   me…   Go   and   get   me   Dimitri.     Why   hasn’t   he   been   to   see   me?...   That   devil!”     However,   Dorna   was   not   daunted   by   the   rebuff.   She   walked   over   to   Angelica,   whispered   something   in   her   ear   which   made   Angelica   turn   and   leave   the   room.     Dorna   walked   back   to   Amalia,   stooped   down,   clapped   her   hands   and   said,

“Come   here   Maureen!     Come   over   and   say   hi   to   Amalia.”     The   intelligent   little   dog   walked   over   to   Amalia   and   sat   down.     That   cute,   pudgy   little   cock   spaniel   was   really   quite   adorable   and   few   who   saw   it   could   resist   its   charm.     Amalia   had   been   so   busy   ranting   and   raving   that   she   did   not   noticed   there   was   a   little   dog   sitting   at   the   foot   of   its   mistress.   When   she   saw   it   appear   before   her,   her   eyes   lighted   up   and   a   smile   appeared   on   her   face   as   she   mumbled,

“Little   dog…     Cute   little   dog…     Its   fur   is   long   and   shiny….   Look   at   it,   so   fat   and   cuddly.     It   looks   just   like   Dimitri   when   he   was   small…     Ah   yes!     This   must   be   my   son,   Dimitri!!!”     Amalia   stooped   forward   to   pat   Maureen’s   head   and   stroke   its   smooth,   shiny   coat   of   fur.   The   beauties   were   amused   by   Amalia’s   strange,   rambling   words,   but   did   not   dare   laugh   out   loud   though   it   was   really   hard   for   them   to   suppress   their   mirth!   But   then   they   thought   it   was   really   sad   to   see   to   what   condition   Alzheimer’s   disease   could   reduce   the   human   mind.   It   was   also   very   worrisome   to   realize   that   this   disease   was   something   that   modern   science   has   no   cure   for   and   they   had   yet   to   learn   how   to   prevent   it.     Just   then   lively   and   joyful   music   of   the   cha-cha   dance   flew   into   the   room.     That   was   what   Dorna   asked   Angelica   to   do.     Dorna   patted   Maureen’s   rump   and   said,

“Good   boy.     Good   boy.     Now’s   your   chance   to   show   off   your   wonderful   cha-cha   dance   to   Amalia!     Go   on!     Do   your   stuff!   If   you   can   make   Amalia   smile,   I   will   give   you   a   great   reward   later.”     Maureen   barked,   “Bow   wow!”   as   if   saying,   “No   problem.   It’s   all   on   me.”   It   proceeded   to   get   up   and   dance   the   cha-cha,   twisting   its   pudgy   body   and   swinging   its   head   according   to   the   music.     Amalia   was   so   enchanted   with   the   dancing   dog   that   she   laughed   until   she   was   bended   over.     The   beauties   had   never   before   seen   a   little   dog   dance   so   rhythmically   to   music   either;   therefore   they   too   were   enthralled   by   the   performance,   clapped   loudly   and   laughed.   Merry,   tinkling   laughter   more   musical   than   any   melody   filled   the   large   living   room,   dispersing   the   tense,   belligerent,   and   awkward   mood   that   had   covered   it   earlier.   Dorna   gently   pulled   Amalia   up   from   the   sofa   and   began   dancing   with   her   and   Amalia   danced   on,   her   slow   and   sluggish   movements   keeping   time   to   the   music.     Dorna   looked   triumphantly   at   Natalie   as   if   saying,   “See   how   I’m   doing?     You   didn’t   believe   I   could   do   it   eh?   Do   you   believe   me   now?”     In   this   happy,   peaceful   and   joyful   atmosphere,   Samantha   once   again   introduced   Charina   to   the   beauties   so   everyone   could   get   acquainted.     The   beauties   welcomed   her   with   open   arms   and   flattering   words   of   welcome   saying,

“Look   how   beautiful   you   are!   And   what   wonderful   figure!”

“Ah,   but   your   style   and   noble   disposition   are   even   more   superior,   fitting   for   a   famous   authoress!”

“Oh!   How   do   you   keep   your   skin   as   a   smooth   as   silk   and   as   velvety?”

“Enough!   Stop   complimenting   her”   shouted   Dorna   as   she   danced   by   with   Amalia.   “Too   many   compliments   will   sound   hypocritical.   Everyone   here   is   beautiful.     I   am   also   beautiful.     We   will   soon   all   be   beautiful   brides.   Everyone   here   will   soon   become   a   bride.     There   are   so   many   brides   here   that   we   can   establish   a   New   Brides   Club,   what   do   you   think?     We   all   have   a   dual   identity.     We   are   members   of   King   Dimitri’s   Kingdom   of   Dreams   as   well   as   members   of   the   New   Brides   Club.   What   do   you   think   of   my   suggestion?     It’s   like   killing   two   birds   with   one   stone.”     Everyone   burst   into   laughter   at   her   words.   Lotus   went   over   to   Sheila   and   Yoko   saying,

“Amalia   is   in   a   good   mood   now.     Could   you   two   try   to   coax   her   into   trying   on   the   Chinese   Manchu   gown   I   made   by   hand   especially   for   her?   Everyone   will   be   in   white,   but   her   dress   is   red.     That   will   stand   out   in   a   sea   of   white.     Don’   you   think   so?”     Novella   agreed   and   suggested,

“I   think   we   should   all   try   on   our   wedding   gowns   for   the   final   time   later   on,   to   make   sure   that   everything   fits   perfectly.   There   is   still   time   for   last-minute   alterations   now.   After   today   it   may   be   too   late.”     All   the   beauties   thought   it   was   a   good   suggestion   and   agreed   to   do   a   final   try-on.     Novella   suddenly   thought   of   something   and   asked   Charina,

“Your   wedding   gown   is   perhaps   not   finished   yet.     Did   you   know   that   each   of   us   has   a   special   flower   that   represents   us?   It   has   been   embroidered   onto   the   veil   and   to   the   hem   of   our   wedding   gown.   When   you   see   the   flower   you   will   automatically   know   whom   the   gown   belongs   to   and   there   will   be   no   confusion.     Take   me   for   instance,   my   flower   is   the   clivia   and   it   has   been   embroidered   onto   the   hem   of   my   wedding   gown   and   veil.     What   is   yours?”

“Rhododendrons.     I   love   them,   so   I   chose   it   to   represent   me.”

“Ah,   rhododendrons…!     That’s   great!     I   love   them   too.     They   are   beautiful,   elegant   and   classy   -   a   suitable   representative   for   a   famous   authoress.”

“I’ve   been   thinking   that   someone   is   missing   here,”   exclaimed   Elina.   “but   have   been   wondering   who   that   was.     Now   I   suddenly   remembered   it   was   Chanel.   Where   could   she   have   gone   to   all   alone?”

“If   she   is   not   here,   she   must   be   somewhere   in   the   garden”   answered   Novella.   “Don’t   worry.     She   won’t   get   lost.     She’ll   turn   up   sometime.”   Samantha   walked   over   from   the   other   end   of   the   living   room   and   said   to   Novella,

“This   morning   Aisha   said   that   we   should   give   a   welcoming   party   for   Charina.   Since,   most   of   us   are   already   here   with   only   Aisha   and   Megginn   missing,   why   don’t   we   give   the   party   today?”

“Why,   that’s   just   what   I   was   thinking   about   too.   There’s   no   day   like   today.     Let’s   do   it…”   Then   turning   to   Charina   she   said,   “We   will   all   be   going   upstairs   to   try   on   our   wedding   gowns,   leaving   you   alone   here   downstairs.     I   hope   you   don’t   mind   and   won’t   find   us   lacking   in   hospitality!”

“How   could   I?”   replied   Charina.     “Now   we   are   all   members   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   as   close   as   sisters.   Don’t   be   oversensitive.     Of   course   I   don’t   mind.”   Then   looking   towards   her   handbag   on   the   sofa,   she   added   “I   brought   my   camera   along   today   with   the   intention   of   being   your   photographer.   I   want   to   take   pictures   of   each   and   every   one   of   you.   If   you   don’t   mind,   may   I   also   take   some   of   this   luxurious   and   classic   living   room?   “

“Of   course”   replied   Novella.     “Please   do   as   you   please.”   The   cha-cha   dance   ended.     Amalia   was   panting   a   little,   her   forehead   covered   with   slight   perspiration.     She   was   tired   but   still   elated   and   in   great   spirits.     Everyone   gathered   around   her   and   accompanied   her   to   the   second   floor,   where   they   too   went   to   their   own   rooms   to   try   on   their   wedding   gowns.   All   of   a   sudden   Charina   was   the   only   one   left   in   the   large   living   room.

This   luxurious   living   room   was   of   classic   design   and   large   enough   to   easily   accommodate   a   hundred   guests   without   anyone   feeling   cramped.     It   was   brightly   illuminated   and   created   an   impression   of   serene   happiness.   It   was   only   then   that   Charina   began   to   feel   free   of   anxiety   and   a   leisurely   calm   descended   upon   her.   She   examined   the   arrangements   and   decorations   in   the   room   and   wandered   from   one   furniture   group   to   another,   each   different   in   age   and   nationality.     The   Persian   carpet   under   her   feet   was   thick   and   soft,   extremely   comfortable   to   the   touch   of   her   feet.   Her   attention   was   caught   by   the   marble   fish   pond   towards   the   southwest   corner   of   the   room.     She   walked   over   and   saw   foot-long,   multicolored   carps   swimming   around.   In   the   middle   of   the   pool   were   extremely   realistic   miniature   mountains   dotted   with   open   caves   through   which   apertures   spring   water   gushed   out,   providing   fresh   water   for   the   pool.   If   those   fish   had   feelings,   they   would   be   extremely   grateful   to   have   been   chosen   to   live   in   such   a   pampered   environment.   The   only   flaw   in   an   otherwise   perfect   setting   was   they   were   not   able   to   swim   freely   in   their   natural   habitat.   Charina   walked   on   and   came   to   a   bar   stocked   with   famous   liquor   from   around   the   world.   The   surface   of   the   bar   was   extremely   clean   and   shone   like   a   mirror   and   the   bar   itself   was   exquisitely   made,   with   every   corner   rounded   and   polished.   It   looked   dense   and   heavy,   made   of   some   unknown,   high   quality   wood.     At   the   edge   of   the   living   room   near   the   garden   was   a   small   room   whose   door   was   left   slightly   ajar.   There   was   a   crucifix   hanging   on   the   wall.     Just   below   it   was   a   predieu   with   a   space   in   front   for   prayer   books.     Charina   looked   in   and   saw   someone   dressed   in   a   white   wedding   gown   kneeling   on   the   predieu,   hands   folded,   praying   fervently,   a   large   Bible   opened   in   front   of   her.     Charina   was   moved.     She   held   up   her   camera   and   took   a   picture   of   the   praying   bride.   Unsatisfied   with   only   one   shot,   she   softly   pushed   open   the   door   and   tiptoed   into   the   room.     She   once   more   held   up   her   camera   and   took   a   portrait   in   profile   of   the   praying   bride.   The   interior   of   the   room   was   rather   dark,   which   triggered   the   flashlight   of   the   camera.   The   sudden   strong   flash   startled   the   bride,   who   slowly   turned   around,   pushed   aside   her   veil   to   look   at   the   intruder.     A   smile   lighted   up   her   calm   face   as   she   said,

“Although   I   have   never   seen   you,   I   guess   you   are   Charina,   the   newest   member   of   our   Kingdom   and   its   25th   beauty.     Am   I   right?”     Charina   felt   shy   and   uneasy   as   she   murmured,

“…yes…yes…I   am   Charina…     I   am   so   sorry   to   have   interrupted   your   prayers.   It   was   really   thoughtless   of   me.     But   the   sight   of   you   praying   fervently   was   so   moving   that   I   felt   a   great   urge   to   capture   the   moment   and   keep   it   forever   as   a   portrait.   I   am   so   sorry…so   sorry…I   hope   you   will   forgive   me…”   From   the   purple   passion   flower   embroidered   on   her   veil   and   hem,   Charina   knew   she   was   the   ex-nun   Chanel.     Chanel’s   face   retained   its   calm   smile   as   she   said,

“Don’t   blame   yourself   too   much.   I   have   come   out   of   my   reverie   and   have   received   God’s   revelation,   so   my   prayers   are   at   an   end.     You   did   not   interrupt   me.”   Chanel   tried   to   get   up   as   she   spoke,   but   because   she   had   been   kneeling   for   a   long   time,   her   legs   were   cramped   and   she   could   not   do   so.     Seeing   Chanel   putting   her   hand   on   the   priedieu   to   help   herself   up,   Charina   rushed   to   her   aid   and   said,

“Really?     You   have   received   God’s   revelation?     Would   you   be   willing   to   share   it   with   me?”   Chanel   stood   up,   moved   her   cramped   legs   around   and   said,

“I   came   here   to   take   leave   of   God,   because   King   Dimitri   asked   all   the   members   of   his   Kingdom   to   seek   a   normal   life.     His   words   were   ‘to   seek   their   own   future   happiness’.   I   was   in   a   quandary   because   I   had   thought   that   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   was   my   final   destination.   Although   the   Kingdom   has   been   destroyed,   I   was   proud   and   satisfied   to   have   been   one   of   the   24   beauties,   and   was   willing   to   live   out   the   rest   of   my   life   thus.     But   King   Dimitri   asked   us   to   seek   our   own   happy   future.     I   was   mystified.     What   is   a   normal   life?   So   I   came   here   to   pray   and   seek   revelation   from   God.   In   the   silence   of   prayer   I   seemed   to   hear   someone   say   to   me,   “There   is   only   one   truth.     It   is   either   in   my   hands   or   in   King   Dimitri’s.”   Thus,   the   problem   had   been   simplified.     I   just   had   to   choose   between   the   two.   Immediately   after   that   words   from   the   scriptures   came   into   my   mind.   “Then   the   Lord   God   said,   “It   is   not   good   for   the   man   to   be   alone.   I   will   make   him   a   helper   suitable   for   him.”   The   Lord   God   fashioned   into   a   woman   the   rib   he   had   taken   from   the   man   and   brought   her   to   the   man…”   It   seems   that   God   agreed   with   King   Dimitri’s   way   of   thought   and   the   truth   is   in   King   Dimitri’s   hands.   A   normal   life   is   the   union   of   a   man   and   a   woman.     I   will   no   longer   be   mystified   or   be   in   a   quandary.     I   will   go   forth   as   King   Dimitri   suggested   and   seek   my   own   happiness   and   future.”   Charina   nodded   silently   and   said,

“…perhaps   your   quandary   is   my   quandary   and   the   answer   you   came   to   is   also   my   answer…”   Chanel’s   calm   smile   was   enhanced   by   the   joy   of   comprehension   and   realization.    

“Let’s   go   outside”   she   suggested.     “The   others   must   have   finished   their   final   try-on   by   now   and   will   soon   be   coming   down.   Your   camera   will   be   put   to   good   use   then.”    

Chanel   led   Charina   out   of   the   private   chapel   and   walked   to   the   center   of   the   living   room,   where   an   expensively   carved   classic   grand   piano   stood   in   its   full   splendor   in   a   cleared   out   space   uncluttered   by   furniture   or   ornaments.   It   seemed   to   be   the   place   for   piano   concerts   or   small   indoor   musical   performances.     Chanel   sat   down   on   the   stool   before   the   instrument,   opened   it   and   was   about   to   play   something   when   they   heard   the   swishing   sound   of   skirts   and   dresses   as   stiff   material   rubbed   together   and   the   merry   sounds   of   laughter   and   chatter   of   young   girls.

“Don’t   push!”   said   Dorna.     “Look!   You   are   stepping   on   my   skirt…”

“Who’s   pushing?”   said   a   voice   that   sounded   like   Angelica’s.   “You’re   the   one   who’s   shoving   and   jostling.     See!   You   have   made   my   veil   off   center!”     Soon,   the   members   of   the   newly   established   New   Brides’   Club   trooped   into   the   room.     Chanel   immediately   played   the   notes   of   the   Wedding   March   and   Charina   clicked   away   with   her   camera,   taking   close-up   shots   of   all   the   beauties.

The   first   to   rush   down   the   stairs   was   of   course   the   clever   little   dog   Maureen.   As   soon   as   it   reached   level   ground,   it   began   barking   and   jumping   excitedly   to   express   its   exhilaration.   Then   came   Amalia   leading   the   procession   down   the   stairs   dressed   in   her   red   Manchu   gown.     The   white-haired   old   lady   was   helped   by   two   tall   and   slender   young   girls,   Sheila   and   Yoko,   both   dressed   in   their   snow   white   bridal   gowns   but   with   veils   thrown   back   as   they   were   busy   seeing   to   Amalia’s   safety   and   comfort.   The   hems   of   their   gowns   were   embroidered   with   their   signet   flower,   Sheila’s   being   the   camellia   and   Yoko,   the   cherry   blossom.   As   they   walked   slowly   down   the   stairs,   the   strongly   contrasting   colors   of   red   and   white   were   especially   eye-catching   and   striking.   Amalia   was   joyous   and   jubilant,   as   if   sensing   this   was   no   ordinary   day.     She   was   busy   calling   out,  

“Hey,   Dimitri!     Dimitri!   Don’t   go   gallivanting   around.     Come   back   here   to   my   side…”   She   was   still   calling   the   little   dog   Maureen   by   her   son   Dimitri’s   name.     Once   that   outrageous   idea   got   caught   in   her   twisted   mind,   it   was   hard   for   her   to   change.     Behind   her,   with   hand   softly   touching   the   banister   came   a   regal   and   elegant   bride,   dressed   in   full   regalia   for   a   grand   and   formal   wedding.   She   floated   down   the   stairs   light   as   a   cloud,   her   face   half-concealed   under   a   mid-length   veil   made   of   silk   tulle   with   different   versions   of   the   bold   and   colorful   flower   clivia   embroidered   by   hand   at   its   corners   which   was   also   adorned   with   multicolored   gems.   The   veil   was   held   in   place   by   a   “halo”   tiara   mainly   of   rubies   encircled   with   diamonds.   This   was   Novella,   star   of   this   wedding   of   the   century.   Her   movements   had   to   be   slow   and   careful   as   her   wedding   gown   had   a   nine-foot   long   train,   which   was   also   dotted   with   colorful   gems   and   lace   appliqué   of   the   beautiful   clivia.     Elina,   her   cousin   and   bridesmaid,   dressed   in   her   own   wedding   gown   embroidered   at   the   hem   with   gold   and   silver   jasmine,   walked   behind   her   holding   onto   the   train   of   the   bride   so   Novella   won’t   trip   on   the   stairs.   All   the   wedding   gowns   were   made   uniformly   of   the   same   design   and   all   were   made   from   ivory   and   white   satin.   The   long-sleeved   lace   and   satin   gown   looked   both   modern   and   traditional   and   had   a   satin   bodice   narrow   at   the   waist   but   flaring   out   at   the   hip   with   boxed   pleats   resembling   an   opening   flower.   Different   flowers,   representing   the   different   wearers   were   hand   cut   from   lace   and   hand   sewn   onto   the   hem   of   the   ivory   satin   wedding   gown   and   veil.   The   only   difference   being   that   Novella’s   gown   alone   had   a   long   train.   Those   of   all   the   others   were   floor   length   and   much   easier   to   manage.   As   this   was   only   a   try-on,   the   brides   did   not   bother   to   wear   their   jewelry.     On   the   day   of   the   formal   ceremony,   when   they   put   on   their   finest   rings,   necklaces,   earrings   and   bracelets,   the   dazzling   display   of   pearls,   diamonds,   rubies,   sapphires   and   other   precious   gems   would   be   sure   to   add   an   aura   of   brilliance   and   splendor   to   the   event.   The   long   galaxy   of   the   dozen   or   so   lovely   brides   all   dressed   in   their   elaborate   white   wedding   gowns   proceeded   sedately   down   the   stairs.   Some   of   them   demurely   covered   their   faces   with   their   veils,   while   others   lifted   them   slightly   while   walking   down   the   stairs.   The   most   unruly   bride   was   of   course   Dorna.     She   was   restless   and   had   always   been   in   the   habit   of   striving   to   be   the   first,   so   she   shoved   and   pushed   to   get   ahead.     She   naturally   did   not   bother   to   wear   her   veil   properly   and   pushed   it   way   back   from   her   face   so   it   wouldn’t   bother   her.     Last   to   walk   down   was   gentle   Lotus,   who   did   not   like   to   jostle   and   thrust   and   didn’t   mind   bringing   up   the   rear.

Click,   click,   click   went   Charina’s   camera.     The   flash   of   each   take   lighted   up   the   room   while   her   mind   concentrated   on   catching   the   most   memorable   and   precious   moments.     Alas,   though   she   could   store   up   these   invaluable   memories   in   her   camera,   it   was   impossible   to   capture   the   passage   of   time.   Nothing   in   life   is   perfect.     So   long   as   those   memorable   scenes   had   been   captured,   we   can   only   let   the   passage   of   time   be   lost   forever…   That   is   something   that   is   irretrievable   and   irredeemable.   The   fourteen   brides   in   their   bridal   gowns   strolled   around   the   huge   formal   living   room   in   small   groups   of   twos   or   threes,   their   pure   white   wedding   gowns   representing   the   sacred   and   pure   vows   in   the   depth   of   their   hearts.   The   fourteen   brides   were   somehow   all   under   the   misguided   illusion   in   the   depth   of   their   hearts   that   they   were   still   living   in   that   beautiful   and   faraway   Kingdom   in   the   Dreams,   but   that   they   had   somehow   transferred   that   beautiful     Kingdom   to   the   mundane   world.   None   of   them   could   explain   or   clarify   why   they   thought   so.   In   their   hearts   there   was   only   a   vague   and   intriguing   feeling   of   futility.   According   to   King   Dimitri’s   theory,   dreams   were   a   part   of   real   life   and   also   its   extension,   so   there   was   no   real   difference   between   the   two.     To   be   more   precise,   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   existed   in   the   real   world,   so   there   was   no   need   for   explanations   or   clarifications.

Click!   Click!   Charina’s   camera   clicked   again   twice   and   the   flash   exploded   at   the   same   time.   In   the   corner   of   her   eye   she   saw   Natalie   walk   towards   Chanel   and   whispered   something   in   her   ear.   Chanel   nodded   and   the   hem   of   her   skirt   embroidered   with   the   purple   passion   flower   moved   with   the   slight   motion   of   her   feet   on   the   pedals   as   magical   notes   flew   from   her   nimble   fingers.     Ah,   it   was   the   theme   song   in   Act   2   of   King   Dimitri’s   ballet   “The   Bear   and   the   Butterfly”   where   a   sea   of   exuberant   flowers   fluttered   and   swayed   in   joy   hailing   the   birth   of   the   flower   fairy   when   the   first   ray   of   sunshine   appeared.   Natalie   took   down   her   veil   and   held   it   between   her   thumb   and   forefinger.     Then   she   kicked   off   her   dainty   silver   stiletto   and   began   dancing   to   the   music.   A   classic   ballet   dancer,   Natalie   had   been   strictly   trained   over   a   long   period   of   time   to   freely   control   her   muscles,   so   although   she   was   wearing   a   close-fitting   wedding   gown   tailored   to   her   specific   measurements,   she   was   still   able   to   expand   or   contract   her   muscles   to   give   herself   freedom   of   movement   within   her   clothes   to   easily   perform   highly   difficult   and   technical   moves.   She   seemed   to   be   half-floating   in   the   air   as   her   nimble   feet   danced,   jumped     and   circled,   touching   lightly   on   the   thick,   soft   Persian   carpet.   The   gladiolas   embroidered   onto   the   hem   of   her   skirt   seemed   to   open   and   close   as   she   whirled   by,   leaving   her   audience   gasping   in   amazement.     Her   expertise   was   such   that   every   time   the   tip   of   her   toes   touched   the   ground,   she   could   always   avoid   being   tripped   by   her   heavy   long   skirt,   which   showed   that   strict   discipline   and   training   were   effective   and   a   solid   foundation   was   not   for   naught.   The   thin   veil   that   she   held   between   her   fingers   was   transparent   as   the   wings   of   a   dragonfly,   and   resembled   a   puff   of   smoke   or   fog   as   it   flew   up   and   down   with   her   dancing   figure.     The   mesmerized   beauties   watched   as   Natalie   danced   on   light   and   ethereal,   fluttering   and   swaying   delicately,   enthralling   them   so   completely   that   when   the   dance   ended   and   the   music   stopped,   they   were   still   too   enchanted   to   react.     It   was   only   after   a   few   seconds   of   silence   that   they   realized   the   show   was   over   and   began   clapping   and   calling   out   “Bravo!     Bravo!”   enthusiastically.

Dressed   in   their   white   bridal   gowns   of   the   exact   same   design,   the   dozen   or   so   beauties   crowded   around,   watching   Natalie’s   exquisite   dance.   But   one   lone   figure   detached   herself   from   the   group   and   walked   towards   the   windows.   Charmed   by   this   beauty   whose   walk   was   as   elegant   and   graceful   as   a   drooping   willow   dancing   gently   in   the   winds,   Charina   clicked   her   camera   and   with   a   flash   of   light   captured   the   view   of   her   back.   Who   is   she?     The   red   roses   on   the   hem   of   her   skirt   and   veil,   now   revealed,   now   hidden,   gave   away   her   identity.     It   was   the   world   class   fashion   model   Samantha.     No   wonder   her   walk   was   so   bewitching!     Taking   her   cell   phone   out   of   her   purse,   Samantha   walked   over   to   the   window   to   make   a   call.   Too   far   away   to   hear   what   was   being   said,   Charina’s   eyes   went   searching   for   other   interesting   subjects   to   record…

“…Hi   Megginn,   this   is   Samantha…Where   are   you   at...?   When   will   you   be   able   to   get   here...?   We’re   having   a   ball   here.   Fourteen   of   the   gowns   have   been   tried   on   and   they   fit   perfectly.     Only   you   and   Aisha   haven’t   tried   yours   on   yet…   Charina’s   won’t   be   ready   for   other   two,   three   days,   but   they   promised   it   would   definitely   be   delivered   the   day   before   the   wedding…   Come   on   over,   Megginn.     We’re   having   a   really   great   time.     Amalia   has   put   on   the   red   Chinese   gown   that   Lotus   made   for   her   and   everything   looks   so   beautiful   and   striking.   We’re   all   waiting   for   you…”

“Good,   I   just   finished   up   my   work   here   and   am   on   my   way   over.     If   there   is   no   traffic   I   should   be   there   in   about   half   an   hour…   Is   Aisha   there...?     Not   yet...?   That’s   great,   because   it   would   look   bad   if   she   got   there   before   me.   After   all,   she   is   our   queen…”

“Aren’t   you   with   her?   You   were   there   with   her   at   her   house   when   I   left   with   Charina   to   order   her   wedding   gown…”

“My   car   broke   down   this   morning   by   the   wayside   and   Aisha   drove   me   to   the   World   Bank   because   there   was   some   unfinished   business   I   had   to   attend   to.   She   wanted   to   work   on   her   thesis   so   she   went   home…”

“So   that’s   how   it   is.     Well,   I   called   Aisha   around   one   or   two   o’clock   this   afternoon.     I   asked   her   to   come   for   the   final   fitting   at   Novella’s   place   and   told   her   everyone   is   here   waiting   for   her.     She   said   she   may   not   be   coming   because   she   wanted   to   work   on   her   thesis,   but   when   I   told   her   we   were   giving   a   welcome   party   here   today   for   the   newest   member   of   our   Kingdom   since   everyone   was   already   here,   she   promised   to   show   up   a   little   later…   Somehow,   I   had   a   feeling   that   something   was   weighing   heavily   on   her   mind   and   she   wasn’t   very   happy.     Do   you   know   why...?”

“Don’t   worry.     Everything   will   be   fine…It’s   just   a   woman’s   private   thoughts.   Can’t   you   understand?     She   is   our   queen,   but   on   the   eve   of   our   group   wedding,   King   Dimitri,   the   bridegroom,   is   still   missing   and   whereabouts   unknown.   Naturally   she   is   not   feeling   good   about   it.   But   don’t   worry.     Queen   Aisha   has   always   been   able   to   control   her   feelings.     You   saw   how   stoic   she   was   and   never   even   blinked   when   faced   with   the   invasion   of   the   barbarian   tribes   and   the   destruction   of   the   Kingdom.     She   calmly   took   care   of   things   the   best   she   could   and   was   the   last   to   leave   the   Kingdom.     Why   worry   about   her   now?”

“Yes,   you’re   right.     Your   analysis   is   very   logical   and   convincing...     Queen   Aisha   is   our   queen   and   I   have   full   confidence   in   her.   Since   everything   is   alright,   you   just   come   on   over   as   soon   as   possible.     We’re   all   waiting   for   you.”     With   that   both   of   them   hung   up.

Charina   seemed   to   have   found   a   new   target.   Lotus   was   standing   by   the   fish   pond   feeding   the   carps.     Charina   held   the   camera   to   her   eye,   on   the   ready   to   capture   the   next   interesting   moment   that   came   up.   Lotus   looked   at   the   dozen   or   so   large,   multi-colored   carps   crowding   by   the   edge   of   the   pool   waiting   to   be   fed.   When   she   threw   some   feed   into   the   fish   pond,   the   carps   in   the   water   fought   and   scrambled   to   get   their   share,   their   large   bodies   thrashing   powerfully   in   the   water   causing   it   to   foam   and   splash.     One   of   them   actually   leapt   high   up   above   the   water   and   made   a   somersault   in   the   air   before   dropping   back   into   the   fray.   Charina   clicked   the   shutter   at   just   the   right   moment   and   recorded   this   interesting   somersault   for   prosperity!   Lotus   had   already   stepped   back   from   the   pool   after   throwing   in   the   feed,   knowing   ahead   of   time   of   the   frenzy   that   was   to   happen,   so   when   that   large   carp   fell   back   into   the   pool   sloshing   and     splattering   water   all   around,   Lotus   was   already   away,   scolding   good-naturedly,

“You   guys   are   so   bad!   You   naughty   things   want   to   get   me   all   wet,   eh?     Well   not   today!     I   am   not   going   to   play   because   I   don’t   want   to   get   my   new   wedding   finery   wet   and   dirty!”   Saying   so,   she   threw   the   rest   of   the   feed   she   held   in   her   hand   into   the   water   and   walked   away   towards   the   rest   of   the   beauties.     Charina’s   camera   had   caught   another   subject.   Dorna   was   pulling   Marcelina   by   the   hand   as   she   walked   towards   the   bar.   The   hem   of   Dorna’s   wedding   gown   was   embroidered   with   sprightly   cyclamens,   while   Marcelina’s   was   embroidered   with   beautiful   magnolia   blossoms.

“You   wanted   to   learn   how   to   make   cocktails,   right?”   said   Dorna   as   she   walked.   “Well,   come   along   and   I   will   show   you.   It’s   not   complicated   at   all.     In   fact,   it’s   really   easy…”   The   restless   girl   could   not   remain   still   for   any   length   of   time.     She   walked   behind   the   bar,   rolled   up   her   sleeves   and   put   on   an   apron.     To   her   credit,   she   remembered   not   to   get   her   brand   new   bridal   gown   dirty   before   the   wedding.   Marcelina   walked   into   the   bar   after   her   and   copied   all   of   Dorna’s   movements.     She   also   rolled   up   her   sleeves   and   put   on   an   apron.     Dorna   told   her   which   bottles   to   get   from   the   cabinet   and   put   on   the   counter,   while   she   got   an   empty   glass   from   the   cupboard,   saying

“Look   carefully!     This   is   gin.     Pour   a   suitable   amount   of   tonic   water,   just   like   this,   add   some   ice   cubes,   swirl   it   with   a   straw   and   voila,   you   get   gin   tonic!   …       Now   this   is   rum.     Add   some   coke,   twirl   it   and   you   have   rum   coke…     This   is   vodka,   add   a   suitable   amount   of   orange   juice,   twirl   it   and   you   get   ‘screwdriver’…   Simple   and   easy,   isn’t   it?     But   of   course   these   are   only   the   most   basic   cocktails.     I   will   teach   you   the   more   complicated   ones   later….”

“Well”   said   Marcelina   “that   was   quite   interesting.   But   you   had   better   not   make   these   drinks   too   strong.     Queen   Aisha   isn’t   here   yet.   You   don’t   want   her   to   arrive   and   find   us   all   intoxicated,   would   you?”

“Of   course   I   know   that,   silly!”     said   Dorna.     “Don’t   worry;   I   have   made   them   very   light…”   She   looked   around   and   saw   the   golden   haired   Mary   standing   by   the   window,   contemplating   the   sunset   lost   in   thought.   She   raised   her   voice   and   called   out,

“Hey   Mary!     Would   you   please   come   over   here   for   a   minute?”   Hearing   someone   calling   her,   Mary   quickly   turned   around,   her   heavy,   long   golden   tresses   revolving   with   her   at   the   move.   Charina   saw   her   chance   and   immediately   clicked   her   shutters   to   record   the   split   second   action   of   the   girl   smiling   over   her   shoulders,   her   long   hair   swiveling   as   she   turned.   Seeing   Dorna   waving   and   calling   her,   Mary   walked   over;   the   golden   yellow   daffodils   embroidered   on   the   hem   of   her   skirt   complementing   the   long   golden   tresses   on   her   head   and   looked   very   pretty   together…

  “These   cocktails   are   some   simple   art   I   casually   made   to   show   Marcelina.   Would   you   like   to   take   them   over   to   the   beauties   and   ask   them   to   sample   them?...     What   would   you   like   to   drink   yourself,   Mary?...     Would   you   like   me   to   make   some   Bloody   Mary   for   you?”

“Bloody   Mary?”   exclaimed   Mary   “What   a   frightening   name!   No,   I   don’t   want   that.     Make   me   something   else…”   Saying   so,   Mary   smiled,   took   the   drinks   and   walked   away.

Mary   took   her   tray   of   drinks   to   where   Amalia   was   sitting   and   offered   them   first   to   her   and   then   to   her   two   companions   Yoko   and   Sheila.   She   proceeded   to   play   waitress   to   the   beauties   walking   to   and   fro   between   the   bar   and   the   beauties   with   her   tray   of   cocktails.     When   she   went   back   to   the   bar,   she   saw   that   Dorna   and   Marcelina   were   still   busy   making   all   kinds   of   cocktails.   From   the   corner   of   her   eye   she   caught   sight   of   two   beauties   whom   she   had   not   yet   served.     One   was   wearing   a   wedding   dress   with   ivory   white   plum   flowers   embroidered   on   the   hem   and   the   hem   of   the   other   was   embroidered   with   bluish-purple   wisteria.   They   were   Laverne   and   Romi,   heads   close   together   talking   in   low   voices.  

“It’s   strange   that   Queen   Aisha   is   not   here.”   said   Laverne.     “Could   something   have   happened?     She   should   have   been   here   early…”

“Yes,”   replied   Romi.     “Something   important   must   have   come   up   or   she   would   have   been   here   long   ago…Have   you   ever   thought   that   as   things   are,   Queen   Aisha   is   under   a   tremendous   lot   of   pressure?     No   one   else   other   than   her   would   be   up   to   dealing   with   what   she   is   facing…”

  “There   are   seventeen   of   us,   including   Charina,   the   latest   member   of   our   Kingdom   living   in   this   real   world”   mused   Laverne   frowning.   “If   you   don’t   count   Aisha,   there   are   still   sixteen.     Though   we   are   all   capable   and   independent   people,   there   are   always   troubling   vexations   in   our   lives   that   make   us   feel   the   need   to   go   to   her   for   counseling   and   guidance.   It’s   really   gracious   of   her   to   always   carefully   and   cautiously   help   us   deal   with   the   details   of   our   lives   that   worried   us.   Aisha   is   like   no   other   woman.   She   is   so   intelligent,   decisive   and   capable   that   her   advice   and   decisions   are   always   orderly,   methodical   and   to   the   point.   She   is   also   a   great   scholar   and   spends   what   time   she   could   on   her   studies.   I   don’t   know   anyone   else   who   could   do   what   she   does…”

“Yes,   that   is   so”   agreed   Romi.     “There   are   seventeen   members   of   the   Kingdom   living   in   this   real   world,   not   counting   Stephanie   and   Ileen   who   had   passed   away   (she   did   not   know   that   Ileen   did   not   die   but   was   living   a   life   of   repentance   in   Valley   of   Gahanna)   and   Marianna,   whom   we   had   never   seen.     Then   there   are   still   White   Fairy   and   Medusa   living   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   Charmaine   and   Clementine   living   with   King   Zeus   in   the   Seventh   Heaven   and   Deanna   who   had   never   stepped   out   of   the   land   of   her   birth   and   had   never   seen   the   outside   world.   I   don’t   think   any   of   them   would   be   coming   to   the   wedding.   Even   if   they   do   intend   to   come,   I   don’t   think   there   is   enough   time   to   make   wedding   gowns   for   them…”

“I   don’t   think   they   will   be   coming…”said   Laverne   still   frowning.   “Deanna   is   in   the   faraway   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   Charmaine   and   Clementine   are   still   farther   away   in   the   Seventh   Heaven.   There   is   no   way   to   let   them   know   of   this   grand   and   elaborate   wedding…To   be   perfectly   frank,   the   fewer   the   attendants,   the   fewer   will   be   the   things   Aisha   has   to   take   care   of…   If   all   three   of   them   came,   Aisha   would   have   three   more   people   on   her   hands.   Her   cup   which   is   already   full   to   the   brim   would   be   overflowing…”   Just   then   Mary   walked   over   with   her   tray   of   drinks   saying,

“Hey,   you   two   must   be   thirsty   after   chatting   all   this   time.     Come   have   some   drinks   that   Dorna   just   made…”   and   handed   them   each   a   cocktail.

“Thank   you   so   much,   Mary”   said   Romi.     “You   shouldn’t   have   to   wait   on   us.     Give   us   a   call   and   we   would   have   walked   over   to   get   them…”     Mary   smiled   and   said,

“It’s   okay.     We   are   all   sisters   and   can   dispense   with   all   this   politeness…”     Marcelina   also   walked   over   and   gave   each   of   them   a   small   dish   of   finger   food   from   her   tray.     Dorna   stood   behind   the   bar   and   looked   around   to   make   sure   that   everyone   had   been   served.     She   took   off   her   apron,   rolled   down   her   sleeves   and   said   to   Angelica,

“Hey   dj,   what   about   some   music?”

“No   problem”   replied   Angelica   nodding.     She   turned   and   left   the   room,   her   skirt   with   hibiscus   embroidered   at   the   hem,   swaying   as   she   walked.     Soon   the   large   living   room   was   filled   with   the   delightful   music   of   a   classical   waltz.     Dorna   walked   over   to   Amalia,   bowed   as   respectfully   as   any   gentleman   and   extending   one   hand   towards   her   said   solemnly   in   a   deep   voice,

“May   I   have   the   honor   of   this   dance,   Ma’am?”     Sheila   and   Yoko   were   convulsed   with   laughter.     Seeing   that   Amalia   was   still   in   a   good   mood,   they   pulled   her   up   from   the   sofa   and   walked   around   the   dance   floor   with   her   several   times   as   if   strolling   and   exercising   in   the   park   with   Maureen   following   behind.   Then,   fearing   she   would   twist   her   ankle   on   her   high   heeled   shoes   or   fall   down,   they   led   her   to   a   sofa   to   rest.     Dorna   went   over   to   Novella   and   said,  

“You   can’t   possibly   dance   with   that   nine-foot   long   train,   so   you   can   only   sit   and   be   a   spectator!”     Then   turning   to   Elena,   the   bridesmaid,   she   said,   “But   you,   beautiful   bridesmaid,   don’t   sit   there   in   a   daze   doing   nothing.     Come   and   dance   with   me!”   She   pulled   Elena   up   and   they   walked   towards   the   dance   floor.   While   dancing,   Dorna   called   out   in   a   loud   voice,   “Hey,   pianist!     ballet   dance   specialist!   Come   and   join   the   dance   or   else   this   lovely   music   would   be   wasted!     What   are   you   guys   waiting   for?     Come   on,     join   in   everyone!   You   too,   great   photographer.     You   have   been   busy   taking   pictures   of   everyone   else;   it’s   time   you   enjoyed   yourself   too!”   So   Charina   in   her   blue   dress   and   with   her   camera   still   hanging   by   a   strap   around   her   neck,   joined   the   throng   of   white   bridal   gowned   brides   on   the   dance   floor.     This   make   shift   dance   floor   was   not   large   and   could   not   accommodate   all   the   brides   with   their   flaring   skirts,   so   everyone   was   just   swaying   to   the   music,   careful   not   to   step   on   their   own   or   other   people’s   long   skirts.   Suddenly   the   music   changed.     The   waltz   stopped   and   changed   into   a   lively,   fast   paced   jitterbug.   There   was   a   rustle   among   the   white-gowned   brides   as   they   scattered   to   the   sides   to   allow   two   figures,   also   dressed   in   bridal   gowns   have   the   floor   as   they   swung   energetically   around   in   the   new   dance.   The   hem   of   the   skirt   of   one   of   the   dancers   was   embroidered   with   the   magnificent   and   colorful   peony,   while   the   whirling   skirt   of   the   other   was   embroidered   with   the   noble   and   stately   orchid!   Ah!   Queen   Aisha   had   arrived   and   was   leading   Megginn   happily   jitterbugging.     She   had   let   loose   the   chignon   she   normally   wore   at   the   back   of   her   head,   releasing   her   long   brown   hair,   allowing   it   to   sway   and   turn   freely   with   the   hem   of   her   skirt   as   she   danced   vivaciously   along.

No   one   was   around   the   deserted   street   corner   at   night.   The   dim   street   light   shone   on   an   old   dilapidated   truck   parked   under   it.   The   car   was   not   locked.     It   was   just   a   pile   of   junk   that   no   one   had   the   remotest   interest   in   stealing   as   it   was   at   best   a   pile   of   metal   scraps   that   was   still   able   to   move.   Behind   the   narrow   sidewalk   was   the   deserted   rose   garden,   where   the   sounds   of   laughter,   conversation   and   jazz   music   could   be   heard.   This   jazz   could   only   be   enjoyed   as   background   music   and   could   not   be   used   to   dance   because   its   tempo   was   irrational,   sometimes   quick   and   sometimes   slow   and   its   sound   now   loud   now   soft…   a   far   cry   from   the   classic   waltz   in   Novella’s   mansion   which   all   the   beauties   were   dancing   to.     Five   or   six   homeless   men   sat   around   an   open   fire   in   the   deserted   garden   eating   and   drinking.     There   was   a   metal   grill   of   sorts   made   of   wires   placed   above   the   fire   and   someone   was   turning   the   meat   placed   on   it   to   and   fro,   sending   off   mouth-watering   aroma   of   baking   meat   into   the   air.   There   wasn’t   an   abundance   of   pork   and   lamb   chops,   so   they   had   to   ration   and   share,   but   the   liquor   was   more   than   sufficient.   It   was   cheap,   strong   whiskey,   quite   unlike   cocktails   which   were   only   good   for   show   and   recreation.   There   were   no   women   around   the   fire,   just   five   or   six   homeless   males,   among   whom   was   the   missing   bridegroom   Dimitri   whom   no   one   knew   where   to   find.   Dimitri   drank   heartily   from   the   chipped   glass   in   his   hand   and   said,

“I   have   had   enough   of   the   meat   and   whisky   and   am   quite   full.     You   guys   go   on   and   enjoy…     Just   give   me   a   piece   of   bread   soaked   up   with   some   of   the   meat   sauce   and   I’ll   be   OK…”   David   was   sitting   next   to   Dimitri.   The   expression   on   his   face   that   used   to   be   permanently   full   of   misery   and   anger   was   now   different.     Though   still   wrinkled   and   weather-beaten,   it   was   flushed   after   imbibing   a   lot   of   hard   liquor   and   sitting   around   a   roaring   fire.   He   laughed   and   said,

“Hey   Dimitri,   don’t   be   so   polite.     Eat   and   drink   some   more.   Everyone   one   of   us   is   used   to   hunger,   why   should   you   alone   be   the   one   to   suffer?   You   are   our   King…     Am   I   right?”   he   asked   turning   to   the   others.   Every   one,   Mr.   Kaffee,   Big-O,   Richard   and   Jamaz,   nodded,   saying,

“Of   course.     You’re   right.   Come   on,   everyone,   Gan-bei!”   Mr.   Kaffee   took   the   lead   and   emptied   his   glass   at   a   quaff.   Jamaz   who   never   used   glasses   grabbed   the   bottle   on   the   ground,   threw   back   his   head   and   guzzled   appreciatively.   Then   wiping   his   mouth   with   the   back   of   his   hand,   he   took   a   piece   of   meat   and   said,

“That   old   bastard   David   never   used   to   have   anything   good   to   say,   but   this   time   his   words   are   true.”     Dimitri   was   clearly   uncomfortable   with   their   appreciative   words.     Elbowing   David,   he   said,

“You   old   bum.   You   don’t   know   how   to   do   anything,   but   what   a   great   flatterer   you   are!   I   know   you   so   well;   you   have   some   devilish   idea   in   your   head.     Come   on,   spit   it   out,   what   is   it   you   want   this   time…?”   David   waved   his   hands   and   said,

“No,   no,   no…   I   am   not   flattering   you   and   I   have   no   devilish   ideas   in   my   head.   I   am   speaking   the   truth.     Last   night,   I   snuck   again   into   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   sat   on   the   gold   throne.   For   one   night   I   was   the   almighty   king   of   a   realm…Ha-ha…it   was   really   a   great   experience…   a   really   wonderful,   wonderful   experience…   But   I   thought   I   heard   you   say   that   the   gold   palace   had   been   sunk   to   the   bottom   of   Star   Moon   Lake.     However,   the   last   two   times   I   went   there,   it   was   right   where   it   always   was,   by   the   side   of   Giant   Mountain.   How   could   that   be?”   On   hearing   this,   Dimitri   began   to   laugh.     He   quickly   chewed   and   swallowed   the   piece   of   bread   he   was   eating,   drank   some   liquor   to   wash   it   down   and   then   said,

“Actually   it’s   very   simple.     Let   me   explain   it   to   you   this   way.   The   Kingdom   of   Dreams   is   in   a   very   magical   sphere   of   time   where   the   past,   present   and   future   all   exist   at   the   same   time.   It   is   completely   different   from   this   real   world   we   live   in.     Here   in   our   realm   of   time,   the   past   is   gone   and   no   longer   exists.   The   future   is   not   here   yet,   so   it   does   not   exist   either.   We   live   only   in   the   present.   But   what   is   the   present?   The   present   is   nonstop   becoming   the   past   without   a   second’s   delay.   The   future   is   constantly   evolving   into   the   present   without   a   second’s   delay   either.   So   the   relationship   between   the   present,   past   and   future   is   extremely   indistinct   and   hard   to   control.     I’ll   give   you   another   example.     In   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   time   and   space   are   like   a   big   book.     What   you   see   depends   on   which   part   of   the   book   you   cut   into.     If   you   turn   to   the   beginning   of   the   book,   the   gold   palace   had   not   yet   been   built.     If   you   turn   to   the   middle   of   the   book,   the   gold   palace   had   already   been   built   but   was   occupied   by   the   barbarian   tribes.     You   David   are   a   lucky   dog   because   you   happened   to   turn   to   the   part   of   the   book   when   the   gold   palace   had   already   been   built   but   had   not   yet   been   occupied   by   anyone,   so   you   had   been   able   to   come   and   go   at   will.     If   you   turned   to   the   part   where   it   was   occupied   by   the   barbarian   tribes,   you   would   have   been   captured   and   beheaded   by   the   barbarian   occupiers   and   your   bloody   head   would   have   been   hung   on   the   eaves   of   the   palace   gate.   So   I   say   you   have   really   been   lucky.     You   have   been   able   to   go   twice   to   the   gold   palace,   sit   on   the   solid   gold   throne   and   enjoy   the   life   of   a   monarch,   experiencing   what   it   is   to   be   royal   and   almighty…     I   used   ‘a   big   thick   book’   as   an   example   to   make   it   easier   for   you   to   understand.     Actually,   a   more   appropriate   way   to   explain   it   would   be   to   say   that   time   has   no   beginning   and   no   end.”     Mr.   Kaffee   quaffed   his   wine   and   seemed   to   sink   into   deep   thought.     After   a   while   he   murmured,

“I   seem   to   remember   having   been   to   that   magic   sphere   of   time…     Yes…I   am   sure   I   once   led   a   legion   of   about   200,000   soldiers   of   the   ancient   Roman   Empire   and   laid   siege   to   your   Kingdom   of   Dreams   which   looked   like   an   impregnable   castle.   Later…later…you   rushed   out   of   the   castle   leading   about   ten   thousand   warriors   to   fight   with   my   Roman   legionnaires.     The   bodies   of   your   warriors   were   made   of   clay   and   they   were   welding   weapons   made   of   stone.     They   rushed   fearlessly   into   the   midst   of   the   Roman   soldiers,   who   evaporated   into   dark   clouds.   These   dark   clouds   gathered   overhead   and   torrents   of   rain   poured   down,   falling   on   your   warriors,   who   began   to   melt   back   into   the   soil   from   which   they   were   made.   In   the   end,   dust   turned   to   dust   and   soil   turned   to   soil,   each   reverting   back   to   its   original   state.     So,   that   battle   ended   with   both   armies   completely   wiped   out.   No   side   won   and   no   side   was   defeated…   (See   Book   1   Chapter   2   The   Dream-maker)”

“At   the   time”   said   Dimitri,   “I   wanted   to   stop   the   invasion   of   the   Roman   soldiers,   so   I   transformed   myself   to   a   husky   savage   deity,   with   a   rhinoceros   horn   at   the   top   of   my   head,   one   huge   eye   on   my   face   and   another   eye   at   the   back   of   my   head.   I   just   wanted   to   scare   them   with   my   image,   never   realizing   that   there   was   just   such   a   person   chained   in   a   cave   at   the   back   of   my   kingdom.   Later,   I   gave   him   the   name   of   Cyclops…”     He   then   added   “Just   now   you   spoke   of   war,   and   that   touches   me   deeply.   Since   the   beginning   of   time   when   man   first   appeared   on   this   earth,   innumerable   wars   big   and   small   have   been   fought.   Every   war   inevitably   becomes   a   cruel   and   gruesome   scene   of   death   and   bloodshed,   with   corpses   piling   up   on   battle   fields   where   blood   had   dyed   the   ground   red,   fully   displaying   the   remnants   of   cruel   and   ferocious   animal   instincts   still   alive   in   human   nature,   namely   killing   and   pugnacity.   Neither   have   the   human   race   learnt   any   lessons   from   their   experience   in   previous   wars.   If   they   could   be   cool-headed   and   analyze   things   soberly   and   calmly   before   the   war   began,   they   would   be   able   to   decide   which   war   is   inevitable   and   which   could   be   avoided.   In   wars   between   nations,   whenever   national   sovereignty,   interest,   honor   or   sanctity   are   involved,   the   situation   becomes   especially   explosive   and   could   be   set   off   with   a   touch,   get   out   of   hand   and   become   an   irreconcilable   mess.   The   scope   of   warfare   has   also   escalated,   involving   from   hundreds   of   thousands   of   people   to   millions   and   tens   of   millions   of   people   and   has   come   to   the   point   when   those   involved   were   willing   to   risk   total   annihilation   if   necessary.   Such   irrational   madness   will   one   day   lead   to   the   destruction   of   the   world.   On   this   earth   we   human   beings   have   no   natural   enemy   and   no   outside   aggression   has   threatened   us.     It   is   we   ourselves   who   have   pushed   the   human   race   to   the   borders   of   self   destruction…Why?   I   really   do   not   understand…If   we   take   a   long-sighted   view   and   look   back   on   our   history,   at   the   wars   that   had   become   larger   and   larger   in   scope,   we   would   find   that   most   of   them   were   unnecessary   and   could   have   been   avoided.   But   people   decided   to   settle   problems   with   violence.   But   using   brute   force,   the   most   simple,   direct   and   barbarous   way   to   settle   problems   is   certainly   not   an   expression   of   clear-headedness   and   rationality.   In   the   future,   if   humans   are   willing   to   give   up   brute   force   and   violence   as   a   means   of   settling   disputes   and   establish   new   rules   to   do   so   by   other   means,   then   human   civilization   would   have   reached   a   brand   new   stage,   much   closer   to   Truth.”    

Silence   greeted   Dimitri’s   long   monologue.     Everyone   seemed   to   be   thinking   about   his   words.   Meat   was   cooking   on   the   wire   grill,   its   sauces   dripping   hissing   and   sizzling   onto   the   charcoal   below.     Richard   suddenly   raised   his   head   and   said,

“Hey   Dimitri   you   are   always   telling   us   about   this   Kingdom   of   Dreams   we   have   never   seen.     Why   don’t   you   take   us   to   this   magical   place   and   show   us   around?     That   would   be   an   eye-opening   experience   and   will   be   certain   to   widen   our   horizon…”

“Yeah.   That   right.   A   good   idea”   agreed   Big-O   and   Jamaz.   “Why   did   you   never   take   us   there?”

“Although   I   have   been   to   the   magical   Kingdom   of   Dreams,”   said   Mr.   Kaffee,   “I   only   walked   outside   on   the   perimeters   and   never   went   inside.   I   am   also   very   curious   about   the   place.”

“Ha”   hooted   David   gleefully.   “You   guys   had   never   been   there?   I   have   been   there   twice   and   can   be   your   guide.   I   will   be   able   to   cut   into   the   Kingdom   at   the   most   desirable   spot,   let   you   sit   on   King   Dimitri’s   solid   gold   throne   and   experience   the   thrill   of   being   an   almighty   monarch!   Oh!     That   was   an   indescribably   good   feeling…”

“Sure”   said   Dimitri   smiling.     “It   is   time   I   went   back   there   too.   You   guys   follow   David   back   to   the   Kingdom.     I   still   have   some   things   I   need   to   take   care   of   here.     I   will   join   you   all   later.”   The   group   of   homeless   hobos   quickly   put   out   the   fire   and   each   chose   a   spot   on   the   ground   under   the   eaves   to   lie   down   and   sleep.     Mr.   Kaffee   was   not   comfortable   sleeping   outdoors,   so   he   walked   into   dilapidated   house,   half   destroyed   by   fire,   chose   a   corner   to   lie   down   more   comfortably   and   went   to   sleep.   Being   under   the   influence   of   alcohol,   they   were   all   yawning   sleepily.   Soon   snores   were   heard   and   got   louder   and   louder.

The   luminous   full   moon   shone   on   the   earth,   making   it   almost   as   bright   as   day.   Dark   figures   of   five   men   could   be   seen   standing   together   on   a   small   hill   shadowed   by   Giant   Mountain.     They   were   King   Dimitri’s   good   friends   who   had   been   led   by   David   to   visit   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.   They   were   staring   unbelievably   straight   ahead   at   the   Sun   Moon   Lake   in   front   of   them,   where   innumerable   open   fires   blazed   and   streams   of   people   were   busily   walking   to   and   fro   as   if   getting   ready   for   some   momentous   event.   There   was   no   trace   of   the   magnificent   gold   palace.   Only   deep   grooves   were   left   on   the   ground   of   the   site   where   it   used   to   stand.   David   hit   his   forehead   with   his   hand   and   said,

“Gosh!   This   is   terrible!   Our   timing   was   all   wrong!     We   missed   the   best   time   and   angle   to   cut   into   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   did   not   make   it   to   the   time   when   the   gold   palace   was   just   built   and   there   was   no   one   occupying   it.     This   looks   as   if   the   hurricane   and   tsunami   had   already   hit   and   the   gold   palace   has   fallen   to   the   bottom   of   the   lake.   This   is   really   terrible.   We   missed   it   just   by   a   millisecond,   but   we   are   way   off   the   mark.   Look   where   we   landed!”   Standing   on   the   little   hillside,   Mr.   Kaffee   looked   carefully   into   the   distance   and   pointing   towards   the   bank   of   the   lake   said,

“Look   at   these   people   standing   there   by   the   side   of   the   lake.   They   seem   to   be   discussing   something.   From   their   gestures,   they   seem   to   be   attempting   to   raise   the   gold   palace   from   the   bottom   of   the   lake…   We   should   be   calm   and   stay   put.   Let’s   watch   and   see   what   happens   next…”

A   tall   huge   and   powerful   man   stood   by   the   side   of   the   lake.   He   had   a   rhinoceros   horn   at   the   top   of   his   head.   One   huge   eye   was   on   his   forehead   but   the   other   was   at   the   back   of   his   head.   Bulging   muscles   covered   his   body   displaying   his   extraordinary   energy   and   strength.   He   was   naked   except   for   a   leopard   skin   covering   his   waist   and   lower   body   as   he   stood   talking   to   a   serpent-haired   woman   who   was   very   beautiful   but   looked   frosty   and   aloof.     She   was   tall,   strong   and   athletic,   with   eyes   that   were   bright   and   piercing.   Why,   wasn’t   that   Medusa?   Standing   beside   her   was   a   young   girl   with   long   white   hair   that   resembled   the   mist   and   smoke.     Hey,   that   was   White   Fairy!     The   woman   standing   next   to   Cyclops   had   obvious   red   marks   of   recovering   wounds   around   her   waist.   Why,   that   was   Ileen   whom   Medusa   cut   in   two   by   the   waist!     Now   the   two   parts   of   her   body   had   been   put   together.   The   red   marks   on   her   waist   had   not   quite   faded   but   she   seemed   to   have   fully   recovered   She   was   as   alluring   and   beautiful   as   before   but   the   treacherous,   vindictive   and   malevolent   look   was   no   longer   in   her   eyes.   In   fact,   she   looked   gentle,   gracious   and   womanly.   Cyclops   and   his   nemesis   Medusa,   the   pair   of   dead   enemies,   had   also   made   peace   and   were   talking   amicably   together,   discussing   how   to   raise   the   gold   palace   from   the   lake.   Such   dramatic   changes   were   really   quite   unthinkable.     Just   as   King   Dimitri   had   said,   nothing   is   impossible   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams…

That   day   White   Fairy   left   the   Seventh   Heaven   and   returned   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   after   teaching   Charmaine   and   Clementine   the   final   procedure   of   brewing   the   wine   made   from   a   hundred   blossoms.   She   brought   back   with   her   King   Zeus’   approval   of   the   petition   of   the   people   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   allowing   them   to   raise   the   pure   gold   palace   from   the   bottom   of   Star   Moon   Lake   and   restore   it   to   its   original   site   by   Giant   Mountain.   The   gold   palace   would   again   see   the   light   of   day   and   sparkle   with   radiant   brilliance   under   the   dazzling   sun.   White   Fairy   was   so   very   happy   to   be   back.     She   stopped   for   a   moment   in   the   air   above   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   looked   all   around   searching   for   traces   of   Medusa,   eager   to   let   her   partner   know   as   soon   as   possible   about   the   great   news   she   had   brought   home.   Seeing   a   black   spot   in   the   far   distance   coming   swiftly   towards   her,   she   knew   it   was   Medusa   back   from   her   daily   patrol;   so   she   stopped   in   midair   and   waited.   Medusa’s   sharp   eyes   had   also   seen   a   puff   of   immobile   white   smoke   in   the   air   as   if   waiting   for   her   and   knew   at   once   that   it   was   White   Fairy;   so   flapping   her   huge,   mighty   wings   she   made   quickly   for   the   puff   of   light   smoke.   The   two   of   them   met   in   the   air   above   the   Star   Moon   Lake.     White   Fairy   put   her   arms   around   Medusa’s   neck   and   hugged   her.   The   two   of   them   flew   slowly   together   as   they   descended   towards   Giant   Mountain.   After   encircling   the   air   several   times,   Medusa   did   a   somersault   and   changed   to   human   form   as   she   touched   the   ground.   White   Fairy   too   floated   lightly   down   to   earth   and   changed   into   a   young   girl   with   white   hair   reaching   her   waist.  

Medusa   walked   excitedly   around   what   was   left   of   the   foundations   of   the   gold   palace,   rubbing   her   hands   as   she   murmured,

“…how   can   I   raise   the   gold   palace   up   from   the   bottom   of   the   lake?...all   by   myself?,   that’s   not   possible…but   what   else   can   I   do?...”     White   Fairy   smiled   and   walked   over   saying,

“…of   course   you   can’t   possibly   do   it   all   by   yourself!...But   if   you   add   in   Cyclops,   with   his   superhuman   strength   and   matchless   energy   together   with   the   united   efforts   of   the   people   of   the   whole   Kingdom,   I   am   sure   we   would   be   able   to   accomplish   this   daunting   task…   Oh   and   don’t   forget,   we   also   have   a   magic   flying   horse…”   Medusa   slapped   her   forehead   at   White   Fairy'   words   as   if   just   waking   from   a   dream   and   said,

“Oh   yes,   you   are   perfectly   right!   I   had   forgotten   all   about   Cyclops.   To   accomplish   this   formidable   task   we   would   certainly   need   his   help…”   Then   her   face   fell   as   she   said,   “But…but…the   two   of   us   have   a   long   and   complicated   history   of   love,   hatred   and   enmity   …there   is   certainly   no   love   lost   between   us…would   he   be   willing   to   help?...”

“Where   there’s   a   will,   there’s   a   way”   replied   White   Fairy   decisively.   “If   we   don’t   even   try,   how   are   we   to   know   whether   he   would   be   willing   to   lend   us   a   hand   or   not?   I   am   quite   sure   I   will   be   able   to   persuade   him.     But   I   haven’t   seen   any   trace   of   him   around   here   for   quite   a   long   time.     Do   you   think   he   could   have   left   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams?”

“No”   replied   Medusa   confidently.   “He   hasn’t   gone   far   and   is   still   hiding   somewhere   within   our   Kingdom.   I   once   saw   him   climbing   up   the   sheer   cliff   from   the   fathomless   abyss   which   people   say   is   the   entrance   to   Hell.   I   think   that   he   is   hibernating   down   there   doing   I   know   not   what…”

“Really?   That’s   great!”   said   White   Fairy   happily.     “So   long   as   there   is   a   cue   of   where   he   might   be,   it   would   not   be   hard   to   find   him...   You   stay   here   and   wait   for   me…   I’ll   just   go   and   take   a   look.     I   will   first   fly   down   the   sheer   cliff   to   the   bottomless   pit   and   see   what’s   there.   I’ll   be   right   back…”     Saying   so,   White   Fairy   changed   into   a   puff   of   smoke   and   flew   towards   the   cliffs.

White   Fairy   hovered   in   the   air   above   the   cliffs   and   saw   that   below   her   was   a   dark   and   bottomless   pit.   Could   that   really   be   the   entrance   to   Hell?     She   had   flown   around   the   area   multiple   times,   but   had   never   gone   down   there   to   look   around.     The   cold   and   frigid   air   rising   from   the   bottom   of   the   pit   caused   her   to   recoil   and   shiver   with   apprehension.   But   then   she   thought   to   herself,   “If   I   don’t   go   down   there,   who   else   has   the   capability   to   fly   up   and   down   at   will?   If   I   don’t   go   down   there,   how   could   we   find   out   where   Cyclops   is   hiding?   Without   his   help,   how   could   we   raise   the   gold   palace   from   the   bottom   of   the   lake?”     At   the   thought,   White   Fairy   clenched   her   teeth   and   resolved   to   conquer   her   fears   and   accomplish   her   goal.     She   closed   her   eyes   tight   and   braced   herself   as   she   descended   slowly   down   the   dark   abyss   towards   the   gates   of   hell.   Winds   gushed   by   her   ears   and   it   grew   darker   and   darker   until   she   found   herself   surrounded   by   utter   darkness.     Fear   struck   her   heart.   She   opened   her   eyes   to   find   that   it   was   pitch   dark   all   around.   Calming   herself,   she   accustomed   her   eyes   to   the   darkness   and   gradually   saw   that   there   was   a   shred   of   light   not   far   away   and   knew   that   she   had   at   last   reached   the   bottom   and   was   nearing   the   entrance   to   hell.  

White   Fairy   then   slowly   floated   towards   the   ray   of   light   in   the   darkness.   Actually   the   light   came   from   the   huge   stone   gates   of   Hell   that   Cyclops   pushed   open   but   had   never   closed   properly.   Entering   through   the   gate,   White   Fairy   found   herself   in   a   completely   different   environment.   Flowers   bloomed   and   branches   of   the   willow   trees   swayed   with   the   breeze.   Amidst   the   flowers   was   a   pool   of   water   and   in   the   distance   were   straw   huts   with   spinning   wheels   inside.   This   did   not   look   at   all   like   the   much   feared   Gehenna,   but   was   more   like   utopia   with   its   calm   and   beautiful   rural   setting.   Suddenly   the   sound   of   rippling   water   was   heard   and   from   the   banks   of   the   pool   amidst   the   flowers   came   a   beautiful   naked   woman   with   bright   red   wounds   circling   her   waist.     She   stooped   down,   picked   up   a   coarse   white   cotton   robe   from   the   ground   and   put   it   on.     She   turned   around   while   tying   the   belt   around   her   waist   and   White   Fairy   saw   that   she   was   Ileen,   the   traitor   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.   She   was   as   alluring   and   beautiful   as   before   but   the   treacherous,   vindictive   and   malevolent   look   was   no   longer   in   her   eyes.   Her   expression   was   now   peaceful   and   gentle.   Ileen   too   saw   White   Fairy,   who   had   changed   to   the   shape   of   a   beautiful   young   woman   with   long   white   hair   falling   to   her   waist.   The   two   of   them   looked   at   each   other   with   smiles   on   their   faces,   their   former   enmity   and   hatred   forgotten.     In   the   past   Ileen’s   affair   with   Cyclops   and   their   plot   to   rebel   and   overthrow   King   Dimitri’s   Kingdom   of   Dreams   were   discovered   by   White   Fairy   and   it   was   she   who   exposed   their   treachery,   so   the   two   of   them   had   become   mortal   enemies.   But   now   with   a   smile   of   mutual   understanding,   their   hostility   and   animosity   dissolved   completely   without   a   trace.  

“Hi,   White   Fairy”   said   Ileen   as   she   walked   over   smilingly.   “I   am   very   glad   to   see   you.   How   are   the   other   beauties?...   Oh   yes,   how   did   you   know   I   am   hiding   here   at   the   bottom   of   the   sheer   cliff?”

“Hi   Ileen”   answered   White   Fairy,   smiling   shyly.   “I   am   glad   to   see   you   too.   How   are   you?   The   beauties   are   all   well,   thanks   for   asking   after   them.   I   did   not   know   you   were   living   at   the   bottom   of   this   steep   cliff.     This   place   is   quite   near   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     How   come   we   never   knew   you   were   here?     Actually   I   found   this   place   purely   by   accident.     I   was   looking   for   Cyclops   to   ask   for   his   help,   never   dreaming   I   would   come   upon   you.     This   is   wonderful!   But…Ileen…   aren’t   you…I   mean   you’re   supposed   to   be…”

“You   mean   I’m   supposed   to   be   dead   after   being   cut   in   two   by   Medusa’s   sword?”   asked   Ileen,   whose   smile   turned   brighter   and   more   mysterious   than   ever.   “Yes,   I   died   and   was   condemned   to   suffer   the   penalty   of   the   damned   and   burn   forever   in   the   fiery   flames   of   Gehenna.     Day   and   night   I   struggled   to   stay   afloat   in   the   rolling   waves   of   fire   and   wondered   despairingly   if   my   sufferings   would   ever   end.     I   couldn’t   help   thinking   of   all   the   people   who   lost   their   lives   in   battle   because   of   me   and   realized   that   my   sins   were   heinous   and   I   deserved   the   punishment   metered   out   to   me.   That   flash   of   remorse   and   contrition   in   my   heart   brought   about   a   miraculous   change.     The   fire   that   had   been   tormenting   me   for   so   long   lost   a   little   of   its   power   and   my   suffering   decreased   as   a   result.     I   was   greatly   surprised   and   continued   to   look   into   my   heart   and   continued   my   self-examination   and   self-reflection.     I   found   that   whenever   the   hatred   in   my   heart   decreased,   so   did   the   heat   of   the   terrible   fires   tormenting   me.   When   the   fire   of   hatred   in   my   heart   completely   subsided,   the   fires   of   Gehenna   died   down   completely…Can   you   believe   that   the   pool   of   water   you   see   yonder   is   the   site   of   the   roaring   fire   that   consumed   me?   Not   only   that,   my   body   which   had   been   cut   in   two   also   gradually   grew   together.     Look   at   me.     Don’t   I   look   as   good   as   new?”

“Congratulations…Congratulations   Ileen,   for   being   granted   a   new   life”   said   White   Fairy   genuinely   glad   for   her.

“No,   don’t   congratulate   me”   said   Ileen.     “I   should   be   grateful   to   heaven   for   the   series   of   miracles   it   created   to   enable   me   to   have   a   second   chance   at   life.   Isn’t   that   right?”

“Yes,   you   are   right….”   murmured   White   Fairy,   looking   intently   at   the   pool   of   clear,   calm   water   whose   surface   rippled   slightly   with   the   wind.   “It’s   really   hard   to   imagine   that   this   clear,   calm   pool   used   to   be   the   site   of   roaring,   rolling   flames   of   Gehenna.   It’s   really   incredible…I   seem   to   see   the   light   of   Truth   here…Yes.     Yes…If   hatred   could   be   dissolved,   then   what   is   there   that   cannot   be   dissolved?...”    

  “By   the   way,”   said   Ileen,   breaking   into   White   Fairy’s   reverie,   “you   just   told   me   you   were   looking   for   Cyclops   and   happened   to   come   upon   me   here.   Well,   I   can   tell   you   that   you   have   come   to   the   right   place.   Cyclops   has   retired   from   the   world   and   is   living   in   seclusion   in   these   mountain   and   valleys.     He   just   went   hunting   and   should   be   returning   soon.     What   did   you   want   with   him?”     White   Fairy   then   told   Ileen   all   about   Medusa’s   plan   to   raise   the   gold   palace   from   the   bottom   of   the   lake   and   restore   it   to   its   original   site   by   Giant   Mountain   so   that   it   would   again   see   the   light   of   day   and   sparkle   with   radiant   brilliance   under   the   dazzling   sun.   She   added   that   they   sorely   needed   Cyclops’   amazing   strength   and   energy,   as   without   his   help   they   would   not   be   able   to   accomplish   their   goal   and   that   was   why   she   was   looking   for   him   everywhere…   The   fact   that   she   just   happened   to   come   here   and   met   Ileen,   and   found   out   Cyclops   also   lived   here   was   really   a   very   rare   co-incidence   and   must   be   the   will   of   Heaven.     She   was   confident   now   that   their   task   could   be   accomplished…   It   was   late   when   White   Fairy   finished   explaining.   It   was   growing   dark   although   the   last   rays   of   the   sun   still   lingered   over   the   hills   and   forests.   A   figure   could   be   seen   walking   towards   them   from   the   distance,   carrying   a   dead   deer   over   his   shoulders.   He   had   a   rhinoceros   horn   at   the   top   of   his   head.   One   huge   eye   was   on   his   forehead   but   the   other   was   at   the   back   of   his   head.   Bulging   muscles   covered   his   body   displaying   his   extraordinary   energy   and   strength.   Why,   that’s   the   strange   creature   Cyclops!   As   he   came   closer   and   saw   White   Fairy,   the   fury   long   buried   in   his   bosom   burst   out   of   control.     Throwing   the   dead   deer   heavily   on   the   ground,   he   walked   menacingly   towards   her   roaring,

“Aren’t   you   one   of   Dimitri’s   people?     What   are   you   doing   here   on   my   territory   in   the   pits   of   Gehenna?   Did   that   bitch   Medusa   send   you?     We   have   retreated   to   the   very   bottom   of   the   fathomless   abyss   to   escape   her.     Isn’t   that   enough?     Has   she   sent   you   here   to   kill   both   of   us?   Alright!   Tell   her   to   come   on   then,   I   am   not   scared.   I’ll   take   her   on   and   we   will   fight   to   the   death…”   The   delicate   White   Fairy   shrank   back   trembling   with   fear,   feeling   really   threatened   by   this   savage,   bellowing   beast   of   a   man.   Ileen   stepped   in.     Placing   her   fingers   on   Cyclops’   arm,   she   pulled   him   aside   and   said   softly,

“Cyclops,   what   are   you   doing?   Why   do   you   rave   and   rant   at   her   the   moment   you   see   her?     Look   how   you   scared   White   Fairy.     She’s   trembling   in   fright!   Let   me   tell   you   why   she   is   here…The   past   is   long   gone   and   things   have   changed.     It   is   time   to   deal   with   a   brand   new   deck   of   cards   and   let   people   and   things   reassemble.     My   body   which   had   been   cut   in   two   has   now   been

joined   together   and   is   as   good   as   new.     The   hatred   in   my   heart   has   died   down   and   I   feel   only   a   deep   sense   of   remorse   towards   King   Dimitri.   From   now   on   I   will   spend   my   days   in   prayer   and   contrition.     I   know   there   are   unresolved   issues   between   you   and   Medusa.     She   once   betrayed   you   and   left   you   for   King   Dimitri,   which   to   this   day   still   infuriates   you.     But   on   the   other   hand   I   was   once   one   of   King   Dimitri’s   beauties   in   his   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     I   betrayed   him   and   left   him   for   you.   So   in   this   tug   of   war   there   seems   to   be   a   stalemate…Call   it   quits   now,   Cyclops.     What   is   there   to   quibble   about   at   this   stage?   Although   the   two   of   us   take   refuge   here   at   the   bottom   of   the   sheer   cliffs   and   live   the   life   of   hermits   far   from   the   rest   of   the   world,   this   place   does   not   belong   to   us.     It   is   still   within   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.   I   don’t   think   your   hostile   attitude   towards   King   Dimitri   is   appropriate.     It   reverses   the   positions   of   host   and   guest   and   smacks   of   insurrection   and   insurgence.   Situations   have   changed,   Cyclops,   and   things   are   no   longer   the   same.   Now   there   is   no   hostility   and   enmity   between   us   and   King   Dimitri,   so   why   not   shake   hands   and   make   peace   so   we   would   be   able   to   live   the   rest   of   our   lives   in   peace   and   happiness.   They   are   here   to   ask   for   your   help   in   raising   the   gold   palace   from   the   bottom   of   the   lake   and   restore   it   to   its   original   site   by   Giant   Mountain.   If   you   are   able   to   do   it,   why   don’t   you   offer   them   the   help   they   want?   It   is   important   to   keep   the   peace   between   us…”     Ileen’s   gentle,   soft   and   logical   words   overwhelmed   Cyclops’   rage   and   anger   and   he   regained   a   calmer   state   of   mind.  

  Just   then   the   flapping   of   mighty   wings   was   heard   and   they   knew   that   Medusa   had   arrived.     Looking   up   they   saw   a   big   black   bird   swoop   down   from   on   high,   turn   a   somersault   and   drop   down   to   the   ground   in   the   shape   of   a   beautiful   serpent-haired   woman.   White   Fairy   walked   over   to   her   and   said,

“Hi   Medusa.     How   come   you   are   here?”

“You   were   gone   for   a   long   time   and   it   was   getting   late,   so   I   came   to   make   sure   that   you   are   alright   and   nothing   untoward   had   happened.   Are   you   alright?”

“I’m   fine   and   everything   is   going   fine.     I   think   that   there   is   a   great   possibility   that   we   would   be   able   to   accomplish   our   goal…”   Medusa   saw   the   answer   in   White   Fairy’s   eyes.   Smiles   lighted   up   the   eight   eyes   of   these   four   people   as   they   stood   in   the   narrow   valley   and   stared   intently   at   each   other,   signifying   their   willingness   to   let   go   of   the   past   and   all   its   twists   and   turns,   love   and   hatred.   The   past   was   gone   and   done   with   and   they   no   longer   harbored   any   grudges   against   each   other.   The   atmosphere   at   once   turned   friendly   when   Cyclops   broke   the   ice   by   saying,

“Hi,   Medusa.     I   know   why   are   you   are   here.     I   am   willing   to   do   my   best   to   help   you,   but   some   things   are   hard   to   accomplish.     I   have   no   problem   climbing   up   this   sheer   cliff   …but   Ileen   is   just   recovering   and   cannot   be   subjected   to   stress   or   her   just   healing   wounds   might   rupture.   That   won’t   be   good.”     Medusa   laughed   and   said,

“That’s   not   a   problem.     Don’t   forget   I   am   a   huge   bird.     She   can   sit   on   my   back,   hold   on   to   my   feathers   and   I   will   take   her   up   from   this   deep   abyss   to   the   cliff   above…   White   Fairy   is   a   puff   of   smoke   and   will   not   have   any   problems,   either.   Well,   let’s   get   going…”

“Just   a   moment   Medusa”   interrupted   Cyclops,   suddenly   turning   serious   and   said   solemnly     “Later   on   when   I   am   climbing   up   the   cliff   using   both   and   hands   and   feet,   please   don’t   charged   down   at   me   from   on   high   while   I   am   stuck   there   defenseless   or   I   will   certainly   fall   to   my   death   then   and   be   smashed   to   smithereens…”   There   was   a   shocked   silence   for   a   moment   before   they   realized   that   Cyclops   had   made   a   joke   and   all   burst   into   laughter.   The   rough-and-tumble   action   guy   actually   had   a   sense   of   humor   and   was   ribbing   Medusa   about   the   time   she   attacked   him   in   the   middle   of   his   descent   from   the   cliff!”   It   was   lucky   that   at   the   time   Medusa’s   heart   softened   at   the   memory   of   their   past   relationship   and   did   not   deal   him   the   mortal   stroke   for   otherwise   now   there   would   be   no   one   to   help   her   raise   the   gold   palace   from   the   bottom   of   the   lake   (see   Book   2   Kingdom   in   the   Dreams)…     In   high   spirits   and   a   happy   atmosphere   of   comradeship,   the   four   of   them   quickly   prepared   to   leave.   Medusa   turned   into   a   large   black   bird   and   stopped   on   the   ground.     Ileen   then   unhesitantly   mounted   on   her   back   and   clutched   her   feathers   when   the   black   bird   soared   up   into   the   skies.     White   Fairy   turned   to   a   puff   of   light   smoke   and   floated   up   the   skies.   Cyclops   quickly   and   agilely   climbed   up   the   sheer   cliff   with   both   his   hands   and   feet.

The   luminous   full   moon   rose   to   the   middle   of   the   sky   and   shone   on   the   earth,   making   it   almost   as   bright   as   day.   Looking   at   the   night   sky,   Medusa’s   heart   was   filled   with   an   indescribable   tension.   The   brighter   the   moon,   the   stronger   her   feeling   of   inexplicable   fear.   “Could   this   full   moon   be   an   omen   of   bad   things   to   come?”   she   thought.   “Oh   no,   no.   Since   the   beginning   of   time,   the   full   moon   had   always   been   an   auspicious   symbol   and   not   a   harbinger   of   bad   luck.   I   am   being   overly   suspicious.”   Medusa’s   piercing   eyes   looked   all   around   her.   Scouts   and   sentries   had   been   posted   in   the   surrounding   forests   in   the   distance   and   would   shoot   resounding   arrows   into   the   air   in   case   of   any   emergency.   Innumerable   open   fires   had   been   lit   on   the   banks   of   the   lake   and   thousands   of   natives   were   busy   walking   to   and   fro   attending   to   their   assigned   tasks.   “No   accidents   must   happen   at   this   critical   point   when   the   gold   palace   was   about   to   be   raised   out   of   the   lake”   thought   Medusa.   “Perhaps   stress   and   tension   are   causing   this   feeling   of   unease   in   my   heart.   But   what   danger   could   possibly   be   lurking?     None   that   I   can   think   of.   I   must   be   too   keyed   up   and   am   worrying   about   nothing.   A   wry   smile   touched   the   corners   of   Medusa’s   lips.

Ileen’s   eyes   were   glued   to   the   surface   of   the   water   as   she   waited   anxiously.   “Cyclops   has   been   in   the   water   for   quite   a   while”   she   thought.     “Why   hasn’t   he   come   up   yet?   Could   something   untoward   have   happened?     Though   he   is   endowed   with   superhuman   strength   and   matchless   energy,   he   is   after   all   a   land   creature   and   not   at   all   a   good   swimmer.   Could   something   have   happened   to   him   down   there   in   the   bottom   of   the   water?”     Ileen   knew   she   was   making   a   mountain   out   of   a   mole   hole,   but   Cyclops   was   someone   near   and   dear   to   her   heart.     How   could   she   not   worry   about   her   man?   White   Fairy   knew   what   was   going   through   Ileen’s   mind,   so   she   walked   over   to   her   and   said,

“Don’t   worry,   Ileen.     Nothing   will   happen   to   Cyclops.   He   has   been   successfully   going   back   and   forth   so   many   times   carrying   things   from   land   to   the   bottom   of   the   lake   and   nothing   has   happened.     He   is   used   to   working   underwater   by   now.   This   time   he   carried   down   four   heavy   wheels   tied   to   five   tough   strong   ropes   of   great   tenacity.   Nothing   will   happen.   Also   Deanna   is   down   there   with   him.   That   girl   practically   grew   up   in   the   water   so   you   surely   have   confidence   in   her   capabilities.     With   her   swimming   with   him   and   helping   him   in   whatever   capacity   Cyclops   wants,   you   need   have   no   worries.”   Then   pointing   to   an   open   fire   by   the   bank   of   the   lake   she   said,   “Look   at   that   fire,   Ileen.   We   have   a   whole   lamb   roasting   over   a   slow   fire.     It’s   crispy   and   golden   brown   and   almost   done   now.   There’s   also   two   barrels   of   good   liquor.   When   Cyclops   comes   up   he   can   take   a   break   and   have   a   delicious   meal.   All   the   preparatory   work   is   done   and   we   are   poised   to   raise   the   gold   palace   from   the   bottom   of   the   lake.   Isn’t   this   an   exciting   time?...”   Ileen’s   eyes   again   looked   all   around   and   saw   that   the   ground   from   the   bank   of   the   lake   to   the   original   site   of   the   gold   palace   was   covered   with   carpet   made   of   coarse   gunnysack.     She   knew   that   the   natives   had   designed   this   specially   to   prevent   the   extremely   heavy   gold   palace   from   bogging   into   the   soil   as   it   was   being   moved   up   the   hill.   On   the   bank   of   another   part   of   the   lake,   several   strong   stalwart   bare-chested   young   native   warriors   took   turns   energetically   peddling   the   huge   bellows   connected   to   a   leather   pipe   that   went   straight   down   to   the   bottom   of   the   lake.   On   the   other   end   of   the   leather   pipe   was   a   pig’s   stomach   made   into   a   semitransparent   mask   fitted   to   Cyclops’   head.   It   was   through   this   pipe   that   fresh   air   was   transmitted   to   Cyclops,   enabling   his   high   capacity   lungs   to   breathe   as   he   worked   at   the   bottom   of   lake.   Seeing   that   all   preparations   had   been   effectively   done,   Ileen   breathed   a   sigh   of   relief.

Suddenly   a   small   boat   came   flying   towards   them   from   the   desolate   island   on   the   opposite   bank   of   the   lake.     A   figure   with   clothes   flapping   in   the   wind   was   standing   at   the   bow   gesturing   with   both   hands.     Under   the   luminous   moonlight   Ileen   saw   that   it   was   no   other   than   her   beloved   daughter   Viola.   The   strong   muscular   man   rowing   the   boat   was   Viola’s   husband   Mr.   Finger.   The   two   of   them   had   been   living   in   seclusion   in   their   tree   house   on   this   desolate   little   island   ever   since   they   came   back   from   their   trip   to   the   mundane   world.   A   man   and   a   woman   living   together   for   a   substantial   period   of   time,   naturally   became   a   couple.   At   first   Mr.   Finger   was   not   able   to   adjust   to   the   monogamous   relationship   of   one   husband   and   one   wife,   and   complained   incessantly,   but   because   he   had   no   control   over   his   body   which   Viola   could   make   as   big   as   she   wanted   or   as   small   as   a   finger   at   her   whim,   he   had   no   choice   but   to   capitulate.   But   as   time   went   on,   Mr.   Finger   had   been   tamed   to   the   point   that   he   was   submissive   and   obedient,   no   longer   complained   and   seemed   to   enjoy   the   happy   life   of   a   hen-pecked   man;   or   to   be   more   to   the   point,   he   no   longer   dared   to   complain.   As   they   looked   over   to   the   other   side   of   the   lake   that   evening,   they   saw     numerous   open   fires   burning   brightly,   hundreds   of   people   walking   busily   to   and   fro   and   could   sometimes   even   hear   sounds   of   shouting   in   the   distance.   Viola   knew   that   something   important   must   be   happening,   especially   since   she   had   heard   news   that   the   gold   palace   that   had   been   sunk   to   the   bottom   of   the   lake   was   going   to   be   dredged   up.   “Could   that   be   happening   tonight?”   she   wondered.     Viola   had   always   loved   the   magnificent   gold   palace,   so   she   immediately   hurried   Mr.   Finger   towards   the   water   and   the   two   of   them   made   swiftly   for   the   opposite   bank.  

Viola   rushed   into   her   mother’s   arms   and   Ileen   kissed   her   tenderly.   “Is   the   gold   palace   going   to   be   dredged   up   tonight?”   she   asked   urgently.   “...   Is   tonight   the   night?”  

“Yes,   yes   it   is…”   replied   Ileen.   “Your   father   is   down   there.     It   will   be   raised   up   from   the   bottom   of   the   lake   very   soon.     Are   you   happy?...”     Viola   nodded   and   said,

“That’s   great!     My   heart   is   thumping   faster   than   ever   when   I   think   of   how   the   gold   palace   would   soon   be   raised   from   the   bottom   of   the   lake   and   see   the   light   of   day   again   sparkling   with   radiant   brilliance   under   the   dazzling   sun.”   Mr.   Finger,   who   was   standing   nearby,   said   fawningly   to   Ileen,

“Why   didn’t   you   tell   us   beforehand   about   this   magnificent   task   being   carried   out   today?   If   I   had   known   I   would   have   come   over   to   help…   But   as   they   say,   ‘better   late   than   never’.   I   am   here   now   and   it   isn’t   too   late,   right?”   Ileen   glared   at   him   and   said   scornfully,

“You   want   to   help?...There   are   hundreds   of   thousands   of   brave   strong   native   warriors   here.   Who   needs   you?...Can   you   fly   to   the   heavens   or   can   you   swim   to   the   bottom   of   the   lake?   There’s   nothing   you   can   do   to   help   here.     You   just   stand   aside   and   watch…”     Whenever   Ileen   was   with   Mr.   Finger,   she   always   threw   her   weight   around   and   never   let   him   feel   too   comfortable   because   she   was   always   afraid   that   as   a   man   he   would   take   advantage   of   her   daughter   and   not   treat   her   well.   Mr.   Finger   understood   Ileen’s   fears   and   knew   that   her   attitude   towards   him   was   just   a   pose   she   affected   and   that   in   her   heart   she   really   loved   him   too.   Ileen   turned   and   asked   Viola,   “How   has   he   been   acting   lately?     Did   he   bully   you   or   do   anything   to   make   you   mad?   If   he   did,   just   let   me   know   and   I   will   tell   Cyclops   and   see   how   the   big   guy   will   deal   with   him.   Cyclops   will   shake   all   your   bones   loose   and   let   you   have   a   taste   of   his   superhuman   strength   and   matchless   energy.”   Viola   shook   her   head   and   said,

“Oh   no   mother,   he’s   been   quite   good   recently…He   doesn’t   dare   bully   me…”

“That’s   good”   said   Ileen.     “That’s   good.”  

“Bully   her?”   mumbled   Mr.   Finger,   muttering   under   his   breath   as   if   speaking   to   himself,   but   also   as   if   he   wanted   others   to   hear   what   he   was   saying.   “Do   I   dare?   I   thank   heavens   and   regard   myself   very   lucky   if   she   does   not   bully   me!   Never   in   my   whole   life   have   I   met   anyone   who   dares   to   intimidate   me.     Even   King   Dimitri   never   does   that.   She’s   the   only   one   that   dares   to   do   it…”   The   women   standing   around   cracked   up   at   his   mumbled   complaint.     Even   Medusa   who   was   normally   serious   and   solemn   couldn’t   help   laughing   out   loud.

Ileen   felt   uneasy   and   her   eyes   kept   searching   the   water   surface   wondering   why   Cyclops   had   been   underwater   for   so   much   longer   than   he   normally   did   and   hoping   nothing   adverse   had   happened   to   him.   Medusa   too   felt   restless   as   her   sharp,   anxious   eyes   searched   the   shadows   of   Giant   Mountain.   Suddenly   all   the   snake   hair   on   her   head   stood   straight   up   on   ends   and   her   piercing   eyes   opened   wide   as   if   she   had   detected   traces   of   enemy   invaders.     Changing   into   a   huge   black   bird   she   soared   high   up   into   the   skies   and   hovered   there   intently   searching   the   area   below.   White   Fairy   did   not   understand   why   Medusa   was   suddenly   so   alert,   so   she   followed   suite   and   flew   up   into   the   sky   too.   Soon   Medusa   made   out   five,   six   shadows   standing   on   a   small   hill,   looking   towards   the   lake   pointing   and   gesturing.   Medusa   immediately   unsheathed   her   sharp   iron   claws,   folded   her   outspread   wings   until   they   were   close   to   her   streamlined   body   and   made   ready   to   dive   down   and   greet   these   uninvited   intruders   with   a   head-on   attack.   White   Fairy   saw   what   was   going   on   and   shouted,

“Oh   no!     No   Medusa   no!   Don’t   do   it!   These   people   look   like   King   Dimitri’s   good   friends.     We   mustn’t   hurt   them   by   mistake!   You   remain   alert   in   the   air   and   I   will   go   down   and   find   out   what’s   going   on   there…”     Medusa   nodded   in   agreement.     She   changed   to   a   gliding   motion   and   circled   the   skies   while   White   Fairy   flew   towards   the   figures   standing   on   the   small   hill.     As   she   got   nearer,   she   saw   that   they   really   were   King   Dimitri’s   good   friends   Mr.   Kaffee,   Richard,   Jamaz,   Big   O   and   one   stranger.   They   had   once   been   close   allies   who   worked   together   to   eradicate   Hawknose   and   his   gang   of   mobsters   and   burnt   their   Lakeside   den   to   the   ground;   so   she   was   glad   to   see   them   again.     Mr.   Kaffee   and   his   friends   also   saw   the   puff   of   light   smoke   flying   towards   them   and   recognized   that   it   was   White   Fairy.   They   waved   to   her   and   shouted   excited   greetings   in   glee.     When   White   Fairy   changed   to   human   shape   and   appeared   before   them,   they   hugged   her   and   introduced   David   to   her   as   another   of   King   Dimitri’s   good   friend.   White   Fairy   also   hugged   David   closely,   which   greatly   elated   him   and   made   him   wild   with   joy.   After   the   elation   of   the   meeting   of   old   friends   calmed   down,   White   Fairy   realized   that   Medusa   was   still   circling   overhead,   so   she   raised   her   head   and   made   hand   signals   to   Medusa   intimating   that   these   were   friends   and   not   foe   so   she   need   not   worry.     Then   she   pointed   towards   the   lake   as   if   asking   Medusa   to   fly   there   first   and   she   would   bring   the   guests   down   there   to   meet   her.   Medusa   understood   and   flew   towards   the   lake.   Then   turning   to   the   guests,   White   Fairy   asked,

“Where   is   King   Dimitri?     Didn’t   he   come   with   you?”

“He   asked   us   to   come   here   first”   replied   Mr.   Kaffee.   “He   still   had   some   business   to   attend   to,   but   he   will   be   here   soon.”

“Alright”   said   White   Fairy.   “Let’s   walk   down   to   the   side   of   the   lake   and   meet   Medusa.”

“Is   Medusa   the   large   black   bird   with   a   human   face   and   snake   hair   that   King   Dimitri   told   us   about?”   asked   Mr.   Kaffee.   “He   told   us   she   was   the   protector   of   the   Kingdom.”

“Yes,   that’s   her”   answered   White   Fairy.   “To   avoid   misunderstanding,   let   me   go   down   first   and   tell   Medusa   of   your   arrival   and   also   that   you   are   all   King   Dimitri’s   good   friends   from   the   mundane   world.   You   can   walk   more   leisurely   down   the   hill   towards   the   lake.”  

“Sure,   that’s   a   good   idea”   said   Mr.   Kaffee.     White   Fairy   turned   into   a   puff   of   smoke   and   quickly   flew   down   ahead   followed   more   sedately   by   Mr.   Kaffee   and   his   friends.

Medusa   stood   by   the   open   fire,   her   face   lit   by   a   rarely   seen   smile   to   welcome   friends   from   a   far   away   land.   White   Fairy   introduced   Mr.   Kaffee,   Richard,   Jamaz,   Big-O   and   David   to   her   and   she   shook   their   hands   and   hugged   them   in   greeting.   When   White   Fairy   turned   to   introduce   them   to   Ileen,   there   was   a   fleeting   moment   of   awkwardness   and   embarrassment   between   her   and   Mr.   Kaffee   which   quickly   dissipated.   She   used   to   be   his   administrative   secretary   whom   he   sent   as   a   mole   to   King   Dimitri’s   Kingdom   so   that   she   could   spy   for   him,   give   him   inside   information   on   his   finances   so   Mr.   Kaffee   could   profit   by   it   and   tumble   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.   Her   later   exposure   and   defeat   led   to   a   series   of   bad   occurrences.     But   that   was   all   in   the   past.   Now   things   were   completely   different   and   everyone   wanted   to   bury   the   dead   past   and   start   with   a   clean   slate.     Suddenly   a   tall,   stalwart   man   rushed   into   their   midst   and   started   pummeling   Richard   on   the   shoulder   and   Jamaz   on   the   chest,   shouting   and   laughing,

“You   two   are   still   alive!     That’s   wonderful   news!   If   the   two   of   you   had   died,   my   sins   would   have   been   great…Yeah!     It’s   terrific   that   you   two   are   still   alive…”   Richard   and   Jamaz   saw   that   it   was   Emmanuel,   that   is   to   say   their   old   friend   Mr.   Finger,   so   they   too   laughed.  

“You   want   me   dead?     Not   that   easy…”   said   Jamaz.     “   I   don’t   die   that   easily.   Even   if   you   wanted   me   dead,   God   will   not   accept   me…”   Richard   hit   Emmanuel   on   his   tummy   saying,

“Die?     How   could   I   die?...     I   haven’t   lived   enough   yet   and   certainly   am   not   willing   to   die…”   Big-O   always   loved   a   good   fight,   so   when   he   saw   the   three   of   them   horsing   around   he   immediately   joined   the   fray   shouting,

“Hey,   come   on   Emmanuel,   I   have   never   fought   with   you   before,   why   don’t   we   have   a   go   at   it.     Come   on   let’s   go   somewhere   we   can   have   a   good   fight   and   see   who   is   the   better   man!...”   The   four   of   them   stripped   down.     Fists   and   kicks   flew   around   wildly   in   a   free-for-all,   while   Mr.   Kaffee   and   David,   the   two   older   men   stood   around   smiling   and   watching   the   friendly   fight.   Richard’s   fist   caught   Emmanuel   on   the   nose   and   he   said,

“Hey   dude,   I   heard   that   you   got   hitched   to   that   great   little   beauty   Viola.     Is   that   right?   You   are   really   a   very   lucky   guy!”   Emmanuel’s   nose   immediately   spurted   out   blood,   but   he   was   too   busy   to   stop   and   take   care   of   it.     He   immediately   rushed   up   to   Richard   swinging   wildly,

“Damn   you   to   hell   man,   you   took   advantage   of   my   carelessness…What   were   you   saying   just   now?     You   said   I’m   a   very   lucky   guy?...Yeah!   I   am   a   very   lucky   guy…   I   suffer   very   greatly   too…Remember   the   good   old   days   when   we   were   hanging   out   together?     We   ate   meat   and   drank   liquor,   gambled   in   casinos   and   went   whoring   in   brothels,   ah,   that   was   life!   Now   I   can’t   do   any   of   these   things   any   more.   Ah,   woe   is   me!     I   am   out   of   luck!”   Suddenly   a   slim   figure   streaked   into   their   midst   and   twisted   his   ear   saying,

“Say   it   again?     Who’s   out   of   luck?     You   just   say   that   aloud   one   more   time!...”     Emmanuel’s   body   bowed   down   to   the   waist   in   pain   as   he   cried   out   loud,

“Ow…ow…Look   you   guys,   that   is   my   very   good   luck!   That’s   one   of   the   advantages   of   having   a   wife…”   The   four   men   who   had   just   been   fighting   together   burst   into   laughter.     Mr.   Kaffee   walked   over   and   acting   as   a   peacemaker   separated   the   two   saying,

“Alright,   all   joking   aside,   let’s   settle   down   and   talk   about   something   serious.”   Turning   to   Emmanuel   he   said,   “After   you   were   taken   away   by   that   white-bearded   dwarf   and   brought   back   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   we   never   saw   him   again.   If   he   is   still   here   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   could   you   take   us   to   him   so   we   could   have   a   grand   reunion?   We   haven’t   seen   him   for   a   long   time   and   really   miss   the   old   dwarf!”  

“You   mean   that   old   guy   Dwarf   Mickey?”   Emmanuel   asked   wiping   at   his   bloody   nose.  

“He’s   down   there”   he   said   pointed   to   the   water   surface.   His   audience   seemed   mystified   and   did   not   understand   what   he   meant.   Viola   then   told   them   of   how   Dwarf   Mickey   gathered   together   all   the   diamonds   and   precious   gems   scattered   all   around   the   world   into   one   place   and   then   sank   with   them   to   the   bottom   of   the   lake.   Everyone   sighed   and   Mr.   Kaffee’s   eyes   were   sad   and   sorrowful   as   he   said,

“How   could   a   strong   and   energetic   old   man   like   Dwarf   Mickey   throw   himself   into   the   water   just   like   that?   It’s   really   puzzling.     Why   would   he   do   that?”

“Why?”   said   Emmanuel,   reverting   again   to   his   normal   cheeky   self.   “No   reason   at   all.     Perhaps   he   did   it   just   for   fun!   Maybe   he   is   hiding   down   there   somewhere   in   the   water   and   when   you   guys   have   forgotten   all   about   him,   he   would   climb   up   to   the   shore   sneakily   and   scare   you   all   to   death.   It   would   be   fun…”   Mr.   Kaffee   knew   the   little   fellow   was   jesting   in   his   own   foolish   manner   and   did   not   pay   any   attention   to   him.     Looking   at   the   surface   of   the   water   his   expression   suddenly   changed   to   one   of   fear   and   pointing   at   something   in   the   water   he   asked,

“Look   you   guys!   What   is   that?”

The   calm   surface   of   the   lake   broke   with   a   splash   as   a   large   head   rose   from   under   the   water.   It   did   not   appear   to   be   human,   but   rather   like   that   of   some   strange   monster,   with   a   singular   horn   on   the   top   of   its   head   and   a   face   made   indistinct   by   the   semitransparent   membrane   that   covered   it.   But   the   face   behind   it   had   only   one   huge   eye   seemed   to   shine   with   brilliant   intensity   as   it   looked   around.   Mr.   Kaffee   and   his   little   group   of   friends   stepped   back   with   apprehension,   but   Ileen   and   Viola   ran   towards   the   lake   waving   their   hands,   shouting   and   screaming   with   excitement   and   glee.   That   monster-like   head   kept   moving   slowly   and   sedately   towards   shore.   Thick   and   heavy   shoulders   appeared,   followed   by   a   muscular   chest   that   contained   endless   energy.     As   it   continued   walking   slowing   up   the   banks,   a   powerful   waist   was   seen   that   though   slim   could   emaciate   unimaginable   strength   when   twisting   in   motion.   Mr.   Kaffee   realized   that   this   must   be   the   legendary   Cyclops   that   he   had   heard   so   much   about   but   had   never   before   seen.   Suddenly   another   figure   broke   water   with   long   pigtail   wound   around   her   throat,   the   end   of   which   was   clenched   between   her   teeth.   It   was   Deanna   whose   skills   under   water   were   comparable   to   any   mermaid.   As   Cyclops   walked   he   carefully   took   off   the   semitransparent   membrane   on   his   face   and   handed   it   to   Deanna.     The   two   of   them   walked   slowly   up   the   banks   of   the   lake   which   sloped   gently   upwards   very   gradually,   a   fact   that   would   be   very   helpful   later   on   when   they   raised   the   gold   palace   from   the   bottom   of   the   lake.   Cyclops   was   wet   through   and   through   though   it   was   hard   to   tell   whether   it   was   from   the   lake   water   or   his   own   sweat.     Ileen   and   Viola   rushed   up   to   him,   each   holding   onto   one   of   his   arms   and   they   swarmed   towards   the   open   fire.     Cyclops’s   huge   eye   glanced   inquisitively   at   Mr.   Kaffee   and   his   little   group   and   then   he   proudly   moved   his   tall   muscular   body   on   without   giving   any   acknowledgement.     Never   before   in   his   life   had   Mr.   Kaffee   been   treated   with   such   cold   disdain   with   a   cut   direct,   so   he   was   greatly   affronted.   His   friends   were   also   incensed   and   looked   angrily   at   Cyclops.   What   they   were   not   aware   of   was   that   Cyclops   was   not   a   normal   social   creature   and   therefore   never   practiced   such   social   niceties   as   greeting   people   and   chatting   with   them.   That   was   just   one   of   his   foibles.     Cyclops   walked   over   to   the   open   fire,   tore   off   a   crispy   brown   leg   of   the   lamb   that   had   been   roasting   for   a   long   time   and   began   tearing   into   it   and   chewing   with   gusto.   Then   holding   up   a   barrel   of   liquor   with   both   hands,   he   guzzled   greedily.   As   the   liquor   flowed   into   his   body   they   transformed   by   geometric   integral   into   strength   that   produced   unlimited   power.   Medusa   was   busy   organizing   the   thousands   of   warriors   of   the   Kingdom   into   four   groups,   each   group   in   charge   of   one   long   thick   rope   that   came   up   from   the   bottom   of   the   lake.   They   shouted   rhythmically   in   unison   as   they   pulled   with   all   their   might   at   the   rope.   Of   course   that   was   only   a   rehearsal.     Later   on   when   the   dredging   process   really   begins,   they   would   do   so   in   earnest.     The   magic   horse,   Lightning,   neighed   loudly   and   flapped   his   wings   impatiently,   eager   to   start.     Mr.   Kaffee   looked   all   around   and   saw   that   to   the   right   of   him   on   the   opposite   shore   was   a   majestic   structure   that   he   surmised   was   the   new   palace   King   Dimitri’s   loyal   servants   Creativity   and   Imagination   had   build   for   him   of   their   own   accord.   From   the   outside,   the   palace   looked   more   like   a   fortress.     Turning   to   his   old   friend   White   Fairy   who   was   standing   beside   him   and   who   was   entrusted   with   the   job   of   receiving   and   entertaining   him   and   his   friends,   he   said,

“You   know   what?   I   don’t   think   there   is   anything   we   could   do   to   help   here   and   I   feel   we   would   only   be   afoot   and   in   the   way.   So   why   don’t   you   lend   us   two   boats   and   we   will   row   across   to   the   other   side   of   the   lake   and   see   the   new   palace.”     White   Fairy   nodded   in   agreement.     Calling   to   two   of   the   warriors   she   gave   them   instructions.   They   left   and   soon   came   back   each   rowing   a   small   boat.   Mr.   Kaffee   and   his   friends   went   on   board   and   rowed   towards   the   opposite   shore.

                  Under   the   luminous   moon   the   two   small   boats   reached   their   destination.   Richard   and   Big   O   jumped   out   and   tied   their   boats   to   the   wooden   stake   that   protruded   out   of   the   water   while   Mr.   Kaffee   and   the   others   walked   onto   the   dock   and   made   for   the   new,   magnificent   palace.   From   afar,   they   had   thought   the   new   palace   looked   like   a   fortress.   Now   that   they   were   right   before   it,   their   impression   was   confirmed.   Under   the   luminous   moon   they   saw   a   high   and   thick   wall   with   secure   defensive   fortifications.   The   high   wall   was   studded   with   sentry   posts   and   firm   fortifications.   From   the   half   burnt   torches   and   unlit   lamps,   they   could   see   that   normally   this   place   was   heavily   fortified   and   guarded.   It   was   only   because   the   dredging   of   the   gold   palace   needed   all   possible   man   power   that   everyone   had   been   ordered   to   the   Giant   Mountain   to   help   with   the   process   and   the   palace   had   been   left   empty   under   the   moonlight.   A   loud   noise   was   heard   when   Mr.   Kaffee   pushed   open   the   heavy   palace   gate   that   had   been   left   ajar   and   everyone   walked   into   what   appeared   to   be   a   mini   city.   Facing   them   was   the   grandiose   and   magnificent   palace,   before   which   was   a   large   square   where   the   warriors   normally   drilled   and   exercised.   On   the   two   sides   of   the   courtyard   were   barracks   where   the   warriors   lived.   This   mini   city   was   equipped   with   granary,   stables   and   water   source,   able   to   resist   outside   invasion.     Mr.   Kaffee   and   his   friends   walked   through   the   square   and   came   to   the   front   entrance   of   the   palace   decorated   with   intricately   sculptured   beams   and   fabulous   paintings.   They   walked   into   the   formal   hall   and   saw   that   King   Dimitri’s   gold   throne   was   placed   on   a   raised   dais   in   the   middle,   with   twelve   comfortable   chairs   on   each   side   prepared   for   his   twenty-four   beauties.   The   style   and   decorations   were   much   the   same   as   in   the   old   palace   but   on   a   grander   scale.     The   side   halls   were   used   for   dining   and   other   less   formal   celebrations.     David   couldn’t   help   clicking   his   tongue   in   admiration   saying,

“Let’s   not   even   think   about   owning   so   magnificent   a   palace   as   this   one.   I   would   be   content   just   to   be   able   to   sleep   on   this   carpet,   so   soft   and   plush.”     Mr.   Kaffee   smiled   and   did   not   reply.

“Why   is   this   palace   so   heavily   fortified?”   asked   Richard.   “Are   they   afraid   of   an   invasion?”

“Don’t   forget   the   Kingdom   of   Dream   had   been   invaded   by   barbarian   tribes   and   the   old   palace   was   burnt   to   the   ground”   replied   Mr.   Kaffee.   “So   it   is   logical   that   they   put   extra   stress   on   fortification   when   they   rebuilt.”   The   whole   palace   was   completely   empty   with   no   trace   of   light   or   sound   of   other   human   occupants.     The   only   noise   they   heard   was   their   own   footsteps   as   Mr.   Kaffee   led   them   from   room   to   room.   Then   they   walked   up   the   steps.   The   palace   was   a   three   storey   building.     When   they   reached   the   top   floor,   they   came   face   to   face   with   huge   French   windows   opening   up   to   a   vast   veranda   decorated   with   bonsai   plants   with   a   truly   magnificent,   panoramic   view   of   the   Star   Moon   Lake.     Suddenly   the   neighing   of   a   horse   and   Medusa’s   voice   shouting   orders   broke   the   silence.   Mr.   Kaffee   rushed   to   the   French   windows   opened   the   glass   door   and   everyone   went   out   onto   the   veranda.     They   saw   Medusa   with   a   thick   rope   in   her   iron   claws   and   Lightning   with   another   thick     rope   tied   over   his   body,   both   flapping   their   huge   mighty   wings   as   they   ascended   slowly   up   towards   the   sky.   On   the   shore   thousands   of   mighty   warriors   shouted   rhythmically   in   unison   as   they   pulled   with   all   their   might   at   their   rope,   their   united   roars   as   they   exerted   their   utmost   effort   resounded   in   the   skies.   The   dredging   of   the   gold   palace   had   now   formally   begun.

Cyclops   ate   and   drank   his   fill   and   rested   for   a   while   so   his   both   his   strength   and   his   energy   were   at   its   peak.   Mind   boggling   strength   and   prodigious   energy   circled   in   his   stalwart   body.     He   couldn’t   wait   to   finish   the   task   of   dredging   up   the   gold   palace   and   restoring   it   to   its   original   site,   so   he   could   have   a   family   reunion   with   his   beloved   wife   Eileen,   his   daughter   Viola   and   her   husband   Emmanuel   and   finally   be   able   to   enjoy   some   blessed   home   life   and   happiness   he   had   never   had   before.   He   walked   over   to   the   banks   of   the   lake   and   spoke   to   Medusa,   White   Fairy,   Deanna   and   the   magic   horse   Lightning,   finalizing   the   details   of   their   plan   and   clarifying   secret   sign   signals   to   be   used.   Then   putting   on   his   head   gear,   he   walked   with   Deanna   back   into   the   lake.   Medusa   transformed   into   a   huge   black   bird   and   soared   into   the   skies   together   with   the   magic   horse   Lightning.   Between   them   they   pulled   taut   the   thick   rope   which   had   been   split   in   two,   one   half   clutched   tightly   in   Medusa’s   iron   claws   and   the   other   half   wound   around   Lightning’s   body.   Just   then   they   felt   strong   vibrations   and   shaking   being   transmitted   through   the   rope   and   knew   that   Cyclops   had   started   working,   so   the   two   of   them   flapped   their   huge   mighty   wings   and   flew   higher   and   higher   into   the   skies   in   order   to   give   Cyclops   what   assistance   they   could.   At   this   time   Cyclops   was   at   the   bottom   of   the   lake   using   all   the   strength   of   his   body   to   move   one   corner   of   the   gold   palace.   Of   course,   mighty   and   prodigious   as   his   strength   was,   it   was   still   limited   when   pit   against   the   forces   of   nature.   He   was   able   to   make   things   work   only   by   making   use   of   the   buoyancy   of   water.   Cyclops   suddenly   felt   a   strong   upward   tug   and   immediately   reached   for   a   huge   rock   he   had   previously   prepared   and   stuck   it   under   the   tilted   back   right   corner   of   the   gold   palace.   He   then   brought   over   a   large,   strong   and   thick   wheel   and   placed   it   on   the   tilted   corner   of   the   gold   palace.   He   would   do   the   same   to   all   four   corners   of   the   palace   in   order   to   push   it   up   to   land.   Medusa   and   Lightning   felt   mighty   shaking   from   another   corner   and   quickly   pulled   mightily   at   the   rope   to   make   it   taut   and   then   flapping   their   mighty   wings   did   their   best   to   soar   higher   into   the   skies.   Underwater,   Cyclops   repeated   his   previous   actions   and   placed   a   huge   stone   under     a   large   wheel   on   the   frontal   right   corner   of   the   gold   palace.   Deanna   swam   to   the   surface   and   made   a   sign   of   two   towards   the   skies,   meaning   that   the   right   corner   of   the   palace   had   tilted   about   20   degrees.   Medusa   understood   and   moved   towards   the   right   about   20   degrees   pulling   the   thick   rope   with   her,   thus   ensuring   the   balance   of   the   gold   palace   underwater   so   it   wouldn’t   tilt   too   much   towards   the   left.   After   that   the   same   things   happened   to   the   two   left   sides   of   the   palace,   telling   Medusa   that   Cyclops   had   succeeded   in   putting   the   rest   of   the   wheels   onto   the   other   two   sides   of   the   gold   palace.   Deanna   again   swam   to   the   surface   and   clapped   her   hands   towards   the   skies,   telling   Medusa   that   all   four   wheels   had   been   put   in   place.   Then   turning   to   White   Fairy,   she   made   signs   with   her   hands   meaning   it   was   time   to   start   pulling   up   the   gold   palace.   Thousands   of   native   warriors   had   also   seen   Deanna’s   hand   signals.     They   shouted   in   joy   and   not   even   waiting   for   White   Fairy’s   orders,   they   concentrated   their   total   attention   and   efforts   in   pulling   on   the   rope   as   one   person,   shouted   rhythmically   as   they   did   so.   Their   compelling   and   vigorous   shouts   resounded   powerfully   in   the   universe.   Medusa   and   Lightning   coordinated   their   movements   with   the   shouts   of   the   natives   and   kept   flapping   their   mighty   wings   and   tried   to   fly   higher   and   higher   into   the   skies.   Cyclops   alone   remained   under   water   using   his   monumental   strength   and   energy   to   slowly   push   the   gold   palace   along   the   smooth   bed   of   Sun   Moon   Lake   towards   the   shore.     Of   course   if   not   for   the   natural   buoyancy   of   water,   he   would   not   have   been   able   to   do   this   as   it   would   have   been   an   impossible   mission   to   accomplish.   Every   step   he   took   diminished   the   buoyancy   of   water   and   Cyclops   felt   more   resistance   as   he   advanced,   slowly   draining   his   strength.     It   was   his   good   fortune   that   the   water   was   very   calm   that   day   and   the   water   flow   under   the   lake   was   stable,   which   was   extremely   favorable   to   the   dredging   and   transport   of   the   gold   palace.   As   the   domelike   top   of   the   palace   gradually   emerged   from   the   water,   the   native   warriors   were   greatly   encouraged   by   the   imminent   success   of   their   formidable   task   and   thousands   of   arms   pulled   even   more   arduously   in   unison   at   their   rope   and   the   rhythm   of   their   songlike   grunts   and   shouts   became   more   and   more   fervent   and   resonant.

Under   the   bright   and   luminous   moonlight   everything   was   clearly   discernable   to   the   naked   eye.   Half   the   brilliant   gold   palace   had   already   emerged   from   the   lake   and   looked   especially   mystical   and   magical   magnified   by   the   background   of   myriads   of   brightly   burning   open   fires   that   dotted   the   landscape.   Mr.   Kaffee   and   his   friends   stood   on   the   veranda   on   the   opposite   bank,   looking   at   this   unbelievable   scene   that   was   happening,   which   was   clear   and   visible   without   the   use   of   telescopes.  

“Yes,   yes”   exclaimed   David   excitedly.   “”That   is   the   very   gold   palace   where   I   sat   on   the   gold   throne   and   had   a   taste   of   what   it   was   like   to   be   a   mighty   king….     He,   he.   It   is   an   experience   that   is   really   unbelievably   good…”

“This   is   really   unbelievable…”   said   Mr.   Kaffee   with   great   feeling   “I   would   never   have   believed   it   if   I   am   not   seeing   it   with   my   own   eyes.   This   is   a   task   which   should   be   beyond   the   possibility   of   human   strength.   If   not   for   the   help   of   God,   this   could   not   have   been   accomplished.   So   it   seems   to   me   that   in   order   to   carry   out   something   great,   man’s   endeavor   alone   is   not   enough.   It   must   be   accompanied   by   divine   will…otherwise…”     While   everyone’s   attention   was   caught   by   the   magical   scene   before   them,   the   capable   and   vigorous   Richard   heard   an   unusual   noise   behind   him.   Or   to   be   more   precise,   the   noise   came   from   somewhere   above   and   behind   him.   “I   thought   this   was   the   highest   floor   of   the   new   palace”   he   mused.   “Is   there   an   attic   above   this?”   The   noise   increased   and   became   hurried   and   impatient.     Richard   turned   his   head   to   look   behind   him   and   saw   three   barbarian   warriors   jump   down   from   the   narrow   stairs   and   turned   to   run   away.     The   others   saw   them   too   and   gave   chase.   Richard   caught   the   slowest   warrior   by   the   hair   and   threw   him   to   the   ground.   Big-O   and   Jamaz   were   following   close   behind   him   and   for   a   moment   Richard’s   action   hindered   their   pursuit   and   afforded   the   two   other   barbarian   warriors   the   opportunity   to   slip   away.   The   two   friends   continued   running   after   them   but   unfamiliar   with   the   palace   they   stopped   short   when   faced   with   innumerable   doors   and   corridors   that   twisted   and   turned.   On   guard   against   surprise   attacks,   the   search   proceeded   slowly   and   the   two   barbarian   warriors   got   away   under   their   very   eyes.   Reluctantly,   they   gave   up   the   chase   and   returned   to   the   upstairs   veranda.     They   saw   that   Richard   was   stepping   on   the   chest   of   the   captured   native   who   was   lying   on   the   ground.   In   his   hand   was   the   curved   knife   that   belonged   to   his   captive   and   he   was   questioning   him   fiercely.     The   native   was   gesturing   and   babbling   in   his   native   tongue,   which   none   of   them   understood.   Now   what?   Unable   to   cross   the   language   barrier,   the   friends   were   stumped   and   did   not   know   what   to   do.   Big-O   looked   at   Mr.   Kaffee   inquiringly.

“These   guys   must   have   slipped   upstairs   while   we   were   engrossed   with   the   dredging   of   the   gold   palace”   he   said.   “It   was   too   careless   of   us…   We   thought   this   was   the   highest   floor   and   didn’t   know   there   was   an   attic   above   us…”

“No,”   replied   Mr.   Kaffee.   “They   must   have   been   hiding   there   in   the   attic   before   we   came.   Our   presence   prevented   them   from   leaving.     They   must   have   had   something   they   had   to   do   or   somewhere   they   needed   to   be,   so   they   had   to   jump   out   even   though   we   were   here   and   didn’t   seem   to   be   leaving   any   time   soon.   They   took   the   chance   of   being   captured,   but   thought   it   worth   the   risk…”

“Really?     So   there   is   an   attic   up   there.     I   wonder   what   it   was   used   for…”   said   Big-O   and   made   as   if   to   go   up   the   narrow   stairs   and   investigate.

“No   need”   said   Mr.   Kaffee.     “I   was   just   up   there.     I   guess   it   was   used   to   store   the   main   treasures   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams:   the   magic   sword   and   the   magic   bow   and   arrows.   But   they   are   gone   now   and   what   is   left   are   only   empty   stalls…   This   is   a   no   laughing   matter.   Something   terribly   serious   may   be   afoot.”   Richard   also   became   worried   and   stepped   hard   on   the   barbarian   warrior   under   his   foot   until   the   man   was   yelping   in   pain.   Richard   waved   the   curved   knife   at   him   and   said,

“Talk!     Why   did   you   steal   the   magic   knife   and   bow   and   arrows?   If   you   won’t   talk   I   will   cut   your   head   off   with   this   knife.”   Saying   so,   he   gave   the   knife   to   Jamaz   and   made   a   gesture   as   if   shooting   a   bow   and   arrow.     The   native   seemed   to   comprehend   and   began   babbling   hysterically.     He   pointed   to   Medusa   who   was   hovering   in   the   skies   and   motioned   with   his   hands   as   if   shooting   from   a   bow   and   arrow.   The   transportation   of   the   gold   palace   had   reached   a   crucial   moment.   Medusa   was   flapping   her   huge   wings,   trying   to   keep   the   gold   palace   in   balance.   Cyclops   was   using   the   remainder   of   his   tremendous   strength   and   was   pushing   the   palace   to   shore.   White   Fairy   changed   into   a   wisp   of   smoke   and   flew   around   him   giving   him   directions   saying,

“Slow   down…Push   when   you   get   the   correct   angle…Right,   right…No,   no   too   much   to   the   left,   please   go   about   5   degrees   towards   the   right…That’s   right,   just   keep   on   this   way…We   will   soon   have   the   gold   palace   in   its   original   spot…Yes,   that’s   the   right   direction,   just   keep   on   pushing   that   way…”

“What?”   exclaimed   Richard   turning   pale   with   fright.   “You   guys   are   going   to   shoot   Medusa?   Then   what   are   you   going   to   use   the   magic   sword   for?”     The   barbarian   warrior   used   his   hand   to   make   the   shape   of   a   horn   on   the   top   of   his   head   and   then   made   a   circle   with   his   hands   and   placed   them   on   his   forehead   to   indicate   a   huge   eye.   Then   he   made   a   cutting   motion   with   his   hand.   “You   are   going   to   behead   Cyclops,   too?”   Angry   beyond   control,   Richard   grabbed   the   knife   from   Jamaz   and   said,   “Well,   you   people   are   really   a   nasty   piece   of   shit!   Why   don’t   I   just   kill   you   right   here?”   Raising   the   sword   he   was   about   to   strike   down   when   the   barbarian     warrior   scared   out   of   his   wits     began   stuttering   nervously   the   words   “m-m-m-Medusa…..w-w-White   Fairy…”   Mr.   Kaffee   quickly   stopped   Richard   saying,

“Just   a   moment,   Richard.     He   seems   to   know   Medusa   and   White   Fairy   and   want   to   tell   them   something.   Let’s   take   him   to   see   them.     Only   the   two   of   them   could   understand   his   native   tongue.   There’s   no   time   to   be   lost.     Let’s   set   out   at   once.   If   we   tarry,   it   may   be   too   late…”

The   situation   was   getting   very   tense,   only   the   principal   characters   concerned   were   not   aware   of   the   peril.   That   barbarian   warrior   not   only   knew   Medusa   and   White   Fairy,   he   was   actually   a   mole   sent   by   them   into   the   native   tribes.   For   quite   a   long   time,   the   barbarian   tribes   had   occupied   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.   Although   under   the   benign   influence   of   the   beautiful   twin   nymphs   Charmaine   and   Clementine,   most   of   the   natives   had   returned   to   their   native   land,   there   is   no   guarantee   the   same   revolt   and   insurrection   would   not   happen   again.   So   the   sending   of   moles   and   spies   to   report   on   what   was   going   on   within   those   tribes   was   a   political   necessity.   The   mole   just   happened   to   be   sent   by   his   chief   to   come   with   two   others   and   steal   the   state   treasures   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   namely   the   magic   sword   and   magic   bow   and   arrows.     He   meant   to   make   use   of   this   opportunity   to   report   the   latest   findings   to   Medusa   and   White   Fairy,   but   now   it   seemed   that   both   he   and   the   information   he   had   gathered   would   forever   be   sunk   to   the   bottom   of   the   lake   without   Medusa   and   White   Fairy   knowing   anything   about   it.  

It   all   began   many,   many   years   ago   when   Viola   and   Cyclops   stormed   into   the   territory   of   the   barbarians   and   killed   the   leader   of   their   most   prominent   tribe.   This   leader   had   a   son   who   was   only   a   teen-ager   then,   but   who   was   smart   enough   to   hide   in   the   surrounding   dense   forest   and   led   a   nomad   life,   escaping   unscathed   from   the   numerous   campaigns   Cyclops   launched   to   capture   him.     Now   after   years   of   trial   and   tribulations   he   had   grown   to   be   a   strong   and   resourceful   young   man.   He   called   himself   Atlas   after   his   illustrious   ancestor,   who   knelt   between   heaven   and   earth   using   his   strong   arms   to   uphold   the   sky   from   falling   down.     Just   when   he   left   the   forests   and   was   attempting   to   gather   together   his   tribesmen,   rally   his   forces   and   regain   the   dominant   position   of   his   tribe   among   the   other   tribes,   two   beautiful   twin   nymphs   Clementine   and   Charmaine   led   the   tribesmen   back   to   their   original   lands   and   they   acknowledged   him   as   the   legal   heir   of   his   father   and   their   leader   and   chief.   But   the   young   man   was   not   satisfied   because   his   heart   had   been   captured   by   the   beautiful   nymphs   and   his   brain   was   full   of   their   lovely   faces,   their   semi-transparent   dresses   and   graceful   forms   to   the   exclusion   of   everything   else.     Later   when   he   knew   that   they   were   the   beloved   daughters   of   King   Zeus,   he   was   filled   with   despair   at   the   disparity   of   their   stations   because   his   position   as   the   leader   of   barbarian   tribes   was   too   far   beneath   theirs   as   the   daughters   of   the   King   of   gods.   Atlas   suddenly   thought   that   if   he   became   the   ruler   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   he   would   then   be   a   king   with   his   own   domain   and   therefore   would   be   in   a   better   position   to   seek   the   hand   of   one   of   the   nymphs   and   would   then   have   a   chance   of   success.   Why,   in   fact   he   could   even   marry   both   of   them   and   thus   become   the   son-in-law   of   the   King   of   gods.   Then   he   would   be   in   a   position   to   ease   the   pain   and   suffering   of   his   ancestor   Atlas,   who   had   been   kneeling   on   the   top   of   the   highest   mountain   in   the   world   all   through   the   ages,   condemned   by   Zeus   to   use   both   his   hands   to   strenuously   separate   heaven   and   earth.   That   thought   gave   rise   to   a   flare   of   wild   ambition.   He   knew   it   was   not   an   easy   task   to   accomplish.     To   gain   his   goal,   he   would   have   to   do   away   with   Medusa,   the   protector   of   the   Kingdom.   His   arch   enemy   Cyclops   would   also   have   to   be   killed.     But   these   two   characters   were   extremely   clever   and   powerful   and   could   not   possibly   be   eliminated   by   the   use   of   brute   force   alone.     His   thoughts   went   to   the   state   treasures   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     If   he   could   but   steal   the   magic   sword   and   the   magic   bow   and   arrows,   he   would   have   a   better   chance   to   kill   these   two   stumbling   blocks.   Ah,   but   stealing   the   treasures   was   no   easy   task   either,   as   they   would   surely   be   under   close   guard   day   and   night.   He   would   have   to   wait   patiently   for   his   chance   when   their   watchfulness   slackened…   One   night,   his   chance   finally   came.   All   the   people   of   the   Kingdom   were   focused   on   dredging   the   gold   palace   from   the   bottom   of   the   lake   and   restoring   it   to   its   original   spot   by   Giant   Mountain.   Medusa   and   White   Fairy   assembled   all   manpower   of   the   Kingdom   and   even   the   guards   defending   the   state   treasures   were   called   to   the   opposite   shore   to   join   in   the   effort.   It   was   a   once   in   a   lifetime   opportunity.   So   Atlas   sent   three   of   his   trusted   soldiers   to   sneak   stealthily   into   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   steal   the   treasures.   Thus,   the   incident   happened   and   he   succeeded   in   getting   his   hands   on   the   magic   weapons.

The   flaring   fires   on   the   banks   of   the   lake   began   to   die   down   and   the   bright   moon   sank   under   the   horizon.   A   huge   gap   appeared   in   the   skies   where   the   dim   light   of   dawn   began   to   peak   out,   driving   away   the   darkness   of   night.     Mr.   Kaffee   and   his   little   group   of   friends   took   their   captive   with   them   and   rowed   as   fast   as   possible   in   two   boats   towards   the   Giant   Mountain   on   the   opposite   shore.   Shouts   of   joy   rose   wave   after   wave   and   loud   cries   rent   the   air   as   the   brilliant   gold   palace   was   set   on   its   original   site.   Medusa   and   Lightning   alighted   on   the   dome-like   top   of   the   palace.     Medusa   was   too   tired   to   even   change   back   to   human   shape   and   only   had   strength   to   pant   and   gasp   for   breath.   White   Fairy   was   taking   off   the   rope   wrapped   around   the   body   of   Lightning,   the   magic   horse   and   it   spread   its   wings   and   floated   tiredly   towards   the   ground.   Cyclops   had   used   up   all   the   remainder   of   his   strength   and   lay   prostrated   and   flaccid   on   the   steps   of   the   gold   palace   completely   limp   and   worn   out,   while   Ileen   and   Viola   fluttered   around   him,   massaging   his   exhausted   body,   hoping   it   would   revive   him   faster.   The   native   warriors   of   the   Kingdom   were   immersed   in   an   atmosphere   of   exuberance   and   joy.   It   was   then   that   the   barbarian   tribes,   who   had   been   hidden   nearby,   suddenly   appeared   and   launched   a   surprise   attack   and   whistling   arrows   signaling   the   approach   of   enemies   were   shot   by   the   sentries   into   the   night   sky.   At   this   critical   moment   when   a   monumental   task   had   just   been   completed   and   everyone   were   all   completely   exhausted,   a   surprise   attack   could   bring   about   the   complete   collapse   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.

Dimitri   yawned,   stretched   and   then   sat   up   straight.   He   opened   his   eyes   and   saw   before   him   the   deserted   rose   garden   where   the   flowers   were   blooming   but   their   petals   and   leaves   were   covered   with   dust   and   the   red   roses   were   spiritless   and   on   their   last   legs.   This   deserted   garden   choked   by   weeds   was   like   a   down-on-her-luck   aristocratic   lady,   who   though   plagued   by   misfortune,   still   retained   semblance   of   her   former   grace   and   beauty.   Dimitri   looked   around   and   did   not   see   his   good   friends,   Kr.   Kaffee,   Richard,   Jamaz,   Big-O   and   David.   He   smiled   and   thought,

“They   must   have   gone   to   my   Kingdom   of   Dreams.   Let’s   hope   they   have   such   a   great   time   there   that   it   will   forever   be   etched   in   their   memory   as   a   remarkable   adventure.”   Suddenly   something   struck   him   and   he   thought,   “Aren’t   my   eyes   totally   blind?   How   is   it   that   I   can   clearly   see   the   dust   on   the   roses   and   the   cobwebs   hanging   on   the   eaves?”   Then   he   smiled   and   knew   that   these   must   be   deceptive   illusions   fabricated   by   his   loyal   servants   Imagination   and   Creativity.

“My   eyes   are   ruined   and   my   sense   of   sight   is   destroyed   but   my   loyal   servants   have   ingeniously   led   me   into   a   brand   new   magical   world.   I   must   thank   them   for   their   good   intentions   but   cannot   be   misled   by   them   for   deceptions   are   deceptions   and   illusions   are   after   all   just   illusions.   I   must   still   make   my   way   forward   carefully   with   the   help   of   my   white   cane;   otherwise   inconceivable   accidents   might   happen,   which   would   certainly   disappoint   my   two   loyal   servants.   But   I   really   have   doubts   about   the   illusions   created   by   the   united   efforts   of   Imagination   and   Creativity.   Can   they   really   take   the   place   of   the   real   sensory   world?   But   then,   what   really   are   illusions   and   what   is   reality?   I   always   thought   that   dreams   are   part   of   the   real   world;   in   fact   they   are   extensions   of   the   real   world   with   no   obvious   boundary   between   the   two   of   them.   Are   there   any   difference   between   the   sensory   world   created   by   the   combined   efforts   of   my   two   loyal   servants   Imagination   and   Creativity   and   that   of   the   real   world?   Yes,   there   is   a   difference;   but   then   there   doesn’t   seem   to   be   any   difference…Perhaps   the   sensory   world   created   by   my   two   loyal   servants   is   more   compatible   to   that   brand   new   world   I   long   for   in   my   innermost   soul.

Dimitri   felt   as   if   someone   had   hit   his   head.     Actually   the   outside   of   his   head   had   not   been   touched   but   a   shifting   wave   of   movement   fluctuated   on   his   brain.   To   be   more   precise,   it   was   as   if   a   switch   had   been   turned   on   by   an   invisible   hand   and   the   scene   before   his   eyes   changed   with   it.   The   deserted   rose   garden   suddenly   became   a   corner   of   the   poverty   stricken   slums.   The   houses   were   crumbling   and   decrepit   and   everywhere   the   eye   could   see   was   full   of   dirt,   garage   and   all   kinds   of   debris.   In   fact   there   wasn’t   a   single   intact   house   left   standing   in   the   area;   the   beams   were   slanted,   glass   in   the   windows   was   broken   and   doors   and   windows   were   without   hinges   or   frames.   The   outer   cement   walls   became   flakey   and   peeled   off.   At   the   end   of   this   narrow   alley   was   a   defunct   trash   can,   useless   and   inoperable,   with   garbage   out-flowing   to   the   surrounding   areas   forming   an   enormous   pile   of   messy,   foul-smelling   waste?     Who   knows   how   long   they   had   been   left   standing   there   unattended,   but   the   elements   had   wrecked   havoc   on   them   and   the   air   reeked   with   the   rank,   putrid   stink   of   rotting   food   and   animal   carcasses     Having   grown   up   in   this   dirty   poverty-stricken   environment,   Dimitri   was   immune   and   did   not   find   it   too   unusual   in   any   way.   On   the   contrary,   such   scenes   were   dear   and   familiar   to   him.   But   one   day   it   all   changed   drastically.  

  It   was   an   early   spring   morning.     The   warm   sun   shone   indiscriminately   on   the   earth   regardless   of   whether   it   was   affluent   residential   areas   of   the   rich   or   poverty-stricken   slums   of   the   very   down-trodden.   The   crumbling   and   slanting   houses   looked   like   specially   designed   works   of   art.   Spring   breeze   blew   into   the   narrow   alley,   bringing   with   it   a   seed   which   fell   onto   the   dirty   but   fertile   mulch   made   up   of   soil   and   decomposed   vegetation.   Sunshine   and   rain   gave   it   the   natural   tender   loving   care   it   needed,   so   the   seed   sprouted,   grew   and   became   a   young   plant.   Soon   a   large,   beautiful   red   flower   opened   at   its   tip.     It   did   not   look   down   on   the   squalor   around   it,   nor   did   it   mind   the   flies   constantly   flying   and   humming   about.     It   stood   tall   and   straight   and   looked   at   the   world   with   a   bright   smile.   Soon,   a   miracle   happened.   Another   beautiful   flower   opened   up,   then   another,   then   another.   Flowers   continued   blooming   until   they   conquered   the   dirty,   smelly   garbage   pile.     That   night   a   torrent   of   rain   poured   down   from   the   skies,   washing   away   the   dirt   from   the   houses.     Sunshine   shone   indiscriminately   on   the   earth   the   next   day   on   both   the   rich   and   the   poor.   The   earth   accepted   the   debris   and   dirt   left   by   man.   Nature   was   like   a   huge   organism   covering   up   all   kinds   of   matter   and   all   things   continuously   broke   down   and   regrouped,   broke   down   and   regrouped   in   the   loving   breast   of   kind-hearted   Mother   Nature.   It   is   a   cycle   that   will   continue   on   till   the   end   of   time.

A   shifting   wave   of   movement   again   fluctuated   on   Dimitri’s   brain   and   he   was   inspired   with   a   certain   understanding.   The   sudden   change   of   scenery   was   caused   by   the   blooming   of   the   beautiful   red   flower   in   the   midst   of   the   dirty   and   squalid   garbage   pile,   which   in   turn   triggered   earthshaking   changes.   Wasn’t   there   a   magical   switch   in   the   depth   of   every   man’s   brain,   which   could   be   turned   on   and   off   at   his   will?   You   could   turn   it   towards   brightness,   serenity   and   permanence   and   enter   a   wonderful   new   world.     Turn   it   in   the   opposite   direction   and   you   would   fall   into   the   deep   and   fathomless   pit   of   sin   and   enjoy   sensual   pleasures   that   benumbs   and   paralyses.   It’s   a   free   choice   to   be   decided   by   you   alone,   not   influenced   or   pressured   by   the   outside   world.   At   that   thought,   Dimitri   snapped   his   fingers,   whistled   shrilly,   picked   up   his   white   cane   and   walked   jauntily   away   from   the   deserted   rose   garden   whistling   happily,   for   he   had   found   the   magical   switch   in   his   brain   and   decided   which   way   to   go.

Dimitri   walked   along   whistling   happily.     He   did   not   yet   fully   trust   the   sense   of   sight   created   for   him   by   his   two   loyal   servants   Imagination   and   Creativity,   so   he   tapped   his   way   carefully   along   with   his   white   cane   unaware   that   there   was   a   white   cloud   hanging   low   in   the   sky   following   wherever   he   went.     He   found   that   the   people   walking   past   him   all   seemed   to   be   in   a   great   hurry,   and   the   cars   on   the   road   flew   by   in   a   rush.   What   are   they   searching   for   in   such   haste?   In   this   busy   world   of   ours,   what   are   their   goals   in   life?     Why   don’t   they   go   to   their   churches,   temples,   mosques   or   synagogues   to   worship   their   god   and   wash   away   the   sins   in   their   souls?   In   this   world   of   ours   there   is   nothing   that   can   take   the   place   of   religion.   Not   literature,   philosophy,   art   or   modern   science.   Our   journey   on   earth   is   like   floating   on   a   small   boat   in   the   large   ocean.   Sometimes   it   is   calm   and   peaceful,   but   at   other   times   it   may   be   tumultuous   and   stormy.   When   strong   winds   and   huge   waves   toss   your   boat   around   in   a   storm,   what   can   you   rely   on   to   calm   down   and   show   you   direction?     Nothing.   Why   do   people   give   up   religion?     Of   course   we   are   against   religious   totalitarianism   of   the   Middle   Ages,   but   nothing   can   ever   replace   profound   religious   teachings   and   theories   because   they   are   the   symbol   of   the   spiritual   civilization   of   mankind.   Dimitri   suddenly   had   a   strange   whim   and   gave   orders   to   his   two   loyal   servants   Imagination   and   Creativity   saying,

“Quick!   Twist   the   switch   in   people’s   brains   and   order   them   to   go   to   their   places   of   worship.   It   doesn’t   matter   if   they   are   Catholics,   Protestant,   Jews,   Buddhists   or   Muslims.   All   orthodox   and   universally   accepted   forms   of   religion   will   do.”     Imagination   and   Creativity   immediately   turned   to   carry   out   their   master’s   orders   and   all   of   a   sudden   cars   changed   routes   and   people   hurried   to   their   churches,   temples,   synagogues   and   mosques.   Dimitri   clapped   his   hands   saying,   “That   is   my   ideal   world.     I   cannot   imagine   what   society   would   become   without   religion.”    

He   looked   up   and   saw   the   white   cloud   hanging   there   above   him   and   thought.     “That   cloud   looks   familiar.     It   resembles   one   from   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     Perhaps   it   had   travelled   thousands   of   miles   passing   through   hills   and   mountains,   seas   and   oceans   just   to   find   me.   Look!     Its   pure   white   color   has   been   dirtied   in   some   places.   Perhaps   it   floated   above   forests   which   was   on   fire   and   had   been   scorched.     Perhaps   it   passed   through   large   metropolis   where   the   air   was   extremely   polluted   and   therefore   was   tainted   by   them.     If   this   cloud   had   come   from   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   in   search   of   me,   what   could   it   want?   Dimitri   turned   on   the   switch   in   his   brain   and   lo   and   behold,   that   tarnished   cloud   became   white   as   snow   again.   The   grey,   foggy   and   smoky   sky   turned   blue   again   and   the   air   became   clear   and   even   had   a   floral   fragrance.   Dimitri   then   saw   the   people   streaming   out   of   their   places   of   worship.     He   slapped   his   forehead   and   said,   “Oh!   It’s   not   Sunday   today,   so   there   are   no   services   in   those   churches   and   temples.   They   will   again   have   to   go   about   their   business   and   make   their   living.     That   is   the   price   people   must   pay   for   their   existence.   But   at   least   in   their   heart   of   hearts,   they   have   an   altar   for   their   god   where   they   can   confess   their   sins,   ask   for   forgiveness   and   make   their   souls   pure   again.     Although   I   am   not   a   frequent   church   goer,   but   in   the   depth   of   my   heart   there   is   a   corner   reserved   for   religion   where   I   often   go   to   gain   new   strength   and   power.”     As   Dimitri   walked   along   he   saw   that   the   people   he   passed   were   all   smiling,   happy   and   very   polite.   “Ah!   That   is   really   a   new   world!”   Then   he   wondered   why   he   had   to   wait   till   he   was   fast   asleep   to   go   to   his   Kingdom   of   Dreams?   “I   am   fully   awake   now   and   walking   in   the   thriving   and   bustling   streets   of   the   mundane   world   which   I   feel   is   no   different   from   strolling   along   the   serene   and   beautiful   paths   of   my   Kingdom   of   Dreams?   To   me   the   real   world   is   the   same   as   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   My   Kingdom   of   Dreams   is   included   in   this   large   metropolis.”   Dimitri   walked   along   happily   followed   by   the   cloud   from   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.

Dimitri   accidentally   kicked   an   empty   wine   bottle   lying   by   the   roadside,   which   rolled   away   for   quite   a   distance   before   falling   down   a   flight   of   steps.   There   on   the   cement,   it   broke   into   fragments   with   a   frightening   crash   that   splintered   the   calm   and   quiet   of   the   early   morning.     The   sun   was   already   up,   scattering   its   brilliant   rays   over   the   earth,   but   the   atmosphere   here   was   eerily   silent,   lifeless   and   lethargic.   Could   all   the   residents   here   be   sick?   If   so,   their   illness   must   be   serious,   even   mortal.   To   be   more   precise,   it   was   not   the   residents   who   were   ill,   but   rather   the   whole   society   had   become   terminally   ill.   Neither   cars   nor   pedestrians   could   be   seen   on   the   streets   of   this   neighborhood.   Everywhere   the   eye   could   reach   was   full   of   disorderly   and   messy   piles   of   garbage   left   over   from   the   night   before   with   no   street   cleaner   doing   any   cleaning   up.   This   was   the   most   notorious   part   of   town,   the   breeding   ground   of   crime   and   sin.   Gambling   and   drug   trafficking   were   rampart   and   even   the   bravest   law   enforcement   officers   tread   warily   here   and   came   only   if   they   had   to.   Naturally   this   had   become   the   haven   for   prostitution.   Gangs   and   underground   forces   carved   out   their   own   realms   of   influence   and   turf   wars   erupted   when   rival   interests   clash.   Multiple   gun   shots   ring   out   at   night   as   a   matter   of   course   and   lives   of   innocent   bystanders   lost   in   these   conflicts   could   only   be   counted   as   sacrifices   to   the   dark   night.   The   police   did   not   normally   set   foot   in   these   parts.   If   not   for   the   lure   of   high   pay,   who   would   be   so   foolish   as   to   put   their   lives   on   the   line   and   patrol   here?   Even   when   they   do   come,   it   was   only   the   briefest   of   nominal   visits.   The   police   car   would   arrive   and   then   just   turn   around   and   drive   quickly   away.   This   was   no   man’s   land   where   anarchy   ruled,   a   corner   utterly   rejected   by   society.   Like   an   incurable   cancer,   it   was   left   to   fester   and   decay.   This   region   was   not   unfamiliar   to   Dimitri   because   he   grew   up   in   a   similar   environment   and   this   had   been   his   roaming   ground   as   a   youngster.   He   had   not   been   here   for   a   long   time   and   was   visiting   the   area   for   a   purpose   unknown   to   anyone   else.

Not   far   from   there   was   the   Greyhound   Bus   Terminal   where   the   loud   rumble   of   incoming   and   outgoing   bus   engines   scheduled   so   very   close   together   was   constantly   heard.   Here   was   where   the   crowds   congregated   to   get   on   or   off   the   long   distance   buses   and   was   therefore   the   natural   gathering   place   of   all   kinds   of   people,   good   and   bad,   high   and   low.   Dimitri   stood   still   at   the   corner   of   the   street   lost   in   thought,   thinking   about   his   childhood   when   he   roamed   these   streets   and   lived   like   a   starved   dog   always   hungry   and   thirsty.   Just   then,   a   teen-ager   suddenly   ran   headlong   towards   him   from   across   the   street,   followed   closely   by   a   middle-aged   man   who   shouted   to   Dimitri,

“Catch   him!     Catch   that   little   thief.     He   stole   my   wallet!”  

“No,   I   boost   no   wallet!”   shouted   the   young   boy   “He   wants   to   kill   me…Help   me.     Help   me   please…”   pleaded   the   boy   as   he   ran   past   Dimitri.   When   the   middle-aged   man,   who   was   running   after   the   boy   passed   Dimitri,   he   turned   his   head   cursing   angrily,

“Damn   you,   you   fucking   stupid   bastard.   Told   you   to   stop   him,   didn’t   I?   Why   didn’t   you?     If   I   don’t   get   him,   watch   what   I   will   do   to   you   when   I   come   back…”   That   angry   man   may   be   middle-aged,   but   he   sure   could   run   fast.   He   soon   caught   up   with   the   boy,   grabbed   him   by   the   collar   and   threw   him   to   the   ground.     Just   as   he   raised   his   fist   and   was   about   to   hit   the   boy,   Dimitri   ordered   his   two   loyal   servants,

“Quick!     Go   and   stop   the   man.   Also   twist   the   switch   in   both   their   brains   and   see   what   happens…”   Imagination   was   faster   than   his   companion.   He   reached   the   man   first,   twisted   the   switch   in   his   brain   and   then   did   the   same   to   the   teen-ager.   And   lo   and   behold,   a   miracle   happened!   The   man   lowered   his   raised   fist   and   smilingly   helped   the   young   boy   to   get   up,   saying,

“….sorry…sorry…lil   bro…Sorry   I   threw   you   on   the   ground.   You   hurt?”

“…My   fault,   bro”   said   the   teen-ager   jumping   up   from   the   ground.   “All   my   fault.     Didn’t   mean   to   boost   your   wallet…Don’t   blame   you   for   bein’   angry…I   was   wrong,   big   bro,   please   forgive   me…”   Taking   the   wallet   from   his   pocket,   he   handed   it   to   the   man   with   both   hands.   The   man   pushed   the   boy’s   hands   away   saying,

“No,   no…   You   need   money,   so   you   pick   my   pocket.   Big   deal...     You   took   it   you   keep   it.   Lil   bro,   keep   the   dough.   Don’t   make   me   look   bad.”   The   teen-ager   did   not   listen   to   the   man’s   words   but   forcefully   tucked   the   wallet   inside   his   pocket   saying,

“Big   bro,   I   took   the   roll.   Let   me   return   it…Next   time   I   need   money   I   will   come   to   you.     How’s   that?   Next   time   you   give   me   money,   I   will   take   it,   no   matter   how   much   you   give   me…”   The   middle-aged   man   took   the   wallet   out   of   his   pocket   and   stuffed   it   back   to   the   teen-ager’s   hands   saying,

“…lil   brother…   I   don’t   mind   telling   you   this   wallet   ain’t   mine.   I   picked   it   out   of   someone’s   pocket…We   meet,   we   brawl,   we   become   brothers.   This   is   my   present   to   you   ok?”   The   teen-agers   saw   that   the   man   really   meant   what   he   said   and   that   he   seemed   to   have   made   up   his   mind   about   not   taking   the   wallet   back,   so   he   said,

“Big   bro,   you’re   really   great.   What   you   say   giving   this   wallet   back?   That   ‘s   even   better   right?”   The   middle-aged   man’s   eyes   lighted   up   and   he   said,

“Yes,   yes.     You’re   right   lil   brother.     Let’s   give   it   back.   I   picked   the   pocket   of   a   gent   at   the   bus   station.   He   must   still   be   looking   for   it   …”   When   Dimitri   saw   the   conclusion   to   this   little   interlude;   he   laughed   aloud   and   said,

“That’s   just   great!   I   never   thought   that   it   would   work   this   well!”   Turning   to   his   two   loyal   servants   who   were   standing   in   the   air   next   to   him   he   said,   “Creativity,   please   go   to   the   crowded   bus   station   and   twist   the   switch   in   everyone’s   brain.   Let’s   see   if   they   will   become   polite   and   civilized   …”   Creativity   immediately   flew   towards   the   crowds   milling   around   the   Greyhound   bus   terminal.  

Just   as   the   two   newly   acquainted   brothers   were   crossing   the   street   and   going   towards   the   bus   terminal,   multiple   gun   shots   sounded   in   the   air.     Gun   shots   were   no   rare   event   in   these   parts,   but   because   it   was   broad   daylight,   they   were   still   cause   for   alarm.   Then   multiple   shots   from   another   gun   sounded   as   if   in   retaliation.   It   seemed   that   two   gunmen   were   engaged   in   a   gun   battle.   A   man   in   a   black   jacket   tottered   onto   the   street   from   the   bus   station,   the   left   side   of   his   body   covered   with   blood.   He   ran   on   breathing   hard,   stopping   now   and   then   to   shoot   at   someone   behind   him.   The   people   around   seemed   to   be   experienced   in   protecting   themselves   in   such   situations   for   they   fell   flat   on   the   ground   to   avoid   being   hit   by   stray   bullets.   A   strong,   sturdy   man   in   a   red   jacket   came   running   with   a   gun   in   his   hand   and   on   seeing   the   man   in   the   black   jacket   took   another   shot   at   him.   The   man   in   black   t   was   already   bloody   and   wounded   and   this   additional   bullet   finally   did   him   in.   Faint   from   loss   of   blood,   he   dropped   down   to   the   ground.     The   man   in   red   ran   up   to   his   victim,   kicked   away   the   gun   in   his   hand   and   brutally   booted   his   wounded   left   side   causing   him   to   moan   in   pain.   He   sneered   tauntingly   at   the   man   on   the   ground   saying,

“Still   breathing   eh,   you   son   of   a   bitch?   You   wanna   tramp   on   my   turf   and   rape   my   woman?   I’ll   ice   you   good,   shoot   your   brains   out   and   let   you   die   a   messy   death…”   The   man   in   black   closed   his   eyes   and   thought   to   himself,

“This   is   it   for   me.   There’s   no   way   I   can   get   out   of   this   alive.     So   many   times   I   have   cheated   death   by   the   skin   of   my   teeth,   but   today   I   have   met   my   match.   There’s   so   much   bad   vibes   between   him   and   I   that   he   will   never   let   me   live   today.   I   wanted   to   kill   him,   but   didn’t   know   that   it   was   I   who   will   die   under   his   rod…It   is   fate…”   The   man   in   red   was   pointing   his   gun   at   the   head   of   the   man   in   the   black   jacket,   getting   ready   to   pull   the   trigger   when   Imagination,   without   waiting   for   her   master   to   give   the   command,   already   flew   towards   the   man   in   red   and   turned   on   the   switch   in   his   brain.   Another   miracle   happened.     The   man   threw   away   his   gun,   hovered   over   the   man   in   the   black   jacket   murmuring   in   anguish,

“Hey   bro,   bro,   don’t   you   die   on   me.   I   shot   at   you   in   the   heat   of   the   moment.   You   and   I   are   both   human   beings.     Why   fight   and   try   to   kill   each   other?   Why   all   this   bloodshed?   We   fight   over   turf   and   power.     You   want   my   turf,   take   it.   You   want   my   woman,   take   her…   Bro,   don’t   die…,   hang   on   there.   I’ll   call   911   …   they   will   save   you…don’t   die   on   me,   you   hear?”   The   man   in   red   took   out   his   cell   phone   and   was   about   to   dial   for   help,   when   the   man   in   black   actually   used   his   own   hand   to   help   himself   sit   up   on   the   ground   and   said,

“No   need.   Look,   I   am   fine!”   The   fact   of   the   matter   was,   Imagination   had   also   twisted   the   switch   in   the   brain   of   the   man   in   black   as   well.   His   former   nemesis   watched   in   fascination   as   his   victim   pried   the   bullets   one   by   one   from   the   back   of   his   body   with   his   fingers   and   threw   them   on   the   ground.   He   raised   his   eyes   to   the   man   in   red   and   said,   “I   was   really   crazy   to   step   onto   your   turf   and   rape   your   woman.     Did   not   know   that   she   was   your   wife   or   I   wunna   done   it.   Even   I   savvy   the   rule   a   friend’s   wife   is   never   to   be   touched…     If   you   killed   me   with   your   gun   just   now,   that’s   okay,   because   it   would   solved   all   problems.   To   rape   a   friend’s   wife   was   out   of   bounds…It’s   really   unforgiveable,   really,   really   unforgiveable…”

“It’s   okay   bro…”   said   the   man   in   red.   “you   was   gunned   down,   not   I.     The   bad   guy   is   me…     sorry   bro…   you   like   women,   I   give   you   my   prostitution   business.   I   am   not   interested   in   it   anyhow…     But   that   woman   you   raped   is   not   included   because   she   is   my   wife…”

“Oh   no,   no”   replied   the   man   in   black.   “Don’t   say   that.   I   am   the   one   to   blame.     You   shot   at   me   because   I   raped   your   wife,   I   don’t   blame   you   at   all.   If   you   shot   me   in   the   head   just   now,   that   is   okay   and   solve   the   problem.   But   you   didn’t.   I   really   don’t   know   how   I   am   to   live   with   myself   after   this…”   Seeing   the   two   gunmen   engrossed   with   asking   each   other’s   forgiveness,   apologizing   to   each   other   and   taking   the   blame   on   themselves,   the   people   around   them   who   had   lain   on   the   ground   to   protect   themselves   began   to   get   up.     The   middle-aged   man   and   the   teen-ager   walked   over   to   the   two   gunmen.

“Hey   friends,   need   help?”   asked   the   middle-aged   man   warm-heartedly,   “That   guy’s   in   a   bad   way…     Lost   a   lot   of   blood…   We   can   help   take   him   to   the   hospital.”

“Oh,   no,   no”   replied   the   man   in   black.   “Thank   you   very   much   for   your   offer   but   I   pried   the   bullets   out   by   myself   and   I’m   okay   now.   I   don’t   need   to   go   to   the   hospital.     Look!   the   bleeding   stopped   and   the   wounds   are   scaling…   For   a   rough   and   tumble   guy   like   me,   this   is   nothing.   But   I   did   lose   a   lot   of   blood   and   I   feeling   woozy   and   unsteady...   help   me   up   guys.     I   will   go   and   have   a   big   meal   and   I’m   sure   I   will   be   as   good   as   new   after   that…   A   few   cups   of   whiskey   will   help   me   heal   even   faster,   ha-ha…”   They   all   laughed   and   helped   the   man   in   black   to   his   feet.   They   intended   to   take   him   to   the   nearby   bar   that   was   open   24   hours   a   day.   He   could   sit   down   and   rest   inside   there   and   order   something   to   eat   and   drink   so   he   could   recover   a   bit   after   his   ordeal.     Just   as   they   were   about   to   turn   and   leave,   the   scene   before   them   stopped   them   dead   in   their   tracks.

A   scantily   clad   red-haired   woman   walked   across   the   street,   her   fingers   twisting   the   ear   of   a   short,   fat   man,   just   the   way   Viola   did   to   Mr.   Finger.   It   was   a   funny   sight.   The   shorts   that   woman   had   on   were   extremely   brief,   revealing   half   her   buttocks   and   her   t-shirt   was   excessively   tight   and   low   cut     so   that   when   she   tottered   along   on   her   stiletto   heels   her   overly-endowed   wobbling   breasts   were   in   danger   of   popping   out   of   her   neckline.   She   walked   along,   holding   tightly   to   the   man’s   ears,   shrilly   scolding   all   the   while,

“What?   You   go   whoring   with   empty   pockets?   What   do   you   think   this   place   is?   And   what   do   you   take   me   for?   Come   along,   come   with   me.   You   think   my   honey   pot   is   for   free?   I’ll   take   you   to   our   big   boss.   He’ll   fix   you   good.     He   is   famous   in   these   parts   and   has   the   nickname   “The   red   jacket”   because   he   loves   to   see   red   blood   flow…   Come   along.   I’ll   take   you   to   him.     He   will   certainly   cut   off   that   penis   of   yours…   If   you’re   lucky   you   may   live;   otherwise   just   go   and   die…You   come   out   to   bop   a   woman   with   no   money?     What   do   you   take   me   for?   Do   I   look   like   I   give   it   out   for   free?”     The   fat   man   looked   like   either   a   butcher   or   a   cook.   The   pain   caused   by   his   ears   being   twisted   by   the   woman   made   him   bend   his   body   almost   in   half   as   he   followed   her   trying   to   pacify   her   saying,

“I   didn’t   do   this   on   purpose.     Really,   I   didn’t   mean   to   stiff   you.   But   you   are   so   beautiful,   I   had   to   have   you…   My   mind   was   centered   all   on   you   so   I   didn’t   even   know   that   my   pocket   had   been   picked   and   my   wallet   stolen…I   most   certainly   would   not   have   come   to   you   if   I   knew   my   wallet   was   stolen.     What   I   say   is   true.     Please   believe   me.     If   you   will   let   me   go,   I   will   be   sure   to   pay   you   back   a   hundredfold.   I   really   am   an   honest   man   who   always   pays   my   bills.   Please,   please…”   The   woman   twisted   his   ear   even   harder,   making   him   scream   out   in   pain,   begging   her,   “Softly,   softly   my   sweet…   Don’t   be   like   that.   You   can’t   blame   me   for   wanting   you…You   are   so   beautiful,   so   sexy…The   moment   I   saw   you,   you   had   me   drooling.   I   had   to   have   you   no   matter   what…You   can’t   blame   me…blame   yourself…you   are   so   beautiful   you   bewitched   me…   Consider   the   money   I   should   have   paid   you   as   a   debt   I   owe   you.   Trust   me…Trust   me…Trust   me   to   reimburse   you.”     The   woman   was   inwardly   smiling   at   these   fawning   words,   thinking,   “This   john   is   strange   but   he’s   quite   a   lovable   guy.”   However   she   kept   her   expression   hard   and   fierce.   To   protect   herself,   she   always   had   a   car   key   in   her   hand,   which   could   be   used   as   a   knife   to   stab   at   the   opponent’s   sensitive   spots   such   as   his   eyes,   nose   or   ears,   should   the   occasion   rise.   She   now   held   it   up   and   threatened   him   saying,

  “You   are   still   quibbling   over   what   you   did?   There   is   no   excuse   whatever   for   your   actions.   If   you   sprout   any   more   such   nonsense,   I   will   put   your   lights   out.   See   if   you   dare   to   comment   on   which   woman   is   beautiful   and   which   is   ugly…”  

“Don’t,   don’t   be   like   that,   please…”   whined   the   fat   man   continuing   to   beg   pitifully   for   forgiveness.   “Your   are   pulling   off   my   ears…   Even   if   you   pluck   my   eyes   out,   I   still   know   you   are   the   most   beautiful   goddess   I   have   ever   seen…When   I   get   some   money,   I   will   come   here   and   look   for   you   again.   Please,   please   don’t   take   me   to   see   your   boss,   ok?   If   he   really   castrates   me   and   cuts   off   that   thing   between   my   legs,   that   will   not   only   be   a   loss   for   me,   but   it   will   be   a   great   loss   to   you   as   well,   am   I   not   right?   So,   please,   please…I   beg   of   you.     When   I   get   some   money   I   will   pay   you   a   hundredfold   …”     By   then,   the   two   of   them   had   crossed   the   street   and   reached   the   other   side.     The   red-haired   woman   raised   her   head   and   saw   the   great   brute   of   a   man   in   the   red   jacket   standing   right   before   her.     In   great   fright   she   began   stuttering,

“Boss…   Boss…Fancy   meeting   you   here…I   was   looking…”   Imagination,   who   was   hiding   in   the   air   so   no   one   could   see   her,   bend   down   and   twisted   the   switch   in   the   red-haired   woman’s   brain   as   well   as   that   of   the   fat   man   standing   beside   her.   The   man   in   red   saw   that   the   red-haired   woman   was   twisting   the   fat   man’s   ear   and   could   surmise   what   had   happened.     He   immediately   put   back   the   fierce   expression   on   his   face   and   gave   his   customary   cruel   and   hideous   laugh,

“What?     You   got   another   john   that   refused   to   pay?     Let   me   see   who   has   the   guts   to   do   that   on   my   turf!”     The   red-haired   woman   stepped   hurriedly   in   front   of   the   fat   man,   like   a   hen   protecting   her   young.   She   smiled   at   the   man   in   red   fawningly   and   said,

“Oh   no,   no,   boss.     This   john   is   a   rich   and   generous.     He   did   not   refuse   to   pay…eh,   no   one   in   his   right   mind   would   do   that   on   your   turf,   boss…”   The   man   in   red   resumed   his   genial   expression   and   went   on   to   say,

“Since   you   are   here,   I   want   to   tell   you   that   I   am   quitting   my   sex   business.     I   hereby   release   you   from   your   contract   with   me.     You   are   no   longer   bonded   to   me   and   are   free   to   do   whatever   you   like.”   The   red-haired   woman   could   not   fully   understand   the   import   of   the   man’s   words   but   the   fat   man   did   and   jumped   out   happily.     He   bowed   again   and   again   to   the   man   she   called   Boss   and   said,

“Thank   you.     Thank   you.   It   seems   that   you   are   not   going   to   cut   off   that   thing   between   my   legs…   Thank   you.     Thank   you   so   much.”   The   man   in   red   glared   at   him   threateningly   saying,

“What?   So   you   had   her   and   did   not   pay?”   The   fat   man   realized   too   late   that   he   had   got   himself   into   hot   waters   and   quickly   explained,

“Yes   sir…   Yes   sir…   That’s   true…But   I   did   not   do   it   on   purpose…My   wallet   was   stolen   by   someone   but   I   did   not   realize   it   at   the   time.     I   promised   her   I   would   pay   back   the   debt   double,   triple   or   a   hundred   times   over.   Please   note   that   I   said   I   would   pay   back   the   debt.     It   is   what   I   owe   her.   I   will   reimburse   her   …”  

“That’s   right”   said   the   thin   middle-aged   man,   giving   the   teen-ager   a   knowing   glance.   “I   picked   that   man’s   pocket   and   stole   his   wallet.     Since   we   agreed   to   return   it,   let’s   give   it   back   now.   The   teen-ager   nodded   and   called   to   the   fat   man,

“Hey   you!   Look   and   see   if   this   is   yours.     If   it   is,   take   it   back.”     Saying   so,   he   tossed   the   wallet   over   to   him.     The   fat   man   caught   it   in   his   hands   and   shouted   excitedly,

“Yes.     Yes.   It’s   mine   alright!”   Exuberant   to   have   his   lost   property   returned   to   him,   the   fat   man   opened   his   wallet,   took   out   a   thick   stack   of   cash   and   stuffed   it   into   the   red-haired   woman’s   hands   together   with   his   empty   wallet   without   even   counting,   saying,   “I   told   you   I   would   give   the   money   back   to   you   ten   times,   a   hundred   times   over,   didn’t   I?   I   did   not   lie   to   you,   right?”   The   red-haired   woman   pulled   him   over   to   the   side   and   asked,

“You   just   said   that   I   am   the   most   beautiful   goddess   in   your   dreams,   did   you   mean   it?”     The   fat   man   held   up   his   right   hand   as   if   taking   an   oath   and   replied,

“I   mean   exactly   what   I   said.   How   can   I   prove   myself   to   you   and   show   you   what’s   in   my   heart….   Just   now,   you   stepped   in   front   of   me   to   protect   me.   You   were   afraid   that   your   boss   who   was   smiling   so   cruelly   would   hurt   me.     You   are   really   a   good   woman.   What   better   woman   is   there   in   the   whole   of   this   world   for   me?   To   tell   you   the   truth,   I   want   to   marry   you…”   The   red-haired   woman   nodded   emphatically   and   stuffed   the   wallet   and   the   cash   back   into   the   fat   man’s   pocket   saying,

“You   don’t   have   to   swear   any   oath   to   me.     I   believe   you…Since   we   are   to   be   married,   why   do   I   need   the   money?   You   keep   it…”   The   fat   man’s   smile   grew   bigger   and   bigger.   He   laughed   heartily   and   said,   “This   is   wonderful.     This   is   fantastic.     The   wallet   that   I   lost   has   been   returned.   Not   only   that,   I   got   a   great   beauty   for   my   wife!   This   is   called…eh…it’s   called   double   good   fortune.     How   lucky   I   am!!!”     The   red-haired   woman,   however,   frowned   and   hung   her   head.   She   glanced   worriedly   at   the   fat   man   and   asked   in   a   pensive   and   anxious   voice,

“But…but…will   you   blame   me   for   my   past…?     I   have   been   a   prostitute…a   woman   of   the   streets…Will   you   look   down   on   me?”     The   fat   man’s   face   turned   serious   and   said,

“No   words   I   say   now   will   ever   allay   your   fears.   Let   me   sing   you   a   song   that   I   made   up   myself   and   that,   I   think,   should   make   you   understand   what   kind   of   man   I   am.”   He   cleared   his   throat   and   sang   out   in   a   loud   tenor   voice,

“Before   today   I   was   not   in   your   life   and   you   were   not   in   mine.

    Now   you   will   be   in   my   life   and   I   will   be   in   thine.

    Be   not   concerned   with   what   happened   before   we   even   met.

    Focus   only   on   the   future   and   let   us   the   past   forget.”

The   red-haired   woman   burst   into   happy   tears   and   tightly   hugged   the   man   who   was   so   short   and   fat   that   he   could   almost   be   said   to   be   obese.   This   song   was   one   that   the   fat   man   made   up   himself   and   used   to   sing   in   his   shower.   It   actually   did   represent   his   sentiments   and   being   sincere   and   heartfelt   was   therefore   quite   moving.   After   a   while   when   she   calmed   down   a   bit,   the   fat   man   said   to   those   standing   around   him,

“Hey   guys,   tell   you   the   good   news.     I   am   getting   married   today   and   I’ve   got   money   in   my   pocket.     What   do   you   say   that   I   invite   you   all   to   a   good   meal   and   good   whiskey   to   celebrate   my   marriage?”     Everyone   was   happy   and   excited   and   congratulated   the   two   of   them.   The   man   in   red   said,

“We   were   planning   to   go   and   eat   together   anyway,   so   let’s   go!”     Then   turning   to   Dimitri   who   was   standing   not   far   from   them   he   said,   “Hey   you,   come   on   over.     Aren’t   you   an   old   friend   of   Richard   and   Jamaz?   They   are   my   good   friends,   so   their   friend   is   also   my   friend.     Come   join   us   and   celebrate   the   marriage   of   these   two.”     Dimitri   walked   over   with   a   smile   and   said,

“Thank   you   for   inviting   me   to   join   in   your   celebration,   but   I’m   afraid   I   would   not   be   able   to   make   it   because   I   have   another   wedding   that   I   must   attend.”

Mission   having   been   completed,   Creativity   flew   back   from   the   Greyhound   Bus   Terminal   a   few   blocks   away   where   crowds   of   people   congregated.     Imagination   quickly   went   to   meet   her   asking,

“You’ve   been   away   for   quite   some   time,   where   did   you   go?”

“King   Dimitri   sent   me   out   on   an   errand”   replied   her   partner   smiling   broadly.   “I   have   been   really   busy.     I   understood   what   he   wanted   to   prove.     He   thought   that   in   order   to   change   a   man’s   thoughts,   you   needed   to   twist   the   switch   in   his   brain   and   he   will   turn   around   and   make   a   180   degrees   change.   I   used   the   busy   Greyhound   bus   terminal   as   the   center   and   then   pushed   outwards.   I   singled   out   those   sly-looking   ones   or   brutes   who   looked   like   bad   elements   of   society   and   twisted   the   switches   in   their   brain.     I   think   I   turned   on   about   a   couple   of   hundred   of   them.   The   proof   of   whether   King   Dimitri’s   theory   is   correct   and   whether   his   tactic   and   strategy   work   will   soon   be   available…”   Imagination’s   silvery   bell-like   laughter   rang   out   as   she   answered,

“No   need   to   wait   for   the   proof.   King   Dimitri’s   theory,   tactics   and   strategy   are   100%   fool-proof.   I   just   tried   it   several   times.   “

“Really?”   marveled   Creativity.     So   Imagination   told   him   in   detail   the   dramatic   scenes   that   just   happened   at   the   street   corner   a   few   minutes   ago.   What   could   only   happen   in   comic   cartoons   actually   took   place   in   real   life.   They   looked   over   to   the   other   end   of   the   street   and   saw   Dimitri   standing   there   talking   with   several   people:   the   man   in   red,   the   man   in   black,   the   thin   middle-aged   man   and   the   teen-ager   who   was   standing   beside   him   together   with   the   short   fat   man   with   his   arms   around   the   scantily   dressed   red-haired   woman.   The   man   in   red   and   the   man   in   black,   both   friends   of   Richard   and   Jamaz,   found   much   in   common   to   talk   about   non-stop   for   the   adventures   that   Richard   and   Jamaz   had   been   through   and   the   comedy   of   errors   that   seemed   to   follow   them   were   innumerable       Dimitri   was   in   a   hurry   to   cross   over   to   the   other   side   of   the   Bay   and   attend   another   wedding,   so   he   bowed   to   the   fat   man   and   the   red-haired   woman   saying,

“I   am   so   sorry   I   cannot   come   to   your   wedding   meal,   but   I   am   in   a   hurry   to   attend   another   wedding   at   the   other   side   of   the   Bay.   I   am   sure   we   will   meet   again   and   there   will   be   lots   of   opportunities   to   get   together   …   So,   goodbye   and   good   luck.     I   am   sure   we   will   meet   again   and   talk…”   Dimitri   sent   his   happy   group   of   new   friends   on   their   way   to   dinner   and   turned   around.     He   saw   that   his   well-built,   tall   and   handsome   servant   Creativity   was   back,   talking   to   his   beautiful   partner,   the   svelte   and   curvaceous   Imagination.   They   were   both   naked,   but   hidden   in   the   air   they   were   invisible   to   human   eyes.     Dimitri   said   to   them,

“Let’s   set   out   quickly   to   the   other   side   of   the   Bay   or   we   will   be   too   late…”  

Imagination   and   Creativity   followed   behind   Dimitri,   like   two   close   attendants.   They   had   created   the   sense   of   sight   for   their   master,   but   Dimitri   wanted   to   retain   his   independent   spirit   and   not   rely   solely   on   this   new,   partially   recovered   sense   of   sight.   He   still   walked   with   the   white   cane   in   his   hand,   unwilling   to   give   up   his   personal   freedom   and   his   tried   and   true   mobility   techniques.   Tapping   his   way   carefully   on,   he   saw   a   tall   and   stalwart   policeman   pushing   a   shopping   cart   about   half   a   block   away.   The   officer’s   attention   seemed   to   be   centered   on   the   ground   before   him   and   every   now   and   then   he   would   bend   down,   pick   up   something   and   throw   it   into   his   shopping   cart.   He   took   some   tissues   from   his   pocket   and   wiped   at   the   perspiration   on   his   face.   He   accidentally   pushed   up   his   police   hat   askew   and   saw   a   homeless   person   wearing   old   and   dilapidated   clothing,   looking   at   him   with   a   smile.   The   policeman   smiled   back   and   nodded   at   Dimitri   in   a   friendly   manner   inquiring   politely,

  “How   are   you   doing,   sir?”   Dimitri   tipped   his   old   and   dirty   safari   hat   in   polite   salute,   and   walked   over   saying,

“Good   morning,   officer.     It’s   been   a   long   time   since   I   last   saw   any   policemen   around   here.   It’s   good   to   see   you   guys   patrolling   again.”   The   policeman   wiped   his   face   again   and   stopped   to   chat   with   this   friendly   hobo   while   he   took   a   short   break.

“It’s   really   strange   and   almost   like   a   miracle.   These   used   to   be   the   most   dangerous   and   chaotic   parts   of   the   city,   but   suddenly   everything   changed   overnight.   Early   this   morning   when   we   reported   to   duty,   our   superiors   told   us   that   there   were   lots   of   discarded   guns   and   drugs   scattered   around   the   streets.   I   and   other   officers   were   sent   out   to   pick   up   these   forbidden   items   a.s.a.p.   so   they   could   be   safely   disposed   of.   I’ve   been   busy   since   early   this   morning   and   look   at   my   haul!     Pretty   impressive,   eh?   The   other   officers   in   my   precinct   are   all   out   collected   these   deadly   toys….”   Dimitri   glanced   at   the   policeman’s   shopping   cart   and   saw   that   it   was   piled   high   with   all   kinds   of   guns   big   and   small,   long   and   short.   There   were   also   sealed   plastic   bags   full   of   a   kind   of   white   powder   and   boxes   of   colorful   pills   and   capsules.   Dimitri   shook   his   head,   sighed   and   said,

“Wow!   I   never   dreamed   that   there   were   so   many   illegal   firearms   scattered   in   all   corners   of   society.   And   so   much   drugs!   If   they   were   dispersed   unchecked   among   the   population   and   not   collected   and   destroyed,   they   would   become   a   scourge   and   create   fatal   social   problems…”  

Imaginations   looked   at   Creativity,   raised   her   eye   brows   and   said,   “What   did   I   tell   you?   King   Dimitri’s   theory   and   tactics   were   correct.   Of   course   you   also   spent   a   lot   of   time   working   towards   this,   so   you   have   earned   part   of   the   credit.   See   the   result   now?   To   change   society,   we   must   first   change   their   mindset   by   twisting   the   magical   switch   in   their   brains.”

“You’re   right”   replied   Creativity.   “But   just   relying   on   the   two   of   us   is   not   enough.     We   must   mobilize   more   people   to   do   it.   Only   then   could   we   expand   and   deepen   our   influence   and   attain   durable   sustainability.”

“Of   course.     Of   course”   said   Imagination,   nodding   in   agreement.  

“What   is   this   fine   powder   for?”   asked   Creativity   curiously   as   he   picked   up   a   bag   of   white   powder.   It   was   either   cocaine   or   heroin.  

“You   mean   this   powder?   Have   you   forgotten?”   asked   Imagination,   her   two   deep   dimples   dancing   as   she   smiled   more   brilliantly   than   ever.   “At   that   time   you   and   I   were   living   in   God’s   Garden   of   Eden.   I   could   not   withstand   the   temptation   of   tasting   the   red   apple,   which   incurred   God’s   wrath   and   resulted   in   the   two   of   us   being   driven   out   of   the   Garden.   The   white   powder   in   your   hand   is   hundreds   and   thousands   of   times   more   tempting   to   humans   than   the   red   apple   was   to   me.   I   heard   that   anyone   who   tasted   it   would   be   transported   to   a   place   where   they   forgot   everything,   even   themselves.     They   would   feel   as   if   they   were   in   Heaven,   in   a   new   world   where   everything   was   bright,   serene   and   eternal.     But   once   the   effects   of   the   drug   wore   off,   they   would   fall   from   the   lofty   heights   down   to   hell,   to   the   depths   of   a   deep   abyss   of   pain   and   suffering.   Actually   a   bright,   serene   and   eternal   new   world   is   not   unattainable   and   could   be   within   human   reach   without   the   aid   of   drugs.     History   has   proved   again   and   again   that   immersing   oneself   in   the   spiritual   illusions   brought   about   by   these   kinds   of   white   powder   is   no   inspiration   for   great   literary   epics   or   scientific   discoveries.   On   the   contrary,   it   creates   roadblocks   that   cause   human   civilization   to   regress.   From   this   we   can   see   that   human   beings   are   not   a   logical   breed…What   do   you   think?”     Creativity   who   picked   up   an   intricately   made   gun   and   was   playing   with   it,   nodded   his   head   saying,

“You   are   right.     Sometimes   I   think   that   if   humans   were   made   to   the   image   and   likeness   of   God,   then   God   may   not   really   understand   the   inner   workings   of   the   human   mind   or   their   behavior   and   motives.   If   man   is   clever   enough   to   create   the   brilliant   civilization   that   even   their   creator   admires,   why   then   do   they   at   the   same   time   invent   such   instruments   that   could   destroy   their   dazzling   civilization?   So   the   conclusion   must   be,   as   you   said,   that   human   beings   are   not   very   rational   animals,   but   are   a   strange   combination   of   semi-rational   and   semi-mad.”

  The   genial   policeman   wiped   his   face   and   said   to   Dimitri,   “You   know,   in   this   world   there   are   some   adults   whose   mind   never   fully   matured.   They   are   very   childish   in   many   ways.   If   the   adults   in   the   world   were   all   like   that   and   had   guns   in   their   hands   which   they   think   of   as   toys,   can   you   imagine   what   a   mad   world   that   would   be?     So   we   are   gathering   up   these   guns   before   the   world   becomes   quite   mad   and   destroy   them   all”.     Dimitri   laughed   and   patted   the   policeman   on   the   shoulder   saying,   “That’s   exactly   what   I   was   thinking,   bro.     Guns   are   not   a   necessity   of   life   which   we   cannot   live   without   and   should   be   used   only   for   self   defense.   If   there   were   no   bad   elements   in   society,   why   do   we   need   guns   at   all?   Yes,   we   really   do   need   to   gather   them   all   together   and   destroy   them…”  

Dimitri   reverted   back   to   his   normal,   incurable   optimistic   outlook,   with   a   childlike   naiveté   and   said,   “Ah   Mr.   Policeman,   it’s   been   so   interesting   talking   to   you   that   I   have   forgotten   what   I   set   out   to   do.     I   need   to   cross   over   to   the   other   side   of   the   Bay.     Could   you   tell   me   if   there   is   a   BART   station   around   here?”

“Oh   yes.     There   is   one   just   a   few   blocks   away…”   replied   the   policeman.   Then   noticing   that   Dimitri   had   a   white   cane   in   his   hand   he   immediately   offered   his   services   saying,   “Oh,   you   are   disabled   sir.   Would   you   like   me   to   help   you   to   the   BART   station?”

“Oh   no.   No   thank   you”   said   Dimitri.     “You   are   busy.   I   can   find   my   own   way   there   alright.”   He   said   goodbye   and   together   with   his   two   loyal   servants,   Imagination   and   Creativity,   went   on   his   way   to   the   BART   station.     The   image   of   the   bright   red   flower   swaying   in   the   breeze   kept   popping   up   in   his   mind.   If   that   single   flower   was   able   to   change   and   conquer   the   garbage   pile,   then   perhaps   twisting   the   magical   switch   in   people’s   brain   could   cure   that   poisonous   and   malignant   cancer   in   human   society?

Walking   down   the   flight   of   stairs,   Dimitri   came   to   the   BART   station   and   saw   several   people   lining   up   to   buy   tickets   from   the   ticket   vendor.     He   suddenly   remembered   that   he   had   no   money   at   all   on   him,   so   how   was   he   to   purchase   a   ticket?   Turning   to   his   two   loyal   servants,   he   said,

“I   have   been   destitute   too   long   to   remember   I   need   cash.   Do   you   guys   have   any   money   on   you   to   buy   me   a   ticket?”     Creativity   shrugged   and   replied,

“How   could   we   have   any   money   on   us?     We   hide   in   the   air   and   don’t   even   wear   clothes.”

“What   can   we   do?”   said   Dimitri   in   a   quandary   and   paced   around   not   knowing   what   to   do.  

“Don’t   worry,   King   Dimitri”   said   Creativity.   “This   is   no   big   deal,   I’ll   think   of   something.”   Just   then   a   young   man   wearing   rimless   glasses   walked   over.   He   was   well   dressed   and   looked   like   a   white-collar   worker   from   some   bank.   Creativity   reached   into   the   young   man’s   pocket   for   his   wallet,   opened   it   and   took   out   a   BART   ticket,   which   he   quickly   handed   to   Dimitri.     Dimitri   swiped   it   on   the   electronic   entry   slot   and   successfully   got   into   the   station.   He   then   handed   the   used   ticket   to   Creativity,   who   replaced   it   in   the   wallet   and   slipped   it   back   into   the   man’s   pocket.   But   when   the   young   man   tried   to   swipe   the   ticket   again,   nothing   happened.   The   machine   would   not   raise   the   bar   to   grant   him   entry.     The   young   man   took   his   ticket   to   the   station   agent’s   saying,

“Sir,   this   is   a   brand   new   ticket   I   just   bought.     Why   won’t   the   machine   let   me   in?”   The   station   agent   looked   carelessly   at   the   ticket   and   saw   that   it   was   indeed   a   valid   one   with   a   lot   of   money   left   on   it.   Knowing   that   the   old   machines   often   acted   up   for   no   reason,   he   waved   the   young   man   over   to   the   door   next   to   him,   gave   him   back   his   ticket   and   let   him   in   manually.   Dimitri   saw   all   this   happen   and   said   to   Creativity.

“I   have   often   ordered   the   two   of   you   to   twist   the   magical   switch   in   people’s   head   to   see   that   they   lead   a   normal   and   law-abiding   life.     Yet   here   I   am   breaking   the   law   myself   by   allowing   you   to   steal   BART   tickets   for   me.   That’s   really   a   mockery   against   me…”   Turning   to   Imagination,   he   said,

“I   cannot   just   make   use   of   this   young   man’s   ticket   without   somehow   paying   him   back.     Please   go   and   tap   him   on   the   shoulder.   I   will   convey   my   blessing   to   him   in   this   way…”   Imagination   walked   over   as   commanded   and   tapped   the   young   man   softly   on   the   shoulder.     The   man   automatically   turned   his   head,   but   was   surprised   to   see   no   one   behind   him.     He   was   puzzled   at   the   astonishing   things   that   were   happening   to   him.     First   his   brand   new   BART   ticket   somehow   wouldn’t   work.     Then   someone   tapped   him   on   the   shoulder,   but   when   he   turned   his   head   there   was   no   one   there   at   all.   Perplexed   by   all   this,   he   repeatedly   made   the   sign   of   the   cross   on   himself   as   he   took   the   escalator   down   to   the   platform   to   wait   for   his   train.

“Hey,   King   Dimitri”   said   Creativity.   “What   kind   of   blessing   did   you   give   that   young   man?   Can   you   tell   us?”

“I   gave   him   the   blessing   that   in   the   near   future   good   fortune   will   come   to   him”   said   Dimitri   with   a   smile.     “But   I   don’t   know   in   advance   what   the   good   fortune   will   be.   It   could   be   as   major   as   being   the   sole   winner   of   the   Powerball   Lottery   or   as   minor   as   picking   up   a   dollar   on   the   street.   I   have   no   way   of   knowing   the   size   of   the   good   fortune.   It   could   be   big   or   small,   but   it’s   something   good,   that’s   for   sure…”

“Hope   he   wins   the   lotto   jackpot”   said   Imagination.   “That   would   be   ample   reward   for   having   the   good   fortune   to   have   helped   King   Dimitri!”  

“Wow!     That   would   sure   be   getting   it   back   hundreds   and   millions   times   over!   A   BART   ticket   for   a   multi-million   dollar   jackpot.     That’s   awesome…..   Too,   too   awesome…Well,   I   am   sure   that   there   will   soon   be   the   addition   of   another   multi-millionaire   to   this   world.”   The   trio   chatted   amiably,   but   no   one   around   them   heard   any   of   their   conversation,   for   the   three   of   them   had   their   own   special   way   of   communicating   and   could   directly   exchange   thoughts   and   ideas   without   the   burdensome   need   of   words.   Soon   they   too   arrived   at   the   train   platform.     Their   train   arrived   and   the   three   of   them   boarded.   Several   passengers   seeing   Dimitri’s   dark   glasses   and   white   cane,   knew   he   was   blind   and   politely   stood   up   to   offer   him   their   seats.     Dimitri   thanked   them   all,   chose   one   nearest   the   door   and   sat   down.   The   train   was   not   crowded   and   Creativity   and   Imagination   were   able   to   sit   right   next   to   him   on   his   right   and   left.   The   door   closed   and   the   train   started   to   move.     After   a   few   minutes,   it   came   out   from   under   the   tunnels   and   moved   to   level   ground   again   and   the   sun   shone   brightly   into   the   train.  

“I   really   envy   the   two   of   you   unencumbered   with   a   flesh   body”   said   Dimitri.   “You   don’t   have   to   buy   tickets   on   trains   and   can   hide   in   the   air   without   any   clothes   on.   That’s   wonderful!”

“No   so   fast   master”   protested   Creativity.   “You   envy   us   not   having   a   flesh   body.     We,   on   the   other   hand,   envy   your   having   one.   For   example,   take   that   young   man   whom   you   blessed   just   now   and   said   he   may   win   the   lotto   jackpot.   How   could   he   enjoy   his   immense   wealth   without   a   flesh   body?   How   could   he   experience   the   marvelous   luxuries   that   wealth   could   give   the   flesh   body?   So   we   envy   the   fact   that   you   have   one,   King   Dimitri…”

“Don’t   forget   the   fact   that   not   everyone   can   win   the   lotto”   said   Dimitri.   “There   may   be   many   multi-millionaires   and   billionaires   in   this   world,   but   there   are   many,   many   more   people   living   under   the   poverty   line,   struggling   all   their   lives   just   to   survive.   To   them,   the   flesh   body   is   the   cause   of   sufferings   and   worries.   Also,   having   a   flesh   body   means   that   you   will   inevitably   have   to   face   aging,   sickness   and   ultimately   death.   So   to   me   having   a   flesh   body   is   more   trouble   than   it’s   worth   because   all   it   really   brings   is   sufferings   and   worries.     But   then   since   I   already   have   one,   I   must   face   reality   and   take   good   care   of   it.   It   could   be   said   that   how   to   treat   your   flesh   body   is   a   vast   science   that   requires   your   whole   life   to   study.   All   human   beings,   rich   or   poor,   must   face   aging,   illness   and   death,   so   it   could   be   said   that   though   human   beings   may   have   different   fates,   but   in   the   face   of   death   all   men   are   equal.”   Creativity   sank   into   a   deep   reverie   and   murmured,

“You   are   right.     Nevertheless   we   must   find   a   just   and   fair   equilibrium   between   riches   and   poverty.”

“That   would   be   hard   to   do”   laughed   Dimitri.   “Since   the   beginning   of   times   history   has   recorded   that   many   clever   people,   philosophers   and   such   all   wanted   to   solve   the   same   problem,   but   in   the   end   none   succeeded   because   riches   and   poverty   are   only   concepts.   In   reality   there   is   no   just   and   fair   way   to   measure   riches   and   poverty.   The   two   concepts   are   contradictory.   Take   me   for   instance.   In   the   cities   of   the   mundane   world,   I   am   a   penniless   hobo   and   a   pitiful   blind   man.   I   am   on   the   lowest   ladder   of   society   with   no   recourse   available   to   better   my   lot.   Thanks   to   the   help   from   the   two   of   you,   Imagination   and   Creativity,   my   best   and   most   loyal   friends,   I   found   my   way   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.   There   you   built   me   a   magnificent   palace,   brought   many   beauties   to   the   Kingdom   to   keep   me   company   and   even   built   me   a   solid   gold   palace.   You   gave   me   subject   who   loved   me   and   made   me   a   high   and   mighty   king   respected   and   esteemed   by   all.   I   don’t   need   to   go   into   dreamland   to   have   all   this,   even   now   when   I   am   wide   awake;   I   feel   that   my   innermost   heart   is   full   of   endless   treasures,   which   makes   my   heart   full   to   overflowing.   So   in   my   case,   where   is   the   boundary   between   riches   and   poverty?”     Dimitri’s   words   gave   Creativity   more   food   for   thought.   He   again   fell   into   a   brown   study   and   did   not   speak   again.

  It   was   then   that   Dimitri   realized   that   his   other   loyal   companion   Imagination   had   been   silent   for   quite   some   time.     So   he   said,

“Hey   Imagination,   what   have   you   been   thinking   about?     Why   haven’t   you   said   anything   all   this   time?”

“I   am   not   at   all   interested   in   what   the   two   of   you   had   been   talking   about.   I   feel   that   the   topics   of   riches,   poverty,   flesh   body   and   such   have   nothing   to   do   with   me   as   I   don’t   have   any   of   them.   You   said   you   envy   us   not   having   a   flesh   body   because   then   we   would   not   have   to   endure   the   sufferings   and   troubles   it   brings   with   it.   I   envy   your   having   a   flesh   body   because   if   I   had   one,   I   could   wear   beautiful   clothes   and   attract   the   attention   of   everyone   who   sees   me.   Won’t   that   be   wonderful?   Look   at   that   beautiful   woman   sitting   towards   the   left   in   front   of   you.   Isn’t   she   an   example   of   what   I   want?”     Dimitri   looked   to   where   Imagination   indicated   and   saw   a   pretty   young   woman   wearing   a   white   short-sleeved   shirt,   apple   green   knee   length   skirt   and   white   semi-high   heeled   shoes   who   was   immersed   in   reading   a   book   in   her   hand.

“Look   at   that   young   woman”   said   Dimitri.   “The   material   of   the   clothes   she   is   wearing   is   not   expensive   but   because   of   her   good   taste   in   putting   the   outfit   together   it   emphasizes   her   youth   and   vitality.   Most   important   of   all   is   the   vibes   she   gives   out.   Anyone   who   comes   in   contact   with   her   cannot   help   but   be   affected   by   her   peaceful   serenity.   It   is   such   vibes   that   influenced   the   whole   section   of   the   train,   making   people   feel   peaceful   and   serene.   That’s   why   I   think   everyone   has   his   or   her   own   way   of   dressing,   but   the   vibes   they   give   out   are   different   according   to   the   individual.   Don’t   you   think   so?”   Imagination   nodded,   but   her   eyes   kept   going   to   that   beautiful   young   woman.

“Somehow   I   have   the   intuition   that   this   young   woman   will   be   stopping   off   at   the   same   station   as   we   do.   I   intend   to   do   what   Creativity   did.     I   will   take   the   BART   card   from   her   wallet   and   let   you   use   it.   Then   after   you   successfully   got   through,   I   will   replace   it   in   her   wallet   and   put   it   back   in   her   purse…Hey,   King   Dimitri,   you   cannot   use   this   young   lady’s   help   without   recompensing   her,   right?   You   will   give   her   your   blessing   too,   right?   What   blessing   will   you   give   her?...   I   don’t   think   money   and   riches   would   be   high   on   her   list…I   think   she   would   like   to   retain   her   youth   and   good   looks   forever   and   be   eternally   beautiful…   Can   you   give   her   such   a   blessing?”

“Of   course   I   can”   replied   Dimitri   smiling.   “But   I   cannot   guarantee   that   such   a   blessing   would   come   true.”     The   train   suddenly   grew   dark   as   it   went   underground   through   the   tunnel   at   the   bottom   of   the   San   Francisco   Bay   that   will   take   it   directly   to   the   opposite   shore.   The   cloud   from   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   wafted   freely   with   the   wind   in   the   air   above   the   Bay.   Heedless   of   air   and   distance,   it   floated   blithely   on   unaffected   by   the   changes   in   terrain,   topography,   national   boundaries   or   borders…  

After   leaving   the   BART   station,   Dimitri   was   again   plunged   amidst   a   bustling   crowd   of   people.   This   city   was   bigger   and   more   prosperous   than   the   one   he   left,   so   the   footsteps   of   the   people   here   were   even   more   hurried   and   rushed.   Dimitri   paid   scant   attention   to   the   professionally   decorated   store   windows   which   lined   the   streets,   for   the   bells   in   his   heart   were   chiming   loudly,   calling   on   him   to   hurry   to   his   destination   -     the   grand   old   majestic   church,   a   historic   landmark   of   the   city,   where   one   member   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   would   be   marrying   the   man   of   her   choice   and   16   other   beauties   would   be   celebrating   a   group   wedding   to   him,   Dimitri   Jackson!   The   occasion   was   being   celebrated   with   such   pomp,   publicity   and   splendor   that   his   absence   would   deeply   embarrass   and   shame   the   16   brides;   for   without   a   groom   they   would   be   considered   jilted   at   the   altar.   Dimitri’s   deep   sense   of   responsibility   would   not   allow   such   a   thing   to   happen,   but   neither   was   he   eager   to   take   part   in   the   ceremony   for   it   would   not   accomplish   any   purpose.   Though   he   was   walking   quickly   forward,   Dimitri   was   in   a   tizzy   because   his   feelings   were   confused   and   controversial.     Up   to   the   moment   he   had   still   not   decided   on   what   he   should   do   or   how   to   resolve   this   dilemma.   As   he   walked,   he   was   thinking   to   himself,

“Queen   Aisha   is   a   brilliant   and   clever   woman   and   I   love   her   dearly.     She   should   know   that   the   reason   I   have   stayed   away   all   this   time   was   to   give   the   beauties   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   sufficient   time   and   space   to   decide   on   what   they   wanted   to   do   with   their   lives   and   set   about   doing   it.   Why   would   Queen   Aisha   go   along   with   the   plan   of   a   group   wedding?   That   move   would   only   force   my   hand   and   make   me   appear   before   I   was   ready   to   do   so…   If   her   purpose   was   to   see   me   for   the   final   time   and   say   goodbye,   why   choose   such   a   public   occasion?   It   would   serve   no   purpose   and   only   cause   sadness   and   trouble   for   all   concerned.”

Dimitri   walked   quickly   ahead,   but   the   more   he   hurried,   the   more   roadblocks   appeared.   As   the   saying   goes,   “More   haste,   less   speed”!   As   he   got   within   a   few   blocks   to   his   destination,   he   found   that   the   area   had   been   completely   cordoned   off   and   all   cars   and   pedestrians   had   to   detour.   Policemen   were   on   every   street   corner   and   helicopters   hovered   overhead   because   this   was   an   ultra   extravagant   wedding   with   members   of   royal   families   and   many   of   the   celebrities   and   elite   of   political   and   financial   personages   attending.     In   this   day   and   age   of   terrorist   attacks,   the   law   enforcement   agencies   and   the   military   went   all   out   on   full   alert   to   ensure   the   safety   of   these   domestic   and   international   VIP   wedding   guests;   for   any   accidents   that   took   place   could   easily   be   elevated   to   international   incidents.

  The   sidewalks   on   both   sides   of   the   street   were   full   of   crowds   of   people   gawking   at   the   wedding   guests   dressed   up   to   the   nines   in   the   latest   fashions.   But   many   more   were   attracted   by   the   name-brand   luxury   cars   from   different   countries   conveying   these   rich   and   famous   to   the   church.   Some   ultra   fast   sports   car   would   arrive   singly   and   whizz   past   like   the   wind.   Two   or   three   cars   would   come   sedately   as   a   group   allowing   the   spectators   to   have   an   eye-full.   To   keep   up   their   status,   these   ultra   expensive   name   brand   luxury   cars   were   of   limited   edition;   rare   enough   to   cause   a   sensation   whenever   they   appeared.     However   at   this   wedding   of   the   century,   all   brands   of   these   limited   edition   cars   arrived   en   masse   giving   the   crowd   a   rare   treat   that   kept   them   oh-ing   and   ah-ing   in   rapture.   Though   too   expensive   for   the   ordinary   person   to   own,   the   audience   was   satisfied   just   to   see   so   many   of   them   in   motion.   It   could   be   said   that   holding   a   rare   car   show   for   the   spectators   before   the   wedding   began   was   an   unintended   treat   from   the   wedding   preparatory   committee!

  Five   or   six   formally   attired   young   men,   brother,   cousins   and   good   friends   of   the   groom,   stood   at   the   entrance   to   the   church,   acting   as   ushers   to   lead   wedding   guests   to   their   allotted   seats   inside   the   church.   If   the   guest   drove   to   the   wedding   himself,   a   valet   was   called   to   park   the   car   for   him.   If   the   guest   was   driven   by   his   chauffer   and   brought   along   his   secretary,   body   guard   etc.,   the   chauffer   would   be   told   where   to   park   and   the   others   would   be   taken   to   another   location   where   they   would   be   seen   to   and   entertained   by   other   attendants.   The   special   preparatory   committee   took   a   whole   year   to   prepare   for   this   wedding   and   did   an   excellent   job,   seeing   to   every   possible   contingency,   so   that   everything   would   go   very   smoothly.   After   the   wedding   ceremony   was   over   and   the   bride   and   groom   had   left,   the   preparatory   committee   organized   to   have   special   attendants   call   out   the   names   of   the   guests   whose   vehicles   were   ready   for   them   in   front   of   the   church.   This   list   was   made   according   to   the   time   of   the   guests’   arrival   and   not   the   nobility   of   their   status.   A   group   of   experienced   valets   were   stationed   at   the   parking   lot   to   execute   the   list   given   to   them   and   send   the   cars   out   in   the   order   of   their   arrival.   Just   then,   a   middle-aged   usher   who   seemed   to   be   the   one   in   control,   looked   at   the   screen   of   his   hand-held   computer   and   murmured,

“All   the   guests   have   arrived   with   the   exception   of   a   prince   of   one   of   the   minor   countries.   He   had   already   abdicated.   Why   is   he   still   so   busy?   But   he   always   had   a   tendency   to   be   late,   so   will   he   be   late   today,   too?   We   cannot   delay   the   wedding   because   of   him…”   Just   then   the   purring   of   a   strong   engine   was   heard   and   a   super-luxury   sports   car   whooshed   hastily   into   sight   stopping   crookedly   before   the   church.   A   middle-aged   man   of   about   forty   to   fifty   years   old   jumped   out   as   soon   as   the   car   stopped,   and   without   closing   the   car   door   went   over   to   the   passenger   side   of   the   car   to   help   his   female   passenger   out   and   the   two   of   them   walked   quickly   up   the   steps   to   the   church   entrance.  

“Sorry.     Sorry.   I’m   afraid   we   are   late”   said   the   prince   as   he   walked   towards   the   middle-aged   usher   who   came   forward   to   greet   them.

“Oh,   no,   no.   You   are   on   time,   your   highness,”   replied   the   usher.   “But   the   ceremony   will   be   starting   in   just   two   minutes.   You   are   in   fact   the   last   guest   to   arrive.”   Then   he   waved   over   an   usher   to   show   them   inside   the   church   to   their   assigned   seats.   Looking   at   the   others   he   said,   “Good.     All   the   guests   have   arrived.   The   wedding   ceremonies   will   begin   on   time.   Tell   the   people   up   in   the   bell   tower   to   start   ringing   the   bell   and   let   the   music   begin.”   Soon   the   church   bells   was   ringing   merrily,   announcing   the   beginning   of   the   ceremonies.   He   then   talked   by   walkie-talkie   to   the   group   of   cars   waiting   a   short   distance   away   and   told   them   that   it   was   time   to   drive   over.

There   was   an   impressive   fleet   of   twelve   black   super   luxury   sedans   waiting   at   the   entrance   of   the   hotel   a   short   distance   away.   The   groom   sat   in   the   fifth   and   bride   in   the   sixth   car   with   their   attendants,   while   their   entourage   was   scattered   in   rest   of   the   cars.   This   arrangement   was   made   because   the   O’Brian   family   wanted   to   make   a   great   show   of   their   wealth   and   air   of   grandeur   as   well   as   to   express   how   important   this   wedding   was   to   them.   The   fleet   of   twelve   cars   made   their   way   slowly   towards   the   church   with   horns   blaring   as   a   mark   of   celebration,   in   consort   with   the   loudly   ringing   church   bells.   As   the   bride’s   car   slowly   drove   by,   Imagination   said   to   Dimitri,

“Isn’t   that   bride   Novella?     Look!   She   is   turning   her   head   to   look   towards   us!   But   I   don’t   think   she   can   see   very   clearly   behind   her   veil,   so   she   may   not   discover   it   is   us   standing   by   the   roadside…We   used   to   be   close   as   sister,   now…I   feel   we   are   so   distant   we   feel   like   strangers…”   Watching   the   fleet   of   cars   drive   slowly   away   carrying   a   beauty   who   used   to   be   part   of   his   Kingdom   of   Dreams   on   her   way   to   wed   another,   Dimitri   felt   an   indescribable   feeling   come   over   him.     He   could   not   tell   whether   it   was   happiness   or   sorrow   but   felt   a   disconsolate   sense   of   loss   in   his   heart.

The   iron   back   door   of   the   church   opened   wide   with   a   loud   clang   and   workers   rolled   out   a   red   carpet   from   inside   the   building   right   to   the   back   entrance.   A   security   guard   was   stationed   there   to   make   sure   that   no   outsiders   were   allowed   to   enter.   At   the   same   time   he   was   told   that   when   the   main   wedding   that   was   going   on   was   finished,   there   would   be   another   group   wedding   scheduled   to   take   place,   where   sixteen   brides   were   to   be   married   and   that   the   back   door   of   the   church   was   reserved   for   their   exclusive   use.   That   was   all   the   security   guard   knew   and   he   was   not   told   of   any   of   the   particulars.   Early   in   the   morning,   four   large   trailers   similar   to   those   used   on   movie   set   were   parked   by   the   back   entrance   of   the   church,   which   practically   took   up   the   whole   length   of   the   street.   Nearby   residents   thought   some   studio   was   going   to   film   scenes   there.   As   such   things   had   happened   before   they   did   not   think   much   of   it,   so   adults   went   to   work   and   children   went   to   school   as   they   normally   did.   The   area   had   been   completely   cordoned   off   for   security   reasons   and   all   cars   and   pedestrians   had   to   detour,   so   streets   seemed   extremely   calm   and   quiet.     In   the   beginning   about   a   dozen   young   women   could   be   seem   going   in   and   out   of   the   four   large   trailers,   talking   and   laughing.   But   after   a   while   they   seemed   to   settle   down   four   to   each   one   and   did   not   appear   any   more.   These   air-conditioned   vehicles   were   actually   the   size   of   a   little   house,   equipped   with   toilet,   showers   and   even   a   small   kitchenette.     On   movie   sets,   they   were   used   as   the   place   for   movie   stars   to   put   on   makeup,   change   costumes   and   rest   between   takes.     They   were   the   sixteen   beautiful   brides   who   all   intended   to   marry   King   Dimitri.   Of   course   some   trailers   held   more   than   four   persons,   for   Amalia,   Mark   and   little   dog   Maureen   also   came   with   them.  

The   noble   and   decorous   Queen   Aisha   sat   in   her   trailer,   intently   reading   the   book   in   her   hand.   She   was   all   ready   for   the   ceremony   having   already   put   on   her   white   wedding   gown   and   the   priceless   jewelry   fit   for   a   queen.   Together   in   the   trailer   with   her   were   Megginn,   Samantha   and   Dorna,   the   apple   of   her   eye   who   were   all   dressed   in   their   formal   wedding   gowns.   Megginn   was   reading   and   answering   her   e-mails.   Though   she   had   resigned   her   position   as   CEO   of   World   Bank,   there   were   innumerable   details   connected   to   King   Dimitri’s   large   financial   empire   she   had   to   deal   with   on   a   daily   basis   that   no   one   else   could   help   her   with.   Samantha   was   helping   Dorna   get   ready.     At   first   the   naughty   girl   refused   to   put   on   any   make-up   because   she   had   never   done   so             before   and   did   not   know   how   to   do   it.   Samantha   coaxed   her   saying,

“All   girls   need   to   put   on   make-up   on   special   occasions.   It’s   a   form   of   respect   and   politeness   to   herself   and   to   others.   It   is   a   way   of   expressing   her   high   regard   for   the   importance   of   the   ceremony   she   is   taking   part   in…   You   are   still   young   and   do   not   want   to   put   on   make-up.   Just   wait!   A   few   years   later,   no   one   could   persuade   you   not   to!   Come   on,   I’ll   just   touch   up   your   face   very   lightly   okay?”   Super   model   Samantha   was   an   expert   at   this.     A   few   simple   light   touches   and   she   was   done.     Looking   at   Dorna   admiringly   in   the   mirror,   she   said,   “Oh   little   Dorna,   you   are   so   beautiful!     Look   at   yourself,   just   a   few   simple   touches   and   you   have   become   more   beautiful   than   ever!   You   have   a   natural   beauty   that   I   really   envy.”   Such   complimentary   words   from   a   sophisticated   woman   like   Samantha   gave   Dorna   a   warm   feeling.   Though   she   was   just   in   her   teens,   those   light   expert   touches   of   cosmetics   added   a   feminine   charm   and   loveliness   which   made   her   feel   special   and   proud.   Dorna   looked   at   Aisha   and   asked,

“Hi   Aisha,   do   you   really   think   King   Dimitri   will   come?     What   if   he   doesn’t?     How   will   our   wedding   go   on   if   he   doesn’t   show   up?   How   can   there   be   a   wedding   without   a   groom?”   Aisha’s   eyes   left   her   book   and   said,

“You   have   asked   me   this   question   three   times   already   today.     I   told   you   that   my   intuition   is   King   Dimitri   will   show   up   because   he   is   our   beloved   king.   He   will   never   leave   us   all   in   a   lurch   like   this.   I   am   quite   confident   that   my   intuition   is   correct,   so   do   not   ask   me   this   question   again.”   Saying   so,   Aisha’s   eyes   again   looked   down   on   her   book.   Megginn   looked   up   from   her   work   and   gave   Dorna   a   meaningful   glance,   cautioning   her   to   leave   that   question   alone   so   as   not   to   annoy   Queen   Aisha.     Dorna   understood   and   spoke   no   more.     Her   eyes   went   to   the   computer   screen   which   showed   that   the   church   was   full   to   capacity   and   murmured   under   her   breath,

“All   the   guests   should   have   arrived   by   now.     Why   hasn’t   the   wedding   begun   yet?”   Before   she   finished   speaking,   the   church   bells   began   ringing   loudly   and   merrily,   mixed   with   the   blaring   of   horns   from   the   fleet   of   bridal   cars   which   came   nearer   and   nearer   until   they   reached   the   entrance   to   the   church.   On   the   screen   she   saw   the   young   and   handsome   Mr.   O’Brian,   accompanied   by   his   two   best   men,   walk   quickly   down   the   red   carpet   towards   the   altar   and   the   much   respected   white-haired   pastor   quietly   emerge   from   the   vestry   door   to   stand   before   the   altar.   Suddenly   strains   of   the   Wedding   March   played   by   the   organ   sounded   and   the   veiled   figure   of   the   bride   walked   slowly   and   solemnly   down   the   red   carpet   into   the   church   on   the   arms   of   a   large,   plump   man.   Dorna   cried   out   in   surprise,

“How   come   he   is   here…?   Where   did   he   come   from…?   Hey,   you   guys   come   and   see.     Mark   is   walking   down   the   red   carpet   with   the   bride.     How   come   he   is   the   one   giving   the   bride   away?”   Aisha   put   down   her   book   and   came   over.   Megginn   and   Samantha   also   crowded   around.   All   eyes   were   on   the   computer   screen   showing   the   scene   of   the   wedding   in   the   church.

“That’s   strange!”   said   Aisha.     “How   did   Mark   appear   here?   According   to   our   plan,   Mark   was   supposed   to   substitute   for   King   Dimitri   and   go   through   the   wedding   in   his   place   if   Dimitri   did   not   show   up.   How   did   he   end   up   giving   away   the   bride?   But   come   to   think   of   it,   Mark   was   quite   a   good   choice   for   that   job.   Novella’s   parents   are   no   longer   living   and   she   has   no   siblings,   so   there   is   no   one   to   give   her   away   at   the   ceremony.   In   Amalia’s   eyes,   Mark   is   like   her   own   son.   King   Dimitri   likes   him   too   and   he   has   always   gotten   along   very   well   with   members   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   as   if   everyone   was   a   big   happy   family.   He   is   a   suitable   choice   to   take   the   place   of   a   brother   and   give   Novella   away   to   her   groom.   Why   didn’t   we   think   of   that   ourselves…?   But   what   we   did   not   think   of,   God   did.   I   think   this   is   a   very   good   omen.   I   feel   intuitively   that   King   Dimitri   will   show   up   and   take   part   in   our   wedding,   which   is   also   his   wedding.   My   intuition   is   stronger   than   ever…”

Early   that   morning   before   the   area   was   cordoned   off,   four   trailers   arrived   and   parked   on   the   street   at   the   back   entrance   of   the   church.   The   drivers   and   their   assistants   got   out   and   were   taken   to   a   rest   area   where   they   could   rest   and   enjoy   some   refreshments.   One   of   the   trailers   was   occupied   by   Amalia,   Yoko,   Sheila,   Laverne,   Mark   and   little   dog   Maureen.     Sheila   and   Yoko   had   already   dressed   Amalia   in   her   red   Manchu   gown   and   they   had   also   put   on   their   own   wedding   gowns.     Little   Maureen   seemed   to   be   aware   that   today   was   a   special   day   and   was   extremely   well-behaved,   lying   docilely   by   Amalia’s   feet   in   the   living   area   of   the   trailer.   Amalia   said   she   was   hungry,   so   Sheila   and   Yoko   went   and   got   her   some   food.   Recently   Amalia’s   eating   habits   became   disorderly.   She   constantly   complained   of   hunger,   but   when   food   was   brought   to   her   she   said   she   was   not   hungry   and   could   not   partake   of   anything.   She   ate   only   soft   angel   cake   and   milk,   refusing   all   other   food.   Sheila   carefully   broke   off   a   piece   of   cake   and   coaxed   her   to   eat   and   Yoko   made   her   drink   some   milk.     Amalia   was   affixed   on   the   idea   that   Mark   was   her   own   son   and   was   constantly   asking   for   him,   so   he   was   put   in   her   trailer.   Laverne   had   dressed   him   in   his   brand   new   suit   and   tied   his   tie   for   him,   after   which   she   went   to   the   dressing   room   area   to   get   herself   ready   for   the   ceremony.   Mark   followed   her   and   saw   her   sitting   before   the   dressing   table   putting   on   makeup.   her   face.   He   sat   next   to   her   with   one   hand   propping   up   his   chin   and   watched   her   in   fascination.

“Have   you   something   you   want   to   say   to   me?”   asked   Laverne   smilingly.   Mark   hesitated   for   a   moment   as   if   uncertain   of   how   to   ask   his   question   and   then   went   on   to   say,

“Are   you   all   getting   married   today?   Every   one   of   you   will   be   marrying   King   Dimitri?   Including   you,   right?   But   didn’t   you   already   marry   me   in   that   photo…?   How   could   you   marry   someone   else…?”   Laverne   had   once   taken   a   picture   with   Mark   in   a   bridal   gown,   which   Mark’s   simple   mind   took   to   be   a   wedding   (see   Book   2).  

“Yes”   she   replied   patting   him   lovingly   on   his   chubby   cheeks   “Don’t   worry.   We   are   already   married   on   the   photo   and   I   will   not   marry   anyone   else…But   I   am   a   member   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   all   the   other   beauties   seem   to   think   it   is   of   great   important   to   hold   this   group   wedding   and   marry   King   Dimitri   as   a   sort   of   closure.   Queen   Aisha   did   not   object,   either.   So   as   a   member   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   I   am   going   along   with   it.   But   don’t   worry,   when   this   is   over   we   will   go   through   a   simple   civil   service   and   be   legally   married.   We   will   become   a   real   family   and   have   children   together…”

“Wow!     How   wonderful   that   will   be!”   exclaimed   Mark,   eyes   bright   with   excitement.     “We   are   going   to   have   a   baby!     Oh   heavens,   we   are   going   to   have   a   baby…”

“I   really   don’t   understand   their   way   of   thought”   murmured   Laverne.   “Why   can’t   the   rest   of   the   beauties   understand   that   King   Dimitri   is   staying   away   on   purpose   so   that   we   could   find   our   own   destiny,   our   own   future   happiness?   He   doesn’t   want   us   to   put   all   our   eggs   in   one   basket   and   concentrate   all   our   hopes   and   attention   on   him   alone.   That   is   the   correct   attitude,   but   why   does   Queen   Aisha,   who   is   normally   so   wise,   insist   on   this   lope-sided   infatuation…?   I   really   don’t   understand.     Perhaps   because   I   have   long   decided   what   I   would   do   with   my   life   in   pursuit   of   my   own   happiness,   I   cannot   understand   their   point   of   view…”   Laverne   impulsively   kissed   Mark   on   his   cheek   at   the   thought,   then   seeing   the   distinct   mark   of   red   lips   she   left   there   cried   out,   “Oh   no,   I   forgot   I   had   already   put   on   lipstick!”   and   proceeded   to   wipe   it   off   his   round   cheeks   with   a   tissue.   Just   then   church   bells   began   ringing,   mixed   with   the   blaring   of   horns   from   the   fleet   of   cars   that   came   nearer   and   nearer   to   the   church.   “Oh   my   gosh!   The   ceremony   is   about   to   begin.   I   had   better   hurry   and   put   on   my   wedding   gown   so   as   not   to   be   late…”

“Hey   Laverne”   said   Mark.     “May   I   go   outside   and   take   a   short   walk?   I’ll   be   right   back.   I   am   so   excited.     We’re   going   to   have   a   baby!   Let   me   go   for   a   walk,   okay?”

“Sure.   But   don’t   wander   too   far.   Remember   you   are   supposed   to   substitute   for   King   Dimitri   if   he   doesn’t   show   up   for   the   ceremony…   So   take   your   walk   and   come   back   soon…”

The   security   guard   saw   a   tall,   chubby   man   walk   down   from   the   trailer   dressed   in   an   expensive   suit,   with   shoes   that   were   shinned   to   perfection.   As   the   man   came   nearer,   the   security   guard   saw   that   his   face   had   the   childish   and   naive   expression   o   a   retarded   man.   Since   he   came   down   from   the   trailer,   the   security   guard   figured   he   must   be   connected   to   the   grand   wedding   that   was   going   on   and   so   made   a   sign   to   the   guard   at   the   back   entrance   that   it   was   alright   to   let   him   in.   So   Mark   entered   the   grand   old   historical   church   from   the   back   entrance.   He   did   not   enter   the   church   proper   at   once,   but   looked   in   through   the   window   and   found   it   filled   to   capacity   with   VIP   guests.   The   men   were   all   formally   clothed   in   expensive   suits   and   the   ladies   were   dressed   to   the   nines   in   the   height   of   fashion.   The   atmosphere   was   happy   and   congenial,   but   as   it   was   in   a   church   the   conversation   was   low   and   hushed   with   no   loud   laughter   or   boisterous   salutations.   Mark   felt   ill   at   ease   in   high   class   social   activities   as   he   found   them   restraining   and   restrictive,   so   he   walked   around   the   gardens   towards   the   front   entrance.   A   profusion   of   flowers   were   blooming   in   the   gardens   under   the   bright   sunshine,   their   roots   quietly   absorbing   the   nutrients   of   the   soil   while   their   blossoms   enjoyed   the   warmth   of   the   sun   and   breathed   in   the   clean   fresh   air.   The   impressive   fleet   of   twelve   black   super   luxury   sedans   had   arrived   at   the   church   but   had   stopped   blaring   their   horns   out   of   respect   for   the   sanctity   of   the   place   of   worship.   Mark   saw   Elina   help   Novella   out   of   the   sedan.   The   bride   was   wearing   a   veil   decorated   with   all   kinds   of   gems   at   the   four   corners   and   her   wedding   dress   had   a   nine-foot   train   which   needed   someone   to   help   her   maneuver   so   it   would   not   get   tangled   up.   Elina,   the   bridesmaid,   was   wearing   an   especially   well   cut,   floor-length   pink   formal   gown   which   complemented   her   gentle   feminine   beauty.   She   looked   up,   saw   Mark   watching   their   arrival   from   a   distance   and   waved   him   over   saying,

“How   come   you   are   standing   alone   there?   Don’t   you   have   anything   you   should   be   doing?   Are   the   other   beauties   all   here?”

“All   the   beauties   are   here   getting   ready   for   the   ceremony   in   their   trailers”   replied   Mark.   “I   felt   cooped   up   there,   so   I   came   out   for   a   walk.”   Elina   looked   at   Mark   and   thought   to   herself   that   it   was   so   sad   that   Novella’s   parents   had   died   a   long   time   ago   and   she   had   no   siblings,   so   there   was   no   one   to   give   her   away   at   the   wedding.   That   was   why   they   decided   that   a   flower   girl   bearing   roses   and   a   boy   carrying   the   tray   of   the   wedding   rings   should   start   the   procession   and   Novella   would   walk   alone   towards   the   altar   where   Mr.   O’Brian   would   be   waiting.   She,   Elena,   as   Novella’s   only   living   relative,   would   be   the   brides-maid   walking   behind   her   carrying   the   long   train.   Looking   at   Mark,   Elena   thought   he   would   be   a   good   candidate   to   give   away   the   bride.   So   she   said   to   him,

“Hey   Mark,   since   you   have   nothing   to   do   and   are   just   loafing   around,   I   have   a   job   for   you   but   I’m   not   sure   whether   you   are   up   to   it   or   not.”

“What?   You   have   a   job   for   me?   I’m   sure   I   am   up   to   it.   What   do   you   want   me   to   do?”said   Mark   excitedly.

“Can   you   walk   the   bride   down   the   red   carpet   of   the   church   as   her   brother   and   give   her   away   to   the   groom?   It’s   very   simply   really.   Do   you   think   you   can   do   it?”   Mark   looked   at   Elena   seriously,   his   normally   childish   expression   gone   from   his   face,   to   be   replaced   by   a   look   of   intelligence   and   capability.

“No   problem,   Elena.   Leave   it   to   me.”

“It’s   not   a   big   job   and   takes   only   a   few   minutes,   but   it’s   the   beginning   of   the   wedding   and   a   very   serious   business.     Don’t   mess   it   up!”   Mark   patted   his   chest   and   said   confidently,

“I   told   you   no   problem.   Please   believe   me,   Elena.   I   can   do   it.     Leave   it   to   me.”   Elena   nodded,   smiled   at   him   and   holding   the   hands   of   the   flower   girl   and   the   ring   bearer   walked   them   towards   the   hallway   of   the   church   to   wait   for   the   signal   from   the   master   of   ceremonies   to   begin   their   walk   down   the   red   carpet   towards   the   altar.   She   then   quickly   walked   back   to   her   cousin   to   help   take   care   of   the   long,   nine-foot   long   train.

The   little   girl,   carefully   scattering   flower   petals   to   the   right   and   left   of   her   on   the   red   carpet   and   the   boy   solemnly   bearing   the   small   tray   of   rings   were   the   first   to   walk   into   the   church   aglow   with   candlelight   and   perfumed   with   lavish   bouquets   of   white   roses   tied   with   white   satin   ribbons.   The   organ   music   swelled   to   a   crescendo   and   Novella   started   down   the   aisle   on   the   arms   of   Mark   in   a   drifting   swirl   of   white   silk   and   her   nine-foot   long   train   trailing   like   a   cloud   behind   her   being   attended   to   by   her   lovely   bridesmaid,   Elena.   Mark   happened   to   be   standing   near   the   gardens   at   the   front   entrance   of   the   church   and   was   picked   by   Elena   on   the   spur   of   the   moment   to   give   the   bride   away.   He   walked   slowly   and   carefully   on   the   red   carpet   with   Novella   on   his   arms,   his   expression   mostly   serious   and   solemn   but   brightened   with   a   slight   smile   playing   to   perfection   the   part   of   a   loving   brother   giving   away   his   sister   to   perfection.   When   they   reached   the   altar,   Novella   stopped   and   the   organ   music   too   came   to   a   halt.   In   the   silence,   the   much   respected   white-haired   pastor   began   by   asking   in   a   deep,   resonant   and   sonorous   voice,

“Who   gives   this   woman   to   be   married   to   this   man?”  

“I   do”   replied   Mark   clearly.   Then   he   placed   Novella’s   hand   into   Mr.   O’Brian’s,   nodded   to   them   and   stepped   back.   With   a   sigh   of   relief   that   he   had   done   his   part   without   a   glitch,   Mark   walked   back   down   the   aisle   and   while   everyone’s   attention   was   centered   on   the   bride   and   groom,   he   slipped   unobtrusively   away   from   the   church.   Making   his   way   around   the   garden   to   the   back   entrance   he   went   into   Laverne’s   trailer.

The   attention   of   the   sixteen   beauties   scattered   in   the   four   trailers   outside   the   back   entrance   of   the   church   were   all   intently   concentrated   on   the   large   screen   transmitting   the   wedding   of   the   century   as   it   took   place.     Which   young   woman   does   not   wish   to   have   a   solemn   but   lavish   wedding?   Which   young   woman   is   not   concerned   with   her   future   happiness?   Among   those   sixteen   beauties,   Aisha’s   feelings   were   deeply   stirred   and   she   had   the   most   on   her   mind.   She,   the   queen   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   was   now   placed   in   the   embarrassing   position   of   looking   for   and   considering   choosing   a   new   spouse.   How   could   she   bear   that   and   which   man   in   this   mundane   world   could   be   comparable   to   her   position   and   talent…?  

The   ceremony   on   the   screen   was   proceeding   according   to   protocol.   The   officiating   pastor   was   saying,

“Dearly   beloved,   we   are   gathered   here   today   in   the   sight   of   God,   and   in   the   face   of   this   congregation,   to   join   together   this   man   and   this   woman   in   holy   matrimony.     If   any   person   can   show   just   cause   why   they   may   not   be   joined   together,   let   them   speak   now   or   forever   hold   their   peace.”   He   stopped   for   a   moment   and   looked   around.     As   no   one   stepped   forward   to   stop   the   wedding   he   turned   to   Novella   the   bride   and   asked,

“Do   you   Novella   Silkes   take   Robert   O’Brian   to   be   your   lawfully   wedded   husband,   to   have   and   to   hold   from   this   day   forward,   for   better   or   for   worse,   for   richer   or   for   poorer,   in   sickness   and   in   health,   to   love   and   cherish   till   death   you   do   part?”

“I   do”   replied   Novella.     Then   turning   to   Mr.   O’Brian,   he   asked,

“Do   you   Robert     O’Brian   take   Novella   Silkes   to   be   your   lawfully   wedded   wife,   to   have   and   to   hold   from   this   day   forward,   for   better   or   for   worse,   for   richer   or   for   poorer,   in   sickness   and   in   health,   to   love   and   cherish   till   death   you   do   part?”

“I   do”   replied   Mr.   O’Brian.   Then   taking   the   ring   from   his   best   man   who   had   taken   it   from   the   ring   bearer,   Mr.   O’Brian   took   Novella’s   left   hand   and   placed   it   carefully   on   her   third   finger,   saying,   “With   this   ring   I   thee   wed.     With   my   body   I   thee   worship.   With   my   worldly   goods   I   thee   endow.   In   the   name   of   the   father,   and   of   the   son   and   of   the   Holy   Spirit.”   With   that   the   pastor   blessed   the   bride   and   the   groom   and   announced,

“By   the   powers   invested   in   me,   I   now   pronounce   you   man   and   wife.”     He   smiled   at   Mr.   O’Brian   and   said,   “You   may   now   kiss   the   bride.”   Mr.   O’Brian   turned   to   Novella,   carefully   took   her   veil   by   the   hem   and   turned   it   towards   the   back   of   her   head.   When   the   bride   was   unveiled   and   faced   the   guests   with   her   beautiful   and   gorgeous   features   in   full   view,   murmurs   of   praise   and   exclamations   of   surprise   rose   and   fell   in   the   church,   turning   to   laughter   and   hand   clapping   when   the   groom   bent   his   head   to   kiss   his   blushing   bride.   Music   struck   up   again   as   Mr.   O’Brian,   with   Novella   on   his   arm,   walked   back   down   the   aisle   towards   the   entrance   of   the   church   amid   whistles,   clapping   of   hands   and   tossing   of   rice,   confetti,   rose   petals   and   wedding   poppers.   They   began   running   down   the   steps   of   the   church   as   the   tossing   became   more   vigorous,   quickly   got   into   the   fleet   of   cars   waiting   at   the   front   entrance   and   drove   away…   The   guests   mingled   for   a   while   and   then   left   in   an   orderly   manner   when   their   names   were   called   as   their   cars   were   sent   over   from   the   parking   lot   according   to   the   time   of   their   arrival.   Elena   did   not   leave   with   the   bridal   party.   Making   her   way   around   the   garden   as   Mark   did,   she   reached   the   back   entrance   and   entered   her   assigned   trailer.

Out   of   respect   for   God   and   the   sanctity   of   the   church,   Novella’s   fleet   of   cars   drove   away   slowly   and   solemnly   in   complete   silence   for   quite   a   distance   before   letting   loose   and   all   twelve   cars   blared   their   horns   enthusiastically   in   joyful   abandon,   creating   a   noisy   but   happy,   fiesta-like   atmosphere,   much   like   the   way   the   Chinese   people   celebrate   their   Lunar   New   Year   by   lighting   up   a   long   string   of   firecrackers.   The   bridal   fleet   drove   back   the   way   they   came,   followed   closely   by   the   cars   of   the   VIP   guests.   The   crowds   of   onlookers   were   again   treated   to   a   free   car   show   and   had   an   eye-full   of   the   parade   of   name-brand   luxury   cars   from   different   countries,   rare   enough   to   cause   a   sensation   whenever   they   appeared.     Dimitri   knew   then   that   Novella‘s   wedding   ceremony   had   ended   and   the   guests   were   all   leaving   the   church.   Stuck   in   a   crowd   of   gawking   onlookers   behind   strictly   enforced   police   security   lines,   he   was   restless   as   a   cat   on   a   hot   tin   roof,   knowing   that   a   second   ceremony   was   about   to   begin.   This   was   the   strange   and   unheard   of   wedding   where   sixteen   beauties   were   marrying   one   and   the   same   groom.   If   he   did   not   appear   in   time   for   it,   the   beauties   would   be   extremely   disappointed   and   deeply   embarrassed   by   being   jilted   at   the   altar,   which   was   something   he   did   not   want   to   happen.   He   was   thinking,   “In   my   lifetime,   I   have   broken   through   many   physical   and   psychological   boundaries,   such   as   dreams   and   reality,   riches   and   poverty,   blindness   and   sight   ...   I   thought   there   was   nothing   in   this   world   that   could   bind   my   flesh   body.   But   now   I   am   stopped   by   a   white   rope   set   by   the   police   that   I   cannot   leap   over…”

“Hey,   King   Dimitri,   don’t   worry”   comforted   Creativity.   “I’ll   walk   around   and   see   if   there   is   a   spot   somewhere   that   we   can   get   through.”

“Don’t   bother”   replied   Dimitri   smiling   wryly.   “It’s   a   hopeless   endeavor   because   I   have   this   flesh   body   that   cannot   escape   detection.   How   I   envy   the   two   of   you   who   have   no   flesh   body   and   can   therefore   hide   in   the   air.   Because   you   two   have   no   flesh   body   you   do   not   have   to   deal   with   the   troubles   that   come   with   it,   such   as   aging,   illnesses   and   death.   My   envy   of   you   is   not   without   reason.”

“Oh,   don’t   despair,   King   Dimitri”   said   Imagination,   suddenly   thinking   of   something.   “We   still   have   a   last   trick   we   have   not   used   yet.”

Retiring   to   the   vestry   room,   the   old   pastor   sat   down   behind   his   desk   to   take   a   break.     But   before   he   could   quench   his   thirst   with   a   drink   of   water   or   take   a   breather   he   said   to   his   secretary,

“Quick…     Catch   the   organist   before   he   leaves   and   let   him   know   there   will   be   another   wedding   to   follow.     It   was   not   on   the   schedule   so   he   may   not   be   aware   of   it.     The   wedding   would   lose   luster   without   organ   music…   And   also,   ask   the   janitors   to   sweep   away   the   rice,   confetti,   rose   petals   and   wedding   poppers   on   the   ground   and   tell   them   to   open   all   the   doors   and   windows.   The   church   was   crowded   to   capacity   and   the   smell   of   perfume   was   overpowering.   It   might   smell   nice,   but   I   feel   it   is   not   compatible   to   the   sanctity   and   solemnity   of   the   church…     One   last   thing,   have   them   notify   the   parties   of   the   second   wedding   that   the   ceremonies   will   commence   on   time   in   thirty   minutes…     Let   me   see   if   there   is   anything   else…     No,   I   think   that’s   it.   Please   go   and   see   to   everything.”     The   secretary   was   a   young   graduate   of   the   seminary   and   being   trained   by   the   old   pastor..     He   answered   a   string   of   “Yes,   sir.     Yes   sir”   to   the   orders   and   rushed   to   carry   them   out.     The   old   pastor   seemed   to   be   greatly   interested   in   this   second   wedding   he   was   asked   to   officiate   at.   It   was   not   that   he   wasn’t   interested   in   Novella   and   Mr.   O’Brian’s   wedding   he   had   just   performed.     On   the   contrary,   he   had   put   a   great   deal   of   thought   and   effort   into   the   ceremony.   The   groom’s   illustrious   family   background   ensured   that   the   wedding   guests   were   from   the   elite   of   international   society.   These   normally   hard   to   meet,   distinguished   and   renowned   personages   were   all   gathered   together   in   one   place   to   witness   this   grand   and   magnificent   wedding   of   the   century.   The   fact   that   he   was   the   parson   who   directed   and   officiated   the   ceremony   could   not   help   but   give   him   a   sense   of   great   satisfaction.

The   old   pastor   thought   back   to   the   day   when   he   was   finalizing   the   details   of   the   wedding   ceremony   with   the   committee   chairman   responsible   for   the   grand   project.   When   everything   had   been   settled   to   both   their   satisfaction   and   the   contract   had   been   signed,   the   chairman   mentioned   casually,

“By   the   way,   sir,   after   this   grand   wedding   is   over,   another   much   smaller   scale   one   is   scheduled   to   take   place   here   at   the   same   church.   Since   you   are   already   here,   would   you   please   officiate   this   one   too?”

“Really?   A   smaller   scale   wedding?”   said   the   old   pastor   whose   curiosity   had   been   aroused.     “What   kind   of   ceremony   is   that?   Could   you   be   more   specific?”

“By   smaller   scale   wedding   I   mean   one   where   there   won’t   be   as   many   guests.     I   think   only   one   or   two   were   invited.   Though   the   scale   is   small,   the   wedding   itself   is   unique   and   really   quite   out   of   the   ordinary.   I   bet   you   it   is   one   you   have   never   before   taken   part   in   during   your   entire   life…”

“Really?     The   more   you   say   the   more   confused   I   become.   Could   you   be   more   explicit   about   it?”

“Well,   the   fact   of   the   matter   is,   Novella   is   the   bride   whose   marriage   plans   we   just   talked   about   and   signed   the   contract   for.     She   has   some   intimate   girlfriends,   sixteen   of   them   in   fact,   who   has   decided   to   all   marry   the   same   man.   Isn’t   that   the   most   bizarre   thing   you   have   ever   heard   of?   I   think   it   is   a   wedding   you   have   never   officiated   in   your   life   before…”   Before   he   even   finished   speaking,   the   old   pastor   adamantly   refused   his   request,   as   it   went   totally   against   his   belief.     His   religion   believed   in   monogamy   and   officiating   at   a   wedding   of   sixteen   young   women   marrying   one   man   would   be   condoning   polygamy!   Also   polygamy   was   against   the   law   and   by   taking   part   in   the   ceremony   he   would   become   an   accessory   of   the   crime.   It   certainly   was   not   something   he   wanted   any   part   in.   The   committee   chairman   was   much   affronted   by   this   snub   and   left   abruptly.

The   old   pastor   thought   that   this   was   the   end   of   the   matter   and   he   would   not   be   approached   about   it   again.   But   early   the   next   morning,   a   beautiful,   elegant   and   classy   looking   lady   came   knocking   at   his   door.     He   didn’t   have   the   heart   to   refuse   her   entry,   so   he   led   her   into   his   small   living   room.   The   lady   gave   him   her   calling   card   and   he   was   taken   aback   to   see   the   name   of   Aisha   G.   Jefferson   on   it.     It   was   a   very   famous   name   in   academia   that   he   had   heard   a   lot   about,   especially   connected   to   humanism.   Though   not   familiar   with   her   field   of   expertise,   he   knew   that   Aisha   had   always   been   very   vocal   stressing   publicly   the   necessity   of   religion   in   society   and   had   often   proposed   measures   for   its   revitalization.   The   reason   she   did   so   was   simple.   She   had   often   heard   Dimitri   say   that   “only   the   power   of   religion   could   save   the   degradation   of   humanity,   which   was   fast   going   down   the   drain.”   So   Aisha   propounded   the   belief   that   the   reason   human   civilization   was   able   to   develop   so   swiftly   in   the   past   was   only   because   it   was   rooted   in   religion.   Once   denied   its   support,   it   was   as   if   a   plant   had   been   uprooted   and   denied   the   nutrition   in   the   soil,   causing   it   to   wither   and   die.   Human   civilization   must   be   connected   to   religion   and   mutually   support   each   other   in   order   to   survive   and   flourish.   In   these   modern   times   when   religion   had   been   gradually   sliding   downhill   with   eroding   church   attendance   and   membership,   Aisha’s   belief   and   support   was   like   a   strong   dose   of   stimulation   and   she   was   considered   one   of   the   pillars   that   supported   religion.     It   was   no   wonder   that   the   old   pastor   had   a   excellent   impression   of   this   young   and   beautiful   scholar   of   humanism   and   cordially   invited   her   into   his   living   room.   Aisha   wasted   to   time   and   went   right   to   the   point   of   her   visit   saying   frankly,

“The   reason   I   am   here   is   to   explain   to   you   clearly   why   sixteen   young   women   want   to   marry   the   same   man.   There   seems   to   be   some   misunderstanding,   so   I   have   come   personally   to   explain   it   fully   to   you.   There   is   a   group   of   us,   all   young   women   who   have   become   very   good   friends.   One   of   us,   Novella,   had   decided   to   marry   Mr.   O’Brian   and   celebrate   their   wedding   in   style   at   your   church.     The   group   of   us   had   an   understanding   from   the   very   beginning   that   if   any   one   of   us   got   married,   it   was   the   same   as   if   all   of   us   were   getting   married,   so   the   rest   of   us,   sixteen   young   women   in   all,   wanted   to   renew   our   vows   on   the   same   day   that   Novella   got   married.   All   sixteen   of   us   will   be   wearing   the   same   style   of   bridal   gowns,   but   only   one   of   us,   in   this   case   me,   will   be   standing   before   the   altar   as   the   representative   for   all   of   us   and   speak   the   vows   with   the   bridegroom.   So,   to   be   specific,   only   two   people,   one   man   and   one   woman   will   be   standing   at   the   altar   before   you   and   you   would   be   officiating   the   wedding   for   only   two   persons…     Somehow   things   have   been   misunderstood   and   have   become   complicated,   causing   you   to   refuse   to   officiate…”   Aisha’s   words   were   really   vague   and   ambiguous   and   confused   the   old   pastor.   What   did   she   mean   by   “if   any   one   of   us   got   married,   it   was   the   same   as   if   all   of   us   were   getting   married?”   and   why   was   she   the   representative   for   all   16   of   the   young   women?     But   out   of   respect   for   Aisha   he   was   not   willing   to   delve   too   deeply   into   it.   Rather   it   was   her   promise   of   “only   I   will   be   standing   before   the   altar,   speaking   the   vows   with   the   bridegroom”   that   really   struck   him.   According   to   the   bible,   God   made   man   to   his   own   image   and   likeness   and   then   he   took   a   rib   from   the   man’s   body   and   made   woman.   So   the   old   pastor   believed   in   a   monogamous   union,   that   marriage   was   one   between   a   man   and   a   woman.   He   felt   no   qualms   about   presiding   over   the   marriage   between   one   man   and   one   woman.   As   to   the   other   young   women   wearing   the   same   bridal   gowns   as   the   bride,   he   considered   that   their   own   peculiar   choice   which   did   not   concern   him   as   it   did   not   go   against   his   religious   belief   or   civil   marriage   laws.

“Oh,   I   see…”   said   the   old   pastor.   “I   see…     If   that   is   the   case   I   will   officiate   your   extraordinary   wedding…”   Aisha   gave   a   long   sigh   of   relief   that   she   had   managed   to   (walk   circles   around   the   pastor   thereby)   persuade   him   into   changing   his   mind   until   he   finally   definitely   promised   to   preside   over   the   wedding.     Then   turning   to   Aisha,   the   old   pastor   asked,

  “May   I   know   the   name   of   the   bridegroom,   m’am?”  

  “The   groom…?”   smiling   reluctantly   Aisha   replied.   “I’m   afraid   he   has   had   a   special   and   checkered   life   so   I   will   keep   his   name   secret   for   the   time   being…I   will   let   you   know   when   the   time   comes.   There   is   a   reason   I   am   constrained   to   do   so.     I   am   very   sorry   and   hope   you   understand…”   The   pastor   nodded   and   said   no   more.   The   music   of   the   wedding   march   played   by   the   organist   reached   the   ears   of   the   old   pastor   at   the   same   time   as   a   soft   knock   on   his   door   was   heard.     His   assistant   and   secretary   came   into   the   room   saying,   “It’s   time   for   the   second   wedding,   sir.   The   parties   have   mostly   arrived   so   it’s   time   for   you   to   go   and   preside   over   this   original,   unique   and   romantic   ceremony.”   The   old   pastor   did   not   notice   the   deeply   pregnant   smile   on   the   face   of   his   assistant   at   these   words.     He   stood   up,   straightened   his   clothes   and   walked   out   of   the   vestry   into   the   front   of   the   church.

Stuck   in   a   crowd   of   gawking   onlookers   behind   strictly   enforced   police   security   lines,   Dimitri   was   not   able   to   move   a   step.   Though   extremely   anxious   and   impatient,   he   was   helpless   to   do   anything   and   could   only   send   his   loyal   servants   Imagination   and   Creativity   to   the   vicinity   of   the   church   to   see   how   things   were.   Out   of   old   habit   he   sat   down   on   the   steps   of   a   bank   by   the   sidewalk.   He   did   not   notice   that   it   was   a   branch   of   World   Bank.   The   lines   of   cars   coming   out   of   the   church   thinned   to   a   dribble   until   finally   the   last   name-brand   luxury   spots   car   flew   crookedly   down   the   street   and   the   street   became   empty.     The   crowd   of   onlookers   knew   that   the   show   was   over   and   the   VIP   guests   had   left,   so   they   too   turned   to   go   home.   Dimitri   looked   all   around   wondering   why   his   loyal   servants   had   not   come   back   to   report   on   what   was   happening   inside   the   church   and   was   impatiently   rearing   to   go   when   he   saw   Creativity   half   running,   half   flying   towards   him,   shouting,

“The   blockade   is   over   and   people   and   cars   are   free   to   move   now.   Let’s   go   quickly   to   the   church   now.     The   sixteen   beauties   from   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   are   just   walking   into   the   church,   we   must   hurry…or   it   will   be   too   late…”

“Hey,   King   Dimitri,”   said   Imagination.   “Please   be   quick   and   go   into   your   state   of   zero.     Leave   all   the   rest   to   me   and   Creativity.”   It   was   only   then   that   Dimitri   realized   what   Imagination   meant   when   he   said   a   while   ago   that   there   was   a   last   trick   they   have   not   used   yet.   He   meant   the   state   of   zero.     Dimitri   immediately   closed   his   eyes,   stopped   thinking   and   fell   into   the   state   of   zero.   He   felt   his   feet   leaving   the   ground   and   heard   wind   howling   past   his   ears   as   if   he   was   flying   in   the   air   by   magic.   Actually   it   was   his   two   loyal   servants   holding   him   by   his   arms   and   were   half   running   and   half   flying   towards   the   church.   After   a   few   seconds,   the   sound   of   wind   stopped   and   he   found   himself   standing   steadily   on   the   ground   .

“Ah,   there’s   nothing   I   can   do”   he   sighed.     “I   am   back   again   in   the   real   world.   My   flesh   body   will   once   more   be   controlled   by   gravity   and   I   must   make   use   of   this   heavy   and   clumsy   body   again.”

“Hey,   King   Dimitri”   said   the   voice   of   Imagination   close   to   his   ear.   “You   are   now   standing   at   the   entrance   to   the   church.     Walk   forward   a   few   steps   and   you   would   be   entering   the   church   proper.   Creativity   and   I   have   something   important   we   must   take   care   of   and   will   have   to   leave   you   for   a   little   while.   As   soon   as   we   leave   you   will   lose   your   sense   of   sight.   Can   you   take   care   of   yourself?”

“You   guys   go   and   do   what   you   must”   answered   Dimitri.     “I   am   perfectly   capable   of   taking   care   of   myself.”   As   soon   as   the   two   left,   Dimitri   was   again   engulfed   by   an   inky   darkness,   dark   as   the   darkest   night   and   his   two   eyes   could   see   nothing   at   all.   Tapping   his   white   cane   in   front   of   him,   Dimitri   carefully   made   his   way   forward,   the   metal   tip   of   his   cane   making   a   clear,   cold   echo   as   it   touched   the   marble   floor.

Organ   music,   solemn   and   soaring,   swelled   up   in   the   church.   The   old   pastor   glanced   at   his   watch   and   found   that   it   was   time   to   perform   the   second   wedding.   He   stood   up,   hastily   left   the   vestry   room   and   headed   towards   the   altar.   Young   women   dressed   in   identical   white   gowns   stood   in   two   neat   and   orderly   rows   before   the   altar.   The   one   standing   in   the   center   of   the   front   row   was   heavily   veiled   while   the   veils   of   the   other   sixteen   young   women   had   already   been   turned   back,   revealing   their   beautiful   faces.   The   old   pastor   knew   that   the   veiled   lady   was   the   bride,   the   one   for   whom   this   wedding   ceremony   was   to   be   preformed.   He   also   marveled   at   the   exquisite   charm   of   this   group   of   young   women,   whose   loveliness,   for   lack   of   suitable   words,   could   only   be   described   as   sacred   and   ethereal.   The   old   pastor   cleared   his   throat   and   said   solemnly,

“The   wedding   ceremony   is   about   to   begin,   let   the   bride   and   the   groom   take   their   places   please.”   A   lovely   teen-aged   girl   just   on   the   threshold   of   young   womanhood   stepped   out   to   lead   the   heavily   veiled   bride   to   her   place   before   the   altar.

“Would   the   bridegroom   step   up   to   the   altar   please?”   requested   the   old   pastor.   There   was   no   movement.   He   again   intoned   his   request   two,   three   more   times,   but   no   one   appeared.   Astonished   at   the   turn   of   events,   he   looked   around   and   saw   there   were   only   two   guests   present,   sitting   side   by   side   in   the   front   row   of   the   pews.   They   were   a   white-haired   old   woman   in   a   bright   red   Manchu   gown   accompanied   by   a   plump   looking   young   man.   He   was   about   to   call   out   once   more   when   he   heard   the   bride   murmur   something   softly   behind   her   veil,   but   being   farther   away   from   her   he   could   not   catch   what   was   said.   The   young   girl   who   accompanied   the   bride   gave   the   old   pastor   a   white   eye   and   said,

“Don’t   call   out   any   more.   The   bride   has   spoken.   The   traffic   outside   is   congested   and   the   groom   must   have   been   stuck   somewhere.   He   will   certainly   be   here   in   a   few   minutes.   We’ll   just   wait   a   while   longer.     Why   are   you   shouting   loudly   like   that?   The   bride   is   not   worried,   why   should   you   be?”   The   old   pastor   was   greatly   affronted   by   her   rudeness.

“I   have   been   conducting   weddings   for   many   decades”   said   he.   “But   never   in   my   whole   career   have   I   seen   a   groom   who   is   so   late   for   his   own   wedding.   Can   it   be   true   that   times   have   changed?   This   really   is   quite   unbelievable…”   The   young   girl   standing   beside   the   bride   was   of   course   naughty   girl   Dorna.   She   gave   the   old   pastor   another   white   eye   and   said,

“Well,   live   and   learn   old   man.   Today   you   have   seen   what   you   had   never   seen   before   and   learned   something   new…”   The   old   pastor   ignored   her   and   took   a   small   notebook   out   of   his   pocket.     He   knew   the   name   of   the   bride   and   was   curious   to   see   who   the   irresponsible   groom   could   be   who   was   so   late   for   his   own   wedding.   He   turned   the   pages   of   the   notebook.   When   he   saw   the   name   Dimitri   Jackson   written   on   the   last   page,   he   was   greatly   in   awe   and   said   in   a   trembling   voice,

“D-D-D-imitri   J-J-J-J-ackson?   That,   that   m-m-   mysterious   multi-trri-tri-trillionaire   that   no   one   has   ever   seen?   HE   is   the   groom?”   Dorna   again   gave   him   a   white   eye   and   said   scornfully,

“So   now   you   know.     Why   do   you   need   to   shout   the   walls   down?   So   what   if   it’s   King   Dimitri?     He   won’t   eat   you!   You   are   old,   but   you   still   can’t   take   things   in   your   stride…”   Just   at   that   moment   the   clear,   cold,   staccato   echoes   of   “tap,   tap,   tap…”   were   heard,   clearly   sounds   made   by   the   metal   tip   of   a   blind   man’s   white   cane   touching   the   marble   floor,   followed   by   the   sudden   appearance   of   a   man   at   the   entrance   to   the   church   who   was   saying   in   a   loud   voice,

“How   could   I   miss   attending   such   a   grand   and   solemn   ceremony?   I   would   never   disappoint   and   embarrass   my   dearly   beloved   beauties.   I   am   Dimitri   Jackson.   Here   I   am…”   The   beauties   all   turned   around   to   look   at   him   and   exclamations   of   surprise   rose   and   fell.   The   man   had   on   an   old   olive-colored   safari   hat   and   his   unshaven   face   had   a   pair   of   dark   glasses   for   the   blind   on   it.   He   wore   a   raggedy   dark   brown   jacket,   faded   black   baggy   pants   and   his   over-sized   block-headed   black   shoes   had   holes   on   the   soles.     He   wore   no   socks.   He   could   only   be   King   Dimitri   whom   they   had   not   seen   for   a   long   time.   Dimitri   tapped   his   way   ahead   with   his   white   cane,   walking   slowly   and   hesitantly.   Laverne   turned   her   head   towards   Mark   sitting   in   the   front   pew   and   threw   him   a   meaningful   glance,   but   he   looked   back   at   her   in   confusion,   not   understanding   what   she   wanted   him   to   do.   She   had   to   walk   to   him   and   say,

“King   Dimitri   is   here.     He   is   blind   and   does   not   know   his   way   around   this   church.   Please   go   and   help   him   to   the   altar   and   walk   him   to   where   Aisha   is   standing,   so   the   wedding   can   go   on   without   further   incident.   Be   quick.   Go   on…”   Mark   immediately   got   up   and   hastened   to   Dimitri   who   was   making   his   way   slowly   ahead,   saying

  “Hey   Dimitri.     How   come   you   are   so   late?   Do   you   know   who   I   am?     I   am   Mark.   Do   you   still   remember   me?   Your   woman   has   been   waiting   for   you   for   quite   a   while   now,   how   come   you   just   arrived?   You’re   very   late.     Let   me   take   you   to   the   altar.   We   cannot   let   Aisha   wait   too   long…”   The   old   pastor   saw   the   plump   young   man   lead   a   man   towards   the   altar.   The   man   wore   a   dilapidated   safari   hat   and   looked   like   a   homeless   person.   There   was   no   discrimination   in   the   glance   that   the   old   pastor   cast   at   him,   but   he   was   greatly   puzzled.   How   could   this   raggedy   homeless   person   be   the   mysterious   multi-trillionaire   Dimitri   Jackson?   Also   from   the   white   cane   and   dark   glasses,   the   man   seemed   to   be   blind.   For   the   life   of   him,   the   old   pastor   could   in   no   way   impose   the   two   personages   together.   He   looked   again   at   the   heavily   veiled   bride   standing   before   him.   Did   this   beautiful,   talented,   world-famous   scholar   of   humanism,   the   toast   of   the   academic   world   really   want   to   marry   a   blind,   homeless   person?   It   was   hard   to   fathom   what   was   really   going   on.   Dorna   too   was   staring   fixedly   at   King   Dimitri   who   was   standing   right   before   her.   It   was   hard   to   describe   the   emotions   roiling   in   her   heart:   anger,   happiness   and   sadness   were   all   mixed   together.   Just   as   she   was   about   to   explode,   something   soft   grabbed   hold   of   her   hand   and   infused   her   with   a   kind   of   warmth   that   stabilized   and   calmed   her   down.   She   recovered   her   composure   and   knew   that   the   person   holding   her   hand   must   be   Aisha.   When   she   felt   Aisha   softly   squeeze   her   hand,   she   raised   her   eyes   and   saw   the   old   pastor   looking   inquiringly   at   her.   Glaring   ferociously   at   him,   she   said   impatiently,

“Yes,   yes,   he   is   without   question   Dimitri   Jackson.   Why   are   you   suspicious   about   this   when   all   the   rest   of   us   are   100%   certain   of   his   identity?   Go   on   with   the   wedding   ceremony,   old   man.   If   anything   happens   to   spoil   this   ceremony,   I   will   hold   you   personally   responsible!”   Prompted   by   the   young   girl,   the   old   pastor   again   went   through   the   ritual   beginning   with,   “Dearly   beloved…”  

Then   he   turning   to   the   bride   he   asked,  

“Do   you   Aisha   G.   Jefferson   take   Dimitri   Jackson   to   be   your   lawfully   wedded   husband,   to   have   and   to   hold   from   this   day   forward,   for   better   or   for   worse,   for   richer   or   for   poorer,   in   sickness   and   in   health,   to   love   and   cherish   till   death   you   do   part?”

“I   do”   replied   Aisha   staunchly   and   resolutely.     She   wanted   to   use   this   steadfast   reply   to   manifest   to   the   world   her   intention   to   be   Dimitri’s   wife.   Then   turning   to   Dimitri,   the   old   pastor   asked,

“Do   you   Dimitri   Jackson   take   Aisha   G.   Jefferson   to   be   your   lawfully   wedded   wife,   to   have   and   to   hold   from   this   day   forward,   for   better   or   for   worse,   for   richer   or   for   poorer,   in   sickness   and   in   health,   to   love   and   cherish   till   death   you   do   part?”     Embarrassed   by   the   question,   the   expressions   on   Dimitri’s   face   changed   rapidly.   He   was   stumped   as   to   how   to   reply.   There   was   a   lot   he   wanted   to   communicate   to   the   beauties,   but   did   not   know   where   to   begin.   He   seemed   like   a   person   not   knowing   how   to   deal   with   a   painful   subject.   He   tried   to   organize   his   thoughts,   carefully   choosing   words   and   phrases   that   would   lessen   the   hurt   it   would   surely   impart.   But   all   his   efforts   failed   and   he   did   not   know   how   to   express   himself.     He   stumbled   along,   hemming   and   hawing,   trying   to   evade   the   issue…

“This…I   mean,   that   is…   I   mean,   really…   to   receive   the   affection   of   so   many   young   beauties   …it   is   way   beyond   what   I   deserve…I   should   not   refuse…but…this…I   mean   that…I   mean   everyone   has   a   right   to   seek   his   happiness…it   is   a   undeniable   right…Oh   no,   by   that   I   do   not   mean   myself…I   mean   that   all   of   you   have   that   right,   too…an   undeniable   right…to   seek   happiness…your   happiness   is   in   your   near   future…it   is   just   within   your   reach…so   I   mean…so   I   mean…I   am   sure   you   know   what   I   mean   without   my   having   to   say   anything   else…”  

“Mr.   Jackson”   interrupted   the   old   pastor,   impatient   at   his   incoherent   ramblings   that   had   nothing   to   do   with   the   ceremony.     “I   am   asking   you   a   very   simple   question.   You   just   have   to   answer   yes   or   no.   Since   this   is   your   wedding   and   you   have   arrived   at   the   church   to   participate,   the   answer   can   only   be   “yes”.   So   when   I   ask   you   the   question   again   you   won’t   be   able   to   answer   no.   You   can   only   say,   “I   do”.   Am   I   right,   Mr.   Jackson?”   Dimitri   was   deeply   embarrassed.   He   smiled   awkwardly   and   said,

“Yes   sir.     Yes,   sir.   It’s   all   my   fault.   I’m   sorry…I   mean…I…”

“I   will   ask   you   this   question   once   again   Mr.   Jackson”   said   the   old   pastor   sternly   and   resolutely.   “Please   listen   carefully   and   make   a   formal   reply…”   He   then   went   on:   “Do   you   Dimitri   Jackson   take   Aisha   G.   Jefferson   to   be   your   lawfully   wedded   wife,   to   have   and   to   hold   from   this   day   forward,   for   better   or   for   worse,   for   richer   or   for   poorer,   in   sickness   and   in   health,   to   love   and   cherish   till   death   you   do   part?”     After   a   silence,   Dimitri   still   tried   to   evade   an   answer   by   hesitant   rambling,   saying

“…I   mean…no   one   in   his   right   mind   would   refuse   such   a   lovely   wife…but   I   mean…”   He   felt   that   the   rows   of   beauties   standing   before   the   altar   must   all   be   staring   unblinkingly   at   him,   as   if   urging   him   to   be   quick,   answer   the   question   and   be   done   with   it.   He   stopped   trying   to   avoid   the   question   and   said   loudly   and   bluntly,   “…you   all   really   know   what   I   mean   and   what   I   want.     Why   do   you   want   to   force   me   into   this   untenable   position?”   At   these   words,   Aisha’s   tears   rolled   down   her   cheeks,   but   shrouded   by   the   heavy   veil   it   was   not   apparent   to   those   around   her.   For   a   beautiful   woman   of   lofty   position   to   be   willing   to   marry   a   poor   homeless   person   was   an   unbelievable   fairy   tale   as   improbable   as   the   stories   in   Arabian   Nights.   The   fact   that   the   man   did   not   immediately   pledge   his   troth   was   equivalent   to   rejecting   her.   He   mumbled   and   hesitated,   hemmed   and   hawed,   dragging   out   the   time   interminably   trying   to   evade   the   issue,   which   made   her   feel   extremely   humiliated.   The   normally   placid   and   easygoing   old   pastor   was   angered   by   this   behavior.   He   slapped   his   hand   heavily   on   the   table   and   rebuked   Dimitri   in   a   loud   voice   saying,

“Mr.   Jackson,   I   am   suspicious   of   your   real   identity.   I   am   even   more   suspicious   of   your   mental   stability.   No   normal   person   would   refuse   such   an   advantageous   marriage.     Could   it   be   that   you   are   not   really   Mr.   Jackson,   but   someone   who   has   come   to   make   trouble   and   cause   a   disturbance?   If   it   is   so,   I   would   call   the   security   guards   and   have   you   ejected   from   the   premises!”

“Oh   no!”   called   out   one   of   the   beauties.   “He   is   Dimitri   Jackson.   I   know   him.”

“Yes,   he   is   King   Dimitri   of   our   Kingdom   of   Dreams.   There’s   no   mistake.”

“Yes,   he   is   Dimitri.   I   will   know   him   even   if   he   is   turned   to   ashes.”   The   room   erupted   into   chaos   as   the   beauties   began   talking   simultaneously,   trying   to   convince   the   pastor   of   Dimitri’s   identity.

Just   as   the   beauties   were   busy   trying   to   prove   Dimitri’s   identity   and   smooth   things   over,   a   big   gorgeous   bird   suddenly   flashed   by   the   window.   Everyone   thought   it   was   a   trick   of   the   eye,   but   immediately   after   that   another   large   bird   flew   by.   The   beauties   were   astonished   and   were   just   commenting   on   this   extraordinary   happening   when   two   beautiful   young   girls   appeared   at   the   open   transom   on   the   high   vaulted   ceiling   of   the   church.   They   sprang   downward   floating   gracefully   like   two   white   clouds,   their   clothing,   thin   and   transparent   as   dragonfly’s   wings,   sparkled   scintillatingly   as   they   fluttering   behind   them.  

“Hey!   You   guys   are   all   gathered   here   pledging   your   vows   with   King   Dimitri   and   did   not   even   inform   the   two   of   us.   You   all   should   be   punished.”

“Right”   said   Charmaine.   “If   Imagination   and   Creativity   had   not   come   to   tell   us   about   this   we   would   have   missed   this   great   opportunity   altogether.”   As   a   matter   of   fact,   before   these   two   nymphs   arrived,   Dimitri’s   loyal   servants   had   already   reported   to   their   master.   They   were   still   naked   but   hid   themselves   in   the   air   so   no   one   else   could   see   them.

“Hi,   King   Dimitri”   said   Imagination.   “We   met   the   two   sisters   on   our   way   here,   so   we   brought   them   along   with   us.   Now   we   must   go   and   get   another   visitor.     She   has   a   grave   and   important   message   and   must   talk   to   you   as   soon   as   possible.   She   will   not   be   able   to   find   her   way   here   by   herself   if   we   do   not   go   and   help   her.”   Saying   so,   Imagination   grabbed   Creativity’s   hand   and   left   in   a   hurry.   Just   as   Charmaine   and   Clementine’s   toes   touched   the   ground,   the   beauties   clapped   their   hands   in   welcome   and   crowded   around   them.

“Come,   come.   We   welcome   you   back   to   the   fold”   they   said.   “Perhaps   your   coming   will   cause   King   Dimitri   to   change   his   mind…”   So   the   two   sisters   went   to   the   middle   of   the   front   row   and   took   the   places   vacated   by   Aisha   and   Dorna.   The   old   pastor   gazed   unbelievably   at   the   two   nymphs   that   floated   down   from   the   sky   and   thought,

“I   have   often   heard   tales   about   angels   and   nymphs   coming   down   to   earth   from   heaven,   never   dreaming   that   today   I   would   really   see   two   real,   live   nymphs   appear   before   my   eyes.   This   proves   that   Jesus   did   not   lie   to   us.   What   the   gospel   says   about   the   Kingdom   of   Heaven   is   true.   Jesus   did   not   lie   to   us.”     Suddenly   he   heard   Dorna   say   to   him,

“Hey,   old   man.   Don’t   stand   there   gawking.   Go   on   with   the   ceremony.   Don’t   mess   it   up   again.     This   time   I   want   you   to   make   Dimitri   comply   and   complete   their   wedding   vows.   Otherwise,   I   will   hold   you   responsible…   Hey,   old   man,   wake   up!   Do   you   hear   me,   old   man?”   The   words   brought   the   old   pastor   back   to   reality.   He   looked   sternly   at   Dimitri   and   said,

“Mr.   Jackson,   I   am   giving   you   one   last   chance.   Please   reply   to   my   simple   question.   Do   you   Dimitri   Jackson   take   Aisha   G.   Jefferson   to   be   your   lawfully   wedded   wife,   to   have   and   to   hold   from   this   day   forward,   for   better   or   for   worse,   for   richer   or   for   poorer,   in   sickness   and   in   health,   to   love   and   cherish   till   death   you   do   part?”

“I…I…I…”Dimitri   still   refused   to   reply.   The   beauties   clapped   their   hands   rhythmically   and   cried   out   in   one   voice,   “Say   I   do”   “Say   I   do”   “Say   I   do”   Dimitri   could   feel   the   urging   and   encouraging   vibes   coming   from     the   beauties,   his   confidence   eroded   and   his   determination   began   to   waver.

“I   really   should   not   disappoint   Aisha’s   kind   intentions.   That   would   make   all   the   beauties   lose   their   confidence   in   me.   Why   don’t   I   just   comply   with   their   wishes?     Perhaps   I   could   just   say   yes   to   them   now   and   later…Otherwise,   how   is   this   grand   wedding   ceremony   to   end?”   Just   at   this   crucial   moment,   Dimitri’s   eyesight   came   back   again.   He   saw   his   loyal   servants   Imagination   and   Creativity   standing   before   him   saying,

“Hi,   King   Dimitri   we   are   back.   We   have   brought   with   us   another   guest   who   has   important   military   information   that   must   be   reported   to   you   at   once.”   Dimitri   had   scarcely   uttered   an   “Oh”   when   another   slim   figure   appeared   at   the   open   transom   of   the   high   ceiling   of   the   church   where   Charmaine   and   Clementine   recently   flew   down.   She   flew   through   the   window   perched   on   a   flying   broom,   her   long   pigtails   swinging   behind   her.   Amalia   saw   the   broom   which   seemed   so   familiar   to   her,   but   her   mind   was   gone   and   she   did   not   recognize   it   as   something   she   used   to   own   and   used   for   travel   all   those   years   ago.   Deanna   flew   around   the   room   saying   in   a   loud   voice,

“King   Dimitri!   King   Dimitri!   Disaster   has   again   struck   the   Kingdom.   The   barbarian   tribes   have   invaded   our   land.   They   shot   and   killed   Medusa   with   the   magic   arrow   and   slew   Cyclops   with   the   magic   sword.   At   the   moment,   they   are   fighting   with   our   native   warriors.   Quick,   King   Dimitri!   Come   back   to   the   Kingdom.   Even   now   they   may   have   killed   all   our   warriors.   Come   back   with   me   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.   There   are   so   many   of   your   subjects   including   the   old,   the   women   and   the   children   waiting   for   you   to   protect   them.   Quick,   come   back   with   me…”   This   young   girl,   born   and   bred   in   the   magic   Kingdom,   had   never   been   to   the   outside   world.   If   matters   had   not   been   urgent,   she   would   never   have   braved   the   complicated   civilized   world.   The   magic   broom   circled   the   church   and   then   accurately   landed   near   Dimitri.     Dimitri   immediately   jumped   on   the   broom.   News   of   the   deaths   of   Medusa   and   Cyclops   and   his   warriors   fighting   desperately   to   the   death   against   the   enemy   without   a   leader   shocked   and   worried   him.   He   remembered   that   his   good   friends   had   just   gone   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   only   to   be   met   with   such   a   bloody   war.   He   also   worried   about   their   safety.   He   felt   it   was   his   duty   as   their   king   to   protect   his   loyal   subjects,   so   he   ordered   Deanna   to   make   for   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   immediately,   saying,

“Go.   Let’s   return   immediately   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   the   sooner   the   better   and   see   if   there   is   any   chance   to   save   the   situation   in   face   of   this   sudden,   unexpected   change.   Let’s   go!”   But   Deanna   seemed   to   have   lost   her   way   and   forgotten   how   she   got   in.   There   were   many   windows   in   the   church,   but   she   flew   around   not   daring   to   fly   through   them   because   she   knew   that   there   was   such   a   thing   as   window   panes   in   the   mundane   world   that   you   could   see   through   but   could   not   go   through.   “If   you   tried   to   push   your   way   through,   the   head-on   collision   would   break   the   glass   and   it   would   become   sharp   as   a   knife   and   that   could   hurt   people   badly.   King   Dimitri   is   sitting   right   behind   me,   and   his   safety   must   be   guaranteed   at   any   cost”.

Dorna   could   no   longer   contain   herself.   She   ran   after   the   flying   broom   shouting   and   crying,

“You   old   dog,   you!     Come   back   down!   How   can   you   not   keep   your   word?   You   promised   me   that   you   would   take   me   with   you   wherever   you   went,   but   you’ve   just   been   back   for   a   few   minutes   and   are   again   leaving!   Come   back   down,   or   the   next   time   I   see   you   I   will   not   forgive   you.”   The   other   beauties   were   also   following   the   broom   as   it   circled   the   room.   When   the   broom   flew   towards   the   east,   the   beauties   ran   towards   the   east.     When   the   broom   turned   to   the   west,   they   again   changed   course   and   ran   towards   the   west.   Some   tripped   on   their   long   skirts.   They   had   just   gotten   back   up   when   others   tripped   and   fell.   Cries   and   shouts   rose   up   in   all   corners   of   the   room   and   the   church   became   disorganized   and   chaotic.   Creativity   flew   to   Deanna’s   side   and   said,

“Have   you   forgotten   the   way   you   came   in?   Come   with   me.”   Saying   so,   he   led   Deanna   towards   the   open   window   at   the   dome   of   the   church.   Dimitri   looked   down   and   saw   the   disorder   and   chaos   below.   The   beauties   had   originally   been   standing   in   an   orderly   line   like   a   beautiful   pearl   necklace.   Now   it   was   as   if   the   string   of   the   necklace   had   broken   and   the   pearls   were   scattered   all   around   the   holy   church.   Some   of   the   beauties   were   crying   aloud,   some   were   sobbing   broken-heartedly,   others   raised   their   heads   looking   with   tearful   eyes   at   King   Dimitri   as   he   flew   towards   the   window   of   the   high   vaulted   ceiling.   He   raised   his   voice   and   said,

“My   beloved   beauties,   I   thank   you   all   for   your   love   and   affection.   Alas,   I   cannot   but   disappoint   you.   I   will   repeat   again   the   words   I   have   often   told   you   ‘Everyone   has   an   undeniable   right   to   seek   her   own   happiness.   Your   happiness   is   in   your   near   future.   It   is   just   within   your   reach.   I   wish   only   the   best   for   you   all.   Perhaps   in   the   future   we   will   again   have   a   chance   to   meet.   My   dear   beloved   beauties,   adieu.”     Deanna   quickened   her   pace   and   she   and   Dimitri   flew   into   the   blue   skies.    

King   Dimitri’s   mind   was   as   blue   as   the   blue   skies.   The   ever   sensitive   Imagination,   flew   to   King   Dimitri’s   side   and   asked,

“King   Dimitri,   do   you   want   me   to   go   back   and   twist   the   invisible   switch   in   their   brains   so   they   would   think   according   to   your   will.”

“Oh   no”   replied   Dimitri,   shaking   his   head.   “These   beauties   are   all   extremely   intelligent   and   capable.   I   am   sure   that   they   would   be   able   to   reach   the   correct   conclusion   all   by   themselves.   To   part,   never   to   see   each   again   is   very   painful,   but   I   am   sure   they   will   find   a   way   to   get   over   it.”   No   more   was   said,   everyone   clustered   around   Dimitri.   Creativity   and   Imagination   kept   to   the   right   and   left   of   their   master,   protecting   and   guarding   him.   Clementine   and   Charmaine   followed   closely   behind,   all   of   them   hastening   towards   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.   That   familiar   cloud   followed   discreetly   behind   them   in   the   distance.

The   old   pastor   sighed.   He   knew   that   his   job   had   ended.   This   wedding   was   not   as   perfect   as   it   should   have   been.   In   fact   it   was   irreparably   damaged,   but   it   had   definitely   ended.   Knowing   there   was   nothing   more   he   could   do,   the   old   pastor   left   silently   and   unobtrusively   leaving   the   whole   church   to   the   group   of   prospective   brides   dressed   in   their   elaborate   wedding   gowns.   Aisha   took   off   her   veil,   revealing   her   beautiful   features.   Traces   of   tears   were   still   discernable,   but   she   had   quickly   reverted   back   to   her   normal   calm   and   dignified   demeanor,   saying   to   the   beauties,

“My   dear   sisters,   would   you   all   come   over   here   please?   There   is   something   I   would   like   to   talk   to   you   about…   Please   do   not   cry   over   spilt   milk.   What’s   done   is   done   and   cannot   be   undone.   Shed   a   few   tears   if   you   must,   but   then   get   over   it.   Every   cloud   has   a   silver   lining.   Please   come   over   here,   there   are   things   I   need   to   talk   to   you   about…”     Lotus   and   Angelica   were   still   sobbing,   but   when   they   heard   Aisha’s   words   they   went   and   pulled   Dorna   up   from   the   floor   where   she   was   rolling   around,   crying   and   shouting,   throwing   a   fit.   They   picked   up   the   shoes   she   had   kicked   off   to   far-off   corners   and   put   them   back   on   her   feet.   The   other   beauties   walked   slowly   back,   their   eyes   puffed   from   crying,   their   expressions   bleak   and   sorrowful   like   tender   and   fragile   blossoms   that   had   been   hit   by   an   unexpected   thunderstorm.   Their   snow   white   wedding   gowns   were   wrinkled   and   dirtied   by   dust   and   dirt   on   the   floor   of   the   church,   as   well   as   stained   by   their   own   innumerable   tears.   As   they   came   near   her,   Aisha   hugged   them   and   patted   their   backs   comforting   them,   doing   her   best   to   sooth   and   assuage   their   wounded   hearts.   It   was   in   this   time   of   crisis   and   need   that   she   showed   herself   to   be   a   real   queen   indeed.     With   a   backbone   of   fine   steel,   she   put   aside   her   personal   feelings   and   quickly   calmed   the   beauties   down   and   gained   control   over   the   chaotic   situation.     The   beauties   soon   re-formed   two   orderly   rows   before   the   altar   and   Aisha   walked   to   the   place   where   the   old   pastor   had   stood.   She   cleared   her   throat   and   said   emotionally,

“King   Dimitri   has   left…He   left   alone,   all   by   himself,   …   leaving   the   rest   of   us   in   this   mundane   world…Though   he   is   gone,   I   do   not   feel   that   he   has   abandoned   us   and   that   we   have   been   deserted.     On   the   contrary,   I   feel   we   are   greatly   loved   by   him.   I   think   that   all   of   you   fully   understand   that   he   wishes   us   to   find   our   own   happiness.     According   to   him,   our   happiness   is   not   far   away.   It   is   somewhere   within   reach.   I   think   he   has   his   own   reason   for   thinking   so.     King   Dimitri   has   always   been   very   truthful;   there   is   no   trace   of   fakeness   or   deception   about   him.   It   is   the   kind   of   person   he   is…   At   the   same   time   you   have   all   heard   what   just   happened.     He   is   rushing   back   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   which   is   facing   a   dire   and   unprecedented   crisis.   It   is   at   the   critical   point   poised   between   survival   and   collapse.   King   Dimitri   must   face   a   strong   enemy   and   protect   his   subjects.   The   burden   on   his   shoulders   is   heavy   indeed.   At   this   critical   period   of   time,   we   simply   cannot   create   any   further   demands   on   him   and   distract   him   from   his   mission.   The   only   thing   we   can   do   now   is   to   live   well,   without   accidents.   This   is   our   way   of   sharing   the   heavy   burden   on   our   beloved   King   Dimitri’s   shoulders.   Don’t   you   think   so?   So,   we   must   live   as   he   directed,   seek   the   happiness   that   he   promised   us   is   near   at   hand   and   live   a   happy   life.   It   is   the   only   way   we   can   repay   him   for   what   he   had   done   for   us.   Don’t   you   think   so?”   Aisha   stood   before   the   altar   talking   to   the   beauties.   Although   she   was   not   wearing   the   sparkling   and   glittering   royal   crown,   her   regal   demeanor   and   poise   proved   her   to   be   Queen   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.   She   stopped   for   a   moment   and   then   continued,

“During   the   last   few   days,   I   have   been   thinking   over   King   Dimitri’s   words   and   deeds   and   I   came   to   the   conclusion   that   he   really   is   not   a   common   man.   He   can   be   said   to   be   an   unusual   and   singular   man.   He   is   like   a   playful   little   fairy   who   loves   to   tour   the   world.   No   one   knows   where   he   came   from   or   where   he   wants   to   go.   No   one   can   foretell   when   he   would   come   or   when   he   would   go.     He   appears   when   he   is   supposed   to   and   then   leaves,   as   unpredictable   as   the   wind.   In   the   past   he   has   taken   on   the   roles   of   a   destitute   blind   homeless   person,   a   fabulously   rich   trillionaire   whose   fortune   is   of   mythical   proportions,   and   the   role   most   familiar   to   us,   that   of   King   Dimitri,   the   beloved   monarch   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.   Who   can   guarantee   that   he   would   not   appear   in   a   totally   different   role   with   brand   new   appearance   in   this   mundane   world,   just   by   you   side?   He   might   choose   to   be   a   shoe-shine   boy   sitting   by   the   roadside,   a   delivery   boy   from   a   pizza   store,   a   journalist,   a   dj   or   a   journalist…?.   He   might   also   become   a   politician.   A   congressman,   a   senator   or   even   the   next   president   of   the   United   States!…   King   Dimitri   left   us   in   this   mundane   world.   It   is   not   that   he   has   deserted   us.     He   thinks   of   us   day   and   night,   wondering   how   we   are   getting   along   in   our   quest   of   personal   happiness…     So,   my   dear   sister,   perhaps   in   a   moment   when   we   least   expected   King   Dimitri   would   appear   in   our   midst   in   a   totally   unexpected   role   and   a   brand   new   appearance.     You   won’t   know   him   but   he   will   know   you   and   had   come   expressly   to   see   how   you   are   getting   along,   his   love   and   concern   not   the   least   bit   diminished.   My   dear   sisters,   will   any   of   you   disappoint   him   then?   No,   I   don’t   think   so.   None   of   you   will   disappoint   our   King   Dimitri   who   loves   all   of   us   so   much.   So,   from   now   on,   we   must   live   every   day   of   our   lives   to   the   fullest   and   seek   our   own   happiness…   King   Dimitri   has   promised   us   that   our   future   happiness   is   within   our   reach.     I   am   sure   all   of   you,   like   me,   believe   his   words,   right?”     She   again   paused   for   a   moment   and   then   added   sorrowfully,   “Actually,   we   should   be   satisfied…How   many   people   in   this   world   could   have   had   the   fabulous   adventures   that   we   did,   living   in   the   glittering,   glamorous   and   unbelievable   world   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   together   with   each   other   and   our   beloved   King   Dimitri   for   such   a   long   time...   Although   King   Dimitri   had   often   been   absent   for   long   intervals   of   time   from   the   Kingdom   roaming   around   the   mundane   world   as   was   his   want,   and   though   many   alarming   and   hair-raising   incidents   had   happened   in   this   quiet   and   beautiful   hide-a-way,   but   we   all   got   through   it   safely.     How   many   people   in   this   world   can   have   had   so   many   wonderful   memories   as   we   do?   None,   I   think.   We   are   the   only   ones.     These   memories   would   be   ours   to   savor   and   ruminate   over   for   the   rest   of   our   lives…   Am   I   right?     Now   King   Dimitri   has   left.     His   retreating   figure   has   disappeared   into   the   broad   horizon   like   an   exclamation   mark!   It   is   time   for   our   sisterhood   to   disband.     Even   the   most   beautiful   and   immortal   epic   has   to   end   when   punctuated   with   the   last   full   stop.   Don’t   you   think   so?   With   the   greatest   regret   and   sorrow,   I   announce   now   that   all   members   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   are   now   on   their   own.   From   now   on   each   of   us   must   go   her   own   way.   Time   and   distance   will   never   sever   our   relationship   and   love.   I   welcome   every   one   of   you,   my   dear   sisters,   to   come   to   me   whenever   you   want   to   just   like   before.   My   door   is   always   open   to   you.   I   thank   you   for   your   support   and   co-operation   all   these   years.   .   Thank   you…   As   the   saying   goes,   “all   banquets   must   come   to   an   end”;   where   there   is   a   get-together   there   is   sure   to   be   a   break-up.   Now   it   is   time   for   us   to   break   up   and   go   our   separate   ways…   Goodbye,   my   beloved   sisters…”   The   beauties   went   completely   silent   at   her   words.   Since   events   that   occurred   had   made   the   outcome   unavoidable,   they   could   only   bow   to   the   evitable…

The   beauties   left   by   the   back   door   of   the   church   and   silently   boarded   the   large,   supersized   trailers   that   had   been   assigned   to   them.   There   they   quickly   changed   into   their   everyday   clothes   and   packed   their   wedding   gown   into   the   exquisite   case   it   came   in.   Soon   they   arrived   at   Novella’s   huge   mansion.     The   housekeeper   Yolanda   paid   the   drivers   and   sent   them   off.     The   beauties   went   to   their   own   rooms,   hastily   gathered   up   their   belongings   and   packed   them   into   suitcases.     Soon   everyone   assembled   downstairs   in   the   living   room,   each   carrying   their   luggage   as   well   as   the   lovely   and   elegant   case   that   contained   their   wedding   gown.   It   was   a   memento   of   an   unforgettable   period   of   their   lives.   Time   ticked   on   and   the   final   moment   of   parting   had   come.   These   beauties   who   did   not   normally   gather   together   will   be   scattered   to   the   four   winds,   each   seeking   her   own   future   destiny.   Looking   anxiously   towards   their   unforeseen   future,   they   said   their   goodbyes,   wished   each   other   luck   and   inevitably   shed   a   few   parting   tears.   Aisha   stood   at   the   front   door   seeing   the   beauties   off   one   by   one   until   only   she   and   Dorna   were   left.

“Where   will   you   go,   Dorna?”   she   asked.

“I   don’t   know…Since   everyone   is   gone,   I   had   better   be   going   too”   replied   Dorna.

“If   you   haven’t   any   special   destination   you   want   to   go   to,   you   had   better   stick   with   me”   said   Aisha,   who   knew   that   the   naughty   girl   was   a   trouble   maker   and   might   get   into   all   kinds   of   messes   if   completely   on   her   own,   so   for   her   own   peace   of   mind   she   decided   to   keep   Dorna   with   her.   So,   the   two   of   them   left   together,   the   last   ones   to   depart.

An   arc   of   light   flashed   over   the   blue   skies,   traces   left   by   King   Dimitri   and   his   entourage   as   they   hastened   towards   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.   Knowing   the   catastrophe   that   had   happened   in   his   Kingdom,   King   Dimitri   was   in   a   great   hurry   to   get   to   those   beautiful   and   serene   lakes,   hills   and   mountains   that   were   now   threatened   by   his   enemies.   But   not   being   able   to   get   there   in   a   nanosecond,   he   could   only   travel   as   fast   as   he   could.   What   happened   was   this.     Deanna   was   in   the   lake   helping   Cyclops   with   the   Herculean   task   of   pushing   the   gold   palace   step   by   step   towards   land.   The   task   was   almost   completed.     The   gold   palace   had   mostly   emerged   from   the   water,   with   only   about   a   small   part   still   left   in   the   water.     Deanna   looked   towards   land   and   she   saw   the   torches   lighting   up   Giant   Mountain.     The   dawn   was   about   to   break   and   thousands   of   mighty   warriors,   stripped   of   their   upper   garments   were   shouting   loudly   and   rhythmically   in   unison   as   they   pulled   with   all   their   might   on   the   ropes   that   were   tied   around   the   gold   palace,   pulling   it   inch   by   inch   up   the   hill.   The   sound   of   their   united   roars   as   they   exerted   their   utmost   effort   echoed   in   the   hills   and   mountains.     After   a   while,   thunderous   cheers   burst   forth   from   the   onlookers   and   resounded   in   the   surrounding   area.   The   gold   palace   had   come   completely   out   of   the   water   pushed   by   the   superhuman   strength   of   Cyclops   and   was   being   pulled   up   the   slope   of   Giant   Mountain!   Deanna   saw   that   her   work   here   as   Cyclops’   assistant   was   done;   so   she   dived   again   to   the   bottom   of   the   lake   and   began   searching   amid   the   white   sands.   While   helping   Cyclops   on   his   task   to   get   the   gold   palace   out   of   the   lake,   she   had   seen   precious   jewelry   and   treasures,   half   revealed   and   half   buried   in   the   soft   white   sand   at   the   bottom   of   the   lake   and   knew   they   used   to   belong   the   beauties.   Deanna   thought   it   was   a   waste   to   let   them   lie   there   under   the   lake   and   decided   to   gather   them   up   and   take   them   back   to   land.   She   also   saw   there   were   lots   of   huge   chunks   of   pure   gold   scattered   about   and   knew   they   were   pieces   that   had   been   broken   off   from   the   more   protruding   parts   of   the   palace   during   the   hurricane   and   tsunami   when   the   gold   palace   toppled   down   into   the   lake.   Corners   of   the   palace   had   been   destroyed   on   its   descent   down   the   hill   into   the   lake,   but   the   main   part   of   the   gold   palace   had   basically   remained   intact   without   too   much   destruction.     Deanna   saw   that   these   chunks   of   gold   were   too   heavy   for   her   to   carry   and   decided   that   she   would   later   on   at   a   suitable   time   seek   the   help   of   Medusa   and   magic   Horse   Lightning   to   airlift   them   out   so   they   could   be   used   to   fix   the   broken   parts   of   the   palace.   Thinking   so,   she   turned   back   to   the   task   she   had   set   for   herself   and   began   riffling   through   the   soft,   white   sand   gathering   up   the   lost   precious   jewelry   and   other   treasures.   Deanna   was   in   the   habit   of   tying   on   a   medium-sized   leather   pouch   around   her   hips   when   she   went   diving.   Inside   it   were   a   few   large   round   pearls   she   had   acquired   previously   in   another   part   of   the   lake.   Now   she   added   in   the   jewelry   and   treasures   she   had   gathered.     Soon   the   pouch   was   filled   to   capacity   and   Deanna   decided   to   get   to   land   and   put   the   treasures   somewhere   before   coming   back   to   look   for   more.   When   she   resurfaced   and   looked   towards   Giant   Mountain,   she   was   shocked   to   see   a   scene   of   bloody   battle   and   massacre.

“Shu…shu…shu…”     Dozens   of   whistling   arrows   were   shot   up   high   into   the   night   skies   by   the   sentries,   signals   that   enemy   troops   had   invaded   the   Kingdom.   Soon   the   neighing   of   horses,   shouts   and   cries   of   soldiers   in   battle   came   out   of   the   dense   forests.   Atlas,   the   new   chief   of   the   barbarian   tribes   rode   on   his   mighty   black   steed   ahead   of   his   men   with   his   long   sword   raised   as   he   led   his   troops   in   a   surprise   attack   on   the   Kingdom.   Medusa   was   resting   on   the   dome-like   top   of   the   gold   palace,   so   completely   exhausted   after   her   arduous   task   of   helping   Cyclops   pull   up   the   gold   palace   that   she   was   too   tired   to   even   change   back   to   human   form.   On   seeing   the   invasion   of   the   barbarian   troops,   she   immediately   rose,   flapped   her   wings   preparing   to   fly   to   the   defense   the   Kingdom,   but   her   wings   were   weak     and   feeble   and   she   could   not   fly   high.   Regardless,   she   made   an   effort   to   swoop   down   on   the   enemy,   but   her   movements   were   slow   and   dull,   with   none   of   her   former   deftness   and   dexterity   and   she   had   lost   her   speed.   Atlas   saw   this   and   taking   his   magic   bow   and   arrow   took   a   shot   at   the   big   black   bird.   The   arrow   pierced   Medusa’s   throat   and   she   toppled   to   the   ground   with   a   shrill   and   desolate   scream.   White   Fairy   could   not   believe   her   eyes,   that   her   partner   Medusa   was   so   easily   killed   by   just   one   arrow.   She   could   only   fly   around   in   the   air   in   panic-stricken   alarm,   too   distraught   to   grieve.   Cyclops,   who   had   used   up   all   his   tremendous   strength   in   pushing   the   gold   palace   from   the   Lake,   lay   prostrated   and   flaccid   on   the   steps   of   the   gold   palace,   completely   limp   and   worn   out.   He   knew   that   enemies   had   invaded   the   Kingdom.   Using   the   remainder   of   his   strength,   he   stood   up   and   walked   unsteadily   with   wobbling   steps   towards   the   invaders.     Atlas   drew   out   his   glittering   magic   sword   as   he   dashed   towards   Cyclops   and   with   a   cold   smile   swiped   mightily   at   his   neck.   Alas,   the   head   of   the   brave   one-eyed   Cyclops   flew   from   his   head   as   blood   spurted   from   his   neck,   but   his   body   remained   standing   and   refused   to   fall.   Seeing   this,   Eileen   blacked   out   and   fainted.   Her   just   joined   body   separated   and   became   two   individual   parts   again.   Deanna,   who   was   hidden   in   the   waters,   was   greatly   alarmed.   She   had   recognized   that   the   weapons   used   by   the   leader   of   the   barbarian   soldiers   were   state   treasures   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.

“How   can   this   be?”   she   thought   in   alarm.   “How   did   he   get   hold   of   King   Dimitri’s   magic   sword   and   his   bow   and   arrows?   There   is   no   fighting   him   with   those   magic   weapons   in   his   hand!   We   have   lost   without   even   starting.   If   our   warriors   take   up   arms   there   is   danger   of   the   total   destruction   of   our   army”.   Deanna   knew   the   magic   powers   of   the   bow   and   arrow.   They   would   accurately   target   and   shoot   down   whoever   the   shooter   aimed   at   without   any   chance   of   escape.   Luckily   she   was   in   the   water   and   had   not   been   discovered.   Otherwise,   she   would   never   be   able   to   escape   the   arrow   aimed   at   her.   “If   I   go   up   to   land   and   do   my   best   to   fight   against   the   barbarian   troops,   I   would   only   end   in   giving   up   my   life   in   vain.   The   best   thing   for   me   to   do   at   this   time   is   to   go   and   find   King   Dimitri”.   Just   then   the   loud   and   ferocious   roaring   of   tigers   was   heard   and   two   ferocious   tigers,   Kojak   and   Cortez,   leapt   out   of   the   forest   and   joined   the   battle   against   the   barbarian   soldiers.     Deanna   made   use   of   this   opportunity   to   dive   again   like   a   fish   to   the   bottom   of   the   lake   and   swam   away.

Further   down   from   land,   there   was   a   shallow   sand   dune   rising   out   of   the   water   overgrown   with   reeds   tall   as   a   man.   After   making   sure   that   she   was   a   safe   distance   away   from   the   battle   ground,   Deanna   silently   climbed   onto   the   sand   dune   and   peeking   out   of   the   reeds,   she   looked   around.   Two   small   boats   were   making   swiftly   for   the   shore,   and   Deanna   saw   Mr.   Kaffee   and   a   group   of   King   Dimitri’s   good   friends   go   ashore   and   were   conferring   with   the   panic-stricken   White   Fairy   about   something.   Mr.   Kaffee   and   his   friends   had   witnessed   Medusa’s   being   shot   and   falling   to   the   ground   and   had   also   seen   Cyclops   being   decapitated,   but   instead   of   thinking   of   their   own   safety   and   fleeing   the   scene   fraught   with   danger   and   chaos,   they   chose   to   rush   forward   to   help   and   stand   firmly   with   the   warriors   of   the   Kingdom   as   they   fought   to   the   death   against   the   barbarian   soldiers.   Deanna   nodded   in   respect   and   thought   they   were   really   worthy   of   being   King   Dimitri’s   good   friends.   The   sudden   appearance   of   the   two   ferocious   tigers   stopped   for   a   moment   the   onslaught   of   the   barbarian   soldiers.   The   short   respite   allowed   King   Dimitri’s   warriors   to   regroup   and   recover   their   fighting   spirit.   Though   the   two   tigers,   Kojak   and   Cortez   were   ferocious   and   brave,   they   were   no   match   for   the   thousands   of   barbarian   soldiers   armed   with   spears   and   knives.   Kojak   killed   a   few   barbarian   soldiers   and   his   mighty   paws   swiped   and   wounded   many   more,   but   in   the   end   brute   force   was   not   equal   to   weapons   of   steel   and   Kojak   lay   dead   on   the   battlefield,   his   body   bloody   and   mangled.   Cortez   was   frenzied   with   anger   when   he   saw   his   good   friend   killed   by   the   barbarian   soldiers.     With   blood   lust   in   his   eyes,   he   turned   away   from   the   fight   and   made   straight   for   Atlas,   the   leader   of   the   barbarians,   who   was   sitting   on   his   back   horse   at   an   elevated   space   directing   the   battle.   Sitting   on   his   black   horse,   Atlas   saw   with   fright   that   a   huge   ferocious   tiger   bloody   with   gore   come   sprinting   towards   him.   His   horse   too   fright   and   dashed   away.   Atlas   being   an   excellent   rider,   Atlas   controlled   his   horse   by   clasping   his   legs   tightly   around   it,   Twisting   his   waist,   he   reached   for   his   bow   and   arrow;   and   swift   as   lightning   he   let   fly   an   arrow   towards   the   forehead   of   the   chasing   beast.   Cortez   jumped   up   on   impact,   wobbled   forward   a   few   steps   and   then   fell   dead   to   the   ground.   Atlas   soothed   his   frightened   black   steed   and   rode   back   to   the   battle   ground   prepared   to   lead   his   soldiers   in   their   fight   against   King   Dimitri’s   warriors.   King   Dimitri’s   warriors   too   were   prepared.   They   stood   their   ground,   prepared   to   fight   to   the   death   in   defense   of   their   homeland.   The   air   was   tense   and   taut.     Like   an   arrow   on   the   bow-string   another   bloody   battle   was   about   to   begin.   Deanna   knew   there   was   no   time   to   be   wasted.   She   called   to   her   magic   broom   which   immediately   flew   to   her   side.     Jumping   on   it,   Deanna   flew   out   of   the   reeds   and   flying   close   to   the   face   of   the   water   to   avoid   detection,   she   made   for   the   highly   developed   civilized   world   to   look   for   King   Dimitri   and   report   to   him   the   catastrophe   facing   his   Kingdom.

Deanna   left   before   the   real   battle   began   so   she   did   not   see   it   with   her   own   eyes.   White   Fairy   was   the   one   who   later   reported   the   whole   procedure   to   King   Dimitri.   When   Mr.   Kaffee   and   his   friends   left   their   boats   and   went   ashore   they   came   face   to   face   with   White   Fairy.

“Hi,   White   Fairy”   said   Mr.   Kaffee   “you   are   the   one   we   are   looking   for.     We   caught   this   spy   on   the   opposite   shore   and   have   brought   him   for   you   to   deal   with.”   White   Fairy   looked   at   the   man   they   pushed   in   front   of   her   and   recognized   him   to   be   the   “mole”   she   and   Medusa   had   planted   inside   the   barbarian   tribes.  

“There   is   no   point   in   your   remaining   here   anymore”   she   said   to   the   man.   “I   think   you   had   better   make   your   escape   while   you   can.     Go…”   The   man   thanked   her   profusely   and   soon   disappeared   inside   the   dense   forest.

“This   is   no   simple   invasion”   said   Mr.   Kaffee.   “The   whole   thing   was   meticulously   planned   and   carried   out.   The   fact   that   they   did   not   go   near   the   fortified   fortress   but   carried   out   a   surprise   attack   on   the   wide   open   plains   where   there   is   no   protection   or   defense   show   that   they   had   scouted   out   King   Dimitri’s   Kingdom   and   managed   to   get   inside   information   as   to   what   was   going   on.   The   timing   was   also   crucial.   They   attacked   the   moment   the   gold   palace   had   been   raised   from   the   lake,   when   everyone   was   exhausted   and   unable   to   fight   any   more.   They   meant   to   wipe   out   the   warriors   of   the   Kingdom.   But   the   most   sinister   of   all   their   acts   by   far   was   to   sneak   in   and   steal   King   Dimitri’s   weapons,   his   magic   bow   and   arrow   and   his   magic   sword,   the   state   treasures   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams…   Today’s   battle   looks   to   be   a   close   shave   which   we   could   win   only   by   a   fluke.   Oh   yes,   White   Fairy,   if   you   think   I   am   to   be   trusted,   please   put   the   command   of   your   army   into   my   hands   so   that   the   warriors   can   move   uniformly   as   one   body…   Even   if   we   lose   this   battle,   which   in   my   mind   is   a   likely   outcome,   we   will   fight   to   the   death   with   flair   and   die   gloriously   so   that   we   would   not   have   lived   in   vain…”   White   Fairy   nodded   her   head   positively   saying,

“I   know   that   you   used   to   command   the   whole   Roman   Legion   that   once   surrounded   our   Kingdom.   If   you   are   able   to   direct   tens   and   thousands   of   legionnaires,   you   are   more   than   qualified   to   oversee   this   small   battle.   I   will   go   immediately   and   notify   them   that   you   are   now   in   full   command   of   our   army   of   warriors.”   Saying   so,   White   Fairy   quickly   left   to   fly   around   the   battle   field,   conveying   to   the   warriors   the   name   of   their   new   commander,   Mr.   Kaffee.   Mr.   Kaffee   then   stood   up   on   a   mound   and   said   loudly   to   the   thousands   of   warriors   standing   at   attention   before   him,

“Bothers   in   arms!   It   seems   that   today   is   the   day   we   are   all   called   to   prove   our   loyalty   to   King   Dimitri   and   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.   Let   us   leave   our   lives   on   this   piece   of   land   we   all   love…If   there   is   any   one   of   you   here   who   is   afraid   to   die,   you   are   free   to   leave   now   and   flee   for   your   life.   Neither   King   Dimitri   nor   I   will   blame   you   for   it.   Go   and   flee   for   your   life   now   if   you   so   will…”   Mr.   Kaffee   stopped   and   looked   around.     The   warriors   stood   tall,   straight   and   unmoving   under   his   stare,   not   one   of   them   attempting   to   leave.   King   Dimitri’s   warriors   to   a   man   were   all   patriots,   not   afraid   to   give   their   lives   for   King   and   country!

“Since   none   of   you   are   deserters”   continued   Mr.   Kaffee,   “let   us   then   fight   to   the   death.   Kill   one   and   you   are   even.     Kill   two   and   you   have   made   a   gain…   Let   this   be   your   last   and   best   battle!   Brothers   in   arms,   we’ll   meet   again   …   Let’s   hope   that   in   our   next   incarnation   we   will   still   live   on   this   fantastic   piece   of   land   and   be   brothers   in   defending   the   peace   and   safety   of   this   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   be   loyal   servants   of   King   Dimitri…”  

  “King   Dimitri!”     “King   Dimitri!”     “King   Dimitri!”   shouted   the   warriors   in   unison   to   show   their   loyalty   and   support   and   suddenly   as   if   by   magic   the   morale   of   the   soldiers   were   boosted   sky   high.   Mr.   Kaffee   then   divided   them   into   four   groups   each   containing   about   250   to   300   men,   led   by   Richard,   Jamaz,   Big   O   and   Mr.   Finger   who   had   assumed   the   persona   of   a   strong   and   husky   man.   Separate   they   could   fight   as   an   individual   unit   by   themselves;   assembled   together   they   could   be   a   united   whole   to   take   on   the   enemy’s   assault.   The   warriors   were   well-trained   and   seasoned   fighters   and   became   efficient   soldiers   once   they   were   organized   under   a   competent   commander.  

Wave   after   wave   of   barbarian   soldiers   led   by   their   leader   riding   on   a   black   steed   launched   a   ferocious   attack   against   the   native   warriors.   The   leader   was   of   course   the   barbarian   Atlas.   Wielding   King   Dimitri’s   magic   sword   high   in   the   air,   he   rode   ahead   of   his   soldiers   and   dashed   straight   into   the   midst   of   the   native   warriors.   His   magic   sword   was   a   state   treasure   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   with   legendary   powers   and   was   so   sharp   that   it   could   easily   cut   into   metals   and   rocks.   Whatever   the   sword   came   into   contact   with,   be   it   knives,   swords,   or   spears,   all   broke   and   fell   to   the   ground   useless.   One   powerful   swing   of   the   magic   sword   and   a   dozen   bloody   heads   were   severed   from   their   bodies   and   fell   to   the   ground.   Blood   spurted   from   the   necks   of   the   headless   corpses   which   dropped   down   only   after   a   few   moments   as   if   just   realizing   they   were   dead…a   frightening   tribute   to   the   razor-sharp   properties   of   the   sword.   The   barbarian   soldiers   rushed   in   after   their   leader   and   began   massacring   their   opponents.   The   native   warriors,   intent   on   protecting   their   land   and   its   people   would   not   give   an   inch   of   ground.   Fierce   and   savage   battle   cries   resounded   in   the   air,   making   even   the   earth   tremble.   Blood   flowed   cheaply   and   freely   as   if   it   was   not   worth   a   cent.   Atlas   riding   on   his   black   steed   was   invincible.   Leading   his   barbarian   soldiers,   he   stormed   from   one   side   of   the   battle   field   to   the   other.   Then   he   would   turn   back   and   charge   in   another   direction.   Wherever   he   went   Dimitri’s   warriors   fell   like   wheat   before   the   sickle.   Standing   on   an   elevated   mound,   Mr.   Kaffee   was   keenly   observing   the   scene   of   battle.   Turning   to   White   Fairy   he   said,

“Quick.   Quick.   Inform   our   four   leaders   that   they   are   to   disperse.   Tell   them   to   outflank   the   enemy   while   evading   the   leader   on   the   black   horse.   Make   use   of   devious   tactics   to   outmaneuver   and   surround   the   enemy,   then   kill   them.     We   have   suffered   heavy   losses.   Only   by   inflicting   more   damages   to   the   enemy   can   we   be   on   an   equal   footing   with   them.   ..”   White   Fairy   immediately   flew   down   to   the   battleground   to   deliver   Mr.   Kaffee’s   orders   to   the   four   leaders.     Atlas   was   having   the   time   of   his   life   slaughtering   the   natives   with   his   magic   sword   when   all   of   a   sudden   he   realized   they   had   somehow   disappeared.   He   found   no   one   to   kill   around   him.     He   looked   towards   the   left   and   saw   a   small   group   of   his   soldiers   being   surrounded   by   native   warriors   and   being   killed.     He   immediately   rode   towards   them   attempting   to   come   to   the   aid   of   his   soldiers;   but   when   he   got   to   his   destination   the   native   warriors   slipped   away   without   directly   engaging   him   and   went   instead   to   help   another   group   of   their   fellow   soldiers   in   another   part   of   the   battlefield.   When   Atlas   went   towards   that   group,   the   native   warriors   again   scattered   and   gave   him   the   slip   dispersing   to   somewhere   else.   Atlas   panicked   when   he   found   himself   in   the   position   of   having   no   opponent   to   fight   and   kill.   He   saw   that   the   casualties   on   his   side   were   mounting   and   50%   of   the   dead   bodies   on   the   field   belonged   to   his   barbarian   soldiers.   He   was   worried   that   if   things   continued   in   this   vein   he   would   soon   lose   all   his   soldiers.   Putting   his   fingers   into   his   mouth   he   delivered   a   series   of   shrill   whistles   that   alerted   his   soldiers   to   the   fact   that   a   change   of   tactics   was   due   and   then   waved   his   hand   towards   one   end   of   the   field.   His   soldiers   all   gravitated   towards   that   end.   King   Dimitri’s   warriors   also   made   use   of   this   time   to   walk   over   to   Mr.   Kaffee   to   regroup   and   reorganize.   The   battleground   came   to   a   standstill.   There   were   hundreds   of   the   dead   and   wounded   lying   on   the   ground.   The   air   was   permeated   with   the   metallic   smell   of   fresh   blood   as   almost   half   of   both   armies   had   perished.   The   sun   rose   listlessly   and   unsteadily   not   quite   reaching   the   middle   of   the   sky,   coldly   watching   the   battleground   full   of   headless   corpses   and   mutilated   bodies.   The   dead   were   dead,   but   the   moans   and   groans   of   the   wounded   were   heart   wrenching   in   the   extreme;   for   knowing   going   back   home   alive   was   an   impossible   dream,   they   wished   only   for   a   quick   death   as   extrication   from   the   unbearable   pain   they   were   experiencing.  

With   eyes   narrowed   into   slits,   Atlas’   glance   swept   over   the   extensive   battlefield   and   centered   his   attention   on   the   camp   of   King   Dimitri’s   native   warriors,   who   had   already   been   re-organized.   At   the   moment   many   of   them   were   sitting   on   the   ground,   making   use   of   this   brief   respite   to   rest   a   while   so   as   to   be   ready   for   the   next   battle.   Atlas   knew   there   must   be   someone   in   that   camp,   a   cut   above   the   others,   who   was   assessing   the   situation   on   the   battlefield   and   giving   orders   to   the   troops.   Just   take   the   changing   of   fighting   tactics,   for   example.   Their   warriors   were   extremely   nimble   and   flexible   in   their   maneuvers.   Amassed   as   one   square   unit   they   were   really   like   a   wall   of   steel   and   bronze,   almost   impenetrable.     It   was   only   because   he   was   wielding   King   Dimitri’s   magic   sword   capable   of   cutting   through   rocks   and   steel   that   he   was   able   to   storm   easily   from   one   side   of   the   battlefield   to   the   other,   cutting   down   anyone   who   tried   to   stop   him.   But   then   their   battle   formation   suddenly   changed   and   the   square   unit   magically   dissolved   into   four   individual   fighting   units   which   outflanked,   outmaneuvered   and   surrounded   his   soldiers,   killing   a   lot   of   them,   forcing   Atlas   to   pull   his   men   out   of   the   battle   to   avoid   further   damage   to   his   troops.

“There   must   be   a   way   to   find   the   flaw   in   their   tactics   and   put   them   to   rout”   Atlas   thought.   “Otherwise,   the   victory   that   seemed   so   close   at   hand   a   moment   ago   would   be   gone…   They   divided   their   troops   into   four   groups,   so   that   means   there   must   be   four   leaders   to   head   the   groups…   If   I   could   but   find   out   who   these   leaders   are   and   draw   them   out,   I   could   kill   them   with   my   magic   bow   and   arrow.   Then   their   men   would   be   a   group   without   a   leader,   a   rudderless   ship   that’s   easily   dealt   with.   No   matter   how   great   their   numbers,   they   are   but   lambs   to   the   slaughter.     Right!   That’s   the   idea!”   Atlas   called   his   own   trusted   lieutenants   to   him   and   gave   them   their   orders   in   their   barbarian   tribe   dialect   and   they   immediately   scattered   to   carry   them   out.   Atlas   meanwhile   rode   his   black   steed   to   an   elevated   mound,   took   out   his   magic   bow   and   arrow   in   preparation   for   action   and   patiently   waited   for   developments...Seeing   the   movements   in   the   enemy   camp,   King   Dimitri’s   soldiers   knew   it   was   time   again   for   action.   They   jumped   to   their   feet,   took   up   their   weapons   and   formed   an   orderly   row,   mentally   prepared   for   another   bloody   battle.  

The   two   sides   faced   each   other   and   clashes   began.   Somehow,   it   appeared   that   the   barbarian   soldiers   did   not   have   much   stomach   for   further   bloodshed   for   after   a   few   minutes   of   battle   they   began   to   give   ground   under   the   aggressive   attacks   of   King   Dimitri’s   warriors.   Soon   it   deteriorated   into   a   full   fledge   retreat   when   the   barbarian   soldiers   turned   tail   and   ran   as   fast   as   their   legs   would   carry   them   with   King   Dimitri’s   native   warriors     following   close   behind   in   full   pursuit,   refusing   to   let   them   get   away.   Atlas,   who   was   sitting   on   his   horse   on   a   mound   nearby,   saw   that   his   hoax   was   working.   He   congratulated   himself   on   his   success   at   drawing   out   the   leaders   of   the   enemy   camp,   for   he   saw   there   were   men   running   at   the   forefront   of   the   four   groups   in   pursuit   of   his   men   and   assumed   they   were   the   leaders.   Targeting   one   of   them   with   a   cold   smile,   he   let   fly   his   magic   arrow.   The   fleet-footed   Mr.   Finger,   aka   Emmanuel,   was   chasing   after   a   barbarian   soldier.   He   caught   up   with   him   and   pierced   his   chest   with   a   long   spear.     The   soldier   howled   and   was   still   struggling   when   Mr.   Finger   kicked   him   on   the   base   of   his   spine   and   pulled   out   his   spear.   The   soldier   fell   to   the   ground   dead.     Mr.   Finger   was   about   to   run   after   another   barbarian   soldier   when   a   flying   arrow   came   straight   at   him   piercing   his   throat   with   deadly   accuracy.   He   fell   to   the   ground   dead   without   knowing   what   had   happened.   At   a   location   nearby,   Big-O   wielding   a   sharp   hatchet   was   running   after   an   enemy   and   had   just   cleaved   him   in   the   skull,   when   out   of   the   corner   of   his   eye   he   saw   Emmanuel   suddenly   fall   to   the   ground   and   died.   Before   he   had   time   to   react,   another   arrow   came   flying   through   the   air   and   pierced   his   neck,   his   hatchet   still   buried   in   the   head   of   the   fallen   soldier.   Big-O   too   died   and   fell   to   the   ground.   At   the   same   time,   Jamaz   had   psyched   himself   totally   into   battle   mode   and   was   chopping   and   slicing   vehemently   at   the   enemy   killing   and   wounding   innumerable   barbarian   soldiers,   the   long   sword   in   his   hand   dripping   with   blood.   It   could   really   be   said   that   he   was   a   brave   and   fierce   warrior.   He   was   just   running   after   some   other   soldiers   when   all   of   a   sudden   he   stumbled   and   fell.   The   alert   and   cool-headed   Richard   saw   the   sudden   way   Mr.   Finger   and   then   Big-O   fell   to   the   ground   and   died   and   knew   something   sinister   was   afoot.   He   threw   himself   at   Jamaz   and   the   two   of   them   fell   to   the   ground   at   the   same   time,   barely   missing   the   two   arrows   that   flew   by   above   their   heads.   If   not   for   Richard’s   quick   action,   they   too   would   have   fallen   victims   to   the   magic   arrows.   Atlas   sat   on   his   black   steed   on   top   of   a   small   mound   looking   all   around   him   and   saw   a   wisp   of   light   smoke   flitting   around   the   battle   field.     He   had   heard   people   talking   about   White   Fairy,   the   incarnation   of   a   white   lily,   who   lived   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   often   appeared   in   the   guise   of   white   fog   or   light   smoke.   He   wondered   if   that   wisp   of   light   smoke   could   be   her.   If   so,   he   thought   he   had   better   kill   her,   too,   instead   of   letting   her   glide   all   around   the   battle   field…Atlas   again   took   up   his   bow   and   arrow,   targeted   the   wisp   of   smoke   and   let   fly   another   arrow.   Swift   as   the   wind   and   powerful   enough   to   pierce   through   hard   rock,   the   arrow   flew   unerringly   at   its   target;   but   the   wisp   of   smoke   floated   leisurely   on   unharmed   and   undeterred,   for   even   the   sharpest   and   most   lethal   of   weapons   could   not   harm   light   smoke.     The   light   smoke   flew   to   Richard   and   Jamaz   and   relayed   to   them   Mr.   Kaffee’s   orders.

“Mr.   Kaffee   wants   me   to   tell   the   two   of   you   that   the   commander   of   the   enemy   soldiers   is   very   hard   to   deal   with.   Using   King   Dimitri’s   magic   bow   and   arrow,   he   has   targeted   and   killed   your   friends   Mr.   Finger   and   Big-O;   so   he   wants   the   two   of   you   to   take   special   care   and   not   expose   yourselves.   Conceal   yourself   within   your   troops   so   he   would   not   know   you   are   still   alive.   You   two   are   to   take   over   the   command   of   the   troops   originally   under   Mr.   Finger   and   Big-O,   assimilate   them   into   your   own   group;   for   soldiers   cannot   fight   well   without   leadership.     Mr.   Kaffee   is   also   sure   that   the   enemy’s   retreat   was   only   a   pretense.   Soon   they   will   turn   around   and   counter-attack.   Order   your   warriors   to   take   a   prone   position   and   rise   up   and   fight   when   the   enemy   turns   back,   engaging   them   in   hand-to-hand   combat.   This   way   you   can   avoid   the   danger   of   the   magic   arrows…”   On   hearing   Mr.   Kaffee’s   orders,   Richard   immediately   raised   his   hand   in   the   air   and   made   a   signal.   The   well-trained   warriors   of   the   Kingdom   immediately   scattered,   lay   low   on   the   ground   and   crawling   on   their   hands   and   knees   went   to   find   cover   to   hide   behind.

Seated   on   his   black   horse,   Atlas   raised   his   left   hand   and   his   troops   at   once   stopped   their   retreat.     Then   he   brandished   his   hand   in   a   mighty   downward   motion   and   his   troops   turned   around   and   counter-attacked.   As   they   got   close   to   the   former   battle-field,   the   native   warriors   leapt   out   from   behind   the   rocks   and   other   impediments   they   were   hiding   behind   and   a   scene   of   hand-to-hand   close   combat   began.   At   that   time,   the   armies   were   close   in   numbers,   each   possessing   approximately   five   hundred   men.   Close   combat   was   Big-O’s   strong   point   and   he   could   twist   a   man’s   neck   and   kill   him   as   easily   as   he   did   a   chicken.   Alas,   he   had   died   and   could   no   longer   perform   his   particular   special   skill…   Seeing   this   new   turn   of   events,   the   cold   grimace   on   Atlas’   face   became   more   and   more   sinister.

“Do   you   hope   to   escape   from   my   bow   and   arrow   by   using   this   tactic?   Your   have   forgotten   I   have   another   weapon.   Do   you   plan   to   use   your   head   to   try   out   the   sharpness   of   my   magic   sword?   Then,   so   be   it!   Let   your   blood   feed   my   butchering   blade!”     Atlas   whipped   his   horse   and   flew   down   the   mound,   brandishing   his   magic   sword.     King   Dimitri’s   warriors   were   only   too   aware   of   the   sharpness   of   his   weapon   and   so   they   all   tried   to   dodge   the   brunt   of   it   and   no   one   attempted   to   face   him   in   combat.   As   for   Atlas,   he   was   in   no   urge   to   begin   his   slaughter.   He   looked   around   him   assessing   the   situation.     He   knew   that   King   Dimitri’s   soldiers   liked   to   use   the   tactics   of   outflanking   their   enemy   and   then   later   surrounding   those   of   smaller   numbers   and   killing   them.   He   decided   to   outmaneuver   them   by   using   the   same   tactics.   He   ordered   his   soldiers   to   use   counterattacks   and   counteroffensives.     Shouts   and   cries   in   the   battlefield   rose   to   a   new   crescendo.   Outflanking   and   surrounding   versus   counterattacking   and   counteroffensives   played   out   repeatedly.   A   powerful   black   horse   could   be   seen   sprinting   from   one   end   of   the   battlefield   to   the   other.   That   was   Atlas’   steed.   The   native   warriors   were   at   a   disadvantage   because   they   had   all   come   in   answer   to   Medusa’s   call   asking   them   to   help   pull   the   gold   palace   from   the   water,   so   none   of   them   had   brought   their   horses   with   them   and   had   to   fight   on   foot.   Atlas   dashed   freely   from   one   end   of   the   battlefield   to   the   other   as   if   in   no   man’s   land.   Wherever   he   appeared,   his   sword   flashed   and   a   dozen   heads   of   King   Dimitri’s   warriors   fell   to   the   ground.   Then   blood   spurted   and   gurgled   from   the   neck   wounds   and   the   bodies   fell   to   the   ground.   Richard   and   Jamaz   each   led   one   group   of   warriors.   The   two   of   them   were   close   friends   and   partners   and   knew   each   other’s   thoughts   without   needing   verbal   communication.   They   combined   as   a   whole   for   frontal   attacks   to   outflank,   surround   and   kill   the   enemy.   When   the   enemy   counterattacked,   they   dispersed   to   later   combine   again.     Richard’s   bloody   long   sword   flashed   again   and   again   and   heads   and   limbs   fell   to   the   ground.   Blood   never   stopped   flowing   from   his   blade.   On   the   other   side,   Jamaz   was   totally   immersed   in   battle.   Eyes   red   with   blood   lust,   he   chopped   and   sliced   vehemently   at   the   enemy   killing   and   wounding   innumerable   barbarian   soldiers,   the   long   sword   in   his   hand   dripping   with   blood   as   well.   He   had   gone   through   countless   spears   and   swords.     When   one   weapon   was   blunted   and   dulled,   he   would   throw   it   aside,   pick   another   one   from   the   ground   and   continue   fighting.   Suddenly   he   felt   a   great   tension.   Turning   around   he   saw   that   all   his   soldiers   had   fallen   and   he   was   surrounded   by   seven   or   eight   barbarian   soldiers.   Jamaz   was   covered   with   blood   and   it   was   hard   to   say   whether   it   was   blood   from   the   enemy   or   from   his   own   wounds.   The   black   horse   rushed   over   and   came   to   a   stop   before   him.   Atlas   laughed   loudly   and   said,

“You   big,   black   brute!   You   actually   escaped   from   under   my   arrow.   Now   try   and   get   away   from   my   magic   sword!”   Saying   so,   he   slashed   his   sword   at   Jamaz.     Jamaz   held   up   his   own   sword   reflexively   to   combat   the   move,   forgetting   that   his   opponent   held   King   Dimitri’s   magic   sword,   a   state   treasure   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   with   legendary   powers   and   was   so   sharp   that   it   could   easily   cut   into   metals   and   rocks.   Jamaz’s   sword   broke   in   two   and   fell   useless   to   the   ground.   Atlas   then   slashed   downwards   and   before   Jamaz   could   move   to   avoid   the   onslaught,   his   head   was   slashed   in   two.   Richard   was   consumed   with   grief   and   rage   on   seeing   his   friend   and   partner   die   so   tragically   in   the   hands   of   Atlas   and   was   about   to   rush   over   and   fight,   but   he   was   surrounded   by   several   barbarian   soldiers   and   was   not   able   to   break   away.   At   the   same   time,   the   black   horse   had   turned   around   and   seemed   to   be   rushing   over.   Mr.   Kaffee   saw   that   crisis   was   in   the   building   and   said   hurriedly   to   White   Fairy,

“Richard   is   in   trouble.   Is   there   any   way   you   can   stop   the   leader   on   the   black   horse   from   going   over   to   him?   If   he   gets   there,   Richard   will   be   done   for,   too.”   Before   he   finished   speaking,   White   Fairy   was   already   on   the   move,   saying,

“I’ll   try…   I   am   not   sure   I   would   be   able   to   stop   that   ferocious   man…”   Mr.   Kaffee   bent   down   and   picked   up   a   long   spear   saying,

“If   all   my   brothers   die,   why   would   I   want   to   continue   living   alone?   I   will   leave   these   old   bones   of   mine   together   with   theirs   on   this   piece   of   land…”   Old   David,   who   was   standing   beside   Mr.   Kaffee,   also   picked   up   a   curved   knife   from   the   ground.   He   straightened   his   slight,   bent   old   body.   Full   of   pride   and   a   sense   of   heroism,   he   laughed   aloud   and   said,

“Good!     I   do   not   want   to   live   on   without   my   friends   either.     Go   on,   what   are   we   waiting   for?   Worse   comes   to   the   worse,   I   will   leave   this   body   of   mine   in   this   mysterious   piece   of   land   with   you   all.   If   I   lose   my   head,   it’s   only   a   neck   wound,   right?”   And   so,   holding   their   weapons   firmly   in   their   hands,   the   two   of   them   ran   towards   the   battlefield.

Swift   as   the   whirlwind   Atlas   rushed   over   on   his   majestic   black   warhorse,   whirling   his   magic   sword   in   the   air.   Richard’s   head   would   be   severed   from   his   body   the   moment   the   sword   slashed   downwards.   Just   at   that   critical   moment,   Atlas   suddenly   felt   something   covering   his   eyes.   All   became   a   blur   of   white   as   if   he   was   surrounded   by   a   thick   white   fog   and   he   could   not   see   a   thing.   He   immediately   tugged   on   the   reins   and   tightly   reined   in   his   horse   that   neighed   loudly   in   protest;   its   front   legs   rose   half   in   the   air   and   then   pranced   in   place   ferociously   several   times   before   it   could   stop   its   onward   surge.   Sitting   on   his   horse   Atlas’   body   swayed   and   bounced   violently.     He   immediately   spurred   his   horse   to   race   away   wildly   in   whichever   direction   it   chose.     As   his   eyes   had   been   covered   by   the   white   fog,   he   had   to   get   away   from   the   battle   field   immediately   or   become   vulnerable   to   attacks   of   enemy’s   spears   or   knives   which   he   could   not   see.   Staying   where   he   was   would   be   too   dangerous.   The   black   horse   raced   around   wildly   swift   as   the   wind   and   after   a   while   Atlas   found   that   he   had   finally   shaken   off   the   white   substance   covering   his   eyes.   Looking   back   towards   the   battle   field,   he   found   that   the   white   fog   was   White   Fairy   of   King   Dimitri’s   Kingdom   of   Dreams.   He   remembered   shooting   at   her   with   his   magic   bow   and   arrow,   but   somehow   she   had   not   even   been   affected   by   it.     White   Fairy   continued   to   fly   above   his   head   looking   for   a   chance   to   plunge   down   again.   Seeing   that   she   was   only   a   puff   of   smoke,   Atlas   thought   she   could   be   easily   dealt   with.     Clamping   his   thighs   against   his   horse,   he   came   at   her   with   his   sword   raised   and   slashed   down   as   he   got   near.     But   White   Fairy   was   only   a   flimsy,   unsubstantial   puff   of   smoke,   which   broke   apart   when   the   sword   sliced   through,   but   then   came   together   again   as   a   whole   soon   after.     Enraged,   Atlas   used   his   sword   to   slash   at   the   puff   of   smoke   seven   to   eight   times.     The   puff   of   smoke   broke   apart   and   came   together   again,   broke   apart   and   came   together   again.   In   the   end   she   was   not   the   slightest   bit   affected   by   the   attacks   and   continued   to   float   lightly   in   the   air   above   Atlas’   head.   The   indomitable   razor   sharp   magic   sword   that   could   cut   through   rocks   and   steel   was   no   match   for   the   soft,   flimsy,   unsubstantial   puff   of   smoke   and   he   was   not   able   to   harm   her   in   the   least.   Seeing   that   she   was   impregnable   to   all   his   magic   weapons,   Atlas   decided   to   ignore   her.   After   all,   what   possible   harm   could   a   puff   of   smoke   do   to   him?   Turning   his   horse   he   decided   to   let   her   be   and   go   back   to   the   battle   field   to   dispatch   all   the   native   warriors   of   the   Kingdom,   which   was   his   main   goal.   Seeing   that   Atlas   intended   to   go   back   to   the   killing   field,   White   Fairy   plunged   down   and   covered   the   eyes   of   his   magnificent   black   steed   with   her   hands.   The   war   horse   reacted   with   violence   at   being   suddenly   blinded   by   some   white   substance.     It   stood   on   its   two   hind   legs   neighing   loudly   in   protest   and   then   pawed   the   ground   violently   jumping   up   and   down,   trying   to   throw   off   and   dislodge   its   attacker,   neighing   loudly   all   the   while.   White   Fairy   quickly   loosened   her   hands   and   floated   to   one   side   and   Atlas   continued   to   rush   towards   the   battle   field.     White   Fairy   again   flew   downwards   towards   Atlas   and   covered   his   eyes   with   her   hands.   Atlas   shook   his   body   from   side   to   side,   trying   to   dislodge   her   and   used   both   his   hands   to   clutch   at   her   as   if   trying   to   throw   off   the   entanglement   of   the   puff   of   white   smoke.   The   horse   neighed   and   again   stood   up   straight   on   its   two   hind   legs,   almost   throwing   off   its   rider.     White   Fairy   quickly   loosened   her   hands   and   floated   to   one   side.   She   knew   there   was   a   weakness   in   the   tactics   she   used   and   could   not   blind   either   the   horse   or   rider   for   too   long   with   her   hands.   Suddenly   she   caught   sight   of   a   sheepskin   sack   on   the   back   of   the   horse   Atlas   was   riding   and   her   thoughts   flew   to   the   time   she   was   tricked   and   captured   by   Eileen   using   a   sack.   If   Atlas   used   the   sack   to   capture   her,   she   would   never   be   able   to   fight   back   again.   With   that,   White   Fairy   decided   to   keep   her   distance   from   the   man.   Thus,   the   man   and   his   horse   and   the   puff   of   smoke   in   the   air   remained   at   a   standoff,   neither   side   able   to   hurt   the   other   but   none   able   to   claim   victory.   But   White   Fairy   did   successfully   cut   off   Atlas’   route   back   to   the   battle   field.

A   burst   of   applause   came   from   the   side   of   the   native   warriors   of   the   Kingdom   when   they   saw   White   Fairy   bravely   tangle   with   Atlas   and   successfully   prevented   him   from   coming   back   to   the   battle   field.   The   success   of   the   fragile   puff   of   smoke   over   the   brute   of   a   fighter   on   a   magnificent   black   steed   was   a   boost   to   their   drooping   spirits.   But   the   applause   was   not   as   loud   and   strong   as   before   and   Mr.   Kaffee   was   not   as   optimistic.     He   saw   that   the   brave   warriors   around   him   had   been   decimated   to   less   than   a   hundred,   while   the   numbers   of   the   enemies   more   than   doubled   their   own.   Both   sides   had   sacrificed   the   lives   of   strong   and   lively   young   men   who   were   now   lying   on   the   ground   all   over   the   battle   field   as   corpses   whose   body   temperature   had   not   yet   cooled.   Some   of   those   bodies   were   still   seeping   blood.   Mr.   Kaffee   reorganized   his   troops   into   an   aggressive   arrowhead   shape   headed   by   the   brave   and   courageous   Richard,   saying   in   a   loud   voice,

“We   will   now   make   our   final   dash   against   the   enemy   and   we   will   not   back   down   until   the   very   last   of   us   had   given   up   our   lives   for   our   beloved   homeland.   For,   if   we   cannot   destroy   the   enemy,   they   will   kill   every   one   of   us   and   not   leave   one   single   person   alive.   So   let   us   charge   and   kill   the   barbarian   invaders.   Let   us   give   our   lives   for   this   sacred   piece   of   land   we   love   so   much   and   which   we   are   willing   to   die   to   protect!”   Upon   seeing   the   new   attack   formation   of   the   native   warriors,   the   barbarian   soldiers   knew   another   battle   was   about   to   begin.   They   shivered   in   apprehension   knowing   this   was   the   ultimate   battle.   When   facing   death,   men   always   cling   to   life   and   fear   death.   That   is   normal   human   behavior.   But   the   battle   field   is   a   strange   place.   Once   placed   there,   the   brains   of   the   soldiers   seem   to   solidify   and   become   numb.   The   only   thing   they   could   think   of   was   to   kill   the   enemy   or   be   killed   themselves.   Seeing   their   leader   entangled   with   a   puff   of   smoke,   the   barbarian   soldiers   did   not   know   what   to   do.   Since   no   order   had   been   given   to   retreat,   no   one   dared   to   move   a   foot.   They   stayed   put   and   both   sides   remained   at   a   stalemate.   When   the   native   warriors   reformed   their   ranks   and   began   to   attack,   the   barbarian   troops   could   only   meet   them   head-on…

The   two   sides   clashed   like   two   surging   but   opposing   waves,   resulting   in   a   large   whirlpool   which   later   subdivided   into   smaller   whirlpools   all   around   the   battlefield.   Some   whirling   clockwise,   some   counter   clockwise.   Amidst   these   whirlpools,   head   and   limbs   severed   in   blood   lust   were   scattered   everywhere.   Old   Mr.   Kaffee   and   the   bent   and   crooked   David   were   the   first   ones   to   die   in   the   initial   clash   of   the   two   sides.   Mr.   Kaffee   was   pierced   by   a   long   spear   through   the   chest   and   David   was   beheaded   by   a   barbarian   knife.   Battle   cries   and   shouts   rose   everywhere.   Corpses   multiplied   and   piled   up.   Man   killed   each   other   like   blood-thirsty   animals.   But   whirlpools   broaden,   widen   and   finally   do   stop.   The   last   person   left   standing   was   the   indomitable   and   courageous   Richard   who   was   the   most   skilled   fighter   of   them   all.     But   he   was   badly   wounded   and   his   body   covered   with   brownish,   reddish   blood.   He   was   hand   clutching   onto   a   long   spear   with   his   right   hand,   while   holding   a   bloody   knife   in   his   right   hand.   Eyes   dazed,   he   looked   around   the   battle   field   thinking,   “Why   did   I   kill   so   many   people?   Why   did   all   these   thousands   of   people   die   on   the   killing   field?”   Looking   over   the   battle   field,   he   glanced   over   at   White   Fairy.

Atlas   looked   at   the   white   puff   of   smoke   circling   overhead   and   was   fast   thinking   of   a   way   to   capture   her.   A   hideous   grin   marred   his   young   handsome   face   as   he   returned   his   sword   to   its   sheath.   He   took   a   sheep-skin   sack   from   the   back   of   his   horse,   opened   it   wide   and   waved   it   threateningly   at   White   Fairy   as   if   he   was   going   to   capture   her   with   the   sack.   Atlas   had   long   heard   of   the   famous   hundred-flower   wine   made   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   longed   to   taste   it.   But   it   was   made   only   on   rare   occasions   and   it   was   said   that   once   tasted,   it   was   an   experience   never   to   be   forgotten.   King   Zeus   once   tasted   it   and   never   liked   any   other   wine   after   that.   Atlas   had   the   sheepskin   bag   made   especially   for   the   hundred   flower   wine   he   meant   to   get   from   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.   Reminded   of   her   former   experience,   White   Fairy   blanched   with   the   thought   that   the   man   had   thought   of   a   way   to   deal   with   her.   Just   then,   from   the   corner   of   his   eye,   Atlas   caught   sight   of   the   only   man   left   standing.     It   was   Richard   who   had   escaped   from   his   magic   sword   when   White   Fairy   covered   his   eyes.     He   turned   his   horse   around   and   dashed   towards   the   battlefield,   as   nothing   could   make   him   leave   a   single   person   alive   from   this   battle.   Richard   was   so   exhausted   he   could   hardly   hold   up   his   sword   and   so   was   in   no   position   for   another   fight.   He   could   only   wait   to   be   slaughtered.   Seeing   that,   White   Fairy   flew   over   with   full   speed   and   without   regard   for   her   own   personal   safety   plunged   down   towards   Atlas   again   covering   his   head.   She   could   not   let   him   kill   King   Dimitri’s   only   surviving   friend.   Atlas   grinned   to   himself   as   he   thought,     “Aha!   You   are   not   as   clever   as   you   think.   I’ve   got   ya!   I’ll   take   care   of   you   trouble-maker   first   and   then   deal   with   this   last   survivor.   Even   if   I   have   to   put   my   head   in   the   bag   first,   it’s   okay.   I   know   how   to   extricate   myself.”     Taking   out   his   sheepskin   bag,   he   was   about   to   throw   it   over   the   puff   of   white   smoke,   when   suddenly   a   strong   gust   of   wind   blew   out   from   nowhere   and   tossed   White   Fairy   into   the   air,   where   she   struggled     helplessly   to   no   avail   and   had   to   float   with   the   wind.   Ah!   The   wind   was   her   nemeses,   but   it   was   also   this   natural   enemy   that   saved   her   from   the   hazard   of   capture.   When   the   wind   stopped,   White   Fairy   had   been   blown   quite   a   distance   away,   so   when   she   looked   down   from   on   high   and   saw   Atlas   just   as   he   raised   his   sword   and   slashed   downwards,   severing   Richard’s   head,   she   was   incapable   of   doing   anything   to   stop   him.   Atlas   laughed   heartily   and   dashed   away   towards   the   gate   of   the   gold   palace,   not   even   sparing   a   glance   at   the   field   of   dead   bodies   he   had   left   behind   as   if   they   weren’t   there   at   all.   White   Fairy   followed   closely   behind.   Atlas   sat   on   the   gold   throne.   At   last   he   was   experiencing   what   it   was   like   to   be   a   king   while   White   Fairy   floated   onto   a   pillar   by   the   eaves.   Man   and   smoke   were   at   a   standoff,   neither   party   conceding,   while   they   waited   for   the   arrival   of   King   Dimitri.

King   Dimitri   and   his   entourage   were   hurrying   posthaste   towards   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   when   they   heard   the   shrill   neighing   of   a   horse.   With   hands   shading   his   eyes   from   the   sun’s   dazzling   rays,   King   Dimitri   looked   towards   the   direction   of   the   noise   and   saw   a   small   black   spot   in   the   distance   coming   very   fast   towards   them.   As   it   got   nearer,   he   was   very   happy   to   find   it   was   his   flying   horse   Lightning.   He   whooped   in   delight   and   waved   to   his   beloved   steed.   The   fact   of   the   matter   was,   on   the   night   of   the   catastrophe   after   Lightning   flew   down   from   the   round   dome   of   the   gold   palace,   it   went   to   grasslands   by   the   side   of   the   forest   and   began   grazing   there.   The   whistling   arrows   shot   by   the   sentries   high   into   the   night   sky   told   Lightning   that   enemy   troops   had   invaded   the   Kingdom;   but   confident   in   the   powers   of   Medusa   and   Cyclops   it   was   not   worried   in   the   beginning.   However,   it   was   flabbergasted   when   it   lifted   its   head   from   grazing   on   the   grass   and   saw   Medusa   die   with   an   arrow   to   her   throat   and   later   saw   the   leader   of   the   barbarian   soldiers   ride   up   on   his   magnificent   black   horse   and   with   one   swipe   of   the   magic   sword   in   his   hand   severed   Cyclops   head   from   his   body.     It   recognized   the   sword   in   the   enemy   leader’s   hand   as   the   one   belonging   to   its   master,   King   Dimitri;   and   looking   still   more   closely   realized   that   the   bow   and   arrow   the   man   had   over   his   shoulders   was   also   King   Dimitri’s.     How   did   these   state   treasures   of   the   Kingdom   come   to   be   in   enemy   hands?   It   was   then   that   Lightning   knew   that   a   catastrophe   had   happened   and   the   Kingdom   was   in   danger   of   being   toppled.   The   clever   magic   horse   did   not   rush   out   to   challenge   the   aggressors   because   it   knew   it   was   no   match   for   the   leader   of   the   barbarians   who   had   somehow   gotten   hold   of   King   Dimitri’s   weapons   and   it   would   die   in   vain.   Like   Deanna,   it   decided   to   find   King   Dimitri   and   tell   him   about   the   latest   catastrophe   in   the   Kingdom.   However,   unlike   Deanna   it   was   not   fortunate   enough   to   come   upon   Imagination   and   Creativity,   King   Dimitri’s   two   loyal   servants   who   led   Deanna   to   their   master.   Feeling   the   pain   of   an   exile   with   no   home   to   return   to,   Lightning   got   lost   in   the   vast   expanse   of   blue   skies.   Just   as   it   was   hesitating   as   to   what   course   to   take   and   which   direction   to   go,   it   saw   King   Dimitri   and   his   entourage   flying   swiftly   towards   him.   Neighing   loudly   in   salutation,   it   flapped   its   wide   wings   and   flew   swiftly   towards   its   master   when   he   waved.   King   Dimitri   went   straight   to   the   point   and   asked   anxiously   and   urgently,

“How   are   things   going   in   the   Kingdom?”   On   hearing   the   question,   tears   sprang   into   Lightning’s   eyes   and   King   Dimitri   knew   it   must   be   very   bad   indeed.   He   stood   up   straight   and   jumped   onto   his   horse   without   questioning   it   any   more.   This   sudden   vaulting   movement   of   his   gave   his   companions   a   great   scare.   They   were   all   flying   in   the   blue   skies   when   Dimitri   suddenly   leapt   onto   Lightning’s   back.   The   slightest   miscalculation   and   he   could   have   fallen   to   his   death   from   the   skies   and   been   smashed   to   pieces.     Luckily   this   did   not   happen.   King   Dimitri   was   a   cautious   person   and   whatever   he   did,   he   did   with   deliberate   calculation.   He   would   not   act   without   confidence   of   success.   King   Dimitri   sat   majestically   on   his   magic   horse,   his   heroic   and   radiant   bearing   the   complete   opposite   of   his   former   persona   of   a   shabby,   dispirited,   homeless   man.   He   resumed   once   again   his   true   colors,   that   of   a   brilliant,   resolute   and   adapt   military   king.   Deanna   originally   rode   on   the   flying   broom   with   King   Dimitri,   the   double   weight   slowing   down   their   speed   somewhat.   Now   that   the   pressure   had   lessened,   they   sped   at   top   speed   towards   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.

The   sun   was   high   in   the   skies   and   shone   dazzlingly   on   the   round   dome   of   the   gold   palace,   refracting   off   brilliantly   glittering   rays.   Inside   the   palace   structured   with   solid   gold,   the   atmosphere   was   colorful   and   majestic.   A   puff   of   white   smoke   floated   around   the   top   of   the   eaves,   keeping   a   close   watch   on   the   gloating   Atlas   sitting   on   the   solid   gold   throne   seemingly   extremely   satisfied,   as   if   he   already   was   the   owner   of   the   gold   palace   and   the   king   of   this   kingdom.   Seeing   him   thus,   White   Fairy   was   very   angry   and   berated   him   saying,

“Don’t   you   have   the   least   bit   of   regret   in   your   heart   for   what   you   did?     Don’t   you   feel   at   all   apologetic   towards   the   whole   field   of   soldiers   who   just   died   to   get   you   here?”

“Regret?”   asked   Atlas   boldfaced   and   self-confident.   “Why   should   I   feel   regret?   I   believe   that   even   my   tribesmen   who   are   lying   dead   in   the   battlefield   outside   will   not   have   the   least   bit   of   regret.   You   should   know   that   our   lands   are   so   barren   that   we   seldom   reap   anything   from   the   seeds   we   sow   there.   The   pastures   are   not   fertile   either   and   our   lamb   and   calves   die   before   they   mature.   I   led   my   men   to   this   beautiful   and   fertile   land   and   even   though   they   all   die   here,   I   am   sure   they   will   be   happy   and   satisfied   to   know   that   they   are   buried   in   such   a   wonderland.   Yes,   they   will   be   grateful   to   me…”   Before   he   finished   speaking,   White   Fairy   interrupted   him   indignantly   saying

“Nonsense!     Rubbish!   This   is   only   your   personal   opinion   and   is   not   representative   of   your   tribe.   To   be   perfectly   frank,   you,   fueled   by   your   greed   and   ambition,   are   the   culprit   that   caused   this   irreparable   disaster.   Look   at   all   the   corpses   on   the   battlefield.   At   least   half   of   them   are   innocent   native   warriors   of   King   Dimitri’s   Kingdom,   who   gave   up   their   lives   defending   their   homeland   against   your   aggression.     Are   you   not   fully   responsible   for   their   deaths?”   Atlas   shrugged   nonchalantly   and   spread   his   hands   wide   saying,

“What   responsibility   do   I   have   towards   them?   Occupying   King   Dimitri’s   Kingdom   was   part   of   my   plan.   These   warriors   of   the   Kingdom   died   because   they   tried   to   prevent   me   from   accomplishing   my   goal   and   were   killed   instead   by   my   soldiers.   It   is   their   own   fault   and   no   responsibility   of   mine…   You   know,   you   have   really   strange   theories…     You   see,   if   I   don’t   occupy   this   kingdom,   I   cannot   become   the   royal   ruler   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams;   and   if   I   am   not   the   King   of   this   Kingdom,   I   am   in   no   position   to   pursue   Zeus’,   two   beautiful   daughters   Clementine   and   Charmaine.   If   I   don’t   pursue   these   two   beautiful   nymphs,   I   cannot   become   their   husband.   Will   you   be   responsible   for   all   that?   You   are   really   cuckoo,   you   know.   Do   you   mean   to   tell   me   that   you   people   with   King   Dimitri   are   all   so   brainless,   with   no   power   to   think   at   all?”   White   Fairy   was   so   flabbergasted   with   the   arrogance   and   selfishness   of   this   irrational   man   that   she   was   tongue-tied   for   a   moment   and   didn’t   know   how   to   challenge   him.   She   could   only   say,

“Alright…alright…Never   in   my   whole   life   have   I   ever   met   a   more   unreasonable   man   than   you.   Not   only   are   you   avaricious   and   greedy   and   covet   our   kingdom;   you   are   so   contemptible   and   shameful   that   you   even   covet   King   Dimitri’s   beauties,   Clementine   and   Charmaine   and   want   both   as   your   wives.   You   are   a   despicable   rascal…”   Atlas   was   not   the   least   ashamed   by   White   Fairy’s   words,   he   replied   carelessly,

“Despicable?   For   a   man   to   want   a   wife   is   reasonable   and   justified.   To   court   women   I   love   is   perfectly   normal   behavior.   What’s   so   despicable   about   that?   Oh   yes,   I   heard   that   you   are   one   of   King   Dimitri’s   24   beauties.   Why   don’t   you   show   yourself   and   let   me   see   if   you   are   beautiful   enough.   Perhaps   I   would   even   be   willing   to   include   you   in   my   harem…”   White   Fairy’s   heart   burned   with   rage   and   anger,   but   very   soon   a   wave   of   sorrow   overwhelmed   her.

“This   man’s   arrogance   knows   no   bounds   and   dares   to   flirt   with   me”   she   thought.   “If   Medusa   were   here,   he   would   never   dare   to   take   such   liberties   with   me.   Why,   Medusa   would   peck   his   eyes   out,   but   alas,   she   is   dead   and   to   think   she   was   killed   by   King   Dimitri’s   magic   arrow!   What   a   tragedy!”   The   very   thought   of   her   partner   boosted   her   spirits   and   she   added   angrily,   “Good…Good…King   Dimitri   will   be   here   soon…   Don’t   be   so   cocky.   Look   at   all   the   corpses   on   the   battlefield,   you   had   better   think   of   how   to   explain   all   this   to   him.   If   you   are   a   man,   go   face   the   music   and   not   try   to   slink   away.   King   Dimitri   will   be   back   soon.”     Atlas   laughed   heartily   with   unbridled   and   efferent   arrogance   saying,

“You   guys   are   afraid   of   King   Dimitri.   I   am   not.   Look!   His   magic   weapons   are   now   all   in   my   hands.   Killing   him   is   as   simple   as   snapping   my   fingers!   I   most   certainly   would   not   run   away.   I   will   wait   for   him   here   sitting   on   this   gold   throne   and   I   will   most   definitely   kill   him…   Only   then   can   I   wholly   take   over   his   kingdom   and   be   master   of   this   fertile   and   magical   land…”

“Ah,   you   ignorant   and   cocksure   cock-a-hoop”   thought   White   Fairy,   “you   boast   too   early!   It’s   all   just   wishful   thinking   on   your   part.   The   sword   and   bow   and   arrow   you   stole   were   my   gifts   to   King   Dimitri   on   the   founding   of   his   new   Kingdom.   They   are   magical   weapons   with   superhuman   facilities   and   most   certainly   will   not   turn   against   their   own   master.   You   are   a   crazy   fool   if   you   intend   to   use   them   against   King   Dimitri   and   think   you   will   succeed.”     Just   as   White   Fairy   was   deep   in   thought,   the   familiar   neighing   of   a   horse   was   heard   from   high   up   in   the   blue   skies.   She   raised   her   head   and   saw   the   white   horse   flapping   his   huge   wings   flying   towards   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     “Why,   that’s   the   magic   horse   Lightning!”   thought   she.   “I   hadn’t   seen   it   for   the   longest   time   and   was   wondering   what   happened   to   it   during   this   turmoil.   So   it   went   to   find   its   master   and   has   returned   with   him.”   As   they   flew   nearer,   White   Fairy   saw   that   King   Dimitri   was   surrounded   by   Imagination,   Creativity,   Charmaine   and   Clementine   and   cried   happily,   “Ah,   King   Dimitri,   you   are   back!   Our   Kingdom   will   be   saved!”     With   that   she   swiftly   flew   towards   them.   Before   that,   Deanna   had   left   the   little   group   on   her   flying   broom   to   go   to   the   native   tribes   which   had   been   evacuated   to   the   surrounding   hills   and   forests   when   the   fighting   began   to   tell   them   the   good   news   that   King   Dimitri   was   back.   She   told   them   that   although   the   enemy   had   attacked   the   Kingdom   and   many   of   the   native   warriors   had   died   protecting   it,   everything   will   be   alright   now   that   King   Dimitri   who   loved   his   subjects   and   were   devoted   to   their   welfare   was   back.   She   told   them   not   to   be   afraid   any   more,   that   King   Dimitri   will   protect   them.

Leading   his   little   group,   King   Dimitri   descended   sedately   from   the   skies.   Lightning   chose   to   land   near   the   spot   where   his   partner   Medusa   lay   on   the   ground.   King   Dimitri   got   down   from   his   horse   and   the   others   also   drifted   to   the   ground   and   stopped   at   the   fringe   of   the   battlefield.   Walking   over   to   Medusa’s   body,   he   saw   that   she   retained   her   original   shape   of   a   bird’s   body   with   a   human   face.   Eyes   wide   open,   her   facial   expression   was   one   of   surprise,   as   if   unbelieving   of   the   fact   that   she   could   die   pierced   by   an   arrow   to   the   throat.   King   Dimitri   knelt   before   her,   pulled   out   the   magic   arrow   and   threw   it   behind   his   back.   Creativity   immediately   sprang   forward   to   catch   it   with   his   hands.   King   Dimitri   used   his   hands   to   close   Medusa’s   eyes   and   silently   prayed,   saying,

  “Thank   you,   you   brave   protector   of   my   Kingdom.   Thank   you   for   giving   up   your   precious   life   to   protect   my   Kingdom   of   Dreams.   But   death   is   not   the   be   all   and   end   all   here.   I   will   resurrect   you   once   again.”   King   Dimitri   stood   up   and   walked   slowly   to   where   Cyclops   was.   His   huge   head   had   been   cut   off   and   had   rolled   over   onto   the   grass   nearby.   His   huge   eye   was   open   very   wide   as   if   he   died   with   grievances   and   injustice   that   had   not   be   resolved.   His   body   too   stood   upright,   as   if   showing   his   stubborn   spirit.   King   Dimitri   made   a   fist   and   shook   his   thumb   at   Cyclops   in   commendation,   saying

“Cyclops,   you   are   a   real   hero.   You   gave   your   life   selflessly   to   protect   my   kingdom.   I   give   you   my   word   that   I   will   raise   you   from   the   dead   and   give   you   your   life   back.   However,   for   the   moment   please   lie   down   and   rest   a   while…”   Saying   so,   he   gave   Cyclops’s   shoulders   a   light   tap   and   the   headless   body   fell   to   the   ground.   Lightning   had   followed   behind   its   master   as   he   walked   about.   Now   King   Dimitri   put   one   hand   on   his   horse   and   vaulted   nimbly   up   to   its   back.   Looking   around   at   the   corpses   that   piled   up   on   the   battle   field,   he   could   not   distinguish   where   his   good   friends   could   be.   Then   looking   up   he   saw   a   man   sitting   on   the   gold   throne   in   the   palace,   who   was   looking   intently   at   him   and   knew   that   must   be   Atlas,   the   leader   of   the   barbarian   tribes.   He   waved   powerfully   at   the   man   signally   for   him   to   come   out   of   the   palace   onto   the   open   ground.   Atlas   knew   that   the   time   for   a   decisive   battle   between   him   and   King   Dimitri   was   here,   so   he   leapt   up   from   the   throne,   walked   down   the   golden   steps,   ran   lightly   on   the   golden   paths,   sprang   onto   his   black   warhorse   and   came   riding   over.   When   he   saw   the   two   beautiful   nymphs   whom   he   was   infatuated   with   was   by   King   Dimitri’s   side   as   he   floated   down   from   the   skies,   the   barbarian   leader   was   filled   with   jealousy   and   decided   that   the   only   thing   to   do   was   to   kill   King   Dimitri   and   prove   to   the   two   beautiful   nymphs   that   he   was   a   true   hero   and   worthy   to   be   king   of   the   Kingdom.   This   was   wishful   thinking   indeed   for   King   Dimitri   was   not   a   man   to   be   so   easily   disposed   of   and   the   hearts   of   the   two   nymphs   most   certainly   were   not   so   easily   won   by   bloodshed.   Atlas   saw   another   beauty   with   long   hair   that   floated   with   the   wind   and   knew   she   must   be   White   Fairy,   that   puff   of   white   smoke.   He   marveled   at   her   beauty   too   and   was   sorry   she   was   his   enemy.   He   worried   that   if   she   again   changed   into   a   puff   of   smoke   and   covered   his   eyes   when   he   was   fighting   with   King   Dimitri,   it   could   be   detrimental.   He   also   saw   nearby   King   Dimitri’s   two   loyal   servants,   whom   he   had   long   heard   about.   Imagination   and   Creativity   were   not   easy   opponents   to   deal   with   either.   He   decided   that   these   were   factors   that   must   be   dealt   with   before   his   fight   …   With   these   thoughts   going   on   in   his   mind,   he   rode   his   horse   towards   King   Dimitri   and   stopped   at   a   spot   a   distance   away.

“Are   you   the   barbarian   chief   Atlas?”   asked   King   Dimitri.   “This   field   of   corpses   is   all   your   work,   I   believe.     Can   you   give   me   a   reasonable   answer   to   justify   this   ruckus   you   have   caused   in   my   Kingdom?”

“Of   course   I   can”   answered   Atlas   arrogantly.   “Indeed,   this   field   of   corpses   died   because   of   me.   But   it   could   be   said   that   they   died   because   of   you,   too…”

“Really?”   exclaimed   King   Dimitri   in   surprise.   “How   do   you   justify   that?”

“My   tribal   lands   are   barren   and   poor.   I   come   in   search   for   better   lands   for   the   survival   of   my   tribesmen.   Your   kingdom   is   rich   and   fertile,   but   your   soldiers   prevented   us   from   taking   over,   so   the   scene   you   see   before   you   with   corpses   piled   up   on   the   battle   field   is   a   natural   result   of   our   confrontation.   What   is   there   not   to   understand?”

  “So   you   lead   your   tribesmen   and   attack   my   Kingdom   not   really   to   seek   survival.   Your   reasons   are   really   to   satisfy   your   own   personal   greed   and   avarice…   Perhaps   you   also   want   to   kill   me,   because   otherwise   you   will   not   be   able   to   wholly   take   over   what   is   mine   without   fear   of   reprisal…,   right?”

“If   you   say   so…   Yes,   I   acknowledge   it   is   so,   for   how   else   can   I   take   over   your   Kingdom?”

White   Fairy   did   not   have   time   to   reveal   to   Dimitri   the   fact   that   the   real   reason   for   Atlas’s   invasion   was   he   wanted   to   possess   the   two   nymphs   Charmaine   and   Clementine,   so   at   the   time   King   Dimitri   was   not   aware   of   Atlas’   true   motive.

“Well,”   sighed   King   Dimitri,   “It   seems   that   a   fight   between   us   cannot   be   avoided   then…Mankind   has   gone   back   to   the   old   path   of   bloodshed,   of   killing   each   other   as   the   fatalistic   method   to   resolve   human   controversy.     So   be   it.   Come   on   then,   what   are   you   waiting   for…?”

“If   this   is   to   be   a   duel   between   the   two   of   us”   interrupted   Atlas   before   King   Dimitri   finished   speaking,   “it   should   be   just   between   you   and   me.   No   third   person   should   be   allowed   to   participate.   Is   that   right?     But   even   if   you   have   people   to   help,   I   don’t   mind   either…Come   on   then,   all   of   you,   I   can   deal   with   you…”   Saying   so,   he   glanced   at   White   Fairy,   Imagination   and   Creativity.   King   Dimitri   laughed   loudly   and   answered,

“Of   course…of   course…   This   is   just   between   you   and   me.   Don’t   worry.   It   has   nothing   to   do   with   a   third   party   and   no   third   party   will   take   part   in   it   at   all.   I   will   allow   you   to   use   my   magic   sword   and   bow   and   arrows   against   me.   The   only   weapon   I   will   need   is   some   rope   to   defeat   and   kill   you.”   He   held   one   hand   high   up   into   the   air   and   Creativity   threw   over   a   coil   of   rope   which   King   Dimitri   deftly   caught.   It   was   the   rope   that   King   Dimitri   had   used,   one   end   tied   to   his   waist   and   one   end   tied   to   his   horse   Lightning,   when   he   explored   the   lake   to   find   the   weakest   point   of   Giant   Mountain,   its   Achilles’   heels   as   it   were.   “I   will   use   this   coil   of   rope   to   kill   you.   I   kill   you   not   in   revenge   for   all   the   people   who   lie   dead   on   the   fields,   but   to   help   you   and   save   your   greedy   and   degenerate   soul.”

“Don’t   be   so   sure   of   yourself   and   boast   too   early   of   success”   cried   Atlas.     The   last   one   left   standing   will   have   the   last   laugh.   Let’s   see   who   is   the   better   man!”   Saying   so,   he   held   up   his   sword   and   rushed   over.

King   Dimitri   faced   his   enemy’s   sharp   and   agile   sword   thrusts   calmly   and   confidently.   Atlas   slashed   at   him   seven   to   eight   times   in   a   row,   but   King   Dimitri   sitting   on   his   horse   managed   to   get   out   of   the   way   of   these   attacks   by   dodging   nimbly   right   and   left.     He   would   lie   flat   on   his   back,   or   slip   off   the   back   of   his   horse   on   the   left   side   only   to   emerge   again   on   the   right   side   as   if   he   had   a   tacit   understanding   with   the   sword   in   Atlas’   hand   and   knew   beforehand   exactly   which   direction   it   would   be   coming   from   and   therefore   dodged   at   precisely   the   right   time   and   angle.   As   Atlas   thrusted   and   slashed,   he   grew   perplexed   and   confused   by   the   fact   that   the   sword   in   his   hand   was   not   as   handy   as   it   used   to   be   and   was   not   obeying   him.   The   slash   that   should   have   gotten   King   Dimitri   would   leave   its   intended   path   and   slip   to   one   side.   That   really   took   him   by   surprise.   Examining   the   sword   in   confusion,   he   could   find   nothing   abnormal   about   it   but   for   some   reason   he   just   could   not   get   close   to   King   Dimitri   with   it.   Atlas   became   impatient   and   decided   to   change   tactics   and   slash   at   the   horse   instead   of   the   rider.   This   way,   no   matter   how   good   King   Dimitri   was,   once   unhorsed   he   would   not   be   able   to   fight.   Suiting   his   action   to   his   thoughts,   Atlas   began   to   slash   at   Lightning’s   head.   Then   he   would   bow   down   low   on   his   own   horse   and   slash   at   Lightning’s   legs.   What   he   did   not   know   was   Lightning   was   a   magic   horse.   It   turned   and   circled   lightly   and   effortlessly   as   if   it   were   dancing   and   Atlas’   sword   could   not   get   close   to   it   either.   A   solemn   and   victorious   smile   appeared   on   King   Dimitri’s   face   as   if   saying,   “Well,   now   you   know   what   it   is   like   to   come   against   me!”   which   infuriated   Atlas.   He   swung   his   sword   with   all   his   might   at   King   Dimitri’s   waist,   thinking,   “Take   that,   you   conceited   man.   This   is   one   strike   impossible   to   hide   or   dodge.   See   how   you   can   get   out   of   this!”   He   never   expected   King   Dimitri   to   jump   high   upwards   from   the   back   of   his   horse,   making   two   somersaults   in   the   air.   Lightning   too   moved   quickly   away   to   escape   the   sword.   As   King   Dimitri’s   body   dropped   down,   he   passed   right   behind   Atlas,   so   he   made   use   of   this   opportunity   to   give   the   barbarian   leader   a   mighty   kick   on   his   back   and   then   dropped   back   on   his   magic   horse   which   was   waiting   for   him   at   exactly   the   right   spot.   Atlas   was   severely   hurt   and   blood   spurted   out   of   his   mouth.   He   spurred   his   horse   and   rushed   away   from   the   battlefield.   After   he   was   quite   a   distance   away   from   King   Dimitri,   he   stopped.   While   he   was   rushing   away,   he   put   his   sword   back   into   its   sheath,   knowing   it   was   useless   to   use   it   against   King   Dimitri.   Strangely,   the   sword   seemed   to   be   in   a   rapport   with   its   former   owner,   who   seemed   to   know   in   advance   what   Atlas   was   about   to   do   and   was   prepared   to   deal   with   him   accordingly.   Could   the   sword   be   in   league   with   their   old   owner   against   him,   the   new   owner?   What   Atlas   did   not   know   was   that   both   the   sword   and   the   bow   and   arrows   used   to   belong   to   King   Dimitri,   whom   they   loved   and   were   still   loyal   to.   Though   Atlas   stole   them   and   used   them   to   kill   hundreds   of   native   warriors   of   the   Kingdom,   now   coming   face   to   face   with   their   former   owner,   they   had   no   second   thoughts   about   betraying   Atlas   as   they   were   unwilling   to   harm   King   Dimitri   in   any   way.   Atlas   took   down   the   bow   slung   around   his   shoulders,   pulled   out   an   arrow   from   his   quiver,   turned   around   and   shot   it   straight   at   his   enemy’s   throat.   The   arrow   flew   in   the   air   quick   as   lightning,   making   straight   for   King   Dimitri’s   throat   as   if   it   had   eyes   of   its   own;   but   when   it   came   to   be   about   a   foot   from   its   target,   it   seemed   to   recognize   its   former   owner   and   stopped   in   midair   refusing   to   budge.   King   Dimitri   stretched   out   his   hand   and   took   the   arrow.   Swoosh!   Swoosh!   Swoosh!   Atlas   shot   seven,   eight   more   arrows   one   after   the   other   at   vital   parts   of   King   Dimitri’s   body,   but   they   all   stopped   short   in   mid   air   about   a   foot   or   so   from   him.   King   Dimitri   collected   them   all   as   he   did   the   first   one.   Atlas   again   changed   tactics   and   shot   at   the   horse’s   throat   instead   of   the   rider,   but   the   arrow   seemed   to   know   Lightning   as   well   its   owner   and   stopped   in   midair   near   the   horse   and   King   Dimitri   collected   that   arrow   as   well.   As   Atlas   reached   for   another   arrow,   he   found   that   his   quiver   was   empty.   Appalled   that   none   of   his   weapons   worked   against   King   Dimitri,   the   desperate   Atlas   could   only   turn   tail   and   run.   King   Dimitri   tied   a   slipknot   on   his   rope   and   patting   his   horse   said,

“Hey,   you   want   to   run   now?   Now   so   fast…”   Lightning   understood   and   ran   swiftly   after   the   fleeing   barbarian.   Swinging   his   coil   of   rope   with   his   hand,   King   Dimitri   sat   on   his   horse   and   took   aim   at   Atlas   as   he   tried   to   escape.   Accurately   calculating   speed   and   distance,   he   swung   out   his   rope   and   caught   the   man   around   the   neck   pulling   him   from   his   horse   to   the   ground.     Dimitri   shouted   his   order,   “Up!”   and   his   magic   horse   flapped   his   huge   wings   and   rose   up   to   the   skies.   The   great   pull   of   the   rope   broke   Atlas’   neck.   His   eyes   bulged,   his   tongue   stuck   out   and   he   died.   Then   cracking   his   rope,   King   Dimitri   loosened   the   slipknot   and   let   the   corpse   fall   down   from   on   high.   Lightning   coasted   around   and   slide   steadily   to   the   ground.     King   Dimitri   dismounted.   Lightning   knew   that   the   fight   was   over   and   it   would   no   longer   be   needed,   so   it   trotted   to   those   standing   at   the   fringe   of   the   battlefield   to   await   further   orders.

King   Dimitri   stood   solitary   and   alone   on   the   grassland   strewn   with   soldiers   fallen   in   battle.   His   head   bowed   deep   in   thought,   he   would   sometimes   raise   his   face   to   look   at   the   skies.   His   entourage   kept   silent   so   as   not   to   distract   his   somber   thoughts.   Suddenly   a   cloud   floated   over   the   wide   expanse   of   blue   skies   and   hung   low   over   the   sea   of   corpses   piled   up   on   the   battlefield.   When   King   Dimitri   raised   his   head   and   suddenly   saw   that   cloud,   he   was   electrified   by   the   mysterious   inspiration   that   hit   him.  

“Isn’t   that   the   same   cloud   that   rose   from   my   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   then   floated   to   the   mundane   world   to   look   for   me?   Now   it   has   followed   me   back   to   my   Kingdom.   The   mysterious   experience   deep   in   his   inner   heart   was   again   resurrected.   He   seemed   to   be   able   to   keep   an   intimate   and   direct   link   with   the   cloud   which   was   actually   the   divine   embodiment   of   God   appearing   to   King   Dimitri   as   a   cloud.   Dimitri   fell   to   the   ground,   raised   both   his   arms   towards   the   cloud   floating   overhead   and   genuinely   and   sincerely   genuflected   in   worship   to   the   almighty   Creator   of   Heaven   and   Earth.   His   entourage,   seeing   their   sovereign   kneeling   in   worship,   did   not   dare   to   remain   standing,   so   they   all   knelt   down   too,   even   the   magic   horse   Lightning.   King   Dimitri   prayed   in   his   hoarse   and   emotional   voice,

“Oh,   God   my   God!   Please   have   mercy   on   these   headless,   limbless   corpses   lying   here   in   a   pool   of   blood.   They   were   all   your   creatures   made   to   your   own   image   and   likeness,   but   they   did   not   inherit   your   kind   and   generous   spirit.   On   the   contrary,   they   adhered   to   the   animal   instincts   of   greed,   arrogance   and   ignorance.   Oh   God   my   God,   please   take   pity   on   these   ignorant   human   beings   for   they   really   know   not   what   they   do.   They   did   not   treasure   the   glorious   body   you   bestowed   on   them,   but   ferociously   killed   each   other   in   meaningless   strife   until   blood   flowed   like   rivers   and   corpses   piled   up   like   mountains.   These   massacres   had   happened   time   and   time   again   in   human   history,   but   none   have   learned   anything   from   them.   Sad   to   say,   they   had   only   increased   in   ferocity.”

“Oh   God   my   God!   Please   take   pity   on   these   ignorant   creatures.   Sometimes   they   become   mad,   irrational   and   unreasonable   and   do   things   that   even   they   themselves   do   not   know   why.   Oh   God   my   God!   Please   take   pity   on   these   ignorant   creatures.   Did   you   come   here   to   cast   the   lost   souls   of   these   unfortunate   people   into   the   fires   of   Gahanna   to   endure   eternal   punishment?   Oh   no,     God   my   God!   Please   show   mercy   to   these   ignorant   but   naïve   souls.     Please   give   them   one   more   chance.   If   given   the   chance   to   rise   again   from   the   dead,   they   will   surely   understand   that   life   is   to   be   treasured.   I   am   sure   they   will   repent   and   reform.   Oh   God   my   God!   Looking   at   this   field   of   the   dead,   I   cannot   say   I   am   blameless,   for   this   massacre,   too   heart-rending   to   see,   did   happen   in   my   Kingdom.   If   someone   must   be   blamed   for   this   tragedy,   let   the   blame   fall   solely   on   me   because   I   did   not   get   here   on   time   to   prevent   this   massacre   from   happening.   Oh   God   my   God,   please   take   pity   on   these   ignorant   people   for   they   know   not   what   they   do.   Oh   God   my   God,   please,   please   pity   these   ignorant   people   and   forgive   them   their   trespasses…”   King   Dimitri   prayed   fervently   to   the   cloud   hovering   above   the   killing   field   and   poured   out   his   innermost   thoughts   to   his   God.

“Oh   God   my   God!   Please   take   pity   on   these   ignorant   creatures   of   yours,   for   they   really   know   not   what   they   do.   Human   beings   have   always   used   wars   and   killing   to   settle   their   disputes,   but   disputes   had   never   been   settled   this   way.   History   shows   that   they   had   only   given   way   to   even   larger   scaled   and   more   tragic   wars   and   killings.   Oh   God   my   God!   Please   do   not   be   angry   with   these   your   pitiful   and   unfortunate   creatures.   Human   beings   sometimes   become   mad,   irrational   and   unreasonable,   which   are   traits   hard   to   tame.   They   are   also   greedy,   arrogant   and   ignorant.   Oh   God   my   God!   I   have   always   thought   that   human   civilization   has   not   yet   reached   its   peak   because   they   had   always   tried   to   settle   disputes   by   bloodshed   and   war.   If   one   day,   they   could   find   another   way   to   settle   their   differences,   then   human   civilization   would   really   have   reached   the   pinnacle.   Oh   God   my   God!   I   worry   and   am   terrified   that   before   that   day   arrives,   human   civilization   would   be   completely   destroyed   forever   in   an   instant.   After   a   bright   light   or   a   big   bang   and   all   would   be   eternally   silenced   and   destroyed…I   hope   and   pray   that   day   would   never   come   and   human   beings   find   a   way   not   to   resort   to   bloodshed   and   war   to   settle   disputes   and   human   civilization   can   reach   its   summit.   Oh   God   my   God,   I   beg   you   to   take   pity   and   forgive   these   unfortunate   human   beings   for   they   are   naïve   and   do   not   know   what   they   do.   I   sincerely   beg   you   not   only   to   forgive   them,   but   also   to   give   them   a   second   chance   at   life   for   only   by   rising   again   from   the   dead   will   they   appreciate   the   preciousness   of   life   and   reform   their   past   deeds.   I   beg   you   to   take   pity   on   and   forgive   the   ignorance   of   your   creatures.”     King   Dimitri’s   hoarse   and   emotional   voice   echoed   in   the   wilderness,   moving   in   the   extreme.   The   cloud   hovering   above   the   killing   field   sighed   and   replied   in   a   voice   loud   as   thunder

“Truth   is   in   your   hands.   Let   things   proceed   according   to   your   thoughts.”   Saying   so,   the   cloud   broke   up,   shattered   and   disappeared,   leaving   behind   the   wide   expanse   of   blue   skies   as   serene   as   ever   .If   God   could   appear   as   a   cloud,   he   could   also   appear   as   a   flower   or   in   any   other   possible   form.

When   his   entourage   saw   King   Dimitri   rise   up   from   his   knees,   they   too   stood   up   straight   again   and   watched   as   he   walked   towards   them   at   the   fringe   of   the   battlefield,   his   expression   solemn   but   full   of   confidence.   They   were   all   much   encouraged   because   they   knew   King   Dimitri   was   about   to   do   something   great   and   spectacular.   He   walked   to   where   they   were   standing   and   turned   around   to   face   the   sea   of   corpses   on   the   battlefield   saying,

“Where   are   you   White   Fairy?”  

“I   am   here,   your   Majesty”   replied   White   Fairy   walking   over   to   him.   I   am   ready   to   carry   out   your   orders.”  

“I   want   you   to   order   all   the   fresh   flowers   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   to   gather   here…”   said   King   Dimitri   solemnly.   “I   want   this   cruel,   ugly   battlefield   of   massacre   and   killing   to   be   completely   buried   in   beautiful   flowers   which   personifies   peace   and   love.”

“Yes   sire”   replied   White   Fairy   energetically   and   went   to   stand   at   the   sidelines.   She   clasped   her   hands   and   was   murmuring   softly   but   no   one   could   hear   what   she   was   saying.

“Where   are   you,   Imagination   and   Creativity?”   asked   King   Dimitri.

“We   are   both   here,   your   majesty,   awaiting   your   orders”   replied   the   two   loyal   servants   stepping   forward.

“I   order   the   two   of   you   to   stop   using   your   brains   and   clear   your   head   of   all   medley   thoughts.   I   want   you   two   to   enter   with   me   into   the   state   of   zero   and   release   the   limitless   possibilities   of   zero.”

“Yes,   sire”   replied   the   two   in   one   voice   and   walked   hand   in   hand   to   stand   behind   King   Dimitri.   With   one   hand   tightly   clasping   that   of   their   partner   and   the   other   hand   pointing   towards   the   wide   expanse   of   blue   skies,   they   followed   their   master   into   the   deep   and   mysterious   state   of   zero.   Strange   to   say,   a   miracle   happened.   The   fragrance   of   flowers   somehow   covered   up   the   metallic   smell   of   blood   rising   from   the   corpses   on   the   battlefield   and   became   stronger   and   stronger   until   it   drowned   and   intoxicated   the   senses.   At   the   same   time   the   spring   breeze   wafting   over   the   battlefield   made   one   feel   drowsy   and   tipsy.   Multicolored   flower   petals   and   floated   down   from   the   skies.   From   the   south   came   a   cloud   of   red   orchids   and   other   beautiful   local   flowers   which   completely   covered   the   bodies   strewn   haphazardly   around   the   battlefield.   From   the   east   appeared   colorful   and   odoriferous   peonies   mixed   with   other   rare   flora   native   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.   From   the   east   floated   exotic   roses   with   their   own   unique   perfume   and   from   the   north   came   the   rare   and   seldom   seen   black   tulip.   Very   soon   from   the   southeast   and   northwest,   from   the   northeast   and   southwest,   came   innumerable   fresh   flowers   which   traveled   over   hills   and   mountains   to   pour   down   on   the   battlefield   in   overpowering   numbers.   These   flowers   that   symbolized   the   twenty-five   beauties   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   floated   over   like   a   cloud   and   one   by   one   dropped   down,   covering   the   meadow   with   a   fragrant   multicolored   blanket.   Waves     began   to   appear   on   the   surface   of   this   sea   of   flowers   for   deep   down   within   it,   the   energy   that   they   covered   were   restless   and   itching   for   action.

Slight   quivers   were   discernable   on   the   surface   of   the   calm   and   quiet   sea   of   flowers,   but   deep   in   its   center   an   undercurrent   was   silently   amassing   and   soon   turned   into   mighty,   crashing   waves.   Suddenly   a   large   black   bird   broke   the   surface   of   the   sea   of   flowers   and   shot   straight   up   into   the   skies,   sending   down   a   torrent   of   floral   rain   as   she   shook   herself.   She   had   a   woman’s   face   and   hair   of   serpents.   It   could   only   be   the   brave   and   indomitable   Medusa!   She   flew   swiftly   towards   the   torrid   sun   and   was   soon   just   a   tiny   black   speck   in   the   distant   horizon.   But   she   suddenly   turned   back   and   dove   straight   down   vertically   towards   the   ground.   Before   touching   down,   she   just   as   suddenly   pulled   herself   up   high   into   the   sky.   She   encircled   the   sea   of   flowers   two   three   times,   crying   in   a   loud   voice,   “I   have   come   back   from   the   dead.     I   have   come   back   from   the   dead.     All   those   who   died   will   be   resurrected,   too.     We   have   defeated   the   angel   of   death.”   She   made   a   somersault   in   midair,   turned   into   human   form   and   dropped   down   to   earth.   When   she   saw   King   Dimitri   leading   his   two   loyal   servants   Imagination   and   Creativity   immersed   in   the   state   of   zero   and   White   Fairy   silently   praying   with   folded   hands,   she   knew   that   it   was   a   critical   and   vulnerable   time   for   the   four   of   them   and   no   one   should   be   allowed   to   disturb   them.   So   after   exchanging   knowing   glances   with   Charmaine   and   Clementine   who   was   standing   nearby,   she   once   more   took   up   her   position   as   Protector   of   the   Kingdom   and   stood   on   the   right   side   of   King   Dimitri.   Soon   there   was   another   disturbance   deep   in   the   sea   of   flowers   and   the   head   of   a   giant   with   two   eyes   one   in   the   front   and   one   at   the   back   of   his   head   broke   surface.   The   single   horn   on   the   top   of   his   head   proclaimed   him   to   be   no   other   than   Cyclops.   When   he   woke   up   at   the   bottom   of   the   sea   of   flowers,   he   groped   around   with   his   hands   and   found   his   severed   head,   which   he   quickly   put   back   on   his   neck.   In   his   haste,   he   did   not   position   it   correctly,   so   he   used   his   hands   to   righten   it   so   that   it   could   be   in   its   original   position.   He   waded   in   the   sea   of   flowers   which   reached   up   to   his   waist.   Then,   he   quickly   walked   over,   nodded   to   Medusa   and   the   two   nymphs   and   stood   on   the   left   of   King   Dimitri,   also   taking   up   the   duty   of   guarding   his   sovereign.   After   a   while   disturbances   appeared   from   deep   under   the   surface   of   the   sea   of   flowers.   When   a   kettle   of   water   nears   the   boiling   point,   bubbles   would   rise   up   to   the   surface.   They   would   quickly   increase   in   numbers   until   they   become   part   of   an   agitated   wave   and   the   water   comes   to   a   roiling   boil.   It   was   the   same   with   the   situation   on   hand   here.   First   fragments   of   human   voices   were   heard,   just   like   the   time   when   one   leaves   home   early   in   the   morning   and   meets   with   the   neighbors,   one   would   chat   cordially   and   say   a   few   words   of   casual   greeting.   Then   as   one   proceeds   to   the   open   market   where   more   people   are   gathered,   the   atmosphere   would   become   more   lively   and   bustling.   It   was   the   same   here   at   the   edge   of   the   battlefield.     The   former   quiet   and   silence   was   broken   as   waves   appeared   on   the   sea   of   flowers   and   voices   could   be   heard,   until   they   grew   louder   and   louder   and   became   a   noisy   clamor   of   shouts   and   laughter.   The   dead   bodies   of   the   barbarian   soldiers   and   native   warriors   came   to   life   again   and   were   loudly   expressing   their   surprise   and   joy   with   boisterous   shouts   and   exclamations.

From   deep   in   the   sea   of   flowers   could   be   heard   the   following   shouts   and   exclamations:

“Hey,   brother,   wake   up.   We   seem   to   be   restored   to   life!   Wake   up!”

“Ar-r-r-rh!”   yawned   the   so-called   “brother”   as   he   stretched   himself,   “Why,   yes,   we   are   alive   again.     I   remember   you   were   running   after   me   and   pierced   my   back   with   your   spear   right   through   my   breast.   I   thought   I   was   done   for,   but   now   I   am   alive   again.”

“Yes,   yes.   I   am   so   sorry.   I   don’t   know   why   I   was   so   hell   bent   on   killing   you.   Are   you   alright   now?   I   hope   you   are   not   in   pain   any   more…   I   was   pierced   by   an   arrow   through   my   throat   and   I   died.     It’s   really   strange.     How   come   I   am   back   to   life   again?   Are   we   enemies?”

“No,   I   don’t   think   so.     I   have   never   seen   you   before   so   we   couldn’t   be   enemies…”

“If   we   are   not   enemies,   why   are   we   killing   each   other   as   if   we   were?     That’s   really   unreasonable.     Anyway,   now   that   we’ve   got   our   lives   back,   let   bury   the   past   and   start   anew…”   The   two   former   enemies   shook   hands   and   hugged   each   other   to   celebrate   their   second   life.

“Hey,   hey,   brother.   Will   you   take   your   hatchet   from   my   head   where   you   buried   it?   I   am   hurting!”

“Oh,   sorry,   sorry   brother.   I   forgot   to   pull   out   the   hatchet.   I   was   going   to   do   that   but   an   arrow   pierced   my   throat   and   I   died   before   I   could   do   so…   Okay,   now   it’s   out.   Are   you   still   in   pain?”

“No   problem.   The   wound   closed   by   itself.   Isn’t   that   miraculous?   I   thought   I   died   when   you   hacked   at   me   with   your   hatchet.     How   come   I   am   alive   again?   Are   we   enemies?”

“No,   I   don’t   think   so.   I   don’t   know   why   we   are   so   filled   with   blood   lust   that   we   are   determined   to   kill   each   other   even   though   we   had   never   seen   each   other   before…   But   now   that   the   past   is   gone,   let’s   start   anew.     As   they   used   to   say,   “Friendship   grows   from   exchange   of   blows,   Ha-ha.   Let’s   be   friends   from   now   on   and   never   go   on   a   killing   rampage   again,   okay?”

“Hey   brother,   this   is   half   of   your   head.     I   just   picked   it   up   for   you,   put   it   back   on   quickly.   Your   swordsmanship   is   quite   good.   Several   of   our   brothers   died   when   you   cut   off   their   heads.”

“Of   what   use   is   good   swordsmanship   to   me?   Wasn’t   half   my   head   cut   off   by   someone   else?…   Why   we   are   so   filled   with   blood   lust   that   we   are   determined   to   kill   each   other   although   we   had   never   seen   each   other   before…     Anyway,   I   have   put   half   of   my   head   back   on   and   I   can   again   enjoy   some   good   wine.   Oh,   your   brothers   whose   head   I   cut   off,   have   they   come   back   to   life   again   too   and   have   they   found   their   heads   yet?   Let’s   go   find   them   and   I   will   treat   you   all   to   good   liquor   to   express   my   apologies   for   having   hurt   you   guys   and   also   to   celebrate   our   second   lives…”

“It’s   really   strange   why   we   kill   people   we   don’t   know   at   all   and   are   so   gung-ho   about   it.   Are   human   beings   ignorant   animals?   Not   really…”

“Hey,   you   white-haired   old   gent.   You   are   really   quite   a   savage   soldier.   Pull   your   spear   from   my   chest   please.     I   have   already   pulled   mine   from   yours.   I   am   in   great   pain.     If   you   don’t   pull   it   out,   I   will   die   a   second   time…”

“Oh,   sorry,   sorry…I   will   do   so   at   once.   Are   you   okay?   Your   wound   will   close   up   very   soon   just   like   mine   did.     It’s   strange,   isn’t   it?   We   are   alive   again.   I   have   heard   of   such   things   but   it’s   quite   different   when   we   experience   it   ourselves…It’s   something   worth   celebrating,   right?…”

“The   fault   is   really   with   us.     We   should   never   have   followed   our   tribal   leader   and   crossed   the   borders   into   your   Kingdom.   He   wanted   to   occupy   your   lands,   enslave   your   people   and   take   over   your   palaces.   That   is   wrong   but   we   just   blindly   followed   him   without   using   our   heads.   I   am   really   ashamed   of   our   behavior.”

“I   suppose   you   had   your   reasons….   The   land   on   your   side   is   poor   and   arid   and   life   is   hard.     We   know   that.     If   you   need   food   or   sheep   and   cows,   you   just   have   to   ask   and   we   would   gladly   shares   ours   with   you.   King   Dimitri   is   a   very   benevolent   and   generous   king   and   will   freely   supply   you   with   all   you   need.   Things   can   be   solved   without   shedding   blood…”

“Really?     Why   is   it   that   we   were   not   informed   about   any   of   this?   If   we   knew   the   truth,   who   would   be   willing   to   risk   their   lives   needlessly?”

“You   are   right,   but   this   battle   was   still   worth   it.     If   we   did   not   die   and   then   were   brought   back   to   life   again   like   we   are   now,   we   would   not   so   fully   understand   the   worth   and   significance   of   life   and   why   life   should   be   treasured.   Life   comes   only   once.   But   we   died   once   and   are   now   being   given   a   second   chance   at   it.   We   should   appreciate   it   all   the   more…”

“Hey,   old   man,   I   brought   your   head   back   to   you.     Put   it   back   on   your   neck.   Your   face   is   full   of   wrinkles   and   you   look   pretty   old,   why   are   you   so   wicked   that   you   sneak   up   on   me   and   cut   off   my   genitals?   Without   it   I   don’t   really   want   to   live.”

“Oh   no   brother,   I’m   not   the   only   wicked   one.     I   did   cut   off   your   reproductive   organs,   but   you   raised   your   knife   and   cut   off   my   head,   didn’t   you?   Thank   you   for   bringing   it   back   to   me,   I   will   put   it   back   where   it   belongs.   Hey,   how   come   I   am   alive   again   and   have   become   younger   by   at   least   twenty   years…   Life   is   really   a   strange   and   wonderful   thing.     If   I   did   not   die   once   and   come   back   to   life   again,   I   would   not   be   as   appreciative   of   its   preciousness   and   of   its   meaning.   I   killed   you   and   you   killed   me,   so   let’s   call   it   quits.   Why   don’t   you   go   back   to   where   you   came   from   and   I   will   return   to   my   home.     From   now   on   we   will   live   a   peaceful   life.     Let’s   call   it   a   truce   and   never   fight   again.”

“You   are   right.   What   is   the   meaning   of   ceaseless   strife   and   killing   each   other?   It   is   much   better   to   live   side   by   side   in   peace   and   prosperity.   I   will   go   back   and   report   to   our   chief…”

“Hey,   hey,   brother.     The   head   you   have   in   your   hand   is   mine.   The   one   in   my   hand,   I   think,   belongs   to   you.   Look   at   all   the   heads   on   the   ground.     I   think   they   were   cut   off   by   the   same   man…That   man   was   really   brutal.   Hey,   brothers,   look   carefully   and   be   sure   you’ve   got   your   own   head.   It   would   really   be   a   comedy   of   errors   if   you   put   someone   else’s   head   on   your   neck…   Hey,   that   head   belongs   to   that   one   over   there,   give   it   back   to   him.”

“Thank   you.     Thank   you.     I   am   really   sorry   I   cut   off   your   heads.     In   the   end,   my   head   was   also   cut   off   by   someone   else.   You   shame   me   by   giving   me   back   my   head   instead   of   getting   back   at   me   for   killing   you   guys.   Thank   you.     Thank   you.”

“No   thanks   needed.     The   wrong   party   was   us   who   invaded   your   Kingdom.   If   we   didn’t,   you   would   not   have   cut   off   our   heads   and   yours   would   be   safely   on   your   own   head   as   well.   Let’s   call   it   quits.”

“Yes,   let’s   call   it   quits.   We   are   all   made   to   the   likeness   of   God,   but   we   kill   each   other,   cut   off   each   other’s   heads.   Does   that   mean   we   human   beings   are   irrational   and   mad?   Is   battle   the   only   way   to   settle   matters?   Now   that   we   all   have   our   heads   back   and   the   brains   in   our   heads   are   the   tool   by   which   we   think,   let   us   think   over   what   had   just   happened.   In   order   to   avoid   future   battles   and   bloodshed,   let   us   think   of   a   new   and   more   reasonable   way   to   settle   matters.   Do   we   really   understand   what   we   are   doing   when   we   kill   each   other   and   cut   off   each   other’s   head?”  

Under   this   gorgeously   colored   sea   of   flowers   lay   several   thousand   dead   soldiers   from   both   sides.   To   them   it   was   as   if   they   were   trapped   in   a   nightmare   where   they   killed   and   butchered   each   other;   but   these   barbaric,   savage   and   horrific   scenes   disappeared   when   they   woke   up.   Luckily   it   was   only   a   bad   dream   which   dissipated   upon   awakening.   They   groped   around   in   the   sea   of   flowers   looking   for   the   missing   parts   of   their   body.   Some   were   looking   for   their   head   which   had   been   cut   off   in   battle;   some   were   searching   for   their   severed   arms   or   legs;   while   others   were   trying   to   see   to   the   fatal   wounds   that   killed   them.   In   a   word,   they   were   all   trying   to   make   themselves   whole   again   and   regain   the   image   and   likeness   that   God   gave   them.   They   not   only   woke   up   from   their   nightmare,   they   actually   rose   again   from   the   dead.   From   the   beginning   of   times   in   the   long   history   of   mankind,   there   had   been   innumerable   battles   on   scales   more   massive   than   this   one,   but   this   one   was   rare   and   unique   in   that   the   soldiers   that   died   all   came   back   to   life   again   because   the   battle   happened   in   a   mysterious   kingdom.   Nothing   is   impossible   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   or   in   other   words   anything   is   possible   here   including   the   resurrection   of   life.

King   Dimitri   woke   up   from   his   extremely   quiet   and   serene   state   of   mind   and   came   out   of   the   state   of   zero.   He   found   himself   sitting   cross-legged   on   the   soft   grass   and   stood   up.   His   two   loyal   servants   Imagination   and   Creativity   put   down   their   hands   which   had   been   pointing   at   the   sky.   King   Dimitri   turned   to   White   Fairy   who   was   standing   beside   him   and   said,

“Everyone   has   woken   up,   so   this   beautiful   sea   of   flowers   can   now   be   withdrawn.   The   fresh   flowers   you   called   from   all   around   have   already   fulfilled   their   mission.   Please   dismiss   them   and   ask   them   to   go   back   to   where   they   came   from…”   White   Fairy   clasped   her   hands   and   murmured   words   in   a   language   that   only   she   herself   understood   and   thousands   of   flowers   flew   wave   after   wave   in   a   very   orderly   fashion   into   the   blue   skies   like   pigeons   that   symbolized   peace.   These   innumerable   fresh   flowers   had   bloomed   at   a   most   unseasonable   time   in   answer   to   the   call   of   the   Flower   Fairy   and   they   all   flew   here   at   her   command.     Now   that   their   task   was   done   they   flew   back   again   to   where   they   came   from,   by   the   side   of   the   clear   stream   or   brook,   in   the   emerald   green   meadows,   on   trees   and   shrubs   or   in   mountains   and   valleys   where   no   humans   had   ever   stepped   into   before…Myriads   of   beautiful   flowers   flew   up   into   the   skies,   filling   the   heavens   with   their   graceful   and   colorful   forms   which   could   be   seen   in   every   corner   of   the   vast   domain   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.   It   was   a   majestic   sight   to   behold   indeed!   The   corpses   of   the   two,   three   thousand   barbarian   soldiers   and   native   warriors   on   the   battlefield   came   to   life   again.   The   mortal   enemies   who   had   been   bent   on   killing   each   other   were   now   shaking   hands   in   friendship,   hugging   warmly   or   walking   together   arms   around   each   other’s   shoulders.   Some   of   the   barbarian   soldiers   and   native   warriors   even   sat   around   in   a   circle   hand   in   hand   talking,   laughing,   singing   and   dancing   together   in   high   spirits.   King   Dimitri   smiled   in   satisfaction   on   seeing   the   scene   so   full   of   peace,   warmth   and   happiness.   From   different   directions   of   the   meadows,   figures   were   seen   making   their   way   towards   him.   King   Dimitri   gazed   fixedly   at   them   and   saw   that   the   two   figures   coming   from   the   right   were   his   old   friends   Richard   and   Jamaz;   the   two   coming   towards   him   at   the   center   were   the   silver-haired   Mr.   Kaffee   and   the   wrinkled   David   and   the   two   men   walking   towards   him   on   the   left   talking   and   laughing   were   Mr.   Finger   aka   Emmanuel   and   Big-O.   King   Dimitri’s   face   was   wreathed   in   smiles   as   he   saw   his   old   friends   walking   so   full   of   life   towards   him   knowing   they   must   have   been   among   the   dead   who   were   now   resurrected.   He   waved   his   hands   wildly   to   them   shouting   their   names   and   when   they   saw   it   was   him,   they   came   running.   King   Dimitri   hugged   each   and   every   one   of   them   warmly,   saying   repeatedly,   “Scared   you   eh?   Now   it’s   over   and   we   can   all   be   together   again…”   Just   then,   ferocious   roars   were   heard   and   he   knew   that   the   two   tigers   that   sat   before   his   throne   were   here   too.     He   looked   into   the   distance   and   saw   Cortez   and   Kojak   come   bouncing   joyfully   towards   him,   closely   followed   by   two   women,   Eileen   and   Viola.   What   happened   was   this.   At   the   beginning   of   the   battle,   when   Eileen   saw   Cyclops’s   head   fly   from   his   body   as   blood   spurted   from   his   neck,   she   blacked   out   and   her   body   once   again   broke   into   two   parts.   Viola   who   was   there   with   her   was   devastated   at   what   befell   her   parents   and   she   too   fainted.   Luckily,   native   warriors   put   Viola   onto   the   backs   of   the   tigers   Cortez   that   carried   her   to   safety   into   the   dense   forest   before   running   out   to   face   the   enemies   who   were   attacking   the   Kingdom.   When   the   dawn   broke   and   Viola   came   to   again,   she   found   herself   in   a   sea   of   flowers   and   knew   that   her   mother   must   be   somewhere   in   there   too.     She   silently   dived   to   the   bottom   and   found   her   mother.   When   Cyclops   saw   his   wife   and   daughter   walking   towards   him   safe   and   sound,   he   ran   to   hug   them   close   to   his   heart.   Cortez   and   Kojak   so   fierce   and   savage   against   the   enemy   were   like   two   beautiful   gentle   kittens   before   their   master.   King   Dimitri   gently   patted   their   heads,   ruffled   their   thick   striped   and   speckled   fur   and   hugged   them   affectionately.   Cyclops   solicitously   brought   over   a   huge   smooth   rock   for   King   Dimitri   to   sit   on.   The   stone   weighed   several   thousand   pounds   and   would   have   taken   a   lot   of   people   to   just   move   it,   but   in   Cyclops   hands   it   was   light   as   a   feather.   Beautiful   Imagination   got   two   pieces   of   animal   fur   from   somewhere   and   covered   the   rock   with   them   as   a   temporary   throne.   Sitting   on   it,   King   Dimitri     looked   at   the   people   all   around   the   battle   field,   searching   for   the   culprit   who   started   this   battle.

Barbarian   soldiers   and   native   warriors   were   gathered   on   the   green   meadows   exhibiting   their   physical   prowess.     They   were   running   races   competing   in   swiftness,   throwing   stones   to   test   the   strength   of   their   arms   and   wrestling   to   see   whose   technique   was   better.   Competitiveness   is   part   of   human   nature.   It   need   not   stoop   to   the   level   of   mutual   annihilation   or   mutilation   using   knives   and   spears,   but   could   be   carried   out   through   peaceful   means.   The   lively   and   bustling   atmosphere   on   the   meadows   gained   momentum   and   was   in   full   swing   when   all   of   a   sudden   everything   quieted   down   and   the   competitors   stepped   aside   to   make   way   for   a   tall   husky   young   man   who   came   walking   quickly   towards   King   Dimitri   with   bowed   head,   carrying   the   magic   sword   and   magic   bow   and   his   empty   quivers   in   his   arms.   Of   course   it   was   Atlas,   the   chief   of   the   barbarian   soldiers.     He   was   the   last   to   die   and   therefore   was   the   last   to   wake   up   from   the   dead.   When   he   woke   up   and   saw   the   peaceful   scene   in   front   of   him,   he   understood   what   had   happened.   He   found   that   the   magic   sword   was   still   hanging   on   his   waist   and   the   magic   bow   was   still   around   his   shoulders   and   knew   it   was   time   to   face   King   Dimitri.     He   would   acknowledge   defeat,   swear   fealty   to   him   and   promise   to   be   a   loyal   vassal   forever…   Atlas   walked   bravely   to   where   King   Dimitri   was   sitting   on   his   temporary   throne,   knelt   before   him   holding   high   the   magic   weapons   in   his   arms   saying,,

“Your   majesty,   I   am   your   most   humble   servant,   Atlas   chief   of   the   barbarian   tribes.   I   am   deeply   ashamed   of   my   past   behavior   of   sending   my   underlings   to   steal   your   precious   state   treasures,   and   then   invading   your   territories   creating   the   devastating   tragedy   which   caused   the   death   of   thousands   of   young   men   on   both   sides   of   our   countries.   But   you,   your   majesty,   did   not   take   me   to   task   on   such   outrageous   and   atrocious   behavior;   on   the   contrary,   you   forgave   me   and   gave   me   and   my   soldiers   a   second   chance   at   life   and   resurrected   us.   My   life   was   given   back   to   me   by   you,   so   I   hereby   willingly   swear   fealty   to   you   as   my   overlord   and   will   be   loyal   to   you   as   your   vassal.   I   will   obey   your   commands   and   serve   you   loyally   forever.   …Here   are   your   state   treasures,   your   magic   sword   and   magic   bow.   Please   accept   them   back   with   my   sincere   and   humble   apologies…”   King   Dimitri   looked   over   at   Creativity,   who   understood   and   walked   over   to   take   the   weapons   back   from   Atlas.   King   Dimitri   then   stood   up,   walked   over   to   Atlas   and   helped   him   up   with   both   hands   saying,

“What’s   done   is   done.   From   now   on   we   will   be   like   brothers.     I   am   a   few   years   older   than   you   so   I   will   be   the   elder   brother.   Our   two   countries   will   be   on   equal   and   friendly   footing   with   each   other.   We   will   live   in   peaceful   coexistence   and   help   each   other.”

“Yes,   your   majesty.   It   will   be   as   you   decree.”   Holding   Atlas’   hand   high   in   the   air   with   his,

King   Dimitri   turned   to   the   people   of   both   countries   and   they   cried   out   enthusiastically,   “King   Dimitri!     King   Dimitri!     King   Dimitri!”   The   mountains   and   valleys   resounded   with   their   shouts.   Atlas   bowed   low   to   King   Dimitri   and   said,   “Thank   you,   your   Majesty   for   your   kindness   and   generosity.   I   will   take   myself   and   my   soldiers   back   home   now.   We   will   guard   the   safety   of   the   boundaries   of   your   Kingdom   with   our   lives…”

“Not   so   fast   young   man”   replied   King   Dimitri,   his   face   full   of   smiles.   Holding   Atlas’   hand   he   said,   “You   do   not   visit   my   Kingdom   very   often,   why   not   stay   a   few   days   longer?   Look   at   our   soldiers!   See   how   well   they   are   getting   along?   Making   them   go   home   now   would   really   dampen   their   mood.   Everyone   must   be   hungry   and   thirsty   by   now   after   the   big   battle.   Let   me   do   the   honors   as   your   host   and   give   them   a   treat.”

“Thank   you,   your   majesty”   replied   Atlas.     King   Dimitri   stopped   for   a   moment   and   continued,

“Now   that   we   have   put   everything   in   the   past   and   have   put   ourselves   on   a   new   footing,   let   us   just   talk   about   the   past   one   more   time.   Your   lands   may   not   be   the   most   fertile,   but   they   are   not   really   so   arid   that   food,   sheep   and   cows   are   in   short   supply,   why   then   did   you   really   start   this   battle   with   us?”     On   hearing   this,   Atlas   again   fell   to   his   knees   and   replied,

“It   is   all   my   fault…I   am   guilty…I   don’t   dare   to   talk   about   it…”   while   he   glanced   stealthily   towards   the   left   with   the   corner   of   his   eyes   to   where   White   Fairy,   Clementine   and   Charmaine   were   whispering   together,   and   their   three   pairs   of   eyes   slanted   every   now   and   then   towards   King   Dimitri   and   Atlas.   King   Dimitri   being   the   clever   and   discerning   monarch   he   was,   had   already   surmised   what   it   was   all   about.   He   laughed   aloud   and   called   to   Clementine   and   Charmaine   to   come   over.   He   again   helped   Atlas   to   his   feet   saying,

“Ah,   little   brother,   I   told   you   we   were   brothers   and   therefore   are   equal   in   every   way.   Don’t   be   so   stuck   on   the   confining   and   stiff   court   etiquette.   Let’s   treat   each   other   as   family   which   will   be   much   more   casual   and   harmonious.”

“Yes,   sire.     Yes   your   majesty”   replied   Atlas.  

“Come,   come”   said   King   Dimitri   as   Clementine   and   Charmaine   walked   over.   “Let   me   introduce   you   to   each   other.   “This   is   my   new   brother,   Atlas.     Give   him   a   hug   you   two   to   show   your   sincere   welcome.”   Atlas   was   aghast   and   did   not   know   what   King   Dimitri’s   intentions   were   but   Clementine   ever   poised   and   gracious   walked   over   and   hugged   and   kissed   him   quite   initiatively.   Atlas   was   surprised   that   the   body   he   held   in   his   arms   did   not   seem   to   be   one   made   of   flesh   and   blood.   On   the   contrary,   it   seemed   to   be   just   air   with   no   substance   at   all.   Charmaine   also   came   and   hugged   and   kissed   him   and   it   was   the   same   with   her   too.   Atlas’   expression   betrayed   his   surprise   and   chagrin   causing   Charmaine   to   chuckle   and   say,

“Do   you   understand   now?   Although   we   sisters   are   heavenly   nymphs,   we   have   beautiful   features   and   shape   but   no   substance.   Our   relationship   with   King   Dimitri   is   one   of   the   purest   platonic   love,   which   few   people   can   understand…”

“The   human   body   with   its   sexual   desires   has   body   temperature”   continued   Clementine.   “It   will   grow   old   and   decay.   But   spiritual   love   is   eternal.   Do   you   understand   now…?”   Atlas   knelt   down   to   the   two   nymphs   saying,

“I   am   a   fool.     I   am   a   fool.   Only   now   do   I   understand   the   true   meaning   of   love…   Formerly,   I   only   wanted…     I   only   wanted…”   Before   two   such   ethereal   creatures,   he   could   not   say   out   loud   the   words   “carnal   possession.”   King   Dimitri   pulled   him   to   his   feet   saying,

“I   just   told   you   not   to   adhere   to   court   protocol,   why   are   you   kneeling   down   again?   Get   up.     Get   up.   Let   me   introduce   you   to   some   very   good   old   friends   of   mine   who   just   came   from   the   mundane   world…”   Just   then   the   beating   of   drums   and   music   from   pipes   and   other   instruments   could   be   heard   coming   from   all   the   paths   in   the   mountains   for   Deanna   had   told   the   various   tribes   that   King   Dimitri   was   back   and   everyone’s   mind   was   at   ease   and   they   were   happy   and   jubilant.   Suddenly,   they   saw   the   flowers   blooming   on   the   branches   of   trees   and   shrubs   in   the   mountains   fly   away   towards   the   gold   palace.     Then,   after   a   period   of   time   they   all   flew   back   again,   settled   on   their   original   branches   and   continued   to   bloom.   The   old   chieftains   in   the   tribes   all   said   that   it   was   a   good   omen.     King   Dimitri   must   have   defeated   the   enemies   and   all   the   dead   warriors   had   been   brought   back   to   life   again   so   the   various   tribes   began   preparations   to   celebrate   victory.   They   carried   the   customary   food   and   drinks   they   used   for   celebrations   on   their   backs   or   on   poles   and   brought   them   to   the   wide   open   plains   in   front   of   the   gold   palace.   King   Dimitri’s   great   victory   Feast   thus   began.   The   whole   Kingdom   was   again   filled   with   a   spirit   of   joyful   festivity   as   if   it   were   a   paradise   apart   from   the   mundane   world.

Under   the   vast   expanse   of   blue   skies,   thousands   of   loyal   subjects   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   gathered   on   the   open   plains   before   the   gold   palace   by   the   emerald   green   meadows.   They   sang   and   danced   and   quaffed   from   their   cups   to   celebrate   the   return   of   their   beloved   King   Dimitri.   The   battle   had   ended   and   the   dead   on   both   sides   had   been   miraculously   brought   back   to   life   again.     Such   heartening   and   encouraging   news   galvanized   everyone   into   a   frenzy   of   festivities   that   surpassed   the   celebration   of   all   past   events.   In   a   corner   near   the   lake   a   large   woolen   blanket   was   spread   on   the   green   grass   and   all   kinds   of   colorful   fresh   fruit   were   offered.   Many   other   kinds   of   food   were   also   piled   up   high.   King   Dimitri   and   his   good   friends   sat   around   in   a   circle.   Even   though   outwardly   Charmaine   and   Clementine   had   beautiful   features   and   shapes,   they   did   not   have   substantial   flesh   bodies   and   therefore   did   not   partake   of   any   kind   of   food   and   drink.   So   they   joined   White   Fairy   and   busied   themselves   with   blending   the   wine   and   replenishing   everyone’s   cup   with   the   unique   hundred   flower   wine   made   only   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.   The   two   loyal   servants   Imagination   and   Creativity   stood   behind   King   Dimitri   ready   to   carry   out   his   orders.   Medusa   and   Cyclops   stood   beside   King   Dimitri   to   ensure   his   safety   and   the   two   tigers   Kojak   and   Cortez   roamed   around   the   area   on   the   lookout   for   any   infringement   of   security.   Of   course   in   such   a   happy   time   there   were   no   enemies   about,   but   keeping   the   area   around   King   Dimitri   safe   and   secure   was   also   of   paramount   importance,   for   who   can   guarantee   that   nothing   untoward   would   happen   in   the   next   instant?   Take   the   battle   that   just   took   place   here   for   instance,   who   could   have   known   beforehand   that   it   would   happen?   Therefore   it   was   only   fitting   that   precautions   be   taken   just   in   case…   King   Dimitri   held   up   his   cup   to   his   friends   and   said,

“Come,   come   everyone.   Cheers   to   you   all!   Let’s   drink   to   everyone’s   health   and   happiness…I   am   so   sorry   that   the   first   time   you   came   to   visit   my   Kingdom   you   were   met   with   such   a   catastrophe,   which   must   have   given   you   all   a   fright   and   even   cost   you   your   lives.   Let’s   drink   this   cup   of   excellent   hundred   flower   wine   to   help   you   recover   from   the   shock!”     King   Dimitri   looked   around,   agitated   and   emotional,   at   the   familiar   smiling   faces   of   his   good   friends.   Not   so   long   before   they   were   selflessly   shedding   their   blood   and   laying   down   their   lives   in   order   to   help   save   his   Kingdom.   Now   they   had   all   come   back   to   life   again   and   were   gathered   around   him.   It   was   a   great   thing   in   life   to   be   able   to   have   even   one   friend,   loyal   and   true   to   him   through   thick   and   thin,   but   he   had   been   blessed   with   so   many   staunch   and   devoted   friends   willing   to   live   and   die   for   him.   Just   looking   at   them   made   King   Dimitri   feel   an   upsurge   of   emotion   and   his   eyes   brimmed   over   in   tears.   Holding   up   his   cup   of   wine,   he   said,   “I…I…I   use   this   cup   of   wine   to   welcome   you   all   to   my   Kingdom…Words   of   gratitude   are   superfluous   among   real   friends…Bottom   up   everyone…”       Saying   so,   he   drank   his   wine   at   a   quaff   and   showed   the   bottom   of   his   empty   cup   to   his   friends,   urging   them   to   drink   up,   too.   Everyone   obediently   drank   up   the   wine   in   their   cups,   too.   Hearing   his   words,   Atlas   felt   anxious   and   uneasy,   but   being   of   a   gallant   and   unbridled   nature,   he   held   up   his   cup   and   said,

“I   am   sorry   to   have   cause   uneasiness   to   everyone   here.     It   was   all   my   fault.   Let   me   drink   three   cups   of   wine   as   punishment   for   my   transgressions   and   as   an   apology   to   all   of   you   here.”   Saying   so,   Atlas   drank   three   cups   of   wine   one   after   the   other   in   a   frank   and   straightforward   manner.   Charmaine   stood   by   him   and   was   busy   refilling   his   cup.   King   Dimitri   was   feeling   a   bit   embarrassed   that   his   unintentional   words   had   caused   Atlas   to   react   in   such   an   apologetic   manner   and   he   felt   sorry   to   have   touched   again   on   a   subject   better   left   closed.   Just   at   that   time   someone   interrupted   loudly   saying,

“Hey,   this   wine   is   really   superb.   You   drank   three   cups   as   punishment.   Let   me   keep   you   company   and   drink   three   cups   as   well!”   The   speaker   was   Jamaz,   who   loved   drinking   more   than   life   itself.     This   was   just   his   excuse   for   drinking   more   wine.   Everyone   laughed   and   said,

“Don’t   be   in   such   a   hurry.   The   day   is   young   yet.”

“What’s   the   rush?   Slow   down,   there’s   no   one   competing   with   you   for   the   wine.”

These   words   cleared   the   air   and   blew   away   the   slightly   awkward   atmosphere.

“Brother   Atlas”   said   Mr.   Kaffee,   “Don’t   blame   yourself   too   much.   If   not   for   you,   we   would   not   have   died   and   therefore   would   not   have   gone   through   the   miraculous   experience   of   resurrection.   This   change   from   life   to   death   and   from   death   to   life,   made   us   thoroughly   aware   of     the   preciousness   and   value   of   life.   It’s   a   pity   normal   people   only   live   once   and   cannot   experience   this   incredible   transformation.   They   are   not   able   to   understand   the   extraordinary   experience   we   got   from   dying   and   coming   back   to   life   again,   so   they   continue   to   use   killing   and   warfare   to   settle   matters.   I   wonder   how   long   this   vicious   circle   will   go   on…   King   Dimitri   gave   us   all   a   second   chance   at   life   and   the   experience   taught   us   that   killing   and   warfare   cannot   settle   matters.   We   must   find   a   new   way   to   solve   problems   and   disputes   so   that   human   civilization   will   continue   to   develop   to   new   heights…But   I’m   afraid   that   the   resurrection   to   life   of   a   large   number   of   people   can   only   happen   in   mysterious   domain   such   as   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.   ..In   a   word,   it   was   King   Dimitri   who   enabled   us   to   come   back   to   life   again   and   thoroughly   understand   the   meaning   and   significance   of   life.   So   let   us   all   take   up   our   cups   and   drink   to   King   Dimitri.   Cheers!”   King   Dimitri   smiled   and   held   up   his   cup   and   everyone   once   more   emptied   their   own.   Clementine   and   Charmaine   again   busily   filled   up   the   empty   cups   with   wine.  

“Your   majesty”   said   David   cheekily   “I   have   a   small   favor   to   ask   of   you…   Will   you   take   your   magic   sword   and   cut   off   my   head   once   more?   I   found   that   when   my   head   was   cut   off   and   then   put   back   on   my   neck   again,   I   became   twenty   years   younger.     If   you   do   that   again   I   will   be   forty   years   younger   and   return   to   my   youthful   ages   again.   Won’t   that   be   wonderful…?”

“What   if   this   time   your   head   cannot   be   connected   back   to   your   body?”   asked   Big-O   “What   then?   You’ll   be   dead.”

“Why   do   you   want   to   go   back   to   your   youth?”   asked   Richard.   “Is   there   something   you   wanted   to   do   that   you   had   not   been   able   to   accomplish?   You   are   now   twenty   years   younger   than   you   were.   It   is   the   best   time   in   your   life   for   you   to   realize   your   ambitions   and   aspirations.”

“What   aspirations   and   ambitions   can   he   have?”jeered   Mr.   Finger   aka   Emmanuel.   “He   only   wants   a   youthful   physique   to   have   sex   with   women.   The   more   the   merrier.   Am   I   right?”

“Bosh!   What   do   you   guys   know   about   me?   I   want   my   youth   back   because   now   that   I   know   the   value   and   significance   of   life,   I   will   not   squander   my   golden   years   away   the   way   I   did.   I   will   treasure   it   and   plan   my   life   and   career   to   the   best   of   my   ability.   You   guys   are   talking   gibberish…”

“Mr.   Finger   is   right,   David.”   added   Jamaz.     “Don’t   be   a   hypocrite   and   try   to   put   on   a   noble   face.   Think   I   don’t   know   you   want   to   be   young   only   to   get   more   women?   You   are   already   in   your   dotage   but   you   still   wanna   be   a   womanizing   bastard.   Ha-ha…   so   don’t   get   all   noble   and   sugar-coat   yourself…”   The   group   of   old   friends   joked   and   laughed   among   themselves   for   a   while.     Then   Mr.   Kaffee   again   turned   serious   and   said,

“We   old   friends   from   the   mundane   world   are   all   here   now.   But   to   my   mind   there   is   still   a   blemish   in   an   otherwise   perfect   setting.   I   am   thinking   of   Dwarf   Mickey.   It   was   said   that   he   sank   himself   with   his   treasure   trove   to   the   bottom   of   the   lake,   so   he   must   have   drowned.   Your   majesty,   since   you   have   the   ability   to   raise   us   all   from   the   dead,   could   you   not   do   the   same   for   Dwarf   Mickey?   If   he   could   join   us   here   today   and   we   could   eat,   drink   and   talk   together   like   we   used   to   in   the   mundane   world,   won’t   that   be   a   perfect   reunion?”   King   Dimitri   smiled   but   did   not   say   anything.   He   poured   a   cupful   of   wine   and   gave   it   to   Imagination   saying,

“Go   and   pour   this   cup   of   wine   into   the   lake.”  

“Yes,   your   majesty”   said   the   loyal   servant.   He   went   over   and   poured   the   cup   of   wine   into   the   lake   without   questioning   why.   Charmaine   and   Clementine   came   up   to   King   Dimitri   to   report   that   the   tribes   had   sent   over   a   group   of   beautiful   young   girls   to   perform   a   song   and   dance   for   King   Dimitri   and   his   friends.   They   also   sent   over   two   strong,   husky   young   men   to   show   off   their   skill   in   wrestling.   King   Dimitri   nodded   his   consent.

About   a   dozen   beautiful   young   girls   chosen   from   the   various   tribes   of   the   Kingdom   entered.     They   were   dressed   in   costumes   made   of   semi-transparent   material   thin   as   the   wings   of   cicadas,   which   they   copied   from   the   dresses   of   Charmaine   and   Clementine.   Their   luscious   figures   half   exposed   by   their   costumes   and   their   graceful   dancing   kept   the   audience   spell-bound.   The   philandering   wolf   old   David   especially   stared   until   his   eyes   almost   popped   out   of   his   sockets.   The   girls   bowed   elegantly   at   the   end   of   the   dance   and   withdrew.   Two   strong   husky   young   men,   one   representing   the   native   warriors   and   one   chosen   to   represent   the   newcomer   soldiers   entered   to   show   off   their   wrestling   skills.   With   bulging   muscles   that   seemed   like   dozens   of   small   mice   running   all   over   their   bodies   they   pounced   on   each   other,   not   using   brute   force,   but   bringing   into   play   their   formidable   techniques.   While   wrestling,   pouncing,   jumping   and   rolling,   they   used   every   one   of   the   nimble,   flexible   muscles,   exhibiting   to   the   fullest   the   charm   and   fascination   of   virile   charisma.   The   audience   were   enthralled   and   captivated.   Richard,   Jamaz,   Big-O   and   Mr.   Finger   aka   Emmanuel   especially   couldn’t   keep   still   in   their   seats   and   really   craved   to   jump   in   and   join   the   wrestlers.   But   this   was   a   friendly   exhibition   and   it   would   be   unseemly   for   the   audience   to   participate.  

When   the   show   ended   and   the   wrestlers   left,   they   suddenly   found   that   they   had   been   so   enthralled   by   the   show   that   they   did   not   noticed   a   small   figure   had   joined   them   and   was   sitting   beside   King   Dimitri,   eating   and   drinking   with   abandon.   That   weird-looking   figure,   those   uninhibited   and   unrestrained   table   manners   could   only   belong   to   one   person   –   Dwarf   Mickey!   The   fact   of   the   matter   was,   Dwarf   Mickey   had   remained   underwater,   sleeping   inside   his   treasure   trove.   He   was   extremely   bored   and   was   looking   for   some   diversion   when   suddenly   the   enticing   and   irresistible   fragrance   of   excellent   wine   hovered   by   his   nose.   He   opened   his   mouth   and   swallowed   the   fragrance,   but   that   only   served   to   wake   up   the   wine   worms   inside   his   stomach   and   played   havoc   there.     Unable   to   resist   his   addiction   for   drinking,   he   swam   to   the   surface   of   the   lake   and   climbed   ashore.   He   had   on   a   quaint   melon-shaped   cap   and   an   exotic   gown   of   ancient   times   woven   with   gold   thread.   As   soon   as   he   came   out   of   the   lake,   water   dripped   off   of   him   until   not   a   single   drop   remained.   The   two   ferocious   tigers   Kojak   and   Cortez   discovered   his   presence   and   bounced   towards   him   at   once.   Dwarf   Mickey   made   a   sign   with   his   hands   commanding   silence   and   said,

“What’s   the   matter,   you   son-of-a-guns?   Don’t   know   me   anymore?”   The   two   tigers   of   course   knew   him   and   their   bouncing   steps   only   expressed   their   excitement   at   seeing   him   again.   “Where   is   your   master,   King   Dimitri?     I   want   to   see   him….”   The   two   tigers   looked   towards   the   meadows   and   took   two   steps   forward   as   if   to   show   him   the   way.   “Okay,   so   he   is   over   there.     I   know   this   place   and   don’t   need   you   to   lead   the   way.   I   want   to   give   your   master   the   surprise   of   his   life,   so   you   two   can   go   about   your   own   business…”   Dwarf   Mickey   dodged   his   way   towards   the   meadows   on   tip   toes,   walked   towards   King   Dimitri   and   sat   right   beside   him   without   any   of   his   old   friends   noticing   his   presence.   Even   Medusa   and   Cyclops   were   not   aware   of   his   advent.   King   Dimitri   was   overjoyed   to   see   his   long-separated   friend   Dwarf   Mickey   and   clasped   him   in   a   bear   hug   saying,

“My   old   friend!     My   old   friend!   You   are   here.   That’s   wonderful…   I   have   missed   you   so   much!   How   are   you?   Come   on;   tell   me   what   you   had   been   doing   all   this   time…”   Dwarf   Mickey   was   busy   wolfing   down   the   food.   He   swallowed   what   was   in   his   mouth   without   chewing   properly,   drank   some   of   the   excellent   hundred   flower   wine,   smacked   his   lips   and   answered,

“Old   man   me?   I   haven’t   been   doing   much,   just   having   a   good   long   sleep.   This   morning   I   was   woken   up   by   the   clashing   of   weapons,   neighing   of   horses   and   shouting   of   a   few   thousand   men.   It   was   as   if   a   big   battle   was   being   fought   up   here   on   land.   Then   there   was   complete   silence.   I   was   happy   and   thought   that   at   last   everyone   had   died   and   I   could   sleep   soundly   again.   But   then   after   a   while   there   were   loud   shouts   again   all   over   the   place   followed   by   singing   and   music   as   if   the   dead   had   come   back   to   life   again.   I   was   thinking   what   the   heck.   Why   can’t   the   dead   stay   dead?   My   slumber   was   disrupted   and   there   was   little   hope   of   my   going   back   to   sleep   again.   The   worse   was   someone   poured   a   cup   of   this   wonderful   hundred   flowers   wine   into   the   lake.   Its   fragrance   reached   me   even   at   the   bottom   of   the   lake,   waking   up   the   wine   worms   in   my   stomach   and   they   began   to   wreak   havoc   there.   What   could   I   do?   I   am   a   glutton   and   an   alcoholic,   so   I   climbed   on   shore   and   here   I   am   again!     You   people   are   really   selfish.   You   are   enjoying   this   wonderful   food   and   wine   and   don’t   even   ask   me   to   join   in.   That’s   really   too   bad   of   you   and   not   how   good   friends   should   treat   each   other!”   King   Dimitri   laughed   loudly,   put   his   hands   around   Dwarf   Mickey’s   shoulders   and   said,

“Don’t   be   angry,   my   good   friend.   There   is   an   endless   supply   of   wine   here,   all   you   can   drink.   I   guarantee   you   can   have   all   you   want,   how’s   that?”

“Old   friend   Mickey”   said   Mr.   Kaffee   holding   up   his   cup   of   wine.   “I   really,   really   missed   you!   Come   on,   I   will   drink   to   you,   cheers!”   Everyone   held   up   their   cup   to   Dwarf   Mickey   and   talking   and   laughing   emptied   their   cups.   From   then   on,   the   friends   toasted   each   other   in   the   spirit   of   bonhomie   for   every   conceivable   purpose   and   had   a   roaring   good   time.   These   eight   men,   whose   friendship   started   in   the   mundane   world   were   united   together   again   in   camaraderie   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.

The   sun   was   setting,   coloring   the   clouds   in   western   sky   into   a   burning   flaming   red.   The   grass   swayed   gently   in   the   evening   breeze   as   if   they   too   were   slightly   intoxicated.   The   gold   palace   gave   off   a   hazy,   dreamlike   brilliance.

“I   really   can’t   believe   my   eyes!”   exclaimed   Mr.   Kaffee   with   deep   feeling   “How   could   such   a   sublime   and   magnificent   palace   made   of   solid   gold   exist   on   these   plains?   It’s   mind   boggling   that   such   a   thing   could   happen.   Are   my   eyes   fooling   me?”

“I   couldn’t   believe   it   at   first   myself”   said   King   Dimitri   smilingly.   “But   it   really   is   standing   there   before   us.   The   twin   nymphs   Charmaine   and   Clementine   went   behind   their   father   Zeus’   back   and   ordered   the   heavenly   artisans   to   come   down   to   earth   and   finish   the   work   on   the   gold   palace   in   one   night.   Of   course   everything   is   possible   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   everything   is   unreal.   Take   this   gold   palace   for   example;   its   symbolic   significance   is   greater   than   its   substantial   one.”

“You   are   getting   me   all   mixed   up”   interrupted   David.   “What   do   you   mean   by   its   symbolic   significance   is   greater   than   its   substantial   one?   I   have   sat   down   on   the   gold   throne   twice   and   it   really   gave   me   a   very   strange   feeling.”

“The   strange   feeling   you   got   when   you   sat   on   the   throne”   replied   King   Dimitri,   “may   be   real,   but   it   could   also   have   been   an   illusion   because   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   nothing   is   impossible.   That   is   to   say,   anything   is   possible   here.   The   symbolic   significance   I   was   talking   about   was   to   say,   everyone’s   fate   is   different   so   in   this   mundane   world   people   meet   with   different   destinies.   Take   a   very   simple   example,   some   are   poor   and   some   are   rich;   but   rich   or   poor   when   they   are   alone   by   themselves   or   asleep;   so   long   as   they   are   facing   themselves,   in   their   own   hearts   they   all   regard   themselves   as   a   revered   king…To   put   it   simply,   you   are   the   king   of   yourself.   What’s   so   hard   to   understand   about   that?     The   symbolic   significance   of   the   gold   palace   is   that   you   are   the   king   of   yourself.   To   go   a   step   further,   in   this   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   everything   is   two-sided.   That   is   to   say,   it   could   be   real,   but   it   could   also   be   unreal.   Like   I   often   said,   dreams   are   part   of   real   life,   a   continuation   of   real   life.   There   is   no   actual   difference   between   dreams   and   real   life…   Do   you   understand   what   I   mean?”   David   did   not   know   at   all   what   King   Dimitri   was   talking   about.     In   fact   he   was   really   confused   and   felt   completely   at   a   loss,   but   Mr.   Kaffee   nodded   and   said,

“I   seem   to   understand   a   little   of   what   you   mean.”   Pointing   to   the   shore   at   the   opposite   end   of   the   wide   expanse   of   lake   water   he   added,   “Then   the   gorgeous   and   magnificent   gold   palace   has   its   own   symbolic   significance,   right?”   King   Dimitri   nodded   emphatically   and   answered,

“You   are   right.   That   newly   constructed   gold   palace   has   its   own   symbolic   significance.     As   you   know,   I   am   an   epicurean   and   gastronomer.   I   like   to   be   surrounded   by   beautiful   women   and   have   a   good   time   with   them.   Of   course   that   is   when   I   am   in   the   role   of   King   Dimitri.   But   in   real   life   I   am   a   penniless   homeless   person,   cursed   by   fate   to   be   a   blind   man.   I   roam   the   streets   drifting   and   wandering   aimlessly   at   the   mercy   of   wailing   winds   and   weeping   rain   as   well   as   the   pain   and   suffering   piled   on   me   by   life’s   wretched   circumstances.   Do   you   know   what   gave   me   strength   to   go   on   living?   It’s   my   dreams.     Whenever   I   felt   utterly   crushed   and   overwhelmed   by   life’s   trials   and   tribulations   beyond   all   bearing,   I   would   retreat   and   seek   refuge   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.   There   I   was   a   happy   king,   physically   healthy   and   psychologically   balanced.   So   the   symbolic   significance   of   the   gold   palace   was   dreams…   Dreams   gradually   formed   into   strong   and   endurable   flexibility   and   magical   plasticity   and   everyone’s   character   has   his   own   charm   and   fascination…   That   huge,   magnificent   palace   you   see   on   the   opposite   shore   was   newly   built   for   me   by   my   two   loyal   servants   and   friends   Imagination   and   Creativity   because   the   old   one   was   destroyed   by   fire.   There   I   once   gathered   twenty-four   beauties   from   all   corners   of   the   earth   and   placed   them   in   the   old   palace   to   live   together   in   peace   and   harmony.   They   were   like   exotic   birds   imprisoned   in   an   expensive   gold   cage.   On   the   surface   they   seemed   to   have   everything   they   wanted:     gourmet   food,   expensive   clothes   etc.   But   in   reality   they   lost   the   freedom   to   roam   unrestrainedly   in   the   vast   blue   skies.   So   I   opened   the   cage   door   and   gave   them   back   their   freedom   to   fly   at   will…”  

“You   know”   said   Dwarf   Mickey   who   stroked   his   long   white   beard   seemingly   engrossed   in   thought,   “I   once   flew   up   to   the   seventh   heaven   and   down   into   the   bowels   of   the   earth,   searching   everywhere   for   my   lost   treasures   for   over   a   century,   before   finally   accidentally   finding   them   at   the   bottom   of   the   lake   in   your   Kingdom   of   Dreams.   They   were   all   intact   and   unharmed.   Medusa   and   Cyclops   had   unknowingly   been   protecting   my   treasure   trove   for   over   a   century.   Do   you   mean   to   say   there   is   also   a   symbolic   significance   to   the   treasure   trove?”

“Of   course,   the   treasure   trove   has   its   own   symbolic   significance”   replied   King   Dimitri   smilingly.   “There   is   a   treasure   trove   in   everyone’s   heart   which   is   equal   in   value,   but   unfortunately   most   people   do   not   know   how   to   mine   and   develop   it.   They   did   not   know   they   were   naturally   equipped   with   two   keys   to   open   their   treasure   trove   which   came   with   them   at   birth.   They   are   imagination   and   creativity.   The   symbolic   significance   of   the   treasure   trove   is   wisdom.”

“Oh,   so   that’s   how   things   stand!”   exclaimed   everyone   around   King   Dimitri,   but   from   the   tone   of   their   voice   and   the   expressions   on   their   faces,   he   could   surmise   that   they   did   not   really   understand   the   profound   meaning   of   his   words.   Holding   up   his   cup   of   wine,   he   again   urged   everyone   to   drink   up.

The   crimson   rays   of   the   setting   sun   shone   on   King   Dimitri   and   its   remnant   heat   brought   to   his   body   a   feeling   of   warmth   and   comfort.   Dimitri   saw   before   him   a   spread   of   crimson   light   and   heard   a   sweet   voice   in   his   ear   saying,   “Hi   King   Dimitri.   Is   your   majesty   awake   now?”   Opening   his   eyes   he   saw   that   his   right   hand   was   stretched   high   in   the   air   as   if   holding   a   cup,   but   there   was   nothing   in   his   hand   at   all.   He   remembered   that   in   his   dream   he   was   holding   up   his   cup   of   wine,   urging   everyone   to   drink   more   of   the   hundred   flower   wine.   He   saw   that   his   two   loyal   servants   and   also   his   closest   friends   Imagination   and   Creativity   were   smiling   and   looking   at   him.   Feeling   embarrassed,   he   put   down   his   right   hand   and   said,

“Oh,   I   just   had   a   wonderful   dream   that   I   was   drinking   with   my   friends   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.   Well,   here   I   am   back   in   the   mundane   world   again…”   His   servant   Creativity,   tall   dark   and   handsome   with   a   splendid   physique   that   somewhat   resembled   Apollo,   the   sun   god,   said,

“Hi,   your   majesty.     Are   you   fully   awake   now?   Would   you   like   me   to   take   you   to   a   place   that   I   am   sure   would   capture   your   interest?”

“Really?   Where   are   you   going   to   take   me   to?     I   just   returned   from   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.   What   is   there   in   this   mundane   world   that   would   surprise   and   interest   me?”   His   other   loyal   servant,   the   beautiful   and   curvaceous   Imagination   with   two   deep   dimples   on   her   face   that   added   to   her   mysterious   allure,   said

“Your   majesty,   is   there   nothing   and   no   place   in   this   mundane   world   that   could   interest   you?”

“Of   course   there   is.     Of   course   there   is”   Dimitri   replied.   “Well   then   lead   the   way   and   I   will   follow…”   Saying   so,   he   stood   up   and   walked   away   with   his   two   loyal   servants.   Strange   to   say,   whenever   he   was   with   Imagination   and   Creativity,   Dimitri’s   eyesight   was   normal   and   he   could   see   everything   around   him.     It   was   as   if   human   eye-sight   was   made   up   by   the   combination   of   the   two.   But   when   they   left   him,   he   was   left   bereft   of   the   sense   of   sight   and   everything   before   him   became   pitch   dark   and   he   could   see   nothing   at   all.   It   was   the   end   of   the   work   day   and   the   flow   of   traffic   was   at   its   heaviest   and   the   sidewalk   was   packed   with   pedestrians.   After   walking   two   to   three   blocks,   they   came   to   a   comparatively   quiet   corner   where   the   traffic   was   not   as   badly   congested.   There   were   still   quite   a   lot   of   pedestrians   hurrying   along   but   the   sidewalks   were   not   overcrowded.   Imagination   and   Creativity   stopped   before   the   large   over-sized   exhibition   windows   of   a   studio   specializing   in   wedding   pictures.   It   was   after   hours   so   the   studio   was   closed   and   the   workers   had   locked   up   and   left.   Dimitri   stopped   to   take   a   look   at   the   brightly   lit   windows   exhibiting   two   huge   enlarged   portraits,   extremely   clear   and   lifelike   encased   in   expensive   gilded   frames.   To   Dimitri’s   surprise,   he   found   himself   looking   right   at   wedding   portrait   of   the   elegant,   graceful   and   dignified   mature   beauty   Aisha   with   her   distinguished   air   of   academic   eminence.   The   other   portrait   was   a   group   picture   of   Aisha   and   fifteen   other   beauties   all   in   their   white   wedding   gowns.   Novella   had   already   married   Mr.   O,’Brian   and   so   is   no   longer   included.   Dimitri   remembered   that   it   was   that   same   day,   or   was   it   the   day   before,   he   could   not   be   certain,   all   these   beauties   were   determined   to   marry   him   in   a   formal   church   ceremony,   but   at   the   critical   moment   he   managed   to   escape   from   the   transom   of   the   church   riding   on   his   flying   broom.   Dimitri   turned   again   to   Aisha’s   portrait   and   talked   to   it   saying,

“I   am   so   sorry.     I   am   so   sorry.   There   was   an   emergency   in   the   Kingdom   and   I   had   to   leave…I…I…I   am   sorry   I   failed   to   live   up   to   your   expectations…”   Aisha’s   portrait   seemed   to   come   to   life   and   replied,

“It’s   alright.     We   do   not   blame   you.   There   was   such   a   great   catastrophe   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   that   you   as   their   king   was   obliged   to   go   back   and   deal   with   it.   If   you   did   not   do   so   and   were   caught   up   in   inconsequential   ceremonies   with   your   numerous   beauties   you   would   not   be   the   great   king   we   all   love   and   respect.”

“…I   remember…”continued   Dimitri,   “I   remember   …that   I   have   already   formally   acknowledged   you   as   the   Queen   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.   We   are   already   husband   and   wife,   right?”   Aisha   smiled   forlornly   and   answered,

“Dreams   are   dreams   and   reality   is   reality…   If   you   and   I   are   husband   and   wife,   then   how   are   you   going   to   deal   with   the   sixteen   beauties   in   that   portrait?   Also,   there   are   still   more   beauties   remaining   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.   How   will   you   treat   them?   There   are   really   only   two   options   open   before   you   –   all   or   none.   You   either   accept   all   of   us   or   you   forswear   us   all…   This   is   for   you   to   decide.   If   you   marry   only   one   of   us   or   just   a   few   of   us,   you   could   not   possibly   pacify   the   rest   of   the   beauties...”   Dimitri’s   eyes   turned   to   the   other   group   portrait   of   Aisha   taken   with   fifteen   other   beauties.     Sixteen   beautiful   and   familiar   faces   brought   back   vividly   to   his   mind   scenes   of   the   past   from   the   time   he   got   to   know   them,   to   how   he   gradually   inducted   them   to   his   Kingdom   of   Dreams.   (See   Book   1   The   Dream-Maker).     None   of   them   could   be   parted   with   or   given   up.   Aisha   was   right   it   was   either   marry   them   all   or   leave   them   all.  

“Could   I   in   good   conscience   ask   these   gorgeous   beautiful   young   women,   beautiful   as   flowers,   all   in   their   prime   to   give   up   seeking   their   own   happiness   and   a   bright   future?   It   seems   there   is   only   one   option   left   for   me   to   take,   that   of   leaving   them   all…”   Dimitri   looked   again   at   Aisha,   whose   placid   smile   was   serene   as   ever,   but   her   eyes   were   melancholy   and   shadowed   by   sadness.   Unable   to   maintain   eye   contact   with   those   sorrowful   eyes,   he   bowed   his   head   and   said,   “Then   I   can   only   disappoint   you   all   and   fall   short   of   your   expectations.   I   had   better   go   back   to   my   life   as   a   homeless   person.   Perhaps   roaming   the   streets   all   my   life   is   my   unchangeable   destiny.     Thank   you   for   being   so   sincerely   willing   to   condescend   and   marry   a   blind   homeless   man   like   me,   but   sorry   I   am   unable   to   do   as   you   ask   and   therefore   have   to   refuse   your   kindness.     Goodbye…In   real   life   I   may   be   able   to   part   with   you   all,   but   it   would   be   impossible   for   me   to   give   up   your   love   in   my   dreams   unless   I   give   up   dreaming.     But   how   can   I   live   without   dreams?   No.     No.     No.     That’s   impossible.     So   we   can   only   meet   in   dreamland.     Goodbye…queen   of   my   dreams.     I   love   you   deeply.     I   love   all   of   you   deeply.   ..   but…goodbye…goodbye…words   are   superfluous   and   unnecessary…Goodbye…”   The   pedestrians   passing   by   saw   only   a   raggedy   homeless   man   standing   in   front   of   the   large   and   luxurious   window   of   the   studio,   stamping   his   feet   and   thumping   his   chest   as   he   sighed   and   mumbled.   The   curious   ones   stopped   to   see   what   Dimitri   would   do   next   and   soon   there   was   a   small   crowd   of   idlers   gathered   behind   him,   talking   amongst   themselves,

“Look   at   that   hobo!   He   is   mumbling   and   talking   to   the   pictures…   Is   he   crazy?”

“No,   he   is   not   crazy.   Look   at   the   pictures.   These   are   beautiful   young   women.   I   think   he   is   just   a   toad   lusting   after   swans…”

“Luckily   there   is   glass   windows   protecting   the   pictures,   or   else   that   guy   would   most   certainly   rush   up   and   kiss   the   women   in   the   pictures   one   by   one   until   the   pictures   are   wrinkled   and   creased…”

“Look!   He   is   waving   at   the   pictures.   That’s   strange.   He   must   be   crazy…”   Luckily   Dimitri’s   nomad   life   as   a   homeless   person   had   long   exposed   him   to   the   slings   and   arrows   of   outrageous   fortune,   so   he   took   everything   in   his   stride   and   was   able   to   turn   a   deaf   ear   to   the   jeers   and   mockery   of   the   crowd.   He   walked   away   from   the   studio,   turning   every   now   and   then   to   wave   goodbye   to   his   beloved   beauties   and   soon   disappeared   from   sight.   Imagination   and   Creativity   who   were   hiding   in   the   air   were   aghast   to   see   him   walk   away.   They   were   hoping   that   the   sight   of   the   beauties   in   the   portraits   would   bring   back   memories   of   the   sweet   and   happy   times   they   had   spent   together   and   King   Dimitri   would   change   his   mind   and   accept   all   of   the   beauties.     Then   they   could   all   go   back   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   live   a   perfect   life   happily   together   in   the   palace   much   larger   and   more   magnificent   than   the   old   one   that   was   burnt   in   the   fire.   Wouldn’t   that   be   great?   But   King   Dimitri   remained   firm   in   his   decision   and   walked   away…Imagination   and   Creativity   stood   stiffly   locked   in   place,   not   knowing   how   to   save   the   situation…

Dimitri   walked   alone   on   the   streets.     Everything   was   pitch   black   before   his   eyes,   with   only   the   tapping   of   his   white   cane   to   help   him   find   the   way.   It   was   not   easy,   but   his   footsteps   were   sure   and   steady.   His   loyal   servants,   Imagination   and   Creativity,   were   not   with   him.   Perhaps   they   were   stopped   by   some   brand   new   gadget   which   took   their   fancy,   or   they   had   discovered   a   fun   place   to   explore…These   two   loyal   servants   would   pop   up   suddenly   when   least   expected,   but   with   or   without   outside   help,   Dimitri   knew   that   he   must   make   his   own   way   all   by   himself.   He   believed   he   was   walking   towards   the   west   because   he   could   feel   the   remnant   heat   of   the   setting   sun   shine   on   his   body   making   him   feel   light   and   comfortable.   Fast   cars   swooshed   by   him   on   the   left   and   chaotic   human   voices   rose   and   fell   all   around   him.   A   strange   idea   suddenly   came   to   him   as   he   walked.   He   felt   that   walking   in   this   noisy   and   busy   metropolis   was   actually   not   that   much   different   from   strolling   on   the   ridges   of   the   fields   in   his   Kingdom   of   Dreams.   The   cars   rushing   by   were   just   like   the   schools   of   fishes   swimming   in   the   streams   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.   The   chaotic   human   voices   all   around   him   were   like   the   myriads   of   flowers   that   bloom   on   the   fields.   Or   you   can   say   that   the   myriads   of   flowers   that   bloom   in   the   field   are   noiseless   chaos,   while   the   human   voices   all   around   him   were   audible   silence.   “My   frame   of   mind   is   always   stable”   he   thought   “and   is   as   still   as   the   serene   waters,   therefore   quiet   or   noisy   are   all   the   same   to   me.   The   bustling   metropolis   we   see   with   our   eyes   and   the   serene   Kingdom   of   Dreams   that   is   in   our   minds   are   one   and   the   same   place   and   not   two   different   worlds   and   have   nothing   to   do   with   the   sense   of   sight.   Or   in   other   words,   walking   on   the   ridges   of   the   fields   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   is   the   same   as   walking   on   the   pavements   of   the   busy   metropolis   because   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   exists   in   the   mundane   world.   In   other   words   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   can   be   sublimated   out   of   the   mundane   world.   Dimitri   was   very   happy   and   exclaimed,   “I   finally   discovered   the   key   to   the   puzzle!   Where   I   walk   on.   Where   my   dream   is.   I   am   a   dream-maker.”   Dimitri   continued   on   his   way.   The   further   he   walked,   the   smaller   his   figure   became;   until   there   was   only   a   tiny   back   view   of   his   fast   disappearing   silhouette.   As   Queen   Aisha   once   said,   “His   retreating   figure   is   like   an   exclamation   mark,   gradually   disappearing   on   the   horizon”



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