HOT 創作馬拉松,正式起跑閃亮星─無聊種子稿件大募集

Book 2: Kingdom In the Dreams

Chapter       1       The   Butterfly

A   large   imposing   mansion,   which   took   up   an   entire   square   block,   stood   lofty   and   majestic   under   the   clear   blue   skies,   its   twin   peak   towers   seeming   to   reach   up   to   the   clouds.   The   huge,   white   marble   pillars,   extravagant   sculptures   attested   to   its   past   glory.     This   used   to   be   the   gathering   place   of   the   rich   and   famous,   where   presidents   and   senators   rubbed   shoulders   with   superstars   of   film,   music   and   sports   as   well   as   the   princes   of   finance   and   the   elite   of   society.     Now,   with   the   passage   of   time,   the   dazzling   white   pillars   have   turned   yellow   with   age   and   the   sculptures   on   the   walls   have   become   discolored   like   faded   flowers.   In   fact,   the   whole   building   looked   shabby   and   rundown,   for   it   was   now   used   as   housing   for   the   elderly   and   the   disabled   living   on   government   subsidy.

The   spacious   hall   was   crowded,   for   it   was   the   day   when   the   government   handed   out   food   to   the   needy.     The   long,   disorderly   queue   inched   along   slowly   and   Dimitri   mechanically   moved   with   the   line.     His   lifestyle   has   greatly   improved   since   he   became   blind.     He   was   given   a   small   apartment.     Though   it   comprised   of   only   one   room   and   was   a   corner   suite   with   windows   facing   the   street   on   two   sides,   he   finally   had   a   place   of   his   own   and   the   noise   from   the   streets   added   animation   to   his   quiet,   lonely   life.   Every   month,   he   received   several   hundred   dollars   in   SSI,   which   enabled   him   to   have   the   basic   necessities   of   a   simple   life.     Moving   slowly   along   amid   the   noise   and   the   crowd,   Dimitri   seemed   oblivious   of   his   surroundings,   for   he   was   again   immersed   in   a   world   of   his   own,   the   world   of   dreams.     Suddenly   an   enormous   peach   blossom   appeared   before   his   eyes,   only   to   vanish   at   the   twinkling   of   an   eye.     Dimitri   began   to   feel   impatient,   longing   for   a   cigarette   and   a   cup   of   hot   coffee   to   compensate   himself   for   the   long   wait   which   was   getting   on   his   nerves.     He   planned   to   do   just   that   as   soon   as   he   got   back   to   his   room.     This   time,   the   bag   of   food   he   brought   back   was   a   huge   chunk   of   cheese,   two   slabs   of   butter,   a   bottle   of   honey   as   well   as   powdered   milk   and   flour.

With   the   bag   of   food   in   his   arms,   Dimitri   left   the   hall,   walked   briskly   through   the   long   corridor   and   turned   left.     His   room,   #102,   was   the   last   one   of   that   wing.     He   set   his   bag   on   the   kitchen   counter   and   pulled   open   the   refrigerator   door   to   add   the   perishable   items   to   his   hoard   of   eggs,   ham   and   sausages   already   in   there.     He   was   happy   because   all   this   food   should   last   him   at   least   a   week   or   two,   which   meant   he   could   roam   freely   in   his   little   kingdom   during   that   interval   without   having   to   set   foot   outside   his   door.     Dimitri   loved   to   live   in   his   own   imaginative   realm,   unencumbered   by   irrelevant   outside   intrusion.     Now,   with   the   privacy   of   his   own   room   and   all   this   food,   he   could   live   in   a   world   of   his   own,   free   from   the   interference   of   the   mundane   world.     He   could   live   as   secluded   a   life   as   the   hermit   who   builds   a   shack   in   the   deepest   valley   of   the   mountains   in   pursuit   of   the   feat   of   longetivity.

With   a   cup   of   piping   hot   coffee   in   his   hand,   he   walked   into   the   living   room   and   sat   down   on   the   sofa   by   the   window.     He   then   lit   a   cigarette   and   enjoyed   his   smoke   in   perfect   content   and   utter   relaxation.     This   corner   suite   faced   the   street   on   two   sides,   and   the   noise   and   voices,   in   direct   contrast   to   his   quiet   life,   were   ornaments   to   his   loneliness.     Occasionally,   he   would   call   out   to   someone   he   knew   and   exchange   casual   words   or   banter.     His   simple   life   went   quietly   on,   alternating   between   sleep   and   wake.     Just   then,   that   enormous   resplendent   peach   blossom   appeared   again   before   his   eyes,   and   then   vanished   as   quickly   without   a   trace.     He   inhaled   deeply,   his   thoughts   still   on   that   fleeting   glimpse   he   had   of   the   pink   peach   blossom.     Someone   passed   by   his   room,   bouncing   a   basketball.     Dimitri   was   deep   in   thought.     What   was   the   significance   of   his   life,   now   that   he   was   blind?     Another   bout   of   bouncing   basketball.     He   suddenly   realized:   That   young   man   bouncing   the   basketball,   could   jump   up   and   throw   it   accurately   into   the   basket   from   any   angle.     That   gave   him   a   sense   of   accomplishment   and   happiness.     Actually,   the   flesh   body   was   like   a   tool,   adapt   at   playing   on   the   imagination,   with   no   specific   goal   or   significance.     But   it   ventured   into   the   depth   of   the   soul   and   continues   on   imagining,   just   like   the   young   man   bouncing   the   basketball.     That   was   Dimitri’s   favorite   pastime   and   the   significance   of   his   existence.

That   enormous   peach   blossom   flickering   in   and   out   of   his   consciousness,   now   appearing,   now   vanishing,   enticed   Dimitri’s   curiosity.     He   was   puzzled   as   to   why   that   peach   blossom   persisted   in   intruding   itself   on   his   mind   and   then   vanishing   without   a   trace.     Perhaps   it   wanted   to   lead   him   into   a   strange   new   scenario.     Why   yes!   Perhaps   that   was   material   for   weaving   another   dream!     So,   he   quickly   stubbed   out   the   cigarette   in   his   hand.     While   the   smoke   was   still   permeating   the   room,   Dimitri   had   already   arrived   in   his   dreamland.     In   his   dream,   Dimitri   turned   into   a   magnificent   butterfly,   brilliantly   stripped   and   spotted,   dancing   lightly   and   elegantly   in   the   soft   spring   breeze.     Before   him   was   no   longer   a   single   peach   blossom,   but   myriads   of   them,   forming   a   sea   of   dancing   flowers,   with   slim   figures   roaming   freely   in   their   midst.     These   were   naked   female   forms,   some   gathered   in   casual   groups   talking   and   laughing,   while   others   were   on   the   swings,   rocking   themselves   to   and   fro   to   while   away   the   lazy   spring   day.

At   the   other   end   of   the   garden   was   a   Chinese   palace   like   building,   with   glittering   encaustic   tiles   and   bright   red   pillars,   especially   eye-catching   under   the   sunlight.     The   splendor   of   the   luxurious   building   fully   manifested   the   opulence   of   the   mysterious   kingdom.     The   magnificent   butterfly,   riding   on   the   slight   spring   breeze,   flew   happily   amid   the   blooming   flowers.   “Ah!”   thought   he,   “I   am   back   again   in   this   beautiful   Kingdom.     In   the   mundane   world,   I   am   but   a   blind   man   sequestered   in   a   tiny   room,   but   in   my   dreams   I   am   a   magnificent   butterfly,   dancing   in   this   vast   array   of   dazzling   spring   colors.”     So,   the   butterfly   fluttered   freely   on   its   emblazoned   wings,   reveling   in   the   beauties   of   nature.   Sticky   shreds   of   silken   fiber,   tenaciously   attached   to   its   wings,   incapacitating   them,   alerted   it   that   something   was   amiss.     Alas,   he   had   inadvertently   been   caught   in   a   trap,   and   a   ferocious   black   spider   was   making   its   way,   closer   and   closer,   along   the   web.     Dimitri   sighed,

“How   unfortunate!     My   first   day   back   in   the   Kingdom   and   I   become   food   for   the   spider.”     Just   then,   delicate   fingers   lightly   picked   it   up   by   the   wings   and   carefully   plucked   away   the   remnant   shreds   of   web   from   its   body.     It   was   the   charming,   starry-eyed   Asian   beauty,   Yoko.     Her   ever-present   smile   made   the   dimples   in   her   cheek   more   enchanting   than   ever.     After   cleaning   away   all   remnants   of   the   spider   web,   she   let   the   butterfly   go   free,   saying,

“Ah!   You   belong   to   the   spring   and   to   the   flowers.     Go!     Go   where   you   belong.”     She   watched   as   the   magnificent   butterfly,   which   had   just   experienced   such   a   narrow   escape   from   death,   fly   into   the   depth   of   the   flowers   in   the   garden.

The   magnificent   butterfly,   so   resplendently   stripped   and   spotted,   continued   to   zigzag   its   way   leisurely   through   the   spacious   garden   until   it   came   to   a   half   opened   window.     It   flew   inside   and   settled   on   a   petal   of   an   enormous   pink   peach   blossom,   not   for   the   honey   or   to   suck   the   fragrant   flower,   but   because   tired   after   its   long   flight,   it   felt   the   need   of   a   temporary   respite.     Its   delicate   wings   could   no   longer   withstand   the   fatigue   of   lengthy   voyage.     The   peach   blossom   was   placed   in   a   silver   vase,   inlaid   with   emerald   green   jade,   intricately   sculptured   to   give   a   most   fascinatingly   life-like   portrait   of   a   beautiful   girl   in   ancient   costume.     Her   features   were   clearly   discernable   and   her   clothing,   elegant   and   sophisticated.     She   seemed   to   have   just   awakened   from   spring   slumber   one   early   morning   and   was   walking   in   the   garden,   still   immersed   in   dreamy   indolence,   languor   and   lethargy,   almost   hypnotic   to   the   viewer.

At   the   moment,   the   flower   vase   was   placed   on   the   window   sill   of   a   beautiful   large   kitchen,   where   no   speck   of   dust   could   be   seen,   and   the   hardwood   floor   shone   so   bright   and   clean   that   it   mirrored   its   surroundings.     A   naked   beauty   was   working   intently   before   a   large   chopping   board,   her   beautiful   face   flushed   with   the   bloom   of   health,   her   large   dewy   eyes   concentrated   on   the   work   at   hand.     It   was   the   gentle   Lotus.     She   was   slowly   kneading   a   piece   of   soft   dough,   forming   it   into   a   long,   uniform   roll   before   breaking   it   into   small   pieces,   each   the   same   in   size   and   weight.     She   placed   them   in   a   neat   row   before   her,   like   a   group   of   rigidly-trained   soldiers   waiting   for   her   command.     She   then   took   a   foot-long   roller   and   rolled   the   small   pieces   of   dough   into   round,   thin   wrappers,   each   the   same   in   circumference,   taking   pains   to   spray   dry   flour   onto   each   before   stacking   them   into   a   pile   so   as   to   prevent   them   from   sticking   together.     Her   every   movement   was   slow   but   orderly   and   systematic,   going   from   one   segment   to   another   strictly   according   to   plan,   with   no   wasted   motion,   all   carried   out   in   absolute   silence.     After   finishing   this   demanding   preparatory   work,   her   back   must   have   felt   tired   because   she   changed   her   position   and   sat   down   on   a   round   stool   to   rest.     How   could   her   slender,   willowy   waist   sustain   her   figure   for   so   long   a   period?     Then,   she   continued   to   work   silently   on.     Taking   up   a   wrapper,   she   put   it   into   her   left   palm,   scooped   up   some   pre-prepared   vegetable   filling   from   the   white   china   plate   and   put   it   in   the   middle   of   the   wrapper.     Dipping   her   finger   into   a   bowl   of   water,   she   wet   the   edges   of   the   wrapper   to   enable   them   to   stick   together   more   easily.     Nimble   fingers   worked   quickly   and   gently;   one   after   another   a   row   of   dumplings   emerged,   ready   to   be   steamed.     Each   tasty   morsel   artistically   shaped,   edges   standing   out   distinctly   visible.     She   was   like   a   sculptor   playing   with   unmolded   clay,   making   them   into   perfect   specimens   of   her   own   design.     Soon,   thirty   white   dumplings   were   neatly   arranged   in   the   steamer,   each   the   product   of   her   exacting   skill.

In   a   corner   of   this   luxurious   kitchen   was   a   comfortable   day-bed,   where   another   tall,   slender,   naked   beauty   lay   sound   asleep.     A   few   strands   of   blond   hair   were   scattered   on   her   voluptuous   breasts.     Her   half   curved   left   arm   reclined   on   the   pillow,   while   her   right   arm   lay   softly   on   her   abdomen.     Her   slightly   curled   right   leg   rested   on   her   left   one,   which   relaxed   lengthwise   on   the   bed.     This   Venus-like   pose   accented   the   curvaceous   rhythm   of   her   figure.     She   was   in   deep   slumber,   one   which   she   had   not   enjoyed   for   a   long   time.     Yes,   she   was   the   beautiful   poetess,   Angelica,   long   tortured   by   insomnia.     Racking   her   brains   in   pursuit   of   the   perfect   poem,   she   entrapped   herself   in   the   shackle   of   tension   and   worry.     Her   clear   blue   eyes,   full   of   intelligence,   were   readily   frightened   like   a   piece   of   pure   crystal,   beautiful   but   easily   shattered.     Just   then,   Lotus   raised   her   eyes   and   looked   at   the   sleeping   form;   a   smile   of   satisfaction   touched   her   lips   because   she   found   that   her   movements,   slow   and   methodical,   which   were   characteristic   of   her   alone,   had   the   power   to   sooth   Angelica’s   taut   nerves   and   rescue   her   from   the   abyss   of   worry   and   tension.     Angelica   loved   to   sleep   while   Lotus   busied   herself   with   her   work.     Whether   it   was   painting   in   her   brightly   lit   studio,   embroidering   in   her   fragrant   bed   chamber,   or   cooking   in   her   kitchen,   once   Angelica   concentrated   her   attention   on   Lotus’   slow   movements,   she   would   feel   a   drowsy   tiredness   overtake   her   and   would   soon   fall   asleep.     The   slow   and   methodic   movements,   natural   born   characteristics,   were   in   perfect   harmony   with   her   quiet,   gentle   nature.

Cooking   was   neither   Lotus’   duty   nor   her   daily   work.     To   her,   gourmet   cooking   was   a   passion,   so   she   threw   herself   into   it   heart   and   soul.     Treating   it   as   a   form   of   art   to   be   researched   and   practiced.     The   result   was   the   inspired   creation   of   an   original   technique,   ingenious   and   unique,   which   not   only   satisfied   her   personal   urge   of   creativity,   but   also   won   the   applause   of   the   Beauties.     Even   King   Dimitri,   the   picky   gastronomer,   was   profuse   in   his   praise.     This   greatly   encouraged   her,   strengthening   her   resolve   to   continue   improving   her   technique.     Different   materials   put   together   in   different   ways   will   produce   dishes   of   different   tastes.     She   prized   the   lessons   she   got   from   her   failures   just   as   much   as   the   joy   and   satisfaction   that   came   from   successes.     Day   after   day,   she   improved   her   cooking,   which   became   a   magical   knack   fused   in   her   heart.     The   fact   that   King   Dimitri   and   his   Beauties   loved   to   eat   the   food   and   Dim   Sum   she   so   meticulously   prepared   gave   her   additional   interest   and   impetus   to   improve   her   skill   so   that   even   the   chefs   in   the   palace   were   impressed   with   her   expertise.

The   numerous   beauties   living   in   the   mysterious   palace,   together   with   their   retinue   of   personal   attendants   and   assistants   came   to   quite   an   impressive   total.     Therefore,   a   large   staff   of   experienced   chefs   was   instituted   in   the   royal   kitchen   to   see   to   their   needs.     Aside   from   the   three   sumptuous   daily   meals,   all   kinds   of   cuisine   had   to   be   prepared   to   meet   all   the   occasions   that   might   arise.     The   kitchen   was   always   buzzing   with   activities.     When   any   of   the   beauties   had   an   urge   or   craving   for   some   special   kind   of   food,   she   needed   only   make   her   wishes   known   and   the   chefs   would   busy   themselves   filling   her   order   to   the   best   of   their   abilities   and   have   it   brought   to   her   wherever   she   was.     Their   service   was   really   impeccable.     Not   only   was   the   food   service   so   perfect,   other   needs   of   daily   life   were   just   as   well   organized,   with   special   personnel   attending   to   every   need.   In   a   word,   King   Dimitri   had   made   thorough   provisions   for   his   Beauties,   attentive   to   every   conceivable   detail   of   daily   life,   like   a   gardener   carefully   nurturing   the   tender   blossoms   in   his   garden.     To   ward   off   the   loneliness   and   boredom   of   living   in   mountains   completely   cut   off   from   the   world,   every   beauty   took   on   some   form   of   work,   the   purpose   of   which   was   to   while   away   the   inordinately   excessive   spare   time   which   could   otherwise   hang   heavy   on   their   hands.     If   the   beauties   felt   irritated   or   depressed   or   just   did   not   feel   like   doing   anything   for   no   reason   at   all,   they   could   just   stop   working   because   it   would   automatically   be   taken   care   of   by   the   palace   attendants.     Normally,   the   only   thing   that   caused   the   beauties   to   feel   depressed   was   the   absence   of   King   Dimitri,   who   tended   to   go   wandering   all   around   the   world   for   months   on   end.

Whenever   King   Dimitri   got   tired   of   wandering   and   came   back   to   his   Kingdom,   the   whole   atmosphere   changed.     Every   corner   of   the   Kingdom   was   filled   with   laughter,   music   and   jubilation.     King   Dimitri   was   a   gastronomer,   an   expert   on   the   art   of   food.   When   he   was   in   the   palace,   the   palace   attendants,   mostly   beautiful   young   girls,   were   kept   busy.     They   could   be   seen   carrying   large,   exquisitely-made   silver   plates   with   transparent   covers   to   and   fro   from   the   kitchen   to   the   palace.   He   was   also   an   epicurean,   setting   great   store   on   how   to   get   maximum   enjoyment   out   of   daily   life.     On   bright,   sunny   days,   he   would   take   to   the   calm   waters   in   his   luxurious   bark,   inspecting   the   broad   expanse   of   his   lake,   wide   as   the   sea,   inciting   a   following   of   small   native   boats   and   canoes   on   his   tail.     They   were   all   King   Dimitri’s   loyal   vassals,   who   considered   catching   sight   of   their   sovereign   a   great   glory.     Sometimes,   on   moonlit   nights,   he   would   take   a   bottle   of   good   wine   and   go   sailing   alone   in   a   small   boat,   leisurely   enjoying   nature   between   the   sky   and   the   earth.     He   would   stay   out   all   night,   causing   great   concern   among   the   beauties.     None   of   them   dared   to   sleep   early,   but   neither   did   they   complain,   for   they   not   only   loved   him,   but   also   knew   him   and   his   eccentricities   very   well.     Sometimes   when   the   mood   took   him,   King   Dimitri   would   take   them   all   on   a   riding   trip,   letting   the   noble   steeds   gallop   freely   on   the   endless   plains   as   fast   as   wind   and   lightening,   until   they   tired   of   it.   Such   a   man   was   King   Dimitri,   the   center   of   light   and   heat   which   reflected   into   every   corner   of   his   Kingdom.     When   he   was   there,   life   was   multifarious   and   full   of   interest.     But   he   was   a   vagabond   at   heart,   who   loved   to   wander   about   unhampered   by   mundane   restraints.     Therefore,   his   days   in   the   palace   attending   to   his   regal   duties   were   few   when   compared   to   his   days   of   wandering   about   the   earth.     Recently,   he   had   been   absent   for   quite   a   while,   giving   the   beauties   the   impression   that   they   lived   only   in   his   dreams.     Since   dreams,   no   matter   how   long   always   had   an   awakening,   so   long   as   a   beautiful   memory   remained,   it   would   be   sufficient   for   a   lifetime’s   reminiscence.     Just   like   a   cloud   drifting   over   the   blue   skies,   King   Dimitri   had   left   his   heart   in   his   Kingdom   of   Dreams.

The   magnificent   butterfly   that   was   resting   on   the   petal   of   the   peach   blossom   had   flown   away.     Once   its   delicate   wings   recovered   from   fatigue,   it   had   its   own   secret   nook   in   the   depth   of   the   myriad   of   blossoms   that   belonged   to   it   alone.     There   was   a   circular   vitality   in   its   beautiful   body   which   kept   reminding   it   that   spring   was   short,   that   it   should   make   the   best   possible   use   of   the   fleeting   opportunity   to   enjoy   life.     Or   perhaps   the   butterfly,   unable   to   withstand   the   increasingly   hot   and   humid   room   temperature   escaped   to   the   garden   full   of   sunlight   and   spring   breeze.     At   the   moment,   clouds   of   steam   emanated   from   the   several   bamboo   steamers,   stacked   one   upon   the   other   on   the   stove.     Released   from   the   boiling   point   of   water,   they   continued   to   permeate   the   air,   letting   out   relieved   and   gratifying   breath,   like   the   even   breathing   from   the   nose   and   mouth   of   the   sleeping   Angelica.     The   warm   and   quiet   afternoon   was   most   suitable   for   a   nap.     A   smile   appeared   on   Angelica’s   face,   her   happy   thoughts   were   like   the   willow   swaying   in   the   breeze,   flirtatious   and   capricious.

Lotus   sat   there   working   quietly   and   steadily,   every   now   and   then   casting   a   glance   at   the   steamers   on   the   stove,   assessing   whether   they   were   done   yet.     Suddenly   from   behind   the   thin   screen   of   steam   appeared   beautiful,   innocent   faces,   wreathed   in   sweet   smiles,   looking   at   her.   Seeing   it   was   the   naughty   girl   Dorna   and   her   companions,   Lotus   waved   to   them,   inviting   them   in.     The   slender   naked   forms   of   golden-haired   Mary,   Sheila,   whose   foot   had   just   recovered,   the   healthy   and   agile   native   girl   Deanna   followed   their   leader   into   the   kitchen   and   sat   around   the   kitchen   table,   with   Dorna   loudly   proclaiming   her   hunger.     Lotus   touched   her   finger   to   her   lips   and   warned,

  “Sh!     Don’t   wake   Angelica!     She   didn’t   sleep   at   all   last   night.”

“Why   not?”   asked   Dorna   mystified   “Why   does   she   turn   night   into   day   and   day   into   night?     She   doesn’t   sleep   at   night   and   naps   during   the   day.     Isn’t   that   a   waste   of   time?”

“She   was   keeping   the   new-comer   Chanelle   company.”   explained   Lotus.     “The   two   of   them   were   walking   around   the   lake   enjoying   the   moonlight   and   composing   poems.     They   didn’t   get   back   till   dawn.”

“What!”   said   Dorna,   clapping   her   hands   to   her   forehead,   “Not   go   to   sleep   at   midnight,   but   go   for   walks   and   compose   poems   by   the   lake?     Heavens!     What   are   they   thinking   of?”

“There’s   a   lot   you   don’t   understand,   Dorna.”   Lotus   said.     “Perhaps   you’ll   understand   more   after   you   eat   my   vegetable   steamed   dumplings.”   The   other   girls   laughed   at   the   artless   and   naive   Dorna.     They   were   all   seventeen   or   eighteen-year-old   girls,   like   budding   flowers   about   to   bloom.     How   could   they   clearly   comprehend   the   hidden   mysteries   of   life?

“Do   you   know   something,”   said   golden-haired   Mary.     “Chanelle   and   Angelica   look   very   much   alike.     Even   their   height   and   figures   are   identical.”

“Not   only   are   their   physical   appearances   so,”   added   the   shy   Sheila.     “They   both   have   a   natural   born   noble   disposition   and   both   are   great   at   poetry.     No   wonder   they   get   along   so   well   together.”

“Also,”   added   the   healthy   swimmer   Deanna   “it   is   said   the   new-comer   Clementine   used   to   be   a   fairy   from   heaven,   willing   to   come   down   to   earth   and   live   as   a   human.     Isn’t   that   strange?”

“Why   didn’t   you   girls   invite   Clementine   here?”   asked   Lotus.     “Since   she   got   a   flesh   body,   she   is   greatly   interested   in   human   cuisine   and   thinks   everything   is   tasty.     Perhaps   she   would   enjoy   my   dumplings.     If   any   of   you   see   her   later,   tell   her   I   invite   her   over   to   try   my   latest   concoction.”

“She   went   to   Giant   Mountain   with   Megginn   and   Romi”   said   Deanna   “to   see   how   Cyclops   is   getting   on   with   the   construction   of   the   gold   palace.     The   project   is   lagging   behind   schedule   and   they   went   to   see   how   they   could   help   this   simple-minded   giant   of   Herculean   strength,   hoping   to   have   the   palace   completed   before   King   Dimitri   returns.”

“I   heard   Aisha   is   going   to   call   a   meeting   tonight   about   this.”   added   Dorna.

“I   haven’t   seen   Aisha   all   day   today,”   Lotus   said,   looking   at   Dorna.   “Do   you   know   where   she   is?”

“Where   else   except   her   study”   pouted   Dorna.   “flipping   through   those   innumerable   books   on   her   shelves   for   a   thesis   or   report   or   something   of   the   kind?     She   is   turning   into   a   real   bookworm.     Not   only   is   she   becoming   a   bookworm,   she   is   forcing   all   of   us   to   become   bookworms   just   like   her!”     Before   she   finished   speaking,   everyone   was   bent   over   in   laughter.     Aisha   was   a   famous   scholar   and   slightly   older   than   the   rest,   so   the   job   of   supervising   the   studies   of   the   young   girls   naturally   fell   on   her.     Though   Dorna   outwardly   complained,   in   her   heart   she   had   a   great   love   and   respect   for   this   mature   woman,   who   was   both   a   mother   and   a   big   sister   to   her.

“Don’t   be   mad,   my   little   princess,”   Lotus   laughingly   said.     “It   will   affect   your   appetite   and   that’s   not   worth   it.     I’ll   go   and   get   something   for   you   all   to   eat.”

Lotus   walked   over   to   the   chopping   block   by   the   stove,   took   a   piece   of   tender   ginger   and   using   a   special   technique   quickly   chopped   it   into   very   thin   shreds.     These   she   put   into   several   small   saucers   and   poured   vinegar   over   them   as   sauce   for   her   steamed   dumplings,   which   added   greatly   to   their   flavor.     The   girls   buzzed   around,   helping   set   the   table.     Soon,   everything   was   ready   and   they   settled   around   the   chopping   block   to   enjoy   their   snack.     Lotus   was   happy   to   see   them   eating   with   such   relish.     Suddenly,   she   found   that   the   hair   of   all   four   girls   were   wet,   especially   Mary’s   long   golden   hair   falling   to   her   waist,   was   now   closely   plastered   to   her   neck   and   her   back,   making   her   look   slightly   disheveled.     So   she   asked,  

“What   have   the   four   of   you   been   up   to,   to   get   your   hair   all   wet?”

“Dorna   took   us   pearl   diving.”     Sheila   proudly   told   her.   “With   my   crippled   left   leg   I   used   to   have   trouble   walking.     Who   would   have   thought   that   now   I   am   able   to   swim   long   distances?”

“I   saw   a   large   white   fish   in   the   water,   as   big   as   a   human   being.”   Mary   said.   “The   sunlight   shining   through   the   water   on   its   dense   scales   which   covered   its   whole   body,   gave   forth   dazzling   sparks,   making   it   look   like   a   warrior   in   a   coat   of   magnificent   armor.”

“What’s   stranger   is,   it   has   two   swelling   breasts   just   like   a   woman!”   Dorna   added.     “It   swam   all   around   us   and   would   not   leave,   as   if   it   wanted   to   lead   us   somewhere.”

“It   is   said   that   that   fish   is   the   mother   of   all   living   things   in   the   water   and   it   has   been   sighted   floating   on   the   surface   of   the   lake.”     Deanna   said.     “People   respect   it   as   a   goddess   and   would   never   lay   a   finger   on   it   or   harm   it   in   any   way.     It   seemed   to   want   to   lead   us   to   the   deep   waters   at   the   heart   of   the   lake.     I   was   afraid   that   the   swimming   techniques   of   the   girls   were   not   quite   up   to   swimming   long   distances   under   water,   so   we   turned   back   half   way.     We   would   regret   it   forever   if   anything   untoward   accidentally   happened.     But   if   I   should   see   that   white   fish   again,   I   will   follow   it   to   the   deep   waters   at   the   heart   of   the   lake   and   see   what   it’s   all   about.”     Deanna   was   a   native   girl   who   grew   up   on   this   piece   of   virgin   soil,   untouched   by   civilization.     She   could   swim   like   a   fish   and   was   free   and   comfortable   in   water   as   she   was   on   land.

“I   want   to   go,   too”   cried   Dorna   rebelliously.   “I   don’t   believe   my   swimming   is   worse   than   yours!”

“Now   don’t   be   naughty!”   interrupted   Lotus.     “This   is   no   laughing   matter.     Be   careful   that   Amalia   doesn’t   smack   you   with   her   flying   broom.”  

  Amalia   looked   like   the   traditional   witch   in   fairy   tales,   but   so   far   as   her   behavior   in   Dimitri’s   Kingdom   of   Dreams   was   concerned,   she   was   really   a   kind-hearted   elder.     Her   actions   were   sometimes   so   bizarre   that   the   beauties   didn’t   quite   know   whether   to   laugh   or   cry.     But   she   was   very   protective   of   them,   and   they   willingly   came   to   be   on   intimate   terms   with   this   sinister-looking   but   kind-hearted   old   woman.     Sometimes   she   was   confused   and   silly,   but   sometimes   shrewd   and   capable   and   the   beauties   treated   her   like   their   old   grandmother.     Yoko,   the   Asian   beauty   with   a   pair   of   enticing   dimples   on   her   cheeks,   was   especially   close   to   Amalia,   who   picked   her   up   from   the   streets   after   she   was   deserted   by   her   parents,   and   practically   raised   her   from   infancy.     But   that   was   in   the   bygone   days   of   the   smoky   past.   On   hearing   Lotus’   words   Dorna   said,

“Don’t   try   to   scare   me.   Amalia   loves   me   and   would   never   lift   a   finger   to   me.     Anyway,   she   is   not   in   the   palace   at   the   moment   and   has   gone   roaming   somewhere.     When   she   comes   back,   I   will   ask   her   where   she   has   gone   and   why   she   hadn’t   taken   me   with   her.     That   will   make   her   so   repentant   that   she’ll   never   even   think   of   spanking   me.”

“OK.   OK,   my   little   princess!”   laughed   Lotus.     “Stop   talking   and   eat   more   of   these   dumplings.     After   you   have   finished,   go   and   wash   up   and   rest   for   a   while.     It’s   late   and   I   heard   Aisha   has   something   important   to   announce   tonight.”  

  The   four   girls   sat   around   the   chopping   board   and   fell   to   with   zeal.     As   Deanna   ate,   she   was   thinking,  

“I   must   swim   to   the   deep   waters   in   the   middle   of   the   lake   as   soon   as   possible   and   see   what   it’s   all   about.   If   Dorna’s   curiosity   is   not   satisfied,   the   strong-headed   girl   will   be   sure   to   set   out   by   herself.     If   anything   happens   to   her,   it   would   be   because   of   me   and   I   would   never   forgive   myself.”   Their   appetites   fully   satisfied,   the   four   girls   each   went   her   own   way.     Soon,   other   beauties   hearing   of   Lotus’   fresh   and   tasty   refreshments   came   in   twos   and   threes   following   on   each   other’s   heels   to   try   the   steaming   dumplings,   which   everyone   of   them   declared   to   be   unique   and   delicious.     Lotus,   ever   the   gracious   hostess,   talked   to   them   and   saw   to   it   that   everyone   was   served.     Soon   it   was   dusk   and   the   beauties   had   all   left.     There   were   still   three   bamboo   steamers   left   on   the   stove,   which   Lotus   kept   warming   for   Megginn,   Romi   and   Clementine   because   she   knew   that   they   would   surely   be   hungry   after   a   day   of   inspection   on   Giant   Mountain   and   would   need   a   snack.     Also,   the   ever-vigilant   Medusa,   who   flew   around   the   skies   carrying   out   her   duty   as   Guardian   of   the   Kingdom,   would   be   hungry,   too.    

Just   as   Lotus   was   clearing   away   the   tables,   a   late-coming   beauty   walked   in.     It   was   the   Asian   beauty,   Yoko,   with   eyes   full   of   a   fascinating   smile.     They   talked   while   Lotus   went   on   with   her   work   at   hand   and   Yoko   sat   down   to   try   the   vegetable   dumpling.

“Yoko,   Amalia   has   been   gone   for   quite   some   time   now,   hasn’t   she?”

“Yes,”   sighed   Yoko,   and   her   beautiful   face   clouded.     “I   told   her   time   and   again   that   she   was   getting   old   and   should   take   better   care   of   herself   and   not   go   roaming   about.     But   she   won’t   listen   to   me,   and   keeps   disappearing   for   long   periods   of   time.     It   worries   me.”

“Her   character   is   somewhat   like   King   Dimitri’s”   observed   Lotus.     “They   both   love   to   roam   around   the   world   and   don’t   like   to   settle   down   at   home.”

Similarity   in   character   may   be   caused   by   blood   relationship,   or   they   could   be   traits   directly   inherited   from   one’s   parents.     Scientists   have   not   been   able   to   come   to   any   decisive   conclusion   on   that,   but   there   was   undeniably   some   strange   bond   between   Dimitri   and   Amalia.     First   of   all,   Amalia   did   have   a   son,   who   had   been   lost   and   she   knew   nothing   of   his   present   whereabouts.     Dimitri’s   mother,   from   whom   he   had   been   separated   since   his   youth,   was   also   called   Amalia.     Of   course   these   clues   did   not   prove   anything,   but   it   had   given   rise   to   all   kinds   of   surmises   and   conjectures,   which   hung   like   a   puzzling   cloud   over   the   mysterious   palace.     No   one   was   willing   to   solve   the   puzzle,   fearing   once   things   were   out   in   the   open,   unforeseeable   changes   might   happen   that   could   wrench   the   two   long-lost   mother   and   son   apart   again.     None   of   the   beauties   wanted   that   to   happen   and   neither   King   Dimitri   nor   Amalia   were   willing   to   reopen   wounds   of   the   traumatic   past   buried   so   deeply   in   their   hearts!     So   on   the   surface   things   remained   the   same,   and   letting   sleeping   dogs   lie   seemed   to   be   the   most   expedient   of   plans.     At   this   point,   Lotus   and   Yoko   became   silent,   both   wishing   to   avoid   the   issue,   so   they   changed   the   topic   of   their   conversation   quite   naturally   to   the   meeting   that   was   being   called   that   evening.     It   was   said   Aisha   wanted   to   gather   the   beauties   together,   hoping   to   use   their   combined   intelligence   to   format   a   plausible   plan   of   action   that   would   expedite   the   completion   of   the   gold   palace,   so   it   would   be   finished   before   King   Dimitri   came   back.     That   made   his   return   to   the   Kingdom   seem   more   real   and   imminent.     This   confirmation   brought   smiles   to   the   faces   of   the   two   Asian   beauties.     Suddenly   Yoko   said,

“Do   you   know   Lotus,   while   I   was   walking   in   the   garden   at   noontime   today,   I   saved   a   gorgeous   butterfly   trapped   in   a   web   and   let   it   go.     It   almost   became   food   for   that   fierce   black   spider.”

“Well”   answered   Lotus   happily,   “There’s   a   proverb   in   China   ‘those   who   do   good   will   be   rewarded’.     Heaven   will   recompense   you   for   your   good   deed.”     What   the   two   beauties   did   not   know   was,   that   the   gorgeous   stripped   butterfly   was   actually   the   reincarnation   of   Dimitri   in   his   dreams.

                                            Chapter       Two                 Gold   Palace   and   the   Big   White   Fish

Across   from   the   palace,   separated   by   the   wide   expanse   of   crystal   clear   lake,   was   Giant   Mountain,   so   called   because   of   its   resemblance   to   a   paralyzed   giant,   stretched   horizontally   on   the   horizon.     The   pool   of   crystal   blue   water   was   crescent   shaped   and   deeply   embedded   in   the   center   of   the   mountain   ranges   like   a   new   moon,   just   showing   half   her   face   amid   the   hazy,   obscure   moonlight,   peeping   down   on   the   earth   below.     Therefore,   it   was   also   called   Star-Moon   Lake.     This   combination   of   mountain   and   water   reflects   the   complete   domain   of   King   Dimitri’s   Kingdom.     Geographically   speaking,   the   surrounding   mountains   formed   a   natural   wall,   like   an   impregnable   castle,   easy   to   defend   but   hard   to   attack.     The   only   passage   leading   to   the   outside   world   was   a   small   meandering   river   that   ultimately   converged   into   the   open   sea.     Flanked   on   both   sides   by   luscious   wild   flowers   and   tall   ancient   trees   rising   to   the   skies,   it   remained   a   covert   route   hidden   in   the   untouched   primitive   forest,   known   to   very   few.     The   local   residents,   isolated   from   and   independent   of   the   rest   of   the   world,   retained   man’s   natural   kindness.     They   were   extremely   loyal   and   supported   King   Dimitri   wholeheartedly,   striving   to   protect   this   last   piece   of   paradise   on   earth.

Dozens   of   boats   in   a   straggling   formation   plowed   through   the   crystal   clear   water,   making   their   way   towards   the   Giant   Mountain,   like   an   orderly   column   of   camels   plodding   along   on   solitude   in   the   endless   desert.     On   the   shores   of   Giant   Mountain,   pyramids   of   the   purest   gold   bricks   were   stacked   up   in   the   open   air,   to   be   used   as   construction   material   for   the   palace.     A   temporary   dock   had   been   built.     It   was   there   that   the   formation   of   boats   were   headed   for,   making   their   way   slowly.     This   only   water   route   connected   with   the   sea   was   too   narrow   for   the   bulky   freighters   to   navigate.     Therefore,   to   preserve   the   anonymity   of   the   mysterious   Kingdom,   the   task   of   bringing   the   gold   to   shore   was   given   to   the   natives,   who   were   excellent   sailors   and   knew   the   waters   thoroughly.     The   boats   were   congregated   at   the   place   where   sea   and   river   converged,   to   wait   for   the   arrival   of   merchant   vessels,   owned   solely   by   King   Dimitri.     The   gold   was   purchased   in   diverse   amounts   from   all   over   the   world   in   international   markets.     Therefore,   sometimes   only   a   dozen   or   two   boats   were   needed,   while   at   other   times   veritable   fleets   had   to   be   amassed   because   the   boats   could   not   be   overloaded   with   the   heavy   cargo   or   there   would   be   the   danger   of   overturning   and   even   loss   of   lives,   which   was   what   the   kind   and   magnanimous   King   Dimitri   was   loath   to   see   or   hear.     The   seemingly   tranquil   river   had   places   where   the   currents   were   very   swift   and   submerged   reefs   and   unseen   obstacles   were   scattered   around   the   route,   so   only   the   most   experienced   sailors   could   hope   to   navigate   unscathed.     In   the   blue   skies   of   this   mysterious   Kingdom,   nimble   helicopters,   tools   of   transportation   of   the   beauties,   could   sometimes   be   seen.     They   were   not   very   often   used,   and   the   beauties   tried   not   to   take   off   or   land   from   bases   other   than   those   inside   the   Kingdom,   to   prevent   detection   and   tracing   by   radars   of   other   countries.     King   Dimitri   did   not   want   his   privacy   infringed   upon;   neither   did   he   wish   to   interfere   with   others.     That   has   always   been   his   lifestyle.     In   a   word,   the   production   of   staple   food   and   commodities   were   enough   to   make   the   Kingdom   self-sufficient.     But   medicine   and   other   necessities   that   the   beauties,   which   came   from   highly   civilized   outside   worlds,   were   used   to,   had   to   be   imported   by   sea   and   air.     King   Dimitri   also   wanted   to   improve   the   primitive   living   standards   of   the   natives.     Therefore,   this   covert   route,   hidden   in   the   untouched   primitive   forest,   became   the   main   supply   line   of   King   Dimitri’s   Kingdom.

Dozens   of   boats   arrived   at   the   temporary   dock   of   Giant   Mountain.     After   carrying   the   gold   bricks   ashore,   the   crew   left.     From   behind   the   rocks   of   the   mountain,   a   figure   with   one   single   large   strange   eye   at   the   back   of   his   head   could   be   seen   peering   down   at   the   scene   below.     It   was   Cyclops   watching   as   the   sailors   carried   their   heavy   load   on   shore.   After   his   front   eye   was   blinded   by   the   piercing   iron   claws   of   Medusa,   Cyclops   became   extremely   sensitive   and   ashamed   of   his   deformity   and   would   not   show   himself   until   everyone   was   gone.     So   only   after   making   sure   that   the   coast   was   clear   did   he   come   out   of   hiding   and   walk   down   to   the   dock.     He   hoisted   two   heavy   gold   bricks,   one   on   each   shoulder,   and   walking   backwards   clumsily   and   laboriously   uphill   with   his   unwieldy   load,   a   task   made   more   difficult   because   he   could   rely   only   on   his   back   eye   for   sight.     But   his   bulging   muscles   showed   there   were   limitless   amounts   of   energy   stored   inside   his   body.     Perhaps   this   monotonous   physical   labor   was   one   he   liked   most.

On   the   top   of   the   mountain   was   a   huge   iron   pot   of   melting   gold,   over   a   blazing   fire.     Cyclops   put   down   the   two   heavy   gold   bricks   and   went   over   to   the   pot,   using   an   iron   stick   to   stir   the   melted   gold.     From   experience   he   knew   it   was   not   quite   ready   yet.   More   fuel   needed   to   be   added   to   the   fire   before   the   gold   would   be   fully   melted.     Opposite   to   the   iron   pot   was   a   broad   foundation   of   the   gold   palace   with   four   huge   gold   pillars   rising   to   the   skies;   making   the   barren   mountain   seem   wilder   and   more   mysterious   than   ever,   like   the   ruins   of   ancient   structure.     The   sound   of   helicopter   engines   grew   louder   and   Cyclops   saw   a   small,   exquisite   helicopter   coming   towards   Giant   Mountain   preparing   to   land.     Having   nowhere   to   hide,   he   slipped   behind   one   of   the   pillars   and   peered   out   as   Romi,   Megginn   and   Clementine,   who   had   come   to   inspect   the   construction   site,   stepped   out   of   the   craft.     Romi,   who   had   and   architectural   background,   rolled   out   the   blueprints   of   the   plans   which   she   had   drawn   according   to   ideas   and   guidelines   set   by   Clementine,   who   in   turn   based   her   dimensions   on   the   palace   of   Zeus   in   the   Seventh   Heaven   where   she   grew   up.     Only   Zeus’   palace   was   made   of   light   copper,   while   King   Dimitri’s   was   of   solid   gold.     After   making   the   rounds,   Megginn   said   to   Romi,

“I   think   we   have   sufficient   gold   here   to   build   the   palace,   but   the   speed   of   construction   is   too   slow   if   we   want   to   finish   it   before   King   Dimitri   returns.”

“That’s   to   be   expected”   replied   Romi   “if   we   rely   on   the   labor   of   only   one   man.”

“Maybe   I’ll   be   able   to   help”   said   Clementine.     “Let’s   go   and   inspect   the   width   and   depth   of   the   foundation   first.”     The   three   walked   up   the   steps   and   circled   the   foundation,   inevitably   discovering   Cyclops   behind   one   of   the   pillars.     Clementine,   who   seemed   to   know   him   called   out,               “Cyclops!     Cyclops!     Come   out.     You   don’t   need   to   hide.     We   mean   you   no   harm.”     But   Cyclops   took   to   his   heels   and   disappeared   in   the   neighboring   mountain   ranges.     “Why   is   he   so   scared   of   us?”   Clementine   asked.

“I   don’t   know”   replied   Megginn.     “I   only   know   he   is   an   old   man   who   does   not   like   to   be   with   people.”

“No”   answered   Romi.     “He   once   committed   adultery   with   the   traitor   Ileen,   one   of   King   Dimitri’s   beauties   and   caused   a   catastrophe   in   the   Kingdom,   for   which   Ileen   was   put   to   death.     King   Dimitri   at   first   meant   to   castrate   Cyclops,   but   then   pardoned   him   out   of   the   kindness   of   his   heart.     I   think   Cyclops   is   grateful,   so   he   shuns   all   female   company   and   goes   as   far   as   possible   from   the   beauties.     He   works   hard   from   morning   till   night   building   the   gold   palace   in   gratitude   to   King   Dimitri.”

“Let’s   go   back   to   the   palace”   suggested   Megginn   “and   talk   about   our   ideas   and   suggestions   at   the   meeting   Aisha   is   calling   tonight.”     The   three   of   them   walked   back   to   the   helicopter   and   got   in.  

“I   used   to   be   able   to   fly   around   the   heavens   at   will”   exclaimed   Clementine   nostalgically.     “Now   I   need   to   use   man-made   machines.     The   change   is   great   indeed.”     From   behind   the   rocks,   Cyclops   watched   as   the   helicopter   grew   smaller   and   smaller   as   it   made   its   way   towards   the   airbase   on   Twin   peaks,   his   heart   full   of   inferiority   and   regret.     Perhaps   these   were   the   moody   emotions   buried   in   the   depth   of   the   heart   of   a   widower.

The   dainty   shadow   of   the   small,   exquisite   helicopter   streaked   across   the   clear   blue   skies   and   landed   at   the   airbase   on   the   right   of   the   Twin   Peaks,   as   the   fiery   sun   gradually   sank   towards   the   west.     The   purring   of   the   helicopter   engines   attracted   the   attention   of   Aisha   who   had   been   immersed   in   her   books   and   studies.     She   raised   her   head   and   smiled   as   she   looked   towards   the   helicopter,   knowing   that   the   three   beauties,   who   had   gone   to   inspect   the   construction   site,   were   back.     Feeling   stiff   after   sitting   at   her   large,   white,   exquisitely   sculptured   and   inlaid   desk   for   an   extended   period   of   time,   she   rose   to   stretch   herself,   and   rested   her   eyes   gazing   from   across   the   wide   expanse   of   the   lake   to   the   far-off   mountains.     The   horizontal   ranges   resembled   a   paralyzed   giant,   who   had   lain   there   hopelessly   since   the   beginning   of   time,   his   muscles,   bones   and   tendons   becoming   stiff   and   rigid.     But   in   Aisha’s   eyes   they   did   not   resemble   a   prostrate   giant.     In   fact,   she   seemed   to   see   the   profile   of   a   languid,   naked   woman   lying   there   sidewise.     It   is   strange   how   the   perception   of   external,   objective   environment   can   be   influenced   by   the   sight   and   imagination   to   such   a   degree!     The   cause   and   motive   of   this   transformation   of   objective   reality   was   merely   a   feeling   of   fatigue   in   Aisha’s   tired   body!     The   interaction   of   external   objective   environment   and   internal   physical   faculties   is   really   strange   and   amazing!     At   first   Aisha   was   surprised   thinking   that   the   giant   had   come   to   life   and   turned   into   a   beautiful   woman.     She   rubbed   her   eyes   and   looked   again.     The   mountain   ranges   were   the   same   and   had   not   been   changed   in   the   slightest.

Aisha   transferred   her   roving   eyes   to   the   yet   half-finished   thesis   on   her   desk.     It   was   the   fruit   of   her   labor   of   many   days.     On   the   title   page   was   written   “On   Life   in   Matriarchal   Society”.     She   had   made   extensive   research   through   innumerable   volumes   of   anthropology   and   history,   analyzing   and   filtering   the   material,   choosing   and   using   only   those   worthy   of   reference.     Even   so,   she   did   not   base   her   thesis   only   on   subjective   opinion,   but   made   expansive,   on-the-spot   investigations,   making   detailed   and   concise   notes   of   actual   situations.     The   natives   living   in   King   Dimitri’s   Kingdom   had   adhered   to   the   style   of   life   inherited   from   their   ancestors   since   the   ancient   times.     It   was   a   form   of   social   order   centered   on   women.     This   proximity   facilitated   Aisha’s   observation   to   analyze   from   every   angle   the   social   phenomena   and   local   incidents   that   happened,   thus   culminating   in   the   production   of   a   concise,   well-documented   thesis.     In   a   word,   the   natives   practiced   polygamy,   one   woman   married   to   several   men.     When   any   girl   or   boy   reached   the   age   of   fifteen,   they   left   their   homes   and   had   the   right   to   form   their   own   family.     The   men   farmed,   hunted   and   fished,   while   their   common   wife   was   head   of   the   household,   with   absolute   power   of   judgment   and   was   loyal   to   her   mother.     Thus,   matriarchy   was   formed.     King   Dimitri   approved   of   this   way   of   life,   prompted   perhaps   by   his   own   worship   of   women.   Aisha   was   in   a   quandary   as   to   what   to   do   with   it   once   it   was   finished,   not   knowing   whether   it   was   wise   to   publish   it   in   the   outside   world.     In   recent   years,   with   the   establishment   of   King   Dimitri’s   Kingdom,   many   of   the   older   beauties   had   married   natives,   forming   a   new   nucleus,   which   was   easily   assimilated   into   the   old   ones.     Thus,   a   new   kind   of   man   was   formed,   worthy   of   research   by   anthropologists   and   ethnologists.     Once   the   thesis   was   published,   it   would   be   sure   to   attract   the   attention   of   fellow   scholars.     Waves   after   waves   of   research   teams   would   arrive,   breaking   the   tranquility   and   life-style   of   this   Kingdom,   hidden   in   mountain   ranges,   exposing   them   all   to   unwelcome   attention,   which   was   contrary   to   King   Dimitri’s   intent.     In   the   end,   Aisha   decided   it   was   better   to   put   away   her   thesis   and   temporarily   exile   it   to   her   bookcase.

Aisha   walked   out   of   her   study,   leaving   behind   her   shelves   of   books   for   the   time   being.     Coming   into   contact   with   fresh   outdoor   air   vitalized   her   and   gave   her   flesh   body   a   feeling   of   well-being.     When   her   mature,   curvaceous   body   was   exposed   to   the   grandeur   of   nature,   every   single   cell   seemed   to   be   breathing.     She   walked   to   and   fro   in   the   corridor,   enjoying   the   beauty   of   the   slowly   vanishing   sunset.     At   one   of   the   turns,   she   caught   a   glimpse   of   the   back   of   a   beauty,   whose   long   black   hair   reaching   down   to   her   ankles   was   ruffled   slightly   by   the   evening   breeze.     It   could   only   be   Stephanie,   for   no   one   else   had   that   head   of   long   black   tresses.     She   stood   there   staring   into   the   distance,   eyes   centered   hypnotically   on   the   setting   sun.     Aisha   walked   over   and   patted   her   on   the   shoulder.     Stephanie   turned   towards   her,   her   indescribably   bewitching   eyes   suggestive   of   deeply   hidden   secrets.   “What   are   you   doing   here   alone   immersed   in   thoughts?”   asked   Aisha.

“I   was   just   meditating   and   contemplating”   replied   Stephanie   smiling   slightly.     “I   seem   to   have   gone   back   to   the   past   with   a   speed   a   thousand   times   faster   than   normal.     I   went   from   past   to   present   in   only   a   flash,   but   everything   there   seemed   so   true   and   real.     The   things,   people   and   places   were   still   there   and   have   not   vanished   with   the   passing   of   time.     So   I   thought   if   the   past   was   still   there,   the   future   must   already   be   here,   only   we   have   not   experienced   it   yet.”

“You   may   be   right”   shrugged   Aisha,   “but   why   be   concerned   with   these   things?”

“I   seem   to   have   an   unfortunate   premonition...”   said   Stephanie   in   profound   melancholy,   once   again   taking   a   look   at   the   setting   sun.

“Don’t   let   it   bother   you,   Stephanie”   said   Aisha,   patting   her   on   the   shoulder.     “Think   of   something   pleasant.     Did   you   know   King   Dimitri   would   be   coming   back   in   a   day   or   two?”

“I   know.     Everyone   is   talking   about   it.     But   what   do   you   base   your   guess   on?”

“King   Dimitri’s   favorite   horse,   the   snow-white   steed   Lightning,   has   disappeared.     Everyone   thinks   he   must   have   gone   at   his   master’s   bidding.”    

“King   Dimitri   always   came   and   went   whenever   he   pleased   and   never   needed   his   horse   to   go   to   him.     Why   did   he   call   for   it   this   time?”

“We’re   all   afraid   his   eyes   might   be   bothering   him.     You   know   his   eyes   have   been   bothering   him,   don’t   you?     But   it’s   only   our   guess   and   no   one   knows   for   sure.     We’ll   know   for   certain   when   he   is   back.     Let’s   go   indoors   now.     There   will   be   a   meeting   this   evening   to   talk   about   preparations   for   welcoming   King   Dimitri.”     With   that,   the   two   beauties   walked   back   into   the   palace.     The   ruby   rays   of   the   setting   sun   reflected   on   the   crystal   clear   blue   water   of   the   lake   added   a   profusion   of   blazing   color   to   the   Kingdom.

The   story   of   Lightning,   King   Dimitri’s   favorite   horse,   was   another   legend   that   added   to   the   flavor   of   mystery   of   the   Kingdom.     Every   year,   the   natives   of   the   region   held   a   horse   race   in   the   meadows.     One   day,   seeing   a   thin   neglected   horse   at   the   market   place,   Dimitri   bought   it   for   a   very   low   price.     It   looked   common   and   mediocre,   but   he   could   see   intelligence   and   ambition   gleaming   from   its   eyes.     It   may   not   be   a   “Tsien   Li   Ma”-   a   horse   of   lightning   speed   and   tremendous   staying   power   –   but   it   certainly   had   the   ambition   of   one.     To   Dimitri,   that   was   better   than   the   real   Tsien   Li   Ma   with   no   ambition   whatsoever.     He   called   it   Lightning.     After   careful   feeding   and   exercise,   it   grew   stronger   and   stronger   and   its   luxuriant   hair   shone.     Dimitri   started   training   it   to   be   a   race   horse.     On   close   contact,   he   found   that   Lightning   was   not   only   clever,   but   also   had   high   self   esteem.     If   a   day   went   by   without   accomplishment,   he   would   refuse   all   feed.     If   a   month   went   by   without   much   improvement,   he   would   face   the   wall   and   meditate   on   his   shortcomings.     Thus,   Lightning’s   speed   became   as   swift   as   the   wind   and   lived   up   to   his   name.     Dimitri   took   it   to   the   meadows   like   a   coach,   but   soon   it   could   train   itself.     First,   it   would   stretch   and   do   warm-up   exercises   with   its   legs   and   muscles.     Then,   it   would   jog   slowly   around   the   meadow;   gradually   increasing   its   speed   until   it   was   like   a   streak   of   lightning.     Through   months   of   self   training,   it   developed   a   series   of   movements   that   formed   its   cheetah-like   running   body   into   a   streamline   in   order   to   avoid   the   pressure   of   air.     Winning   the   championship   seemed   a   sure   thing.     Unfortunately,   an   accident   happened.     Moles   had   dug   holes   in   the   ground   and   Lightning   stepped   into   one   while   he   was   flying   by.     It   fell   and   broke   its   left   hind   leg.     Lightning   knew   its   racing   days   were   over   and   grew   thinner   and   thinner   and   more   despondent   than   ever.     Its   proud   temperament   never   changed.     One   day   Dimitri   and   the   three-legged   horse   plodded   wearily   on   a   winding   mountain   trail   towards   the   radiant   bloody   beauty   of   sunset.     The   shadows   they   cast   seemed   lonelier   than   ever.     The   horse,   with   lusterless   eyes   and   dull   dry   coat   of   hair   stopped   beside   the   cliff   and   looked   longingly   at   the   vast   expanse   of   green   in   front   of   it.     It   did   that   whenever   it   passed   this   way.     It   was   his   only   hope.     It   seemed   to   always   be   thinking   of   strategies   to   beat   rivals   taller   and   stronger.     But   today,   this   was   far   from   its   thoughts.     The   bloody   sunset   from   the   far   west   attracted   it.   It   raised   its   head,   neighed   sorrowfully   and   plunged   down   into   the   ravine   below.     Dimitri   was   caught   by   surprise   and   could   do   nothings   to   prevent   it.     But   knowing   the   high-mettled   characteristics   of   his   horse   so   well,   he   had   known   this   would   happen   sooner   or   later,   but   he   didn’t   expect   it   to   be   so   soon.     Lightning’s   was   the   story   of   all   unsuccessful   heroes   who   died,   grieved   and   indignant.     There   were   all   too   many   of   them   throughout   the   ages.     Dimitri   thought   that   their   fate   and   his   were   similar,   but   Lightning   was   more   courageous   –   it   died.     The   next   morning,   Dimitri   was   astounded   by   the   familiar   neighing   of   his   favorite   horse   piercing   the   skies.     He   looked   up   and   saw   clouds   come   together   to   form   the   shape   of   a   Flying   Horse.     “Ah!     Lightning   has   come   back   to   me.     With   powerful   wings   at   his   service   he   does   not   need   his   hoofs   any   more.”

Darkness   covered   the   skies   and   the   moon   gradually   rose   in   the   east   with   all   its   magnificence,   casting   its   luminous   rays   on   the   meadows   of   the   mysterious   Kingdom.     Swarms   of   fireflies   rose   from   the   grass,   adding   life   and   vivaciousness   to   the   mysterious   meadows.     During   the   day   the   soil   had   absorbed   enormous   energy   from   the   powerful   rays   of   the   sun.     Now,   the   faded   dry   rotted   grass   lay   on   the   warm   soil,   enjoying   the   remnant   warmth   of   the   sun   and   the   caresses   of   the   glorious   moon.     There   they   lay,   placidly   basking   in   the   rays   of   the   sun   and   the   moon,   appearing   to   be   asleep,   but   not   quite   asleep;   seeming   to   be   awake   but   not   quite   awake.     There   really   was   no   definite   borderline   between   wake   and   sleep.     Even   if   there   were,   it   was   blurry   and   indistinct.     Thus,   they   quietly   reclined   there,   the   chemical   elements   concentrated   in   their   body   gradually   decomposed   and   decomposed   and   then   eventually   recomposed   and   recomposed.     Thus,   they   slept,   imperturbably   enjoying   the   remnant   warmth   of   the   sun   and   the   pacifying   embrace   of   the   moonlight;   seemingly   but   not   truly   dreaming;   appearing   to   be   but   not   really   awake.     There   really   was   no   definite   borderline   between   wake   and   dream.     Even   if   there   were,   it   was   blurry   and   indistinct.     Dream   is   the   continuation   of   real   life,   and   real   life   is   only   he   plot   of   dreams.     They   slept   quietly   on   the   warm   soil,   seemingly   but   not   quite   tipsy.     While   still   growing   in   the   soil,   they   swayed   happily   with   the   soft   spring   breeze,   greatly   pleased.     There   really   was   no   definite   borderline   between   intoxication   and   sobriety.     Their   ideology   was   so   simple;   their   only   motive   of   life   being   to   grow   and   grow   until   they   reached   their   limit,   prophesying   the   approach   of   death.     They   had   reveled   in   the   joys   of   life   and   must   now   experience   the   happiness   of   death.     Now   they   lay   on   the   warm   soil,   placidly   basking   in   the   rays   of   the   sun   and   the   moon;   appearing   to   be   but   not   quite   alive,   seemingly   but   not   really   dead.     There   really   was   no   borderline   between   life   and   death.     Even   if   there   were,   it   was   blurry   and   indistinct.     Only   those   who   had   reveled   in   the   joys   of   life   could   experience   the   happiness   of   death.     Death   is   like   an   unfathomable   black   abyss   –   the   inescapable   final   destination   of   all   life.     Like   the   demise   of   a   stellar   system,   it   leaves   a   black   hole   in   the   universe.     This   fear   influenced   all   living   creatures,   but   the   faded   dry   rotted   grass   had   overcome   this   fear   and   quietly   reclined   on   the   warm   soil.     The   chemical   elements   concentrated   in   their   bodies   gradually   decomposed   and   decomposed;   and   then   eventually   recomposed   and   recomposed.     They   have   reveled   in   the   joys   of   life   and   must   now   experience   the   happiness   of   death.     They   lay   there   serene   and   quiet.     Fireflies   rose   up   in   swarms   from   the   grass,   adding   life   and   vivaciousness   to   the   mysterious   meadows.     Ah!     They   have   resurrected,   transformed   from   dry   grass   to   living   fireflies   with   tiny,   exquisite   lanterns   on   their   tail,   flying   to   herald   news   of   their   resurrection   throughout   the   realms   of   Nature.

One   of   the   fireflies   flew   towards   the   palace,   illuminated   by   the   patches   of   light   in   the   windows.     But   in   the   Great   Hall   in   the   right   wing   of   the   palace,   there   was   a   blaze   of   light.     The   firefly   flew   in   through   an   open   window   and   saw   a   group   of   naked   beauties   gathered   around   a   table,   talking   animatedly   about   something.     The   brilliance   of   the   lights   overshadowed   the   tiny   lantern   on   its   tail,   and   the   hum   of   human   voices   rushed   at   it   like   sound   waves,   making   it   impossible   for   it   to   remain   long   in   the   room.     It   thought,   “Why   be   concerned   about   the   right   and   wrong   and   discord   of   human   beings?     Why   be   bothered   by   the   humdrum   things   of   life?     I   must   treasure   my   precious   short   life   because   it   may   be   over   by   the   coming   of   dawn.     Why   not   visit   the   lonely   blossoms   in   the   palace   garden?     They   must   be   desolate   at   the   prospect   of   withering   and   dying.     I   will   herald   news   of   resurrection.”     Decision   having   been   made,   it   flew   out   at   once   through   another   open   window   into   the   darkness   of   night.

In   the   brilliantly   lit   room,   the   beauties   called   forth   by   Aisha,   were   gathered   together   to   discuss   the   expected   event   of   King   Dimitri’s   homecoming.     Aisha   was   saying,   “King   Dimitri   has   been   gone   for   a   long   time   and   now   is   about   the   time   for   him   to   return.     Marcelena   has   been   looking   at   her   crystal   ball   and   discovered   a   man   riding   a   flying   horse   descend   from   on   high   into   the   Kingdom.     And   then   there   is   the   co-incidental   disappearance   of   Lightning,   King   Dimitri’s   favorite   horse.     So   I   think   the   man   on   he   flying   horse   must   be   King   Dimitri.”     The   active   and   vivacious   Dorna   had   gradually   grown   into   a   charming   fair   young   lady   without   knowing   it.     Under   Aisha’s   influence   she   had   become   more   quiet   and   controlled   and   looked   like   a   cultured   debutante.     But   she   still   retained   her   frank   and   straight   forward   nature.     She   said,   “When   he   comes   back   this   time,   I   will   stick   to   him   like   glue   and   see   to   it   that   he   doesn’t   steal   off   again   like   before.     Or   if   he   does   I   want   to   go   with   him.     I   am   willing   to   share   his   nomad   life   in   the   mundane   world.”     White   fairy,   with   her   snow   white   hair,   looked   like   a   pure,   unsullied   lily,   especially   endearing.    

“The   new   palace   is   supposed   to   be   finished   by   the   time   King   Dimitri   returns”   said   she.     Now   he   is   coming   back.     Will   the   gold   palace   be   finished   as   planned?     Natalie   and   I   have   composed   a   new   ballet   to   celebrate   the   completion   of   the   construction   and   plan   to   dedicate   it   to   King   Dimitri   and   perform   it   for   him.”

“To   celebrate   King   Dimitri’s   homecoming   and   the   completion   of   the   gold   palace,”   said   Samantha,   her   eyes   lighting   up   “I   have   designed   a   complete   outfit,   grand   polished   and   distinguished,   and   had   it   made   by   world-class   clothing   tailors.     It   has   been   finished   and   mailed   back   to   the   Kingdom.     When   will   the   new   palace   be   completed?”

“We   will   ask   Megginn,   Romi   and   Clementine   who   went   to   inspect   the   site   to   tell   us   about   it”   said   Aisha.

“Several   million   tons   of   gold   have   been   purchased   through   different   channels   from   all   over   the   world,”   replied   Megginn   in   her   slow   confident   and   systematic   manner.     “They   are   at   the   moment   all   piled   on   the   temporary   dock   by   the   foot   of   Giant   Mountain.     The   speed   of   construction   is   way   behind   schedule.     We   cannot   blame   Cyclops   for   this   because   however   great   his   physical   strength,   he   is   only   one   man   and   the   job   is   Herculean.”

“The   design   and   blue   print   were   drawn   up   by   me   according   to   Clementine’s   oral   instruction”   said   Romi.     “The   architecture   is   Greek.     It   is   awesome   and   august.     I   added   a   few   touches   for   ornamental   purposes   to   bring   it   more   up   to   date   and   lively.     But   the   palace   is   more   suited   to   grand   events   and   banquets   and   not   for   daily   living.     To   finish   it   before   King   Dimitri   comes   back   is   impossible   because   we   lack   experienced   metal   smiths   to   cast   the   gold.”     Everyone’s   eyes   went   to   Clementine.     She   thought   for   a   while   and   said,

“If   it   were   before,   I   could   easily   fly   back   to   heaven   and   recruit   the   necessary   metal   smiths.     But   now   that   I   have   this   flesh   body,   I   can   no   longer   fly   back   and   forth   from   heaven   to   earth   like   before,   but...”     Before   she   finished   speaking,   the   image   of   her   twin   sister,   Charmaine,   reflected   in   the   mirror   placed   on   the   table   interrupted,

“You   cannot   do   so   because   you   have   a   flesh   body.     I   do   not,   so   I   am   free   to   fly   back   and   forth   at   will.     Why   not   give   the   job   to   me?     I   will   be   able   to   take   it   up.”

“Really?     Are   you   sure?”

“Try   me”   said   Charmaine   smiling   mysteriously   and   her   image   disappeared   from   the   polished   surface   of   the   mirror,   signifying   that   the   impulsive   nymph’s   decision   had   been   initiated   into   action.     The   room   was   in   an   uproar.     Everyone   was   surprised   at   the   turn   of   events.     They   never   dreamed   of   the   novel   idea   of   recruiting   celestial   metal   smiths,   that   Clementine’s   twin   sister,   Charmaine,   would   confidently   volunteer   for   the   job,   boasting   she   could   successfully   fulfill   the   mission.     Now   that   the   wheels   were   already   in   motion,   they   could   only   sit   back   and   wait   to   see   the   results.

During   the   interval   of   waiting,   Samantha   took   out   the   beautifully   wrapped   large   paper   boxes   she   had   prepared   for   the   beauties,   each   with   a   card   indicating   its   recipient.     They   contained   the   new   outfits   she   had   specifically   designed   for   the   upcoming   occasion.     When   they   opened   the   boxes   and   saw   the   gorgeous,   custom-made   gowns,   exclamations   of   astonishment   and   delight   filled   the   room.     The   gowns   were   loose-fitting   robes   with   gold   as   their   predominant   color.     The   part   above   the   flowing,   floor-length   skirt   was   made   of   material   woven   with   pure   gold   thread,   each   with   a   unique   design   of   abstract   impressionism.     A   three   inch   wide   golden   belt   secured   the   flowing   robe,   giving   it   an   air   of   grandeur   and   steadiness,   like   the   armor   of   warriors.     But   the   material   used   on   the   skirt   and   the   broad   sleeves   was   delicate,   soft   and   light,   adding   an   ethereal   and   out-of-the-world   aura   to   the   splendor.     Each   of   the   beauties   was   equipped   with   the   same   accessories   –   gold   and   diamond   ear   rings   and   bracelets   and   necklace,   noble   and   splendid.     High-heeled   slippers   gilded   with   gold   and   edged   with   small   diamonds   completed   this   outfit,   embellishing   the   ivory   feet   they   adorned,   adding   a   degree   of   sexual   allure   to   the   magnificence.     The   beauties   were   busy   trying   on   their   new   gowns.     Although   clothes   were   not   necessary   to   cover   their   naive   and   natural   bodies   in   this   mysterious   kingdom,   and   King   Dimitri   hated   to   have   any   material   hinder   the   freedom   of   his   flesh   body,   the   love   of   dressing   up   and   enhancing   their   beauty   was   a   natural   feminine   tendency   not   to   be   denied   or   criticized.     After   they   had   tried   on   their   new   dresses,   they   helped   each   other   with   the   accessories,   complemented   each   other’s   beauty   and   exclaimed   over   the   wondrous   effect   of   this   extraordinary   outfit   and   laughter   filled   the   room.     They   were   not   exultant   and   excited   merely   because   of   their   new   clothes   and   the   imminent   completion   of   the   gold   palace,   their   main   source   of   joy   and   exuberance   was   the   news   that   King   Dimitri   would   be   coming   back   soon.     Dimitri   was   the   center   of   light   and   heat.     His   relationship   with   the   beauties   was   similar   to   that   of   the   sun   and   its   planets.     So   long   as   the   light   and   heat   of   the   sun   exists,   the   planets   of   the   solar   system   will   continue   to   revolve   around   it.     Those   near   King   Dimitri   felt   that   they   were   being   caressed   by   the   warm   sun   and   spring   breeze.

Amid   the   laughter   and   the   chatter   that   filled   the   room,   one   lone   beauty   stood   by   the   window,   her   heart   uneasy,   her   head   raised   towards   the   cloudless   sky   with   its   twinkling   stars   and   full   moon   that   lit   up   the   ground   below   to   a   brightness   similar   to   day.     Her   heart   was   with   her   twin   sister,   Charmaine.     Had   she   returned   safely   to   heaven?     What   excuse   would   she   use   to   entice   the   metal   smiths   to   some   down   to   earth   and   work   on   King   Dimitri’s   gold   palace?     Just   then,   a   heavy   fog   covered   Giant   Mountain,   through   which   blazing   flames   could   be   discerned.     Crowds   of   singing   angels   flew   down   from   the   sky   on   their   mighty   wings,   filling   the   air   with   their   heavenly,   majestic   tunes.     The   beauties,   attracted   by   this   unusual   scene,   crowded   around   the   window.     Medusa   changed   into   a   huge,   fierce,   black   bird   and   circled   the   palace,   on   guard   against   any   untoward   happenings.     In   the   heavy   fog,   the   hubbub   of   voices,   the   clangor   of   clashing   metal   and   the   melodious   and   synchronized   shouts   of   laborers   carrying   heavy   loads   of   gold   resounded   throughout   the   mountains.     The   sound   of   flapping   wings   continued   to   be   heard   as   yet   more   crowds   of   angels   descended   from   the   heavens   to   join   the   teams   already   at   work   on   building   the   gold   palace.     The   beauties   were   so   enthralled   by   the   spectacular   scene   before   them   that   they   were   speechless.     It   was   only   after   a   few   moments   that   they   came   to   and   let   out   their   breath   to   give   a   shout   of   joy.     Clementine   knew   this   was   all   Charmaine’s   doing.     Her   plan   had   succeeded!     Rushing   to   the   mirror   she   called   out   urgently,  

“Charmaine!     Charmaine!     Where   are   you?”

“Don’t   worry”   said   Charmaine’s   beautiful   image   as   it   appeared   on   the   mirror.     “I’m   back.”

“Quick!     Quick!”   said   Clementine.     “Tell   me   how   you   managed   to   get   hold   of   such   a   huge   work   force   to   come   and   work   on   King   Dimitri’s   gold   palace.”

“It’s   quite   simple   really”   said   Clementine.     “When   I   got   back   to   heaven,   I   saw   some   metal   smiths   polishing   a   copper   mirror.     I   appeared   on   its   surface   and   told   them   Father   Zeus   wanted   to   build   a   palace   on   earth,   similar   to   that   in   the   seventh   heaven;   only   the   material   was   to   be   of   solid   gold.     I   told   them   to   get   hold   of   their   comrades   and   go   down   to   earth   at   once.     They   never   doubted   for   a   minute   the   authenticity   of   my   order   and   left   to   carry   it   out.     It   was   as   simple   as   that!”

“What!”   Clementine   was   shocked   and   cried   out   in   dismay.     “You   forged   Father   Zeus’   imperial   decree   to   get   them   here?”

“Yes.”   replied   her   sister.     “Have   you   a   better   plan?”

Clementine   didn’t   know   what   to   say.     Not   realizing   the   serious   consequences   of   Charmaine’s   action,   the   beauties   crowded   around   and   praised   her   cleverness   and   quick   wit.     Charmaine   too   was   proud   of   herself,   thinking   she   had   made   a   great   contribution   to   King   Dimitri’s   Kingdom.     No   one   noticed   the   clouded   countenance   of   Clementine,   who   knew   too   well   the   jealous   nature   of   her   father,   Zeus,   who   would   be   very   angry   to   know   that   a   palace,   similar   to   his   own   had   been   built,   and   of   solid   gold   at   that,   much   more   precious   and   expensive   than   his   palace   in   the   seventh   heaven.     If   he   ever   found   out   that   it   had   been   built   by   his   own   celestial   metal   smiths   under   orders   forged   by   Charmaine,   he   would   be   furious   and   would   surely   come   down   to   earth   himself.     Then   her   secret   haven   would   be   exposed.     What   would   Father   Zeus   do   to   a   daughter   who   ran   away   from   his   palace   to   live   on   the   earth   below?     What   great   misfortune   would   this   bring   to   King   Dimitri’s   Kingdom?     Clementine   did   not   dare   to   think   more.   Charmaine   had   fulfilled   her   mission,   but   at   the   same   time   she   had   made   a   fatal   mistake.   But   what’s   done   is   done   and   could   not   be   remedied.     They   could   only   wait   for   things   to   take   their   natural   course.

Just   as   the   work   on   the   construction   site   of   Giant   Mountain   was   going   on   intensely   at   full   speed,   a   slim   solitary   figure   appeared   on   the   opposite   shore.     It   was   the   native   girl,   Deanna.   Who   was   walking   slowly   into   the   icy   water   of   the   lake?     When   the   water   reached   her   waist,   she   began   to   swim   towards   the   Giant   Mountain.     However,   her   goal   was   not   the   mountains,   but   the   deep   waters   in   the   middle   of   the   lake.     Having   grown   up   amid   these   mountains   and   lakes,   it   was   no   wonder   that   she   became   an   exceptionally   skilled   swimmer   who   thought   nothing   of   staying   in   the   water   for   two,   three   days   on   end   without   going   ashore.     When   she   was   tired,   she   would   float   to   the   surface   to   rest   or   even   take   a   short   nap.     She   was   like   a   fish   who   knew   every   nook   and   corner   of   the   lake.     But   tonight   was   not   quite   business   as   usual.     Deanna   felt   tense   because   she   was   not   just   going   for   a   casual   swim.     Here   goal   was   the   deepest   part   of   the   lake,   a   place   she   had   never   reached   before,   and   where   the   depth   might   be   beyond   normal   human   capacity.     Her   motive   was   simple:     several   times   recently   she   had   encountered   the   large   white   fish,   mother   of   all   living   things   in   the   water,   who   seemed   to   want   to   lead   her   to   the   deep   waters,   where   perhaps   secret   treasures   were   hidden.     Deanna   was   certain   the   large   fish   meant   her   no   harm   because   it   was   a   member   of   the   living   population   of   the   lake,   and   thereby   King   Dimitri’s   subject.     She   was   merely   fulfilling   her   duties   as   a   vassal.     Curiosity   fully   aroused,   she   decided   to   go   on   the   adventure   of   discovery.     Ice-cold   water   stimulated   her   skin,   increasing   the   blood   circulation   of   her   whole   body.     She   swam   on   quickly,   hoping   to   get   out   of   the   elongated   shadows   of   the   mountains   as   soon   as   possible.     In   the   darkness,   these   steep   cliffs   crowded   around   the   lake   looked   ominously   like   fierce   monsters   immersed   in   the   lake,   with   only   their   heads   showing   above   the   water.     Billions   of   years   old,   they   seemed   to   be   growing   out   of   the   bottom   of   the   lake,   lying   there   latent,   ready   to   pounce   and   swallow   Deanna.     Luckily   she   quickly   left   the   shadows   behind   her   and   swam   into   the   luminous   moonlight.     Suddenly   she   saw   not   far   away   from   her,   the   shiny   scales   of   the   large   white   fish   sparkling   under   the   silvery   moon,   like   a   regal   queen   in   a   tight-fitting   sequined   evening   gown,   her   full   breasts   a   symbol   of   her   sex.     Tail   switching,   she   led   the   way,   with   Deana   following   close   behind.     The   girl   and   the   fish   swam   towards   the   heart   of   the   lake.

The   heart   of   the   lake   was   midway   between   Giant   Mountain   and   the   palace   where   all   the   beauties   resided.     The   closer   she   got   to   it,   the   nearer   she   came   to   Giant   Mountain.     In   a   thick   fog   which   covered   the   mountain,   she   could   discern   figures   moving   busily   about   amid   the   blazing   fires   which   reddened   half   the   night   sky.     Angels   could   be   seen   flying   to   and   fro,   and   she   knew   the   construction   of   the   gold   palace   was   going   on   red-hot,   at   full   blast.     The   large   white   fish   swam   in   a   circle   around   a   spot   nearby   and   Deana   knew   that   was   the   place   to   dive   down   into   the   heart   of   the   lake.     After   raising   her   head   high   above   the   water   to   inhale   as   much   oxygen   as   her   lungs   could   hold,   she   nose-dived   into   the   water.     Her   above-average   lung   power   enabled   her   to   remain   in   the   water   longer   than   most   humans.     As   she   carefully   descended   into   the   strange   unfamiliar   underwater   world,   an   indescribable   felling   of   fear   came   over   her,   but   the   familiar   figure   of   the   large   white   fish,   always   hovering   nearby,   bolstered   her   confidence.     Unusual   rocks   of   strange   and   grotesque   sizes   and   shapes   resembled   fierce   beasts.     They   had   never   seen   the   light   of   day   as   they   were   the   products   of   huge   changes   of   the   earth’s   crust   many   millions,   nay   even   billions   of   years   ago.     They   would   have   to   wait   billions   more   years   for   the   next   huge,   earth-shaking   movement   to   raise   them   above   ground   surface.     But   then,   it   is   also   possible   that   the   movement   might   bury   them   even   deeper   into   the   water.     As   Deana   descended   slowly   and   carefully   towards   the   bottom   of   the   lake,   it   got   darker   and   darker,   and   she   instinctively   felt   she   had   come   to   a   sort   of   underwater   valley.     A   blurry   light   appeared   in   the   distance.     Just   as   she   was   about   to   go   forward   and   investigate,   the   dwindling   amount   of   air   left   in   her   lungs   warned   that   it   was   imperative   for   her   to   surface   and   inhale   or   she   would   be   in   deep   trouble.     Decisively,   she   changed   her   direction   and   slowly   ascended,   temporarily   giving   up   her   urge   of   discovery.  

  As   she   lay   there   panting   on   the   surface   of   the   lake,   waves   of   heat   originating   from   the   Giant   Mountain   hit   her   in   the   face.     The   blazing   fires   had   raised   the   temperature   of   the   area.     A   wisp   of   smoke   flew   by   overhead   and   Deana   knew   it   was   White   Fairy,   who   had   come   to   see   how   things   were   going   and   would   then   go   back   and   report   her   findings   to   the   beauties.     She   had   the   remarkable   ability   to   assume   any   shape   she   wanted,   whether   it   was   a   wisp   of   smoke,   a   gorgeous   white   lily   or   human   form.     Deana   marveled   and   envied   her,   thinking   how   wonderful   it   would   be   if   she   could   change   herself   at   will   into   a   fish.     After   resting   a   while,   Deana   again   took   a   deep   breath   and   dived   deep   into   the   water.     This   time,   she   was   more   familiar   with   the   underwater   world,   so   she   maneuvered   her   way   through   the   grotesque   monster   beasts,   careful   not   to   disturb   them.     Though   they   were   only   inanimate   rocks,   they   seemed   to   possess   inordinate   amount   of   life   and   energy.     If   they   found   out   she   was   there   to   look   for   their   treasures,   they   would   be   sure   to   pounce   on   her   and   swallow   her   whole.     She   successfully   reached   the   entrance   of   the   valley   and   found   the   large   white   fish   patiently   waiting   for   her.       Where   did   the   valley   lead   to?     Could   it   be   the   entrance   to   hell?     Following   her   guide,   she   swam   towards   the   light.     This   time,   she   saw   clearly   the   light   emanated   from   a   rock   which   looked   like   an   open   human   hand.     In   the   hand   was   an   enormous   oyster   shell   which   held   a   single   gigantic   pearl.     From   her   place   several   feet   away,   Deana   could   see   that   the   pearl   was   as   large   as   a   human   skull.     Deana,   who   had   been   roaming   these   pearl-producing   waters   at   will   all   these   years,   had   seen   all   kinds   of   pearls;   but   never   one   to   match   this   in   size   and   texture.     A   folklore   handed   down   through   centuries   in   her   tribe,   suddenly   came   to   mind.     It   was   said   that   thee   were   treasures   in   the   lake   which   originally   dropped   from   the   moon.     The   reason   why   the   moon   was   so   luminous   in   the   district   was   because   she   was   roaming   out   there   looking   for   her   lost   treasures.     But   no   one   had   ever   seen   the   treasures   or   knew   what   they   were.     Regardless   of   the   authenticity   of   this   folklore,   that   enormous   pearl   would   have   taken   longer   to   nurture   than   human   civilization   had   existed.     Just   as   Deana   reached   out   to   take   the   pearl,   the   oyster   suddenly   closed   up   and   Deana   felt   her   store   of   oxygen   dwindling   dangerously.     So   she   had   to   resurface   again.

Deana   burst   out   of   the   water   breathing   hard.     Using   her   hands,   she   wiped   away   the   water   or   perspiration   from   her   face   and   raised   her   eyes   towards   the   skies,   where   the   west-bound   moon   seemed   almost   ready   to   slip   below   the   horizon   into   the   water.     The   fog   having   rapidly   dispersed,   she   could   clearly   see   the   Giant   Mountain.     The   blazing   fire   had   died   down,   the   eastern   sky   was   brightening   and   the   last   remaining   angels   were   flapping   their   wings   preparing   to   return   to   their   heavenly   home.     Utterly   exhausted,   almost   collapsing   with   over   exertion,   Deana   lay   on   the   surface   of   the   water   to   rest.     How   swiftly   the   night   had   gone   by   she   thought,   depressed   by   the   fact   that   in   spite   of   a   dozen   or   so   trips   to   the   bottom   of   the   lake,   she   was   no   nearer   to   her   goal   of   bringing   up   the   treasure.     The   natural   barriers   were   really   formidable   and   the   route   was   too   long.     By   the   time   she   got   there,   she   had   expended   a   lot   of   energy   and   used   up   most   of   the   air   in   her   lungs.     The   narrow   underwater   valley   had   to   be   navigated   carefully   and   slowly.     In   such   deep   dark   waters,   she   must   not   collide   with   the   jutting   rocks   on   either   side   of   her,   for   the   slightest   mistake   could   be   fatal.     Whenever   she   got   near   to   the   pearl,   either   the   oyster   closed   up   or   she   needed   to   resurface   for   more   air.     After   a   dozen   or   so   attempts,   she   was   tired   and   discouraged,   but   was   always   buoyed   up   by   the   hope   that   she   could   take   that   enormous   pearl   with   her   and   place   it   in   the   newly   constructed   gold   palace,   shining   there   like   an   earth   moon,   a   natural   illuminator.     Whenever   Dimitri   gave   banquets   there,   the   hall   would   be   illuminated   by   two   moons,   one   in   the   sky   and   one   inside   the   hall,   the   two   complementing   each   other,   forming   a   mystical   and   miraculous   sight.     Thinking   so,   she   decided   not   to   give   up   that   easily,   but   to   make   a   last   try.    

While   she   was   resting,   the   large   white   fish   continued   to   hover   nearby.     It   rocked   its   back   at   her,   as   if   trying   to   communicate.     Suddenly,   an   idea   came   to   Deana’s   mind.     “Why   don’t   I   attach   myself   to   the   fish,   grab   hold   of   its   fins,   and   let   it   take   me   down   to   the   bottom   of   the   lake.”     As   an   inhabitant   of   the   waters,   it   had   been   equipped   biologically   to   live   down   in   the   deep.”     The   fish   seemed   intuitively   to   know   what   she   was   thinking   of;   both   the   girl   and   the   fish   appeared   to   have   come   to   a   tacit   understanding.     Holding   onto   the   big   white   fish,   Deana   descended   quickly   into   the   water.     This   idea   was   really   fantastic.     The   quick   agile   and   streamlined   movements   of   the   fish   quickly   brought   them   to   the   bottom   of   the   lake   and   successfully   approached   the   underwater   valley.     As   they   got   near   to   the   treasure,   Deana   saw   that   the   oyster   was   open   and   the   pearl   lay   there,   giving   forth   its   luminous   glow.     Her   heart   rate   accelerated   and   an   exhilarating   excitement   came   over   her.     The   vigilant   oyster   seemed   suspicious   when   it   felt   them   approaching   and   was   about   to   close   up   when   Deana   moved   quick   as   lightning   and   with   both   hands   snatched   the   enormous   pearl   and   hugged   it   to   her   breast.     She   had   finally   succeeded!     Heart   beating   fast,   she   felt   like   shouting   in   jubilation,   but   at   once   realize   she   was   still   under   water.     She   warned   herself   to   keep   calm   at   this   final   stage   of   her   adventure,   as   the   slightest   mistake   could   cause   irreversible   damage   to   both   herself   and   her   pearl.     Clasping   her   precious   loot   tightly   to   her   breast   with   one   hand,   she   held   onto   the   fin   of   the   fish   with   the   other.     Girl   and   fish   soon   rose   to   the   surface   of   the   water.     When   she   resurfaced   this   time,   she   found   that   the   skies   were   brightening   with   the   flush   of   dawn.     In   the   light   fog,   the   profile   of   the   gold   palace   rose   awesome   and   majestic,   its   towering   roof   could   be   seen   shimmering   in   golden   magnificence.     Deana   was   so   happy   that   the   construction   had   been   completed   in   the   space   of   a   night.     However,   she   was   too   tired   to   move   and   let   the   big   white   fish   carry   her   to   shore.     Her   eyelids   felt   so   heavy   she   could   hardly   find   the   energy   to   open   them,   but   she   could   hear   the   beauties   calling   out   their   welcome   from   the   shore.    

                        Chapter       3           Return   of   King   Dimitri

In   the   fiery   sunset,   the   young   man   came   back   from   the   ball   field,   bouncing   his   basketball.     The   clear,   crisp,   staccato   sound   of   the   bouncing   ball   passing   under   Dimitri’s   window   woke   him   from   his   reverie.     The   young   man   had   exhausted   himself   on   the   ball   field   and   now   his   elongated   shadow   accompanied   his   tired   footsteps   on   the   way   home.     But   after   a   good   night’s   sleep   and   a   sumptuous   meal,   he   would   be   re-energized   the   next   day.     Fresh   and   eager,   he   would   be   running   around   and   playing   again.     Such   energy   and   unworried   happiness   belonged   only   to   the   young,   a   trait   worthy   of   envy.     Awakened   from   his   dreams,   listening   to   the   bounce   of   the   ball,   Dimitri   thought,   “This   young   man   is   using   his   body   in   motion,   shooting   the   ball   accurately   into   the   basket   from   any   angle,   while   I   use   my   body   in   the   state   of   stillness,   venturing   into   the   innermost   recesses   of   the   mind   and   digging   for   the   treasures   buried   in   my   brains.     Although   my   body   may   seem   still   and   mobile,   my   brain   is   active.     Let   me   live   out   my   life   this   way,   pretending   I   am   a   tool   of   imagination.     Isn’t   that   a   good   life,   too?     Listening   to   the   disappearing   sound   of   the   basketball,   Dimitri   raised   his   eyes   towards   the   window.     He   still   retained   a   tiny   morsel   of   his   sight,   enabling   him   to   distinguish   between   light   and   darkness.     It   should   be   dusk   now,   he   decided.     Bowing   his   head,   he   found   the   cigarette   was   still   between   his   fingers   and   knew   that   it   had   gone   out   by   itself.     In   his   mind,   life   was   like   a   cigarette,   burning   while   it   turned   to   ashes.     Could   the   sudden   extinguishment   of   the   cigarette   mean   that   time   had   nearly   stopped   too?     No.     No   one   could   stop   the   passage   of   time,   not   even   the   almighty   God.     The   ultimate   end   of   life   was   death,   an   irrevocable   truth   no   one   could   ever   change.     He   relit   his   cigarette   and   puffed   away.     Suddenly,   his   gastromical   system   was   hit   with   a   tremendous   hunger,   like   a   long,   roaring   train   sweeping   by   on   the   straight   rails   towards   a   certain   destination.    

Driven   by   this   strong   hunger,   Dimitri   put   out   his   cigarette   in   the   ash   tray   and   slowly   made   for   the   kitchen.     His   slow   clumsy   movements   were   like   those   of   a   groggy   gray   bear   inadvertently   awakened   from   hibernation   and   wandering   aimlessly   about   the   wilderness.     Entering   the   kitchen,   Dimitri   opened   his   refrigerator   and   took   out   a   can   of   sour   dough,   which   he   proceeded   to   open   and   roll   out   on   the   kitchen   table,   separating   the   dough   into   several   lumps.     He   then   kneaded   each   of   the   lumps,   shaping   them   by   pulling   them   into   long   strips   and   rolling   them   up.     His   movements   were   necessarily   slow,   as   he   could   only   rely   on   his   sense   of   touch.     Extreme   hunger   stacked   his   gastronomical   system,   like   the   roaring   train   sweeping   by   on   straight   rails.     What   is   the   ultimate   goal   of   life?     Is   it   death?     He   dared   not   think   more.     He   worked   on   steadily   and   slowly,   his   image   from   the   back   resembling   a   large   gray   bear.     Dimitri   set   the   oven   at   approximately   425   degrees   and   turned   it   on.     The   gray   bear   accidentally   awakened   from   hibernation   worked   to   find   a   comfortable   cave.     What   did   Dimitri   work   for?     Was   it   for   the   ultimate   goal   of   life?     He   continued   with   his   work,   lining   the   rolled   up   dough   neatly   in   a   baking   pan   and   putting   it   in   the   hot   oven.     What’s   so   bad   about   using   the   tool   of   imagination?     Isn’t   it   wonderful   to   live   out   life   like   this?     Having   spent   the   whole   afternoon   cooped   up   in   his   room,   Dimitri   wanted   to   go   to   the   lobby,   where   he   might   meet   other   residents   and   while   away   some   lonely   time,   socializing   and   chatting   with   them.     He   fumbled   his   way   to   the   door,   which   he   closed   after   him,   leaving   his   extinguished   cigarette   butt   in   the   ashtray.

Dimitri   thought   of   the   ominous   news   he   heard   that   morning.     The   elderly   couple   in   the   apartment   opposite   him,   were   both   diagnosed   to   be   suffering   from   cancer.     They   were   nice,   kind   people   who   always   greeted   him   cheerily   when   he   met   them   strolling   in   the   hallway,   helping   each   other   along.     Passing   the   door   of   his   next-door   neighbor   always   brought   him   a   pang   of   remorse.     The   little   girl   who   lived   there   with   her   grandmother,   went   on   vacation   one   day   and   left   her   pets,   two   beautiful   goldfish,   with   Dimitri.   He   fed   them   every   day   but   did   not   know   he   had   to   change   the   water,   so   they   died   due   to   lack   of   oxygen.     When   she   came   back,   she   saw   her   two   beautiful   goldfish   floating   in   the   water.     They   had   died,   but   not   being   able   to   see,   Dimitri   kept   on   feeding   them   every   day.     Turning   the   corner,   he   came   to   the   apartment   of   Mrs.   Washington,   who   had   a   stroke   and   also   suffered   insomnia.     She   lies   awake   at   night   and   sleeps   during   the   day.   In   the   afternoon   she   could   often   be   heard   locking   her   door   getting   ready   for   bed.     At   dusk   she   always   drew   her   curtains   as   if   she   was   afraid   the   fiery   sunset   with   its   vivid   rays   would   disturb   her   dreams.     Cars   sped   by,   noisy   pedestrians   passed   under   her   window,   but   amid   these   chaotic   sounds   of   a   busy   downtown   area,   she   slept   like   a   baby.

Dimitri   came   to   the   lobby,   which   the   1989   earthquake   had   badly   damaged.     After   years   of   restoration,   it   had   been   completely   renovated   and   the   18th   century   style   furniture   and   decor,   with   its   grace   and   refinement,   added   an   air   of   grandeur   to   the   place.     Dimitri   took   his   seat   before   the   French   windows.     Though   he   could   not   see,   he   pictured   to   himself   the   magnificent,   multi-colored   clouds   that   must   be   covering   the   skies.     He   thought,   “Normally   at   this   time,   I   would   be   walking   leisurely   around   the   lake.     Now   my   physical   body   in   incarcerated   in   this   tiny   studio,   but   my   sentimental   heart   cannot   be   imprisoned.     The   past   years   of   wandering   will   always   tug   at   my   memory.”     The   sound   of   energetic   and   purposeful   footsteps   walking   towards   him   interrupted   his   daydreams.     A   warm   hand   patted   him   on   the   shoulder   and   said,   “Hi!     Mr.   Dimitri   Jackson?”     Though   he   could   not   see,   Dimitri’s   world   seemed   to   light   up   as   if   a   brilliant   sun   shone   on   him.     In   the   brightness,   he   seemed   to   see   a   beautiful   young   woman   with   a   mass   of   blonde   hair   talking   to   him.    

“I   am   Mary,   the   social   worker   here.     You   are   our   resident.     I   need   you   to   fill   out   a   card   about   whom   to   contact   in   case   of   emergency.     Could   you   come   to   my   office   tomorrow   morning?”  

  “Of   course,”   Dimitri   replied.     Mary   said   goodbye   and   he   could   hear   her   footsteps   going   towards   the   entrance.     Dimitri’s   imagination   was   really   uncanny,   for   he   conjured   up   the   exact   portrait   of   Mary,   the   golden-haired   young   woman,   who   was   even   then   going   through   the   doors   of   the   senior   citizen   facility.

Mary’s   spirits   always   rose   when   she   left   for   the   day,   feeling   as   uplifted   as   a   bird   freed   from   its   cage.     But   today,   she   seemed   moody,   ruminating   on   the   events   that   happened   that   day   as   she   walked.     Her   dark   grey   walking   shoes   were   deeply   creased   and   covered   with   a   light   coat   of   dust.     As   they   were   her   favorite   pair   which   she   wore   to   work   every   day,   the   leather   seemed   loose   with   constant   wear,   but   was   extremely   comfortable.     Leaving   the   senior   citizen   facility,   Mary   turned   to   the   left,   crossed   Alice   Street   and   made   for   Dimitri’s   Bakery   by   the   lake.     The   pair   of   grey   walking   shoes   sustained   the   weight   of   their   mistress   as   she   walked   on   the   sidewalk   under   the   fiery   sunset.     Having   worked   alongside   their   mistress   all   day,   they   were   as   tired   as   she   was,   but   like   two   small   boats   lined   one   behind   the   other,   they   carried   her   on   her   home-bound   voyage,   looking   forward   to   resting   again   in   their   pier.     They   had   been   working   hard   for   a   long   time   and   were   very   tired,   but   they   knew   that   the   moment   they   got   home,   their   owner   would   hastily   discard   then   at   their   resting   place   on   the   step   outside   the   door,   their   haven.     When   night   fell   and   the   moon   rose,   they   would   lie   there   quietly   in   the   disorderly   fashion   they   were   docked,   under   the   gentle   moonlight.     After   a   night’s   rest,   their   owner   would   put   them   on   again   and   take   them   on   the   way   to   work.

Mary   thought   of   how   she   was   called   into   the   manager,   Mrs.   Goodridge’s   private   office   that   morning   as   soon   as   she   arrived   for   work.     Two   well-dressed   and   presentable   young   men   were   there   waiting   for   her.     Mrs.   Goodridge   introduced   them   as   agents   from   CIA   and   FBI   respectively.     Mary   did   not   quite   catch   their   names   because   she   was   taken   aback   by   this   sudden   encounter   with   agents   of   two   of   the   largest   secret   services   of   the   country.     Their   combined   appearance   at   the   senior   citizen   apartment   building   meant   that   something   uncommon   was   afloat.     The   four   of   them   sat   around   the   conference   able   for   a   meeting.

“It   has   been   reported   to   us,”   said   the   sharp-eyed   young   CIA   agent   “that   recently   large   quantities   of   gold   have   been   bought   up   from   markets   all   around   the   world.     As   a   result,   the   gold   reserve   of   many   countries   is   at   their   lowest   level.     But   no   one   see   to   know   who   the   buyer   is,   or   where   all   this   gold   has   vanished   to.     We   at   once   investigated   the   matter,   following   all   possible   clues   to   get   to   the   bottom   of   the   mystery.     We   found   out   that   two   men,   Richard   and   Jamaz,   were   deeply   involved.     These   two   were   formerly   homeless   vagabonds   who   suddenly   rose   meteorically   to   become   president   and   vice-president   of   World   Bank.     My   sources   tell   me   these   two   men   are   deeply   implicated   in   the   vanishing   gold.”

“So   far   as   we   know”   the   other   restrained   and   cautious-looking   young   FBI   agent   continued   “Richard   and   Jamaz   frequently   communicated   with   a   person   called   Dimitri   Jackson,   who   resides   at   your   senior   citizen   apartment   building.”

“But   he   is   an   old   blind   man!”   cried   Mary,   who   couldn’t   believe   her   ears.     “How   could   he   possibly   be   involved   in   the   massive   out-flowing   of   gold   all   around   the   world?”

“Nothing   is   impossible”   replied   the   FBI   agent.     “His   blindness   may   only   be   a   blind.     We   have   arranged   for   round-the-clock   surveillance.     His   phone   is   tapped   and   his   room   is   bugged   by   minuscule   electronic   equipment   almost   invisible   to   the   naked   eye,   hidden   all   around   his   room.     His   every   movement   is   under   scrutiny.     The   moment   he   leaves   the   building,   he   will   be   followed   and   professional   agents   will   enter   his   apartment   surreptitiously   searching   for   evidence   to   ensure   that   no   stones   are   unturned.     Every   single   person   that   comes   in   contact   with   him,   no   matter   how   casually   will   be   questioned   and   investigated.     We   have   spread   out   a   wide   net   over   him   so   that   not   a   single   movement   eludes   us.”

“Your   duty”   Mrs.   Goodridge   said,   “is   to   make   a   detailed   report   daily   of   Mr.   Jackson’s   activities.     You   need   to   make   a   chart   detailing   when   he   takes   his   shower,   when   he   eats   and   when   he   goes   to   the   bathroom.     It   must   be   as   meticulous   as   possible.     We   want   everyone   he   comes   in   contact   with   to   spy   for   us.     You   will   make   a   weekly   report   to   these   two   gentlemen.”

Mary   just   couldn’t   believe   it!     How   could   this   be?     It   was   unthinkable   that   an   old   blind   vagabond   like   Dimitri   Jackson   could   be   the   brains   behind   the   vanishing   of   millions   of   tons   of   gold.     “Don’t   you   think   this   would   be   an   infringement   on   Mr.   Jackson’s   right   to   privacy?”

“We   are   only   interested   in   breaking   the   case.     Personal   rights   are   not   under   our   consideration.”

“Oh   heavens!”   thought   Mary.     “It   is   unthinkable   that   such   things   could   happen   in   this   country   that   puts   so   much   stress   on   individual   freedom!”

Under   the   fiery-red   sunset,   Mary   crossed   Alice   Street   and   continued   on   her   way,   the   two   tiny   boats   stoically   bearing   the   weight   of   her   body.     After   graduating   from   college,   Mary   decided   to   become   a   social   worker   and   serve   the   old   and   the   disabled,   heart   and   soul.     She   never   dreamed   that   she   would   be   assigned   the   abhorrent   task   of   snooping   on   a   poor,   old   blind   man.     Feeling   very   depressed,   she   cancelled   her   date   with   Paul   and   refused   Michael’s   offer   of   dinner   after   work,   her   mind   filled   with   the   image   of   Dimitri.     Why   did   the   weather-beaten   wrinkled   face   of   the   old   blind   man   with   its   mediocre   features   persist   in   cropping   up   in   her   mind,   refusing   to   leave?     She   did   not   know,   but   deeply   sympathized   with   his   unenviable   plight,   like   that   of   an   infant,   placed   in   a   glass   tube,   on   exhibition   to   anyone   who   cared   to   look.     There   was   no   privacy   to   speak   of.     Every   wall   was   like   a   mirror,   reflecting   his   every   movement,   not   leaving   out   any   detail,   big   or   small.     It   was   like   living   in   a   glass   cage.     If   she   were   placed   in   such   a   situation,   she   would   go   mad   within   three   days.     Luckily,   Dimitri   was   single,   with   no   wife   to   complicate   matters;   otherwise,   their   intimate   moments   would   become   a   live   porn   movie!     Mary   was   relieved   she   was   only   involved   as   a   neutral   bystander.     Everyone   needed   privacy.     Think   of   how   atrocious   it   would   be   to   be   a   spectacle   on   exhibition   even   during   masturbation!     Feeling   uncomfortable   and   tainted   to   even   be   connected   with   such   a   scheme,   she   ran   across   Franklin   towards   Broadway,   went   down   the   stairs   leading   to   the   BART   station   and   rushed   headlong   to   merge   into   the   after-work   passengers,   trying   to   lose   herself   in   the   crowd.     Soon   the   San   Francisco   BART   train   arrived.     She   boarded   it   and   was   swiftly   carried   towards   the   underwater   tunnel.     Mary   was   relieved   to   leave   all   her   troubles   with   the   day,   for   her   nights   were   her   own,   tranquil   and   private   in   her   own   little   room.

Dimitri   sat   in   the   hall   by   the   window.     He   could   sense   that   it   was   getting   dark   because   the   bustle   and   conversation   gradually   died   down   and   he   knew   it   was   time   for   dinner.     The   other   residents   were   going   back   to   their   apartments.     He   rose   and   felt   his   way   to   the   long   corridor,   heading   for   his   own   unit.     Taking   out   his   keys,   he   opened   the   door.     As   soon   as   he   stepped   into   his   apartment,   he   knew   that   he   was   back   again   surrounded   by   electronic   surveillance.     He   had   a   strange,   sharp   intuition   that   told   him   what   was   happening,   but   being   blind   he   was   powerless   to   resist.     His   disability   severely   curtailed   his   sphere   of   activity   and   his   movements   were   confined   to   his   small   studio.     He   had   tried   to   resist   but   to   no   avail.     Closing   the   door,   the   pungent   smell   of   smoke   and   burnt   food   came   to   his   nostrils,   reminding   him   of   the   bread   he   had   left   baking   in   the   oven.     He   fumbled   his   way   towards   the   kitchen,   turned   off   the   electric   oven,   opened   its   door   and   gingerly   took   out   the   black   bread,   which   resembled   a   burnt   log   of   a   fire-wrecked   house.     But   fortunately,   only   the   outer   crust   was   burnt.     Underneath,   the   bread   was   still   edible.     Dimitri   took   out   a   knife   and   began   to   scrape   it,   conscious   that   his   every   movement   was   being   scrutinized.     He   felt   like   an   actor   on   the   stage   hamming   it   out.     As   he   scraped,   the   black   crumbs   flew   all   over   the   countertop,   creating   a   big   mess,   like   the   mass   of   tiles   and   bricks   left   after   a   bombing.    

“Why   do   people   insist   on   settling   things   by   violence?”   he   mused.   “Actually,   everyone   has   a   time   bomb   within   him,   not   knowing   when   it   would   explode.     Increased   worry   and   tension   could   trigger   the   explosion   and   I   would   lose   all   control   of   my   senses   and   become   mad.”     He   scrapped   away   all   the   black   crumbs   and   washed   down   the   burnt   bread   with   cold   water.     He   did   not   turn   on   the   lights,   as   the   blind   had   no   need   of   artificial   lighting,   but   the   street   lights   slanted   in   through   the   windows,   shedding   its   dim   rays   into   the   room.     He   paced   round   and   round   the   room,   with   worry   and   anxiety   like   blazing   flames   consuming   his   soul.     His   heart   sank   down   like   the   planet   earth   inadvertently   let   loose   from   the   universal   gravitation,   sinking   down,   down,   down   from   the   universe   into   a   deep,   unfathomable   abyss.     Suddenly,   his   eyes   began   to   hurt   terribly.     It   was   as   if   the   sharp,   jagged   edges   of   a   glass   from   a   smooth   mirror   that   had   been   suddenly   smashed   to   pieces,   were   stabbing   viciously,   mercilessly   at   his   eyes,   hurting   him.    

“I,   Dimitri   Jackson,   am   only   a   poor   sufferer   on   this   earth,”   he   cried.     “Why   do   you,   my   flesh   body,   persist   in   torturing   me   so?     I   am   only   a   humble   sufferer.     Don’t   force   me!     Don’t   torture   me!   What   you   can   torture   is   only   my   flesh   body.     When   I   fall   asleep,   I   will   enter   my   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   where   you   are   powerless   to   follow.     The   most   high-tech   surveillance   can   only   scrutinize   the   movements   of   my   flesh   body.     Can   you   infiltrate   my   thoughts?     Can   you   follow   me   into   my   Kingdom   of   Dreams?     Impossible!     So   perhaps   now   is   the   time   for   me   to   return.”     Saying   so,   he   lay   down   on   his   bed.     He   seemed   to   have   shed   some   tears,   but   then   that   may   have   been   caused   by   the   pain   in   his   eyes.     Outside   the   windows,   the   clop,   clop   of   horse   hoofs   could   be   heard.     It   was   the   mounted   police   going   by.     “Yes.     It   is   time   to   go   back.     I   am   but   a   humble   sufferer,   always   being   persecuted   and   harassed.     Let   me   go   back   to   my   Kingdom   of   Dreams!”

Deana   climbed   wearily   up   from   the   sloping   bank   of   the   lake,   clutching   the   hard-won   trophy   wrenched   from   the   heart   of   the   lake.     Once   her   foot   touched   on   solid   ground,   she   felt   ready   to   drop,   so   overcome   with   fatigue   that   her   whole   body   felt   too   stiff   and   tired   to   move   another   step.     The   beauties   quickly   ran   forward   to   support   her   tottering   form.     Deana   managed   to   hand   the   huge   round   pearl   over   to   Aisha   and   then   collapsed   into   the   arms   of   her   companions.     Dorna   shouted   to   her   pals,   “Kojak!     Cortez!   Come   quickly!”     Almost   immediately,   the   two   fierce   tigers   that   guarded   King   Dimitri’s   throne   came   bouncing   out   from   the   back   of   the   hills.     The   beauties   helped   Deana   onto   the   broad   back   of   Cortez,   and   surrounded   by   the   beauties   they   made   their   way   to   the   palace.     Actually,   the   beauties   all   had   their   work   cut   out   for   them.     The   gold   palace   had   been   constructed,   but   the   interior   decorating,   furnishing   and   meticulous   preparation   for   the   elaborate   banquet   celebrating   the   return   of   King   Dimitri   required   their   combined   ingenuity   and   efforts.     The   numerous   details   involved   in   making   their   beloved   sovereign’s   daily   life   as   comfortable   as   possible,   so   long   ignored   during   his   prolonged   absence,   had   to   be   seen   to   again.     It   was   an   act   of   love   on   the   part   of   the   beauties,   so   they   went   about   their   duties   smiling   and   happy,   not   willing   to   leave   even   the   slightest   detail   to   the   palace   staff.     Aisha   gave   the   treasure   from   the   bottom   of   the   lake   into   the   care   of   Medusa,   who   at   once   transformed   herself   into   a   huge   bird   after   the   beauties   had   left.     She   flapped   her   powerful   wings   and   flew   across   the   wide   expanse   of   clear   blue   water   towards   the   Giant   Mountain.

Under   the   morning   sun,   the   gold   palace   seemed   more   glittering   and   dazzling   than   before.     The   animals   in   the   kingdom,   the   fish   in   the   water   and   the   birds   in   the   sky   all   seemed   to   know   their   king   was   coming   back   and   a   spirit   of   jubilance   prevailed.     The   beasts   in   the   mountains   roared   their   salutation,   the   numerous   schools   of   fishes   somersaulted   out   of   the   water   in   glee,   and   the   flocks   of   lively   birds   gaily   swarmed   about   the   skies   in   perfectly   synchronized   formations   as   if   practicing   their   welcoming   parade.     All   of   them   were   impatient   to   see   their   king   again.     When   Medusa   flew   into   Giant   Mountain,   she   was   stunned   by   the   awesome   sight.     The   gold   palace,   dazzling,   majestic   and   grandiose   was   not   less   of   a   wonder   than   the   Egyptian   pyramid   or   the   Great   Wall   of   China.     It   even   exceeded   the   Seven   Wonders   of   the   World   in   that   it   was   not   built   by   human   power,   but   by   celestial   goldsmiths   within   a   single   night.     Medusa   flew   over   the   gold   palace   several   times   to   contemplate   the   bird’s-eye   view   of   this   miracle   construction   and   then   slowly   descended   onto   the   square   before   the   palace.   There   she   saw   the   tall   and   robust   form   of   Cyclops   collecting   the   surplus   gold   bricks,   big   and   small,   scattered   inside   the   palace   and   around   the   square   and   piled   them   together.     There   was   already   a   small   pile   of   them   stacked   there.     Medusa   called   Cyclops   to   her   and   told   him   to   melt   the   gold   and   form   a   long   gold   chain   which   was   to   hang   down   from   the   top   of   the   dome   of   the   palace   hall.     At   the   other   end   would   be   attached   the   huge   pearl.     This   natural   chandelier   would   need   no   lighting   other   than   this   priceless   pearl.     Cyclops   nodded   and   left.     Medusa   looked   around   the   new   gold   palace   and   then   changed   into   a   huge   bird.     Rising   high   above   the   top   of   the   palace,   she   saw   an   endless   stream   of   boats   coming   from   the   opposite   shore,   doubtlessly   palace   employees   coming   to   furnish   and   decorate   the   gold   palace   in   preparation   for   the   return   of   King   Dimitri.     Medusa   was   suddenly   struck   with   a   strange   foreboding.     This   miracle   of   a   palace,   standing   tall   and   majestic   on   earth,   was   too   conspicuous;   and   its   one   night   construction,   too   sudden   to   be   natural.     Whatever   was   opposed   to   the   law   of   nature   and   natural   phenomenon   could   not   last   long   and   would   be   doomed   to   be   destroyed.     So,   amid   this   scene   of   jubilee,   Medusa   shivered   in   apprehension.

By   that   time,   dusk   descended.     Everything   was   in   readiness.     Aisha   ordered   Dimitri’s   luxurious   15th   century   galleon   be   brought   out   from   the   dock   and   the   beauties   boarded   it   to   set   sail   slowly   towards   Giant   Mountain.     By   that   time,   news   of   the   imminent   home-coming,   that   very   night,   of   King   Dimitri   had   spread   like   wildfire   throughout   the   populace.     Boats   and   canoes   flocked   on   the   water,   filled   to   capacity   with   loyal   subjects   there   to   welcome   their   king   home   again.     Medusa   stood   at   the   bow   of   the   vessel   with   a   large   horn   made   of   seashell   in   her   hand,   sounding   out   an   unhurried,   leisurely   warning.     Hearing   the   flowing   notes   of   her   horn   drifting   towards   them   and   seeing   King   Dimitri’s   huge   craft   emerging   from   the   dusk,   the   natives   hurriedly   turned   their   boats   towards   the   side   to   provide   leeway   for   the   royal   ship.     After   crossing   the   broad   expanse   of   water,   they   arrived   at   Giant   Mountain   and   the   beauties   went   ashore.     The   temporary   dock,   though   sturdily   constructed,   showed   signs   of   wear   and   tear,   having   sustained   the   weight   of   unloading   millions   of   tons   of   solid   gold   bricks.     But   there   was   no   time   now   to   fix   it.     They   walked   along   the   long   dock   until   they   came   to   a   huge   dragon’s   head,   so   skillfully   sculptured   that   its   awe-inspiring   eyes   and   imposing   horns   depicted   the   lofty   dignity   and   majestic   severity   of   the   dragon,   this   symbol   of   royalty.     Its   open   mouth   seemed   capable   of   sucking   in   and   holding   the   total   volume   of   water   in   the   lake   and   venting   it   out   at   will.     The   two   heavy   solid   gold   gates   built   into   the   dragon’s   mouth   opened   with   a   resounding   clang,   and   the   beauties   filed   through   them   onto   the   winding   gold   pathway   that   hugged   and   followed   the   twists   and   turns   of   the   mountain,   which   resembled   the   body   of   a   dragon.     As   the   beauties   walked   up   the   steps   that   led   to   the   top   of   the   mountain,   they   saw   that   both   sides   of   the   pathway   were   still   untended   barren   soil,   where   pieces   of   remnant   gold   bricks   were   scattered   all   over   and   lay   there   forgotten.     But   they   knew   that   soon   giant   trees   would   be   planted,   whose   entwining   branches   and   flourishing   foliage   would   bring   a   multitude   of   luxuriant   emerald   shade.     Myriads   of   flowers   glowing   with   all   hues   and   colors   of   the   spectrum   would   burst   into   blossom,   vying   to   bring   fragrance   and   variety   to   the   mountain   pathway,   which   in   no   time   would   be   flooded   by   a   sea   of   flowers.     At   the   end   of   the   path   was   a   huge   water   pool,   across   the   center   of   which   was   a   gold   bridge   in   connection   with   the   gold   pathway.     Nine   gold   dragons,   strategically   placed   in   the   pool,   sprouted   out   streams   of   water,   skillfully   mechanized   to   form   a   delicate   web   of   interlaced   water   streams   crisscrossing   above   the   bridge.     Fishes   swam   about   freely   in   the   pool,   floored   with   gold   sand.     The   water   was   led   uphill   from   the   lake   at   the   foot   of   the   mountain   through   intrinsic   designs   so   that   the   fish   were   free   to   come   and   go   at   will.     The   beauties   walked   over   the   bridge   and   stood   in   the   square,   which   commanded   a   full   view   of   the   lake   below.     The   majestic,   imposing   gold   palace   was   in   the   center   of   the   square.    

Night   had   descended,   but   the   palace   glowed   with   a   soft   fluorescent   radiance,   natural   as   the   moonlight.     It   was   the   brilliance   of   the   huge   chandelier   –   the   priceless   pearl   which   hung   down   from   the   top   of   the   dome   of   the   palace.     King   Dimitri’s   throne   was   placed   facing   the   entrance   of   the   hall,   with   twelve   chairs   on   each   side,   forming   a   semi-circle   like   a   crescent   moon.     Each   wall,   each   column   was   an   artistically   sculptured   fresco   picturing   one   phase   of   life   of   each   of   the   beauties.     On   one   wall   was   Aisha   book   in   hand,   totally   absorbed   in   her   reading,   oblivious   to   all   else.     On   another   was   the   sleeping   beauty   Angelica,   whose   enigmatic   smile   was   enticing   and   mesmerizing   as   ever.     Other   frescos   depicted   Deana   swimming   in   the   lake,   Chanelle   praying   devoutly   and   Stephanie,   deep   in   contemplation,   whose   thoughts   seemed   to   have   flown   high   into   the   clouds.     The   wall   behind   King   Dimitri’s   throne   was   dominated   by   a   picture   of   the   gallant   Medusa,   mighty   wings   outspread   as   she   soared   into   the   air,   her   dashing   form   sweeping   in   unbridled   power   and   energy   and   breath-taking   in   beauty.     The   beauties   walked   about   looking   for   their   own   portraits,   exclaiming   over   the   original   design   and   elaborate   workmanship   of   the   place.   Then   they   went   out   onto   the   square.     The   new   moon   had   risen   and   twinkling   stars   were   scattered   all   over   the   sky.     Aisha   prayed   silently   for   the   safe   return   of   King   Dimitri.

Millions   of   glittering   crystal   stars   spread   out   over   the   endless   time   and   space   of   the   universe.     Each   of   these   sparkling   gems   was   like   a   beautiful   flower   blooming   in   God’s   garden   of   night.     The   planet   earth,   where   we   live,   is   one   of   these   wondrous   floras.     Billions   of   years   ago,   God   took   a   small   burning   matter   from   his   blazing   furnace,   the   sun,   and   set   it   into   the   orbit   of   the   universe   to   rotate   naturally;   like   an   old   man   taking   a   burning   coal   from   his   fireplace   and   putting   it   into   his   hand-warming   portable   stove.     After   the   earth   was   separated   from   the   sun,   it   had   to   cool   off   for   an   extremely   long   period   of   time   before   the   fire   on   its   surface   died   down,   raising   the   temperature   around   it   to   such   extreme   heights   that   the   air   turned   to   steam.     As   the   earth   cooled,   the   steam   condensed   to   rain,   which   falling   down   onto   the   hollow   concaves   on   the   surface   of   the   earth   became   seas   and   oceans.     Thus   a   beautiful   planet   came   into   being.     But   without   life,   it   was   too   lonely   a   place,   so   God   gathered   together   the   natural   elements   of   the   earth   which   already   existed   there,   and   put   them   in   an   environment   suitable   for   their   existence   and   growth.     Gradually,   the   most   primitive   unicellular   amoeba   was   born.     This   unicellular   amoeba   proliferated   and   gradually   developed   and   metamorphosed   to   become   many   different   varieties   and   species   of   organisms.     According   to   God’s   will,   one   of   these   organisms   developed   along   a   special   route,   and   after   a   long,   long   process   became   a   being   in   God’s   image   and   likeness.   The   evolution   of   the   human   race   proceeded   according   to   God’s   will   and   produced   this   specially   blessed   species   called   Man.     God   made   man   and   man   created   a   brilliant   civilization,   which   is   progressing   in   such   leaps   and   bounds   that   it   surpassed   God’s   original   assessment   and   surprised   even   its   Creator.     This   civilization   has   developed   with   such   vigor   and   speed   that   it   is   fast   becoming   uncontrollable.     Would   it   bring   to   the   world   a   hitherto   unheard   of   prosperity   and   supreme   way   of   life,   or   could   it   become   its   destruction?     It   is   hard   to   foretell   yet   what   our   planet   will   become.     Many   concerned   persons   worry   about   it   night   and   day,   but   for   the   moment   at   least,   our   planet   is   still   giving   forth   a   lovely   sapphire-like   glow.     It   is   still   one   of   the   most   dazzling   gems   in   God’s   garden   of   night.     Even   the   myriads   of   stars   in   the   sky   seem   to   know   that   King   Dimitri   would   soon   be   returning   to   his   Kingdom.

When   night   took   the   place   of   day,   covering   the   earth   with   its   wings   of   darkness,   millions   of   sparkling   stars   seemed   to   come   to   life   again.     Far   and   near   they   twinkled   merrily,   revealing   to   all   the   width   and   depth   of   the   universe.     The   beauties   and   all   King   Dimitri’s   subjects   stood   looking   up   at   the   skies.     They   could   feel   the   solemn   grandeur   of   the   universe,   awesome   in   its   eternal   silence   and   limitless   expanse,   impressing   on   all   the   minuteness   of   their   “self”   in   comparison.     Everyone   was   looking   up   breathlessly   as   if   waiting   for   a   miracle,   while   stars   from   on   high   looked   down   on   the   mysterious   kingdom.     Suddenly,   a   thundering   sound   seemed   to   explode   in   everyone’s   mind,   as   a   group   of   dazzling   meteors   flared   up   in   the   sky,   so   much   like   the   fireworks   in   the   world   of   mortals.     Actually,   the   noise   was   purely   illusional   because   noise   and   fireworks   were   associated   together   in   man’s   minds.   After   that,   clusters   of   falling   stars   burst   out   soundlessly   one   after   the   other   over   the   dark   skies.     Joyful   fireworks   were   used   by   man   to   celebrate   festivals.     What   were   these   falling   stars   meant   to   signify?     Were   they   omens   of   a   great   festive   event   about   to   take   place?     Yes,   indeed!     They   were   the   heavenly   omens   of   joy   and   festivity.     Hosts   of   meteors   erupted   and   flashed,   rising   and   falling   soundlessly   in   the   velvet   curtain   of   the   night.     Their   brilliance   and   color   emblazed   the   dark   skies.     Just   as   everyone   was   surprised   and   shaken   by   this   unusual   but   silent   display,   the   high   indomitable   neighing   of   a   fast-approaching   horse   pierced   the   silence   of   the   night.     Soon,   King   Dimitri   appeared   in   the   clouds,   mounted   on   his   favorite   steed,   Lightning.   The   brilliantly   radiant   background   of   falling   stars   and   dark   blue   sky   lighted   up   his   countenance,   solemn   and   divine.     His   noble   steed,   powerful   and   snorting,   was   obviously   proud   for   having   carried   his   master   and   savior   safely   back   from   the   mundane   world.     Powerful   wings   flapping,   he   descended   quiescently   from   the   clouds   onto   the   square   on   the   top   of   Giant   Mountain.     King   Dimitri   dismounted.     Although   tired   and   dusty   from   his   long   journey,   he   was   smiling;   but   the   smile   could   not   hide   the   desolation   of   his   spirits.     He   held   out   his   arms   and   the   beauties   came   rushing   to   throw   themselves   into   his   embrace.   He   held   them   and   kissed   them   one   by   one,   and   then   turned   towards   the   lake,   holding   up   both   his   arms   to   acknowledge   his   people.     Shouts   of   joy   resounded   over   the   water   and   thousands   of   boats   and   canoes   paddled   towards   Giant   Mountain.     Leading   his   beauties,   King   Dimitri   walked   towards   gold   palace.

After   King   Dimitri   settled   himself   on   his   throne,   the   beauties   took   their   places   on   the   chairs   flanking   out   on   both   sides.     Three   chairs   were   left   empty.     One   was   that   of   the   beauteous   but   viperous   Aileen.     Her   seat   had   been   empty   ever   since   she   was   put   to   death   by   King   Dimitri   for   her   inexcusable,   traitorous   behavior   caused   by   her   rapacious   greed.     Another   was   left   empty   for   the   slightly   plump,   middle-aged   Italian   woman,   Marianna.     Although   she   had   never   been   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   King   Dimitri   kept   the   seat   empty   in   memory   of   her.     The   third   one   was   for   the   heavenly   nymph   Charmaine,   the   twin   sister   of   Clementine.     Having   no   body   and   no   substance,   she   was   invisible   to   the   human   eye,   but   she   really   existed,   so   she   had   a   seat,   too.     By   this   time   the   owners   of   the   boats   and   canoes   had   reached   the   shore,   hastily   disembarked   and   were   surging   towards   the   huge,   awe-inspiring   gold   dragon’s   head   to   pass   through   its   open   mouth   –   the   entrance   to   Giant   Mountain.     They   came   mainly   to   welcome   King   Dimitri   home,   but   also   to   satisfy   their   curiosity   and   see   with   their   own   eyes   the   majestic   gold   palace   that   had   been   built   overnight.     Filing   through   the   winding   gold   pathway,   they   climbed   up   the   steps   that   led   to   the   top   of   the   mountain,   crossed   the   gold   bridge   over   the   pool,   floored   with   gold   sand   and   gathered   on   the   square   before   the   palace.     Their   numbers   swelled   to   such   that   it   was   impossible   for   all   of   them   to   go   inside   and   pay   their   respects   to   their   sovereign,   so   they   sent   their   tribal   chiefs   and   heads   of   clans   as   their   representative.   Inside   the   palace,   the   huge   priceless   pearl,   hanging   down   from   the   top   of   the   dome,   gave   forth   a   soft   fluorescent   radiance,   natural   as   the   moonlight   outside,   both   glowing   with   a   pale,   obscure   and   mysterious   beauty.

King   Dimitri   sat   sedately   on   his   throne.     In   the   luminous   light,   crowds   of   people   could   be   seen   moving   about   both   in   and   out   of   the   palace.     Like   the   surging   of   waves   at   high   tide,   a   new   group   came   up   as   the   one   before   them   receded.     When   they   knelt   down   before   the   throne,   bowing   low   to   show   their   respect,   King   Dimitri   merely   nodded   slightly   in   acknowledgement,   but   the   beauties   stood   up   to   accept   their   allegiance   and   then   left   their   seats   to   courteously   help   them   up,   as   a   mark   of   respect   on   King   Dimitri’s   part   towards   the   chiefs   and   heads   of   his   people.     Group   after   group   paid   their   respects   as   King   Dimitri   sat   on   his   throne   accepting   their   most   respectful   and   ceremonious   obeisance.     After   the   last   of   them   had   left,   King   Dimitri   led   the   beauties   up   the   gold   stairs   leading   to   the   rooftop   garden.     Every   step   of   the   stairs   generated   a   melodious   note,   like   the   keys   of   a   piano,   the   only   difference   being   the   piano   keys   were   horizontal,   while   the   stairs   were   vertical.     Their   diverse   footsteps   were   disorderly,   but   the   stairs   pulsated   with   a   melody   that   was   rich   and   grandiose,   like   the   vibrant   music   created   by   the   nimble   fingers   of   a   concert   pianist.     When   the   music   stopped,   Dimitri   and   the   beauties   had   reached   the   rooftop   garden,   where   a   sumptuous   feast   had   already   been   spread.     King   Dimitri   took   his   place   at   the   center   of   the   oblong   table   facing   the   square,   while   the   beauties   sat   on   both   sides   of   him.     The   dinner   set   was   of   solid   gold,   polished   and   exquisite.     Made   from   the   most   precious   of   metals,   these   heavy   utensils   that   would   have   dazzled   and   shone   under   the   sun   now   glistened   with   elitist   superiority   under   the   moonlight.     Before   King   Dimitri   was   a   gold   goblet,   filled   with   a   blood-red   wine.     Looking   down   at   the   square,   filled   to   capacity   with   his   loyal   subjects,   King   Dimitri   stood   up,   raised   his   goblet   in   salute   and   drank   it   in   a   quaff.     A   roar   of   appreciative   applause   and   shouts   of   joy   resounded   in   the   square   in   response.     Campfire   were   lit   on   the   squares   and   dotted   the   surrounding   hills,   valleys   and   lakeside,   numerous   as   the   stars   in   the   skies.     People   gathered   in   groups   around   the   fire,   singing   and   dancing.     Warriors   beat   a   splendid   military   tattoo   on   their   drums   made   of   animal   skin,   while   others   danced   exultantly,   twisting   and   turning   to   the   stimulating   beat.     Bow   in   hand,   they   would   sometimes   pull   the   empty   strings   in   unison,   giving   forth   a   monotonous   but   rhythmatic   twang.     Some   of   them   went   to   the   pool   floored   with   gold   sand   with   pails   in   their   hands   to   get   some   water   to   drink,   only   to   find   it   full   of   the   most   delicious   wine   made   by   Easter   Lily   from   the   nectar   of   a   hundred   flowers.     The   wine   was   mild   and   not   used   for   intoxication,   giving   the   body   a   feeling   of   comfort   and   relaxation.     Meat   and   food   were   piled   high   for   the   people   to   cook   over   their   campfires.     A   whole-night   celebration   banquet,   encompassing   the   entire   kingdom,   began.

But   the   atmosphere   of   the   banquet   of   King   Dimitri   and   the   beauties   on   the   rooftop   garden   was   not   as   jubilant   as   that   of   the   people   in   the   square   below.     Although   course   after   course   of   rare   delicacies   were   served   one   after   the   other   and   King   Dimitri   ate   and   occasionally   raised   his   goblet   to   toast   the   beauties   as   if   in   afterthought,   they   could   all   see   he   was   troubled,   his   facial   expression   deeply   sorrowful.     They   could   not   understand   why   King   Dimitri   was   not   as   happy   and   cheerful   as   he   normally   was   when   he   returned   from   his   wanderings.     He   used   to   be   so   high-spirited   and   would   talk   and   joke   with   them   over   the   banquet,   telling   them   stories   of   his   adventures,   comical   incidents,   strange   customs   and   people   he   had   encountered   as   he   roamed   all   around   the   world.     They   would   be   so   entranced   by   his   fascinating   narrations   that   they   felt   as   though   they   physically   experienced   once   more   his   daring   adventures.     But   this   time,   King   Dimitri   seemed   so   sad   and   troubled   that   the   beauties   dared   not   talk   too   loud   for   fear   they   might   obtrude   upon   his   brooding   reverie.     Nevertheless,   they   were   relieved   that   he   had   at   last   returned,   seemingly   in   good   health,   his   eyesight   none   the   worse   for   his   travels.     The   beauties   sat   there,   silently   enjoying   the   food   and   talking   softly   among   themselves   in   fits   and   starts.     Silence   reigned   over   the   table   most   of   the   time.     Under   the   moonlight,   the   glamour   of   their   beauty,   the   stylishness   of   their   carriage   and   demeanor   seemed   as   dazzling   as   ever   as   they   sat   in   company   of   their   lord   and   master.     Raising   his   head,   King   Dimitri   looked   at   the   full   moon   overhead.     Then   his   gaze   went   to   the   beauties   surrounding   him,   every   one   of   them   as   beauteous   as   the   flowers;   before   looking   down   onto   the   crowds   of   his   boisterous   subjects,   crowding   the   square   and   the   surrounding   hillsides,   celebrating   his   return.     The   scene   seemed   so   real,   yet   illusionary   that   even   King   Dimitri   could   not   say   for   certain   whether   all   this   was   true.

He   thought,   “Ah!     At   last   I   am   home.     I   have   retreated   from   the   far-away,   mundane   world   to   my   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   but   my   flesh   body   is   still   there   suffering.     I   cannot   penetrate   the   mystery   of   fate   and   the   flesh   body.     Is   it   the   flesh   body   that   submits   to   fate   and   goes   forth   to   its   destination?     Or   is   it   fate   that   follows   the   flesh   body,   step   by   step   towards   its   goal?     The   stars   rotate   on   their   orbit   and   the   trains   run   on   their   tracks.     What   about   my   flesh   body   and   fate?     Their   relationship   is   muddled   and   irregular.     Sometimes   my   flesh   body   follows   fate,   while   in   others   instances,   it   takes   things   into   its   own   hands,   striving   and   struggling   to   pull   things   onto   another   track.     Oh   dear   God!     It   is   you   who   created   me.     I   have   but   one   goal   –   to   become   a   roving   troubadour.     But   now   even   that   wish   has   been   thwarted.     Ah   dear   God!     Since   it   was   you   who   created   me,   why   did   you   play   this   trick   on   the   moment   of   my   conception   and   put   this   blemish   into   your   creation,   taking   away   my   sight,   prohibiting   me   from   having   the   full   use   of   all   my   senses.     I   am   like   a   locomotive   abandoned   in   the   desolate   wilderness,   left   to   the   mercy   of   the   rain,   the   wind   and   the   erosion   of   time.     My   flesh   body   is   imprisoned   in   a   cell,   passively   and   aimlessly   enduring   the   natural   process   of   aging,   waiting   for   time   to   be   expended   and   then   die.     Why   should   I   rack   my   brain   to   analyze   the   relationship   between   fate   and   my   flesh   body?     Whichever   is   the   principal   and   which   the   secondary,   the   ultimate   destination   of   life   is   destruction.     When   I   wake   up,   my   flesh   body   will   be   suffering   in   the   real   world.     But   now   that   I   am   asleep,   I   am   in   my   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     I   am   the   King   of   my   Kingdom.     Why   not   enjoy   myself   while   I   can,   instead   of   lamenting   over   lost   opportunities   when   it’s   too   late,   leaving   only   empty   regrets.     Let   me   fill   up   the   blanks   of   my   life   with   my   beautiful   dreams.     Dreams   are   really   the   continuation   of   real   life.     The   borderline   between   these   two   are   fuzzy   and   hard   to   distinguish.     Why   not   let   dreams   and   realities   merge   together,   influence   and   complement   each   other,   and   put   them   all   together   into   a   beautiful   and   mysterious   puzzle   of   my   life.”     Thinking   so,   Dimitri’s   spirits   soared,   sweeping   away   the   cobwebs   of   troubled   sorrow.     His   face   cleared   and   he   smiled.     That   smile   was   like   the   warm   spring   breeze,   blowing   away   the   hazy,   strained   atmosphere   that   hovered   over   the   banquet.    

The   moonlight   shone   on   the   roses   in   full   bloom   on   the   rooftop   garden,   projecting   their   slightly   swaying   forms   onto   the   banquet   table.     The   covert   movement   of   these   fragrant   shadows   showed   that   time   was   imperceptibly   creeping   by.     Ah!     There   is   no   time   like   the   present!     Make   full   use   of   the   moonlight,   the   flowers,   and   enjoy   life   to   the   utmost   instead   of   bewailing   lost   opportunities   when   the   moon   wanes   and   the   flowers   fade.     King   Dimitri   felt   someone   tap   lightly   on   his   shoulder.     He   turned   and   saw   it   was   the   simple   and   naive   Dorna,   goblet   in   hand,   standing   behind   him,   asking   timidly,   “May   I   toast   you,   King   Dimitri?”     On   seeing   that   the   little   girl   he   chanced   to   meet   in   one   of   his   urban   travels   had   now   grown   into   an   attractive   young   lady,   the   golden   evening   dress   making   her   seem   more   grown   up,   King   Dimitri   felt   a   pleasant   surprise.     He   accepted   her   goblet   and   sipped   from   it.     The   other   beauties   were   gratified   and   relieved   at   his   change   of   mood.     They   sat   there,   with   smiles   in   their   eyes,   watching   as   the   happy   King   Dimitri   accepted   Dorna’s   toast.     Then   they   gracefully   stood   up   one   after   another   and   toasted   him.     He   gladly   accepted.     Everything   had   returned   to   normal,   happy   and   harmonious   as   it   always   was   whenever   King   Dimitri   returned   from   his   wanderings.     Peal   after   peal   of   silvery   laughter   rang   out   from   the   rooftop   garden,   the   most   beautiful   and   melodious   music   on   earth.

Bright   moonlight   shone   on   the   lake,   whose   wide   expanse   of   waveless   water   was   smooth   as   a   mirror.     Even   the   surrounding   mountains   seemed   to   be   in   slumber,   lying   sedately   in   the   gentle   night.     All   was   quiet   as   a   dream   and   as   beautiful.     Only   the   ongoing   banquet   at   the   top   of   Giant   Mountain,   where   King   Dimitri   and   all   his   subjects   were   celebrating   his   return,   was   still   at   its   height,   their   wild   jubilee   showing   no   sign   of   receding.     Perhaps   because   everyone   was   at   the   banquet,   the   rest   of   the   Kingdom   seemed   empty   and   desolate.     Suddenly,   the   clear,   mirror-like   water   erupted   with   a   loud   splash,   and   amid   the   cascading   water   a   large   white   fish   jumped   up,   breaking   the   surrounding   serenity.     Her   swelling   breasts   were   like   the   full   breasts   of   a   woman;   her   shining   scales   sparkled   under   the   silvery   moon   like   a   sequined   evening   gown.     Yes,   it   was   the   white   fish   that   led   Deana   to   the   huge   pearl   now   hanging   in   King   Dimitri’s   gold   palace.     She   was   the   mother   of   all   living   things   in   the   water   and   the   queen   of   Crescent   Moon   Lake.     She   vaulted   clear   out   of   the   lake   several   times   while   swimming   in   the   water   around   the   Giant   Mountain,   loath   to   leave.     From   under   the   sparkling   waters,   she   watched   the   campfires   dotting   the   mountain-side,   so   much   like   the   fire-flies   flitting   among   the   grass.     The   far-off   music   and   joyous   laughter   made   the   underwater   world   seem   cold,   lonely   and   desolate   as   ever.     Why   was   she   loitering   around?     Did   she   want   to   join   in   the   joyful   banquet?     Alas,   lacking   a   human   form   and   not   being   an   amphibian,   she   could   only   stay   in   the   water.     Her   heart   ached   with   a   secret   that   could   not   be   revealed   to   anyone:     there   were   still   three   empty   gold   chairs   in   King   Dimitri’s   palace,   why   couldn’t   she   occupy   one   of   them   and   become   one   of   King   Dimitri’s   twenty-four   beauties?     Why   not   indeed!     The   only   impediment   was   her   lack   of   a   human   flesh   body,   a   woman’s   body.     But   was   that   such   an   impossible   obstacle   to   overcome,   such   an   unsolvable   problem?     “No”   she   thought.     “Wasn’t   Easter   Lily   only   a   plant   before   she   became   White   Fairy?     Medusa   was   a   black   bird   but   now   she   can   change   at   will   to   any   female   form.     Clementine,   the   latest   addition   to   the   Kingdom   used   to   be   a   nymph   with   image   but   no   substance.     Now   her   fondest   wish   had   been   granted,   a   human   form.     They   could   all   be   around   King   Dimitri   and   be   intimate   with   him.     Why   not   me?     Oh   God!   You   are   so   unjust!     Why   did   you   make   me   into   a   fish   instead   of   a   human   being?     Why   not   make   me   into   a   woman,   a   beautiful   woman!”     Heart   full   of   sorrow,   she   swam   around   the   mountain.     From   afar   she   could   be   seen   floating   on   the   moonlit   waters.     Suddenly,   a   huge   black   bird   flew   down   from   the   peak   of   Giant   Mountain   straight   towards   the   lake.     The   white   fish   hurriedly   dived   deep   into   the   lake   and   returned   to   her   cold,   lonely   underwater   world.

The   huge   black   bird   that   flew   down   from   Giant   Mountain   was   none   other   than   the   ever   vigilant   Medusa.   After   circling   low   over   the   water   around   the   lake,   she   suddenly   pulled   herself   up   and   flew   back   up   carefully   inspecting   the   surroundings.     Finding   nothing   abnormal,   she   flew   towards   Twin   peaks,   where   the   Chinese-style   palace   was   and   into   the   dense   forests   in   the   mountain   where   the   Administrative   Building,   the   pulse   and   heart   of   the   Kingdom,   was   located.     On   this   night   of   joyous   celebration   when   everyone   was   at   Giant   Mountain   singing,   dancing,   eating   and   drinking,   why   was   Medusa   alone   flying   in   the   dark,   carefully   surveying   every   corner   of   the   Kingdom?     Because   she   was   the   guardian   of   this   mysterious   kingdom,   trusted   with   the   task   of   ensuring   its   security   and   impregnability.     Recently,   the   barbarian   tribes   had   been   aggressively   expanding   their   spheres   of   activities,   getting   closer   and   closer   to   the   borders   of   the   mysterious   kingdom,   endangering   its   tranquility   and   sovereignty   as   well   as   the   natural   habitat   of   the   natives.     A   fierce   battle   seemed   unavoidable,   but   the   kind   and   generous   King   Dimitri   hated   warfare   and   bloodshed.     Hopefully   he   will   be   able   to   think   of   a   scheme   to   avoid   it   all.     Medusa   would   have   liked   to   report   her   suspicions   and   assessments   to   King   Dimitri,   but   today   was   his   first   day   back   in   the   Kingdom   and   he   was   happily   enjoying   his   banquet,   reunited   with   his   beauties,   with   hundreds   of   jubilant   subjects   scattered   around   the   surrounding   hilltops,   intent   on   merry-making.     Medusa   did   not   want   to   dampen   his   mood   with   her   fears   of   an   imminent   crisis   and   spoil   the   festive   atmosphere   prevailing   in   the   Kingdom.     However,   if   the   barbarians   were   to   launch   a   surprise   attack   now,   when   almost   all   the   defenses   were   down,   the   result   would   be   disastrous!     This   fear   made   Medusa   restless   and   apprehensive.   Slipping   away   from   the   banquet   table,   she   flew   all   over   the   Kingdom,   over   water,   through   forests,   searching   for   traces   of   possible   danger.     Only   when   she   was   certain   that   everything   was   normal,   did   she   fly   to   Twin   Peaks.    

She   first   stopped   at   the   left   peak,   where   the   Chinese-style   palace   was   located.     Landing   in   front   of   the   palace   gate,   Medusa   paused   for   a   moment   before   walking   into   the   Hall.     Though   brilliantly   lit   as   usual,   the   grand   and   splendid   Hall   was   eerily   silent.     The   slim   graceful   figures   that   were   normally   so   much   in   evidence   there,   were   nowhere   in   sight.     Missing   also   were   their   melodious   chatter   and   laughter.     The   only   sound   to   break   the   deadly   silence   was   the   feeble   chafing   of   the   sand   in   the   hourglass   as   it   dribbled   on,   keeping   track   of   time.     The   whole   place   seemed   desolate.     After   inspecting   every   nook   and   corner   for   fire   hazards   and   seeing   that   everything   was   in   order   and   that   there   was   nothing   to   worry   about,   she   left.     Medusa   crossed   over   the   suspension   bridge   between   the   Twin   Peaks   and   came   to   the   right   plateau,   the   administrative   management   center   of   the   Kingdom.     Here   everything   was   ultra   modern,   efficient   and   scientific,   in   direct   contrast   to   the   palace-like   building   on   the   let   plateau   with   its   stress   on   ancient,   traditional   style.     Here   was   the   hospital,   nuclear   power   plant,   helicopter   landing   field   and   huge   communications   satellite   dishes   to   keep   in   contact   with   the   outside   world.     Most   important   of   all,   the   Administrative   Building   was   the   headquarters   of   King   Dimitri’s   immense   financial   empire,   with   enough   economic   might   to   make   havoc   of   global   economy.     On   ending   her   inspection   and   about   to   leave,   Medusa   was   suddenly   hit   with   a   strange,   unexplainable   foreboding.     It   was   as   if   she   was   bidding   a   final   goodbye   to   these   familiar   surroundings,   instead   of   just   making   the   routine   nightly   checkup   as   was   her   custom.     To   have   this   strange   disturbing   premonition,   especially   on   this,   King   Dimitri’s   first   night   back,   was   incomprehensible   and   Medusa   did   not   wish   to   dwell   any   longer   on   this   annoying   feeling,   so   turning   into   a   huge   black   bird,   she   flew   across   the   wide   expanse   of   water   towards   Giant   Mountain.     The   eastern   sky   was   just   then   starting   to   turn   bright.

As   she   drew   near   Giant   Mountain,   strains   of   melodious   music   could   be   heard   floating   over   from   the   gold   palace.     King   Dimitri   had   led   the   beauties   down   from   the   rooftop   garden   to   the   great   hall.     Seated   on   his   throne,   he   was   attentively   watching   the   dance   performed   by   Natalie   and   White   Fairy,   while   the   other   beauties   were   busy   accompanying   them   on   their   musical   instruments.     The   dance,   the   brilliant   product   of   its   two   star   performers,   underwent   intense,   long-term   rehearsal.     Each   movement,   each   gesture   was   perfectly   choreographed   to   become   exquisite   as   a   sculpture,   and   smoothly   strung   together   with   superb   grace.   Sometimes   their   two   movements   were   identical,   with   a   precision   that   made   their   figures   seem   to   be   overlapping   each   other.     At   other   times,   their   movements   were   separate   and   different,   as   if   using   body   language   as   a   means   of   communication.     This   was   especially   true   of   White   Fairy,   who   turned   from   human   form   to   light   smoke   at   will.     Their   two   figures   maintained   a   suitable   distance   from   each   other,   apart   and   yet   together.     They   would   be   dancing   in   perfect   co-ordination   when   suddenly   White   Fairy   would   turn   into   a   puff   of   smoke   floating   in   midair,   while   Natalie   would   spin   all   around   the   stage   as   if   chasing   the   whiff   of   intangible   light   smoke.     King   Dimitri   watched,   deep   in   thought.     He   seemed   to   have   grasped   the   hidden   message   of   the   dance,   “The   Cloud   and   I”.     The   movements   seemed   to   be   explaining   the   relationship   between   the   cloud   and   oneself.     The   cloud   seemed   to   symbolize   man’s   goal   in   life,   be   it   love,   wealth   or   power;   or   perhaps   all   three.     But   it   is   so   unpredictable   and   changeable,   sometimes   coming   together   and   sometimes   dispersing.     King   Dimitri   thought,   “Why   is   my   impression   of   life   so   vague   and   hazy?     The   painful   experiences   banded   in   my   memory   and   the   poetic   passion   surging   in   my   heart,   and   the   innumerable   visitations   of   Lady   Luck   gave   me   unforgettable   impressions   of   life.     I   had   thought   I   had   a   perfect   and   profound   understanding   of   life,   but   these   rich   and   vivid   impressions,   deep   though   they   be,   could   not   withstand   the   erosion   of   time.     All   are   obliterated   and   I   am   left   innocent   as   an   infant,   ignorant   of   the   perception   of   life,   a   complete   blank.     Perhaps   life   is   like   a   cloud   floating   in   the   air,   carefree   and   light-hearted,   with   no   need   to   remember   any   impressions.     It   would   be   best   to   forget   even   life   itself.”     When   the   dance   was   over,   the   day   had   begun   to   dawn   and   the   splendid   gold   palace   glittered   with   eye-dazzling   brilliance.     But   on   his   throne,   King   Dimitri   was   still   deep   in   his   turbulent   thoughts.

After   three   whole   days   and   nights   of   uninhibited   revelry,   the   natives   of   the   Kingdom   had   fully   manifested   their   loyalty   and   demonstrated   their   joy   at   their   sovereign’s   return   through   song   and   dance.     Now   everything   in   the   mysterious   Kingdom   had   returned   to   their   original   peace   and   undisturbed   tranquility.     In   the   heavy   fog,   sounds   of   fisherman   casting   their   nets   came   clearly   over   the   water.     On   the   narrow   trails   in   the   mountains   could   be   seen   natives   shouldering   hoes   on   their   way   to   work   on   the   land.     The   natives   had   returned   to   their   simple,   primitive   way   of   life,   up   at   sunrise   and   rest   at   sunset.     King   Dimitri   did   not   go   back   to   his   splendid   luxurious   palace,   where   his   beauties   had   been   waiting   so   eagerly   day   and   night   for   his   return.     They   had   hoped   to   share   these   precious   moments   with   him   from   dawn   to   dusk,   but   he   settled   himself   in   the   small   hut   by   the   side   of   the   lake.     This   straw   thatched   hut   with   mud   walls   had   originally   been   built   for   Lotus   to   console   her   homesickness.     Now   it   had   become   the   hermitage   where   King   Dimitri   lived   alone.     Although   sometimes   he   still   went   back   to   the   palace   to   spend   time   with   the   beauties,   and   occasionally   they   would   come   to   visit   him   at   his   tranquil   retreat,   on   the   whole   King   Dimitri’s   life   was   hardworking,   living   on   the   fruits   of   his   own   labor   by   the   sweat   of   his   brow.     In   his   heart,   there   seemed   to   be   a   scale.     The   ‘me’   in   reality   and   the   ‘me’   in   my   dreams   are   two   completely   different   entities.     But   sometimes   these   two   become   one.   I   must   find   a   point   of   balance   between   them,   neither   favoring   one   nor   the   other.     I   cannot   let   the   real   ‘me’   endure   dire   poverty   and   bodily   torment   while   the   ‘me’   in   my   dreams   live   in   unheard   of   luxuries,   enjoying   fame,   fortune   and   the   undying   loyalty   of   my   subjects.     This   is   too   unjust   and   is   against   my   moral   conscience.     King   Dimitri   was   an   innately   kind   and   benevolent   man.     Not   only   was   he   compassionate   to   his   fellow   human   beings   and   animals,   he   was   equally   sympathetic   to   his   other   self,   left   to   suffer   in   the   mundane   world.     He   thought   that   the   more   extreme   the   luxury   he   enjoyed   in   his   dreams,   the   sooner   would   his   dreams   end   and   he   would   reluctantly   be   back   in   real   life   again.     Therefore,   in   his   dreams   he   deliberately   chose   to   live   a   secluded   and   lonely   life   in   the   hut   by   the   lake,   hoping   thereby   to   extend   the   length   of   his   dreams.     But   in   reality,   where   is   the   dream   that   does   not   end?     Unless   it   is   eternal   rest.

                  Chapter       4           Three   True   Friends   in   Adversity

Dimitri   woke   from   his   dreams,   his   ears   filled   with   the   hubbub   of   city   streets   and   the   noise   of   car   engines.     “Alas,   I   am   back   from   my   beautiful   land   of   dreams   into   real   life   again!”   Though   unwilling,   there   was   nothing   he   could   do   about   it.     Amid   the   street   noises,   he   could   discern   the   chirping   of   birds,   clear   and   crisp.     Opening   his   sleepy   eyes,   he   saw   golden   light   flooding   in   from   his   windows   and   knew   it   was   morning.     Though   blind,   he   still   retained   enough   of   his   sense   of   sight   to   distinguish   between   night   and   day.     Then   from   the   parking   lot   across   the   street   came   the   brisk   staccato   of   ladies   shoes   on   the   pavement.     It   crossed   the   narrow   street   and   passed   under   his   window.     Dimitri   heard   a   melodious   voice   call   out   morning   greetings   to   other   passersby.     The   voice   was   so   familiar   he   recognized   it   at   once   as   belonging   to   Mary,   the   social   worker   of   his   building.     A   picture   at   once   emerged   in   his   mind   of   a   good-looking,   golden-haired   young   woman,   with   an   open   and   pleasant   demeanor,   walking   happily   in   the   morning   sun.     The   young   woman   was   Mary.     Dimitri   believed   in   his   intuition,   which   had   never   failed   him   before.     Though   blind,   he   relied   on   it   to   deal   with   everyday   life   because   it   could   pierce   through   the   surface   and   go   right   to   the   heart   of   the   matter.     Things   that   had   happened   to   him   were   like   distant   pictures   directly   input   to   his   mind,   like   scenes   from   a   movie,   without   having   to   go   through   his   vision.     Dimitri   suddenly   remembered   he   had   promised   to   be   in   Mary’s   office   that   morning   to   sign   his   rent   release,   so   he   immediately   got   out   of   bed   and   felt   his   way   haltingly   to   the   bathroom.     In   his   previous   nomad   life,   morning   toilet   was   an   unknown   factor,   so   the   daily   routine   of   brushing   his   teeth,   taking   a   shower   etc.   came   unnaturally   to   him.     Finishing   these   chores   as   hastily   as   possible,   he   was   getting   ready   to   leave   when   he   suddenly   raised   his   head   and   found   himself   staring   into   a   blank   mirror.     He   stood   there   aghast,   asking   himself   “How   come   I   am   invisible?     Where   did   I   go?     Where   is   my   reflection   in   the   mirror?     Did   I   disappear   into   the   air?”     He   thought   for   a   while   and   then   told   himself   “you   are   blind   now,   so   why   is   it   so   surprising   that   you   can   no   longer   see   your   reflection?     Why   should   it   be   so   hard   for   you   to   accept   this   stark   reality?”     His   lips   curled   in   a   bitter,   self-ridiculing   smile,   Dimitri   turned   to   leave;   but   in   his   heart,   there   was   still   this   nagging   doubt   “How   come   I   have   disappeared?     How   come   I   have   disappeared?”     Feeling   his   way   to   the   door,   he   opened   it   and   walked   out.     Suddenly   he   remembered   he   had   forgotten   to   bring   his   white   cane,   which   no   blind   person   could   go   anywhere   without,   so   he   turned   back,   searched   and   found   the   cane   which   was   to   be   an   inseparable   part   of   him   for   the   rest   of   his   life.     Then   he   closed   the   door   and   left,   tapping   his   way   down   the   corridor,   feeling   the   one   to   two   foot   square   in   front   of   him   to   ensure   his   safe   passage.     The   little   indefatigable   voice   inside   him   piped   up   again,   “That   body   relying   on   the   white   cane   to   walk   safely,   is   that   not   myself?     Why   should   I   look   elsewhere   for   it?     I   did   not   disappear   into   the   air.     I   am   walking   forward   led   by   the   white   cane.     There   is   no   need   to   look   anywhere   else   for   me.   Is   there   two   if   me?     Maybe   that   reflection   in   the   mirror   that   has   disappeared   is   the   real   me.     Who   knows   which   is   the   real   me?”     He   shook   his   head   vigorously,   hoping   to   get   rid   of   the   disturbance   of   these   bothersome   ideas,   but   in   his   heart   that   talkative   voice   was   yapping   at   him   again.     “A   man   over   fifty,   with   no   accomplishments   to   speak   of,   totally   blind   in   the   bargain,   isn’t   that   embarrassing   and   troubling?     This   is   my   situation.     I   am   like   a   man   watching   a   movie   in   the   cinema.     Just   at   the   crucial   moment   when   the   movie   reaches   the   climax,   power   failure   plunged   everything   into   total   darkness.     The   plot   was   really   absurd   and   ridiculous,   illogical   and   even   nonsensical.     It   is   like   the   story   of   my   life.     Isn’t   my   life   just   the   sum   total   of   preposterous   events?     Power   failure   has   temporarily   cut   off   the   process   of   the   story.     Let   me   sit   in   the   darkness   and   wait   quietly   to   see   if   the   movie   ends   logically.”     Dimitri   laughed.     “Oh   yes!     Let   me   sit   in   the   darkness   and   see   how   things   turn   out,   how   fate   evolves.”     He   had   been   walking   on   while   these   random   thoughts   flashed   in   his   brain   and   he   soon   came   to   the   hall   where   18th   century   style   furniture   was   scattered   around.     Making   his   way   carefully   around   them,   he   came   to   the   door   of   the   office.     Suddenly   there   was   a   loud   noise.     The   janitor   had   turned   on   his   vacuum   cleaner.     A   busy   working   day   had   just   begun.

Dimitri   sat   beside   Mary   at   her   desk   in   the   office,   signing   his   lease   and   dealing   with   the   copious   amount   of   paperwork   entailed   in   getting   subsidized   housing.     He   had   been   struck   blind   suddenly,   and   as   a   disabled   person   without   shelter,   concessions   had   been   made   for   him   and   he   had   moved   into   his   apartment   without   going   through   the   normally   tedious   process   of   application   and   the   profusion   of   paperwork.     Now   he   was   making   up   for   the   lack.     Being   blind,   Dimitri   could   not   read,   so   Mary   read   the   important   parts   to   him,   patiently   explaining   in   detail   the   pertinent   contents   before   guiding   his   hand   to   the   places   he   had   to   sign.     When   their   fingers   came   into   contact,   Dimitri   intuitively   felt   Mary   was   a   kind   and   gentle   young   woman.     Mary,   on   her   part,   had   an   inexplicable   good   impression   of   this   middle-aged   blind   man   on   first   sight.     The   only   thing   she   knew   about   him   was   that   he   used   to   be   a   street   person,   so   why   this   extraordinary   feeling   of   solicitude?     It   was   a   subtle   activity   of   the   mind,   hard   to   grasp   its   delicate   vicissitude   and   needless   to   say,   impossible   to   explain   in   correct   words.     At   the   end   of   this   high   stack   of   paperwork,   was   a   paper   asking   whom   to   contact   in   case   of   emergency.     Dimitri   racked   his   brains   in   vain   for   a   suitable   name.     He   had   neither   relative   nor   friends,   who   could   he   ‘contact’?     Though   he   had   two   good   friends,   Richard   and   Jamaz,   he   had   unfortunately   lost   touch   with   them.     In   the   end,   he   shook   his   head   sheepishly   in   mortification   because   he   could   not   come   up   with   a   single   name.     Mary   took   up   the   pen   and   filled   in   her   own   name   and   phone   number,   taking   it   upon   herself   to   be   Dimitri’s   ‘person   to   contact’   and   she   seemed   happy   to   do   it.     Dimitri   thanked   her   wholeheartedly   when   everything   had   been   signed   and   done   and   left   hurriedly.     Mary   watched   as   Dimitri   felt   his   way   among   the   maze   of   furniture   in   the   great   hall   as   if   lost   in   a   labyrinth.     To   her,   he   seemed   to   be   a   falling   leaf,   faded   and   dried   up,   floating   in   a   cold   wind.     How   could   this   man,   long   embroiled   in   the   disappointments   and   misfortune   of   life,   become   the   target   of   24-hour   surveillance   by   FBI   and   CIA?     Was   it   necessary   to   have   his   every   movement,   every   word   kept   under   observation   and   taped?     They   said   Dimitri   could   be   the   trillionaire   mastermind   who   could   move   and   shake   the   world   of   global   finance,   and   that   he   may   be   responsible   for   the   recent   strange   and   mysterious   disappearance   of   gold   from   the   world   market   to   unknown   destinations.     Mary   watched   as   Dimitri   managed   to   get   out   of   the   maze   of   furniture,   turn   into   the   corridor   and   disappear   from   sight.     Recently,   she   had   watched   the   tape   recordings   of   Dimitri’s   daily   life   made   by   observation   cameras   and   had   been   extremely   discomforted.     Though   an   unwilling   participant,   she   felt   guilty   about   the   brazen   insolence   of   this   invasion   of   his   privacy,   much   as   an   unfaithful   wife   would   feel   about   betraying   her   husband.     But   she   had   to   do   what   she   had   to   do,   for   this   was   her   job.     In   her   heart,   she   knew   that   one   day   she   would   confess   to   him   everything   about   her   reluctant   involvement.     From   the   video   tapes,   Mary   saw   that   in   his   tiny   room,   all   Dimitri   did   all   day   was   prepare   and   eat   simple   meals,   which   were   digested   and   excreted   from   his   body.   Outside   of   that   he   did   nothing,   and   there   was   nothing   he   needed   to   do.     Much   of   the   time,   he   lay   on   his   bed,   as   if   he   needed   a   lot   of   sleep.     In   his   waking   hours,   he   sat   before   the   window,   dazed.     His   mind   seemed   to   be   blank   with   no   thoughts   at   all   because   his   expression   was   dull   and   wooden,   like   a   clay   or   wood   sculpture,   with   no   sign   of   life.     Occasionally,   he   would   stand   up   and   stalk   around   the   room   with   the   powerless   misery   of   a   caged   beast.     Day   after   day,   he   repeated   the   same   routine:   sleep,   sit,   stalk,   wasting   his   life.     He   seemed   to   be   a   man   without   a   soul.     Though   he   had   a   flesh   body,   his   soul   was   not   attached   to   it.     Superficially,   Dimitri   may   seem   to   be   a   man   without   a   soul,   but   that   was   because   it   had   turned   into   a   brilliant   bird,   flapping   its   gorgeously   colorful   wings,   flying   in   the   blue   skies   of   his   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     But   then,   that   was   something   no   one   could   know   of.

Dimitri   hurried   back   to   his   little   niche   of   a   room   after   finishing   signing   his   lease,   feeling   happy,   relaxed   and   unburdened.     Actually,   in   his   stagnant   life,   there   was   really   nothing   so   urgent   as   to   require   this   haste.   But   in   his   nomad   life,   he   was   used   to   idleness   and   loafing   about,   never   having   been   encumbered   with   trivial   things   he   needed   to   do.     So   he   always   rushed   to   get   these   things   out   of   the   way   so   he   could   enjoy   an   abundance   of   cherished   leisure   time.     He   could   not   afford   to   clutter   his   mind   with   petty   chores   and   distract   it   from   the   important   things   that   needed   to   be   decided   right   away.     He   must   concentrate   his   efforts   on   dealing   with   these   momentous   issues   appropriately   and   satisfactorily,   as   the   least   oversight   could   give   rise   to   unforeseeable   disaster.     For   example,   he   must   give   his   dazzling   gold   palace   a   suitable   name   and   find   out   how   such   an   enormous   construction   could   have   been   completed   overnight,   an   investigation   long   overdue.     By   settling   in   his   hermitage   by   the   lake,   his   kingdom   had   been   left   without   a   sovereign.     He   needed   to   remedy   this   by   conferring   the   title   of   ‘queen’   on   one   of   the   beauties.     But   who   would   be   the   best   candidate   to   lead   the   Kingdom   in   dealing   with   its   daily   agenda   was   a   decision   that   required   much   forethought.     Also   he   was   not   ignorant   of   the   fact   that   barbarian   tribes   had   been   aggressively   expanding   and   was   getting   closer   and   closer   to   his   mysterious   Kingdom,   endangering   its   safety.     All   these   were   important   events   that   required   his   immediate   attention.    

Taking   a   bottle   of   gin,   he   added   some   to   his   glass   of   orange   juice,   moved   a   chair   over   to   the   window   and   sat   down   to   enjoy   the   warm   sun   and   the   cool   spring   breeze.     Old   fashioned   love   songs   from   the   fifties,   which   Dimitri   was   familiar   with   in   his   youth   drifted   over   from   the   sidewalk   of   the   parking   lot   across   the   street.     What   a   beautiful   day!     How   suitable   for   musing!     Just   as   Dimitri   was   about   to   give   free   rein   to   his   imagination   and   let   his   powers   of   thinking   gradually   develop,   his   hand   came   into   contact   with   a   wood   carving,   the   figure   of   a   tap   dancing   clown   he   had   scavenged   from   a   roadside   garbage   can   during   his   days   as   a   homeless   street   person,   and   had   kept   all   this   time.     Luckily   it   was   only   an   inanimate   piece   of   wood,   or   its   limbs   would   certainly   feel   stiff,   strained   and   painful   after   being   carved   into   such   a   permanent   active   pose.     Dimitri   thought   he   was   a   tool   of   imagination,   in   some   respects   similar   to   the   wooden   clown.     The   clown   pleases   with   its   comical   pose   and   winsome   appearance,   thus   vindicating   the   value   and   significance   of   its   existence.     Upon   self-examination,   what   was   the   value   and   significance   of   Dimitri’s   existence?     Was   it   merely   playing   with   his   imagination   to   fill   the   void   of   empty   time?     Or   was   it   to   while   away   the   long   dreary   years   of   life   stretched   before   him   with   aimless   meditation?     No,   it   was   not   so!     Dimitri   had   established   a   mysterious   Kingdom   in   the   primitive   wilderness   that   belonged   to   him   alone.     It   was   the   last   piece   of   virgin   soil   in   the   world   untouched   by   civilization.     Around   it   were   endless   stately   mountain   ranges   enclosing   a   crystal   clear   lake.     In   the   midst   of   these   beautiful   mountains   and   lakes,   were   magnificent   palaces   where   many   beauties   of   matchless   grace   and   elegance   resided   in   great   luxury,   amid   unheard   of   treasures   and   incalculable   riches.     Dimitri   was   the   king   of   all   this.     Though   constructed   only   by   his   imagination,   its   existence   could   not   be   denied,   for   even   though   this   elusive   and   intangible   Kingdom   was   not   actually   situated   on   this   earth,   it   lived   in   all   reality   within   Dimitri’s   mind.     Great   empires   such   as   the   grandiose   Roman   Empire   in   the   west   and   the   flourishing   Tang   dynasty   in   the   east   and   their   extremely   competent   and   capable   sovereigns   existed   thousands   of   years   ago.     Where   are   they   now?     They   are   gone   with   the   wind,   lost   in   the   obscure   and   flickering   current   of   time.     But   we   cannot   deny   that   they   had   existed   on   this   earth   and   had   made   their   brilliant,   indelible   mark   in   the   history   of   mankind.     Remains   of   their   immortal   contributions   can   still   be   found   to   this   day.     Dimitri   sipped   his   cocktail   and   muttered   to   himself,   “Yes,   how   could   I   be   so   defacing   as   to   negate   the   fruit   of   many   years   of   loving   labor   –   my   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     Perhaps   I   should   put   it   all   on   paper,   draw   with   words   a   mesmerizing   picture   of   my   Kingdom   to   attract   more   people   to   come   and   visit.     Of   course   the   key   to   my   kingdom   is   imagination.     Only   people   with   imagination   can   enter   a   Kingdom   built   on   imagination!”     But   then   Dimitri   frowned.     “For   a   blind   man,   it   is   next   to   impossible   to   write   down   thoughts   on   paper.     It   is   like   a   fish   in   the   water   wanting   to   fly   like   a   bird   in   the   sky.     Impossible.     No,   it   is   not   impossible!     Hey,   why   don’t   I   tape   down   my   stories   on   a   recorder?     Perhaps   one   day,   I   might   meet   someone   who   would   be   willing   to   transcribe   it   onto   paper,   perhaps   even   translate   it   into   several   foreign   languages.     Then   many   more   people   of   imagination   can   come   and   visit   my   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     What   a   good   idea!”

Dimitri   was   an   optimistic   person,   retaining   his   love   of   life   in   the   direst   circumstances.     Now   he   seemed   to   have   again   found   value   and   significance   of   life   and   felt   very   happy.     He   finished   his   drink   at   a   quaff.   While   Dimitri   was   happily   lost   in   his   deep   reverie,   an   urgent   voice   outside   the   window   called   his   name   sotto   voice,   “Hey!     Dimitri!     Dimitri!”     He   was   taken   unawares.     Having   just   recently   moved   into   this   apartment,   he   was   still   unfamiliar   with   his   surroundings   and   had   no   friends   to   speak   of.     Who   could   be   calling   him?

“Who   is   it?     Who   are   you?”

“Hey,   don’t   you   recognize   the   voice   of   your   old   friend?”   the   smiling   voice   outside   his   window   lost   some   of   its   urgency.     “I’m   Richard.”

“Hi   Richard!”   said   Dimitri   overjoyed.   “I’ve   been   looking   all   over   for   you   after   we   lost   contact   but   I   didn’t   know   where   you   were.     So   glad   to   see   you   again.”

“Sh!     Sh!   Not   so   loud.     Don’t   you   know   you’re   under   surveillance?     The   guy   staking   you   just   went   to   the   post   office,   probably   to   take   a   leak,   so   I   came   over   to   talk   to   you.”

“I   know.     I   know.     Not   only   are   there   people   watching   me   outside,   my   room   is   full   of   electronic   equipments,   bugs   and   observation   cameras   to   record   my   every   word   and   action.     I   don’t   know   who   they   are   and   why   they   are   doing   this.”

“Then   my   face   must   be   on   their   cameras   and   soon   they   will   be   after   me.     They’re   like   that,   catching   everyone   that   comes   into   contact   with   their   quarry   and   pull   them   in   for   investigation.”

“I   don’t   think   you   need   to   worry.     I   am   standing   smack   before   the   window   blocking   their   view.     They’d   think   I   was   looking   at   the   street   scene   and   taking   a   breath   of   fresh   air.   They   would   never   know   I   was   talking   to   someone.”

“Won’t   the   bugs   take   down   all   we   say?”

“Maybe.     But   all   they’d   get   is   fragments   of   our   conversation,   nothing   they   could   make   heads   or   tails   out   of.     Maybe   they’d   think   I   was   muttering   to   myself   as   I   usually   do.”

“Thank   heavens   the   strictest   security   has   its   lax   oversights   and   we   are   able   to   break   through   their   dragnet.”

“Right!     That’s   it!”   exclaimed   Dimitri   and   both   of   them   broke   out   into   exultant   laughter   as   if   sneering   at   the   ignorance   and   incompetence   of   their   opponents.   “How   did   you   find   I   was   here?”

“I   have   set   up   a   shoe-polishing   stand   there”   said   Richard,   pointing   to   the   parking   lot   across   the   street.     “I   put   a   small   refrigerator   in   my   old   pickup   truck   and   sell   beer,   soda   and   cigarettes   as   well.     I   polish   shoes   and   play   chess   with   my   customers   at   the   same   time,   $5   per   game.     You   know   I   am   a   compulsive   gambler.     I   cannot   live   without   the   stimulation.     I   forgot   you   are   blind   now.     Listen   to   the   music   of   the   fifties   across   the   street.     That’s   where   my   stand   is.     I   found   out   you   lived   here   three   days   ago   but   I   never   contacted   you   because   I   saw   there   was   always   someone   loitering   under   your   window,   sometimes   peeking   in   as   if   keeping   you   under   surveillance.     What   he   didn’t   know   was   I   was   there   across   the   street   keeping   an   eye   on   him!”

“This   is   really   an   act   of   providence.     Never   in   their   wildest   dream   would   they   have   suspected   that   we   had   seen   through   their   scummy   plot.     Oh   yes,   Richard.     How   come   you   have   time   to   play   the   part   of   a   shoe-shine   man?     Doesn’t   your   position   as   president   of   World   Bank   satisfy   you   and   keep   you   busy   enough?”

After   a   short   silence   Richard   replied,   “Don’t   you   know   that   Oliver   Kaffee,   the   formally   appointed   president   is   alive   and   back   again   at   his   post?     The   moment   he   came,   he   wrote   an   executive   order   sacking   me   and   Jamaz   since   we   were   only   deputies.     He   not   only   quickly   took   back   control   of   the   whole   bank,   but   secretly   sent   his   men   to   kill   the   two   of   us.     So   Jamaz   and   I   had   to   separate,   disguise   ourselves   and   be   constantly   on   the   move,   changing   jobs,   hiding   from   them,   feeling   like   hunted   fox   set   upon   by   a   pack   of   dogs.”

“Really!     What   an   obnoxious   man!     I   used   Medusa’s   magic   spell   to   change   him   into   stone,   but   I   kept   his   brains   alive   to   give   him   an   opportunity   to   think   over   his   past   misdeeds,   repent   and   become   a   new   man.   (see   Book   1).       It   seems   he   not   only   does   not   regret   the   wrongs   he   did,   but   became   even   more   cruel.     The   next   time   he   falls   into   my   hands,   I   will   not   have   any   compunction   about   changing   him   into   solid   stone.     Did   you   report   all   this   to   the   Kingdom?”

“Of   course!     It’s   the   first   thing   I   did.     That’s   what   is   worrying   me.     When   it   happened,   I   kept   calling   headquarters,   hoping   to   get   help,   but   I   could   not   establish   contact.     The   Kingdom   of   Dreams   seemed   to   have   become   a   Kingdom   of   Emptiness.     No   reply.     No   reply.     The   consequences   were   the   same.     In   the   end   I   had   to   give   up.     Jamaz   and   I   were   both   sick   with   worry.     What   happened   back   there   in   the   Kingdom?”

“Nothing.     When   I   got   back   they   had   a   national   banquet   of   celebration.     The   whole   Kingdom   went   wild,   eating,   drinking,   singing   and   dancing   night   and   day   for   three   whole   days.     That   must   have   been   when   you   called.     The   timing   was   really   off.     Due   to   all   these   accidental   mishaps,   we   missed   the   best   opportunity   for   reversing   Kaffee’s   orders.     Now   it   will   take   more   effort   to   dislodge   him.     What   happened   to   Jamaz?”

“Like   me,   he   has   no   settled   address   and   keeps   changing   jobs   and   living   quarters.     He   is   still   working   off   and   on   as   a   gardener.     Do   you   remember   that   burnt   house   by   the   lake?     There   are   three   stones   on   the   ground   in   the   back   yard.     We   use   them   as   secret   signs   to   notify   each   other   if   we   need   to   meet.     Hey!     That   guy’s   coming   out   of   the   post   office   building.     I’d   better   leave   or   he’d   get   suspicious.”

“OK.     Get   hold   of   Jamaz   and   come   for   me   when   night   falls.     I’ll   try   to   shake   off   my   tails.     We   three   must   get   together   and   talk.”

Thus   the   two   of   them   hurriedly   separated.



                                              Chapter   5           By   the   Swimming   Pool

When   Dimitri   became   good   friends   with   Richard   and   Jamaz,   he   brought   about   theatrical   changes   in   their   lives.     These   two   homeless   street   persons   suddenly   became   president   and   vice-president   of   World   Bank,   rising   to   the   pinnacle   of   society.     No   one   but   Dimitri   could   effect   such   magical   changes   in   redesigning   and   transforming   fate.     Richard   and   Jamaz   were   like   spectacular   fireworks   launched   into   the   night   sky,   but   such   transient   and   magnificent   display   vanished   and   disappeared   in   the   twinkling   of   an   eye   and   fell   to   the   earth.   So,   Richard   and   Jamaz   were   again   homeless.   Worse   than   before,   they   had   to   dodge   Mr.   Kaffe’s   relentless   murderous   persecutions.     Medusa   had   changed   Mr.   Kaffee   into   a   stone   sculpture   on   the   rooftop   of   World   Bank.   How   did   he   manage   to   resurrect?     Why   did   Medusa’s   magic   spell   fail?     Stormy   clouds   are   looming   over   Dimitri’s   Kingdom   of   Dreams   foretelling   of   tumultuous,   formidable   and   unexpected   changes   about   to   take   place.

Jamaz’s   tall   and   muscular   figure   strolled   aimlessly   along   the   banks   of   Lake   Merritt,   thinking   of   what   happened   earlier   that   afternoon.   He   felt   he   had   a   lot   of   things   to   regurgitate.   He   had   promised   Old   Stanley,   Miss   Jefferson’s   gardener   who   was   infirm   and   too   sick   to   work,   that   he   would   take   over   for   him   for   a   few   days.     So   he   made   his   way   towards   Miss   Jefferson   house,   pushed   through   the   half   open   garden   gate   and   walked   into   the   front   yard.     Fallen   leaves   and   broken   twigs   scattered   all   over   the   overgrown   lawn   were   obvious   signs   of   neglect.     He   walked   on   towards   the   back   yard   meaning   to   look   for   Stanley   the   gardener   and   find   out   about   his   duties,   but   the   back   yard   was   deserted   as   well.   He   stopped   short   by   the   swimming   pool   when   he   came   upon   a   naked   woman;   eyes   closed   lying   asleep   under   the   sunshade.   Was   it   the   owner,   Miss   Jefferson?   Her   curvaceous   figure   like   white   jade,   almost   melted   under   the   sunshine,   but   slight   wrinkles   by   the   tip   of   her   eyes   showed   her   age.   Didn’t   she   look   something   like   Aisha?     Could   it   be   she?     Jamaz   and   Aisha   didn’t   know   each   other   as   they   had   never   met.   The   unavoidable   event   unavoidably   happened,   like   an   uncontrollable   vehicle   hurtling   headlong   towards   a   sheer   cliff.

Recently,   the   normally   intelligent   and   rational   Aisha   somehow   could   not   curb   her   mood   from   swinging   like   a   pendulum   from   one   extreme   to   the   other.     Agitated,   anxious,   tense   and   edgy,   she   found   that   her   orderly   life   had   completely   been   disrupted.     Ominous   forebodings   often   disturbed   her   thoughts.     Her   heart   was   like   an   open   garbage   can   where   swarms   of   flies   buzzed   busily   about.     Depression   mounted   daily   like   a   decaying   corpse   thrown   into   the   wilderness.     The   stench   of   decaying   flesh   was   non-dispersible,   refusing   to   be   scattered.     Today,   her   unsettled   emotions   reached   its   height   and   struggled   on   the   brink   of   mental   collapse.     She   decided   to   use   physical   exertion   to   expend   her   pent-up   energy,   so   she   jumped   into   the   swimming   pool   and   swam   innumerable   lapses   until   she   was   totally   exhausted.     Then   she   climbed   out   wearily   and   dropped   onto   the   lounge   chair   under   the   sun   shade   to   rest.     Helped   along   by   half   a   bottle   of   brandy,   Aisha   forced   her   mind   to   gradually   relax,   becoming   obscure   and   hazy.     She   really   needed   sleep.     Indeed   she   gradually,   gradually   calmed   down   and   drifted   into   dreamland.     But   even   there,   fragments   if   unrelated   thoughts   continued   to   pester   her.     One   moment   King   Dimitri   and   the   Beauties   were   gathered   together   enjoying   a   lavish   banquet,   the   next   moment   the   heavens   were   darkened   by   crowds   of   huge   bats,   screaming   and   whirling   menacingly   around.   Ferocious   Medusa   soared   up   into   the   sky.   Though   outnumbered,   she   fought   the   aggressors   bravely   and   drops   of   blood   showered   down   from   on   high.     Now   Aisha   saw   barbarians   marching   nearer   and   nearer,   appearing   in   the   forests   and   shooting   fiery   arrows   at   the   luxurious   and   majestic   palace.     Soon   fire   broke   out   everywhere   and   the   whole   palace   was   consumed   in   flames.     She   cried   out   in   fright   and   seemed   to   see   King   Dimitri   hit   by   a   huge   burning   pillar.     Was   King   Dimitri   to   die   like   that?     Aisha   woke   up   in   alarm   and   shot   up   from   her   lounge   chair.     Before   fully   recovering   her   senses,   she   saw   a   tall,   stalwart,   virile   man   standing   not   far   from   her.     The   man’s   outward   appearance   looked   like   Dimitri’s   good   friend   Jamaz,   but   she   could   not   be   sure,   but   his   libidinous   eyes   glittered   with   a   primitive   lust.     Without   knowing   why   she   did   so,   Aisha   subconsciously   nodded   at   the   strange   man   in   acquiescence.

The   body   of   strong   and   virile   Jamaz   quivered   with   each   forceful   thrust.     Large   drops   of   perspiration   fell   from   his   forehead   onto   Aisha’s   beautiful   face.     Her   graceful,   long   legs   were   parted   and   hitched   onto   Jamaz’s   wide   shoulders.     Their   two   entwined   bodies   were   like   a   black   and   white   zebra.     Though   Aisha’s   beautiful   body   was   fully   sated   and   strongly   satisfied,   the   pain   in   her   heart   was   even   stronger.     She   closed   her   eyes   and   saw   a   sea   of   flames   dancing   before   her.     The   fiery   blaze   consumed   the   majestic   and   luxurious   palace   and   devoured   the   body   of   King   Dimitri.     She   nodded   to   herself,   “Ah   yes!   Only   this   sea   of   flames   can   symbolize   King   Dimitri’s   illustrious   life!     King   Dimitri’s   flesh   body   has   been   consumed   by   flames.     I   am   willing   to   sacrifice   my   beautiful   flesh   body   to   a   hungry   man.     If   to   be   destroyed   by   flames   is   King   Dimitri’s   self-completion,   I   am   willing   to   bestow   the   last   residue   value   of   my   flesh   body   on   a   hungry   man.     It   can   be   considered   a   good   deed.     I   think   King   Dimitri   will   condone   my   actions.     Yes,   A   sea   of   fire!     A   blazing   sea   of   fire!   Fire   so   brilliant   it   blinds   the   eye.     In   the   sky   above,   courageous   Medusa   was   battling   crowds   of   huge,   ferocious   bats.     Blood   drops   fell   like   raindrops,   but   to   the   raging   inferno   below,   it   was   too   little   to   be   of   help.     Yes,   destroyed.     Totally   destroyed.     The   sea   of   fire   annihilated   the   magnificent   palace.     I   am   willing   to   donate   my   flesh   body   to   a   hungry   man.     Even   if   I   were   to   be   torn   to   pieces   and   devoured   by   a   pack   of   ferocious   beasts,   I   am   still   willing   to   donate   my   flesh   body.     I   think   King   Dimitri   will   condone   my   action.     A   sea   of   fire.     A   sea   of   fire.     A   sea   of   dazzling   fire.     The   blazing   flame   symbolizes   King   Dimitri’s   illustrious   life!”

Gradually   Aisha   woke   from   her   half-dazed   stupor.     The   vigorous   surge   of   gratification   that   filled   her   flesh   body   had   somewhat   abated.     She   slowly   opened   her   eyes   and   looked   around.     The   strong,   virile   man   she   just   made   love   to   was   no   longer   there,   but   the   wet   perspiration   he   left   on   her   body   had   not   yet   dried.     During   the   course   of   their   coitus,   not   a   word   was   spoken.     Slowly   she   sat   up   from   the   lounge   chair,   gathered   her   disarrayed   hair   to   the   nape   of   her   neck   and   twisted   it   to   a   knot.   She   had   regained   her   equilibrium,   her   normal   elegance.     She   massaged   her   temples   wearily,   trying   to   get   some   semblance   of   order   in   her   recently   disrupted   life.   She   had   a   splitting   headache   coming   on   and   her   spirits   were   deeply   perturbed.     Why   was   it   that   in   the   last   few   days   her   mood   had   been   as   uncontrollable   as   a   rapidly   surging   tide?     Why   did   she   have   torrid   sex   with   a   stranger,   a   man   she   had   never   seen   before?     How   could   she   explain   such   preposterous,   bizarre   behavior?     She   could   find   no   answer.     Could   she   have   been   deluded   by   her   own   dreams,   deceived   by   false   impressions?   But   in   her   dreams,   the   magnificent   Kingdom,   the   majestic   palace   and   the   numerous   beauties   were   so   real   and   authentic!     Perhaps   between   dreams   and   reality   there   is   an   utterly   illusive   and   purely   imaginary   relationship,   a   relationship   that   is   a   never-to-be-solved   mystery.

Just   then,   Aisha   heard   a   soft,   squeaky   sound   nearby.     She   looked   towards   the   origin   of   the   sound   and   saw   a   small   figure   coming   out   of   her   beautiful,   exquisite   sandals.   Aisha   cried   “Mr.   Finger!”   The   little   man   walked   out   of   the   sandals   clapping   his   hands   and   laughing   uproariously.

  “Good!     Good!   What   a   great   performance!     The   two   of   you   changed   a   total   of   three   positions,   one   better   than   the   other.   Ha,   ha,   ha,   ha!     So   great!”   Aisha   knew   Mr.   Finger   was   ridiculing   her   and   was   mortified,   but   then   she   knew   her   own   behavior   was   shameful.     So   she   bit   back   her   retort   and   asked   genially,  

  “Hi   Mr.   Finger.     Haven’t   seen   you   for   a   long   time.     How   have   you   been?     Where   did   you   come   from?”

“Don’t   ask   me   where   I   came   from.     I’ve   been   here   all   the   time.     I   really   wish   King   Dimitri   were   here.     I   wonder   what   he   would   have   felt   if   he   saw   the   great   performance   just   now.”   Aisha   hung   her   head   and   kept   silent.     Mr.   Finger   continued   harshly,   “The   Beauties   in   the   Kingdom   often   say   among   themselves   that   although   King   Dimitri   has   not   yet   made   you   his   queen,   it   was   only   a   matter   of   time.     They   all   respect   you;   trust   in   your   integrity   and   morality.     You   enjoy   popular   confidence.     One   day   King   Dimitri   will   make   you   his   queen.     But   you!     You   go   behind   his   back   and   have   sex   with   another   man!   You   have   let   everyone   down.     How   can   you   face   King   Dimitri?     How   can   you   face   yourself?     How   can   you   face   the   Beauties   and   your   subjects   in   the   Kingdom?”

Aisha   hung   her   head   and   kept   silent.     Under   such   circumstances   she   could   only   endure   Mr.   Finger’s   stern   reprimands.     Mr.   Finger   stopped   for   a   moment.     His   roving   eyes   swept   around   the   yard   and   zeroed   in   on   the   half-full   bottle   of   brandy   on   the   glass   table   beside   the   lounge   chair.     He   made   an   abrupt   about-face,   his   attitude   turning   simpering   and   fawning.     He   said   to   Aisha,

“If   you   offer   me   a   glass   of   wine,   I   will   keep   your   secret.   I   swear   I   won’t   say   a   word.     My   lips   are   sealed.     I   won’t   tell   King   Dimitri   what   I   just   saw.     I   swear.     Please   believe   me.     I   swear!”

Aisha   knew   well   this   little   man   never   could   distinguish   between   right   and   wrong,   good   and   evil.     His   words   and   actions   were   always   excessive   and   bantering.     So   she   didn’t   waste   time   explaining.     Filling   up   the   glass,   she   gently   lifted   Mr.   Finger   and   put   him   in   the   wine.     As   soon   as   he   got   into   the   glass,   Mr.   Finger   sank   his   body   to   the   bottom   and   began   gulping   greedily.     When   his   head   next   surfaced   from   his   nectarous   drink,   he   swept   back   the   hair   plastered   on   his   forehead   and   wiped   his   face   clean   with   his   hands.     He   saw   Aisha   smiling   at   him.     Mr.   Finger   hiccupped   tipsily   and   asked,

“Do   you   know   the   man   you   just   made   love   to?”

“No,   I   don’t”

“He   is   Jamaz,   King   Dimitri’s   good   friend   Jamaz!”  

“Jamaz!”   exclaimed   Aisha   “How   do   you   know   it   was   him?”

“How   can   I   not   know   him!”   retorted   Mr.   Finger   proudly.     “I   saved   his   life!”     He   then   recounted   and   liberally   embellished   on   how   he   saved   the   lives   of   Richard   and   Jamaz   with   his   magic   powers   that   night   on   the   roof   of   World   Bank.     Aisha   said   wistfully.

“If   that   is   so,   I   must   go   and   find   King   Dimitri   at   once.     I   must   explain   to   him   what   happened   and   ask   for   his   forgiveness.     I   believe   if   he   understood   how   things   came   to   be,   he   would   forgive   me.”

Mr.   Finger   cupped   his   hands   and   continued   to   drink.     He   said   to   Aisha,

“You   really   don’t   have   to   tell   him   anything.     He   has   so   hat’s   one   more   or   less   to   him?   Don’t   be   silly!   You   have   no   need   to   explain   anything   to   him.”

“No.     No!”   Aisha   immediately   replied.   “It’s   not   like   this.     I   don’t   care   how   many   Beauties   he   has,   or   whether   he   will   make   me   his   queen.     Since   I   love   him   deeply,   I   must   be   honest   with   him.     I   have   made   a   bad   mistake.     I   must   confess   my   sin   and   beg   for   his   forgiveness.     Only   then   will   my   heart   be   at   peace.     This   is   a   matter   of   principle   with   me.”

Mr.   Finger’s   dexterous   eyes   turned   round   and   round.     Then   he   looked   upwards   and   said,

“Really?     Is   that   so?     I   don’t   understand.”

Tall   and   stalwart   Jamaz   continued   to   walk   aimlessly   along   the   banks   of   Lake   Merritt.     He   was   reminiscing   and   reliving   what   had   just   happened   that   afternoon.     “It’s   really   unbelievable   that   such   a   fascinating   affair   could   have   happened   to   me!’   he   mused.     According   to   Old   Stanley,   the   garden   belongs   to   a   world-famous   scholar   of   Humanism.     She   really   is   out   of   the   ordinary.     Even   during   sex   her   movements   and   disposition   were   so   refined   and   elegant.     I   remember   Dimitri   has   a   beauty   in   his   Kingdom   called   Aisha,   who   is   also   a   scholar   of   some   kind.     He   must   love   her   very   much.     They   must   be   deeply   in   love.”     Jamaz   stopped   short   as   he   was   struck   with   another   idea.   “Could   they   be   one   and   the   same   person?     No.     No.     There   couldn’t   be   such   dramatic   co-incidences   in   the   world.”     Of   course   he   had   no   way   of   knowing   about   the   little   man’s   appearance   after   he   had   left,   nor   of   the   ensuing   conversation   between   Aisha   and   Mr.   Finger.     He   certainly   would   have   been   shocked   if   he   did.     How   could   there   be   such   co-incidences?     But   the   world   is   made   up   of   innumerable   just   such   incidences,   layer   upon   layer,   interlocking,   interwoven   and   interacting.     Just   then,   a   piercing   whistle   sounded   behind   him.   A   dilapidated   jalopy   drove   past   and   came   to   a   stop   not   far   away.     The   car   door   opened   and   Jamaz   knew   Richard   was   here.     He   hurried   over,   jumped   in   and   the   car   quickly   sped   away.

In   the   car,   a   very   excited   Richard   told   Jamaz,   “I   have   found   Dimitri   and   have   gotten   in   contact   with   him!”

“Really?”   said   Jamaz   delightedly.   “There   is   hope   for   us   then.     Where   is   he?”

“He   is   under   strict   surveillance.     But   we   have   arranged   to   meet   tonight.     You   and   I   must   help   him   leave   the   apartment   building   where   he   is   living.”

“Under   surveillance?     Why   is   he   under   strict   surveillance?”

“I’m   not   clear   about   the   details,   but   if   we   can   spring   him   out   tonight,   we’ll   know   everything.”

“I’m   sure   we   will   succeed.   Dimitri   is   omnipotent.     He   will   help   us   deal   with   that   son-of-a-bitch   Kaffee.     Then

We   won’t   have   to   be   watching   our   backs   all   the   time   guarding   against   his   murderous   attacks.”

“That’s   for   sure.”   said   Richard   enthusiastically.   “Not   only   that,   Dimitri   will   even   get   back   our   jobs   as   president   and   vice-president   of   World   Bank.”

“I   don’t   really   want   to   be   vice-president.     It’s   meaningless.     I’d   much   prefer   my   present   life   as   a   free-lance   gardener,   leisurely   and   carefree,   living   by   the   sweat   of   my   brow   when   I   feel   like   it.”     There   was   a   silence.     Then   Richard   said,

“I   have   bad   news   for   you,   too.”


“I   found   Dimitri   has   gone   completely   blind.”

“Blind?     So   what?     The   important   thing   is   he   is   alive.”     Jamaz   answered   calmly.     He   grew   up   in   the   African   grasslands   and   was   used   to   seeing   life   and   death   struggles,   so   physical   disability   was   no   big   deal   to   him.

“From   now   on,”   said   Richard   decisively   “we   should   take   up   the   responsibility   of   supporting   Dimitri.”

“Naturally.     Naturally.     That’s   what   friends   are   for!”   said   Jamaz,   coining   a   phrase   he   had   just   learnt.

“You’re   right.”   said   Richard   smiling.   “You’re   right.”

They   drove   on   and   disappeared   in   the   darkness   of   night.

The   Vesper   hours.     Wild   pigeons   perched   on   the   rooftops   seemed   to   be   unusually   restive   and   fidgety.   Under   the   eaves,   Dimitri,   confined   to   his   cell   of   a   room,   could   find   no   safe   way   to   leave   it.     Anxiety   gnawed   at   his   heart   as   he   sat   surrounded   by   darkness   and   gloom.     Philosophically   resigned,   Dimitri   thought,   “Since   nothing   can   be   done,   I   had   better   not   waste   time   and   energy   in   thinking   about   it.     They   can   keep   watch   on   my   flesh   body.     Can   they   monitor   what   goes   on   in   my   heart   and   soul?     No.     Of   course   not.     So   let   them   do   what   they   want!”     Once   he   reached   the   decision   to   do   nothing   and   think   of   nothing,   it   was   as   if   a   load   had   been   lifted   from   his   heart   and   his   mood   lightened.     He   half   reclined   on   an   old,   dilapidated   sofa,   lit   a   cigarette   and   puffed   on   it   serenely.     The   sofa   had   evidently   seen   better   days.     Here   and   there   yellow,   discolored   fillings   burst   through   ruptured   seams   and   holes,   but   old   used   things   have   a   way   of   exuding   comfort   and   ease.   Occasionally,   scrapes   of   human   conversation   floated   in   through   the   windows.     In   the   street   outside   cars   drove   by   soundlessly.     But   the   room   was   filled   only   with   quietness.     But   quietness   is   the   time   when   miracles   often   happen.    

Though   blind,   with   only   an   expanse   of   darkness   before   him,   the   charming,   gorgeous,   enormous   peach   blossom   again   appeared   before   his   eyes.   In   front   of   a   backdrop   of   the   endless   stretch   of   dark   blue   of   the   universe,   timeless   and   infinite,   a   mysterious   and   brilliant   column   of   light   shone   straight   at   the   flower.     Dimitri’s   heart   was   full   of   a   sensation   of   gentleness,   sweetness   and   serenity.     But   he   was   only   a   spectator,   quietly   watching   and   observing   without   disturbing   it.   The   flower   turned   and   turned   slowly   and   unhurriedly.     Its   appearance   began   gradually   to   change   to   one   similar   to,   but   not   really   a   magnolia,   though   just   as   gorgeous   and   charming..     Perhaps   this   is   a   unique   flower,   never   before   seen   on   earth.     Under   the   direct   column   of   the   mysterious,   brilliant   light,   the   intriguing   blossom   happily   absorbed   the   nourishment   of   the   universe,   every   petal   wreathed   in   smiles.     The   whole   flower   appeared   more   exquisite   and   vigorous   than   ever.     A   warm   stream   seemed   to   circulate   through   Dimitri’s   body,   reaching   every   cell   and   the   tiniest   nerves,   resulting   in   a   feeling   of   eternal   happiness.     But   he   was   still   a   spectator,   quietly   watching,   observing   and   not   disturbing   the   flower.     As   the   flower   continued   on   its   slow   rotation,   its   appearance   began   gradually   to   change   again,   until   finally   it   became   an   Easter   lily,   the   pure   white   and   sacred   lily   Dimitri   was   familiar   with.     In   the   endless   stretch   of   dark   blue   of   the   timeless   and   infinite   universe,   this   flower   bloomed   on   a   coordinate   in   the   middle   of   time   and   space.     Its   exact   position   happened   to   be   spotted   in   Dimitri’s   brain.     When   the   mysterious,   brilliant   light   again   shone   on   the   pure   white   Easter   lily,   it   appeared   more   sacred   and   enchanting   than   ever.

  “Are   you   White   Fairy?”   cried   Dimitri.

“Yes.     I   am   Easter   lily.     I   am   also   a   flower   that   blooms   in   your   heart.     I   am   the   product   of   the   slightest   and   most   intricate   consciousness   of   your   heart.     I   exist   in   everyone’s   heart,   but   most   people   ignore   me.     Their   souls   are   so   covered   with   the   dust   and   grime   that   they   neglect   me.     Only   you   discovered   me.     That   is   perhaps   God’s   bliss   to   you.     Now   you   can   tell   me   what   you   want   and   I   will   help   you   realize   it.”

“I   want   heavy   smoke.     I   want   a   smoke   so   heavy   it   would   cover   my   room   and   my   ceiling   like   a   curtain,   to   screen   me   from   the   evil   prying   eyes   staring   at   me”.

“Yes,   master.     Don’t   forget   I   am   not   only   a   flower.     I   am   also   a   puff   of   smoke.     I   will   do   as   you   command.”

Dense   smoke   appeared   in   Dimitri’s   room   and   started   to   disperse   to   every   corner,   becoming   denser   and   denser   every   moment.     Dimitri   thought,   “Thought   is   the   human   brain’s   main   tool.     It   is   also   the   impetus   that   propels   civilization   forward.     But   sometimes   stop   thinking   and   not   using   the   tool   can   better   demonstrate   the   superiority   of   the   brain.”     Dimitri   walked   purposefully   towards   the   window   and   swung   out   of   it   without   the   least   hesitation.     When   his   feet   touched   the   pavement   below   and   he   was   about   to   walk   quickly   away,   he   realized   he   had   forgotten   his   white   cane.     In   front   of   him   was   a   wide   expanse   of   darkness.     To   a   blind   man,   it   was   difficult   to   move   a   step   without   his   white   cane.     Just   then   he   heard   the   sound   of   an   engine   starting   up   and   felt   a   pair   of   strong,   steady   arms   supporting   him.     A   low   voice   said,  

“Come   with   me,   Dimitri.”   And   he   knew   it   was   Jamaz.     Dimitri   put   his   left   hand   on   Jamaz’s   right   shoulder   and   the   two   of   them   walked   rapidly   away.

Under   the   wide   expanse   of   starry   skies,   Dimitri   sat   on   the   ground   of   a   desolate   rose   garden.   Behind   him   was   a   house,   half-burnt   by   fire.     This   was   the   secret   meeting   place   of   the   three   friends.     Richard   was   busy   tending   a   charcoal   fire.     Beside   him   was   a   large   plate   of   marinated   beef   and   lamb   chops   and   ribs   as   well   as   a   bowl   of   fruit   salad.     They   seem   to   be   getting   ready   for   a   stylish   picnic   at   night   to   celebrate   their   reunion.     The   dilapidated   pickup   truck   was   parked   on   the   isolated   curb   outside   the   garden.     Jamaz   had   a   few   bottles   of   liquor   in   his   hand   and   was   carrying   in   packs   of   beer   to   prepare   for   a   feast   where   they   mean   to   get   dead   drunk.     The   three   of   them   conferred   in   low   voices   accompanied   by   muted   tones   jazz   music   from   the   portable   radio.     They   all   stared   in   the   distance   where   the   towering   shape   of   the   majestic   World   Bank   building   could   still   be   discerned   in   the   night.     Dimitri’s   position   in   global   finance   was   solid,   unmovable   and   irreplaceable   but   Oliver   Kaffee   used   despicable,   underhand   means   to   usurp   it.     Dimitri   sat   by   the   fire,   drinking   beer   leisurely   and   carefree   as   if   he   wasn’t   at   all   bothered   by   the   recent   happenings.     His   heart   was   full   of   happiness   and   exuberance   at   the   reunion   with   his   old   friends.     Richard   spewed   out   a   stream   of   liquor   from   his   mouth   onto   the   fire.     Flames   immediately   sprang   up   and   the   red   charcoal   fire   burned   merrily.     He   skillfully   turned   the   ribs   and   chops   on   the   rack.     According   to   him,   natural   charcoal   bring   out   a   unique   BBQ   flavor,   and   indeed   soon   the   air   was   filled   with   mouth-watering   aroma   of   juicy   meat.     Jamaz   stood   there   with   a   bottle   of   liquor   in   his   hand,   from   which   he   took   a   swing   every   now   and   then.     His   eyes   swept   cautiously   around   the   deserted   rose   garden.     Life   on   the   run   had   instilled   in   him   the   need   for   vigilance   and   alertness.     There   was   neither   sound   nor   movement.     In   the   deep   of   the   night,   it   was   not   likely   that   their   secret   meeting   would   be   observed.     Jamaz’s   tense   body   relaxed   and   he   sat   down   on   the   ground   with   his   friends,   eating,   drinking   and   talking   around   the   fire.     Their   conversation   naturally   centered   on   what   happened   that   midnight   on   the   airstrip   landing   at   the   rooftop   of   World   Bank.

That   night,   when   Dimitri   and   his   two   friends   were   miraculously   saved   on   the   rooftop   of   World   Bank,   they   hastily   took   off,   leaving   behind   only   a   solitary   stone   sculpture   standing   there.     The   sculpture   was   the   exact   replica   of   Mr.   Kaffee.     In   his   hands   was   a   44   Magnum,   telling   the   world   he   was   about   to,   or   had   already   committed   a   crime.     Day   and   night   it   stood   there,   exposed   to   the   erosion   of   the   elements,   the   blistering   heat,   the   biting   winds,   and   the   slashing   rain.     Although   Mr.   Kaffee   had   been   changed   into   a   stone   sculpture,   his   brain   was   still   functioning.     Day   and   night   he   racked   his   brains   to   find   a   way   out,   but   to   no   avail.   He   really   could   no   longer   endure   how   numb,   hard   and   cold   his   flesh   and   muscles   had   become   when   he   was   turned   to   stone.     He   shouted   soundlessly   at   the   night   sky,  

“Let   me   die!     Let   me   die!   This   is   my   last   wish.”     The   dark   night   sky   did   not   reply.     The   weather   of   the   last   few   days   had   been   unsettled.     Near   midnight,   rolls   of   thunder   resounded   and   a   blinding   flash   of   lightning   lit   up   the   night   sky.     A   deafening   crash   of   thunder   hit   Oliver   Kaffee   dead   on.     Not   only   did   it   not   hurt   him   in   the   least,   but   it   broke   Medusa’s   magic   curse.     He   originally   wanted   only   to   die.     Now   in   a   sudden   reverse   of   fate,   he   was   miraculously   saved.     Deliriously   joyful,   he   laughed   loudly   and   cried,  

“I   am   resurrected!     I   am   resurrected!   From   now   on   I   will   use   every   means   in   my   power   to   pay   back   Dimitri!”

Dimitri   tore   off   a   chunk   of   meat   with   his   teeth   and   chewed   vigorously.     After   a   while,   he   drank   some   wine.  

“Did   no   one   notice   anything   amiss   before   Oliver   Kaffee   resumed   his   position   at   World   Bank?   “he   asked.   “Surely   there   were   some   clues.”    

“No.     None   at   all.”   Richard   answered.     He   thought   for   a   moment   and   then   said,   “Maybe   there   were,   but   we   missed   it.     You   know   Jamaz   and   I   are   used   to   a   carefree   and   nomadic   lifestyle.     Perhaps   there   were   important   social   events   we   should   have   gone   to   but   didn’t.     Maybe   there   were   meetings   we   should   have   attended   but   didn’t.     Whenever   we   had   the   chance,   we   went   to   gambling   halls,   spending   money   like   water,   splurging   it   all   on   loose   women.     You   entrusted   us   with   so   much   money   and   such   important   responsibilities,   but   we   treated   it   all   as   a   lark   and   paid   no   attention   to   our   duties.     It   really   was   too   bad   of   us.     We   are   sorry,   but   now   it   is   too   late.”     Jamaz   chewed   on   his   large   juicy   rib   and   nodded   forcefully   in   agreement.

“Yes,”   he   said.     “Richard   is   right.     He   said   what   is   in   his   heart.”  

  Dimitri   did   not   blame   them   because   in   his   heart   he   understood   very   well   the   dissolute   habits   of   his   friends,   their   lack-a-daisical   attitude   towards   conventional   jobs.     He   treasured   their   friendship   forged   in   trails   and   tribulation.     In   fact,   didn’t   he,   too,   hanker   after   nomadic   and   adventurous   life   style?     He   knew   their   shortcomings   but   still   nominated   them   president   and   vice-president   of   World   Bank   because   he   wanted   them   to   get   what   they   wanted   and   realize   their   dreams.     He   was   more   than   willing   to   share   his   fame   and   fortune   with   them.     Dimitri   continued,

                        ”What   methods   did   Oliver   Kaffee   use   to   regain   control   so   quickly   and   efficiently?     Did   no   one   protest?     Did   no   one   resist?”

“Of   course   some   did.”   Richard   answered.     “But   you   know   Oliver   Kaffee   is   a   double-faced   guy.     On   the   surface   he   is   a   prince   of   finance,   but   in   reality   he   is   the   king   of   the   underworld.     He   keeps   the   big   and   small   heads   of   different   departments   under   strict   surveillance   using   his   underlings.     Any   hint   of   non-compliance   was   subjected   to   threats,   then   imprisonment   and   torture,   even   assassination   if   they   do   not   prove   to   be   malleable.     As   a   result,   everyone   was   scared   and   felt   threatened,   so   no   one   dared   voice   any   opposing   opinion.     But   although   no   public   dissent   had   been   expressed,   strong-armed   tactics   could   not   suppress   private   grumblings   and   the   indignation   of   the   general   staff.”     Dimitri’s   countenance   turned   cold   and   determined   as   it   was   want   to   whenever   challenged.

“Good!     Good!   This   time   I   will   teach   him   a   final   lesson.     The   saying   ‘Kindness   to   the   enemy   is   cruelty   to   oneself’   is   correct.”     Jamaz   concurred,

“I   would   rather   like   to   go   into   face-to-face   combat   with   them   and   fight   to   the   death.     I   cannot   stand   this   hiding   and   lurking   around!”

“Yes.     Yes.”     Richard   said.     “Give   us   your   orders,   Dimitri.     We   will   do   as   you   command   come   hell   or   high   water.”

“Patience.     Patience.”   answered   Dimitri,   relaxing   his   militant   expression.     “The   timing   is   not   yet   right.     When   the   time   comes,   I   will   get   back   the   positions   of   president   and   vice-president   of   World   Bank   for   you   again.”

Richard   hesitated   and   then   said   slowly,   “Getting   our   positions   back   again   is   really   not   important.     I   have   tasted   what   it   is   to   have   power   and   riches.     That’s   enough.     I   am   like   a   little   stick   that   has   been   ignited   and   gave   off   light   and   heat.     I   feel   I   am   most   suited   to   be   a   thief,   blending   into   crowds   in   gambling   halls   and   bar-rooms.”

“Me,   too”   said   Jamaz.     “I   am   not   suited   to   be   vice-president.     Every   day   I   have   to   dress   up   formally   and   talk   about   things   I   don’t   really   understand.”     He   tensed   his   muscles,   showing   off   his   extremely   toned   body.   “I   like   to   use   my   muscle.”   Then   he   pointed   to   his   head.   “I   don’t   like   to   use   my   brains.”

“That’s   for   later.”   Dimitri   answered.   “We’ll   talk   about   it   when   the   time   comes.     At   the   moment,   we   have   to   think   about   staying   alive.     You   two   please   be   careful   and   try   to   be   invisible.     Once   Oliver   Kaffee   and   his   gang   gets   scent   of   you,   there   will   be   trouble.     But   things   are   not   that   bad   yet.     At   the   moment,   Oliver   Kaffee   will   not   dare   to   kill   you.     But   be   careful   not   to   fall   into   his   hands.     If   you   do,   things   will   be   hard   to   predict.”

Richard   suddenly   thought   of   something   and   asked,  

“Dimitri,   how   come   you   are   under   such   strict   surveillance?     Who   are   these   people?”

“I   don’t   know.”   Dimitri   answered.     “But   I   believe   it’s   not   Kaffee.     Because   I   am   under   surveillance,   I   believe   I   am   safe.     Kaffee   and   his   gang   will   not   be   able   to   get   through   to   me.     So   for   the   moment,   for   my   own   safety   I   do   not   want   to   be   rid   of   it   yet.     I   know   how   to   deal   with   it..   No   one   can   keep   me   down   unless   I   let   them.”Jamaz   tilted   his   bottle   and   took   a   large   gulp.  

“But   what   happened   to   your   eyes?     How   did   it   become   blind?”

“It’s   God’s   Will.”   sighed   Dimitri.   “It’s   God’s   Will.   Since   it’d   divine   intervention,   it   can   only   be   accepted   and   not   rebelled   against.”

“Can   nothing   be   done?”

“Heaven   knows.     But   don’t   worry   about   me.     So   long   as   my   stomach   is   full   and   there   are   a   few   planks   to   shield   me   from   the   weather,   I   am   satisfied.     My   brain   will   weave   wonderful   dreams   for   me.     If   I   can   spend   the   rest   of   my   life   like   this,   isn’t   it   very   stylish   and   romantic?”

“Don’t   forget   there’s   us.”   answered   Jamaz.   “We   will   take   care   of   you.     We   are   your   cane.”

“That’s   great”   said   Dimitri   “What   more   would   I   need?”   The   three   of   them   laughed,   held   up   their   glasses   and   swigged   happily.     They   drank   merrily   in   the   darkness   of   night   in   the   deserted   rose   garden,   accompanied   by   jazz   music   and   the   soft   crooning   female   voice.     In   this   nook   of   the   garden,   the   moon   seemed   to   be   brighter   and   the   roses   seemed   to   be   more   delicate   and   fragrant,   but   they   could   not   alleviate   the   anxiety   in   Dimitri’s   heart   about   his   Kingdom   of   Dreams.

                  Chapter     Six           Bestowal   of   the   Title   of   Queen

Dimitri   woke   from   his   dreams   yawning   drowsily.     He   opened   his   heavy   eyelids   and   looked   around.     The   blue   skies   outside   were   dotted   with   a   few   clouds.     By   the   window,   Lotus   was   spinning   cotton   with   the   elegant,   unhurried   and   leisurely   pace   characteristic   of   her.     The   “Yi   Ya”   sound   of   the   softly   whirling   spinning   wheel   was   the   only   sound   in   the   room.     By   her   feet   was   a   small   red   stove   with   a   clay   pot   on   it,   giving   off   the   delicate   and   refreshing   fragrance   of   lotus   seed   stew.     Everything   was   calm   and   quiet,   with   no   hint   of   disturbance   or   turmoil.     Dimitri’s   heart   calmed   down   in   relief   as   if   a   load   had   fallen   off   his   mind.     He   remembered   clearly   drinking   happily   with   Richard   and   Jamaz   in   the   deserted   rose   garden   last   night.     But   now   he   was   back   again   in   his   majestic   Kingdom.     Had   he   dreamed   of   being   entangled   in   the   treacherous   web   of   the   mundane   world?     Or   was   he   living   in   the   humdrum   world,   dreaming   of   a   majestic   Kingdom   with   fabulous   riches   and   numerous   exotic   beauties?     He   could   not   really   draw   the   line   between   reality   and   fantasy.     Dimitri   stared   blankly   at   the   blue   skies   outside   the   window.   Actually   dreams   and   real   life   are   one.     Or   you   can   say,   real   life   is   an   endless   extension   of   dreams,   and   dreams   are   a   projection   of   reality.     The   two   co-exist   and   overlap   each   other,   so   it   is   needless   to   distinguish   between   them.     Having   reached   a   satisfactory   conclusion,   Dimitri   smiled.     He   remembered   that   in   the   mundane   world,   his   role   was   that   of   a   pitiful   blind   man,   a   victim   of   fate.     So   many   beautiful   things   had   gone   by   his   eyes,   but   he   carelessly   overlooked   them   and   failed   to   grab   hold   of   any   of   them.     Luckily   in   his   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   he   still   had   his   sight.     He   must   treasure   all   that   happened   and   appeared   before   his   eyes,   imprinting   them   indelibly   in   his   memory,   so   they   could   never   be   obliterated.     Dimitri   looked   at   Lotus’   curvaceous   silhouette.     Her   elegant,   unhurried   movements   were   mesmerizing   and   enticed   his   eyes.

By   the   banks   of   this   wide   expanse   of   blue   waters   was   a   simple   thatched   hut.     Originally   built   to   allay   Lotus’   homesickness   for   her   native   land,   it   was   now   Dimitri’s   temporary   residence.     Since   his   return   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   King   Dimitri   was   inclined   towards   a   simple,   rustic   lifestyle,   physically   sowing,   reaping,   tilling   the   soil   and   reading   books   in   his   leisure   time.     The   Beauties   often   came,   primarily   to   visit,   to   be   near   and   intimate   with   him,   but   also   to   meet   and   chat   with   the   other   Beauties.     The   former   barren   and   desolate   lakeside   suddenly   came   to   life,   brightened   by   their   melodious   voices   and   laughter.     The   landscape   too   rewarded   the   additional   care   given   them   by   flourishing   and   becoming   a   sea   of   lush   green.     Just   then,   Lotus   who   was   busy   spinning   suddenly   became   aware   that   King   Dimitri   was   awake.     She   looked   towards   where   he   had   been   sleeping   and   found   that   he   was   silently   staring   at   her.     A   radiant   smile   lit   up   her   beautiful   countenance.     She   said,

“You’re   awake,   King   Dimitri.     You   have   taken   a   very   long   nap!   I   thought   you   might   be   hungry   when   you   wake   up,   so   I   have   prepared   some   swallow   nest-lotus   seed   porridge   for   you.   Would   you   like   to   have   some?”

Dimitri   nodded.     Lotus   immediately   put   down   the   work   she   had   on   hand   and   took   out   a   blue   and   white   celadon   porcelain   bowl   gilded   with   gold   edge.     Made   by   expert   craftsmen,   it   was   a   delicately   textured   bowl,   thin   as   cardboard   paper.     She   took   out   a   spoon,   similar   in   color   and   texture   and   put   it   in   the   bowl.     The   sound   of   the   spoon   hitting   the   bowl   was   ringing   and   melodious.     Lotus   ladled   the   mouth-watering   porridge   into   the   bowl   and   brought   it   over   to   King   Dimitri.     She   stooped   down   by   his   side   before   the   bed   and   scooped   out   a   spoonful   of   the   porridge,   raised   it   to   her   red,   flowerlike   lips   and   blew   lightly   on   it   to   cool   it   down   a   bit.     Then   she   tasted   it.     Finding   the   temperature   suitable,   she   fed   it   into   Dimitri’s   mouth   slowly   and   methodically.     Lotus   fed   him   spoonful   after   spoonful   and   King   Dimitri   swallowed   every   mouthful   of   the   delicious   porridge.     Silently,   King   Dimitri   half   reclined   on   the   bed,   fully   enjoying   her   gentle   service.     He   placed   his   hands   on   Lotus’   shoulder   and   back,   lightly   caressing   the   glowing,   glossy   skin,   smooth   and   soft   as   satin.     Dimitri   thought   to   himself,

  “I   must   imprint   this   gentle   feeling   into   my   memory,   to   immortalize   this   moment   forever.”

Dimitri   looked   out   of   the   windows.     On   his   left   lay   the   Twin   peaks   where   his   grand   and   imposing   palace   was.     On   the   other   side   was   the   administrative   building,   equipped   with   the   latest   in   modern   technology.     These   two   were   connected   by   a   rainbow-like   suspension   bridge.     His   eyes   turned   to   the   right,   across   the   wide   expanse   of   the   lake,   towards   the   outline   of   Giant   Mountain,   stretched   horizontally   on   the   horizon.     On   the   chest   of   the   fallen   giant   rose   another   palace   built   of   pure   gold.     Under   the   rays   of   the   setting   sun,   the   gold   palace   was   eye-dazzling.     The   gold   I   have   can   be   heaped   into   a   mountain   dazzling   in   its   golden   magnificence.     Dimitri   brought   his   gaze   back   from   the   far   away   horizon.     His   hand   was   still   lightly   caressing   Lotus’   silken   hair   and   beautiful   skin,   soft   as   satin   and   smooth   as   jade.     His   heart   was   filled   with   an   inexplicable   sadness.     He   thought,  

“Even   though   in   my   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   I   possess   fabulous   wealth,   in   the   real   world   I   have   frittered   away   half   my   life   in   aimless   drifting   and   wandering.     I   realize   now,   to   my   deepest   regret,   that   I   have   unconsciously   wasted   the   golden   years   of   my   life.     Even   if   I   were   willing   to   spend   all   the   gold   I   have,   I   cannot   redeem   a   second   of   the   time   that   has   gone   by.     Yes,   youth   has   vanished.     Time   has   flown   by   and   cannot   be   retrieved.     Spring   breeze   blows   on   the   earth   year   after   year,   but   no   matter   how   assiduously   the   spring   breeze   blows   or   how   fertile   the   soil,   tender   green   leaves   will   never   burst   forth   from   the   withered   branches   of   a   rotted,   rootless   tree.”     Lotus’   soft   smooth   skin   covered   Dimitri’s   whole   body   and   Dimitri   felt   as   if   he   were   lying   on   a   cloud,   forgetting   even   his   own   existence.     He   only   felt   the   touching   of   skin   on   skin.   That   soft,   smooth   skin   was   warm   and   fresh.     Dimitri   felt   he   was   lying   buoyantly   on   a   cloud,   floating,   floating   to   a   far   away   place.     In   his   heart,   there   was   always   this   inexplicable   sadness   that   he   had   trifled   through   the   golden   years   of   his   life   and   that   today   he   was   like   a   rootless   tree.     No   amount   of   spring   breeze   and   fertile   soil   can   induce   tender   green   leaves   to   grow   again   on   its   withered   branches.     Yes,   try,   try   again;   squeeze,   squeeze   again;   but   to   no   avail.     Time   cannot   be   recovered   and   youth   cannot   come   again.     When   the   sun   goes   down   the   horizon,   when   white   hair   gradually   climb   up   my   skull,   the   regrets   in   my   heart   will   only   grow.     In   this   mundane   world,   I   have   wasted   half   my   life   in   drifting   and   wandering   aimlessly,   squandering   my   golden   years.     The   night   time   of   life   will   soon   approach.     Let’s   hope   that   in   the   night   there   will   be   a   full   moon.     But   I   am   only   a   withered   tree,   standing   alone   by   the   lakeside.     Under   the   moon,   the   glistening   waves   of   the   lake   shimmer   in   silvery   splendor.     My   silver   hair   is   ruffled   by   the   spring   breeze.     Ah!   Don’t   the   silvery   waves   and   my   silvery   hair   enhance   each   other?   Although   I   have   wasted   my   youth,   brilliant   as   gold,   I   will   not   fail   to   live   up   to   the   remaining   years   of   my   life   whose   sparkling   sheen   is   as   lustrous   as   silver.     Even   though   the   sun   has   set   and   sank   beyond   the   horizon,   in   my   abdomen   a   sun   has   risen,   gentle   and   genial,   giving   off   light,   silently   sending   out   its   residual   warmth.     So   long   as   the   red   sun   in   my   abdomen   does   not   extinguish,   so   long   as   the   spring   breeze   does   not   stop   blowing,   one   day   tender   green   leaves   will   burst   forth   again   on   my   withered   trunk.

    Just   then,   Dimitri’s   caressing   hands   touched   the   sensitive   bud   of   that   spot   between   Lotus’   thighs,   but   was   lightly   pushed   away   by   another   gentle   hand.     Dimitri   opened   his   eyes   and   looked   at   her   questioningly.  

“Why   do   you   refuse   me?”     Lotus   sat   up,   smoothed   her   ruffled   hair,   put   her   soft   hand   into   his   and   said,  

“It   is   not   that   I   want   to   refuse   you,   King   Dimitri.     You   should   know   how   much   I   want   to   devote   my   flesh   body   to   you,   but   there   are   so   many   beauties   in   the   Kingdom   who   all   wish   to   gain   your   royal   favor.     I   have   heard   that   too   much   expending   of   a   man’s   semen   is   harmful   to   his   health   and   may   even   shorten   his   life   span.     I   want   you   to   safeguard   your   precious   semen.     As   for   me,   I   belong   to   you   body   and   soul.     Whether   we   make   love   or   not   is   therefore   inconsequential.”     Dimitri   was   greatly   moved   by   her   words   and   a   feeling   of   warmth   filled   his   heart   as   if   a   myriad   of   flowers   had   burst   into   bloom.     He   wanted   to   say   more,   but   Lotus   said,

  “Look   King   Dimitri!   Someone   is   coming!”     Dimitri   looked   out   of   the   window   and   saw   a   puff   of   smoke   streak   from   the   administrative   building,   rush   over   the   lake   and   come   towards   him.

White   Fairy   arrived   at   the   simple   thatched   hut,   changed   into   human   form   and   knocked   softly   at   the   door,   asking   in   a   hushed   voice,

  “Lotus,   Is   King   Dimitri   awake?”     The   door   opened   at   once   and   Lotus   came   out   saying,                     “He’s   awake.     He   just   woke   up   a   little   while   ago.     Come   in.     Please   come   in.”     Hand   in   hand,   the   two   walked   into   the   thatched   hut.     King   Dimitri   beamed   at   the   sight   of   White   Fairy.     He   said,

“   I   saw   you   streaking   across   the   lake.     Is   anything   wrong?”     He   patted   the   place   beside   him   on   the   bed,   inviting   her   to   sit   there.     The   White   Fairy   sat   down.     King   Dimitri   held   her   hand   and   said,  

“Thank   you   for   helping   me   escape   the   strict   surveillance   so   I   could   meet   my   two   friends.     I   haven’t   had   a   chance   to   thank   you   after   I   returned   to   the   Kingdom.”  

“There   is   no   need   for   thanks   between   us,   King   Dimitri.”   White   Fairy   said.   “Whenever   you   are   in   need,   you   just   have   to   call   and   I   will   be   there.”   Just   then,   Lotus   came   towards   them   with   a   cup   of   tea   in   her   hand.  

“I   know   you   only   take   nectar   and   wine,   but   here   is   a   cup   of   clear   Chinese   tea.   Try   it   and   see   how   you   like   it.”     White   Fairy   stood   up   and   took   the   covered   cup.     The   two   of   them   sat   down   on   either   side   of   King   Dimitri.

  “I   heard   you   talking   about   strict   surveillance”   said   Lotus,   “What’s   all   that   about?”   White   fairy   lifted   the   cover   of   the   cup   and   blew   lightly   on   the   tea   leaves   floating   at   the   top.     She   told   Lotus   in   detail   how   King   Dimitri   met   his   two   friends,   how   she   changed   into   white   smoke   so   as   to   help   him   escape   the   strict   surveillance,   how   King   Dimitri   jumped   out   of   the   window   in   order   to   meet   with   his   two   friends.     On   hearing   the   tale,   Lotus   sighed   and   said,  

“King   Dimitri,   it’s   not   that   I   am   complaining,   but   you   have   this   magnificent   Kingdom   and   all   the   beauties   accompanying   you.     What   is   so   lacking   here   that   you   keep   going   to   the   mundane   world   and   wander   around   like   a   nomad.     That   life   is   hard   and   dangerous   and   we   here   at   the   palace   worry   about   you.     Is   it   worth   it?”     King   Dimitri   felt   embarrassed   and   bashful.    

  “I’m   so   sorry”   he   said,               Sometimes   I   really   cannot   control   my   wanderlust.     My   two   legs   yearn   to   wander   all   around   the   place.     I’m   sorry.     I’m   so   sorry!”     Then   the   three   of   them   laughed.     White   Fairy   sipped   her   tea.     Fragrant   and   soothing   liquid   slid   down   her   throat,   making   her   feel   refreshed   and   invigorated.     She   gave   Lotus   a   playful   white   eye   saying

“You   have   this   wonderful   thing   here   but   you   hoard   it   and   don’t   share   it   with   us!     It’s   really   too   bad   of   you.”     Lotus   laughed   and   said,

  “Tea   is   a   native   product   of   where   I   come   from.     It’s   a   very   common   drink.     If   you   like   it,   you   can   take   some   with   you   when   you   leave.     I   have   a   lot   of   them   here.”

  Dimitri   thought   of   something   and   asked   White   Fairy,  

“I   saw   you   streaking   over   here   in   a   hurry.     Was   there   something   important   you   wanted   me   to   know?”  

“Nothing   urgent.”   White   fairy   replied.     “Megan   wanted   me   to   ask   for   your   instructions.     It’s   Aisha’s   birthday   today.     Normally,   we   always   have   a   banquet   to   celebrate   the   birthdays   of   the   beauties.   This   time   it’s   different.     Do   you   want   it   to   be   held   at   the   palace   where   we   presently   live   or   at   the   newly   constructed   gold   palace?”  

  “I   think   we   should   have   it   here   at   the   palace”   said   Dimitri   after   giving   it   some   thought.   “The   gold   palace   is   brilliant   and   dazzling,   but   everything   is   hard   and   cold,   not   very   cozy.”    

“You’re   right”   said   White   Fairy.   “Megan   said   would   you   please   go   over   to   the   administrative   building   at   your   earliest   convenience?     She   has   something   important   to   report   to   you.”  

  “OK,”   said   King   Dimitri.   “I   will   go   over   there   at   once.     Is   my   flying   horse   Lightning   around?”  

  “No”   replied   White   Fairy.   “Medusa   took   it   out   with   her   early   this   morning,   saying   they   will   make   a   round   of   the   borders   of   the   Kingdom   together   so   that   Lightning   would   be   familiar   with   the   lay   of   the   land   and   understand   the   surrounding   environment.     Medusa   said   she   wants   to   give   the   job   of   patrolling   the   borders   to   Lightning   so   that   she   herself   can   concentrate   on   safeguarding   the   security   of   the   heart   of   the   Kingdom   where   we   live.   That   is,   the   lake   and   its   surrounding   mountains.”     King   Dimitri   smiled   and   nodded   in   agreement.  

“Good!   That’s   very   well   done.”   White   Fairy   continued,   “On   my   way   here,   I   saw   Dorna,   Mary,   Diana   and   Sheila   sailing   on   the   lake   quite   near   here.     You   could   board   their   sailboat   and   cross   to   the   opposite   shore.     Dorna   is   fascinated   with   sailing   these   days.     Why   not   give   her   a   chance   to   show   off?”   King   Dimitri   smiled   and   said,

  “Good!     I   will   do   that.     I   know   Little   Dorna   cannot   sit   still   for   long.”     Loud,   thunderous   tiger   roars   filled   the   air.     Dimitri   looked   at   White   Fairy,   mystified.    

“This   must   be   your   little   pal,   Mr.   Finger,   playing   with   the   tigers.”     Lotus   nodded   and   said,  

“Yes.   The   little   imp   doesn’t   know   these   two   tigers   are   really   ferocious   and   are   King   Dimitri’s   body   guards.     He   thinks   these   are   two   large   striped   pussy   cats!”     The   three   of   them   laughed   heartily,   rose   and   prepared   to   leave   the   simple   thatched   hut.

On   the   large   open   space   by   the   bank   of   the   lake,   Kojak   and   Cortez,   the   two   ferocious   tigers,   favorites   of   King   Dimitri   were   running   in   circles   around   Mr.   Finger.     He   held   up   his   hand,   and   then   slashed   it   downwards   emphatically,   shouting   “Stop!”     The   two   tigers   immediately   stopped   and   sat   before   him.     They   knew   the   little   man   was   King   Dimitri’s   guest,   so   they   gave   him   the   respect   accorded   to   an   odd   and   eccentric   visitor   and   obeyed   his   commands.     Hands   clasped   behind   his   back,   Mr.   Finger   swaggered   before   the   two   tigers   as   if   admonishing   subordinates.  

  “In   the   city,   I   have   a   Pekinese.     He   is   bigger   and   stronger   than   you   two,   fierce   and   ferocious.     He   is   my   personal   bodyguard.     If   you   don’t   believe   me,   you   can   ask   Chanelle.     His   name   is   Lucky   Boy.     He   later   sacrificed   his   life   to   protect   my   safety.     He   is   an   extraordinary   dog.     Do   you   understand?     So   you   two   need   not   be   true   to   King   Dimitri,   but   you   must   be   loyal   to   me.     You   do   not   need   to   protect   King   Dimitri,   but   must   protect   my   safety,   even   to   the   point   of   giving   up   your   life   for   me   because   I   am   a   greater   king   than   Dimitri.     I   am   unique   in   this   world,   the   greatest   king   that   ever   lived   in   this   world.     Understand?     Do   you   understand?”   The   two   tigers   stared   with   rounded   tiger   eyes   at   the   little   man   who   was   strutting   about   with   extravagant   gestures,   spraying   saliva   all   around   while   giving   a   speech   they   did   not   really   understand.     Just   then,   a   double-mast   sailboat   docked   expertly   and   several   beauties   walked   along   the   pier   towards   the   dock.     Heading   them   was   the   lively   and   vivacious   Dorna.     From   afar,   she   saw   the   two   ferocious   tigers   sitting   submissively   side   by   side   before   Mr.   Finger,   who   was   prancing   around   talking   about   something.     So   she   put   her   fingers   into   her   mouth,   produced   a   piercing   whistle   and   waved   at   the   tigers.     When   the   two   tigers   saw   it   was   Dorna,   they   jumped   up   and   ran   gleefully   towards   her.     Mr.   Finger   ran   after   them   shouting,  

“Come   back!     Come   back!     Are   you   rebelling?   How   dare   you   move   before   I   give   you   permission!”     But   the   two   tigers   ran   straight   towards   the   dock   without   a   backward   glance,   leaving   Mr.   Finger   standing   there   fuming   with   rage.  

  When   the   group   of   people   came   near,   Mr.   Finger   flared   up   before   they   could   say   anything.     With   one   hand   on   his   hips   and   one   hand   pointing   accusingly   at   Dorna,   he   said,  

“Go   away!     It’s   all   your   fault.     Before   you   came,   these   two   tigers   were   very   obedient.     Now   that   you   are   here,   they   don’t   listen   to   me   any   more.     It’s   all   your   doing.     Go   away.   I   don’t   want   to   see   you.”     Dorna   was   angry   to   be   shouted   at   so   rudely   by   Mr.   Finger   the   moment   she   landed.     She   said,

  “Mr.   Finger,   are   you   drunk   again?     What   are   you   raving   at?”  

  “Who’s   drunk?”   Mr.   Finger   cried.   “You   are   drunk!     Who’s   raving?   It’s   you   who   are   raving!   I   spoke   the   truth.     After   you   came,   these   two   tigers   don’t   listen   to   me   any   more.     Isn’t   that   your   fault?”     He   waved   to   Kojak   and   Cortez   saying,   “Come   here!”     But   obviously   his   command   no   longer   worked.     They   remained   behind   Dorna   and   did   not   budge.     Dorna   said   triumphantly,

  “See.     It’s   not   my   fault.     They   don’t   want   to   obey   you   any   more.     You   should   examine   your   own   words   and   actions   to   see   why   they   won’t   obey   you   but   would   only   obey   King   Dimitri.”     Mr.   Finger   waved   his   hands   and   shouted   angrily,  

“Come   here   immediately!     I   will   give   you   one   more   chance.     Otherwise   I   will   kill   you   two   beasts.”     In   reply,   the   tigers   roared   at   him   in   unison   angrily.   Mr.   Finger   felt   a   great   loss   of   face.     The   exultant   expression   on   Dorna’s   face   mortified   him   and   he   didn’t   know   what   to   do.     So   he   put   on   his   rapscallion   act,   sat   on   the   ground   crying   and   shouting

“   You   bully   me!     You   take   advantage   of   me   because   I   am   small   and   easy   to   bully.   Alright,   bully   me   then.     I   will   go   and   tell   King   Dimitri!”     Just   then,   King   Dimitri   arrived   on   the   scene   with   Lotus   and   White   Fairy.   Seeing   the   crying   and   shouting   little   fellow   throwing   a   temper   tantrum,   King   Dimitri   stooped   down   to   him   and   said,  

“My   dear   little   pal,   who   made   you   mad?     Tell   me   and   I   will   punish   the   culprit.”     Mr.   Finger   said,

  “Who   made   me   mad?     All   of   you   bully   me,   including   these   two   beasts.     You   think   that   because   I   am   short   and   small   I   am   easy   to   bully,   right?     No   way!     Bully   on!   I   will   jump   into   the   lake   and   commit   suicide   to   get   away   from   you.”  

  When   he   heard   the   ranting   of   the   little   fellow,   King   Dimitri   at   once   understood   that   Mr.   Finger   was   up   to   his   old   tricks   again.   He   was   moody,   irascible   and   had   no   sense   of   right   or   wrong,   so   King   Dimitri   said   amiably,  

“Don’t   cry.     Don’t   cry.     Come   with   me   to   the   palace   across   the   lake.     It’s   Aisha’s   birthday   today.     We’re   having   a   birthday   banquet   where   there’s   sure   to   be   lots   of   good   wine.   Let’s   go   drinking.”     On   hearing   Aisha’s   name,   Mr.   Finger’s   eyes   rolled   round   and   round   and   he   thought   he   had   a   chance   for   revenge.     He   said   to   King   Dimitri,  

“Give   me   your   ears.     I   have   a   great   secret   to   tell   you.”     King   Dimitri   put   him   on   his   palm   and   raised   him   to   his   ears   where   the   little   fellow   whispered   a   few   words   secretively.     King   Dimitri’s   countenance   at   once   changed.     An   expression   of   rage   and   anger   flashed   by   for   a   moment,   but   was   immediately   controlled   and   King   Dimitri   resumed   his   gentle   and   dignified   demeanor.     He   was   silent   for   a   moment,   thinking   this   little   informer   was   not   very   reliable.     His   words   should   be   taken   with   a   grain   of   salt.     He   thought   he   knew   Aisha   and   that   she   was   not   one   to   commit   such   transgressions.   So   he   nodded   and   said,  

“Alright.     I   know.     I   will   deal   with   it.     Let’s   go   and   have   a   drink.”   Dorna,   standing   by,   was   sensitive   to   the   change   in   King   Dimitri.     She   had   an   inkling   that   Mr.   Finger   was   tattle-taling   and   trying   to   make   trouble.     Mr.   Finger   waved   his   hands   vigorously   and   said,  

“No,   no,   no,   no.     I   will   not   go.     I   said   I   won’t   go,   so   I   won’t   go.   I   won’t   go   because   I   am   embarrassed.     I   want   to   stay   here   and   play.”     King   Dimitri   placed   him   on   the   ground   and   said,

  “I   won’t   force   you   to   go   if   you   don’t   want   to.     You   are   safe   here   in   my   kingdom.     No   one   will   bully   you   that   include   all   the   birds,   fish,   animals   and   insects.     You   are   my   friend,   King   Dimitri’s   friend.”     Saying   so   he   led   the   little   group   on   to   the   pier,   boarded   the   sailboat   and   left.     In   the   surging   waves,   the   large   white   fish   covered   with   gorgeous   scales   as   if   she   were   wearing   a   sequenced   evening   gown   could   be   seen   tailing   the   boat.     She   gazed   fixedly   at   every   movement   and   action   of   King   Dimitri   and   his   beauties,   her   eyes   full   of   longing   and   self   pity.

Watching   King   Dimitri’s   sailboat   gradually   disappear   into   the   distance   gave   Mr.   Finger   a   pang   of   deep   remorse.     If   he   hadn’t   been   so   uncontrollably   pumped   up   with   adrenaline   and   spouted   all   kinds   of   nonsense,   he   would   be   with   them   now,   going   to   the   birthday   banquet   where   there   was   sure   to   be   a   lively   get-together.     The   food   and   drink,   too,   would   undeniably   be   excellent   and   plentiful.     But   because   of   his   own   willfulness,   he   was   all   alone   on   this   desolate   and   deserted   plain,   single   and   solitary.

  “Oh,   why   did   I   have   to   act   up   like   that?”   he   lamented.     Mr.   Finger   walked   around   aimlessly   in   the   neighboring   woods   and   came   to   a   field   of   tulips.     He   sat   on   the   ground,   picked   up   a   fallen   twig   and   scribbled   his   name   until   all   reachable   areas   around   him   was   full   of   his   signature.     He   threw   away   the   twig   and   looked   at   the   ground   of   words   dazedly.  

  “Is   that   my   name?”   he   thought.     “Who   gave   me   that   name?     My   parents?     But   who   are   they?     Who   are   my   parents?   Or   am   I   like   the   single   celled   ameba,   which   was   a   product   of   nature.     Could   it   be   that   I,   too,   am   a   product   of   nature,   not   conceived   by   the   intercourse   of   parents?”     Lost   in   thought,   he   began   to   giggle.    

“Yes!     How   fortunate   I   am!     I   am   the   only   person   in   the   world   not   conceived   by   the   intercourse   of   a   father   and   mother.     No   matter   what,   life   is   to   be   celebrated   and   I   am   that   lucky   person.”     But   then   he   suddenly   thought   of   King   Dimitri,   who   possessed   unfathomable   wealth   and   had   so   many   beauties   to   keep   him   company.    

“King   Dimitri   has   uncountable   wealth,   fabulous   palaces   and   so   many   beauties.     But   I,   I   am   a   solitary   man   who   has   nothing   to   my   name.     Not   even   one   woman   of   my   size   to   keep   me   company.     That   is   not   fair!”     Mr.   Finger   raised   his   head   and   contemplated   the   evening   skies,   covered   with   multicolored   clouds.     He   cried   to   the   heavens,  

“God!     Do   you   really   exist?     You   said,   ‘It   is   not   good   that   the   man   should   be   alone.     I   will   make   a   helpmate   for   him.’     You   made   Eve   for   Adam,   the   ancestor   of   mankind.     But   I,   Mr.   Finger,   live   alone   in   solitude   in   the   world.     I   want   to   ask   you,   where   is   the   woman   for   me?     Where   is   my   Eve?”     Mr.   Finger   hysterically   kow-towed   towards   the   skies   crying   and   shouting,  

“Where   is   my   woman?     Where   is   my   Eve?     Oh   God,   if   you   really   exist,   please   give   me   a   woman,   my   Eve.     Please.     I   beg   of   you.”  

  Before   his   voice   died   away,   a   miracle   happened,   as   if   God   really   answered   his   prayers.     Not   far   away,   a   string   of   bell-like   laughter   trilled   in   the   air.     Mr.   Finger   raised   his   head   and   saw   a   tiny   naked   beauty   half-reclining   on   a   tulip   nearby   whose   height   was   similar   to   his   own.     The   finger   high   beauty   leapt   gracefully   from   the   flower   and   sashayed   towards   him   saying,  

“Hi   there!     I   saw   you   as   soon   as   you   walked   into   the   tulip   field.     You   were   laughing   and   crying   and   kowtowing   to   the   skies.     It   was   really   funny!”     She   stopped   beside   Mr.   Finger,   helped   him   up   and   continued,  

“Before   today,   I   thought   I   was   the   only   tiny   person   in   the   world.     But   now   I   know   there   is   another   one.     Does   this   mean   we   were   meant   for   each   other?”     Mr.   Finger   gawked   at   the   tiny   naked   beauty,   the   same   size   as   himself.     She   had   a   pair   of   eyes,   lively,   erotic   and   sultry,   which   could   hypnotize   and   captivate   any   man.     But   when   she   closed   her   eyes,   obliterating   the   fascinating   orbs,   you   saw   a   beautiful   face,   pure   and   naive   as   an   angel.     Mr.   Finger   was   tongue-tied.     He   stuttered   and   stammered   and   could   not   be   coherent.

  “You   are...”     The   little   beauty   smiled   and   said,  

“My   name   is   Viola.     I   grew   up   in   these   fields   and   waters.     How   come   I   have   never   seen   you   before?     Where   are   you   from?”  

  “King   Dimitri   brought   me   here.     He   is   my   friend.”     Viola’s   brain   was   churning   when   she   heard   this,   but   she   kept   the   enticing   smile   on   her   face   and   said,  

“I   saw   King   Dimitri   sail   to   the   opposite   shore   with   some   of   his   beauties.     If   you   are   his   friend,   how   come   you   didn’t   go   with   him?”     Mr.   Finger   hung   his   head   and   said,  

“I   didn’t   want   to   go.     They   all   bully   me.”     Viola   was   exultant   to   hear   that.   She   said,              

                        “They   bully   you?     I   won’t   bully   you.     I   am   here   all   alone   and   feel   very   lonely.     Now   that   you   are   here,   we   can   keep   each   other   company.     Isn’t   that   nice?     Look!     It’s   getting   late.     Where   will   you   sleep   tonight?”     Mr.   Finger   hung   his   head   and   said,

                        “I   don’t   know.”     Viola   said,

                        “Since   you   have   nowhere   to   stay,   why   don’t   you   come   with   me?”     Mr.   Finger   was   very   happy   to   hear   that.     He   raised   his   head   and   said,  

                      “That’s   wonderful!     Where   do   you   live?     Do   you   have   any   wine?     I   love   wine.”     Viola’s   smile   became   more   alluring.    

                    “Come   with   me.     You   will   know   when   you   get   there.       I   have   wine   and   it’s   very   good   wine   made   of   nectar.     I’m   sure   you   have   never   tasted   it   before.”     Mr.   Finger   was   excited.    

                    “Good!     Good!     Let’s   go!     Why   aren’t   we   moving?”     The   two   little   figures   walked   hand   in   hand   amid   the   flowers   under   the   after   glow   of   the   setting   sun.     Was   their   meeting   arranged   by   Fate?     Or   was   it   God’s   Will?     Perhaps   you   can   say   God’s   Will   is   the   decree   of   Fate.     Since   it’s   God’s   Will,   it   is   the   highest   secret   of   the   universe,   which   no   human   can   surmise   and   ascertain.     Just   as   in   the   unfathomable   universe,   the   stars   rotate   according   to   a   special   order   and   route.

King   Dimitri   debarked   from   the   sailboat   and   led   the   beauties   up   the   steps   leading   towards   the   mountain   peak.     He   looked   up   at   the   flocks   of   birds   flying   towards   the   faraway   forest   and   thought,   “Ah   yes,   it   was   dusk   and   time   for   the   birds   to   go   back   to   their   nests.”     He   remembered   how   in   the   mundane   world   the   wild   pigeons   squeezed   together   on   the   eaves   of   his   apartment   house   at   dusk   quibbling   and   grumbling   incessantly.     Under   the   eaves   was   his   home,   a   small   studio,   which   could   be   considered   his   nest.     Whenever   he   thought   of   the   shabby   furnishings   and   the   used   and   barely   functional   furniture   in   his   room,   it   always   brought   a   warm   feeling   to   his   heart.     Just   then,   the   beauties   took   their   leave   of   King   Dimitri   and   walked   over   the   beautiful   rainbow   like   suspension   bridge   towards   the   peak   of   the   mountain   where   the   grand   and   magnificent   palace   was.     There   was   a   lot   of   work   to   be   done   by   them   to   prepare   for   the   great   banquet   tonight.     Just   as   King   Dimitri   was   about   to   cross   the   spacious   air   strip,   where   his   helicopters   were   kept,   and   walk   towards   the   administrative   building   equipped   with   the   latest   in   modern   technology,   he   heard   someone   behind   him   call   out,  

  “King   Dimitri,   please   wait   a   second.”    

Dimitri   turned   and   saw   it   was   golden-haired   Mary.     She   had   intentionally   lagged   behind   the   other   beauties,   evidently   wishing   to   talk   to   him   alone   privately.   “Is   there   something   you   want   to   tell   me,   my   dearest?”     Mary   walked   over   and   stood   before   him,   silent   for   a   moment.     Then   she   said,

“King   Dimitri,   I   think   you   know   that   in   your   studio   apartment   in   the   mundane   world,   you   are   under   strict   surveillance.     Every   corner   of   your   room   has   secret   surveillance   cameras   and   recording   machines.     Your   phone   is   tapped.     They   did   not   miss   any   possible   route   you   may   have   of   communicating   with   the   outside   world.”

“I   know.     I   know   all   that.”

“Then   one   day,   a   strange   smoke   permeated   your   room.     When   it   dispersed   you   were   gone.     I   think   it   must   have   been   White   Fairy   who   helped   you   escape   their   surveillance.     They   were   alarmed   and   panic-stricken.     Now   they   are   thrown   into   complete   confusion.”

“How   do   you   know   all   that?”

“I   am   the   one   who   was   ordered   to   keep   an   eye   on   you   and   report   daily   to   them   about   your   every   move   and   action.”     King   Dimitri   nodded,   his   expression   showing   that   he   suddenly   saw   the   light.     “Using   these   immoral,   dirty,   low-down   methods   to   persecute   a   helpless   blind   man   is   really   too   abominable.     I   didn’t   want   to   play   any   part   in   their   scheme   and   wanted   to   resign.     But   then   I   thought   that   if   I   did,   they   would   only   get   someone   else   to   do   the   job.     I   thought   it   best   to   come   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   ask   for   your   advice   so   we   can   put   our   heads   together   and   come   up   with   a   countermeasure.”

“Your   decision   is   correct.     Don’t   resign   yet.     I   may   still   need   you   to   shield   me.     I   still   need   that   little   room   to   safeguard   me   from   the   elements   and   enable   me   to   continue   to   weave   many   more   beautiful   dreams.”

“Really?”     Mary   didn’t   really   understand,   but   she   docilely   accepted   King   Dimitri’s   decision.     “In   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   life   is   so   wonderful,   unrestrained   and   carefree.     I   am   crushed   with   a   sense   of   fear   and   dread   at   the   thought   that   once   I   wake   up,   I   will   be   back   in   that   awful   mundane   world   to   face   every   day   the   hardships   of   life   and   the   heavy   workload   of   the   job   I   hate   .     I   loathe   living   in   an   environment   where   I   have   to   make   tough   decisions   when   right   and   wrong,   good   and   evil   are   so   entwined;   to   be   compelled   to   put   up   with   scoundals   and   scum   of   the   earth   and   be   forced   to   associate   with   them.     When   I   think   of   all   this   I   am   scared.   What   is   worse,   I   have   to   deal   with   intense   changes   and   fluctuations   of   my   own   feelings.     These   mood   swings   make   me   vulnerable   and   I   often   feel   I   cannot   handle   it   any   more.”

“Don’t   be   afraid.”   King   Dimitri   comforted   her   saying.   “Don’t   be   afraid.     Such   is   life.     In   the   course   of   one’s   life,   it   is   inevitable   that   one   would   be   confronted   with   hardships   and   sorrow,   just   as   a   ship   cannot   expect   to   be   sailing   smoothly   forever   in   calm   waters.   Don’t   forget   no   matter   how   dangerous   the   waters   or   how   violent   the   storm,   my   Kingdom   of   Dreams   is   forever   your   safe   haven.     So   long   as   there   are   dreams   in   your   heart,   you   can   come   and   go   as   you   will   without   hindrance.     That   is   also   the   reason   why   I   wish   to   remain   in   the   mundane   world   --   to   make   more   wonderful   dreams   for   my   beauties   and   for   all   those   who   have   dreams   in   their   hearts.”

“Is   that   why   you   stay   in   that   small   room?”   golden-haired   Mary   asked.   “Why   you   voluntarily   accept   the   small   surveillance?     Do   you   know   that   nothing   in   your   life,   including   the   most   private   actions,   is   exempt   from   the   intrusions   of   secret   cameras?     This   is   dual   torture,   both   physical   and   mental.     Doesn’t   that   pain   you?”

“Of   course   I   feel   pain.”   King   Dimitri   replied.   “I   have   personally   experienced   the   heart   wrenching   pain.     But   the   sharpest   pain   can   be   changed   to   an   amazing   poem,   gently   floating   to   the   highest   level   of   spirit.     This   marvelous   revolving   reaction   of   the   soul   is   hard   to   explain   in   a   few   words.     But   I   can   tell   you,   don’t   be   afraid   of   mood   swings   or   imbalance   of   your   feelings.     The   most   violent   of   storms   in   the   end   will   always   calm   down   to   be   level   with   the   eternal   horizon.     When   faced   with   an   obstacle,   if   you   feel   you   can   transcend   it,   then   you   will   surely   be   able   to   do   so.     Do   you   understand?”

“No.”     Mary   shook   her   head   and   replied   honestly.     King   Dimitri   smiled   and   gently   patted   her   cheeks,   which   looked   so   naive   and   still   retained   its   childlike   innocence.    

“I   didn’t   think   you   would.”   he   said.   “You   are   too   young   and   lack   experience   of   the   world.     The   wine   of   your   life   is   not   quite   fermented   yet.     Only   when   it   is   fully   fermented   and   you   have   tasted   the   sweetness   of   the   wine   of   life   will   you   understand   what   life   is.”

“Alright”said   Mary.     “I’ll   taste   it   when   it   is   fermented   then.     I   must   go   to   the   palace   and   help   the   others   prepare   for   tonight’s   banquet.”     Saying   so   she   turned   and   ran   lightly   towards   the   bridge   suspended   between   the   twin   peaks.     Looking   at   Mary’s   retreating   figure,   her   misty,   golden   hair   swaying   with   the   wind,   a   smile   exuded   on   King   Dimitri’s   face.

Suddenly,   King   Dimitri   glimpsed   the   glittering,   solid   gold   palace   towards   his   left   and   his   heart   lurched.     Yes,   such   a   lot   of   gold   coming   from   markets   all   over   the   world   and   suddenly   disappearing   would   be   certain   to   catch   the   attention   of   intelligence   agencies   all   around   the   world.     The   fact   that   he   was   under   strict   surveillance   may   well   be   the   result   of   this   alertness   on   their   part.     It   was   a   matter   of   course   and   he   really   couldn’t   blame   them   for   doing   so.     King   Dimitri   acknowledged   that   what   he   had   inflicted   on   Eileen   was   cruel   and   unusual   punishment.     It   was   an   unforgivable   act.     Could   this   buying   up   of   so   much   gold   from   markets   all   over   the   world   and   building   this   palace   of   pure   gold   be   her   pre-meditated   and   malicious   plot   to   get   him   in   trouble?     Or   could   there   even   be   a   more   sinister   and   villainous   scheme   of   revenge?     Just   thinking   of   Eileen,   with   her   deceptive   beauty   and   serpentine   cunning,   gave   King   Dimitri   the   shivers   and   brought   on   a   feeling   of   fear.     In   reality,   what   King   Dimitri   had   to   face   was   so   much   more   perilous   and   precarious   than   he   thought.  

  Ever   since   Oliver   Kaffee   grabbed   hold   of   the   control   of   World   Bank,   he   deliberately   sabotaged   the   orders   coming   from   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     King   Dimitri’s   building   of   the   pure   gold   palace   in   his   Kingdom   required   a   lot   of   capital   to   pay   for   the   shipments   he   brought   in   from   world   markets.     Oliver   Kaffee’s   maneuverings   contributed   to   the   drying   up   of   King   Dimitri’s   resources.     What   was   originally   merely   a   temporary   shortage,   which   could   easily   be   dealt   with,   became   a   hailstorm   when   rumors   spread   by   Oliver   Kaffee   brought   doubts   on   King   Dimitri’s   solvency,   insinuating   that   the   finances   of   the   mysterious   trillionaire   Dimitri   Jackson   were   in   disarray   that   the   cracks   in   his   financial   empire   were   spreading   and   deepening.     Oliver   Kaffee   used   these   moments   if   instability   to   approach   King   Dimitri’s   emissaries   all   over   the   world,   telling   them   that   the   Kingdom   was   under   vicious   attack   from   barbarians   and   would   soon   be   annihilated.     Soon,   he   told   them,   the   Kingdom   would   cease   to   exist,   and   that   they   had   better   think   of   a   plan   to   save   themselves.     These   emissaries   were   all   loyal   subjects   of   King   Dimitri   and   were   all   trusted   with   immense   capital   they   were   free   to   invest   as   they   thought   fit.     They   were   proud   that   they   were   the   custodians   of   King   Dimitri’s   unfathomable   wealth.     But   under   the   present   circumstances,   they   could   not   stand   up   to   the   severe   test   and   fell   victim   to   Oliver   Kaffee’s   temptation.     They   became   semi-independent   and   took   a   ‘wait-and-see’   attitude,   feigning   compliance   to   the   orders   from   the   Kingdom   but   actually   resisting.     Some   even   openly   broke   with   the   Kingdom   and   rebelled   against   King   Dimitri.     Placed   in   such   tumultuous   circumstances,   King   Dimitri’s   financial   empire   began   to   crack   and   showed   signs   of   disintegration.     King   Dimitri   stood   alone   between   heaven   and   earth.     He   felt   lonely   and   helpless.     Could   he   overcome   the   hurdle   and   triumph   over   this   tempest?     He   was   not   sure.

Nine   gold   dragons   were   placed   at   different   strategic   positions   around   the   fountain   so   that   the   water   that   sprouted   from   their   mouths   crisscrossed   and   formed   an   extravagant   web   of   water   display.     King   Dimitri   stood   there   looking   at   the   brilliant,   shimmering   diamonds   that   covered   the   bottom   of   the   fountain.     He   remembered   that   it   was   the   former   main   administrator   of   the   Kingdom,   Eileen,   who   ordered   them   to   be   poured   there,   all   fifty   kilos   of   the   finest,   purest   quality   African   diamonds.     King   Dimitri   stared   at   the   multicolored   sparking   gems   that   decorated   the   bottom   of   the   water   fountain   and   thought,  

“What   does   wealth   and   riches   mean?     To   some,   it   was   the   ultimate   goal   of   life   and   they   were   willing   to   do   whatever   it   takes   to   get   their   hands   on   them   by   fair   means   or   foul.     Insatiable   greed   pushes   them   to   risk   even   their   own   lives.     But   to   me,   Dimitri,   wealth   and   riches   are   only   the   ornaments   of   life,   like   these   sparkling   diamonds   at   the   bottom   of   the   fountain.     If   I   wanted   to,   the   whole   world   could   be   contained   in   my   brain.     Although   when   I   wake   up   in   the   mundane   world   I   will   once   again   be   a   penniless   vagabond,   a   blind   man.     But   what   of   it?     So   long   as   there   are   dreams   in   my   heart,   I   feel   as   if   I   possessed   limitless   wealth   and   can   take   the   hardship   and   difficulties   of   life   in   my   stride.”

Feeling   a   lot   more   relaxed   after   he   came   to   this   conclusion,   King   Dimitri   quickly   walked   up   the   steps   and   got   into   the   solid   gold   elevator   to   take   him   to   the   top   floor.     Normally   the   present   manager   of   the   Kingdom,   Megginn   and   her   twelve   beautiful   assistants   would   be   buzzing   about   taking   care   of   everything   in   the   Kingdom,   large   and   small.     Today   things   seemed   to   be   out   of   the   ordinary   as   the   offices   were   quiet   and   deserted.     The   door   to   Megginn’s   office   was   open   and   King   Dimitri   saw   her   so   fully   focused   on   the   paperwork   piled   high   on   her   desk   that   she   was   unaware   of   her   surroundings.     He   tiptoed   to   the   sofa   before   the   French   window   facing   Megginn   and   sat   down.     Watching   the   beauty   so   immersed   in   her   work,   King   Dimitri   felt   deeply   gratified   and   couldn’t   help   smiling   at   her.     Megginn   was   using   the   pure   ivory   desk   originally   custom   ordered   by   Eileen   for   her   own   use   when   she   was   the   manager   of   the   Kingdom.     Not   only   was   the   material   expensive,   the   design   and   carvings   original   and   unique,   but   it   was   made   with   such   excellent   craftsmanship   that   it   could   easily   be   classified   as   an   exquisite   and   priceless   work   of   art.     Both   of   its   mistresses,   the   present   and   former   managers,   were   striking   beauties,   capable   and   intelligent,   but   their   hearts   were   as   different   as   night   and   day.     One   pure,   wholesome   and   innocent,   thrived   in   the   magnificent   Kingdom,   while   the   other,   scheming   and   nefarious,   plotted   in   the   dark   nether   regions   of   the   underworld.     Megginn   knitted   her   brows   and   mumbled,  

“Why   isn’t   he   here   yet?     Something   must   have   come   up.   He   has   so   much   on   his   plate...”     She   looked   up   at   the   skies   outside   the   window   to   gage   the   time   of   day   and   saw   King   Dimitri   smiling   at   her.     Her   countenance   immediately   cleared.     She   stood   up   and   walked   over   to   King   Dimitri   saying   laughingly,  

“When   did   you   come   in?     I   didn’t   hear   you   at   all.     You   scared   me!”     King   Dimitri   took   her   hand   and   pulled   her   over   to   him   saying,  

“I’ve   been   here   quite   a   while.     You   were   so   concentrated   on   your   work   I   didn’t   want   to   interrupt   you.     Now   tell   me   what   is   this   urgent   matter   you   were   in   a   hurry   to   talk   to   me   about?     I   think   I   know   what   it   is   about   though   I’m   not   quite   sure   how   bad   the   situation   is.”   Megginn   then   told   him   about   it   in   detail   from   beginning   to   end.     King   Dimitri   stood   up   and   began   to   walk   from   one   end   of   the   room   to   the   other   and   then   back   again   deep   in   thought.     Outside   the   window,   the   sun   began   gradually   to   drop   beyond   the   horizon.     Megginn   added,

  “What’s   worse   is,   rumors   have   been   abounding   that   the   mysterious   trillionaire   Dimitri   Jackson   has   died.   Who   are   these   emissaries   scattered   all   around   the   world?”

“Friends”   answered   King   Dimitri   tersely.     “They   are   all   my   friends,   just   like   Richard   and   Jamaz.”

“Have   you   done   any   background   checks   on   them?”   asked   Megginn   nervously.

“No.     I   only   know   that   my   relationship   with   them   is   full   of   twists   and   turns   and   the   story   of   our   friendship   is   more   complicated   and   exciting   than   many   best-selling   novels.”

“What?”   exclaimed   Megginn.   “What   did   you   say?”   She   couldn’t   believe   her   ears.     “Can...can...can...can   you   tell   me   what   kind   of   people   they   are?”

“Of   course”   replied   King   Dimitri.     “They   are   ox   butchers,   disbarred   lawyers,   escaped   death-row   convicts,   dejected   authors,   gang   members,   unsuccessful   frustrated   politicians...”

“King   Dimitri!”     interrupted   an   angry   Megginn.     “Do   you   know   you   are   in   charge   of   your   vast   kingdom   and   not   writing   a   novel?     There   is   a   difference,   you   know.”

“Of   course   I   know   that.”   said   King   Dimitri   seriously.     “But   I   think   they   are   the   same   because   I   believe   in   human   nature.     “I   allow   that   in   this   world   there   are   natural   born   criminals   who   live   to   commit   crime.     But   these   are   few   and   far   between.     Most   humans   are   basically   good   and   kind-hearted.     Take   the   blue   skies   for   instance.     Dark   clouds   may   float   by   and   darken   it   and   occasionally   may   even   eclipse   the   sun   completely.   But   all   this   is   only   temporary   and   in   the   end   the   skies   will   revert   back   to   its   natural   blue   color.     So   is   human   nature.     I   firmly   believe   that   brightness   is   always   larger   than   darkness.”

“You   are   an   incurable   optimist!”   observed   a   dejected   Megginn.   “Either   you   are   too   naive   or   I   am   too   ignorant.”

“If   you   don’t   believe   me,   let’s   make   an   experiment   on   human   nature.     Some   of   my   old   friends   may   have   shown   signs   of   turning   against   me.     That   is   because   I   have   not   communicated   with   them   for   a   long   time,   thus   giving   credence   to   the   rumors   of   my   decease.     Not   knowing   what   is   going   on   in   the   Kingdom,   they   are   taking   a   ‘wait-and-see’   attitude.     This   is   not   betrayal   but   a   cautious   way   of   life.     Make   some   videos,   each   one   personalized   and   different   and   send   it   out   to   them.   In   these   video   I   will   reminisce   about   our   past   experiences   and   make   some   light   friendly   chit   chat.   I   believe   their   memory   of   our   friendship   is   still   fresh   and   deep.     We   can   evaluate   their   reaction   and   know   where   they   stand.”

“Good”   nodded   Megginn.     “That’s   a   good   idea.     This   way   we   can   test   them   without   their   knowing.     Wealth   can   corrupt,   King   Dimitri.       I   must   remind   you   not   to   underestimate   its   huge   lure   and   temptation.     If   any   of   these   emissaries   plan   to   embezzle   your   money,   you   cannot   be   soft-hearted.     They   must   be   dealt   with.     We   cannot   let   it   happen   and   must   come   up   with   a   countermeasure.     Let   me   deal   with   this.”

“Fine.     That’s   perfect.”     Then   he   changed   the   subject.     “How   come   it’s   so   quiet   here   today?     Where   are   your   twelve   beautiful   assistants?”

“Have   you   forgotten   it’s   Aisha’s   birthday   today?”     smiled   Megginn.     “Everyone   has   gone   to   the   palace   to   help   prepare   for   tonight’s   birthday   banquet.     Aisha   is   kind   to   everyone   so   she   is   very   popular.     Everyone   wants   to   pitch   in   and   make   her   birthday   a   very   special   occasion.     Wait   and   see,   there’ll   be   many   people   getting   intoxicated   tonight.”     King   Dimitri’s   face   clouded   when   he   remembered   Mr.   Finger’s   whispered   words   in   his   ears,   but   Megginn   was   not   paying   attention   and   did   not   notice   his   change   of   expression.     She   continued,  

“We   used   to   see   each   other   quite   often   in   the   mundane   world,   but   now   that   we   are   in   your   Kingdom,   we   seldom   meet.     Do   you   remember   how   you   used   to   appear   whenever   my   dilapidated   tan   colored   car   broke   down?     Were   they   just   co-incidences?     Anyway,   I   want   you   to   promise   that   when   we   go   back   to   the   mundane   world   you   will   always   appear   before   me   whenever   my   car   breaks   down.     OK?”

“Of   course   I   promise.     How   can   I   refuse   such   a   charming   and   interesting   date?     Not   only   will   I   appear   before   you,   I   will   also   push   your   car.”     Both   of   them   laughed   at   that.     Suddenly   the   neighing   of   a   horse   split   the   air.     They   looked   out   of   the   window   and   saw   Medusa   fly   by   followed   by   Lightning.     They   both   landed   on   the   opposite   peak.   “It’s   getting   dark”   King   Dimitri   said.     “Time   to   go   to   the   banquet.”

“I   want   you   to   carry   me!”   pouted   Megginn.   “You   carried   me   into   my   dilapidated   car,   so   I   promised   to   come   to   your   Kingdom.     I   want   you   to   carry   me   to   the   elevator.     You   haven’t   carried   me   for   a   long   time!”

“Yes   m’am”   said   Dimitri,   stooping   down.     “My   pleasure”.

The   twelve   bright   red   palace   style   lanterns   hanging   from   the   eaves   of   the   front   entrance   to   the   palace   emanated   an   air   of   festivity.     Under   them   two   naked   beauties,   one   white   one   black,   were   talking.     When   they   saw   King   Dimitri   and   Megginn   walking   over   the   suspension   bridge   and   coming   towards   them,   the   two   hastened   forward   to   greet   them.    

“Aisha   asked   me   to   come   and   get   you”   said   White   Fairy,   “but   Medusa   here   said   she   saw   you   from   the   window   talking   to   Megginn   and   you   two   seemed   to   be   having   a   serious   discussion.     She   advised   me   not   to   disturb   you.     But   you   are   here   now.   How   nice!”     Dimitri   smiled   and   nodded   at   them.     He   said   to   Medusa

“You   have   worked   hard   today   inspecting   the   borders   with   Lightning.     Is   everything   peaceful?”

Medusa   hesitated   and   then   said,   “If   you   will   grant   me   an   audience   at   your   earliest   convenience,   I   will   make   you   a   full   report.”     King   Dimitri   nodded   and   said,

“   Good!     You   must   be   tired.     Later   on   at   the   banquet   you   must   drink   a   few   more   cups   of   wine   and   loosen   up.”     Another   beauty,   Lotus,   walked   out   of   the   palace   gate   saying,

“   Come   in.     Come   in.     Everyone   has   been   waiting   for   quite   some   time   now.”   The   palace   was   brilliantly   lit,   roaring   flames   blazed   in   the   various   fireplaces   and   female   attendants   were   busy   mixing   all   kinds   of   cocktails.     The   beauties   stood   up   from   their   seats   to   welcome   King   Dimitri   and   his   retinue,   clapping   their   hands   in   welcome.     King   Dimitri   talked   solicitously   with   each   and   every   one   of   them   before   walking   to   the   center   of   the   hall   and   sitting   down   on   his   gem-studded   throne   which   sparkled   like   myriads   of   stars   in   the   sky.     He   looked   around   him   and   felt   very   happy   to   see   the   two   rows   of   beauties   assembled   on   either   side   of   him.     He   suddenly   asked,  

“How   is   it   that   we   haven’t   seen   Amalia   recently?     Do   any   of   you   know   where   she   has   gone   to?”   Aisha,   the   first   beauty   to   enter   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   answered,

  “I   don’t   know   what   could   have   caught   her   attention   and   has   kept   her   away   all   this   time,   but   she   has   not   come   back   for   quite   some   time   now.     We   are   all   worried   about   her.”

“I   have   told   her   time   and   again”   said   Yoko,   “that   she   should   stay   at   home   more   as   she   is   not   getting   any   younger.     We   are   all   here   and   can   keep   her   company.     But   she   just   wouldn’t   listen.   I   really   don’t   know   what   to   do   with   her.”

                        “Recently,”   mused   Sheila   “I   have   found   her   getting   more   absent-minded.     She   would   repeat   some   tiny   little   thing   many,   many   times   but   in   the   end   would   still   forget.     It   worries   me.”

                        “Oh   dear,”   said   Elina   “This   sounds   likes   symptoms   of   Alzheimer’s   Disease.     I   will   examine   her   the   next   time   I   see   her   and   run   some   tests   such   as   MRI.     If   it   is   that   disease,   she   would   need   medication.”   King   Dimitri   nodded   and   said,  

                        “Let’s   think   of   a   way   to   keep   her   here   when   she   comes   back.”

“I   know   of   a   way   to   do   that”   piped   up   a   voice   from   the   back.     Everyone   turned   and   saw   it   was   naughty   girl   Dorna.     “I   will   steal   her   flying   broom   and   hide   it.     Then   she   cannot   run   off   any   more.”   The   beauties   all   laughed   and   King   Dimitri   winked   at   her   seeming   to   approve   of   her   plan.     He   said,

“Perhaps   that   is   a   workable   plan.     Please   put   your   heads   together   all   of   you   and   see   if   we   can   come   up   with   anything   new.”

“I   don’t   think   that’s   a   good   plan”   said   Lotus.     You   all   know   if   Amalia   gets   really   angry,   who   among   us   can   hold   her   own   with   her?”

“I   can”   said   Yoko.     “She   loves   me   best.     I   just   have   to   cry   and   she   won’t   know   what   to   do.”

“I   too   will   do   my   part”   said   Sheila.     “It   was   Amalia   who   gave   me   a   second   life.     She   saved   my   life.     If   she   gets   really   angry,   let   her   vent   it   on   me.     Let   her   scold   me   or   even   beat   me.     I   can   stand   it.”     Everyone   looked   at   Sheila   and   remembered   the   strange   events   of   the   past.     It   was   really   an   unthinkable   and   unbelievable   story.     (See   Book   1).

“Where   is   Stephanie?”   asked   King   Dimitri.     “Why   isn’t   she   here   at   this   festive   gathering?   Why   is   she   absent?”

“She   hasn’t   been   well   the   last   few   days”   replied   Aisha   hurriedly.     “You   just   got   back,   so   I   haven’t   had   a   chance   to   tell   you   about   it.”

“Is   she   sick?     What’s   wrong   with   her?”     King   Dimitri’s   eyes   turned   inquiringly   at   Elina,   a   brilliant   doctor   who   took   care   of   the   health   of   King   Dimitri   and   everyone   else   in   the   Kingdom.

“Her   illness   is   strange,”   replied   Elina   in   a   perplexed   and   worried   voice.”   I   gave   her   quite   a   few   full   physical   exams,   but   the   tests   all   came   out   negative.     Physically   there   is   nothing   at   all   wrong   with   her,   but   her   appetite   decreases   daily   and   her   energy   level   is   very   low.     Stranger   still,   the   weaker   she   is   physically,   the   happier   she   feels.     Every   day,   she   is   immersed   in   deep   meditation.     Like   a   happy   bird   flying   in   the   calm   blue   skies,   she   spends   all   her   time   in   meditation,   chanting   and   prayers.     These   last   few   days,   she   has   not   been   able   to   swallow   any   food   or   drink.     Though   nearing   her   last   gasp,   she   lies   there   peacefully   looking   at   the   blue   skies,   her   smile   satisfied   and   happy.”

King   Dimitri   was   silent.     Then   he   stood   up   and   said,  

“I   will   go   and   see   her.     Perhaps   it   is   her   time   to   be   divine.”

None   of   the   beauties   understood   what   was   going   on,   nor   what   King   Dimitri   meant   by   his   enigmatic   words.     They   knew   that   under   the   tutorship   of   King   Dimitri,   Stephanie   had   been   practicing   Chinese   occult   arts.     Could   it   be   that   she   had   reached   the   final   stage   of   her   practice?

“Stephanie   has   moved   to   the   gold   palace”   said   Aisha.     “She   feels   that   she   is   nearer   to   the   blue   skies   there.     The   gold   palace   symbolizes   her   pure,   brilliant   soul”

“It’s   late   today”   said   King   Dimitri.   “Let   us   go   there   tomorrow.     He   sat   silently   back   on   his   throne   and   the   image   of   Stephanie   seemed   to   come   before   his   eyes   –   a   slim,   elusive   beauty   with   long,   luscious   black   hair   reaching   to   her   ankles.     Her   large   alluring   eyes   seemed   to   hide   a   million   secrets.  

  “It   was   I   who   brought   her   here   to   the   Kingdom”   thought   King   Dimitri.     “But   now   she   is   leaving.     How   can   I   not   feel   sad?”     Then   he   looked   at   all   the   beauties   surrounding   him,   all   brought   to   the   Kingdom   by   him.    

“They   have   given   me   all   their   love   whole-heartedly.     What   did   I   give   them   back   in   return?     A   love   that   had   been   chopped   again   and   again   into   piecemeal   bits.     This   is   not   fair   to   them.     I   owe   them   too   much.     I   never   knew   that   receiving   too   much   love   could   be   so   disquieting   and   vexing,   endlessly   troubling   and   unavoidable.   What’s   good   about   this   is   it’s   all   but   a   dream.     Once   I   wake   up,   the   beauties   will   all   go   their   own   way,   back   to   their   own   pre-ordained   destination.   Good   dreams   are   short   and   the   time   for   parting   comes   all   too   soon.     When   the   time   approaches,   there   is   no   need   to   tally   up   who   owes   more,   who   paid   out   less.     So   I   should   be   all   the   more   appreciative   of   the   precious   moments   in   our   dreams.”     Just   then,   an   attendant   brought   out   newly   concocted   cocktails.     King   Dimitri   took   a   glass   and   said,  

“Cheers!     It’s   Aisha’s   birthday   today.     Let’s   drink   to   her   health.     May   she   always   be   young   and   beautiful!”     The   beauties   all   raised   their   glasses   and   said,

  “Cheers!”     Aisha   stood   up,   her   expression   serious.     She   walked   straight   to   King   Dimitri’s   throne   and   knelt   down   before   him.   Her   strange   and   abnormal   behavior   took   everyone   by   surprise.     The   beauties   did   not   know   what   to   make   of   it   and   exclamations   and   cries   rose   and   subsided   all   around.     Before   King   Dimitri   could   decide   what   to   do,   he   heard   Aisha   say,  

“Thank   you   King   Dimitri   for   leading   me   here   to   your   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     I   am   greatly   honored   to   be   one   of   your   twenty-four   beauties.     I   gave   you   all   my   love.     Mentally   I   am   faithful   to   you,   but   physically   I   have   been   astray   and   committed   the   sin   of   infidelity.   I   must   confess   honestly   to   you   or   I   would   not   be   able   to   live   with   myself   or   ever   face   my   own   conscience   with   composure.”

  King   Dimitri   stood   up   before   Aisha   finished   speaking.     He   stretched   out   both   hands   and   helped   her   up,   whispering   softly   in   her   ears,  

“Say   no   more.     I   forgive   you.     It   was   not   your   fault   alone.     I   forgive   you   because   I   know   you.     I   know   you   so   I   will   trust   you   as   I   did   before.”     He   held   Aisha’s   hand   and   said   to   the   beauties,

  “Now   I   will   formally   proclaim   that   from   this   moment   on   I   bestow   on   Aisha   the   title   of   Queen   of   my   Kingdom.   On   the   morrow,   proclamations   will   be   posted   all   over   the   Kingdom   to   notify   my   people.     Do   any   of   you   have   objections?”   The   beauties   clapped   theirs   hands   enthusiastically   and   shouted   and   cried   their   approval.     Dorna   whistled   shrilly   and   exclaimed   repeatedly,  

“See!     I   told   you   so.     King   Dimitri   has   long   wanted   to   do   this.     He   just   didn’t   announce   it   until   today!”   King   Dimitri   thought   for   a   while   and   decided   on   a   compromise.   He   said,  

“My   decision   is   precisely   correct.     Aisha   is   not   only   highly   educated   and   intelligent;   she   has   deep   foresight   and   popular   support.   The   natives   bring   their   tribal   disputes   and   quarrels   to   her   and   in   a   few   words   she   can   settle   things   fairly   to   everyone’s   satisfaction,   thus   gaining   the   love   and   trust   of   the   people.     Should   I   die   without   issue,   Aisha   is   the   ideal   successor   to   my   throne.     Should   an   heir   be   born   to   one   of   my   beauties,   he   would   benefit   greatly   from   a   queen   mother   such   as   Aisha,   who   could   teach   him   and   help   him   with   governing   the   Kingdom.”     King   Dimitri   raised   his   hands   to   stop   the   cheering   of   the   beauties   and   continued,  

“Aisha’s   brave   and   honest   behavior   just   now   should   be   your   example.   It   is   a   very   rare   virtue.     From   now   on   ‘be   honest   to   one’s   conscience   in   one’s   heart’   will   be   the   motto   of   our   Kingdom   that   everyone   should   abide   by.     Another   burst   of   applause   and   cheers   broke   out.     King   Dimitri   held   Aisha’s   hand.     Aisha   turned   and   hid   her   face   in   King   Dimitri’s   chest,   held   him   tight   and   cried   for   joy.

A   beautiful,   luminous   full   moon   had   risen   unobtrusively   behind   Giant   Mountains.     In   the   atmosphere   of   joy   and   festivity,   the   exuberant   beauties   surrounded   King   Dimitri   and   Aisha,   preparing   to   sit   down   to   the   lavish   birthday   banquet.     Suddenly   the   moonlight   was   shrouded   by   a   dark   cloud.     Oh   no!     It   wasn’t   a   black   cloud   but   a   gigantic   bat!     One   after   another   seven   or   eight   ferocious   bats,   all   of   the   same   monstrous   size,   appeared   in   the   sky.     Furious   and   enraged,   Medusa,   with   every   strand   of   her   serpent   hair   aroused   and   standing   on   end,   charged   wildly   out   of   the   palace   and   soared   into   the   sky,   rushing   to   disperse   the   aggressors   who   had   come   out   of   nowhere.     The   flapping   of   mighty   wings   accompanied   by   high-pitched   shrill,   screeching   shrieks   split   the   air.     These   massive   creatures   did   not   appear   to   be   intimidated   by   Medusa   and   her   piercing   eyes.     Medusa’s   blazing   glance   was   lethal   and   destructive,   having   the   power   to   turn   all   who   dared   look   her   in   the   eye   into   stone.     But   these   bats   all   had   a   natural,   internal,   flesh   and   blood   sona   navigation   system,   which   could   ascertain   direction   and   distinguish   objects   without   the   sense   of   sight.     Therefore,   they   were   immune   to   Medusa’s   magic,   magnetic   eyes.     These   creatures   had   come   prepared.     They   surrounded   Medusa,   confining   her   in   a   circle   and   then   crisscrossed   each   other   to   attack   her   in   a   systematic   order.     Employing   her   magic   powers,   Medusa   was   able   to   defend   herself   and   used   her   mighty   claws   to   attack   her   enemies,   but   as   time   went   by,   outnumbered   and   outmaneuvered,   she   tired,   and   showed   signs   of   losing   the   fight.

King   Dimitri   looked   up   worriedly   at   the   ferocious   battle   being   fought   in   the   skies.     Drops   of   blood   showered   down   from   on   high,   splattering   the   roofs   and   windows   of   the   palace.     Aisha   muttered   to   herself  

“Heavens!     Are   all   those   terrible   scenes   I   saw   in   my   dreams   about   to   come   true?”     The   bats   flying   all   over   the   sky   resumed   their   vicious   but   orderly   attack   and   Medusa   was   able   only   to   defend   herself,   no   longer   having   the   stamina   to   attack.     King   Dimitri   said   to   White   Fairy,

”   Quick!     Bring   me   my   bow   and   arrow!”  

  “No!     King   Dimitri,”   she   replied,   “Look   how   fast   they   are   going.     What   if   you   hurt   Medusa   instead?     Your   magic   bow   is   her   nemesis.     Have   you   forgotten   how   you   hurt   her   with   it   in   the   past?”

  “Then   quick!     Bring   me   my   sword.”  

  “Here   it   is!”   said   Deanna.     “But   how   are   you   going   to   fly   up   to   the   skies   and   fight   the   bats?”     King   Dimitri   did   not   answer.     He   strode   briskly   to   the   palace   gate   and   whistled   shrilly.     Rapidly   approaching   hoofs   heralded   the   swift   approach   of   Lightning.     Holding   his   treasured   sword,   so   sharp   it   could   cut   easily   through   hard   rocks,   King   Dimitri   swung   onto   his   steed   and   Lightning   took   off.     Mighty   wings   flapping,   Lightning   soared   into   the   sky   and   man   and   steed   joined   the   ferocious   and   bloody   battle.     The   beauties   exclaimed  

“Why   didn’t   we   think   of   Lightning,   the   flying   horse?     Luckily   at   the   crucial   moment,   King   Dimitri   hit   upon   this   pivotal   idea!”     Aisha   said   to   White   Fairy,  

“I   wonder   what   else   will   happen   next.     We   should   alert   the   native   tribes   and   summon   them   to   come   and   help   defend   the   Kingdom.”     White   Fairy   took   out   the   large   sea   shell   Medusa   normally   used   as   a   means   of   communication   and   blew   on   it.     On   hearing   the   emergency   call   the   tribes   scattered   around   the   Kingdom,   living   in   isolation   in   the   forests,   mountains   and   lakes,   at   once   sprang   into   action.   Some   came   running   on   foot,   some   paddling   small   boats   or   canoes,   all   making   for   the   place   where   the   summons   came   from.

As   King   Dimitri   flew   up   to   the   skies,   a   huge   bat   came   straight   at   him,   baring   its   sharp,   hideous   teeth.     King   Dimitri   drew   out   his   sword   and   shouted,

“You   wicked   monster!   I   do   not   want   to   kill   you,   so   I   will   only   wound   you.     Go   back   to   whence   you   came!”     While   turning   his   body   to   evade   the   mighty   wings   of   the   bat,   he   lunged   at   its   wing   and   slashed   a   deep   gash.     The   bat   shrieked   in   pain   and   dropped   down   towards   the   ground.     King   Dimitri’s   timely   assistance   was   a   shot   of   adrenaline   to   Medusa.     Summoning   up   her   strength,   she   sank   her   claws   deep   into   the   back   of   another   huge   bat.     Meanwhile,   Lightning,   the   ultra   intelligent   war   horse,   took   the   initiative   and   sought   the   most   advantageous   angle   for   his   master   to   swing   his   sword   and   flew   there   on   its   own   accord.     Where   sword   and   flesh   met,   blood   spurted   out   in   streams.     The   bats   were   all   already   wounded.   The   addition   of   a   fresh,   strong   opponent   routed   their   original   systematic   attack   and   they   knew   there   was   no   hope   of   victory.   So   squealing   and   squawking,   they   flew   swiftly   towards   the   northwest   and   soon   disappeared.     King   Dimitri   and   Medusa   rushed   after   them,   but   seeing   the   enemy   were   in   full   retreat   and   soon   vanished   from   sight,   they   stopped   and   flew   back   towards   the   palace.     When   the   natives   gathered   on   the   hills   and   lakes   around   the   palace   saw   King   Dimitri   fly   down   from   the   sky,   they   all   gave   a   resounding   shout   of   victory.   They   had   never   seen   their   king   active   in   battle   before   and   were   mesmerized   by   his   courage   and   bravery   under   fire.     It   strengthened   their   loyalty   to   their   liege   and   the   tribes’   allegiance   towards   the   Kingdom   was   stronger   than   ever.

The   full   moon   moved   slowly,   so   gradually   as   to   be   almost   imperceptible,   scattering   its   alluring   radiance   over   the   tranquil   mountains   and   waters.   The   carcass   of   a   tall   ancient   tree,   evidently   dead   for   many   years,   stood   in   the   midst   of   a   wooded   area   by   the   desolate   lakeside   across   from   the   palace.     A   pair   of   little   people   sat   on   one   of   its   branches.     It   was   Mr.   Finger   and   his   new   companion,   Viola,   who   had   come   out   on   this   enchanted   evening   to   admire   the   beauty   of   the   full   moon.     They   had   just   witnessed   the   ferocious   battle   that   took   place   in   the   skies   a   short   while   before.     Mr.   Finger   said,  

“I   am   so   proud   of   my   old   friend,   Dimitri.     I   have   never   seen   his   true   colors   before   this,   always   taking   him   for   a   mellow   good   guy,   somewhat   like   a   broken   ball   discarded   by   the   roadside,   to   be   kicked   about   by   anyone   who   pleases.     Who   would   have   known   he   had   hidden   depths,   with   a   daring   and   resolution   that   compels   me   to   see   him   in   a   completely   new   light!”Viola   stared   straight   ahead   across   the   lake   at   the   fires   that   dotted   the   hillside   around   the   palace,   completely   ignoring   the   words   of   her   companion.     It   was   the   people   of   the   different   tribes   gathered   there   to   do   honor   to   their   King   and   celebrate   his   victory.     Indistinct   fragments   of   songs,   music   and   laughter   drifted   over   the   water.     Viola   stiffened   and   her   eyes   became   cold   and   sharp   as   a   blade.     She   said   coldly,

“Disaster   is   coming,   but   you   have   no   inkling   at   all!     You   are   really   imbeciles!”

“What   disaster?     What   are   you   talking   about?”

“Don’t   ask   about   it.”   replied   Viola,   turning   to   face   Mr.   Finger   solemnly.   “If   one   day,   Dimitri   and   I   come   to   a   head   to   head   confrontation,   a   deadly   one   where   only   one   will   survive,   whose   side   will   you   be   on?     His   or   mine?”

“Such   things   cannot   happen!”   replied   Mr.   Finger   immediately.   “Dimitri   is   my   old   friend   and   you   are   my   woman.   How   can   there   be   any   mortal   confrontation   between   you?”

“Never   mind   about   all   that.     I   just   want   to   know   will   you   help   him   or   me?”

“Of   course   I   will   help   Dimitri”   replied   Mr.   Finger   unhesitantly.   “He   is   my   old   friend.     I   have   known   him   for   many   years,   but   I   have   known   you   for   less   than   a   day.     Of   course   I   will   help   my   old   friend!”

“You   just   said   I   was   your   woman.”   said   Viola   mournfully,   slanting   a   reproaching   gaze   at   him,   her   eyes   full   of   grief,   bitterness   and   anger.     “I   gave   you   my   flesh   body   and   let   you   enjoy   the   sweetness   of   marvelous   sensations,   but   you   say   you   will   side   with   Dimitri   and   become   my   enemy!   Are   you   so   stupid   that   you   do   not   know   the   difference   between   who   is   close   to   you   and   who   is   not?     I   will   ask   you   once   more,   who   is   more   intimate   to   you?     Me   or   him?”

“I   think......I   think......”   Mr.   Finger   thought   for   a   moment,   then   answered,.   “I   think   it   should   be   you.   Right.   Right.     I   am   closer   to   you   then   him.   Sorry.     I   was   confused   there   for   a   moment.     Sorry.     Sorry.”

A   satisfied   smile   came   over   Viola’s   beautiful   face,   enticing,   seductive   but   also   slightly   sinister.     She   put   her   arms   around   Mr.   Finger,   holding   him   as   a   mother   would   hold   her   child.     Mr.   Finger   was   thus   easily   captured.


But   on   the   opposite   side   of   the   lake,   the   atmosphere   was   completely   different.     Countless   camp   fires   blazed   on   the   hillside   outside   the   palace,   circled   by   joyful   people   singing,   dancing,   and   laughing,   in   high   spirits   rejoicing   at   the   victory   of   their   king.     A   celebratory   mood   permeated   the   air   with   people   reiterating   over   and   over   again   details   of   the   events   of   the   day,   extolling   the   bravery   of   their   king   and   his   dexterity,   courage   and   expertise   in   battle.     They   all   felt   proud   to   be   subjects   of   such   a   great   and   fearless   king.     But   inside   the   palace,   the   mood   was   somber.     Dimitri’s   grave,   unsmiling   and   thoughtful   demeanor   silenced   the   beauties.     Also   Medusa   had   been   seriously   wounded.     Overexertion   in   the   battle   and   loss   of   a   great   deal   of   blood   made   her   look   pale   and   fatigued.     Elina   was   attending   to   her   wounds,   but   Medusa   needed   no   medication   because   like   Cyclops,   her   body   had   the   magic   power   of   healing   itself   quickly   without   benefit   of   medicine.     Dimitri   looked   around   him   and   noticed   the   forlorn,   cheerless   air   that   enveloped   what   originally   was   a   happy   birthday   banquet,   which   subsequently   turned   into   a   kind   of   coronation   ceremony   for   Queen   Aisha.     Seeking   to   lighten   the   mood,   he   held   up   his   glass   and   said,

  “Let   us   drink   to   the   protector   of   our   Kingdom,   the   brave   Medusa!     Bottoms   up!”     Medusa   stood   up,   took   her   glass   and   drank   it   in   one   quaff.     She   said,

“I   really   do   not   deserve   this.     If   it   were   not   for   the   timely   intervention   of   King   Dimitri,   the   consequences   would   have   been   disastrous!     Not   only   am   I   not   worthy   of   praise,   I   am   actually   derelict   in   my   duty   as   protector   of   the   Kingdom.     I   beg   your   forgiveness   and   ask   to   be   reprimanded.”

“No.   No.   No”   replied   King   Dimitri   shaking   his   head.   “It   was   not   your   fault   at   all   and   you   have   sustained   wounds   in   many   parts   of   your   body   in   the   line   of   duty.     It’s   really   unthinkable   that   these   animals   could   actually   withstand   your   lethal   magic   stare.     What   I   am   worried   about   is,   if   they   come   back   again   in   larger   numbers,   the   two   of   us   cannot   possibly   overcome   them.”

“Your   Majesty”   said   Medusa,   who   seemed   to   have   recovered   her   indefatigable   energy,   daring   and   intelligence.   “You   need   have   no   worry   on   that   score.   I   suggest   we   arm   the   roof   of   the   palace,   the   administrative   building   and   the   high   spots   of   the   mountains   with   huge,   powerful   bows   and   arrows   to   form   a   kind   of   web   of   arrows.     If   the   bats   dare   to   invade   the   Kingdom   again,   none   will   survive.”

“Good!”   King   Dimitri   nodded   and   said.   “I   will   leave   this   to   you.”     The   newly   anointed   Queen   Aisha   said,

“I   think   that   to   fully   resolve   this   situation,   we   need   to   find   out   where   these   bats   came   from   and   why   they   came   here.”

“Right.   Right.”   King   Dimitri   nodded.     “These   are   no   ordinary   bats.     They   are   huge   and   ferocious   and   have   been   trained   to   attack.     Who   knows   the   origin   of   these   animals?”

The   beauties   began   talking   among   themselves,   guessing   at   the   origin   of   these   huge   animals.     Active   Dorna   and   gentle   Lotus   led   the   palace   staff   in   bringing   forth   delicious   dishes   and   filled   up   the   cups   of   King   Dimitri,   Queen   Aisha   and   the   beauties,   gradually   reviving   a   more   active   and   exuberant   atmosphere   in   the   palace   hall.   Clementine   and   her   twin   sister   Charmaine   were   conferring   together   quietly.  

  “I   think   it   is   time   to   tell   King   Dimitri   the   truth”   said   Clementine”     Charmaine   in   the   mirror   nodded   her   consent.     So   Clementine   stood   up   and   said,  

“I   know   the   origin   of   these   bats.     They   come   from   the   Seventh   Heaven   and   are   the   scouts   and   vanguards   of   King   Zeus.     After   escaping   from   the   golden   web   of   Apollo,   I   have   completely   disappeared   from   their   view.     Perhaps   somehow   these   bats   discovered   my   whereabouts   and   have   come   to   find   out   the   truth.”

“Or   perhaps   it   is   me.”   said   Charmaine.   “Perhaps   my   action   in   using   the   name   of   Father   Zeus   to   amass   the   celestial   goldsmiths   to   build   the   gold   palace   in   one   night   has   come   to   light.     I   tremble   to   think   of   Father   Zeus’   anger   and   rage.     He   will   use   all   his   power   to   tear   down   the   gold   palace.   This   may   bring   destruction   onto   our   kingdom.”     King   Dimitri   frowned.     He   felt   that   this   situation   was   so   much   more   perilous   and   menacing   than   the   200,000   Roman   soldiers   who   lay   siege   to   his   Kingdom   all   those   years   ago.   Queen   Aisha   said,

  “I   have   been   thinking   of   this   situation   ever   since   that   night   the   gold   palace   was   built.     I   have   also   thought   of   a   solution   to   the   problem,   but   I   don’t   know   if   it   will   work.”

“Let’s   hear   about   it!”   cried   King   Dimitri.     “I   have   always   had   the   greatest   trust   and   respect   for   your   intelligence   and   wisdom.     It   is   always   a   notch   above   the   rest   of   us.”     Aisha   turned   to   the   twins   Clementine   and   Charmaine   and   said,  

“I   have   read   about   Greek   mythology   from   ancient   scripts.     They   say   that   Zeus   if   the   father   of   the   gods.     Though   he   is   almighty   and   powerful,   he   has   a   jealous   nature   and   cannot   bear   to   see   anyone   or   anything   get   the   better   of   him.     He   built   a   palace   of   pure   bronze   and   is   very   proud   of   it.     Is   that   true?”     The   two   nodded   and   Charmaine   said,

  “Father   Zeus   is   not   only   very   jealous,   he   will   never   stand   for   some   mortal   down   on   earth   owning   a   palace   of   pure   gold,   overshadowing   his   bronze   one.     He   is   sure   to   come   down   and   destroy   the   gold   palace   and   may   even   destroy   our   kingdom.     I   never   should   have   used   his   name   to   order   his   celestial   goldsmiths   to   come   down   to   earth   and   build   the   gold   palace.   I   have   brought   danger   and   disaster   to   our   kingdom.     I   am   so   very   sorry.”

“Please   don’t   blame   yourself   too   much,”   comforted   Queen   Aisha.     “Actually   you   are   not   only   blameless   but   you   have   contributed   greatly   to   the   Kingdom.     Only   you   could   have   brought   about   this   miracle   of   building   a   magnificent   gold   palace   in   one   night.     Now   the   problem   is   how   to   avert   disaster.”     She   thought   for   a   moment   and   then   said,  

“I   have   thought   of   a   plan.     We   could   gild   the   gold   palace   with   a   cheap   metal,   making   it   look   cheap   and   of   much   less   value   that   Zeus’   bronze   palace.     Would   that   be   enough   to   appease   and   balance   his   jealous   nature?     I   know   King   Dimitri   always   thought   that   letting   a   priceless   gold   palace   stand   here   in   the   wilderness   was   too   conspicuous   and   ostentatious,   easy   to   provoke   envy   and   jealousy.     By   dimming   its   brilliance,   gilding   its   priceless   exterior,   we   pull   the   wool   over   their   eyes   and   appease   Zeus   jealousy.     Isn’t   that   a   good   plan?”

“That’s   great!     That’s   great!”   said   Dimitri,   feeling   as   if   a   great   weight   had   been   lifted   from   his   shoulders.   “Let’s   do   as   you   say.     But   where   can   we   get   large   quantities   of   cheap   metal   to   do   the   job?”

“There   are   large   quantities   of   metals   in   the   mountains   around   the   Kingdom”   exclaimed   Deana   excitedly.   “Bronze,   iron,   tin   among   others.     There   are   also   large   quantities   of   gold.     We   need   not   have   bought   gold   on   the   world   market.     What’s   here   would   have   been   enough   and   wouldn’t   have   caused   any   ripples   in   the   outside   world.”     King   Dimitri   nodded   and   said,

“We   will   mine   the   iron   and   gild   the   palace.     We   will   leave   the   details   of   all   this   to   Romy   because   she   is   familiar   with   it   all.”     Romy   hesitated.     She   was   an   architect   by   training,   not   a   metallurgist,   so   she   wasn’t   sure   she   was   up   to   this   enormous   task.     But   under   such   dire   and   catastrophic   circumstances,   she   could   only   commit   herself   to   the   job.  

“Alright.     I’ll   take   the   challenge.     But   I   need   to   leave   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   return   to   the   mundane   world   to   learn   about   methods   of   forging   metal   and   about   welding.”     King   Dimitri   was   very   happy   with   the   turn   of   events.     He   held   up   his   glass   and   said,

  “Bottoms   up   everyone!     Let’s   drink   to   the   success   of   our   project.     May   our   kingdom   prosper   and   flourish!”  

  From   that   day   on,   the   kingdom   was   on   the   move   again.     Diana   was   responsible   for   organizing   the   various   tribes   and   acted   as   liaison   between   the   chiefs   and   King   Dimitri   in   mining   the   mountains.     Medusa   led   the   warriors   in   setting   up   huge   and   mighty   bows   and   arrows   on   rooftops   and   high   vantage   points   in   the   mountains   to   guard   against   attacks   from   the   air.     Romy   prepared   to   leave   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   that   evening   to   collect   relative   materials   on   mining   and   learn   the   latest   technology   on   the   forging   of   metals.     Queen   Aisha   remained   stationed   in   the   palace   in   charge   of   everything.     King   Dimitri   never   forgot   Stephanie,   who   was   on   her   deathbed.     He   knew   that   the   following   morning   was   the   last   time   he   would   be   able   to   be   with   her.     But   the   greatest   hidden   danger   to   the   Kingdom   did   not   come   from   the   outside   world.     The   barbarians   were   growing   stronger   each   day   and   gradually   encroached   on   the   Kingdom.     They   had   long   had   the   intention   of   invading   the   gold   palace,   kill   King   Dimitri   and   usurp   the   Kingdom.     To   be   more   specific,   they   had   long   coveted   King   Dimitri’s   twenty   four   fabulous   beauties   and   wanted   them   for   themselves.

In   the   pale   light   of   early   dawn,   the   sun,   rising   from   behind   the   horizon,   released   upon   the   earth   its   first   rays   of   dazzling   sunshine   and   the   whole   Kingdom   came   to   life,   bustling   with   excitement   and   activity.     Natives   of   the   different   tribes   made   their   way   to   the   mines   in   the   mountains.     King   Dimitri,   armed   with   his   precious   sword   and   magic   bow,   sprang   onto   his   flying   steed   Lightning   and   flew   across   the   wide   expanse   of   the   lake   towards   the   gold   palace.     Medusa   led   hundreds   of   warriors   in   the   making   and   installing   of   the   base   to   shoot   a   web   of   huge   arrows   into   the   sky   from   the   high   vantage   points   of   the   various   mountain   peaks.     A   streak   of   white   smoke   darted   back   and   forth   between   the   mountain   mines.     Needless   to   say,   it   was   the   messenger   of   the   Kingdom,   White   Fairy.     Sitting   on   the   branch   of   a   dead   tree   hidden   in   the   middle   of   a   wooded   area,   were   two   small   persons,   Mr.   Finger   and   Viola.     They   were   peeking   curiously   at   the   activities   across   the   lake.     Viola   said,   “I   wonder   what’s   going   on   over   there.   Everyone   seems   to   be   so   busy   running   around”     “So   what?     What’s   that   got   to   do   with   us?     Let   them   be.     We   had   better   think   of   something   interesting   to   do!”     Just   then   Medusa   changed   into   the   form   of   a   huge   black   bird   with   piercing   eyes   and   serpent   hair   and   was   circling   around   in   the   skies.     Because   the   situation   was   so   unsettling   and   unpredictable,   she   was   on   high   alert.     When   her   eyes   zoomed   on   the   wooded   area   where   Viola   and   Mr.   Finger   were   sitting,   they   quickly   lowered   their   heads   and   scrambled   into   a   tree   hole   to   escape   detection.  

  The   inside   of   the   tree   hole   was   a   revelation   in   itself.     Though   small,   the   room   was   completely   furnished   with   miniature   furniture,   a   table,   chairs,   chests,   and   a   bed   as   well   as   all   the   amenities   of   daily   life.     The   furniture   was   made   of   branches   and   dry   grass.     In   one   corner   were   some   pottery   made   from   clay   local   to   the   area.     Though   crudely   fashioned,   their   shapes   were   unique   and   etched   with   simple   designs   that   gave   them   an   artistic   air.   This   was   the   home   Viola   made   for   herself.     After   meeting   Mr.   Finger   in   the   patch   of   tulips   the   day   before,   she   brought   him   to   this   dead   tree.     Dark   burns   were   evidence   it   had   once   been   struck   by   thunder   and   lightning.     Parting   the   weeds   that   hid   a   hole   at   the   base   of   the   tree,   she   waved   him   on   and   said,   “This   used   to   be   a   large   ant   nest.     I   poured   water   into   the   hole   and   killed   tens   of   thousands   of   these   dreadful   creatures.     There   used   to   be   a   bee   hive   at   the   top   of   this   tree,   which   is   ever   worse   than   the   ants.     I   made   a   poisonous   potion   from   some   herbs   I   gathered   from   around   here   and   poured   them   into   their   nest,   killing   all   the   bees.     So   now   I   have   forcefully   occupied   the   whole   tree   to   myself.”

Mr.   Finger   gave   her   thumbs   up   and   said,   “Wow!     Wonderful!     Remarkable!     You   are   really   great!”  

  They   climbed   easily   up   the   hollow   trunk   of   the   tree   using   slightly   protruding   sections   as   footholds.     Soon   they   came   to   a   place   in   the   middle   of   the   trunk   where   the   protrusion   was   rather   spacious.     Remnant   light   from   the   setting   sun   coming   in   through   another   hole   in   the   trunk   shone   on   a   tiny   bed,   covered   with   multicolored   flower   petals.     It   looked   very   comfortable   and   welcoming.     Mr.   Finger   looked   all   around   and   said   in   amazement,   “You   did   all   this   by   yourself?”    

“Of   course!”   replied   Viola   complacently.     “Not   far   from   here,   there   is   a   straw   hut,   where   a   woman   often   lived.     One   day   I   slipped   in   while   she   was   away   and   looked   around.     I   copied   her   style   and   made   for   myself   furniture   that   suits   me   and   my   needs.”

“Yes.     Yes.”   Mr.   Finger   nodded   and   said,   “That   woman   is   called   Lotus.     She   is   one   of   Dimitri’s   beauties.     Ah!     What   a   lovely   woman.     But   she   is   too   big   and   tall   for   me.”

“What   about   me?”   asked   Viola,   giving   him   a   white   eye?   “Do   I   suit   you?”

“Of   course   you   suit   me”   answered   Mr.   Finger   cheekily,   getting   close   to   her   and   inhaling   the   sweetness   of   her   fragrance.     “Of   course   you   suit   me.     You   are   heaven’s   gift   to   me,   just   as   I   am   heaven’s   gift   to   you.     No   one   suits   you   better   than   me   in   size.”

“Shameless!”   smiled   Viola,   half   in   jest   and   half   in   annoyance.   “You   are   impudent!”    

Mr.   Finger   just   smiled   at   her,   completely   smitten.     Then   he   thought   of   something   and   asked,   “How   did   you   and   Dimitri   become   such   mortal   enemies?     Like   I   said,   he   is   a   mellow   guy,   a   good   man,   much   like   a   broken   ball   kicked   around   by   everyone.     How   did   he   become   your   enemy?”   Viola’s   eyes   narrowed,   becoming   hard   and   cold   as   sharp   knives.

“Do   you   know   he   once   killed   a   woman   using   extremely   cruel   methods?     He   tied   her   hands   and   hung   her   up   on   a   tree.     He   ordered   her   chopped   in   two   from   the   waist.     When   her   mutilated   lower   body   lay   in   a   pool   of   blood   on   the   ground,   her   upper   body   was   still   hanging   from   the   tree.     I   was   only   a   fetus   then,   but   I   burst   from   my   mother’s   womb   at   that   moment   or   I   too   would   have   perished   under   the   sword!”

Mr.   Finger   was   always   very   eccentric,   doing   whatever   he   felt   like,   whenever   he   felt   like   regardless   of   right   or   wrong,   true   or   false.     Not   waiting   to   hear   the   whole   story,   he   flew   into   a   rage   and   cried,

“Rascal!     Rascal!     He   dares   to   do   things   that   even   I   dare   not   do!   Don’t   be   afraid.     I   am   here.     I   swear   to   God   for   the   life   of   me   I   will   help   you   get   rid   of   him!   “Viola   continued,

  “I   was   too   fragile   and   weak   to   be   master   of   my   own   actions   at   the   time.     I   floated   in   the   air   like   a   dandelion   seed,   living   on   dew   and   honey.     I   was   taken   by   the   breeze   over   the   wide   expanse   of   lake   to   this   side   of   the   Kingdom.     When   I   grew   up   to   a   woman’s   form,   I   realized   to   my   sorrow   that   I   would   never   be   able   to   cross   the   lake   on   my   own   and   get   back   to   the   other   side.     Day   and   night   I   seem   to   hear   my   mother’s   cries   and   moans.     Sometimes   these   cries   turn   to   gentle   summons,   calling   for   me   to   go   back   to   her.   Mr.   Finger   held   Viola   in   his   arms   and   said,  

“Don’t   be   afraid.     You   have   me   now.     Perhaps   I   can   help   you   get   your   revenge.”     On   hearing   this,   Viola’s   eyes   brightened.    

“Really?     If   that   is   so,   you   are   my   God,   my   master!”     Perfectly   content   and   happy   with   himself,   Mr.   Finger   strutted   around   the   room   like   an   emperor.     That   night   for   the   first   time   in   his   life,   he   understood   what   it   was   to   be   a   man   and   conquer   a   woman.     Viola,   too,   really   understood   what   it   was   to   be   a   woman   but   she   was   not   conquered.     On   the   contrary,   it   was   she   who   conquered   a   man.  

King   Dimitri   mounted   his   flying   horse.     Flapping   its   mighty   wings,   Lightning   soared   up   to   the   skies   heading   towards   the   gold   palace,   which   sparkled   with   glittering   luster   under   the   sun.     The   nearer   he   got   to   it,   the   more   intense   the   brilliance.     Gold   was   basically   a   rare   metal   without   feeling   or   emotion,   but   human   creativity   gave   it   new   life.     The   smallest   molecule   of   light   danced   on   it,   happy   and   lively   in   the   fluctuating   light.     Faced   with   this   flashy,   dazzling   array   of   brightness   and   colors,   King   Dimitri   could   scarcely   keep   his   eyes   open.     Lightning’s   hoofs   touched   down   slowly   to   the   ground.     King   Dimitri   collected   his   thoughts,   stepped   onto   the   solid   gold   pavement   and   walked   on.     For   the   first   time   he   realized   the   majestic   grandeur   of   the   gold   palace.     The   exquisite   frescos   and   reliefs   on   every   wall   and   the   artistic   sculptures   placed   around   the   palace   depicted   the   beauties   in   different   poses,   all   originally   designed   and   elaborately   executed.     But   an   air   of   loneliness   and   desolation   permeated   the   atmosphere.     The   only   sounds   came   from   the   occasional   rustle   of   wind   blowing   the   dried   fallen   leaves   outside   the   palace   and   the   hollow   echo   of   his   own   footsteps.   Then   he   came   to   the   uniquely   designed   spiral   staircase,   so   devised   that   every   step   emitted   a   different   note   like   the   keys   of   a   piano   and   the   echo   of   that   note   would   resound   in   the   surrounding   atmosphere.     King   Dimitri   trod   the   stairs   slowly   and   carefully   so   as   not   to   overly   disrupt   the   stillness   and   tranquility   that   existed   in   the   palace.     Suddenly,   he   felt   the   impact   of   a   strong,   inexplicable   current   and   stopped   to   consider   its   origin.     He   found   it   was   a   kind   of   mood,   true   feelings   from   the   depth   of   his   own   consciousness,   calm,   balanced   and   serene.     It   was   a   true   feeling,   abstract   yet   real.     When   he   came   to   the   veranda,   he   saw   Stephanie   lying   on   a   couch.     Her   eyes   were   half   open,   staring   at   the   cloudless   blue   skies   with   a   happy   and   satisfied   smile   on   her   lips.     Her   body   was   so   emaciated   that   she   could   only   breathe   with   difficulty,   but   the   happiness   and   satisfaction   in   her   heart   was   like   an   endless   stream,   flowing   through   her   whole   body.     The   dazzling   brilliance   of   gold   glittered   all   around   her,   every   molecule   of   light   happy   and   lively.     Even   metals   have   a   life   force,   a   vitality.     Just   then,   Stephanie   seemed   to   feel   a   slight,   almost   indiscernible   change,   a   flash   of   vicissitude   foreign   to   her   inner   world.     It   came   and   went   swiftly   like   a   flash   of   lightning.     But   these   distractions   did   not   seem   to   influence   or   bother   Stephanie,   whose   heart   had   long   been   one   with   the   wide   expanse   of   blue   skies.     King   Dimitri   sat   down   silently   on   the   floor   next   to   Stephanie.     Their   two   souls   understood   each   other   tacitly   and   could   communicate   without   words.     Just   then,   a   streak   of   white   smoke   flew   into   the   gold   palace   and   came   before   King   Dimitri.     He   said,

  “Go   quickly   and   ask   the   beauties   to   come   immediately   and   say   goodbye   to   Stephanie.”     The   white   smoke   turned   and   streaked   back   across   the   lake   to   carry   out   his   command.  

  On   hearing   the   sad   tidings,   the   beauties   quickly   went   to   the   palace   gardens   to   gather   bouquets   of   fresh   flowers   and   then   hastened   to   sail   across   the   lake   to   Stephanie’s   bedside.     Meanwhile,   Stephanie’s   face   still   retained   her   happy   and   satisfied   smile.     In   her   last   hour,   she   seemed   to   notice   voice   and   movement   around   her.     Opening   her   eyes   she   asked,

“Is   that   you   King   Dimitri...?     You   are   here....”

“Yes,   it’s   me”   replied   King   Dimitri.     “How   are   you   feeling?     I   think   your   time   is   near.     The   riddle   is   now   solved.”     Stephanie   panted,   trying   to   control   the   fierce   joy   in   her   heart.

“Yes.......     Yes.......     The   time   is   near.......   But   before   that   I   had   already   solved   the   riddle.......     What   I   want   to   say   is.......”     King   Dimitri   put   his   fingers   to   his   lips   to   stop   her   from   going   on.     He   said,

“Don’t   tell   me.     Don’t   let   me   know   beforehand.     Let   me   find   out   for   myself.     Isn’t   that   better?”    

“What   I   want   to   say   is.....”   Stephanie   panted   and   smiled   saying,   “All   banquets   must   end......     After   the   banquet   is   must   make   appropriate   and   satisfactory   arrangements   for   the   future   of   the   beauties......     Soon   your   Kingdom   of   Dreams   will   disintegrate......completely   collapse......”

“Really?”   Startled   and   totally   taken   by   surprise,   Dimitri   asked,   “Why?     Can   anything   be   done   to   prevent   it?”

“Can’t   tell   you......Can’t   tell   you.......You   will   know   later   on......     You   will   know.”

“Can   you   at   least   tell   me   when   all   this   will   happen?”     King   Dimitri   immediately   asked.   Stephanie   was   going   fast.     She   managed   to   say   by   fits   and   starts,  

“......when   blood   seeps   out   of   the   bare   yellow   soil   of   Giant   Mountain......when   blood   speaks   with   a   human   voice......then   it   is   time......then   it   is   time......”     Upset   and   disturbed,   King   Dimitri   could   only   repeat,  

“When   blood   seeps   out   of   the   bare   yellow   soil   of   Giant   Mountain.     When   the   blood   speaks   with   a   human   voice.     Then   it   is   time.     Then   it   is   time.”Euphoria   came   over   Stephanie’s   body   and   soul,   bringing   her   intense   rapture.     With   a   happy   and   satisfied   smile,   she   closed   her   eyes   and   gave   up   her   spirit.  

  A   magnificent   rainbow   appeared   in   the   skies   across   the   lake.     Petals   of   fresh   flowers   covered   Stephanie’s   body,   for   the   beauties   had   arrived   too   late   to   bid   farewell   to   their   former   companion   and   could   only   cover   her   with   their   floral   offering.     Suddenly   a   lovely,   melodious   voice   broke   into   song   and   the   beauties   all   joined   her   in   a   chorus:

Who   is   it   that   is   hiding   behind   the   endless   blue   skies?

It   is   you.     It   is   your   mellifluous   voice.

Who   is   it   that   is   walking   among   the   flowers   in   the   spring   rain?

It   is   you.     It   is   the   rustle   of   your   garments.

Who   is   it   that   has   lost   the   ribbon   on   her   hair,   colorful   as   a   rainbow   across   the   skies?

It   is   you.     It   is   the   ornament   you   usually   wear.

Who   is   it   that   is   staring   gently   down   on   earth   like   the   remnant   light   of   the   setting   sun?

It   is   you.     It   is   your   alluring,   sentimental   eyes.

Who   is   it   that   broke   through   the   barrier   of   dark   clouds   and   like   the   moon   hastens   to   rendezvous   with   myriads   of   stars?

It   is   you.     You   are   the   one   whom   I   most   wish   would   call   on   me   in   my   dreams.

So   singing,   the   beauties   followed   King   Dimitri   out   of   the   gold   palace.     He   gazed   at   the   rainbow   across   the   skies   above   and   then   looked   down   on   the   heavy   yellow   soil   beneath   his   feet.     In   his   heart   he   silently   repeated   Stephanie’s   last   words   to   him.     Her   prophesy.

                        Chapter     7         Dream-maker’s   Bakery

Dimitri   woke   up   shivering   in   the   chilly   wind.     He   opened   his   eyes   and   looked   around.     Everything   was   pitch   dark,   so   he   knew   then   that   he   was   back   again   in   the   mundane   world   where   he   was   a   homeless   blind   man   cursed   by   fate.     He   muttered   to   himself,   “Where   is   my   majestic   Kingdom?     My   magnificent   palace?     Where   are   my   countless   beauties   and   the   newly   constructed   solid   gold   palace?     Are   they   only   fanciful   creations   of   my   dreams?     No.     No.     It   shouldn’t   be   like   that!     Even   if   they   are   dreams,   they   are   the   fruit   of   the   labor   of   my   brain   cells.     No,   they   cannot   be   only   dreams.”     Having   just   wakened   up,   Dimitri   was   again   deep   in   thought.     He   remembered   one   afternoon   when   he   and   his   beauties   were   whiling   away   some   time   by   the   side   of   the   lake.     The   warm   sun   and   spring   breeze   made   him   drowsy   and   he   fell   asleep.     He   dreamed   he   saw   a   ragged   vagabond   with   a   white   cane,   struggling   along   in   a   dense   fog,   obviously   a   blind   man.     No.     That   blind   man   was   himself   because   he   remembered   he   could   only   discern   fuzzy   light   and   shadowy   forms   of   people.     All   of   a   sudden   he   missed   his   step   and   fell   into   swift   currents   of   water.     He   cried   out   in   fright   and   woke   up   to   see   the   beauties   smiling   at   him   in   amusement.     One   of   his   feet   was   soaked   in   the   crystal   clear   lake   water!     At   the   time,   Dimitri   really   didn’t   know   where   he   was.     He   was   totally   lost,   confused   and   befuddled.     Was   it   King   Dimitri   who   dreamed   of   a   poor   blind   man,   or   was   it   the   blind   vagabond   who   dreamed   of   the   honorable,   majestic   King   Dimitri?     Reality   and   dreams   –   which   is   real   and   which   is   fantasy?     Perhaps   both   were   real,   or   both   were   unreal.     Real,   life   may   be   neutral,   situated   between   dream   and   reality.     Or   perhaps   reality   is   dreams   and   dreams   are   reality.     The   two   are   superimposed,   with   no   trace   of   reality.     The   icy   wind   wafted   over   mouth-watering   smell   of   newly   baked   bread   and   Dimitri   was   immediately   hit   with   a   pang   of   hunger.     He   suddenly   saw   the   light   and   muttered,  

“Yes,   it   is   really   very   simple.     Smell   of   food   makes   you   feel   hungry.     No   need   for   logic   or   dialectics.     Intuition   is   all   that   is   necessary.   Dimitri’s   brains   whirled.     He   seemed   to   be   fascinated   by   this   complicated   mind   game.     He   continued   in   his   train   of   thoughts.    

“My   Kingdom   of   Dreams   was   built   by   the   labor   of   my   brain   cells.     But   brain   cells   are   organic   material   thing   of   the   brain.     They   are   not   me.     Who   designed   and   built   this   beautiful   Kingdom   of   Dreams?     It   is   a   pair   of   invisible   hands.     Just   as   the   real   world,   which   is   made   up   of   material   things,   is   built   by   those   hand,   so   too   is   my   Kingdom   of   Dreams   built   by   the   same   pair   of   hands.     The   real   material   world   and   my   Kingdom   of   Dreams   both   really   exist.     You   can   also   say   neither   of   them   exists   because   one   day   material   things   will   perish   just   as   the   flesh   body   will   one   day   die.”    

Dimitri   seemed   to   see   again   Stephanie   in   her   last   minute.     She   was   staring   at   the   cloudless   blue   sky   with   a   sweet   and   happy   smile.     In   the   depth   of   her   heart,   a   lot   of   concealed,   almost   indiscernible   thoughts   seemed   suddenly   to   come   to   life,   like   the   smallest   molecules   of   light   dancing   happy   and   lively   in   the   fluctuating   light.   But   Stephanie   was   only   a   by-stander,   silently   watching   the   movements   of   her   thought.     She   was   only   a   by-stander,   as   if   these   thought   had   nothing   to   do   with   her,   for   he   heart   had   long   been   one   with   the   wide   expanse   of   blue   skies.     The   blue   skies   do   not   mind   the   comings   and   goings   of   dark   clouds.     Dimitri   suddenly   said   excitedly,  

“Stephanie   solved   the   problem!     I   too   will   solve   it!     I   am   sure   our   answers   will   be   the   same   because   there   is   only   one   truth!     Things   are   really   quite   simple.     When   the   nose   smells   the   aroma   of   freshly-baked   bread,   the   stomach   feels   hunger.     It   is   all   pretty   straight   forward   and   direct,   with   no   need   for   logic   and   dialectics.     Intuition   is   enough.     It   is   plain   and   simple.”     Dimitri   laughed   at   himself   and   muttered,  

“I   am   hungry   and   my   brain   is   still   playing   these   complicated   games.     What’s   the   point?     I   had   better   go   and   find   something   to   eat.     Filling   my   stomach   is   the   important   thing   to   do.”     But   then   he   thought,  

“What’s   wrong   with   playing   these   mind   games?   They   can   while   away   the   abundant   leisure   time   which   hands   heavy   on   my   hands.”

Colorful   fallen   leaves   paved   the   ground   and   then   rustling   of   dry   leaves   blown   about   by   the   wind   filled   the   air.     In   the   midst   of   this,   a   hoarse   old   voice   could   be   heard   saying   exasperatedly,  

“Just   when   I   managed   to   sweep   them   all   into   a   pile,   the   wind   comes   and   scatters   them   all   over   the   place   again!     If   I   still   had   my   magic   flying   broom,   I   could   have   swept   them   all   up   in   a   few   strokes   and   put   them   in   a   bag.     I   know   it   must   be   naughty   girl   Dorna   who   took   my   broom   away   and   hid   it.     Now   I   am   completely   stuck   and   cannot   go   where   I   want   to   any   more.     You   just   wait   till   I   get   my   hands   on   that   girl!     She’ll   have   it   coming.....”     Hearing   the   familiar   voice   and   the   mention   of   Dorna   and   a   magic   flying   broom,   Dimitri   knew   at   once   who   it   was   and   he   called   out,

  “Hi   Amalia!     Is   that   you?”     Amalia   looked   around   and   saw   Dimitri.  

“Hi   Dimitri!     What   are   you   doing   under   the   eaves?     Have   you   been   weaving   dreams   again?”     Dimitri   smiled   sheepishly   and   did   not   directly   answer   her   question.   He   asked   again    

“What   are   you   doing?     Sweeping   dry   leaves?       Do   you   start   the   day   this   early?”  

“I   certainly   do!     The   poor   leaves   are   shivering   with   cold   in   the   chilly   wind.     They   looked   so   pitiful   I   thought   I   would   sweep   them   up   and   put   them   in   a   bag   for   the   winter   where   they   would   be   warm.     But   a   gust   of   wind   scattered   them   and   had   them   twirling   and   spinning   all   over   the   place.     It’s   really   sad.”   Amelia’s   words   reminded   Dimitri   of   his   dream   and   of   Stephanie’s   prophesy   -   his   Kingdom   would   soon   collapse   and   he   must   make   appropriate   arrangements   for   the   future   of   his   24   beauties.  

  “What   a   daunting   task!”   he   thought.     “I   brought   them   one   by   one   to   my   Kingdom,   thinking   that   there   they   would   find   peace   and   live   happy   lives.     Unfortunately   my   Kingdom   of   Dreams   is   not   the   safe   haven   I   thought   it   was.     If   something   should   happen,   how   can   I   arrange   for   the   future   of   the   beauties?   There   needs   to   be   a   complete   change.......”    

The   wind   wafted   over   the   delicious   aroma   of   freshly   baked   bread.     Dimitri   suddenly   felt   very   hungry   and   his   stomach   growled.  

  “You   haven’t   broken   your   fast   yet,   have   you?”   Amalia   asked.   “You   must   be   hungry.     Come   to   my   store.     We   have   freshly   baked   bread.     You   can   have   some   as   well   as   a   cup   of   hot   coffee   to   ward   off   the   cold.”     Dimitri   followed   her   to   the   store.     He   remembered   that   there   was   a   small   bakery   near   the   lake,   not   far   from   the   apartment   house   where   he   lived.   Did   he   spend   the   night   under   their   eaves?     The   day   was   still   young.     The   moon   and   the   stars   were   still   in   the   sky   glittering   in   icy   glory.     Suddenly   a   short   figure   darted   out   from   the   door   and   made   for   the   empty   street.     Amalia   took   her   broom   and   swatted   at   the   fleeing   figure   saying,  

“You   wretched   man!     You’re   here   again   to   steal   things   the   moment   I   have   my   back   turned!”

“Ha!   Ha!   Ha!”   laughed   the   old   man.   “I   never   steal!     I   just   take   whatever   I   want   myself!”

“Don’t   you   ever   do   that   again!     The   next   timed   I   catch   you   I   will   break   your   legs!”

“Who   is   he?”   asked   Dimitri.

“Who   knows   who   he   is”   replied   Amalia.     “Recently   some   homeless   people   have   been   loitering   around   this   neighborhood   and   he   is   one   of   them   –   a   strange   looking   dwarf   with   a   white   beard.     He   always   squats   there   by   the   corner   across   the   street   doing   nothing.     When   asked   what   he   was   doing   there,   he   would   say   he   liked   the   smell   of   baking   bread,   that   he   could   extract   nutrition   just   from   the   aroma.     Whenever   your   attention   is   distracted,   he   would   sneak   in,   snatch   some   bread   or   pastry   and   run.     I   told   him   again   and   again   there   was   free   day-old   food   at   the   corner,   but   he   is   picky   and   takes   only   freshly-baked   ones!     I   told   him,”   If   you   really   want   a   freshly-baked   loaf,   just   ask   for   it   and   I   will   give   you   one.     Don’t   snatch   it   yourself”   You   know   what   he   said   to   me?     “I   have   a   lot   of   money.     Who   wants   your   bread?’     His   cocky   manner   really   makes   me   mad!”     Dimitri   smiled

“His   eccentric   behavior   reminds   me   of   a   friend   of   mine.     Mr.   Finger.”  

  They   came   to   the   bakery   and   walked   in.     The   room   was   full   of   freshly   baked   bread   and   pastry,   waiting   to   be   packaged   and   arranged   for   sale.     All   this   had   to   be   done   before   the   store   opened.     A   beautiful   voice   was   heard   humming   happily   while   working.

“Hey,   Sheila!”   called   Amalia.     “Come   and   see   who   is   here!”

“Dimitri!”exclaimed   Sheila   when   she   saw   the   man   standing   behind   Amalia.   “It’s   you!     I   just   heard   Mary   say   yesterday   that   she   found   you   and   here   you   are   today!     That’s   great!   “

“Yes.     I   saw   Mary   yesterday   and   we   talked   for   a   while.     But   we   were   in   a   hurry   and   she   didn’t   tell   me   much   about   how   things   are   with   you   all.”

“You   two   can   catch   up   and   talk”   interrupted   Amalia.   “I   must   package   the   bread,   organize   and   arrange   the   pastry   on   sheets.     A   lot   of   work!     I   have   a   lot   to   do   before   the   store   opens.”   They   watched   as   Amalia   hurried   out   to   the   front.     The   Dimitri   looked   inquiringly   at   Sheila.     She   understood   what   he   was   asking   and   answered,

  “Yoko   listened   to   Dorna   and   hid   Amalia’s   magic   broom   so   she   could   no   longer   take   off   on   a   whim.     At   first   she   was   very   angry   and   was   not   accustomed   to   being   grounded.     Now   she   is   getting   used   to   it   and   becoming   quite   interested   in   the   running   of   this   bakery.     But   she   has   a   bad   temper   and   gets   into   arguments   with   customers.     She   has   offended   quite   a   few   of   our   old   customers.”

“That’s   alright”   said   Dimitri   nodding.     “So   long   as   the   products   are   superior,   the   price   is   right   and   conduct   honest   and   aboveboard,   they   will   come   back   and   business   will   flourish.     Are   you   in   charge   here?”

“Yes”   said   Sheila   proudly   “But   not   alone.     Mary   and   I   manage   it   together.   Have   you   forgotten   that   Mary   and   I   used   to   work   here   part-time   when   we   were   in   school?     After   graduation,   the   owner   let   Mary   and   I   take   over   the   bakery,   responsible   for   losses   as   well   gains.     He   and   his   wife   left   on   an   extended   world   tour.     So   now   this   is   our   very   own   small   business   venture.”

“Very   good.     This   is   a   great   chance   for   the   two   of   you   and   a   rare   opportunity!”   Sheila   got   out   a   pail   of   raised   dough   from   the   steaming   room   and   carried   it   laboriously   onto   the   work   table   where   she   poured   it   out.     Dimitri   tore   off   a   little   piece   of   dough,   pulled   at   it   to   test   its   elasticity   and   then   sniffed   it.   “Too   much   yeast   and   it’s   not   fully   raised   yet.”   he   concluded.   “This   batch   will   not   be   up   to   par.”

“Can’t   be   helped.     It’s   only   me   alone   here   and   I   can’t   do   everything.     Hey,   Dimitri,   you   are   quite   an   expert   at   this!”

“When   I   was   very   young,   I   seem   to   have   worked   as   an   apprentice   in   a   bakery”   replied   Dimitri,   looking   at   the   ceiling,   lost   in   the   reverie   of   misty   bygone   years.   “But   I   can’t   remember   much   about   it   now.”

Sheila   walked   quickly   to   the   oven,   opened   the   oven   door   and   took   out   the   baking   pan.     She   quickly   turned   it   around   and   put   it   back   in   again.     Her   elbow   accidentally   touched   the   side   of   the   baking   pan   and   she   cried   out   in   pain.     She   closed   the   oven   door,   walked   quickly   to   the   drawer   by   the   table   and   took   out   a   bottle   of   burn   medication.

“What   happened?     Did   you   burn   yourself?”   asked   Dimitri.   “This   work   is   much   too   heavy   for   a   young   girl   alone.”

“It’s   OK.     Just   a   slight   burn.”   replied   Sheila   concentrating   on   putting   medication   on   her   elbow.     She   was   wearing   a   pair   of   green   shorts,   fully   exposing   her   shapely   white   legs.     It   was   hard   to   imagine   that   these   same   legs   were   once   always   concealed   under   dirty   old   jeans   because   they   were   too   abnormal   and   grotesque   to   be   seen   by   others.     Now   they   were   well   proportioned,   exquisitely   shaped   and   very   attractive.   She   went   on,

  “Normally   it’s   not   too   bad   because   Mark   is   here   to   help.     But   recently   he   asked   for   a   leave   of   absence   and   I   just   can’t   handle   the   work   alone.     Would   you   be   willing   to   help   out,   Dimitri?     I   would   really   appreciate   it.”

“Mark?     Is   he   that   tall   fat   boy   with   a   hearing   aid,   who   is   also   mentally   retarded?”

“Yes.   Yes.     That’s   him.     Though   he   is   hard   of   hearing   and   has   a   problem   with   his   speech,   he   is   very   strong   and   a   good   helper.     He   cannot   work   on   his   own   but   he   obeys   orders.     Amalia   likes   him   and   says   he   is   like   her   own   son.     She   told   us   to   be   good   to   him.”

“Then   why   is   he   asking   for   leave?”

                        “He   said   he   was   getting   married   to   his   sister!     I   don’t   really   know   what   he   is   talking   about.”   Dimitri   was   secretly   overjoyed.     Mark’s   sister   would   be   that   quiet,   gentle   and   stoic   girl   Laverne.     Though   brother   and   sister   in   name,   they   were   actually   not   blood   relations,   so   of   course   they   could   get   married

                          “Let’s   hope   it’s   her”   Dimitri   muttered   to   himself.     Just   then,   Amalia   came   in   smiling   with   a   plate   of   onion   and   cheese   sourdough   and   a   cup   of   coffee.    

“Come.     Come.     Eat   first   and   fill   your   stomach.     Sheila   is   right,   why   don’t   you   come   and   help   out?     There’s   only   Sheila,   Mary,   Yoko   and   me   here   and   there   are   still   some   empty   room   upstairs.   We   welcome   you   to   come   and   stay.     If   you   move   in   here,   you   will   have   a   stable   place   to   sleep   and   won’t   have   to   go   wandering   out   there   in   the   cold   looking   for   shelter.     We   can   all   work   together   and   live   together   like   a   family.   Business   will   also   flourish.     Won’t   that   be   good?”   Dimitri   thought   for   a   moment.     Sheila,   Mary   and   Yoko   were   here   and   with   the   three   of   them   taking   care   of   Amalia,   he   could   rest   easy.     There   was   also   news   of   Laverne   to   be   verified,   so   why   not   stay   here   temporarily?

“Sure.”   he   answered.   “That   will   be   good.     But   there   is   just   one   thing.     Though   I   am   blind,   my   nature   has   not   changed.     It’s   hard   for   me   to   stay   put.     I   still   like   to   roam   around   the   world.     If   one   day   I   get   the   itch,   it   is   hard   for   me   to   control   my   two   feet.”     Amalia   laughed.

“You   must   do   as   you   wish.     There   are   no   strings   attached.     You   are   a   lot   like   me   in   this   respect!”

Days,   like   the   leaves   of   trees,   are   too   numerous   to   count.     Leaves   turn   yellow   and   drop,   but   next   year   buds   would   burst   out   on   new   branches   and   grow   again.     Life   is   calm   and   still   as   water.     Fingers   stirring   its   surface   meet   with   no   hindrance   and   leave   no   trail.     Ever   since   Dimitri   joined   the   household   of   Amalia,   Mary,   Sheila   and   Yoko,   he   seemed   to   have   stepped   into   another   dream.     He   was   not   only   reliving   his   life   as   an   apprentice   in   a   bakery   when   he   was   young,   but   he   was   also   enjoying   the   comforts   and   warmth   of   family   life.     Mary   and   Sheila   treated   him   as   an   older   brother   and   Amalia   was   a   mother   to   him,   anticipating   his   every   need.     Though   blind,   Dimitri’s   movements   were   efficient   and   precise.     Once   he   was   sure   of   the   relative   position   of   the   steaming   room,   the   work   table,   the   oven   and   the   mixing   machine,   he   could   go   about   his   work   without   hesitation.     With   Sheila   always   there   to   help,   Dimitri   was   able   to   work   quite   freely   and   independently   like   a   normal   person   so   long   as   he   didn’t   touch   the   more   complicated,   and   thereby   more   dangerous,   machinery.     He   preferred   making   bread   and   pastry   the   old   fashioned   way,   just   by   using   his   two   hands,   without   the   aid   of   modern   electronics.     Neither   did   he   use   cups   and   scales   to   measure   the   ingredients.     His   hands   were   the   most   accurate   scale.     The   most   pivotal   part   of   bread   making   was   the   exact   amount   of   yeast   you   add   to   the   flour,   which   depended   in   part   on   the   local   weather.     Rain,   shine   or   cloudy   were   all   factors   to   be   considered.     Dimitri’s   expertise   in   this   area   guaranteed   half   the   success   of   his   project.     The   other   half   depended   on   his   knowledge   of   oven   baking.     He   always   put   his   hands   into   the   oven   to   test   the   heat.     Only   when   he   deemed   it   suitable   would   he   push   his   baking   pan   in   and   close   the   oven   door.     The   bread   he   made   was   excellent   in   taste,   smell   and   appearance.     As   for   cakes   and   pastry,   he   could   only   bake   them   and   leave   the   decorations   to   Mary   and   Sheila,   as   the   work   was   too   delicate   for   a   blind   man.

Business   flourished   as   Amalia   had   predicted.     She   was   busy   every   day,   selling   and   bagging,   ringing   up   sales   and   taking   care   of   the   money   and   change.     When   business   was   brisk   and   the   room   crowded   with   customers,   Amalia   often   made   mistakes.     She   would   get   into   arguments   and   unavoidably   offended   some   customers   who   would   stalk   out   angrily.     Sometimes   she   would   a   fool   out   of   herself.     But   old   customers   who   had   been   around   for   some   time,   knew   Amalia   was   suffering   from   the   onset   of   Alzheimer’s   disease,   and   made   allowances   for   her.     The   old   white-bearded   dwarf   still   loitered   about   the   neighborhood   and   would   come   in   when   Amalia   was   busy   and   steal   some   bread.     Well,   it   couldn’t   really   be   called   stealing   because   he   just   strutted   in   and   took   what   he   wanted   flamboyantly   without   stealth.     Sometimes   Amalia   would   shout   at   him,   scolding   him.     But   other   times   she   would   just   pretend   not   to   see   him.     That   strange   old   man   was   not   greedy   and   would   just   grab   one   or   two   pieces   of   bread.     Amalia   was   busy   enough   as   it   was   and   just   didn’t   want   to   bother.     That   day,   everything   was   sold   out   before   noon.     Amalia   wanted   to   close   up   and   rest,   but   Sheila   said   it   was   not   professional   behavior   to   close   shop   before   closing   time.     Amalia   conceded   grudgingly   and   everyone   went   back   to   work.     Dimitri   immediately   poured   a   large   amount   of   flour   on   the   work   table,   added   yeast,   oil,   sugar,   salt,   water   and   starting   mixing   and   kneading.     It   was   laborious   and   tiring,   but   Dimitri   liked   it.     He   thought   it   was   not   only   a   good   form   of   exercise   that   toned   muscles   and   tendons,   it   also   exercised   the   brain.     Physical   labor   made   the   brain   whirl   and   induced   a   state   of   euphoria   and   excitement.     Dimitri   worked   on   happily   while   perspiration   poured   from   his   head   and   body.     He   suddenly   thought   of   what   his   good   friend   Jamaz   once   told   him.

  “I   like   to   use   my   muscles,   not   my   brain.”     Dimitri   smiled   and   thought,  

“   I   am   like   him.     I   also   like   to   use   my   muscles,   but   I   like   to   use   my   brains   even   more.     I   wonder   how   my   friends   Richard   and   Jamaz   are   doing.     They   are   no   match   for   the   cruel,   treacherous   and   insidious   Mr.   Kaffee,   Mafia   boss   of   the   underworld.     I   must   think   of   a   way   to   get   rid   of   him,   or   Richard,   Jamaz   and   I   will   never   be   able   to   live   in   peace.     This   is   a   beautiful,   happy   world.     Why   are   there   so   many   bad   people   stirring   up   trouble   and   disorder?     If   all   these   bad   apples   are   thrown   out,   the   world   would   be   a   peaceful   and   happy   place.”   Then   Stephanie’s   prophesy   again   came   to   his   mind,   and   dark   clouds   obliterated   his   cheerful   mood.  

  “I   haven’t   been   back   to   my   Kingdom   of   Dreams   for   some   time   now.     I   wonder   how   they   are   all   doing.     Queen   Aisha   is   clever   and   resourceful.     She   would   be   able   to   handle   all   emergencies.     With   the   brave   and   courageous   Medusa   safeguarding   the   Kingdom,   there   should   not   be   anything   to   worry   about...”  

Laughter   and   chatter   of   young   girls   broke   into   his   reverie.     Dimitri   raised   his   head   and   saw   golden-haired   Mary   laughing   and   talking   while   decorating   cream   cakes   with   beautiful   roses,   an   intricate   and   delicate   undertaking   not   easily   mastered.     She   said,

  “I   saw   you   were   deep   in   reverie   when   I   came   in,   so   I   didn’t   disturb   you.     I   bring   good   news.     Yoko   called   and   said   she   got   a   few   days   vacation   and   would   be   coming   back   tonight.     She   wanted   me   to   meet   her   at   the   airport.”     Mary   always   came   in   during   her   lunch   break   to   help   out   at   the   store   because   she   knew   business   was   good   and   they   were   understaffed.

“That’s   great!”   said   Sheila.     The   store   will   be   livelier   and   Amalia   would   be   elated!”   Meanwhile   she   too   was   working   non-stop   putting   decorations   on   cream   cakes   and   pastry.   Expert   craftsmanship   made   their   work   seem   so   simple,   effortless,   magical   and   mesmerizing.     Dimitri   suddenly   remembered   what   happened   that   first   night   he   spent   here.     He   was   in   his   room,   lonely,   bored   but   unable   to   sleep   when   suddenly   a   bright   light   from   the   street   lit   up   his   room,   followed   by   sounds   of   screeching   tires   of   a   hastily   stopped   car,   running   footsteps   and   pealing   door   bell.     Sheila   in   the   next   room   jumped   out   of   bed   and   raced   down   the   stairs   to   answer   the   door.     Then   came   excited   laughter   and   chatter   of   young   girls   and   Amalia   was   knocking   at   his   door.                                             “Get   up!     Get   up!     Yoko   is   here.     Let’s   go   down   and   see   her!”     Yoko   was   still   wearing   the   yellow   short-sleeved   blouse   and   white   pleated   skirt   that   she   had   on   when   she   first   saw   Dimitri.     When   she   saw   Dimitri   standing   there   before   her,   she   rushed   up   crying   his   name   and   hugged   him   excitedly   saying,

“It’s   you!     It’s   really   you!     We   meet   again.     I   never   thought   I   would   see   you   here.     This   is   wonderful.”

Yoko   was   working   in   a   large   casino/hotel.     That   day   she   did   very   well   at   the   tables   and   made   than   a   million   dollars   for   the   owners.     When   she   got   Mary’s   call   that   Dimitri   was   at   the   store,   she   bought   plane   tickets   and   rushed   home   immediately   after   work.     Mary   met   her   at   the   airport.     They   all   gathered   in   the   work   room.     Yoko   took   out   a   few   bottles   of   champagne   her   boss   had   given   her   as   a   bonus   and   said   she   had   a   few   days   of   vacation   coming   soon.     Mary   turned   on   the   music   and   lively   jazz   music   filled   the   air.     They   popped   the   champagne   and   drank   to   their   reunion.     Toast   after   toast   was   proposed   and   they   talked   about   everything:     their   own   lives,   news   of   friends   and   future   plans.     Amalia   was   old   and   could   not   hold   her   liquor.   After   a   few   glasses,   she   became   slightly   tipsy.     She   stood   up   awkwardly   and   rocked   her   clumsy   body   to   the   beat   of   the   music.     Everyone   laughed   at   her   comical   figure.     Dimitri   thought   that   a   happy   life   was   really   only   a   state   of   mind.     One   did   not   have   to   live   in   a   magnificent   palace   or   own   a   solid   gold   palace   to   be   happy.     A   few   glasses   of   wine,   good   music   and   a   few   beauties   as   companions   were   all   that   is   necessary.     Yes.     Just   as   Dimitri   thought,   the   beginnings   of   another   paradise   on   earth   had   just   begun   to   take   shape.

Dimitri   left   he   bakery   by   the   back   door   and   strolled   leisurely   along   the   lakeside   alone.     Business   was   light   that   day,   so   he   closed   up   early.     He   hadn’t   been   back   to   his   small   studio   apartment   for   quite   a   while   and   decided   to   go   back   and   check   how   things   were.     Being   very   familiar   with   the   district,   Dimitri   could   walk   around   without   getting   lost   and   soon   came   to   a   large,   old,   timeworn   building.     He   opened   the   front   door   with   his   key   and   stepped   into   the   spacious   entrance   hall.     The   normally   noisy   place   was   quiet   today.     He   walked   on   and   tapped   his   way   along   the   corridor   until   he   came   to   his   own   unit   and   opened   the   door   with   another   key.     Greeted   with   the   loud,   busy   hum   of   flies   or   bees,   Dimitri   was   reminded   that   in   his   haste   to   keep   his   appointment   with   Richard   and   Jamaz   that   day,   he   had   jumped   out   of   the   window   and   left   it   open   all   this   time.   Amid   the   loud,   busy   droning   of   the   swarm   of   insects,   he   heard   a   thin,   threadlike   voice   calling   out,  

“Help   Dimitri!     Help   Dimitri!”     Tracing   the   source   of   the   voice,   Dimitri   found   White   Fairy   being   attacked   by   insects.  

“Didn’t   they   know   beautiful   flowers   should   be   treasured,   loved   and   protected?”   thought   Dimitri.   “Or   perhaps   they   enjoy   beauty   but   could   not   control   their   harassing   nature.     They   could   not   resist   the   kick   they   get   out   of   ravaging   and   tormenting   the   weaker   sex.”   Just   then,   some   bees   flew   into   the   heart   of   the   lily   and   began   to   suck   out   the   nectar.     Still   other   bees   clung   tightly   to   the   stalk.     Dimitri   at   once   stepped   forward   and   with   one   hand   clasped   the   Easter   Lily,   vase   and   all,   tightly   at   his   chest,   while   flapping   a   towel   briskly   in   the   air   with   his   other   hand,   chasing   away   the   annoying   pests.     After   they   had   all   fled   outside   through   the   window,   Dimitri   quickly   closed   it.     He   sat   down   on   his   old,   dilapidated   sofa,   carefully   drew   the   vase   from   his   chest   and   set   it   down   on   the   side   table   before   him.     White   Fairy   sighed   helplessly   and   said,

“Where   did   you   go,   King   Dimitri?   I   have   been   waiting   here   for   you   for   quite   a   few   days.   You   had   me   really   worried!”

“I’m   sorry.     I’m,   sorry.”   replied   King   Dimitri.   “I   have   been   working   at   a   nearby   bakery   these   last   few   days   and   forgot   to   tell   you.”     Then   he   proceeded   to   tell   her   of   his   meeting   with   Yoko,   Mary,   Sheila   and   Amalia.

“Good.     Good.”   exclaimed   White   Fairy   happily.”   It’s   wonderful   that   we   can   be   together   again   in   this   mundane   world.”

“You   just   mentioned   you   have   been   waiting   here   for   me   for   quite   a   few   days”   said   Dimitri.     “Has   something   important   come   up   in   the   Kingdom?”

“Yes.     That’s   why   I   have   been   waiting   impatiently   here   for   you.”   Then   she   proceeded   to   tell   him   what   had   happened.  

  The   night   King   Dimitri   left,   gigantic   bats   from   no   one   knew   where,   again   flew   over   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     They   came   in   huge   numbers   and   created   an   alarming   momentum.     Medusa   jumped   on   Lightning   and   grabbed   King   Dimitri’s   sword,   intending   to   imitate   his   offensive   assault,   knowing   that   her   own   magical   eyes   were   ineffectual   against   these   huge   creatures   that   had   no   sense   of   sight.     She   knew   that   only   King   Dimitri’s   sword   and   magic   bow   and   arrows   were   the   only   effective   weapons   against   these   aggressors.     White   Fairy,   meanwhile,   picked   up   King   Dimitri’s   magic   bow,   shouldered   his   sheaf   of   arrows   and   made   for   the   rooftop   gardens,   meaning   to   help   Medusa   from   a   high   vantage   point.     Just   as   the   two   of   them   were   about   to   dash   into   the   fray,   the   wise   and   ever-cautious   Aisha   stopped   them   saying,  

“No,   Medusa   and   White   Fairy,   just   wait   a   minute.     Before   we   do   anything,   we   must   find   out   where   these   bats   come   from   and   why   they   are   here.     If   it   is   as   Charmaine   and   Clementine   surmises,   that   these   are   scouts   and   vanguards   of   King   Zeus,   here   to   look   for   his   missing   daughters,   it   would   be   foolish   to   get   into   a   frontal   attack   with   them   because   of   it.     If   we   kill   a   lot   of   these   bats,   we   will   inadvertently   incur   the   wrath   of   King   Zeus,   who   is   very   hard   to   appease.     I   suggest   that   Medusa   go   out   there   and   engage   them   in   a   mock   battle   and   purposefully   lead   them   away   from   the   Kingdom,   while   White   Fairy   remains   here   on   high   alert.     Let’s   resolve   the   crisis   here   first   and   then   decide   what   we   should   do.     What   do   you   think?”     Medusa   and   White   Fairy   nodded   their   agreement   and   went   out   to   carry   out   their   mission.     Queen   Aisha   turned   and   looked   questioningly   at   Charmaine   and   Clementine.     Clementine   said   sorrowfully   in   a   low   voice,

“I   think   that   the   only   recourse   is   for   me   to   go   back   personally   to   the   Seventh   Heaven   and   beg   the   forgiveness   of   Father   Zeus.     But   how   can   I   do   this?     Now   that   I   have   a   flesh   body,   I   can   no   longer   go   back   there.     Neither   am   I   willing   to   leave   here   and   part   with   King   Dimitri,   the   beauties   and   everything   in   the   Kingdom.”    

“You   can   no   longer   go   back   because   you   have   a   flesh   body.”   said   Charmaine   from   the   mirror.   “Before   you   came   here,   you   had   form   but   no   body,   while   I   had   neither   form   nor   body.   I   have   to   make   use   of   a   mirror   or   a   smooth   body   of   water   to   appear.     Father   Zeus   doesn’t   even   know   I   exist.     Why   don’t   I   go   back   to   Seventh   Heaven   and   beg   for   his   forgiveness.     Perhaps   he   will   forgive   us.”

“No,”   said   Aisha   after   a   moment   of   consideration.     “This   will   not   do.     How   do   you   think   King   Zeus   will   react   when   he   learns   about   your   assembling   the   celestial   goldsmiths   in   his   name   to   come   down   to   earth   and   build   the   gold   palace?     Once   you   incur   his   wrath,   he   may   imprison   you   or   punish   you   most   severely.     What   then?     And   when   King   Dimitri   hears   about   what   happened   to   you   because   of   him,   he   would   not   sit   back   and   do   nothing.     He   would   leave   no   stones   unturned   to   rescue   you.     The   situation   would   get   worse.”    

“Can’t   be   helped”   laughed   Charmaine   mirthlessly.   “There   is   no   other   way   out.     But   don’t   worry.     When   I   see   King   Zeus,   I   know   what   to   say   to   disarm   him   and   avert   the   disaster.     He   may   even   be   so   happy   that   he   would   no   longer   pursue   this   any   more.     Then   I   can   come   back   here   and   be   together   with   you   all.”

“Alright,   I’ll   let   you   go.”   said   Aisha   reluctantly,   knowing   that   the   situation   was   dire   and   she   did   not   really   have   a   better   solution.     But   she   repeatedly   urged   her   to   be   careful.     “Take   good   care   of   yourself   and   come   back   safely.     Otherwise   I   would   not   be   able   to   account   for   it   to   King   Dimitri.”

“Don’t   worry”   answered   Charmaine,   smiling   at   Aisha.     “Goodbye”   and   her   image   at   once   disappeared   from   the   mirror,   leaving   only   the   reflection   of   the   scene   outside:   a   full   moon   and   myriads   of   stars   shining   down   serenely   on   the   world   below.     Just   then,   Medusa   came   back,   having   successfully   diverted   the   pack   of   huge   bats   away   from   the   Kingdom.     White   Fairy   also   came   down   from   the   rooftop   garden   and   saw   a   worried   Aisha   pacing   restlessly   in   the   hall.     When   she   saw   White   Fairy,   she   suddenly   thought   of   something   and   asked,  

“Do   you   know   where   Charmaine   went?     Do   you   think   you   can   catch   up   with   her?”

“Don’t   forget   I   am   a   puff   of   smoke.”   smiled   White   Fairy.     “There   is   not   a   place   I   cannot   go   to.”  

“Great!”   exclaimed   Aisha   greatly   relieved.     “Please   be   quick   and   catch   up   with   Charmaine.     Be   her   backup   and   help   her   as   much   as   you   can.     Let   us   know   how   things   go.”   White   Fairy   changed   into   a   puff   of   smoke   and   streaked   away.      

In   another   dimension   of   time   in   the   universe,   it   was   still   dawn,   fogy   and   misty.     A   slim   young   maiden,   adorned   with   a   wreath   of   fresh   flowers,   was   walking   towards   the   stream.     White   Fairy,   who   had   concealed   herself   among   the   flowers,   gazed   fixedly   at   the   girl,   watching   as   she   filled   the   pure   bronze   basin   in   her   hand   with   crystal   clear   water   and   made   her   way   back   to   the   imposing   and   resplendent   bronze   palace.     On   the   throne   at   the   center   of   the   great   palace   hall,   sat   a   solemn-looking   middle-aged   man   with   a   head   of   glorious   curly   long   hair   reaching   down   to   his   shoulders.     His   physique   was   muscular,   statuesque   and   magnificent.     White   Fairy   guessed   he   must   be   King   Zeus.     To   avoid   detection   by   the   omniscient   god,   she   quickly   changed   into   a   white   Easter   lily   and   hid   herself   among   the   myriads   of   flowers   growing   by   the   side   of   the   stream.     It   was   just   after   daybreak   and   Zeus   did   not   have   his   crown   on   as   he   usually   did   when   conferring   with   his   subjects.     He   was   just   getting   ready   to   perform   his   ablutions.     Just   as   he   held   the   basin,   getting   ready   to   wash   his   face   and   hands,   he   suddenly   said   in   a   loud   voice,

“Who   is   it?     Who   are   you?     What   are   you   doing   here...?”       White   Fairy   knew   it   must   be   Charmaine,   appearing   before   him   in   the   water   basin.

“’s   me.   Clementine......coming   back   to   beg   your   forgiveness......”     Zeus   stared   angrily   at   the   basin   with   his   bell-like   eyes   and   barked,

“......Clementine......fled   from   the   Seventh   Heaven......escaped   from   Apollo’s   web......disappeared   entirely......”White   Fairy   could   only   make   out   fragments   of   the   conversation   between   these   two   because   she   was   some   distance   away   by   the   side   of   the   stream.     Fearing   detection,   she   did   not   dare   to   go   any   closer   to   the   great   hall.

“......this   is   why   I   came   back   to   see   beg   your   forgiveness......also   to   bring   you   good   another   dimension   of   time......Kingdom   of   Dreams......King   Dimitri   willing   to   swear   allegiance   to   you......”

King   Zeus   forgot   his   anger   at   the   news   and   smiled.   “......very   good......what   does   he   want   in   return...”

“......nothing......only   wants   to   serve   under   you   and   be   a   vassal   of   your   majesty......”

King   Zeus   laughed   heartily,   intoxicated   by   the   praise   and   eulogies.     But   he   was   by   nature   suspicious   and   jealous.     He   turned   again   to   the   basin   and   said   accusingly,

“You   fled   from   the   Seventh   heaven......came   back   to   assemble   my   goldsmiths   to   go   down   to   earth   and   build   a   solid   gold   palace......Was   it   for   this   King   ......what’s   his   name......Dimitri......?”

“I   know   I   have   done   wrong......”   White   Fairy   could   hear   the   tremble   of   fear   in   Charmaine’s   voice.   “I   came   back   to   humbly   beg   your   forgiveness......when   King   Dimitri   knew   of   the   gold   palace   he   did   not   dare   to   compete   with   you......ordered   his   gold   palace   to   be   coated   over   with   iron   to   conceal   the   brilliance   of   gold......If   you   don’t   believe   me,   you   can   send   someone   down   to   confirm......”  

  Zeus   was   deep   in   thought.     Suddenly,   he   raised   his   head   and   said,  

“Even   though   my   beloved   daughter   Clementine   has   no   substance,   she   does   have   form.     How   come   you   have   neither   form   nor   substance?   Quick!   Tell   me   who   you   are,   or   you   will   bear   the   terrible   consequences   of   deceiving   me!”

Charmaine   was   panic-stricken.   She   had   originally   intended   to   pretend   to   be   her   twin   sister   Clementine,   but   father   Zeus’   saw   through   her   deception   and   under   his   severe   questioning,   she   had   to   confess.   With   voice   trembling   more   than   ever,   she   continued  

  “I   am   also   your   daughter   Clementine’s   twin......I   have   neither   substance   nor   form......she   did   not   know   I   existed   until   she   grew   up......she   called   me   Charmaine......said   this   was   a   secret   between   the   two   of   one   else   needed   to   know......   so   not   even   you   knew   of   my   existence......”

“What?”   exclaimed   Zeus,   greatly   shocked.     “Is   this   true?     How   do   I   know   it’s   not   another   one   of   your   tricks?   Since   you   have   neither   substance   nor   form,   I   have   no   way   of   detaining   you......I   will   freeze   you   into   a   block   of   ice......when   Clementine   comes   back......confront   you......know   the   truth   of   your   claim......”   Zeus   words   were   strong   and   powerful.     When   he   finished   speaking,   the   water   in   the   basin   had   turned   into   a   solid   block   of   ice.     He   summoned   the   young   girl   who   had   brought   him   the   basin   and   ordered   her   to   take   it   back   to   the   side   of   the   stream.    

“Leave   it   there   by   the   bed   of   flowers   and   see   to   it   that   no   one   is   to   be   allowed   to   go   near   the   place.”

“Yes,   your   majesty”   replied   the   girl   and   took   the   bronze   basin   back   to   the   stream.     Coincidentally,   she   placed   it   by   the   flowers,   right   next   to   an   Easter   lily   and   left.  

  White   Fairy   saw   Charmaine   immobilized   inside   the   block   of   ice,   her   face   distorted   as   if   unable   to   endure   the   horrible   pain   of   being   frozen.     White   Fairy   said,

  “Don’t   be   afraid,   Charmaine.     We   will   come   and   save   you.”   Charmaine’s   eyes   could   not   see.     Her   ears   could   not   hear.     She   could   only   be   paralyzed   inside   the   block   of   ice,   enduring   the   ghastly   pain   of   being   frozen.   White   fairy   looked   towards   the   palace   and   saw   that   King   Zeus   had   already   put   on   his   crown,   preparing   to   see   his   subjects   and   begin   the   work   of   the   day.     She   thought,

  “There   is   nothing   I   can   do   here   to   help   Charmaine.     I   had   better   leave   before   the   other   gods   come.     It   may   be   impossible   to   escape   then.     I   will   go   back   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   report   to   Queen   Aisha.”     Turning   back   to   Charmaine   she   tried   to   comfort   her   saying,  

“Don’t   be   afraid,   Charmaine.     Don’t   be   afraid.     We   will   come   back   for   you.     I   promise.”

After   hearing   White   Fairy’s   report,   King   Dimitri   kept   pacing   to   and   fro   in   his   small   studio,   his   hands   behind   his   back.     He   was   deeply   troubled   and   tried   to   think   of   a   way   out,   but   could   not   come   up   with   any   feasible   plan.     He   turned   to   White   fairy   in   the   vase   and   asked,

“When   did   all   this   happen?”

“Quite   a   few   days   ago.     That’s   why   I’ve   been   here   waiting   for   you.”

“Gosh.     It’s   been   a   few   days   already?     I   wonder   if   there’s   been   any   other   change   there.     Why   don’t   you   go   back   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   let   me   know   if   anything   changes.     I   will   be   here   waiting   for   you.”

“Won’t   you   be   going   back   with   me,   King   Dimitri?     They   need   you   there.”

“No.     I   cannot   go   back   just   yet.     There   are   a   lot   of   important   things   I   must   deal   with   here.”     In   his   heart,   King   Dimitri   knew   that   Stephanie’s   last   prophesy   was   gradually   coming   true.     But   he   could   not   voice   it   out   loud   for   fear   it   would   cause   fear   and   distress   in   the   Kingdom,   thus   making   the   crisis   even   worse.     White   Fairy   had   known   Dimitri   for   a   long   time   and   could   understand   his   dilemma   without   being   told.

“Alright.     I   will   go   back.     Good   luck,   King   Dimitri.”     Saying   so,   she   changed   to   a   puff   of   smoke   and   squeezing   through   the   aperture   in   the   windows   flew   towards   the   blue   skies.

A   long   line   of   people   queued   up   in   front   of   a   small   shop   by   the   lake,   called   “Dream-maker’s   Bakery”.     This   was   a   comparatively   new   business   that   had   caught   on,   gained   wide   fame   in   the   region   and   became   a   trendy   bakery   famous   for   its   superior   products   and   reasonable   prices.     The   bread   there   was   especially   prized   for   its   unique   flavor   that   had   an   aftertaste   so   addictive   that   people   were   willing   to   drive   from   afar   for   two,   three   hours   to   sample   and   savor   it.     What   fueled   the   fervor   was,   it   was   said   that   the   head   pastry   chef   was   a   blind   man.     That   attracted   some   curious   customers   who   came   to   gawk   but   stayed   to   sample.     That   morning,   however,   the   habitually   reliable   head   pastry   chef   was   a   no   show,   which   threw   the   whole   kitchen   into   turmoil.     Luckily   the   honey-mooners   Mark   and   Laverne   showed   up,   as   Mark   wanted   to   introduce   his   new   bride   to   his   comrades.     Sensing   an   emergency,   Mark   at   once   rolled   up   his   sleeves,   put   on   an   apron,   donned   the   white   cap   and   went   to   work.     Laverne   found   she   knew   the   beauties   from   before   and   was   excited   at   the   unexpected   encounter.     She   was   deft   and   nimble   in   action   and   no   novice   to   baking,   so   she   threw   herself   wholeheartedly   into   the   work.     In   front   of   the   shop,   Yoko   was   helping   Amalia   do   sales.     When   she   went   to   work   that   morning,   golden   haired   Mary   looked   at   the   surveillance   tapes   and   saw   Dimitri   had   been   talking   to   a   white   Easter   lily   most   of   the   night.     Then   the   white   lily   disappeared   and   Dimitri   appeared   to   be   in   a   gloomy   mood,   pacing   uneasily   around   his   studio,   unable   to   sleep.     Mary   knew   Dimitri   would   not   be   able   to   go   to   work   the   next   day,   so   she   took   the   day   off   and   came   to   help   out   at   the   bakery.     Thus,   though   still   short-handed,   there   were   enough   people   to   carry   on   the   work.     By   noon   time,   the   line   of   customers   outside   the   bakery   was   getting   longer   and   longer,   while   inside   the   store   the   beauties   were   busy   as   bees,   flitting   around   the   room   trying   to   multi-task.  

Just   then,   there   was   a   commotion   among   the   customers,   as   if   someone   was   darting   around   trying   to   cut   into   the   lines.     A   dwarf   with   a   white   beard   appeared   in   front   of   the   counter,   holding   a   ham   sandwich   in   his   hand   –   the   bakery’s   specialty,   and   prepared   to   pay   for   it.     On   seeing   the   white-bearded   old   man,   Amalia   got   angry   and   said,  

“Go   away!     Take   the   sandwich.     It’s   on   the   house.     I’ll   give   it   to   you   for   free.     I   am   very   busy   and   have   no   time   to   deal   with   you!”

“Who   wants   to   eat   for   free?”   said   the   old   man   in   a   squeaky   voice.   He   hauled   a   white   cotton   bag   onto   the   counter,   took   something   from   it   and   threw   it   down   with   a   clang.     It   was   a   glittering   gold   coin   with   ancient-looking   designs.     Experts   could   see   at   a   glance   that   this   was   a   priceless   relic   from   ancient   India   and   all   the   surrounding   eyes   were   glued   to   this   rare   coin.  

“Is   this   enough?”   asked   the   strange   old   man.   “If   not,   I   can   give   you   more”   Saying   so,   he   upended   his   white   bag   and   emptied   it.     Hundreds   of   coins   splattered   onto   the   counter   with   a   series   of   clanging   and   clanking,   some   spilling   off   to   the   floor   and   scattered   everywhere.     The   startled   people   exclaimed   in   unison   and   Amalia   was   so   shocked   she   did   not   know   what   to   do.     The   white-bearded   old   man   then   said,  

“Go   tell   the   guy   you   call   Dimitri   to   come   out   and   talk   to   me.”     Yoko   who   was   standing   nearby   answered   cautiously,  

“Dimitri   has   not   come   in   yet.     As   soon   as   he   does,   I   will   tell   him   to   come   and   see   you.     How   about   that?”

“If   he   doesn’t   come   in   today   he   will   be   here   tomorrow!     As   soon   as   he   appears,   tell   him   to   come   and   see   me.     I   have   something   urgent   to   talk   to   him   about.”     He   pointed   to   the   coins   and   added,

  “Give   him   all   these   and   put   them   into   his   care.”   He   took   up   his   ham   sandwich   and   left   the   shop   swaggering   and   eating.     The   beauties   who   were   busily   working   behind   the   store   were   attracted   by   the   exclamations   of   shock,   clanging   on   metal   on   wood   and   all   came   out   to   see   what   it   was   all   about.     Yoko   and   Mary   exchanged   a   knowing   glance   and   came   to   a   tacit   understanding.

“   Ladies   and   gentlemen”   said   Yoko   in   a   loud   voice,   “I   am   sorry,   but   something   has   come   up   and   we   have   to   close   the   store.     Please   come   back   tomorrow......Sorry.   Sorry......have   to   close.....Please   come   back   tomorrow......”     On   hearing   this,   the   disappointed   customers   could   do   nothing   but   leave   and   the   people   waiting   outside   gradually   dispersed   too.     Mark   pulled   down   the   iron   gates   but   the   news   that   hundreds   of   priceless   ancient   coins   had   appeared   inside   Dream-maker’s   Bakery   spread   like   the   wind   far   and   wide.

Mary,   Sheila   and   Laverne   gathered   together   the   coins   on   the   counter   and   put   them   back   into   the   white   bag.     That   was   the   first   chance   they   had   to   examine   these   precious   rare   artifacts.     Some   were   gold   ingots   from   ancient   China,   used   at   that   time   for   currency.     Some   were   coins   of   the   Roman   Empire......   Mark   bent   down   looking   carefully   on   the   floor   for   those   that   had   scattered   there,   searching   under   tables,   counters,   four   corners   of   the   room   and   every   nook   and   cranny.     After   making   sure   that   every   one   of   the   coins   had   been   gathered   up   and   put   back   into   the   bag,   they   retreated   to   the   workshop   at   the   back,   leaving   Amalia   alone   in   the   front.     She   took   out   a   thick   wad   of   cash   from   the   cash   register   and   started   counting   the   earnings   of   that   half   day,   seemingly   to   have   forgotten   the   strange   scene   enacted   there   just   a   moment   ago.     In   the   back   room,   everyone   came   together   in   a   circle,   sitting   or   standing.

“These   are   no   ordinary   coins”   said   Yoko.     “Each   one   of   them   has   thousands   of   years   of   history   behind   them.     It’s   a   pity   Aisha   is   not   here   or   she   could   tell   us   all   about   their   origin.”

“Strange”   said   Sheila.     “That   white-bearded   old   man   wants   us   to   give   these   to   Dimitri.     Does   Dimitri   know   him?     I   have   never   heard   him   mention   any   white-bearded   dwarf!   What   can   be   their   relationship?”

“Why   didn’t   Dimitri   come   to   work   today?”   asked   Laverne.     “I   wanted   so   much   to   see   him   again.     I   haven’t   seen   him   for   such   a   long   time.”

“Did   you   notice   that   old   man’s   beard?     It’s   singed   as   if   it   had   been   sizzled   by   fire.”     Then   she   recounted   to   them   how   Dimitri   hadn’t   slept   all   night   talking   to   a   white   lily,   which   she   presumed   to   be   White   Fairy,   and   how   after   White   Fairy   left,   Dimitri   had   paced   back   and   forth   in   his   studio,   looking   heavy   of   heart   and   worried.     Yoko   looked   outside   to   the   blue   skies   and   said   sorrowfully,

“Does   that   mean   that   our   beautiful   Kingdom   of   Dreams   is   in   trouble   again?”

The   others   did   not   reply.     Amalia   was   counting   the   cash,   but   she   always   lost   count   after   a   while   and   had   to   start   all   over   again.     In   exasperation,   she   threw   them   all   back   on   the   table   and   fumed   at   herself.     After   a   while,   she   shouted   at   them,  

“You   lazy   girls   just   chattering   endlessly   there   at   the   back.     What’s   there   so   much   to   talk   about?     Look   at   the   clock!     Come   on   out.     It’s   time   to   open   shop   and   do   business.”     She   had   completely   forgotten   what   happened   in   the   shop   at   noon   time.     The   young   people   in   the   back   room   smiled   and   shook   their   heads,   knowing   that   Amalia’s   brains   were   muddled   again.     Man   kind   is   smart,   but   could   do   nothing   to   cure   Alzheimer’s   disease   that   directly   attacked   the   brains.     Yoko   said   decisively,

“I   have   a   safety   deposit   box   at   my   bank.     Let’s   put   this   bag   of   coins   there.     It’s   the   only   safe   place   for   it.”

“You   go   get   your   car   Mary   and   you   Mark   be   our   bodyguard.     We   will   leave   by   the   back   door   and   get   this   taken   care   of   first.”

“Good!”   said   Sheila.     “Laverne   and   I   will   go   to   the   front   and   help   Amalia   reopen   the   shop   or   else   she   will   be   mad   again.”     Mary   quickly   walked   towards   the   back   entrance   and   they   heard   Amalia   again   calling   out   for   them   to   come   and   open   the   shop   for   business.

Night   fell.     The   stars   in   the   sky,   like   the   lights   on   the   streets,   came   out   one   after   another.     In   the   darkness   of   night,   the   tall   buildings   stood   silent   and   the   number   of   cars   rushing   about   gradually   decreased.     As   the   night   deepened,   Dimitri’s   anxiety   grew.     He   wanted   to   fall   asleep   so   that   he   could   go   back   to   his   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   face   the   looming   crisis   there..     But   perhaps   he   was   too   tense   and   nervous,   slumber   completely   eluded   him.     The   more   wide   awake   he   was,   the   more   agitated   he   became   until   he   was   so   edgy   that   he   was   on   pins   and   needles   and   didn’t   know   what   to   do.     Just   then,   a   puff   of   smoke   squeezed   through   the   crack   in   the   window   and   floated   towards   the   vase,   where   it   turned   into   a   white   lily.     Dimitri’s   extreme   tension   sharpened   his   senses   in   such   a   way   that   he   was   alert   to   the   slightest   change   in   his   surroundings.     He   turned   his   sightless   eyes   towards   the   vase   on   his   table   inquiringly.

“Yes,   it’s   me”   said   White   Fairy.     “It’s   me.     Don’t   be   nervous.     Good   news.     Good   news.     Everything   turned   out   well.”  

  “What   happened?”   asked   Dimitri   uneasily.   “Quick!     Tell   me   what   happened!”

  “Don’t   worry.     Let   me   catch   my   breathe   first”   Then   she   proceeded   to   narrate   to   him   in   detail   the   latest   events   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.   The   night   White   Fairy   returned   to   the   Kingdom,   she   found   the   palace   brilliantly   lit,   but   eerily   quiet.     Stepping   into   the   great   hall,   she   saw   Clementine   had   reverted   to   her   original   clothing,   the   flimsy   dress   that   resembled   the   semi-transparent   wings   of   dragonflies   and   was   saying   goodbye   to   the   beauties.     They   were   all   tearful,   but   had   no   words   to   express   their   sorrow.     On   seeing   White   Fairy,   Clementine   turned   to   her   and   said,

“Ah   White   Fairy   I   am   glad   to   be   able   to   see   you   before   I   leave.     Please   convey   my   respects   to   King   Dimitri.     I   wanted   to   say   goodbye   to   him   myself   and   see   him   for   the   last   time,   but   then   I   thought   better   of   it,   as   it   would   only   bring   sadness   and   sorrow   to   both   of   us.     So   I   am   leaving   without   notice.     If   Fate   is   kind,   perhaps   one   day   we   will   meet   again.”     Saying   so,   she   floated   up   from   the   ground   and   flew   out   of   an   open   window.     The   beauties   all   watched   as   she   flew   away.     Aisha   murmured,

  “She   came   from   the   Seventh   Heaven   and   is   now   going   back   to   where   she   came   from.     Isn’t   it   sad?     Just   like   us,   we   came   from   dust   and   unto   dust   we   shall   return!”  

  What   happened   was   this.   When   Clementine   heard   that   her   twin   sister   Charmaine   had   been   imprisoned   in   a   block   of   ice   suffering   the   torment   of   being   frozen,   she   knew   her   father,   Zeus,   would   not   rest   until   he   got   to   the   bottom   of   the   matter.     Knowing   the   nature   of   he   father   well,   she   knew   he   would   never   forgive   Charmaine   and   set   her   free.     Things   were   at   a   stalemate.     Even   if   King   Dimitri   were   here,   there   was   nothing   he   could   do   to   resolve   the   situation.     It   was   up   to   her,   Charmaine,   to   take   the   decisive   step.     She   walked   alone   silently   along   the   lake.     At   the   beginning   she   wanted   so   much   to   have   a   flesh   body.     Now   that   she   had   one,   she   found   that   it   brought   her   endless   worry   and   sorrow.     How   to   get   rid   of   it   was   one   problem   she   would   have   to   face.     She   loitered   on   alone,   a   solitary   figure   under   the   moonlight.     One   the   way,   she   absent-mindedly   kicked   a   small   pebble,   which   landed   with   a   plop   into   the   water   and   caused   a   ripple   which   spread   outwards.     Clementine’s   heart   lurched   and   she   had   an   inspiration.

“   Yes!     My   flesh   body   was   made   by   combining   the   soil   here   with   the   crystal   clear   water   from   the   lake.     Why   don’t   I   give   them   back   to   the   place   from   which   they   were   taken   and   extricate   my   flesh   body?”   Having   come   to   a   decision,   she   no   longer   hesitated,   but   walked   slowly   into   the   crystal   clear   lake   water.     She   lay   quietly   on   top   of   the   water   until   her   body   gradually   melted   away.     She   was   experiencing   excruciating   pain,   but   the   pain   was   also   like   a   gentle   caress.  

  “My   body   came   from   the   soil   and   water.     Now   I   give   it   back   to   them.     Oh   let   it   melt!     Let   it   melt!     Let   it   melt   in   King   Dimitri’s   gentle   caress.”     She   endured   the   agonizing   pain,   but   her   heart   was   full   of   light   and   warmth,   like   King   Dimitri’s   gentle   touch.

“Let   it   melt!     Let   it   melt!     Give   my   flesh   body   back   to   the   soil   and   water   here.     I   cannot   take   anything   away   with   me.     What   I   can   take   away   is   my   love,   longing   and   respect   for   King   Dimitri.    

“Let   it   melt!     Let   it   melt!   I   give   my   flesh   body   back   to   the   soil   and   water   here.     I   cannot   delay   any   longer.     My   twin   sister   is   waiting   for   me   to   rescue   her.     I   cannot   procrastinate   any   more.    

“Let   it   melt!     Let   it   melt!     I   give   my   flesh   body   back   to   the   soil   and   water   here.     Let   my   love   for   King   Dimitri   turn   to   eternal,   indelible   longing   and   yearning.    

“Let   it   melt!     Let   it   melt!     Give   my   flesh   body   back   to   the   soil   and   water   here......”     The   next   day,   at   the   place   where   Clementine   walked   into   the   lake,   people   found   words   written   on   the   sand   saying,   “I   give   my   flesh   body   back   to   the   soil   and   water   here.     What   I   take   away   is   my   love   for   King   Dimitri   and   my   eternal,   indelible   longing   and   yearning   for   him.”     Upon   hearing   these   words,   Dimitri’s   eyes   shimmered,   but   he   controlled   himself   and   would   not   let   the   tears   fall.     White   Fairy   said,  

“Don’t   be   sad,   King   Dimitri.   This   may   be   the   best   solution   possible.     Clementine   can   rescue   her   twin   sister   Charmaine   and   at   the   same   time   dissolve   the   hostility   of   King   Zeus   towards   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     Just   as   Aisha   said,   “What   comes   from   heaven   goes   back   to   heaven.     What   comes   from   earth,   goes   back   to   the   earth.     Don’t   be   too   sad   and   blame   yourself   too   much.”     Dimitri   nodded,   accepting   her   advice   and   consolation,   but   his   tears   still   fell   onto   White   Fairy’s   tender   white   petals.

It   was   a   typical   California   morning   with   brilliant   sunshine   and   cool   air,   another   lovely   day!       But   inside   Dream-maker’s   Bakery,   the   atmosphere   was   bleak   and   somber.     When   Dimitri   told   them   about   the   recent   happenings   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   they   realized   that   they   had   lost   forever   two   of   their   beautiful   companions,   the   twin   nymphs   Charmaine   and   Clementine.     These   last   few   days,   Dimitri   plagued   with   worry   and   tension   had   been   unable   to   sleep.     As   a   result,   his   deeply   sunken   eyes,   rough   unshaven   cheeks   and   untidy   rumpled   hair   made   him   look   gaunt   and   haggard.     Everyone   went   about   their   chores   silently,   in   direct   contrast   to   their   normal   habit   of   chatting   and   laughing   while   they   worked.     It   was   as   if   they   all   attempted   to   bury   themselves   in   hard   work   in   order   to   forget   the   pain   of   losing   their   beloved   companion.     Business   in   the   front   of   the   shop   was   as   busy   as   ever,   with   customers   showing   up   steadily   in   a   non-ending   stream.     That   day,   Amalia   seemed   to   be   in   a   bad   mood   and   had   gotten   into   several   arguments   with   customers.     Yoko   urged   her   to   take   a   break   and   go   upstairs   for   a   nap.   At   first   she   refused,   but   then   changed   her   mind   and   trudged   up   the   stairs.     However   she   soon   came   stumping   down   again,   walked   into   the   workroom   and   shouted   at   everyone   there,

“   Who   stole   my   broom,   my   flying   broom?     Who   stole   it?”     She   went   from   one   person   to   another   asking   accusingly,   “Was   it   you?     Was   it   you?”     Then   she   bellowed   in   rage,  

“It   must   be   that   naughty   girl   Dorna.   Where   is   she?     Tell   her   to   come   out!”     Then   grabbing   hold   of   whatever   was   at   hand,   she   began   throwing   things   to   the   ground.     Pots,   pans,   bowls   and   other   utensils   were   soon   strewn   across   the   floor.     In   an   uncontrollable   fit   of   fury,   Amalia   dashed   up   to   Dimitri,   drew   back   he   arm   and   slapped   him   resoundingly   on   his   cheek   yelling,  

“Give   me   back   my   broom.     Tell   Dorna   to   come   out.     That   darn   girl   dares   to   steal   my   broom!”     For   a   moment   everyone   was   rooted   to   the   ground   in   shock,   but   immediately   recovered   and   rushed   up   to   pull   her   away   so   she   would   not   be   able   to   assault   people.     This   had   happened   several   times   before,   but   today   her   condition   seemed   to   have   worsened.     Sheila   shook   a   tranquilizer   from   a   bottle   and   handed   it   to   Dimitri.     He   went   up   to   Amalia.

  “Mother,   take   this   please.   It   will   make   you   feel   better”   said   Dimitri   gently.   The   gentle   words   seemed   to   break   through   the   haze   of   her   confused   anger   and   touch   the   core   of   maternal   love   in   the   depth   of   her   heart.     She   obediently   swallowed   the   pill.     Dimitri   continued,

  “Mother,   let’s   go   and   take   a   walk   by   the   lake.     See   how   nice   the   weather   is   outside.     Shall   we   go   and   enjoy   the   fresh   air?”     Amalia   nodded.     Throwing   his   arm   across   her   shoulders,   Dimitri   led   her   through   the   back   door   towards   the   lake.     Half   an   hour   later,   they   came   back.     Amalia   seemed   to   be   much   calmer.     Sheila   took   her   upstairs   and   put   her   to   bed.     She   drew   the   curtains   shutting   out   the   brilliant   sunshine   outside,   leaving   the   room   in   soothing   darkness.     Then   she   closed   the   door   softly   and   went   down   the   stairs   back   to   work.     Seeing   Amalia   getting   worse   day   by   day   added   to   Dimitri’s   sorrow.     The   hustle   and   bustle   of   the   day   went   by   in   a   daze.

Night   fell.     Dimitri   walked   alone   to   the   backyard,   lay   down   on   the   lounge   chair   there   and   raised   his   eyes   towards   the   starry   skies.     Though   he   could   not   see,   he   knew   that   above   his   head   there   was   sure   to   be   myriads   of   twinkling   stars   lighting   up   the   heavens.   Or   it   could   be   said   that   Dimitri   had   encompassed   the   vast   expanse   of   starry   skies   into   his   brain.     He   was   silently   contemplating   the   fate   of   Charmaine   and   Clementine.   Where   would   they   go   after   leaving   his   Kingdom   of   Dreams?   On   which   planet   would   they   reappear?     The   two   of   them   were   nymphs   from   the   seventh   heaven.     Perhaps   just   as   Aisha   said,   returning   to   the   place   from   which   they   came   may   be   the   best   of   all   possible   solutions.     Clementine   had   yearned   to   have   a   human   flesh   body,   but   once   she   had   one   she   found   to   her   sorrow   that   it   brought   her   only   endless   trouble   and   distress.     Now   she   has   extricated   herself   from   the   bondage   of   her   flesh   body.     I   wonder   what   enlightenment   she   drew   from   her   experiences   in   both   heaven   and   earth.   As   for   myself,   the   reason   I   built   my   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   placed   all   my   hopes   there   was   because   I   wanted   to   establish   a   safe   haven,   a   place   I   can   retreat   to   when   I   am   overwhelmed   by   the   misfortunes   and   adversity   of   the   mundane   world.     I   want   a   place   where   I   can   hide   out   and   be   safe.     But   dreams   somehow   turned   to   melancholy   and   too   many   dreams   meant   too   much   sorrow.   My   Kingdom   of   Dreams   had   become   a   factory   churning   out   trouble.     That   certainly   was   not   my   original   design.     I   refuse   to   be   trapped   by   fear   and   sorrow,   which   snares,   surrounds   and   ultimately   annihilates   all   who   are   tangled   up   in   their   web.     I   will   not   be   deprived   of   my   beautiful   dreams.     Perhaps   the   relationship   between   dreams   and   real   life   should   be   readjusted.     It   should   be   resettled   so   as   to   find   a   new   and   more   flexible   equilibrium.     The   wide   expanse   of   starry   skies   which   existed   in   Dimitri’s   brain   seemed   to   be   slowly   moving   and   circulating.     He   continued   his   thoughts.     If   each   planet   had   its   own   system   of   time   and   space,   then   everyone’s   dream   can   be   a   unique   world   of   its   own.     If   that   was   true,   then   the   dimension   in   the   universe   is   innumerable   and   cannot   be   denominated   by   figures.     How   much   is   there?     Where   should   I   settle   my   beautiful   Kingdom   of   Dreams?     Dimitri   did   not   know   how   to   go   on   with   this   line   of   thought.

Soft   footsteps   moving   around   him   woke   Dimitri   from   his   drowsy   nap.     He   asked   intuitively,   “Is   that   you,   Laverne?     Thank   you.     We   welcome   your   coming   back   to   us.”

“It’s   late”   said   Laverne,   covering   Dimitri   with   a   soft,   warm   woolen   blanket,   “and   it’s   getting   cold.     Be   careful   not   to   catch   a   cold.     Yes,   I   am   back.     I   am   thinking   of   quitting   my   nursing   job   and   come   back   to   you.”

“That’s   great!     We   badly   need   people   here.     Oh   yes,   I   heard   you   married   Mark.     Congratulations!”   Laverne   was   silent   for   a   moment.     Then   she   answered   pensively

“Mark   and   I   got   married   just   by   taking   a   wedding   picture.     In   his   simplicity,   he   thought   that   was   marriage.     He   doesn’t   understand   that   there   are   legal   procedures   to   go   through   such   as   city   registration......Strictly   speaking,   all   we   did   was   take   a   wedding   picture.”

“Why   was   that?”   asked   Dimitri   rather   surprised.     Another   pregnant   pause.


                        “Good.     I   haven’t   heard   a   story   for   a   long   time.     I   am   all   ears.”

“About   three   thousand   years   ago   in   ancient   India,   there   was   a   handsome   prince.     One   day   he   went   to   the   forest   for   a   picnic,   where   he   found   a   tigress   that   had   just   given   birth   to   a   tiger   cub.     She   was   weak   and   exhausted,   almost   on   the   point   of   death   and   could   not   feed   her   new-born   young.     The   handsome   prince   took   pity   on   her   and   walking   bravely   to   the   tigress,   offered   himself   as   food   so   that   the   mother   tiger   and   her   newborn   son   could   live.     He   sacrificed   himself   to   save   two   lives   and   thought   it   was   really   worthwhile.   The   handsome   prince   was   the   Prince   Siddhartha,   the   founder   of   Buddhism.     I   understand   the   message   Clementine   left   on   the   sand   before   she   went   away,   and   fully   appreciate   the   profound   meaning   of   those   two   lines   of   words.     In   order   to   save   her   twin   sister   and   put   an   end   to   the   hostility   of   Zeus   towards   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   she   dissolved   her   flesh   body   in   the   crystal   clear   lake   water.     The   only   things   she   took   away   were   her   love   for   you   and   her   eternal,   indelible   longing.     I,   too,   gave   my   flesh   body   to   mark   because   his   ex-wife,   Mrs.   Simpson,   deserted   him.     Mark   needs   a   family,   a   woman.     So   I   gave   him   my   flesh   body,   but   kept   my   heart   whole   and   intact,   which   I   devote   entirely   to   you,   Dimitri.”

“I......I......”     Dimitri   was   flabbergasted   and   stammered   “I......really   don’t   know......what   to   say......”

“You   don’t   need   to   say   anything”   said   Laverne.   “It’s   getting   late.     Better   go   in   and   sleep   so   you   won’t   catch   cold.”

“No.     Let   me   sleep   outdoors   under   the   starry   skies.     I   am   used   to   a   nomad   life   and   don’t   feel   comfortable   sleeping   indoors.”

“Alright.     Goodnight   then.     See   you   tomorrow.     Take   care   and   don’t   get   sick.”

“OK.     Goodnight.     See   you   tomorrow.”

Dimitri   lay   inside   the   soft,   warm   blanket   feeling   very   happy   and   satisfied   for   the   love   of   the   beauties   were   centered   on   him   alone.     But   that   also   imposed   on   him   invisible   pressure   and   responsibility.     It   was   like   a   sorrow   that   refuses   to   be   driven   away.     These   last   few   days   had   been   tiring,   so   after   Laverne   left,   Dimitri   was   overcome   with   drowsiness   and   soon   fell   asleep.

The   backyard   gate   cracked   open   and   a   white-bearded   old   man   popped   his   head   in   and   looked   about.     He   was   also   a   strange-looking   dwarf.   Then   he   slipped   in   and   made   his   way   furtively   towards   Dimitri’s   lounge   chair.     He   had   left   messages   for   Dimitri   to   come   and   see   him   as   soon   as   he   got   back,   but   Dimitri   had   not   done   so.     He   waited   in   vain   for   a   day   and   a   night,   and   being   an   impatient   man,   he   decided   to   come   and   see   for   himself   how   things   were.     The   old   man   crept   up   to   the   lounge   chair,   clasped   both   his   hand   together   reverently   and   looking   towards   the   sky   he   moved   his   lips   silently   in   chant.     Then   he   suddenly   got   into   a   kind   of   dance,   gesturing   wildly   with   both   hands,   making   a   whole   series   of   quick,   incomprehensible   motions,   while   his   feet,   too,   moved   in   harmony.   He   danced   for   a   while,   then   placing   his   hands   on   the   top   of   Dimitri’s   head   he   said,  

“All   your   wealth   will   be   scattered,   but   I   promise   that   you   will   again   amass   even   more   riches.     Let   that   be   my   reimbursement   to   you”   Then   he   left   silently   by   the   same   route.    

The   white-bearded   old   man   was   the   gods   of   wealth   that   Dimitri   worshipped   on   his   own   private   alter   and   it   was   unknown   why   he   came   to   be   here   with   patches   of   his   beard   singed   by   fire.     What   had   happened   was   this:   One   day,   Dimitri   took   out   a   white   cotton   bag   and   put   into   it   all   the   loose   coin   he   had   accumulated,   mostly   nickels   and   pennies   and   some   dimes.     It   felt   pretty   heavy   in   his   hands.     He   took   some   ham   sandwiches   and   brought   them   along   too.     Then   taking   his   white   cane,   he   headed   for   the   corner   where   the   old   man   usually   loitered.     He   waited   for   a   while   but   saw   no   trace   of   him,   so   Dimitri   left   the   bag   there   and   made   his   way   to   his   small   studio   apartment.     Actually   the   old   man   was   at   another   corner   not   far   away,   intently   watching   Dimitri’s   every   move.     When   Dimitri   left,   the   old   man   came   back,   took   out   a   paper-wrapped   sandwich   and   began   to   wolf   it   down.     The   meticulous   Dimitri   had   even   included   a   can   of   beer   in   the   bag.     So   the   old   man   ate   and   drank   heartily   until   every   morsel   was   gone.     Patting   his   full   stomach,   he   burped   in   satisfaction   and   thought   about   how   to   compensate   Dimitri   for   his   present   kindness   and   for   all   the   offerings   he   had   enjoyed   over   the   years   when   he   was   on   Dimitri’s   altar.     He   took   the   bag   of   loose   change   and   transformed   them   into   priceless   ancient   gold   coins,   which   later   became   the   capital   for   Dimitri   to   use   to   make   a   comeback,   a   return   to   power.     On   the   surface,   Dimitri’s   Kingdom   of   Dreams   was   safe   and   secure   as   usual,   but   in   another   time   and   space,   the   Kingdom   was   beginning   to   collapse.     Though   his   beard   was   singed   by   fire,   the   white-bearded   old   man   made   his   escape   and   ran   off   before   the   Kingdom   completely   fell   apart.

                                                                  Chapter       8           World   Bank

The   starless   and   moonless   night   seemed   to   be   dyed   in   black   ink.     The   wide   expanse   of   the   lake   was   rocked   by   savage   winds   and   ferocious   waves.     The   palace   was   veiled   in   total   darkness.     It   was   late.     A   cloak   of   malevolent   mystery   enveloped   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     Medusa   was   on   high   alert.     From   time   to   time,   she   would   soar   up   into   the   dark   skies   and   encircle   the   Kingdom   to   make   sure   all   was   well.     Cortez   and   Kojak,   Dimitri’s   two   tigers   who   lay   before   his   throne,   also   kept   close   watch   and   made   their   rounds   of   the   palace   grounds.   The   project   of   making   and   installing   a   base   to   shoot   a   web   of   arrows   from   high   hilltop   vantage   points   had   been   completed   and   bands   of   warriors   were   assigned   to   guard   the   strategic   locations.     Though   the   twin   nymphs,   Charmaine   and   Clementine,   had   returned   to   the   seventh   heaven,   it   was   no   guarantee   that   the   ever-jealous   Zeus   would   not   invade   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.

In   a   secret   tree   hole   at   a   desolate   area   by   the   side   of   the   lake,   Viola   and   Mr.   Finger   were   sleeping   serenely   on   their   flower-strewn   bed   when   Viola   suddenly   sat   up   and   said,

“Listen!     That’s   my   mother   calling   me!”

“No,   you’re   wrong”   said   Mr.   Finger   opening   his   eyes   drowsily.   “That’s   either   the   wind   howling   or   the   waves   hitting   the   shore.”

“No,   it’s   my   mother   calling   me.     It’s   getting   closer   and   closer.     She   is   right   by   the   lake!”     Saying   so,   she   got   off   the   bed,   climbed   down   the   trunk   until   she   came   to   the   exit   by   the   root   of   the   tree   and   rushed   madly   towards   the   side   of   the   lake.     Mr.   Finger   could   do   nothing   but   follow.     Viola   dashed   around   the   lakeside   hysterically   shouting,

“Mother!     Mother!   Where   are   you?     I   am   Viola.     I   am   your   only   daughter   whom   you   left   here   in   the   world.     Mother!     Mother!     Are   we   to   be   separated   forever,   never   to   meet?     No.     No.     No.     I   can   feel   you   are   still   there.     You   are   still   alive!     Mother!     I   want   to   cross   this   lake   and   come   to   you,   but   it’s   harder   than   trying   to   go   up   to   heaven.     Mother!     Mother!   Tell   me   what   I   must   do   to   be   held   again   in   your   warm   embrace.”     Viola   knelt   on   the   ground   still   crying   and   mumbling.     Mr.   Finger,   who   had   followed   closely   behind   her,   saw   a   spot   of   something   white   on   the   water,   coming   nearer   and   nearer.     Yes.     It   was   that   large   white   fish   sparkling   with   multicolored   scales.     She   stopped   a   short   distance   from   the   shore   and   swam   to   and   fro,   afraid   to   come   closer   lest   she   become   stranded.     Mr.   Finger   seemed   to   be   able   to   instinctively   connect   with   the   fish.     He   shouted,

“Ah,   great   white   fish!     Are   you   the   mother   of   all   living   things   in   the   lake?     Will   you   help   a   poor   orphan   girl   find   out   whether   her   mother   is   still   living?     Are   you   willing   to   help   her   fulfill   her   heart’s   desire?”   The   fish   switched   her   tail   as   if   in   assent.     Viola   jumped   up   and   said,

“Ah!     She’s   willing!     She’s   willing!     Oh,   that’s   too   wonderful!”

“Thank   you”   said   Mr.   Finger   in   a   loud   voice.     “Thank   you   for   being   willing   to   help   us.     But   how   are   we   to   cross   the   lake?”     The   fish   opened   her   large   mouth   as   if   indicating   she   could   hold   them   in   her   mouth   and   swim   across   the   lake.     Viola   and   Mr.   Finger   understood   her   meaning   and   looked   at   each   other.     Mr.   Finger   said   softly,

“What   if   she   swallows   us   for   food?”

“I   don’t   care”   replied   Viola   adamantly.     “Even   if   it   is   so,   I   will   still   give   it   a   try.     I   may   never   have   another   chance.     You   can   stay   behind   if   you   are   scared.     I   will   go   alone   by   myself!”

“No”   said   Mr.   Finger,   holding   her   hands.     “I   will   go   with   you.     If   I   lose   you,   I   will   never   again   find   another   woman   who   suits   me   so   well.”     So   both   of   them   jumped   into   the   water   and   swam   towards   the   white   fish.     The   white   fish   opened   her   large   mouth   and   gently   took   them   in.     She   turned   around   and   dashed   into   the   dark,   turbulent   waves,   making   for   the   gold   palace.     Alas,   this   kind   and   benevolent   action   of   the   white   fish   will   ultimately   bring   catastrophe   and   devastation   to   both   herself   and   to   King   Dimitri’s   kingdom   of   Dreams.

Aisha   gradually   woke   up   amid   the   fragrance   of   flowers.     Before   she   opened   her   eyes,   the   silvery   chirping   of   birds   filled   her   ears   mixed   with   the   tinkling   laughter   of   young   girls.    

“Ah!”   thought   Aisha,   “This   must   be   another   lovely   day!”     She   opened   her   eyes,   and   sure   enough   the   blue   skies   were   clear,   calm   and   unblemished.     She   quickly   got   up,   went   to   the   bathroom,   did   her   morning   ablutions   and   hastily   left   her   luxurious   bedroom   without   any   makeup.     Through   the   French   doors,   she   saw   Dorna   and   Deanna   playing   with   Amalia’s   magic   broom,   trying   to   find   the   secret   therein,   so   she   opened   the   door   and   walked   towards   them.     On   seeing   her,   the   girls   immediately   stopped   their   playful   frolic   and   stood   at   attention.     The   relationship   between   the   beauties   had   always   been   close   and   intimate   as   sisters,   but   once   Dimitri   officially   bestowed   the   title   of   queen   on   Aisha,   the   title   brought   with   it   a   restriction   of   sorts   and   court   protocol   had   to   be   observed.     Aisha   smiled   and   said,  

“What   are   you   two   playing   at   so   early   in   the   morning   that   makes   you   laugh   so   happily?”

“Dorna   is   studying   why   this   broom   of   Amalia’s   can   fly”   answered   Deanna.     “She   wants   to   find   out   its   secret.”     Dorna   straddled   the   broom   the   way   Amalia   did   and   said,  

“If   I   knew   how   to   operate   this   broom   and   make   it   fly,   I   could   take   King   Dimitri’s   sword   and   help   Medusa   defeat   the   enemies   when   they   dare   to   come   from   the   skies.”     Aisha   looked   up   at   the   serene   and   faraway   skies   and   said,”

“   Look   how   peaceful   the   skies   look.     I   don’t   think   there   will   be   any   more   battles.     Clementine   and   Charmaine   have   returned   to   their   heavenly   father   and   we   have   promised   to   coat   the   gold   palace   with   iron   to   diminish   its   luster.     King   Zeus   has   no   reason   to   attack   us.     Even   if   the   ever-jealous   Zeus   thinks   of   revenge,   his   beautiful   twin   daughters   would   do   their   best   to   dissuade   him.”     Just   then,   a   puff   of   smoke   flew   straight   towards   them   and   turned   into   human   form.     It   was   White   Fairy   who   walked   over   and   bowed   deeply   to   Aisha   in   salutation.

  “Hi,   White   Fairy”   said   Aisha.     “I   saw   you   busy   going   to   and   fro   these   days.     What’s   happening?”

“Large   veins   of   iron   ore   have   been   found   and   the   native   chieftains   are   eager   to   meet   with   Deanna   and   decide   how   to   go   forward   with   this   project.”

“Good!”   said   Aisha.     “This   is   a   very   important   and   must   have   first   priority.   Go   there   at   once,   Deanna.     Take   King   Dimitri’s   Lightning   so   you   won’t   have   to   climb   up   mountains   and   sail   over   water   and   it   will   save   time   as   well.”     Deanna   took   her   leave   and   left   in   a   hurry.     White   Fairy   then   turned   to   Aisha   and   said,

“I   would   like   to   go   to   the   opposite   shore   and   visit   Lotus.   I   haven’t   seen   her   for   a   while   and   wonder   how   she   is   doing.”     Aisha   nodded   and   said,

“Good.     Give   her   my   regards   and   ask   her   to   come   and   visit   this   side   of   the   lake.     I   too   would   like   to   see   her.”   After   White   Fairy   took   her   leave,   Aisha   turned   to   Dorna   and   asked,  

“Now   what   would   you   like   to   do?     Come   with   me   and   do   some   homework.     Do   you   want   to   do   math   or   recite   some   poetry?”

“I   don’t   want   to   do   homework”   pouted   Dorna,   making   a   face   at   Aisha.   “I   have   my   own   plans   for   my   time”   Saying   so,   she   took   the   broom   and   used   it   as   a   walking   stick   the   way   Amalia   used   to   and   walked   away.     Aisha   watched   Dorna’s   receding   figure   with   maternal   affection.     Her   relationship   with   the   young   girl   was   as   close   as   mother   and   daughter.

At   the   back   of   the   Great   Hall,   there   was   a   door   on   the   left   side   leading   to   a   side   hall,   where   King   Dimitri   often   held   candle   light   banquets.     Sometime   on   moonlit   nights   even   candles   were   superfluous.     Everyone   would   bask   in   the   moonlight   singing,   drinking   and   reciting   poems.     But   such   poetic   night   banquets   haven’t   been   held   for   a   long   time.     Near   the   window,   there   was   along   table   where   the   beauties   often   came   for   breakfast,   and   to   see   each   other   and   socialize.     Aisha   walked   into   the   side   hall   and   found   Megan   drinking   coffee   while   flipping   through   some   magazines.     When   Megan   saw   Aisha   come   in,   she   immediately   stood   up   at   attention.  

“Please   be   seated”   said   Aisha.     “Relax   and   don’t   be   so   formal.     It   makes   me   feel   as   if   we   are   not   as   close   any   more.”

“No.   No.”   replied   Megan.     “This   is   the   respect   we   must   give   our   queen.”     She   did   not   sit   down   again   until   Aisha   was   seated.   The   attendant   brought   over   a   glass   of   freshly   squeezed   orange   juice,   a   vegetable   salad   and   a   few   pieces   of   ham   that   Aisha   had   ordered   for   her   breakfast   the   day   before.     After   the   attendant   left,   Aisha   asked,   “Is   everything   going   well?”

“Yes.     Everything   is   going   smoothly.”     Then   she   frowned   and   added,   “But   there   was   a   strange   happening   I   forgot   to   tell   you   about.”

“Oh,   what   is   it?”

“Do   you   remember   there   is   a   small   secret   room   at   the   back   of   the   large   conference   room   where   only   authorized   personnel   are   allowed   to   go   in?     I   take   twelve   assistants   there   every   night   to   put   fresh   offerings   on   the   altar   of   the   god   of   wealth.     The   offerings   are   always   a   dozen   fresh   eggs.     I   place   them   on   the   altar   and   take   away   those   placed   there   the   night   before.     The   ones   I   take   away   are   extremely   light   as   only   an   empty   shell   remained,   so   all   believe   the   god   of   wealth   is   alive.     That   day,   I   went   in   as   usual   but   found   the   statue   of   the   god   of   wealth   gone.     The   statue   is   extremely   well   made   and   very   lifelike.     But   it   is   made   of   mud   and   water   after   all   and   could   hardly   have   walked   off   by   itself!     I   did   not   think   much   of   it   at   the   time,   but   now   that   I   think   of   it;   it’s   rather   strange,   isn’t   it?”

“I   have   heard   King   Dimitri   talk   about   the   statue”   replied   Aisha,   feeling   her   heart   lurch   at   Megan’s   tale.   “He   told   me   it   was   exquisitely   made   and   that   it   was   dressed   in   the   costume   and   cuplike   cap   of   the   Ching   Dynasty.     King   Dimitri   said   he   was   greatly   inspired   by   the   statue   and   that   those   inspirations   were   instrumental   in   building   up   his   vast   financial   empire.     Can   its   disappearance   be   a   bad   omen   of   things   to   come?     Is   something   bad   going   to   happen?”

“No,   there   shouldn’t   be.     Everything   seems   to   be   fine.     The   emissaries   scattered   around   the   world   have   all   come   back   to   the   fold   after   King   Dimitri   talked   to   them.     Even   those   who   were   feigning   compliance   while   actually   resisting,   or   who   were   on   the   verge   of   rebellion   have   again   pledged   their   allegiance   and   had   reasonable   stories   to   tell   of   why   they   acted   the   way   they   did.     King   Dimitri   did   not   pursue   the   matter   and   they   are   all   obeying   the   orders   of   the   Kingdom.     We   have   taken   back   World   Bank   and   the   original   president   and   vice-president,   Richard   and   Jamaz   are   again   in   charge.     Everything   seems   to   be   going   fine   and   there   shouldn’t   be   anything   untoward   happening.”

“Good.”   Said   Aisha   much   relieved.     “You   are   really   extremely   efficient   and   successfully   gained   back   all   the   lost   ground.     I   really   esteem   your   wonderful   ability.”     Megan   interrupted   her   before   she   finished   speaking   and   said,   “But   the   first   thing   Richard   and   Jamaz   did   after   they   were   reinstated   was   to   tender   their   resignation   and   they   are   very   obstinate   about   it.”

“Really?     Could   you   tell   me   in   detail   what   all   this   is   about?”

“Of   course.     I   have   prepared   a   written   report   and   was   about   to   present   it   to   you.     I   will   give   you   a   verbal   report   now.”

Six   luxurious   Rolls   Royce   cars,   three   black   and   three   white,   screeched   to   a   halt   in   front   of   a   Buddhist   temple   by   the   side   of   the   lake.     Twenty-four   powerfully   built   men,   clad   in   well-tailored   suits   twelve   in   black   and   twelve   in   white,   jumped   out   and   hurried   into   the   gate   of   the   temple,   presenting   a   startling   contrast   in   color.     Soon   they   came   out   again   surrounding   two   men,   Richard   dressed   in   black   and   Jamaz   dressed   in   white,   each   carrying   a   brief   case   in   his   hand.     They   all   hastily   got   into   the   cars   and   made   straight   for   the   World   Bank.     These   twenty-four   bodyguards   were   armed   to   the   teeth.     Each   had   a   .45   magnum   under   his   arm   and   wore   holsters   carrying   all   kinds   of   automatic   and   semi-automatic   assault   weapons.   Their   combined   firepower   was   petrifying.     They   wanted   to   take   back   the   ownership   and   operation   of   World   Bank   on   this   day,   when   the   board   members   and   all   the   shareholders   of   the   bank,   large   and   small,   were   gathered   together   for   a   meeting.     The   six   luxurious   cars   stopped   before   the   imposing   entrance   to   World   Bank.     Everyone   got   off   and   hastened   into   the   hall,   quickly   disarming   the   security   guards   before   they   even   knew   what   hit   them.     Then   they   simultaneously   took   the   eight   elevators   and   made   straight   for   the   large   conference   room   at   the   top   of   the   building.  

The   conference   room   was   filled   to   its   fullest   capacity,   crowded   with   shareholders   of   World   Bank,   who   eyed   the   interruption   of   their   meeting   by   Richard   and   his   group   of   armed   bodyguards   with   fear   and   indignation.     The   room   broke   into   an   uproar.     The   bodyguards   swiftly   took   up   strategic   positions   all   around   the   room   and   in   the   twinkling   of   an   eye   gained   complete   control   of   the   situation.  

  “Ladies   and   Gentlemen.”   said   Richard   to   the   shareholders   in   a   mild   and   conciliatory   voice.     “Don’t   be   nervous.     I   come   to   solve   problems,   not   to   create   them.     I   think   you   are   all   worried   about   the   ever   downward   trend   of   our   stock,   which   has   hit   rock   bottom.     World   Bank   is   now   a   hot   potato   no   one   wants   to   touch.     But   it’s   alright.     I   am   the   original   president   of   World   Bank,   Richard   Chao,   and   this   is   our   original   vice-president,   Jamaz   X.     We   will   be   categorically   responsible   for   World   Bank’s   assets   and   debts.     We   will   take   over   the   management   and   operation   of   World   Bank.     I   guarantee   you   that   within   three   days   our   stock   will   rise   from   rock   bottom   and   reach   the   skies.     Do   you   believe   me?”     The   skeptical   shareholders   began   talking   among   themselves   and   the   room   soon   buzzed   with   their   conversation,   questioning   whether   Richard’s   words   were   to   be   trusted.     Richard   looked   at   Jamaz   who   took   the   cue.     He   held   up   his   suitcase,   raised   his   voice   and   said   in   his   heavily   accented   English,  

“In   this   briefcase,   there   are   three   hundred   billion   dollars   in   U.S.   currency.     Is   that   enough?     If   not,   I   can   send   for   more.”     The   furor   in   the   room   rose   to   a   new   height.     Someone   shouted,  

“Is   what   you   said   true?     Do   you   really   mean   it   or   are   you   hoaxing   us?”     Richard   raised   his   hands   and   said,  

“Silence.     Silence   please.”   When   the   room   quieted   down   he   continued,   “Believe   it   or   no,   you   will   know   the   truth   in   a   little   while.   But   now,   I   must   first   deal   with   something   else   more   important.”     He   glanced   disdainfully   at   Mr.   Kaffee   seated   at   the   center   of   the   stage,   still   wearing   his   dark   glasses   so   no   one   could   read   his   expression.     Also   on   the   stage   were   the   30-40   board   members   of   World   Bank   as   well   as   the   department   heads.     Mr.   Kaffee   knew   something   was   up.     That   Richard   and   Jamaz   would   come   here   fully   armed   and   prepared,   meant   they   had   the   upper   hand   and   held   all   the   cards,   so   he   decided   to   trim   his   sails   and   be   a   weathercock.     Richard   walked   over   to   him,   took   out   some   papers   from   his   briefcase,   bowed   in   mocking   respect   and   asked   cheekily,

  “Do   you   have   these   documents,   boss?”     He   waved   the   papers   in   front   of   him.     It   was   an   official   document   from   the   Ministry   of   Finance   regarding   license   registration   of   World   Bank,   on   which   the   name   Richard   Chao   was   stated   as   president.     In   other   words,   the   government   recognized   Richard   Chao   up   in   as   the   legal   and   official   representative   of   World   Bank.     Mr.   Kaffee   was   alarmed,   but   still   tried   to   keep   up   appearances   by   answering   calmly,  

“Of   course   I   have   the   license   registration,   but   it’s   locked   up   in   the   safe   in   my   office.     I   will   go   get   it   and   show   it   to   you.”     Saying   so,   he   stood   up   and   made   as   if   to   leave.     The   twenty-four   bodyguards   moved   as   one   and   pointed   their   guns   at   him   menacingly.    

“No   one   is   to   leave   or   enter   the   room   without   my   express   permission.     Now   listen   to   me,   Mr.   Kaffee   and   listen   carefully.     Your   license   registration   is   a   fake.     You   never   filed   to   change   the   legal   representative   into   your   name   because   you   were   afraid   to   draw   the   attention   of   the   judicial   system   and   lead   to   investigations   you   wish   to   avoid.     The   changing   of   guards   in   an   institution   like   World   Bank   is   a   major   event   and   is   never   done   lightly   or   in   secret   and   well   you   know   it.     So   that   is   why   you   set   your   men   on   our   trail   and   tried   to   assassinate   Jamaz   and   me.”     Richard   held   up   his   hands   to   quiet   down   the   murmurs   and   exclamations   caused   by   his   words   and   continued,  

“Mr.   Kaffee,   you   have   two   choices   before   you.     Either   we   can   have   you   arrested   and   taken   into   custody   by   the   authorities,   or...”     Richard   glanced   at   him   and   emphasized   his   words   with   a   decisive   gesture   of   his   hands,   “you   can   scram!     King   Dimitri   is   too   generous   by   far   to   you.     He   said   you   were   misguided   but   still   a   man   of   talent.     If   you   are   willing   to   reform,   he   will   leave   you   a   way   out.     If   it   were   left   to   me,   I   would   much   prefer   to   put   a   bullet   in   you   and   settle   everything   cleanly   once   and   for   all!     This   is   the   method   you   habitually   use,   isn’t   it?”   Mr.   Kaffee   stared   evilly   at   Richard   saying,  

“Alright.     I   will   leave.     But   don’t   laugh   too   early.     I   will   be   back....”     Richard   shouted   at   him,  

“Scram!”     Mr.   Kaffee   stalked   to   the   door.     Someone   stuck   out   a   foot   and   almost   tripping   him   and   made   him   flounder   wildly   to   keep   from   falling   flat   on   his   face.     This   comical   pose   set   the   room   laughing.     Mr.   Kaffee   was   thus   pulled   down   from   his   high   horse   and   put   to   flight.  

Richard   turned   his   glance   to   the   board   members   and   department   heads   on   the   stage,   knowing   that   most   of   them   were   Mr.   Kaffee’s   stooges   and   trusted   followers   and   therefore   must   be   dealt   with   at   once.     He   took   out   two   documents   and   said,  

“This   is   group   resignation   of   the   Board   of   Directors.     Please   sign.     And   this   is   group   resignation   of   department   head.     Please   sign.”     No   sooner   were   the   words   out   than   the   stage   erupted   in   indignation   and   anger.     Some   thumped   on   the   table   and   rose   up   shouting.  

  “What!     You   want   us   to   resign?”    

“   We   won’t   sign!”    

“   What   can   you   do   to   us?”     Richard   shrugged   and   looked   at   them   casually,  

“Don’t   be   angry!     Don’t   be   angry!     I   am   sure   most   have   you   have   records   and   are   wanted   by   the   police   for   other   offences.     I   will   also   give   you   two   choices.     Either   give   yourself   up   to   the   authorities   or   be   shot   right   here   and   now.     I   can   promise   you   no   one   will   bother   to   inquire   too   deeply   into   this.”     Richard   knew   these   were   Mafia   thugs   and   understood   only   their   own   code   of   behavior,   so   he   turned   the   table   and   used   their   own   methods   on   themselves.     It   was   the   only   way   to   deal   with   this   kind   of   human   trash.     Mr.   Kaffee’s   underlings   knew   Richard   meant   what   he   said,   so   they   all   signed   their   names   on   the   sheets   of   paper,   seeing   no   other   way   out.     Richard   turned   to   some   of   his   bodyguards   and   ordered,  

“See   that   these   people   are   escorted   out   of   the   building.     They   are   not   to   take   anything   from   here.     Not   even   a   scrap   of   paper.     All   the   papers   and   documents   in   their   offices   are   to   be   sealed   up   until   the   new   board   of   directors   and   heads   of   departments   are   elected   and   take   office.”     Richard   then   took   out   another   piece   of   paper.     It   was   a   list   of   names   that   Megan   had   made   and   gave   it   to   a   bodyguard   saying,

  “Take   this   and   give   it   to   the   personnel   department.     Tell   them   to   start   proceedings   to   appoint   these   people   to   be   the   new   Board  

“Ladies   and   Gentlemen,   this   meeting   is   adjourned.     You   can   go   home   and   wait   for   good   news.     I   guarantee   that   the   shares   you   now   hold,   that   you   think   are   not   worth   the   paper   they   are   printed   on,   will   turn   into   gold   mines.     Within   three   days   I   promise   that   the   stocks   of   World   Bank   will   go   through   the   roof!”     Three   days   later,   the   stocks   of   World   Bank   rebounded   as   promised.     But   Richard   and   Jamaz   left   two   letters   of   resignation   in   their   offices   and   left   without   another   word.

On   hearing   Megginn’s   narrative,   Aisha   was   deep   in   thought.     Then   she   said,  

“I   don’t   think   we   should   urge   them   to   stay.     I   doubt   they   would   change   their   minds   anyway,   no   matter   what   we   say.     They   must   have   gotten   wind   of   where   King   Dimitri   is   and   have   gone   to   tag   after   him.     I   am   glad   King   Dimitri   has   two   such   good   friends   who   are   willing   to   give   up   fame   and   fortune   just   to   be   with   him.”

“Yes.     What   you   say   is   true,   but   an   institution   as   large   as   World   Bank   cannot   be   without   a   head,   or   everything   will   grind   to   a   halt   and   affect   the   normal   rhythm   of   world   economy.”

“Yes”   said   Aisha   frowning.     “To   put   together   an   effective   temporary   leadership   group   is   no   mean   task”   Megginn   drank   her   coffee   silently   for   a   moment.     Then   putting   down   her   cup,   she   said,

  “For   the   moment,   I   think   I   had   better   work   at   both   jobs.     During   the   daytime   I   will   work   at   World   Bank   and   see   to   things   there.     At   night   I   will   come   back   here   to   the   Kingdom.     This   is   King   Dimitri’s   supreme   headquarters   and   its   business   cannot   be   left   unattended.     Life   is   like   a   dream,   and   dream   is   like   life.     Living   on   this   earth   a   person   is   either   asleep   or   awake.     This   way,   I   can   take   care   of   things   at   both   places.”

“It   would   be   wonderful   if   you   can   do   that,   but   how   could   you   burn   your   candle   at   both   ends   and   work   day   and   night   without   rest?     You   won’t   last   long   this   way.     When   you   go   back   to   the   mundane   world,   try   to   find   Richard   and   Jamaz   and   convince   them   to   return   and   resume   their   jobs   as   president   and   vice-president   of   World   Bank.”     Megginn   nodded,  

“Good.     I   will   do   as   you   advise.  

  Aisha   looked   affectionately   at   the   beauty   before   her   and   said,  

“I   think   you   must   have   been   the   mastermind   behind   the   scenes   who   orchestrated   the   taking   back   of   World   Bank.   It   was   your   strategy   that   enabled   the   two   of   them   to   accomplish   what   they   did.     They   only   carried   out   your   plan   of   action   step   by   step   and   in   one   broad   stroke   regained   the   ownership   and   operation   of   World   Bank.     You   are   really   a   genius,   Megginn.     Even   the   shrewd   and   astute   Ileen   cannot   hold   a   candle   to   you.”

“Ileen?”     Megginn’s   interest   was   pricked   by   the   name   of   her   notorious   predecessor.   “I   have   never   seen   her,   but   I   have   read   her   business   plans   and   her   comments   and   instructions   on   official   documents,   and   really   admire   her   quick   mind   and   resolute   action.     She   must   really   have   been   a   great   help   to   the   Kingdom.     But   I   heard   that   for   some   reason,   King   Dimitri   ordered   her   execution.     I   have   asked   him   about   this   repeatedly   but   he   seemed   to   be   unwilling   to   discuss   it.”     Aisha   did   not   answer   her,   but   kept   on   gazing   fixedly   at   Megginn.     In   her   mind,   she   saw   again   the   gorgeous   and   alluring   form   of   Ileen.   Though   both   of   these   beauties   were   very   beautiful,   Ileen   was   like   a   rose,   thorny   and   prickly,   while   Megginn   was   like   a   magnificent   peony,   naive   and   artless.     One   was   wicked   and   vicious   as   a   serpent,   while   the   other   still   retained   her   childlike   innocence.     The   saying   goes,   “People’s   inner   thoughts   are   as   different   as   their   external   appearances.”     Or   one   can   more   appropriately   say   that   the   differences   are   hard   to   calculate.  

Just   then,   Samantha,   whom   we   haven’t   seen   for   quite   a   while,   strolled   in   gracefully   with   a   Chinese   celadon   cup   in   her   hand,   sipping   the   green   tea   given   to   her   by   Lotus.     A   former   model   of   international   fame,   she   had   retained   her   incomparable   style   and   gorgeous   figure.     She   bowed   to   Aisha   and   then   took   her   seat.     When   Megginn   saw   her,   she   suddenly   had   a   great   idea.     Not   waiting   for   Aisha   to   speak,   she   immediately   said,  

“That’s   great!     Why   not   let   Samantha   go   back   to   the   mundane   world   with   me?     Samantha   used   to   be   a   much   sought   after   top   European   model.     She   was   internationally   famous   and   knew   a   lot   of   people.     Her   social   skills   are   superb.     With   her   to   help   me   deal   with   social   affairs,   I   can   concentrate   on   business.     During   Mr.   Kaffee’s   proprietorship,   he   had   sadly   neglected   all   spheres   of   business   of   World   Bank.     Everything   is   in   shambles   and   I   have   to   start   from   scratch   and   reorganize   the   whole   system,   which   will   take   up   a   lot   of   time.”       Samantha   was   mystified   and   looked   enquiringly   at   Aisha,   who   then   explained   everything   to   her.     Samantha   crossed   her   beautiful   long   legs,   exhibiting   golden   slippers   adorned   with   rubies.     She   sipped   her   tea   and   listened   attentively   to   Aisha’s   narrative.     After   living   the   tranquil   life   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   with   long   periods   of   idol   time   on   her   hands,   she   felt   a   stirring   in   her   breast,   a   hankering   for   change,   so   when   Aisha   asked   for   her   opinion,   she   said

  “Why   not?     I   have   been   at   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   for   a   long   time   and   have   nothing   more   important   to   do   here   other   than   designing   new   clothes   and   practicing   walking   down   the   runways.     I   have   been   feeling   bored   and   would   welcome   the   chance   to   go   with   Megginn   to   the   mundane   world.     I   can   gather   new   material   for   my   designs,   meet   some   old   friends   and   help   Megginn   socially   by   doing   some     Why   not?”     Aisha   was   happy   that   Samantha   seemed   agreeable   to   Megginn’s   plan.  

  “That’s   good.     When   do   you   two   plan   to   leave?”     Megginn   suddenly   thought   of   something,   turned   to   Aisha   and   said,

“Before   we   leave   there   is   something   I   need   your   opinion   on.     I   am   very   curious   about   Ileen   and   regret   I   came   here   too   late   to   meet   her.     I   always   wanted   to   know   why   she   decided   to   buy   gold   from   all   around   the   world   and   have   them   shipped   back   here   to   the   Kingdom.     Nowadays,   oil   prices   are   soaring   and   gold   has   gone   up   manifold.     If   we   sold   the   gold   in   our   hands,   we   could   triple   or   quadruple   our   gains   and   make   huge   profits.     What   do   you   think,   Aisha?”

“I   cannot   decide   on   this.     I   think   we   should   consult   King   Dimitri   about   it.”

“I   don’t   think   we   should   do   so,”   said   Samantha,   expressing   her   opinion.     “The   gold   palace   is   an   exquisite   work   of   art   and   cannot   be   placed   on   the   same   level   as   gold   metal   calculated   by   weight.     Art   is   priceless.     I   think   the   gold   palace   is   a   wonder   of   the   world   and   the   pride   of   the   human   race.”     Aisha   nodded   slightly   in   agreement   with   her   point   of   view.    

“It’s   just   a   suggestion”   said   Megginn.   “I   won’t   insist   on   doing   so.     Actually,   I   am   quite   mystified   by   the   present   state   of   world   economy.     Inflation   and   recession   exist   at   the   same   time.     This   never   happened   before.     I   feel   as   if   I   am   in   a   heavy   fog.     I   cannot   see   through   it   and   do   not   know   if   there   is   crisis   looming   before   me.     I   can   only   be   extra   careful   and   cautious   so   as   not   to   be   taken   by   surprise   and   try   to   be   prepared   for   any   contingency.     At   such   times,   I   really   feel   insignificant   and   need   the   guidance   of   King   Dimitri’s   long-sightedness   and   his   bold   and   resolute   action   so   that   we   can   pierce   through   the   fog   and   break   through   all   barriers.”

“Actually,   King   Dimitri’s   wealth   is   astronomical   and   incalculable”   said   Aisha.     “We   do   not   really   need   to   seek   to   add   to   it.     We   just   have   to   maintain   a   stable   and   healthy   economic   order.     This   would   be   the   best   situation   for   King   Dimitri   himself,   for   his   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   for   world   finance   in   general.”     The   future   of   world   economics   was   thus   settled   in   the   casual   conversation   of   the   three   naked   beauties.

Smoke   and   dust   raised   by   the   passing   bus   gradually   settled,   revealing   the   figure   of   Mr.   Kaffee.     His   face   that   used   to   be   full   and   plump   was   now   haggard   and   gaunt,   every   wrinkle   emphasized.     His   iron   grey   hair   was   blown   every   which   way   by   the   wind.     Strange   to   say,   he   did   not   have   on   his   trade-mark   dark   glasses.     His   normally   well-pressed,   snow-white   shirt   was   dirty   and   unbuttoned,   its   collar   soiled   and   lined   with   black   grease.     His   expensive,   well-tailored   grey   suit   was   so   wrinkled   and   out   of   shape   that   it   looked   as   if   it   had   been   excavated   from   a   garbage   can.     He   squatted   at   the   corner   of   the   street   across   from   World   Bank,   at   the   very   place   King   Dimitri   once   waited   for   the   doors   of   the   bank   to   open.     At   that   time,   Dimitri   was   trying   to   get   money   to   pay   Jamaz’s   medical   bills.     Ironically,   now   it   was   Mr.   Kaffe’s   turn   to   be   at   the   same   place   looking   dazedly   at   the   imposing   entrance   to   World   Bank.     He   thought   of   the   day   he   was   thrown   out   of   the   building,   head   hung   low,   eyes   restricted   to   the   one   to   two   feet   of   space   before   him,   not   daring   to   meet   the   contemptuous   eyes   of   his   derisive   and   mocking   ex-coworkers.     He   left   hurriedly   and   wandered   aimlessly   on   the   streets   and   alleys.     But   misfortune   followed   him.     His   expensive   clothes   and   accessories   caught   the   attention   of   the   hoodlums   on   the   streets.     A   several   thousand   dollar   suit,   silk   shirt   with   diamond   cufflinks,   diamond   studded   gold   watch,   Italian   leather   shoes   and   belt,   and   pockets   full   of   cash   were   magnets   to   their   eyes.     Especially   eye-catching   was   that   huge   solitaire   on   his   finger.     When   he   walked   pass   an   alley,   something   heavy   hit   the   back   of   his   head   and   he   fell   to   the   ground,   unconscious.     When   he   finally   came   to,   he   had   a   splitting   headache.     Raising   his   hand   to   touch   the   painful   bump   on   his   head,   he   found   that   everything   on   his   hand   had   been   stripped.     His   pockets   were   also   empty,   leaving   him   literally   with   only   the   clothes   on   his   back.     In   despair,   he   tried   to   approach   some   of   the   underlings   he   had   promoted   to   high   places,   but   knowing   he   was   now   out   of   power   and   no   longer   the   president   of   World   Bank,   they   avoided   him   like   the   plague   and   would   not   raise   a   finger   to   help   him   in   any   way.     It   was   then   that   Mr.   Kaffee   finally   understood   the   ways   of   the   world   were   fake   indeed.     The   people   who   used   to   surround   hum   so   obsequiously,   obeying   his   every   order,   toadying   to   his   every   wish   were   really   only   rabbles   of   society.     When   there   was   nothing   to   be   gained,   they   all   scattered   to   the   four   winds.     Who   cared   about   friendship,   morals   or   principles?     Mr.   Kaffee   smiled   cynically   and   thought,  

“See   how   low   I   have   sunk?     I   am   now   a   down-on-my-luck   big   shot.     I   had   been   rich   as   Midas,   but   that’s   all   in   the   past.     Today   I   am   worse   than   a   beggar.”

Just   as   Mr.   Kaffee   was   wallowing   in   self-pity,   a   luxurious   sedan   drove   up   and   stopped   at   the   entrance   to   Word   Bank   across   the   street.     Two   beautiful   and   sophisticated   women   dressed   in   the   height   of   fashion,   stepped   out   and   walked   into   the   bank.     Mr.   Kaffee   recognized   one   of   them.     “Isn’t   that   the   retired   top   European   model   Samantha?     The   other   one   looks   familiar   too,   but   I   don’t   remember   where   I   had   seen   her   before...   Oh   yes,   isn’t   that   the   financial   genius   Megginn?”     Mr.   Kaffee   had   lusted   after   her   beauty,   coveted   her   research   achievements   and   tried   to   take   advantage   of   her.    

“How   did   these   two   get   together”   he   wondered.     They   really   were   Megginn   and   Samantha,   now   the   new   president   and   vice-president   of   World   Bank.     Mr.   Kaffee   felt   in   his   pocket   for   his   wallet,   a   habitual   reflex   with   him,   and   found   them   empty.     Whenever   he   saw   a   beautiful   woman,   he   reached   for   his   wallet   which   always   held   a   thick   wad   of   cash   and   some   sex   enhancing   pills.     But   now   he   had   nothing.     Mr.   Kaffee’s   iron   grey   hair   was   blown   about   by   the   wind.     His   mind   was   in   turmoil.    

“Where   has   the   young   and   robust   Oliver   Kaffee   gone?     I   remember   the   time   when   my   brain   had   only   to   command   and   my   penis   would   react   immediately.   Am   I   really   old   now   and   can   only   rely   on   drugs   to   achieve   my   goal?     Am   I   really   old?     Not   only   am   I   old,   my   penis   is   old   too.     Am   I   no   longer   able   to   perform   with   my   comrade-in-arms?     Are   the   good   old   days   gone   forever,   never   to   return?”     Mr.   Kaffee   slapped   himself   saying,  

“Are   you   mad?     The   first   priority   of   the   moment   is   to   solve   the   problem   of   what   to   do   next.     This   is   not   the   time   to   entertain   wild   flights   of   fancy.     I   am   hungry,   thirsty   and   tired.     I   had   better   try   to   fill   my   stomach   and   find   a   place   to   sleep.     The   rest   can   wait.     I   cannot   just   stay   here   and   become   a   beggar.     Am   I   to   be   reduced   to   a   homeless   person,   begging   on   the   streets   from   place   to   place?”     Mr.   Kaffee   was   used   to   a   comfortable   and   luxurious   life.     He   had   spent   his   time   scheming   and   double-dealing   and   had   long   lost   the   ability   to   earn   an   honest   living.     Though   he   was   of   humble   beginnings,   he   relied   on   his   youth,   his   physical   strength,   his   brash   and   daring   spirit   to   blaze   his   bloody   path   in   the   underworld   from   a   common   ‘soldier’   to   the   Mafia   boss.     But   time   had   taken   its   toll   and   his   physical   strength   was   not   what   it   was.     To   fall   now   from   the   pinnacle   of   his   power   was   the   worse   of   all   possible   scenarios.     He   no   longer   had   the   stamina   to   start   from   scratch   again.     Mr.   Kaffee   thought,  

“I   started   from   nothing.     With   my   bare   hands,   I   fought   my   way   up.     I   amassed   great   wealth.     I   had   absolute   power.     But   in   the   autumn   of   my   life,   I   am   back   to   zero.     The   beginning   and   end   of   my   life   are   both   zero.     It’s   really   tragic!     But   everyone’s   life   will   be   back   to   zero   without   exception.     Not   even   Dimitri   will   be   exempt.     When   confronted   with   death,   his   life   will   also   be   zero.     No   exception.     No   exception   at   all.   I   have   time   and   again   been   defeated   by   him.     He   is   my   nemesis.     His   life   seems   to   be   neutral,   positioned   between   0   and   1,   existing   between   have   and   have   not,   between   reality   and   dreams,   between   life   and   death.     Dimitri   is   really   strange.     He   has   defeated   me   time   and   again,   but   he   always   left   me   a   way   out.     Should   I   be   grateful   to   him   or   should   I   hate   him?   I   really   do   not   know.     I   am   confused   about   what’s   on   my   mind.”     Mr.   Kaffee   looked   at   the   darkening   skies.     To   avoid   the   embarrassment   of   meeting   people   he   used   to   know   and   be   cut   by   them,   he   stood   up   and   walked   away   with   tired   and   dragging   feet,   walking   on   aimlessly.     It   was   time   for   people   to   be   getting   off   from   work.

Darkness   descended   and   the   number   of   cars   on   the   road   lessened   considerably.     Mr.   Kaffee   was   still   loitering   aimlessly   on   the   streets   when   suddenly   the   wind   brought   to   him   enticing   smell   of   BBQ   meat   being   grilled.     He   stopped   dead   in   his   tracks   and   looked   around   him.   He   was   at   the   border   of   a   rundown   and   deserted   rose   garden   and   the   mouth-watering,   ambrosial   smell   came   from   somewhere   deep   inside   the   overgrown   bushes.   On   and   off   he   also   heard   indistinct,   muffled   sounds   of   laughter   and   conversation.     Unable   to   withstand   the   lure   of   delicious   food,   he   followed   the   scent   and   walked   further   into   the   deserted   garden.     Three   men   sat   cross-legged   on   the   ground   around   a   blazing   fire   at   a   secluded   clearing   deep   inside   the   garden.     The   radio   beside   them   was   transmitting   light   jazz   music.     It   was   Dimitri   and   his   two   good   friends   Richard   and   Jamaz.     They   were   roasting   meat   over   the   fire   and   eating,   drinking   and   talking   animatedly   in   great   spirits.     Richard   was   exultant   and   beaming.     He   was   volubly   recounting   to   Dimitri   how   they   took   back   World   Bank.

  “Oh   boy!     You   should   have   been   there!     It   was   really   great!     So   dramatic!     Thanks   to   Megginn   who   organized   the   whole   thing   so   meticulously,   taking   care   of   the   minutest   detail,   we   were   able   to   carry   out   the   plan   seamlessly   without   a   hitch.     This   was   all   due   to   Megginn.”     Dimitri   sipped   his   beer   leisurely   and   asked,  

“You   two   don’t   want   to   be   president   and   vice-president   of   World   Bank.     What   do   you   intend   to   do?”

“We   haven’t   given   it   much   thought   yet”   admitted   Richard.     “Jamaz   and   I   have   spent   so   much   time   in   terror,   always   on   the   run,   just   one   step   ahead   of   assassins   that   our   nervous   are   really   shot.     We   intend   to   take   it   easy   for   a   while   and   spend   some   time   recuperating,   enjoying   our   freedom,   just   doing   whatever   we   feel   like   whenever   we   want   to,   totally   unencumbered.   If   we   don’t   want   to   do   anything,   we   just   won’t!”

“Great!”   said   Jamaz.     Taking   up   the   beer   bottle   he   lifted   his   head   and   took   a   swing.     “That’s   also   my   idea   of   an   ideal   life”   he   added.     Then   suddenly,   he   swung   around   and   jumped   up   with   the   bottle   still   in   his   hand.   Pointing   at   the   tall,   dark   bushes   he   shouted,   “Who’s   hiding   there   so   stealthily?     Come   on   out!”

  From   out   of   the   shadows   came   a   tall,   large   and   imposing   figure,   but   with   a   toddling,   unsteady   gait.     Richard   and   Jamaz   cried   out   simultaneously,  

“It’s   you?     Oliver   Kaffee?”

“Good!”   exclaimed   Richard.     “This   is   swell!     Of   all   the   places   you   could   have   gone   to,   you   choose   to   come   here   right   into   our   hands!!     You’re   dead   meat,   man!     What   are   you   here   for?   Do   you...”   Dimitri   interrupted,

“Come   here,   old   friend.     Put   down   your   heavy   burdens   and   rest   for   a   while.     I   know   you   are   hungry,   thirsty   and   dog   tired.     Sit   with   us   and   fill   your   stomach   before   we   talk.”     Knowing   that   he   had   already   sunk   to   rock   bottom     and   had   nowhere   to   turn   to   anyway,   Oliver   Kaffee   took   a   ‘come   what   may’   attitude.     Ignoring   the   fact   that   he   may   be   in   the   hands   of   deadly   foes,   people   he   had   greatly   wronged,   he   decided   to   sate   his   hunger   first.   He   sat   down   nonchalantly   on   the   ground   like   the   others,   grabbed   a   piece   of   meat   and   gobbled   it   down   in   a   few   bites.     He   drank   thirstily   from   the   bottle   and   wolfed   down   everything   in   sight   before   belching   loudly   in   satisfaction.     Then   he   sighed   and   said   shame-facedly   to   Dimitri.  

  “In   the   past   I   have   greatly   wronged   you.     You   helped   me,   promoted   me,   but   I   conspired   against   you   and   tried   to   rob   you   of   your   fortune.     I   even   tried   to   kill   you.     Today   I   know   I   was   wrong   and   deeply   regret   what   I   have   done,   but   it’s   too   late.   You   tell   me   what   I   should   do   now,   Dimitri   and   even   if   you   want   me   to   die,   I   accept   your   decree   with   no   hesitation   or   resentment,   without   a   murmur.”     Dimitri   smiled   at   him,

“Why   would   I   want   you   to   die?     In   my   view,   death   does   not   exist.     Life   and   death   has   no   definite   border   and   death   is   not   the   best   way   to   punish   people.     I   have   a   better   way   to   reform   a   sinner.”     The   words   seemed   to   touch   a   core   in   Oliver   Kaffee,   who   mused   and   seemed   engrossed   in   thought   as   if   enlightened.     He   turned   and   saw   Richard   and   Jamaz.     He   asked   them,

“Where   have   you   two   been   hiding   all   this   time?     My   people   looked   all   over   the   Bay   Area,   at   every   nook   and   cranny   but   could   find   no   trace   of   you.     That   is   why   I   have   been   on   pins   and   needles,   restless   with   anxiety.     If   you   two   escaped   me   and   uncovered   my   conspiracy,   you   will   expose   me   for   the   hypocrite   I   am   and   I   will   lose   my   reputation   and   can   have   no   standing   in   society.”

“So   you   too   know   what   it   is   to   be   on   pins   and   needles,   eh?”   said   Richard.   “It   was   like   that   for   us.     We   had   to   be   on   the   run   and   look   over   our   shoulders   all   the   time.     We   see   every   bush   and   tree   as   your   thugs   coming   to   kill   us.     Why?     Why   make   everyone   so   extremely   nervous   and   unable   to   have   a   moment   of   peace   and   quiet?     Well,   now   that   it   doesn’t   matter   any   more   I   can   tell   you   we   never   left   the   Bay   Area.     We   hid   in   a   small   temple   by   the   lake.     It’s   lucky   you   never   thought   to   look   for   us   there!”

“Was   that   the   Buddhist   temple   by   Lake   Merritt?   My   former   #1   assassin   is   now   a   monk   in   that   temple.     He   has   sworn   never   to   take   a   single   step   out   of   the   temple   while   he   lived   and   breathed,   and   secluded   himself   there   to   spend   the   rest   of   his   life   in   prayer   and   doing   penance.     It’s   really   unimaginable   to   have   such   perseverance.   Unless...”Oliver   Kaffee   looked   at   Dimitri   and   said   slowly,

  “Could   it   be   that   it   is   also   my   final   destination?”

“I   have   thought   of   that,   too”   said   Dimitri   smiling   at   him   knowingly.     You   understand   me   now.     I   can   tell   you   that   a   venomous   snake   is   coiled   around   your   heart.     It   hurts   you   and   other   people.     You   cannot   kill   it,   but   you   can   tame   it.     Hereafter,   you   must   be   extra   vigilant   about   this   snake.     That   will   be   your   primary   goal   when   you   are   at   the   temple.”

Oliver   Kaffee   mulled   over   Dimitri’s   words   and   thought,  

“He   is   right.     There   is   a   venomous   snake   in   me   gnawing   at   my   soul.     When   my   ambition   couldn’t   be   realized   or   satisfied,   that   snake   drove   me   to   try   to   attain   my   goal   at   any   price,   by   any   means,   whatever   the   consequences,   even   at   the   sacrifice   of   human   lives.     The   satisfaction   of   my   greed   and   avarice   was   top   priority.   Enmity,   jealousy,   envy   and   anger   were   like   poisonous   snakes   gnawing   at   my   soul   and   I   never   knew.     Now   Dimitri   has   pointed   out   to   me   that   these   can   be   harnessed   to   be   positive   feelings   and   sentiments.     That   poisonous   snake   is   human   nature.     It   cannot   be   killed,   but   can   be   tamed.”   Dimitri   finished   off   the   beer   in   the   bottle,   stood   up   and   said,

  “I   have   things   to   do   and   must   leave   now.     See   you   all   later.”     He   turned   and   walked   into   the   rose   bushes   and   soon   disappeared   into   the   darkness   of   night.    

Richard   and   Jamaz   were   used   to   Dimitri’s   unconventional   habit   of   coming   and   going   as   he   pleased,   so   they   did   nothing   to   stop   him.     The   three   men   continued   eating   and   drinking.     Then   they   put   out   the   fire   and   each   found   their   own   spot   in   the   half-burnt   house   and   settled   down   for   the   night.     At   dawn   the   next   morning,   the   three   of   them   came   to   the   Buddhist   Temple   by   the   lake   and   knocked   at   the   door.     Big-O   welcomed   them   in.     He   was   no   longer   the   ugly,   ferocious   looking   man   he   used   to   be.     He   had   turned   into   a   benign   and   kindhearted   monk.     Strange   to   say   the   change   of   heart   can   eventually   change   one’s   very   appearance.     In   the   first   light   of   dawn,   Big-O   shaved   off   Oliver   Kaffee’s   hair   and   took   him   into   the   temple.   Though   his   hair   was   shaved   off,   Mr.   Kaffee   was   still   a   lay   person   and   did   not   join   the   order.

Dimitri   walked   on   alone.     Night   was   deep   and   both   pedestrians   and   cars   were   scarce   on   the   streets.     He   could   not   explain   why   he   had   left   so   abruptly   and   walked   off   by   himself,   leaving   his   three   friends   in   the   deserted   rose   garden.     His   intuition   seemed   to   intimate   that   something   was   about   to   happen.     But   what?     He   did   not   know.     He   could   only   let   his   sixth   sense   lead   the   white   cane   in   his   hand   forward   towards   his   destiny.     On   and   on   he   walked,   not   knowing   how   many   streets   he   had   crossed   or   how   far   he   had   gone   when   suddenly   the   scent   of   lilacs   filled   the   air.     No,   it   was   the   fragrance   of   a   very   expensive   perfume.     A   woman   must   be   standing   somewhere   ahead.     Just   then,   his   white   cane   hit   something.     It   was   the   heel   of   a   woman’s   shoes.     The   woman   turned   and   exclaimed,  

“Dimitri!     Is   that   you?     It   must   be   you.     I   knew   you   would   come   to   my   rescue.”     The   woman   threw   herself   into   Dimitri’s   arms   and   he   knew   then   it   was   Megginn.     He   kissed   her   on   the   cheek   and   asked,  

“It’s   late.     What   are   you   doing   here   alone   on   the   streets?   It’s   too   dangerous!”

“If   it   weren’t   so,   how   would   I   be   able   to   meet   you   again?     You   really   kept   your   promise   to   help   me   whenever   my   dilapidated   car   broke   down.     You   are   a   man   of   your   word...”     Suddenly   Megginn   felt   there   was   something   different   about   Dimitri.     She   waved   her   hand   in   front   of   his   face,   but   Dimitri   did   not   react.     “Dimitri!   “she   exclaimed   “What’s   wrong   with   your   eyes?”

“Let’s   talk   when   we   get   into   your   car.     The   old   routine,   Megginn.     You   get   into   the   car   and   start   the   engine.     I   will   give   it   a   strong   push   from   the   back.”     Soon,   the   car   started   up   slowly.     Dimitri   felt   his   way   to   the   front   and   quickly   jumped   into   the   passenger’s   seat.

“I   heard   Elena   say   that   one   day   you   would   go   blind.     I’m   sorry   to   find   that   day   is   already   here.     But   the   last   time   we   met,   your   eyes   were   fine!”

“When   did   we   last   meet?     It   was   in   our   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   wasn’t   it?     You   must   know   that   our   Kingdom   is   woven   by   dreams.     Nothing   is   impossible   in   dreamland.     Now   we   are   in   the   real   world.     We   must   face   reality;   adjust   our   state   of   mind   to   adapt   to   the   huge   difference   between   dreams   and   reality.”

“Whether   it’s   dreams   or   reality,   let’s   go   home   to   our   miniature   castle.     Let   me   take   good   care   of   you   tonight.”     Dimitri   thought   for   a   moment   and   then   he   smiled   and   said,

“Let   me   take   you   to   meet   some   old   friends”  

“Old   friends?     Who   are   they?”

“Don’t   ask.     You   will   know   when   you   see   them.”     The   battered   beige-colored   automobile   turned   right   and   then   left.     Soon   they   came   to   a   place   by   the   lake.     They   parked   the   car   across   the   street   and   was   about   to   knock   at   the   back   door,   when   the   door   opened   and   Mark   and   Laverne   walked   out.     Laverne   felt   that   living   with   Mark,   a   big,   tall   man,   in   a   house   that   was   like   a   female   dormitory,   full   of   Dimitri’s   beauties   was   awkward   and   inconvenient,   so   they   had   rented   a   room   nearby   and   was   about   to   go   there.

  The   four   of   them   looked   at   each   other   for   a   long   moment.     When   Megginn   and   Laverne   became   aware   of   who   the   other   was,   they   exclaimed   each   other’s   name   and   hugged   and   kissed,   exclaiming   in   delight.     Amalia   had   already   gone   to   bed,   but   Mary,   Yoko   and   Sheila   were   still   chatting   in   the   back   room.     Attracted   by   the   noise   outside,   they   turned   and   saw   that   Dimitri   had   come   back,   followed   by   Mark   and   Laverne,   who   entered   hand   in   hand   with   another   woman.   When   they   came   into   the   brightly   lit   room   and   the   five   women   recognized   each   other,   they   squealed   in   surprise,   laughing,   crying   hugging   and   kissing   each   other.     The   commotion   led   an   irascible   Amalia   down   the   stairs,   rubbing   her   eyes   sleepily,   exclaiming   bad-temperedly,  

  “What’s   all   this   racket   about   down   there?     Don’t   you   know   I’m   trying   to   get   some   sleep?”

“I’m   sorry.     I’m   sorry,   Amalia   for   interrupting   your   sleep.     I’m   Megginn.     I   came   especially   to   see   you.     How   are   you...?”     Megginn   knew   Amalia’s   short   term   memory   was   bad   because   of   her   age   and   her   illness,   so   she   repeated   again,   “I   am   Megginn.     I   came   especially   to   see   you.     Do   you   remember   me?     Megginn?     How   are   you   doing...?”     Amalia   looked   at   her   face   for   a   while   and   then   asked   hesitantly,

“Oh!     Are   you   the   Queen   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams?   greatly   honored   that   your   majesty   has   come   here....”

“Oh,   no,   no,   no.”   Megginn   hastily   explained,   “I   am   not   the   queen.     The   queen   is   Aisha.     I   am   Megginn.     Do   you   remember   me?”     Amalia   again   thought   for   a   while.     Then   she   suddenly   exclaimed,

“Oh,   yes,   yes,   yes!   I   remember   now.     You   are   the   one   in   charge   of   money,   right?”

“Yes.     Yes.”     Megginn   nodded.     “That’s   right.     That’s   me.”     Everyone   bubbled   with   laughter.     Then   Amalia   asked   again,

“Did   the   huge   black   bird   that   can   fly   very   high,   very   fast   and   very   far   come   with   you?”

“Oh   no.     That’s   Medusa.     She   is   the   guardian   of   the   Kingdom.     It   is   too   important   a   job   for   her   to   leave   easily.   She   has   to   guard   the   heart   of   the   Kingdom   at   all   times.”

“Oh   yes.     Oh   yes.     I   am   very   glad   that   you   have   come   Megginn.”

“Why   don’t   we   open   a   bottle   of   Champaign   to   celebrate   this   reunion?”   suggested   Yoko.    

Everyone   was   in   high   spirits   and   enthusiastically   agreed.     They   busied   themselves   getting   out   the   crystal   glasses,   hors   d’oeuvres,   finger   food   and   soon   everyone   was   sitting   around   the   table   eating,   drinking   and   talking.     Five   young   women   gathered   together   after   a   long   absence   had   a   lot   to   talk   about   and   they   certainly   talked   up   a   storm.     Dimitri   sat   there   listening   to   them   without   joining   in,   but   he   enjoyed   a   pleasurable   feeling   of   happiness   and   peace   just   as   a   spectator.  

  Mary   told   about   how   she   and   Sheila   took   over   the   bakery   and   tried   hard   to   make   a   go   of   it,   how   they   met   Dimitri,   how   Mark   and   his   bride   Laverne   joined   them   and   more   recently   how   Mary   and   Yoko   quit   their   jobs   and   became   full-time   workers   here   too,     They   were   all   equal,   working   together   as   a   team.     Everyone   was   both   boss   and   employee   and   shared   equally   in   the   profits   and   the   work.     She   added,   “We   were   very   lucky   to   have   gotten   Dimitri’s   unique   recipes   and   his   own   special   techniques,   which   have   made   our   products   very   superior.     Wee   have   attracted   a   loyal   clientele   who   queue   up   patiently   every   day   to   buy   our   goods.     It’s   gotten   so   very   busy   that   we   are   always   short-handed.”

“It’s   OK”   replied   Megginn.     “I’ll   be   happy   to   come   and   help   out,   too   and   join   your   ranks.     How’s   that?”

“No,   that   won’t   do”   interrupted   Dimitri   matter-of-factly.   “You   are   now   the   president   of   World   Bank.     If   people   find   out   you   are   working   here,   it   would   draw   media   scrutiny   and   even   worse,   the   unwelcome   attention   of   the   paparazzi.     Then   just   as   Amalia   said,   you   won’t   be   able   to   get   good   night’s   sleep.”

“I   know,”   laughed   Megginn   “It   was   just   wishful   thinking.     Of   course   I   know   I   can’t   really   do   so.”

“Hey   Megginn”   said   Yoko.     “You   are   a   big   shot   now!     You   have   been   promoted   to   be   president   of   a   bank,   eh?”

“What   big   shot?     I   am   only   slaving   for   our   majesty   King   Dimitri.”     Then   she   proceeded   to   tell   them   all   of   her   scheme   to   help   Richard   and   Jamaz   regain   the   ownership   and   control   of   World   Bank,   but   how   once   they   succeeded   Richard   and   Jamaz   left   a   resignation   letter   and   disappeared   without   a   word!     So   now   she   was   left   holding   the   bag,   working   at   World   Bank   during   the   day   and   taking   care   of   things   at   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   at   night.     She’s   been   getting   very   little   sleep   and   rest.     But   she   does   have   Samantha   to   help   her   socially   with   the   p.r.   work.

“I’m   sorry   to   put   the   burden   on   your   shoulders,   Megginn.     But   it   is   just   for   the   time   being.     I   have   already   found   your   replacement.”

“Who   is   it?     Who   is   to   take   my   place   at   World   Bank?     Let   him   or   her   come   a.s.a.p.     I   have   my   hands   full   and   badly   need   help.”

“I   know.     Just   hang   in   there   a   little   while   longer.     Relief   is   on   the   way.     As   to   who   it   is,   you   will   know   when   the   time   comes.”     Megginn   gave   him   a   white   eye   but   did   not   persist.   Dimitri   continued   “You   just   said   Samantha   is   here   too.     How   come   she   did   not   come   with   you   today?”

“I   think   she   has   already   been   here   this   afternoon.”     Everyone   looked   at   her   in   surprise.

“Really?     Then   how   come   we   haven’t   seen   her?”  

Megginn   then   told   them   about   what   happened   that   afternoon.     The   fact   of   the   matter   was,   ever   since   Samantha   began   working   at   World   Bank   she   had   been   hearing   a   lot   about   a   popular   new   bakery   by   the   lake   called   “Dream-maker’s   Bakery”   whose   prices   were   reasonable   and   whose   products   were   very   outstanding.   The   words   struck   a   cord   and   Samantha   thought   it   might   be   a   valuable   clue   as   to   the   whereabouts   of   King   Dimitri.     So   she   decided   to   go   there   personally   and   see   the   lay   of   the   land.     That   afternoon,   she   drove   along   to   the   lake   and   saw   the   sign,   “Dream-maker’s   Bakery”.     She   parked   her   car   across   the   street   and   walked   over   to   the   shop.     She   was   wearing   a   long   black   velvet   skirt,   low-cut   white   silk   blouse,   complemented   by   a   glittering   diamond   necklace.     Over   her   shoulders   was   draped   a   white   furry   coat.     It   was   obvious   to   any   observer   that   this   was   a   wealthy   socialite.     She   walked   into   the   shop,   looked   around   in   all   directions   and   found   that   it   was   only   an   ordinary   bakery   selling   bread,   cakes   and   pastries,   nothing   out   of   the   ordinary.     .   That   afternoon   business   was   slow,   so   only   Amalia   was   there.   None   of   the   others   were   around.     Samantha   took   a   French   roll   and   walked   over   to   the   counter   to   pay   for   it.     Amalia   looked   at   her   coldly   and   said,

“Not   for   sale.”  

“Why   not?     Isn’t   this   a   bakery   that’s   open   for   business?”   asked   Samantha,   rather   surprised.

“Of   course   we   are   open   for   business.     I   just   won’t   sell   it   to   you!”

“Why   won’t   you   sell   it   to   me?”   asked   Samantha,   rather   affronted.

“First   of   all,   we   don’t   sell   to   people   driving   luxury   cards.   Secondly,   I   never   sell   to   people   wearing   diamond   necklaces!     That’s   my   rule.     When   I   say   I   don’t   sell,   I   just   don’t   sell!”   Samantha   became   angry   and   thought   the   salesperson   was   really   unreasonable   and   irrational.   She   looked   at   her   once   more   and   realized   that   it   was   Amalia,   whom   she   knew   was   affected   by   Alzheimer’s   disease.   She   did   not   want   to   argue   with   the   old   woman.   If   Amalia   was   here,   could   Dimitri   be   far   away?     So   she   turned   around   deciding   to   leave   first.  

On   hearing   Megginn’s   words,   all   eyes   turned   to   Amalia.     She   was   greatly   embarrassed   and   mumbled   uncomfortably,

  “I   don’t   remember.     I   don’t   remember.     It   may   have   happened,   but   I   have   no   memory   of   it.”     Everyone   knew   Amalia’s   disposition   was   rather   out   of   the   ordinary,   and   her   age   and   illness   caused   great   memory   loss,   so   they   did   not   pursue   the   incident   any   more.

“I   think   it’s   all   a   misunderstanding”   said   Dimitri   to   Megginn.     “Tell   Samantha   to   dress   casually   and   bring   her   here   some   other   time.     Explain   to   Amalia   who   she   is   so   there   would   not   be   further   misunderstanding.’   Megginn   nodded   her   agreement.     Dimitri   continued,

“   It’s   very   late.     Go   back   home   and   go   to   bed   immediately.     You   must   go   back   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   deal   with   the   complicated   businesses   there.     Then   tomorrow   morning,   you   must   be   at   World   Bank   and   take   care   of   things   here.     You   need   a   lot   of   energy   to   do   both   jobs.”   They   all   walked   Megginn   to   the   back   door.     Dimitri   assigned   Mark   and   Laverne   to   follow   Megginn   in   their   car,   to   be   there   for   her   in   case   her   old   beige   jalopy   broke   down   again.     Mark   answered   in   a   loud   voice,

“Sure.     No   problem.     You   want   me   to   push   the   car   from   behind?     No   problem.     I   have   enough   muscle.”   Megginn   kissed   Dimitri   on   the   cheek   and   waved   goodbye   to   everyone,   reluctant   to   leave.     Then   she   got   into   the   car   and   drove   off.

Years   of   exposure   to   the   elements   had   made   sleeping   outdoors   a   second   nature   to   Dimitri.     It   was   already   late   into   the   night   after   he   saw   Megginn   off,   so   when   everyone   had   settled   for   the   night   and   everything   quieted   down,   he   went   out   to   the   back   yard   and   lay   down   on   the   lounge   chair,   covering   himself   with   an   old   jacket.     The   sky   above   was   his   canopy   and   the   ground   below   was   his   bed,   carefree   and   unfettered.     He   was   very   happy   to   have   met   Megginn   by   accident   on   the   street   today,   but   somehow   his   heart   was   smitten   by   a   slight   pang   of   melancholy   as   well.     He   thought,  

“How   far   actually   is   my   faraway   King   of   Dreams   from   the   earth?     These   two   are   not   really   separated   by   space   and   distance   as   I   can   travel   freely   between   them   when   the   mood   takes   me.     If   dreams   and   reality   are   not   really   divided   by   space   and   distance,   they   naturally   have   not   time   differentials   either.     Originally,   I   wanted   to   seek   out   a   nest   for   myself,   a   place   where   I   can   find   refuge   and   asylum   from   the   dangers   of   the   mundane   world,   a   place   where   I   can   escape   to   at   will.     That   is   why   I   established   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     But   now,   it   seems   this   Kingdom   is   not   a   safe   haven   after   all.     There   is   the   oppression   from   Zeus   from   on   high   and   the   hidden   danger   from   the   primitive   tribes   who   are   creeping   threateningly   nearer   and   nearer.     Where   can   I   move   my   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   my   numerous   subjects   to?   Where   is   the   place   that   has   no   sorrow,   only   happiness?     Is   there   such   a   place   in   the   universe,   where   there   is   only   peace,   harmony,   tranquility   and   brightness?     I   don’t   know.     It   seemed   that   too   many   dreams   bring   only   sorrow   and   nights   without   dreams   would   be   preferable.     For   tonight,   I   only   hope   to   have   a   night   without   dreams.”

Blue   waves   rocked   the   wide   expanse   of   the   lake.     In   its   crystal   clear   water,   a   large   white   fish   could   be   seen   floating   with   the   movements   of   the   water.     She   was   reminiscing   about   how   she   held   two   little   people   in   her   mouth   and   swam   against   the   raging   current   to   take   them   to   the   opposite   shore   where   the   gold   palace   was.   Amid   the   deafening   noise   of   the   wind   and   waves,   she   could   make   out   the   words   of   the   little   man.    

“I   am   a   friend   of   King   Dimitri”   said   he.     “He   once   promised   me   that   in   his   Kingdom,   no   person,   insect,   fish,   bird   or   beast   would   ever   harm   me.     If   necessary,   they   would   protect   me   and   help   me.     Thank   you   for   helping   us   cross   to   the   other   side   of   the   lake.”     Then   she   heard   the   little   woman   say,  

“Since   Dimitri   is   the   King   of   this   region,   his   word   is   law.     Now   I   order   you,   big   white   fish,   whenever   there   is   need,   you   must   appear   before   us.     This   is   King   Dimitri’s   order   which   must   be   obeyed.”     The   white   fish   thought,  

“If   this   really   was   King   Dimitri’s   order,   of   course   I   will   obey.     But   what   if   these   two   came   under   false   pretenses?   What   should   I   do?”     But   then,   she   thought   again   that   helping   the   weak   was   a   good   deed   and   could   not   be   counted   as   wrong-doing.     Just   then,   a   puff   of   smoke   streaked   across   the   skies   and   came   to   a   stop   before   a   straw   hut   by   the   side   of   the   lake,   where   it   changed   into   the   form   of   a   slim   and   curvaceous   young   woman   and   went   in.     The   white   fish   thought,  

“She   was   originally   only   a   puff   of   smoke,   but   could   change   into   human   form.     If   she   could   do   so,   why   can’t   I?     From   now   on,   I   will   pray   fervently   and   beg   God   to   let   me   change   into   a   beautiful   young   woman.     If   I   could   be   by   Dimitri’s   side   and   keep   him   company   that   would   be   all   I   ask   of   life!”     The   large   white   fish   happily   flipped   itself   out   of   the   water   and   jumped   into   the   air.   Then   she   dived   again   back   into   the   water   and   disappeared   from   sight.

White   Fairy   pushed   open   the   door   of   the   straw   hut   and   saw   the   quiet   and   gentle   Lotus   sitting   there   with   her   head   bent   low,   mending   a   broken   fishing   net.     She   knew   that   all   the   people   of   the   Kingdom   had   been   called   to   the   mines   and   Lotus   was   trying   to   help   the   fishermen   by   doing   some   simple   chores   for   them.     When   she   saw   White   Fairy   walk   in,   she   smiled   and   said,

“What   wind   blew   you   here?     How   come   you   have   time   to   come   and   see   me   today?”

“I   am   not   really   here   socially,   Lotus”   said   White   Fairy   sitting   down.     “I   am   here   to   inform   you   about   something   that   happened   in   our   Kingdom.”

“Really?     What   happened?”

“A   little   after   noontime   today,   our   active   little   Dorna   took   King   Dimitri’s   two   tigers   and   went   wandering   in   the   mountain.     Suddenly,   she   heard   a   woman’s   voice   shrieking   and   crying   shrilly.     So   she   called   the   two   tigers   and   went   to   investigate.     In   the   dense   forest,   she   found   our   poetess   Angelica   fallen   on   the   ground   in   a   faint,   surrounded   by   seven   to   eight   barbarians.     Their   faces   were   ferociously   painted   or   tattooed   to   look   like   devils   and   they   were   busy   tearing   off   Angelica’s   clothes   to   strip   her   naked.     It   was   not   known   whether   they   meant   to   rape   her   or   butcher   her,   for   you   know,   these   tribes   are   known   to   be   cannibals.     Our   courageous   Dorna   wielded   Amalia’s   broom   and   regardless   of   her   own   safety   fought   the   barbarians.     The   two   tigers   were   also   very   brave.     They   bared   their   teeth,   hit   with   their   mighty   paws   and   their   ferocious   roars   resounded   in   the   forest.     Soon   all   the   natives   lay   dead   on   the   ground,   killed   by   the   tigers’   sharp   teeth   and   paws.     But   they   themselves   were   also   wounded   by   the   knives   of   the   barbarians.     Angelica   was   saved   and   brought   back   to   the   palace   on   the   back   of   one   of   the   tigers.     But   what   was   Angelica   doing   in   the   dense   forest?     At   that   time,   she   should   have   been   jogging   on   the   tracks.     Why   did   she   leave   the   safety   of   the   tracks   and   go   into   the   forest?     And   where   did   the   natives   come   from?     How   could   they   have   ventured   undetected   so   near   to   the   heart   of   our   palace   grounds?   Don’t   you   think   this   is   frightening?”   Lotus   face   blanched   in   fear.     She   said,  

“Angelica   is   such   a   delicate   creature,   as   fragile   as   a   crystal   vase   and   as   easily   shattered.     How   could   she   stand   such   shock   and   fright?”

“That’s   just   it!     Aisha   is   comforting   her   and   Elena   is   taking   care   of   her.     King   Dimitri’s   two   beloved   tigers   are   being   taken   care   of.     Everything   is   back   to   normal   now.”

“Good.     Good.”

“Just   now   you   asked   me   what   wind   blew   me   here.     Well,   it   was   this   wind   that   brought   me   here.     Aisha   wanted   me   to   tell   you   that   recently   there   have   been   strange   and   troubling   happenings   around   the   kingdom.     Things   are   turbulent   and   she   is   concerned   it   may   not   be   safe   for   you   to   be   living   alone   here   at   this   desolate   spot   by   the   lake.     She   would   feel   much   better   if   you   would   go   back   and   stay   at   the   palace   for   now.”   Just   then   Lightning   touched   down   on   the   open   space   before   the   hut,   evidently   sent   here   by   Aisha   to   fetch   someone.     Lotus   had   already   finished   the   work   on   hand,   so   she   said,  

“I   will   go   with   you   right   away.”     She   took   the   fishing   net   and   followed   White   Fairy   out   of   the   hut.     She   hung   the   net   on   the   trees,   got   on   the   flying   horse   and   left.     The   large   white   fish   had   not   gone   far   and   was   still   swimming   in   the   vicinity.     She   saw   Lotus   riding   on   the   flying   horse,   accompanied   by   a   puff   of   smoke,   making   for   the   palace.     She   turned   back   to   glance   at   the   shore   and   was   startled   to   see   a   fishing   net   hanging   between   two   trees.     Her   heart   lurched   and   she   began   to   tremble.     “Fishing   net   is   the   nemesis   of   we   who   live   in   the   water”   she   thought.  

  “Could   it   be   a   bad   omen   to   see   it   hanging   here?”

That   night   the   large   white   fish   held   the   two   little   people   in   her   mouth   and   swam   towards   the   gold   palace.     When   she   almost   reached   the   shore,   she   opened   her   mouth   and   let   them   out.     Viola   and   Mr.   Finger   swam   vigorously   in   the   water,   almost   exhausting   all   their   energy   trying   to   get   to   land.     After   they   climbed   tiredly   on   shore,   they   turned   and   saw   that   the   large   white   fish   was   still   swimming   nearby   as   if   to   assure   herself   of   their   safety   and   see   that   they   were   not   overwhelmed   by   merciless   waves.   Mr.   Finger   waved   to   her   in   gratitude   but   was   dragged   unceremoniously   away   by   Viola   who   was   hurrying   forward.     Her   curious   and   inquisitive   heart   was   thumping   with   excitement   to   be   so   near   to   the   mysterious   gold   palace.     The   moonless   and   starless   night   was   too   pitch   dark   to   even   see   their   own   fingers.     They   had   to   rely   on   the   momentary   flash   of   lightning   to   discern   their   direction.     When   they   came   to   the   entrance   of   the   palace,   they   found   the   huge,   heavy   door   ajar,   so   they   slid   in   sideways   through   the   gap   and   walked   on.     What   used   to   be   barren   yellow   soil   on   both   sides   of   the   solid   gold   pathway   they   were   on   was   now   covered   with   green   shrubs   and   a   multitude   of   colorful   flowers   in   full   bloom.     They   were   so   prolific   that   they   flooded   their   borders   and   almost   swallowed   up   the   narrow   pathway.     When   they   came   to   a   more   elevated   spot,   a   flash   of   lightening   revealed   an   endless   mass   of   vivid   blossoms   of   all   colors.     Not   far   away   stood   the   majestic   gold   palace.     Viola   jumped   up   and   down   in   joy,   exclaiming,

  “Look!     There   it   is!     There   it   is!     It’s   the   bewitching   Gold   Palace   of   my   dreams!”   and   ran   quickly   towards   it.     Mr.   Finger   quickly   followed.    

The   two   of   them   walked   over   the   zigzagging   gold   bridge   and   finally   got   to   the   palace.   Viola’s   envious   eyes   looked   all   over,   exclaiming   over   what   she   saw.     It   was   a   world   of   dazzling   gold.     Everything   was   made   of   solid   gold.     All   of   this   was   novel   and   interesting   to   Viola.     Though   it   was   pitch   dark,   everything   there,   the   furnishings   and   accessories,   the   pictures   and   murals   on   the   walls   were   all   clearly   visible.     Viola   was   just   wondering   about   it   when   she   raised   her   eyes   and   saw   a   gigantic   pearl   hanging   from   the   top   of   the   domelike   ceiling,   giving   forth   a   soft,   gentle   glow.     Viola   said,  

“Have   you   ever   seen   such   a   large   pearl?”     Before   Mr.   Finger   could   reply,   there   was   an   ear-deafening   crash   of   thunder   accompanied   by   blinding   flashes   of   lightning.     Through   the   window   they   saw   the   shape   of   a   man   appearing   by   the   pillars   outside   the   palace.     The   man   was   strong   and   muscular.     A   horn   protruded   from   the   top   of   his   head   and   one   large   eye   was   on   his   forehead,   while   the   other   eye   was   at   the   back   of   his   head.     His   naked   torso   exposed   his   sinewy   and   well-toned   muscles,   showing   off   his   infinite   strength   and   might.     This   was   Cyclops   whom   King   Dimitri   ordered   to   guard   his   gold   palace.     His   front   eye   had   been   fatally   wounded   by   Medusa’s   claws   in   battle   and   he   had   lost   the   sight   of   that   eye.     But   recently,   his   vision   had   miraculously   improved,   so   he   no   longer   had   to   walk   backwards   relying   on   his   back   eye.     Now   he   could   walk   normally.     He   patrolled   the   grounds   around   the   palace   and   finding   nothing   abnormal,   he   stopped   for   a   moment   by   the   pillars   of   the   palace   and   then   walked   towards   the   back   of   the   mountains.     After   he   left,   Viola   and   Mr.   Finger   came   out   of   the   shadows   at   the   corner   of   the   room.     Viola   caressed   every   inch   of   surface   her   fingers   could   touch,   completely   infatuated   and   besotted   by   the   gold   palace   and   couldn’t   tear   herself   away.     Mr.   Finger   was   a   more   unbiased   bystander   and   observed,

“To   me,   this   gold   palace   is   like   a   heap   of   iron   scrapes,   nothing   very   captivating.”

“So   long   as   I   love   it,   even   a   heap   of   iron   scrapes   is   good.”

”I   think,”   said   Mr.   Finger   “that   our   home   in   the   tree   hole   is   more   warm   and   comfortable   than   here!”   Viola   suddenly   thought   of   something   and   said,  

“Isn’t   it   strange   that   such   a   lovely   palace   is   not   lived   in?   If   I   could   live   here,   it   would   be   just   too   good   to   be   true.”

“Don’t   forget   that   the   whole   place   and   everything   in   it,   including   furniture   and   appliances,   are   not   made   to   our   measurements,   but   conform   to   their   size.     So   far   as   we   are   concerned,   all   this   not   only   does   not   fit,   it’s   totally   useless.”

“Yes,   if   I   were   as   tall   as   King   Dimitri’s   beauties,   have   their   curvaceous   figures   and   own   a   gold   palace,   it   would   be   even   more   fantastic.”

“And   just   to   remind   you   again,   this   gold   palace   belongs   to   King   Dimitri   and   not   to   you!”

“So   what?     In   this   world   things   do   not   belong   permanently   to   one   person.     King   Dimitri   may   own   this   palace   now,   but   who   is   to   say   it   won’t   belong   to   me   one   day?   The   riches   of   the   world   belong   to   those   who   are   able.”

“Wow!”   thought   Mr.   Finger   to   himself.   “This   woman   is   really   ambitious   and   even   more   greedy   and   avaricious.     She   is   hard   to   control   and   there   is   no   knowing   what   she   would   be   up   to   on   the   future.     It’s   hard   to   predict.”     Viola   noticed   that   Mr.   Finger   was   silent.     So   she   went   up   to   him,   stood   on   tiptoes   and   threw   her   arms   around   his   neck   saying,

  “I   also   want   to   remind   you   that   now   you   are   my   husband.     Don’t   you   want   to   fulfill   your   wife’s   little   request?”     Mr.   Finger   bent   his   head   and   kissed   her,   defenseless   against   her   beauty   and   allure.

Cyclops   walked   quickly   up   the   back   of   the   mountain   until   he   came   to   a   cave   by   a   cliff.     This   was   his   home,   overlooking   the   misty   and   turbulent   lake   water.     He   sat   down   in   front   of   his   cave.     The   single   eye   on   his   forehead   blinked   and   blinked   as   he   was   lost   in   thought   and   reminiscence.   In   the   darkness,   the   flapping   of   mighty   wings   could   be   heard.     It   was   Medusa   surveying   the   Kingdom.     On   such   a   dark   night,   she   would   be   more   vigilant   than   ever,   afraid   to   let   down   her   guard.     A   flash   of   lightning   lit   up   the   skies   and   Cyclops   saw   Medusa’s   beautiful   figure   zoom   by   in   the   skies,   then   arced   on   a   graceful   curving   course   towards   the   palace.  

“It’s   her!”   thought   he.   “It’s   that   woman   I   love   and   hate   and   who   is   always   in   my   heart.     When   I   was   mortally   wounded,   she   nursed   me   and   tended   to   my   needs,   but   she   also   fastened   me   to   the   wall   of   the   cave   with   heavy   chains   for   100   years.     I   love   her   deeply,   but   she   deserted   me,   gave   her   heart   to   King   Dimitri   and   loyally   followed   him   to   his   Kingdom.     This   is   something   I   cannot   forgive   and   forget.     Ileen   cut   my   chains   and   set   me   free.     She   gave   me   her   beautiful   body,   but   lured   me   to   carry   out   her   bidding.     I   made   the   greatest   mistake   of   my   life,   almost   overthrowing   King   Dimitri’s   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     King   Dimitri   was   magnanimous.     He   pardoned   my   life   and   allowed   me   to   stay   at   his   Kingdom.     I   owe   him   my   life,   but   he   took   away   Medusa,   the   woman   I   love   with   all   my   heart.     He   also   killed   Ileen,   another   woman   I   had   loved.     He   is   my   benefactor   but   also   my   enemy.     I   think   I   should   first   pay   back   my   debt   to   him   and   then   seek   my   revenge.”     Rumbles   of   distant   thunder   reverberated   off   and   on   in   the   darkness,   resembling   the   tortuous   groans   of   a   lonely   widower.     Cyclops’   mood   was   like   the   calm   before   the   eruption   of   the   volcano.     He   was   ignited   by   fire-like   lust,   itching   for   action.

In   the   magnificent   and   spacious   palace,   two   little   people   were   locked   in   a   tight   embrace,   kissing   each   other   ardently.     Viola   was   wild   with   joy,   filled   with   a   feeling   of   satisfaction   and   happiness.     She   was   totally   immersed   in   her   fantasy,   as   if   she   really   owned   the   gold   palace   and   was   the   queen.     Mr.   Finger   knew   clearly   that   the   woman   in   his   arms   was   overly   ambitious,   more   than   a   trifle   evil   and   very   hard   to   control.     But   how   could   he   bear   to   give   up   his   present   liaison,   no   matter   how   short-lived   it   may   be?     Even   if   it   were   a   temporary   self   delusion,   he   would   not   give   it   up.     A   resounding   crash   of   thunder   woke   Viola   from   her   reverie.     She   pushed   herself   from   Mr.   Finger’s   arms   saying,  

“Listen!     That’s   my   mother   calling.     Mother   is   calling   me   again   and   she   is   not   far   from   here.     She   is   nearby.”     Saying   so,   she   rushed   hysterically   out   of   the   palace.     Mr.   Finger   could   do   nothing   but   follow   her.     They   crossed   the   zigzagging   gold   palace,   ran   on   the   narrow   gold   pathway   half   covered   with   a   profusion   of   colorful   blossoms   and   rushed   ahead.     When   they   came   to   the   entrance   of   the   palace,   they   slid   out   sideways   through   the   gap   just   the   way   they   had   entered.    

Viola   ran   on   following   the   sound   of   her   mother’s   voice.     They   did   not   know   how   far   they   had   run   when   a   bright   flash   of   lightning   exposed   a   frightening   scene.     Not   far   ahead   was   a   dead   tree,   with   a   pool   of   bright   red   blood   before   it.   This   was   the   site   of   Ilene’s   execution   all   those   years   ago.     After   she   was   chopped   in   two   from   the   waist   by   Medusa,   her   lower   body   lay   in   a   pool   of   blood.     It   was   then   that   Viola,   only   an   unshaped   fetus   at   the   time,   burst   from   her   mother’s   womb   seeking   to   escape.     Too   fragile   and   weak   to   be   master   of   her   own   actions,   she   floated   like   a   tiny   flower   seed   in   the   wind.     She   looked   down   on   her   mother’s   upper   body   still   hanging   from   the   branch   of   a   tree.     Ileen   was   not   quite   dead   yet,   but   was   still   gasping   her   last   breaths,   writhing   convulsively..     Viola   was   powerless   to   save   her   dying   mother   because   she   did   not   know   whether   she   herself   would   survive.     Her   fate   was   like   that   of   the   tiny   flower   seed   floating   in   the   air   being   blown   about   by   the   wind.     Thus   she   was   separated   from   her   mother.     After   Ileen   died,   her   anger,   jealousy   and   bitterness   lived   on   as   shrill   and   woeful   spirit.     Her   blood   did   not   dry   up   or   solidify.     Her   spirit   lived   in   her   own   pool   of   blood   and   haunted   the   yellow   soil   around   the   tree.     That   pool   of   blood   rose   and   sank,   sometimes   visible,   sometimes   invisible.     Stephanie’s   dying   prophesy   came   true.     “......when   blood   seep   out   of   the   bare   yellow   soil   of   Giant   Mountain...........when   blood   speaks   with   a   human   voice......then   it   is   time......then   it   is   time......”  

  Viola   walked   to   the   pool   of   blood   and   knelt   down.     Mr.   Finger   knelt   down   beside   her.     Viola   said,  

“Mother,   I   am   your   daughter,   Viola.     I   heard   your   call.     I   overcame   all   kinds   of   difficulties   to   come   to   your   side.”     The   pool   of   blood   actually   spoke   with   a   human   voice,   saying,

“Are   you   my   child?     I   called   you   day   and   night.     I   thought   that   if   you   were   alive,   you   would   hear   me   and   come   to   me.     Thank   God   the   child   I   left   in   this   world   actually   survived.     Thank   heavens   my   wish   for   vengeance   will   now   come   to   pass.     My   descendants   will   avenge   me.”

“Yes,   mother.     I   will   avenge   you.     I   live   only   to   avenge   you.     You   died   too   tragically.     I   will   seek   your   revenge   on   Dimitri,   but   you   must   tell   me   how   I   am   to   go   about   it.     It   is   not   an   easy   thing   to   accomplish.”

The   pool   of   blood   flowed   about   in   the   yellow   soil   and   congealed   into   human   form   saying,

“This   is   not   an   easy   thing   to   do,   but   if   you   carry   out   my   plan   step   by   step,   we   will   attain   our   goal.”

“Mother,   quickly   tell   me   your   plan   for   revenge   and   I   will   carry   it   out.     I   will   overcome   all   difficulties   by   fair   means   or   foul.     I   will   not   stop   until   we   attain   our   goal.”

“Our   most   terrible   enemy   in   King   Dimitri’s   Kingdom   is   Medusa,   the   huge,   serpent-haired   bird   with   a   woman’s   face.”   The   pool   of   blood   said.     Her   venomous   eyes   can   petrify   any   living   things   into   stone.     She   is   fierce   and   ferocious.     If   we   can   do   away   with   her,   we   can   conquer   King   Dimitri’s   Kingdom.     This   is   a   critical,   most   pivotal   to   our   plan.     If   we   do   not   succeed,   then   our   plan   cannot   be   carried   out.”

“Alright   mother.     Tell   me   how   to   kill   her.”

“Medusa   is   invulnerable   to   mortal   weapons.     The   only   thing   that   can   kill   her   is   King   Dimitri’s   magic   bow   and   arrow.     You   must   try   to   steal   them   and   kill   Medusa   with   them.”

Mr.   Finger   was   listening   to   the   conversation   and   thought   to   himself,   “These   two,   mother   and   daughter,   talk   only   of   how   to   kill   people.     Their   enemy   turned   out   to   be   my   old   friend   Dimitri.     It   would   be   best   if   I   don’t   embroil   myself   in   this   dispute.”     Thinking   so,   he   stood   up   and   tried   to   slip   away   unnoticed.   Viola   shouted,

“Stop!     Come   back   here!     Kneel   down.     She   is   my   mother,   so   she   is   your   mother,   too.     Listen   to   what   she   has   to   say.”     Mr.   Finger   was   hypnotized   by   her   and   obeyed   her   like   a   puppet,   moving   mechanically   to   her   every   word   of   command.     He   was   completely   controlled   by   Viola.     She   continued,

“What   should   we   do   after   killing   Medusa?”

“The   next   step   is   to   try   and   subdue   Cyclops.     He   has   superhuman   strength.     If   you   can   get   him   to   help   you,   conquering   King   Dimitri’s   Kingdom   would   be   much   easily   accomplished.     But   he   is   still   very   much   in   love   with   Medusa.     It   is   hard   to   know   whether   he   is   friend   or   foe.     If   you   cannot   turn   him   to   our   side   and   he   opts   to   help   them,   things   will   be   more   complicated.     His   body   is   invincible   to   all   weapons   but   he   does   have   his   Achilles   heels.     The   only   vulnerable   spots   on   his   body   are   his   two   huge   eyes,   one   on   his   forehead   and   one   on   the   back   of   his   head.     To   kill   him,   you   would   have   to   target   his   two   eyes   in   order   to   succeed.”

“How   can   I   subdue   him?”

“It   is   really   not   that   hard.     He   is   susceptible   to   women.     Seduce   him   with   sex   and   he   will   be   easily   hooked.”   Eileen’s   emotions   were   complicated   and   evil.   She   used   her   body   to   capture   Cyclops   but   at   the   same   time   hated   him   for   getting   her   pregnant.   Now   she   was   asking   Viola,   her   flesh   and   blood   to   do   the   same   thing   in   order   to   captivate   her   own   father.   Such   evil   and   complicated   emotions   could   only   be   the   result   of   a   severely   abnormal   and   distorted   physic

“Really?”     Viola   thought   for   a   while   and   then   said,   “But   mother,   even   if   I   kill   both   Medusa   and   Cyclops,   it   will   not   avenge   your   tragic   death.     Your   real   enemy   is   Dimitri,   right?”

“You   are   right   and   to   the   point.     Let   me   tell   you   about   the   final   step.     In   this   forest   there   are   some   barbarian   tribes.     Conquer   them.     It   is   not   difficult   because   these   are   primitive   people,   uncivilized   and   simple-minded.     After   you   have   done   so,   lead   these   barbarian   warriors   and   soldiers   in   the   battle   against   Dimitri.     Kill   every   single   person   in   the   Kingdom   and   give   no   quarter.     Utterly   destroy   the   Kingdom.”

“Oh   god!”   thought   Mr.   Finger.     “I   never   knew   there   were   such   wicked   and   vicious   people   in   the   world.     The   drastic   measures   she   plans   are   cruel   and   merciless.     I   wonder   what   Dimitri   did   to   provoke   such   savage   and   vindictive   retaliation.”

“Mother,”   said   Viola,   “How   I   want   to   avenge   you!     But   look   at   me.     I   have   such   a   diminutive   stature.     How   can   I   fulfill   this   difficult   task?”

“Don’t   worry.     I   have   thought   of   a   resolution.     Come   to   me.     Let   me   hold   you   in   my   arms   and   give   you   my   blood.     Your   body   will   grow   to   normal   proportions,   but   you   can   always   reduce   it   again   to   your   present   size   as   it   will   be   excellent   camouflage   and   enable   you   to   better   hide   away   when   necessary.     You   will   be   able   to   use   your   body   at   will.   That   will   be   a   great   asset   to   our   plan.”

Viola   jumped   into   the   pool   of   blood.     The   blood   flowed   slowly   into   her   body   and   she   felt   the   warmth   of   a   mother’s   love.     She   said,  

“Dear   mother.   Can   you   tell   me   what   this   hostility   between   you   and   Dimitri   is?     What   caused   it?     Was   it   love   turned   to   hate?     Or   was   there   some   other   reason?”     The   pool   of   blood   did   not   reply   but   continued   to   flow   into   Viola’s   body.     Soon,   she   really   grew   into   a   normal   woman,   gorgeous,   seductive   and   bewitching.     While   delighted   at   the   change,   Viola   was   at   once   alert   to   the   fact   that   it   would   be   safer   for   her   to   change   back   to   her   smaller   size.     Her   mother   Ileen   did   not   answer   her   question.     She   did   not   have   the   time   to   do   so   and   did   not   know   how   to   answer   her   daughter.     What   remained   of   the   blood   stains   in   the   yellow   soil   quickly   dried   up.   Ileen   really   died   this   time.     Mr.   Finger   felt   that   he   would   soon   be   losing   his   wife.     Viola   was   ambitious   and   unwilling   to   be   lonely.     Now   that   she   got   her   mother’s   blood   and   could   change   he   size   at   will,   she   would   be   sure   to   create   a   whole   new   world   for   herself   –   one   without   him.     Knowing   there   was   no   way   he   could   stop   her,   Mr.   Finger   could   only   wait   for   the   inevitable   future   to   unfold   naturally.     The   thunder   and   lightning   had   passed.     The   east   was   beginning   to   brighten.     A   new   day   was   about   to   begin.

                                        Chapter   Nine         Crisis

The   flying   Horse,   Lightning   flew   across   the   lake   carrying   Lotus   on   his   back   and   set   her   down   at   the   entrance   to   the   palace.     When   she   entered   the   palace   hall,   Lotus   saw   Medusa   bent   on   one   knee   before   Aisha,   humbling   asking   to   be   punished   for   her   oversight   of   the   palace   ground   security.     Aisha   quickly   helped   her   up   with   both   hands   and   asked   her   to   be   seated.     White   Fairy   was   there   too,   having   arrived   before   Lotus.     Lotus   walked   forward   and   made   her   obeisance   to   Queen   Aisha,   who   returned   the   courtesy   saying,

“You’re   back!     That’s   good.     Recently   there   have   been   many   strange   incidents   in   the   area   and   I   was   worried   about   you   living   all   alone   in   the   desolate   area   around   the   lake.     As   you   can   see,   the   inhabitants   of   the   palace   have   dwindled,   and   it   is   so   much   lonelier   and   quieter   here   now.     Your   return   will   make   our   gatherings   livelier.     Won’t   that   be   nice?     And   it   would   be   safer   here   for   you,   too,   so   I   don’t   have   to   worry.”     Lotus   bowed   and   said,

“Yes,   your   majesty.”     Sensing   that   the   other   three   seem   to   have   important   matters   to   discuss,   she   took   her   leave   saying,   “I’ll   go   visit   Angelica   and   see   how   she   is   doing.”

“That’   good”   replied   Aisha.     “She’s   had   a   bad   scare   and   would   appreciate   your   solace   and   companionship.”     Lotus   left   and   walked   up   the   stairs.     As   she   approached   the   second   floor,   she   saw   Elina   standing   there   to   welcome   her.     She   greeted   her   saying,  

“Hi   Elina.     Haven’t   seen   you   for   along   time.     How   are   you?”

“Good.     Good.     Angelica   and   I   saw   you   riding   the   flying   horse   back   here   and   she   urged   me   to   come   and   get   you.”

“Really?     How   is   she?”

“She’s   got   a   bad   scare   and   is   very   nervous   and   tense.     She’s   unable   to   relax,   in   spite   of   the   sedatives   I   prescribed   for   her.”

“It’s   OK.     I   know   how   to   calm   her   down   and   enable   her   to   sleep.”

“Oh,   then   you’re   more   effective   than   sleeping   pills!”   laughed   Elina.     “You   are   the   drug   that   can   cure   her.”

“Don’t   be   silly”   said   Lotus   blushing   and   gave   her   a   white   eye.

“Go   and   see   her.     I   have   an   errand   to   run   and   will   be   right   back.”

Lotus   stepped   into   Angelica’s   bedroom.     It   was   a   spacious   room   with   large   windows   on   three   sides,   affording   a   dramatic   view   of   endless   mountains   and   crystal   clear   lake   waters..     The   beautiful   poetess   living   here   could   get   endless   inspirations   for   her   immortal   poems.     Angelica   lay   on   the   bed,   her   eyes   wide   and   roving,   unable   to   relax   no   matter   how   she   tried.     Lotus   walked   to   her   bedside   and   said,

“Don’t   worry.     Everything’s   fine.     I   am   here   to   keep   you   company.     You   must   try   and   get   some   sleep.”   Angelica   nodded,   but   still   could   not   make   herself   talk.     Lotus   sat   down   on   the   chair   across   from   her   and   took   up   a   torn   girdle   ripped   up   by   the   barbarians.     It   should   have   been   tossed   away,   but   because   it   was   a   gift   from   King   Dimitri,   it   was   precious   to   Angelica   and   of   great   sentimental   value.     When   Aisha   was   here   a   while   ago   to   keep   Angelica   company,   she   casually   began   working   on   it,   making   a   few   stitches.     Now   Lotus   took   up   a   needle   and   thread   and   carried   on   the   handiwork.     She   sewed   carefully,   making   small   close   stitches   so   that   the   mending   would   be   as   invisible   as   possible.     Angelica’s   eyes   followed   Lotus’   fingers   and   watched   the   needle   and   thread   go   methodically   up   and   down,   up   and   down.     The   uniform,   systematic   motion   hypnotized   Angelica.     She   felt   her   eyelids   grow   heavy   and   soon   feel   asleep.

In   the   great   hall,   Queen   Aisha,   Medusa   and   White   Fairy   were   talking   about   the   incident   that   afternoon.     What   happened   was   this.     In   order   to   increase   the   security   of   the   newly   installed   base   from   which   a   powerful   web   of   arrows   were   to   be   shot   into   the   sky,   Medusa   had   reassigned   the   warriors   who   defended   the   palace   to   various   hilltops   to   guard   against   possible   aggression   from   the   sky,   leaving   the   palace   grounds   defenseless.     The   barbarians   took   this   opportunity   to   encroach   on   King   Dimitri’s   kingdom   and   reconnoiter.     On   hearing   about   that   afternoon’s   incident,   Medusa   at   once   asked   White   Fairy   to   go   to   the   various   hilltops   and   recall   the   warriors   she   had   sent   there.     She   gathered   them   together,   formed   them   into   groups   and   sent   them   fanning   out   to   look   for   straggling   groups   of   barbarians   who   might   be   wandering   around,   trying   to   get   the   lay   of   the   land.     Medusa   herself   flew   around   high   in   the   sky.     When   her   warriors   shot   whistling   arrows   up   into   the   air,   signaling   the   discovery   of   enemies,   she   would   zoom   down   to   the   spot   and   help   them.     As   she   had   surmised,   they   found   several   groups   of   barbarians   in   the   forest.     When   Medusa   arrived,   she   did   not   kill   them,   but   just   trained   her   eyes   on   the   arm   or   leg   of   some   natives   and   turn   these   limbs   into   stone.     The   she   would   let   them   go.     Such   measures   were   overly   cruel   and   drastic,   but   they   did   achieve   her   goal   of   frightening   the   enemy.     The   barbarians   that   got   away   went   back   and   told   tales   of   the   cold   and   beautiful   snake-haired   monster   in   King   Dimitri’s   Kingdom,   whose   eyes   were   sharp   as   a   knife.     Any   living   thing   that   was   caught   in   her   glances   was   turned   to   stone.     They   would   then   exhort   their   skeptical   audience   to   go   and   look   at   the   arms   and   legs   of   those   that   Medusa   had   turned   to   stone.     Medusa’s   fame   spread   and   the   barbarians   tremble   at   the   mere   mention   of   her   name.     None   had   dared   to   step   onto   King   Dimitri’s   Kingdom.    

“This   is   not   a   permanent   solution”   said   Queen   Aisha   “We   must   continue   mining   the   iron   and   gild   the   gold   palace   with   it   to   diminish   its   brilliance   as   King   Dimitri   promised   Zeus.     He   promised   not   to   compete   with   Zeus   on   any   front   and   swore   allegiance   to   him.   The   sooner   this   is   done,   the   sooner   our   people   can   go   back   to   their   homes   and   lead   the   peaceful   life   they   crave,   secluded   from   the   world.     Won’t   that   be   good?”   White   Fairy   and   Medusa   nodded   in   agreement.     Aisha   then   asked,  

“Where   is   Deanna?   When   she   comes   back,   please   send   her   to   me.     I   want   to   know   how   the   mining   is   going   on.”   White   Fairy   promised   to   do   so   and   stood   up   to   leave.     Medusa   also   stood   up   and   said,  

“I   need   to   reorganize   the   warriors   into   groups   to   ensure   the   safety   of   the   palace.”     After   the   two   left,   Aisha   also   got   up   to   visit   Angelica   again   and   see   if   she   had   made   any   recovery.

Lotus   was   carefully   mending   the   girdle   with   neat,   close   stitches.     At   last   the   work   was   done.     Though   the   mending   would   always   be   visible,   it   was   as   good   as   she   could   make   it   and   that   was   all   she   could   do.     Remaining   in   the   same   position   for   too   long   a   period   had   tired   her   back.     She   looked   up   and   saw   that   dusk   had   arrived   and   the   skies   were   darkening.     She   stood   up   to   stretch   herself   and   turned   to   see   Queen   Aisha   come   in   with   Dorna.     She   was   about   to   go   up   and   greet   them   when   Queen   Aisha   signaled   her   to   silence.     She   walked   up   to   the   bed.     Seeing   that   Angelica   was   sound   asleep,   eyes   closed   and   breathing   normally,   she   felt   greatly   relieved.     She   waved   Lotus   out   of   the   room   and   closed   the   door.     In   the   spacious   corridor   Queen   Aisha   asked,   “How   is   Angelica?     Is   her   condition   stable?”

“She   is   sound   asleep.     Elina   said   that   she   should   be   OK   with   sufficient   rest   to   lessen   her   tension,   sp   she   should   be   alright.”

“That’s   good!     That’s   good”   exclaimed   a   greatly   relieved   Aisha.     Lotus   tapped   Dorna   on   the   shoulder   saying

“Hey,   naughty   little   girl,   you   are   really   brave.     You   dare   to   fight   with   the   barbarians.     If   it   were   I,   I   would   have   fainted   away   right   beside   Angelica!”

“That’s   nothing!”   boasted   Dorna,   nose   in   the   air.     “King   Dimitri   taught   me   some   Chinese   kung   fu,   which   I   used   to   send   them   sprawling.     Next   time,   I   will   ride   Amalia’s   broom   and   fly   into   the   air   and   combat   Zeus   himself   one   on   one!”

“Don’t   brag!”   admonished   Aisha   seriously.     “This   time   you   won   only   with   the   help   of   the   courageous   tigers   Kojak   and   Cortez.     Otherwise   you   too   would   have   become   a   sacrifice   of   the   barbarians.     If   there   is   a   next   time,   don’t   show   off   and   throw   your   weight   around.”     Dorna   made   a   comical   face.     Queen   Aisha   turned   to   Lotus   and   said,

  “It’s   getting   late.     Come   to   the   side   hall   and   have   dinner   with   us.”     Lotus   thought   for   a   moment,   then   replied.

  “If   I   go   with   you   and   Angelica   wakes   up,   she   would   fret   and   be   scared   again.     I   had   better   stay   here   and   keep   her   company.”

“That’s   good.     I   will   send   your   dinners   here   then.”   Saying   so,   she   went   down   the   stairs   with   Dorna.

The   rest   of   the   beauties   filed   into   the   side   hall   dining   room   after   Aisha.     After   they   were   all   seated,   the   palace   attendants   lighted   the   candles   on   the   table   in   front   of   them.     The   flickering   candle   light   seemed   lonely   and   forlorn   in   the   deepening   dusk,   a   far   cry   from   the   joyous   times   when   all   the   beauties   gathered   together   here   with   King   Dimitri,   enjoying   luxurious   banquets,   laughing   and   drinking   in   an   atmosphere   of   warmth   and   congeniality.     The   beauties   sat   there   with   their   heads   bowed,   slowly   and   silently   chewing   the   food   set   before   them.     None   of   them   seemed   inclined   to   conversation.     Aisha   looked   at   White   Fairy   and   asked,  

“White   Fairy,   has   there   been   any   news   of   King   Dimitri   lately?”     White   Fairy   did   not   partake   of   earthly   food   and   was   only   drinking   some   red   wine.     She   replied,

“I   went   to   wait   for   him   at   his   studio   apartment   by   the   lake,   but   there   the   table   and   chairs   were   covered   with   dust,   telling   me   he   hasn’t   been   back   there   for   quite   some   time.     I   don’t   know   where   he   has   gone   to.”

“I   saw   Megginn   last   night”   said   Aisha   “and   talked   to   her   for   a   little   while.     She   told   me   King   Dimitri   and   some   of   the   beauties   from   the   Kingdom   have   opened   up   a   small   bakery   selling   bread   and   pastries.     I   wonder   why?”     The   beauties   looked   at   Aisha   in   surprise.

“What!”   said   Dorna.     “King   Dimitri   can   bake   bread?     It   seems   there’s   nothing   he   can’t   do!”

“What   is   he   thinking   of?”   muttered   Aisha,   swallowing   the   food   in   her   mouth.   “He   leaves   his   Kingdom   without   a   thought   and   goes   to   open   up   a   small   bakery!     I   must   ask   him   about   this   the   next   time   I   see   him.”   Natalie,   the   ballerina,   was   a   light   eater   as   she   was   used   to   being   on   a   stringent   diet   to   keep   down   her   weight   so   she   could   dance   nimbly   and   lightly   on   stage.     She   was   the   first   to   finish   her   meal   and   stood   up.     White   Fairy   also   stood   up   and   the   two   of   them   took   their   leave   of   Aisha.   Soon   Novella   and   Elina   also   took   their   leave.     Chanelle   drank   her   glass   of   red   wine   and   stood   up.    

“Just   a   minute   Chanelle”   said   Aisha.     “Could   you   please   ask   one   of   the   attendants   to   send   up   some   dinner   to   Lotus   and   Angelica?     We   can’t   let   them   go   hungry.”

“No   problem.     I   will   bring   them   their   dinner   myself   as   I   was   about   to   go   and   visit   them.”

“Wait   for   me!”   said   Dorna   who   stood   up   hurriedly,   her   mouth   still   full   of   food.   “Wait   for   me!     I   will   go   with   you!”   After   they   had   left   only   Aisha   and   Deanna   were   left   in   the   almost   empty   dining   room.     They   too   had   finished   eating.     Deanna   turned   to   Aisha   and   said,

“Your   Majesty.     White   Fairy   told   me   you   have   something   to   ask   me.”

“Yes.”   replied   Aisha.   “I   want   to   know   how   the   mining   project   is   going.     Let’s   go   and   talk   about   it   in   the   small   parlor.”

In   a   small   parlor   in   the   side   hall,   the   fire   in   the   fireplace   was   burning   merrily.   Aisha   and   Deanna   sat   down   on   the   sofa   by   the   French   windows.     Aisha   was   serenely   drinking   her   coffee   and   Deanna   was   sipping   her   cup   of   herb   tea   from   time   to   time.     The   atmosphere   was   tranquil   and   quiet.     Aisha   began   the   conversation   by   saying,

“Let’s   begin   with   the   mining   project.     How   is   it   going?”

“Yes,   your   majesty.     After   we   found   the   mineral   deposits,   we   successfully   mined   them.     According   to   the   experts,   the   iron   reserves   here   are   extremely   abundant.     We   only   need   to   tap   a   small   portion   of   it.     Furnaces   have   been   built   by   indigenous   native   methods   and   they   have   cut   down   trees   from   the   forest   to   use   as   fuel.     The   fire   in   the   furnaces   goes   on   non-stop   day   and   night.     The   strongest   of   the   young   men   of   the   tribes   have   been   chosen   to   tread   the   windmills   and   were   formed   into   groups   to   work   in   shifts.     Some   of   the   furnaces   have   already   produced   iron   ingots.   According   to   the   tribal   elders   we   only   have   to   melt   these   iron   ingots   into   liquid   form   and   it   is   ready   to   be   gilded   onto   other   metal.     But   we   have   no   idea   how   to   do   the   gilding.”

“That’s   great!     That’s   great!     You   have   all   worked   very   hard.     Please   convey   King   Dimitri’s   and   my   heartfelt   thanks   to   the   chieftains   and   their   tribesmen.     Since   the   work   has   proceeded   so   successfully,   King   Dimitri’s   promise   to   Zeus   can   soon   be   fulfilled.     No   cost   is   too   high   and   no   work   too   hard,   if   it   means   King   Dimitri   can   keep   his   word   to   Zeus.”

“Yes,   your   majesty.”

“I   don’t   know   why,   but   we   have   heard   nothing   from   Romi,   whom   we   sent   out   to   learn   about   the   latest   technology   on   forging   and   gilding.     I   am   surprised   and   puzzled   and   will   send   out   someone   to   find   out   what   is   going   on.”     The   conversation   died   out   for   a   moment.     Then   Deanna   suddenly   said,

“Your   majesty,   there   is   something   I’m   not   sure   whether   I   should   mention   to   you.”

“What   is   it?     If   you   have   something   to   tell   me,   please   feel   free   to   say   it.     Don’t   be   constrained.”

Deanna   collected   her   thoughts,   reviewed   the   chain   of   events   in   her   mind   and   then   recounted   the   following   story   to   Aisha.    

Shortly   after   noontime,   about   when   the   barbarians   were   discovered   encroaching   on   the   Kingdom,   Deanna   was   in   a   tent   in   the   forest   near   the   mining   area,   talking   to   some   chieftains   about   procedures   and   rate   of   progress   of   the   mining   project.     When   they   came   out   of   the   tent   after   the   meeting,   they   were   greeted   with   an   extraordinary   sight.     Hundreds   of   apes,   some   walking   on   the   ground,   some   swinging   from   tree   to   tree   in   the   forest   were   all   proceeding   in   the   same   direction.   Deanna   and   the   chieftains   were   curious   because   there   was   nothing   in   that   direction   except   sheer   cliffs   and   precipitous   inclines.     Why   would   so   many   apes   make   for   such   an   impasse?     They   followed   stealthily,   hiding   behind   large   rocks   and   trees   so   as   not   to   attract   the   attention   of   this   moving   group.     They   passed   through   dense,   entangled   thickets,   climbed   up   trailing   vines   to   a   hillside.     By   then   their   clothes   were   shredded   by   the   branches   and   jutting   rocks.     Hiding   behind   a   huge   rock,   they   peeked   out   and   were   shocked   by   the   unbelievable   scene   enacted   before   their   horrified   eyes.     Hundreds   of   apes   stood   in   an   orderly   file   and   leapt   to   their   death   into   the   fathomless   abyss   below.     Among   them   were   some   female   apes   carrying   new-born   babes   in   their   arms.     They   too   jumped   down   the   bottomless   chasm.     The   silverback   male   ape,   who   seemed   to   be   the   leader   of   the   pack,   looked   back   at   the   forest,   the   familiar   place   where   he   was   born   and   grew   up.     He   looked   up   at   the   skies   and   howled   tragically   before   he   too   jumped   down   the   cliff.     Deanna   and   the   chieftains   came   out   of   hiding,   shocked   beyond   words   by   the   massive   tragedy   that   had   just   occurred.     One   ancient   chieftain   muttered   under   his   breath  

“This   is   not   a   good   omen.     This   is   really   not   a   good   omen......”     Deanna,   ever   alert,   was   immediately   sensitive   to   possible   consequences   among   the   tribes   should   accounts   of   this   incident   be   spread,   so   she   immediately   said,  

“I   don’t   think   this   is   a   good   omen   either,   but   please   do   not   let   accounts   of   this   incident   be   spread   outside   of   the   people   present   here,   as   it   will   cause   instability   and   havoc   when   the   tribesmen   hear   of   this.     Once   the   people   become   jittery   and   panicky,   it   will   be   hard   for   us   to   complete   our   project   on   schedule,   which   will   lead   to   even   greater   trouble.”     The   chieftains   nodded   their   heads   saying,  

“You   are   right.     Our   lips   are   sealed.     No   word   of   this   incident   will   leave   this   hillside.     Now   is   a   critical   time,   especially   with   King   Dimitri   absent   from   the   Kingdom.     Please   assure   Queen   Aisha   we   will   do   our   best.     We   suggest   she   organize   a   large   religious   convention   to   beg   heaven   for   blessing.     I   am   sure   it   will   do   a   lot   of   good   and   bring   luck   and   happiness   to   our   Kingdom.”

“Sure.     I   will   let   Queen   Aisha   know   of   your   request.”   After   hearing   Deanna’s   account   of   the   incident,   Aisha   gave   her   a   thumb   up   and   said,

“You   did   very   well,   Deanna.     First   of   all,   you   squashed   the   rumor   before   it   had   a   chance   to   spread.     That’s   the   most   efficient   method   to   cope   with   this   situation.     Secondly,   the   wish   of   the   people   to   organize   a   religious   convention   to   supplicate   the   heavens   for   blessing   is   a   reasonable   and   logical   request   and   should   be   granted.     I   will   submit   their   petition   to   King   Dimitri   and   see   to   it   later.     Things   should   be   prioritized   in   order   of   importance   and   the   religious   convention   will   have   to   wait   until   the   mining   project   is   finished.     Thirdly,   whether   this   mass   suicide   of   the   apes   jumping   down   the   cliff   is   a   bad   omen   or   not   is   hard   to   say.     People   often   like   to   mix   all   kinds   of   farfetched   and   unrelated   analogues   together   and   give   them   strained   interpretations,   until   they   become   something   else   altogether.     This   is   the   source   of   superstition.     Animals   often   change   their   behavior   and   act   abnormally   due   to   changes   in   climate,   terrain   or   some   irresistible   factor.     This   has   nothing   to   do   with   good   or   bad   omen.     Of   course   I   will   look   into   it,   gather   information   and   material   and   talk   to   experts   in   animal   psychological   behavior   about   it.     We’ll   talk   about   it   when   we   can   come   to   a   definite   conclusion.”   Deanna   nodded.     She   had   a   great   respect   for   Queen   Aisha’s   ability   to   analyze   everything   clearly   and   methodically.     Aisha   continued,

  “Rumors   are   really   terrible.     Take   the   recent   happenings   in   our   Kingdom   for   example.     Stephanie’s   dying   prophesy,   Charmaine’s   disappearance   and   Clementine’s   dissolving   her   flesh   body   in   the   lake   water   have   spread   far   and   wide,   causing   unrest   and   fear   among   the   people.     If   news   of   hundreds   of   apes   collectively   jumped   off   a   steep   cliff   in   a   massive   suicide   were   to   spread,   our   Kingdom   would   collapse   internally   without   any   external   attack.”     Aisha   decided   that   she   would   call   the   chieftains   to   her   the   next   day   and   talk   to   them   frankly   on   the   seriousness   of   the   situation.     She   would   give   concise   orders   to   put   a   gag   on   this   most   recent   event.

Chanelle   and   Dorna   carried   boxes   of   food   up   the   stairs   and   walked   into   Angelica’s   room.     Natalie   and   White   Fairy   were   already   there   sitting   on   the   sofa   chatting.     Novella   was   taking   Angelica’s   temperature   and   blood   pressure.     She   was   a   qualified   R.N.,   who   had   been   her   late   husband’s   private   nurse,   so   she   knew   how   to   take   care   of   sick   people.     All   vital   signs   being   normal,   Elina   asked   Angelica,

“How   are   you   feeling?     Everything   seems   normal   now.”

“I   just   had   a   good   nap   and   am   feeling   much   better,   but   there   is   spasm   sometimes   in   my   hands   and   feet.”     Chanelle   opened   the   boxes   of   food   and   said,

“Eat   something.     It   will   give   you   strength.”     Angelica   looked   at   the   sumptuous   food   in   the   box   and   said,

  “My   chest   still   feels   stifled.     I   would   like   a   glass   of   red   wine.”

“Red   wine   is   good”   replied   Elina.     “It   will   help   settle   you.     Eat   later   when   you   are   hungry.”   Lotus   meanwhile   felt   hungry   and   was   sitting   down   quietly   eating   her   dinner.     Angelica   said   to   Dorna,  

“There   are   some   bottles   of   good   wine   in   the   wine   cabinet   that   King   Dimitri   had   stored   for   a   long   time.     Would   you   please   get   one   for   us?”     Dorna   did   so   and   popped   out   the   cork.   The   fragrance   of   the   wine   immediately   permeated   the   room.

“Hm-hm”   said   Novella.     “This   wine   is   at   least   a   century   old!!”     She   popped   open   two   more   bottles   saying,

  “How   come   King   Dimitri’s   wine   is   stored   here?     Don’t   keep   it   all   to   yourself,   let’s   share   it!”     The   beauties   all   knew   she   was   a   frank   and   straight   forward   person   and   said   what   she   thought   without   thinking   twice   about   it,   so   no   one   took   offence   to   her   words.   Lotus   said,

“We   should   invite   Queen   Aisha   here   to   partake   of   this   wonderful   wine.”

“Of   course   we   should,”   said   Dorna.     “I   have   another   suggestion.     Angelica   is   very   timid.     Why   don’t   we   all   stay   here   tonight   and   keep   her   company?”

“Maybe   not”   said   Elina.     “It   may   disturb   my   patient’s   slumber.”

“Oh   no,   no,   no!”   interrupted   Angelica.     “That   will   be   fine.     It   will   make   me   feel   warm   and   safe   and   festive.     Dorna’s   suggestion   is   just   my   cup   of   tea!”

“But   there’s   only   one   bed   here   and   some   sofas,”   said   Novella.     “You   want   us   to   sit   here   for   the   whole   night?”

“That   problem   is   easily   solved”   replied   Dorna.   “Why   don’t   we   all   go   back   to   our   rooms   and   bring   our   own   beddings   here,   pillows,   blankets   and   quilts.     The   carpet   is   so   think   and   soft.     Just   cover   it   with   a   few   quilts   and   it   will   be   very   comfortable.     We   will   sleep   on   the   floor   and   keep   Angelica’s   company.     We   can   chat   to   our   heart’s   content.     Whoever   feels   sleepy   can   sleep.     Those   who   don’t   want   to   sleep   can   chat   the   night   away.”   Seeing   the   hostess   eager   to   keep   them   here   and   with   Dorna   so   enthusiastic   about   a   sleep-over,   the   beauties   concurred   and   thought   this   was   a   novel   and   interesting   experience.    

Aisha   and   Deanna   walked   up   the   stairs   and   heard   laughter   and   excited   conversation   coming   from   Angelica’s   room.     They   saw   the   beauties   walking   busily   to   and   fro   carrying   pillows,   quilts,   blankets   and   all   kinds   of   bedding   and   wondered   what   was   going   on.     Dorna   walked   up   to   them   and   told   them   enthusiastically   of   their   plans   for   a   sleep-over   here.     Aisha   was   contaminated   by   their   festive   spirit   and   said   nothing   to   stop   them   from   doing   so.     Dorna   brought   her   a   glass   of   the   red   wine.     Aisha   took   a   sip,   felt   the   fragrance   of   this   century-old   wine   and   said,

  “Wow!     Good   wine!”   When   the   beauties   had   settled   down   and   completed   their   sleeping   arrangements,   Queen   Aisha   said,  

“Let’s   not   stand   on   ceremony   tonight.     Be   at   ease   and   do   whatever   you   feel   like.     You   can   sit   or   sleep   or   do   whatever   pleases   you.”   She   looked   at   Angelica   and   said,   “You   look   much   better.     Feeling   alright?”Angelica   stood   up   and   said,  

“Thank   you,   your   majesty.     I   am   feeling   much   better   now.”

“I   just   told   you   not   to   stand   on   ceremony”   admonished   Aisha   gently.   “Why   did   you   have   to   stand   up?   Sit.   Sit   down.”     I   often   deplore   the   fact   that   by   giving   me   the   title   of   Queen,   King   Dimitri   has   deprived   me   of   the   close,   sister-like   relationship   we   used   to   have.     Why   did   he   have   to   give   me   the   title?     It   has   drawn   an   invisible   line   between   us.     The   next   time   I   see   him,   I   will   beg   him   to   take   back   the   title.     Then   we   can   be   sisters   like   we   were   before   and   everyone   will   be   much   closer!”   The   beauties   laughed   and   said,  

“Court   etiquette   must   be   observed.     You   are   honored   and   loved   by   all   our   subjects   and   only   you   are   fir   to   be   our   queen.”     Queen   Aisha   held   up   her   glass   and   said,

“Let’s   drink   to   Angelica.   May   she   fully   recover   soon.”     Everyone   held   up   their   glass   and   said,

“Cheers!”     Queen   Aisha   turned   to   Natalie   and   asked,

“Have   you   composed   any   new   dance   recently   for   us   to   enjoy?”

“Yes,   your   majesty,”   replied   Natalie.   “Recently,   I   have   written   a   one-act   dance   on   the   story   of   Charmaine   and   Clementine.     I   take   the   part   of   Clementine,   a   flesh   and   blood   beauty   and   White   Fairy   is   Charmaine,   an   illusion   with   no   substance   but   who   really   exists.     The   dance   is   finished,   but   recently   White   fairy   has   been   very   busy   flying   around   all   over   the   place,   so   we   haven’t   had   much   chance   for   rehearsal.”     Queen   Aisha   glanced   pensively   out   of   the   window,   wondering   if   she   would   ever   see   the   twin   nymphs   again   in   this   lifetime.     King   Dimitri   must   have   the   same   feeling,   she   thought.     Natalie   continued,  

“Recently,   I   am   composing   another   solo   dance   for   White   fairy.     Only   she   and   no   one   else   can   do   it.     She   is   so   light   and   ethereal   that   she   is   able   to   dance   tiptoe   on   water.     I   place   the   scene   by   the   lake   with   its   crystal   clear   blue   waters   under   obscure   moonlight.     White   fairy   will   dance   sometimes   as   a   puff   of   smoke;   sometimes   as   a   slender   girl,   her   toes   playing   with   the   surface   of   the   water.     What   do   you   think   of   my   idea?   I   so   hope   a   good   artist   could   immortalize   this   scene   on   canvas.”

“Good,”   said   Queen   Aisha.   “This   idea   is   very   good.     We   look   forward   to   seeing   the   performance.”     The   other   beauties   were   also   excited   about   it   and   added   in   childlike   enthusiasm,

”Yes,   rehearse   it   quickly!”

“We   cannot   wait   to   see   this   artistic   performance”

After   a   while,   Queen   Aisha   thought   of   something   and   asked,  

“Has   anyone   seen   Mr.   Finger   recently?     I   haven’t   seen   him   in   quite   a   while   and   am   afraid   something   might   have   happened   to   him.   He   is   King   Dimitri’s   good   friend.     He   is   temperamental   in   the   extreme   and   impulsive   with   no   sense   of   right   or   wrong.     I   am   worried   he   might   be   in   trouble.”

“It’s   good   we   don’t   see   him”   said   Dorna.     “I   am   always   angry   when   I   do.     Look   at   his   lustful-looking   eyes,   always   casting   furtive   and   shifty   glances   at   women.     His   obscene   looks   make   me   sick.     He   should   be   driven   out   of   the   Kingdom.”

“Right”   said   Novella.     “You’re   right!     One   day   I   was   taking   a   nap.     Somehow   he   got   on   my   bed   and   woke   me   up   crawling   around   my   private   parts.     I   flipped   away   my   blanket   and   saw   it   was   him,   so   I   cried   out   ‘What   are   you   doing   here?’     He   actually   said   that   he   was   looking   for   something!     Isn’t   that   awful?     To   let   such   a   little   man   roam   freely   in   the   Kingdom   is   really   not   a   logical   thing   to   do.”   Lotus’   cheeks   turned   red   as   she   said   to   Novella,  

“I   was   ashamed   to   talk   about   it,   but   since   you   already   started,   I   want   to   bring   this   out   in   the   open   too.     That   day,   while   I   was   also   sleeping,   Mr.   Finger   actually   was   crawling   around   my   private   parts   and   woke   me   up!     I   told   him   that   was   a   woman’s   private   part   and   he   had   no   business   there.     He   actually   said,   ‘My   name   is   Mr.   Finger.     Since   I   am   a   finger,   I   can   go   anywhere   I   want.     Why   can’t   I   go   there?’     Don’t   you   think   that’s   too   much?   His   rebuttal   was   so   rude   and   outrageous   it   made   me   cry   with   anger   and   frustration.     Only   when   he   saw   my   tears   did   he   slink   away.”

“Why   were   you   ashamed   to   mention   it?”   inquired   Dorna.   “We   should   all   say   what   we   think.     I   will   talk   to   King   Dimitri   about   banishing   him   from   our   Kingdom.”   The   normally   reticent   Chanelle   said,

  “Although   Mr.   Finger   is   inclined   to   lust   after   women,   he   is   not   all   bad.     He   is   not   totally   oblivious   to   right   and   wrong   and   does   have   a   sense   of   righteousness.     She   then   told   of   how   Mr.   Finger   jumped   from   a   5-storey   veranda   using   his   handkerchief   as   a   parachute   and   got   King   Dimitri   to   come   and   help   her   when   that   thug   Big-O   was   attempting   to   rape   her.   (see   Book   1)

“Since   he   is   a   good   friend   of   King   Dimitri’s”   said   Queen   Aisha,   “we   cannot   be   too   hard   on   him.     Meanwhile   we   will   just   have   to   be   patient   and   take   better   precautions.     I   will   talk   to   him   about   it   and   we   will   decide   on   what   to   do.”     Saying   so,   she   stood   up   and   said,

  “I   am   going   to   bed.     Don’t   stay   up   talking   too   late.     Good   night!”

“Oh   no!”   cried   Dorna   in   dismay.   “You’re   leaving?   You’re   not   going   to   join   our   sleep-over   and   chat   through   the   night?”   Queen   Aisha   smiled   and   shook   her   head.     In   her   heart   she   knew   that   her   presence   would   only   put   a   damper   on   the   spirits   of   the   beauties   and   that   restrained   by   the   disparity   of   their   mutual   stations,   the   beauties   would   not   feel   free   to   act   without   restraint.     She   left   to   give   them   free   rein.   Though   she   talked   about   doing   away   with   the   invisible   boundaries   that   separated   her   from   her   former   sisters,   she   knew   such   borders   cannot   easily   be   erased.

Queen   Aisha   went   back   to   her   luxurious   quarters   and   sat   down   on   her   classical   18th   century   high   back   chair   with   two   armrests.   A   palace   attendant   placed   a   crystal   basin   before   her   feet,   poured   warm   water   into   it   and   Queen   Aisha   put   her   beautiful   jade   like   feet   into   the   water.     This   was   a   routine   that   started   when   King   Dimitri   told   her   the   secret   that   a   nightly   soaking   in   warm   water   would   help   her   recover   from   the   fatigue   of   the   day   and   enable   her   to   get   a   better   night’s   sleep.     Queen   Aisha   found   that   it   not   only   did   that   but   also   helped   her   concentration   and   power   of   analysis.     Many   of   her   best   thesis   contained   illuminating   thoughts   that   came   to   her   at   night   when   she   was   soaking   her   feet.     But   tonight,   Queen   Aisha   was   not   in   the   mood   to   ponder   on   any   academic   thesis   because   she   was   upset   and   perturbed.     She   was   thinking   about   how   to   curtail   Mr.   Finger’s   irrational   and   erroneous   actions   and   came   to   the   conclusion   the   best   way   was   to   find   him   a   female   counterpart.     But   where   in   the   world   could   she   find   a   diminutive   woman   of   his   size   and   height?     It   would   be   next   to   impossible.     At   this   time,   Queen   Aisha   had   no   way   of   knowing   that   Mr.   Finger   had   already   found   a   unique   companion   in   Viola   and   was   happily   enjoying   his   honeymoon,   the   happiest   time   of   his   life.  

Another   thing   that   distressed   her   even   more   was   Medusa’s   recent   report   on   Cyclops.     She   said   that   long   range   surveillance   showed   that   the   sight   of   Cyclops’   large   front   eye   seemed   to   have   completely   recovered,   but   he   still   walked   backwards   sometimes.     It   may   be   misdirection   on   his   part   to   hoodwink   us   and   urged   us   to   be   vigilant.     Queen   Aisha   knew   Medusa’s   eyes   were   sharper   than   a   hawk’s,   that   her   report   could   not   be   wrong.   Cyclops   was   overwhelmed   with   lust.     It   burnt   like   fire   in   him.     Wasn’t   this   insatiable   sexual   appetite,   this   desire   to   possess   all   twenty-four   of   King   Dimitri’s   beauties   that   caused   a   crisis   which   almost   destroyed   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams?     King   Dimitri   had   wandered   far   and   wide   into   the   mundane   world   and   there   was   no   knowing   when   he   would   be   back.     Wasn’t   this   a   great   opportunity   for   Cyclops   to   do   as   he   liked?     If   he   decided   to   invade   the   Kingdom,   would   Medusa   alone   be   able   to   stop   him?     These   two   eccentric   widowers   with   roaring   libidos   inside   the   Kingdom,   one   big   one   small,   both   capable   of   creating   havoc   caused   Queen   Aisha   grave   concern   and   gave   her   many   sleepless   nights.  

“Ah   King   Dimitri”   she   sighed   inwardly.     “When   will   you   come   back?     How   can   I   carry   this   heavy   load   alone?     Do   you   mean   to   desert   your   Kingdom   and   the   beauties   here   who   long   for   you   day   and   night?”     The   palace   attendant   who   stood   nearby   asked   gently,  

“Your   Majesty,   the   water   is   getting   cold.     Shall   I   add   some   hot   water   to   it?”

“No,   thank   you”   Aisha   replied.     “I   am   going   to   bed.”

Dusk   had   descended   and   the   busy   after   work   traffic   had   slowed   down   to   a   trickle.     Daylight   hours   were   shorter   now   that   it   was   close   to   winter.     Darkness   came   on   early   and   with   it   the   temperature   dropped   sharply.     There   weren’t   many   cars   or   pedestrians   on   the   street.     Only   a   few   cars   of   the   employees   still   dotted   the   huge   parking   lot   of   World   Bank,   but   the   area   allotted   to   the   top   brass   of   the   bank   was   at   full   capacity,   crammed   with   expensive   name-brand   cars.     Obviously,   the   preparatory   meeting   called   by   the   new   leadership   of   the   CEO,   upper   management,   board   of   directors   and   stock-holders   was   still   in   progress.     Richard   and   Jamaz   had   seized   the   control   and   management   of   World   Bank   using   extreme   force,   a   dramatic   coup   d’etat   enacted   before   the   eyes   of   the   entire   board   of   directors   and   stockholders.     Inevitably,   it   had   left   an   unfavorable   mark   on   the   minds   of   those   present   and   the   status   of   World   Bank   as   a   giant   of   the   financial   industry   with   a   conservative   and   rock   solid   reputation   had   suffered.     This   confidence   crisis   needed   to   be   repaired,   so   Megginn   decided   to   call   a   general   stockholder   meeting   again   as   soon   as   the   new   management   was   in   place,   to   showcase   a   brand   new   leadership,   full   of   vigor   and   vitality,   with   a   powerful   new   resolution.   Samantha,   the   vice-president   of   World   Bank   was   absent   from   this   important   preparatory   meeting.     She   was   busy   with   another   important   task   that   needed   to   be   taken   care   of.     She   knew   that   when   the   next   general   meeting   was   called,   there   would   five   six   hundred   participants   and   sufficient   amount   of   refreshments   must   be   prepared.     This   was   a   formidable   assignment   not   only   because   of   the   quantity   needed,   but   also   the   quality,   which   must   be   such   as   to   satisfy   the   pampered   tastes   of   the   stockholders.     At   first   she   was   just   going   to   hire   a   caterer   who   specialized   in   desserts,   but   then   she   thought   she   should   talk   to   Dimitri.     Perhaps   he   might   be   interested   in   taking   on   this   big   job.     When   Samantha   talked   to   Dimitri   about   it,   he   was   quite   enthusiastic.  

“It’s   for   one   of   my   own   businesses.     Why   not   take   on   the   challenge?”     He   went   about   busily   making   up   the   menu,   writing   down   a   list   of   materials   to   buy   and   arrange   for   enough   staff   to   get   the   job   done.     Everything   had   to   be   planned   meticulously   in   advance.  

  All   too   soon,   the   big   day   was   near.   Everyone   was   dashing   about   frantically   trying   to   get   things   done   according   to   schedule,   but   of   primary   concern   to   Dimitri   was   the   old   problem   of   lack   of   hands.     Luckily   Richard   and   Jamaz   brought   fresh   help   to   the   shop,   Marcelena,   the   gypsy   girl.     As   it   happened,   Richard   and   Jamaz   were   loitering   on   the   busy   city   streets   as   were   their   wont,   when   their   attention   was   caught   by   the   quick,   melodious   beat   of   a   series   of   notes   coming   from   someone   playing   a   guitar   at   a   nearby   street   corner.     Then   they   heard   a   familiar   voice   singing   a   gypsy   song,   romantic   and   sad,   tinged   with   the   Spanish   Flamingo   style.     They   quickly   turned   a   corner   and   walked   towards   the   music.     They   saw   a   slender,   graceful   young   girl   leaning   against   the   wall,   singing   and   playing   the   guitar,   with   a   tin   can   at   her   feet,   into   which   people   had   thrown   some   loose   change,   coins   and   dollar   bills.     The   girl   was   focused   on   her   music   and   took   no   note   of   her   surroundings   until   the   end   of   her   song.     She   heard   hands   clapping   and   saw   two   men   walked   towards   her.     On   further   observation   she   saw   it   was   her   old   friends   Richard   and   Jamaz.     The   three   of   them   were   so   happy   to   meet   again   on   the   busy   street   corner   that   they   hugged   each   other   warmly.

“Do   you   know   what   happened   to   Yoko?”   she   asked.     “I   inquired   everywhere   I   go   but   no   one   seems   to   know.     Do   you   know   where   she   is   now?”

“Do   you   want   to   see   her?”   asked   Richard   smiling.     “Follow   me   and   I   will   bring   you   to   see   not   only   Yoko,   but   also   some   other   old   friends.”

“Really!”   exclaimed   Marcelena.     “That’s   wonderful.”   She   shouldered   her   guitar,   picked   up   her   belongings   on   the   ground,   stuffed   the   money   from   the   tin   can   into   her   pockets   and   the   three   of   them   hurried   away.

That   day,   it   was   business   as   usual   at   Dream-maker’s   Bakery.   But   they   were   so   short-handed   they   were   only   what   was   on   the   shelves   and   would   not   replenish   the   stock.     The   only   one   in   front   taking   care   of   business   was   Amalia.     By   noontime   everything   had   been   sold.     The   door   was   closed   and   Amalia   sat   by   the   counter   counting   the   cash.     She   did   it   over   and   over   again,   but   the   sum   total   never   came   out   the   same.     That   is   to   say,   her   counting   was   never   correct.     But   Amalia   didn’t   seem   to   mind   and   was   happy   just   sitting   there   counting   money.     The   rest   of   the   staff   were   busy   at   the   back,   working   to   exhaustion   with   perspiration   wetting   their   clothes   because   the   World   Bank   conference   was   scheduled   for   the   next   day   and   all   products   for   the   meeting   must   be   finished   by   the   end   of   the   day.     Dimitri   had   been   training   Richard   and   Jamaz   all   week   on   how   to   work   the   oven.     These   two   may   seem   indolent   and   lackadaisical   most   of   the   time,   they   can   step   up   to   the   plate   and   really   deliver   at   critical   junctures.     Then,   their   actions   are   swift   and   efficient,   much   to   Dimitri’s   gratification.     They   had   another   errand   –   delivery.     When   the   products   were   baked   and   packed   into   boxes,   the   two   of   them   would   carry   them   to   Richard’s   dilapidated   truck.     On   reaching   World   Bank,   they   would   deliver   the   boxes   to   the   employee’s   cafeteria.     When   they   were   out   delivering   goods,   Mark   and   Laverne   would   take   over   the   tending   of   the   oven.     Mark   was   retarded   and   could   not   work   independently,   but   he   was   strong   as   an   ox.     With   Laverne   by   his   side   to   help   and   direct   him,   he   worked   on   happily.     Marcelena   was   the   newcomer,   but   Yoko   took   her   in   hand   and   she   became   quite   a   competent   worker.     The   nimble   fingers   which   so   energetically   played   the   guitar   were   just   as   lively   at   work.     Not   counting   Dimitri,   Sheila   and   Mary   were   the   two   skilled   pastry   chefs   in   the   workroom   and   they   used   both   their   brains   and   their   hands,   using   their   potential   physical   functions   to   the   maximum.   Dimitri   was   the   central   controller   in   charge   of   the   whole   project   and   he   helped   wherever   it   was   needed.     After   work,   Samantha   and   Megginn   also   came   to   help   in   a   spirit   of   camaraderie,   never   feeling   that   their   present   position   of   president   and   vice-president   of   World   Bank   made   them   superior   in   any   way   to   the   others.     As   soon   as   they   came   in,   they   would   don   an   apron   and   get   down   to   work   with   a   no-nonsense   attitude.     Time   went   by   hour   after   hour.     Amalia   would   sometimes   come   in,   but   in   reality   she   caused   more   mischief   than   help.     In   such   instances,   Dimitri   would   come   over   and   divert   her   attention   elsewhere.     When   time   was   of   the   essence   every   minute   was   precious   and   not   to   be   wasted.     Amalia   seemed   interested   in   taking   dessert   from   the   baking   sheet   and   packing   them   into   boxes.     But   her   attention   span   was   short   and   soon   she   would   wander   back   to   the   front   and   start   counting   money   again.     Night   fell.     Dimitri   saw   that   90%   of   the   project   was   done,   so   he   let   out   a   sigh   of   relief   and   relaxed   his   tense   muscles.     The   mood   in   the   workshop   also   began   to   ease   down   a   bit   and   comments   and   laughter   was   once   again   heard.     Someone   even   started   humming.

Two   bright,   powerful   headlights   swung   across   the   pavement   and   a   half-old   taxi   came   out   of   the   parking   lot   structure   where   Oliver   Kaffee,   the   ardent   and   fanatical   car   lover,   used   to   have   exclusive   rights   to.   There   he   stored   his   many   expensive   sports   car,   sedans   and   SUVs.     Among   those   high-priced,   name-brand   cars   now   parked   two   half-old   taxi   cars,   especially   bought   for   the   use   of   Megginn   and   Samantha,   the   president   and   vice-president   of   World   Bank.     Sometimes,   when   they   were   out   on   personal   errands,   or   when   they   went   to   meet   Dimitri   or   other   members   so   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   they   would   disguise   themselves   and   drive   these   inconspicuous   rental   cars   in   order   to   avoid   rousing   unwanted   attention.     Now   Samantha   drove   out   with   her   kanga   cap   pulled   low   down   on   her   forehead   and   wearing   a   pair   of   old,   goofy   glasses   that   covered   half   her   face.     Those   beautiful,   bewitching   eyes   behind   the   lenses   seemed   dull   and   listless.     She   stopped   by   the   security   guard   check   point   and   he   gave   her   a   knowing   smile   and   made   a   V   sign   with   his   fingers.     Samantha   nodded   her   acknowledgement   and   quickly   drove   away.     She   had   talked   it   over   with   Megginn.   They   agreed   she   should   go   first   and   help   at   the   Bakery   and   Megginn   would   come   as   soon   as   the   preparatory   meeting   ended.     They   heard   that   the   long-lost   Marcelena   had   been   found   and   there   was   to   be   a   welcome   party   for   her   after   the   work   was   done   if   everything   went   smoothly.     World   Bank   was   not   far   from   the   Bakery,   only   about   10-15   minutes   away   by   car.     Samantha   drove   past   the   lake   and   from   a   distance   away   she   could   see   Richard   and   Jamaz   loading   boxes   onto   Richard’s   dilapidated   truck.     He   did   not   start   the   car   immediately   but   took   out   two   bottles   of   bear   and   gave   one   to   Jamaz.   They   twisted   open   the   lid   and   drank   a   mouthful.     Then   each   took   out   a   cigarette,   lighted   it   and   stood   by   the   trunk   coolly   smoking   and   drinking.   Samantha   knew   then   that   everything   was   going   smoothly   and   they   even   had   finished   the   work.     Richard   and   Jamaz   also   saw   Samantha   crossing   the   street   from   the   opposite   side,   wearing   faded   blue   jeans   and   a   denim   jacket.     The   clothes   were   loose   fitting   and   comfortable,   but   could   not   hide   her   slender   waist   and   fabulous   figure.     Samantha   waved   to   them   and   said,

“Hi!     Good   evening.     How   are   you?     How   are   things   going?”

“Everything’s   OK”   replied   Richard.   “This   is   the   last   delivery   and   then   we’ll   be   done.     They   are   all   in   there   cleaning   up.”

                        “That   fast?   It’s   not   even   8   o’clock   yet!     I   must   go   in   and   help   or   it’ll   be   too   late.”     Saying   so,   she   walked   through   the   back   door.     Richard   and   Jamaz   finished   their   beer,   stepped   on   their   cigarette   butt   and   started   up   the   truck   to   make   their   last   delivery.

  Samantha   crossed   the   back   yard   into   the   workroom   and   saw   Mark   cleaning   a   huge,   clumsy   bucket   used   for   mixing   dough.     Laverne   was   hosing   down   the   kneading   boards   and   the   remnant   flour,   butter,   cream   and   other   materials   dropped   on   the   floor.   Dimitri   was   scrapping   and   cleaning   the   boards   with   a   brush.     Yoko   and   Marcella   were   mopping   the   floor.     Wherever   Laverne’s   hose   went,   they   followed   with   their   mops.     Mary   and   Sheila   were   washing   dirty   tools   and   instruments   in   warm   water.     This   was   not   an   easy   task   as   they   were   all   sticky   and   oily   with   butter,   cream   and   dough   and   could   only   be   cleaned   with   warm   water.     Samantha   walked   in   saying,  

“Sorry   to   be   late.     Sorry.     You’ve   all   been   working   hard.     Let   me   help.     I’m   late.”     Saying   so,   she   took   off   her   kanga   cap   and   goofy   glasses,   rolled   up   her   sleeves   and   prepared   to   help   with   the   work.

“Is   that   you,   Samantha?”   asked   Dimitri.     “We’re   almost   done   here.     Why   don’t   you   go   into   the   kitchen   and   heat   up   the   Chinese   take-outs   that   we   ordered   in   the   microwave   oven?     We   have   chiao   mien,   fried   rice   and   other   good   stuff.     We’ve   been   working   non-stop   all   day   to   meet   the   dead-line   and   haven’t   had   time   to   stop   and   eat   a   decent   meal.     Also   bring   out   the   good   wine   at   the   back;   we’ll   have   a   party   to   welcome   Marcelena   back.”

“OK.     No   problem”   she   said   and   walked   towards   the   kitchen.     Soon   Megginn   also   hurried   in   saying,

  “Sorry.     Sorry.     I’m   late.”   She   took   off   her   cap,   releasing   a   mass   of   golden   hair,   kept   in   place   by   a   hair   band.     Dimitri   knew   it   was   Megginn   and   asked,

“How   did   the   preparatory   meeting   go?”

“No   problem.     Everything   went   smoothly.   The   general   meeting   tomorrow   will   be   a   piece   of   cake.”

“That’s   great.     That’s   great.     You’re   just   in   time   for   our   party   to   welcome   Marcelena.”

Megginn   looked   around   at   her   companions   and   saw   they   all   looked   very   tired.     Their   hair   was   a   mess   and   many   had   traces   of   flour   and   buttery   compounds   on   their   faces   and   clothes.   They   were   wet   and   sweaty   and   none   looked   like   their   usual   pretty,   debonair   self.  

“I   suggest   our   beauties   go   and   clean   up   and   change   into   something   clean   and   comfortable.     After   they   have   rested   up   a   little   we’ll   have   our   party.”   Everyone   agreed   and   went   up   the   stairs   to   their   rooms   to   clean   up   and   dress   up.     Megginn   turned   and   saw   Amalia   sitting   on   a   chair,   yawning   sleepily.     She   was   getting   along   in   age   and   tired   easily.  

  “Amalia,   you   are   tired.     Would   you   like   me   to   help   you   to   your   room   so   you   can   sleep?”     Amalia   nodded   her   consent.     Perhaps   sleep   is   her   highest   enjoyment.   Megginn   took   Amalia   upstairs   to   her   room,   attended   on   getting   her   ready   for   bed   and   soon   heard   soft   sounds   of   snoring.     Megginn   walked   down   the   stairs   saw   Samantha   busily   working   alone   in   the   kitchen   and   went   to   help   her.     She   took   out   the   warmed   up   food,   placed   them   on   the   makeshift   table   in   the   workshop   and   set   the   table.     When   all   was   ready,   Megginn   looked   around   and   said   to   Dimitri,   who   was   sitting   nearby,  

“This   doesn’t   look   quite   right.     Something’s   wrong.     Yes,   it’s   the   lighting.     This   fluorescent   light   is   too   plebeian   and   unrefined.     Let’s   turn   it   off   and   use   candlelight   instead.     How   about   that?”

“Up   to   you”   said   Dimitri   smiling.   “Do   whatever   you   want.     Whatever   you   think   is   alright   is   OK   with   me.”     Megginn   looked   around,   found   some   candles   and   candleholders   and   put   them   at   the   center   of   the   table.     She   lighted   the   candles   and   turned   off   the   light.     Candlelight   flickered   and   shone,   seeming   to   bring   a   dreamlike   quality   to   the   room.     The   young   girls   came   down   the   stairs,   all   cleaned   up   and   they   had   put   on   their   nice   clothes.   Ah,   the   resilience   of   youth!     They   seem   to   have   endless   physical   strength   and   energy.     No   matter   how   tired   they   were,   a   little   rest   and   they   were   good   as   new.     The   girls   had   regained   their   glowing   beauty   and   radiated   health,   youth   and   energy.     Everyone   sat   around   the   table   made   up   of   boards.     Dimitri   held   up   his   glass   and   said,  

“Cheers!”     Everyone   held   up   their   glasses   and   said,  

“Cheers!”     They   drank   and   then   began   talking   and   eating.     Soon   the   room   was   filled   with   sounds   of   laughter   and   happy,   excited   conversation.    

“How   about   some   music?”   said   Mary.

“Marcelena,”   said   Dimitri.   “We   haven’t   heard   your   beautiful   voice   and   magnificent   guitar   for   a   long   time.     How   about   singing   a   song   for   us?”     Everyone   nodded   and   clapped,   chanting,

“Marcelena!”     “Marcelena!”   “A   song!”     “Sing   for   us!”

Marcella   stood   up   smiling,   took   up   her   guitar   and   plucked   a   few   notes   to   tune   up   her   instrument   and   was   about   to   sing,   when   suddenly   a   puff   of   smoke   flew   in   from   the   door,   encircled   the   room   a   few   times   and   then   made   for   a   vase.     There   it   turned   into   a   snow   white   Easter   lily.  

Everyone   exclaimed   in   surprise   and   amazement,

“Is   that   you,   White   Fairy?”    

“Is   that   you?”  

“Why   don’t   you   appear   before   us?’  

  “Why   are   you   hiding   in   the   vase?”

”I   need   some   clothes   before   I   can   come   out”   replied   White   Fairy   shyly.     Then   everyone   realized   that   because   Mark   was   there,   a   stranger   and   a   man,   White   Fairy   was   too   shy   and   embarrassed   to   appear   before   them   without   any   clothes   on   in   her   natural   state   as   a   naked   beauty.     Mary   walked   over   to   the   vase,   lifted   out   the   flower   saying,

  “Sorry.     It   was   careless   of   me.   Please   come   with   me.”   and   went   up   the   stairs   with   the   white   lily.     Soon   she   came   down,   followed   by   a   slender,   young   girl   with   a   head   of   snow   white   hair.     Her   skin   was   delicate   and   smooth,   her   features   as   exquisite   as   a   painting.   She   had   an   air   that   was   spiritual   and   unworldly.     Everyone   squeezed   tighter   together   at   the   table   to   make   space   for   her.     Megginn   poured   a   glass   of   red   wine   for   her   and   everyone   held   up   their   glasses   and   toasted   White   fairy.     White   Fairy   took   a   sip   and   put   down   her   glass.     She   did   not   partake   of   human   food,   only   occasionally   drinking   some   red   wine.     Her   cheeks   were   already   beginning   to   be   flushed.

“White   Fairy”   said   Dimitri   turning   to   her,   “How   did   you   find   us?”   White   Fairy   seemed   incensed   and   grievous.     She   said,

“Queen   Aisha   sent   me   to   the   mundane   world   to   find   out   what   happened   to   Romi.     I   didn’t   know   where   to   start,   so   I   went   to   your   apartment   to   wait   for   you.     But   you   did   not   go   there   for   a   long   time.     I   could   only   look   around   everywhere   to   see   if   I   could   find   a   clue.     This   evening   I   saw   a   taxi   hurtle   by   and   the   driver   looked   like   Samantha.     I   followed   her   and   saw   her   walk   into   this   house   through   the   back   door.     I   would   have   followed   her,   but   there   were   two   big,   strong   men   standing   outside   and   I   didn’t   dare   to   come   in.”

“That   must   be   Richard   and   Jamaz”   said   Yoko.     “They   are   our   good   friends.     You   needn’t   be   afraid   of   them”

“After   they   left,”   continued   White   Fairy   “I   saw   Megginn   diving   another   taxi   stop   here   and   walk   inside.     So   I   knew   this   must   be   the   Dream-maker’s   Bakery   Queen   Aisha   mentioned.     So   I   crashed   the   gates   uninvited.”     On   hearing   the   White   Fairy’s   story,   the   beauties   began   chatting   and   laughing.     Some   one   said,  

“You’re   right   to   come   in   White   Fairy,   otherwise   we   would   not   be   reunited   once   more.”     Everyone   laughed.     But   White   Fairy   mumbled   as   if   talking   to   herself,

“Recently   a   lot   of   strange   things   happened   in   our   Kingdom.     Some   call   them   bad   omens.     Even   the   God   of   Wealth   in   King   Dimitri’s   secret   room   somehow   disappeared   and   people   said   he   had   fled.   Our   Kingdom   is   now   empty   and   desolate.     Everywhere   you   go   it   is   lonely   and   forlorn.     Medusa   not   only   has   to   defend   the   Kingdom,   but   must   also   be   prepared   to   resist   aerial   attacks.     Deanna   is   busy   co-coordinating   the   various   tribes   on   mining   iron.     Queen   Aisha   is   left   alone   to   shoulder   the   heavy   load   of   running   the   Kingdom   and   facing   so   many   crises.     She   is   on   tenterhooks,   living   in   anxiety,   but   here   you   are   eating,   drinking   and   partying   and   haven’t   been   back   to   the   Kingdom   for   a   long   time.     Don’t   you   think   it   would   make   Queen   Aisha   feel   let   down   and   disappointed?”

Her   words   effectively   silenced   the   laughter   and   chatter   of   the   beauties.     Dimitri   understood   the   veiled   reprimand   beneath   her   words   and   thought,  

“I   am   wrong   not   to   go   back   for   such   a   long   time.     But   Stephanie’s   dying   prophecy   cannot   be   ignored.     I   must   prepare   for   the   future   and   find   somewhere   for   the   beauties   to   retreat   to   should   her   prophesy   come   true.     This   is   my   dilemma   to   resolve,   but   not   sharing   it   with   Queen   Aisha   had   caused   her   unnecessary   pain,   anxiety   and   misunderstanding.     I   cannot   leave   the   security   of   my   whole   Kingdom   on   her   slender   shoulders   alone.     This   is   not   right   and   unjust.     The   beauties   I   left   in   the   Kingdom   do   not   know   the   whereabouts   of   their   king.     This   is   irresponsible   behavior.     In   a   word,   it   is   all   my   fault.     Since   I   have   done   wrong,   I   must   try   to   make   amends.”     Turning   to   the   beauties,   he   said,  

“Yes.     Yes.     We   haven’t   been   back   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   for   a   long   time.     Don’t   you   miss   our   glorious   mountains   and   lakes,   our   magnificent   palaces,   our   loyal   subjects   and   your   beloved   sisters   left   behind   in   the   Kingdom?”

“Yes.   Yes.   Of   course   we   miss   them   all”   cried   the   beauties.

“Since   it   is   so,”   said   King   Dimitri   “let’s   make   use   of   the   Thanksgiving   long   weekend   and   all   return   to   our   Kingdom   of   Dreams.”   On   hearing   those   words,   the   beauties   shouted   with   joy.     Happy   and   excited,   White   Fairy   stood   up,   held   her   glass   up   high   and   said,  

“Let’s   drink   to   it.     Cheers!”   She   finished   her   drink   with   a   quaff.     The   color   on   her   cheeks   flushed   rosier   than   ever.     Everyone   drank   to   each   other   and   they   laughed   and   chatted   merrily.     Marcelena’s   guitar   played   a   happy   tune.     Some   sang   and   some   danced   to   the   tune.     In   the   flickering   candlelight   and   dancing   shadows,   Dimitri   sat   there   lost   in   the   intoxicating   atmosphere.     He   did   not   know   whether   this   was   real   life   or   another   fantasy   dream.     If   this   was   only   a   dream,   then   his   Kingdom   of   Dreams   would   be   reality.     Dreams   or   reality?     Dimitri   felt   at   a   loss.     He   was   confused   and   did   not   know   where   he   was.

Marcelena   sang   on,   one   song   after   another,   alternating   between   fast   and   slow,   exciting,   romantic   and   melancholy   grabbing   the   full   attention   of   her   audience   with   her   strong,   gypsy-flavored   music.     Everyone’s   glass   emptied   and   refilled   again   and   again;   all   of   them   were   lost   in   the   atmosphere   of   euphoria   and   rapture.     But   happy   times   go   by   quickly   and   all   too   soon   night   was   deep.     Samantha   and   Megginn   exchanged   glances   and   both   stood   up   to   take   leave   of   Dimitri.  

                “Sorry   to   break   up   the   party,   but   there   is   an   important   meeting   tomorrow   and   we   must   leave   now,   get   a   good   night’s   sleep   so   as   to   have   enough   energy   to   deal   with   a   very   busy   day.”  

                    No,   no”   said   Dimitri.     “You   are   right.     Business   first.     We   too   have   had   a   busy   day   and   it’s   time   for   us   all   to   have   some   rest.”   He   sent   Mark   out   to   see   them   to   their   cars   and   safely   drive   away.   White   Fairy   stood   up   to   take   her   leave   saying,  

                  “I   too   should   leave   and   go   back   to   the   Kingdom.     Queen   Aisha,   the   beauties   and   all   your   subjects   would   be   elated   to   hear   the   wonderful   news   that   you   will   be   coming   back   to   the   Kingdom   very   soon.   Oh   yes,   King   Dimitri,   have   you   decided   on   which   day   you   will   be   returning?”     Dimitri   thought   for   a   moment   and   then   said,

                      “Three   days   from   now,   when   the   Thanksgiving   long   weekend   begins,   I   will   bring   all   those   here   with   me   back   to   the   Kingdom   so   that   everyone   will   have   a   wonderful   reunion.  

A   thrilled   and   excited   White   Fairy   was   about   to   change   to   a   puff   of   smoke   and   leave   when   Dimitri   stopped   her   saying,  

“Just   a   minute.     Not   so   fast.     I   heard   you   mention   that   Queen   Aisha   sent   you   back   here   to   look   for   Romi.     What   is   all   that   about?”     White   Fairy   frowned   and   said,

  “The   mining   and   forging   of   iron   is   almost   none   now   and   we   need   technology   on   how   to   gild   it   onto   the   gold   palace.     Romi   was   sent   to   learn   the   latest   technology   but   have   not   been   heard   of   since.     There   has   been   no   news   of   her   at   all   and   Queen   Aisha   is   restless   and   agitated,   nervous   as   an   ant   on   a   griddle.     She   sent   me   to   see   if   I   could   find   out   what   happened   to   her.     I   will   go   now   and   tell   them   the   good   news   of   your   imminent   return   to   set   their   minds   at   ease.     Then   I   will   come   back   and   continue   to   look   for   Romi.”     Saying   so,   White   Fairy   turned   into   a   puff   of   smoke   and   flew   into   the   night.     After   White   Fairy   left,   the   beauties   were   too   tired   to   clean   up.     They   blew   out   the   candles   and   trudged   up   the   stairs   with   heavy   feet   and   went   to   bed.     Dimitri   took   up   his   old,   dilapidated   brown   jacket   and   walked   to   the   back   yard.     He   lay   down   on   his   lounge   chair,   getting   ready   to   sleep   when   he   felt   a   warm   little   hand   push   him   on   the   shoulder   saying,  

“Sorry   to   bother   you   Dimitri,   but   can   I   have   a   moment   of   your   time?”

“Is   that   Marcella?”   he   asked   turning   his   head.     “What   is   it?”     Marcella   hesitated   for   a   moment.

“There’s   something   I   should   tell   you.”   said   she.   “It’s   Romi’s   private   affair   so   I   didn’t   want   to   mention   it   in   front   of   the   others.     That’s   why   I   come   privately   to   talk   to   you.     Perhaps   it   will   help   us   find   her.”  

“Oh,   is   that   so?”   Dimitri   sat   up   on   his   lawn   chair   to   listen   more   attentively.  

“That   day,   I   was   singing   on   a   street   corner   when   I   saw   a   woman   looking   very   much   like   Romi.     She   was   chic   and   expensively   dressed   but   looked   very   sad.     It   was   a   look   that   was   so   Romi.     A   tall   and   suave   man   was   by   her   side   in   a   well-tailored   suit,   looking   stylish   and   fashionable.     He   had   his   arm   around   Romi’s   waist   and   seemed   to   be   on   intimate   terms   with   her.     Surrounding   them   were   6-7   men   also   dressed   in   black   suits,   looking   like   bodyguards.     People   told   me   that   the   tall   suave   man   was   the   new   mafia   boss.     If   that   woman   was   really   Romi,   how   could   she   be   mixed   up   with   such   a   man?     So   I   thought   I   should   let   you   know   about   this.”     Dimitri   nodded.

“Thank   you   Marcelena,”   he   said.   “I   have   taken   note   of   this.     It   is   late,   and   you   are   tired.     Go   to   bed.     I   will   deal   with   this.”     After   she   left,   Dimitri   thought   to   himself,

  “It   took   a   long   time   and   a   lot   of   effort   for   me   to   untie   the   Gordian   knot   in   Romi’s   head   and   release   her   from   the   dark   shadows   of   her   unfortunate   marriage.     Her   third   ex-husband   was   like   a   demon   knowing   at   her   heart   and   body.     I   helped   her   escape   him   and   led   her   to   a   safe   haven   –   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     She   just   went   back   to   the   mundane   world.     Could   she   have   fallen   into   another   pitfall?     Is   that   her   destiny?   No.     No.     Even   if   fate   had   ordained   it   to   be   so,   I   will   save   her   once   more   and   extricate   her   from   the   clutches   of   fate.     Who   is   that   tall,   dark   and   handsome   man?     I   must   try   to   get   to   the   bottom   of   this.     Richard   and   Jamaz   are   always   hanging   around   street   corners   and   know   about   everything   that’s   going   on.     I   will   ask   them   about   it   and   have   a   general   idea   of   the   situation   before   deciding   on   what   to   do.”     Having   settled   on   a   plan   of   action,   Dimitri   lay   down   on   his   lounge   chair   and   drowsily   fell   asleep.

The   next   morning,   everyone   was   up   early   and   went   into   action   because   the   shelves   were   empty   and   needed   to   be   replenished.     They   would   also   have   to   deal   with   the   brisk   business   in   the   front   of   the   shop.     Everyone   was   busy.     Dimitri   got   up   at   4:30   a.m.   doing   the   preparatory   work.     He   mixed   and   kneaded   the   dough,   leaving   it   to   rise   in   the   bucket.     Then   he   turned   on   the   oven   so   that   it   would   heat   up   gradually   to   the   necessary   degree,   which   would   take   some   time.     On   the   dot   of   6:30   a.m.   Laverne   and   Mark   came   to   work.     The   others   all   began   the   day’s   work,   busy   with   their   allotted   tasks.     By   8   o’clock   some   of   their   products   were   already   on   the   shelves   and   Yoko   opened   the   door   to   business.     She   and   Amalia   worked   in   the   front   taking   care   of   sales,   while   the   rest   busied   themselves   in   the   workshop.     Around   noontime,   Richard   and   Jamaz   staggered   in,   sleepy-eyed,   seeming   still   to   be   suffering   from   a   hangover.   Dimitri   immediately   took   them   to   the   backyard   and   asked   them   to   scout   around   for   news   of   Romi.     He   said   to   them,  

“It’s   already   noontime   now.     This   afternoon   try   to   get   the   lowdown   of   who   that   tall   dark   man   is.     You   have   all   day   tomorrow   as   well,   but   by   night   time   of   the   third   day,   I   will   be   taking   everyone   here   back   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   I   want   this   settled   before   I   leave.”     Richard’s   spirits   rose   on   hearing   that   Dimitri   was   sending   them   on   this   exciting   and   stimulating   mission.     He   felt   wide   awake   and   said,  

“No   problem.     No   problem.     Leave   this   to   the   two   of   us.     We’ll   have   news   to   report   in   no   time.”   Saying   so,   they   left   hurriedly   in   their   old   truck.

After   White   Fairy   got   back   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   news   that   King   Dimitri   would   soon   be   returning   spread   like   wildfire.     Queen   Aisha   and   the   beauties   were   exultant   and   rejoiced   in   their   hearts.     All   the   people   in   the   Kingdom   looked   forward   to   seeing   their   King   again.     This   trip   of   White   Fairy’s   had   certainly   brought   unforeseeable   and   unexpected   good   news.     Novella   came   to   White   Fairy   and   said,

“I   did   not   know   Queen   Aisha   sent   you   to   the   mundane   world   to   look   for   Romi   and   that   you   had   no   idea   where   to   start   or   else   I   would   have   told   you   of   Romi’s   whereabouts.”

“Oh   really?     Where   is   she?”

“Once   when   Romi   and   I   were   chatting,   we   exchanged   our   addresses   in   the   mundane   world.     We   found   we   lived   quite   close   to   each   other,   separated   only   by   a   lake.     I   live   on   the   south   side   and   she   lived   on   the   north   side.     We   could   actually   see   each   other’s   houses   across   the   water.     You   need   only   look   for   her   according   to   these   directions   and   you   will   find   her   easily.”

“I’ll   go   back   at   once   to   the   mundane   world   and   look   for   Romi”   said   White   Fairy,   jubilant   to   get   such   precise   directions.     She   changed   into   a   puff   of   smoke   and   was   about   to   leave   through   the   window,   when   she   added,   “Please   tell   Queen   Aisha   about   this,   Novella.”

“Rest   assured.     I   will.”

It   was   dusk   when   White   Fairy   got   back   to   the   mundane   world.     It   wasn’t   quite   dark   yet.     Pedestrians   filled   the   streets   and   traffic   was   still   congested.     She   wanted   to   go   about   her   business   at   once,   but   then   she   cautioned   herself   to   be   more   wary   in   this   new   environment.     If   she   went   around   as   a   compact   puff   of   smoke   that   did   not   disperse   and   weaved   in   and   out   all   over   the   place   as   if   looking   for   something,   sooner   or   later   she   would   catch   the   attention   of   some   observant   person   and   rouse   his   curiosity.     Should   such   a   person   have   malicious   intent   towards   her,   he   need   only   open   up   a   large   plastic   bag   and   could   easily   trap   her   inside   it.     Not   everyone   in   the   world   was   good.     Some   were   more   vicious   and   cruel   than   tigers   and   wolves.     Telling   herself   she   had   better   be   alert   and   heighten   her   vigilance,   White   Fairy   changed   into   a   small   white   flower   and   hid   herself   among   the   grass   by   the   wayside.     She   meant   to   take   measure   of   her   surroundings   first   and   then   go   looking   for   Romi   after   dark.     Just   then,   a   giggling   toddler   came   walking   towards   her   and   White   Fairy   was   filled   with   apprehension.     What   if   he   should   pluck   her   up   playfully?     That   would   be   disastrous!     Luckily   his   mother   called   out   to   him   urgently   and   the   toddler   waddled   away.   White   Fairy   gave   a   sigh   of   relief.

After   sending   Richard   and   Jamaz   on   their   way   to   gather   information,   Dimitri   threw   himself   back   into   the   busy   work   at   the   bakery.     Business   was   brisk   and   customers   stood   in   line   way   out   onto   the   sidewalk.     Noontime   was   the   busiest   time   of   the   day.     People   liked   to   come   and   get   fresh   out-of-the-oven   pastry,   cakes   or   bread.     It   was   tasty,   simple   and   suited   their   modern,   fast   pulse   life   style.     The   tempo   would   not   slacken   until   after   two   o’clock,   when   customers   would   still   be   coming   in   but   at   a   slower   scale.     Normally   the   bakery   no   longer   replenished   their   shelves   after   noontime,   preferring   to   have   everything   sold   out   by   the   end   of   the   day,   because   they   did   not   want   left-overs   which   would   be   stale   by   the   next   day.     Dimitri   treasured   the   standing   of   Dream-maker’s   Bakery   as   the   freshest   and   the   best   in   the   region   and   would   rather   do   less   business   in   order   to   preserve   its   reputation.     As   the   day   wore   on   and   business   slowed   down   a   bit,   Mary   and   Sheila   took   the   car   and   went   shopping   at   wholesale   markets   for   various   supplies   for   the   bakery   which   had   almost   been   depleted   by   the   large   order   they   had   just   filled.     Dimitri   was   very   picky   and   fastidious   about   his   choice   of   ingredients.     He   would   not   use   second   grade   stuff,   which   he   considered   as   cheating   his   customers.     So   if   something   was   not   available,   he   preferred   not   to   make   that   product   at   all.     Yoko   looked   around   the   store.     Mark   was   talking   animatedly   with   Amalia,   who   loved   him   like   a   son.     The   two   of   them   each   lived   in   a   world   of   his   own   and   their   conversation   was   wide   off   the   mark   as   far   as   coherency   was   concerned,   but   they   seemed   to   be   enjoying   themselves   immensely.     Not   wanting   to   disturb   them,   Yoko   went   to   the   workroom   to   chat   with   Laverne.     Marcelena   was   playing   her   guitar,   practicing   the   complex   and   difficult   techniques   of   classical   music.     In   the   backyard,   Dimitri   was   lying   on   his   lounge   chair,   outwardly   calm   and   unruffled,   but   actually   he   was   anxiously   waiting   for   Richard   and   Jamaz   to   come   back.     He   waited   and   waited,   but   there   was   no   word   from   his   friends.     It   was   almost   dark.     Yoko   closed   up   shop.     Mary   and   Sheila   came   back   with   their   car   loaded   with   supplies,   but   still   there   was   no   sign   of   Richard   and   Jamaz.     Mark   went   to   the   car   to   help   take   the   new   purchases   to   the   storage   room.     Megginn   was   also   back   and   was   in   the   backyard   talking   to   Dimitri.     She   said,

“Tonight   there   is   a   large   party   to   raise   funds   for   a   charity   foundation.     The   who’s   who   in   the   Bay   Area   will   all   be   there   and   the   organizers   would   feel   snubbed   if   representatives   of   World   Bank   were   not   present.   You   know   how   I   hate   to   take   part   in   these   bustling   social   functions,   so   I   asked   Samantha   to   go   as   our   representative,   while   I   come   to   join   you   guys   for   dinner,   which   is   much   more   to   my   taste.”

“Good.     Good.     There   is   something   I   need   to   consult   you   about   and   I   need   your   input   and   advice   as   to   how   to   go   about   this   rather   precarious   business.”     He   then   proceeded   to   tell   her   all   about   Romi.     Megginn   was   engrossed   in   thought.     A   blurry   picture   seemed   to   begin   to   take   shape   in   her   heart.

After   dinner   Amalia’s   illness   turned   more   severe   than   ever.     She   flew   into   a   fit   of   hysteria   and   was   quite   beside   herself,   looking   all   over   the   place   for   her   flying   broom.     She   hurled   abuses   against   Dorna,   whom   she   accused   of   stealing   it   and   hiding   it   away   from   her.     Then   she   began   looking   for   Dimitri   to   go   and   get   the   broom   back   for   her   and   compensate   her   for   her   loss.     Yoko   looked   meaningfully   at   Megginn,   who   understood   and   quickly   hid   Dimitri   in   the   storage   room,   knowing   Amalia   would   cause   an   even   greater   ruckus   when   she   got   hold   of   him   face   to   face.     The   beauties   surrounded   Amalia,   coaxing   her   into   taking   her   sedative,   wheedling   her   into   going   upstairs   to   her   room.     There   they   soothed,   coddled   and   waited   on   her   until   they   had   her   settled   in   her   bed.     Even   then   they   did   not   dare   to   leave   her   alone   in   case   she   got   it   into   her   head   to   go   find   Dimitri   and   act   up   again.     They   knew   Dimitri   was   anxious   and   worried,   so   they   wanted   to   save   him   any   unnecessary   disturbance.     They   told   Amalia   stories   and   jokes   and   tried   to   keep   her   mind   occupied.     Megginn   went   downstairs   and   let   Dimitri   out   of   the   small   storage   room.     The   two   of   them   sat   silently   in   the   backyard.

“Something   may   happen   tonight”   said   Megginn   “so   I   decided   to   stay   here   for   the   night   instead   of   going   back.”

“But   it’s   so   crowded   here!”

                        “It   doesn’t   matter.     The   more   the   merrier   and   it   feels   cozy   and   intimate   to   be   with   my   sister   again.”     Dimitri   nodded   and   did   not   reply.  

                        “If   I’m   not   mistakes”   continued   Megginn   “there   will   be   more   sisters   from   the   Kingdom   joining   us   at   the   girls’   dorm   here.     Am   I   right?”

“Is   that   so?     I   think   you   have   some   inkling   of   what’s   going   to   happen.”   Megginn   nodded   and   the   two   of   them   sat   there   in   silence.    

“Queen   Aisha   always   said   that   Megginn   was   like   a   beautiful   peony   in   full   bloom.”   Dimitri   thought.       “She   is   right.     Megginn   is   a   dazzling,   colorful   and   artless   peony.     Ordinarily   she   is   happy   and   carefree   as   a   young   girl,   but   when   something   happens,   she   sobers   up   and   becomes   a   resolute,   sharp   and   quick-witted   strong   woman.     She   is   really   a   great   helper   heaven   has   sent   me.”

An   ear-grating   screeching   of   tires   split   the   silence   of   the   night.     Richard   and   Jamaz   walking   in   unsteadily   on   wobbly   feet,   quite   obviously   intoxicated.

“Why   are   the   two   of   you   so   late?”   berated   Dimitri.     “I   have   been   here   all   afternoon   and   most   of   the   night!”

“Things   were   not   as   easy   as   we   expected”   replied   Richard.     “We   met   some   loafers   who   also   loiter   around   street   corners.     You   can’t   ask   them   about   such   things   point   blank   you   know.     You   have   to   sort   of   hint   at   it   in   a   round   about   way.     These   guys   are   very   street   smart   and   suspicious.     Whenever   you   touch   on   a   sensitive   subject,   they   would   just   clam   up   and   not   say   a   word.     So   we   had   to   wait   till   night   time   to   make   the   rounds   of   the   bars   and   talk   to   the   half-drunk   clients   there   whose   tongues   were   loosened   by   drink.     We   were   able   to   glean   fragments   of   information   from   them   which   we   have   pieced   together.     I   don’t   know   whether   they   will   be   of   any   use   to   you.”

“Tell   me   what   you’ve   got.”

“The   new   mafia   boss   has   the   nick   name   of   “’Hawk   Nose’.     He   is   more   cruel   and   treacherous   than   the   former   boss   Oliver   Kaffee.     What   is   worse,   he   is......”

“Go   ahead.     It’s   OK.     Speak   your   mind.”

“You   pride   yourself   on   being   a   proud   gardener,   tending   and   protecting   beautiful   flowers.     He   too   likes   flowers,   but   he   abuses   them   and   takes   pleasure   in   inflicting   great   pain   and   suffering.     In   fact   he   thrives   on   such   perverted   activities.     He   is   a   kind   of   psycho   maniac.     He   appears   to   be   tall   and   suave   and   spends   money   extravagantly,   so   he   gets   any   woman   he   sets   his   sights   on.     These   women   seem   to   fall   into   his   arms   like   moths   throwing   themselves   at   the   fire,   helpless   to   resist.     Once   he   has   his   hands   on   them   however,   these   women   are   usually   maimed   physically   or   mentally.     Some   lose   the   use   of   their   arms   or   legs;   others   are   psychologically   damaged   almost   to   the   point   of   madness.     He   has   hurt   uncountable   numbers   of   women   and   is   still   taking   pleasure   in   hurting   more   of   them.”     Upon   hearing   this,   Dimitri   was   extremely   angry.     But   he   was   also   deeply   concerned   for   Romi.     He   loathed   and   scorned   these   psychopaths   who   preyed   on   the   weaker   sex.    

“Did   you   find   out   where   his   den   is”   he   asked.

“No.     He   is   extremely   secretive   and   is   constantly   changing   his   lair.     No   one   knows   where   he   will   be   next.”

“I   know   who   he   is”   said   Megginn   who   had   been   silent   all   this   time.   “He   is   the   organizer   of   tonight’s   fund-raiser,   Murphy   Aquiline.     I   originally   thought   his   name   was   an   anonym,   but  

he   actually   used   his   nickname   as   his   last   name!     This   is   too   ridiculous!     I   have   heard   that   when   he   was   young   he   was   involved   for   a   time   with   underworld   figures,   but   later   engaged   in   business   and   became   rich,   managing   to   make   a   very   large   fortune.   His   status   too   had   somehow   been   whitewashed   and   legalized   into   a   leader   in   the   financial   world.     He   is   now   one   of   the   movers   and   shakers   of   the   Bay   Area.     He   has   become   a   leader   in   the   financial   world.     He   has   a   hawk-like   nose,   but   it   doesn’t   detract   from   his   handsome   appearance.     In   fact,   it   gives   his   face   character   and   a   kind   of   charm   and   fascination   that   has   attracted   a   lot   of   female   attention......”

“Yes.     Yes.”     said   Richard.     “We   are   talking   about   the   same   person.     I   have   heard   Mr.   Kaffee   mention   that   he   was   one   of   his   most   effective   underlings,   whom   he   cultivated   and   trained   on   one   hand,   but   at   the   same   time   reined   in   and   constrained   for   fear   this   subordinate’s   power   would   expand   too   quickly.     Little   did   we   suspect   that   by   taking   out   Oliver   Kaffee,   we   have   left   a   vacuum   for   his   right   hand   man   to   take   over.     We   actually   did   him   a   favor   by   clearing   the   path   for   him   to   rise   to   the   top   and   become   the   new   Mafia   boss.     This   is   just   too   much   for   me   to   swallow!”

“If   that   is   so”   said   Megginn   “It   will   be   a   hard   nut   to   crack.”     The   four   of   them   lapsed   into   silence.     A   puff   of   smoke   flew   over   the   wall,   circled   twice   in   the   air,   dropped   into   Dimitri’s   hand   and   turned   into   a   snow   white   Easter   lily.

“   it.”   the   flower   gasped   and   panted   out   short-breathed.     “   it!     I   know   where   Romi   is!”

“Where   is   she?     Where   is   she?”   asked   Dimitri   pressing   on   urgently.

“......just   let   me   catch   my   breath......have   a   drink   of   water......and   I   will   tell   you   everything......”   Megginn   went   back   into   the   house   and   came   back   with   a   glass   of   red   wine.     She   took   the   flower   from   Dimitri’s   hand   and   put   it   directly   into   the   glass   of   wine.     Soon   the   snow   white   petals   revealed   a   blush   of   pink.     This   was   the   first   time   Richard   and   Jamaz   came   face   to   face   with   White   Fairy,   though   they   had   heard   Dimitri   talk   about   a   slim   and   beautiful   young   woman   called   White   fairy   who   was   the   incarnation   of   the   Easter   lily   and   who   could   change   into   a   flower   or   to   a   puff   of   smoke   at   will.   Now   they   saw   for   themselves   how   unfathomable   and   magical   she   was.     White   Fairy   rested   for   a   while   and   then   said,   “What   happened   was   this......”  

Night   fell.     White   Fairy   changed   into   a   puff   of   smoke   and   flew   across   the   man-made   lake   in   the   middle   of   the   city.     It   was   a   good-sized   lake,   but   compared   to   the   one   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   with   its   surging   crystal   blue   waves,   this   one   was   just   a   placid   pond.     White   fairy   reached   the   opposite   bank   and   started   searching   for   Romi   methodically   one   house   after   the   other.     She   flew   in   through   the   doors   and   out   the   cracks   of   windows,   checking   thoroughly   every   single   house,   but   found   no   sign   of   Romi.     Frustrated   and   despondent,   White   Fairy   was   about   to   give   up   her   search   when   she   caught   sight   of   a   single   family   home   in   an   out-of-the-way   corner.     The   walls   were   high   and   the   trees   and   shrubs   surrounding   it   were   dense   and   flourishing.     It   looked   like   an   old   and   well   established   home.  

“OK”   thought   White   Fairy,   “Let   me   make   one   last   stop.     If   I   don’t   find   her,   this   is   it!”     She   floated   up   the   high   wall   and   looked   into   the   garden.     To   her   great   surprise,   she   saw   seven   to   eight   hefty   guards   in   black   suits,   sitting   or   standing   in   the   front   and   back   yards   with   vigilant   eyes   sweeping   the   area   like   hunting   dogs.     White   Fairy   was   suddenly   suspicious.

  “This   doesn’t   look   like   an   ordinary   house”   she   thought.   “Could   Romi   have   run   into   some   kind   of   trouble   and   is   cornered   inside   the   house?”     She   decided   to   investigate.

Taking   advantage   of   an   unguarded   moment,   White   Fairy   flew   up   to   the   second   floor   and   squeezed   through   the   cracks   of   a   window.     To   her   great   surprise,   the   first   thing   that   met   her   eyes   on   entering   the   room   was   a   huge   picture   of   Dimitri.     In   the   picture   he   wore   his   usually   smile,   endearing   but   cynical.     Directly   facing   the   picture   was   a   large   king-size   bed,   where   a   naked   man   lay   asleep.     He   was   tall   and   well-made.     He   lay   there   seemingly   sated   but   exhausted   after   strenuous,   sexual   activities.   His   impressive   penis   now   lay   flaccid   on   his   thigh.     Before   the   picture,   a   naked   woman   sat   with   her   hands   bound   behind   her   chair.     Her   profile   and   hair   style   looked   very   much   like   Romi.     White   Fairy   flew   twice   around   the   room.     The   naked   woman’s   shocked   eyes   followed   the   movements   of   the   puff   of   smoke.     She   seemed   to   have   identified   it   as   White   Fairy.     If   her   mouth   had   not   been   sealed   with   broad   duct   tape,   she   would   surely   have   cried   out.     This   bound   and   gagged   woman   was   Romi,   who   had   disappeared   without   a   trace   for   so   long.     The   sleeping   man   on   the   bed   moved   and   opened   his   eyes.     He   held   up   his   wrist   and   looked   at   his   watch.     White   Fairy   took   this   opportunity   to   hastily   beat   a   retreat   to   a   vase   of   flowers   where   she   changed   into   an   Easter   lily.     What   she   overlooked   was,   it   was   a   vase   of   red   roses   where   a   single   stalk   of   snow   white   lily   stood   out   conspicuously   rather   than   blend   into   the   flowers.     The   man   sat   up   and   got   out   of   bed.     The   very   short   nap   had   completely   refreshed   him   and   replenished   the   physical   stamina   and   energy   he   had   expended.     This   was   a   super   human   trait   of   this   man.     He   quickly   finished   his   washing   and   soon   was   dressed   in   his   tailored   suit,   looking   attractive   and   suave,   a   dapper   don.     He   walked   to   Romi   and   said   to   her   with   a   sneering   grimace,  

“You   said   the   man   in   the   picture   was   your   husband.     Have   you   confessed   to   him?     Did   he   forgive   you?     Every   time   we   have   sex,   I   will   make   you   confess   your   infidelity   to   him.     This   is   my   way   of   punishing   an   unfaithful   adulterous   until   your   husband   forgives   you.     If   he   will   not   forgive   you,   tell   him   to   come   to   me   and   demand   satisfaction.     I   don’t   think   he   has   the   nerve   to   do   so.”     At   this   moment,   the   snow   white   Easter   lily   amid   a   mass   of   red   roses   caught   his   attention.     He   was   surprised   and   walked   over   to   the   vase.     He   bent   down   to   smell   the   flower   and   examined   the   sacred   Easter   lily.     Never   in   his   wildest   dreams   could   he   have   imagined   that   this   lily   before   his   eyes   was   really   the   transformation   of   a   beautiful   young   woman   from   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     Suddenly,   he   thought   of   something.     He   turned   to   Romi   and   said,

  “I   must   leave   now.     I   have   to   go   to   a   fund-raising   function   I   am   sponsoring.     I   will   be   back   after   this   meeting   and   I   will   bring   my   helper.     He   is   a   huge   Alsatian   wolf   hound.     I   will   give   you   to   him   as   a   reward,   like   a   piece   of   meat.     You   two   will   perform   before   this   picture   of   your   husband.”     Romi   looked   at   him   with   frightened,   disgusted   and   resentful   eyes,   but   the   grimace   on   the   man’s   face   was   more   menacing   and   ominous   than   ever,   accenting   his   large   hawk   nose.     White   Fairy   heard   his   rapid   footsteps   going   down   the   stairs   and   then   heard   him   shouting   orders   to   his   guards.     Soon   car   engines   started   up,   doors   slammed   loudly   and   two   black   sedans   darted   swiftly   into   the   night.

When   things   quieted   down   and   complete   silence   reigned   in   the   house,   White   Fairy   changed   again   to   a   puff   of   smoke   and   squeezed   out   through   the   cracks   of   the   window.     She   looked   around   and   found   only   two   sentries   stationed   in   the   front   and   back   yards.     She   went   back   to   the   room   through   the   same   window   and   changed   into   human   form.     She   carefully   peeled   away   the   broad   band   of   duct   tape   sealing   Romi’s   mouth   so   as   not   to   hurt   her   tender   flesh.     She   worked   at   the   knots   of   the   rope   that   bound   her   to   her   chair   and   set   her   free.     Romi   cried   copiously   and   said,

“It’s   all   my   fault!     It’s   all   my   fault!     I   should   have   been   strong   enough   to   withstand   that   devil’s   seduction!     I   was   so   foolish!   I   fell   into   his   trap.     How   can   I   ever   face   King   Dimitri   again?     How   can   I   have   the   audacity   and   gall   to   see   my   sisters   and   the   people   of   the   Kingdom   again?   The   only   thing   left   for   me   to   do   is   to   die.”

“Don’t   say   that”   said   White   Fairy,   massaging   Romi’s   numb   and   bruised   arms.   She   comforted   her   by   telling   her   King   Dimitri   was   nearby.     “We   will   be   here   very   soon   to   rescue   you.     Don’t   even   think   of   dying.     Go   get   dressed   and   pack   some   of   your   essential   things.     We   will   be   back   very   soon.”     Then   changing   once   more   to   a   puff   of   smoke,   White   Fairy   went   through   the   crack   of   the   window   and   disappeared   into   the   night.  

Upon   hearing   White   Fairy’s   report,   Dimitri   stood   up   and   rushed   towards   the   gate   intending   to   go   out.     But   after   taking   only   one   step   he   realized   that   before   him   was   a   wall   of   darkness.     He   had   forgotten   that   he   was   blind   and   couldn’t   take   a   single   step   without   his   white   cane.     He   stooped   down   and   felt   all   around   him   for   his   cane.     Richard   and   Jamaz   watched   him,   ill   at   ease,   not   knowing   how   to   help   their   old   friend.     Megginn   came   up   to   Dimitri,   helped   him   up   and   said,  

“Don’t   worry,   Dimitri.     The   more   critical   the   situation,   the   calmer   we   should   be.”

The   words   brought   Dimitri   back   to   reality.     He   immediately   calmed   down   and   said,  

“You’re   right.     You’re   right.     I   must   calm   down   and   think   of   a   way   to   save   Romi.     I   cannot   allow   anyone   under   my   protection   to   be   treated   so   shamefully   because   to   humiliate   any   member   of   my   Kingdom   is   equal   to   humiliating   me   personally.”

“Yes”   replied   Megginn.     “Yes.     We   understand   that.     Give   me   a   minute   to   think   it   over   and   see   what   the   best   solution   is.”     She   looked   at   her   wrist   watch   and   said,   “It’s   nine   o’clock.     The   fundraiser   has   just   begun.     If   we   want   to   save   Romi,   we   have   to   move.     We   may   just   make   it.”

“How   should   we   proceed?”   inquired   Dimitri.

“If   we   call   the   police,”   said   Megginn   “they   will   go   through   a   set   of   procedures   that   will   waste   a   lot   of   time.     Murphy   is   a   sly   customer.   We   do   not   have   any   concrete   evidence   of   his   wrongdoings   at   hand   so   the   police   may   not   be   able   to   do   anything.”

“It   will   be   up   to   us   then.”   concluded   Dimitri.   Richard   and   Jamaz   were   stimulated   by   the   fact   that   there   will   be   excitement   ahead   of   them   and   their   head   cleared   all   of   a   sudden   from   their   hangover.   Richard   rolled   up   his   sleeves   saying,

“Good.     Good.     Son   of   a   gun,   I   was   just   feeling   bored   with   nothing   to   do.     Hey,   Dimitri,   just   tell   us   what   to   do.     Come   hell   or   high   waters   we   will   follow   you.”

“Don’t   be   impatient”   cautioned   Dimitri.     “We   must   not   rush   and   make   hasty   decisions.     I   am   blind   now   and   not   of   much   use.     Just   the   two   of   you   are   no   match   for   this   outfit.     Let’s   see   what   Megginn   has   to   say.”     Megginn   was   pacing   back   and   forth   in   the   back   yard.     She   came   to   a   decision   and   said,

“I   suggest   resurrecting   Mr.   Kaffee   and   Big   O   and   let   them   come   out   of   their   retreat   and   deal   with   this.”

“Oh?”   said   Dimitri   very   much   surprised.     “Bring   Big   O   and   Oliver   Kaffee   back   into   power?   You   don’t   think   that’s   too   risky?”

“No.     I   think   it’s   quite   appropriate.     Don’t   forget   that   Mr.   Kaffee   was   the   Mafia   big   shot   and   Hawknose   used   to   be   under   him.     Mr.   Kaffee   would   know   anything   that   was   to   know   about   this   guy   and   would   know   how   to   deal   with   him   point   blank.     This   is   the   most   direct   way   to   solve   the   problem.”

“Will   Mr.   Kaffee   be   willing   to   do   this   for   me?”

“I   think   he   will.     You   have   treated   him   more   than   fairly   and   returned   good   for   evil.     He   should   be   grateful   to   you.     According   to   my   observation,   you   have   completely   captivated   his   heart   and   when   push   comes   to   shove,   he   will   be   willing   to   fight   to   the   death   for   you.”

“If   that   is   the   case,   let’s   give   it   a   try.     We   have   no   better   alternative   anyway.”   Richard   and   Jamaz   walked   quickly   towards   the   gate.     White   Fairy   changed   to   a   puff   of   smoke   and   stopped   them   saying,

  “Wait   for   me.     I   will   go   with   you.     I   can   be   your   messenger   and   fly   to   and   fro   so   that   everyone   will   be   informed.”

“Yes”   said   Dimitri.     “That   would   be   for   the   best.”      

“Your   dilapidated   jalopy   can   only   seat   two”   said   Megginn,   taking   a   key   out   of   her   pocket   and   handing   it   to   Richard.   “Take   my   taxi   cab   along   as   well.     You   might   need   it.”   Richard   and   Jamaz   each   drove   a   car   and   made   for   the   temple   by   the   lake,   followed   by   a   puff   of   smoke.

When   there’s   no   knowing   how   things   will   turn   out,   the   waiting   was   a   torment.     But   at   this   time   there   was   no   other   recourse.     Dimitri   accepted   Megginn’s   advice   and   tried   to   keep   calm   and   composed,   but   in   his   heart   a   storm   of   thoughts   emerged   one   after   another   and   it   was   hard   for   him   to   keep   his   equilibrium.     He   thought,

  “In   one’s   lifetime   there   are   sure   to   be   crisis   and   calamities   of   different   degrees   of   severity.     When   one   comes   along,   it   must   be   dealt   with   and   overcome.     If   there   were   never   any   breath-taking   moments   in   one’s   life,   life   would   be   dull   and   flat.     In   my   life   there   had   been   some   hair-raising   occasions,   but   luckily   I   have   always   come   out   safely   and   smoothed   things   over.     This   business   with   Romi   is   not   an   emergency   of   the   first   caliber.     It   is   but   a   small   twist   in   life,   but   to   me,   a   blind   man,   it   is   a   difficult   problem   to   solve.     Yes,   this   is   only   a   small   turn.     There   are   sure   to   be   still   greater   and   graver   catastrophes   in   the   future   waiting   to   bog   me   down.   Where   and   when   will   they   happen?     Will   it   be   in   my   Kingdom   of   Dreams   or   in   this   mundane   world?     That   is   an   unanswerable   question.     It   is   like   living   in   a   situation   where   one   does   not   know   whether   the   outcome   will   be   good   or   evil.     In   such   a   condition,   one   can   only   wait.     Waiting   is   a   kind   of   torture.     But   such   is   life.     In   this   universe,   is   there   such   a   place   where   one   can   be   tranquil   and   happy?     I   only   want   to   be   a   gardener   carefully   tending   my   lovely   flowers.     All   the   beauties   in   my   Kingdom   are   like   luxuriantly   blooming   flowers   in   paradise.”   Megginn   seemed   intuitively   aware   of   Dimitri’s   inner   struggle.

“Don’t   blame   yourself   too   much,   Dimitri.”   She   said.     “Being   blind   is   not   your   fault.     It   is   heaven’s   will.     Everyone   around   you   can   be   your   eyes.     Because   you   are   our   king,   we   will   follow   you   forever.”Dimitri   understood   this   was   only   Megginn   trying   to   comfort   him.   It   could   not   lessen   the   burden   on   his   shoulders.     On   the   contrary,   the   burden   felt   heavier   than   ever.

Amalia   was   in   a   deep   sleep,   snoring   regularly.     The   beauties   heaved   a   sigh   of   relief,   assured   that   she   would   be   alright   for   the   rest   of   the   night.     They   heard   the   sounds   of   conversation   downstairs,   and   then   heard   Richard’s   truck   drive   away.     Now   all   was   silent   in   the   back   yard.   Yoko,   Mary,   Marcelena   and   Laverne   walked   down   the   stairs,   leaving   Sheila   to   watch   over   the   sleeping   old   woman   whose   lot   in   life   had   been   so   full   of   hardships.     Sheila   moved   some   bedding   to   the   floor   before   Amalia’s   bed,   intending   to   sleep   there   for   the   night.     Dimitri   heard   soft   footsteps   descending   the   stairs,   the   rustling   of   clothes   and   knew   it   was   the   beauties   coming   down.    

“How   is   Amalia   doing?”   he   asked.     “Has   she   calmed   downed?”

“She   has   fallen   into   a   deep   sleep”   Yoko   replied.   “Sheila   is   by   her   side   and   will   take   care   of   her   all   night.”

“Sheila   is   really   a   very   good   girl”   said   Dimitri.     “She   knows   that   her   second   life   was   given   to   her   by   Amalia.     That   she,   at   her   young   age,   understands   the   concept   of   gratitude   and   repaying   her   benefactor   is   really   laudable.     Where   is   Mark?     What   is   he   doing?”

“He   was   looking   at   comic   books   in   the   front,”   replied   Laverne   “but   now   I   think   he   is   snoozing   with   his   head   on   the   counter.”  

“He   is   also   a   good   and   obedient   boy”   said   Dimitri   nodding.     “He   is   worthy   of   Amalia’s   loving   him   all   this   time.   Why   don’t   you   take   him   home,   Laverne?     He   has   worked   hard   all   day   and   needs   his   sleep.”

“No,”   said   Laverne   after   a   minute   of   thought.     “Let’s   wait   a   while   longer.     I   feel   as   if   something   is   going   to   happen   tonight   and   my   mind   won't   be   at   ease   if   I   am   not   here.     Let’s   wait   a   bit   longer.     Maybe   we   will   get   some   news   soon.”A   string   of   melodious   musical   notes   came   out   of   Mary’s   pocket.     She   took   out   her   cell   phone   and   said,  

“Hello.     Mary   speaking......”

“Oh   hi,   Mrs.   Goodridge.     How   are   you?”

“Now...   I   think   it’s   too   late......Can   we   make   it   another   day?”

“Tomorrow......3   pm......OK.     If   something   comes   up   I   will   call   you......”

“Sure.       Goodnight.”

“Who   was   that”   asked   Dimitri.

“It’s   our   next   door   neighbor   Mrs.   Goodridge.     She’s   the   one   that   owns   that   beauty   School   with   the   attached   beauty   parlor.     She   often   comes   to   our   store   and   buys   pastry   and   buns   and   loves   to   chat.   She   quite   embarrasses   us   by   telling   one   “You   are   pretty   as   a   picture”   and   another   “Oh,   you’re   beautiful   as   an   angel   from   heaven.”

“Well”   said   Dimitri   “She   isn’t   exaggerating.     You   are   all   really   beautiful   as   angels   from   heaven.”

“But   Amalia   doesn’t   like   her.     She   says   Mrs.   Goodridge   is   a   busy   body   and   a   big   mouth   who   likes   to   spread   tales   and   make   trouble.”

“Why   is   she   calling   so   late   at   night?     She   sounded   quite   urgent.”

“Yes.     Recently   I   have   often   heard   her   complaining   about   losing   a   lot   of   money   on   the   markets.     She   is   thinking   of   selling   her   beauty   school   and   the   three-storey   building   that   houses   it.”

“She   must   have   been   too   greedy   and   wanted   to   make   it   big   as   fast   as   possible   and   so   lost   money.”

“No”   said   Megginn   “not   really.   Recently   the   market   has   been   so   volatile   that   everyone   who   owns   stocks   has   lost   a   bundle.     No   one   has   been   exempt.     This   may   be   the   worst   financial   tsunami   since   the   1939   depression!”

“Really?”   said   Dimitri   “It’s   that   bad?”

“Yes,   it   is   and   it   has   spread   all   around   the   world.     I   have   long   since   taken   steps   to   ensure   that   World   Bank   is   immune   to   such   downturns.     In   fact,   it   may   stand   alone   as   the   only   bank   that   is......”

An   earth-shaking   explosion   from   across   the   lake   rocked   the   room,   followed   by   seven   to   eight   blasts   that   shook   the   very   ground   they   stood   on.   Amalia   was   startled   from   her   dreams   and   sat   up   in   bed   dazed.     As   the   blasts   continued,   she   got   out   of   bed   and   without   bothering   to   put   on   her   slippers   dashed   barefoot   down   the   stairs   shouting

  “Run   everyone,   run!     The   sky   is   falling!”     The   beauties   rushed   up   to   her   and   comforted   her   saying,

  “No,   it’s   ok.     The   sky   won’t   fall.     It’s   only   the   fourth   of   July   fireworks.     It’s   OK.”     Megginn   walked   to   the   back   door,   opened   it   a   crack   and   peered   out.     She   saw   that   skies   across   the   lake   were   lit   with   scarlet   flames.     Alarms   were   wailing   all   around.   Police   cars,   ambulances   and   fire   trucks   rushed   madly   to   the   scene.   The   police   controlled   the   traffic   and   evacuated   residents.     Firemen   were   busy   putting   out   the   roaring   flames,   but   Mr.   Kaffee   and   his   group   had   long   left   the   site.     Megginn   saw   a   puff   of   smoke   streak   across   the   lake.     She   quickly   let   it   in.     After   coming   in   to   the   back   year,   the   puff   of   smoke   made   straight   for   the   half   empty   glass   of   red   wine   and   changed   into   an   Easter   lily.   White   fairy   panted,

“All’s   well......Everything   is   alright......Romi   has   been   safely   evacuated   by   us......”

“Where   is   she   now?”   asked   Dimitri.

“Romi   has   been   badly   hurt   both   mentally   and   physically.     Mr.   Kaffee   has   taken   her   to   a   private   asylum   where   she   could   rest   and   recover.     She   said   that   when   she   is   better   she   will   come   to   you,   beg   your   forgiveness   and   give   you   her   account   of   what   happened.”

“So   long   as   she   is   safe   that   is   all   that   matters.     She   has   done   no   wrong   and   doesn’t   need   to   account   for   anything”   After   a   short   silence,   Dimitri   asked   White   Fairy

“What   happened?     How   did   it   end?     Don’t   keep   us   in   suspense.   Please   tell   us   in   detail   all   that   took   place   tonight.     What   caused   those   violent   explosions?”

Richard   and   Jamaz   each   drove   a   car   to   the   temple   by   the   lake   followed   by   a   puff   of   smoke.     They   relayed   Dimitri’s   message   to   Mr.   Kaffee.     Big   O,   who   was   standing   near   by   said,

“I   have   taken   an   oath   never   to   step   outside   the   door   of   the   temple,   but   it   seems   that   today   I   have   to   break   my   vow.     Getting   rid   of   evil   people   is   a   good   deed.     Since   it   is   Dimitri   who   asks   this   of   us,   we   cannot   just   stand   by   unconcerned,   doing   nothing.”

“You   are   right”   said   Mr.   Kaffee   nodding.     “The   two   of   us   used   to   be   very   bad,   but   once   we   discarded   the   evil   in   our   hearts   we   have   become   new   persons.”     He   then   asked   White   fairy   about   how   things   were   with   Hawknose   and   his   gang.     Though   this   was   the   first   time   he   saw   White   Fairy,   he   felt   comfortable   with   her.     He   knew   all   about   the   members   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   was   knowledgeable   about   the   happenings   there.     That   was   only   to   be   expected   as   the   traitor   Ileen   had   briefed   him   in   detail   about   everything   and   everyone   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     He   once   even   saw   a   map   of   the   Kingdom.  

  “Time   is   of   the   essence”   he   said.     “There   is   not   a   minute   to   spare   or   all   might   be   lost.     Let’s   get   the   victim   out   first   while   their   den   is   empty.”     So   the   four   of   them   plus   the   puff   of   smoke   set   off   at   once.     Big   O   led   the   way   in   Megginn’s   taxi   cab   with   Mr.   Kaffee   and   White   fairy   at   the   back,   followed   closely   by   Richard   and   Jamaz   in   their   dilapidated   truck.     Mr.   Kaffe’s   brains   were   whirling   at   record   speed,   calculating   how   to   deal   a   mortal   blow   at   the   enemy   that   would   be   steady,   precise,   ruthless   and   swift.     The   beginning   would   also   be   the   end,   a   satisfactory   and   successful   conclusion.     He   took   a   cheap   plastic   lighter   out   of   his   pocket.

  “Do   you   know   what   this   is?”   he   asked   White   Fairy.

“Of   course”   she   replied.     “”It’s   a   lighter.     I   saw   Richard   and   Jamaz   use   one   to   light   their   cigarettes.”

“Right”   said   Mr.   Kaffee.     “Do   you   know   how   to   use   one?”

“Let   me   try.”     White   Fairy   was   in   the   form   of   a   puff   of   smoke,   but   the   smoke   was   dense   and   could   carry   light   objects   and   do   effortless   jobs.     She   transformed   the   smoke   to   the   shape   of   a   right   hand   and   lit   the   lighter.

“That’s   great!”   said   Mr.   Kaffee,   elated.     “50%   of   my   plan   has   succeeded!”

According   to   White   Fairy’s   directions,   Big   O   parked   the   taxi   cab   at   a   corner   one   block   from   Hawknose’s   den.     Richard   and   Jamaz   parked   behind   them   and   came   over   to   their   car   window.

“Now   what?”   Richard   asked.     Mr.   Kaffee   gave   them   their   instructions   in   an   undertone   and   said,  

“You   only   have   ten   minutes.     Be   quick.     I   will   be   here   keeping   the   car   engine   running.”     Richard,   Jamaz   and   Big   O   left   hastily.     White   Fairy   floated   up   the   wall   silently   and   fluctuated   down   into   the   garden.     It   was   the   end   of   November.     After   a   hot   and   dry   summer,   the   grass   and   shrubs   were   tinder   dry.     White   Fairy   found   a   dark   spot   in   the   back   yard   where   the   grass   was   tall   and   packed   and   ignited   it   with   Mr.   Kaffe’s   lighter.     The   two   guards   rushed   to   the   backyard   and   tried   to   put   out   the   blaze,   never   suspecting   it   to   be   a   hoax.     White   Fairy   immediately   unlocked   the   front   gate   and   let   in   Richard,   Jamaz   and   Big-O   who   were   waiting   outside.     They   immediately   surged   in.     After   putting   out   the   fire,   the   two   guards   returned   and   were   surprised   to   be   confronted   by   unexpected   intruders.   Before   they   had   time   to   react,   they   were   rendered   helpless   by   strong   arms   that   choked   their   necks,   which   were   then   easily   snapped   with   a   clear   crack.     Big   O   and   Jamaz’s   sinister   and   ruthless   way   of   killing   were   so   neat   and   simple   it   seemed   to   be   synchronized.     They   then   dragged   to   corpses   into   a   shadowy   corner   and   hid   them   behind   bushes.   Meanwhile   Richard   rushed   into   the   house   to   see   if   there   were   any   other   guards   inside.     White   Fairy   brought   Romi   down   the   stairs   and   ran   out   the   gate   towards   the   parked   cars.     Richards’s   eyes   looked   all   around   and   found   no   one.     Upon   seeing   a   suitcase   on   the   round   table,   his   old   habit   of   picking   up   things   on   the   sly   came   into   play.   He   thought,  

“Hey!     I   risked   my   life   to   come   here.     I   can’t   just   leave   empty-handed!”     So   he   casually   filched   the   suitcase   and   took   it   with   him.     Jamaz   came   upon   Big   O   kneeling   on   the   ground   before   the   dead   guards,   his   lips   moving   as   if   in   chant   and   prayer.     He   pulled   him   up   and   dragged   him   to   the   door   saying,  

“Let’s   go   quick.     We   have   no   time   to   waste.”   Richard   brought   up   the   rear   and   closed   the   gate   behind   him,   leaving   no   clue   of   what   had   taken   place.     When   the   three   of   them   came   to   the   car,   they   saw   Mr.   Kaffee   at   the   driver’s   seat   of   the   jalopy   with   a   beautiful   woman   sitting   next   to   him   holding   an   Easter   lily   in   her   hand.     She   looked   sad   and   downcast.     When   Mr.   Kaffee   saw   the   suitcase   in   Richard’s   hand,   his   eyes   lighted   up   and   asked,

“Do   you   know   what   you   have   in   your   hands?”

“No.     It’s   heavy.     Perhaps   it’s   gold.”

“No”   said   Mr.   Kaffee   smiling   mysteriously.   “Maybe   later   we   might   need   it.”

The   two   cars   turned   around   and   drove   off   the   way   they   had   come.

They   had   not   gone   far   when   they   saw   two   large   black   sedans   come   flying   by.     Mr.   Kaffee   immediately   slowed   down   and   pulled   his   car   over   to   the   roadside.     Richard   and   Jamaz   stopped   too   and   came   up   to   see   what   caused   the   delay.

“What   happened?     Why   did   you   stop?”

“Did   you   see   those   two   sedans   that   just   flew   by?”     The   three   nodded.   “Hawknose   was   in   one   of   them.”

“Really?     The   why   did   you   stop?     You   want   them   to   come   back   and   get   us?”

“Hey,   brothers.   Want   to   do   something   spectacular   and   earth-shaking?”

“Sure.     What?”

“That   suitcase   used   to   be   mine.     Now   Hawknose   has   taken   it   over.   What’s   in   it   is   not   gold.     It’s   eight   hand   grenades.”

“What?     Hand   grenades?”     Mr.   Kaffee   slapped   his   hands   on   the   steering   wheel   and   said.

                        “Yap.   Hand   grenades!     Hawknose   and   his   gang   must   be   planning   to   do   something   drastic   and   make   a   big   haul.     Why   don’t   we   make   use   of   this   opportunity   to   make   a   clean   sweep   and   finish   them   off   with   a   single   blow.     We   just   have   to   throw   all   these   hand   grenades   into   their   den.     That   will   kill   of   the   whole   lot   of   them   in   one   swoop.”   Richard   hit   his   forehead   with   his   hand   and   said,  

                        “Good   idea!”   and   turned   to   go.

“Wait   a   minute”   said   Mr.   Kaffee.     “Not   so   fast.     This   has   to   be   done   neatly   and   efficiently.     Whether   we   succeed   or   fail;   whether   we   live   or   die,   nothing   must   link   this   to   Dimitri   and   lead   the   enemy   to   his   corner.”

“Of   course.     Why   don’t   you   take   Romi   and   White   fairy   away?     We   will   leave   the   minute   we   are   done.”

“That’s   doable”   said   Mr.   Kaffee   after   a   moment   of   thought.   “But   you   three   must   be   very   careful”

“I   will   go   with   them”   said   White   Fairy   turning   into   a   puff   of   smoke.     “This   way   I   can   report   back   to   Dimitri   and   let   them   know   the   outcome.”

“That’s   good”   said   Mr.   Kaffee   nodding.     Richard   tightened   his   hold   on   the   steering   wheel,   gave   it   a   mighty   twist   and   drove   off   in   the   opposite   direction.     Mr.   Kaffee   also   drove   away   quickly   with   Romi.  

Hawknose’s   den   was   brilliantly   lit.     They   had   not   found   the   two   corpses   in   the   back   yard   yet   and   must   have   thought   they   had   gone   after   the   fleeing   Romi.     Inside   the   house,   Hawknose   could   be   heard   shouting   and   cursing.     The   four   in   the   car   looked   at   each   other   as   if   agreeing   it   was   time   to   strike.     Richard   kept   the   jalopy   purring   while   Jamaz   and   Big   O   opened   the   car   door,   pulled   the   fuse   and   with   a   swing   of   their   mighty   arms   threw   two   hand   grenades   into   the   garden.     Loud   explosions   followed   amid   confused   shouts   from   the   people   inside   who   had   no   notion   of   what   was   happening.     Then   two   more   grenades   exploded   from   another   direction.     Richard   was   in   charge   of   driving   while   Jamaz   and   Big   O   were   responsible   for   the   attack.   Richard   backtracked   to   the   back   entrance   of   the   house   and   Jamaz   and   Big   O   threw   in   another   two   grenades.     Soon   all   eight   grenades   were   disposed   of   and   the   roar   of   fire   and   collapsing   buildings   rocked   the   tranquil   silence   of   the   night.     The   classy   old   residence   had   become   a   sea   of   flames.

White   Fairy’s   forceful   and   compelling   story   caused   the   beauties   pat   their   chests   and   exclaim

  “How   frightening!”  

  “Makes   me   break   into   a   cold   sweat!”  

“This   is   better   than   watching   a   thrilling   action   movie!”

  “It’s   lucky   everything   turned   out   well   and   no   one   was   hurt.     Otherwise   the   consequences   would   be   unimaginable!”

“I   suggest   we   all   drink   to   the   success   of   this   venture   and   settle   our   nerves”   said   Yoko   jumping   to   her   feet.     Dimitri   did   not   oppose   the   suggestion   and   the   beauties   seemed   agreeable,   so   Yoko   went   inside   and   soon   came   out   carrying   a   tray   with   two   bottles   of   brandy   and   some   glasses   on   it.     Amalia   loved   to   drink   so   she   grabbed   hold   of   the   brandy,   pulled   out   the   cork   and   drank   straight   from   the   bottle   without   bothering   with   a   glass.

“Slowly”   cautioned   Sheila.   “Slowly,   Amalia,   or   you’ll   choke.   No   one   is   going   take   the   bottle   away   from   you.     But   don’t   drink   too   much   or   you’ll   get   into   a   drunken   fit   again.”   Dimitri   took   a   large   gulp   from   his   glass,   and   luxuriated   in   the   feeling   of   the   warm   liquor   flowing   down   his   throat   straight   to   his   abdomen.  

“My   initial   plan   was   just   to   save   Romi”   he   said.   “That’s   all.     But   they   went   all   the   way   and   made   a   big   deal   out   of   it   –   hand   grenades,   fire   and   death   of   all   these   people!     If   they   left   any   clues   that   could   lead   the   authorities   to   them,   that   would   be   a   calamity!”

“I   think   they   did   very   well”   said   Megginn   putting   down   her   glass.   “They   were   neat   and   effective   and   eliminated   the   enemy   in   one   swoop.   Have   you   ever   thought   of   how   close   Hawknose’s   den   was   to   us,   Dimitri?     They   were   just   across   the   lake!     That   guy   was   a   notorious   womanizer.     If   it   ever   came   to   his   attention   that   there   were   quite   a   few   beautiful   women   here   at   the   bakery,   won’t   it   cause   more   trouble?”

“You   are   right”   said   Dimitri   nodding.     “I   am   by   nature   too   indecisive   and   irresolute.     That   is   my   weakness......”

“You   can’t   think   that   way,   Dimitri”   interrupted   Megginn.     “You   are   our   king.   You   think   of   things   from   a   different   perspective.     You   have   to   be   more   circumspect.     Take   Mr.   Kaffee   for   instance.     If   it   were   left   to   Richard   and   Jamaz,   they   would   have   killed   him   that   very   day.     Then   we   would   not   have   had   him   to   help   us   tackle   the   vicious   villains   tonight.     That   was   the   result   of   your   foresight.”     Just   then   police   cars   drove   by   with   sirens   blaring.

“The   police   are   investigating   the   case.     They   will   blockade   and   close   off   even   more   places   tonight.     It   is   best   that   no   one   leaves   here   tonight   so   as   not   to   arouse   their   suspicion.     Everyone   will   just   have   to   make   do   for   the   night.”

“No”   said   White   Fairy.     “I   have   to   go   back   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   let   them   know   the   latest   news.     Medusa   told   me   that   those   huge   bats   often   circle   above   the   gold   palace.     They   are   envoys   of   Zeus,   sent   by   him   to   see   if   we   are   complying   with   our   promise   to   coat   the   dazzling   gold   palace   with   iron.     Aisha   is   very   much   worried   about   this.   Romi   will   not   be   able   to   go   back   to   the   Kingdom   in   the   near   future.     Queen   Aisha   needs   to   know   this   and   think   of   another   way   to   get   the   work   done.”

“Good”   said   Dimitri.   “You   go   back   first.     I   will   be   back   with   the   beauties   in   a   few   days.     We   will   deal   with   the   problem   once   and   for   all   then.”White   Fairy   left.     Amalia   was   still   drinking   from   the   bottle.     The   beauties   coaxed   and   cajoled   her   into   going   upstairs   to   bed.     Mark   climbed   onto   the   tabletop   in   the   workroom   and   immediately   fell   asleep.     Dimitri   lay   on   his   lounge   chair   covered   by   his   brown   jacket.     Sleeping   outdoors   was   an   old   habit   of   his.

In   the   morning,   everything   went   on   as   usual.     By   eight   o’clock   sharp,   the   bakery   was   open,   but   somehow   business   was   slack.     Perhaps   people   were   wary   about   venturing   out   after   the   mysterious   explosions   and   fire   last   night.     Customers   whispered   to   each   other   about   the   big   criminal   case   last   night   and   how   the   police   were   mystified   and   did   not   have   any   clue.     Megginn   went   back   to   her   office   at   World   Bank   and   signed   a   nomination   letter,   appointing   Mr.   Oliver   Kaffee   as   the   CEO   at   large   of   World   Bank.     The   position   wielded   no   real   power   but   it   was   very   prestigious.     A   large   office,   equipped   with   every   luxury   was   prepared   especially   for   him,   but   it   was   to   be   left   empty   most   of   the   time.     As   it   later   turned   out,   Mr.   Kaffee   rarely   went   to   the   Bank   unless   it   was   unavoidable   for   him   to   meet   with   VIPs   in   his   office.     He   much   preferred   to   live   a   simple   and   secluded   life   with   Big   O   at   the   quiet   monastery   by   the   lake.     He   gradually   distanced   himself   from   his   former   underworld   connections   and   became   active   in   community   service   and   charitable   events.

Everyone   worked   hard   past   morning,   stopping   only   for   a   simple   lunch.     At   3   p.m.   Mrs.   Goodrich   promptly   arrived   and   stated   the   purpose   of   her   call.     As   they   had   surmised,   she   wanted   to   sell   her   three   storey   building   and   as   a   courtesy   came   to   offer   her   next   door   neighbors   the   first   option   to   buy.     It   was   just   what   Dimitri   had   hoped   for,   so   he   immediately   took   the   beauties   over   to   look   at   the   building.     It   was   unoccupied   as   the   Beauty   School   had   closed   down   some   time   ago.   The   first   floor   was   not   much   different   from   any   other   large   beauty   parlor.     It   was   a   place   for   the   students   to   practice   their   craft.     Of   course   being   student   and   thereby   novices,   the   price   was   much   cheaper   than   professional   beauty   shops.     The   second   floor   was   dedicated   to   designing   hair   styles.     The   third   floor   was   used   for   offices   and   dormitories.   The   backyard   of   the   building   was   separated   from   that   of   the   bakery   only   by   a   fence,   which   could   easily   be   knocked   down   and   made   into   one   large   backyard.     Dimitri   was   extremely   pleased   with   the   proximity   of   the   location   and   agreed   to   buy   it   on   the   spot   without   haggling   over   the   price.     Of   course   his   purpose   was   very   clear.     He   wanted   to   prepare   a   place   of   retreat   for   members   of   his   Kingdom   should   the   occasion   rise.

A   day   and   night   had   gone   by   since   the   explosions   and   fire   across   the   lake,   but   there   had   been   no   trace   of   Richard   and   Jamaz.     That   night   Dimitri   waited   anxiously,   silently   admonishing   his   old   friends   thinking,   “These   two   bums   should   really   show   more   sense.     They   could   at   least   call   me!”   As   time   went   by,   his   anxiety   and   agitation   grew.   “Could   they   have   been   arrested   or   met   with   some   other   kind   of   trouble?”     But   his   worry   was   superfluous.     Richard   and   Jamaz   had   fled   across   the   state   line   and   were   enjoying   themselves   in   another   city,   having   a   great   time.     It   was   not   until   the   following   evening   that   someone   noticed   there   were   three   rocks   placed   outside   the   backyard   gate.     Dimitri   knew   it   was   an   old   arrangement   he   had   with   his   old   friends.     It   was   a   sign   that   they   wanted   to   meet   with   him   at   the   deserted   rose   garden;   so   he   immediately   took   Mark   with   him   and   hurried   to   the   appointed   place.  

  Before   they   even   got   there,   the   enticing   aroma   of   roasting   lamb   chops   coming   from   the   depths   of   the   garden   made   their   mouths   water.     The   three   good   friends   laughed   and   embraced   each   other.     Dimitri   punched   Richard   and   Jamaz   on   the   shoulder   and   praised   them   saying,  

“Good   job!     Good   job!     Such   decisive   and   efficient   action!     Great!     Not   only   did   you   guys   save   Romi,   you   also   cleaned   up   a   whole   gang   of   villains   and   protected   the   safety   of   the   beauties.”

“Nah!”   they   said   modestly   “White   Fairy,   Mr.   Kaffee   and   BigO   were   the   ones   that   masterminded   the   thing.     We   were   just   the   odd   job   men   running   errands.”   Dimitri   then   scolded   them   for   keeping   him   in   suspense   for   two   whole   days,   making   him   feel   on   pins   and   needles   all   the   time.     He   was   so   anxious   about   them   he   could   not   eat   or   sleep.  

“You   guys   could   at   least   have   called   me!”   he   complained.     Dimitri   then   introduced   Mark   to   them   and   asked   them   to   take   care   of   him   for   a   few   days   while   he   was   away.     But   he   admonished   them   not   to   corrupt   the   simple-minded   young   man   by   taking   him   to   unsuitable   places   such   as   gambling   dens   and   whore   houses   where   he   could   learn   bad   habits.     Richard   jokingly   said,  

“We   will   give   him   back   to   you   exactly   the   way   he   is   today,   without   even   a   hair   missing.   How’s   that?”     All   four   of   them   then   sat   down   to   enjoy   the   food   and   drink.     Then   Dimitri   hurriedly   left   to   go   back   to   the   bakery.     Tickling   laughter   and   musical   guitar   notes   greeted   him   before   he   even   stepped   into   the   backyard.     Megginn   and   Samantha   had   arrived   and   everyone   was   waiting   in   the   workroom   for   his   return.     They   were   so   pumped   up   and   excited   by   their   imminent   return   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   that   they   were   wide   awake   and   not   at   all   sleepy.     Amalia   was   clamoring   for   more   wine.     Dimitri   nodded   his   agreement,   so   everyone   sat   down   and   talked   and   drank   till   late   at   night.     Alcohol   and   sleepiness   did   their   work   and   soon   everyone   went   up   to   bed.     Dimitri   brought   his   lounge   chair   into   the   workroom   and   lay   down   with   his   clothes   on.     Soon   he   too   fell   asleep.

                                                CHAPTER       TEN           Magic   Kingdom

Silent   majestic   forests   surrounded   a   crystal   clear   blue   lake,   smooth   as   a   mirror,   like   a   sparkling   sapphire   embedded   on   the   earth.     The   moonlight,   bright   and   clear,   shone   down   on   the   tranquil   mountain   and   water.     A   puff   of   smoke   streaked   over   the   lake.     It   was   White   Fairy   coming   back   from   the   mundane   world   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     From   afar,   she   glimpsed   two   figures   walking   hand   in   hand   by   the   side   of   the   lake   under   the   moonlight   and   knew   it   must   be   Angelica   and   Chanelle.     Ordinarily   she   would   have   stopped   to   chat   and   laugh   with   them   for   a   while,   but   today,   with   a   lot   on   her   mind,   she   was   in   a   hurry   to   report   to   Queen   Aisha   the   latest   happenings   in   the   mundane   world.     So   White   Fairy   did   not   stop,   but   flew   straight   through   a   half-open   window   in   the   palace.

The   two   figures   strolling   around   the   lake   really   were   Angelica   and   Chanelle.     Angelica   suffered   from   insomnia   and   Chanelle   was   a   night   owl,   who   liked   to   sleep   late.     The   two   of   them   often   wandered   around   the   palace   grounds   together   on   nights   when   the   moon   was   bright   and   luminous.     The   phosphorescent   radiance   of   the   moon   shinning   on   their   while   bodies   made   them   appear   to   be   pure   and   perfect   as   jade.     They   walked   quietly   for   a   while.     Chanelle   broke   the   silence   first   by   asking,   “Does   our   beautiful   poetess   have   any   new   poems   for   us   to   enjoy?”

“I   did   write   some”   answered   Angelica   shyly   “but   I   was   not   satisfied,   so   I   tore   most   of   them   up   and   threw   them   into   the   waste   paper   basket.     I   only   kept   one,   but   it   still   needs   a   lot   of   work.”

“Really?     That   must   be   a   good   one”   said   Chanelle   excitedly.   “Come   on.     Recite   it   for   me   so   I   can   enjoy   it!”     Angelica   cleared   her   throat   and   recited   slowly,

“Bide   quietly   and   dreams   will   come.

But   then   they   vanish   just   as   stealthily   as   they   came.

How   did   spring   come,   and   how   did   it   disappear   without   my   knowing?

Day   after   day,   from   dawn   till   dusk   loneliness   accompanies   me.

The   moon   shines   and   dims,   the   sun   rises   and   falls

Day   and   night   freely   alternate   and   exchange   in   the   skies.

But   what   has   these   changes   have   to   do   with   me?

I   wake,   then   sleep;   sleep   and   then   become   immersed   in   dreams.

As   time   goes,   by   I   age   and   lose   my   beauty.

How   did   I   come   to   be   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams?

And   how   will   I   one   day   leave?

Bide   quietly   and   dreams   will   come.

But   then   they   vanish   just   as   stealthily   as   they   came.

After   hearing   Angelica’s   latest   poem,   Chanelle   stopped   in   her   tracks,   looked   up   at   the   full   moon   in   the   skies   and   said,  

“This   poem   is   so   wonderful!     It   is   pregnant   with   deep   meaning.   From   this   poem   I   seem   to   see   a   beautiful   woman,   alone   in   her   boudoir,   whiling   away   the   long   and   lonely   night.     She   began   to   question   the   meaning   of   her   life,   the   merit   of   keeping   vigil   for   such   a   long   time   because   of   a   fluttering   and   uncertain   dream.   Is   it   worth   it?     To   tell   you   the   truth,   I   too,   have   thought   of   this.     But   I   am   not   able   to   put   it   into   poetry.”

“Really?     You   have   thought   about   this   too?     So   far   as   I   know,   most   of   the   beauties   in   the   Kingdom   never   had   sexual   relations   with   King   Dimitri.     There   is   only   a   subtle   spiritual   strength   to   sustain   the   relationship.     That   is   also   the   case   with   me.     But   I   doubt   that   a   platonic   relationship   will   last   long.”

“It   will   last   a   long,   long   time”   said   Chanelle,   looking   up   at   the   moon.   “Perhaps   for   all   eternity.”

“You   think   so?”   Chanelle   brought   her   eyes   away   from   the   moon   and   looked   at   Angelica   saying,

“Let’s   look   at   it   this   way.     Throughout   the   ages,   for   hundreds   and   hundreds   of   years,   from   generation   to   generation,   man   has   never   stopped   loving   and   believing   in   Jesus   Christ.     But   did   any   one   of   them   have   physical   relationship   with   him?     No.     None.     The   thing   that   ties   the   believer   to   Jesus   is   this   subtle   spiritual   strength,   which   can   be   called   hero   worship   or   religious   sentiment.     Isn’t   this   spiritual   strength   similar   to   what   we   all   feel   forking   Dimitri?     It’s   a   kind   of   love,   veneration,   an   almost   religious   sentiment   that   you   and   I   find   hard   to   express   literally.”

Angelica   silently   nodded   her   agreement   to   what   Chanelle   had   said.

Just   then   Kojak   and   Cortez,   the   two   ferocious   tigers   that   were   standing   guard   nearby,   roared   in   anger   and   dashed   towards   a   cluster   of   trees   by   the   lakeside.     Angelica,   who   had   recently   been   through   a   scary   attack,   stopped   dead   and   clutched   Chanelle’s   hands   tightly   in   fright.     A   figure   flashed   in   the   shadows   of   the   trees   and   a   beautiful   young   girl   appeared   under   the   moonlight.     It   was   naughty   girl   Dorna.     She   scolded   the   two   tigers   saying,  

“You   two   miserable   creatures!     Don’t   you   know   me?   Why   are   you   roaring   and   acting   up   this   way?     Look!     You   have   scared   away   my   good   friend!”   The   lake   water   splashed   and   another   slim   young   girl   emerged.     It   was   Deanna,   who   was   as   agile   as   a   fish   under   water.     She   walked   up   the   banks   of   the   lake,   leaving   behind   an   exquisite   mirror   and   a   comb   floated   on   the   water.     Angelica   came   over   smiling   and   said,

“How   come   you   two   are   still   out   here   so   late   at   night?     Do   you   have   insomnia   too?”

“Insomnia?”   scoffed   Dorna.     “What   is   insomnia?     Never   had   it.     I   was   fast   asleep   when   Deanna   woke   me   up.     She   had   discovered   a   secret   and   wanted   to   share   it   with   me.     I   was   curious,   so   I   came   with   her   to   the   lake.     We   found   the   large   white   fish   floating   motionlessly   on   the   water.     Gradually,   in   the   twinkling   of   an   eye,   she   somehow   transformed   into   a   beautiful   woman.     She   saw   the   two   of   us   but   was   not   afraid.     She   waved   amicably,   signally   us   to   approach.     Deanna   swam   to   her   and   gave   her   a   mirror   to   let   her   see   herself.     Then   she   gave   her   a   comb   and   taught   her   how   to   smooth   out   her   tangled   hair.     She   was   so   happy   to   have   changed   into   human   form   and   into   the   form   of   a   beautiful   woman   at   that!     But   she   couldn’t   talk   and   her   feet   could   not   leave   the   water.     I   told   her   that   if   she   continued   to   practice   asceticism   a   few   more   days   the   way   she   had   been   doing,   she   may   be   able   to   go   on   shore.     Then   we   will   welcome   her   to   our   palace   to   live   with   us.     It   was   just   at   this   time   that   these   two   bad   guys   came   galloping   and   roaring   and   scared   our   new   friend   into   changing   back   to   a   large   white   fish   and   vanish   under   water.”     After   she   finished   speaking,   she   hit   the   two   tigers   petulantly   on   the   head   and   they   squatted   down   at   her   feet,   as   tame   as   two   large   cats.

“Let’s   go   back   to   the   palace”   said   Dorna.   “I’ll   tell   this   good   news   to   Queen   Aisha.     She   had   been   complaining   that   the   palace   has   been   getting   more   lonely   and   desolate   with   so   many   people   gone.

She   will   be   happy   to   hear   that   a   new   member   will   be   joining   our   ranks.     That   will   make   her   happy.     King   Dimitri   will   be   back   soon.     We   will   greet   him   with   this   big   surprise.”     The   four   beauties,   guarded   by   the   two   tigers,   went   back   to   the   magnificent   palace.

Day   and   night,   night   and   day,   the   large   white   fish   swam   in   the   blue   waves   of   the   lake,   now   surfacing,   now   sinking.     After   a   thousand   years   of   prayer,   her   most   cherished   desire   was   heard   by   God   and   was   soon   to   be   granted   through   His   generosity.     The   very   thought   made   her   beside   herself   with   joy.     Day   and   night,   night   and   day,   she   lived   in   the   water.     She   grew   from   a   tiny   transparent   fry   into   a   fish   and   was   lucky   not   to   have   been   swallowed   by   other   larger   ones.     A   thousand   years   of   growth,   a   thousand   years   of   suffering.     She   absorbed   the   essence   of   the   sun   by   day   and   that   of   the   moon   by   night.     Day   and   night,   night   and   day,   she   floated   in   the   blue   waters.     A   thousand   years   of   growth,   a   thousand   years   of   suffering.     Full,   ample   breasts   symbolized   her   womanhood.     Her   glittering   scales   began   to   fall   off.     Day   and   night,   night   and   day   she   hid   in   the   deepest   waters,   enduring   the   pain   of   growth   and   metamorphosis.     Day   and   night,   night   and   day,   the   waves   tossed   and   rolled   ceaselessly.     Gradually   her   body   changed.     Her   tail   became   two   slender,   jade-like   legs.     Her   waist   contracted,   her   hips   flared   to   form   a   well-shaped   figure.   A   thousand   years   of   prayer,   a   thousand   years   of   desire   transformed   into   a   beautiful   and   glamorous   countenance.     A   fish   in   the   water   became   a   water   fairy.

The   large   white   fish   swam   freely   in   the   blue   waves.     It   was   this   expanse   of   blue   waters   that   suckled   this   magical   amphibian,   which   could   change   from   a   fish   to   a   beautiful   woman   at   will.     Nothing   was   impossible   in   these   mountains   and   waters,   for   couldn't   White   Fairy,   who   was   an   Easter   lily,   interchange   from   a   flower   to   a   puff   of   smoke   or   a   beautiful   woman   at   will?     The   large   white   fish   thought,  

“I   can   change   to   human   form   and   become   a   woman.     I   few   more   days   and   I   will   be   able   to   leave   the   water   and   go   on   land   to   that   magnificent   palace.     There   I   will   be   able   to   serve   King   Dimitri   with   the   rest   of   the   beauties.     But   these   young   women   are   all   so   beautiful.     Will   I   be   able   to   get   along   with   them?     Will   they   look   down   on   me   for   being   a   fish?   Will   I   one   day   be   able   to   gain   the   favor   of   King   Dimitri?”   These   intimate   female   thoughts   and   fears,   while   reasonable,   were   really   superfluous.     In   King   Dimitri’s   Kingdom,   everyone’s   thought   were   benign,   not   evil   or   deceitful.     To   them,   all   creatures   were   equal.   If   it   were   not   for   outside   interference,   this   was   really   a   paradise   on   earth.     King   Dimitri   was   like   a   gardener   who   loved   and   protected   flowers.     To   him,   all   beautiful   women   were   like   luxuriantly   blooming   flowers.   The   large   white   fish   swam   on.

  “Is   there   really   a   paradise   on   earth?”   she   wondered.     She   was   swimming   near   the   gold   palace   when   she   seemed   to   hear   tiny   voices   calling   her.     She   looked   around   and   saw   a   pair   of   little   people   calling   and   waving   to   her.     The   large   white   fish   thought,  

“It   was   I   who   brought   them   over   here.     Perhaps   they   want   me   to   take   them   back   again   to   the   other   side   of   the   lake.”     Always   willing   to   help   others,   the   large   white   fish   swam   near   the   shore   and   signaled   them   to   swim   out   to   her.     The   little   man   jumped   into   the   water   and   swam   valiantly   towards   her.     She   took   him   in   her   mouth   as   before   and   prepared   to   swim   away.     The   little   woman   stood   onshore   and   waved   goodbye   to   them.     The   little   man   in   her   mouth   said,  

“Thank   you   kindly   large   white   fish.     Please   take   me   to   King   Dimitri’s   palace.”   Though   she   was   puzzled   as   to   why   the   little   man   would   want   to   go   there,   she   nevertheless   did   as   he   asked.

In   a   remote   corner   of   the   gold   palace,   Viola   had   prepared   temporary   lodgings   for   herself   and   Mr.   Finger.   She   collected   dry   grass   and   colorful   flower   petals   from   the   grounds   of   the   gold   palace   and   made   them   into   comfortable   beds.     That   afternoon,   Mr.   Finger   woke   from   his   nap.     He   turned   over   and   came   in   contact   with   a   curvaceous   figure.     These   were   the   happiest   days   in   his   life.   He   felt   proud   of   himself   and   very   much   satisfied.     He   finally   had   a   taste   of   what   it   was   to   be   a   man.     But   then   he   sighed   and   said,  

“The   only   fly   in   the   ointment   of   my   life   now   is   I   haven’t   had   any   really   good   wine   to   drink   for   quite   some   time.     I   really   would   like   to   drink   to   my   heart’s   content   and   become   intoxicated.”     Viola,   who   was   lying   beside   him,   said,

  “I   heard   King   Dimitri   would   be   back   in   a   day   or   two.     Why   don’t   you   go   to   the   palace   on   the   other   side   of   the   lake?     There   they   are   sure   to   have   unlimited   wine   you   can   drink.”

“I   don’t   want   to   leave   you”   said   Mr.   Finger   cheekily.   “You   are   the   woman   dearest   to   my   heart   in   this   whole   entire   world.   Dimitri   has   all   these   beauties,   but   they   all   look   down   on   me   and   I   don’t   like   any   of   them.”

“Who   believes   in   your   rubbish?”   said   Viola,   slanting   a   glance   at   him   half   playfully   and   half   vexed       “No   excuses.     The   large   white   fish   is   willing   to   help,   so   going   across   the   lake   and   coming   back   again   is   no   problem   at   all.   I’ll   always   be   here.     When   you   want   to   see   me,   just   get   a   ride   back!”

What   happened   was   this.     That   morning   Queen   Aisha   and   some   of   the   beauties   came   to   inspect   the   gold   palace.     They   knew   King   Dimitri   would   be   back   soon   and   thought   he   might   want   to   come   and   have   a   last   look   before   the   gold   palace   was   coated   with   iron.     Viola   and   Mr.   Finger   were   hiding   in   a   corner   and   happened   to   hear   their   conversation   so   they   knew   of   King   Dimitri’s   imminent   return.     Recently,   Viola   was   becoming   impatient   with   Mr.   Finger,   who   was   becoming   a   hindrance   to   her   plan   of   revenge.     He   was   always   around;   glued   to   her   side   and   whenever   there   was   a   chance   he   would   ask   to   make   love.     She   had   no   opportunity   to   do   what   she   wanted   most   to   do   –   seek   revenge   for   her   mother.     So   when   she   heard   him   complaining   about   the   lack   of   wine,   she   knew   it   was   a   golden   opportunity   to   get   rid   of   him   for   a   time   so   she   would   be   unencumbered.  

Also   when   he   was   in   the   palace,   he   would   be   able   to   get   reliable   information   for   her.     So   Viola   set   to   work   on   the   infatuated   Mr.   Finger   saying,  

“Didn’t   you   promise   to   fulfill   my   dearest   wish   and   help   get   revenge   for   my   mother?     Why   don’t   you   go   back   to   the   palace   and   find   out   where   they   keep   the   sacred   bow?     If   possible,   steal   it   for   me.     I   promise   that   once   I   have   revenged   my   mother,   I   will   go   wherever   you   want   to   and   keep   your   company   forever.     We   will   never   part.”     Her   words   had   a   hypnotic   effect   that   made   Mr.   Finger   keep   nodding   his   head   in   agreement.     That   night,   the   two   of   them   went   to   the   side   of   the   lake.   As   luck   would   have   it,   they   found   the   large   white   fish   swimming   nearly.     They   called   to   her   and   asked   her   to   take   Mr.   Finger   over   to   the   palace   across   the   lake.

These   last   few   days,   Queen   Aisha’s   brows   had   been   knitted   in   anxiety   and   she   seemed   heavy-hearted.     Although   she   was   sitting   by   the   window   at   the   moment   looking   upon   the   beautiful   mountains   and   lake,   they   could   not   in   any   way   lessen   the   distress   in   her   heart.     She   was   deep   in   thought.     Two   nights   ago,   White   Fairy   came   back   from   the   mundane   world   to   let   her   know   that   Romi   was   physically   and   mentally   damaged   and   would   not   be   able   to   return   in   the   near   future.     That   would   drastically   curtail   the   project   of   mining   iron   and   gilding   the   gold   palace,   which   in   fact   may   have   to   stop   altogether.   But   there   was   no   plan   in   place   to   remedy   it.   On   the   other   hand,   Medusa   reported   that   huge   bats   have   been   hovering   above   the   gold   palace   and   relayed   Zeus   message.     They   said   Zeus   wanted   King   Dimitri   to   keep   his   promise   to   coat   the   gold   palace   with   iron   and   cover   its   brilliance   using   whatever   method   he   wanted.     They   warned   that   if   we   incur   the   wrath   of   the   King   of   gods,   the   consequences   would   be   dire.     Queen   Aisha   racked   her   brains,   but   could   only   come   up   with   three   mediocre   ideas.     First   she   thought   of   cutting   down   the   large   trees   in   the   forest   and   building   a   huge   warehouse   over   the   gold   palace,   covering   it   completely   thus   placing   the   whole   palace   within.     Secondly,   she   thought   of   mobilizing   the   citizens   of   the   Kingdom   to   dig   at   the   mountains   and   bury   the   whole   palace   under   the   soil,   in   effect   moving   the   mountain   to   cover   the   gold   palace.   But   she   knew   her   ideas   would   not   work   because   Zeus   was   jealous   and   suspicious   by   nature.     He   would   think   it   was   just   camouflage;   that   once   he   relaxed   his   surveillance,   we   would   either   rip   off   the   wooden   planks   or   dig   up   the   soil.     Then   the   gold   palace   would   be   just   as   brilliant   and   splendid   as   ever.     It   would   still   exist,   overshadowing   Zeus’   bronze   one   in   the   7th   heaven.     If   none   of   the   above   two   plans   were   feasible,   Queen   Aisha   thought   of   a   third   one.     Since   the   gold   palace   was   built   in   one   night   by   celestial   gold   smiths,   whom   Charmaine   commandeered   under   the   guise   of   Zeus’   royal   orders,   Why   not   ask   Zeus   to   send   down   his   gold   smiths   once   again   and   dismantle   the   palace?     That   would   appease   Zeus’   anger   and   jealousy   and   King   Dimitri   would   have   kept   his   promise.     That   would   be   killing   two   birds   with   one   stone.     But   if   we   do   that   King   Dimitri’s   honor   and   dignity   would   be   damaged   and   the   prestige   of   the   Kingdom   would   be   greatly   impaired.     King   Dimitri   would   never   agree   to   that.     Even   if   King   Dimitri   agreed   to   do   it   under   duress,   how   would   we   dispose   of   those   tons   and   tons   of   gold   debris   that   would   be   piled   up   high   like   mountains?     Sell   it   on   international   markets?     It   may   help   the   troubled   global   economy   in   the   short   run,   but   it   may   also   be   the   straw   that   broke   the   camel’s   back   and   be   catastrophic   to   the   already   beleaguered   world   economy   which   is   facing   total   collapse.   But   the   most   likely   outcome   is   it   would   kindle   the   suspicion   of   various   countries   and   instigate   economic   tracings   and   investigations   that   in   turn   would   lead   to   unnecessary   upheavals   and   trouble   for   our   Kingdom.   And   it   would   be   caused   solely   by   our   own   actions.     Anyway,   King   Dimitri   would   never   agree   to   do   this.     Queen   Aisha   went   over   all   possible   remedies   over   and   over   again   but   could   come   to   no   possible   solution,   so   she   decided   to   leave   all   this   for   King   Dimitri   to   decide.     She   turned   dejected   and   dispirited.     But   then   suddenly   she   thought   of   something   and   the   hint   of   a   smile   at   the   corner   of   her   lips   broke   through   the   despondency   of   her   depressive   mood.     It   was   as   if   a   gleam   of   brilliant   sunshine   pierced   through   the   dark   clouds.     She   suddenly   thought   of   what   Dorna   and   Deanna   had   told   her,   that   the   blue   crystal   waters   of   the   lake   had   nourished   a   magical   life.     Soon   a   second   White   Fairy   would   be   created.     That   at   least   was   good   news   and   King   Dimitri   would   be   happy   to   hear   of   it.     But   alas   that   smile   on   Queen   Aisha’s   face   was   brief   and   fleeting.     She   thought   of   King   Dimitri’s   imminent   return   and   of   how   she   should   answer   if   he   asked   about   his   old   friend   Mr.   Finger?   Mr.   Finger   had   the   run   of   the   palace   and   the   beauties   avoided   him   like   the   plague.     Granted   he   was   considered   a   trouble-maker   ion   the   Kingdom,   but   he   was   a   good   friend   of   King   Dimitri’s.     He   hadn’t   been   seen   anywhere   for   quite   some   time.     It   was   as   if   he   had   vanished   without   a   trace,   so   she   was   worried   about   the   little   man.     Queen   Aisha   sat   by   the   window,   restless   and   troubled.

Just   then,   rapid   footsteps   came   nearer   and   nearer   and   Queen   Aisha’s   bedroom   door   was   pushed   open   unceremoniously.     It   was   naughty   girl   Dorna   barging   in   without   being   announced   by   the   palace   attendant.     She   walked   in   shouting,

“I   caught   him!     I   caught   him!”

“Who   did   you   catch?”   asked   Queen   Aisha   in   surprise.     She   was   not   angry   at   Dorna’s   rash   entrance   because   the   girl   was   her   protégé   and   the   apple   of   her   eyes,   who   always   made   her   smile   when   she   was   down.

“Guess”   said   Dorna   mischievously.     “It’s   someone   you   wanted   to   see   but   couldn’t,   that   you   wanted   to   find   but   couldn’t!”

“Mr.   Finger!”   exclaimed   Queen   Aisha   animatedly.

“Right.     That’s   him.     I   caught   him,   that   lecherous   fellow!”

“Where   is   he   now?”

“I   coaxed   him   into   the   small   room   by   the   side   hall   where   we   keep   our   best   wine   from   countries   all   over   the   world.   I   poured   a   glass   of   very   strong   liquor   and   dropped   him   in   the   glass   intending   to   make   him   drunk.     I   locked   the   door.     That’s   as   good   as   catching   him.   Right?     That   would   keep   him   from   running   around   everywhere,   causing   trouble.     When   King   Dimitri   comes   back   you   can   give   the   little   man   back   to   him   and   your   job   is   done.”

“You   naughty   girl!”   said   Queen   Aisha   pretending   to   be   angry.   “Only   you   would   think   of   such   a   tricky   ploy!”

“Look!     I   do   you   a   favor”   said   Dorna,   throwing   her   palms   outwards   “and   you   get   angry   with   me.     That’s   not   fair!”

“Just   joking”   said   Queen   Aisha   smiling,   stroking   Dorna’s   hair.   “Your   plan,   though   unconventional,   is   really   quite   effective.     It   has   given   me   an   inspiration   as   to   how   to   deal   with   this   little   man.     He   has   wantonly   and   disrespectfully   harassed   the   beauties   and   aroused   public   indignation.     He   should   no   longer   have   free   rein   in   the   palace.     But   to   detain   him   in   a   small   wine   cellar   is   not   a   good   idea.     I   am   thinking   of   exiling   him   to   the   broad   open   space.     The   straw   hut   where   King   Dimitri   used   to   live   would   be   an   ideal   place.     We   will   give   him   comfortable   and   luxurious   clothing,   good   wine   and   great   food.     In   a   word,   give   him   VIP   treatment.     I   think   King   Dimitri   would   not   find   it   inappropriate.”

“You   just   said   my   way   was   unconventional”   said   Dorna   making   a   funny   face.   “Now   you   praise   my   unconventional   plan.”

“King   Dimitri   may   be   coming   home   either   late   tonight   or   early   tomorrow   morning.     Amalia   will   be   coming   with   him.     She   is   sure   to   ask   you   for   her   magic   broom.     How   are   you   going   to   deal   with   it?”

“No   problem.     If   I   can’t   deal   with   it,   I   can   always   vamoose.     I   will   play   hide-and-seek   with   her   and   lead   her   on   a   merry   chase.”

“Oh   yes!”   exclaimed   Queen   Aisha,   “I   remember   your   mentioning   you   saw   Mr.   Finger   in   the   courtyard   in   front   of   King   Dimitri’s   straw   hut   on   the   other   side   of   the   lake.     There   has   been   no   boat   going   over   to   the   other   side   these   last   few   days   and   Lotus   has   moved   back   to   the   palace/     How   did   he   cross   the   lake   and   come   back   to   this   side?”

“   I   don’t   know   and   I   didn’t   ask”   replied   the   careless   Dorna.

“The   next   time   you   see   him,   don’t   forget   to   ask.”   Queen   Aisha   was   normally   very   thorough.   She   was   detail   oriented   and   careful   in   her   handling   of   affairs   rarely   missing   much.     But   in   this   instance,   her   failure   to   inquire   further   into   this   critical   matter   and   letting   it   slip   by   so   easily,   would   evolve   into   a   disastrous   catastrophe.

“How   did   you   happen   to   catch   Mr.   Finger?”   she   continued   to   ask,   jokingly   imitating   Dorna’s   voice   and   manner.

After   leaving   the   mouth   of   the   large   white   fish,   Mr.   Finger   continued   swimming   until   he   reached   the   shore.     He   staggered   onto   the   white   sand   and   made   his   way   wearily   towards   the   palace.     The   day   was   beginning   to   dawn.     Being   familiar   with   the   lay   of   the   land,   Mr.   Finger   soon   came   to   the   entrance   of   the   palace   and   squeezed   through   the   crack   of   the   door.     As   soon   as   he   got   inside   the   palace,   he   began   to   wander   around   looking   for   wine.     He   searched   high   and   low   everywhere,   the   great   hall,   the   side   hall,   the   numerous   rooms,   but   could   find   no   trace   of   any   kind   of   wine   to   quench   his   thirst.     Just   then,   he   heard   the   sound   of   tinkling   laughter   and   spied   Dorna   and   Deanna,   whom   he   looked   upon   with   enmity,   walking   down   the   stairs   towards   him,   talking   and   laughing.     He   watched   them   leave   the   palace,   walk   towards   the   lake   and   dive   into   the   crystal   clear   blue   water.     They   were   swimming   to   meet   with   the   large   white   fish   at   their   pre-arranged   meeting   place.   Soon   the   inhabitants   of   the   palace   began   stirring   and   the   beauties   got   up   to   begin   their   day’s   work.     Mr.   Finger   felt   tired   and   decided   to   find   a   secluded   spot   and   take   a   nap.     The   sun   was   already   in   the   west   when   he   woke   up.     He   rubbed   his   eyes   and   sat   up.     He   saw   White   Fairy   come   out   of   the   side   hall   and   silently   walk   up   the   stairs   and   soon   came   down   again   holding   King   Dimitri’s   sword   in   her   hand   and   carrying   his   magic   bow   and   quiver   of   arrows   on   her   shoulders.     A   shock   went   through   Mr.   Finger’s   body   and   his   heart   was   full   of   joy.

    “Aren’t   these   the   weapons   I   came   here   for?     Isn’t   it   lucky   that   I   came   upon   them   the   very   first   day   I   am   here?     But   these   things   look   very   heavy.     How   on   earth   am   I   to   carry   them?     Never   mind.     I’ll   deal   with   that   when   the   time   comes.     For   the   moment   I   will   just   wait   and   find   out   where   they   store   them.”     Mr.   Finger   slid   into   the   side   hall   after   White   Fairy   and   found   a   discreet   hiding   place   where   he   could   see   but   not   be   easily   seen.     He   saw   White   fairy   pull   out   King   Dimitri’s   sword.     The   sheen   and   luster   of   this   magical   weapon   filled   the   room.     This   sword   was   razor   sharp   and   could   easily   cut   through   metal.     White   Fairy   used   a   white   cloth   to   wipe   it   clean   and   then   oiled   it   before   returning   it   to   its   scabbard.     The   scabbard   was   elaborately   carved   and   decorated   with   multi-colored   precious   gems.     When   worn   at   King   Dimitri’s   waist,   it   made   him   look   imposing   and   majestic.     White   Fairy   then   dusted   off   the   bow   and   adjusted   the   string   so   that   it   was   ready   for   use.   She   examined   every   arrow   in   the   quiver   to   make   sure   they   were   straight   and   sharp.     These   were   White   Fairy’s   gifts   to   King   Dimitri   when   they   first   met.     Now   they   have   become   the   national   treasures   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     For   some   reason,   she   had   a   premonition   today   that   they   might   be   needed,   though   she   had   no   way   of   knowing   when   or   where.

Laughter   and   merry   chatter   accompanied   Dorna   and   Deanna   into   the   palace.     Early   that   morning,   the   two   swam   to   a   pre-arranged   meeting   place   where   they   met   with   the   large   white   fish.     It   was   a   secluded,   shallow   beach   surrounded   by   trees,   not   far   from   King   Dimitri’s   straw   hut.     Deanna   combed   her   hair   for   her   and   took   her   measurements   so   that   ceremonial   robes   could   be   made   to   order   for   her.     Although   the   beauties   preferred   to   go   about   in   their   natural   state   most   of   the   time,   they   always   wore   magnificently   beautiful   and   decorous   court   robes   when   they   received   their   subjects.     Dorna   wanted   to   teach   the   large   white   fish   some   words   of   human   speech   so   that   she   could   surprise   King   Dimitri   by   conversing   with   him,   but   the   large   white   fish   was   not   able   to   speak,   though   she   could   sing   with   a   loud,   clear   voice   of   singular   sweetness   and   purity.     Her   feet   could   not   leave   the   water,   or   she   would   feel   a   shortness   of   breath   and   find   it   hard   to   breathe,   almost   suffocating.     It   was   not   an   easy   passage   to   turn   from   fish   to   human   and   a   considerable   amount   of   time   and   prayer   may   yet   be   needed   to   complete   the   metamorphosis.     The   three   of   them   arranged   to   meet   at   dawn   every   morning   so   she   could   learn   human   speech.     The   large   white   fish   walked   into   deeper   water,   turned   back   into   a   fish   and   disappeared.     The   two   girls   then   swam   the   long   distance   back   to   the   palace.     Feeling   tired   and   thirsty,   Dorna   poured   herself   a   glass   of   pomegranate   wine   which   she   brewed   herself   before   even   drying   her   hair.     The   wine   was   light   and   tasty   and   could   quench   thirst.     Dorna   and   Deanna   held   their   glasses   and   were   enjoying   their   drinks   when   they   saw   White   fairy   packing   up   King   Dimitri’s   weapons   in   a   corner   of   the   room.

“Hi,   White   Fairy.     This   is   not   a   time   of   war.     Why   did   you   take   these   weapons   down   from   the   attic?”

“No   reason”   replied   White   Fairy   smiling.   “Just   cleaning   and   oiling   them   so   that   they   would   be   ready   for   use   should   the   occasion   rise.”

“Come   have   a   glass   of   pomegranate   wine.     I   brewed   it   myself.”

“Just   a   moment.     I   want   to   put   these   away   first”   she   replied   holding   up   the   weapons.Dorna   and   Deanna   tossed   off   their   drinks,   light   as   fruit   juice.     Mr.   Finger   could   no   longer   contain   himself   at   the   sight   of   wine.     Forgetting   all   about   Viola’s   assignment,   he   rushed   out   from   his   hiding   place   and   stopped   before   Dorna,   shouting,

“I   want   to   drink   too.     Give   me   some   wine.”   Dorna   looked   down   in   surprise   at   the   little   man   who   had   disappeared   from   sight   for   so   long   and   could   not   be   found.   Here   he   was   all   of   a   sudden   out   of   the   blues.   She   teased   him   saying,

“I   won’t   give   you   any   wine.     What   are   you   going   to   do   to   me?”   Mr.   Finger   was   back   to   his   old   bag   of   tricks   again.     He   sat   down   on   the   floor   stomping   his   legs   and   started   to   act   up   and   make   a   scene.   Pointing   at   Dorna   he   railed   at   her   saying,

“You   won’t   give   me   wine.     Wait   till   King   Dimitri   comes   back.     I   will   tell   him   you   all   bully   me,   ill-treat   me   and   won’t   give   me   wine.     I   will   ask   him   to   kill   you!”

“OK.   OK.   Since   you   say   so,   I   will   capitulate.     Give   me   your   hand.     I   will   give   you   some   wine.”

Mr.   Finger   cupped   his   hands   together   and   Dorna   poured   a   little   of   her   light   wine   on   it.     Mr.   Finger   took   a   sip   but   then   immediately   spit   it   on   the   floor   saying,

“What   kind   of   wine   is   this?     Worse   than   piss!     Give   me   real   wine.     I   want   some   good   wine!”

“You   want   good   wine?”   asked   Dorna.   “Then   come   with   me.”   Saying   so,   she   turned   and   walked   out   of   the   room   towards   the   little   room   used   for   storing   wine,   followed   by   Mr.   Finger   running   as   fast   as   his   little   legs   would   go.     Dorna   took   down   several   bottles   of   renowned   wine   imported   from   different   countries   and   let   Mr.   Finger   sample   them.   He   chose   one.   Dorna   exclaimed,

“Well!     I   must   say   you   are   a   connoisseur   of   wine.     This   is   a   bottle   of   100-year-old   Mao   Tai   Wine   from   China.   It   costs   a   bundle!”

“Pour   me   a   glass   and   put   me   in   it.   Then   you   may   go.”   Dorna   did   as   he   asked.     Then   she   quickly   left   the   room   and   closed   the   door.     That   was   how   Mr.   Finger   was   caught   by   Dorna.

After   listening   to   Dorna’s   narrative,   Queen   Aisha   nodded   and   said,  

“From   now   on,   you   will   be   the   only   person   allowed   to   go   into   that   room.     Bring   him   some   food   from   time   to   time.   Wine   alone   is   not   enough   to   keep   him   in   good   health.     That   is   all.   You   may   go.”

“Yes,   your   majesty”   said   Dorna,   turning   to   go.     But   Queen   Aisha   called   her   back   asking,

“Did   you   just   say   White   Fairy   was   cleaning   King   Dimitri’s   weapons,   the   sword   and   the   magic   bow   and   arrows?”

“Yes.     She   said   it   was   better   to   have   them   ready   for   use   should   the   occasion   rise,   rather   than   be   caught   unprepared.”   Queen   Aisha   was   engrossed   in   thought,   for   she   too   had   a   foreboding   that   something   big   was   about   to   happen.

Myriads   of   stars   shone   and   sparkled   in   the   sky.     The   blue   waves   and   the   mountains   were   still   sound   asleep   in   the   gentle   night.     It   was   the   short   period   of   tranquility   before   the   storm.     The   huge   black   bird   perched   on   top   of   the   palace   had   noticed   the   small   group   of   people   who   were   crossing   the   suspension   bridge   and   were   making   their   way   towards   the   palace.   She   flapped   her   mighty   wings,   landed   lightly   on   the   ground,   turned   into   a   snake-haired   beauty   and   stood   by   the   bridge   to   await   their   arrival.   That   of   course   was   Medusa.     King   Dimitri   walked   in   front   leading   the   small   group,   followed   by   Amalia   with   Sheila   and   Yoko   on   each   side   of   her,   solicitously   helping   her.     The   rest   of   the   beauties,   Megginn,   Samantha,   Mary,   Laverne   and   Marcelena   followed   closely   behind.   King   Dimitri   hugged   and   kissed   Medusa   who   had   come   to   welcome   them.   The   beauties   too   crowded   around   to   greet   her.     Just   then,   two   ferocious   tigers   rushed   out   from   behind   the   right   and   left   rear   entrances   of   the   palace,   eager   to   greet   their   master.     King   Dimitri   made   a   sign   at   them   from   afar,   bading   them   keep   silent,   and   so   although   the   tigers   leapt   towards   him,   they   did   not   roar   or   make   any   noise   so   as   not   to   wake   up   the   beauties   still   asleep   in   the   palace.     They   ran   madly   around   their   master   in   circles   to   express   their   great   joy   at   seeing   him   back   at   the   Kingdom   again.     King   Dimitri   stopped   their   antics   and   led   the   beauties   into   the   palace   through   the   front   gate.     Inside,   the   lights   were   turned   down   low   and   the   fire   in   the   furnaces   was   not   burning   very   brightly   either.     The   atmosphere   was   comfortable   and   serene.     In   a   corner   of   the   palace,   the   palace   attendant   sat   dozing   and   the   hour   glass   slowly   trickled   on.     King   Dimitri   walked   to   his   throne   and   sat   down.   His   two   tigers   immediately   squatted   down   in   place   on   the   right   and   left   of   the   throne.     Medusa   gently   touched   the   palace   attendant   on   the   shoulder,   who   startled   up,   rubbed   her   sleepy   eyes   and   looked   at   Medusa   ion   surprise.     When   she   turned   and   saw   King   Dimitri   sitting   on   the   throne,   she   quickly   went   forward,   made   her   obeisance   and   quickly   went   to   serve   him   his   cup   of   tea,   which   he   customarily   took   every   morning.     The   beauties   came   up   to   the   throne   and   asked   for   leave   to   go   and   see   their   old   rooms   again.     They   were   very   much   attached   to   the   place   the   imprint   of   which   was   so   indelibly   etched   in   their   hearts,   where   they   had   so   many   good   memories   and   dreams.     King   Dimitri   nodded   his   agreement.     The   beauties   were   just   about   to   leave   when   suddenly   a   slim   figure   ran   in,   jumped   onto   King   Dimitri’s   lap   and   began   to   cry.     It   was   naughty   girl   Dorna.     She   sobbed   and   said   brokenly,

“Welcome   home   King   time   you   leave   again   without   telling   go   away   without   saying   goodbye......don’t   take   me   with   you......I   am   not   going   to   play   with   you   any   more......I   really   mean   what   I   say   you   time   you   leave   without   letting   me   know......I   really   am   not   going   to   be   friends   with   you   any   more......”

“OK.     OK.”   said   King   Dimitri,   comforting   Dorna   like   a   father   coaxing   his   beloved   daughter.   “Next   time,   I   promise   to   take   you   with   me,   okay?     Look   you   are   a   big   girl   now   and   you   are   still   crying   and   pouting   like   a   little   girl.     Aren’t   you   ashamed   of   yourself?”

The   beauties   laughed   and   walked   up   the   stairs.     Perhaps   it   was   their   footsteps,   or   their   opening   and   closing   of   doors.   Or   it   may   have   been   Dorna’s   sobbing   and   crying   in   the   hall.     But   the   beauties   in   the   palace   were   awoken   from   their   sleep   and   came   out   of   their   rooms   to   see   what   the   commotion   was   about.     In   the   spacious   hall,   the   sisters   who   had   not   seen   each   other   for   quite   a   while   were   happy   and   surprised   at   this   sudden   reunion.   They   called   out   each   other’s   name,   threw   their   arms   around   each   other,   hugged   and   kissed   warmly   murmuring   how   sorely   they   were   missed.     They   laughed,   cried,   hugged   again   and   again   and   were   loath   to   part.   Queen   Aisha   spent   some   time   calming   them   down   and   then   she   walked   down   the   stairs   together   with   the   beauties   to   greet   King   Dimitri.

King   Dimitri   greeted   the   beauties,   hugged   and   kissed   them   and   talked   to   each   and   every   one   of   them   comfortingly.     Dawn   broke.     Queen   Aisha   said,  

“Why   don’t   you   all   go   upstairs,   wash   up   and   get   dressed.     Then   we   will   gather   together   here   at   the   great   hall   with   King   Dimitri.”     The   beauties   all   bowed   and   said,  

“Yes,   your   majesty.”   and   went   back   to   their   rooms.     This   was   a   rare   reunion.     All   the   beauties   of   the   Kingdom   were   present   with   the   exceptions   of   Romi   who   remained   behind   in   the   mundane   world   to   recuperate,   Eileen   and   Stephanie   who   had   passed   away,   Charmaine   and   Clementine   who   had   gone   back   to   the   7th   heaven   and   Marianna   who   had   married.   The   attending   beauties   were   eighteen   in   all.     It   was   a   reunion   to   be   remembered,   for   unbeknown   to   all,   this   was   to   be   the   last   reunion   of   its   kind   in   the   Kingdom.   But   of   course   at   the   time   no   one   could   know   what   changes   and   developments   would   evolve.   King   Dimitri   sat   on   his   throne.     He   looked   around   the   great   hall   now   filled   with   his   beauties,   beautiful   as   flowers   and   radiating   vitality   and   exuberance   and   felt   genuinely   happy   and   satisfied.

For   this   momentous   occasion,   they   were   all   dressed   in   formal   attire   which   heightened   their   beauty   and   elegance   because   they   knew   soon   the   elders   and   chieftains   of   the   tribes   would   come   and   pay   their   respects   and   offer   homage   to   their   king.     King   Dimitri’s   heart   was   full   of   gladness   and   delight,   but   when   his   eyes   fell   on   the   six   empty   seats   in   the   room   he   could   not   help   feeling   a   sense   of   wistfulness   and   loss.     He   suddenly   had   a   strange   impression   that   the   beauties   were   all   like   exquisite   flowers   in   full   bloom.    

“Who   was   like   that   orchid   unfurling   its   delicate   petals   and   incomparable   fragrance   in   the   hollow   valleys?     That   was   Aisha   of   course,   the   renowned   scholar,   with   an   air   of   unmatched   refinement   and   elegance.     She   is   worthy   and   deserving   of   the   title   of   queen   of   this   Kingdom   of   Dreams.”

“   Look   at   that   colorful   and   distinguished-looking   peony.     Isn’t   that   the   personification   of   the   dignified   and   noble   Megginn?     Only   she   is   comparable   to   the   peony.     She   is   an   innocent   and   happy-go-lucky   girl,   but   when   the   need   arose   she   could   change   immediately   into   a   capable   and   resolute   commander.     She   has   tight   and   complete   control   over   the   finances   of   the   Kingdom,   but   she   is   not   proud   and   arrogant   over   her   position   of   power.     Whenever   something   important   comes   up,   she   always   consults   Queen   Aisha   before   making   a   final   decision.     That   is   really   rare   and   laudable.”     King   Dimitri’s   attention   was   drawn   to   a   black   tulip,   a   rare   and   unique   hybrid.     He   thought,

  “That’s   the   embodiment   of   Medusa!”     Medusa’s   image   appeared   as   of   before   his   eyes,   her   cold   but   gorgeous   countenance,   her   head   of   snake   hair   and   especially   her   piercing   eyes,   so   intimidating   and   unnerving.     She   is   God’s   gift   to   me,   my   right   arm.     She   is   the   guardian   of   my   Kingdom.     With   her   encircling   the   blue   skies   above,   I   can   rest   assured   that   the   safety   of   the   beauties   are   in   good   hands.     Under   the   blue   skies,   a   bright   red   poppy   was   swaying   in   the   wind.     It   bloomed   flagrantly   with   a   hint   of   evil.    

“That   was   the   personification   of   Ileen.     But   isn’t   she   dead?     She   may   be   dead,   but   the   flower   lives   on   forever   in   this   world.     Although   Ileen   was   scheming   and   crafty   and   wanted   to   kill   me   with   a   vengeance,   I   ordered   her   to   be   cut   in   two   from   the   waist,   an   extremely   cruel   method   of   execution.     That   was   a   mad   order,   born   of   a   desire   for   revenge,   for   which   I   am   deeply   remorseful.     Let   all   this   love,   hate   and   enmity   die   out   with   the   passage   of   time.     Let   me   remember   only   her   beauty,   remember   only   her   good   points.”     An   exquisitely   woven   crown   of   thorns   appeared   before   King   Dimitri’s   eyes,   where   one   large   purple   passion   flower   magically   bloomed.

“That’s   so   much   like   the   peaceful   and   mysterious   Chanelle”   King   Dimitri   thought,   “Whenever   I   am   with   Chanelle   I   would   feel   aroused   sexually,   but   at   the   same   time   it   would   sublimate   to   a   higher   level   into   a   spiritual   love.     I   wonder   if   sex   and   abstinence   can   co-exist   together.     If   it   could,   then   it   would   be   an   improvement   on   religious   cultivation,   a   perfect   philosophical   attitude.     Later,   when   I   have   a   chance   I   will   personally   experiment   with”.     Suddenly   King   Dimitri   saw   a   willowy   wisteria   branch   being   carried   high   into   the   sky   by   a   gust   of   wind,   like   someone   on   a   swing.     Clusters   of   purple   blue   blossoms   dotted   the   branch   which   was   tossed   helplessly   about.  

“Isn’t   that   a   symbol   of   Romi’s   fate?”   he   thought.     She   needs   to   be   attached   to   a   man   in   order   to   live,   just   like   the   wisteria   blossom   that   need   to   cling   to   a   vine   in   order   to   exist.     But   her   character   always   clashed   with   fate,   which   made   her   a   helpless   victim.     Romi   is   a   vulnerable   flower   that   needs   extra   tender   loving   care.”     The   beauties   saw   King   Dimitri’s   expression   turn   sluggish   and   his   eyes   starring   emptily   into   space.   They   knew   that   their   King   was   again   in   his   strange   reverie.     Whenever   he   looked   dull   and   transfixed,   his   brain   was   actually   churning   fast   at   double   speed.     They   wondered   what   new   philosophy   of   life   he   had   come   up   with   or   was   he   into   another   world   altogether?     Is   there   another   Kingdom   of   Dreams   besides   this   one?     The   beauties   talked   and   laughed   amongst   themselves,   leaving   their   King   alone   in   his   abstracted   musings.

A   strong   fragrance   from   a   small   tree   wafted   towards   King   Dimitri.     He   looked   but   could   see   no   flowers.     On   closer   inspection,   he   found   myriads   of   tiny   yellow   blossoms   clustered   on   the   branches   under   the   leaves.  

“This   must   be   the   osmanthus   tree”   he   thought,   “the   personification   of   Charmaine,   the   nymph   with   no   image   and   no   substance,   but   who   yet   really   exists.   Though   fragrance   has   neither   shape   nor   substance   and   cannot   be   seen   or   touched,   it,   too,   really   exists   in   the   air.   Now   Charmaine   has   returned   to   her   home   in   the   seventh   heaven   to   be   with   her   father   Zeus.     Is   her   life   happy?     I   often   think   of   her   and   her   twin   sister.”  

Thinking   of   Clementine,   King   Dimitri   envisioned   a   regal   green   and   orange   bird   with   bluish   purple   crest,   about   to   flap   her   wings   and   take   off   into   the   skies.     It   was   a   bird   of   paradise,   a   bird   hatched   by   a   flower.     “The   twins   were   nymphs   from   the   seventh   heaven   and   it   was   only   right   for   them   to   return   to   their   heavenly   abode.     Why   then   did   I   see   tears   shimmering   at   the   corner   of   her   eyes?     Perhaps   she   was   loathe   to   leave   me?     Ah,   Clementine,   Clementine,   forget   all   this.     Forget   me.     Forget   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     Wiping   all   this   from   your   memory   will   make   your   future   life   happier   and   more   enjoyable.  

                          Suddenly   the   slim   figure   of   a   young   girl   swam   into   the   ken   of   King   Dimitri’s   sigh,   whose   long   hair   hung   down   to   her   ankles.     Then,   just   as   suddenly   she   turned   into   a   purple   azalea.

“That   must   be   the   embodiment   of   Stephanie”   he   thought.   “After   bringing   her   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   I   personally   taught   her   the   method   of   practicing   internal   art   of   longevity.     She   finally   decapitated   the   scarlet   dragon   and   solved   the   last   puzzle   of   life,   proving   the   theory   of   the   truth   of   the   universe   and   life.     Now   she   can   move   freely   between   different   space   and   dimensions.     But   why   did   she   leave   me   the   puzzling   prophesy   before   she   left?     Her   words   made   me   uneasy   and   worried.     Ah!     I   understand.     It   was   her   entrusting   me   with   the   task   of   protecting   the   beauties.     Rest   assured,   Stephanie,   I   will   carry   out   my   duties   to   the   best   of   my   ability.”     Another   large   flower   appeared   before   King   Dimitri.     It   was   a   large   orange   and   yellow   bicolor   dahlia.  

“If   compared   to   a   woman,   she   must   be   Junoesque,   tall,   full-figured   and   middle-aged.     Doesn’t   that   description   resemble   the   kind-hearted   Marianna?   Ah,   old   friend,   I   haven’t   seen   you   for   a   long   time.     How   are   you?     How   are   the   children?     I   still   feel   remorseful   towards   your   husband.     Should   we   let   him   in   on   our   secret,   or   should   it   remain   forever   a   secret   between   you   and   me.     A   beautiful   girl   stood   under   a   cherry   tree,   wearing   a   yellow   blouse   and   a   white   pleated   skirt.    

“It   is   Yoko.     That   was   what   she   wore   when   we   first   met.     But   her   dimples   are   more   pronounced   now   and   therefore   more   fascinating.     She   was   a   baby,   abandoned   on   a   street   corner.     Amalia   took   her   in   and   brought   her   up   as   her   own.     Amalia   is   old   enough   to   be   her   grandmother,   but   Yoko   loves   her   like   a   mother   and   takes   good   care   of   her.     Yoko   is   married   in   name   to   my   good   friend   Richard.     When   next   we   go   back   to   our   bakery,   I   think   it   would   be   great   to   give   them   a   formal,   lively   and   cheerful   wedding   party.”    

Next   to   the   cherry   tree   is   a   camellia,   where   another   girl   is   standing,   the   lovely   and   delicate   Sheila.     She   was   a   poor,   homeless   lame   girl   who   used   to   be   a   teen-age   prostitute.     Left   to   fend   for   herself   at   an   early   age,   she   was   forced   into   prostitution   and   was   trod   upon   by   the   underworld   elements   of   the   streets   and   offered   like   a   sacrifice   on   the   altar   of   fate.     Amalia   took   pity   on   her.     Using   her   magic   powers,   she   shrank   the   girl’s   body   to   the   size   of   a   finger   and   swallowed   her   whole,   feeling   her   pass   through   her   abdomen   and   reach   her   womb.     There   she   was   made   whole   and   reborn   with   a   new   body.     Her   lameness   disappeared   and   she   was   normal   and   complete   in   every   respect,   including   her   virginity,   which   she   now   prized   above   all   else   in   the   world.     Like   Yoko,   she   loved   Amalia   like   a   mother   and   was   grateful   for   the   second   life   given   to   her.     Both   of   them   took   great   care   of   Amalia   in   her   old   age.     King   Dimitri   thought,

“How   lucky   these   two   girls   are   to   find   their   mother.     So   what   if   they   are   not   related   by   blood?   Who   is   my   mother?   Could   Amalia   be   my   mother   too,   who   gave   birth   to   me,   is   related   to   me   by   blood   and   whose   pedigree   I   share?”     Naughty   girl   Dorna   became   impatient   at   King   Dimitri   for   losing   himself   in   reverie   for   so   long.     She   walked   up   to   the   throne   and   waved   her   hands   before   his   eyes.     King   Dimitri   did   not   respond.     Queen   Aisha   quickly   pulled   her   away,   whispering  

“Don’t   disturb   King   Dimitri.     He   is   vulnerable   to   interruptions   at   this   point.”

King   Dimitri   came   to   a   garden   that   seemed   familiar   to   him.  

“I’ve   been   here   before”   he   thought,   but   he   couldn’t   remember   when.     Fragrant   jasmines   climbed   all   over   the   fences,   almost   obliterating   the   structure   they   clung   to.     Red   and   white   roses   and   pink   hibiscus   flourished   on   the   ground   below   it.     These   two   species   of   flowers   belong   to   two   different   climate   zones,   but   strangely   enough,   they   are   blooming   together.     King   Dimitri   looked   at   the   masses   of   fragrant   gold   and   silver   jasmine   blossoms   before   him   and   was   lost   in   thought.     He   seemed   to   remember   a   scene   from   the   past.     One   night   he   had   gone   to   see   Dr.   Elina   at   her   house   for   his   eye   exam.     Using   her   instruments,   Elina   looked   intently   into   his   eyes   at   close   range,   almost   touching   his   cheeks.     Dimitri   inhaled   the   faint   scent   of   her   breath   and   felt   the   soft,   gentle   touch   of   her   fingers.     Ah!   How   he   wished   the   close   contact   could   be   prolonged   indefinitely,   for   each   second   of   it   was   precious.     He   remembered   Elina   had   silver   combs   on   her   golden   hair   and   silver   ear-rings   on   her   ears   that   night.     Elina   felt   responsible   because   it   was   the   medication   she   had   prescribed   that   caused   Dimitri   to   lose   his   sight   sooner   than   he   should   and   turned   him   into   a   victim   of   Fate   –   a   blind   man   in   the   mundane   world.     But   he   was   philosophical   about   it.   “It’s   Ok,   Elina.   Don’t   blame   yourself   too   much.     I   can   always   regain   my   sight   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.”

Once,   when   Samantha   was   at   the   height   of   her   career   as   a   famous   international   model,   King   Dimitri   had   presented   her   with   a   bouquet   of   bright   red,   long-stemmed   roses   after   a   show   and   she   had   accepted   it   with   her   own   hands.   He   has   elated   about   it   for   days   on   end.   Samantha   was   the   red   rose,   brilliant   and   beautiful,   but   also   thorny   and   hard   to   touch.     Her   expression   was   always   aloof,   but   her   social   skills   were   impeccable   –   agile,   flexible   and   adroit.     All   the   rich   playboy   admirers   who   flocked   around   her   would   love   to   have   a   chance   at   intimacy,   but   were   afraid   to   be   pricked   by   her   thorns.   “I   am   honored   to   have   such   a   famous   flower   in   my   Kingdom   of   Dreams”   thought   Dimitri.  

The   pink   hibiscus   shivered   in   the   autumn   wind.   Exotically   beautiful,   it   looked   delicate.     From   its   soft,   tender   petals   King   Dimitri   seemed   to   see   the   lethargic   and   tired   features   of   Angelica,   ravaged   by   endless   sleepless   nights.   Her   pale,   anemic   complexion   accentuated   even   more   her   deep   blue   eyes,   so   large   and   beautiful,   but   always   with   an   expression   of   anxiety.   “Ah,   Angelica!   Your   life   was   given   to   you   by   God.     Don’t   hurt   it   in   any   way   or   throw   it   away   too   casually.     How   I   wish   you   could   regain   your   health,   have   sufficient   blood   in   your   beautiful   body.     I   am   waiting   to   read   your   immortal   poems.”    

In   a   corner   of   the   garden   was   the   graceful   classic   flower   –   clivia.     Unwilling   to   compete   with   others   in   showing   off   her   beauty,   she   bloomed   contently   and   silently   in   her   corner.   As   a   result,   when   the   other   flowers   were   faded   and   gone,   the   beautiful   orange   clivia   continued   to   flourish   week   after   week.     Its   patience   and   love   typifies   Novella,   the   nurse,   who   took   care   of   her   rich   but   ailing   husband,   thirty   years   her   senior.     After   his   death,   Novella   came   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   with   her   cousin   Elina.  

The   magnolia   blossom   tucked   into   Marcelena’s   hair   trembled   in   the   autumn   wind.     Marcelena   had   been   singing   on   the   streets   all   day,   but   the   money   in   her   tin   can   was   only   enough   to   buy   a   sandwich   and   a   cup   of   coffee.     These   she   generously   shared   with   Dimitri,   each   alternately   taking   turns   in   biting   into   the   sandwich   and   sipping   the   coffee.   Meager   though   the   supper   was   that   left   their   stomach   still   hungry   and   their   bodies   still   cold,   it   laid   the   foundation   for   their   life-long   friendship.  

“How   time   flies   by”   thought   King   Dimitri   gazing   at   snow   thick   on   the   branches   of   the   plum   trees.   “The   plum   blossoms   bravely   survive   the   weather.     In   spite   of   the   wind   and   snow,   they   struggle   to   be   the   first   flowers   to   bloom   and   to   bloom   profusely.   Our   Laverne   is   like   that   with   her   fearless   tenacity.     She   took   on   her   slender   shoulders   the   burden   of   supporting   a   family   not   related   to   her   by   blood.     She   took   care   of   the   old   couple   she   called   her   parents   until   they   died   and   continued   to   look   after   their   retarded   son,   Mark.   She   gave   me   her   heart,   but   offered   her   body   to   Mark,   her   retarded   brother,   like   a   sacrifice   on   the   altar   of   Fate,   to   let   him   continue   to   have   a   normal   family   life   and   a   vessel   to   vent   his   sexual   urges.     Her   noble   spirit   of   self-sacrifice   is   really   admirable.     Megginn   whispered   to   Queen   Aisha,   “King   Dimitri   has   been   lost   in   his   reverie   longer   than   is   usual.     Do   you   think   we   should   wake   him   up?”     After   thinking   for   a   moment,   Queen   Aisha   replied,   “No.     It’s   better   not   to   disturb   him   but   let   him   come   to   naturally.”

King   Dimitri   by   then   had   returned   to   his   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     On   a   misty   morning,   a   sea   of   flowers   was   waiting   for   the   first   crack   of   dawn   to   appear.     Every   flower   was   alert   to   and   waiting   for   the   birth   of   the   flower   fairy,   the   incarnation   of   the   Easter   Lily.     When   the   first   ray   of   sunshine   penetrated   the   fog   and   lit   up   the   pre-dawn   darkness,   an   exquisitely   beautiful   girl   with   long   snow-white   hair   was   seen   dancing   light   as   the   wind,   half-floating   in   the   air.     The   flower   fairy   was   born   –   White   Fairy!     This   was   a   scene   of   a   ballet,   written   and   directed   by   King   Dimitri.    

Another   figure   danced   onto   the   stage.     It   was   Natalie,   the   classic   ballet   dancer.     Tall   and   slim,   she   had   stylish   pose   and   matchless   grace,   elegance   and   symmetry,   much   like   a   gladiola   blossom.   The   two   of   them   danced   together   seamlessly,   perfectly   choreographed.     Natalie   was   not   only   a   dancer;   she   was   also   a   talented   composer.     She   would   use   a   pencil   and   sketch   pictures   of   postures   and   movements   as   they   came   into   her   mind.     Then   she   would   string   them   together   into   a   dance.     These   sketches   were   the   rhythm   of   her   life,   snatches   of   her   silhouette.     The   two   of   them   danced   on   and   on   until   they   came   to   the   side   of   the   lake.  

Mary   ran   quickly   towards   them,   her   golden   hair   flying   and   shimmering   in   the   morning   sun   like   a   sea   of   golden   daffodils.   King   Dimitri   remembered   seeing   Mary   for   the   first   time   when   she   was   running   to   catch   her   school   bus.     Just   as   now,   she   ran   with   her   shining   and   rippling   golden   hair,   trailing   behind   her   in   the   wind.     It   was   a   moment   that   remained   stamped   in   King   Dimitri’s   memory.

A   loud   splash   caught   his   attention   and   King   Dimitri   saw   a   slim   girl   burst   out   of   the   water   and   walk   onshore.     Her   well-toned   body   seemed   to   be   naturally   oiled,   as   water   ran   off   her   hair   and   body   like   pearls.     She   is   Deanna,   as   agile   and   quick   under   water   as   a   mermaid.     She   could   remain   for   three   whole   days   in   the   water,   even   sleeping   on   its   surface.     She   was   born   in   these   parts   and   grew   up   here.     Like   the   narcissus   that   grows   by   the   water   and   down   at   its   reflection   all   day,   Deanna   is   shy   and   introvert.  

  Mary   stood   by   her   the   lakeside   with   White   Fairy   and   Natalie.     All   three   of   them   had   long   hair   falling   to   their   waist.     Their   three   different   contrasting   colors   complemented   each   other   and   made   a   pretty   picture.   Another   splash   of   water   brought   out   another   girl   –   naughty   Dorna.     She   raised   her   arm   and   showed   them   the   large   carp   she   had   aught.     She   put   down   her   catch   in   the   water,   but   just   as   it   was   about   to   swim   away,   she   caught   it   again   by   its   tail.     She   did   this   several   times,   letting   it   go   and   recapturing   it   until   the   poor   fish   writhed   and   struggled   furiously.     In   the   end,   she   let   it   go   and   the   fish   she   had   teased   to   frenzy   slinked   away.     Dorna   walked   on   shore.     She   had   no   patience   with   long   hair,   so   she   kept   it   short,   letting   it   frame   her   lovely   face,   much   like   a   cyclamen.    

Not   far   away,   they   saw   Lotus   standing   before   a   straw   hut   holding   something   in   her   arms.     They   saw   her   throw   it   upwards   and   the   white   thing   flew   high   into   the   sky   like   a   cloud.     Lotus   had   been   staying   in   the   lowly   and   humble   straw   hut   spinning   all   night.     She   preferred   this   to   living   in   style   at   the   magnificent   palace.     She   wanted   to   live   simply   and   quietly   close   to   nature.     Oh,   she   had   not   simply   been   spinning.   All   night,   she   had   weaving   a   cloud   which   she   is   now   sending   into   the   early   morning   sky   and   watching   it   flit   away   higher   and   higher.     King   Dimitri   felt   his   heart   lift   in   happiness   and   pride.     “Ah!     That   is   my   beloved   Lotus.   If   you   are   willing   to   spend   the   rest   of   your   life   in   this   lovely,   humble   straw   hut,   I   am   willing   to   give   up   my   nomad   life.”     King   Dimitri   gradually   woke   from   his   reverie   and   looked   around   at   all   the   beauties   around   him   in   the   great   hall.     The   beauties,   meantime,   had   discovered   he   had   woken   up   from   his   deep   reverie   and   they   all   looked   at   him   smiling.     He   thought,   “I   must   establish   a   paradise   on   earth   and   care   meticulously   for   each   and   every   one   of   these   precious   flowers.     I   will   give   my   life   to   this   endeavor   and   will   even   die   for   them   without   regret.”

King   Dimitri   woke   from   his   reverie   and   became   aware   of   the   fact   that   he   had   behaved   somewhat   oddly   and   inappropriately   for   the   occasion.    

“Sorry,   everyone”   he   said.     “I   just   snoozed   for   a   little   while   and   woke   to   find   it   is   already   spring.     The   sun   is   warm   and   all   the   flowers   are   blooming.     Remember   how   in   the   mundane   world   it   was   winter,   cold   and   windy.     In   some   places   it   was   even   snowing   heavily.     But   here   in   our   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   spring   is   in   the   air   and   all   the   blossoms   are   flourishing.”

“Didn’t   you   know”   asked   Queen   Aisha   “that   the   climate   in   the   Kingdom   can   change   according   to   our   whims?       It   can   be   anything   you   want   it   to   be.”

“Really?”   exclaimed   King   Dimitri.     “I   don’t   believe   it!”

“I   have   been   so   busy   these   last   few   days”   said   Megginn   “working   day   and   night   that   I   never   realized   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   had   such   magical   functions!”

“If   you   don’t   believe   me”   smiled   Queen   Aisha,   “we   can   experiment   on   it.”     I   like   summer.     It   invigorates   me.”     All   of   a   sudden,   the   environment   seemed   to   change.   Trees   and   grass   turned   to   a   darker   shade   of   green.     The   sun   shone   brighter   and   warmer.     Even   the   water   in   the   lake   seemed   clearer   and   bluer.     Megginn   jumped   up   and   clapped   her   hands   excitedly   like   a   child.

“Can   I   try?”   asked   Laverne.

“Of   course”   replied   Queen   Aisha.     “Why   not?”

“I   like   fall.”   said   Laverne.   “Though   leaves   fall   and   flowers   fade,   the   air   turns   crisper   and   I   love   the   way   the   skies   seem   higher   and   bluer.”   Before   she   even   finished   speaking,   the   scenery   before   them   changed   again.     Leaves   fell,   but   they   turned   red   and   gold,   adding   exotic   color   to   the   landscape   that   extended   far   away   on   the   horizon.     The   blue   skies   seemed   endless   and   boundless,   like   exquisite   blue   gems.

“Well”   said   Queen   Aisha.   “We   have   been   through   spring,   summer   and   fall.     Who   likes   winter?”

“I   do”   answered   Sheila.   “I   like   the   snowy   season.     Snow   flakes   dance   in   the   wind,   giving   us   a   sense   of   peace   and   serenity.”     The   scene   once   again   changed   dramatically.     Snow   flakes   dotted   the   skies   and   gradually   floated   downwards   until   the   whole   earth   was   blanketed   by   pure   white   snow;   until   the   world   seemed   so   pure,   so   dazzlingly   white,   covering   any   trace   of   grime   and   ugliness.”

“Everyone   has   his   or   her   preferences”   said   Samantha.     “How   can   everyone’s   wish   be   satisfied   then?”

“Sisters.     Sisters”   called   out   Queen   Aisha.     “Please   close   your   eyes.     Think   of   your   favorite   season   and   then   open   your   eyes.”   Something   even   more   magical   happened.     When   the   beauties   opened   their   eyes,   they   saw   that   in   the   east,   spring   flowers   were   blooming,   trees   and   shrubs   were   sprouting   tender   green   shoots.     In   the   south,   the   hot   summer   sun   beat   down   on   dense   foliage,   which   cast   their   shade   on   the   ground.     In   the   west,   the   autumn   air   was   crisp,   the   cloudless   skies   seemed   higher.     In   the   north,   the   wind   howled   and   the   earth   was   covered   with   a   thick   carpet   of   snow.     The   four   seasons   actually   co-existed   together.  

“Sister,”   Queen   Aisha   continued.   “When   you   go   back   to   your   rooms   and   want   to   experience   the   four   seasons   in   one   day,   you   have   only   to   think   hard   on   your   wish   and   the   climate   will   change   at   your   will.     Any   time   during   the   24-hour   day,   the   weather   can   turn   rainy,   sunny,   foggy   or   cloudy.”     Delighted   exclamations   filled   the   hall.     King   Dimitri   murmured,  

“All   these   years   we   have   been   apart   more   than   we   were   together.     The   time   I   spend   here   at   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   have   been   minimal.     Most   of   my   days   were   spent   wandering   as   a   homeless   person   in   the   mundane   world.     I   never   knew   that   the   Kingdom   had   such   magical   functions.     This   really   is   a   great   surprise.”

“Welcome   back   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   Amalia”   said   Queen   Aisha.   “What   is   your   favorite   season?”

“All   four   seasons   are   great”   replied   the   pragmatic   old   lady.   “I’m   not   really   interested   in   which   season   it   is.     What   I’m   concerned   about   is   my   stomach.     I’m   hungry.     I   would   like   some   Peking   duck.”     Immediately,   a   large   silver   plate   appeared   before   her.     On   it   was   a   freshly   roasted   duck,   its   crispy   skin   sizzling   temptingly,   giving   off   an   appetizing   aroma.     Everyone   was   stunned   into   silence,   including   Queen   Aisha.     She   recovered   from   her   surprise   after   a   while   and   said,

“I   only   knew   that   the   climate   could   change   according   to   one’s   wishes,   I   never   knew   that   food   would   appear   according   to   one’s   wishes.     This   is   too   magical!”

“I   want   lobster   baked   in   cheese!”   exclaimed   naughty   girl   Dorna   and   lo   and   behold,   it   appeared   too.     She   took   up   her   knife   and   fork   but   said   with   a   frown,  

“I   only   said   it   in   fun!     Who   wants   such   greasy   food   so   early   in   the   morning?”     She   put   down   the   utensils   on   the   plate   and   immediately,   her   silver   plate   with   the   lobster   disappeared   completely   from   sight.     The   beauties   again   exclaimed   in   shock   and   surprise.     King   Dimitri   was   curious.

“Let   me   try,   too”   he   said.     “I   want   a   glass   of   red   wine   more   than   a   hundred   years   old.”   Strangely   enough,   a   crystal   glass   appeared   in   his   hand   and   from   above   him   in   the   air,   an   invisible   hand   poured   red   wine   into   his   goblet   right   up   to   the   brim.     King   Dimitri   hesitated   for   a   moment,   and   then   he   took   a   sip.     The   taste   was   strong   but   fragrant   and   he   could   feel   the   wine   go   down   in   a   hot   line   straight   to   his   stomach,   making   it   feel   warm   and   cozy   as   spring.     King   Dimitri   again   lost   himself   in   reverie.

King   Dimitri   sipped   his   wine   and   was   again   lost   in   reverie.     He   thought,

  “What   happened   here   is   really   unbelievable.     This   is   really   a   magical   dimension   and   my   kingdom   of   Dreams   just   happened   to   be   situated   here.   Who   can   say   what   happens   in   dreams   is   not   real?     At   the   time   it   happens,   dreams   are   absolutely   real.     Who   can   say   this   magical   dimension   does   not   exist   in   the   vast   expansion   of   the   universe?     Take   this   crystal   goblet   in   my   hand   for   example,   and   this   hundred-year-old   red   wine   in   it.   When   I   drink   it,   it   gives   me   a   warm,   cozy   feeling   of   spring.     Who   can   say   it   is   not   real?     This   luxurious   palace,   this   magnificent   palace   and   all   my   loyal   subjects,   don’t   they   really   exist?     The   twenty-four   beauties   in   the   palace   are   part   of   my   brain   cells.     What   special   fates   await   them   in   my   brain?     Everything   here   is   the   product   of   my   imagination   and   creativity.     Yes,   they   are   all   real,   these   products   of   my   imagination   and   creativity.     What   is   imagination?     What   is   creativity?     They   are   my   two   loyal   servants,   working   diligently   for   me   twenty-four   hours   of   the   day   without   food   or   rest.     They   are   two   workaholics.     Then   what   am   I?     I   am   only   a   carefree   bystander,   not   really   doing   anything.     I   am   like   King   Dimitri   sitting   leisurely   on   his   throne   doing   nothing   in   particular.     What   are   the   special   and   invisible   bonds   between   me   and   these   twenty-four   beauties?   I   have   never   seen   them   in   my   life   before,   but   they   are   like   personal   dossiers   that   suddenly   jump   out   from   a   long-sealed   data   storage   room.     They   appear   naturally   in   my   brain   and   I   invited   them   into   my   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     Their   beautiful   faces   are   natural,   but   their   different   personalities   are   the   work   of   the   servant   called   imagination.     That   servant   called   creativity   made   up   their   stories.     Thus   the   twenty-four   beauties   came   to   live   in   my   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     I   am   but   a   carefree   bystander,   not   doing   anything.     My   two   loyal   and   hardworking   servants   voluntarily   and   unconditionally   prepare   for   me   everything   that   is   beautiful   and   bountiful.     But   behind   this   beauty   and   bounty   lurks   dangerous   crisis   and   endless   trouble   waiting   for   me   to   face.     I   am   really   asking   for   vexations.   No,   actually   not,   because   all   crisis   and   trouble   are   surmountable,   transformable   and   dissolvable   because   I   have   two   loyal   servants   imagination   and   creativity.     The   two   of   them   working   together   become   wisdom.   I   am   but   a   carefree   bystander,   not   really   having   to   do   anything,   like   a   king.”

Queen   Aisha   smiled   and   looked   at   the   beautiful   magicians   before   her.     Oh,   they   are   not   really   magicians   but   rather   practitioners   of   the   science   of   mass   to   energy   interchange,   a   theory   that   human   civilization   have   yet   to   fully   approach.     But   here   in   this   magical   dimension   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   it   had   been   mastered   and   practiced.     When   an   image   flashed   in   the   mind,   an   entity   would   appear.     The   more   detailed   the   image,   the   more   satisfactory   the   entity   would   be.    

A   few   days   ago,   Samantha   passes   an   upscale   shoe   store   and   liked   a   pair   of   crocodile   skin   walking   shoes,   elegant   and   tasteful,   suited   to   her   position   as   vice-president   of   World   Bank.     Because   she   was   in   a   hurry,   she   did   not   walk   into   the   store   to   buy   it.     The   image   of   the   shoes   was   very   clear   in   her   mind.       Samantha   stood   up   and   walked   a   few   steps.     They   fit   her   exactly   and   were   very   comfortable,   but   looking   at   them   now,   she   thought   they   were   not   compatible   with   the   formal   court   dress   she   was   wearing.     Just   like   that,   the   shoes   disappeared   completely   and   she   was   again   wearing   the   same   formal   exquisite   high-heels   the   other   beauties   were   wearing.    

Chanelle   was   intent   on   reading   a   very   old   book,   with   pages   made   of   sheepskin.     It   was   one   of   the   earliest   edition   of   the   original   bible,   unabridged   and   unchanged.     It   had   long   disappeared   from   the   face   of   the   earth,   but   Chanelle   wished   very   hard   to   read   it   and   the   invaluable   book   appeared   in   her   hands.  

  Angelica   sat   facing   the   east.     Before   her   was   scenery   depicting   spring.     The   clear   surface   of   the   lake   shone   and   shimmered,   reflecting   the   surrounding   mountains.     The   beautiful   poetess   was   greatly   inspired   and   visionary   and   ingenious   words   came   flashing   into   her   mind.     She   slowly   recited   her   latest   creation:

“Proud   mountains   fight   valiantly   against   the   erosion   of   time,

  But   could   not   withstand   the   caress   of   the   spring   breeze.

  I   am   like   the   lonely   weeping   willow   by   the   water.

  How   can   I   resist   your   tender   eyes,   softly   rocking?”

Lotus   walked   towards   the   window.     She   took   her   handkerchief   and   threw   it   into   the   air,   where   it   became   a   white   cloud,   floating   higher   and   higher   in   the   sky.     Lotus’   heart   was   filled   with   happiness.     In   her   eyes   the   cloud   was   a   living   organism.     This   was   not   magic.     It   was   energy   produced   by   movements   of   the   heart   and   mind.     The   beauties   all   acted   upon   desires   close   to   their   hearts.     However,   none   wished   for   riches,   jewelry   or   precious   gems   for   in   this   fabulously   rich   Kingdom   of   Dreams   they   were   everywhere   and   thereby   considered   common   and   cheap   as   the   rocks   and   tile   debris   that   littered   the   ground   in   the   mundane   world,   and   thereby   not   considered   rare   or   unique.  

Naughty   girl   Dorna   conjured   up   a   rabbit,   which   she   chased   all   around   the   hall,   laughing   merrily.     Amalia,   who   still   retained   the   naiveté   of   youth   in   her   second   childhood,   joined   her   in   running   after   the   rabbit.     Sheila   and   Yoko   were   afraid   she   would   fall   and   come   to   harm,   so   they   ran   after   Amalia   and   held   her   by   the   arms.   By   then,   Amalia   had   completely   forgotten   about   asking   Dorna   to   give   back   her   flying   broom.     The   great   hall   was   filled   with   an   atmosphere   of   bubbly   exuberance   and   happiness.     Medusa   watched   the   north-western   skies   and   saw   only   an   endless   stretch   of   cloudless   blue.     Everything   appeared   normal,   but   Medusa   seemed   restless,   filled   with   a   sense   of   fear   and   uneasiness.

King   Dimitri   saw   what   was   happening   in   the   great   hall.     It   seemed   to   confirm   what   he   was   thinking   about   in   his   reverie.     He   raised   his   crystal   goblet   to   his   lips   to   take   another   sip,   but   found   it   empty.     He   held   it   out   saying,  

“Fill   it   up   again   for   me,   please!”   The   invisible   hand   poured   him   another   glass.     The   beauties   stopped   what   they   were   doing   when   they   saw   King   Dimitri   was   awake   again   and   focused   their   attention   on   him.     King   Dimitri   took   a   sip   of   his   wine   and   said,  

“Ladies,   your   attention   please.   And   I   beg   you   to   take   my   words   to   heart.     They   will   be   of   great   benefit   to   you   in   your   future   lives.   What   I   want   to   say   is   this,   “Though   it   is   not   easy   to   change   the   external   world   outside   of   you,   your   internal   state   of   mind   can   be   changed.     You   must   understand   how   to   operate   and   use   it.     Once   your   internal   state   of   mind   is   changed,   it   is   equivalent   to   changing   the   external   world.”     These   words   may   seem   hard   to   understand,   but   they   will   be   verified   later   on   in   your   life.”   Everyone   was   taken   aback   by   his   words.     Only   Queen   Aisha   smiled   in   acquiescence.

While   King   Dimitri   was   lost   in   reverie   just   now,   his   mind   went   through   a   winding   and   tortuous   journey.     He   thought,  

“I   was   a   penniless   homeless   vagabond.     Then   by   a   twist   of   fortune,   I   became   blind,   a   victim   of   fate.     Luckily   I   found   shelter,   a   place   to   live   and   should   be   satisfied,   but   my   two   loyal   and   hardworking   servants,   imagination   and   creativity,   thought   otherwise.     They   did   not   think   that   the   place   was   good   enough   and   so   worked   hard   to   create   a   Kingdom   of   Dreams   –   a   safe,   trustworthy   haven   where   I   can   always   retreat   to   anytime   I   want   and   be   free   of   the   chaotic   and   furiously   competitive   mundane   world.     But   actually   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   is   neither   safe   nor   dependable.     There   is   pressure   from   the   skies   above   and   all   around   there   are   hostile,   barbarian   tribes   eyeing   the   Kingdom   fiercely   and   covetously,   looking   for   ways   to   annex   it   as   their   own.     Perhaps   in   the   vast   expanse   of   the   universe,   there   really   is   no   place   that   is   absolutely   safe   and   dependable.     If   that   is   so,   why   don’t   I   move   this   Kingdom   of   Dreams   back   to   the   mundane   world?     I   shall   go   back   to   the   place   from   whence   I   came.     Won’t   that   be   good?     At   the   moment,   in   this   magical   dimension   where   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   is   situated,   I   have   seen   that   whims   are   a   strong   source   of   energy.     They   can   make   what   aspirations   was   in   your   mind   became   reality   in   the   twinkling   of   an   eye.     It   is   an   area   where   human   civilization   has   not   yet   been   able   to   deal   with.     It   is   something   that   cannot   even   be   imagined   yet   in   the   mundane   world.     Whim   is   a   strong   form   of   energy   when   correctly   used.   When   expertly   harnessed   and   operated   flexibly   and   elastically,   it   can   be   suited   to   the   different   imperfect   and   deficient   objective   environments.     This   special   energy   can   be   changed   to   all   kinds   of   forms   to   adapt   to   the   different   people   and   things   in   the   outside   world.     King   Dimitri   suddenly   thought   of   the   apartment   where   he   lived.     Every   day   at   noon   time   or   evening,   the   street   corners   would   become   the   loitering   place   of   prostitutes,   drug   dealers,   drunkards,   killers,   homeless   and   mentally   ill   people.   These   were   all   people   ostracized   by   circumstances   into   living   on   the   fringe   of   society.     Suddenly,   these   people   became   lovable.     They   were   all   smiling.     Though   they   were   still   dangerous   and   retained   their   aggressive   nature,   in   their   eyes   could   be   seen   the   benevolence   of   one   whose   conscience   still   retained   traces   of   artless   naiveté.     King   Dimitri   was   suddenly   enlightened   about   the   situation.  

“Yes,   I   should   move   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   back   to   the   mundane   world.     So   long   as   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   remain   in   our   hearts   and   in   our   eyes,   they   retain   the   fact   that   everyone   they   see   is   lovable   and   that   everything   is   good   and   beautiful,   then     I   can   establish   a   magnificent   and   colorful   new   world   in   this   mundane   world.     Yes.     After   I   get   back   to   the   mundane   world,   I   will   visit   Big-O   at   his   tranquil   Buddhist   temple   by   the   lake   and   discuss   this   with   him.     He   has   been   meditating   for   many   years,   leading   an   ascetic   life   of   prayer   and   self-mortification.     He   has   now   attained   the   status   of   a   revered   saint.   A   change   of   heart   and   mind   can   change   everything.

Noisy   footsteps   and   excited   chatter   could   be   heard   coming   towards   the   palace   from   all   direction   like   waves   of   the   ocean.     When   the   people   of   the   Kingdom   learned   that   their   beloved   king   was   back,   they   ran   out   of   their   home,   calling   to   friends   and   relatives   and   all   rushed   towards   the   palace,   hoping   to   catch   a   glimpse   of   their   beloved   king.   The   palace   attendant   came   in   to   announce   that   the   tribal   chieftains   and   elders   were   at   the   palace   gate   to   pay   their   respects   and   was   asking   to   be   received.     King   Dimitri   nodded   his   agreement.     The   beauties   rose   from   their   seats   and   stood   in   a   line   behind   King   Dimitri.     The   chieftains   and   elders   entered   the   great   hall   one   by   one,   announced   by   the   palace   attendant.     They   came   before   King   Dimitri,   knelt   down   and   made   their   obeisance.     When   King   Dimitri   saw   a   white-haired   old   man   kneeling   before   him,   he   would   stand   up   and   bow   in   response.     Queen   Aisha   would   personally   go   to   him   and   help   him   up   to   show   respect   and   deferential   consideration   of   the   Kingdom   towards   the   aged.     If   the   chieftain   was   young   and   able-bodied,   King   Dimitri   would   remain   seated   and   only   nod   to   him   in   return.     The   reception   over,   King   Dimitri   walked   out   of   the   great   hall,   followed   by   the   beauties.     He   stood   on   the   high   platform   in   the   square   and   accepted   the   homage   of   the   people.     Medusa   looked   towards   the   north-western   skies   and   saw   some   clouds   gathered   there.     Other   clouds   were   rapidly   floating   towards   the   north-west,   as   if   answering   summons   to   gather   there.   Her   heart   lurched   and   beat   faster   and   faster   in   uneasiness.     On   the   ground   below,   the   people   hailed   their   king,   their   enthusiastic   cheers   and   acclamations   rising   higher   and   higher   until   they   resounded   in   the   skies.     When   King   Dimitri   raised   his   hands   asking   for   silence,   the   crowd   quieted   down   to   hear   his   words   and   not   even   a   cough   was   heard.     He   said,  

“Chieftains,   elders   and   all   my   people!     You   have   been   working   very   hard   night   and   day   mining   the   mountains,   keeping   the   fires   going   to   melt   the   iron   ores.     I   greatly   appreciate   your   efforts   and   your   contributions   to   the   Kingdom.     From   now   on,   I   give   you   three   days   of   holidays   for   you   to   celebrate.     In   this   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   whatever   you   wish   for   will   immediately   become   reality.     My   people   celebrate   and   enjoy.”     The   joy   of   the   people   rose   again   in   waves   of   laughter   and   shouts   as   King   Dimitri   turned   and   led   the   beauties   back   into   the   palace.     Medusa   again   looked   towards   the   north-western   skies.     She   saw   that   more   clouds   had   gathered   there   to   form   a   thick   cloud   layer   and   was   spreading   wider   and   wider,   like   a   floating   piece   of   land.     It   floated   nearer   and   nearer   towards   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.


                              Chapter       11           Ten   Suns   in   the   Sky

King   Dimitri   led   everyone   back   to   the   great   hall   where   they   all   took   their   seats   at   the   table,   preparing   to   enjoy   a   sumptuous   feast.     Suddenly,   the   impatient   neighing   of   horses,   jarring   sound   of   their   impatient   hoofs   pawing   the   ground   mingled   with   the   din   of   rolling   wheels,   shouts   of   soldiers   and   their   officers   all   seemed   to   portend   the   advance   of   invading   troops.   Raising   his   head,   King   Dimitri   saw   the   thick   wide   cloud   layer   in   the   not   too   distant   skies   and   realized   the   clamor   came   from   there.     Medusa’s   snake   hair   stood   on   ends   in   anger   as   she   rushed   out   of   the   hall,   shedding   her   magnificent   court   dress   on   the   way.     She   transformed   herself   into   a   large   black   bird   and   flew   into   the   skies,   leaving   her   clothes   fluttering   to   the   ground.     The   palace   attendants   quickly   came   forward   to   pick   them   up,   brush   off   the   dust,   fold   them   carefully   and   put   them   aside.     King   Dimitri,   too,   took   off   his   royal   robes   and   coronet.     Queen   Aisha   helped   him   into   the   clothes   he   usually   wore   when   he   was   practicing   tour   de   force.  

  “My   sword   and   magic   bow   and   arrow   please”   he   said.

“They   are   all   ready   for   you,   your   majesty”   answered   White   Fairy.

King   Dimitri   secured   his   sword   to   his   waist,   shouldered   his   bow   and   arrows   and   strode   briskly   out   of   the   great   hall.     He   whistled   shrilly   and   Lightning,   his   immortal   flying   horse,   knowing   his   master’s   call,   came   galloping   to   him.     Just   as   King   Dimitri   was   preparing   to   mount   his   horse,   he   saw   a   huge   black   bird   come   zigzagging   down   from   the   skies.

“Oh   no!”   he   thought.     “That’s   Medusa!     She   must   be   hurt!”     Medusa   fell   to   the   ground   and   changed   back   to   human   form,   a   golden   arrow   protruding   from   under   her   armpit.     King   Dimitri   walked   over   to   her   and   pulled   out   the   arrow.     Blood   gushed   out   of   the   wound,   telling   him   she   had   been   badly   hurt.   Suddenly,   the   golden   arrow   flew   out   of   his   hand   back   to   the   skies.     Medusa’s   blood   kept   on   flowing   like   an   unstoppable   stream.     Elena   was   by   her   side,   trying   in   vain   to   stop   the   flow   of   blood.     King   Dimitri   had   a   sudden   inspiration.     He   remembered   the   time   he   first   saw   Medusa   and   shot   her   with   his   magic   bow.     That   time,   he   had   kissed   the   flesh   of   her   wound   and   healed   her.     He   immediately   bent   his   head   and   kissed   the   torn   and   mutilated   flesh.     The   blood   flow   slowed.     Two   palace   attendants   came   forward   with   a   stretcher   and   carried   Medusa   into   the   great   hall.     King   Dimitri   wiped   off   the   blood   on   his   mouth.     With   his   heart   filled   with   anger,   he   again   sprang   onto   his   horse   and   was   about   to   dash   away   when   White   Fairy   said,

“Just   a   moment,   your   majesty.     Let   me   go   with   you.     I   can   go   back   and   forth   as   a   messenger.”

“That’s   a   good   idea”   said   Queen   Aisha.   “That’s   a   good   idea.”     So   White   Fairy   changed   into   a   flower.     King   Dimitri   bit   lightly   on   the   stem   of   the   lily   with   his   teeth,   pulled   on   the   rein   and   dashed   off   with   White   Fairy   held   in   his   mouth.     Lightning   flapped   his   mighty   wings   and   soared   into   the   skies,   heading   straight   towards   the   clouds   like   a   shooting   star.

Medusa   lay   on   the   stretcher,   enduring   the   horrible   pain   of   her   wound.     She   struggled   to   sit   up,   but   Queen   Aisha   laid   her   hands   on   her   shoulders   and   cautioned,  

“Don’t   move.     Don’t   move.     Rest   quietly   and   you   will   soon   recuperate.”  

Her   face   blanched   of   all   color,   large   beads   of   perspiration   falling   from   her   forehead,   Medusa   panted   out   her   story   by   fits   and   starts.   “Quick...Quick...give   orders...have   men   stationed   on   all   the   high   elevations...tell   the   warriors...quickly   set   up   web   of   huge   arrows...prepare   for   invasion...from   the   skies...”     She   closed   her   fatigued   eyes   as   if   falling   asleep,   but   after   a   while   she   again   opened   the   tired   eyes   that   had   lost   their   normal   sharpness   and   luster   and   said,   “Just   now...when   I   flew   up   into   the   skies...I   endless   black   stretch...Zeus...brought   his   whole   army...”     Her   heavy   eyelids   closed   again   in   fatigue.     Queen   Aisha,   who   had   stayed   by   her   side,   comforted   her   saying,   “Don’t   worry.     Rest.   I   have   given   orders   according   to   our   pre-arranged   plans.     I   called   on   all   the   people   of   the   Kingdom   to   mobilize   and   protect   the   palace.     Rest,   Medusa.”     Medusa   raised   her   lusterless   eyes   towards   the   windows   uneasily.     She   saw   the   tribesmen   hurrying   about   carrying   knives,   swords   and   spears.     But   most   of   them   had   only   hoes   and   sickles   in   their   hands.     Some   carried   only   sticks   and   clubs   or   sharpened   tree   branches.    

“It’s   all   my   fault”   she   said.     I   did   not   organize   and   arm   the   people.     I   should   have   trained   them   to   be   prepared   for   anything.     These   hastily   assembled   troops   of   amateurs   are   no   match   for   Zeus’   army   of   ruthless,   well-trained   and   well-equipped   professional   soldiers.     They   will   be   annihilated   in   one   stroke.     In   fact,   they   are   no   match   even   for   the   hostile   barbarian   tribes   hovering   around   us.”     Medusa   suddenly   started   and   sat   up   in   alarm.    

“Oh   no!     If   the   barbarian   tribes   make   use   of   this   opportunity   to   launch   a   surprise   attack   on   us,   how   can   we   battle   two   enemies   at   once?”     The   two   tigers   who   understood   human   speech   and   who   were   lying   by   the   two   sides   of   King   Dimitri’s   throne   roared   and   rushed   from   their   positions   towards   the   entrance   of   the   palace.     There   they   sat   down,   baring   their   teeth   and   showing   their   sharp   paws   as   if   to   say,  

“We   will   be   responsible   for   the   safety   of   the   beauties.”     The   beauties   laughed.   Queen   Aisha   helped   Medusa   lie   down   again   saying,

  “Don’t   worry.     Don’t   worry.     Lie   down   and   try   to   rest.     Otherwise   you   will   aggravate   your   wound   and   that   would   be   terrible.     King   Dimitri   has   celestial   protection   and   this   piece   of   land   is   blessed   by   God.     It   will   not   be   taken   over   by   the   barbarian   tribes.”     Though   she   sought   to   comfort   Medusa   with   her   confidential   words,   Queen   Aisha   was   far   from   assured.     She   was   upset,   perturbed   and   apprehensive.     But   she   knew   that   at   this   critical   moment,   any   expression   of   agitation   on   her   part   would   all   those   around   her   and   thereby   impact   the   overall   situation.    

Dead   silence   reigned   both   inside   and   outside   the   palace,   where   even   the   dropping   of   a   pin   could   be   heard.     The   wind   blew   lightly   and   the   branches   stirred.     Even   the   sunlight   seemed   to   shiver.     People   waited   in   suspense   and   anxiety   but   time   seemed   frozen,   reluctant   to   move   forward   by   even   a   second,   a   minute.     Just   at   this   extremely   tense   and   nervous   moment,   when   even   the   heart   seemed   to   have   stopped   beating,   the   rhythmic   roll   of   war   drums   was   heard   coming   from   the   clouds.     Galloping   hoofs,   rumbling   wheels   of   chariots,   jarring   clashing   of   weapons   in   combat,   bolstering   shouts   of   soldiers   rising   here   and   subsiding   there,   announced   the   fact   that   King   Dimitri   was   in   combat   with   a   major   god.     The   beauties   anxiously   held   their   breaths   and   fisted   their   hands   so   hard   that   their   nails   bit   deep   into   their   flesh.  

  Just   then,   ten   huge   suns   suddenly   burst   onto   the   skies,   each   one   of   them   radiated   dazzling   brilliance   and   scorching   heat.     They   acted   as   if   they   were   mad,   rogue   planets   that   had   dropped   out   of   their   normal   orbit   and   went   rampaging   about   in   a   disorderly   fashion   all   over   the   place.     The   combined   brilliance   of   ten   suns   could   blind   any   human   being   and   their   combined   heat   could   scorch   the   earth.     The   very   trees   and   plants   would   have   run   away   fast   if   only   they   had   legs.     King   Dimitri’s   loyal   subjects   who   had   gathered   around   the   palace,   escaped   to   the   depth   of   the   forest   to   get   away   from   its   blinding   rays.     Some   simply   jumped   into   the   cool   lake   waters   tom   protect   their   safety.     Medusa’s   lusterless   eyes   seemed   to   have   regained   some   of   their   splendor.     She   was   immune   to   the   blinding   rays   of   the   suns   and   looked   up   towards   the   skies.     A   flying   arrow   hit   one   of   the   ten   suns,   sending   it   spiraling   down   in   a   burst   of   flame   to   destination   unknown,   its   dazzling   radiance   extinguished.   Medusa   recognized   the   magic   arrow   as   belonging   to   King   Dimitri   because   she   had   once   been   wounded   by   it.     Soon   another   gold   arrow   hit   another   sun,   making   it   burst   in   flames   and   disappear   into   oblivion   somewhere   in   the   universe.     The   gold   arrow   then   flew   back   to   its   owner.     Medusa   suddenly   thought,   “Yes!     That   gold   arrow   must   belong   to   Apollo,   Zeus’   beloved   son.     It   was   he   who   shot   me   just   now.”    

Queen   Aisha,   who   was   hovering   nearby   exclaimed,  

“Oh!   How   I   wish   White   Fairy   would   come   back   and   report   on   what’s   going   on!   This   lack   of   information   is   really   getting   to   us.     I   wonder   why   she   hasn't   come   back!”     Just   then,   a   puff   of   white   smoke   flew   into   the   great   hall   and   dropped   straight   into   King   Dimitri’s   crystal   goblet.   White   Fairy   drank   the   wine   thirstily,   parched   for   liquid.     She   looked   haggard   and   wilting.     Some   of   her   tender   petals   had   been   scorched   black   by   the   strong   sun.     Queen   Aisha   was   very   happy   to   see   her   and   immediately   got   some   clear   cook   water   and   sprinkled   it   on   her   petals.     The   beauties   crowded   around   her   eager   for   news   as   to   what   was   happening.    

“Good.   I   came   back   to   bring   you   the   latest   news,”   White   Fairy   said   panting.   “But   let   me   catch   my   breath   first   and   then   I   will   tell   you   everything.”

Riding   on   the   back   of   his   flying   steed,   Lightning,   King   Dimitri   streaked   up   to   the   clouds.     He   saw   endless   columns   of   soldiers   all   around   him,   configured   in   precise   rows,   their   armor   bright   and   shiny,   and   their   bearings   strong   and   robust.     He   thought,  

“These   must   be   the   celestial   hosts   brought   down   from   the   seventh   heaven   by   Zeus,   the   King   of   gods.”     In   the   midst   of   these   formidable   troops,   two   large   banners,   one   depicting   the   sun,   the   other   the   moon,   could   be   seen   fluttering   in   the   breeze.     Beneath   them,   two   chariots,   one   gold   one   silver,   flanked   the   sides   of   a   third   chariot,   larger   and   more   elaborately   equipped.     In   it   stood   a   dignified,   awe-inspiring   and   majestic   middle-aged   god   wearing   a   dazzling   gold   crown.     By   his   side,   twin   nymphs,   young   and   beautiful,   were   gazing   at   King   Dimitri   with   eyes   beaming   with   affection.     King   Dimitri,   too,   recognized   them   as   Clementine   and   Charmaine,   who   had   stayed   for   a   time   in   his   Kingdom   of   dreams.     He   was   happy   to   see   that   Charmaine   had   now   attained   her   own   image,   but   did   not   deem   it   prudent   to   acknowledge   them.     With   eyes   looking   straight   ahead,   King   Dimitri   galloped   fearlessly   forward,   stopping   at   a   distance   from   King   Zeus’   chariot.     He   bowed   low   on   his   horse   and   said,  

“Your   majesty   must   be   my   liege   lord,   King   Zeus.     I   had   no   knowledge   I   would   be   having   the   honor   of   your   visit   and   so   am   late   in   coming   to   welcome   you.     I   hope   you   will   forgive   me.”   A   smile   lifted   the   corners   of   King   Zeus’   lips,   but   it   was   hard   to   fathom   its   true   meaning.     It   held   a   trace   of   ridicule,   but   he   also   seemed   to   have   some   respect   and   appreciation   for   this   little-known   ruler   of   a   small   remote   kingdom.     He   said   in   a   loud   voice,

“Did   you   come   here   alone?”

“Yes,   your   majesty,”   replied   King   Dimitri,   again   bowing   low   from   atop   his   horse.     “Your   majesty   is   my   liege   lord.     You   come   from   far   away   in   the   heavens   with   your   might   army   to   my   remote   and   isolated   land.     May   I   ask   what   orders   you   have   for   me,   your   most   humble   vassal?     Please   let   me   know.”     Zeus   gave   a   hearty   laugh   which   stopped   abruptly.     His   face   turned   stern   and   austere   and   said,

“Good!     It   is   daring   and   bold   of   you   to   come   and   face   me   alone.     You   have   the   nerve   to   ask   me   point   blank   of   my   intentions.     Since   it   is   so......”

“Oh   no,   no,   your   majesty”   interrupted   King   Dimitri,   bowing   humbly   again   and   again.     “That   was   not   my   intention.     Please   let   me   know   your   wishes.”

“You   asked   my   two   youngest   daughters,   these   artless,   naive   twin   nymphs   to   relay   a   message   to   me”   continued   King   Zeus.   “You   said   you   wanted   to   acknowledge   me   as   your   liege   lord   and   be   my   vassal.     You   were   willing   to   destroy   your   gold   palace   to   show   you   never   meant   it   to   outshine   my   bronze   palace   in   the   7th   heaven.     I   assented   to   your   proposal,   but   up   till   now   have   yet   to   see   any   movement   on   your   part.     I   sense   you   are   procrastinating   in   an   attempt   to   renegade   on   your   promise.     You   want   to   know   why   I   am   here.     That   is   why   I   have   personally   led   my   army   here   to   bring   you   to   account!”


On   hearing   Zeus’   angry   words,   King   Dimitri   immediately   dismounted   and   knelt   on   one   knee   before   the   king   of   gods   in   fear   and   trepidation,   saying,

“Your   majesty!     Your   majesty!   Please   cease   your   anger   and   allow   me,   your   most   unworthy   subject,   to   tell   you   the   real   situation.”

“Speak!”   ordered   Zeus   in   a   sonorous   voice.

“I   ordered   all   the   people   in   my   kingdom   to   dig   in   the   mountains   and   mine   the   iron   ore.     We   intend   to   pour   melted   iron   over   the   gold   palace   and   forever   seal   it   up.     But   various   things   have   come   up   and   delayed   our   project.     I   hope   your   majesty   will   forgive   our   inadvertent   deferral.     Also,   no   time   limit   was   ever   set,   which   may   have   led   to   our   oversight   of   the   urgency   of   the   task.     But   I   can   swear   to   your   majesty   that   I   never   go   back   on   my   word,   which   is   more   important   to   me   than   life   itself!”     The   two   beautiful   nymphs   snuggling   by   their   father’s   side   were   King   Zeus   favorites.     They   spoke   up   and   said,

“Father,   that   is   true!     We   never   thought   of   setting   a   deadline.     Also   when   the   two   of   us   were   staying   at   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   King   Dimitri   treated   us   tender,   loving   care.     He   is   also   very   loyal   to   you.     Why   don’t   we   set   a   deadline   now   to   finish   the   project?     I’m   sure   he   will   accomplish   it   on   time.”

“Since   you   all   say   so,”   said   King   Zeus   after   thinking   for   a   moment,   “I   will   set   a   time   limit.     What   about   three   days?     Finish   the   work   in   three   days.     Destroy   the   gold   palace   within   that   time   or   else   when   I   bring   my   army   down   again   I   will   annihilate   your   little   kingdom!”

“Yes,   your   majesty”   said   King   Dimitri   nodding.     “The   work   will   be   done   without   delay.     Thank   you   for   granting   us   three   days   of   grace.”     He   thought   “This   is   extremely   hard   to   do,   but   under   the   present   circumstances,   I   can   only   promise   to   do   so   now   and   then   see   how   to   remedy   it   later.”   A   calamitous   crisis   seemed   to   have   been   peacefully   averted.    

Just   as   King   Zeus   prepared   to   withdraw   his   troops   and   go   back   to   the   seventh   heaven,   King   Dimitri   stood   up,   sprang   onto   his   horse   saying,   “Just   a   moment!     Just   a   moment!”     Everyone   was   mystified   and   taken   aback   by   this   sudden   change   of   events   and   couldn’t   make   head   of   tails   out   if   it.     King   Dimitri   continued,

“Your   majesty,   I   did   not   know   your   majesty   was   honoring   us   with   a   visit   today,   so   when   I   heard   a   commotion   in   the   skies,   I   sent   Medusa,   the   guardian   and   protector   of   my   kingdom,   up   to   see   what   it   was   about.     But   I   know   not   for   what   reason   someone   shot   her   with   a   gold   arrow   and   she   fell   down   from   the   skies,   fatally   wounded.     I   want   to   know   who   shot   her   and   why.”

“You   should   know   just   by   looking   at   the   arrow   that   it   was   I   who   shot   it!”   said   the   sun   god,   urging   his   horse   forward   in   his   gold   chariot.     King   Dimitri   saw   a   bold   and   handsome   young   man,   with   an   open   and   candid   disposition   and   knew   it   must   be   Apollo,   King   Zeus   beloved   son.       King   Dimitri   was   disposed   to   like   and   respect   him   on   the   spot.     Unfortunately,   due   to   the   seriousness   of   the   situation,   a   battle   between   them   was   unavoidable.     King   Dimitri   turned   to   Zeus   and   said,

“Your   majesty!     I   seek   justice   from   you.”

“What   do   you   have   in   mind?”   asked   Zeus   loftily.

“I   ask   to   fight   with   the   sun   god”   replied   King   Dimitri.     He   then   added   in   explanation,   “Though   my   kingdom   is   small   and   my   people   sparse,   we   know   the   saying,   “When   a   subject   is   shamed,   it   is   the   king’s   duty   to   address   it.     When   the   king   is   shamed,   it   is   the   task   of   the   subject   to   exact   retribution.     Medusa,   the   guardian   and   protector   of   my   kingdom,   through   no   fault   of   her   own,   was   fatally   wounded   by   a   gold   arrow.     If   I   do   not   demand   satisfaction   from   the   responsible   party,   how   am   I   to   reign   and   lead   my   subjects?     How   can   I   retain   the   loyalty   and   trust   of   my   warriors?”

Apollo   listened   to   King   Dimitri’s   words   in   surprise   and   admiration.     He   thought,   “My   sterling   reputation   speaks   for   itself.     Throughout   the   ages   no   one   has   ever   dared   to   challenge   me,   yet   this   courageous   man   is   willing   to   put   his   life   on   the   line   for   the   sake   of   his   warrior.     He   is   indeed   a   staunch   and   upright   ruler,   a   man   of   great   faithfulness   –   a   man’s   man.”     So   Apollo,   too,   felt   a   spirit   of   respect   and   comradeship   for   King   Dimitri.     These   two   gallant   and   heroic   men   mutually   appreciated   each   other   and   admired   each   other,   but   were   in   a   situation   where   they   had   to   fight   each   other.

“Swords   and   spears   have   no   eyes”   commented   King   Zeus.     “When   in   combat,   one   party   is   sure   to   be   wounded,   even   killed.     Don’t   you   know   the   reputation   of   my   son,   Apollo?     He   is   skilled   in   battle   and   has   never   been   bested.”

“Your   majesty,   I   have   long   heard   of   the   sun   god’s   reputation   and   greatly   respect   it.   But   when   honor   is   at   stake,   I   have   to   fight,   even   if   it   means   I   forfeit   my   life.”   Meanwhile,   Apollo   was   angered   by   King   Dimitri’s   words,   he   said,”   If   you   want   a   fight,   fight   I   will!     What   do   I   have   to   fear?”     Saying   so,   he   impelled   his   chariot   forward   on   the   attack.     Both   sides   were   at   an   explosive   point,   like   arrows   on   the   bowstring,   ready   to   set   off   at   a   touch.

    Just   at   this   critical   point   of   time,   nine   huge   suns   appeared   from   nowhere.     Added   to   the   one   already   high   in   the   sky,   there   were   suddenly   ten   suns.     They   went   on   an   uncontrollable   and   disorderly   rampage   randomly,   all   around   the   place,   like   unruly   planets   that   had   escaped   from   their   normal   orbit.     One   of   them   dashed   straight   at   King   Dimitri   on   a   head-on   collision   course.     The   ever   dexterous   and   resourceful   Lightning   sprang   away,   evading   the   catastrophe.   Taking   his   bow   and   arrow,   King   Dimitri   twisted   backwards,   turned   on   his   horse   and   aimed   at   the   stray   rapscallion.     That   sun   was   hit   and   dropped   off   into   oblivion.     King   Dimitri   turned   back   and   saw   Apollo   riding   in   his   gold   chariot   coming   swiftly   his   way   and   a   golden   spearhead   was   lunged   straight   at   his   face.   Having   no   time   to   change   his   weapon,   King   Dimitri   used   his   magic   bow   to   avert   the   tip   of   the   spear   and   in   a   downward   movement   prepared   to   disarm   the   sun   god.     Well-versed   in   strategy,   Apollo   recognized   King   Dimitri’s   move   and   intention   and   easily   thwarted   it   with   a   subsequent   move.     The   two   warriors   passed   each   other   on   their   horses,   ending   their   first   round.     Another   blazing   sun   came   rolling   straight   for   Apollo,   who   quickly   put   down   his   spear   and   took   up   his   bow   and   arrow.   He   aimed   it   at   the   oncoming   sun   and   shot   it,   sending   it   falling   down   from   the   cloud   layer,   its   fire   extinguished.     That   was   all   Medusa   was   able   to   see   from   the   window   of   the   palace.

When   White   Fairy   haltingly   told   what   happened   to   the   beauties   crowded   apprehensively   around   her,   they   heaved   a   sigh   of   relief.     But   soon   their   hearts   jumped   again   when   fierce   clashing   of   weapons   was   heard   again   from   the   cloud   layer,   because   they   knew   that   their   king   was   in   the   fight   of   his   life.     Accompanying   the   noise   of   combat   were   shouts   and   yells   of   soldiers.     But   wait!   The   soldiers   were   not   only   clamoring   to   show   support   to   their   side.     Mixed   in   it   were   yells   and   cries   of   surprise   as   well   as   bursts   of   applause   and   acclaim.     Queen   Aisha   looked   at   White   Fairy   inquiringly   and   asked,

  “You   were   accompanying   King   Dimitri.     Did   no   one   notice   you?”

  “No”   replied   White   Fairy.     “When   we   got   near   the   cloud   layer,   King   Dimitri   threw   me   up   into   the   clouds,   where   I   hid.   The   cloud   layer   that   looks   so   solid   is   really   made   up   of   individual   clouds.     Who   will   notice   that   there   is   a   puff   of   white   smoke   hiding   amongst   them?”   Medusa   was   recovering   from   her   wound.     Her   forehead   was   no   longer   covered   with   beadlike   perspiration.  

  “I   have   complete   confidence   in   King   Dimitri’s   military   skill   and   prowess   “she   said   calmly,   “I   am   sure   he   will   come   back   triumphant.     At   the   same   time,   I   am   sure   the   barbarian   tribes   will   not   dare   to   invade   when   there   are   so   many   celestial   soldiers   above.     They   are   all   scared   too   of   the   intense   heat   and   blazing   brightness   of   the   eight   suns.     Actually   now   I   am   not   at   all   worried.”

“No.   No   “said   White   Fairy.   Don’t   be   optimistic   too   soon.     At   Zeus’   side   is   another   fierce   warrior,   Artimus.     She   is   on   the   sideline   fiercely   watching   the   battle   between   her   twin   brother   Apollo   and   King   Dimitri.     If   she   joins   in   and   the   fight   becomes   two   to   one,   King   Dimitri   will   have   a   hard   time   winning.”     Yells,   shouts   and   applause   were   heard   again   from   the   cloud   layer.     Medusa   looked   again   and   saw   two   arrows   flying   in   the   air,   each   hitting   a   sun.     The   two   planets   sank   down,   their   fire   and   heat   extinguished.     White   Fairy   drank   the   last   drop   of   wine   and   seemed   to   have   completely   recovered   her   radiant   spirits.     She   said,

“I   must   go   back   up   and   see   how   things   are   going.     I   will   report   back   to   you   all.”

“Are   you   alright?”   asked   Queen   Aisha.   Why   don’t   you   rest   a   little   bit   more.”

“No   problem,”   White   Fairy   replied.     “Don’t   worry.     I   am   alright.     I   will   be   back   soon.”   Saying   so,   she   changed   to   a   puff   of   smoke   and   flew   away.

After   White   Fairy   left,   silence   reigned   again   in   the   palace.     Although   four   of   the   suns   had   been   shot   down,   the   scorching   heat   and   blinding   radiance   of   the   remaining   six   suns   were   still   wreaking   havoc   on   the   people   and   plant   life   on   the   ground   below.     The   temperature   within   the   palace   was   sweltering,   not   much   cooler   than   that   inside   a   furnace.     Queen   Aisha   remained   calm   and   unruffled   as   usual.     Her   fearlessness   in   the   hour   of   peril   was   really   admirable.     Her   composure   calmed   down   the   beauties,   who   again   sat   down   to   await   the   news   of   battle.     Only   one   of   them   remained   agitated.     Too   restless   to   remain   quiet,   she   rubbed   her   hands,   drew   meaningless   lines   and   circles   on   the   ground   with   her   feet.     In   the   end   she   stood   up   and   went   prowling   around   the   great   hall.     That   was   the   unrestrainable   naughty   girl   Dorna.     Queen   Aisha   understood   the   girl.     She   knew   Dorna   would   really   like   to   fly   up   to   the   skies   and   watch   the   combat.     In   fact,   she   would   not   mind   joining   in   too   and   help   King   Dimitri.     But   she   couldn’t   do   so   because   she   could   not   fly.    

“Dorna”   Queen   Aisha   said   “It’s   hot   in   here.   Look   at   your   sisters.     They   are   sitting   there   quietly   but   they   are   still   perspiring   profusely.     You’d   better   calm   down.   Why   are   you   walking   around   in   circles   like   that?     Come.     Sit   down.”

“Yes,   your   majesty”   answered   Dorna   docilely.   But   her   legs   kept   walking   towards   the   side   hall.

“Stop!     Where   are   you   going?”   Dorna   stopped.     In   front   of   all   the   other   beauties,   she   had   to   adhere   to   court   protocol.

“Your   majesty,   I   was   just   going   to   the   side   hall.”

“Why   do   you   want   to   go   there?”

“Just   to   get   something.     I’ll   be   right   back.”

“What   do   you   want   to   get?”

“You’ll   know   when   I   bring   it   back”   replied   Dorna   with   a   pout   and   walked   away.   The   beauties   all   knew   that   the   relationship   between   Queen   Aisha   and   Dorna   was   more   like   a   mother/daughter   one,   so   the   queen   was   always   more   tolerant   and   forging   when   naughty   Dorna   threw   a   fit   or   was   unreasonable.

Dorna   stopped   before   the   small   room   where   they   stored   all   the   name-brand   wines   from   ll   around   the   world.     She   pushed   open   the   door,   stepped   in   and   quickly   closed   it   behind   her.     Mr.   Finger   was   already   sitting   on   the   table   eating   the   food   Dorna   brought   him,   all   the   while   listening   to   the   going-ons   outside   with   his   little   ears   all   pricked   up.     He   put   a   forefinger   of   his   left   hand   to   his   mouth   and   made   a   shushing   sound,   while   waving   his   right   hand   to   Dorna,   asking   her   to   come   closer.     “What’s   all   this   noise   and   clamor   out   there?”   he   asked.   “Is   there   a   battle   going   on?”   Dorna   nodded.     “Who   won?”

“Don’t   know   yet”   she   answered.   “It’s   still   going   on.”

“Ah!     If   you   win,   that’s   great,   but   if   you   lose,   please   don’t   let   them   know   I   am   hiding   here.     My   life   is   valuable.”

“Is   your   life   the   only   one   that’s   valuable?”   asked   Dorna,   getting   angry.   “What   about   other   people’s   lives?   Are   they   worthless?     Isn’t   King   Dimitri’s   life   valuable?”

“Why   should   King   Dimitri’s   life   be   valuable?”   replied   Mr.   Finger   arrogantly.     “He   is   like   a   broken   and   deflate   ball   on   the   street   that   anyone   can   kick.     Your   lives   are   even   more   worthless.     I   don’t   care   if   all   of   you   die.     But   I   must   live   because   I   have   a   wife   now.”

“Shame   on   you”   said   Dorna   flicking   her   finger   against   her   cheek.   “Shame   on   you.     Who   will   marry   you?   How   can   you   possibly   have   a   wife?”

“My   wife   is   the   most   beautiful   woman   in   the   world!     She   is   much   more   beautiful   than   one   of   you   in   the   palace!”   Dorna   walked   to   the   last   wine   cabinet,   completely   ignoring   the   little   man.     She   carried   over   a   ladder   and   climbed   onto   it.     Reaching   behind   the   top,   she   pulled   out   something.     Hey!     It   was   Amalia’s   magic   flying   broom.     Carrying   the   broom   in   her   hand,   Dorna   climbed   down   the   ladder   and   walked   towards   the   door.     As   she   walked   past   Mr.   Finger,   she   saw   he   had   stood   up   and   was   waving   to   her   saying,

“Quick!   Quick!   Come   and   help   me   to   the   ground.     My   wife   is   the   most   beautiful   woman   in   the   whole   world.     I   cannot   stay   here   and   jeopardize   my   life.     I   must   escape.     If   I   die,   I   can   no   longer   enjoy   this   gorgeous   beauty.     Quick!     Help   me   down!”   At   this   critical   time,   Dorna   of   course   was   not   going   to   give   in   to   his   demand.     If   this   little   guy   got   loose   and   made   mischief,   it   would   create   unnecessary   complications.     Dorna   thought   for   a   moment   and   came   up   with   an   idea.   Grabbing   the   half   empty   bottle   of   Mou   Tai,   she   pulled   out   the   cork   and   deliberately   thrust   the   opened   bottle   under   Mr.   Finger’s   nose   saying,

“Smell!     What   do   you   think   of   this   expensive   Mou   Tai?     You   just   tasted   it.     Was   it   good?”

“Ah-h-h-h-h-!”   drooled   Mr.   Finger.     His   eyes   crossed   at   the   seductive   smell   right   under   his   nostril.   He   nodded   emphatically   saying,   “Good   stuff!     Good   stuff!”

“Since   you   like   it   so   much”   said   Dorna   “what   about   another   cup?”

“Good!     Good!”   exclaimed   the   little   man,   forgetting   about   everything   else   in   his   insatiable   greed   for   wine.     Dorna   poured   out   a   full   cup   for   him,   then   cocking   her   eyes   at   him,   asked

“How   do   you   want   this?     Shall   I   put   you   into   the   cup   like   before?”

“Yes.     Yes.     Just   like   before.     Just   like   before.”   So   Dorna   lifted   him   up   and   put   him   into   the   cup,   where   he   lay   contently   sipping   the   delicious   wine.     Dorna   went   to   the   door   saying,

“Good   lick,   Mr.   Finger.     Your   wife   is   the   most   beautiful   woman   in   the   world.   Hope   you   don’t   die   of   drinks   because   who   else   would   be   there   to   enjoy   her   gorgeous   beauty?”

She   pulled   open   the   door   and   left.

Carrying   the   flying   broom,   Dorna   went   back   to   the   great   hall.     The   beauties   were   astonished   when   they   saw   her   with   the   broom   and   wondered   what   she   was   about.     Queen   Aisha   was   startled   and   thought,  

“If   Amalia   got   on   the   broom   and   left,   never   to   return,   what   can   I   say   to   King   Dimitri?     Especially   now   at   the   height   of   battle,   he   needs   to   be   focused.     If   he   should   see   her   flying   by   on   her   broom,   he   would   be   distracted   and   the   result   would   be   disastrous.     So   she   glared   at   Dorna   saying,

  “You   naughty   girl!     Why   do   you   take   this   out   now?     Don’t   you   know   this   is   a   critical   time?     It’s   no   time   for   games.     Put   it   back   where   it   belongs   please.”   She   waved   at   the   palace   attendants   who   understood   her   wishes   and   went   and   quickly   closed   all   the   doors   and   windows   to   prevent   Amalia   from   leaving.     Dorna   smiled   at   Queen   Aisha   saying,

“Don’t   worry.     Don’t   worry.   Watch   me!”     Waking   over   to   Amalia,   she   waved   the   magic   broom   at   her   saying,

  “Remember   this,   Amalia?     This   is   your   magic   broom.     I   took   care   of   it   for   you   for   a   long   time.     How   are   you   going   to   thank   me   for   doing   so?     Ah   I   know!     You   can   tell   me   the   secret   of   how   to   make   it   fly.     That   will   be   your   thank-you   gift   to   me.     How’s   that?”

“Is   that   mine?”   asked   Amalia   curiously.   “How   come   I   don’t   remember   it?     Since   you   have   been   taking   care   of   it   for   so   long,   you   can   have   it   as   my   gift   to   you.”   Dorna   was   appalled.     She   realized   that   if   Amalia   could   not   remember   that   she   was   the   owner   of   this,   her   precious   flying   broom,   she   must   be   very   sick   indeed.

“Good!     Thank   you!     That’s   fine.     But   could   you   tell   me   how   to   make   it   fly?     How   to   operate   it?   Are   there   any   secret   incantations?   Any   secret   mechanism   I   should   touch?”

“I   don’t   remember...”   said   Amalia   staring   at   her   speechlessly.   “I   don’t   remember...”

“Look   Amalia.   Like   this...”   Dorna   straddled   the   broom   and   walked   a   few   steps   copying   Amalia’s   former   movements   and   said,   “Just   like   this   and   it   will   fly.     Have   you   forgotten?”     Dorna   was   wearing   her   magnificent   formal   clothes   and   exquisite   high   heeled   shoes.     She   was   a   beautiful,   slim   girl   strutting   around   making   those   strange,   grotesque   motions.     It   was   so   funny   the   beauties   could   not   help   laughing.     But   Amalia   stared   straight   ahead   saying,   “I   have   forgotten...I   have   forgotten...Don’t   remember   any   more...”     Dorna   walked   up   to   her   and   pleaded,

“If   I   could   fly   this   broom   up   to   the   skies,   I   can   see   with   my   own   eyes   the   two   sides   fighting.     I   can   see   them   fighting   ferociously   and   help   King   Dimitri   win   a   decisive   battle.     Won’t   that   be   great?     Come   on!   Think!     Think!     What   is   the   secret   of   operating   this   broom?     Tell   me   Amalia!   Tell   me   please,   I   beg   you!”

“King   Dimitri   was   just   here”   said   Amalia.     “I   saw   him.     How   come   he   suddenly   disappeared?   Where   did   he   go   to?”

“Don’t   press   her   too   hard”   said   Yoko   walking   up   to   Dorna,   “or   she   will   be   sick   again.     When   she   shouts   and   cries   and   become   physically   violent,   no   one   can   calm   her.”

“Yes”   said   Sheila.   “Don’t   be   too   insistent.     Why   don’t   you   slow   down?     Pass   by   her   every   now   and   then,   wave   the   broom   at   her   and   watch   her   reaction.     Repetition   may   trigger   her   memory.”   Dorna   walked   back   to   her   seat   in   silent   dejection.   She   clutched   the   broom   and   kept   touching   and   pressing   it,   stubbornly   trying   to   find   out   the   secret   of   its   operation.     Half   frustrated   and   half   laughing,   Queen   Aisha   really   did   not   seem   to   know   what   to   do   with   this   stubborn   girl.     Just   at   that   moment,   a   sudden   burst   of   appreciative   shouts   and   applause   was   heard   coming   from   the   clouds.

After   White   Fairy   left   the   palace,   she   flew   straight   towards   the   cloud   layer.     The   sight   that   met   her   eyes   when   she   once   more   broke   through   was   truly   breathe-taking.     King   Dimitri   was   chasing   after   a   fleeing   sun,   leaving   his   back   fully   exposed,   wide   open   to   Apollo,   whose   bow   was   already   fully   drawn,   and   his   gold   arrow   ready   to   fly.   At   this   crucial   point,   White   Fairy   had   no   time   to   worry   about   being   seen.     As   a   light   puff   of   smoke,   she   flew   straight   towards   Apollo,   managing   to   drift   past   his   eyes   just   as   he   was   letting   go   of   his   arrow.     Apollo   just   saw   some   white   mist   cloud   his   vision   and   his   arrow   went   slightly   off   course.     Meanwhile,   King   Dimitri   heard   the   ‘ping’   of   a   bow   string   and   knew   an   arrow   was   coming.     He   shifted   his   body   to   the   left,   shot   his   arm   out   in   the   air   and   caught   Apollo’s   gold   arrow   deftly   in   his   hand   as   it   went   zooming   by.     He   stopped   his   galloping   horse,   turned   it   around,   fixed   the   arrow   onto   his   own   bow   and   shot   it   right   back   to   Apollo,   all   this   in   one   fluid   movement   at   lightning   speed.     Apollo   saw   a   bright   golden   speck   come   flying   towards   him.     He   leaned   back   in   his   chariot   until   he   was   almost   horizontal.     Then   raising   his   arm,   he   caught   his   own   golden   arrow   in   his   hand.     Both   Apollo   and   King   Dimitri’s   bow   were   mighty   ones.     When   stretched   to   their   limit   and   let   the   arrows   fly   at   full   velocity,   their   power   and   speed   were   really   formidable.   For   the   two   of   them   to   catch   each   other’s   arrow   with   their   bare   hands   so   casually   and   nonchalantly,   left   their   appreciative   audience   awe-

stricken.     It   was   only   after   a   moment   of   complete   silence   that   the   battlefield   erupted   with   shouts,   applause   and   exclamations   that   lasted   for   a   long   time.

Brandishing   his   sword,   unequalled   in   sharpness,   King   Dimitri   urged   his   horse   quickly   towards   Apollo.     Apollo,   too,   sought   to   attack   head-on.     Driving   his   chariot   to   meet   his   opponent,   he   noticed   that   the   sword   in   King   Dimitri’s   hand   shone   with   a   chilling   brilliance   and   that   the   intricate   movements   he   exhibited   when   flourishing   it   provided   a   web   of   light   which   was   almost   impenetratable.     Apollo’s   golden   spear   snaked   out,   attacking   with   an   air   of   ease,   self-confidence   and   skill;   sometimes   stacking,   sometimes   defending.     As   the   two   of   them   fought   on,   each   exerting   his   best   efforts,   their   audience   were   so   entranced,   they   stared   unblinkingly   and   forgot   even   to   breathe   not   to   say   applaud   or   shout!     Two   huge   suns,   hoping   to   catch   them   off   guard   dropped   straight   down   from   on   high,   like   a   pair   of   heavy,   massive   weights,   targeting   the   heads   of   the   two   combatants.     King   Dimitri’s   ever-vigilant   steed,   Lightning,   agilely   stepped   aside,   cleverly   avoiding   the   blow.   Apollo   also   quickly   drove   his   chariot   away.     The   two   suns,   frustrated   at   their   dodging   the   attack   tried   to   slink   away.     King   Dimitri   urged   his   horse   forward   and   Lightning   sprang   into   the   air   in   pursuit,   unwilling   to   let   the   fleeing   enemy   escape.     King   Dimitri   swung   at   the   sun   three   times   with   his   sword,   cutting   it   into   several   pieces,   which   fell   down   from   the   cloud   layer   into   remote   and   intangible   space.     Apollo,   too,   threw   his   golden   spear   at   the   other   sun,   riddling   it   with   holes,   until   it   too   fell   into   space.     The   golden   spear   flew   back   to   Apollo’s   hand   and   the   two   continued   their   interrupted   battle.     The   eye-dazzling   duel   of   the   sword   and   the   spear,   the   to   and   fro   of   numerous   rounds,   elicited   spontaneous   applause   and   startled   and   amazed   shouts   from   their   audience,   who   had   finally   awakened   from   their   enraptured   stupor   to   express   their   appreciation.     By   then   six   suns   had   been   eliminated.

King   Dimitri   and   Apollo’s   minds   were   highly   concentrated   on   their   battle.     Every   thrust   of   sword   and   spear,   every   turn   of   horse   and   chariot   were   calculated,   for   in   a   life   and   death   battle   between   experts,   even   the   slightest   mistake   may   cost   them   their   lives.     The   two   men   were   highly   focused   to   the   exclusion   of   their   surroundings   when   two   more   suns   that   seemed   to   have   come   to   an   understanding,   came   barging   onto   the   scene.   They   took   turns   attacking   from   different   directions,   like   two   swinging   clock   pendulums,   one   coming   when   the   other   swung   away,   effectively   distracting   the   two   combatants   from   focusing   on   their   battle.     King   Dimitri   and   Apollo   exchanged   a   silent   glance   of   tacit   understanding,   and   choosing   the   best   timing   went   on   the   attack.     Both   of   them   simultaneously   took   up   their   bow   and   arrow   and   each   targeted   a   sun.     The   arrows   hit   their   marks   and   both   suns   fell   off   the   cloud   layer.

Thunderous   cheers,   shouts   and   clapping   rewarded   their   victory.     By   then,   there   were   only   two   suns   left   in   the   sky.     The   original   sun   was   sedately   rotating   on   its   orbit   in   the   solar   system   as   usual,   but   the   other   rogue   sun   flew   into   a   mad   frenzy   and   went   crashing   towards   the   original   sun   on   a   suicide   mission,   intending   to   perish   together.    

“Oh   no!”   thought   King   Dimitri.     “I   can   never   allow   that   to   happen!”     Taking   up   his   bow   and   arrow,   he   was   about   to   shoot,   when   out   of   the   corner   of   his   eye,   he   glimpsed   Apollo,   his   bow   taut,   about   to   shoot   the   original   sun   rotating   on   its   orbit.    

“Oh   no!   He   cannot   do   that!     It   would   be   a   catastrophe!”   At   this   critical   moment,   King   Dimitri   let   fly   two   arrows.     One   flew   towards   the   suicidal   rogue   sun,   hit   it   and   forced   it   to   fall   in   the   abyss   below.     The   other   arrow   went   straight   for   Apollo’s   gold   arrow   which   was   aimed   at   the   original   sun.     Though   dispatched   slightly   after   Apollo’s   gold   arrow,   King   Dimitri’s   arrow   caught   up   with   it   just   in   a   nick   of   time   and   hit   it   away   just   as   it   was   about   to   reach   its   target.     The   soldiers   were   all   astounded   by   King   Dimitri’s   astonishing   feat   and   completely   mesmerized   by   his   almost   magical   skill   at   archery.       The   Sun   God   cried   angrily,

“Dimitri!     What   do   you   mean   by   this?     Why   did   you   hit   my   arrow?”

“Please   don’t   be   angry!”   said   King   Dimitri   pacifyingly,   neither   arrogant   nor   humble.   He   added   respectfully,  

“Most   benevolent   and   merciful   Sun   God.     If   your   arrow   hit   the   sun,   which   was   only   doing   its   job,   rotating   on   its   orbit,   the   entire   solar   system   would   forever   fall   into   darkness.     Without   solar   energy,   the   temperature   of   the   earth   would   drop   drastically   and   all   life   would   be   wiped   out.   I   don’t   think   you   would   like   to   see   such   things   happen,   your   highness.”     He   smiled   modestly   and   continued,  

“What   just   happened   was   not   me   trying   to   show   off   my   expertise.     I   believe   if   I   could   hit   your   arrow,   you,   too,   could   hit   mine.   Right?”     Apollo   did   not   answer.     Zeus’   sonorous   laugh   was   heard   from   afar   and   he   waved   at   the   two   of   them.     They   swiftly   went   by   horse   and   chariot   towards   the   place   where   the   two   large   banners   fluttered   in   the   breeze.

King   Dimitri   jumped   from   his   horse   and   Apollo   alighted   from   his   chariot.     They   both   bowed   to   Zeus   and   then   went   to   stand   by   his   side.     Zeus   sonorous   voice   sounded   again,

“I   will   be   the   judge   and   pronounce   a   just   and   peaceful   sentence.     King   Dimitri   shot   down   five   suns.     Apollo   shot   down   four.     But   if   his   gold   arrow   had   not   been   shot   down   by   King   Dimitri,   he   would   also   have   gotten   five   suns.   So   I   declare   the   match   a   draw.     Let   this   matter   end   here   today.     From   now   on,   you   two   turn   from   enemies   to   friends   and   become   brothers.”     King   Dimitri   and   Apollo   looked   at   each   other.     They   smiled.   Four   hands   clasped   tightly   together   and   they   embraced   each   other   warmly.     Heroes   know   and   appreciate   each   other.     Mutual   admiration   was   evidenced   by   their   expressions.     Zeus   continued.  

“Those   nine   suns   seem   highly   suspicious.     I   believe   they   are   the   personification   of   some   monsters   and   demons.     I   know   not   where   they   are   from   now   why   they   gather   here   today.     It   took   your   combined   efforts   to   destroy   them.     Neither   one   of   you   would   have   been   able   to   deal   with   them   single-handedly.     I   am   very   happy   that   what   began   as   a   punitive   expedition   ended   co-incidentally   in   such   a   magnificent   victory.   It   enabled   the   two   of   you   to   meet   and   fight   together   to   destroy   these   monsters   and   eliminate   nine   pests   for   the   universe.     I   am   very   happy   about   this.....”     He   stopped   for   a   moment   and   then   staring   at   King   Dimitri,   he   said,  

“I   never   dreamed...     I   never   dreamed   that   at   this   remote   part   of   the   universe,   in   a   tiny   unknown   kingdom,   there   is   a   king   such   as   you,   brave,   courageous   and   intelligent.     Good!     Good!     From   now   on,   I   nullify   our   previous   relationship   of   liege   lord   and   vassal.     You   are   no   longer   my   subject   and   owe   me   allegiance.     From   now   on,   we   are   both   kings   and   meet   on   equal   footing   as   two   sovereigns.     Our   two   kingdoms   will   be   friendly   to   each   other.”

“Thank   you,   your   majesty.     Thank   you   your   majesty”   said   King   Dimitri,   bowing.     “Since   you   so   decree,   I   will   obey   your   command.”

“But   don’t   forget   your   promise”   said   Zeus.     “Starting   from   tomorrow,   I   will   give   you   three   days   to   completely   destroy   your   gold   palace.”

“I   will   keep   my   word”   replied   King   Dimitri.

“Well,   since   it   is   so,   I   will   give   orders   for   my   troops   to   return   to   our   heavenly   kingdom.”

Just   as   Zeus   was   about   to   raise   his   arm   to   order   the   withdrawal,   the   two   young   nymphs   who   had   been   nestling   by   his   side,   walked   before   him   and   knelt   down.     They   said,

“Dear   father   Zeus,   the   two   of   us   have   a   boon   to   ask   of   you.     We   want   to   move   to   the   moon   to   live.     During   the   day,   we   will   return   to   the   seventh   heaven   to   be   with   you   and   serve   you.     At   night   we   will   go   back   to   the   moon.     The   moon   is   the   nearest   planet   to   the   earth.     We   will   be   able   to   see   King   Dimitri   and   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     We   will   also   be   able   to   see   the   beauties   there   who   have   been   like   sisters   to   us   and   whom   we   love   like   sisters.     We   will   be   able   to   have   the   best   of   both   worlds.     Father,   please   allow   us   this   little   favor!”   Clementine   and   Charmaine   saw   that   Zeus   was   in   a   good   and   magnanimous   mood.   So   they   took   the   opportunity   to   beg   for   a   favor.     They   were   ecstatic   when   Zeus   said,

  “Since   it   is   so,   I   will   grant   you   your   request...”   Turning   to   King   Dimitri,   he   said,  

“You,   King   Dimitri   seem   to   have   won.     You   have   at   least   won   the   hearts   of   my   beloved   daughters.”   Zeus   waved   his   sword   in   the   air.     The   cloud   layer   that   had   gathered   here   from   the   four   corners   of   the   earth   gradually   dispersed   to   become   individual   clouds   and   the   hundreds   of   thousands   of   soldiers   floated   away   on   them.     In   no   time   the   clouds   had   disappeared.     So   did   Zeus   and   his   entourage.     All   that   was   left   was   King   Dimitri   and   his   magic   horse   Lightning   flying   freely   in   the   crystal   blue   skiers.     How   spacious   the   universe!     How   magnificent   the   mountains   and   lakes!     But   at   that   moment   King   Dimitri   was   in   no   mood   to   enjoy   them   because   in   his   heart   he   was   thinking   of   how   to   fulfill   his   promise   to   Zeus:   how   to   destroy   the   gold   palace.     A   dark   spot   came   flying   towards   him   from   a   distance.     As   it   came   near,   he   saw   it   was   naughty   girl   Dorna   riding   on   Amalia’s   flying   broom,   flourishing   a   large   hatchet   in   her   hand.     King   Dimitri   made   a   V   sign   with   his   fingers.     Dorna   understood.     She   smiled,   immediately   turned   around   and   went   flying   back   down   to   the   palace.     From   afar   came   the   shouts   of   the   people   of   the   Kingdom   accompanied   by   the   enthusiastic   and   triumphant   beating   of   drums,   as   their   brave   and   courageous   king   came   safely   back,   flying   atop   his   magic   steed,   Lightning.

King   Dimitri   felt   it   strange   that   Dorna   was   able   to   ride   Amalia’s   magic   broom   right   up   to   the   skies   and   wondered   what   tricks   the   naughty   girl   was   up   to.   Actually   Dorna   had   examined   the   broom   meticulously,   looking   carefully   at   every   inch   of   it,   trying   to   find   some   clue   as   to   how   to   make   it   fly   but   to   no   avail.   Louder   and   louder   shouts   and   clamor   from   the   cloud   layer,   the   roll   of   drums   seemed   to   be   urging   her   to   action,   to   go   up   to   the   clouds   and   witness   the   fierce   and   earthshaking   battle   first   hand.     In   a   fit   of   frustration   and   anger,   Dorna   grabbed   the   broom   and   walked   through   the   side   hall   and   the   kitchen   until   she   came   to   the   little   courtyard   outside.     Picking   up   a   hatchet,   she   shook   it   at   the   broom   saying,  

“OK!     I   cannot   see   any   secret   panel   on   you   that   I   can   use   to   operate   you.     You   leave   me   no   choice.     I   just   have   to   chop   you   up   to   see   what   secret   you   have   inside!”   Saying   so,   she   swung   the   hatchet   as   if   to   make   good   her   threat.   The   broom   trembled   all   over   and   floated   horizontally   in   the   air,   high   enough   to   allow   Dorna   to   get   on   it.   In   the   world,   each   creature   has   its   natural   predator   and   the   flying   broom   was   only   afraid   of   the   hatchet.

  “So   you   are   afraid   of   this,   eh?”   said   Dorna   and   immediately   straddled   the   broom   saying.   “Fly!”     She   pulled   on   the   long   handle   until   it   floated   at   an   upward   slant   and   the   two   of   them   shot   into   the   sky.     She   experimented   on   going   up,   coming   down,   turning   right,   and   turning   left.     The   broom   co-operated   fully   and   Dorna   felt   like   an   experienced   pilot   skillfully   flying   a   dexterous   plane   easily   and   deftly.     Dorna   flew   straight   towards   the   heavy,   solid-looking   cloud   layer,   but   by   then   Zeus   had   given   orders   to   withdraw   and   the   cloud   layer   disintegrated   into   hundreds   of   individual   clouds,   scattering   to   the   four   corners   of   the   earth,   soon   disappearing   from   sight.   Zeus’   formidable   army   had   also   dispersed   with   the   clouds   and   vanished   without   a   trace.     Dorna   caught   sight   of   King   Dimitri   on   his   white   horse,   Lightning,   flying   freely   in   the   crystal   blue   sky.     She   saw   him   make   a   V   sign   with   his   fingers   and   understood   immediately.     She   turned   around   and   flew   straight   down   towards   the   palace,   hurrying   to   be   the   first   one   to   tell   everyone   the   good   news   of   King   Dimitri’s   victory.     But   also,   White   Fairy   was   before   her   already,   relating   the   miraculous   encounter   to   the   beauties   in   great   detail.     She   told   them   how   King   Dimitri   flew   up   to   the   skies   alone   on   his   horse,   how   he   fearlessly   faced   Zeus   and   his   army,   how   he   stood   up   for   the   wounded   Medusa   challenging   Apollo,   the   sun   god,   demanding   justice   for   his   subject.     She   told   about   their   battle   where   each   of   them   won   some   and   lost   some,   where   King   Dimitri   exhibited   prowess   equal   to   Apollo,   but   where   in   the   sphere   of   archery   King   Dimitri   definitely   had   an   edge.   White   Fairy   told   of   how   the   two   of   them   united   to   fight   against   the   nine   suns,   the   personification   of   nine   monsters,   at   the   same   time   ridding   the   universe   of   nine   pests.     She   told   of   how   King   Dimitri’s   military   skill   won   over   Zeus   army   and   gained   the   respect   and   admiration   of   Zeus   and   Apollo.     She   told   of   how   on   his   own   initiative,   Zeus   nullified   the   liege-lord/vassal   relationship   and   announced   that   from   this   day   forward   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   the   Seventh   Heaven   would   meet   on   equal   footing   as   two   friendly   sovereign   states.     The   news   quickly   spread   around   the   Kingdom   and   the   people   admired   their   courageous   king   from   the   bottom   of   their   hearts   and   their   loyalty   to   him   knew   no   bounds.

Dorna   and   her   broom   descended   onto   the   small   courtyard.     She   walked   into   the   palace   kitchen   holding   the   broom   in   one   hand   and   the   hatchet   in   the   other.     The   spotless   kitchen   was   no   only   neat   and   clean,   but   was   equipped   with   every   culinary   device   imaginable.     However,   it   was   soon   to   be   abandoned   forever   because   now   that   any   food   an   inhabitant   of   the   Kingdom   wished   could   be   had   just   by   wishing   for   it,   no   one   would   take   the   trouble   to   think   of   new   recipes   and   then   cook   it.     Dorna   went   through   the   kitchen   into   the   side   hall   and   stopped   at   the   little   room   where   wine   was   stored.     She   went   to   the   last   cabinet,   climbed   the   ladder   still   leaning   against   it   and   hid   the   broom   and   the   hatchet   behind   the   top   of   the   cabinet   where   it   would   not   be   easily   found.   She   heard   jubilant   shouts   rising   in   waves,   one   higher   than   the   last,   rocking   the   plains,   resounding   in   the   skies.     She   knew   King   Dimitri   must   have   arrived   and   was   accepting   the   homage   of   his   people.     She   quickly   walked   towards   the   door   and   in   passing   saw   Mr.   Finger   lying   in   a   drunken   stupor   in   the   half   empty   cup,   which   he   had   not   been   able   to   finish   before   he   succumbed   to   the   potent   drink.     Dorna   was   greatly   relieved   that   the   completely   plastered   mischievous   little   man   would   not   be   able   to   cause   any   trouble   in   the   near   future.     She   left   the   room,   closing   the   door   behind   her   and   hastened   towards   the   great   hall.     She   went   outdoors   and   saw   King   Dimitri   standing   on   the   high   platform   with   the   beauties   lined   behind   him,   telling   his   people   about   his   battle   with   Apollo,   the   sun   god,   and   how   they   fought   together   to   rid   the   universe   of   the   nine   suns.     Then   he   encouraged   and   comforted   his   people.     His   short   speech   was   frequently   interrupted   by   applause   and   shouts   of   joyous   laughter.     King   Dimitri   held   up   his   hands   for   silence   and   said,

  “Starting   from   now,   you   may   all   celebrate   and   enjoy   yourself.     Whatever   you   wish   for   will   immediately   appear   before   your   eyes.     But   starting   tomorrow,   I   will   send   you   all   to   work   on   a   strenuous   project.     Are   you   brave   enough   to   accept   the   challenge?     Are   you   able   to   carry   out   the   project?”     A   resounding   shout   answered   his   question   in   the   affirmative.     King   Dimitri   nodded   in   satisfaction   and   said,

  “Go   and   enjoy   yourself.”     Then   he   turned   and   led   the   beauties   down   the   platform   towards   the   palace.     He   stopped   for   a   moment   by   the   side   of   the   lake   to   look   at   the   dazzling   gold   palace   and   the   surrounding   mountains   and   then   quickly   walked   into   the   palace,   as   if   having   come   to   some   conclusion.

King   Dimitri   walked   into   the   great   hall.     The   first   thing   he   did   was   to   go   to   Medusa   who   was   greatly   weakened   by   the   loss   of   blood   and   had   not   been   able   to   welcome   King   Dimitri   with   the   beauties.     King   Dimitri   saw   that   though   still   anemic,   Medusa’s   pale   complexion   had   begun   to   gain   some   sign   of   color.     Her   wound   was   healing   and   with   her   healthy   constitution,   she   would   be   up   and   about   in   a   few   days.     King   Dimitri   patted   her   on   her   shoulders   saying,  

“Rest   well.     You   are   the   pillar   of   our   Kingdom.     You   are   needed   and   cannot   come   to   harm.     I   have   demanded   justice   for   you   from   the   sun   god   whose   gold   arrow   wounded   you.     Rest.”     Medusa   did   not   answer.     In   her   mind   she   had   decided   to   devote   her   heart   and   soul   to   her   king,   willing   to   even   lay   down   her   life   for   him.   Words   were   not   adequate   to   answer   such   a   brave   and   courageous   master   who   had   fought   the   sun   god   in   order   to   avenge   her.     King   Dimitri   sat   on   his   throne   and   said,  

“Let’s   eat   and   talk   at   the   same   time.”     The   battle   had   taken   a   toll   on   his   strength   and   King   Dimitri   was   both   tired   and   hungry.     He   ate   ravenously   and   gulped   down   his   wine.     The   beauties   all   smiled   at   his   veracious   appetite.     Soon   he   was   full.     The   palace   attendant   offered   him   tea   to   rinse   his   mouth   and   then   brought   him   a   cup   of   his   favorite   Oolong   tea.     King   Dimitri   sipped   the   tea   and   said,  

“Just   now   as   I   was   going   by   the   lake,   I   looked   at   the   gold   palace   and   the   surrounding   mountains   and   came   to   a   conclusion   as   to   what   we   should   do.     I   saw   there   is   a   tall,   bald-looking   mountain   just   behind   the   gold   palace.     If   we   build   a   path   from   the   bottom   to   the   top,   we   can   transport   the   melted   iron   that   way   and   pour   it   down   onto   the   palace.   We   could   get   twice   the   result   with   half   the   effort.     In   addition,   I   would   need   a   large   caliber   leather   pipe   to   pump   out   the   icy   cold   water   from   the   lake   and   pour   it   onto   the   liquid   iron   to   cool   it.     Perhaps   that   would   gild   it   onto   the   gold   palace   and   conceal   its   dazzling   radiance.”       Turning   to   Deanna,   he   said,

“Deanna,   please   gather   together   the   tribal   chieftains   and   elders   and   tell   them   of   this   plan.     Let   them   discuss   it   to   see   if   it   is   feasible   and   then   come   back   and   tell   if   what   they   say.”

“Yes,   your   majesty”   said   Deanna   and   left.

The   beauties   again   took   up   their   knives   and   forks   and   began   to   cut   their   food   into   small   portions   and   daintily   chewed   them,   for   while   King   Dimitri   was   talking   they   had   politely   put   down   their   utensils   and   stopped   eating   to   listen   to   his   ideas.     Soon   Deanna   came   back   to   report   to   King   Dimitri   the   results   of   the   chieftains’   discussion.     She   said,

“Paving   a   path   from   the   bottom   of   the   mountains   to   the   top   is   not   difficult.     They   said   they   could   quite   a   smooth   and   level   one.     A   large   caliber   pipe   is   also   not   too   hard   to   make.     The   poring   of   melted   iron   onto   the   palace   is   also   doable.     The   problem   is   how   to   get   the   molten   iron   to   the   top   of   the   mountain.     Even   if   they   chose   the   youngest   and   strongest   young   men   for   the   job   and   let   them   wear   the   thickest   clothing,   it   is   no   guarantee   that   the   red   hot   liquid   iron   would   not   splatter   onto   their   body   during   the   trip.     The   liquid   iron   is   so   hot   that   even   if   one   drop   splashed   onto   their   body,   it   would   burn   through   their   clothing,   their   skin,   their   flesh,   right   onto   their   bones.     The   only   remedy   would   be   amputation.”   King   Dimitri’s   brow   knitted   at   the   report.

  “Oh!   Is   it   as   bad   as   that?     That   would   be   a   catastrophe!     Perhaps   that   is   not   a   good   plan.     Let   me   think   of   something   else.”   Someone   stood   up   and   said,

“I   can   recommend   a   candidate   for   the   job.     He   is   preternaturally   strong   and   can   easily   carry   the   heaviest   weight.     Even   if   drops   of   liquid   iron   splashed   onto   his   body   and   burned   through   skin   and   flesh   right   down   to   the   bone,   he   will   recover   very   quickly.”     The   speaker   was   Medusa.      

“Do   you   mean   Cyclops?’   asked   King   Dimitri.   “Our   relationship   is   rather   peculiar,   neither   friend   nor   foe.   I   do   not   know   if   he   is   willing   to   help   and   do   us   such   a   big   favor.”     He   seemed   hesitant   and   undecided.

“Don’t   forget,   King   Dimitri”   reminded   Medusa   “that   he   owes   you   for   pardoning   him   and   not   killing   him   for   treason.”

“But   after   he   has   repaid   me   for   sparing   his   life”   said   King   Dimitri   “will   he   retaliate   and   exact   retribution,   for   according   to   him   he   has   a   score   to   settle   with   me.”     Medusa   did   not   answer.

“Our   most   pressing   task   at   the   moment”   said   Queen   Aisha   “is   how   to   keep   our   promise   to   Zeus   and   destroy   the   gold   palace.     The   rest   can   wait.”     King   Dimitri   was   silent   for   a   moment.     Then   he   asked   Medusa,

“Are   you   alright?     Are   you   up   to   looking   for   him?     If   you   find   him,   you   can   talk   to   him   about   this   and   tell   me   his   response.”

“Yes,   your   majesty.     My   wound   is   better.     I   can   fly   so   long   as   I   don’t   put   stress   on   that   wing.     I   will   fly   around   the   area   and   come   back   when   I   have   news   to   report.”

King   Dimitri   looked   at   the   large   black   bird   flapping   her   wings   and   heading   for   the   distant   mountains.     Her   speed   was   much   slower   than   normal,   but   her   flight   was   steady   and   gallant   as   usual.     King   Dimitri’s   fears   were   somewhat   allayed   and   he   turned   his   attention   back   to   the   great   hall.   He   sat   with   the   beauties   drinking   tea   and   chatting,   waiting   for   news,   while   the   people   were   eating,   drinking,   singing   and   dancing   outside   the   palace.     His   eyes   turned   towards   Amalia   who   was   looking   out   the   window,   her   dull   eyes   glazed   over.     He   asked   Yoko   and   Sheila   about   Amalia’s   condition,   how   much   she   ate,   how   she   slept   etc,   his   concern   for   her   quite   apparent.   He   sighed   and   lapsed   into   deep   thought   as   was   his   habit.     He   thought,  

“Life   is   really   sad.     When   one   is   young,   the   flesh   body   can   bring   happiness,   but   it   must   also   withstand   hardship.     As   time   goes   by,   it   inevitably   ages:   sickness   and   disease   followed   by   decline   and   finally   death.     The   flesh   body   brings   more   worry   than   happiness.   Take   this   flesh   body   of   mine   for   instance.     It   has   really   been   the   greatest   burden   and   worry   in   my   whole   life.     Look   at   Amalia!   After   her   brain   deteriorates,   does   she   still   have   dreams?     My   Kingdom   of   Dreams   relies   on   the   activities   of   my   brain.     Once   my   brain   deteriorates   when   I   am   old,   will   my   beautiful   Kingdom   of   Dreams   disappear?     I   don’t   even   dare   to   think   about   it.     But   I   believe   life   moves   forward   and   there   will   always   be   new   and   better   developments   in   evolution.     Perhaps   one   day   we   could   break   the   barrier   between   life   and   death   and   go   towards   a   higher   spiritual   arena.     Yes,   the   aim   of   life   is   to   continue   to   evolve   towards   a   more   advanced   stage.     Stephanie   is   a   good   example.   Towards   the   end   of   her   life,   only   I   was   with   her.   The   expression   on   her   face   was   mysterious.     Her   heart   was   full   of   happiness   because   she   had   solved   the   puzzle   of   life.     She   knew   where   she   was   going.     In   the   face   of   death,   she   was   exultant   and   expectant   as   a   happy   bride.     But   she   left   me   a   baffling   prophesy   that   has   been   haunting   me   ever   since.     I   have   puzzled   over   it   for   years,   but   I   don’t   really   know   what   to   do...”

Queen   Aisha   saw   the   pensive   expression   on   King   Dimitri’s   face.     She   felt   troubled   that   on   the   day   when   the   whole   kingdom   was   immersed   in   joyful   and   triumphant   celebration,   King   Dimitri   was   sad   and   engrossed   in   thought.     She   felt   that   in   the   face   of   much   that   needed   to   be   decided   and   done,   his   mood   was   not   constructive   and   would   put   a   damper   on   everything   so   she   glanced   at   Dorna.     The   girl   understood   the   unspoken   request.     She   walked   over   to   the   throne,   bowed   and   said   jokingly,

“Your   majesty.     You   have   just   fought   a   must   be   tired...let   me   bring   you   to   an   old   friend...”   When   King   Dimitri   saw   it   was   his   little   pet   Dorna,   the   apple   of   his   eye,   he   immediately   set   aside   his   blue   thought   and   answered   her   smilingly

“Who   do   you   want   me   to   see?     Tell   me   who   it   is   and   I   will   decide   whether   I   want   to   see   him”

“You’ll   know   when   you   see   him.     Why   tell   you   beforehand?”

“If   you   don’t   tell   me”   said   King   Dimitri   teasingly   “I   won’t   go.”

Dorna   walked   up   to   the   throne,   tugged   King   Dimitri’s   arm   and   pulled   him   after   her   towards   the   side   hall.   The   beauties   were   used   to   Dorna’s   coaxing   ways   much   like   a   pampered   child   and   only   laughed.   But   Queen   Aisha   was   startled   and   thought,  

“Oh   no!     She   is   dragging   him   to   see   Mr.   Finger.     That   won’t   be   good.     King   Dimitri   has   just   fought   a   hard   battle   and   succeeded   in   appeasing   Zeus.     There   are   still   arduous   tasks   before   him   such   as   looking   for   Cyclops   and   asking   him   to   help   with   gilding   the   gold   palace.     There   are   unknown   elements   in   the   relationship   between   King   Dimitri   and   Cyclops.     Obligations,   hatred,   love   and   enmity   are   so   entwined   that   they   are   hard   to   distinguish.     This   is   no   time   to   involve   the   little   trouble-maker   and   confuse   the   issue   still   further.     It   would   only   add   to   King   Dimitri’s   burden.”   Queen   Aisha   only   wanted   Dorna   to   cheer   King   Dimitri   up   and   distract   him   from   his   reverie.     She   didn’t   know   that   Dorna   would   poke   the   hornet’s   nest.     Dorna   turned   around.     Her   expressive   eyes   sought   Queen   Aisha’s   and   seemed   to   say,  

“It’s   alright.     Don’t   worry.     I   know   what   I   am   doing.”  

King   Dimitri   soon   came   back   looking   annoyed,   and   asked,  

“Why   did   you   get   my   old   friend   drunk   and   locked   in   the   wine   storage   room?   Is   that   the   way   to   treat   old   friends?”

“Your   majesty”   said   Queen   Aisha   standing   up   and   bowing   “Don’t   be   angry.     Please   listen   to   my   explanations.”     She   went   on   to   tell   him   about   Mr.   Finger’s   behavior   in   the   palace   while   he   was   gone:   how   he   roamed   the   palace   at   will   causing   trouble   everywhere,   how   he   sexually   harassed   several   of   the   beauties   arousing   their   anger   and   indignation,   how   he   just   up   and   disappeared   for   a   long   time   to   no   one   knew   where   causing   consternation   and   worry   and   she   feared   the   worst.         She   continued   to   say,  

“But   a   day   or   so   ago,   he   suddenly   reappeared.     It   was   Dorna   who   saw   him   and   enticed   him   into   the   wine   storage   room   with   drinks   and   kept   him   there.   Knowing   your   majesty   would   be   back   today,   we   are   leaving   it   up   to   you   to   deal   with   him”

“That   is   partly   my   fault”   said   King   Dimitri,   whose   anger   was   appeased   and   his   face   became   thoughtful.   “I   overlooked   the   fact   that   leaving   this   mischievous   little   man   in   the   palace   unsupervised,   would   cause   trouble.     What   do   you   want   me   to   do   with   him?”

“Mr.   Finger   said   he   has   a   wife”   said   Dorna.   “He   said   she   is   the   most   beautiful   woman   in   the   world,   a   hundred   times   more   beautiful   than   any   one   of   us   in   the   palace.”

“Can   there   be   another   little   person   in   the   world?”   said   King   Dimitri,   laughing   heartily.   “And     a   woman   at   that?     My   friend’s   wife?     That’s   ludicrous!   I   don’t   believe   it!”

“If   that   is   so”   said   Queen   Aisha   thoughtfully   “It   is   the   perfect   solution.   Why   don’t   we   fix   up   Lotus’   hut   on   the   opposite   bank   of   the   lake   and   let   them   live   there   as   their   new   home?”

“Good!   Let   it   be   so.     But   we   must   wait   till   he   wakes   up   from   his   binge   and   explain   everything   to   him.     This   is   not   exile.     It   is   opening   up   a   new   sphere   of   life   for   him.”

“Oh,   no,   no,   no!”   cried   Dorna   hastily.   “If   you   wait   till   he   wakes   up,   he   will   throw   a   fit   and   there   is   nothing   we   can   do   with   him   in   that   state.     Why   not   just   let   me   take   him   over   there   now   and   present   him   with   a   “fait   accompli”

“Dorna’s   right”   said   Queen   Aisha.   King   Dimitri   thought   for   a   while   and   then   said,

“Alright.   Make   arrangements   for   transportation   and   send   him   over   the   lake.   Later   when   I   have   a   chance,   I   will   go   and   explain   everything   to   him.”

“Hey!”   said   Dorna.   “I   don’t   need   boats   any   more”   making   the   motion   of   straddling   the   flying   broom,   causing   the   beauties   to   break   into   laughter.     Dorna   walked   over   to   the   side   hall   and   soon   they   saw   her   pass   by   outside   the   window   riding   on   her   broom.     She   waved   a   small   while   bag   at   them   as   if   to   tell   them   Mr.   Finger   was   inside,   and   then   turned   and   flew   straight   towards   the   opposite   shore.     From   then   on,   Mr.   Finger   lived   in   the   wilderness   by   the   lake.     Though   Dorna   brought   him   food,   drinks   and   gorgeous   clothing,   his   life   was   lonely   and   monotonous.     It   was   this   loneliness   and   monotony   that   later   on   made   him   get   into   all   kinds   of   mischief.

Outside   the   palace,   the   people   of   the   Kingdom   were   celebrating   with   wild   abandon.     They   gathered   in   groups   drinking,   eating,   singing   and   dancing.     Perhaps   they   were   not   used   to   the   new   way   of   life,   the   instant   gratification   of   having   food   they   desired   appear   when   they   wished   it,   because   these   simple   people   still   adhered   to   their   customary   habit   of   gathering   wild   fruit   and   vegetables   from   the   nearby   forests.     They   used   large   stones   to   form   a   pit   and   roasted   their   meat   over   the   fire   they   built   inside   it.     To   them,   using   their   own   hands   to   cook   the   food   they   liked   added   to   the   festivity   of   the   occasion.     Only   one   person   among   the   crowd   did   not   share   the   joy   of   the   people   and   was   not   affected   by   the   festive   and   celebrative   atmosphere.     She   could   not   blend   into   the   crowd.     Neither   could   she   conjure   up   her   favorite   food   just   by   wishing   for   it.     She   did   not   seem   to   belong   to   this   kingdom,   this   area,   though   she   dressed   like   the   natives   and   wore   her   hair   in   a   ponytail   behind   her   head.     Her   face   was   camouflaged   by   dust   and   dirt   as   if   she   was   afraid   of   being   recognized   as   she   wandered   aimlessly   among   the   crowd.     But   actually,   it   was   not   so.     She   disguised   her   features   for   fear   her   exotic   and   fascinating   beauty   would   lead   to   unwelcome   attention.     After   a   while,   bored   and   listless,   she   walked   towards   the   lake   where   hundreds   of   small   boats   were   moored.     She   pushed   out   one   of   them   into   the   lake,   jumped   in   and   rowed   towards   the   gold   palace   on   the   opposite   shore   without   asking   anyone   for   permission.     The   people   of   the   Kingdom   lived   a   very   simple   and   basic   life.     They   had   no   concept   of   private   property.     Everything   in   the   Kingdom   was   public   property,   including   land,   houses   and   animals,   which   anyone   could   use   when   the   need   rose.     There   was   no   currency   either.     Life   was   at   its   most   basic   and   primitive,   but   also   the   most   natural   state.   The   solitary   woman   in   the   boat   with   her   face   covered   with   dust   and   dirt   was   no   other   the   than   Viola.   She   was   able   to   enlarge   her   body   to   normal   size   and   now   seemed   no   different   than   any   other   woman,   except   that   her   figure   was   slimmer   and   more   alluring   than   most.   Just   now   she   went   with   the   crowd   into   the   dense   forests   of   these   mountains   to   seek   refuge   from   the   scorching   heat   of   ten   suns.     Now   those   nine   suns   had   been   eliminated   and   things   had   returned   to   normal,   she   came   back   with   these   people   and   was   with   them   outside   the   palace   where   they   gathered   to   hear   King   Dimitri   speak.     She   saw   with   her   own   eyes,   the   impressive   and   heroic   form   of   King   Dimitri   as   he   descended   from   the   sky   riding   on   his   flying   horse,   Lightning.     She   watched   as   the   whole   populace   turned   out   to   show   their   love,   support   and   loyalty   to   him,   clapping,   shouting,   laughing   and   beating   drums.     At   the   time,   Viola   was   overwhelmed   and   lost   confidence   in   her   ability   to   confront   and   defeat   such   a   brave   and     powerful   king.     It   was   like   trying   to   shake   a   tall,   rugged   mountain   which   was   impossible   to   do   and   foolish   even   to   contemplate.     But   her   heart   swelled   with   pride   at   the   thought   of   having   such   a   brave   hero   for   her   father.     But   then   she   remembered   her   mother   had   told   that   she   was   one   of   King   Dimitri’s   favorites   among   the   beauties.   “If   that   was   so,”   she   thought,   “doesn’t   that   make   me   King   Dimitri’s   issue?”     She   thought   of   what   her   mother   had   told   her   about   being   chopped   in   two   from   the   waist   by   King   Dimitri’s   orders.     When   her   body   was   severed,   Viola   was   lucky   enough   to   burst   out   of   her   womb   and   escaped   as   an   unformed   fetus...”     Reminiscing   about   the   tragic   and   bloody   scene,   Viola   was   still   full   of   horror.     Anger   once   more   flamed   in   her   heart,   but   then   she   thought,   “Though   he   treated   my   mother   inhumanly   and   extremely   cruelly,   can   I   do   as   my   mother   bade   me   and   kill   my   father?”     As   she   rowed   the   small   boat,   Viola   was   more   perplexed   and   bewildered   than   ever   as   she   could   make   neither   head   nor   tail   out   of   this   mystifying   puzzle.     But   her   boat   had   reached   the   opposite   shore.

Viola   tied   the   boat   onto   a   wooden   stake   half   protruding   from   the   water   and   jumped   ashore.     She   looked   around   and   finding   no   trace   of   any   human   presence,   she   made   her   way   quickly   towards   the   ferocious   head   of   the   gold   dragon   with   its   wide   open   mouth   –   the   front   entrance   to   the   gold   palace.     She   walked   slowly   on   the   gold   pathway,   letting   her   roaming   eyes   linger   on   the   vegetation   that   had   just   recovered   from   the   flaming   sunlight.     The   multicolored   flowers   on   both   sides   of   the   pathway   were   blooming   again.     Oh!     How   she   loathed   to   part   from   them,   each   blade   of   grass,   each   beautiful   flower!     She   loved   the   grandiose   and   magnificent   gold   palace   with   its   intricate   sculptures.     But   according   to   what   she   had   just   heard,   King   Dimitri   intended   to   order   all   this   to   be   gilded   with   liquid   iron   and   forever   sealed   up.     What   a   waste   to   bury   the   civilization   of   the   human   race.     Why   did   King   Dimitri   want   to   do   that?     It   was   really   incomprehensible.     She   walked   past   the   fountain   with   its   crisscrossing   water   spouts,   whose   bottom   was   covered   with   gold   sand   and   where   gold   fish   was   swimming   about   leisurely   and   entered   the   gold   palace.     What   met   her   eyes   was   the   magnificent   and   dazzling   sheen   of   gold   under   the   sunlight.    

“Ah!”   she   exclaimed,   “This   is   really   an   unbelievable   artistic   masterpiece   of   the   human   civilization.”     Standing   in   the   center   of   the   palace,   Viola   raised   her   right   hand   and   vowed,   “I   swear   to   heaven   that   one   day   when   I   come   into   power   and   usurp   King   Dimitri’s   Kingdom,   I   will   strip   the   ugly   iron   sheet   from   the   palace   and   let   the   gold   palace   see   the   light   of   day   again.”     But   then,   her   right   hand   dropped   limply   to   her   side   and   she   murmured   feebly   to   herself,  

“Seeing   how   much   the   people   loved   King   Dimitri   and   hearing   how   heartfelt   their   expressions   of   loyalty,   overthrowing   him   is   a   Herculean   task,   almost   impossible   to   accomplish.     Even   if   the   three   steps   of   my   mother’s   plan   for   revenge   is   successfully   carried   out,   can   I   kill   my   own   father   to   fulfill   my   mother’s   dying   wish?     Can   I   do   so?   No.   No.   No.   But   if   I   don’t   do   so,   how   can   I   avenge   my   poor   mother?     Perhaps   worry   makes   one   drowsy...”   She   felt   extremely   sleepy   and   walked   onto   King   Dimitri’s   throne,   leaned   back   against   it   and   promptly   fell   asleep.

Viola’s   dream   was   filled   with   a   sea   of   orange-red   flames.     She   opened   her   eyes   and   saw   raging   blazes   rising   to   the   skies   –   it   was   the   inferno   where   damned   souls   resided!     In   the   sea   of   fire   she   saw   one   figure   come   swimming   towards   her,   with   features   twisted   and   distorted   by   pain,   hideous   and   terrifying.     She   shouted,  

“Child!   Child!   I   am   your   mother.     It   was   I   who   called   you   here.     Let   me   tell   you   this:     Dimitri   is   not   your   father.     He   is   not.     He   does   not   deserve   to   be...”     The   woman   was   swallowed   by   the   rising   waves   of   fire   and   sank   to   the   bottom   of   the   fiery   river.   But   after   a   while   she   struggled   to   the   surface   again   and   said,

  “Now   I   am   condemned   to   never-ending   torture   in   this   place,   but   my   desire   for   revenge   never   changed   and       my   determination   never   wavered.     My   hatred   for   Dimitri   will   only   increase,   never   decrease.   Child,   this   is   your   mother   calling   to   you   in   your   dream   to   tell   you   my   wishes.     Kill   him!     Kill   Dimitri!     Avenge   me.     This   is   your   mother   calling   to   you   from   hell...”     Viola   cried   and   shouted,  

“Don’t   be   afraid,   mother.     I   will   come   and   help   you.”     She   walked   to   the   edge   of   the   sea   of   raging   flames   and   held   out   her   hand,   trying   to   grab   hold   of   the   hands   of   the   woman.     She   felt   that   her   arms   were   painful   and   sore   and   woke   from   her   dream.     Ah!     She   had   been   leaning   on   one   of   her   arms   as   she   slept   on   the   throne,   causing   it   to   become   stiff   and   numb.   .     Waking   from   the   dream,   she   opened   her   heavy   and   drowsy   eyelids,   flexed   her   stiff   arms,   but   her   mind   was   still   with   her   dream.     Just   at   that   moment,   a   tall   man   wearing   the   clothes   of   a   tribal   chieftain   walked   into   the   palace   followed   by   some   warriors.     The   chieftain   saw   Viola   and   shouted,

“Who   are   you   that   you   dare   to   sleep   on   King   Dimitri’s   throne?   This   is   really   impudent   of   you!”

“Yes   sir.     Yes   sir.”   said   Viola   submissively   as   she   quickly   stood   up.

“Don’t   you   know”   continued   the   chieftain   “that   King   Dimitri   ordered   hot   melted   iron   to   be   poured   onto   this   palace   tomorrow   and   all   animals   must   be   taken   out.     No   one   is   allowed   to   be   near   this   dangerous   area.     Didn’t   you   know   that?     Go.     Go.”   Viola   walked   quickly   to   the   palace   gate.     The   warriors   that   came   with   the   chieftain   were   busy   rigging   up   a   tall   ladder   to   take   down   the   huge   pearl   hanging   from   the   dome.     The   enormous   pearl   was   radiating   a   gentle   luminous   light.     Viola   walked   to   the   bank   of   the   lake,   jumped   into   the   small   boat   and   rowed   towards   the   center   with   her   two   oars.

As   Viola   rowed   the   boat   with   her   two   oars,   she   was   brooding   over   her   recent   dream,   which   seemed   so   distinct   and   realistic,   not   at   all   topsy-turvy   and   full   of   confused   rambling   like   dreams   usually   are.  

  “Could   it   really   be   my   mother   appearing   to   me   in   my   dream   to   tell   me   of   her   unswerving   and   unmovable   desire   for   revenge?”   she   thought.  

“Yes.     Yes.     It   must   have   been   my   mother   telling   me   from   the   blistering   flames   of   hell   of   her   undeviating   yearning.     She   insisted   forcefully   that   King   Dimitri   was   not   my   father.     Then   who   is   my   natural   father?     I   should   have   inquired   more   closely   at   the   time.     I   must   find   out   the   truth   about   my   parentage.     When   next   I   have   a   chance,   I   will   certainly   pursue   this   question.”     The   boat   had   reached   the   center   of   the   lake.     Viola   stopped   rowing   and   glanced   back.     The   magnificent   and   grandiose   gold   palace   seemed   more   imposing   and   resplendent   than   ever   under   the   scarlet   rays   of   the   setting   sun.     Viola   murmured,

  “Goodbye!     Goodbye   gold   palace   that   I   love   so   dearly.     One   day   I   will   let   you   see   the   light   of   day   again.”     She   looked   around   her.     The   skies   and   the   water   seemed   joined   together   in   a   sea   of   red.     Her   anger   once   more   burst   out.  

“How   like   the   flames   of   the   fiery   river   of   hell   this   is!     One   day   I   will   burn   down   King   Dimitri’s   Kingdom   and   reduce   it   to   scorched   earth   to   avenge   my   mother.”     On   the   horizon   appeared   a   huge   black   bird   that   came   flying   towards   the   gold   palace.     Her   flight   was   slow.     Her   wings   flapped   calmly   and   sedately,   not   streaking   by   and   swooping   down   swiftly   as   she   usually   does   because   her   wound   had   not   yet   healed.     When   she   flew   over   Viola   and   her   motionless   boat,   she   cast   a   suspicious   glance   at   them,   but   as   she   had   other   things   on   her   mind,   she   flew   on.     Viola   once   more   took   up   her   oars   and   rowed   towards   the   wilderness.     Where   else   could   she   go?     She   could   only   return   to   the   dried   and   withered   tree   among   the   bed   of   tulips.     That   was   her   home,   her   sweet   nest.

As   Medusa   flew   back   from   the   other   end   of   the   horizon,   he   sharp   eyes   saw   many   small   boats   coming   and   going   on   the   lake   between   King   Dimitri’s   palace   and   the   gold   palace.     Under   the   tall,   protruding   mountain   behind   the   gold   palace,   several   indigenous   furnaces   were   at   full   blast,   as   if   being   tried   out   to   see   if   they   were   reliable.     Many   natives   were   busy   building   a   smooth   path   to   the   top   of   the   mountain.     Others   were   cutting   down   trees   and   slitting   them   into   firewood   to   feed   the   furnaces.     Still   others   sailed   back   and   forth   on   small   boats,   transporting   previously   smelted   iron   ingots   to   be   melted   in   the   furnaces   into   liquid   iron.     The   natives   were   divided   into   rotating   shifts.     Those   waiting   to   take   their   turn   were   eating,   drinking   and   talking   while   resting   on   the   grounds   outside   the   gold   palace.     Medusa   knew   then   that   King   Dimitri   had   decided   to   have   the   project   go   on   anyway,   regardless   of   whether   Cyclops   would   help.     He   would   have   melted   iron   poured   onto   the   gold   palace   to   seal   it   up   forever   as   he   had   promised   Zeus.     Medusa   flew   down   in   front   of   the   palace   gate,   changed   to   human   form   and   walked   into   the   palace   to   report   to   King   Dimitri   about   her   negotiations   with   Cyclops.

That   afternoon,   after   King   Dimitri   agreed   to   Medusa’s   proposal   of   recruiting   Cyclops   to   help   gild   the   gold   palace,   she   flew   into   the   forests   and   mountains   looking   for   him.   Cyclops   was   sent   by   King   Dimitri   to   guard   the   gold   palace,   but   he   only   walked   by   there   occasionally   and   looked   around   to   see   if   all   was   well.     The   rest   of   the   time,   he   spent   roaming   the   mountains   and   forests,   seldom   showing   himself.     He   would   hunt,   fish   and   gather   wild   fruits   to   brew   wine,   living   a   lonely   but   self-sufficient   life.     At   night,   he   slept   in   any   one   of   the   numerous   caves   all   around   the   mountains.     Looking   down   from   the   skies   while   she   circled   the   area,   Medusa   found   some   caves   which   looked   as   if   they   had   been   lived   in.     She   dropped   down   to   see   if   Cyclops   was   around.     But   after   closer   inspection,   she   only   found   huge   piles   of   white   animal   bones   at   the   mouth   of   the   caves   and   black,   burnt   out   fires   where   he   had   grilled   his   meat.     From   the   ashes   left   at   the   fire   site,   Medusa   concluded   that   these   caves   have   long   been   left   uninhabited.    

“Where   could   he   have   gone   to?”   she   wondered,   as   she   flew   into   the   skies,   prepared   to   seek   further   elsewhere.   Suddenly,   she   caught   a   glimpse   of   Cyclops   as   he   climbed   up   a   barren   mountain   top.     He   waved   and   shouted   at   her.     Medusa   immediately   flew   down   and   alighted   before   him.   Cyclops   talked   and   gestured   excitedly   with   his   hands   and   feet,   pointing   at   the   skies,   babbling   about   a   thick   cloud   layer   and   loud   noises   of   battle   coming   from   there.   Medusa   explained   to   him   it   was   a   battle   between   King   Dimitri   and   Apollo,   the   sun   god   and   how   between   them,   they   slew   nine   suns,   the   personification   of   monsters.     Cyclops   sobered   for   a   moment,   but   his   combative   spirit   and   love   of   domination   once   more   exerted   itself.     He   said   dismissively,  

“Even   though   King   Dimitri   had   his   flying   horse,   magic   sword   and   bow   and   arrows,   he   only   managed   to   fight   Apollo   to   a   draw.     If   I   had   those   treasures,   with   my   superhuman   strength   and   by   body   which   fears   neither   sword   nor   spear,   I   could   easily   have   defeated   Apollo.     As   to   the   nine   suns,   it’s   simple!     I   could   easily   kill   them   single-handedly.     Who   needs   to   go   to   so   much   trouble?”

“Let’s   set   aside   the   question   of   whether   you   could   win   Apollo   and   defeat   the   nine   suns   single-handedly”   said   Medusa   changing   the   subject.     “I   come   here   today   to   ask   for   your   help.     Are   you   willing   to   do   so?”

“Oh?”   said   Cyclops.   “You,   Medusa   come   to   ask   for   my   help?   Don’t   you   remember   that   I   was   defeated   by   you?”

“Let   the   past   be   past.     The   favor   I   want   to   ask   of   you   is   something   only   you   and   no   one   else   can   do.”   Hearing   her   words   of   praise   was   like   a   balm   to   Cyclops   spirits.

“Oh?     What   is   this   favor   you   want   to   ask   of   me?”   Medusa   then   told   him   of   King   Dimitri’s   plan   to   build   furnaces   to   melt   the   iron   ingots,   pave   a   path   to   the   top   of   the   mountain,   and   needed   his   help   to   carry   the   liquid   iron   up   to   the   top   and   poured   it   onto   the   gold   palace   to   gild   it   and   seal   it   up   forever.  

  “I   recommended   you   for   the   job   because   of   your   superhuman   strength.”   She   added.     “No   one   but   you   can   do   it.”

“So   it’s   King   Dimitri   who   needs   my   help,   not   you!”   Cyclops   exclaimed.   “This   I   will   have   to   think   over.     You   know   King   Dimitri   and   I   are   not   on   the   best   of   terms.     There   is   a   deep-seated   hatred   between   us   and   I   have   some   old   scores   to   settle   with   him.”

“Real   men”   said   Medusa   “can   distinguish   between   favor   and   animosity.     A   favor   is   a   favor   and   animosity   is   animosity.     Don’t   mix   them   up   altogether.     Talk   about   the   past.     King   Dimitri   is   deeply   repentant   about   the   way   he   treated   Ileen.     He   should   not   have   had   her   executed   so   savagely.     But   she   stole   King   Dimitri’s   sword   and   gave   it   to   you,   seducing   you   to   do   her   will   and   revolt   against   King   Dimitri.     She   led   you   onto   the   palace   grounds,   causing   the   death   of   hundreds   of   King   Dimitri’s   loyal   subjects.     You   even   sought   to   take   all   of   King   Dimitri’s   beauties   to   satisfy   your   lust.     The   whole   Kingdom   was   almost   destroyed   because   of   this.     Ileen   is   a   traitor   and   deserved   to   die.     King   Dimitri   knew   you   were   seduced   by   a   temptress,   so   he   was   lenient   towards   you.     Not   only   did   he   not   kill   you,   he   allowed   you   to   roam   freely   in   his   realm   without   restriction.     Have   you   forgotten   all   this?”   Cyclops   thought   for   a   moment,   blinking   the   single   ferocious   eye   in   the   middle   of   his   forehead.

“Alright.     I   will   return   the   favor   of   his   leniency.     After   that   I   will   seek   my   revenge.”

“Why   are   you   so   perverse   and   will   not   come   to   your   senses?     Ileen   seduced   you.     She   wanted   to   use   your   strength   to   defeat   King   Dimitri   and   usurp   his   Kingdom.     She   was   executed   for   her   treachery.     What   has   that   to   do   with   you   and   King   Dimitri?     Why   are   you   seeking   revenge   for   the   legitimate   execution   of   justice?”

“Talking   about   the   past”   mused   Cyclops,   his   fierce   eyes   turning   gentle,   “I   remember   being   chained   in   a   cave   by   you   for   almost   a   hundred   years.     It   was   the   happiest   time   of   my   life.     Did   you   think   I   didn't   have   the   strength   to   break   those   chains?     Heavy   and   thick   though   they   were,   I   could   easily   have   gotten   out   of   them.   I   did   not   do   so   because   I   was   willing   to   be   your   prisoner.     You   hunted   to   feed   me.     You   lived   in   the   same   cave   as   I   did.     You   healed   my   wounds   with   the   blood   of   virgins.     I   would   have   stayed   in   the   cave   with   you   forever.     It   was   King   Dimitri   who   broke   into   the   cave...     If   it   were   not   for   his   appearance,   would   you   have   stayed   with   me   forever?”

“Yes”   Medusa   nodded   and   said,   “I   would   have   stayed   with   you   and   kept   you   company.     But   such   is   fate.   I   met   King   Dimitri.     He   is   the   master   I   can   be   loyal   to   my   whole   life.”     Cyclops   was   angry.

“I   waited   in   the   cave   for   you   for   a   long   time,   expecting   you   to   come   back.     But   you   never   did.     Ileen   came   instead.     She   stole   King   Dimitri’s   sword   and   used   it   to   free   me.     She   gave   her   beautiful   body   to   me...     But   King   Dimitri   had   her   killed   by   being   cut   in   half   at   the   waist.     At   the   time,   she   was   pregnant   with   my   child.     Didn’t   you   people   know   that?”   He   stopped   for   a   moment   and   then   continued  

“So   be   it.   I   will   stick   to   my   own   plan:   pay   my   debt   before   I   seek   revenge.     I   will   be   at   the   foot   of   the   mountain   at   daybreak   tomorrow   to   await   your   orders.     I   will   do   any   hard   work   assigned   to   me   to   the   best   of   my   ability.”   Medusa   felt   there   was   nothing   else   to   be   said,   so   she   changed   into   a   huge   black   bird   and   flew   back   towards   King   Dimitri’s   palace.     Hearing   Medusa’s   report,   King   Dimitri   was   deeply   affected   and   did   not   say   anything..     His   face   was   stormy   and   his   heart   heavy.”

“   Go   and   rest,   your   majesty”   said   Queen   Aisha.     “You   fought   a   hard   battle   this   morning.     Go   and   rest.     I   will   be   here   to   take   care   of   things   and   make   sure   everything   goes   according   to   plan.”

When   the   boat   got   close   to   shore,   Viola   ceased   rowing   and   let   it   float   slowly   towards   the   bank.     She   jumped   out,   tied   it   to   the   nearest   tree   branch   and   remembered   to   wash   the   dust   and   soil   off   her   face.     The   sun   had   set,   leaving   a   pale   remnant   of   its   former   brilliance   behind,   coloring   the   clouds.     When   she   came   to   the   patch   of   tulips,   Viola   changed   her   body   back   to   its   original   shape,   close   to   Mr.   Finger’s   dimensions   and   walked   into   the   bed   of   flowers   until   she   came   to   the   withered   tree.     Brushing   aside   the   dried   grass   cluttering   the   roots   of   the   tree,   she   entered   the   hole   and   climbed   up.     Loud   snores   greeted   her   while   she   was   half   way   up;   and   when   she   got   to   the   platform   amid   the   branches,   she   saw   Mr.   Finger   lying   spread-eagled   on   her   bed   of   flower   petals,   fast   asleep.  

  “Didn’t   I   send   him   to   scout   out   King   Dimitri’s   palace?     How   come   he   is   back   so   soon?     Has   he   been   discovered   or   has   he   brought   back   good   news?”     She   walked   over   to   the   bed   and   shook   the   little   man   until   he   woke   up.

  “How   come   you   are   back   so   fast?     Any   new   discovery?”     Mr.   Finger   was   enraged   at   being   so   rudely   awakened   from   his   beautiful   dreams   and   was   about   to   vent   his   anger   on   the   culprit   when   he   opened   his   drowsy   eyes   and   saw   it   was   Viola.     His   anger   turned   to   joy   as   he   exclaimed,

“I   don’t   know   how   I   came   to   be   here.     I   opened   my   eyes   and   found   myself   in   King   Dimitri’s   dilapidated   straw   hut   by   the   lake.     I   didn’t   want   to   stay   there   so   I   came   back   here   instead.     This   is   my   home.”

“This   is   MY   home”   said   Viola   crossly.   “Since   when   has   it   become   yours?”

“Yes,   it   is   your   home”   replied   Mr.   Finger   smiling   cheekily.   “But   we   are   married   now,   so   your   home   is   also   my   home   now.”

“Don’t   interrupt   me.     I   am   asking   you   about   what   you   found   out   at   King   Dimitri’s   palace.”

“Sure.     Sure”   said   Mr.   Finger.     He   thought   for   a   while   and   then   said,   “The   sword,   the   magic   bow   and   arrow   you   wanted   me   to   look   for   are   all   in   the   attic.     In   fact   I   saw   White   Fairy   take   them   out   and   clean   them,   getting   them   ready   for   use.     King   Dimitri   fought   a   huge   battle   with   Zeus   or   somebody   like   that.     He   came   back   victorious.”

“I   know   all   that.     Anything   new?”

“No.     That’s   it”   shrugged   Mr.   Finger,   spreading   out   his   palms.

“I   think   they   saw   through   you,   got   you   drunk   and   dumped   you   back   here.     You   really   are   useless!”

“Useless?     You   say   I   am   useless?”   said   Mr.   Finger   standing   up   from   the   bed,   full   of   righteous   indignation.   “You   go   and   ask   King   Dimitri.     His   old   friends   Richard   and   Jamaz   were   already   dead.   It   was   I   who   brought   them   back   to   life   with   my   magic   powers.     King   Dimitri   will   acknowledge   the   truth   of   my   claims.”

“Magic   powers?”   exclaimed   Viola,   greatly   surprised.   “What   magic   powers   do   you   have   that   can   bring   the   dead   back   to   life?”

“My   powers   are   limited”   said   the   little   man   dejectedly.   “I   used   it   all   up   to   save   the   two   guys   so     I   don’t   have   any   left.”

“Come   on.     Think.     Think   some   more.     Is   there   any   other   magic   power   that   you   still   have?”   insisted   Viola,   not   willing   to   give   up.   “You   may   have   lost   the   big   power   that   takes   up   a   lot   of   your   strength,   such   as   resurrecting   the   dead,   but   perhaps   you   still   retain   some   small   ones.     Who   knows?     Even   small   ones   may   come   in   handy   sometimes.”     Seeing   Viola   so   interested   in   his   powers,   Mr.   Finger   said   impudently,

“Let   me   rack   my   brains   and   see.     But   in   order   to   do   so,   I   must   first   make   love   with   you.     Perhaps   that   will   inspire   me.”   Viola   did   not   refuse.     The   two   of   them   had   been   apart   for   quite   some   time   and   both   had   a   long-felt   need   for   satisfaction.     They   went   at   it   vigorously   for   most   of   the   night   until   they   were   exhausted   and   fell   asleep   clasped   in   each   other’s   arms.   Head   on   the   pillow,   Viola   still   did   not   forget   to   admonish   Mr.   Finger,

“Think.     Think   again,   my   love   about   what   powers   you   have.     I   want   to   avenge   my   mother.     I   want   it   very   badly   as   you   know.”

“Yes.     Yes,   I   know.     I   will   rack   my   brains   again.     Perhaps   something   will   come   up.     It’s   late.     Let’s   sleep.”

Viola   woke   up   at   the   crack   of   dawn   the   next   morning.   Rubbing   her   sleepy   eyes,   she   remembered   that   something   big   was   supposed   to   happen   that   day.     Slipping   out   of   bed,   she   walked   over   to   the   tree   hole   and   looked   out   at   the   gold   palace.     She   saw   the   furnaces   at   the   foot   of   the   mountain   were   going   at   full   blast   and   many   small   boats   were   busy   sailing   to   and   fro   carrying   iron   ingots   and   firewood   for   the   furnaces.    

“Something   important   is   going   on   there,”   she   thought.     “I   am   go   there   and   see   for   myself.”     She   turned   and   was   about   to   leave   when   she   saw   Mr.   Finger   still   fast   asleep   on   the   bed.     “This   little   man   is   full   of   tricks.     He   may   be   small   in   stature   but   he   is   crafty,   cunning   and   full   of   guile.     He   may   be   able   to   think   of   something   useful   to   me.     I   must   control   him   tightly   in   the   palm   of   my   hand”   thought   Viola   as   she   climbed   down   her   tree   house.     She   brushed   aside   the   dry   grass   concealing   the   entrance   to   her   home   and   walked   out.     Once   again   she   changed   her   body   to   that   of   a   normal-sized   woman.     She   shivered   in   the   cold   early   morning   air   and   walked   quickly   towards   the   bank   of   the   lake   and   remembered   to   disguise   her   beautiful   face   again   with   dirt   and   soil.   She   untied   her   boat,   jumped   in   and   rowed   towards   the   gold   palace,   easily   mingling   with   the   flow   of   small   boats   going   towards   the   same   destination.     Once   on   land,   she   joined   the   ranks   of   those   carrying   firewood.

At   this   time,   King   Dimitri’s   large,   double   tailed   sailboat   arrived   at   the   middle   of   the   lake.     Like   the   day   before,   he   was   dressed   for   battle   with   his   sword   at   his   waist,   his   magic   bow   across   his   shoulders   and   his   quiver   of   arrows   on   his   back.     Medusa   and   the   White   Fairy   stood   by   his   side,   but   the   rest   of   the   beauties   were   inside   the   cabin   to   protect   them   from   the   stinging   cold   of   the   early   spring   dawn.   His   flying   horse,   Lightning,   stood   at   the   stern.     The   furnaces   at   the   foot   of   the   mountain   blazed   with   red   hot   flames.     Dozens   of   strong   young   men   were   busily   stepping   on   the   bellows,   blowing   air   onto   the   fire   to   fan   the   flames   which   had   turned   from   red   to   blue,   raising   the   temperature   even   higher.     They   were   wearing   sturdy   leather   garments   for   protection   and   were   sweating   profusely   in   spite   of   the   cold   spring   weather.     The   pale   light   of   early   dawn   gradually   appeared.     It   was   daybreak.     A   strange   figure,   tall   and   husky,   emerged   from   the   hazy   mist   blanketing   the   forest   and   walked   slowly   forward.     A   single   horn   protruded   on   the   top   of   his   head.     He   had   one   huge   eye   on   his   forehead   and   another   at   the   back   of   his   head.     He   was   bare-chested   and   bare-footed,   wearing   only   a   leopard   skin   around   his   waist,   his   bulging   muscles   demonstrated   the   boundless   energy   of   his   body.   It   was   Cyclops.     His   appearance   caused   a   commotion   among   the   crowd   who   were   well   aware   of   his   reputation   and   many   had   suffered   at   his   hands.     They   fell   back   in   consternation   and   fear.

Medusa’s   sharp   eyes   saw   Cyclops   the   moment   he   appeared.     She   leapt   into   the   air,   turned   into   a   large   black   bird   and   flew   towards   land.     On   reached   her   destination,   she   somersaulted   in   the   air   and   dropped   down   before   Cyclops   in   her   human   form.

“You   are   here,   Cyclops.     You   kept   your   word.”

“Say   no   more.     Let’s   begin.”

In   front   of   the   furnace   was   a   huge   tripod   full   of   red   hot   melted   iron.     It   had   the   color   of   watermelon   juice,   but   its   temperature   was   frightening.     Cyclops   moved   the   tripod   a   little   to   estimate   its   weight.     Then   he   shouted,   “Up!”   All   the   muscles   of   his   body   expanded   and   bulged.     and   seemed   to   have   doubled   in   size.     He   lifted   the   10,000   lb.   tripod   in   his   hands   and   walked   slowly   step   by   step   up   the   newly   paved   path   towards   the   barren   peak     Perhaps   he   was   not   familiar   with   the   path,   for   midway   up   the   mountain   he   tripped.     The   excruciating   pain   of   red   hot   melted   iron   splashing   onto   his   body   caused   him   to   roar   in   agony.     It   was   the   angry   roar   of   a   wounded   lion,   which   resounded   and   echoed   in   the   surrounding   mountains   and   valleys.     Then   came   the   stench   of   burnt   flesh.     But   Cyclops   soon   regained   his   balance   and   walked   slowly   up   the   path   with   his   burden.     At   the   top   of   the   mountain,   he   poured   the   liquid   iron   down   onto   the   dome   of   the   gold   palace.     Red   hot   liquid   iron   flowed   all   over   the   round   dome   and   soon   coated   it.     The   chief   and   his   warriors   who   were   waiting   there,   pulled   out   the   plug   of   their   leather   pipe   which   had   been   filled   with   water,   the   other   end   of   which   was   in   the   lake,   and   the   natural   pressure   caused

water   to   sprout   out.     No   sooner   had   icy   cold   lake   water   come   in   contact   with   the   red   hot   melted   iron   than   it   fizzled   into   misty   steam.     This   primitive   and   clumsy   way   was   the   only   alternative   left   to   them   when   Romi   failed   to   return   and   King   Zeus   laid   down   the   3-day   ultimatum   to   coat   the   gold   palace   with   iron.  

Cyclops   walked   down   the   path   with   his   empty   tripod.     The   liquid   iron   that   had   splashed   onto   his   body   had   cooled   and   solidified.     He   flicked   his   hand   over   his   body   and   they   dropped   to   the   ground   like   pieces   of   rusted   iron.   He   dug   out   those   that   had   been   embedded   into   his   flesh   with   his   fingers.     The   wounds   did   not   need   attention   and   quickly   healed   themselves.   He   was   sweating   profusely   as   he   strode   down   the   path   gnawing   ravenously   on   an   entire   leg   of   a   roasted   bull.   He   felt   thirsty.     Taking   up   a   vat   of   liquor,   he   downed   half   of   it   in   one   gulp.     By   the   time   he   finished   eating   and   drinking,   he   felt   completely   restored.     Another   tripod   full   of   red   hot   liquid   iron   was   waiting   for   him   at   the   foot   of   the   hill.     He   tried   its   weight,   shouted   “Up!”   and   raised   it   with   his   hands.   The   second   time   round,   he   was   steadier   as   he   walked   up   the   path.     When   he   reached   the   top,   he   pushed   the   tripod   harder   and   the   liquid   iron   splashed   down   further   away.     As   it   spread   all   over   the   gold   palace,   the   chieftain   and   his   warriors   once   more   pulled   out   the   stopper   of   the   leather   pipe   full   of   water   and   sprayed   icy   lake   water   onto   the   piping   hot   iron,   causing   it   to   sizzle   and   fizz   and   give   up   hot   steam   which   infiltrated   the   air.     From   dawn   to   dusk,   Cyclops   poured   liquid   iron   onto   the   gold   palace.     By   the   end   of   the   day,   half   the   gold   palace   had   been   gilded   with   iron.     King   Dimitri   gave   orders   to   stop   for   the   day   and   continue   the   work   on   the   morrow.     Cyclops   had   eaten   one   whole   bull   and   three   sheep   as   well   as   five   vats   of   liquor.     Tired   and   intoxicated,   he   walked   unsteadily   back   to   the   forest.     Medusa   flew   back   to   the   boat   and   King   Dimitri   gave   orders   to   return   to   the   palace.     The   work   at   the   site,   however,   could   not   stop.     The   people   prepared   to   work   all   night,   transporting   iron   ingots   and   firewood   etc.   for   use   the   following   day.     From   dawn   to   dusk   that   day,   King   Dimitri   had   stood   at   the   helm   of   his   sailboat,   watching   Cyclops’   stalwart   figure   carrying   10,000   lbs.   of   boiling   liquid   up   the   mountain   and   pour   it   over   the   gold   palace.     He   silently   counted   the   number   of   trips   he   made   and   came   up   to   a   total   of   120.  

  “Oh   heavens!”   he   thought.     “How   much   energy   and   strength   he   has.     If   he   decides   to   go   against   me,   he   would   make   a   terrifying   enemy.”

After   King   Dimitri   and   the   beauties   returned   to   the   palace,   they   were   all   feeling   tired.     Knowing   there   would   be   a   lot   more   to   do   the   next   day,   they   quickly   shed   their   formal   gowns,   cleaned   themselves   up,   had   a   light   repast   and   went   off   to   bed.     King   Dimitri   had   given   his   sword,   bow   and   arrows   into   White   Fairy’s   safe   keeping   and   was   sitting   alone   in   the   great   hall   drinking   tea.     Outside   the   palace,   it   was   getting   dark   when   Dorna   suddenly   appeared   before   him   saying,

“King   Dimitri,   there   is   something   I   want   to   report   to   you.”

“Oh?     What   is   it,   little   Dorna?     What   has   made   you   so   concerned   that   you   have   to   tell   me   about   it   right   away?”

“When   you   all   were   supervising   Cyclops’   work,   I   took   the   flying   broom   and   went   to   Mr.   Finger’s   place   to   bring   him   some   food.     He   seemed   extremely   interested   in   my   broom   and   kept   asking   in   a   roundabout   way   how   it   worked,   how   to   make   it   fly.     His   eyes   kept   rolling   around   roguishly.     I   don’t   think   he   means   well   and   must   have   some   nefarious   deviltry   in   mind.     So   I   came   to   tell   you   about   it   right   away.”

“Good.     Thank   you.     I   will   keep   it   in   mind.     It’s   getting   late.     Go   to   bed   and   have   a   good   rest,   Dorna.”     After   the   girl   left,   King   Dimitri   went   to   Queen   Aisha’s   room   to   sleep.

The   next   morning,   King   Dimitri   and   the   beauties   boarded   their   sailboat   and   set   out   in   the   early   dawn   before   the   mist   dispersed.     Experienced   and   well-trained   palace   attendants   rowed   the   boat   swiftly   and   steadily.     When   they   came   to   the   center   of   the   lake,   King   Dimitri   gave   orders   to   drop   anchor   and   stabilize   the   boat.     He   looked   over   to   the   opposite   shore   and   saw   that   Medusa   was   already   there   overseeing   the   natives   carry   firewood   and   adding   them   to   the   furnaces,   making   the   flames   leap   even   higher   and   burn   brighter.     The   people   had   been   working   all   night   and   they   all   looked   worn   out.     The   only   one   who   appeared   to   be   fresh   and   vigorous   was   Cyclops.     He   carried   the   heavy   tripod   tirelessly   up   the   mountain,   making   one   trip   after   another,   pouring   the   melted   liquid   iron   onto   the   gold   palace.     His   speed   improved   with   repetition   and   it   was   he   who   often   waited   by   the   furnace   for   the   next   tripod   to   be   filled,   whiling   away   the   time   by   devouring   meat   of   sheep   and   bull   and   gulping   down   liquor   from   the   vat.     He   did   this   from   dawn   to   noon   and   now   it   was   dusk.     Time   went   on,   King   Dimitri   forgot   to   count   how   many   trips   Cyclops   had   made   or   how   many   tripods   were   poured   onto   the   gold   palace.   Queen   Aisha   asked   King   Dimitri   to   come   into   the   cabin   and   said   to   him,

  “Your   majesty,   look   at   Cyclops.     He   is   really   tireless   and   has   more   vigor   and   endurance   than   most.     But   look   at   the   way   he   is   walking.     He   is   beginning   to   stagger.     I’m   afraid   he   has   drunk   too   much   hard   liquor.     If   this   goes   on,   he   may   get   into   an   accident.”     King   Dimitri   looked   out   of   the   cabin   window   and   saw   that   Cyclops   was   indeed   beginning   to   wobble   unsteadily   from   side   to   side.     Though   Cyclops   was   stronger   than   most   and   could   recover   quickly   from   hot   liquid   iron   splashed   onto   his   body,   it   would   be   a   different   story   if   the   whole   10,000   lbs   tripod   of   boiling   liquid   iron   overturned   and   capsized   on   him.     His   body   would   be   completely   disintegrated   and   reduced   to   dust   and   smoke.     So   King   Dimitri   immediately   gave   orders   for   work   to   stop   for   the   day.     Cyclops   happily   planked   down   the   empty   tripod,   walked   swiftly   down   another   side   path   and   disappeared   into   the   forest.

King   Dimitri   mounted   his   magic   horse,   Lightning,   and   flew   over   the   lake   towards   land.     The   double-tailed   sailboat   followed   in   his   wake   and   also   made   for   the   shore.     The   people   were   energized   to   see   their   heroic   king   come   personally   to   inspect   the   progress   of   their   work.     Loud   cheers   and   shouts   rose   in   their   midst.     Riding   his   horse,   King   Dimitri   circled   the   grounds   of   the   gold   palace   and   saw   that   the   project   was   about   95%   completed.     There   was   only   one   patch   of   gold   on   the   northeastern   side   of   the   palace   that   needed   to   be   coated.     A   few   tripods   poured   onto   that   area   would   take   care   of   it   and   the   work   would   be   completed.     But   the   former   brilliant   and   magnificent   palace   had   been   completely   changed   beyond   recognition.     The   liquid   iron   was   poured   carelessly   at   random,   with   no   rhyme   or   reason,   so   some   spots   were   coated   thicker   than   the   others.     The   surface   was,   therefore,   quite   uneven:   some   spots   were   high,   looking   like   a   small   mound,   while   others   were   scarcely   coated.     All   in   all,   it   was   an   ugly   piece   of   gilding   and   would   look   even   more   grotesque   when   the   iron   begins   to   rust   and   become   covered   with   moss.     Having   finished   his   inspection,   King   Dimitri   flew   back   to   his   boat.     He   released   his   two   beloved   pet   tigers   and   told   them   to   patrol   and   secure   the   area.     Then   he   gave   orders   to   have   the   people   set   up   camp,   cook   dinner   and   rest   for   the   night,   leaving   only   a   skeleton   crew   to   see   that   the   fire   is   kept   burning.     Then   calling   for   Medusa   to   come   back,   they   all   set   said   for   the   palace.

Arriving   at   the   middle   of   the   lake,   King   Dimitri   looked   at   the   ever-changing   clouds   and   the   crystal   clear   waters.     The   gorgeous   landscape   of   water,   mountains   and   skies   brought   him   a   sense   of   peace   and   calm   that   made   him   forget   the   troubles   of   the   last   few   days.     He   ordered   the   palace   attendants   to   again   drop   anchor   and   said   to   the   beauties,  

“In   the   face   of   such   fantastic   scenery,   how   could   we   not   have   wine?”     He   waved   his   hand   in   the   air.     Lo   and   behold,   a   crystal   goblet   full   of   dark   red   wine   appeared   in   his   hand.     The   beauties   followed   suit   and   also   waved   their   hands   in   the   air.     In   no   time,   crystal   goblets   of   dark   red   wine   materialized   in   their   hands.

“Cheers!”   said   King   Dimitri,   raising   his   goblet   of   wine.  

“Cheers!”   replied   the   beauties   in   a   chorus.   King   Dimitri   sipped   his   wine   and   said   with   deep   feeling,  

“This   time   when   I   returned   to   the   Kingdom,   I   had   intended   to   spend   some   time   with   you   all   and   have   a   memorable   gathering.     I   never   imagined   so   much   would   happen   in   these   two   three   days.     I   must   return   to   the   mundane   world   tomorrow.     So   little   time   remains!     Life   is   like   the   ever-changing   clouds   in   the   skies.     It   may   look   gorgeous   and   magnificent   now,   but   soon   it   will   be   swallowed   up   by   the   dark   night.     So   we   must   enjoy   ourselves   while   we   can   and   not   let   opportunities   slip   by.”     He   again   raised   his   goblet   and   took   another   sip.     The   beauties   knew   their   king   well   and   were   aware   that   he   had   a   tendency   to   think   of   poetic   sadness   in   his   heart   when   all   around   him   was   rejoicing,   so   they   did   not   mention   unhappy   or   killjoy   things.     Many   desserts   had   appeared   on   the   table,   as   well   as   appetizers   for   the   wine.     The   beauties   were   eating   and   drinking   and   talking.     Suddenly   Amalia   said,  

“What   happened   to   that   big   guy   carrying   the   tripods?     Why   don’t   we   ask   him   to   join   us   here   and   have   a   drink?”   Everyone   was   struck   dumb   by   her   artless   question.

“He   went   home”   replied   Yoko   hurriedly,   trying   to   head   off   further   questions.   “He   lives   far   away   over   there”   she   continued,   pointing   to   the   dense   forests   on   the   other   side   of   the   lake.

“Ah!”   said   Amalia,   nodding   her   head,   seeming   to   understand,   but   not   really   comprehending.     Since   Amalia   had   brought   this   sore   spot   in   King   Dimitri’s   heart   into   the   open,   the   beauties   felt   they   were   free   to   pursue   the   subject.

“Cyclops   is   really   an   enigma!”   said   Elina.     “How   much   strength   does   he   really   have   in   his   body?

Is   he   human   or   a   beast?”

“He   is   part   human,   part   beast   and   part   god”   replied   Medusa.   “He   is   all   three   combined.”

“If   he   decides   to   go   against   us”   commented   Queen   Aisha,   “He   would   make   a   terrifying   enemy.     Let’s   hope   that   doesn’t   happen.”

“Cyclops   is   not   really   that   fearful”   said   King   Dimitri.   “He   is   physically   strong,   but   mentally   lacking.     I   know   how   to   deal   with   him.”     Exchanging   a   look   with   Medusa,   he   continued,   “Medusa   and   I   both   owe   him   somewhat.     Cyclops   is   right.     I   took   his   love.     Then   I   killed   another   woman   he   loved   who   was   pregnant   with   his   child.     But   I   was   not   aware   of   it   at   the   time.   It   was   the   wrong   thing   to   do.     I   am   ashamed   of   my   actions   and   will   regret   it   the   rest   of   my   life.”

“This   woman   is   really   vicious!”   exclaimed   Megginn.     “She   was   willing   to   sacrifice   her   own   life   and   that   of   her   progeny   to   make   sure   that   King   Dimitri   will   regret   his   actions   his   entire   life.     It   is   really   spiteful   and   vindictive   of   her.     I   came   to   the   Kingdom   late   and   so   have   never   seen   this   woman   beautiful   as   a   flower   but   poisonous   as   a   viper.   I   really   would   have   liked   to   have   seen   what   she   looked   like....”

“Oh,   my   gosh!”   exclaimed   Dorna.     “Mr.   Finger   said   he   had   a   wife   who   is   very,   very   beautiful,   and   who   was   as   small   as   he.     Could   that   little   woman   be   Aileen’s...?”   Everyone   understood   whom   she   meant.

“No,   that’s   impossible”   said   Elena.     “No   embryo   could   live   when   the   mother   is   dead.     That’s   impossible.”

“I   would   be   grateful   if   a   miracle   had   happened”   said   King   Dimitri.   “and   the   embryo   lived.     It   would   lessen   my   guilt.     I   wish   the   embryo   lived...”

It   was   growing   dark.     King   Dimitri   ordered   the   attendants   to   pull   up   anchor   and   head   home   to   the   palace.

Viola   camped   down   at   the   worksite   together   with   the   others.     These   last   two   days,   she   saw   with   her   own   eyes   Cyclops’   strength   and   resilience   and   was   tempted   to   follow   him   into   the   dense   forest   after   work   to   scout   around   and   see   where   he   lived.     But   King   Dimitri   gave   orders   to   set   up   camp   and   told   his   two   pet   tigers   to   patrol   and   secure   the   area   so   that   the   people   could   rest   in   peace.     If   she   secretly   followed   Cyclops   into   the   forest,   the   two   tigers   might   take   exception   to   her   furtive   actions   and   being   the   fierce   beasts   they   were,   it   could   cost   her   life.     So   she   was   forced   to   be   patient   and   wait   for   the   next   opportunity.     She   went   over   her   mother’s   3-step   plan   for   revenge   in   her   mind   and   decided   it   needed   adjustment.     Step   1   –   stealing   the   magic   bow   and   arrow   to   shoot   Medusa   –   was   hard   to   carry   out.     She   decided   to   begin   with   step   2   –   Cyclops.     She   must   somehow   tame   him   and   make   him   work   willingly   for   her.     He   can   use   his   supreme   strength   to   subdue   the   barbarian   tribes   around   the   Kingdom   and   unite   them   into   one   unit   for   her   use.     That   would   be   her   capital   to   go   against   King   Dimitri.     Right.     That   was   the   way   to   go.     Then   her   thoughts   turned   to   the   little   man   –   Mr.   Finger.     He   was   another   chip   that   could   be   quite   useful.

“I   will   need   time   to   complete   Step   2   and   3,”   she   thought.   “The   task   of   taming   Cyclops   cannot   be   accomplished   in   a   very   short   time,   so   before   I   start   I   had   better   go   back   to   the   other   side   of   the   lake   and   see   to   him.     We   must   think   of   a   way   to   communicate,   otherwise   we   would   lose   contact   of   each   other   and   that   would   be   a   loss.     Yes,   I   will   wait   till   tomorrow   and   get   a   boat   to   go   back   home   to   see   him.”

Viola   lay   in   the   tent   unable   to   sleep.     All   kinds   of   plans   and   strategies   were   going   through   her   mind.     Day   broke.     She   got   up   with   the   others   to   start   another   day’s   busy   work.     Medusa   was   already   at   the   site,   seeing   to   the   transportation   of   firewood   and   iron   ingots   to   feed   the   furnaces.     Cyclops   emerged   from   the   dense   fog   and   saw   that   the   tripod   was   still   empty.     So   tearing   off   the   leg   of   the   roasted   bull   prepared   for   him,   he   began   eating   his   meat   and   drinking   from   the   large   vat   of   liquor.     Turning   his   head,   he   looked   around   and   happened   to   notice   a   large   crack   on   the   furnace   farthest   away.     As   he   watched,   the   crack   deepened   and   was   spreading   out.     Red   hot   liquid   iron   began   to   leak   out   through   the   cracks.     Mouth   full   of   meat,   he   ran   to   Medusa,   who   was   standing   not   far   away   from   him.     Pointing   to   the   leaking   furnace,   he   said,

  “Look!     Look!     Look!”   When   Medusa   saw   what   was   happening,   she   realized   she   had   an   emergency   on   her   hands   and   immediately   started   evacuating   the   people.     There   was   a   large   ‘Boom!”   and   the   faulty   furnace   collapsed.     Melted   liquid   iron   flowed   everywhere.     Just   then,   another   furnace   blew   up   with   a   loud   bang.     It   was   the   largest   furnace   of   the   three   and   the   main   producer   of   liquid   iron.   Wherever   the   melted   liquid   iron   touched,   the   ground   was   scorched.     Cyclops   rushed   up   the   mountain,   grabbed   hold   of   the   leather   pipe   and   began   to   spray   icy   cold   lake   water   onto   the   red   hot   liquid   iron.     All   of   a   sudden,   the   air   was   full   of   evaporated   steam,   which   mixed   with   the   sand   and   debris   the   explosions   had   sent   up   into   the   air.     Visibility   was   so   bad   that   the   people   could   scarcely   see   things   three   feet   away.     King   Dimitri,   who   was   standing   at   the   bow   of   the   boat,   realized   something   was   amiss   and   sent   White   Fairy   to   scout   out   the   situation.   White   Fairy   quickly   came   back   to   report   that   two   furnaces   could   not   withstand   the   high   heat   for   such   an   extended   period   of   time   and   had   exploded.     The   third   and   smallest   one   was   intact   and   still   operational.

“Who   discovered   the   accident?”

“Cyclops.”     King   Dimitri   nodded   to   signify   that   he   had   noted   it.

“Medusa   was   very   swift   to   act”   said   White   Fairy.   “She   immediately   evacuated   the   people   to   heights   half   a   mile   away.”

“Any   fatalities?”

“Luckily   everyone   escaped   harm   and   there   were   no   fatalities.”

“Good”   nodded   King   Dimitri.   “Proclaim   my   orders   that   no   matter   how   difficult,   our   project   must   be   done   before   noon.”

“Yes,   your   majesty”   said   White   Fairy   and   left   to   carry   out   King   Dimitri’s   orders.

The   red   hot   liquid   iron   all   over   the   ground   had   solidified   when   they   came   into   contact   with   the   icy   cold   lake   water.     But   their   heat   was   still   extremely   high   and   would   seriously   burn   anyone   who   accidentally   came   into   contact   with   it.     The   groups   of   people   carrying   firewood   and   iron   ingots   had   to   take   round   about   alternate   routes   that   required   more   time   and   energy.     The   only   furnace   left   had   to   be   carefully   used   and   monitored   so   that   no   further   damage   would   be   done;   otherwise   the   project   could   not   be   completed   on   time   and   King   Dimitri   would   not   be   able   to   keep   his   word   to   Zeus.     The   work   progressed   slower   than   before,   but   the   third   furnace   gave   out   enough   liquid   iron   to   fill   the   tripod,   which   Cyclops   lifted   and   carried   up   the   mountain.     He   stood   at   the   top   and   with   a   mighty   shove   threw   9out   the   contents   of   the   tripod   onto   the   northwest   corner   of   the   gold   palace.     After   four,   five   trips,   Cyclops   shielded   his   eyes   against   the   sun   and   gazed   down   the   mountain.   He   saw   that   no   speck   of   gold   remained   uncovered.     He   put   down   the   tripod,   looked   towards   King   Dimitri’s   boat   and   said,

“My   job   is   done.     I   am   leaving.     The   next   time   we   meet,   it   will   be   as   enemies,   not   friends.”

“Cyclops”   said   King   Dimitri,   standing   at   the   bow   of   his   boat   in   the   middle   of   the   lake,   “No   matter   whether   we   meet   as   friends   or   foes   in   the   future,   I   appreciate   what   you   have   done   for   me.     Take   care   of   yourself.”     Cyclops   turned   and   again   went   back   into   the   dense   forest.     King   Dimitri   ordered   the   furnaces   be   extinguished   and   told   all   the   people   to   gather   on   the   grounds   in   front   of   the   palace   to   celebrate   the   successful   completion   of   their   project.     Then   he   told   the   attendants   to   row   back   to   the   palace.     The   people   cheered   and   everyone   scrambled   to   get   into   the   small   boats.     Soon   hundreds   of   small   boats   filled   the   lake,   with   people   singing   and   laughing,   all   making   for   the   palace   grounds,   looking   forward   to   a   very   good   time.

There   was   one   small   boat   in   the   crowd,   however,   that   quietly   rowed   towards   the   wilderness   by   the   lake.     The   rower   was   no   other   than   Viola.     She   jumped   ashore   as   soon   as   it   docked,   tied   up   the   boat   and   was   about   to   enter   the   tulip   patch,   when   she   heard   a   tiny   voice   call   out   to   her.

“Viola!     Viola!     I   am   here.”     She   turned   around   and   saw   it   was   Mr.   Finger.     Viola   immediately   changed   back   to   her   original   form   and   the   two   of   them   walked   hand   in   hand   towards   the   dilapidated   hut   laughing   and   chatting   merrily.     As   soon   as   she   entered   the   hut,   her   eyes   alighted   on   a   space   in   the   middle   of   the   room   which   had   been   swept   clean.     On   it   was   placed   a   lot   of   furniture,   table,   chairs,   bed,   dresser   etc.   all   made   to   Mr.   Finger’s   size.     In   fact,   they   included   everything   necessary   for   daily   life.     These   were   made   by   the   clever   and   handy   Lotus   inside   the   cabin   of   the   sailboat   while   King   Dimitri   was   overseeing   Cyclops’   labor.     Diligent   by   nature,   she   used   the   idle   time   to   make   some   furniture   that   fit   Mr.   Finger,   so   he   could   have   the   comforts   of   home.     She   thought   of   every   detail   and   used   her   nimble   fingers   to   create   them.     Never   in   her   wildest   dreams   could   she   have   known   that   Mr.   Finger   already   had   a   home   in   a   tree   hole.     Viola   scowled   at   Mr.   Finger   and   twisted   his   ear   with   her   fingers   saying,  

“Don’t   you   dare   forget   your   old   home   now   that   you   have   a   new   one.     Also   what   have   you   done   about   what   I   asked   you   to   do?     Have   you   had   any   good   ideas?”     Mr.   Finger   pretended   to   be   hurt   and   cried,

“Let   go!     Let   go!     I   just   thought   of   something   but   you   twisted   my   ear   and   I   forgot   all   about   it.”   Viola   let   go   of   his   painful   ear.     Mr.   Finger   it   with   his   hand   and   said   with   his   usual   cheekiness

  “I   treat   what   you   tell   me   to   do   as   the   first   priority   of   my   life.     Come   and   see.”     He   led   Viola   out   the   back   door   to   a   courtyard,   at   the   end   of   which   was   a   small   creek,   with   a   small   windmill   on   it.     A   water   bucket   was   attached   to   the   windmill.     When   the   wind   blew,   the   bucket   moved   with   the   windmill   and   collected   stream   water,   which   it   then   deposited   into   an   open   pipeline   made   by   spitting   a   thick   bamboo   in   two.     The   pipeline   then   led   the   water   into   a   porcelain   water   pot   in   the   courtyard.  

  “When   the   pot   is   full,”   explained   Mr.   Finger,   “you   just   gather   up   the   bamboo   pipeline.   Take   the   bucket   off   the   windmill   and   that’s   it!     See   how   clever   the   human   brain   is?     A   few   pieces   of   wood   put   together   can   control   the   wind.     That   is   to   say,   the   human   brain   can   harness   nature   and   make   it   work   for   him.”

“Don’t   be   daft   and   try   to   change   the   subject.     What   has   this   to   do   with   my   plan   to   avenge   my   mother?”

“Look   again!”   said   Mr.   Finger,   who   began   to   mumble   some   incantations   under   his   breathe.   Then   he   pointed   his   finger   at   something.     A   tulip   some   distance   away   seemed   to   have   been   pluck   by   unseen   fingers,   floated   lightly   towards   Viola   and   rested   on   her   hair,   making   her   look   more   beautiful   than   ever.     He   continued,   “I   can   use   the   wind   power   to   work   for   me.”

“Really?”   said   Viola   with   her   eyes   open   wide.   “Can   you   use   wind   power   like   a   knife   to   kill   King   Dimitri   or   any   other   person?”

“No”   replied   Mr.   Finger.     “I   don’t   have   such   large   magic   powers,   but   at   least   I   have   this   wonderful   tool   in   my   hands   and   may   be   of   some   use   in   attaining   our   goal.”

“Yes,   yes,   yes”   said   Viola   happily.   “You   have   a   wonderful   brain.     It   can   think   of   strange,   odd   things.”     Mr.   Finger   got   close   to   Viola   and   said   cheekily,

“What   do   you   think   of   what   I   have   done?     Don’t   you   think   I   deserve   some   prize?”

Viola   looked   at   him   coquettishly   and   the   two   of   them   walked   back   into   the   hut   hand   in   hand.     In   their   new   home,   they   enacted   a   torrid   scene   of   sexual   love,   the   most   primitive   of   human   emotions.     By   the   time   they   were   done,   it   was   already   quite   dark.

“I   must   leave   now”   said   Viola.     “If   you   need   to   find   me,   come   to   the   gold   palace.     Though   it’s   been   covered   with   a   coat   of   iron   and   is   very   ugly,   no   longer   was   anything   like   it   before,   I   still   love   it.     One   day,   I   will   let   it   see   the   light   of   day   again.”

“How   can   I   live   without   you?”   cried   Mr.   Finger   in   dismay.     And   being   so   small,   how   can   I   cross   the   lake   to   find   you?”

“Ask   the   large   white   fish   to   help   you.     I   will   come   back   from   to   see   you   from   time   to   time   when   I   have   the   chance.”   Standing   up,   she   went   outside   and   saw   myriads   of   camp   fires   dotting   the   grounds   of   the   palace.     Many   small   boats   were   also   busy   rowing   to   and   fro   on   the   water.     Viola   knew   King   Dimitri’s   celebrative   activities   were   still   in   progress.     She   rowed   her   small   boat   and   made   for   the   deserted   gold   palace.

The   large   hall   was   brightly   illuminated   by   the   brilliance   of   the   full   moon,   which   needed   no   artificial   light.     Everything   was   perfectly   clear   and   distinct   in   its   soft,   gentle   radiance.     The   beauties   sang,   danced   or   played   on   instruments   according   to   their   skills.     They   were   all   able   to   play   one   or   two   instruments,   so   Queen   Aisha   organized   them   together   to   perform   a   large-scale   concert.     Night   was   deep   and   King   Dimitri   was   half   intoxicated.     Seeing   Amalia’s   clumsy   aged   body   sway   with   the   music   greatly   comforted   him,   because   he   knew   then   that   Amalia   was   still   healthy   and   could   still   enjoy   herself.   Just   as   the   first   performance   was   ending,   ox   horn   bugles   suddenly   sounded   from   several   mountain   tops   –   the   signal   of   alarm!     Medusa   rushed   out   of   the   hall,   changed   into   a   large   black   bird   and   flew   swiftly   into   the   dark   night.     Queen   Aisha’s   heart   seemed   to   jump   into   her   mouth.     She   murmured   softly   “I   do   hope   nothing   drastic   will   happen...”     Medusa   flew   over   the   mountain   tops   and   then   circled   twice   over   the   former   magnificent   gold   palace,   now   reduced   to   an   ugly   pile   of   iron.     Then   she   flew   straight   back   to   the   palace   at   a   speed   and   style   that   proved   she   had   fully   recovered.   Medusa   turned   in   the   air,   dropped   to   the   ground   in   her   human   form   and   walked   quickly   inside.   Without   waiting   for   her   to   catch   her   breathe,   King   Dimitri   asked   urgently,  

“What   happened?”   Medusa   walked   over   to   King   Dimitri’s   throne,   bowed   low   and   said,

“Rest   at   ease,   your   majesty,   nothing   much   happened.     Several   large   bats   invaded   our   air   space.     I   think   they   must   be   agents   sent   by   Zeus.     They   have   now   left.     I   am   sure   they   will   report   that   we   have   kept   our   word   and   have   coated   the   gold   palace   with   iron   to   seal   it   up   forever   within   the   allotted   time.     That   should   settle   the   conflict   and   all   will   be   well.”

“Hm”   said   King   Dimitri   to   signify   that   he   had   heard   the   report.     He   raised   his   eyes   to   the   window   and   saw   that   his   people   had   gathered   together   at   the   palace   ground   holding   all   kinds   of   primitive   weapons   in   their   hands.     They   had   all   heard   the   emergency   call   of   the   ox   horn   bugle   and   were   anxious   to   know   what   happened.   Turning   to   Deanna,   King   Dimitri   said,

“Go   quickly   and   tell   the   tribal   chiefs   that   all   is   well.     Dismiss   the   crowds   and   let   them   go   back   to   their   tents   to   rest.”

“Yes,   your   majesty”   said   Deanna   and   went   out   of   the   hall   to   carry   out   King   Dimitri’s   orders.

“Your   majesty”   said   Medusa.   “In   the   future,   I   think   we   need   to   change   the   target   of   our   defense   system.   Our   priority   should   no   longer   be   on   attacks   from   the   air,   but   rather   concentrate   on   defending   our   heartland.     We   just   have   to   change   the   angle   of   those   mechanisms   we   had   set   up   on   the   mountain   tops   to   shoot   out   large   arrows.     No   matter   where   the   enemy   attacks,   if   they   dare   to   invade   out   heartland,   they   cannot   escape   the   web   of   arrows.”

“Very   good.     That   is   an   excellent   suggestion”   commended   King   Dimitri.  

Then   he   thought   of   something   and   said,   “In   the   future,   if   Cyclops   does   not   do   anything   excessive   and   beyond   the   pale,   just   leave   him   alone.     Don’t   treat   him   like   an   enemy.”

“Yes,   your   majesty,   but...”   said   Medusa   hesitantly.   “Even   if   we   do   not   treat   him   like   an   enemy,   I’m   afraid   he   will   be   bent   on   revenge.”

“You   are   right”   replied   King   Dimitri.   “This   is   something   we   must   take   into   consideration.     In   the   past,   Eileen   overestimated   the   power   of   Cyclops   and   relied   on   his   strength   alone   to   overthrow   our   Kingdom.     If   she   had   better   utilized   his   superior   strength   and   his   invulnerable   body   to   conquer   the   barbarian   tribes   around   here   and   then   organize   and   train   this   considerable   barbarian   manpower   into   one   whole   military   unit   against   me,   the   outcome   of   her   coup   d’etat   may   very   well   have   been   different   and   hard   to   foretell.”

“No”   declared   Medusa,   proudly   lifting   her   brows.     “Even   if   they   were   so,   I   am   not   afraid.     The   outcome   is   hard   to   predict.     I   will   kill   whoever   dares   to   come   or   I   can   change   them   all   to   stone   and   throw   them   into   the   iron   coated   palace   to   be   artifacts   for   burial.”

“No.No.No.”   said   King   Dimitri.   “I   do   not   condone   killing.     It   solves   no   problem.     I   do   not   want   to   see   so   much   death   and   suffering   on   any   side   be   it   ours   or   the   enemy’s.”

“What   if   the   day   comes   when   the   enemy   enters   our   heartland?”   asked   Medusa.   “What   should   we   do?”

“If   such   a   day   comes,   we   will   defend   our   Kingdom   to   the   best   of   our   ability.     But   if   the   enemy   breaks   through   the   strongholds,   we   will   retreat.     I   will   never   repeat   what   we   did   last   time   and   sacrifice   so   many   lives   in   vain.”

“Retreat?”   repeated   Medusa,   opening   her   eyes   wide.   “Where   can   we   retreat   to?”

“I   have   already   prepared   a   sanctuary   of   last   resort”   said   King   Dimitri   smiling   mysteriously.     Turning   to   White   Fairy   he   said,   “From   whence   thou   came,   there   shall   thou   return.”     If   the   day   should   come   that   this   unfortunate   event   comes   to   pass   and   the   Kingdom   is   under   dire   straits,   you   will   be   responsible   for   leading   all   the   people   to   your   small   secluded   temple.     There   the   mountains   are   high   and   the   forests   dense.     It   is   almost   inaccessible   and   therefore   a   safe   hideout.     Let   the   people   stay   temporarily   there.     No   matter   what   happens,   make   no   decision   until   I   come   back.”

“Yes”   said   White   Fairy,   standing   up   to   accept   her   mission.  

The   beauties   were   all   silent   at   this   unexpected   turn   of   event.     Queen   Aisha   could   not   dismiss   the   ominous   premonition   in   her   heart.     To   break   the   somber   silence,   she   said,

“Your   majesty,   Natalie   coliographed   a   solo   dance   for   White   Fairy   and   Natalie   wrote   the   words   for   the   music.   It   is   about   a   beautiful   fairy   dancing   on   the   water,   her   toes   frolicking   with   the   waves.     It   is   really   good.     The   moonlight   is   so   bright   tonight;   would   you   like   to   have   them   perform   this   new   dance   for   you?”   King   Dimitri   looked   out   at   the   palace   grounds   and   saw   that   almost   all   the   people   had   gone   back   to   their   tents,   leaving   only   a   few   scattered   around   the   camp   fires,   either   sitting,   standing   or   lying   down.     Some   were   leisurely   smoking.   These   were   the   ones   responsible   for   seeing   that   the   fires   did   not   die   out.     He   said   to   Queen   Aisha,  

“Look,   it   is   late.     The   people   have   all   gone   back   to   their   tents   to   rest.   If   we   go   now   to   the   lakeside   and   perform   the   new   dance,   the   music   and   song   will   no   doubt   attract   them   back   here   again   to   see   what   was   going   on.     That   will   disturb   their   slumber.     They   have   been   working   hard   night   and   day.     Let   them   have   a   good   rest.   The   next   time   I   come   back,   we   can   pick   a   time   to   enjoy   the   dance   at   our   leisure   and   really   to   do   it   justice.   Won’t   that   be   better?”

“Yes,   your   majesty”   said   Queen   Aisha,   though   she   could   not   help   feeling   disappointed.    

“The   night   is   lovely”   added   King   Dimitri.   “Why   don’t   we   all   go   for   a   walk   by   the   lakeside   in   the   moonlight?     Won’t   that   be   nice?”   The   beauties   looked   at   each   other,   exchanging   glances   of   silent   understanding.     They   knew   that   their   king   and   queen   have   not   had   much   chance   to   spend   time   together   during   this   visit   and   must   have   things   they   would   like   to   say   to   each   other,   so   they   excused   themselves   saying,

“I’m   tired.”

“I   would   like   to   go   to   my   room   and   rest.”

“I’m   sleepy.”   So   after   taking   their   leave,   they   all   went   back   to   their   rooms   to   sleep.     King   Dimitri   and   Queen   Aisha   smiled   at   each   other.     Hand   in   hand,   they   left   the   great   hall   and   walked   into   the   moonlight.

The   king   and   his   queen   walked   hand   in   hand   by   the   lake   under   the   luminous   moon.     The   gentle   breeze,   the   twinkling   waves   weaved   a   touch   of   magic   to   the   scene.

“Hey   dad,   can   I   ask   you   a   question?”   said   Queen   Aisha   breaking   the   silence.

“Yes   mom.     What   is   it?”   replied   King   Dimitri.     Queen   Aisha   hesitated   for   a   moment,   but   then   decided   to   speak   out,

“Recently,   I   have   felt   that   you   are   not   happy.     You   seem   to   have   a   lot   on   your   mind,   as   if   there   were   very   heavy   burdens   on   your   shoulders.     Are   you   worried   about   Stephanie’s   deathbed   prophesy?”    

“I   won’t   say   it’s   completely   due   to   her   prophesy”   said   King   Dimitri.     He   thought   for   a   moment   and   then   continued,   “But   I   have   to   admit   it   has   affected   my   peace   of   mind.     You   must   understand   that   it   was   I   who   brought   the   beauties   to   the   Kingdom   one   by   one.     If   there   is   any   danger   that   the   Kingdom   might   crumble   and   disintegrate,   I   must   bring   them   out   of   the   Kingdom   and   back   to   the   mundane   world,   before   catastrophe   strikes.     This   is   my   duty.”

“If   Stephanie’s   prophesy   does   not   come   true   and   everything   go   well,   what   then?”   countered   Queen   Aisha.

“Won’t   that   be   even   better   still?”   laughed   King   Dimitri.   “We   can   live   in   both   worlds.     Use   the   Kingdom   as   a   resort   and   travel   between   them   at   will.”

“I   am   relieved   you   think   of   it   that   way.     It   sets   my   mind   at   rest.   Like   you,   I   do   not   disbelieve   Stephanie’s   prophesy,   but   neither   do   I   believe   it   completely.     However,   I   have   made   up   my   mind   that   if   Stephanie’s   prophesy   comes   true,   I   will   not   go   back   to   the   mundane   world.   I   will   live   and   die   with   the   Kingdom.     I   owe   you   so   much.     I   did   not   keep   my   vow   of   chastity,   but   you   still   made   me   your   queen.     For   that,   I   am   grateful   to   you   from   the   bottom   of   my   heart.     I   will   stay   on   here   and   guard   the   Kingdom   no   matter   at   what   cost   to   prove   my   eternal   loyalty   to   you   and   to   express   my   deepest   contrition.”

“No.   No.   No”   interrupted   King   Dimitri.   “You   must   not   do   so   and   should   not   think   that   way.     You   are   the   queen   of   this   Kingdom.     You   must   help   me   escort   the   beauties   safely   back   to   the   mundane   world.   Also,   I   have   a   dream,   one   perhaps   that   I   may   never   realize,   but   I   need   your   help   in   trying.”

“Oh?     What   dream?”   asked   Queen   Aisha,   quite   astonished.   “Tell   me   about   it.”   King   Dimitri   was   silent   for   a   moment,   and   then   he   said,  

“I   have   always   thought   that   we   are   all   from   the   mundane   world   and   therefore   should   return   there   in   the   end.”   He   was   again   silent   for   a   moment   before   continuing,   “You   have   seen   with   your   own   eyes   that   whims   and   aspirations   of   people   in   our   Kingdom   can   change   the   external   world,   but   the   external   world   cannot   change   one’s   internal   world   because   everyone   here   has   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   in   their   hearts.     Our   Kingdom   is   full   of   peace,   light   and   tranquility.     Our   people   cannot   be   influenced   by   the   outside   world,   but   they   can   change   it   with   their   whims   and   aspirations.     If   we   bring   this   magical   and   novel   power   back   to   the   mundane   world,   wouldn’t   that   be   the   same   as   if   we   took   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   back   there,   too?     We   can   build   another   beautiful,   new   world   there   in   the   mundane   world.   If   we   can   spread   this   spectacular   idea   to   every   corner   of   the   earth,   it   would   be   like   reconstructing   a   beautiful   new   world   on   earth.”

“Oh   good!   Good!     That   would   really   be   great!”   exclaimed   Queen   Aisha   happily,   throwing   herself   into   King   Dimitri’s   arms.     But   King   Dimitri   sighed   and   said,

“This   may   only   be   a   dream   that   cannot   be   realized.     But   don’t   we   all   have   dreams   we   pursue   in   this   world?     Aren’t   we   all   living   for   a   dream   we   wish   would   come   true?”

“Yes.     So   long   as   we   have   dreams,   there   is   always   the   possibility   we   will   realize   them.”   The   royal   couple   strolled   hand   in   hand   by   the   lakeside   under   the   tranquil   moonlight.

Suddenly,   they   heard   running   footsteps   behind   them   and   a   girl’s   voice   was   saying,  

“Wait   for   me!     Wait   for   me!     You   guys   just   took   off   and   left   me   behind.     That’s   really   too   selfish   of   you!”     King   Dimitri   and   Queen   Aisha   turned   around   and   saw   it   was   naughty   girl   Dorna   running   up   to   them,   accompanied   by   the   two   ferocious   tigers.     As   she   came   close,   King   Dimitri   took   her   in   his   arms.

“Hey,   little   Dorna”   he   said.   “It   was   you   who   went   upstairs   and   not   we   who   didn’t   take   you   with   us!”     In   the   eyes   of   King   Dimitri   and   Queen   Aisha,   Dorna   was   as   dear   to   them   as   their   own   daughter,   and   in   private   they   dispensed   with   all   court   protocol.     Dorna   turned   her   smiling   face   to   Queen   Aisha   and   said   impertinently   as   a   spoilt   child,

“Don’t   think   I   am   too   young   to   understand   what   the   beauties   are   about.     They   all   cautioned   me   to   leave   you   alone   and   not   to   follow   you,   but   give   you   two   some   privacy   to   share   your   intimate   thoughts.   Of   course   I   know   that!     But   I   have   something   important   that   I   must   tell   King   Dimitri   so   I   had   to   come!”

“Really?”   said   King   Dimitri.     “What’s   so   important   that   cannot   wait?”

“I   heard   the   beauties   that   came   back   with   you   say   you   will   all   be   returning   to   the   mundane   world   tonight.     Is   that   true?”

“Yes,   that’s   true.     We   will   be   leaving   tonight.”

“Why   don’t   you   take   that   obnoxious   little   man,   Mr.   Finger,   with   you,   too?     Leaving   him   in   the   wilderness   by   the   lake   is   not   a   good   idea.     He   will   be   up   to   mischief.”

“No,   I   cannot   do   that!     Didn’t   you   tell   me   he   has   a   wife   now?     If   I   take   him   with   me,   it   would   be   breaking   up   his   family!     I   cannot   do   that!”     King   Dimitri   hesitated   for   a   moment   and   added,   “In   a   way   you   are   right,   too.     Mr.   Finger   is   without   morals   and   cannot   distinguish   between   good   and   evil,   right   and   wrong.     He   acts   on   impulse   whenever   his   whim   takes   him,   with   no   consideration   for   the   consequences.     He   has   some   kind   of   magic   power   and   once   even   raised   from   the   dead   my   good   friends   Richard   and   Jamaz.     That   is   the   truth.     Perhaps   if   we   give   him   the   VIP   treatment,   supply   him   with   good   food   and   good   wine,   perhaps   he   would   not   get   into   trouble.     And   after   all   what   can   he   do?     Turn   the   world   upside   down?     I   don’t   think   he   is   capable   of   that!     Let’s   leave   him   by   the   side   of   the   lake   as   it   is.”     King   Dimitri’s   blithe   and   unconcerned   decision   was   to   lead   to   a   hopeless   mess   and   the   resulting   outcome   was   completely   out   of   control.

The   two   tigers   that   accompanied   Dorna   suddenly   gave   out   a   low   growl.     Four   bright   and   glittering   eyes   focused   on   a   point   in   the   water   not   far   from   the   side   of   the   lake.     Dorna   patted   them   on   the   head   and   said,   “Don’t   roar!”     The   tigers   nodded.     Something   came   out   of   the   water   with   a   splash   and   they   saw   a   slim   figure   make   its   way   to   the   shore.     It   was   Deanna.

“It’s   very   late”   said   King   Dimitri   to   her.     “How   come   you   are   still   in   the   water?     Come   shore   quickly.”

“Didn’t   you   tell   me   to   take   the   large   white   pearl   back   to   the   place   I   took   it   from?     I   took   it   from   a   huge   oyster   living   in   the   deep   waters   in   the   middle   of   the   lake.     That   was   where   I   returned   it   to.     It’s   really   a   pity   to   leave   a   perfectly   shaped,   large,   luminous   pearl   in   the   dark   reaches   of   the   lake.     When   the   huge   oyster   realized   I   was   bringing   back   her   precious   pearl,   she   opened   and   closed   her   large   mouth   in   ecstasy   again   and   again   as   if   in   laughter.

“Oh   yes,”   said   King   Dimitri,   slapping   his   hand   against   his   head.   “I   remember   that   now.     Things   have   been   so   hectic   and   so   much   has   happened   that   I   have   forgotten   all   about   the   pearl.     It   seems   my   memory   is   not   as   good   as   it   used   to   be.”

“Your   majesty”   said   Deanna   “May   I   present   a   friend   of   mine?”     Without   waiting   for   his   permission,   Deanna   waved   her   hand   towards   the   lake   “Come   on   out.     Our   King   is   here.     Come   and   pay   your   respects.”     There   was   another   splash   of   water   and   a   striking   woman   with   a   full-figured   and   mature   beauty   walked   out   of   the   water.     Shyly,   she   approached   King   Dimitri   and   his   party   in   hesitant   steps   as   if   afraid   to   leave   the   water.   She   stopped   just   short   of   land,   leaving   her   feet   still   in   the   water.     Never   having   seen   her   before,   King   Dimitri   looked   inquiringly   at   Queen   Aisha,   who   said,  

“Your   majesty,   have   you   forgotten?   I   talked   to   you   before   about   her.     She   is   the   mother   of   all   living   things   in   the   lake.   She   has   practiced   asceticism   for   many   years   and   can   now   change   into   human   form.     But   she   cannot   come   ashore   just   yet.     Her   feet   must   remain   in   the   water   or   she   might   die   of   suffocation.”

“Your   majesty”   said   the   beautiful   woman,   making   her   obeisance   to   King   Dimitri   as   she   had   been   taught   and   spoke   in   human   language   saying,   “Please   bestow   a   name   on   me.”   This   was   what   Deanna   and   Dorna   had   been   teaching   and   practicing   with   her   these   last   few   days.   King   Dimitri   was   very   happy   and   said,

“Good.     Good.     It   seems   that   there   is   nothing   that   cannot   be   done   in   this   Kingdom.     I   will   call   you   Victoria.     From   now   on   you   will   be   known   by   this   name.”   Victoria   bowed   low   again   saying,

“Thank   you,   your   majesty   for   bestowing   a   name   on   me.”

“I   hope   you   will   continue   your   asceticism,   Victoria”   said   King   Dimitri   “and   will   soon   be   able   to   come   ashore   again.     We   welcome   you   to   come   to   our   palace   and   live   with   us.     It   is   late.   We   had   better   turn   back.   I   hope   that   the   next   time   we   see   each   other,   it   will   be   in   the   palace.”

“Yes,   your   majesty”   said   Victoria   and   walked   backwards   into   the   lake.     When   she   was   immersed   in   water,   she   changed   back   to   a   large,   white   fish   and   dived   back   into   the   deep   waters.   King   Dimitri,   Queen   Aisha,   Dorna,   Deanna   and   the   two   tigers   returned   to   the   palace.     Night   was   deep.   It   was   time   for   King   Dimitri   to   go   back   to   the   mundane   world.


                                                                            Chapter   12         Cyclops,   Eileen   and   Viola

After   returning   to   the   mundane   world,   Dimitri   was   again   consumed   in   the   business   of   running   the   bakery.     The   Thanksgiving   holidays   were   over   and   business   was   back   to   normal.     The   fame   of   Dream-maker’s   Bakery   had   spread   far   and   wide   and   people   came   from   far   away   to   buy   their   products.     The   racks   were   always   empty   before   noon.     People   advised   Dimitri   to   remodel   the   3-storey   building   next   door   he   had   just   bought   and   expand   his   business.     But   Dimitri   refused   to   consider   expansion.     In   fact,   just   the   contrary,   he   was   thinking   of   slowing   down   and   producing   only   a   fixed   amount   of   various   products   per   day.     When   what   had   been   made   at   dawn   every   morning   were   sold,   he   would   not   replenish   his   stock,   but   neither   would   he   close   up   shop   because   Amalia   needed   distraction.     He   would   leave   the   door   open   and   let   customers   come   in   and   out   freely,   even   if   it   were   just   a   cup   of   coffee   and   a   chat   with   Amalia.     That   would   keep   her   occupied.     Otherwise   she   would   be   bored   and   act   up   again.     Amalia   was   always   happily   counting   the   cash   from   the   cash   register,   but   never   once   came   up   with   the   correct   total.     The   others   were   all   busy   replenishing   the   stock,   preparing   things   for   the   next   day   or   doing   what   they   wanted   to   do.   But   someone   was   always   with   Amalia.     Richard   and   Jamaz   had   taken   good   care   of   Mark   during   their   absence   and   gave   her   back   to   Laverne   on   their   return.     Every   morning,   she   brought   him   to   work   with   her   and   took   him   home   again   after   dinner   to   the   house   they   had   rented   nearby.     Life   went   on,   busy   but   smooth.

In   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   Dimitri   had   full   use   of   his   sight   and   was   on   equal   footing   with   everyone.     Here   in   the   mundane   world,   he   was   a   blind   man,   no   longer   able   to   go   his   own   merry   way   wandering   around   the   world.     He   valued   his   privacy   above   all   else   and   liked   to   keep   to   himself.     Every   evening   he   would   go   back   to   his   little   studio   apartment.     No   one   knew   what   he   did   there.     Romi   was   back.     Mr.   Kaffee   brought   her   back   the   day   after   Dimitri   and   the   others   went   back   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     She   lived   alone   in   the   newly   acquired   3-stroey   building.     There   were   lots   of   cooking   material   in   the   bakery,   so   she   took   what   she   wanted   and   cooked   for   herself   and   waited   for   Dimitri   to   return,   rarely   stepping   out   of   the   building.     When   Dimitri   came   back,   she   rushed   to   him   and   cried   and   cried,   telling   him   how   she   was   conned   and   abducted   by   Hawknose,   and   how   he   abused   her.     Her   shame   and   remorse   deeply   moved   them.     Dimitri   and   the   beauties   comforted   and   soothed   her   until   she   quieted   downs   she   always   looked   sad   and   lost.   No   matter   what   Dimitri   said,   no   matter   how   he   tried   to   explain   to   her   his   theory   of   the   relationship   between   the   internal   and   external   world,   Romi   looked   perplexed.     He   told   her   that   whims   and   aspirations   could   change   the   external   world,   but   the   external   world   could   not   influence   a   person   who   had   the   Kingdom   of   dreams   in   her   heart.     Romi   was   still   at   a   loss   as   to   what   he   was   talking   about   and   could   not   grasp   the   use   of   this   spectacular   theory.     Looking   at   her   baffled   and   confused   expression,   Dimitri   suddenly   realized   that   things   in   the   mundane   world   were   deep   rooted   and   hard   to   change   and   that   this   new   concept   was   not   easily   learned   and   adapted   by   a   beginner.     What   was   needed   was   time   and   a   comparatively   long   period   of   study.   He   decided   to   send   Romi   back   to   the   special   environment   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   be   exposed   to   the   marvelous   experience   of   making   things   happen   just   by   wishing   for   it.     Then   she   would   understand   her   internal   world   could   shape   the   external   one.     When   this   marvelous   and   magical   experience   takes   root   in   her   heart,   it   would   be   like   holding   a   useful   took   in   her   hand.     She   would   know   how   to   use   it.     Romi   took   Dimitri’s   advice   and   went   back   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   that   very   night...Samantha   was   busy   socializing   and   did   not   come   back   to   have   dinner   with   the   others.     Megan   still   dressed   as   a   taxi   driver   and   gave   Dimitri   a   lift   back   to   his   apartment.

“We   cannot   totally   disregard   the   achievements   of   modern   psychology”   she   said   on   the   ride   home.     “If   Romi   needs   medical   care   we   cannot   ignore   it.”

“Of   course   not”   replied   Dimitri.     “My   new   concept   is   not   a   miracle   drug.     Nor   is   it   suitable   for   everyone.”     Dimitri   lived   not   far   from   the   bakery   and   after   exchanging   a   short   conversation,   they   had   reached   his   destination.     It   was   a   grand   and   massive   building,   but   it   was   over   a   hundred   years   old   and   looked   it   age.     Dimitri   got   off   and   tapped   his   way   into   the   building   using   his   white   cane.

The   building   was   grand   and   massive,   but   Dimitri’s   unit   was   a   small   studio   on   the   ground   floor   facing   the   street.     He   took   out   his   keys,   opened   the   door   and   walked   in.     He   did   not   bother   to   turn   on   the   light   for   they   were   useless   to   a   man   who   could   not   see.   But   the   street   lights   and   the   moonlight   illuminated   the   room.     He   walked   to   his   dilapidated   sofa   and   sat   down.     He   took   the   half-empty   bottle   of   wine   he   had   left   there   on   the   table   and   pulled   out   the   cork.     Then   he   felt   for   his   glass   and   poured   some   wine   into   it.     Its   bitter   and   sour   taste   told   him,   it   was   a   cheap   low-cost   wine,   nothing   like   the   100-year-old   wine   he   drank   in   his   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     But   it   was   not   the   quality   of   the   wine   that   mattered.     To   Dimitri   drink   was   something   to   be   enjoyed   in   carefree   leisure.     He   lighted   a   cigarette   and   puffed   contently   on   it.     Suddenly   a   familiar   scene   appeared   before   his   eyes   –   an   endless   sea   of   flowers.   It   was   not   a   message   sent   by   his   vision   to   his   brain,   but   rather   it   was   directly   projected   onto   his   brain   by   his   subconsciousness.     Dimitri’s   brain   was   like   a   camera,   sometimes   looking   panoramically   at   the   sea   of   flowers;   sometimes   zooming   in   one   a   close-up   shot   of   a   delicate   and   exceptionally   beautiful   flower.     These   pictures   seemed   to   be   directed   by   Dimitri’s   brain,   but   it   also   seemed   to   be   the   product   of   another   genius   photographer.     Or   perhaps   they   appeared   naturally   and   it   was   his   imagination   and   creativity   that   operated   the   camera   lens   and   created   these   changes.     Dimitri   did   not   know   which   it   was   and   did   not   want   to   spend   time   speculating   on   it.     They   he   called   himself   the   protector   of   flowers;   he   did   not   know   the   names   of   all   these   fabulous   blossoms   before   his   eyes.     But   whether   it   was   a   sea   of   flowers   or   one   special   blossom,   they   all   brought   him   a   pleasurable   feeling   of   tranquility,   happiness   and   satisfaction.

Dimitri   sat   in   the   dark   corner   enjoying   the   bliss   of   solitude.     A   car   passed   by   outside.     From   the   corner   of   the   street   came   the   tap-tap   of   high-heeled   shoes   on   the   pavement.     Then   came   the   calls   of   prostitutes   soliciting   business   and   the   sexual   banter   between   them   and   their   prospective   clients.     From   the   parking   lot   across   the   street   came   the   sound   of   a   glass   bottle   crashing   on   the   cement,   most   probably   some   drunk   falling   to   the   ground   in   a   stupor.     The   scene   before   Dimitri’s   eyes   changed.     A   large,   half-open   lotus   bud   swam   into   his   vision.     It   gradually   opened   up   to   reveal   a   man   and   a   woman   inside   holding   hands.     The   man   was   tall   and   handsome.     He   looked   like   Apollo   but   of   course   was   not   him.     The   woman   was   curvaceous   and   beautiful.     She   looked   like   Queen   Aisha   but   of   course   was   not   her   either.     The   two   of   them   bowed   to   Dimitri.

“I   am   creativity”   the   man   said.

“And   I   am   imagination”   said   the   woman   in   a   sweet   voice.”

“We   are   your   servants”   they   said   together.     “What   are   your   orders,   master?”   They   did   not   use   the   human   language   to   communicate   with   Dimitri,   but   rather   expressed   themselves   by   exchanging   ideas.

  “Oh   no!”   replied   Dimitri.     “I   have   no   orders.     In   fact   I   am   very   grateful   to   both   of   you.     I   am   but   a   poor   vagabond.     These   last   two   years,   I   lost   my   sight   and   became   a   blind   man   cursed   by   fate.     But   you   two   helped   me   create   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   made   me   he   ruler   there.     I   became   an   extremely   rich   king   with   twenty-four   beauties   to   accompany   me   and   carry   out   my   every   wish.     I   enjoyed   every   aspect   of   respect,   honor   and   wealth   on   this   earth.     But   then   on   the   other   side   of   this   unbelievable   fantasy,   I   was   also   burdened   with   a   suffocating   anxiety,   a   crisis   waiting   for   me   to   avert.     I   am   eternally   grateful   to   you   two.     I   have   no   orders   for   you.     You   may   leave.     I   need   time   to   reflect   quietly.”     The   two   servants   bowed   and   left,   disappearing   into   the   sea   of   flowers.

“My   flesh   body   is   aging”   thought   Dimitri.     “I   only   wish   for   peace   and   quiet.     I   have   experienced   exciting   adventure,   fabulous   wealth   and   exultant   positions.     Now   I   only   want   a   quiet   and   peaceful   life,   calm   as   the   ever-stable   horizon.     But   alas,   my   heart   is   still   young.     It   is   ever   curious,   urging   me   onto   discover   the   unforeseeable   future.”     The   figures   of   the   two   servants   that   had   just   left   were   in   the   sea   of   flowers,   dancing   merrily   in   the   scenery   created   by   they   themselves.   Of   course   they   had   the   right   to   enjoy   themselves   there.   The   woman   danced   divinely,   her   postures   graceful   and   elegant.     The   man’s   movements   were   lithe   and   strong.     Their   bodies   seemed   to   be   structured   differently   from   those   of   normal   people   as   they   could   twist   and   turn   at   impossible   angles,   making   their   dance   wonderful   and   exotic.     The   spring   breeze   blew   multicolored   petals   about   in   its   path   but   the   two   danced   joyfully   on.    

“My   body   is   gradually   aging”   continued   Dimitri.     I   want   peace   and   quiet,   but   why   is   there   turbulence   on   the   eternal   horizon?     Why   does   it   cause   ripples   in   my   heart?     My   heart   is   still   young   and   curious,   urging   me   on   to   adventure   into   the   unknown.”     The   two   servants   danced   on   in   the   sea   of   flowers.    

“My   heart   may   be   quickened   by   the   ripples,   but   will   soon   quiet   down.     The   disturbed   horizon   will   go   back   to   its   eternal   stability.”

The   bud   of   the   large   pink   lotus   appeared   again   before   Dimitri’s   eyes.     A   scattering   of   dew   drops   sparkled   on   its   closed   petals   like   glittering   diamonds.     As   the   bud   slowly   opened,   it   revealed   the   head   of   a   handsome   man   intently   focused   on   doing   something,   but   Dimitri   could   not   see   what   it   was.   The   man   did   not   seem   to   realize   that   the   flower   in   which   he   was   sheltered   was   opening   up.     As   it   did   so,   Dimitri   saw   that   the   man   was   clasping   a   long,   shapely   female   leg   in   his   chest   and   immediately   understood   what   was   going   on.     Further   unfurling   of   the   petals   clearly   unveiled   the   profile   of   the   woman   lying   there.     It   was   the   one   called   Imagination   who   looked   like   Queen   Aisha.     Dimitri   saw   her   beautiful   face   and   quivering   breasts.     She   was   smiling   happily   as   she   gazed   up   at   the   pale   blue   skies,   seemingly   intoxicated   with   the   moment   and   had   blended   with   the   blue   skies.     The   man   called   Creativity   was   still   concentrated   on   what   he   was   doing.     His   purpose   did   not   seem   to   be   gaining   personal   satisfaction   from   sexual   intercourse,   but   rather   seeking   a   more   perfect   future   and   personal   advancement.     The   lotus   flower   fully   opened,   exposing   an   overall   scene   of   torrid   love-making   before   Dimitri’s   eyes.     The   two   of   them   changed   to   a   different   position   and   continued   their   coitus.     Sunlight   shone   on   them   with   a   metallic   sheen.     Dimitri   understood   they   were   not   doing   this   to   proliferate   their   species,   but   rather   to   seek   personal   advancement   to   a   more   perfect   future.     He   did   not   find   their   actions   wanton   or   lewd.     The   man’s   rigid   penis   thrust   powerfully   hard   and   deep   into   the   woman’s   body.     She   was   completely   intoxicated   with   the   moment,   lost   in   the   throes   of   passion   as   if   her   body   was   gradually   merging   with   the   pale   blue   skies.     Dimitri   thought   it   was   an   expression   of   a   noble   sentiment.     What   he   did   not   understand   was   why   the   actions   taking   place   at   an   extremely   sheltered   and   concealed   spot   was   revealed   to   his   eyes.     Dimitri’s   heart   was   spacious,   expansive   and   harmonious.     Suddenly   it   came   to   him   that   Creativity   and   Imagination   were   two-in-one   and   one-in-two,   both   part   of   his   brain.     They   could   coexist   and   merge   together   with   him,   but   they   seemed   to   be   able   to   exist   independently   outside   of   his   brain   as   well.     Could   he   too   be   free   of   the   constraints   of   his   brain   and   merge   with   them   to   roam   freely   together   in   the   boundless   universe?     Dimitri   woke   from   his   reverie.     He   smiled   wryly   and   thought,  

“My   flesh   body   is   aging,   but   my   heart   is   still   young.     It   is   ever   curious   and   loves   to   play   these   mind   games.     In   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   I   am   a   brave,   wise   and   benevolent   king,   but   in   the   mundane   world   I   am   only   a   destitute   vagabond   roaming   aimlessly   around.     I   had   better   not   waste   any   more   time   in   these   wild   flights   of   fancy   and   go   to   sleep.     Tomorrow   is   another   busy   work   day.”     Shifting   around   in   his   dilapidated   sofa,   he   found   a   more   comfortable   position   and   went   to   sleep   in   his   clothes   and   was   soon   fast   asleep.

Romi   took   Dimitri’s   advice   and   went   back   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   to   learn   how   to   operate   her   mind.     After   a   good   night’s   sleep,   she   felt   full   of   vigor   and   vitality.     Gone   were   all   the   complicated   sentiments   that   tied   and   tangled   her   into   knots.     She   was   no   longer   tormented   by   nameless   fears;   no   longer   in   constant   panic   and   distress.   The   Kingdom   of   Dreams   was   really   a   magical   dimension,   she   thought.     Romi   was   sitting   there   day-dreaming   when   there   was   a   knock   at   her   bedroom   door.  

“Come   in”   she   said.   The   door   opened.     It   was   the   palace   attendant   bringing   her   breakfast   to   her.   She   put   the   food   on   the   little   table   by   her   bed   and   said,

“Queen   Aisha   knows   you   are   back   and   asks   you   to   go   and   see   her   after   you   have   eaten.     There   is   something   she   wants   to   talk   to   you   about.”     Romi   quickly   went   to   her   bathroom   and   did   her   morning   ablutions.     Looking   into   the   mirror,   she   saw   that   she   looked   healthy   and   energetic   and   needed   no   cosmetics   to   augment   her   complexion.   After   breakfast,   she   walked   over   to   Queen   Aisha’s   rooms.     Though   she   was   queen   of   the   Kingdom,   Aisha   did   not   insist   on   court   protocol   in   her   daily   life,   so   Romi   opened   the   door   without   knocking   and   went   in.     it   was   a   living   room.     Queen   Aisha   was   not   there.     Neither   was   she   in   her   bedroom.     Romi   went   into   her   study   and   saw   Queen   Aisha   sitting   before   her   computer   writing   her   thesis.     When   she   saw   Romi,   she   immediately   put   down   her   work   and   got   up   to   embrace   her   warmly.     Hand   in   hand,   they   went   back   to   the   living   room   and   sat   down.     After   a   few   words   of   courtesy,   Queen   Aisha   gently   comforted   Romi   so   that   she   would   not   feel   inferior   and   ashamed   of   herself   before   others   and   could   not   hold   up   her   head.     She   said,  

“I   know   why   King   Dimitri   sent   you   back   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     The   best   way   for   you   to   understand   what   all   this   is   about   is   to   show   you   the   rooms   of   the   beauties.     Then   you   will   know.”

Queen   Aisha   and   Romi   walked   down   the   stairs   hand   in   hand   and   turned   right.     The   first   room   they   came   to   belonged   to   Dorna.

“Let’s   go   in   and   see   what   she   is   doing”   said   Queen   Aisha   pushing   open   the   door.     She   was   greeted   by   a   loud   blast   of   rock-and-roll   music.     The   room   was   empty.   “Why   is   the   music   on   so   loud   when   she   isn’t   even   in   the   room?”   thought   Queen   Aisha.     Because   the   insulation   of   the   palace   was   so   good,   it   was   actually   sound   proof   and   no   noise   of   the   music   was   heard   outside.   She   was   stunned   by   what   she   lay   before   her   eyes.     Outside   the   windows,   where   there   should   have   been   picturesque   mountains   and   lake,   was   a   completely   different   scenery.     The   skies   were   light   pink   and   the   waves   were   dark   pink.   The   crescent   moon   in   the   pink   skies   had   a   strange   looking   single   evil   eye,   which   was   looking   at   the   Giant   Mountain   across   the   lake.     A   ferocious   and   grotesque   beast   was   squatted   there.     It   was   the   former   magnificent   gold   palace,   now   coated   with   iron,   looking   like   a   fierce,   threatening   monster,   striking   fear   into   the   hearts   of   the   beholders.                 “That   girl   is   really   too   much!     She   has   changed   charming   scenery   into   such   an   awful   landscape.     But   looking   at   it   again   closely,   it   does   seem   to   reflect   modern   art   and   has   some   aftertaste.     Since   she   isn’t   here,   let’s   go   somewhere   else.”

The   next   room   they   came   to   belonged   to   Lotus.     When   they   went   in,   they   were   greeted   by   idyllic   scene   of   rustic   life,   completely   different   from   the   grandeur,   luxury   and   extravagance   of   the   palace.     The   furniture   was   plain   and   practical,   with   no   superfluous   carvings   and   etchings.     She   brought   her   spinning   wheel   back   from   the   straw   hut   by   the   lake   and   placed   it   in   a   corner   of   the   room.     Outside   her   window,   a   few   straw   huts   dotted   an   endless   field   of   green   rice,   swaying   in   the   spring   breeze   under   the   warm   sunshine.     Lotus   sat   working   by   the   window.     When   she   saw   Queen   Aisha   and   Romi   come   in,   she   immediately   stood   up   and   bowed   low   in   greeting.     Queen   Aisha   walked   up   to   her   holding   out   her   hands   saying,  

“Please   don't   stand   on   ceremony.       That   would   be   like   treating   us   like   outsiders!”   The   three   of   them   sat   around   the   square   table,   Queen   Aisha   said,  

“I   heard   you   got   hold   of   some   delicious   Chinese   tea.   Would   you   make   us   some   so   we   can   enjoy   it?”  

  “Of   course,   your   majesty”   said   Lotus   and   stood   up   to   prepare   it.     She   put   the   kettle   on   the   fire   to   boil   and   sprinkled   some   tea   leaves   into   three   cups.     When   the   water   came   to   a   boil,   she   poured   some   into   the   cups   before   putting   the   kettle   back   on   the   fire.     Then   she   poured   the   water   out   of   the   cups.     This   was   called   tea   washing.   When   the   kettle   started   boiling   again,   she   poured   water   into   the   teacups   a   second   time   and   served   them   to   her   guests.     Queen   Aisha   took   up   her   cup,   removed   the   cover   and   blew   on   the   tea   before   taking   a   sip.     The   delicate,   refreshing   fragrance   left   a   unique   taste   in   her   mouth.   “A   cup   of   tea   early   in   the   morning   is   really   a   rare   treat”   she   said.     The   three   of   them   of   them   sipped   their   tea   and   chatted.

                        “I   saw   you   were   working   on   something   when   we   came   in”   said   Queen   Aisha   to   Lotus.   “What   were   you   doing?”

“Nothing   special”   Lotus   replied   smiling.   “The   people   have   been   busy   these   last   few   days   digging   iron   ores   and   working   on   the   site,   so   they   had   no   time   to   do   their   every   day   chores.     I   was   just   helping   them   mend   their   fishing   nets.”

“Why   isn’t   Dorna   in   her   room   so   early   in   the   morning”   asked   Queen   Aisha.     “Do   you   know   where   she   went?”

“Last   night,   I   heard   Dorna   and   Deanna   talking   about   meeting   with   Victoria.     They   also   mentioned   about   asking   White   Fairy   to   go   too.”

“Victoria?”   asked   Romi   curiously.     “Who   is   Victoria?   I   don’t   think   I   have   heard   of   anyone   by   that   name   in   the   Kingdom   before.”Queen   Aisha   went   on   to   tell   Romi   all   about   Victoria.     Romi   was   greatly   surprised.     Having   finished   their   tea,   Queen   Aisha   stood   up   saying,                                         “                     “We   won’t   take   up   any   more   of   your   time   so   that   you   can   go   back   to   your   work.     I   will   take   Romi   to   see   some   other   sister’s   room”   and   the   two   of   them   left.

The   next   room   they   intended   to   visit   belonged   to   White   Fairy.     Standing   before   the   door,   Queen   Aisha   said,

  “She   may   not   be   in,   but   I   don’t   think   she   would   mind   if   we   go   in   and   have   a   look.”     Pushing   open   the   door   they   encountered   cloudlike   warm   steam   and   walked   into   a   room   with   bountiful,   multi-colored   flowers   blooming   in   every   corner.   Romi   quickly   closed   the   door   lest   the   temperature   and   humidity   were   affected.     The   room   was   sunny,   but   also   very   humid   with   warm   steam   and   mist.     Queen   Aisha   led   Romi   towards   an   open   doorway   leading   to   the   veranda,   which   was   uniquely   designed.     The   veranda   seemed   to   be   covered   with   seamless   glass.     It   was   an   enclosed   space   but   fresh   air   circulated   freely   there   continuously.     In   the   middle   of   the   veranda   was   a   live   hot   spring,   which   kept   giving   off   steam.     White   lilies   and   narcissus   grew   all   around   it,   so   a   person   lying   there   in   the   water   would   be   surrounded   by   flowers.     Because   it   was   a   live   spring,   there   were   sounds   of   flowing   water   mixed   with   the   melodious   humming   of   female   voices   and   the   fragrance   of   flowers   in   the   air.

“White   fairy   is   the   flower   fairy”   said   Queen   Aisha.   “If   someone   stayed   here   for   long,   she   would   also   become   divine.”

“Was   all   this   created   by   her   mind   and   will?”   asked   Romi

“Yes.     You   are   beginning   to   understand”   said   Queen   Aisha   nodding.”   Let’s   go   somewhere   else   and   see   what’s   new.”   Saying   so,   the   two   of   them   retraced   their   steps   and   walked   out   of   the   tropical   fairyland.

Next   they   came   to   Natalie’s   room.     Queen   Aisha   knocked   at   the   door   but   there   was   no   response.

“Don’t   tell   me   she   isn’t   there   either!”   she   murmured.     “But   it’s   alright;   we’ll   just   go   in   and   see.”     She   pushed   open   the   door.     Strains   of   a   melody   played   by   a   violin   filled   the   room.     The   maestro’s   superb   skill   of   performance   was   mesmerizing.     In   the   far   corner   of   the   room,   Natalie   was   taking   off   her   ballet   shoes.     Outside   the   window,   a   blanket   of   icy,   white   snow   covered   the   universe.   When   Natalie   raised   her   head   and   Queen   Aisha   and   Romi   walking   into   her   room,   she   hurried   over   and   was   about   to   bow   low   in   greeting   when   Queen   Aisha   stopped   her   saying,

“Please   don’t   stand   on   ceremony.     It   is   frigidly   cold   outside.     How   come   you   are   sweating?”

“Oh”   replied   Natalie.     “I   have   been   practicing   my   dance.     I   was   really   hot   and   sweaty,   so   I   changed   the   scenery   to   one   of   deep   snow   to   help   me   cool   down.”

“Remember   not   to   catch   a   cold”   admonished   Queen   Aisha.   “Drastic   changes   in   temperature   are   not   good   for   you.”

“Yes,   your   majesty”   replied   Natalie.     “I   intended   to   go   next   door   to   White   Fairy’s   room   and   soak   in   her   hot   spring   to   loosen   my   muscles   so   they   won’t   be   so   tense.”

Romi   and   Natalie   hadn’t   seen   each   other   for   quite   some   time.   They   greeted   each   other   enthusias   –tically,   each   expressing   how   they   missed   the   other   and   tried   to   catch   up.     Queen   Aisha   broke   up   their   reunion   saying,   “This   is   Romi’s   first   day   back   at   the   Kingdom.     I   am   taking   her   visiting.     Don’t   stay   too   long   in   this   refrigerator-like   room   or   you   will   really   come   down   with   a   cold.”

“Yes,   your   majesty”   said   Natalie,   bowing.

As   Queen   Aisha   walked   hand   in   hand   with   Romi   down   the   corridor,   she   looked   at   her   saying,

“I   think   now   you   have   an   inkling   of   why   King   Dimitri   sent   you   back   here.     In   the   mundane   world,   it   is   hard   to   break   with   the   deep-rooted   conventional   ideas.     Everything   there   is   also   stubborn   and   clumsy,   not   easy   to   change   by   the   mind   or   will.     King   Dimitri   sent   you   back   to   this   magical   dimension   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   so   you   can   observe   and   learn   that   the   mind   can   change   the   external   world,   but   the   external   world   cannot   change   the   internal.   Only   then   will   you   grow   mentally   and   fully   understand   the   meaning   of   King   Dimitri’s   novel   concept.   Let’s   go   in   and   continue   our   talk,”   she   said   when   they   came   to   Romi’s   room.     Romi   opened   the   door,   invited   Queen   Aisha   in   and   they   sat   down   in   the   living   room.  

“What   do   you   think   of   King   Dimitri’s   unique   idea?”

“I   would   like   to   try   it   out   and   see   if   it   works   for   me.”    

“Good.     I   was   going   to   suggest   it   myself.”

“Last   night   when   I   came   back   here   from   the   mundane   world”   said   Romi   musingly,”   I   went   through   a   dream   journey.     I’ll   make   that   as   my   experiment.”

“Go   ahead.     That   will   be   interesting.”

“After   falling   asleep   last   night,   I   remember   entering   a   dimension   that   is   as   boundless   and   infinite   as   the   universe.     I   floated   in   this   aerial   dimension   which   was   dark   blue   in   color.     Suddenly   I   saw   a   dim   light   appear   in   the   distance.     The   spot   of   light   gradually   became   brighter   and   bigger   like   a   rising   sun.     But   its   radiance   was   internalized   and   not   extended   outwards.     At   first   glance,   its   brilliance   was   blinding,   but   later   it   was   bearable.     Its   temperature   too   became   warm   and   moderate.     I   gazed   at   the   rising   sun   until   my   heart   was   full   of   calm,   tranquility   and   eternity.”   As   Romi   described   the   wondrous   scenes   in   her   dream,   the   room   began   to   transform   into   an   endless   dark   blue   dimension,   boundless   and   infinite   as   the   universe.     A   strong   bright   rising   sun   shed   its   radiance   on   the   scene.     But   the   brightness   was   a   tolerable   one   that   allowed   one   to   gaze   at   it   with   the   naked   eye.     Romi   was   again   immersed   in   its   aura   of   peace,   calm   and   infinity.   Queen   Aisha   stood   up   and   silently   left   the   room   without   disturbing   Romi.

Queen   Aisha   walked   alone   in   the   spacious   corridor.     She   smiled   as   she   thought  

“I   think   now   Romi   is   beginning   to   understand   King   Dimitri’s   new   theory   of   how   to   operate   the   mind.     She   will   be   able   to   free   herself   from   her   mental   jail.”     A   palace   attendant   hurried   towards   her.

“Your   majesty”   she   said.     “I   was   looking   for   you   everywhere.”

“What   is   it   that   so   flustered   you   and   made   you   hurry   like   that   to   find   me   this   early   in   the   morning?”

“Medusa   is   waiting   for   you   in   the   great   hall   downstairs   and   says   she   has   something   important   to   tell   you.”

“Really?     I   wonder   what   happened”   said   Queen   Aisha   as   she   hurried   after   the   palace   attendant   towards   the   stair   leading   down   to   the   great   hall.

Queen   Aisha   sat   down   on   the   fist   seat   to   the   right   of   King   Dimitri’s   throne   and   asked   Medusa   to   do   the   same.

“It’s   bright   and   early   in   the   morning”   she   said.     “What   happened?     The   Kingdom   seems   to   be   peaceful   and   quiet   but   every   day   there   are   innumerable   things   that   have   to   be   taken   care   of.”

“You   are   right,   your   majesty.”   replied   Medusa   smiling.   “Nary   a   day   goes   by   without   some   events.   But   this   morning   the   events   were   rather   peculiar   so   I   came   to   tell   you   of   it.”     Medusa   glanced   sidewise   at   Queen   Aisha,   hesitantly,   afraid   what   she   was   about   to   impart   would   scare   King   Dimitri’s   elegant   royal   consort.

“Out   with   it”   said   Queen   Aisha,   as   if   understanding   Medusa’s   dilemma.   “I   think   I   am   able   to   withstand   whatever   happens.”

“Yes,   your   majesty”   said   Medusa,   all   the   while   thinking   of   how   to   phrase   her   report.     She   said   evenly,   “Last   night,   during   my   routine   nocturnal   inspection,   I   flew   all   over   the   Kingdom,   visiting   the   various   mountains.     I   found   that   in   the   wilderness   across   the   lake,   there   were   traces   that   Cyclops   had   been   there.     He   has   surreptitiously   sneaked   into   our   heartland   and   is   active   there.”

“Oh   no!”   cried   Queen   Aisha,   turning   pale.   “This   is   terrible!     Why   is   he   back?”

“My   first   reaction   was   to   fly   down,   confront   him   and   drive   him   out   of   our   heartland.     But   then,   I   remembered   King   Dimitri’s   orders   that   so   long   as   Cyclops   does   not   do   anything   untoward   to   jeopardize   the   Kingdom,   we   are   to   leave   him   alone.   So   I   didn’t   do   anything,   but   just   surveyed   him   from   afar.”

“What   was   he   doing   there   in   the   wilderness   by   the   lake?”

“Don’t   worry”   replied   Medusa   even   more   calmly   so   that   the   beautiful   queen   would   not   be   too   keyed   up   and   on   edge.   “Somehow,   he   got   hold   of   fishing   net   and   was   casting   it   out   by   the   lake.”

“That’s   not   too   bad!”   said   Queen   Aisha   heaving   a   sigh   of   relief   and   returned   to   her   usual   calm   and   confidential   self.   “I   suppose   he   got   tired   of   eating   red   meat   all   the   time   and   wanted   to   change   his   diet   to   some   fresh   fish   from   the   lake.     If   it’s   only   that,   let   him   be.     But   if...”

“I’m   only   afraid...”   said   Medusa,   haltingly   “the   beauties   do   not   know   Cyclops   is   back   in   the   heartlands   near   the   palace.     If   they   should   meet   him   and   he   becomes   consumed   with   lust   at   the   sight   of   such   beauty,   the   result   would   be   disastrous...”

“What   should   we   do   then?”   murmured   Queen   Aisha,   whose   heart   was   once   more   filled   with   anxiety.     “If   I   announce   that   Cyclops   is   nearby,   it   would   be   sure   to   cause   consternation   and   anxiety.     I   cannot   bar   the   beauties   from   leaving   the   palace.     It   would   be   like   imprisoning   them.     But   if   I   don’t   tell   them...Oh   dear!   What   should   I   do?”     She   thought   for   a   moment   and   then   said,   “From   now   on,   whenever   the   beauties   leave   the   palace,   they   must   be   accompanied   by   the   two   tigers   and   their   sphere   of   activity   must   be   curtailed   to   the   vicinity   around   the   palace.     On   no   condition   are   they   to   venture   to   the   wilderness   across   the   lake.”

“Yes,   your   majesty”   replied   Medusa   “that   would   be   alright.     But   the   vicinity   around   the   palace   is   still   rather   vast   and   if   they   should   encounter   Cyclops,   those   two   tigers   are   no   protection.     You   have   seen   his   amazing   strength.     He   could   easily   tear   the   tigers   in   two.     I   think   the   best   plan   is   to   ask   the   beauties   to   carry   a   whistle   arrow   whenever   they   leave   the   palace.     They   just   have   to   shoot   it   into   the   air   whenever   there   is   an   emergency   and   I   will   go   to   their   rescue   immediately.”

“Good.     Good.   That’s   a   very   good   idea.     It’s   the   best   way   to   deal   with   this   and   the   safest.”     After   a   while   she   asked   again,  

“Dorna   goes   every   day   to   the   straw   hut   by   the   lake   where   Mr.   Finger   has   been   exiled   to,   to   bring   food   and   drink   to   him.     What   if   she   meets   Cyclops?     She   would   be   in   danger.”

“Don’t   worry,   your   majesty.     Naughty   girl   Dorna   is   full   of   tricks   and   she   has   Amalia’s   flying   broom.     Even   if   Cyclops   sees   her,   what   can   he   do   to   her?”   Queen   Aisha   nodded.     After   a   while   she   thought   of   something   else   and   asked   Medusa,

“Dorna   and   Deanna   invited   White   Fairy   to   go   with   them   and   meet   their   new   friend   Victoria,     Did   you   see   them?”

“Yes,   I   did.     I   saw   them   early   in   the   morning.     The   four   of   them   were   chatting   happily   and   animatedly   in   the   wilderness   by   the   lake.”

“Quick.     Quick.     Tell   them   to   come   back   here   and   not   stay   there   by   the   lake.     It’s   not   safe.”   said   Queen   Aisha,   becoming   anxious   again.

“It’s   OK,   your   majesty”   comforted   Medusa.   “Just   think.     Dorna   has   her   magic   broom.     White   Fairy   is   a   puff   of   smoke   no   one   can   touch.     Deanna   is   slippery   as   a   fish   in   water   and   Victoria   IS   a   large,   white   fish.     Cyclops   can   only   throw   his   weight   around   on   land.   He   is   helpless   in   the   water.   Even   if   they   meet   Cyclops,   what   can   he   do   to   them?”     Queen   Aisha   was   comforted   by   Medusa’s   words   and   her   smile   returned   to   her   face.

Tranquility   reigned   by   the   foggy   lakeside.     Sounds   of   fish   jumping   out   of   the   water   could   be   heard   here   and   there,   proving   this   was   a   pool   of   water   alive   with   marine   life.     Soon   the   fog   lifted   and   bright   sunshine   lit   up   the   world.     A   flock   of   birds   flew   by   towards   a   far   off   destination.     Normally,   this   part   of   the   lake   was   lonely   and   secluded,   with   little   sign   of   human   activity,   but   this   morning   four   naked   women   were   frolicking   in   the   shallow   waters,   talking,   laughing   and   dashing   water   at   each   other   in   fun,   adding   life   to   the   lonely   scenery.     It   was   Dorna   and   Deanna   who   had   invited   White   Fairy   to   meet   their   new   friend   Victoria.

“Let’s   stop   now   and   get   down   to   business”   said   Dorna   finally   and   the   four   of   them   sat   down   in   the   water   which   covered   half   their   bodies.

“I   know   you   were   originally   a   flower”   said   Dorna   to   White   Fairy.     “You   can   change   to   a   puff   of   smoke   or   to   human   form   at   will.     We   invited   you   here   to   ask   you   to   teach   Victoria   the   secret   to   your   practice   of   asceticism   so   that   she   can   come   ashore   and   live   with   us   in   the   palace.     Come   on,   tell   us   what   the   secret   is!”

“The   practice   of   asceticism   cannot   be   hurried.     It   takes   time   and   is   a   transition   that   follows   a   prescribed   order.”

“Time?     How   long   a   time?”   asked   Dorna.     “Look,   King   Dimitri   has   taken   more   than   half   the   beauties   of   the   palace   down   to   the   mundane   world.     The   palace   is   almost   empty   and   very   lonely.     Won’t   it   be   good   if   Victoria   can   leave   the   water   and   come   live   with   us   in   the   palace   as   soon   as   possible?”

“Don’t   be   in   such   a   hurry.     I   understand   your   feelings   but   everything   has   to   go   according   to   the   law   of   nature,   which   cannot   be   transcended.     For   example,   under   the   bright   rays   of   the   sun   clear   lake   water   can   turn   to   steam   and   go   up   to   the   skies   to   become   clouds.     When   saturated,   clouds   condense,   become   rain   and   fall   again   to   the   earth.     Such   is   the   law   of   nature   and   is   unchangeable.”

“I   know   all   about   these   simple   facts   of   nature”   said   Dorna   impatiently.   “What   I   want   to   know   is   the   secrets”   she   stressed.   “You   know,   like   incantations,   spells   etc.   I   want   you   to   teach   these   to   Victoria.”

“My   secret   is   time.”

“Time?     This   is   just   empty   talk!”   said   Dorna   haughtily   beginning   to   get   angry.     White   Fairy   knew   this   naughty   girl   can   be   stubborn   and   unreasonable.     The   only   people   able   to   deal   with   her   at   these   times   were   King   Dimitri   and   Queen   Aisha.     She   thought   for   a   moment   and   then   said,

“Let   me   put   it   this   way,   Victoria,   and   perhaps   you   will   understand.   When   you   were   born   into   these   lake   waters,   were   you   only   a   little   fly?”

“Why   yes”   nodded   Victoria.

“When   you   left   your   mother’s   body,   were   you   only   a   tiny   egg?”


“When   you   were   inside   your   mother’s   womb   you   were   a   tiny   fish   egg.     What   were   you   before   you   were   a   tiny   egg?”   Victoria   couldn’t   answer.    

“At   that   time,   you   were   only   an   abstract   concept,   subsisting   between   existent   and   non-existent.     If   you   can   return   to   that   primitive   stage,   it   will   be   full   of   all   kinds   of   possibilities.”     The   wind   blew   over   an   intoxicating   fragrance   of   flowers.  

“Do   you   smell   the   flowers?”   White   Fairy   asked.     Victoria   nodded   knowingly.     She   gave   White   Fairy   a   mysterious,   understanding   smile.     White   Fairy   turned   into   a   puff   of   smoke   and   flew   away.     Victoria   stood   up,   walked   into   the   deep   waters,   turned   into   a   large,   white   fish   and   disappeared   into   the   water.   Only   Dorna   and   Deanna   were   left   dumbfounded   by   the   lake.    

“Did   you   smell   the   flowers?”   asked   Dorna,   turning   to   Deanna.     Deanna   nodded.

“Do   you   understand?”   she   asked   again.

“I   don’t”   replied   Deanna   mystified.     “Do   you?”

“No”   replied   Dorna.   “I   smelled   the   flowers   but   I   still   don’t   understand.”

It   was   6:30   sharp   in   the   morning   when   Dimitri   arrived   at   the   bakery.     He   mixed   together   flour,   oil,   a   bit   of   salt   and   suitable   amounts   of   yeast,   transferred   them   into   a   large   tub   and   turned   on   the   mixing   machine,   which   swirled   the   mixture   automatically.     Because   they   were   so   short-handed,   Dimitri   no   longer   insisted   on   doing   everything   manually   by   hand   and   compromised   about   using   machinery.   Laverne   arrived   for   work,   bringing   Mark   with   her.     The   other   girls   came   down   and   each   began   working   methodically   at   her   allotted   task.     By   7:30   a.m.   the   bakery   opened   for   business.     Everyone   worked   hard   racing   against   time   to   satisfy   the   increasing   demand   of   their   flourishing   clientele.     By   two,   three   o’clock   in   the   afternoon,   business   began   to   slack   off   and   everyone   heaved   a   sigh   of   relief   and   took   turns   for   their   break.     Late   patrons   looked   at   the   empty   shelves   in   the   store   and   went   away   disappointed.     But   some   old   customers   stayed   to   buy   a   coffee   and   chat   with   Amalia   and   the   other   girls   working   in   the   front   of   the   bakery   before   going   home   happily.     The   afternoon   sun   was   bright   and   cheery,   but   it   was   quite   windy.     Dimitri   carried   his   lounge   chair   over   to   a   sheltered   spot   by   the   wall   and   lay   down   to   enjoy   the   warm   afternoon   sunshine.     Laverne,   Mark   and   Yoko   were   chatting   with   Amalia   in   the   store   up   front   keeping   her   company.   Earlier   in   the   afternoon,   Mary   and   Sheila   had   left   to   do   some   shopping.   Marcelena   was   alone   in   the   kitchen   busy   preparing   dinner   as   it   was   her   turn   to   cook   today.   In   the   backyard,   a   gate   had   been   opened   in   the   wall   to   connect   the   bakery   to   the   newly   acquired   three   storey   building.     A   lot   of   living   space   had   been   added,   so   Megginn   and   Samantha   often   came   back   to   stay   on   weekends   and   spend   time   with   the   other   beauties

In   December,   daylight   was   short,   so   by   four,   five   o’clock   in   the   afternoon   it   was   already   dark.     Sheila   and   Mary   hurried   in   through   the   back   door   laden   with   parcels,   large   and   small   and   saw   Dimitri   still   lying   on   his   lounge   chair.

“Dimitri!”   called   Mary.     “It’s   cold   and   dark   out   here.     Come   inside   or   you   will   catch   cold!”

“OH,   Is   it   already   dark?”   said   Dimitri.     “Where   have   you   two   been   all   afternoon.     I   haven’t   heard   a   peep   out   of   you.”

“It’s   turning   cold”   said   Mary.     “Amalia   has   been   complaining   about   not   being   able   to   sleep   at   night   because   her   feet   are   cold.     We   went   out   to   get   her   a   heater   and   an   old   fashioned   hot-water   bag.     When   filled   with   hot   water   and   put   by   her   feet,   it   will   keep   her   warm   at   night.     We   also   bought   her   a   thick,   warm   silk-padded   quilt.”     The   three   of   them   went   inside   the   kitchen   still   talking.   Mary   continued,

  “I   think   that   our   sisters   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   will   be   coming   here   sooner   or   later,   so   we   also   bought   a   lot   of   bedding:   sheets,   pillows,   blankets,   quilts,   pillow   cases,   towels   of   all   sizes   and   things   for   everyday   life.     A   lot   of   them   are   still   in   the   car.     Also,   Christmas   will   be   here   soon.     There   is   much   to   be   done   and   to   buy.     We   intend   to   have   the   3-storey   new   building   next   door   all   fitted   out   and   decorated   to   welcome   the   rest   of   out   sisters   here   for   the   holidays   if   possible”.     It   was   time   to   close   shop.     Mark   pulled   down   the   iron   security   door   and   everyone   gathered   in   the   back   room.   Some   of   them   went   to   help   carry   the   packages   in   the   car   into   the   new   building   next   door   and   just   left   them   there,   leaving   the   decorating   and   preparation   work   for   some   future   time.     Megginn   and   Samantha   had   called   to   say   they   had   social   engagements   and   would   not   be   able   to   make   it   back   to   the   bakery   for   dinner,   so   Marcelena   carried   the   food   she   had   cooked   to   the   table   and   everyone   sat   down   to   eat   as   they   were   all   hungry.   After   dinner,   Dimitri,   Laverne   and   Mark   prepared   to   go   home.

“Why   don’t   Mark   and   I   walk   back   with   you   to   keep   you   company”   suggested   Laverne.

“Thank   you,   but   no”   replied   Dimitri.   “I   am   familiar   with   the   route   and   will   be   okay.     Don’t   worry.     Good   night.”

“Well,   goodnight   then   Dimitri.”   And   they   each   went   their   own   way.   Inside   the   house,   Amalia   was   tired   and   started   to   yawn.     Mary,   Sheila   and   Yoko   took   her   upstairs   and   helped   her   prepare   for   bed.     The   old   lady   was   so   tired,   she   fell   asleep   as   soon   as   her   head   hit   the   pillow   and   the   three   girls   went   back   to   their   rooms.     Meanwhile,   Marcelena   was   downstairs   locking   up,   making   sure   that   the   doors   were   locked,   the   windows   closed   and   the   electrical   appliances   shut   down.     She   then   turned   off   the   lights   and   went   upstairs.

Dimitri   sat   in   his   little   studio   apartment.     He   liked   solitude   and   enjoyed   his   private   time   alone.   But   human   beings   are   social   animals   and   crave   companionship   after   being   alone   too   long.   Such   was   the   case   with   Dimitri.     At   that   moment,   how   he   wished   someone   would   come   knocking   at   his   door!     He   would   open   the   door   and   find   it   was   an   old   friend.   He   would   welcome   him   with   open   arms   into   his   room   and   bring   out   all   the   food   in   his   refrigerator   to   show   his   hospitality.   If   he   had   a   bottle   of   wine,   it   would   be   better   still.     They   could   talk,   eat   and   drink,   enjoying   the   pleasure   of   reunion   with   an   old   friend.   But   no   one   knocked   at   his   door.   However,   someone   was   knocking   at   his   window.

“Hey,   Dimitri!     Dimitri!   Are   you   there?”     Dimitri   knew   the   voice.     It   was   his   old   friend   Richard.     If   Richard   was   there,   Jamaz   could   not   be   far   behind.   He   pulled   up   his   window   and   exclaimed,

“Hey,   you   son-of-a-gun!   Where   have   you   been   to   recently?   What   brings   you   here   today?”   He   felt   a   paper   box   being   shoved   into   his   hands   and   Richard   said,   “Take   this   in   first.”   Dimitri   felt   it   all   over   the   box   and   knew   it   was   a   box   of   beer.     After   that,   Richard   handed   him   bottles   of   whisky,   brandy,   vodka   and   Chinese   Gao   Liang   through   the   window.     Then   came   an   electric   oven   and   a   few   dishes   of   food.     Richard   leapt   in   through   the   window,   followed   by   another   hefty   figure,   Jamaz,   who   also   jumped   in.

Jazz   music   boomed   in   Dimitri’s   small   room.     It   came   from   an   old,   dilapidated   radio   which   Dimitri   had   picked   up   in   the   garbage   can.

“I   haven’t   seen   you   two   after   you   brought   Mark   back   and   left   so   hastily.     What   have   you   two   been   up   to   recently?”

“Nothing   much”   replied   Richard   who   was   cooking   the   different   chops   he   had   brought.   “Doing   odd   jobs   here   and   there   until   we   have   enough   money   to   buy   booze.     When   we   are   drunk,   we   would   find   a   place   on   the   street   to   sleep   it   off.     One   of   Jamaz’s   old   customers   asked   him   to   go   and   fix   up   a   huge,   ancient   mansion   with   a   large,   unkempt   garden.     That   large   old   house   had   been   left   vacant   for   a   long   time   and   looked   deserted   and   spooky.   Jamaz   said   he   once   saw   the   ghost   of   its   male   owner   there.”     Dimitri   was   greatly   startled   and   asked   urgently,

“Is   the   name   of   the   female   owner   called   Novella   Silkise?”

“Yes,   that’s   her.     Do   you   know   her?”   asked   Jamaz,   greatly   surprised.

“The   person   you   saw   that   night   was   no   ghost”   exclaimed   Dimitri.     “It   was   me,   dressed   up   as   the   ghost   of   her   husband,   Mr.   Silkise.     I   put   on   his   suit   and   top   hat,   powdered   my   face   into   a   white   mess,   used   Mrs.   Silkise’s   lipstick   to   draw   two   scarlet   circles   around   my   eyes   and   redden   my   teeth   to   depict   the   bloody   mouth   of   a   vampire.     I   wanted   to   scare   you   off.     You   lost   your   footing   and   fell   down   the   ladder.     I   think   you   broke   your   leg.”

“Yes.     Yes,   I   did   break   my   leg   that   night.     What   was   all   this   about?”   Dimitri   then   told   them   the   whole   story.     (See   Book   1   “The   Dream   Maker”).     “Thinking   things   over”   said   Jamaz   “it   was   really   too   bad   of   me.   It   was   all   that   fatso   old   woman   Marsha’s   fault.     She   was   Mrs.   Silkise’s   nanny   and   had   been   with   her   since   she   was   a   baby.     She   should   have   been   loyal   to   her   charge,   but   she   was   greedy   and   wanted   to   get   control   of   the   Silkise   fortune   by   using   me   as   her   decoy.     I   was   almost   taken   in   by   her.     If   I   ever   see   Mrs.   Silkise   again,   I   will   confess   all   to   her   and   ask   for   her   forgiveness.”

“Right,   you   should   do   that”   said   Richard.   “A   real   man   acknowledges   his   faults   and   does   his   best   to   change.”  

Jamaz   hung   his   head   and   muttered   like   a   child   who   had   done   something   wrong.   “I   once   did   something   very   bad   that   I   have   never   mentioned   to   anyone”   he   said.     Today   I   feel   the   need   to   tell   all   and   let   you   guys   know.     One   day,   my   friend   Stanley,   the   gardener,   was   sick   and   asked   me   to   work   in   his   stead   that   day.     When   I   got   to   the   address   he   gave   me,   I   found   it   was   a   grand   residence   with   large   yards   and   a   swimming   pool.     The   gate   was   half   open,   so   I   went   in   and   saw   the   front   yard   was   cluttered   with   fallen   leaves   left   unattended   for   days   on   end.     I   went   straight   to   the   back   yard   and   saw   an   extremely   beautiful   and   alluring   naked   woman   lying   on   her   lounge   chair   by   the   swimming   pool.     She   didn’t   seem   to   be   all   there   and   was   in   a   kind   of   stupor.     I   couldn’t   control   myself   and   had   sex   with   her.     At   the   time   I   felt   extremely   fortunate   to   be   so   lucky.     But   later   I   knew   that   if   the   woman   had   full   control   of   her   senses,   she   would   not   have   allowed   me   to   take   such   advantage   over   her.     Normally,   Richard   and   I   try   to   be   like   you   and   be   a   protector   of   women,   but   I   took   unfair   advantage   of   a   half   conscious,   vulnerable   woman   for   which   I   felt   very   guilty   and   extremely   sorry.     That   incident   has   been   on   my   mind   ever   since   and   today   I   feel   better   for   having   confessed   and   getting   it   off   my   chest.   If   I   ever   have   the   chance   to   see   her   again,   I   will   kneel   before   her   and   beg   her   forgiveness.     Her   name   is....”

“Her   name   is   Aisha   White”   said   Dimitri.

“Yes,   yes.     That’s   right.   That’s   her   name”   nodded   Jamaz   very   much   surprised.     “How   did   you   know   that?     Do   you   know   her?”

“I   not   only   know   her”   replied   Dimitri.     “but   she   is   a   member   of   my   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     I   have   made   her   my   queen.     But   she   doesn’t   know   the   man   she   had   sex   with   is   you,   my   good   friend,   Jamaz.”

“I...I...I...”   Jamaz   was   so   ashamed   he   did   not   know   what   to   say.

“I   can   tell   you   she   has   forgiven   you.”

“How   can   you   know   that?”

“Because   I   have   forgiven   her.     If   I   can   forgive   her,   she   will   surely   forgive   you.   Since   I   forgive   her,   I   also   forgive   you.     Let   this   incident   stop   here.     We   will   never   mention   it   ever   again.”

“Yes.     Yes.     Yes.”  

“In   my   heart”   said   Dimitri   “there   is   really   no   definite   line   between   right   and   wrong,   truth   and   falsehood,   good   and   evil.   There   are   no   abstract   ideas   and   thereby   no   sharp   contrasts.   But   living   in   the   mundane   world,   everyone   must   obey   the   law,   which   is   the   minimum   criterion   with   which   to   judge   one’s   own   morality.     You   may   do   bad   things   and   not   be   found   out,   but   can   you   escape   the   pangs   of   your   own   conscience?     Today   your   confession   and   contrition   shows   you   have   a   conscience.     I   am   glad   of   it.     You   are   still   my   good   friend.”   Dimitri   forgave   Aisha   for   her   indiscretion   because   he   knew   she   had   drunk   a   lot   of   brandy   and   then   took   some   sleeping   pills,   the   combination   of   which   made   her   actions   erratic.

“If   Jamaz   didn’t   tell   us   about   it”   commented   Richard   who   was   cooking   the   meat   chops   “no   one   would   know   because   even   your   queen   didn’t   know   who   the   man   was.”

“No.   No.   I   do   know   because   there   was   also   an   eye   witness   who   told   me   everything   that   happened.”

“What?     There   was   an   eye   witness?   Who   could   that   be?”   asked   Richard   and   Jamaz   in   amazement.

“The   snitch   who   informed   me   was   no   other   than   your   savior   Mr.   Finger.”

“Mr.   Finger?     We   haven’t   seen   him   for   a   long   time.     Where   is   he   now?     We   would   like   to   show   our   gratitude   to   him   for   saving   our   lives.”

“He   is   in   my   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     But   that   little   man   couldn’t   be   trusted   to   live   harmoniously   with   the   beauties   because   he   was   always   trying   to   harass   them   sexually.     It   got   so   bad   that   he   aroused   public   anger.     So   I   exiled   him   to   a   straw   hut   across   the   lake   that   I   used   to   live   in   myself   when   I   was   there.   There’s   a   field   of   tulips   and   the   scenery   is   really   beautiful.   I   supply   him   with   good   food,   good   wine   and   magnificent   clothes,   so   I   don’t   think   he   minds   staying   there.”

“Not   bad!     Good   food,   good   wine   and   nice   clothes...that   the   good   life,   but   too   uneventful   and   solitary.     If   I   know   that   little   man,   he   won’t   like   it.   So   instead   of   banishing   him   to   the   wilderness,   why   don’t   you   bring   him   back   here   and   leave   him   with   Jamaz   and   I?     We   will   take   care   of   him   as   restitution   for   saving   our   lives.     We   promise   to   take   good   care   of   him   and   let   him   lead   the   good   life   -   eating,   drinking   and   playing...He   will   have   all   the   wine   he   can   drink.     That’s   something   he   loves   just   as   much   as   we   do!”

“Bring   him   back   here?   No,   I   don’t   think   he   would   want   to   do   that.”

“Why   not?”   asked   Jamaz.

“I’ve   been   told   he   married   an   extremely   beautiful   woman,   so   I   don’t   think   he   would   be   willing   to   leave   his   new   bride.”

“What?     That   little   man   got   married?   You   mean   in   this   world   there   is   another   little   person   of   his   dimensions   who   just   happened   to   be   female?     How   can   that   be?”

“I’ve   been   told   he   got   married   but   I   have   never   seen   her   myself.”

“Mr.   Finger   got   married   eh?   ...”muttered   Richard   after   a   pause.   “As   for   me,   I   don’t   think   I   ever   will   marry.     Yoko   and   I   have   been   engaged   for   a   long   time,   but   that   was   only   a   half-joking   oral   agreement   made   in   a   gambling   hall   that   cannot   be   taken   seriously.     Neither   Yoko   nor   I   took   it   seriously.     Even   if   we   were   serious   about   it,   I   don’t   have   the   heart   to   make   her   lead   the   nomad   life   I   do,   roaming   all   over   the   place   and   sleeping   on   the   streets.     No,   I   can’t   be   so   selfish   as   to   subject   her   to   that...   You   are   really   very   lucky   in   love,   Dimitri.     Yoko   told   me   that   all   the   beauties   privately   intend   to   stay   with   you   their   whole   lives   and   keep   you   company.”

On   hearing   that,   Dimitri   was   uneasy   and   full   of   complex   thoughts.     The   burden   on   his   shoulders   felt   heavier   than   ever.

A   car   stopped   at   the   corner   of   the   street   and   footsteps   of   two   people   could   be   heard   walking   to   Dimitri’s   window.

“Dimitri!     Dimitri!   Are   you   there?     I   heard   music   coming   from   your   window   and   I   smell   the   aroma   of   meat.     I   think   you   must   be   there.”

“Who   is   it?”   asked   Dimitri.

“I   am   Oliver   Kaffee.     With   me   is   Big   O.     It’s   very   late.   Are   we   interrupting   you?”

“Oh   no.   No.   No.     Come   on   in.”     Big   O   stooped   down   and   Mr.   Kaffee   stepped   onto   his   shoulders.     Big   O   stood   up   gradually,   gave   his   friend   a   mighty   shove   and   pushed   Mr.   Kaffee   through   the   window.     After   that,   he,   too,   jumped   in.     Dimitri’s   little   studio   apartment   was   now   getting   lively   but   crowded.     There   was   only   a   single   loveseat   in   the   room.     Dimitri   and   Mr.   Kaffee   sat   on   it,   so   the   others   had   to   sit   on   the   floor.     Richard   and   Jamaz   were   co-hosts   for   this   occasion,   so   Richard   cooked   the   chops   while   Jamaz   stood   up   to   pour   the   drinks.     But   Dimitri   had   only   one   glass,   so   in   the   end   everyone   drank   straight   from   the   bottle.     Richard   and   Jamaz   had   become   good   friends   with   Big   O   after   the   three   of   them   fought   together   against   Hawknose.     There   was   a   comradeship   between   them   that   defied   convention.     Mr.   Kaffee   and   Dimitri   chatted   for   a   while   and   Dimitri   told   him   about   his   fight   with   Apollo   and   how   they   later   joined   hands   to   kill   the   nine   monsters   who   masqueraded   as   nine   suns.     His   audience   was   all   captivated   by   his   story   and   felt   as   if   they   were   listening   to   a   myth.     Just   then,   a   rock   was   thrown   into   the   room   and   hit   Jamaz’s   head.     He   jumped   up   and   went   to   the   window   crying,   “Which   son-of-a-bitch   threw   that   rock?   Scram   out   and   let   me   see   you!”     He   looked   out   of   the   window   but   no   one   was   there.     Jamaz   was   surprised   and   wondered   who   could   have   moved   so   swiftly.     He   expected   at   least   to   see   a   fleeing   figure.     He   swore   at   the   empty   street   and   went   back   to   sit   on   the   floor.

“Recently”   said   Richard,   “a   strange   old   man   has   been   seen   around   here.     He   is   a   dwarf   with   a   long   white   beard   and   fiery   eyes.     He   is   very   nosy,   poking   his   nose   everywhere   and   is   interested   in   everything.     He   keeps   asking   questions   and   is   really   annoying   people.     No   one   knows   where   he   lives   but   he   hangs   around   here.     I   really   wonder   who   he   is...”     Before   he   finished   speaking,   another   rock   came   flying   into   the   room   and   hit   him   on   the   head.     Richard   was   so   angry   he   rushed   to   the   window   and   began   cussing   out,   “Who   the   fuck   is   out   there?   Which   god   damned   son-of-a-bitch   threw   that   rock?     What   the   hell   do   you   want?     Come   on   out   you   fricken   loser,   fricken   coward....”Richard   looked   out   of   the   window,   but   he   too   saw   nothing   in   the   dark,   empty   streets.     A   strange,   crackling   laughter   sounded   and   an   eccentric   old   dwarf,   with   a   long   white   beard   who   had   been   hiding   against   the   wall   right   under   the   window   sill,   came   out,   saying

“You   guys   dare   to   throw   hand   grenades   into   other   people’s   houses,   why   can’t   I   throw   some   rocks   at   yours?   Do   rocks   scare   you?   Ha-ha-ha-ha!”     His   words   terrified   everyone   in   the   room   and   they   wondered   who   this   strange   man   was   who   knew   everything,   including   the   throwing   of   hand   grenades.     They   cautioned   themselves   to   be   on   alert   as   this   was   someone   to   be   on   guard   against.

“Hey!”   continued   the   old   man,   “You   people   have   good   food   and   liquor,   why   don’t   you   offer   me   some?     I   am   drooling!     Someone   come   out   and   carry   me   in.”     Richard   looked   at   Dimitri,   who   nodded,   so   Richard   jumped   out   of   the   window,   clasped   him   by   the   waist   from   behind   and   raised   him   to   the   window   sill.     The   old   man   jumped   onto   the   floor   very   nimbly.     Richard   followed   suit..

The   old   man   swaggered   into   the   room,   went   straight   to   the   sofa   and   squeezed   in   between   Dimitri   and   Mr.   Kaffee.   He   grabbed   hold   of   a   lamb   chop   in   his   right   hand   without   being   invited   and   began   to   take   big   bites   out   of   it.     Then   he   snatched   up   a   bottle   of   Gao   Liang   and   started   drinking.     After   eating   and   drinking   to   his   full,   the   strange   old   man   felt   satisfied.     He   wiped   his   oily   mouth   and   burped   loudly.     Looking   around   at   the   people   before   him,   he   said,

“Well,   well,   well!   I   can   see   that   all   of   you   are   poverty-stricken   bums.     Since   you   have   been   so   generous   as   to   share   your   food   and   liquor   with   me,   I   will   reward   you   by   making   you   rich.     Who   wants   to   be   rich?”     No   one   answered.     “That’s   strange.     Everyone   wants   to   be   a   millionaire!   Doesn’t   any   one   of   you   want   to   be   rich?     What   about   you   Mr.   Kaffee?     You   used   to   be   a   big   shot   in   the   mafia   and   a   prince   of   finance.     Don’t   you   want   money   to   make   a   comeback?”

“That’s   the   old   me”   explained   Mr.   Kaffee.     “Yes,   I   used   to   be   a   Mafia   don.   I   did   a   lot   of   bad   things   and   made   a   ton   of   money.     But   the   more   money   I   had,   the   blacker   my   conscience.     Thankfully,   Dimitri   pointed   these   things   out   to   me   and   I   deeply   regret   my   past   actions.     I   will   devote   the   rest   of   my   life   to   help   restore   the   social   order   I   had   so   senselessly   destroyed.     I   will   do   things   that   are   for   the   public   good   and   raise   funds   for   charitable   causes   to   make   up   for   my   past   sins.     Money   is   useless   to   me.”

“Charitable   causes   need   money,   too.”

“The   support   of   World   Bank   is   quite   adequate.”

“What   about   you,   professional   assassin?”   asked   the   old   man   turning   to   Big   O.   “Your   hands   are   covered   with   blood.     Didn’t   you   kill   for   money?”

“Right.     I   used   to   be   a   professional   hit   man   and   killed   a   lot   of   people.     You   are   right.     My   hands   are   covered   with   blood.   But   Dimitri   made   me   see   the   error   of   my   ways   and   I   have   turned   over   a   completely   new   leaf.     I   will   spend   the   rest   of   my   days   in   prayer   and   the   practice   of   ascetics,   hoping   that   in   afterlife,   I   will   not   be   thrown   into   the   huge   pot   of   boiling   oil   and   be   burnt   to   human   jerky.     I   will   count   myself   as   lucky   if   it   were   not   so.     As   to   money,   it   is   absolutely   superfluous   to   me.’

“And   you,   petty   thief   and   gambler”   said   the   old   man   turning   to   Richard.     “Don’t   you   want   to   be   rich?     Isn’t   money   what   you   live   for?”

“You,   old   dwarf,   are   too   presumptuous!     Yah,   I   used   to   be   a   thief   and   a   gambler,   but   I   was   fortunate   once   to   become   the   president   of   World   Bank.     But   the   more   money   I   had,   the   more   pressure   I   felt   on   my   shoulders.     I   just   couldn’t   take   the   pressure,   tension   and   trouble   money   brings,   so   I   resigned.     I   only   want   to   be   a   common   citizen.”     Richard   looked   at   the   old   man   contemptuously   and   said,   “To   me,   money   isn't   that   important.     I   can   have   it   or   have   it   not.     It’s   irrelevant.”     The   old   man’s   fiery   eyes   rested   on   Jamaz.

“You.     Don’t   you   like   women?     With   money,   you   can   have   all   the   women   you   want.     Don’t   you   want   money?”

“W-w-woman?”   stuttered   Jamaz,   who   was   not   very   good   at   expressing   himself.   “Don’t   need   a   lot.     One   is   enough.     But   I   haven’t   found   her   yet.”

The   old   man   turned   to   Dimitri,   but   before   he   could   say   anything,   Dimitri   turned   the   tables   on   him   by   taking   the   reins   of   the   conversation   and   asked

“How   do   you   know   almost   everything   about   us?     Who   are   you?”

“Ha-ha-ha-ha...”   crackled   the   old   man.   “You   ask   me   who   I   am   and   how   do   I   know   so   much   about   you   guys?   Listen.     In   your   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   don’t   you   have   a   great   hall?     Doesn’t   it   have   a   side   hall   that   leads   to   a   small   room   only   you   and   your   24   beauties   can   enter?   I   am   the   god   of   wealth   you   put   on   your   altar   all   these   years.     I   have   been   extremely   well-treated   by   you.     Now   I   come   to   repay   you.     Very   soon   your   Kingdom   of   Dreams   will   collapse   and   be   completely   annihilated.     Why   are   you   still   here   eating,   drinking   and   talking   with   your   old   friends?   You   should   be   thinking   about   how   to   deal   with   the   aftermath   of   that   calamity.     But   I   promise   to   support   you   and   help   you   make   your   comeback.”

“My   Kingdom   of   Dreams   will   collapse   soon?     I   just   got   back   from   there   and   everything   seemed   calm   and   peaceful!”     Just   then   Richard’s   cell   phone   rang.     He   took   it   out,   flipped   it   open   and   said,

“Yes?     I   am   Richard.     Dimitri?     Yes,   he   is   here.     We’re   drinking   and   talking   with   some   friends.     Oh.     Alright.     I   will   let   him   know.”     He   hung   up   and   said   to   Dimitri,

“That   was   Yoko.     She   said   White   Fairy   just   flew   by   our   window   and   saw   a   lot   of   men   having   a   good   time   in   your   room.     She   did   not   want   to   appear   before   all   of   us,   so   she   flew   to   the   bakery   and   is   waiting   for   you   there.     She   said   she   has   important   messages   for   you.     Yoko   is   driving   here   to   get   you.     If   you   leave   now,   she   should   be   waiting   at   the   main   entrance   of   the   apartment   building”  

“Really?”   said   Dimitri   both   surprised   and   mystified.     He   stood   up,   got   his   white   cane   and   made   for   the   door.

“Don’t   worry,   Dimitri”   said   Mr.   Kaffee.     “We   are   all   quite   concerned   about   this.     If   there   is   anything   you   need   us   to   do,   just   call.     All   of   us   will   be   waiting   here   to   hear   from   you.”

Dimitri   nodded   and   walked   alone   out   of   the   room,   leaving   behind   his   anxious   and   perplexed   guests.

The   workshop   was   brilliantly   lit   but   ominously   silent.     Amalia   was   sound   asleep   upstairs   and   Mark   was   not   there,   but   the   rest   of   the   beauties   were   all   gathered   in   the   room.   Marcelena,   Mary,   Sheila   and   Laverne   sat   there   quietly.   What   was   unusual   was   both   Megginn   and   Samantha   were   there,   still   dressed   in   their   elegant   and   sexy   strapless   evening   gowns.     They   had   no   time   to   change   when   they   got   the   urgent   message   to   report   to   the   bakery   at   once;   so   they   left   the   social   event   before   the   banquet   was   over.     White   Fairy   was   there,   still   wearing   Mary’s   sky   blue   dress.     The   screeching   of   tires   was   heard   at   the   back   door.     Sheila   jumped   up   and   said,

“Dimitri   is   back!     I’ll   go   and   open   the   back   door   for   him.”     She   ran   out   to   the   yard   and   pulled   open   the   back   door.     Dimitri   strode   in   quickly;   his   left   hand   holding   on   to   Yoko’s   right   shoulder.     As   soon   as   he   got   into   the   house,   he   asked   urgently,

  “What   is   it?     What   happened?”

“The   situation   is   dire,   your   majesty”   said   White   Fairy.     “Queen   Aisha   sent   me   here   to   find   you,   expressly   to   let   you   know   that   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   is   about   to   face   an   extreme   ordeal.     We   must   move   up   the   timetable   of   evacuating   the   beauties   still   in   the   Kingdom   and   bring   them   back   to   the   mundane   world   one   after   another   as   soon   as   possible.     She   wants   you   to   make   all   necessary   preparations.”

“What   happened?”   asked   Dimitri   anxiously   again.

“Let   me   tell   you   from   the   beginning,   your   majesty”   said   White   Fairy.

That   evening,   the   wind   was   blowing   hard   and   the   moon   was   dim.     It   was   too   dark   to   even   see   the   fingers   of   your   hand.     Medusa   stood   alone   on   the   highest   pinnacle   of   the   palace   looking   all   around   her.     She   knew   that   if   enemies   should   attack   on   such   a   pitch   black   night,   the   Kingdom   would   be   vulnerable.     She   immediately   flew   up   to   the   skies,   flapping   her   mighty   wings.     She   encircled   the   Kingdom   and   then   went   to   the   various   mountain   tops   where   the   tribal   warriors   were   standing   guard   and   told   them   to   keep   the   fires   burning   brightly   and   be   on   high   alert.     She   then   quickly   went   back   to   her   position   on   the   top   of   the   palace.     She   saw   that   the   tribal   warriors   had   obeyed   her   orders   and   bright   fires   could   be   seen   on   the   top   of   mountains,   but   alas,   the   fires   were   not   bright   enough   to   light   up   the   evening   skies.  

  “If   I   use   King   Dimitri’s   new   method   of   changing   the   external   world   by   using   my   internal   powers,   I   could   change   night   into   day   and   guard   the   Kingdom   more   easily.     But   the   day   and   night   rotation   is   a   law   of   nature.     Changing   it   so   casually   on   a   whim   would   be   going   against   natural   law.     Also   the   people   of   the   Kingdom   get   up   at   sunrise   and   go   to   bed   at   sunset.     If   I   change   night   to   day,   it   would   disturb   the   people‘s   old   and   traditional   way   of   life,   which   would   not   be   appropriate.     I   will   just   have   to   be   more   careful   and   vigilant.     I   think   that   will   be   alright.    

The   wind   blew   over   melodious   sounds   of   a   sweet   voice   raised   in   song,   on   and   off   and   indistinct.     Medusa   knew   that   it   must   be   Victoria,   the   large,   white   fish   that   has   practiced   asceticism   for   over   a   thousand   years   and   was   on   the   verge   of   achieving   immortality.     Suddenly,   the   song   ended   abruptly   with   a   choked   scream   that   brought   Medusa’s   senses   to   full   alert.     She   wanted   to   fly   over   at   once   to   see   if   anything   was   wrong.     But   the   lake   was   wide   and   flying   back   and   forth   over   it   and   searching   the   nearby   areas   would   take   time.     She   was   afraid   it   might   just   be   a   ruse   to   get   her   out   of   the   way   by   sending   her   on   a   wild   goose   chase.   Meanwhile   Cyclops   was   hiding   ion   the   forests   nearby   and   in   her   absence   would   attack   the   palace.     She   thought,   “Once   Cyclops   gets   in   the   palace,   where   the   space   is   cramped,   I   can   no   longer   spread   my   wings   and   swoop   down   on   him   and   attack   from   on   high.     How   can   I   ever   face   King   Dimitri   again   if   I   lose   to   Cyclops   and   the   Kingdom   falls   into   his   hands?”     While   Medusa   was   struggling   to   come   to   a   decision,   the   eastern   skies   began   to   brighten.     The   night   had   passed   without   incident   and   daylight   would   soon   be   here.     Medusa   finally   relaxed   her   pent-up   tension.

Actually   disaster   had   already   happened   during   the   pitch   black   night.     Carrying   his   fishing   web   on   his   shoulder,   Cyclops   was   walking   towards   the   lake,   intending   to   catch   some   live   fish,   when   he   was   mesmerized   by   a   sweet,   melodious   voice.     He   hid   behind   a   rock   and   peeked   out   to   see   who   she   was   and   saw   a   naked   beauty   with   skin   white   as   snow   and   smooth   as   silk   sitting   there   singing   with   her   back   towards   him.     Cyclops   had   heard   that   the   large,   white   fish   in   the   lake   had   practiced   asceticism   for   a   thousand   years   and   was   now   able   to   change   to   human   form.    

“Could   this   be   her?”   he   thought.  

  “Why   don’t   I   ...”   The   lust   that   had   been   suppressed   for   so   long   burst   forth   like   the   flames   of   a   volcano.     He   came   out   from   behind   the   rock,   sneaked   on   tiptoe   towards   the   unsuspecting   woman   and   threw   his   fishing   web   over   her   head.     The   choked   cry   Medusa   heard   was   made   by   Victoria   then.     Cyclops   dragged   Victoria   on   shore,   slung   her   over   his   shoulder   and   walked   towards   a   nearby   cave.     She   struggled   hard   against   her   abductor,   but   Cyclops   had   the   strength   to   lift   thousands   of   pounds   of   weight.     There   was   no   possibility   of   escape.

Cyclops’   rough,   harsh   and   hurried   panting   and   gasping,   so   much   like   the   snorting   of   an   angry   bull,   filled   the   cave.     Soon,   the   snorting   escalated   to   a   full   fledged   bellow.   The   lust   that   had   been   subjected   to   long   years   of   sexual   repression   now   burst   forth   like   a   volcano,   impossible   to   restrain   or   control.   His   long-hidden   libido   turned   to   lava   that   gushed   out   wave   after   wave.     The   poor,   helpless   large,   white   fish   Victoria’s   heart   broke   as   her   1000-year   practice   of   asceticism,   which   was   just   about   to   bear   fruit,   was   completely   destroyed   by   this   sudden   attack,   as   was   her   beautiful   thousand-year-old   dream.     Her   heart   bled.     Her   lower   body   bled.     Was   this   the   first   step   of   Cyclops’   revenge?     Why   did   he   choose   Victoria   as   his   victim,   this   innocent   large,   white   fish   that   had   practiced   asceticism   for   1000   years   and   was   on   the   verge   of   achieving   immortality?     Was   Victoria   doomed   by   Fate   to   be   the   sacrificial   lamb?   It’s   hard   to   understand.     It’s   really   beyond   comprehension.

Cyclops’   panting   continued,   like   the   snorting   of   an   angry   bull   or   the   eruption   of   a   volcano.     Poor   Victoria’s   1000-year-old   practice   of   asceticism,   her   1000-year-old   dream   once   destroyed   can   never   be   made   whole   again.     Her   feet   had   left   the   water   for   too   long.     She   was   suffocating.     She   knew   everything   was   destroyed.     Everything   had   perished   with   Fate.     The   volcano   finally   stopped   erupting   and   his   panting   quieted   down.     But   the   heart   in   his   chest   was   still   pumping   fast.     He   glanced   at   the   woman   lying   beside   him.     The   sight   galvanized   him   into   jumping   up   from   the   ground   as   if   struck   by   an   electric   current.     Not   only   had   Victoria   suffocated   and   died,   but   she   had   become   a   large,   white   dead   fish.     Cyclops   wanted   to   do   nothing   more   than   run   far,   far   away.     But   then   he   thought   he   should   at   least   throw   the   fish   back   to   the   lake   where   she   came   from.     Therefore,   holding   the   dead   fish   in   his   arms   he   walked   to   the   lake   and   threw   it   into   the   crystal   clear   water.     He   stood   there   watching   as   it   rose   and   fell   with   the   waves   and   drifted   towards   the   middle   of   the   lake.

Just   as   Cyclops   turned   to   leave,   a   loud   noise   like   that   of   a   huge   iron   gate   being   pulled   open   came   suddenly   from   the   pitch   black   skies.   A   shaft   of   eye-dazzling   light   shot   out   from   that   door   and   shone   down   on   Cyclops,   cutting   off   his   retreat.   Noisy,   disorderly   footsteps   and   angry   accusations   heralded   the   appearance   of   hundreds   of   celestial   being.     These   inhabitants   of   heaven   pointed   their   fingers   at   Cyclops,   denouncing   him   saying,

“This   is   the   scoundrel   that   raped   and   killed   the   large   white   fish.”

“The   large   white   fish   had   practiced   asceticism   for   over   a   thousand   years   and   was   about   to   become   immortal.”

“She   is   the   mother   of   all   living   things   in   the   Star   Moon   Lake.   Killing   her   is   a   crime   against   heaven!”

“Your   sin   is   heinous!”

“You   are   depraved,   wicked   and   disgusting!”

“There   is   no   place   for   you   between   heaven   and   earth.”

“You   have   incurred   the   wrath   of   heaven   and   will   be   struck   by   lightning!”

Thunder   rumbled   menacingly   as   if   emphasizing   their   anger.     Cyclops   knew   that   he   had   brought   upon   himself   the   fury   of   the   gods   and   have   become   the   culprit   denounced   by   one   and   all   in   heaven   and   on   earth.     Suddenly   a   peel   of   thunder   accompanied   by   a   bolt   of   lightning   lit   up   the   skies.     Cyclops   was   scared   out   of   his   wits   and   subconsciously   had   only   one   thought   in   his   mind   –   run!

Cyclops   ran   mindlessly   in   the   wilderness.     He   dashed   into   the   forests   and   mountains,   circling   around   heedlessly   until   he   came   to   a   secluded   gorge.     He   stopped   with   his   back   to   a   large   rock   to   catch   his   breathe.     He   looked   up   at   the   dark   skies   and   thought,   “Have   I   really   sinned   so   badly   that   I   no   longer   have   a   place   on   this   earth?     No.     I   don’t   believe   so...”     But   regardless   of   what   he   thought,   such   was   reality.     It   happened   again!     A   loud   noise   like   that   of   an   iron   gate   being   pulled   open   ripped   the   silence   of   the   night.     A   blinding   shaft   of   light   again   shone   down   on   Cyclops.     Noisy,   disorderly   footstep   and   angry   accusations   heralded   the   appearance   of   celestial   beings.     But   this   time   it   was   a   different   group   of   heavenly   inhabitants   whose   clothing   and   countenance   showed   them   to   be   from   a   different   realm   than   the   last.   They   shouted   condemnations   at   Cyclops,   who   had   no   choice   but   to   get   back   on   his   feet   and   run.     Rumbling   thunder   now   turned   to   ear-deafening   thunderclaps   and   a   mighty   bolt   of   lightning   came   down   like   a   sharp   knife   thrown   from   heaven   straight   at   Cyclops,   who   fled   for   his   life.     Somehow   he   survived   this   calamity   and   lightning   struck   a   huge   tree   which   took   several   people   to   encircle   instead,   which   fell   burning   in   the   wilderness.     Thus,   driven   by   thunder   and   lightning,   he   came   to   a   sheer   cliff   which   cut   off   his   escape   route.     Cyclops   saw   a   cave   to   his   right   and   dove   in   with   no   further   thought.     That   cave   was   destined   to   connect   him   to   the   next   phase   of   his   life.

Standing   at   the   highest   point   of   King   Dimitri’s   palace,   Medusa   was   not   at   all   aware   of   the   mighty   thunder   and   blinding   lightning   that   had   happened   during   the   night,   for   all   this   was   directed   at   Cyclops   personally   and   had   nothing   to   do   with   anyone   else.     Cyclops   alone   saw   and   heard   heaven’s   wrath.     The   day   was   dawning   and   would   soon   break   up   the   dark   night.     Another   night   had   passed   uneventfully.     Medusa   breathed   a   sigh   of   relief   and   her   heart   relaxed   in   peace.     A   light   fog   covered   the   earth   and   everything   was   normal.   But   when   the   fog   dispersed,   an   unusual   and   horrifying   sight   met   Medusa’s   eyes,   which   made   her   fly   down,   change   to   human   form   and   go   into   the   palace   to   report   the   latest   shocking   news.

It   was   daybreak.     The   first   crack   of   dawn   lighted   up   the   eastern   skies.     Normally,   sunshine   would   soon   brighten   the   universe,   but   this   day   was   different   from   any   other.     Dark   clouds   covered   the   skies,   forming   a   thick   leaden   shroud   over   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     Drizzly   rain   floating   down   added   to   the   atmosphere   of   foreboding   and   misgiving.     Queen   Aisha   was   sound   asleep   when   she   was   awakened   by   urgent   knocking   at   her   bedroom   door.     She   opened   her   eyes   drowsily   saying,

“Come   in.     Who   is   it   that   comes   knocking   so   early   in   the   morning?”

“I   am   sorry   to   disturb   your   rest,   your   majesty”   said   a   palace   attendant   walking   quickly   into   the   room   “but   Medusa   is   waiting   for   you   in   the   great   hall   with   urgent   matters   to   report.     She   seemed   to   be   greatly   agitated   and   is   pacing   the   floor   restlessly.”

“Oh   dear!     I   wonder   what   has   happened   now.”   Queen   Aisha   sat   up   on   her   bed   and   said,   “Please   ask   her   to   come   up   here.     I   will   see   her   in   my   living   room.”

“Yes,   your   majesty”   said   the   attendant   and   went   to   carry   out   her   orders.   Queen   Aisha   hastened   through   her   morning   ablutions   and   casually   twisted   her   hair   into   a   knot   at   the   back   of   her   head.     The   early   morning   air   was   chilly,   so   she   put   on   her   morning   gown   and   left   her   luxurious   apartment.   In   the   spacious   corridor,   she   saw   Medusa   walking   quickly   towards   her.     Medusa   bowed   in   greeting   saying,

“I   am   sorry   to   disturb   your   majesty   so   early   in   the   morning.     If   matters   were   not   urgent,   I   would   not   have   done   so.”

“Don’t   stand   on   ceremony,   Medusa.     Quick,   tell   me   what   happened.”

“Yes,   your   majesty.     Please   come   with   me.”   said   Medusa,   leading   her   to   a   wide   window.     Queen   Aisha   looked   out   and   to   her   horror,   saw   that   the   broad   expanse   of   lake   water   was   covered   with   the   white   bellies   of   dead   fish   floating   lifelessly   on   the   waves.     She   was   thunderstruck   and   speechless   at   the   sight.   After   a   few   minutes,   she   asked,

“What   is   all   this   about?”

“It’s   all   Cyclops’   doing.”

“Did   he   poison   the   waters   of   the   lake?”

“No.     I   think   Victoria   met   with   disaster.”

“How   can   you   be   so   sure?”

“Just   think   about   it,   your   majesty.   The   large   white   fish   Victoria   is   the   mother   of   all   living   things   in   the   Star   Moon   Lake.     If   the   mother   dies,   every   living   thing   in   the   lake   will   sacrifice   themselves   and   die   with   her.     This   has   the   looks   of   mass   suicide.”

“But...but...     I   just   saw   her   a   few   days   ago   and   she   was   fine.     King   Dimitri   even   gave   her   the   name   of   Victoria!”     Medusa   then   told   her   about   what   she   had   heard   during   the   night:     the   singing   and   the   abruptly   broken   off   scream.     The   other   beauties   heard   noise   outside   their   bedrooms   and   came   out   to   investigate.     Queen   Aisha   said,

“When   Zeus   and   his   celestial   army   came   down   to   our   kingdom   from   seventh   heaven   last   time,   we   survived   only   because   King   Dimitri   happened   to   be   here   to   divert   the   calamity.     Now   this   tragedy   happens.     How   will   I   be   able   to   shoulder   this   alone?”   All   the   beauties   were   silent.  

“Please   bring   me   King   Dimitri’s   magic   sword”   said   Queen   Aisha   turning   to   White   Fairy.

“What   do   you   need   the   sword   for?”   asked   White   Fairy   quite   mystified.

“Never   mind.     Just   get   it   for   me   please.”   replied   the   queen   tersely.

“Yes,   your   majesty”   said   White   Fairy,   walking   out   of   the   room   and   soon   came   back   with   King   Dimitri’s   sword   with   its   scabbard   studded   with   magnificent,   glittering,   multi-colored   gems.     Offering   it   to   Queen   Aisha   with   both   hands,   she   said,

  “Here   you   are,   your   majesty.”   Queen   Aisha   took   the   sword   and   hugged   it   to   her   breast,   taking   comfort   in   the   feeling   of   safety   offered   by   the   magic   weapon.   She   murmured,

  “So   long   as   the   sword   is   here,   it   is   as   if   King   Dimitri   is   here.”     Then   turning   to   Deanna,   she   said,   “Deanna!”

“Yes,   your   majesty.”

“Please   go   to   the   tribal   leaders   and   ask   them   to   divide   the   surface   of   the   lake   into   designated   sections   and   organize   the   people   to   row   to   these   areas   and   scoop   up   all   the   dead   fish.     Also,   send   a   group   of   warriors   to   Giant   Mountain   and   dig   huge   pits   near   the   iron-gilded   gold   palace   to   bury   the   fish.     If   left   unattended   to,   they   will   rot   under   the   heat   of   the   sun,   contaminate   the   air   and   water   and   spread   disease   to   the   human   population.”

“Yes,   your   majesty”   said   Deanna   and   turned   to   leave.

“Just   a   minute,   Deanna”   said   Queen   Aisha   “there’s   something   else.     Please   let   the   people   know   that   I   want   them   to   look   for   the   body   of   Victoria,   the   large,   white   fish.     Once   found,   they   are   to   take   good   care   not   to   damage   it   in   any   way   but   bring   it   to   the   palace.”

  “Oh   no!”   cried   Deanna   appalled,   only   then   realizing   what   had   happened   and   burst   into   tears.     She   thought   of   how   good   Victoria   had   been   to   her,   how   the   large   white   fish   gradually   showed   her   its   friendship   and   set   her   heart   at   ease   so   that   she   finally   dared   to   ride   on   its   back   to   the   deepest   part   of   the   lake   and   bring   back   that   large,   round   pearl.     She   remembered   its   bringing   her   back   safely   to   the   surface   of   the   lake.     It   was   a   round   trip   she   could   not   have   made   without   its   help.     Victoria’s   meritorious   service   to   the   Kingdom   could   not   be   forgotten.     Her   love   and   friendship   for   the   large,   white   fish   was   no   different   and   less   that   what   she   felt   for   the   other   beauties   of   the   palace.     Its   sudden   death   was   a   great   blow,   a   loss   she   could   not   cope   with,   Deanna   thought   sobbing.

“This   is   not   the   time   to   cry,   Deanna”   said   Queen   Aisha.     “Take   the   flying   horse   Lightning   and   be   on   your   way.”

“Yes,   your   majesty”   said   Deanna   and   left   with   tears   in   her   eyes   to   notify   the   tribal   chieftains.

After   Deanna   had   left,   another   girl   broke   out   in   tears,   crying   aloud   broken-heartedly.     It   was   naughty   girl   Dorna.     Like   Deanna,   she   thought   of   her   first   meeting   with   the   large   white   fish.     She   remembered   her   gentle   smile,   her   guileless   nature.     She   remembered   how   she   combed   Victoria’s   hair   and   taught   her   how   to   use   the   mirror.     She   remembered   Victoria’s   happy   and   surprised   smile   when   she   saw   her   own   reflection   in   the   mirror   for   the   first   time.     Unable   to   control   her   sorrow,   she   turned   to   leave   the   room   but   Queen   Aisha   called   her   back   saying,

“Stop   Dorna,   where   are   you   going?”

“I   only   want   to   go   to   the   side   of   the   lake   and   cry   for   my   dear   friend.”

“You   may   go   and   lament   your   friend,   but   only   to   the   nearest   lakeside.     Do   not   bring   your   magic   broom   with   you.     That’s   an   order!”

“Yes,   your   majesty”   replied   Dorna   respectfully,   fully   aware   that   these   were   unusual   times   and   so   did   not   behave   in   her   normal   coy   and   pampered   ways.     Queen   Aisha   sighed   and   said,

“Cyclops   in   hidden   away   in   these   forests   and   mountains,   while   we   are   in   the   open.     It   is   hard   to   be   prepared   for   everything   but   we   must   be   vigilant   against   his   surprise   attack.”

“I   will   choose   strong   young   warriors   from   the   tribes   to   defend   the   palace”   said   Medusa.   Queen   Aisha   nodded   silently.     In   the   rain,   another   massive   operation   was   launched   on   the   lake.     Hundreds   of   small   boats   were   busy   scooping   up   dead   fish   and   burying   them.

The   beauties   surrounded   their   queen   anxiously,   waiting   for   news,   not   daring   to   step   out   of   the   room.     They   were   waiting   to   hear   whether   Victoria   was   alive   or   dead.     Bad   news   finally   arrived:   Victoria’s   body   had   been   found   and   brought   back   to   the   palace.   She   was   laid   out   in   the   great   hall.     The   beauties   all   burst   into   tears   and   followed   Queen   Aisha   down   the   stairs.     They   saw   Victoria’s   body   lying   silently   on   the   ground   entangled   with   a   fishing   web.     Her   lower   body   was   still   bleeding.     Medusa’s   anger   knew   no   bounds.     Every   serpent   on   her   head   sprang   outwards   hissing   menacingly,   “There   can   be   no   doubt   that   this   is   Cyclops   doing!   When   I   see   him,   I   will   make   sure   he   atones   for   Victoria’s   life!”

“Quick!   Carry   out   my   orders”   said   Queen   Aisha   to   an   attendant.   “I   want   a   coffin   made   according   to   Victoria’s   measurements   as   soon   as   possible.”

“Yes,   your   majesty”   said   the   attendant   and   left   hurriedly.

“Victoria’s   name   was   given   to   her   by   King   Dimitri.     He   also   invited   her   to   come   and   live   in   the   palace.   She   can   be   considered   a   member   of   the   palace   and   we   should   give   her   a   royal   burial.     Do   you   all   agree?”     No   one   objected.     When   the   coffin   was   ready,   they   carefully   laid   Victoria’s   body   in   it.     Queen   Aisha   had   ordered   a   hole   be   dug   in   the   ground   behind   the   palace   and   that   was   where   they   went.     Queen   Aisha   led   the   procession.   Eleven   beauties:     Medusa,   Novella,   Elina,   Deanna,   Romi,   Lotus,   Chanelle,   Angelica,   Dorna,   Natalie   and   White   Fairy   carried   the   coffin,   while   dozens   of   palace   attendants   followed   behind.     They   softly   let   it   down   into   the   burial   site,   covered   it   up   with   soil   and   set   up   the   headstone.   On   it   was   written,“This   is   the   tomb   of   Victoria,   Mother   of   all   aquatic   life   in   the   Star   Moon   Lake.”   Queen   Aisha   and   the   beauties   stood   before   the   new   grave   in   silence.     Queen   Aisha   murmured,  

“Victoria,   in   life   you   wanted   so   much   to   be   able   to   come   on   land   and   live   with   us   in   the   palace.     Now   you   are   on   palace   ground.     We   will   be   with   you   day   and   night   so   you   won’t   be   lonely.     You   died   tragically,   but   do   not   let   revenge   grip   your   heart,   for   then   your   soul   would   not   be   able   to   rest   in   peace.     Be   at   ease,   King   Dimitri   will   avenge   you.     Rest   in   peace.”     She   led   the   beauties   in   bowing   three   times   before   the   tomb   and   concluded   the   simple   but   solemn   burial   amid   drizzling   rain.     They   then   went   back   to   the   great   hall.   Queen   Aisha   turned   to   White   Fairy   and   said,  

“Please   report   to   King   Dimitri   all   that   had   happened   here.     Cyclops   has   ripped   off   his   mask   and   started   his   plan   of   revenge.   I   think   it   is   expedient   to   send   the   beauties   to   seek   refuge   in   the   mundane   world   ahead   of   schedule.     Please   ask   King   Dimitri   if   it   is   feasible   to   do   so.”

“Yes,   your   majesty”   said   White   Fairy,   who   changed   into   a   puff   of   white   smoke   and   flew   away.

After   hearing   White   Fairy’s   report,   Dimitri   was   very   angry.

“What   Cyclops   did   have   really   enraged   both   heaven   and   earth.     Any   calamity   caused   by   heaven   can   be   overcome,   but   the   calamities   caused   by   human   wickedness   cannot   go   unpunished.     Cyclops   does   not   need   me   to   deal   with   him   because   he   will   surely   not   escape   the   wrath   of   heaven.”

“This   calamity   will   cause   great   turmoil   in   the   palace”   said   Megginn.     “Everyone   will   feel   insecure   and   fearful.”

“Yes,   that   is   true”   replied   White   Fairy.   “The   heavy   load   is   entirely   on   Queen   Aisha’s   shoulders.     She   carries   King   Dimitri’s   magic   sword   with   her   everywhere   at   all   times   to   gain   a   sense   of   calm   and   security.”

“Sending   the   beauties   back   to   the   mundane   world   ahead   of   schedule   is   the   right   decision”   said   Dimitri.   “Let   Novella   and   Elena   come   back   first.     They   have   established   homes   here.     I   know   for   a   fact   that   Novella’s   large   mansion   had   been   renovated   and   is   in   move-in   condition.     Elena   should   have   no   trouble   either.     As   to   Romi,   I   know   she   has   a   home   too,   but   she   had   only   just   returned   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     Let   her   stay   there   for   a   while   longer.”

“Then,   I’ll   go   back   and   report   to   Queen   Aisha”   said   White   Fairy.     Dimitri   nodded   and   White   Fairy   flew   into   the   night   skies   as   a   puff   of   smoke,   letting   the   sky   blue   dress   flutter   down   to   the   ground.     Mary   immediately   picked   it   up,   folded   it   and   put   it   away.

“Megginn”   said   Dimitri   “can   you   find   me   an   architect   or   designer   to   draw   up   plans   to   remodel   that   three   storey   house   next   door?     Since   all   the   other   beauties   in   the   Kingdom   would   be   gradually   coming   here   too,   we   need   more   bedrooms.”

“Leave   that   to   me”   said   Samantha.   “All   remodeling   and   designing   work   at   World   Bank,   whether   at   the   headquarters   or   at   any   of   the   branches,   are   all   handled   by   a   company   specializing   in   interior   decorating   and   design.     The   owner   of   the   business   used   to   be   a   famous   concert   pianist.     He   once   tried   to   kill   himself   in   public   using   a   gun   but   somehow   he   survived.     From   then   on,   he   gave   up   his   musical   career   because   it   brought   out   the   sadness   in   his   heart   and   reminded   him   of   bygone   days   he   preferred   to   forget.     He   became   an   interior   decorator   and   designer.     He   is   shrewd,   efficient   and   really   good   at   his   job.     Why   don’t   we   contact   him   and   have   him   submit   a   proposal?”

“Is   his   name   Ike?”   asked   Dimitri,   smiling.   Both   Samantha   and   Megginn   were   greatly   surprised.

“Do   you   know   him?”

“I   saw   him   once   outside   Elena’s   house.     He   is   her   ex-husband.     Well,   well.     It’s   a   small   world   after   all!   Alright   give   him   the   job.”

“I   have   another   idea”   said   Megginn.     “All   the   beauties   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   will   be   gradually   relocating   here.     So   many   beautiful,   young   women   coming   and   going   from   the   house   will   be   sure   to   arouse   curiosity   and   give   rise   to   speculations   and   gossip.     I   was   thinking,   why   don’t   we   call   it   a   boarding   house   for   women?     As   a   cover,   we   can   put   ads   in   the   newspapers   and   pay   a   real   estate   management   company   to   take   care   of   the   leasing   or   renting.   We   can   have   them   tell   people   who   call   to   inquire   that   all   rooms   have   been   taken.   Meanwhile,   we   apply   for   a   business   license   and   pay   taxes   on   it.     This   way,   everything   is   legal   and   won’t   arouse   suspicion.     What   do   you   think?”

“Good.     Good.     Very   appropriate.”   said   Dimitri   nodding.   He   then   asked,   “Are   you   two   going   home   or   staying   here?

“It’s   rather   late”   replied   Megginn   “and   we’re   dressed   like   this.     I   think   we   will   just   squeeze   together   here   for   the   night.”

“Good!     Good!”   cried   the   other   beauties,   who   hadn’t   been   together   with   them   recently   and   were   looking   forward   to   chatting   the   night   away.

“I   had   better   leave”   said   Laverne,   standing   up   to   go.     “Mark   is   at   home   alone.”   It   was   December   and   the   weather   had   turned   cold.     All   the   shelters   for   the   homeless   were   open.

“I   don’t   think   I   feel   like   walking   back   home   tonight   either”   said   Dimitri,   “so   I   will   stay   here   for   the   night   as   well.”     He   pulled   his   lounge   chair   into   the   workshop.     Then   he   thought   of   something   and   said   to   Yoko,   “Please   call   Richard   and   tell   them   not   to   wait   for   me   any   more.   I   won’t   be   going   back   to   the   apartment   tonight.     Ask   them   to   come   here   at   three   o’clock   tomorrow   and   we’ll   talk.”

Early   the   next   morning   soon   after   the   bakery   opened   for   business,   a   slender,   refined-looking   middle-aged   man   walked   in.   he   had   shoulder   length   blond   hair   and   a   diamond   ear-ring   on   his   left   ear.   His   long   eyebrows   had   been   plucked   and   lined   and   there   was   a   touch   of   lipstick   on   his   mouth.     He   was   dressed   casually   but   expensively,   exuding   an   artistic   but   feminine   charm.     He   stated   the   purpose   of   his   visit   and   handed   his   card   to   Mary.     It   was   Ike   Smith.     Mary   took   him   over   to   the   three-storey   building   next   door   and   showed   him   around.     Then   she   said   to   him,   “The   bakery   just   opened   so   I   have   a   lot   to   do   and   cannot   keep   you   company.     Feel   free   to   look   around.”     Ike   nodded   politely   and   let   her   leave.     He   put   his   laptop   on   the   table   and   took   out   his   notebook.     Walking   slowly   from   room   to   room,   he   carefully   examined   each   one   seeking   out   its   potential.   He   meticulously   measured   the   length,   width,   height   of   the   room   and   noted   it   down   on   his   notebook   together   with   his   thoughts   and   ideas   of   what   could   be   done   to   improve   it.   He   had   suggested   to   the   owner   that   remodeling   such   an   old   building   from   top   to   bottom   was   not   cost   expedient,   but   she   insisted   on   having   her   way   and   told   him   expense   was   not   an   issue.     So   here   he   was   to   give   new   life   to   an   old   and   run   down   80   year   old   building.   He   knew   the   building   was   to   be   used   by   young   women,   so   he   decided   that   the   texture   and   color   of   the   materials   chosen   should   be   soothing,   delicate   and   dainty.     He   had   transferred   his   musical   genius   to   the   world   of   interior   decorating   and   design   and   his   ideas   were   original   and   innovative.   He   was   as   efficient   as   Samantha   had   said.     In   no   time,   he   was   at   his   laptop   making   rough   graphics   and   diagrams   of   his   ideas   for   remodeling   the   old   house.     Then   he   typed   up   a   list   of   materials   he   would   need,   their   unit   price,   amount   needed   and   finally   the   total   cost   for   materials.   After   that   was   an   estimate   of   hours   of   workmanship   required   and   his   fee   for   designing   and   overseeing   the   whole   project.   He   immediately   e-mailed   it   from   his   computer   to   Megginn   and   Samantha   at   World   Bank,   who   were   very   satisfied   with   his   design.     They   called   Dimitri   about   it.     On   his   part,   Dimitri   trusted   he   taste   and   judgment   of   these   two   extremely   talented   members   of   his   Kingdom   and   was   very   proud   of   them.     He   gave   them   the   green   light   to   go   ahead   at   full   speed.

Around   1   p.m.,   two   trucks   stopped   at   the   back   door   of   the   bakery.   Workmen   unloaded   and   stacked   these   materials   for   remodeling   the   old   house   in   the   backyards   of   the   two   buildings.   They   proceeded   to   rip   out   the   existing   interior,   including   curtains,   carpets,   partitions   and   even   ceilings.   They   cut   up   the   large,   cumbersome   parts   and   loaded   everything   onto   the   two   empty   trucks   to   haul   them   away   to   the   dumpsite.   Brand   new   design,   brand   new   styling   and   decoration   were   sure   to   bring   new   life   to   the   old   building   and   give   it   a   face-lift   that   would   amaze   and   astonish   all   beholders.     Seven,   eight   top   notch   artisans   were   hard   at   work.     Some   were   taking   measurements   of   everything   from   curtains,   walls,   ceiling,   windows   and   floors.   Electricians   were   examining   the   ancient   electrical   wires   which   had   been   in   use   for   decades   and   would   need   to   be   replaced.     Plumbers   brought   in   shining   crystal   bath   fixtures,   elaborately   carved   and   etched.     The   designer   wanted   to   make   the   apartment   into   a   world   of   crystal,   so   the   bathtubs,   basins   and   even   the   toilets   were   made   of   that   material.

At   three   o’clock   sharp   when   work   at   the   bakery   was   just   winding   down,   Mr.   Kaffee,   Big-O,   Richard   and   Jamaz   arrived.     The   old   dwarf   Micky   of   course   also   tagged   along   as   he   would   never   willingly   miss   any   exciting   gathering.     Dimitri   led   everyone   to   the   yard   next   door   and   told   them   of   his   plan.     Mr.   Kaffee   brought   over   a   chair   for   Dimitri   and   then   he   and   Big   O   stood   behind   the   chair.   The   old   dwarf   found   a   low   stool   somewhere,   put   it   right   next   to   Dimitri’s   chair   and   sat   down   next   to   him.     Dimitri   bent   down   to   the   dwarf   and   asked,

“You   said   we   have   known   each   other   for   ages.     Can   you   tell   me   your   name?”

“They   call   me   old   dwarf   Micky.     I   like   the   name.     You   can   call   me   Dwarf   Micky,   but   don’t   add   ‘old’   to   it.     I   hate   the   word   old.”

“Good!     Dwarf   Micky   it   is   then.     From   now   on   I   will   call   you   Dwarf   Micky.”

“I   like   that   name!”     laughed   the   dwarf.     “I   really   love   that   name.     I   really,   really   love   that   name   very,   very,   very   much!”   he   chanted   while   clapping   his   hands,   stamping   his   feet   and   nodding   his   head   incessantly.     His   earnest   and   comical   expressions   and   gestures   and   irrationally   emotional   outbursts   caused   Dimitri   and   his   friends   to   burst   into   laughter.     Dwarf   Micky’s   bright   eyes   rolled   around   everywhere   and   showed   great   interest   in   the   work   of   the   seven   or   eight   skilled   workmen.     Richard   knew   quite   a   bit   about   electricity   and   was   soon   drawn   to   the   crew   rewiring   the   house.     He   talked   shop   with   them   in   gusto   and   even   joined   in   their   work.     Jamaz   however,   was   not   a   good   handyman,   so   he   went   to   help   carry   the   materials.     Very   much   impressed   with   their   expertise,   Dwarf   Micky   took   out   a   wad   of   hundred   dollar   bills   and   walked   into   the   house   saying,

  “Hey   guys!     Good   work!     Good   work!”     He   went   about   giving   out   cash,   pressing   hundred   dollar   bills   into   the   hands   of   every   worker   in   the   room   saying,

“Go   buy   some   wine.”     When   he   came   to   Ike,   the   designer,   he   still   had   half   the   wad   of   cash   left.     He   went   over   to   him   and   said,  

“Are   you   the   headman   here?     You   are   a   good   man   and   good-looking,   too.     Only   I   don’t   know   whether   you   are   a   man   or   a   woman.   But   it   doesn’t   matter.     Take   all   this.     It’s   all   yours.”     Ike   was   taken   aback   and   didn’t   know   whether   to   accept   the   money   or   not.    

“It’s   OK.   Take   it”   said   Dwarf   Micky.     “It’s   a   bonus   from   the   boss”   pointing   to   the   backyard.   Ike   looked   out   and   saw   Dimitri   sitting   in   the   yard   wearing   old   clothes,   an   olive-colored   safari   hat   and   holding   a   white   cane   in   his   hand,   evidently   a   blind   man.  

“Could   he   be   the   boss/”   he   wondered.     An   older   man   around   sixty   years   old   in   a   grey   suit   who   stood   behind   Dimitri   smiled   at   him   and   nodded   his   head,   indicating   it   was   alright   to   take   the   money.     That   man   looked   like   a   big   shot.     Ike   put   the   money   in   his   pocket   and   took   a   step   forward   intending   to   go   over   and   thank   Dimitri.     But   the   older   man   shook   his   head   as   if   to   say,   “Don’t   come   over.     It’s   not   necessary.”     Ike   stopped.     Mr.   Kaffee   bent   down   and   said   to   Dimitri.  

“That   designer   Ike   wanted   to   come   over   and   thank   you.     I   signaled   him   not   to   do   so.”     Dimitri   nodded.     Stimulated   by   the   generosity   of   their   boss,   the   workers   worked   on   even   more   energetically.     Just   hen,   Richard   came   down   to   them   saying,  

“Yoko   called   just   now   to   tell   me   some   ruffians   and   thugs   just   went   into   the   bakery   demanding   protection   money.     They   threatened   to   trash   the   store   if   we   didn’t   pay   up.     Amalia   is   now   engaged   in   a   shouting   match   with   them.”

“I’ll   go”   said   Dimitri   standing   up,   greatly   alarmed.

“No.   No.   Sit   down   Dimitri.     Don’t   be   alarmed.   Let   Big   O   take   care   of   such   small   incidents.”   He   looked   meaningfully   at   Big   O,   who   went   out   through   the   back   door.

Big   O   stood   outside   the   doorway   of   the   bakery   and   saw   some   thugs   shouting   threats   and   obscenities   and   seemed   about   to   trash   the   bakery.     Putting   both   hands   at   his   waist   he   shouted

                      “”What   son-of-a-bitches   dare   to   come   here   and   cause   trouble?     Scram   out   here   all   of   you.”

The   thugs   were   having   the   time   of   their   lives   all   pumped   up   to   go   on   a   spree   of   destruction   and   intimidation.   So   they   were   none   too   please   to   find   that   someone   dared   to   sop   their   fun.     All   that   indignation   and   anger   were   directed   at   the   interloper   who   dared   to   meddle   in   their   affairs.   Rushing   out   of   the   bakery   they   surrounded   Big   O.     One   of   them   pointed   his   finger   at   Big   O   shouting,  

                        “How   dare   you   come   and   butt   in   on   our   business,   you   bald-headed   monk   who   should   be   prying   in   your   temple.”     Saying   so,   his   fisted   arm   shot   out   to   hit   Big   O   on   the   face.     Big   O   calmly   used   his   left   arm   to   deflect   his   opponent’s   right   fist,   took   half   a   step   forward   and   used   his   right   fist   to   hit   him   right   at   the   center   of   his   heart.     The   thug   groaned   and   fell   back   several   steps   before   falling   to   the   ground.     His   hands   clutched   at   his   chest   and   he   rolled   on   the   ground   in   agony.     The   other   three   realized   things   weren’t   looking   good,   so   they   took   out   the   knives   they   had   their   concealed   in   their   boots   and   prepared   for   battle.     Big   O   slowly   untied   the   belt   around   his   monk’s   habit,   threw   it   on   the   ground   and   stood   there   bare-chested,   with   both   arms   folded   before   him   waiting   to   fight.     The   three   thugs   stared   unbelievingly   at   the   tattoo   of   the   head   of   a   red   ox   on   Big   O’s   chest   and   tottered   back   several   steps   trembling   and   stuttering,

“   are   Big   O!!!”     Big   O’s   infamous   reputation   as   the   #1   cold-blooded   killer   of   the   underworld,   who   had   assassinated   so   many   people   that   he   himself   had   lost   count,   was   still   legend   and   being   bandied   about   on   the   streets.     Seeing   him   in   person   scared   these   Mafia   ‘wanna   bes”   so   much   they   stood   quaking   before   him.

“I   see   that   you   have   heard   of   me,”   said   Big   O   coldly.   “So   you   must   be   familiar   with   my   favorite   way   of   killing.     Whoever   is   not   afraid   to   die   can   experience   for   himself   how   it   feel   to   have   his   neck   broken   by   hand.”

“No.     No.     No...     We   do   not   dare”   said   the   three   thugs.     They   picked   up   their   fallen   comrade   and   ran   from   sight.     Big   O   pulled   on   his   habit,   tied   it   with   his   belt   and   walked   into   the   bakery   saying,

“Don’t   be   afraid.     I   don’t   think   they   will   dare   to   come   back   any   more.”     The   beauties   who   had   all   gathered   to   view   the   confrontation   clapped   their   hands.     Mary   and   Sheila   had   once   been   abducted   by   Big   O,   but   were   lucky   enough   to   be   saved   by   Richard   and   Jamaz.     They   had   heard   that   he   repented   and   had   become   a   monk,   spending   his   time   in   prayer   in   a   small   temple   by   the   lake,   so   they   were   not   afraid   of   him   any   more.     They   gave   him   thumbs   up   and   said,

                        “You   were   great!”

“You   are   wonderful!”     Big   O   was   abashed.     He   blushed   furiously   and   went   to   report   to   Mr.   Kaffee   “Mission   Accomplished”!

When   Dimitri   heard   Mr.   Kaffee’s   report   that   the   incident   had   been   peacefully   resolved,   he   nodded   and   said   sorrowfully,  

“On   the   surface,   everything   in   this   society   seems   calm   and   peaceful,   but   actually   there   are   thugs   and   ruffians   who   prey   and   bully   the   weak   and   the   innocent.     It   is   the   same   everywhere.     All   the   crows   in   the   world   are   black.     Even   in   my   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   there   is   this   super   villain   Cyclops.     Is   violence   the   only   way   to   solve   problems   in   this   society?     Can   violence   only   be   subdued   by   violence?”     Dimitri   sighed   and   shook   his   head.     Daylight   was   short   in   winter   and   by   five   o’clock   it   was   already   dark.     The   workers   were   collecting   their   tools   ready   to   leave   for   the   day.     Just   then,   Richard   rushed   over   saying,

  “Dimitri!     Yoko   called   again   to   say   there   are   two   VIPs   to   see   you   and   wants   you   to   go   over   as   soon   as   possible.”

“Ah!     I   know   who   these   two   people   are”   exclaimed   Dimitri.     “That   was   fast!”     He   stood   up   to   go.     Knowing   Dimitri   had   guests   waiting,   his   friends   all   took   their   leave.  

“All   is   well   here   so   we   can   just   leave   these   workers   to   do   their   work.     If   you   guys   are   free,   come   to   my   apartment   at   night   and   we   can   eat,   drink,   talk   and   be   merry.”     With   that,   everyone   went   on   their   way.

Just   as   Dimitri   had   surmised,   the   newcomers   were   Novella   and   Elena;   but   he   had   not   expected   them   to   arrive   so   soon.     That   day,   Novella   woke   up   from   her   nap   still   feeling   groggy.     Opening   drowsy   eyes,   thoughts   still   on   her   dreams,   she   found   herself   back   in   her   huge,   ancient   mansion.     The   carpets   and   drapes   had   been   changed   and   the   walls   had   been   repainted,   but   the   same   expensive   paintings   hung   there.   She   looked   out   of   the   windows   and   saw   it   was   winter.     The   trees   and   shrubs   were   bare,   but   the   branches   had   been   professionally   pruned   and   trimmed.     The   grounds   were   well-kept,   with   not   a   single   fallen   leaf   left   behind.     She   suddenly   thought   of   the   dream   she   just   had,   where   she   lived   in   a   wonderful,   magnificent   palace.     There,   the   four   seasons   were   not   limited   to   following   each   other   in   the   normal   sequence,   but   could   be   altered   at   will.

“If   it   were   spring   now,   how   wonderful   that   would   be!”   she   thought.     No   sooner   had   the   thought   come   to   her   mind,   than   the   scene   in   her   garden   changed   dramatically.     Green   grass   sprang   up   on   the   lawn,   trees   and   shrubs   burst   into   leaf   and   multi-colored   flowers   bloomed   profusely   everywhere.     What   is   this   if   not   spring?     She   remembered   her   sisters   in   the   palace   including   her   cousin   Elena,   the   beautiful   and   elegant   Queen   Aisha   and   the   brave,   resolute   but   also   gentle   and   romantic   King   Dimitri.  

  “Do   these   people   exist   only   in   my   dreams   and   vanish   like   bubbles   in   real   life?”   she   wondered.     “No,   if   they   were   only   illusive   dreams,   how   can   I   explain   this   unseasonable   spring   scene   before   me,   so   exuberant   and   luxuriant?     Why   don’t   I   call   Elena   and   see   if   she   had   the   same   dream   as   I   did;   if   she   too   was   a   member   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.   This   way   I   will   know   the   truth   for   sure.”   Novella   stood   up   from   her   chair,   only   then   realizing   that   she   had   been   sitting   on   her   husband,   Mr.   Silkies   rocking   chair.     Her   memory   started   coming   back.     After   her   husband’s   death,   she   wanted   to   sell   this   large   old   mansion   and   its   spacious   gardens,   too   large   for   her   simple   needs,   but   because   it   was   widely   rumored   to   be   haunted   by   the   ghost   of   her   late   husband,   she   could   not   find   a   buyer.     Novella   smiled.   Her   once   tormented   heart   was   full   of   brightness,   serenity   and   goodness.    

“There   is   no   such   thing   as   ghosts   and   goblins   in   this   world”   she   thought.   “These   rumors   are   completely   unfounded.”     She   walked   over   to   the   telephone   to   call   her   cousin,   Elena.

Warm   winter   sunshine   filtered   in   through   cracks   of   the   white   velvet   curtains   onto   the   purple   carpet   of   the   quiet,   comfortable   room,   which   was   permeated   with   a   special   female   fragrance.     Ivory-like   white   feet   with   nails   painted   bright   red   lay   curled   on   the   comfortable   sofa.     She   had   on   a   pair   of   dark   grey   pants   and   a   black   turtleneck   sweater.     Her   golden   hair   was   spread   out   on   the   cushion.     A   novel   lay   open   on   her   abdomen;   apparently   she   had   fallen   asleep   while   reading.     Slight   vibrations   woke   her   from   her   nap.     Taking   the   cell   phone   out   of   her   pocket,   she   opened   it   and   said   sleepily,  

“Hello.   This   is   Elena.   Who’s   calling...Oh   hi,   Novella,   how   are   you...I   wasn’t   doing   anything   special.     I   was   reading   on   the   couch   and   must   have   dozed   off   somehow.     I   don’t   know   how   long   I   slept...Yes;   I   did   have   a   dream...You   too...Really?   Tell   me   about   it...”   Elena   raised   her   hand   to   her   mouth,   preparing   to   stretch   and   yawn   as   her   cousin   on   the   other   side   of   the   phone   chatted   on   fast   and   excitedly,   describing   of   her   dream.     The   hand   stopped   midway;   her   stretch   froze   and   the   yawn   was   literally   swallowed.     All   signs   of   drowsiness   were   wiped   from   her   eyes,   which   stared   unseeingly   ahead.     Her   whole   body   stiffened.  

  “Go   on,   go   on...It   was   a   mysterious,   magnificent   palace...Yes,   the   queen   was   beautiful   and   elegant.     Her   name   was...Aisha,   I   think...The   king?   Yes...Yes...he   was   brave   and   resolute   but   also   gentle   and   romantic...Dimitri?   Yes,   yes.   That   was   his   name...24   beauties?   Yes,   yes...Hey,   I   remember   you   were   one   of   them...Yah;   I   was   one,   too...   But   Novella,   how   could   we   possibly   have   had   the   same   identical   dream?     That’s...Yes,   there   is   a   lot   we   need   to   talk   over...What?     You   want   to   investigate   to   see   if   that   dream   was   real...Good   suggestion.     I   think   we   can   do   that...Yes,   in   fact   I   think   I   can   offer   some   clues...Good.   I’ll   be   right   over.     You   get   ready!”     Elena   ended   her   conversation   and   sat   up.     She   took   a   few   minutes   to   compose   herself   before   walking   to   the   bathroom   to   wash   her   face   with   cold   water   and   run   a   brush   through   her   misty   golden   hair.     Then   picking   up   an   overcoat   of   the   same   color   as   her   pants   and   stepping   into   walking   shoes,   she   was   on   her   way.     A   beautiful   woman   does   not   need   extensive   administrations   to   bring   out   her   innate   natural   charm.

Elena’s   white   Cadillac   slowed   down   on   the   driveway   of   the   Silkies’   estate.     She   had   barely   come   to   a   stop   by   the   front   door   and   had   not   even   turned   off   the   engine   when   Novella   hurried   out   wearing   dark   grey   slacks,   overcoat   and   walking   shoes.     The   two   of   them   were   dressed   identically   without   prearrangement.     No   wonder   they   had   the   same   strange   dream.     Novella   jumped   into   the   car.     Elena   stepped   gently   on   the   gas   and   made   a   slow   turn   around   the   circular   water   fountain   in   the   middle   of   the   garden   before   driving   off   the   way   she   came.   The   car   came   to   the   classical   iron   gate   where   the   hunched   figure   of   Old   John   awaited.     He   was   an   old   man,   over   ninety   years   old,   whom   Novella   affectionately   called   ‘grandpa’.     His   family   had   been   retainers   for   the   Silkies   family   for   three   generations.     As   the   car   drove   past   the   stooped   figure   of   the   faithful   old   servant,   Novella   rolled   down   her   window   and   blew   him   a   kiss.     The   90-year-old   gatekeeper   bowed   respectfully   and   watched   his   young   mistress’   car   drive   off   before   closing   the   iron   gates.

As   Elena   drove   on   the   streets   around   the   lake,   Novella   asked,  

“Over   the   phone,   you   said   our   dream   can   be   traced.   Does   that   mean   you   may   have   some   clues?”

“Well,   it’s   not   really   a   clue...”   replied   Elena   after   a   moment   of   silence,   “but   I   seem   to   remember   people   in   the   palace   saying   that   King   Dimitri   had   already   taken   an   advance   group   of   sisters   to   the   mundane   world   and   that   they   had   set   up   shop   at   a   place   called   “Dream-maker’s   Bakery..     I   think   the   location   is   somewhere   around   the   lake,   not   far   from   here.     If   we   could   find   the   place,   it   would   prove   that   our   dream   was   not   without   foundation.     What   do   you   think?”

“Right.     Right”   said   Novella   excitedly.     “It’s   so   clever   of   you   to   think   of   the   bakery.     I   completely   slipped   my   mind!”

“You   can   help   by   looking   carefully   at   the   signs   of   the   shops   and   see   if   we   can   find   our   target.”   Just   then,   both   their   eyes   lighted   on   an   inconspicuous   sign   across   the   street   saying,”   Dream-Maker’s   Bakery”.   Novella   pointed   at   the   sign   saying,  

“Look!     Look!     The   bakery.     It   exists!”

“Sh-sh”   cautioned   Elena,   parking   her   car.     “Not   so   loud!”   The   two   of   them   got   out   of   the   car   and   walked   carefully   towards   the   bakery   across   the   street,   as   if   afraid   to   wake   from   another   dream.

Inside   the   bakery,   Sheila,   Mary,   Yoko,   Marcelena,   Laverne   and   Mark   were   chatting   with   Amalia.     They   were   talking   animatedly   about   what   just   happened   that   afternoon   when   Big-O   knocked   down   a   thug   in   one   blow   and   the   other   three   just   slunk   away   tremblingly   on   hearing   his   name.     Amalia   found   it   extremely   satisfying   and   laughed,  

“Ha-ha-ha-ha!     It   was   great!   That   big   monk.     I   like   him.     Those   violent   thugs   and   hooligans   who   were   so   fierce   and   vicious   became   tame   as   a   mouse   before   him   and   just   turned   tail   and   ran.     Oh,   that   made   me   feel   so-o-o-o   good!     Go   tell   Dimitri   I   want   the   big   monk   for   my   godson.”     Just   then   two   beautiful   women,   slender,   elegant   and   graceful,   walked   into   the   bakery.   They   were   strangers   and   yet   looked   familiar.     Time   seemed   to   stop   as   everyone   stared   at   each   other.     It   was   Yoko   who   spoke   up,  

Are   you   Elena   and   Novella?”The   two   nodded   and   everyone   realized   they   were   all   members   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.   Now   they   meet   again   in   the   mundane   world   as   if   in   another   life.   Those   behind   the   counter   came   out   and   everyone   hugged   and   kissed   the   newcomers.     Yoko   called   Richard   to   ask   him   to   come   back   to   the   bakery.

Dimitri   hurried   over   through   the   backyard.     No   sooner   had   he   stepped   into   the   workroom   than   two   young   women   threw   themselves   into   his   arms.     Though   he   could   not   see   them,   Dimitri’s   intensified   sense   of   smell   told   him   who   they   were.     He   pulled   them   down   to   sit   with   him   asking,  

“Is   that   Elena   and   Novella?”


“Tell   me   how   it’s   going   in   the   Kingdom.”

“When   we   came   back”   said   Elena,   “it   was   still   calm.     It’s   a   pity   that   all   living   things   in   the   crystal   clear   blue   waters   of   Star   Moon   Lake   had   died,   leaving   it   a   lifeless   pool   of   dead   water.”

“What   is   worse”   continued   Novella,   Cyclops   raped   and   killed   Victoria.”     Dimitri’s   hands   clenched   angrily   into   fists   so   tightly   that   his   nails   bit   deep   into   his   flesh.

“Heaven   will   punish   him,”   he   said.     “Heaven   will   punish   him.”   Megan   and   Samantha   hurried   in   still   wearing   their   taxi   driver   uniforms.     Sensing   the   gloomy   atmosphere   in   the   room   and   seeing   the   expressions   of   sadness   and   anger   on   their   faces,   Megginn   tried   to   cheer   everyone   up   saying,

  “Welcome!     Welcome   back   to   the   fold   Elena   and   Novella.     You   know   what?     Whenever   someone   comes   back   here,   we   always   hold   a   party   to   welcome   them.     Today   there   are   two   of   you   we   must   double   our   efforts.     But   there   are   a   lot   of   us   here   now   and   the   premises   are   getting   cramped.     The   house   next   door   is   bigger,   bit   it’s   being   remodeled   with   tools   and   materials   scattered   everywhere.     What   shall   we   do?”

“Why   not   come   to   my   place?”   said   Novella.     “My   house   has   recently   been   remodeled   and   it   is   quite   spacious.     Let’s   go   there   and   party!”     Everyone   thought   it   a   good   idea   and   clapped   their   hands   in   glee.     Sheila   and   Mary   stood   up.

“The   two   of   us   will   go   and   get   some   food   for   the   party.     See   you   all   there”   they   said   and   hurried   out.     Elena   and   Novella   also   stood   up   to   leave.

“We   will   go   back   and   get   the   house   ready.     We   will   see   that   there   are   enough   plates,   cups   utensils   and   of   course   wine.”

“Samantha   and   I   drove   here   separately”   said   Megginn.     “The   rest   of   you   can   pile   into   our   two   cars   and   we   will   drive   you   there.   But   I   think   we   had   better   not   leave   all   at   once   so   as   not   to   arouse   the   curiosity   of   the   neighbors.”     So   they   left   the   bakery   at   different   intervals.     Mark   pulled   down   the   security   iron   gate   and   Laverne   went   all   over   the   house   to   make   sure   that   all   doors   and   windows   were   secured.     The   two   of   them   were   the   last   to   leave.

Two   rectangular   tables,   spread   with   snow   white   table   cloth   were   set   up   in   the   spacious   dining   room.     Dark   red   wine   filled   the   tall   crystal   glasses   and   silver   knives,   forks   and   spoons   gleamed   under   the   candlelight.     Another   table   was   laden   with   food,   mostly   seafood,   greens,   salad   and   fruit   for   ladies   tend   to   limit   their   food   intake   in   order   to   keep   their   curvaceous   figures.     After   Dimitri   returned   to   the   mundane   world,   his   eyes   were   again   blind,   so   his   hostess   Novella   led   him   to   his   place   at   the   head   of   the   table   and   offered   him   a   plate   of   food.     When   the   sound   of   moving   footsteps   ceased,   Dimitri   knew   that   everyone   was   seated.     He   held   up   his   wine   glass   and   toasted   to   their   reunion.     The   food   on   his   plate   had   thoughtfully   been   cut   into   bite-size   pieces   for   him,   which   he   could   easily   eat   with   his   fork.     Sometimes,   he   would   use   his   finger   to   touch   the   food   to   know   where   they   were.     He   kept   a   smile   on   his   ace   and   every   now   and   then   would   hold   up   his   wine   glass   and   offer   a   toast,   but   everyone   could   see   his   heart   was   not   in   it,   that   behind   his   smile   was   deep   concern   and   worry   about   the   enormous   crisis   facing   his   Kingdom.     The   beauties   lowered   their   voices   in   consideration   and   only   fragments   of   conversation   could   be   heard   in   the   spacious   dining   room.     Megginn   and   Samantha   tried   to   lighten   the   mood   and   cracked   some   jokes,   hoping   to   draw   them   out   into   conversation.     But   the   laughter   that   broke   out   soon   died   out   into   silence.     After   a   few   tries,   the   two   of   them   gave   up.     Just   then,   Yoko’s   cell   phone   rang.

“Yes,   this   is   Yoko.     Who’s   calling   please...oh,   Richard,   how   are   you...Dimitri?     Yes,   he   is   here.     We’re   having   dinner...really?”     On   the   other   side   of   the   phone   Richard   was   saying,

“Jamaz   and   I   were   patrolling   the   area   around   the   bakery   in   our   truck   when   we   saw   a   woman   in   a   dark   purple   suit,   standing   by   the   back   door.     We   watched   her   for   a   while   but   she   did   not   move   away   from   the   shadows,   so   we   walked   over   to   question   her.     We   discovered   she   was   Romi   and   offered   to   drive   her   to   Dimitri,   but   she   insisted   on   talking   to   him   first   before   she   would   get   into   our   car.     She   was   highly   on   her   guard   and   didn’t   seem   to   trust   us.     Could   you   ask   Dimitri   to   talk   to   her?”

“Of   course.     We   didn’t   expect   her   back   so   soon.”     Yoko   handed   her   phone   to   Dimitri.

“Hi   Richard,   this   is   Dimitri.     Let   me   talk   to   Romi.     Romi?     That   was   fast.     We   didn’t   expect   you   so   soon.   I’ll   ask   Richard   and   Jamaz   to   bring   you   over   here.     He   knows   the   place...What?   An   emergency?     You   have   something   important   to   tell   me?     Ask   them   to   bring   you   over   at   once.     See   you   later.”     Dimitri   closed   the   cell   phone,   his   expression   solemn   and   puzzled,   wondering   what   could   have   happened   in   the   Kingdom.     A   short   time   later,   the   maid   came   into   the   dining   room   and   said   to   Novella,

  “Madame,   Old   John   called   from   the   front   gate   and   said   a   man   called   Richard   drove   a   lady   called   Romi   here.     She   said   she   is   a   friend   of   yours...”

“Yes,   yes”   said   Novella   interrupting   the   maid   before   she   could   finish.   “Ask   Old   John   to   let   them   in.     They   are   my   friends.”  

Saying   so,   she   hurried   to   the   front   door   to   welcome   her   guest   as   she   was   the   hostess   and   owner   of   the   house.     The   beauties   followed   her.     At   the   front   gate,   car   lights   flashed   and   a   small   truck   drove   up   to   the   front   door.     Richard   jumped   out   and   went   to   the   passenger   side   to   open   the   door   for   Romi.     This   dilapidated   truck   could   only   seat   two   persons,   so   Jamaz   stayed   behind.     Novella   kissed   and   hugged   Romi   and   the   beauties   came   forward   to   welcome   her.     They   all   crowded   around   her   and   walked   her   into   the   house.     Yoko   smiled   at   Richard   and   gave   him   a   thumb   up,   praising   him   for   a   job   well   done.     Richard   nodded   at   her,   smiling.     Then   he   jumped   into   the   van,   circled   the   water   fountain   and   drove   off   quickly   the   way   he   came.  

Novella   led   Romi   to   the   chair   beside   Dimitri   so   she   could   tell   him   about   the   emergency.     She   handed   her   a   glass   of   wine   saying,

“   Come,   drink   some   wine   and   sooth   your   nerves.”

“You   have   come   a   long   way   and   must   be   very   hungry”   said   Dimitri.     “Have   something   to   eat   first.     What   you   have   to   say   can   wait   a   while.     Don’t   hurry.”   Romi   took   a   large   gulp   of   her   wine,   took   up   her   knife   and   fork   and   quickly   began   to   eat.     When   Dimitri   heard   the   sound   of   silverware   clink   on   her   plate,   he   knew   she   was   done,   so   he   said,

“Good.     Let’s   hear   what   you   have   to   say.     Slowly.     Don’t   hurry.”   Romi   drank   another   mouthful   of   wine.  

“These   last   few   days”   she   said,   “Medusa   discovered   new   movements   on   the   part   of   Cyclops...”

“Elena   and   I   just   came   back   from   the   Kingdom   this   afternoon”   interrupted   Elena.   “How   come   it’s   been   a   few   days   in   the   Kingdom?”

“Time   passes   at   different   speeds   in   different   spaces”   explained   Dimitri.   “That’s   understandable.     Go   on   Romi.”

“Recently   there   has   been   a   woman   by   Cyclops   side.     She   is   extremely   beautiful,   but   also   seductive   and   sexy.     Her   whole   body   gives   out   an   air   of   wild   abandonment.     Cyclops   is   completely   bewitched   by   her   and   eager   to   obey   her   every   wish.     This   woman   is   more   calculating   than   the   former   Eileen.     She   made   use   of   Cyclops’   immense   strength   to   conquer   the   barbarian   tribes.   If   anyone   dares   to   refuse   to   surrender,   Cyclops   would   gouge   out   their   eyes   or   cut   out   their   tongue.     When   he   was   in   a   bad   mood,   he   would   cut   open   their   chest   and   tear   out   their   heart,   liver   and   intestines.     These   tortures   appealed   greatly   to   Cyclops’   cruel   and   sadistic   nature,   so   cowed   by   his   brutality,   the   people   of   the   barbarian   tribes   were   completely   obedient   to   this   woman.     In   fact,   all   the   barbarian   tribes   have   been   consolidated   into   a   kingdom   with   their   spearhead   directed   at   us...”     Romi   took   up   her   fork   and   ate   some   more   of   the   food   on   her   plate   and   then   drank   some   wine.   Then   she   continued,   “No   one   knows   where   this   woman   came   from   or   anything   about   her.     She   came   neither   from   the   barbarian   tribes   nor   from   any   of   the   tribes   in   our   Kingdom.   From   her   appearance   we   know   she   is   partly   of   Caucasian   descent.     She   seemed   to   be   very   much   interested   in   the   iron-coated   gold   palace   and   was   often   show   up   and   disappear   there   with   Cyclops.     The   reason   I   say   she   is   worse   and   more   calculating   than   Eileen   is   because   she   is   extremely   observant   and   scheming.     Our   White   Fairy   was   trapped   and   almost   captured   by   her...”

“What?”   exclaimed   the   beauties   in   surprise   and   horror.     Even   Dimitri   was   jolted   out   of   his   composure.   He   said,

  “Please   go   on,   Romi.     What   happened?”

“That   observant   woman   must   have   noticed   that   a   white   lily   blooming   out   of   season   was   often   seen   nearby   when   she   was   talking   to   Cyclops.     But   she   did   not   let   on   that   she   was   aware   of   it.     She   took   a   long   stick   and   made   a   butterfly   net   using   some   cloth.     One   day   she   and   Cyclops   were   ostentatiously   sitting   on   a   bare   hilltop   just   for   the   purpose   of   luring   White   Fairy   into   a   trap,   but,   White   Fairy,   who   had   no   inkling   that   she   had   been   discovered,   appeared   in   the   nearby   grass   to   eavesdrop   on   their   conversation.     The   woman   stood   up   as   if   to   stretch   and   stroll   around,   but   when   she   came   to   the   place   where   the   white   lily   was   blooming,   she   suddenly   took   out   her   net   and   swooped   down,   trapping   White   Fairy   inside   the   cloth   net.”     Dimitri   hit   his   hand   on   the   table   and   stood   up   asking,  

“What   happened   next?”

“Just   as   they   drew   the   opening   of   the   net   together   to   tie   it   with   a   rope,   Medusa   arrived   in   time.     She   swooped   down   and   attacked   them   again   and   again.   Cyclops   was   at   a   disadvantage   because   he   wanted   to   protect   the   woman   from   being   hurt   by   Medusa.     So   he   fought   and   retreated   at   the   same   time   and   managed   to   escape.     That   was   how   White   Fairy   was   saved.”     Dimitri   let   out   of   pent   up   breathe   and   sat   down.     Romi   continued,

“   White   Fairy   heard   Cyclops   call   the   woman   Viola.     They   were   talking   about   how   to   take   their   newly   formed   army   to   the   iron-coated   gold   palace,   now   a   pile   of   rusted   iron.   She   wondered   what   they   wanted   to   do   there.     Queen   Aisha   wanted   me   to   come   and   report   to   you.”

“Don’t   forget   that   under   that   pile   of   rusty   iron   is   a   solid   gold   palace”   said   Dimitri.     If   the   barbarian   tribes   are   here   only   for   the   gold,   let   them   be.     Let   us   continue   to   observe   them   and   see   what   they   will   do.     I   think   this   woman   called   Viola   not   only   wants   the   gold.     She   is   ambitious   and   may   want   to   swallow   up   our   Kingdom   of   Dreams   entirely...”     After   Dimitri   finished   speaking,   the   dining   room   again   lapsed   into   silence.     Just   then,   Yoko’s   phone   rang   again.

“Yes?   I’m   Yoko...Oh   Richard...Yes;   of   course...we   are   having   dinner.     Just   a   moment   please...”     She   walked   over   to   Dimitri   and   gave   him   her   phone   saying,  

“Richard   wants   to   talk   to   you.”

“What’s   up   man?   ...Oh?...Dwarf   Mickey   wants   to   see   me?...You   needn’t   come   to   get   me,   Someone   will   drive   me   over...   See   you   later.”

He   turned   off   the   cell   phone,   returned   it   to   Yoko   and   asked,  

“Who   will   take   me   back   to   my   studio   apartment?     Some   friends   are   waiting   for   me   there.”

“I’ll   give   you   a   ride”   said   Elena.   “”I   must   go   to   the   hospital   early   tomorrow   morning.     I   have   been   AWOL   from   the   hospital   for   quite   a   long   time   and   don’t   know   if   I   still   have   a   job!”     Laverne   and   Mark   also   rose   to   leave.     Urged   by   their   solicitous   and   warm-hearted   hostess,   the   rest   of   the   beauties   agreed   to   stay   for   the   night.     Romi   had   to   stay   at   Novella’s   for   the   time   being   until   the   three-storey   building   next   to   the   bakery   was   remodeled   because   her   house   was   completely   destroyed   in   the   fire   caused   by   the   grenades.     From   then   on,   Novella’s   large   estate   became   the   gathering   place   for   the   members   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.

Elena   drove   on   slowly   by   the   side   of   the   lake,   which   was   covered   by   a   light   fog.     The   trees   surrounding   it   were   decorated   with   festive   multi-colored   Christmas   lights,   which   created   an   air   of   mystery   and   illusion,   not   to   mention   that   the   lake   itself   was   poetic   and   romantic.     The   scene   was   really   mesmerizing.

“After   work   tomorrow”   Dimitri   was   saying   “please   come   to   the   bakery.     You   will   meet   someone   I’m   sure   you   would   be   glad   to   see   again.”

“You   mean   Ike?”   asked   Elena.     “The   ladies   were   talking   about   him.   I   know   he   has   given   up   his   musical   career   and   has   gone   into   the   field   of   interior   decorating.     I   hear   he   is   doing   very   well.”  

“Yes,   he’s   the   one   I   mean.     Don’t   you   want   to   see   your   old   friend   again?”

“No.   I   don’t   think   that’s   necessary.     He   pulled   himself   out   of   his   depression   and   has   very   successfully   built   a   new   life   in   a   new   field.     He   has   found   his   own   happiness.     Seeing   him   again   would   only   bring   sadness   to   both   of   us.”     Dimitri   was   silent   for   a   moment.

“Yes,   “continued   Elena.   “I   think   he   has   found   his   own   happiness.     He   has   succeeded   in   laying   the   foundation   on   which   to   build   his   new   life;   otherwise   he   would   not   have   been   able   to   pull   himself   together.     I,   too,   have   found   my   happiness,   although   it’s   only   1/24.     But   that   is   enough.     Happiness   is   not   about   how   much,   but   about   real   feelings.     Yes,   I   have   found   support   and   sustenance   in   real   and   happy   sensation.     That’s   enough.”

It   was   only   a   distance   of   10-15   minutes   by   car   from   Novella’s   estate   to   Dimitri’s   dwelling.     At   the   crossroad   across   the   street   from   Dimitri’s   tiny   corner   studio   apartment,   they   stopped   at   a   traffic   light.     From   there,   they   could   already   hear   the   sound   of   jazz   music   and   smell   the   tempting   aroma   of   sizzling   meat,   mixed   with   Mr.   Kaffee’s   hearty   laughter,   old   dwarf   Mickey’s   crackling   giggle   and   Richard’s   loud   argumentive   words.    

“My   friends   are   waiting   for   me”   commented   Dimitri.     Elena   drove   past   the   crossroads   onto   the   driveway   of   Dimitri’s   apartment   complex   and   stopped   by   the   front   door.     Dimitri   alighted   and   turned   to   Elena   saying,  

“Turn   on   the   fog   light   and   drive   safely.”     Years   ago,   Dimitri   used   to   wash   Elena’s   car   every   morning   at   dawn.     Those   were   the   exact   words   he   used   to   say   to   her   as   she   got   into   the   car   to   drive   away.

Dimitri   opened   the   door   of   his   apartment.     That   was   another   nest   he   had   prepared   for   himself   to   against   the   wind   and   rain.     The   tiny   apartment   was   filled   to   capacity.     Old   dwarf   Mickey   held   a   pack   of   tarot   cards   in   his   hand.     He   had   just   finished   telling   Mr.   Kaffee’s   fortune.   He   foretold   that   Mr.   Kaffee   would   have   a   benefactor   protecting   him   his   whole   life   and   that   in   the   near   future   he   would   return   to   power,   causing   Mr.   Kaffee   to   burst   into   laughter.   He   had   also   told   Richard   that   unless   he   sought   help   from   him,   Dwarf   Mickey,   Richard   would   never   be   the   master   of   his   own   destiny.     He   told   him   that   he   would   remain   an   unlucky   gambler   and   thief   his   entire   life   and   would   never   rise   above   that,   causing   Richard   to   sputter   in   indignation   and   argue   loudly   with   the   little   man.     Dwarf   Mickey   also   told   Big   O   that   he   originally   was   a   star   in   the   heavens   and   came   down   to   earth   to   seek   vengeance   against   his   enemies.     Once   that   was   accomplished,   he   would   again   return   to   his   stellar   position   in   the   skies.     Dwarf   Mickey   was   just   about   to   tell   Jamaz’s   fortune   when   Dimitri   entered   the   room.     They   greeted   him   happily   and   helped   him   sit   down.

“Dwarf   Mickey,   why   don’t   you   tell   Dimitri’s   fortune,   since   you   are   such   a   great   fortune   teller?”   suggested   Mr.   Kaffee.

“Yes,   yes”   the   rest   of   them   concurred.     “Tell   Dimitri’s   fortune!”  

“No,   no”   said   Dimitri,   taking   a   glass   of   liquor   from   Richard   and   drinking   it   in   a   quaff,   “I   don’t   need   to   have   my   fortune   told.     It’s   not   that   I   don’t   believe   in   it.   It’s   that   I   don’t   believe   in   it   entirely.   Fortune   exists,   but   you   can   also   say   it   doesn’t   exist   at   all.   Even   if   it   really   exists,   you   can   only   foretell   what   my   flesh   body   will   do   or   the   circumstance   it   will   fall   to.”   Dimitri   pointed   to   his   brains   and   said,  

“I   live   in   my   thoughts.     To   me,   a   corner   of   my   heart   is   full   of   light,   love   and   serenity.     From   there,   I   look   upon   the   world   and   the   world   is   as   bright   and   serene   as   my   inward   world.     Everyone   in   my   Kingdom   of   Dreams   knows   that   the   external   world   can   be   changed   by   one’s   internal   ideas.     Whether   my   fortune   is   good   or   bad   doesn’t   really   affect   me.”   Silence   reigned   in   the   room   and   no   one   said   a   word.     Dimitri   became   aware   that   his   words   had   somehow   thrown   a   wet   blanket   over   his   erstwhile   exuberant   friends.     He   knew   they   did   not   understand   him,   so   he   tried   to   change   the   subject   to   something   interesting   that   would   liven   things   up   again.”

“Hey,   Mickey”   he   said   as   if   just   remembering   something.   “I   think   you   sent   for   me.     What   did   you   want   to   talk   to   me   about?”

“Yes,   I   wanted   to   talk   to   you,   but   I   really   don’t   know   where   to   begin.”     Dwarf   Mickey   hesitated   for   a   moment   and   then   said,   “Let’s   start   with   your   Kingdom   of   Dreams.”   That   was   a   fascinating   subject   that   caught   the   attention   of   everyone   present.  

“Do   you   remember   a   dream   you   had   many   years   ago?   That   night,   you   dreamed   you   came   to   a   large,   ancient   Chinese   mansion.     I   was   the   freakish   pygmy   wearing   clothes   of   the   Qing   dynasty   woven   with   gold   thread.     That   mansion   was   the   storage   place   for   my   treasures   where   I   hoarded   all   my   gold,   silver   and   precious   gems   of   diamonds,   rubies,   pearls   and   sapphires.     All   that   immense   wealth   was   guarded   by   a   beautiful   woman   with   hair   of   snakes   and   a   creature   you   call   Medusa   and   a   creature   with   the   strong   muscular   body   of   a   man   but   the   head   of   a   monster.     He   had   one   eye   in   the   middle   of   his   face   and   another   at   the   back   of   his   head.     There   was   a   rhinoceros   horn   on   the   top   of   his   head.     He   is   the   one   you   call   Cyclops.   Then   one   day,   both   of   them   suddenly   disappeared   to   I   know   not   where   and   my   treasures   were   stolen   by   a   master   thief.     I   was   looking   everywhere   for   the   thief   when   I   accidentally   entered   your   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     There   I   saw   Medusa,   that   snake-haired   beauty   of   yours   and   realized   she   was   the   former   guardian   of   my   treasures.     I   also   saw   Cyclops,   the   other   guard.     You   thought   I   was   the   god   of   wealth   and   built   an   altar   for   me,   offering   good   food   and   wine   every   day.   I   stayed   with   you   for   years   (see   Book   1   “The   Dream-maker”).

“Yes”   nodded   Dimitri   “I   did   have   that   dream,   Do   you   mean   to   say   that   your   two   guards   stole   your   treasures?”

“Oh,   no”   replied   Dwarf   Mickey.     “It   wasn’t   them.     It   was   someone   else.     A   master   thief.     He   may   have   already   died   and   gone   through   several   samsaras   to   other   lives.”     They   were   all   surprised   at   his   turn   of   events.     Only   Big   O   said   casually,   “Yes,   samsara   exists.     I   think   all   this   is   true.”

“If   these   two   guards   did   not   steal   your   treasure,   why   did   you   stay   on   for   so   many   years   in   my   kingdom   of   Dreams,   instead   of   going   after   the   thief?”   asked   Dimitri.

“It   was   all   because   of   you”   replied   Dwarf   Mickey   unhappily.     “After   being   so   well-treated   as   the   god   of   wealth,   how   could   I   not   help   you?”

“Help   me?     How?”

“It’s   a   long   story...”sighed   Dwarf   Mickey.     “Do   you   know...   No,   of   course   you   couldn’t   possibly   know...   Anyway,   Medusa   and   Cyclops   have   been   husband   and   wife   for   many   lifetimes   throughout   reincarnation.     In   one   lifetime,   they   were   a   loving   couple.     In   another   they   were   a   pair   of   star-crossed   lovers   always   at   each   other’s   throat.     But   whether   they   loved   or   hated   each   other,   they   wee   always   a   couple.     In   this   life,   when   you   appeared,   Medusa   abandoned   Cyclops   for   you.   She   followed   you   and   served   you   loyally.     What’s   worse,   you   killed   Cyclops’   mistress,   Eileen.     So   this   couple   became   bitter   enemies   in   this   cycle   of   life.     The   reason   I   stayed   so   long   in   your   Kingdom   was   because   I   was   trying   to   resolve   or   convert   this   knotty   relationship   in   some   way...”

“So   that’s   how   things   stand...That’s   how   things   stand...”murmured   Dimitri   as   if   waking   from   a   dream   and   suddenly   saw   the   light.     “They   have   been   a   couple   for   many   lifetimes,   but   I   unknowingly   came   between   them   and   separated   them.     That’s   wrong   and   unconscionable.     I   must   think   of   a   way   to   make   amends...”

“It’s   too   late   for   that   now.     Your   Kingdom   of   Dreams   has   already   perished   in   flames”   said   Dwarf   Mickey,   holding   up   his   burnt   beard   as   if   to   prove   his   point.

“Really?”   exclaimed   Dimitri,   taken   aback.     Romi   had   just   told   him   about   Viola   and   Cyclops   platting   to   attack   Giant   Mountain   and   take   over   the   iron-coated   gold   palace.     Home   come   all   of   a   sudden   the   entire   Kingdom   had   been   burnt   to   ashes?     Dimitri   was   at   a   loss.

“Let   me   explain   it   to   you   this   way”   said   Dwarf   Mickey   patiently.   “What   has   not   yet   happened   in   this   space   and   time,   may   have   already   happened   in   another   space   and   time.     Your   Kingdom   of   Dreams   is   like   that.     I   was   quick   and   escaped   just   in   a   nick   of   time   from   the   sea   of   fire.     Just   look   at   my   beard...”

“Is   there   not   the   slightest   chance   of   making   amends?     Not   the   slightest   hope   of   redemption?”

“I   think   the   die   has   been   cast   and   the   curtain   has   come   down”   said   Mickey   sadly.   He   sighed   and   continued,   “I   intended   to   become   a   mediator   or   sorts   and   make   peace   between   the   three   of   you   by   making   use   of   my   former   master/servant   relationship   with   the   two   of   them.     At   one   time,   tension   seemed   to   have   abated   somewhat,   but   with   the   appearance   of   Viola,   the   situation   went   from   bad   to   worse   on   a   downward   spiral.     Egged   on   by   that   woman,   Cyclops’   desire   for   revenge   was   fanned   to   its   highest   point   and   things   became   uncontrollable.”

“Who   is   this   woman   Viola?     Why   does   she   hate   me   so   much   that   she   wants   to   destroy   my   Kingdom   of   Dreams?”   murmured   Dimitri.

“Even   I   don’t   know   who   she   is   or   where   she   came   from”   said   Dwarf   Mickey.     “but   from   the   expression   of   her   eyes   I   recognized   her   as   the   master   thief   in   a   former   life.   One   day   she   suddenly   appeared   in   your   kingdom   like   a   variable   and   took   the   helm,   single-handedly   and   strategically   directing   the   development   of   the   situation.     I   have   no   idea   at   all   how   things   evolved.     Only   heaven   knows!”

Dimitri   bowed   his   head,   trying   painstakingly   to   think   of   who   that   woman   Viola   could   be.     He   wanted   to   gather   up   the   main   threads   of   this   complicated   and   intricate   relationship   between   those   concerned   and   get   to   the   bottom   of   the   origin   and   development   of   the   matter.     But   it   was   so   complex   and   interrelated   in   innumerable   ways   that   the   more   he   thought,   the   more   confused   he   became.     He   couldn’t   go   on   any   more,   but   he   had   to   continue   to   try   to   unravel   this   Gordian   knot.     He   had   to   find   a   way   to   dissolve   the   crisis   so   that   his   beautiful   palace   would   not   go   up   in   flames   and   his   people   would   not   be   slaughtered   by   the   barbarian   tribes   like   sacrificial   lambs   or   become   destitute,   suffering   deprivation   and   hardships.     Dimitri   was   again   immersed   in   thought.

Queen   Aisha   led   the   beauties   who   were   still   with   her   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   to   the   attic   at   the   highest   level   of   the   palace   and   they   all   walked   out   onto   the   wide   veranda.   White   Fairy   was   carrying   King   Dimitri’s   sword   while   Queen   Aisha   held   a   powerful   telescope   in   he   hand   which   she   was   using   to   survey   the   surrounding   area.     Her   heart   clenched   in   pain   as   she   looked   at   the   crystal   clear   blue   lake   below,   now   a   pool   of   dead   water   devoid   of   all   aquatic   life.     Moving   her   eyes   higher,   she   scanned   the   horizon   and   saw   a   tiny,   fast-moving   black   spot   far   away   in   the   distance   above   the   dense   forests   and   knew   it   was   Medusa   making   her   routine   inspection.     “She   is   really   a   loyal   guardian   of   the   Kingdom”   thought   the   Queen,   “going   all   out   to   ensure   our   safety.”   Suddenly,   she   saw   Medusa   swoop   down   from   on   high   into   the   dense   forest,   surge   back   again   high   into   the   skies   before   again   diving   down.     Queen   Aisha   was   greatly   alarmed   and   said,  

“Medusa   seems   to   be   battling   someone!   Could   she   have   found   traces   of   Cyclops?”

White   Fairy   shuddered,   remembering   the   close   call   she   had   a   few   days   ago   when   she   was   almost   caught   by   Cyclops   and   the   woman   called   Viola.     The   beauties   too   began   to   tense   up.   In   her   telescope,   Queen   Aisha   saw   Medusa   flying   towards   the   palace   in   a   straight   line   and   comforted   everyone   saying,

  “Don’t   be   afraid.     It’s   OK.     Medusa   is   flying   back.     We   can   ask   her   what   happened.     Good.     Good.     She   is   here!”     Soon   they   saw   a   huge   black   bird   circle   in   the   skies   above   the   palace   before   somersaulting   down   to   the   ground   in   human   form.     The   beauties   all   crowded   around   her,   anxiously   inquiring   about   what   happened   in   the   forest.     Medusa   first   walked   over   to   Queen   Aisha   to   make   her   salutations,   but   the   queen   stopped   her   saying,  

“Please   don’t   stand   on   ceremony   and   tell   us   what   happened.     I   saw   you   fighting   with   someone.     Did   you   find   traces   of   Cyclops?”

“Yes,   I   did”   replied   Medusa.   “What   happened   was   this...”

Medusa   was   patrolling   the   Kingdom,   making   her   routine   rounds.   Seeing   that   the   central   areas   were   peaceful,   she   extended   her   inspection   to   the   outlying   sections   of   dense   forests   and   mountains.     There,   towards   the   middle   of   a   sheer   cliff   that   dropped   perpendicularly   down   hundreds   of   miles   into   a   deep   valley,   she   caught   sight   of   Cyclops.   His   body   was   black   and   blue   and   seemed   to   have   been   badly   wounded   falling   down   the   steep   cliff.     Medusa   was   surprised   and   thought   it   a   miracle   for   him   to   have   survived   the   fall   at   all.     He   was   using   both   hands   and   feet   to   climb   laboriously   back   up   the   almost   90   degrees   vertical   cliff.     The   eye   at   the   back   of   his   head   saw   Medusa   swooping   down   and   a   helpless,   vulnerable   expression   flashed   in   his   eyes.

“This   is   a   great   opportunity   to   avenge   Victoria”   thought   Medusa.     “I   have   him   here   completely   defenseless,   flattened   against   the   cliff   in   midair.     I   can   easily   kill   this   murderer   and   rapist,   this   culprit   who   threatens   the   safety   of   the   Kingdom   and   give   him   his   just   deserts!”

“I   am   dead!”   thought   Cyclops.     “If   she   attacks   me   I   won’t   have   a   chance   to   defend   myself   at   all   since   I   am   clinging   to   these   vines   and   jutting   rocks   with   my   hands   and   feet   like   a   lizard.   One   clutch   of   her   sharp,   iron   claws   will   pierce   my   body   from   back   to   front.”     Cyclops   tensed   his   expression   terrified.     Medusa   swooped   down,   but   when   her   claws   almost   touched   his   body,   she   changed   her   mind   and   abruptly   changed   course   to   soar   up   straight   to   the   skies   again.     She   was   thinking,  

“No,   I   can’t   do   this.     Taking   advantage   of   him   now   when   he   is   down   is   not   the   right   thing   to   do.     Even   if   I   kill   him,   it   is   not   a   righteous   act.     King   Dimitri   would   not   condone   it   either...”     But   another   thought   came   to   her,

  “If   I   don’t   kill   him   now   when   I   have   the   opportunity,   he   will   do   more   evil.     No,   I   should   not   be   so   magnanimous   to   the   enemy.     I   should   kill   him   now   and   prevent   further   damage.”     Her   mind   made   up,   Medusa   once   more   dived   down   towards   the   steep   cliff.     But   the   same   thing   happened.     Just   as   her   claws   were   about   to   reach   Cyclops,   her   heart   relented   and   she   again   flew   up   to   the   skies.     She   circled   twice   in   the   air   and   flew   back   to   the   palace.     When   Cyclops   saw   Medusa   fly   away,   he   swiftly   made   his   way   up   the   cliff,   mindless   of   the   sharp   rocks,   branches   and   thorns   tearing   at   his   flesh,   fearful   lest   she   changed   her   mind   and   came   at   him   a   third   time.     Finally,   he   reached   the   top   of   the   cliff   and   escaped   into   a   cave   nearby.    

On   her   way   back   to   the   palace,   Medusa   was   puzzled   and   asked   herself,  

“Why   am   I   acting   so   abnormally   today?     Why   couldn’t   I   kill   Cyclops   when   I   had   the   chance?”     She   had   no   way   of   knowing   that   their   having   been   husband   and   wife   for   many   reincarnations   forged   a   unique   bond   so   that   even   though   they   were   mortal   enemies   in   this   cycle   of   life,   the   affection   remained   and   she   could   not   find   it   in   her   to   kill   him.

“Your   majesty,”   said   Medusa   “I   am   sorry.     I   let   the   enemy   go   and   did   not   make   use   of   this   opportunity   presented   to   me.     When   I   see   King   Dimitri,   I   will   make   a   full   confession   and   ask   for   a   just   retribution.”

“No,”   responded   Queen   Aisha.     “This   is   not   your   fault.     Perhaps   it   is   the   will   of   heaven...     But   what   I   don’t   understand   is,   Cyclops   has   been   living   in   these   forests   and   mountains   for   ages   and   knows   the   terrain   well.     How   could   he   have   fallen   down   that   sheer   cliff?”

“Er,   your   majesty...”   said   Medusa.     “I...I...I   don’t   know...”   Medusa   did   not   know   the   answer   to   this   question.

To   know   the   full   story,   we   must   go   back   to   that   night   when   the   moon   and   stars   lost   their   luster;   when   it   was   so   dark   you   could   not   see   your   fingers   when   you   move   them   before   your   face.     Cyclops   raped   and   killed   Victoria   giving   rise   to   the   wrath   of   heaven.     At   first   rumbling   thunder   growled.     Then   came   the   blinding   flashes   of   lightning,   followed   immediately   by   deafening   crashes   of   thunder,   all   hurled   at   Cyclops.     Pursued   by   thunder   and   lightning,   he   ran   as   fast   as   he   could   until   he   found   himself   at   a   dead-end   by   the   sheer   cliff.     Lightning   struck   the   ground   near   where   he   was   standing,   blackening   the   patch   of   grass   which   then   burst   into   flames.     At   this   critical   moment,   Cyclops   spied   a   cave   to   his   right   and   immediately   ran   towards   it.   The   cave   entrance   was   very   small   and   narrow,   but   after   some   twists   and   turns,   Cyclops   had   a   sense   of   deja   vu.     Why!     This   was   the   very   cave   Medusa   had   imprisoned   him   in   for   a   hundred   years   and   by   a   strange   twist   of   fate,   here   he   was   again!     He   walked   further   into   the   cave   until   he   came   to   the   end,   where   it   became   wide   chamber   of   sorts.     The   thick,   heavy   chain   that   was   used   to   bind   him   still   hung   on   the   walls.     Sections   of   it   that   his   mistress,   Eileen,     had   severed   using   the   magic   sword   she   stole   from   King   Dimitri   lay   on   the   ground   where   she   had   thrown   them,   gathering   dust.     Seeing   these   things   again   ignited   Cyclops   with   a   thirst   for   revenge.     He   remembered   how   Eileen   came   to   set   him   free   and   how   she   was   inhumanly   executed   by   being   cut   in   half   from   the   waist   because   of   it!     Enticing   fragrance   of   wine   and   appetizing   aroma   of   smoked   meat   distracted   him   from   his   reflections.     He   looked   around   and   saw   two   barrels   by   the   wall.     One   contained   wine   and   the   other,   smoked   meat.     After   a   night   running   for   his   life   in   the   forests   and   mountains   chased   by   thunder   and   lightning,   Cyclops   was   famished   and   thirsty.     Taking   up   the   barrel   of   wine,   he   drank   straight   from   it   until   he   quenched   his   thirst.     Then   he   grabbed   the   meat   and   began   to   guzzle.     What   he   did   not   notice   was   that   at   a   corner   of   the   cave,   there   was   a     bed   of   flower   petals   where   a   tiny   beautiful   woman   was   lying.     That   of   course   was   Viola.     She   had   been   observing   Cyclops’   every   move   from   the   moment   he   stepped   into   the   cave.     She   was   elated   and   thought,  

“What   a   co-incidence!     I   have   traveled   far   and   wide   searching   for   this   simple-minded   man   of   immense   strength   but   to   no   avail.     But   now   he   just   accidentally   drops   into   my   lap!   I   must   snare   him   and   make   him   my   slave   to   carry   out   my   mother’s   plan   for   revenge.”   Unaware   of   what   awaited   him,   Cyclops   was   still   enjoying   his   food   and   drink,   while   Viola   quietly   waited   for   the   best   opportunity   to   reveal   herself.

The   food   and   drink   Cyclops   was   enjoying   were   actually   stolen   by   Viola   from   the   home   of   the   hunters.     She   originally   intended   to   use   this   cave   as   her   base   while   she   searched   for   Cyclops.     But   by   chance   or   by   the   will   of   heaven,   he   barged   in   here   of   his   own   accord.     His   hunger   and   thirst   satisfied,   Cyclops   felt   drowsy   and   decided   to   take   a   nap.     It   was   dawn.     Sunlight   shone   into   the   cave   through   crevices   and   to   his   shock   and   consternation,   he   saw   a   naked   woman,   extremely   beautiful   and   alluring,   kneeling   before   him.

“Who...who   are   you?     What   are   you   doing   here?’     he   asked.

“Don’t   be   surprised,   my   lord   and   master”   said   the   woman   in   a   very   sweet   and   pleasing   voice.     “I   am   your   slave,   sent   by   heaven   to   serve   you.     Don’t   you   want   to   destroy   King   Dimitri’s   Kingdom?   I   am   here   for   that.     I   will   help   you   reach   your   goal.     My   name   is   Viola.”

“Really?     You’re   jesting...”   said   Cyclops,   not   altogether   believing   what   she   said.

“Why   don’t   you   believe   me?”   inquired   Viola,   eyeing   him   coquettishly.   “That’s   not   fair   to   me.   My   body   and   soul   both   belong   to   you.”     She   stood   up   and   threw   herself   into   his   arms.     Cyclops   forgot   all   about   the   wrath   of   heaven   he   had   recently   experienced.     The   woman   in   his   arms   was   so   beautiful,   sexy   and   sensual.     She   was   like   no   other   woman   he   had   ever   seen.     This   was   a   heaven-sent   gift   that   he   had   no   wish   to   ignore.

It   would   not   be   true   to   say   that   Cyclops   was   completely   indifferent   to   heaven’s   warning   and   its   wrath.     The   memory   of   ear-deafening   peals   of   thunder   and   blinding   flashes   of   lightning   hurled   at   him   from   the   skies   still   struck   fear   into   his   heart.     For   the   next   few   days,   he   huddled   inside   the   cave,   afraid   to   even   step   his   foot   out.     Viola   provided   him   with   meat   and   wine   stolen   from   the   homes   of   the   hunters   in   the   nearby   villages,   scurrying   around   at   night   to   do   so.     Luckily   for   her,   the   people   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   had   no   notion   of   private   property.     Everything,   from   land   and   housing   down   could   be   shared   when   there   was   a   need,   so   wine   and   meat   was   there   for   the   taking.     One   night,   while   making   several   trips   to   bring   wine   and   meat   back   to   the   cave,   Viola   thought   to   herself,

  “Cyclops   was   a   ruthless   and   cold-blooded   monster.     I   saw   with   my   own   eyes   how   he   could   kill   without   batting   an   eyelid.   He   was   such   a   tyrannical   bully.     But   now   he   has   turned   into   a   regular   sissy,   just   cowering   and   hiding   inside   the   cave   all   day.     His   super   strong   and   invincible   body   has   become   a   receptacle   for   food   and   drink.     Of   what   use   is   he   to   me   like   this?     He   eats   and   drinks   his   fill   and   then   just   wants   to   have   wild,   savage   and   insatiable   sex.     How   am   I   ever   to   set   my   mother’s   plan   for   revenge   in   motion?     Today,   I   will   somehow   draw   him   out   of   the   cave   and   stir   him   up...”     So   taking   some   large   rocks,   she   formed   a   circle   and   began   baking   the   smoked   meat   she   had   just   brought   back.     The   appetizing   smell   of   sizzling   meat   and   the   aroma   of   powerful   liquor   wafted   into   the   cave,   causing   Cyclops’   stomach   to   growl   in   anticipation   and   his   mouth   to   salivate,   but   he   did   not   dare   to   step   out   of   the   cave.

“Master,   the   meat   is   done   and   a   new   barrel   of   wine   has   been   opened.     Please   come   out   and   eat.”said   Viola   calling   into   the   mouth   of   the   cave.     She   called   several   times,   but   was   only   greeted   with   silence.     She   went   in   herself   along   the   winding   entrance   until   she   came   to   the   end   of   the   cave.   There   in   the   dim   light,   she   saw   Cyclops   sitting   on   the   ground   with   his   back   against   the   wall,   his   feet   stretched   straight   before   him,   his   face   expressionless   and   wooden,   his   one   huge   eye   blinking   at   her.     She   pulled   on   his   arm   saying,  

“Everything’s   fine   out   there.     The   stars   are   shining,   the   moon   is   bright.     There   couldn’t   possibly   be   thunder   and   lightning.     Come   out   and   see.”     Regardless   of   his   reluctance   and   hesitancy,   she   pulled   him   towards   the   entrance   of   the   cave.     Cyclops   followed   her   slowly   with   dragging   feet.     The   first   thing   he   did   when   he   came   to   the   opening   was   to   look   fearfully   at   the   skies.     Only   when   he   saw   that   it   was   really   a   fine   night   with   myriads   of   stars   blinking   in   the   skies,   did   he   dare   to   step   out   of   the   cave.     Viola   led   him   to   the   fire   and   gave   him   a   large   piece   of   just   cooked   venison,   which   he   grabbed   and   bit   into   ravenously.     Then   she   handed   him   a   barrel   of   wine   saying,

  “Go   on   and   eat.     Everything   is   fine.     Cyclops   still   stole   glances   at   the   skies   surreptitiously.     When   he   saw   that   all   was   really   calm   and   peaceful,     he   calmed   down   and   raised   the   wine   barrel   to   his   lips   and   ate   the   meat   in   his   hand.     Viola   sat   by   the   fire,   continuously   roasting   all   kinds   of   meat   for   him   and   replenishing   his   wine   when   his   barrel   was   empty.   She   said

  “You   said   you   were   driven   by   thunder   and   lightning   to   the   sheer   cliff.   You   said   it   was   the   wrath   of   heaven.     I   think,   in   reality,   it   was   heaven’s   way   of   doing   you   a   favor.     If   it   weren’t   for   the   thunder   and   lightning,   you   would   never   have   come   to   this   cliff   and   therefore   would   never   have   found   this   cave.     As   a   result   you   would   not   have   met   me.     I   am   heaven’s   gift   to   you.     Heaven   wants   me   to   help   you   destroy   King   Dimitri’s   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   create   your   own   domain.     Why   do   you   insist   on   mistaking   the   good   will   of   heaven   for   its   wrath   and   enmity?     It   is   not,   Cyclops.     It   is   what   heaven   arranged   for   you.”         Convinced   by   Viola’s   argument,   Cyclops’   fear   of   the   past   few   days   evaporated.     He   was   elated   and   gave   himself   up   to   eating   and   drinking   his   fill.     Then   he   stood   up   and   stretched   himself.     Having   been   cooped   up   inside   the   small   cave   for   days,   he   had   not   been   able   to   extend   his   arms   and   legs   horizontally   in   comfort.     As   a   result   his   bones   and   muscles   felt   stiff   and   weakened.     Now   that   he   has   returned   to   the   outdoor   environment   so   familiar   to   him,   his   energy   level   returned   and   with   it   his   supernatural   physical   strength   and   well-being.     He   felt   invigorated   and   vitalized.     Seeing   him   thus,   Viola   knew   her   words   had   taken   effect.     She   stood   up   and   said,  

“Come   on.     Let’s   take   a   walk   on   this   bright   moonlit   night.”     The   two   of   them   walked   hand   in   hand   along   the   sheer   cliff.

Cyclops   and   Viola   came   to   a   flat   prairie   where   the   dense   green   grass   thick   and   soft   as   a   woolen   blanket   and   dotted   by   small   wild   flowers   shimmered   under   the   clear   moonlight.     Viola   was   very   happy.     Holding   Cyclops’   hand   she   said,  

“Let’s   go   and   lie   down   on   the   grass.”     Cyclops   did   so.     Lying   there,   Cyclops   suddenly   remembered   he   once   guarded   a   secret   treasure   house   where   the   glow,   luster   and   sheen   of   gold,   silver   and   precious   gems   stored   there   formed   a   bed,   soft   as   clouds.   He   and   his   snake-haired   beauty   made   love   on   it.     This   was   a   memory   from   his   previous   life   in   a   former   reincarnation.     Aroused   by   his   memory,   his   lust   burst   into   volcanic   flames.     He   turned   around   to   lie   on   top   of   Viola,   his   enormous   penis   thrusting   repeatedly   into   that   secret   place   between   her   legs.  

“Wasn’t   that   snake-haired   beauty   my   wife,   Medusa?     But   she   locked   me   in   that   cave   for   100   years.     She   deserted   me   for   King   Dimitri   and   served   him   loyally.”     His   lust   turning   into   anger,   Cyclops   thrust   even   more   violently   into   Viola,   who   closed   her   eyes   as   if   enduring   great   pain,   but   also   feeling   exciting   stimulation.    

“Eileen   set   me   free   by   cutting   my   chain   with   the   magic   sword   she   stole   from   King   Dimitri.     For   that   he   ordered   her   to   be   put   to   death   by   being   cut   in   half   from   the   waist.     Ah!   What   cruel   and   inhumane   punishment!     Eileen   died   for   me!”     Cyclops’   hatred   for   King   Dimitri   burnt   bright   as   flames.     His   thrusts   into   Viola’s   body   became   faster,   more   barbaric   and   savage,   making   her   body   the   target   of   his   retribution.     He   remembered   another   scene.   He   was   carrying   the   body   of   a   large,   white   fish   and   throwing   it   into   the   lake   water.  

  “I   unintentionally   killed   the   large,   white   fish   that   was   on   the   verge   of   becoming   immortal.     It   could   transform   itself   into   a   beautiful   woman.     Am   I   an   unpardonable   sinner   because   of   that?”     Cyclops   mind   was   full   of   disjointed   fragments   of   different   scenes.     His   consciousness   was   beginning   to   blur.     His   semen   ejaculated   like   en   endless   stream   into   Viola’s   body.

Such   intense   passion   and   stormy   coitus   left   the   two   of   them   depleted   and   exhausted.     They   lay   on   the   thick   grass   to   recuperate.     Viola   turned   and   leaned   towards   Cyclops,   one   hand   caressing   his   ample   broad   chest   saying,

  “You   are   my   great   master.     Look!     The   skies   are   bright   and   clear   without   a   trace   of   thunder   or   lightning.     They   were   all   in   your   imagination.     So   long   as   you   proceed   according   to   my   plan,   I   guarantee   you   will   overthrow   King   Dimitri   and   establish   your   own   dynasty.”

“Hm”   said   Cyclops,   nodding   his   head.

“This   is   really   a   good   plan   that   will   kill   two   birds   with   one   stone.     Follow   the   three   steps   I   told   you   about   and   you   will   attain   your   goal   of   establishing   your   own   kingdom,   while   at   the   same   time   avenging   my   mother.”

“What   deep-seated   hatred   was   there   between   your   mother   and   King   Dimitri?”

“It   is   a   debt   of   blood   that   makes   my   heart   clench   and   my   blood   boil   whenever   I   think   of   it.”

“Can   you   tell   me   about   it?”   asked   Cyclops   curiously.

“My   mother   was   one   of   King   Dimitri’s   beauties   and   one   of   his   favorites.   Because   of   some   small   infraction,   she   was   condemned   to   die   by   being   cut   in   half   from   the   waist.     Under   the   rays   of   the   setting   sun,   my   mother   was   hung   on   a   branch   of   a   dead   tree   on   a   barren   hill.     Medusa   was   the   executioner.     She   chopped   from   the   right   and   from   the   left   until   my   mother’s   body   was   hacked   in   half   from   the   waist.   As   the   top   half   of   her   body   hung   from   the   tree,   the   bottom   half   of   her   body   lay   on   the   ground   in   a   pool   of   her   own   blood.     She   was   not   able   to   die   immediately,   but   lingered   on,   perishing   only   after   she   had   suffered   unimaginable   agony.     Don’t   you   think   King   Dimitri   owes   me   a   debt   of   blood?”   asked   Viola   gnashing   her   teeth.

“Oh?     So   she   too   died   under   such   brutal   circumstances?”   marveled   Cyclops.   “Does   King   Dimitri   always   use   such   barbaric   measures   to   kill   his   beauties?   How   did   you   know   so   many   details   about   her   execution?     Were   you   there?”

“Of   course.     My   mother   was   pregnant   with   me   at   the   time.     I   was   only   an   unshaped   little   fetus.     When   she   was   cut   in   half,   I   burst   from   her   uterus.     From   then   on   I   floated   like   pollen   in   the   air,   living   on   honey   and   dew,   otherwise   I,   too,   would   have   perished.”

“What   is   your   mother’s   name?”   asked   Cyclops,   blinking   his   huge   eye.

“She   had   a   name   as   beautiful   as   she.     She   is   called   Eileen.”

“How   many   Eileens   are   there   in   the   Kingdom?”   asked   Cyclops,   jumping   up   from   the   ground.

“Only   one.     There   is   only   one   Eileen,   my   mother.”

“Oh,   heaven!”   groaned   Cyclops   “You   are   really   the   death   of   me!   What   can   I   do?     How   do   I   have   the   face   to   live   between   heaven   and   earth?”     Clouds   covered   up   the   moon   and   stars.     Thunder   again   rumbled,   increasing   in   volume.     Looking   at   the   skies,   Cyclops   shouted,  

“Ah-h-h-h!     I   have   no   face   to   live   on   in   this   world.     My   wife   betrayed   me.     My   lover   was   executed   by   King   Dimitri.     I   killed   a   woman   who   was   about   to   become   immortal   and   just   now   I   learnt   I   had   sexual   relations   with   my   own   daughter!”     Thunder   crashed.     A   blinding   streak   of   lightning   lethal   as   a   sharp   knife   was   hurled   straight   at   Cyclops.     But   before   it   could   strike   him,   Cyclops   had   already   dashed   madly   towards   the   sheer   cliff   and   jumped   down,   attempting   to   end   his   sinful   and   miserable   life   by   suicide.

What   just   happened   was   over   in   a   flash   of   light.     It   happened   and   was   immediately   over.     Viola   did   not   see   of   hear   the   thunder   and   lightning.     Only   Cyclops   alone   felt   the   might   and   power   of   heaven’s   wrath.     She   silently   went   over   Cyclops   words   and   thought,  

“From   what   he   just   said,   I   seem   to   be   his   daughter!     Why   didn’t   mother   say   anything   about   him?     That   sheer   cliff   plunges   unfathomably   down   to   a   deep   valley.     He   must   be   dead.                       “There   is   no   way   he   could   survive   the   fall.   My   plan   for   revenge   was   all   for   naught.”     She   sighed.   Then   she   brightened   and   thought,

  “There   is   still   hope.   That   little   guy,   Mr.   Finger,   is   crafty   and   full   of   tricks.     He   will   think   of   some   way   to   avenge   my   mother.     I   must   go   and   find   him,   but   how   can   I   get   across   to   the   other   side   of   the   lake?   That’s   another   hurtle   to   get   over...”     Just   then   she   saw   Medusa   flying   over   towards   the   sheer   cliff   as   if   to   investigate   something.     Viola   quickly   changed   herself   into   a   tiny   little   woman   and   hid   under   a   flower   to   escape   Medusa’s   sharp   and   watchful   eyes.

After   Cyclops   jumped   from   the   cliff,   dragged   down   by   weight   and   velocity,   his   body   hurtled   swiftly   downwards..     On   the   way,   he   only   heard   the   howling   of   the   wind   by   his   ears   and   felt   his   body   hit   the   sharp,   jagged   edges   of   jutting   rocks.     Tossed   like   a   rag   doll   in   the   air,   he   dropped   into   clusters   of   bushes,   whose   sharp   thorns   and   branches   cut   into   his   flesh   as   he   fell   through   them,   until   his   body   was   black   and   blue,   bloody   and   torn.     Semi-conscious,   he   lost   count   of   time   on   his   descent   until   an   enormous   jolt   shocked   his   whole   system.     He   felt   as   if   the   sky   and   earth   were   spinning   around   and   every   bone   in   his   body   was   broken   and   cracked   into   pieces.     He   knew   then   that   he   had   hit   the   bottom   of   the   deep   valley.     As   his   soul   left   his   broken   and   pain-wracked   body,   Cyclops   suddenly   saw   a   sea   of   fiery   flames   turning   the   scene   into   the   blazing   inferno   of   Hell.     He   saw   a   woman   swimming   towards   him   in   the   sea   of   flames.     But   just   as   she   was   about   to   reach   him,   a   wave   swept   her   away,   down   to   the   bottom   of   the   fiery   water.   When   she   manages   to   resurface,   she   again   swam   towards   him   laboriously,   but   was   again   overwhelmed.     After   many   attempts,   she   finally   swam   near   the   banks   and   croaked,  

“Cyclops,   do   you   know   me?”   A   wave   knocked   her   over   into   the   water   before   she   could   say   more.     Although   the   woman’s   face   was   distorted   and   deformed,   Cyclops   remembered   being   told   that   Eileen,   his   lover,   was   condemned   to   the   inferno   in   hell,   suffering   the   torture   of   the   damned.     So   when   her   head   once   again   emerged   above   the   water,   he   asked,

“Are   you   Eileen?     Is   this   Hell?     How   come   you   are   here?”

“That   is   the   very   question   I   want   to   ask   you.     What   brought   you   here?     This   is   the   Inferno,   the   entrance   to   Hell.”     Cyclops   stammered   out   his   pitiful   story   of   how   he   unknowingly   had   sexual   relations   with   Viola   his   own   daughter   by   Eileen,   but   omitted   the   rape   and   murder   of   Victoria,   the   large   white   fish.    

“I   was   so   ashamed   of   my   actions   that   I   attempted   to   commit   suicide   by   leaping   from   a   sheer   cliff.”

“This   is   my   fault”   said   Eileen,   her   deformed   and   distorted   face   turning   even   more   twisted   than   ever.   “I   went   into   the   dreams   of   our   daughter   several   times   to   tell   her   my   story   and   talk   about   the   three-step   plan   of   revenge   I   had   concocted.     But   I   forgot   to   tell   her   you   were   her   father.     As   a   result   this   happened...     What   can   we   do?   Incest   is   punishable   by   the   wrath   of   heaven!”   Cyclops   was   silent.     Actually   in   the   beginning   Ileen   was   afraid   Cyclops   would   not   go   along   with   her   difficult   and   dangerous   plan   of   revenge,   so   she   instructed   Viola   to   seduce   him   with   her   beauty.     There   was   no   love   lost   between   her   and   Cyclops,   but   now   that   they   had   a   daughter,   there   was   an   intangible   bond   between   them.     Having   experienced   the   horror   of   the   wrath   of   heaven   in   the   fiery   Gehenna,   she   regretted   deeply   this   relationship   she   had   personally   fostered   between   the   unknowing   father   and   daughter,   but   what   was   done   was   done   and   cannot   be   undone.     She   could   only   forge   ahead   regardless,   so   she   said   to   Cyclops,   “No   matter   what   happens,   you   cannot   die.     If   you   do,   there   will   be   no   one   to   help   our   daughter   fulfill   my   plan   of   revenge   and   I   will   forever   be   condemned   to   remain   here,   suffering   the   torture   of   the   damned.     Cyclops,   you   cannot   die.     After   the   two   of   you   destroy   King   Dimitri’s   Kingdom,   come   back   here   and   deliver   me   from   this   Hell.”     Cyclops   looked   at   Eileen   and   saw   that   the   top   of   her   body   was   still   separated   from   the   lover   half,   the   way   it   was   when   she   was   executed.     He   made   up   his   mind   and   said,  

“Alright.     Wait   for   me.     We   will   come   for   you   after   our   work   is   done   and   deliver   you   from   these   fiery   waters.     We   will   save   you   from   this   pain   and   suffering.     I   will   be   back   soon.”     Saying   that,   Cyclops   woke   up   and   his   soul   seemed   to   have   re-entered   his   pain-wracked   body.     Buoyed   up   by   a   strong   desire   for   survival   and   a   fervent   craving   for   revenge,   Cyclops’   wounded   and   mangled   body   gradually   healed.     He   was   half   human   and   half   god,   with   a   physique   a   hundred   times   stronger   than   a   normal   human   being   and   could   recuperate   a   hundred   times   faster.

Cyclops   was   dizzy   from   his   fall   and   his   wounds   still   pained   him.     He   endured   it   all   and   began   to   climb   up   the   perpendicular   cliff.     His   fingers,   strong   as   steel,   bore   holes   into   the   rocks   as   he   clambered   up,   creating   footholds   to   help   his   ascent.     By   dawn   he   was   half   way   up   the   cliff.     That   was   when   Medusa   saw   him.     The   large   eye   at   the   back   of   his   head   also   saw   her   as   she   swooped   down   from   on   high.  

“Ah!     I   shall   die   here   today!   I’m   really   not   ready   to   die.     My   lover   is   still   suffering   in   the   fires   of   Hell,   waiting   for   me   to   save   her.     My   daughter   needs   me   to   help   her   destroy   King   Dimitri’s   Kingdom   and   avenge   her   mother.     But   here   I   am,   about   to   die.”     A   miracle   happened.     Twice   Medusa   dived   down,   but   both   times   she   swerved   at   the   last   minute   before   her   sharp   claws   touched   his   body.     Then   encircling   twice   in   the   skies,   she   flew   away.     Cyclops   redoubled   his   efforts   to   climb   up   the   cliff   fearing   she   would   regret   and   return   a   third   time.     His   fingers   bled   profusely   but   he   did   not   have   time   to   deal   with   them,   concentrating   on   making   his   escape.     At   length   he   reached   the   top   of   the   cliff   and   ran   madly   into   the   cave   where   he   had   met   Viola.

Cyclops   once   more   escaped   the   wrath   of   heaven   and   ran   into   the   twisting,   turning   entrance   of   the   cave.  

  “What   shall   I   do   if   Viola   had   already   left   here?     That   will   be   troublesome   as   there   is   no   knowing   when   and   where   I   might   find   her   again.”     When   he   came   to   the   end   of   the   cave,   he   was   delighted   to   see   Viola   fast   asleep   on   the   bed   of   flower   petals.     She   had   changed   into   diminutive   form   only   as   tall   as   his   finger.     Cyclops’   huge   body   knelt   down   gently   before   the   tiny   figure   on   the   bed   and   murmured,  

“My   dearest   daughter,   I   am   your   father.     In   the   past,   I   unknowingly   violated   you.     I   swear   to   you   it   will   never   happen   again.     I   will   atone   for   my   sins   with   my   actions.     I   will   help   you   destroy   King   Dimitri’s   kingdom.     I   will   help   you   save   your   mother   and   deliver   her   from   her   sufferings   in   the   Inferno.     You   have   my   word   on   it.”     Viola   seemed   to   have   heard   his   word.     She   turned   towards   him   and   smiled   and   nodded.     Later   Cyclops   indeed   kept   his   word.     Urged   by   Viola,   he   conquered   the   barbarian   tribes   around   King   Dimitri’s   Kingdom   using   extremely   cruel   and   inhumane   methods   and   formed   them   into   one   army.     He   obeyed   Viola’s   orders   and   united,   commanded   and   dispatched   the   troops,   training   them   into   a   formidable   force,   comparable   to   the   military   might   of   King   Dimitri’s   Kingdom.     This   complicated,   hidden   and   secretive   inside   story   was   something   known   only   by   heaven   and   the   three   individuals   involved.     Medusa   had   no   way   of   knowing.     Even   the   resourceful   Old   Dwarf   Mickey   with   all   his   marvelous   ability   had   no   way   of   knowing,   either.

Chapter       13       Vaporizing   in   the   Air

Of   course,   on   the   other   side   of   the   conflict,   King   Dimitri’s   Kingdom   of   Dreams   was   also   on   high   alert.     Intelligence   had   reached   Medusa   that   the   barbarian   tribes   were   amassing   troops   and   had   consolidated   into   one   single   army.     Their   weaponry   had   also   been   upgraded   from   stone   to   metal,   which   was   much   more   lethal.     She   knew   they   would   not   be   attacking   from   the   water,   but   would   come   on   land,   down   the   hills   and   mountains.     She   thought   their   most   probable   site   of   attack   was   Giant   Mountains,   so   she   chose   that   as   the   place   to   take   a   stand   and   fight   a   decisive   battle.     She   chose   strong,   young   men   from   the   tribes   and   organized   them   into   military   groups.     She   trained   them   and   prepared   them   for   the   upcoming   battle   of   defending   their   homeland.     That   day,   Medusa   was   talking   to   Queen   Aisha   in   the   Great   hall   about   the   recent   developments   of   the   state   of   affairs.

“Since   battle   is   inevitable”   said   Queen   Aisha   “we   had   better   prepare   to   evacuate   the   old,   the   young   and   the   sick   from   the   war   zone   to   prevent   unnecessary   sacrifice   and   plunge   the   people   into   an   abyss   of   misery.”

“Yes,   your   consideration   is   right,   your   majesty.”

“Go   and   carry   out   my   command”   she   said   turning   to   Deanna   who   was   standing   nearby.

“Yes,   your   majesty”   said   Deanna   and   left   to   carry   out   her   orders.     Turning   to   White   Fairy   the   queen   said,

“Carry   out   King   Dimitri’s   orders   and   lead   the   people   to   your   secret   sanctuary   deep   in   the   dense   mountains.     Have   them   set   up   tent   there   and   await   for   news   from   King   Dimitri.   Be   cautious   and   secretive.     Don’t   let   the   enemy   have   a   clue   as   to   where   the   people   are   hiding.”     White   Fairy   nodded   and   also   left   the   Great   Hall.     It   was   fortunate   that   the   natives   in   King   Dimitri’s   Kingdom   of   Dreams   had   always   lived   a   nomad   life,   hunting   and   fishing,   so   evacuation   was   easily   accomplished.     They   pulled   up   their   tents,   folded   them   and   stored   them   in   their   horse   cart   or   ox   cart   together   with   their   food   and   farming   and   hunting   instruments.     Then,   driving   their   carts,   they   were   ready   to   move.   In   just   one   single   night,   they   all   disappeared,   leaving   no   trace   of   their   destination   on   the   way.

At   this   critical   juncture,   when   battle   could   break   out   at   any   time,   the   most   carefree   and   leisurely   person   in   the   whole   Kingdom   was   Mr.   Finger.     Living   in   the   straw   hut   by   the   lake,   he   roamed   around   at   will.     Good   food   and   drink   were   brought   to   him   every   day   and   he   had   no   worries   of   any   kind.     But   the   peaceful   life   turned   boring   after   a   while   and   he   longed   for   his   beautiful   wife,   Viola,   wondering   when   she   would   be   coming   back.  

  “I   think   she   is   afraid   of   being   discovered   by   that   big,   black   bird   Medusa”   he   thought.   “One   day   I   will   take   my   bow   and   arrow   and   kill   her!”   Then   he   remembered   that   at   parting,   Viola   had   asked   him   to   think   of   ways   to   help   avenge   her   mother   by   stealing   King   Dimitri’s   magic   sword   and   magic   bow   and   arrow.”   I   have   racked   my   brains   all   this   time,   but   cannot   think   of   any   way   to   do   that.   How   can   I   face   Viola   again   without   accomplishing   what   she   asked   me   to   do?”     Just   then,   shouts   of   people   and   neighing   of   horses   were   heard   from   Giant   Mountain   across   the   lake.     That   was   Medusa,   overseeing   her   troops   building   up   defensive   fortifications.     It   was   sunset.     Mr.   Finger   was   hungry   and   thirsty,   wondering   why   Dorna   had   not   come   yet   to   deliver   his   food   and   drinks,   when   he   saw   a   black   spot   flying   over.     He   knew   it   was   naughty   girl   Dorna   coming   to   bring   him   his   sustenance.     He   immediately   came   out   from   the   patch   of   flowers   and   waved   frantically   at   her.     On   seeing   him,   Dorna   flew   down   and   stopped   nearby.     She   got   off   her   flying   broom   and   handed   over   a   paper   bag   to   Mr.   Finger,   saying

  “Here   you   are.     That’s   your   meal   for   the   day.     Enjoy.”   The   little   man   said   no   word   of   thanks.     Hands   on   hip,   he   said   arrogantly,  

“Why   are   you   so   late   today?     I   am   famished   you   know.     Never   do   that   again!”

“The   only   thing   you   know   is   eating   and   drinking”   retorted   Dorna   sarcastically,   also   putting   her   hands   on   her   hips.   “Everyone   in   the   Kingdom   is   busy   preparing   for   battle   with   the   barbarian   tribes.     Count   yourself   as   lucky   that   I   still   bring   you   your   food   and   drink.     But   not   only   are   you   not   grateful   for   our   taking   such   good   care   of   you,   but   you   dare   to   scold   me?     See   if   I   will   bring   you   any   more   food   tomorrow!”

“What   do   your   battles   have   to   do   with   me?     You   must   continue   to   bring   me   food   and   drink.”   Saying   so,   he   took   out   the   food   from   the   paper   bag.     It   was   steak,   roast   duck   and   lettuce   salad,   presented   on   delicate   plates.     Of   course   there   was   a   bottle   of   liquor.

“Where   there   is   battle,   there   will   be   bloodshed.     Aren’t   you   at   all   concerned   about   the   Kingdom?     King   Dimitri   is   really   unfortunate   to   have   had   you   as   a   friend.”

“Of   course   I   know   there   will   be   dead   and   wounded   in   battle”   said   Mr.   Finger,   while   eating   and   drinking,   “But   what   has   that   to   do   with   me?     Even   if   you   all   die,   it’s   none   of   my   business.     I   only   need   food   and   drink.”

“If   I   were   King   Dimitri,   I   would   have   driven   you   from   the   Kingdom   long   ago.     I   would   never   give   you   this   VIP   treatment   and   offer   you   good   food   and   drink   every   day.”

“I   don’t   want   to   stay   here.     I   can   live   very   well   anywhere   I   go.     I   stay   only   because   I   am   waiting   for   my   beautiful   wife   to   return.     I   stay   because   Dimitri   begged   me   to.”     Dorna   knew   Mr.   Finger   was   unreasonable   and   that   it   was   no   use   to   talk   sense   to   him,   so   getting   on   her   magic   broom   she   was   about   to   fly   off   when   Mr.   Finger   said,

“Just   a   minute.     I   want   to   give   you   a   flower   to   reward   you   for   bringing   me   food   and   drink   every   day.”     He   murmured   some   incantations   and   pointed   at   a   nearby   tulip.     The   flower   seemed   to   have   been   plucked   by   an   invisible   hand   and   floated   into   Dorna’s   hand.     The   magic   feat   did   the   trick   and   made   the   girl   forget   her   pique.

“Hey!     That   was   cool!   Was   that   a   magic   trick?”

“No,   it’s   not   magic.     It’s   alchemy.”   He   clutched   at   the   air   and   some   more   flowers   flew   into   Dorna’s   hand.     Before   she   could   say   any   more   questions,   he   dismissed   her   saying,  

“Go!     I   do   this   because   you   bring   me   food   and   drink   every   day.     Now   remember,   don’t   be   late   again   or   I   will   be   hungry   and   my   wine   addiction   will   act   up.”   Dorna   got   onto   her   broom   and   flew   towards   the   palace.     Mr.   Finger   watched   her   departing   figure.     Suddenly   a   light   flashed   in   his   brain   and   he   thought   of   something.    

“Right.     Right.     I   should   so   it...   this   way...   Ha.   Ha.”     His   new   idea   apparently   made   him   happy.   He   finished   the   food   on   his   plates   and   carried   the   bottle   of   liquor   with   him   as   he   returned   to   the   straw   hut,   taking   large   sips   from   it   on   the   way.

Early   at   dawn   the   next   day,   the   soldiers   on   the   various   hilltops   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   woke   to   the   emergency   call   of   the   ox   horn.     Its   “wu-wu-wu...”   sounded   the   alarm   that   a   strong   enemy   was   approaching.   Medusa   at   once   soared   up   to   the   skies   and   made   a   round   of   the   hilltops,   instructing   the   archers   to   be   prepared   for   battle.     She   inspected   the   just   completed   defensive   fortifications   on   Giant   Mountain   and   then   flew   up   into   the   skies   to   be   in   the   lookout   for   enemy   movements.   Holding   a   huge   iron   spear   longer   than   the   height   of   a   normal   human   being,   Cyclops   led   the   barbarian   troop   as   they   surged   towards   Giant   Mountain.     The   warriors   on   the   hilltops   let   fly   their   web   of   arrows,   but   Cyclops   used   his   long   spear   to   deflect   them,   effectively   covering   the   onward   march   of   the   soldiers.   His   body   was   pierced   in   several   places   by   the   flying   arrows,   but   he   took   little   notice   of   them.   He   just   pulled   them   out   with   one   hand   and   threw   them   aside   as   casually   as   brushing   off   annoying   insects,   all   the   while   brandishing   his   long   spear   with   his   other.     The   strange   thing   was   his   wounds   healed   quickly   by   themselves   and   soon   appeared   as   if   nothing   had   happened.   Such   was   his   invincibility.     Though   some   barbarians   were   killed   by   the   arrows,   those   behind   them   seemed   to   be   completely   unaffected.     They   stepped   over   the   bloody   corpses   and   continued   to   charge   fiercely   ahead.     At   this   critical   moment,   Medusa   swooped   down   to   engage   Cyclops   and   stop   the   advance   of   his   troops.     Her   piercing   eyes   swept   over   the   barbarian   soldiers   and   those   in   front   were   turned   into   human   stones.     But   those   following   them   hid   behind   the   stones   figures   to   avoid   Medusa’s   deadly   glance.     But   the   moment   she   looked   away,   they   again   rushed   forward.     These   soldiers   were   not   really   so   brave   that   they   were   not   afraid   to   die.     They   had   all   been   brain-washed   by   Viola   and   Cyclops,   who   threatened   anyone   who   dared   to   retreat   with   a   slow   death   by   torture.     Medusa   had   to   fight   Cyclops   and   stop   the   advance   of   his   troops   at   the   same   time   and   soon   felt   unequal   to   the   herculean   task.

Meanwhile,   Viola   brought   up   the   rear,   twirling   and   swinging   her   whip,   herding   the   barbarian   soldiers   like   so   many   cattle   to   the   slaughter.     Their   lives   or   deaths   were   completely   immaterial   to   her.     At   this   time,   seeing   the   enemy   troops   drawing   nearer   and   nearer,   White   Fairy   organized   her   troops   to   jump   out   of   their   trenches   and   meet   the   enemy   in   hand-to-hand   combat.     She   changed   into   a   puff   of   smoke   and   flew   around   the   battle   ground,   invisibly   directing   her   troops,   ordering   them   to   places   where   their   comrades   were   outnumbered.     But   King   Dimitri’s   soldiers   were   essentially   good,   humble   citizens.     They   were   hunters,   fishermen   and   farmers   who   had   been   hastily   assembled   and   trained   into   soldiers   to   defend   their   homeland   and   therefore   were   no   match   for   Cyclops   fierce,   barbarian   soldiers.     The   barbarian   soldiers   were   cannibals.     The   moment   they   saw   people   from   another   tribe,   their   eyes   turned   red,   their   mouths   began   salivating   and   they   rushed   even   more   violently   ahead.     They   had   one   primitive   motive:   catch   their   prey,   kill   them,   dismember   them   and   then   eat   them   alive   as   was   their   custom.     The   battle   ground   was   locked   in   a   tangle   fight   and   became   a   free-for-all,   making   it   impossible   for   Medusa   to   use   her   lethal   eyes   as   a   weapon   for   fear   of   killing   her   own   people   by   mistake.     Queen   Aisha   stood   on   the   veranda   at   the   top   of   the   palace,   watching   the   battle   through   her   high-powered   telescope.     She   saw   that   her   troops   had   sustained   huge   losses   and   seemed   to   be   losing   ground.     To   avoid   even   greater   losses,   she   turned   to   Deanna   and   said,  

“Sound   the   horn   for   retreat!     Let   them   come   back.”       Medusa   was   locked   in   combat   with   Cyclops   when   she   was   distracted   by   the   signal   for   retreat.     He   made   use   of   this   opportunity   to   make   his   attack,   but   the   vigilant   Medusa’s   steel   claws   gripped   his   iron   spear,   broke   it   in   two   and   tossed   the   pieces   on   the   ground.     Cyclops   was   just   preparing   to   fight   her   empty-handed   when   she   stepped   away   and   covered   for   her   soldiers   as   they   made   their   orderly   retreat.     She   saw   them   get   into   the   small   boats   and   row   towards   the   palace,   leaving   quite   a   few   empty   boats   behind.     King   Dimitri’s   Kingdom   sustained   huge   losses.     Medusa   did   not   forget   the   dead.     Not   willing   to   have   the   bodies   of   these   brave   warriors   fall   into   the   hands   of   the   enemy   and   be   dismembered   and   eaten,   she   turned   them   all   to   stone.     Cyclops   scored   a   great   victory   this   time.

Medusa   gathered   together   the   remnants   of   her   troops   and   reorganized   them   into   groups   to   protect   the   palace.     She   herself   took   on   the   task   of   flying   into   the   skies   and   inspecting   the   surroundings.     Queen   Aisha   did   not   want   to   get   to   the   bottom   of   this   defeat   and   analyze   who   was   to   blame.     So   many   brave,   loyal   warriors   had   given   up   their   precious   lives   and   Medusa   hade   done   her   best   in   defense   of   their   Kingdom.     The   cause   of   their   defeat   was   because   the   barbarian   troops   had   learned   how   to   escape   Medusa’s   lethal   eyes.     From   the   skies,   Medusa   watched   the   enemy   movements   at   Giant   Mountain.     Under   Viola’s   command,   the   barbarian   tribes   were   working   very   efficiently.     They   gathered   together   the   empty   boats   left   at   the   bank   of   the   lake   for   future   use   when   they   attacked   the   palace.     They   carried   back   the   human   stones   left   on   the   battlegrounds   and   lined   them   in   front   of   the   iron-coated   gold   palace   as   a   tall   wall   and   defensive   fortification.     Barbarian   workmen   were   busy   at   work,   noisily   digging,   chipping   and   knocking   as   if   attempting   to   strip   away   the   rusty   and   moss-covered   iron   coating.     When   King   Dimitri   iron-coated   the   palace,   his   goal   had   been   to   cover   the   brilliance   of   the   gold   within   the   allotted   time   so   Zeus   would   be   appeased.     He   did   not   worry   about   the   slip   shod   workmanship   of   the   non-professional   gilding   job.   Therefore   it   would   not   be   very   difficult   to   strip   the   iron   away.     In   fact   in   some   places   glimpses   of   the   glitter   of   solid   gold   was   already   visible.     The   ox   horn   sounded   in   a   code   calling   Medusa   back   to   the   palace.     She   made   a   beautiful   arch   in   the   sky   and   flew   back   to   the   palace.

Medusa   walked   into   the   palace   and   saw   Queen   Aisha   sitting   on   her   seat,   clutching   King   Dimitri’s   magic   sword   to   her   breast   with   the   beauties   seated   around   her.     After   she   did   her   salutations,   Queen   Aisha   asked   her   to   sit   down.     Medusa   reported   her   latest   observations.

“That   woman   Viola   seems   to   be   very   ambitious”   said   the   queen.   “She   not   only   wants   to   possess   the   gold   palace,   she   wants   to   destroy   King   Dimitri’s   Kingdom   as   well...”     She   thought   for   a   moment   and   then   asked,

  “If   they   use   the   boats   they   took   from   us   and   attack   the   palace,   what   should   we   do?”

“That   is   just   what   I   want   them   to   do”   answered   Medusa   with   great   confidence.     “If   they   dare   to   come   by   water,   the   crystal   blue   lake   being   wide   and   open   would   offer   them   no   covering   of   any   kind   behind   which   they   could   hide.     I   will   annihilate   them   all,   change   them   to   stone   and   sink   them   to   the   bottom   of   the   lake.     That   I   promised   you   I   can   do.     Please   don’t   worry.”

“A   fierce   battle   seems   unavoidable”   said   Queen   Aisha.     “I   called   you   back   because   I   think   there   should   be   fewer   people   in   the   palace.     I   think   we   should   send   as   many   beauties   as   possible   back   to   the   mundane   world.     You   and   I   of   course   can’t   possibly   leave.     White   Fairy   is   essential   as   she   helps   you   scout   and   carry   messages.     Deanna   is   our   liaison   with   the   native   chiefs,   so   she   too   is   indispensible.   But   Lotus,   Natalie,   Chanelle,   Angelica   and   Dorna   should   leave   the   palace   and   go   back   to   the   mundane   world.”

“You   are   right,   your   majesty”   said   Medusa,   nodding.     “The   fewer   people   there   are   left   in   the   palace,   the   more   at   peace   my   mind   would   be.     I   can   concentrate   on   fighting   Cyclops.”

“That’s   good”   said   the   normally   reticent   Lotus.     “Since   we   are   of   no   help   here,   but   instead   would   be   hindrances,   it   is   better   for   us   to   go   to   the   mundane   world   and   find   King   Dimitri.”

“I   am   scared   of   battles.     All   the   blood   and   gore”   said   Angelica,   shuddering.   “When   the   time   comes,   I   am   sure   to   faint   and   become   a   heavy   burden.     I   think   we   should   go   back   to   the   mundane   world.”     Chanelle   and   Natalie   nodded   silently   in   agreement.     Only   naughty   girl   Dorna   voiced   her   dissent.

“I   won’t   go!”   she   objected.     I   want   to   see   for   myself   how   Medusa   fully   displays   her   talents   and   annihilate   the   barbarian   tribes.     I   will   not   give   up   the   chance   of   a   lifetime   to   see   such   grand   and   dramatic   show.”     Turning   to   Queen   Aisha,   she   made   a   comical   face   and   said,   “If   I   leave...who   is   there   to   keep   you   company   and   make   you   laugh?     Don’t   make   me   go.   Please   let   me   stay.”

“She   is   right”   thought   Queen   Aisha.     “I   do   need   a   companion,   someone   to   talk   to   and   amuse   me   in   these   difficult   times.     Also   I   am   the   only   one   that   can   control   her   as   she   doesn’t   listen   to   anyone   else.     If   she   goes   with   them,   who   knows   what   scraps   she   will   get   into?     Yes,   it   is   better   to   keep   her   with   me.”     So   she   turned   to   Dorna   and   said   very   seriously,   “You   may   stay   if   you   promise   to   obey   orders   and   not   do   whatever   you   wish   to   without   restraint.     Times   of   war   are   emergency   periods.   You   must   be   careful.”

“Sure.     Sure.   I   will.     I   will”

“You   four   ladies”   said   Queen   Aisha   turning   to   the   Lotus,   Natalie,   Chanelle   and   Angelica   “Go   and   prepare   to   go   back   to   the   mundane   world   tonight.”     The   four   beauties   nodded.     It   must     have   been   the   will   of   heaven   because   if   Dorna   had   gone   back   to   the   mundane   world   with   the   other   four   beauties,   there   would   still   be   hope   that   King   Dimitri’s   Kingdom   of   Dreams   could   be   saved.     Dorna’s   staying   behind   created   an   irredeemable   disaster.  

Natalie   was   lulled   to   sleep   by   the   monotonous   swaying   of   the   BART   train   and   again   it   as   this   swaying   that   woke   her   up.     She   did   not   know   why   she   got   on   the   train,   or   why   she   was   following   the   crowd   to   the   exit.     In   her   dream   just   now,   a   long   time   seemed   to   have   passed,   while   in   reality   it   was   only   a   matter   of   a   few   stops   of   the   BART   train.     Time   was   like   a   monster   whose   movements   were   not   even.     Her   tall,   slim   figure   was   soon   swallowed   by   the   moving   crowd.                 “Time   is   a   strange   thing”   she   thought.   “It   deceives   people.     Or   you   can   say   time   is   a   delusion   man   uses   to   deceive   himself.     The   events   in   my   dream   just   now   were   so   realistic   that   I   was   deceived   by   them.     Or   is   the   me   that   is   going   along   with   the   human   flow   actually   a   dream,   and   the   events   in   the   dream   a   reality?”     Natalie   could   not   find   her   answer.     She   just   walked   out   of   the   station   with   the   crowd.     Why   did   she   get   off   at   this   stop?   She   did   not   know.     She   looked   through   her   backpack   and   saw   it   contained   her   dancing   shoes   and   clothes.  

  “Ah!”   she   thought,   “perhaps   I   was   very   tired   after   my   practice   and   fell   asleep   on   the   train,   but   who   knows...”     Following   the   crowd,   she   walked   out   of   the   station   and   stood   on   the   pavement   of   busy   and   noisy   downtown   San   Francisco.     She   looked   up   at   the   blue   skies,   completely   at   a   loss.     Then   she   let   her   gaze   wander   to   her   surroundings   and   saw   a   flower   booth   at   a   street   corner   not   far   away.     An   Asian   girl   with   long   shiny   black   hair   sat   inside.     Her   eyes   were   dazed   and   heavy   as   if   barely   waking   up.     Her   rosy   cheeks   were   flushed   with   the   luster   of   youth.     When   she   opened   her   beautiful,   large   slanted   eyes,   she   saw   Natalie   standing   nearby   and   smiled   at   her.     Natalie   recognized   her   as   Lotus,   one   of   the   twenty-four   beauties   in   King   Dimitri’s   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     Lotus   also   realized   that   the   tall,   slim   young   woman   was   Natalie.     Natalie   walked   towards   Lotus,   who   came   out   of   the   flower   booth.     They   hugged   each   other   happily.    

“Let’s   go!”   said   Lotus   and   the   two   of   them   walked   tacitly   hand-in-hand   into   the   BART   station,   leaving   the   flower   booth   unattended   at   the   corner   of   the   busy   street.

Angelica   fell   asleep   at   her   desk   while   reading   the   manuscripts   of   ancient   poets.     She   woke   up,   stretched   and   yawned   and   gazed   disorientedly   at   the   garden   outside   the   window,   while   her   mind   was   still   in   dreamland.     She   tried   to   gather   her   thoughts   and   find   out   when   her   dream   started.     She   remembered   it   was   on   a   star   studded   summer   night   when   the   roses   were   in   full   bloom.     She   had   just   finished   writing   a   poem   which   she   considered   the   best   of   all   her   works.     She   felt   that   life   should   end   at   its   most   beautiful   moment,   just   as   flowers   should   fade   at   the   height   of   its   bloom.     Taking   a   .22   caliber   silver   pistol,   she   walked   into   the   garden.     Just   as   she   raised   it   towards   her   temple   a   homeless   man   suddenly   dashed   into   her   garden   and   stopped   her   dangerous   game.

  “Ah   yes,   wasn’t   that   homeless   man   King   Dimitri   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams?     Yes.     Yes.     It   was   him.     It   was   him   who   took   me   to   his   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     If   I   use   my   experiences   there   and   write   them   into   a   book,   I   am   sure   it   would   be   equal   to   the   old   epics   of   yore   that   has   come   down   to   us   from   hundreds   of   yeas   ago.     Who   said   I   should   die   because   I   have   written   my   masterpiece?     I   was   too   naive   and   shallow   then.     She   took   her   silver   pistol   from   the   drawer   and   thought,   “This   terrible   thing   almost   took   my   life   away.     I   should   not   let   it   remain   on   this   earth.     I   had   better   bury   it.”     Putting   on   her   walking   shoes   and   pulling   her   bountiful   hair   into   a   tight   pony   tail,   she   took   her   pistol   and   walked   into   the   garden.     She   dug   a   deep   hole,   threw   in   the   silver   pistol   and   then   covered   it   with   soil.     Suddenly,   an   inspiration   struck   her.    

“Every   second   is   a   bright,   shiny   diamond”.     The   simple   task   of   digging   a   hole   and   burying   a   pistol   brought   her   poetic   vision.     She   thought,

  “My   forte   is   short,   impromptu   poems.     Is   it   within   my   power   to   write   a   long,   grand   and   magnificent   epic   poem?     I   need   to   talk   to   Chanelle   about   it.     She   always   gives   me   good   and   meaningful   advice.     But   Chanelle   is   a   figure   in   my   dreams.     Where   am   I   to   find   her   in   this   mundane   world?     She   tossed   her   head   as   if   to   throw   off   all   her   worries   and   walked   towards   the   lake   for   her   daily   jog.     She   always   made   use   of   that   time   to   deliberate   over   her   poems.

At   a   quiet   corner   by   the   lake,   there   was   a   large   rock   which   protruded   out   towards   the   water.     A   woman   dressed   in   white,   with   her   golden   hair   blowing   in   the   wind,   sat   on   it,   her   clear   blue   eyes   gazing   at   the   lake   water.   Her   features   wee   not   clearly   discernable,   but   from   behind   she   looked   like   a   goddess   deep   in   thought.     She   was   counting   the   fish   swimming   by   her   in   the   water.  

“If   every   fish   represented   one   day,   how   many   fishes   had   swum   by?     If   every   fish   represented   not   one   day   but   one   month,   heavens,   I   would   have   wasted   my   whole   life!     Why   was   I   born   into   this   world?     To   what   purpose   was   I   born?”   murmured   the   woman,   sighing   to   herself.     Just   then,   a   tall,   slender   woman   jogged   by   behind   her   and   glanced   at   her   curiously.     She   continued   on   her   way,   but   then   ran   back   to   the   figure   sitting   on   the   rock   and   asked   softly,  

“I’m   sorry   to   disturb   you,   but   is   your   name   Chanelle?”     Chanelle   was   surprised   to   hear   someone   call   her   by   name.     When   she   turned   her   head,   she   saw   it   was   Angelica,   one   of   the   twenty-four   beauties   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     She   immediately   jumped   down   from   the   rock.     The   two   of   them   looked   at   each   other   in   amazement   and   then   hugged   exuberantly.

“Imagine   meeting   you   here!”   exclaimed   Chanelle.     “People   in   dreams   meet   in   real   life.   That   means   the   dream   was   real   and   actually   exists.”

“Yes,   I   think   so   too”   replied   Angelica.

“I   remember   you   write   poetry.     Do   you   have   any   new   verses   for   me   to   enjoy?”

“I   had   an   idea   about   writing   about   our   adventures   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     I   want   it   to   be   a   great   epic   with   grand   structure,   complicated   process   and............But   I   am   afraid   I   would   not   be   up   to   it.     It’s   great   to   meet   you   here.     You   are   heaven   sent   and   can   give   me   suggestions   and   instructions.     It   must   be   a   special   arrangement   by   heaven   to   make   all   dream   figures   become   flesh   and   blood   real   people.”

“Great!     I   would   be   honored   to   be   a   part   of   your   grand   endeavor.     I   am   a   poetry   lover   myself.     Do   you   have   any   new   poems   that   I   can   enjoy?”

“I   did   think   of   some.     In   fact   while   I   was   jogging   just   now   I   thought   of   a   short   poem.     But   of   course   this   is   just   a   rough   draft   and   needs   more   work.”

“Why   don’t   you   recite   it   for   me   now?”   requested   Chanelle   urgently.     Angelica   recited   slowly,

“The   most   treasured   things   in   heaven   are   the   stars.

The   most   treasured   things   on   earth   are   priceless   diamonds.

How   many   stars   can   you   gather   in   a   lifetime?

Look   at   the   heavens   and   you   can   have   them   all.

How   many   priceless   diamonds   can   you   gather   in   a   lifetime?

Treasure   every   second   and   you   have   a   sparkling   gem.

The   world   is   so   rich   and   bountiful.

The   radiance   of   stars   and   diamonds   constitute   an   exquisite   and   beautiful   life.”

“Ah!     What   wonderful   poetry!   ‘Treasure   every   second   and   you   have   a   sparkling   diamond”   It   shines   like   a   light   before   me.     Why   should   I   sigh   about   time   wasted   in   the   past   when   the   future   is   more   important?”   Turning   to   Angelica,   she   exclaimed  

“Oh,   this   is   great!     Your   poem   solved   my   dilemma   and   perplexity.     I   will   never   again   sigh   over   the   time   frittered   away.     Come,   let’s   go   and   look   for   our   home   in   the   dreams.”     Hand   in   hand,   the   two   of   them   walked   away.

After   Lotus   and   Natalie   left   the   BART   station,   they   walked   towards   the   lake.     As   they   were   waiting   at   a   street   corner   for   the   traffic   light   to   change,   they   saw   two   slim,   young   women   across   the   street   turn   left   and   also   walk   towards   the   lake.     The   two   ladies   glanced   at   Lotus   and   Natalie   and   waved   excitedly   at   them.

  “Look!”   said   Lotus   to   Natalie   “Don’t   the   women   across   the   street   look   like   Angelica   and   Chanelle?”

“Why   yes!     It’s   them”   replied   Natalie.     They   waited   for   the   light   to   change.     The   wait   seemed   interminable,   as   if   it   were   a   year   long.     When   finally   the   green   light   came   on,   they   ran   across   the   street   and   hugged   Angelica   and   Chanelle   warmly.

“I   remember   the   four   of   us   agreed   to   come   back   to   the   mundane   world   together.     Now   we   are   here   and   all   reunited   again.     The   dream   is   not   an   illusion.     It’s   real.     Let’s   all   go   and   look   for   our   home   in   the   dreams.”     With   that   all   four   of   them   walked   towards   the   lake.     They   walked   from   shade   to   sunshine,   from   sunshine   to   shade.     Four   beautiful   figures   walked   amidst   light   and   shade   drawing   admiring   glances   from   drivers   and   pedestrians   alike.     They   walked   along   a   strange   and   yet   familiar   path,   like   the   one   in   their   dreams.     It   was   the   path   back   home.

Dimitri   lay   on   his   lounge   chair   at   its   usual   place   by   the   high   wall   to   shelter   him   from   the   wind.     His   dilapidated   dark   brown   jacket   covered   his   stomach   and   he   felt   snug   and   comfortable   under   the   warm   winter   sun.   But   his   heart   was   not   at   ease,   always   under   the   premonition   that   something   bad   was   happening.     He   wanted   to   go   back   to   his   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   rescue   those   still   stranded   there   at   the   palace,   as   well   as   his   numerous   subjects.     But   unfortunately   recently   he   was   beset   again   with   his   periodic   insomnia.     Sleep   was   light,   resembling   a   piece   of   paper   easily   pierced   through.     He   seemed   to   be   able   to   hear   himself   snoring.     His   body   was   asleep   but   his   mind   was   awake   and   going   off   into   wild   flights   of   fancy,   full   of   fantastic   ideas.     He   felt   as   if   in   a   trance,   seemingly   asleep   but   actually   awake,   unable   to   really   fall   into   deep   slumber.     How   he   longed   for   his   former   carefree   nomad   life.   At   that   time   whenever   a   bout   of   insomnia   attacked   him,   he   would   just   roam   wherever   he   felt   like   with   his   cart.     He   would   chat   with   the   prostitutes   at   street   corners,   search   the   garbage   cans   for   good   to   fill   his   stomach   and   reusable   items   he   could   use   or   sell   for   petty   cash.     By   dawn   he   would   be   tired   after   a   whole   night’s   wandering   and   would   look   for   a   corner   somewhere   to   just   lie   down   on   the   ground   and   go   to   sleep.     Bright   noon   sunlight   and   noisy   traffic   did   not   affect   him   at   all.     But   now   things   were   different.     He   became   blind   and   was   no   longer   able   to   live   the   nomad   life   he   was   used   to.     Also,   he   had   to   shoulder   the   heavy   responsibility   of   making   a   success   of   the   bakery   to   ensure   the   livelihood   of   a   lot   of   people.     Therefore,   his   life   had   to   be   regular   and   structured,   working   and   resting   according   to   schedule.     He   no   longer   had   the   luxury   of   doing   whatever   he   liked   whenever   he   wanted   to   on   his   own   whim.     More   frustrating   than   that   was,   at   this   critical   time   when   his   Kingdom   was   faced   with   a   life-and-death   struggle,   he   could   not   move   freely   between   dream   and   reality   because   of   his   insomnia,   which   had   been   badgering   him   of   late.     He   was   really   in   turmoil.     White   Fairy   had   not   come   to   him   for   quite   some   time   and   he   did   not   know   what   was   happening   in   the   Kingdom.     Just   as   he   was   embroiled   in   his   insomnia,   unable   to   extricate   himself,   he   heard   cheering   and   clapping   coming   from   the   store   front.     Rapid   footsteps   came   towards   him   crying,   “Dimitri!     Dimitri!     Come   quickly!     Look   who’s   here!”

When   Dimitri   walked   into   the   workshop,   four   young   women   came   over   to   hug   him.     Though   they   did   not   introduce   themselves   by   name,   Dimitri   was   able   to   recognize   them.     That   soft,   satin-like   skin   that   emanated   natural   floral   scent   could   only   be   Lotus.     That   mild   and   mysterious   fragrance   belonged   to   Chanelle,   who   had   once   wrapped   up   Dimitri’s   wound   with   her   handkerchief.     He   still   remembered   that   scent   with   fondness.     That   romantic   and   slightly   neurotic   poetess,   as   easily   shattered   as   delicate   and   brittle   glassware   could   only   be   Angelica.     That   tall,   well-proportioned,   light-footed   ballerina   was   Natalie.     Dimitri   asked   the   four   most   recent   arrivals   from   his   Kingdom   to   be   seated   and   questioned   them   in   detail   about   the   recent   happenings.    

“How   come   you   are   here   so   quickly”   he   asked   “without   the   slightest   warning?”

“Giant   Mountain   has   been   taken   over   by   the   barbarian   tribes   led   by   Cyclops.”

“Our   warriors   have   suffered   huge   losses.”

“Their   ambition   does   not   seem   to   stop   here.     They   seem   to   target   our   palace   next.”

“The   only   things   they   are   afraid   of   are   your   magic   sword   and   bow   and   arrow   stored   at   the   palace.   Otherwise   they   would   have   attacked   long   before   this.”

“I   intended   to   go   back   to   the   palace   and   take   care   of   things”   said   Dimitri.     “But   recently   I   have   been   afflicted   with   insomnia,   which   made   it   impossible   for   me   to   go.     The   burden   now   is   all   on   Queen   Aisha,   Medusa,   White   Fairy   and   Deanna.     By   the   way,   why   hasn’t   Dorna   come   with   you?”   Talking   of   Dorna   lightened   the   somber   atmosphere.

“She   said   she   wanted   to   see   with   her   own   eyes   how   Medusa   would   do   battle   with   the   enemy   and   kill   them   all   on   the   waters   should   they   dare   to   invade   the   palace”   said   Lotus.

“Yes.     They   must   cross   the   wide   lake   if   they   want   to   invade   the   palace   and   Medusa   will   be   able   to   gain   a   sweeping   victory.”     Yoko   was   on   the   phone   with   the   other   beauties.

“Yes   Novella,   four   more   of   our   companions   have   come   back...Who   are   they?     I   won’t   tell   you   at   this   moment.     You   will   know   when   the   time   comes.     Get   things   ready   for   the   welcome   party   tonight...Yes...Yes...Please   tell   Elina   as   I   don’t   have   her   cell   phone   number...By   the   way,   do   you   need   any   help?     I   can   send   people   over...OK...See   you   later.”

“Hi   Megginn,   this   is   Yoko.     Are   you   busy?   Well,   no   matter   how   busy   you   are,   you   and   Samantha   must   come   back   tonight   for   the   welcome   party...Yes,   some   more   companions   have   come   back...Who   are   they?     I   won’t   tell   you   now.     I   will   only   say   it’s   more   than   one...Oh   yes,   come   with   your   old   taxis.     We   don’t   have   enough   vehicles...Good,   see   you   at   Novella’s   tonight.     ‘bye.”

Amalia   was   smiling   happily,   busying   herself   around   the   store.     She   did   not   know   what   was   going   on   or   who   the   newcomers   were,   but   was   pleased   as   Punch   that   the   store   was   so   lively   and   bustling.     To   her,   it   was   the   more,   the   merrier.    

“Go   pull   down   the   iron   gate”   she   ordered   Mark.   “We’re   closing   early   today.”

“Yes,   m’am”   said   mark   and   went   to   close   the   store.     Mary   and   Sheila   took   the   four   new   arrivals   to   the   newly   renovated   house   next   door   and   asked   them   to   cheese   their   own   rooms.     Though   Angelica   had   her   own   house,   she   chose   a   room   here   too   to   be   better   able   to   enjoy   the   company   of   her   companions.     Like   Megginn   and   Samantha,   she   wanted   to   come   here   often   to   stay.     Amalia   had   her   own   quarters   above   the   store   and   obstinately   refused   to   move,   so   Yoko   and   Sheila   had   to   stay   behind   also   to   keep   her   company.     Everyone   was   busily   getting   settled,   while   Dimitri   sat   alone   in   the   back   yard,   silent   and   morose.     As   to   how   they   all   later   attended   the   welcome   party   at   Novella’s   large   and   spacious   mansion,   how   Dimitri   tried   to   look   cheerful   in   spite   of   his   heavy   heart,   how   faced   with   the   dire   crisis   in   the   Kingdom   the   beauties   did   not   feel   up   to   celebration...   we   will   not   go   into   detail   here.     After   the   dinner   party,   Elina   drove   Dimitri   back   to   his   old   studio   apartment   as   usual.

In   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   the   day   had   just   begun   and   sunlight   slanted   down   from   behind   the   mountains.     Oblivious   of   the   fact   that   on   the   ground   the   palace   had   changed   hands   and   no   longer   belonged   to   King   Dimitri,   the   sun   shone   indiscriminately   down   on   the   earth.     The   round   dome   of   the   gold   palace   glittered   with   a   blinding   brilliance.     As   the   morning   fog   gradually   dispersed,   the   gold   palace   displayed   more   and   more   of   its   dazzling   radiance.     When   the   sun   finally   rose   high   in   the   sky,   the   entire   gold   palace,   grand   and   magnificent,   was   again   exhibited   in   its   full   glory.     But   the   inside   this   palace   of   pure   gold   was   filled   with   an   atmosphere   of   brute   terror   and   gory   carnage.     Several   human   heads,   still   dripping   blood,   were   hung   on   the   eaves,   obviously   recently   decapitated.     Viola   had   ordered   that   the   greatest   care   was   to   be   taken   while   stripping   off   the   iron   coating   of   the   gold   palace,   and   that   the   tiniest   infraction   was   punishable   by   death.     These   poor   soldiers   had   the   misfortune   of   chipping   some   intricate   carvings   on   the   pillars   in   the   corridors   and   had   their   hands   and   heads   chopped   off.     The   decapitated   heads,   still   dripping   blood,   were   hung   on   the   eaves   as   warning   that   such   was   the   fate   of   anyone   who   did   not   obey   orders.     Inside   the   gold   palace,   Viola   sat   on   the   gold   throne   that   used   to   belong   to   King   Dimitri.     Tall   and   muscular   Cyclops   stood   beside   her   like   a   guardian.     Viola   watched   the   barbarian   soldiers   practicing   archery   outside   in   the   courtyard   and   others   who   were   practicing   rowing   and   sailing   by   the   lake.     Those   bows,   arrows   and   boats   were   all   spoils   of   war,   now   being   used   as   weapons   to   attack   King   Dimitri’s   palace.     The   brave   warriors   who   died   for   King   Dimitri   in   defending   their   homeland   would   certainly   have   died   with   a   grievance.     Viola   ordered   arrows   to   be   dipped   in   inflammables   such   as   kerosene   and   sulfur,   which   would   be   lighted   when   their   boats   neared   the   opposite   shore.     She   intended   to   attack   by   fire   and   burn   down   King   Dimitri’s   palace.     What   Viola   feared   most   was   Medusa’s   piercing   eyes.     This   troublesome   Gorgon   had   flown   over   the   area   several   times.     Though   they   were   only   harassing   attacks,   those   who   were   slow   in   hiding   when   she   swooped   down   low   over   their   heads   were   turned   to   stone.     Luckily   most   of   her   soldiers   had   learned   to   take   cover   whenever   Medusa   was   around.     But   on   the   wide   open   lake   there   was   nowhere   to   hide   and   things   would   be   different.     Medusa’s   terrible   eyes   would   turn   all   barbarian   soldiers   into   stone,   including   herself   and   all   would   be   sunk   to   the   bottom   of   the   lake.     Her   meticulously-planned   revenge   would   come   to   naught.   All   hope   now   was   hinged   on   Mr.   Finger.     She   hoped   that   the   little   man   would   keep   his   promise,   obey   her   command   and   get   King   Dimitri’s   treasures:   the   magic   sword,   bow   and   arrows.

On   the   veranda   in   King   Dimitri’s   palace,   Queen   Aisha   stood   facing   the   solid   gold   palace,   which   gave   off   a   dazzling   brilliance.     Dorna   saw   Queen   Aisha   had   a   pitying   look   on   her   face   as   if   she   couldn’t   quite   believe   what   she   was   seeing,   so   she   asked   her   curiously,  

“What   are   you   smiling   at?     Do   you   think   the   re-appearance   of   the   gold   palace   is   interesting?”

“No”   answered   Queen   Aisha   shaking   her   head,   “I   am   amazed   that   Viola   is   so   ignorant   of   the   complexity   of   things.     Though   she   was   able   to   take   off   the   iron   coating   covering   the   palace,   she   did   not   take   into   consideration   the   reason   why   King   Dimitri   gilded   it   in   the   first   place.     Her   actions   will   be   sure   to   infuriate   Zeus,   the   king   of   gods.     We   do   not   need   to   take   any   action   against   her.     Zeus   would   be   sure   to   bring   his   celestial   army   down   on   a   punitive   expedition.”

“Do   you   want   me   to   go   and   get   White   Fairy?”   asked   Dorna   greatly   elated   by   the   turn   of   events.     “You   can   ask   her   to   inform   Zeus   that   the   gold   palace   had   been   tempered   with   and   the   iron   coating   torn   off.”

“No,   let   it   be”   replied   Queen   Aisha   after   a   moment   of   thought.   “Zeus   will   find   out   for   himself   soon   enough.     It   would   be   better   that   way.   Why   are   humans   so   greedy?     Although   the   barbarian   soldiers   are   uncivilized   and   uncultured   people,   they   are   humans   after   all   and   should   not   be   driven   to   battle   like   animals.     Battle   brings   dead   and   wounded   to   both   sides.     These   are   precious   lives   we   are   talking   of,   why   cause   such   unnecessary   sacrifice?”

“Alright”   said   Dorna   happily.   “The   last   time   I   missed   the   chance   to   see   with   my   own   eyes   the   raging   battle   between   the   sun   god   Apollo   and   King   Dimitri   because   I   didn’t   know   how   to   operate   the   magic   broom   very   well   then.     This   time   I   will   make   up   for   it   and   grab   hold   of   the   opportunity   to   see   King   Zeus   lead   his   celestial   army   and   annihilate   the   gold   palace   and   man-eating   cannibals.     I   want   to   see   what   kind   of   end   that   cruel   and   wanton   Viola   will   come   to.”

“Wait   and   see.   You   will   not   be   disappointed”   said   Queen   Aisha.

“Well,   I’ll   go   and   bring   food   and   wine   to   that   obnoxious   Mr.   Finger   then.”

“Be   careful.     Take   a   round   about   route   as   far   away   from   the   gold   palace   as   possible.”

“I   know”   said   Dorna,,   skipping   away   with   her   magic   flying   broom.     Queen   Aisha   did   not   act   promptly   when   she   should   have   and   missed   a   golden   opportunity,   thereby   giving   Viola   a   chance   to   turn   from   offensive   to   defensive.     Meanwhile,   White   Fairy   was   below   in   the   side   hall   wiping   King   Dimitri’s   sword   and   arrows   and   tightening   his   magic   bow   in   preparation   for   the   upcoming   battle.     She   knew   that   when   the   time   came,   these   three   formidable   and   awe-inspiring   treasures   will   come   to   play   in   a   big   way.

Holding   the   paper   bag   of   tasty   food   and   of   course   a   bottle   of   good   wine   she   had   prepared   for   Mr.   Finger   in   her   hand,   Dorna   got   on   her   flying   broom   and   made   her   way   towards   the   wilderness   on   the   opposite   side   of   the   lake.     She   flew   close   to   Giant   Mountain   on   purpose,   causing   the   barbarian   soldiers   to   shoot   at   her   with   their   bows   and   arrows.     Because   she   was   flying   higher   than   the   effective   range   of   their   weapons,   the   arrows   fell   harmlessly   into   the   lake,   leaving   the   fuming   barbarian   soldiers   at   the   hilltop   below   to   shake   their   fists   futilely   at   her,   shouting   obscenities   and   cursing.     Dorna   paid   them   no   attention   and   just   flew   towards   her   destination.     On   the   way,   she   was   thinking,

  “Today   I   must   make   Mr.   Finger   tell   me   the   secret   of   plucking   flowers   from   the   air.     This   trick   is   really   cool!   But   if   he   won’t   tell   me,   what   should   I   do?   Hmm...     I   must   think   of   something...     Right.     He   loves   alcohol.     If   he   won’t   teach   me,   I   will   threaten   to   not   bring   him   food   and   drink   for   three   days.     See   if   he   can   stand   that!     He   may   be   able   to   go   without   food   for   three   days,   but   he   won’t   be   able   to   survive   without   alcohol   for   even   one   day!”     Dorna   flew   along,   her   head   full   of   her   own   wishful   thinking.

Mr.   Finger   got   up   early   in   the   morning   and   walked   over   to   the   bank   of   the   lake.     When   the   fog   lifted   and   the   sun   rose,   the   dazzling   gold   palace   suddenly   appeared   magically   before   his   eyes.     Mr.   Finger   was   surprised   and   exultant.     He   thought   to   himself,  

“This   little   wife   of   mine   is   really   incredible.     I   am   very   proud   of   her.     I   wonder   how   she   completed   her   difficult   mission.     Her   plan   is   being   realized   step   by   step.     Her   wish   is   half   fulfilled.     The   rest   is   up   to   me.     I   must   keep   my   promise   and   steal   the   magic   sword,   bow   and   arrows   from   King   Dimitri’s   Kingdom.     I   think   of   my   little   wife   all   the   time.   I   miss   her.     It’s   driving   me   crazy!     Why   doesn’t   she   come   back   to   visit   me?     Is   she   scared   of   Medusa’s   eyes?     Strange   to   say,   even   the   large   white   fish   has   disappeared.     I   have   walked   by   the   side   of   the   lake   many   times   calling   to   her,   but   she   never   responded.     Yes,   my   lover   will   come   back   to   see   me.     She   is   just   afraid   of   being   turned   to   stone   by   Medusa.     I   must   get   rid   of   this   monster   so   that   I   can   be   reunited   with   my   beloved   wife.     Yes,   that   is   what   I   should   do.”  

After   Mr.   Finger   was   exiled   to   the   wilderness,   he   was   isolated   from   the   outside   world   and   knew   next   to   nothing   about   what   was   going   on.     He   did   not   know   the   large   white   fish   had   died,   that   his   wife   Viola   had   occupied   Giant   Mountain   with   the   help   of   Cyclops   and   was   contemplating   attacking   King   Dimitri’s   palace.     Meanwhile   like   Mr.   Finger,   Viola   was   anxiously   waiting   for   an   opportunity.     Mr.   Finger   remembered   hat   a   very   long   time   ago,   He   found   part   of   a   lost   manuscript   in   a   pile   of   old   papers.     It   was   a   piece   of   paper   with   a   strange,   simple   sketch.     The   annotations   on   the   side   said   it   was   a   talisman,   a   long-lost   secret   handed   down   through   the   ages.     You   need   only   draw   it   on   a   piece   of   paper   or   something,   attach   it   to   the   person   you   wish   to   cast   a   spell   on,   then   chant   certain   incantations   and   you   will   be   able   to   completely   control   the   will   and   soul   of   that   person.     He   or   she   will   then   unquestioningly   carry   out   your   wishes   and   commands.     He   or   she   will   even   die   if   you   command   it.     Mr.   Finger   secretly   drew   the   talisman   on   a   tulip,   intending   to   use   it   on   Dorna   as   an   experiment   to   see   if   it   really   worked.     He   murmured,   “This   will   be   up   to   the   will   of   heaven   as   I   am   not   at   all   sure   of   the   outcome.     The   success   of   failure   of   Viola’s   plan   for   revenge   is   in   the   hands   of   heaven...”     Just   then   Mr.   Finger   saw   a   black   dot   in   the   skies   coming   quickly   towards   him   and   knew   it   was   Dorna   on   her   flying   broom   bringing   him   food   and   wine.     His   heart   started   pounding   in   excitement   and   anticipation,   like   a   predator   waiting   for   the   chance   to   pounce   on   his   victim.

Dorna   jumped   down   from   her   flying   broom   when   she   reached   the   bank   of   the   lake.     Her   broom   remained   floating   in   midair   about   3-4   feet   from   the   ground.     Smiling   and   carrying   the   paper   bag   of   food   and   drinks,   Dorna   came   towards   Mr.   Finger,   who   was   waiting   for   her   by   the   straw   hut.

“Good   morning,   Mr.   Finger.     Come   and   see   what   I   brought   you   today”   she   said   as   she   spread   out   the   dishes   of   tasty   food   before   him.     Then   she   brought   out   a   bottle   of   wine,   held   it   tantalizingly   under   his   nose,   saying   “Smell   this   and   see   if   it’s   good.     It   is   the   best   Mou   Tai.     Want   a   taste?”

“Oh   yes,   of   course,   of   course”   replied   Mr.   Finger,   nodding   his   head   repeatedly.

“If   you   want   this   wine...”said   Dorna,   quickly   withdrawing   her   hand   and   the   wine,   “you   will   have   to   come   to   terms   with   me.”

“Ok.   Ok.   Anything   you   want.     Just   tell   me.”

“I   want   you   to   teach   me   how   to   pluck   flowers   from   the   air.     It’s   really   cool!     It   would   be   wonderful   if   I   could   do   it,   too!”

“What   if   I   won’t   teach   you”   teased   the   little   man,   pretending   reluctance   “What   can   you   do   to   me?”

“If   you   won’t   teach   me”   threatened   Dorna   “I   won’t   bring   you   food   and   wine   for   three   days.   See   if   you   can   stand   that!”

“Ok,   ok”   said   Mr.   Finger   pretending   to   give   in,   “I’ll   teach   you.     I’ll   teach   you,”   all   the   while   he   was   elated   that   Dorna   fell   into   his   trap   so   easily.   “Ok,   I’ll   teach   you.     I   can   go   without   food   for   three   days,   but   three   days   without   wine   cannot   be   endured.     Now   look   carefully.”     He   raised   his   hands   towards   the   tulip   patch   and   made   plucking   motions   in   the   air.     Four,   five   tulips   floated   towards   Dorna   and   danced   merrily   around   her   bedazzling   her   eyes.     Laughing   in   glee   she   said,

“That’s   wonderful!     That’s   superb!     Come   on,   teach   me   quickly.”     Mr.   Finger   secretively   stretched   out   his   hand   towards   the   tulip   he   had   already   drawn   his   talisman   on,   and   it   flew   straight   towards   Dorna   and   stuck   itself   in   her   hair.     Dorna   felt   the   world   spin   around   her   and   lost   consciousness.     Mr.   Finger   then   sat   down   cross-legged   on   the   ground   and   murmured   incantations.     Dorna   sat   up   and   got   on   the   flying   broom   according   to   Mr.   Finger’s   instructions   and   flew   towards   King   Dimitri’s   palace.     Seeing   that   his   plan   worked,   the   little   man’s   heart   felt   a   jolt.   He   laughed   happily   crying,

  “It   worked!     It   worked!     It   really   is   the   will   of   heaven.     I   wasn’t   at   all   certain   about   it   at   first,   but   it   really   worked!     It   is   really   heaven’s   will.”     He   took   a   swing   from   the   bottle   of   wine.     His   initial   success   was   like   the   beating   of   battle   drums,   encouraging   him   to   more   success   so   he   continued   the   vigorous   chanting   of   his   incantations.     He   closed   his   eyes   and   was   able   to   clearly   see   every   move   Dorna   made.

Dorna   flew   straight   through   the   front   gate   of   the   palace   towards   the   side   hall.     When   she   left   the   palace,   she   saw   White   fairy   wiping   King   Dimitri’s   magic   sword   and   arrows   and   tightening   his   bow   there.   Luckily   White   Fairy   had   asked   a   palace   attendant   to   take   the   magic   sword   back   to   Queen   Aisha   when   she   was   done   with   it   .The   queen   always   hugged   it   to   her   chest   because   it   gave   her   confidence   and   consolation   and   the   feeling   that   King   Dimitri   was   close   by.   Therefore,   when   Dorna   flew   to   the   side   hall   and   got   off   her   flying   broom,   there   was   only   the   magic   bow   and   arrows   there.     She   grabbed   the   bow,   shouldered   the   quiver   of   arrows   and   flew   out   of   the   palace.     White   Fairy   chased   after   her   saying,  

“Dorna!     Dorna!   What   are   you   doing?     Where   are   you   going   with   King   Dimitri’s   bow   and   arrows?”     But   Dorna   flew   on   without   turning   her   head.     White   Fairy   knew   something   was   terribly   amiss,   so   she   turned   into   a   puff   of   smoke   and   chased   after   Dorna.     In   the   skies,   she   met   Medusa,   who   was   inspecting   the   nearby   area   and   said   to   her,

“Something   is   wrong,   Medusa.     Dorna   is   acting   very   strange.     She   took   King   Dimitri’s   bow   and   arrows   and   is   flying   towards   Giant   Mountains!”

“Oh   no!”   exclaimed   Medusa,   greatly   alarmed   and   immediately   made   for   Giant   Mountains.     Her   lightning   speed   enabled   her   to   catch   up   with   Dorna   in   just   a   few   flaps   of   her   mighty   wings.   She   flew   in   front   of   the   girl,   turned   around   to   face   her   and   saw   that   Dorna’s   eyes   were   staring   unseeingly   straight   ahead   as   if   in   a   trance.     When   she   saw   Medusa   blocking   her   way,   she   repeatedly   hit   Medusa   with   the   handle   of   the   magic   bow   forcing   Medusa   to   make   way.     Medusa   did   not   dare   to   hit   back   as   her   claws,   hard   as   steel,   would   easily   hurt   Dorna.     Neither   did   she   dare   to   use   her   mighty   wings   as   the   razor   sharp   feathers   would   wound   the   young   girl.     In   Medusa’s   moment   of   hesitation,   Dorna   flew   past   her   and   came   to   Giant   Mountain.     Viola   and   Cyclops   ran   out   of   the   gold   palace   shouting,  

“Throw   down   the   bow   and   arrows!     Throw   down   the   bow   and   arrows!”

Medusa’s   sharp   eyes   suddenly   caught   sight   of   the   tulip   in   Dorna’s   hair   and   understood   the   significance   of   the   talisman   drawn   on   it.     She   said   to   Whiter   Fairy,   “Hit   the   flower   off   Dorna’s   hair.     There   is   a   terrible   talisman   drawn   on   it!”     But   the   warning   came   too   late.     Dorna   had   already   thrown   the   bow   and   arrows   down   to   the   ground.     Cyclops   grabbed   the   bow   and   arrow   and   aimed   them   at   Medusa.     Just   as   he   was   about   to   shoot,   his   heart   gave   a   lurch   and   he   found   he   could   not   do   it.     His   heart   softened   and   his   hand   could   not   let   go   of   the   arrow.     Even   he   himself   did   not   understand   why   he   suddenly   turned   soft-hearted.     It   was   because   there   was   a   special   bond   between   them,   just   as   Medusa   could   not   use   her   iron   claws   on   him   when   he   was   hanging   on   the   steep   cliff.     Viola   was   alarmed   at   his   abnormal   behavior.     Grabbing   the   bow   and   arrow   from   his   hands,   she   aimed   at   Medusa   and   let   fly   the   arrow.     Viola   was   not   a   good   archer   and   was   not   even   sure   she   could   hit   Medusa.     But   strange   to   say,   the   arrow   seemed   to   have   a   life   of   its   own   and   following   the   path   of   the   archer’s   eyes,   landed   where   it   was   meant   to.   Such   was   the   special   power   of   this   magic   bow   and   arrow.     Thus,   Medusa   was   again   shot   by   King   Dimitri’s   magic   weapon.   She   cried   out   in   alarm,   staggered   away   in   retreat   and   fluttered   down   to   the   ground   in   the   vicinity   of   King   Dimitri’s   palace.     Meanwhile,   White   Fairy   had   swiped   the   tulip   from   Dorna’s   hair.     The   young   girl   recovered   her   sensibilities   and   knew   she   had   caused   great   trouble   and   made   a   mess   of   things.     She   and   White   Fairy   immediately   flew   back   to   the   palace.

Seeing   the   magic   arrow   hit   its   target   and   Medusa   falling   to   the   ground   gravely   wounded,   Viola   was   exultant.     She   pressed   Cyclops   to   gather   the   troops   and   attack   the   palace.     Cyclops   did   as   she   urged   and   cried   in   a   loud   voice,  

“Everyone   aboard!     Onward   towards   King   Dimitri’s   palace!”     The   barbarian   soldiers   did   not   dare   to   hesitate.     Everyone   as   he   ordered,   rowing   for   the   opposite   shore   two   to   a   boat   -   the   one   behind   rowing   and   the   one   in   front   holding   up   a   shield   to   defend   themselves   against   the   arrows   of   the   enemy.     Cyclops   and   Viola   shared   a   boat.     He   sailed   in   front   leading   the   fleet   and   she   sat   at   the   back   protected   by   a   shield.     On   seeing   them,   King   Dimitri’s   warriors   on   the   hilltops   sounded   the   alarm   using   ox   horns   to   warn   of   the   oncoming   enemy.

Queen   Aisha   was   inspecting   Medusa’s   wound   on   the   beach   in   front   of   the   palace.     Medusa   had   been   hit   three   times   by   the   magic   bow   and   arrow.     Strangely   enough   each   time   it   had   been   on   the   same   spot.   This   time,   the   wound   seemed   to   be   the   most   serious.     Queen   Aisha   hardened   her   heart   and   resolutely   pulled   out   the   arrow.     Blood   gushed   out   like   a   stream,   seemingly   unstoppable.   Queen   Aisha   was   at   a   loss,   not   knowing   what   to   do.     In   the   end   it   was   Medusa   herself   who   remembered   a   way   to   stem   the   flow.     Opening   her   lusterless   eyes,   she   said   to   the   queen,

“Your   majesty,   the   last   time   when   King   Dimitri   was   tending   to   my   wound,   he   kissed   it   to   stop   the   blood   flow.     You   are   the   royal   consort,   perhaps   you   too   can...”     Her   words   inspired   Queen   Aisha   who   immediately   bent   down   and   softly   kissed   the   wound.     Lo   and   behold!     The   blood   stopped   flowing   and   the   wound   gradually   closed.     The   “wu...wu...”   of   the   ox   horns   sounded   all   around,   indicating   that   the   situation   was   dire.     Medusa   opened   her   dispirited   eyes.     Her   former   sharp   and   piercing   eyes   had   lost   their   power   and   luster.     She   looked   towards   the   lake   and   saw   a   fleet   of   small   boats   headed   by   Cyclops   break   through   the   defensive   web   of   arrows   she   had   stationed.   Though   the   arrows   rained   down   on   them   from   the   various   hilltops,   Cyclops   used   his   specially   made,   extra   long   and   thick   spear   to   hit   them   away   and   protect   his   fleet   of   small   boats.     They   were   making   their   way   towards   the   bank   of   the   lake.     Medusa   struggled   to   sit   up,   but   her   arms   were   not   able   to   support   her   and   she   fell   back.    

“Don’t   strain   yourself,   Medusa”   said   Queen   Aisha,   trying   to   comfort   her,   “If   your   wound   opens   up   again   it   would   be   disastrous!”     Actually   Queen   Aisha   was   at   her   wits   end   and   did   not   know   what   to   do.     Dorna,   who   was   standing   next   to   her,   knew   it   was   she   who   caused   this   crisis   by   falling   into   Mr.   Finger’s   trap   and   it   should   be   she   who   must   shoulder   the   responsibility.     The   obstinate   girl   became   calm   and   resolved.     Putting   her   fingers   into   her   mouth,   she   whistled   shrilly   and   Lightning,   the   magic   white   steed,   came   trotting   on   his   winded   hoofs.     Dorna   snatched   King   Dimitri’s   sword   from   the   clutches   of   Queen   Aisha   and   jumped   on   the   back   of   the   magic   horse.     Holding   up   the   sword,   she   addressed   the   soldiers   saying,

“This   is   King   Dimitri’s   magic   sword.     The   sword   is   King   Dimitri.     This   dangerous   time   is   the   time   for   us   to   fight   to   the   death.     Those   not   afraid   to   die,   come   with   me!”

“Aye!     Aye!!”     the   soldiers   shouted.     The   morale   was   high   and   the   soldiers   faced   death   fearlessly.     They   followed   Dorna   to   the   beach   to   shore   up   defenses.     Before   leaving,   Dorna   said   to   White   Fairy,  

“Please   go   to   the   hilltops   and   ask   the   warriors   there   to   come   down   to   the   beach.     Cyclops   had   broken   through   our   web   of   arrows   so   it   is   meaningless   for   them   to   remain   there   any   more.     We   need   them   here   to   protect   Queen   Aisha   and   Medusa   while   they   withdraw.     I   will   cover   the   retreat.”     White   Fairy   changed   into   a   puff   of   smoke   and   flew   straight   to   the   hilltops.

The   fleet   of   ships   led   by   Cyclops   had   breached   the   defensive   web   of   arrows   set   up   by   Medusa.     They   had   passed   the   middle   of   the   lake   and   were   gradually   making   for   the   shore.     Standing   at   the   helm   of   his   boat,   Cyclops   could   see   the   line   of   soldiers   formed   on   the   beach   in   front   of   King   Dimitri’s   palace   to   meet   him,   prepared   for   battle.   He   saw   their   leader   riding   on   a   spirited   snow   white   steed,   standing   in   the   forefront.     He   laughed   out   loud   and   said   to   Viola,  

“In   the   whole   of   King   Dimitri’s   Kingdom   Medusa   is   the   only   general   they   have.     I   don’t   think   there   is   another   leader.     Look   who   they   have   sent   out   against   us,   a   teen-age   girl   still   wet   behind   the   ears!     You   just   watch   and   see   me   capture   and   enjoy   her!   Ha-ha-ha...”     The   libidinous   creature   was   up   to   his   old   tricks   again   and   was   consumed   with   lust.     But   when   he   took   a   closer   look,   his   cockiness   dissolved   upon   seeing   King   Dimitri’s   sword   at   the   female   general’s   waist.     She   stood   there   imposing   and   awe-inspiring   and   belligerent.     Cyclops   had   used   the   magic   sword   once   and   knew   its   power.     It   could   slash   through   gold   and   jade   and   could   not   be   stopped   by   any   hindrance,   no   matter   how   hardy.  

  “There   will   be   a   hard-fought   battle   when   we   reach   the   shore”   he   thought.     “I   will   have   to   be   careful   and   cautious,   keep   my   long   spear   out   of   the   reach   of   the   edge   of   that   sword   and   everything   should   be   alright.     Good.     I   will   capture   that   young   girl.”   Cyclops   was   full   of   confidence   of   his   own   powers,   itching   to   have   a   go   at   her   and   show   off   his   strength   and   skill.

Cyclops’   boat   was   larger   than   those   of   the   other   soldiers.     It   could   hold   four   people   with   two   sailors   rowing   the   boat   for   Cyclops   and   Viola.     Just   then   an   arrow   flew   into   the   boat   in   spite   of   Cyclops   defensive   moves   and   hit   one   sailor   in   the   throat.     He   fell   into   the   lake.   Cyclops   ordered   the   other   sailor   to   quicken   the   speed.

“Are   we   within   the   range   to   shoot   back   at   them?”   asked   Viola.

“Yes,   we   should”   replied   Cyclops.

“Give   the   command   to   shoot   then”   commanded   Viola.     Cyclops   gave   the   necessary   signal   to   shoot   and   the   barbarian   soldiers   lighted   up   their   arrows   and   shot   at   King   Dimitri’s   palace.     The   soldiers   on   the   hilltops   also   rained   down   arrows   at   them.     The   two   sides   shot   webs   of   arrows   at   each   other   through   the   air.     Many   barbarian   soldiers   were   shot   and   fell   into   the   lake,   but   King   Dimitri’s   palace   had   also   caught   fire   and   started   to   burn.     Seeing   the   building   aflame   distracted   Dorna,   who   was   greatly   distraught,   but   with   the   strong   and   formidable   enemy   before   her,   she   could   not   dispatch   troops   to   extinguish   the   fire.     Luckily   the   troops   that   White   Fairy   had   ordered   to   come   down   reached   the   bottom   of   the   hill.     Some   of   them   quickly   protected   Queen   Aisha   and   the   seriously   wounded   Medusa   retreat   into   the   forest.   With   White   Fairy   and   King   Dimitri’s   two   tigers   leading   the   way,   their   retreat   should   be   safe   and   uneventful.     The   rest   joined   the   ranks   of   their   comrades   on   the   beach,   instantly   swelling   their   numbers,   raising   the   morale   of   the   troops.     The   fire   spread   fast,   quickly   engulfing   the   whole   palace.     Dorna   had   to   give   up   hopes   of   putting   out   the   flames   and   prepare   to   fight   a   decisive   battle   against   Cyclops   with   her   back   to   the   wall.

Dorna   looked   back   at   the   palace,   burning   brightly   behind   her.     The   place   that   held   so   many   enchanted   memories   for   her   was   now   completely   overwhelmed   in   flames.     Anger   filled   her   heart,   her   eyes   were   spitting   fire.   Cyclops   left   his   boat   and   came   ashore   followed   by   the   barbarian   soldiers   who   disembarked   from   the   hundreds   of   boats   behind   him.     Dorna   could   not   wait   any   longer.     She   attacked   before   the   enemy   could   gain   a   firm   foothold.     Drawing   King   Dimitri’s   magic   sword   flashing   with   chilling   brilliance   under   the   sun,   she   cried,  

“Brethren!     Life   or   death   depends   on   this   battle.     Onward!”   The   shouts   of   the   warriors   echoed   to   the   skies   as   they   rushed   against   the   invading   barbarian   soldiers.     Cyclops   took   out   his   thick,   long   spear   and   wielded   it     all   around   him,   causing   death   to   anyone   who   dared   to   confront   him   or   who   was   unfortunate   enough   to   be   within   reach   of   his   weapon.     Soon   the   ground   around   him   was   covered   with   the   dead   and   the   wounded.     King   Dimitri’s   army   suffered   a   huge   loss.     It   seemed   that   with   one   man   at   the   pass,   no   one   could   get   past   him   .Just   then,   a   young   girl   seated   on   a   snow   white   steed,   flourishing   King   Dimitri’s   magic   sword   rushed   into   the   fray.     Cyclops   did   not   dare   to   take   her   lightly   and   concentrated   carefully   on   dealing   with   her   strategically.     His   spear   attacked   like   a   snake   out   of   its   hole,   sly   and   cunning,   but   would   not   come   into   direct   contact   with   the   sword   for   fear   of   being   cut   into   pieces.     His   huge   hand   meanwhile   clutched   at   Dorna   whenever   possible,   causing   the   young   and   inexperienced   girl   to   fluster.  

  “If   this   goes   on   much   longer,   I   might   be   dragged   from   my   horse   and   be   captured   by   him.     That   would   be   terrible!”   she   thought.     So   she   calmed   herself   down,   determined   to   meet   Cyclops’   attack   cautiously.     The   white   horse   understood   its   rider’s   dilemma.     Jumping   out,   it   ran   in   circles   around   Cyclops,   now   clockwise   and   then   counterclockwise,   giving   Dorna   a   chance   to   attack   the   enemy.   Thus,   Dorna   gained   ground   by   being   the   active   attacker,   forcing   Cyclops   to   be   on   the   defensive.     King   Dimitri’s   soldiers   understood   that   life   or   death,   victory   or   defeat   depended   on   this   battle.     To   protect   their   wives   and   children   hiding   in   the   mountains   from   being   massacred   by   the   barbarian   invaders,   they   had   to   fight   to   the   death.     Their   righteous   determination   to   defend   their   homeland   and   protect   their   country   gave   the   soldiers   the   impetus   to   fight   bravely   and   ferociously,   their   morale   high,   forcing   the   enemy   to   retreat   back   into   the   waters.     Suddenly,   Lightning   neighed   loudly   and   flew   into   the   skies   and   Dorna   quickly   made   use   of   the   surprising   turn   of   events   to   make   a   swing   for   Cyclops   head.     Greatly   alarmed,   Cyclops   raised   his   hands   to   protect   his   head,   enabling   Dorna   to   cut   his   spear   in   half.     Dorna’s   sword   slipped   to   the   right   cutting   off   Cyclops   hand   at   the   wrist.     His   outraged   roar   of   pain   stopped   all   action   on   the   battlefield.     Dorna   was   just   about   to   strike   again   at   Cyclops’   head   when   she   glimpsed   a   bright   spark   flying   towards   her.     She   immediately   raised   her   sword   to   hit   the   flying   object   and   found   it   was   one   of   King   Dimitri’s   magic   arrows.     Only   this   magic   sword   could   stop   this   magic   arrow.     No   other   ordinary   weapon   was   strong   enough   to   withstand   its   might   and   deter   it   from   its   unerring   path.     Dorna   had   glimpsed   that   it   was   Viola   who   shot   at   her   from   her   boat,   but   when   she   turned   to   look   for   her,   she   had   disappeared.     The   fact   was   when   Viola   saw   that   her   surprise   attack   to   save   Cyclops   had   failed,   she   immediately   shrank   to   the   size   of   a   finger   to   conceal   herself   more   easily.     Cyclops   picked   up   his   severed   left   hand,   hastily   reattached   it   and   was   rushed   back   to   his   boat   by   his   soldiers.     With   their   leaders   in   full   retreat,   none   of   the   barbarian   soldiers   had   the   heart   to   fight   on,   so   all   scrambled   towards   their   boats.     King   Dimitri’s   soldiers   would   not   let   them   off   so   easily.     They   rushed   to   cut   off   their   massive   retreat,   even   jumping   into   the   water   after   them.     A   chaotic   fight   ensued   on   all   fronts.     Dorna   thought,  

“So   long   as   Queen   Aisha   is   safe   and   Medusa’s   wound   is   healing,   the   day   would   come   when   we   will   make   a   comeback.     We   should   preserve   our   strength”     So   she   gave   the   order   to   cease   fighting.     When   Cyclops   and   his   fleet   had   sailed   far   away,   Dorna   ordered   her   soldiers   to   tidy   up   the   battlefield.     They   treated   the   wounded   and   buried   the   dead   on   the   spot,   marking   the   graves   so   that   later   they   would   come   and   move   them   to   their   eternal   resting   place   and   set   up   a   monument   as   memorial   to   the   dead   soldiers.   The   rest   of   the   soldiers   went   to   join   Queen   Aisha   and   Medusa.

Day   and   night   interchange   in   the   skies.     Now   the   ever-rotating   earth   was   gradually   turning   towards   night.     The   sun   had   just   set   and   the   moon   rose.     From   the   earliest   times,   when   the   sun   rose,   the   moon   set;   when   the   moon   rose   the   sun   set.     This   alternation   from   sun   to   moon   was   like   an   intricate   instrument   of   the   universe,   moving   silently   and   soundlessly,   showing   that   the   great   earth   was   tumultuous   and   restless.     King   Dimitri’s   palace   was   consumed   in   flames.     This   grand   and   magnificent   palace   crackled   as   it   burned.     When   the   pillars   crashed   down,   there   were   earth-shaking   noises   and   the   ground   shivered.  

  High   in   the   skies   the   two   beautiful   nymphs,   Clementine   and   Charmaine,   lived   in   the   palace   on   the   moon,   often   thinking   of   King   Dimitri   and   their   old   companions   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.   Musical   notes   from   the   harp   filled   the   palace   which   was   built   of   snow   white   jade   and   pure   clear   crystal.     Not   far   away   there   was   a   young   girl,   dressed   in   a   white   tunic,   with   only   a   belt   at   her   waist,   displaying   her   beautiful   figure.     Her   luscious   long   hair   fell   to   her   shoulders   as   she   had   just   been   bathing   in   the   nearby   river.     In   her   hand   was   a   bamboo   basket   of   multicolored   fresh   flowers   she   had   just   picked,   adding   brightness   and   gaiety   to   the   endless   stretch   of   pure   white   of   the   moon.       The   girl   was   Charmaine   and   the   one   playing   the   harp   was   the   other   mistress   of   the   moon,   Clementine.     Charmaine   walked   barefooted   on   the   smooth   white   ground.     She   went   up   the   step,   pushed   open   the   door   and   went   in.     Picking   a   flower   from   her   basket,   she   stuck   it   in   the   hair   of   the   girl   playing   the   harp.     Clementine   stopped   playing.     She   lowered   her   hands   to   her   lap   and   was   still.

“What’s   worrying   you,   Clementine?”   asked   her   sister.     “From   your   music   I   can   hear   you   are   perturbed   and   upset.”

“Yes,   you’re   right.   Somehow   I   feel   tense,   nervous   and   afraid   today   and   I   don’t   know   why.     I   am   afraid   something   has   happened   to   King   Dimitri   and   his   Kingdom.”

“No,   I   don’t   think   so.     Perhaps   it’s   because   they   are   always   on   your   mind.     Why   don’t   we   go   to   your   mirror   and   see   how   they   are   doing?     That   will   set   your   mind   at   rest.   We   haven’t   seen   our   sisters   in   the   palace   for   quite   some   time   now.”

“You’re   right”   nodded   Clementine.     The   two   of   them   walked   over   to   the   windows   and   looked   into   the   mirror   on   the   dressing   table.   They   were   greatly   alarmed   to   see   that   King   Dimitri’s   palace   was   in   flames   and   none   of   the   beauties   were   anywhere   in   sight.     They   saw   that   gold   palace   had   been   stripped   of   its   iron   coating   and   was   glowing   brightly   under   the   moon.     Inside   it,   a   lot   of   barbarian   soldiers   were   moving   about,   talking,   laughing,   eating   and   drinking   in   celebration.

“Oh   no!”   said   Clementine   “It’s   just   as   I   thought.     Things   have   gone   terribly   wrong   there.     The   palace   has   been   burnt   down.     I   wonder   what   has   happened   to   King   Dimitri   and   the   beauties.   What   should   we   do...?   King   Dimitri   is   someone   our   father   Zeus   thinks   highly   of.     Charmaine,   why   don’t   you   report   to   father   Zeus   that   King   Dimitri’s   palace   has   burned   down   and   his   whereabouts   unknown.     I   will   go   down   to   the   mundane   world   and   see   what   is   happening.”

“Good!     That’s   a   good   idea.”     Saying   so,   they   both   left   the   palace   on   the   moon

Viola   sat   on   the   throne   under   the   round   dome   of   the   gold   palace   with   Cyclops   standing   guard   next   to   her.     Myriads   of   campfires   dotted   the   square   outside,   while   shadows   of   people   inside   busily   walking   to   and   fro   could   be   seen.     According   to   the   customs   of   these   barbarian   tribes,   everyone   gathered   to   celebrate   a   major   victory.     They   would   eat   and   drink   to   excess   and   indulge   in   sexual   orgies   where   they   coupled   with   multiple   partners   madly   and   with   abandon.     At   this   moment   they   were   gathered   in   groups   around   the   camp   fires,   immersed   in   alcohol,   lust   and   frantic   revelry.     Viola   sat   silently   on   her   throne,   tallying   up   the   gains   and   losses   of   the   day.     On   the   plus   side,   King   Dimitri’s   palace   had   burnt   down   to   the   ground,   the   people   have   been   driven   into   the   surrounding   hills   and   mountains,   Medusa   has   been   badly   wounded   and   is   out   of   commission   for   the   near   term   so   far   as   being   a   force   she   and   Cyclops   must   reckon   with   is   concerned.     But   Medusa’s   wound   though   severe   is   not   life-threatening.     It   will   heal   and   one   day   she   will   be   back   for   her   revenge.     But   then   she   thought,

  “I   have   her   nemesis,   the   magic   bow   and   arrow,   so   why   do   I   need   to   fear   her?   “     Her   thoughts   turned   to   Mr.   Finger.    

“I   wonder   what   magic   power   he   used   to   steal   these   weapons   from   the   palace   and   how   he   made   Dorna   fly   to   the   gold   palace   on   her   magic   broom   and   deliver   them   to   us.     This   little   guy   is   really   something.     He   is   eccentric   and   has   all   kinds   of   tricks   up   his   sleeves.     I   need   to   be   on   my   guard   with   him.     King   Dimitri   treated   him   very   well   as   a   good   friend,   but   he   was   willing   to   help   me   ruin   his   Kingdom.     One   day,   he   may   turn   his   weapon   around   and   help   King   Dimitri   lead   what   remains   of   his   army   and   counterattack   me!     It   will   be   hard   to   say   who   wins   and   who   loses   then.     Mr.   Finger   is   of   no   further   use   to   me.     He   is   moody,   cannot   distinguish   between   good   and   evil,   right   and   wrong.     He   acts   on   his   won   whim   and   is   fickle   and   changeable.     He   cannot   be   trusted   to   remain   loyal   to   me   forever.     I   had   better   find   a   way   to   dispatch   him   so   that   I   need   not   be   on   guard   all   the   time   against   future   trouble...”     Thinking   so,   Viola   stood   up   from   her   throne.

“Where   are   you   going?”   asked   Cyclops.     “Do   you   need   me   to   go   with   you?

“No”   answered   Viola.     “You   have   been   badly   wounded   and   need   to   rest.     I’ll   be   gone   for   just   a   little   while.     It’s   alright.”

Cyclops   left   hand   had   been   severed   by   the   magic   sword.     Though   it   had   been   reattached,   it   was   hastily   done   during   the   mass   retreat   from   the   beach.     As   a   result,   the   attachment   was   slightly   off   and   his   left   wrist   twisted   a   bit   outwards.     Now   that   the   muscles   and   flesh   had   grown   firmly   over   the   bone,   nothing   could   be   done.     Viola   rowed   a   small   boat   towards   the   opposite   shore.

Lustrous   moonlight   shone   down   on   the   quiet   earth.     Mr.   Finger   woke   from   his   drunken   stupor.     Opening   his   eyes,   he   saw   that   King   Dimitri’s   palace   had   gone   up   in   a   blaze   of   fire   that   reddened   half   the   sky.     He   was   greatly   startled   and   scrambled   up   from   his   bed.     He   walked   out   to   the   side   of   the   lake   and   looked   over   at   the   opposite   shore.     He   remembered   that   when   Dorna   brought   him   his   food   and   wine   that   morning,   he   stuck   a   tulip   on   which   he   had   drawn   a   talisman   in   her   hair,   using   his   newly   perfected   feat   of   plucking   flowers   from   the   air.     He   then   mumbled   incantations   to   order   Dorna   to   fly   back   to   the   palace   and   steal   King   Dimitri’s   magic   bow   and   arrow.     He   further   ordered   her   to   throw   the   weapons   down   at   the   gold   palace.     A   husky   man   with   a   horn   on   his   head   caught   them   and   viola   took   them   from   him   and   shot   at   Medusa.     Medusa   was   wounded   and   fell   to   the   ground.     But   White   Fairy   swiped   the   tulip   from   Dorna’s   hair   and   he   had   not   been   able   to   see   what   happened   after   that.     At   the   time   he   was   intent   on   enjoying   the   fabulous   Mao-tai   wine   Dorna   had   brought   him,   but   his   bleary   eyes   seemed   to   have   seen   that   man   with   a   horn   on   his   head   lead   a   fleet   of   boats   towards   King   Dimitri’s   palace.     After   that   he   heard   loud   battle   cries   and   ear-deafening   drums,   but   he   had   fallen   into   a   drunken   stupor   and   knew   no   more.     Now   he   had   woken   up   and   found   that   the   situation   was   grave   and   critical.     Worried   and   fearful,   he   walked   around   in   circles   rubbing   his   hands   together   saying,

“What   shall   I   do?     What   shall   I   do?   How   can   I   face   my   good   friend   King   Dimitri?     I   was   the   cause   of   all   this   damage.     Confound   it!     Alcoholism   is   the   root   of   all   evil.     I   regret   causing   this   great   tragedy,   but   now   it’s   too   late.     What   shall   I   do?     What   shall   I   do?”     By   this   time,   Mr.   Finger   had   gradually   begun   to   realize   that   from   the   very   beginning   he   had   been   duped   by   Viola   and   fell   into   her   sex   trap.     Step   by   step,   she   led   him   on   until   today   he   had   no   way   out,   no   possibility   of   redeeming   himself.   Mr.   Finger   thought,

“When   I   first   saw   how   set   she   was   on   avenging   her   mother   I   promised   to   help   her,   never   realizing   her   abnormal   ambitions.     She   not   only   took   over   King   Dimitri’s   Kingdom,   but   also   burnt   down   his   palace.     Viola   is   beautiful   as   a   flower,   but   her   heart   is   devious   and   poisonous   as   a   serpent.     It’s   my   fault   that   I   love   drink   and   sex,   so   I   was   vulnerable   and   fell   into   her   trap.     How   on   earth   do   I   have   the   gall   to   face   my   old   friend   Dimitri?     Damn   it!     It’s   my   own   fault...”

    Mr.   Finger   heard   the   sound   of   paddle   breaking   the   smooth   surface   of   the   water.     He   looked   carefully   and   saw   that   the   woman   rowing   towards   him,   jumping   ashore   and   tying   up   her   boat   was   Viola.     As   she   came   closer,   Mr.   Finger   saw   she   was   carrying   her   bow   and   arrow   across   her   shoulders   and   had   a   sword   at   her   waist.     His   heart   lurched   at   the   sight   and   thought,.  

  “Why   would   she   arm   herself   to   the   teeth   to   come   and   see   me?     She   has   made   herself   tall   as   a   normal   woman.     If   she   wants   to   do   me   harm,   there   is   no   way   I   can   defend   myself.     I   had   better   hide   and   see   what   she   is   up   to.”     Mr.   Finger   hid   among   the   flowers   and   looked   fixedly   at   Viola,   who   was   walking   silently   on   tiptoes   towards   King   Dimitri’s   straw   hut.     When   she   was   about   an   arrow’s   distance   from   it,   she   stopped,   surveyed   her   surroundings   carefully   and   took   three   arrows   she   had   designed   herself   from   her   quiver.     She   lighted   them   and   shot   them   one   by   one   into   the   hut.     The   hut   had   a   straw   roof   and   a   frame   made   of   bamboo   plastered   with   sol   which   had   dried.   All   three   ingredients   were   extremely   susceptible   to   fire.     One   fiery   arrow   would   have   been   sufficient.     Three   of   them   created   a   raging   fire   that   reduced   the   straw   hut   to   ashes   in   no   time.     Mr.   Finger   was   scared   and   shocked   that   Viola   had   come   expressly   to   kill   him.    

“I   suppose   it’s   not   my   time   to   die   yet”   he   thought.     “It’s   just   a   lucky   co-incidence   that   I   woke   up   and   walked   out   of   the   hut   because   I   was   curious   to   find   out   about   what   was   happening.     Otherwise,   I   would   have   burnt   to   death   in   that   inferno.     That   woman   really   has   the   heart   of   a   serpent.     Not   only   is   she   not   grateful   to   me   for   helping   her,   she   wants   to   kill   me   instead.     Since   that   is   so   and   you   are   heartless,   don’t   blame   me   if   I   reciprocate   in   kind.     When   the   time   comes   don’t   cry   foul   and   accuse   me   of   being   cruel   and   merciless.   “

  Viola   waited   until   the   fire   was   out   before   standing   up   to   leave.     Suddenly   she   thought   of   something.

  “If   Mr.   Finger   is   not   inside   the   hut   and   did   not   die   there,   he   would   know   that   I   mean   him   harm.     This   little   man   is   crafty   and   full   of   peculiar   and   eccentric   ideas.     If   he   seeks   revenge   against   me,   it   would   be   hard   to   guard   against.     I   cannot   let   him   off   the   hook   tonight   or   it   would   mean   no   ends   of   trouble   in   the   future.”     She   suddenly   thought   of   something.  

“If   he   is   not   here,   where   could   he   be?   Hm-m-m-m.     The   best   bet   is   the   hole   in   the   dead   tree.     That   is   a   hiding   place   only   he   and   I   know   about.     Why   don’t   I   go   and   make   sure   he   is   not   there.”     Saying   so   Viola   walked   into   the   patch   of   flowers.     She   was   very   familiar   with   the   spot   and   made   her   way   there   secretively.     Soon   she   came   to   a   large   dead   tree,   whose   burnt   bark   and   branches   showed   signs   of   having   been   struck   by   lightning.     This   was   another   of   wily   Viola’s   secret   hide-outs.   Mr.   Finger,   her   ex-lover   and   present   enemy   followed   closely   behind   her.   Viola   stood   silently   in   front   of   the   withered   tree   for   quite   some   time.     She   had   thought   of   burning   down   the   tree   house   and   restart   with   a   clean   slate,   but   then   she   thought,  

“I   have   spent   years   of   time   and   energy   to   furnish   a   cozy   home   for   myself.     It   would   be   a   shame   to   burn   it   all   down.   Also   if   worse   comes   to   the   worse   and   I   am   defeated,   this   tree   hole   will   be   a   safe   haven   to   retreat   to   as   a   last   resort.”   So   Viola   waivered   in   her   decision   to   burn   the   withered   tree   and   thought,  

“Why   don’t   I   go   in   and   see   if   Mr.   Finger   is   there.     If   he   is,   at   this   time   of   the   night   he   would   be   dead   drunk   and   it   would   not   be   hard   to   kill   him.”     Taking   an   arrow   from   her   quiver,   she   shaved   it   down   to   the   size   of   a   toothpick   with   her   sword.     She   made   three   of   them   and   chose   the   sharpest   one   to   take   with   her.     She   changed   herself   to   the   size   of   a   finger,   brushed   aside   the   wild   growth   covering   the   hole   and   entered.  

  Mr.   Finger   understood   that   Viola   intended   to   kill   him   with   the   sharp-pointed   wooden   spike   she   just   made   and   was   very   angry.

  “Good!     I   will   do   the   same   to   you!”   he   thought.     He   jumped   out   of   the   shady   flower   patch   into   the   bright   moonlight   and   picked   among   the   wooden   spikes   Viola   had   left   behind   looking   for   the   sharper   one   and   then   quietly   hid   himself   again   among   the   flowers.     Viola   came   out   of   the   tree   hole,   grinning   widely.     She   didn’t   find   any   trace   of   Mr.   Finger   inside   and   concluded   he   must   have   died   in   the   fire   that   consumed   the   straw   hut.     Throwing   down   the   wooden   spike   in   her   hand   onto   the   ground,   she   was   just   about   to   turn   back   to   a   normal   woman’s   height   when   someone   suddenly   jumped   out   of   the   flower   patch   and   rushed   at   her.     Before   she   realized   what   had   happened,   a   sharp   wooden   spike   was   thrust   into   her   chest.     Viola   was   thunderstruck.     When   she   opened   her   eyes   wide   and   realized   it   was   Mr.   Finger,   she   was   furious   and   shouted,  

“   dare   to   betray   me...?   dare   to   kill   me?”

“It   was   you   who   wanted   to   kill   me   first”   Mr.   Finger   laughed.     “It   was   you   who   betrayed   me.     So   what   don’t   I   dare   to   do?”   said   he   thrusting   the   spike   deep   into   her   chest.     Viola   fell   to   the   ground   with   blood   gushing   from   her   wound.     Mr.   Finger   clapped   his   hands   and   then   spread   them   out   saying,

  “Good.     Good.     Everything   is   settled   then.     I   was   so   happy   that   I   finally   got   a   wife,   but   now   I   kill   her   with   my   own   hands.     King   Dimitri’s   palace   has   been   burnt   to   the   ground.     There   is   no   reason   for   me   to   linger   here   any   more.     I   had   better   vamoose?     Then   he   thought   of   something   and   said,  

“Yes,   if   I   should   ever   see   Dimitri   again,   I   can   now   justify   myself   to   him.     I   helped   Viola   destroy   his   palace   but   I   also   helped   him   kill   Viola.     This   give   and   take   makes   us   even   and   I   don’t   have   anything   more   to   do   with   this   mess.     As   to   what   enmity   exists   between   him   and   Viola,   has   nothing   to   do   with   me.     I   must   extricate   myself   completely   from   all   this.     The   situation   now   is   1-1=0.     It’s   as   if   nothing   ever   happened   and   has   nothing   at   all   to   do   with   me.:     Saying   so,   he   turned   and   walked   rapidly   away   on   his   two   short,   sturdy   legs   into   the   flower   patch.     Things   on   this   earth   are   strange.     They   are   complicated   and   not   as   simple   as   Mr.   Finger   thought.     Only   Mr.   Finger’s   twisted   brain   could   come   up   with   such   absurd   logic.     Things   on   earth   cannot   be   solved   by   such   simple   math   equations   as   1-1=0.     Sometimes   1-1   does   not   equal   0.     That   is   something   Mr.   Finger   could   not   understand.

When   Mr.   Finger   left,   Viola   lay   on   the   ground   in   her   own   pool   of   blood.     She   was   on   her   last   gasp,   but   not   yet   dead.     She   thought,  

“When   one   is   on   the   point   of   death,   everything   equals   zero.     What   is   there   that   I   have   to   have?     What   is   worth   fighting   for?     Everything   equals   zero.     But   I   am   not   ready   to   die.     My   mother   is   in   fiery   Gehenna   waiting   for   me   to   save   her.     My   magnificent   gold   palace   has   just   seen   the   light   of   day   and   I   haven’t   really   enjoyed   it   yet.     No,   I   cannot   die...   With   so   much   unresolved,   I   cannot   die.”     Suddenly   she   thought   of   something.   “I   can   change   the   size   of   my   body   at   will.     If   I   make   myself   big   as   a   normal   woman,   that   wound   I   just   received   would   be   just   a   scratch!”     So   she   immediately   changed   herself   to   a   larger   size   and   wonder   of   wonders,   that   little   wooden   spike   was   stuck   like   a   thorn,   hurting   her   flesh   but   none   of   her   organs.     She   plucked   out   the   spike,   threw   it   on   the   ground,   picked   up   her   sword,   bow   and   arrows   and   walked   towards   the   side   of   the   lake.     Untying   the   rope,   she   looked   back   at   the   wilderness   around   her   saying   with   deep   hatred,   “That   slippery   Mr.   Finger   is   sure   to   cause   trouble   in   the   future.”     But   the   situation   being   such,   there   was   nothing   she   could   do.     Rowing   the   boat,   Viola   went   back   to   her   beloved   gold   palace.

The   welcome   party   for   Chanelle,   Angelica,   Natalie   and   Lotus   hastily   ended   and   Elina   drove   Dimitri   back   to   his   studio   apartment.     It   was   only   the   duration   of   a   dinner,   but   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   earth-shaking   events   had   taken   place.     The   palace   had   been   burnt,   the   whole   Kingdom   had   been   seized   and   occupied   by   Cyclops   and   Viola,   but   no   one   here   knew   anything   about   it   yet.     The   car   ran   smoothly   around   the   lake.

“The   fog   is   heavy   tonight”   said   Elina.     “It   looks   insoluble   and   makes   this   lake   seem   all   the   more   mysterious   and   poetic.     How   I   wish   this   trip   could   last   forever   so   we   can   drive   slowly   in   the   thick   fog.”

“These   words   don’t   seem   to   come   from   you”   said   Dimitri   who   was   sitting   beside   her.     “They   are   the   words   of   a   poet.”

“It’s   not   only   poets   who   can   write   poetry.     We   ordinary   people   can   also   have   poetic   thoughts   in   our   minds   and   hearts,   only   we   don’t   know   how   tom   express   them,   that’s   all”

“You’re   right.     You’re   right.”

No   matter   how   much   Elina   wished   the   short   trip   would   last   longer,   the   car   had   reached   the   red   light   in   direct   view   of   Dimitri’s   little   studio.

“Hey,   Dimitri!”   exclaimed   Elena.   “”There’s   someone   climbing   into   the   window   of   your   apartment!”

“Oh,   that’s   alright”   replied   Dimitri   smiling.   “It’s   probably   one   of   my   old   friends”

“Why   do   they   jump   through   windows?     Why   don’t   they   use   the   door?”

“These   friends   of   mine   do   not   always   obey   the   laws   of   society”   said   Dimitri   calmly.   “But   they   are   very   loyal   to   me   and   are   my   true   friends.”

“Really?   “     The   traffic   lights   turned   green.     Elina   crossed   the   street   and   stopped   at   the   drive-in   of   the   old   apartment   building.   “What   do   you   guys   do   when   you   get   together?”

“Nothing   much.     We   drink,   eat   broiled   meat   and   chat.     That’s   all”

“That’s   interesting.     I   wish   I   could   join   in   your   all-male   party,   too.”

“Why   not?     There   are   lots   of   opportunities.     Next   time   we   will   invite   you.   Do   you   know   we   made   a   new   friend   recently   called   Dwarf   Mickey?     He’s   a   real   dwarf   but   he   is   unique   in   that   he   is   extremely   knowledgeable   and   knows   all   about   astronomy,   geography.     He   knows   everything   that   went   on   500   years   ago   and   can   foretell   things   that   will   happen   in   the   next   500   years.   Talking   to   him   is   interesting.     He   knows   a   lot   of   fascinating   stuff   and   can   tell   you   about   strange   incidents   that   you   would   never   know   otherwise.     It’s   really   intriguing.     You   can   come   and   meet   him   next   time   and   listen   to   his   stories.”

“That   would   be   great!   Life   will   be   more   interesting   this   way.     I   think   a   man’s   achievement   is   not   how   much   money   he   has   or   how   much   power.     A   successful   man   must   have   a   few   good   friends   he   can   trust   with   his   life   and   share   the   good   times   as   well   as   the   bad.     Only   then   is   life   worth   living.”

“You   are   right.     Friends   are   part   of   my   wealth.”     Just   as   Dimitri   was   getting   ready   to   get   out   of   the   car,   Elena   said,  

“By   the   way...Oh   never   mind...     We’ll   talk   about   it   next   time.”   Dimitri   nodded   and   cautioned   Elena   as   he   always   does,  

“Turn   on   the   fog   lights   and   drive   carefully.”   Elena   drove   away.     What   she   was   about   to   say   was,

  “I   am   considered   one   of   your   24   beauties,   but   have   never   been   physically   intimate   with   you.     How   long   do   you   want   me   to   wait?”   Dimitri   understood   Elena’s   thoughts   very   well.     He   knew   the   other   beauties   had   the   same   question   in   their   hearts   but   he   didn’t   know   what   to   do   or   how   to   answer   their   question.     He   was   determined   to   bring   closure   to   the   problem.     He   felt   he   could   not   impede   and   delay   their   beauty,   their   youth,   their   future   and   their   quest   for   a   life-ling   companion.

As   Dimitri   walked   in   the   corridor   leading   to   his   unit,   the   smell   of   broiled   meat,   the   sounds   of   laughter   and   energetic   conversation   reached   his   ears.     He   opened   his   door   and   found   Mr.   Kaffee,   Big-O,   Richard   and   Jamaz   making   themselves   at   home   in   his   room   cooking,   drinking   and   talking.     They   all   stood   up   to   welcome   him   and   made   room   for   him   to   sit.

“We   heard   the   four   more   beauties   from   your   Kingdom   have   come   back.     How   are   things   there?”

“Not   too   well.     That   ambitious   woman   Viola   got   together   with   Cyclops   and   occupied   Giant   Mountain.     They   stripped   off   the   iron   coating   and   made   the   gold   palace   brilliant   and   dazzling   again   under   the   sun.     Their   next   step   is   said   to   be   my   palace   on   the   opposite   shore.”

“Let’s   go!”   cried   Mr.   Kaffee,   Big-O,   Richard   and   Jamaz.   “”We’ll   all   go   and   help   protect   the   palace   and   your   Kingdom.     We’ll   take   on   Cyclops.     Why   wait?”

“Don’t   worry   guys.     Don’t   be   impatient.     Attacking   the   palace   is   easier   said   than   done.     They   have   to   cross   the   wide   expanse   of   Star-Moon   Lake.     They   have   to   deal   with   Medusa   whose   lethal   eyes   could   turn   them   all   tom   stone   and   sink   them   to   the   bottom   of   the   lake.     I   don’t   think   they   dare   to   accost   her.”

“Then   the   Kingdom   is   safe   for   the   moment?”   asked   Mr.   Kaffee.     Dimitri   nodded.

“For   the   moment,   everything   seems   fine,   but   it’s   hard   to   predict   the   future.”

“Then   things   aren’t   too   bad”   commented   Mr.   Kaffee.   “Sit.     Sit,   everyone.     Let’s   eat   and   drink   first.”     Dimitri   felt   hungry.     At   the   party,   he   was   worrying   about   the   crisis   in   his   Kingdom,   but   here   gathered   together   with   his   good   friends,   he   seemed   to   have   found   his   lost   appetite   again.   He   snatched   up   a   lamb   chop   and   drank   some   wine.  

“Hey,   where’s   Dwarf   Mickey?     Why   isn’t   he   here   tonight?”

“I   don’t   know   what’s   come   over   that   little   old   dwarf.     He   hasn’t   been   around   for   quite   a   few   days.     Wonder   where   he   went   to.”

  Outside   the   window   came   the   strange   crackling   laughter   and   Dwarf   Mickey’s   squeaky   voice   saying,  

“You   guys   are   talking   behind   my   back   again!     Hey   is   there   anyone   inside   strong   enough   to   come   out   and   carry   me   in?     Why   aren’t   you   waiting   for   me   to   share   the   wine   and   meat?”   Richard   immediately   jumped   out   of   the   window,   grabbed   the   old   dwarf   by   the   waist   and   set   him   on   the   window   sill.     Dwarf   Mickey   jumped   nimbly   into   the   room   and   Richard   jumped   back   in   after   him.   Dwarf   Micky   waved   a   white   bag   at   them   saying,  

“Look   what   I   have   brought   you   guys!”   Something   was   struggling,   kicking   and   moving   inside   the   bag,   and   another   familiar   voice   complained,  

“You   old   dwarf!   You   scoundrel!   You   son-of-a   gun!   Why   do   you   put   me   in   this   bag?     Watch   what   I’ll   do   to   you   when   I   get   out.     I’ll   kill   you,   you   old   wretch!   See   if   I   don’t!”   Dwarf   Mickey   hated   to   be   called   old.     When   that   voice   inside   the   bag   kept   taunting   him   with   that   word,   he   got   mad   and   shouted,  

“I   won’t   let   you   out.     What   are   you   going   to   do?     I’ll   smother   you   to   death   inside   the   bag.     What   can   you   do   to   me?”   Dimitri   recognized   the   voice   and   asked,

“Is   that   Mr.   Finger   inside   the   bag?     Let   him   out.     Don’t   really   smother   him.”   Dwarf   Mickey   reluctantly   loosened   the   mouth   of   the   bag,   shook   it   and   out   rolled   Mr.   Finger.     He   somersaulted   on   the   table,   stood   up   and   pointed   a   finger   at   Dwarf   Mickey’s   nose   shouting,

“You   old   dwarf!     You   put   me   in   this   bag   and   almost   smothered   me.     What   do   you   want   to   do?     Why   do   you   bring   me   to   this   place?     What   is   this   place?     Do   you   know   King   Dimitri   is   my   good   friend?     You   dare   to   bully   me.     Watch   what   he   will   do   to   you   when   I   tell   him.”   Dwarf   Mickey   was   old,   but   his   temper   was   as   fiery   as   ever.     He   rolled   up   his   sleeves   and   said,

  “I   saved   your   life   and   you   dare   to   shout   at   me?     Watch   me   beat   you   to   a   pulp!”

“What’s   so   special   about   that?     You’re   bigger   than   me.     Shame   on   you   for   taking   advantage   of   someone   smaller.     I’ll   ask   Dimitri   to   punish   you.”

“Good”   said   the   dwarf.     Pointing   at   Dimitri,   he   said   “Look   who   that   is!”

Mr.   Finger   looked   towards   where   he   pointed,   and   was   shocked   to   find   it   was   Dimitri   himself   sitting   there.     He   immediately   covered   his   head   with   both   arms   and   crouched   down   on   the   table   saying,   “1-1=0.     1-1=0.     I   paid   you   back   measure   for   measure.     I   don’t   owe   you   any   more.     1-1=0.”     Mr.   Finger’s   actions   were   like   those   of   an   ostrich,   thinking   that   burying   its   head   in   the   sand   when   in   a   perilous   situation   would   let   it   escape   the   danger.     His   comical   actions   made   everyone   in   the   room   laugh.

“What   happened”   asked   Dimitri.     Dwarf   Mickey   told   them   that   these   last   few   days   he   went   back   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     He   then   proceeded   to   tell   them   of   the   latest   happenings   there:   how   Mr.   Finger   used   a   talisman   and   incantations   to   make   Dorna   steal   the   magic   bow   and   arrow   and   fly   on   her   magic   broom   to   the   gold   palace   and   throw   them   to   the   ground   there,   how   Viola   shot   Medusa   with   the   arrow   wounding   her   badly,   how   Cyclops   led   the   barbarian   soldiers   against   the   Kingdom,   how   after   she   woke   up   Dorna   led   the   warriors   and   fought   bravely.   She   cut   off   Cyclops’   left   hand   at   the   wrist   with   the   magic   sword,   and   drove   the   enemies   back   into   the   waters,   thus   saving   the   lives   of   the   people   of   the   Kingdom.   But   the   palace   was   burnt   to   the   ground.   Mr.   Finger   still   hid   his   head   behind   his   arms   mumbling,    

“1-1=0.     1-1=0.     Tit   for   tat.     I   don’t   owe   you   anything   anymore.     I   have   avenged   you,   so   you   don’t   have   to   get   even   with   me.”

“Ok.     Ok.     We’re   even.     I   won’t   settle   accounts   with   you”   said   Dimitri.   “Blaming   you   won’t   help   matters.     Consider   us   even,   how’s   that?”   When   Mr.   Finger   heard   that,   he   stood   up   on   the   table   and   sniffed   around   because   he   smelled   wine.

“Have   you   seen   Queen   Aisha   and   Dorna?”   asked   Dimitri.   “How   is   Medusa’s   wound?     How   is   Deanna?”  

“Aren’t   they   all   your   women?”   said   Mr.   Finger   arrogantly.     “What   have   they   to   do   with   me?     Why   ask   me?     Whether   they   live   or   die   have   nothing   to   do   with   me.     Give   me   wine.     I   feel   my   craving   coming   on.”   Everyone   knew   this   little   man   was   one   of   a   kind   and   so   didn’t   take   him   seriously.     Richard   took   a   bowl,   poured   Mou   Tai   wine   into   it   and   asked,

“How   about   it?     Want   me   to   drop   you   in   or   will   you   climb   in   yourself?”

“Nonsense!     Of   course   I’ll   climb   in   myself”   said   he,   giving   Richard   a   white   eye   and   climbed   into   the   bowl   of   wine   and   started   drinking.     After   a   while,   he   simply   lay   down   in   the   wine   and   drank.

“Don’t   worry,   Dimitri”   said   Dwarf   Mickey.   “Queen   Aisha   and   Dorna   have   returned   to   the   mundane   world.     Medusa   has   been   badly   wounded,   but   White   Fairy   and   Deanna   are   taking   good   care   of   her   and   are   nursing   her   back   to   health.     She   is   recovering   nicely.     White   Fairy   is   busy   gathering   intelligence   and   Deanna   is   the   liaison   between   the   chiefs   and   elders.     They   are   needed   there   and   so   they   cannot   come   back   at   the   moment.     I   am   sure   Queen   Aisha   and   Dorna   will   soon   contact   you.”

Dimitri   nodded   his   heart   finally   at   peace.     He   thought,  

“The   magic   sword   is   in   Medusa’s   hands.     Only   it   can   stop   the   magic   arrows,   so   Medusa   and   my   people   will   be   safe   and   will   not   face   extinction.     Queen   Aisha   and   Dorna   have   also   returned.     I   need   not   worry   any   more.”     Suddenly   he   thought   of   something   and   asked   Dwarf   Mickey,

  “How   did   you   get   hold   of   Mr.   Finger?”     Dwarf   Mickey   then   told   them   what   happened   in   the   wilderness:   how   Viola   tried   to   kill   Mr.   Finger   by   burning   down   Dimitri’s   straw   hut.     Luckily   the   little   man   was   not   meant   to   die   and   had   just   gotten   out   of   the   hut   to   watch   the   palace   burn   and   so   escaped.     He   also   told   them   how   Mr.   Finger   pierced   Viola’s   chest   with   the   wooden   spike   that   she   meant   for   him   and   left   her   there   to   die.     But   what   Mr.   Finger   didn’t   know   was   that   later   Viola   changed   into   a   larger   form,   thereby   reducing   the   wound   to   her   chest   to   a   minor   cut   and   rowed   away.  

“I   was   afraid   that   when   Viola   found   him   again,   he   would   not   be   able   to   escape,   so   I   snatched   him   up,   put   him   in   my   bag   and   brought   him   back.”

“What!”   exclaimed   Mr.   Finger,   sitting   up   from   his   bowl.     “She   didn’t   die?     What   luck   that   woman   has!     Women   are   really   hard   to   understand.     Viola   is   more   beautiful   than   a   flower,   but   why   is   her   heart   more   poisonous   than   a   serpent?     I   really   don’t   understand   women.     I   think   I   will   remain   a   bachelor   my   whole   life.”     He   lay   down   again   in   the   bowl   and   drank   his   wine.     His   word   aroused   another   round   of   laughter.     Mr.   Kaffee   knew   that   Dimitri   had   been   plagued   by   insomnia   for   a   long   period   of   time.     Now   that   his   main   problem   about   the   Kingdom   had   been   solved,   he   looked   tired   and   sleepy.   Therefore   he   rose   and   suggested   they   leave   and   let   Dimitri   rest.     They   all   jumped   out   of   the   window   with   Richard   carrying   the   bowl   of   wine.     He   turned   and   said   to   Dimitri,

  “Mr.   Finger   once   saved   my   life   and   that   of   Jamaz.     We   will   take   care   of   him”

“Good”   replied   Dimitri   “it   is   as   it   should   be.”   Jamaz   jumped   out   too   and   closed   the   window.

Dimitri   reclined   on   his   sofa   and   in   a   few   minutes   was   fast   asleep.     He   seemed   to   come   to   a   place   where   nature   painted   a   fabulous   picture   of   spring.     An   endless   sea   of   multi-colored   flowers   bloomed;   birds   flew   about   and   sang   in   the   branches   of   trees.     The   warm   sun   shone   all   over   his   body   as   he   lay   on   the   ground   breathing   in   the   fragrant   scent   of   fresh   grass   and   the   aromatic   perfume   of   flowers.     Sleep   now,   sleep   here   safe   and   secure.     Let   your   brain   wave   remain   level   and   stable   horizontally   without   wavering.     Lie   there   quietly   with   your   brain   wave   on   a   straight   horizontal   line.     Let   no   dreams   disturb   you.     However   beautiful   and   perfect   the   dreams   are,   they   ultimately   will   end   and   leave   you   in   emptiness.     Sleep   on   with   no   dreams   to   disturb   you.     Let   your   brain   wave   always   remain   on   a   straight   horizontal   line.     Dimitri   suddenly   saw   his   handsome   servant   Creativity   walk   towards   him   hand   in   hand   with   the   beauteous   Imagination.   They   bowed   respectfully   to   him   asking,

“Master,   is   there   anything   we   can   do   for   you?     Do   you   have   any   orders   for   us?     Do   you   want   us   to   build   you   another   even   grander   palace?”

“Master”   asked   the   female   servant   Imagination,   “Do   you   want   us   to   get   you   more   beauties?”

“No,   no”   replied   Dimitri.     “I   don’t   need   anything   from   you.     I   don’t   want   palaces   and   beauties.     Please   stop   working.     I   only   want   to   sleep.     Don’t   disturb   me   any   more.     Let   everything   become   zero.     I   only   want   a   blank   empty   space.   Let   the   universe   return   to   its   starting   point.     Give   me   undisturbed   slumber.”

“Yes,   master.     We   won’t   disturb   you   any   more.”     The   man   and   the   woman   bowed   and   left.     Dimitri   lay   there   quietly.     All   around   him   was   silence,   broken   only   by   the   slight   rustle   of   leaves   in   the   wind   and   the   chirping   of   birds   in   the   trees.     Dimitri   seemed   to   see   his   two   servants   dancing   among   the   sea   of   flowers,   laughing   and   chasing   each   other   in   the   meadow.    

“Yes,   they   no   longer   have   to   work   and   can   spend   their   time   on   play.     They   seemed   to   have   gone   back   to   the   Garden   of   Eden,   to   the   chaste   and   naive   age   before   eating   the   forbidden   fruit.     They   did   not   need   to   work   and   could   spend   all   their   time   on   play.     I   do   not   need   dreams,   I   only   need   sleep.     I   need   neither   Imagination   nor   Creativity.     What   I   need   is   empty   blankness,   a   stable   level   horizontal   line.     Let   me   sleep   on   securely,   my   brain   wave   on   a   stable   horizontal   line.

Heavy   velvet   curtains   completely   blocked   the   early   morning   winter   sunlight   from   the   room   where   Aisha   was   still   snuggled   inside   her   thick,   warm   down   comforter,   fast   asleep.     The   insistent   ringing   of   the   bedside   phone   jarred   her   awake   and   she   unwillingly   took   up   the   receiver   and   muttered   groggily,   “Hello”

“This   is   a   collect   call   from   XXX   county   jail”   said   the   authoritative   male   voice   of   an   automatic   message.     “This   call   will   be   monitored.     If   you   are   willing   to   take   this   call,   please   say   ‘yes’...”

“Must   be   a   wrong   number”   thought   Aisha   and   hung   up   the   phone.   She   turned   around   in   her   bed   and   prepared   to   go   back   to   sleep.     A   few   minutes   later,   the   phone   rang   again.     The   recorded   message   came   on   again.     Curious   to   know   what   it   was   all   about,   Aisha   said   “Yes”.     The   call   was   connected   and   the   voice   of   a   young   girl   came   on   talking   fast   and   urgently,

                        “I   don’t   know   why   I   am   making   this   call   or   where   I   got   this   number   from.     My   name   is   Dorna.     I   was   arrested   last   night   for   theft   and   am   now   at   the   xxx   county   jail   awaiting   trial.     They   said   I   could   be   released   if   someone   posted   bail   for   me.     Please   help   me.   Please.     Please.     This   prison   is   really   untenable!     I   can’t   stay   here   a   minute   longer.     I   beg   you,   please   get   me   out   of   here,   my   dear   generous   lady.”

“You   say   your   name   is   Dorna?”   asked   Aisha.

“Yes,   it   is.”

“What’s   your   last   name?”

“I   don’t   have   one.     I   don’t   know   who   my   parents   are,   so   they   call   me   Dorna   X.     Your   voice   is   so   sweet.     You   must   be   both   beautiful   and   kind.     Please   bail   me   out,   lady.”

“Alright.     Don’t   worry.     Which   county   jail   did   you   say   you   are   in?”     Dorna   repeated   the   information.   “Got   it.     I   will   come   for   you.     How   much   was   the   bail   set   for?”

“I’m   not   sure.     I   think   it   was   for   $10,000   because   mine   is   a   minor   misdemeanor   for   pick   pocketing.”

“I’ll   be   there.”

“Thank   you.     Thank   you,   my   dear   generous   lady.”  

Aisha   hung   up   the   phone,   wide   awake   and   sat   up   on   her   bed   thinking   about   the   young   girl   called   Dorna.  

“The   name   sounds   so   familiar.     Who   is   she   and   where   did   I   come   across   it?”   She   got   out   of   bed,   pulled   on   her   dressing   gown   and   walked   into   the   kitchen   for   a   cup   of   wake-up   coffee.   Walking   back   to   her   bedroom,   she   passed   her   study   and   saw   that   the   lights   on   her   computer   was   were   still   on.   She   remembered   she   was   researching   some   material   on   the   web   last   night   about   the   site   of   an   ancient   battleground   that   had   just   recently   been   discovered.     It   had   been   buried   under   wind   and   sand   for   over   a   thousand   years   and   had   only   recently   been   discovered   by   archeologists.     They   found   a   burnt   out   palace,   skeletons   of   warriors   and   the   knives   and   arrows   used   by   them   scattered   all   around   the   place   as   if   a   fierce   battle   had   been   fought   there.   She   suddenly   remembered   that   in   her   dream,   she   saw   a   young   girl   holding   King   Dimitri’s   sword,   whose   name   was   Dorna.  

  “Ah   yes!”     She   led   the   warriors   and   fought   bravely   against   Cyclops   and   his   invading   army   of   barbarian   soldiers   so   that   I   and   the   badly   wounded   Medusa   could   retreat   safely.     Yes,   yes.     That’s   Dorna.     Could   the   girl   who   just   called   be   her?   Could   I   have   been   living   half   asleep   and   half   awake   these   last   few   days,   dreaming   but   still   working?     A   strange   experience.     If   that   girl   turns   out   to   be   the   Dorna   in   my   dreams...I   must   go   and   bail   her   out   at   once.”     Aisha   looked   at   the   clock.     It   was   only   7:30   a.m.     Regardless   of   the   earliness   of   the   time,   she   called   her   friend   and   lawyer,   asking   him   to   meet   her   at   the   county   jail   and   bail   out   a   girl   called   Dorna.

Aisha   and   her   lawyer   got   to   the   penitentiary   early   in   the   morning,   but   the   procedures   they   had   to   go   through   were   slow   and   painstaking.     A   lot   of   time   was   spent   on   counting   the   cash   and   verifying   its   authenticity.     Counterfeit   money   was   running   rampant   and   the   police   were   taking   no   chances   of   being   duped   and   laughed   at.     When   Dorna   knew   someone   had   come   to   bail   her   out,   her   impatience   knew   no   bounds.     She   felt   like   a   small   bird   in   a   cage,   frantic   to   rush   out   to   her   freedom,   but   the   cold,   solid   walls   of   the   prison   fenced   her   in.     She   could   only   pace   in   her   cell   restlessly   and   anxiously,   fidgety   at   the   delay.     It   wasn’t   until   noon   that   she   was   led   out   of   her   cell   to   the   waiting   area   outside   the   prison.     Dorna   looked   around.     Her   eyes   immediately   zoomed   in   on   a   woman   standing   by   the   French   window.     Amid   a   roomful   of   people,   all   friends   and   relatives   who   have   come   to   bail   people   out   of   prison,   her   noble   and   elegant   demeanor   stood   out   above   the   others.  

  “Why,   that’s   Queen   Aisha!”   she   exclaimed   to   herself.   Meanwhile   Aisha   also   saw   Dorna   running   towards   her   and   recognized   her   as   the   naughty   girl   she   loved   as   a   daughter.     Dorna   stopped   before   her   and   formally   saluted   her   according   to   palace   protocol   saying,

“Thank   you,   your   majesty,   for   coming   to   bail   me   out.     Prison   is   really   a   terrible   place   I   can’t   stand   to   stay   in.     Thank   you,   your   majesty.”     Then   she   stood   up   and   threw   herself   into   Aisha’s   arms.     They   hugged   and   kissed   each   other,   happy   to   be   together   again.   Dorna’s   outlandish   behavior   greatly   shocked   and   surprised   the   lawyer   standing   by   and   he   looked   at   Aisha   questioningly   with   raised   eyebrows.     Aisha   tried   to   laugh   it   off   by   telling   a   white   lie,

“Oh,   Dorna’s   just   being   playful.     She   and   I   are   rehearsing   for   a   play   and   that’s   part   of   her   dialogue.”

“You   may   leave   Miss   Dorna’s   case   in   my   hands”   said   the   well-dressed   and   extremely   proper   gentleman.     “I   will   take   care   of   everything.     I   have   another   appointment   after   lunch   and   have   to   leave   now.”     He   bowed   and   took   his   leave.

Aisha   and   Dorna   walked   hand   in   hand   out   of   the   reception   area   towards   the   parking   lot.     When   they   got   into   Aisha’s   car,   she   turned   to   Dorna   and   said,

“Well,   little   apple,   I   think   you   must   be   hungry.     What   do   you   say   about   some   lunch?”

“Oh,   you   know   me   so   well”   exclaimed   Dorna.     “I   am   so-o-ooooo   hungry.     Prison   food   is   so   bad   it’s   really   inedible.     Quick,   quick.     Let’s   go   and   eat.”   Aisha   stepped   on   the   gas   and   they   were   on   their   way.

“How   did   you   get   into   this   mess   and   land   in   prison,   Dorna?”asked   Aisha   in   the   car.

“I   really   don’t   know.     Last   night   I   suddenly   woke   up   and   found   myself   alone   on   the   streets   as   if   dream-walking.     Everything   was   unfamiliar   to   me.     It   was   someplace   I   had   never   been   to   before.     The   time   was   about   10   p.m.     There   was   a   large   gym   on   one   corner.     It   was   closed,   but   the   lights   were   still   on.     Across   the   street   was   a   small   grocery   store   where   two   Arab-looking   men   stood   talking.     Not   far   away   was   a   Korean   market   still   open   with   customers   going   in   and   out   buying   cigarettes   and   wine.     Drunken   men   staggered   around   or   just   passed   out   on   the   ground.     Scantily   clad   prostitutes   loitered   under   the   street   lights.     It   was   really   frightening.     I   was   both   cold   and   hungry   and   was   just   standing   at   a   street   corner   intending   to   get   my   bearings   and   decide   where   to   go,   when   a   badly   dressed   middle-aged   guy   came   over   and   stood   beside   me.     He   came   on   to   me   and   tried   to   pick   me   up!     I   was   angry   that   he   took   me   for   a   prostitute   and   decided   to   teach   him   a   lesson   with   my   specialty...”     Dorna   made   a   funny   face   and   did   a   pick-pocket   motion   with   her   hands.  

“What   I   didn’t   expect   was   that   guy   was   a   connoisseur.     Before   I   knew   it   he   had   grabbed   my   hand   which   had   his   wallet   in   it   and   I   was   busted.     Caught   red-handed!     He   quickly   hand-cuffed   me   and   two   more   guys   came   over,   probably   also   undercover   police   and   they   arrested   me   and   took   me   to   the   police   station.     Somehow   they   found   that   I   had   records   of   prior   arrests   for   theft.     It’s   really   unfortunate.     I   suppose   I   have   myself   to   blame   for   falling   into   their   net”

“You   know,   Dorna”   said   Aisha   smiling,   “you   are   really   a   naughty   girl.     I   knew   that   the   moment   you   left   me   you   would   get   into   trouble.     See!     You   just   got   back   to   the   mundane   world   and   the   first   thing   you   did   was   to   get   arrested   and   land   in   prison!”     Aisha   stopped   her   car   in   front   of   an   expensive   looking   French   restaurant.

Aisha   and   Dorna   sat   inside   the   exclusive   French   restaurant.     Aisha   was   sedately   savoring   her   salad,   a   small   portion   of   meats   and   a   cup   of   freshly   squeezed   orange   juice.     Dorna,   on   the   other   hand,   had   ordered   escargot;   freshly-baked   cream   rolls,   French   onion   soup   and   a   whole   lobster   cooked   with   cheese   and   was   eating   with   gusto.   When   she   was   done,   Aisha   asked   her,

“What   are   your   plans   for   the   future,   little   apple?”

“Plans?     The   same   old   plan   of   course.     It   was   Dimitri   who   brought   me   to   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     Now   that   I   am   back   here   in   the   mundane   world,   I   will   go   and   find   Dimitri.     I   haven’t   seen   him   for   a   long   time   and   miss   him.     He   is   a   father   figure   to   me.”     Her   words   gave   Aisha   much   food   for   thought.

  “Whether   dreams   are   real   or   not,   I   am   the   Queen   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.     Back   here   in   the   mundane   world,   Dimitri   would   still   be   my   royal   spouse.     I   should   go   and   seek   him   out.”   She   beckoned   the   waiter,   hastily   paid   the   bill   and   drove   off   with   Dorna   in   her   car   to   find   Dimitri.

The   line   before   Dream-maker’s   Bakery   was   long.     It   was   the   day   before   Christmas   Eve   and   people   were   eager   to   stock   up   for   the   holidays.     Aisha   and   Dorna   went   to   the   back   entrance   and   pushed   open   the   gate   to   the   back   yard.     A   young   girl   with   shiny   long   black   hair   had   her   back   towards   them   and   was   squatting   on   the   ground   mixing   something   in   a   large   pan,   which   gave   off   the   enticing   smell   of   chocolate.     The   girl’s   long   black   hair   and   snow-white   complexion   told   them   she   was   the   gentle   Lotus,   well-known   among   the   beauties   for   her   calm   disposition,   never   losing   her   temper.     Dorna   loved   to   play   pranks,   so   she   sneaked   up   to   her   from   behind   and   silently   covered   Lotus’   eyes   with   her   two   hands.

“Who   is   it”   cried   Lotus.     “This   is   a   very   busy   time   and   everyone   is   working   hard.     How   can   you   have   time   for   such   tomfoolery!     Let   go   of   me   or   I’ll   be   angry!”   Dorna   withdrew   her   hands   but   did   not   step   away.     When   Lotus   turned   her   head   and   saw   it   was   Dorna,   she   was   filled   with   elation   and   amazement.

“Dorna!     It’s   you!   You’re   back!     This   is   really   too   good   to   be   true!     You   are   so   brave.     Everyone   knows   how   you   defeated   Cyclops’   barbarian   soldiers.     Though   the   palace   was   burnt   to   the   ground,   you   saved   the   Kingdom   from   annihilation   and   made   sure   Queen   Aisha   and   Medusa   retreated   safely.     You   really   are   great!”   Just   then   Megginn   came   walking   towards   them   from   the   newly   renovated   apartment   building,   holding   a   tray   with   freshly   baked   cakes   on   it,   followed   by   Samantha,   who   was   also   holding   a   tray   of   cakes.

“Wow!     The   president   and   vice-president   of   World   Bank   themselves   have   come   to   pitch   in!     Business   must   really   be   flourishing!”     When   Megginn   raised   her   head   and   saw   Aisha   standing   before   her,   she   was   so   surprised   she   nearly   dropped   her   tray   of   cakes   on   the   ground.     Luckily   she   recovered   in   time   and   set   it   on   a   nearby   table.     Samantha   also   set   down   her   tray   and   the   two   of   them   came   to   Aisha   and   saluted   her   according   to   palace   etiquette.   Aisha   quickly   stopped   them.  

“No,   no.     We   are   no   longer   in   the   palace,   ladies   so   please   dispense   with   such   formalities   from   now   one   or   else   people   will   find   it   strange   and   laugh   at   us.”   When   Mary,   Sheila   and   Laverne,   who   were   busy   icing   and   decorating   the   cakes   in   the   workshop,   heard   the   commotion   in   the   back   yard   and   found   Aisha   and   Dorna   had   returned,   they   rushed   out.     Everyone   was   hugging,   kissing   and   exclaiming.   The   excited   chatter   in   the   backyard   attracted   the   attention   of   the   beauties   in   the   newly   renovated   apartment   building   and   Natalie,   Chanelle,   Novella   and   Romi   also   put   down   whatever   work   they   were   doing   and   ran   down   to   greet   the   new   arrivals.   The   dozen   or   so   beautiful   young   women   gathered   together   laughing,   crying   and   exclaiming.     The   only   one   missing   was   Elena,   who   was   working   at   the   hospital   and   had   not   yet   returned.

Business   at   the   bakery   was   booming.     The   small   store   was   crowded   to   capacity   with   customers   coming   and   going.     The   racks   were   quickly   emptying   but   no   one   from   the   back   came   to   replenish   the   stock.   Yoko   was   mystified   at   the   lapse   but   was   surrounded   by   customers   and   could   not   go   back   and   check.   Amalia   also   noticed   that   things   were   not   right   and   went   back   to   see   what   the   matter   was.     She   found   the   workshop   empty   and   a   dozen   or   so   young   women   chatting   and   laughing   excitedly   in   the   back   yard.     She   shouted   loudly,

“Young   ladies,   what   are   you   doing?     The   racks   are   nearly   empty   up   front   and   customers   are   still   surging   in   and   ordering   things.     The   roof   is   about   to   explode   with   noise   and   people.     Why   aren’t   you   doing   your   work   and   replenishing   the   stock?”     That   was   one   of   Amalia’s   good   days   and   she   seemed   to   be   wide   awake   and   fully   aware   of   her   surroundings.     She   walked   into   the   back   yard   and   saw   everyone   surrounding   Aisha.  

  “Ah,   you   are   the   noble   queen   called...called..Ah   yes,   called   Aisha.     You   are   really   a   rare   guest!     Why   haven’t   any   of   you   come   and   tell   me   of   her   arrival?     I   am   really   sorry   for   my   lack   of   hospitality.”     Then   she   ordered   Mary   to   fetch   a   cup   of   coffee   and   told   Sheila   to   bring   her   cigars   for   the   guest.     Then   she   corrected   herself,  

“Oh   no,   no.     The   queen   doesn’t   smoke.     I   am   so   sorry.”     Dorna   hid   behind   Aisha,   afraid   the   old   lady   would   ask   her   for   her   flying   broom   back.     But   Aisha   had   forgotten   all   about   it   and   didn’t   even   mention   the   broom.     Amalia’s   actions   were   funny   and   her   speech   was   confused   and   incoherent.     Dorna   thought   that   it   would   be   amusing   to   play   tricks   on   her   and   entertain   her.     Amalia   went   herself   to   the   corner   of   the   wall   and   pulled   out   Dimitri’s   old   lounge   chair,   saying                                     “Have   a   seat,   queen.     Sit,   your   majesty.”   Aisha   knew   this   old   woman   had   a   history   with   Dimitri   and   may   even   be   his   birth   mother,   so   her   position   in   this   group   was   high.     She   did   not   know   what   to   do,   especially   as   her   coming   had   erupted   service   at   the   bakery   and   taken   everyone   from   their   work.     Megginn   understood   Aisha’s   dilemma   and   the   embarrassing   predicament   she   was   in,   so   she   went   over   and   whispered   in   her   ear,  

“Why   don’t   you   go   and   see   Dimitri   first.     You   guys   must   have   a   lot   to   talk   over   and   exchange   opinions   on.     Dimitri   has   been   suffering   from   insomnia   these   last   few   days   and   did   not   come   to   work   today.     He   is   at   his   studio   apartment.     Why   don’t   you   go   and   see   him?     This   would   be   a   good   opportunity   to   talk   to   him   privately.”   Aisha   thought   Megginn   was   right   and   it   was   a   good   excuse   to   leave.

“I   don’t   know   where   the   apartment   is.”

“Drive   straight   from   here.     Turn   left   and   then   another   left   and   you   will   see   an   old   apartment   building.     Dimitri   lives   in   a   corner   unit   on   the   ground   floor.     It’s   easy   to   find,   his   door   is   never   locked.”

“I   have   to   leave   for   a   moment”   said   Aisha   to   Amalia.   “but   I   will   be   back.     It’s   Christmas   Eve   tomorrow.     I   would   be   greatly   honored   if   you   would   come   to   my   house   to   celebrate   the   holidays.   Of   course   everyone   here   is   invited   for   the   party.”

“Yes,   yes   your   majesty”   said   Amalia   nodding   her   head.   “I   comply   with   your   wishes.     Of   course   I   will   come.”   Aisha   knew   Dorna   would   not   want   to   leave   as   all   the   beauties   were   here   and   it   was   lively   and   bustling   with   a   lot   going   on.     She   would   be   in   her   element,   so   she   said   to   her,

  “You   can   stay   here,   Dorna,   but   be   good   and   don’t   get   into   trouble.     I   will   come   for   you   later.”  

  “Yes,   yes   your   majesty”   naughty   girl   Dorna   said,   aping   Amalia’s   words,   “I   comply   with   your   wishes.”

On   leaving   the   bakery,   Aisha   followed   the   directions   Megginn   had   given   her,   made   two   left   turns   and   came   upon   a   large   old   building   which   took   up   the   whole   block.     She   could   easily   imagine   that   when   first   built   a   century   ago,   it   must   have   been   an   impressive,   state-of-the-art   structure   of   the   time,   but   with   the   erosion   of   time,   it   had   lost   much   of   its   charm,   elegance   and   magnificence.     Aisha   entered   the   reception   hall,   signed   her   name   on   the   visitor’s   log   together   with   the   time   and   date.   Walking   past   the   spacious   hall,   she   turned   right   on   the   long   corridor   until   she   came   to   the   very   end   and   made   another   right   turn,   at   the   end   of   which   she   came   to   the   door   with   the   correct   room   number.   She   tried   the   door   knob   and   found   that   it   was   indeed   unlocked.   She   pushed   it   open,   entered   and   just   as   quietly   closed   it   again.     It   was   a   small   studio.     Dimitri   was   reclining   on   a   love   seat   in   a   not   very   comfortable   position.     But   he   didn’t   seem   to   mind   and   was   fast   asleep.     Aisha   looked   around   the   room   and   found   it   sparsely   furnished   with   only   a   three-legged   table,   on   which   were   several   unfinished   bottles   of   liquor.     The   floor   was   littered   with   fruit   peels   and   cigarette   butts   and   there   was   an   unpleasant   stink   in   the   air.     She   stepped   into   the   small   kitchen   and   saw   a   large   garbage   bin   piled   high   with   bones   and   food   remnants,   which   was   the   cause   of   the   offensive   stench.   Usually   Dimitri’s   friends   would   clean   up   the   room   before   they   left   and   take   the   garbage   away   with   them.     But   this   time   they   somehow   forgot   to   do   so.     Men   are   not   as   meticulous   about   cleaning   up   as   their   female   counterparts   and   Dimitri   was   not   very   particular   about   housecleaning   either.     Aisha   looked   at   Dimitri   and   saw   he   was   still   wearing   his   dark   brown   down   jacket   spotted   with   dirt   and   food   stains,   his   long   black   pants,   block-headed   leather   shoes   and   no   socks.     His   dilapidated   safari   hat   lay   on   his   stomach.     He   was   the   image   of   a   penniless,   destitute   hobo.     If   she   had   never   entered   his   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   she   would   never   have   imagined   him   to   be   the   powerful   king   of   the   realm   with   a   poetic   soul,   beloved   by   all   his   people   and   subjects.     Aisha   opened   the   fridge   and   saw   it   was   empty   save   for   a   few   bottles   of   beer.     In   the   sink   there   were   a   few   chipped,   unmatched   plates   and   bowls.     She   put   her   handbag   down   on   the   table,   bent   down   to   pull   the   strings   of   the   garbage   bag   in   the   bin   tightly   together   and   took   it   out   to   the   trash   room.   She   found   an   old   broom   in   one   corner,   broken   down   and   barely   usable,   but   she   made   the   best   of   it,   swept   up   the   trash   on   the   floor   onto   the   dust   pan   and   then   dumped   the   mess   into   the   now   empty   garbage   bin.

Dimitri   was   still   drowsily   asleep   when   suddenly   soft   stealthy   movements,   the   swaying   of   garments   and   the   floral   fragrance   of   orchids   awakened   him.     That   oh   so   familiar   fragrance...wasn’t   that   the   fragrance   of   Aisha?     Dimitri’s   heart   lurched   and   he   immediately   sat   up   on   the   sofa.     Aisha   saw   Dimitri   was   awake   and   said,

“Hi   Dimitri,   are   you   awake?     Did   you   have   a   good   nap?”     Dimitri   recognized   the   voice   immediately,   which   confirmed   the   identity   of   his   visitor.

“   Is   that   you,   Aisha?     You’re   back!     Good.     Good.”     He   patted   the   empty   seat   next   to   him   and   said,   “Come   and   sit   down.”   Aisha   walked   over   and   sat   down   next   to   him.  

“How   are   you,   Aisha?     Are   you   alright?   I   hope   you   weren’t   hurt.     I   heard   that   Medusa   was   badly   wounded.     How   is   she   doing?   Are   White   Fairy   and   Deanna   still   in   the   heart   of   the   forest?”

“Yes,   I   am   well.     Medusa’s   wounds   are   under   control.     The   bleeding   has   stopped   and   she   is   resting.     With   White   Fairy   and   Deanna   taking   care   of   her,   she   is   in   good   hands.”

“That’s   good.     The   three   of   them   had   always   lived   that   part   of   the   world   and   it   is   good   that   they   remain   there.     Did   Dorna   come   back   with   you?     That   naughty   girl   worries   me.”

“She’s   back   and   is   helping   out   at   the   bakery   together   with   the   other   girls.     She   has   always   treated   work   as   play   and   is   happy.”

“Good.     Charmaine   and   Clementine   are   living   in   their   palace   on   the   moon   and   those   that   have   passed   away   are   no   longer   with   us.     The   rest   have   all   come   back   to   the   mundane   world.”

“Yes,   all   of   them   are   back.”

“Good.     Then   my   heart   is   at   rest.     It   was   I   who   led   them   one   by   one   into   my   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   hoping   to   establish   a   safe   haven   where   they   could   live   happily   in   safety.     But   suddenly   enormous   crisis   and   calamities   strike.     I   am   glad   everyone   has   been   evacuated   safely.     I   wonder   if   there   can   ever   be   a   peaceful   safe   bright   paradise   in   the   universe.”

“Actually   this   mundane   world   of   ours   is   also   a   paradise.     You   often   told   us   that   if   we   retain   a   bright,   serene   corner   in   the   depth   of   our   soul   and   go   out   from   there   to   interact   with   the   world,   the   outer   world   will   change   with   the   changes   in   our   soul.   So   this   mundane   world   will   become   a   paradise   free   from   worry.”

“You   are   right,   but...”     Dimitri   was   quiet   for   a   long   time.     Then   he   continued   “Have   the   beauties   talked   about   their   plans   for   the   future?”

“We   all   came   back   so   hastily   there   hasn’t   been   a   chance   to   talk   about   anything.     But...but   while   in   the   Kingdom   we   did   deal   with   the   subject.     Everyone   wish   to   stay   together,   even   if   we   come   back   to   the   mundane   world.     They   all   want   to   stay   with   you   and   be   with   you   their   whole   lives.”

“That   will   be   hard   to   do”   said   Dimitri   shaking   his   head   with   a   wry   smile.   “In   this   mundane   world   one   man   cannot   have   so   many   young,   beautiful   women   keep   him   company.   That   will   never   do.   Also,   a   woman’s   youth   and   beauty   are   transient.     For   their   sakes,   we   must   make   plans   for   their   future   happiness...”

“Of   course...of   course...naturally...But   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   I   am   your   queen,   your   royal   spouse   whom   you   personally   chose   and   coroneted.     Back   here   in   the   mundane   world   I   am   your   wife.     I   do   not   need   a   large,   elaborate   wedding,   but   I   would   like   to   legitimize   our   relationship   by   a   simple   legal   procedure.”     Dimitri   was   greatly   agitated   by   her   words.     His   eyes   glistened   and   his   voice   trembled   as   he   replied,

“Don’t   you   know   that   here   in   the   mundane   world,   I   am   only   a   penniless   homeless   person?     And   I   am   completely   blind.     Do   you   really   want   to   marry   a   useless,   disabled   person?     Dreams   are   dreams   and   reality   is   reality.     Don’t   confuse   the   two.”

“No.     To   me   dreams   and   reality   are   the   same.     In   our   dreams   you   are   a   noble   poet,   a   brave   and   generous   king.     I   am   your   queen.     You   may   be   a   penniless,   homeless   person   and   a   blind   man,   but   you   are   my   husband.     I   am   proud   to   be   your   wife.”     Dimitri   sat   there   silently   and   made   no   reply.  

  “As   a   matter   of   fact,”   Aisha   continued   “The   beauties   all   think   this   way.     To   them   you   are   a   noble   poet,   the   king   they   love   and   respect,   which   is   why   they   all   want   to   remain   with   you   forever   and   keep   you   company.     We,,   this   seems   to   be   an   unsolvable   problem.     Let’s   leave   it   for   time   to   resolve.”

“Yes”   said   Dimitri   “Let’s   leave   it   for   time   to   resolve...   I   know   what   I   should   do.     Yes,   that’s   the   only   way   to   solve   this   problem.”   Queen   Aisha   did   not   know   what   Dimitri   meant.     She   thought   it   over   for   a   moment   but   could   come   to   no   conclusion.     The   sun   was   setting   and   the   temperature   was   dropping   dramatically.     She   stood   up   and   said,  

“I   have   to   go   and   get   Dorna   now.     Left   alone,   that   naughty   girl   will   get   into   trouble.     I   know   your   friends   will   be   here   soon,   but   please   leave   tomorrow   night   open   for   me.     It’s   Christmas   Eve   and   I   have   asked   Amalia   and   the   girls   to   come   to   my   place   and   celebrate.     You   must   come   too.”   Dimitri   nodded   his   assent   and   Aisha   left.     On   the   way   back   to   the   bakery,   Dimitri’s   parting   words   kept   resounding   in   her   mind,   ‘I   know   what   I   should   do.     That’s   the   only   way   to   solve   this   problem...’  

  “What   did   he   mean?”   she   asked   herself.     “How   did   he   intend   to   solve   this   problem?”

The   next   morning,   both   the   workshop   and   the   girls’   new   apartment   dormitory   were   quiet.   Business   had   been   so   brisk   the   day   before   because   of   the   upcoming   holidays   that   even   Elina   came   to   help   out.     Everyone   worked   till   10   p.m.   before   closing.     The   beauties   did   not   often   have   the   opportunity   to   come   together   and   never   with   so   many   present,   so   they   gathered   together   and   talked   animatedly   till   midnight   before   retiring.     It   wasn’t   until   11   a.m.   that   the   exhausted   beauties   began   to   stir.     Sheila   and   Yoko   stole   out   of   their   rooms   so   as   not   to   wake   Amalia,   who   normally   slept   till   two,   three   o’clock   in   the   afternoon   on   non-working   days   before   waking   up   unwillingly.   They   walked   through   the   back   yards,   came   to   the   newly   renovated   apartment   and   walked   up   the   stairs   to   the   third   floor.   Chanelle   was   up   early   as   usual   and   was   saying   her   morning   prayers.     Then   she   made   coffee   and   cooked   breakfast   for   the   other   beauties,   who   soon   came   straggling   into   the   third   floor   tea   room   one   by   one.

“Don’t   forget   Queen   Aisha’s   Christmas   party   tonight”   reminded   Megginn.

“Oh   yes,   we   should   decide   about   what   to   wear”   said   Samantha.   “Should   we   all   dress   alike   to   show   uniformity?”

“I   think”   said   Lotus   “that   since   it’s   a   family   Christmas   dinner,   the   dress   code   should   be   more   informal,   graceful   and   in   good   taste,   but   nothing   elaborate.”

“Right”   agreed   Samantha.     “I   made   a   faux   pas   last   time.     I   wore   a   low   cut   silk   blouse   together   with   a   diamond   necklace.     When   Amalia   saw   it,   she   was   not   happy   and   bluntly   told   me   so.     With   her   at   the   party,   I   suggest   everyone   should   dress   simply.”

“But   not   overly   casual”   objected   Elina.     “It   is   Christmas   after   all.     The   style   can   be   simple   and   elegant,   but   the   material   should   be   colorful   and   festive.”     Everyone   agreed.

“Oh,   I   forgot   to   tell   you”   interrupted   Megginn   “that   Samantha   and   I   have   a   party   we   must   attend   tonight.     It   is   the   traditional   year-end   event   hosted   by   the   California   Banking   Association   which,   as   president   and   vice-president   of   World   Bank,   we   are   expected   to   attend.     If   we   don’t   show   up   it   would   be   considered   an   unforgivable   slight.     But   we   can   arrive   there   early,   make   the   rounds   chatting   with   the   VIPs   there   and   then   excuse   ourselves   and   leave   early.   That   should   do.”    

“Don’t   forget   we   have   an   11:30   appointment   with   the   hairdresser”   reminded   Samantha.

“Being   a   career   woman   is   really   a   lot   of   trouble”   grumbled   Megginn.   “To   go   to   a   party,   we   must   have   our   hair   and   nails   done,   dress   accordingly   and   see   that   the   accessories   match.     Shoes,   bags,   hats   must   all   be   expensive   and   in   the   best   of   taste   and   fashion.     It’s   a   lot   of   work.     I   really   don’t   want   this   job   as   president   of   World   Bank!”

“You   two   go   and   do   the”   laughed   Novella   “Managing   World   Bank   is   no   simple   matter.     Leave   the   miscellaneous   household   things   to   the   rest   of   us   and   we   will   take   care   them”   Megginn   and   Samantha   left   together   hurriedly.

“By   the   way”   said   Samantha   “our   formal   strapless   evening   gowns   are   pretty   sexy   and   elaborate   and   we   have   to   wear   expensive   jewelry.     Amalia   will   be   angry   when   she   sees   us.     What   should   we   do?”

“It’s   ok”   replied   Megginn.”We   can   bring   our   simple   everyday   jacket   along   in   the   car   and   put   it   on   top   of   our   evening   dress.     I   don’t   think   Amalia   would   notice.”

“Oh   well,   that’s   the   best   we   can   do.     Hope   nothing   goes   wrong   tonight.     Oh   yes,   we   must   put   away   our   necklaces,   rings,   bracelets   and   ear-rings   before   we   go   in.”

The   beauties   were   discussing   what   favorite   dishes   they   intended   to   prepare   for   the   party   and   finally   decided   to   do   the   cooking   here   in   advance   at   the   bakery   before   heating   them   up   at   Aisha’s   kitchen.   Hers   was   a   family   house   and   would   not   accommodate   so   many   cooks,   each   trying   to   produce   their   masterpieces

“Sheila   and   I   won’t   be   much   help”   said   Yoko.     “We   have   to   get   Amalia   out   of   bed.     She   is   like   a   child   and   throws   temper   tantrums   when   we   wake   her.     We   have   to   get   her   up,   help   her   bathe   and   dress   up.     Then   most   important   of   all   we   must   get   her   to   make   her   medication   so   she   won’t   act   up   tonight   and   disrupt   the   Christmas   celebrations.”

“You   two   just   take   care   of   Amalia”   said   Elina   “and   we   will   take   care   of   the   rest.”   Saying   so,   the   beauties   broke   up   and   went   about   taking   care   of   their   own   responsibilities.     Some   went   shopping   for   the   ingredients   they   needed   while   others   went   straight   to   the   workshop.     They   started   up   the   ovens   or   fires   needed   and   began   preparations   to   create   epicurean   delicacies.

The   beauties   began   trickling   in   to   Aisha’s   house   early   in   the   afternoon.     They   helped   polish   the   silver   candle   holders,   knives   and   forks   and   spread   the   crisply   ironed   snow-white   table   cloth   on   the   dinner   table,   which   contrasted   vividly   with   the   bright   red   napkins.     When   they   set   the   table   with   the   highly   polished   silverware   and   beautiful   china   plates,   the   room   at   once   took   on   a   cheerful   and   festive   mood,   bright   and   colorful.     Some   of   those   working   in   the   kitchen   began   bringing   out   the   pre-cooked   cold   dishes,   while   others   were   still   busy   heating   up   and   putting   finishing   touches   to   their   favorite   recipes.     By   4   p.m.   Amalia   arrived   accompanied   by   Yoko   and   Sheila   and   Aisha   hurried   out   personally   to   the   front   door   to   greet   her.     Amalia   was   extremely   interested   in   this   huge   mansion,   so   Aisha   took   her   on   a   tour   of   the   front   and   back   yards.     In   the

shed   by   the   swimming   pool   where   lawn   mowers,   scissors,   shears   and   other   gardening   tools   and   swimming   pool   maintenance   utensils   were   stored,   Amalia   saw   a   broom   used   to   sweep   up   fallen   leaves   and   stood   still   staring   at   it   as   if   fascinated.     It   seemed   to   remind   her   of   something,   but   she   knew   not   what.     Dorna   was   afraid   Amalia   would   remember   and   ask   her   for   the   flying   broom.   Before   leaving   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   she   had   given   it   to   Deanna.   Everyone   had   evacuated   to   White   Fairy’s   small   temple   secluded   in   the   heart   of   the   dense   forest   which   became   the   new   headquarters.   The   tribes   and   their   numerous   people   were   scattered   over   several   nearby   mountain   ranges.     As   the   liaison   person,   Deanna   had   to   walk   long   distances   to   bring   everyone   in   contact,   so   Dorna   left   the   flying   broom   with   her   to   facilitate   her   job.   To   distract   Amalia,   Dorna   cut   in   quietly   and   said   jokingly  

                              “Amalia,   you   are   old   but   you   are   very   healthy.     Would   you   like   to   play   hide-and-seek   with   me?”

“Sure”   the   old   lady   replied   enthusiastically   and   the   two   of   them   ran   around   the   front   and   back   yards   playing   the   game.     Shrieks   of   laughter   showed   they   were   having   a   good   time.

“Careful”   cautioned   Aisha.   “Don’t   fall   into   the   swimming   pool!”

“It’s   alright”   said   Yoko   and   Sheila.     “Let   her   play.     We   are   here   to   make   sure   she   is   alright.     Would   you   like   to   go   in   and   attend   to   your   job   of   the   hostess   of   the   party?”

The   sun   set   and   darkness   covered   the   earth.  

“Dorna,   it   is   already   dark   and   getting   cold”   said   Sheila.   “I   think   we   should   stop   playing   and   go   inside.”   The   four   of   them   walked   inside   where   the   fire   was   burning   brightly   and   the   room   was   toasty   and   cozy.     The   enticing   aroma   of   tasty   food   caused   Amalia’s   stomach   to   rumble   and   she   began   shouting   for   food.  

“I’m   hungry.     I   want   to   eat.”

“Some   of   the   guests   haven’t   arrived   yet”   said   Yoko.     “Let’s   wait   awhile   till   everyone   is   here   and   we   can   all   eat   together.”

“No.     No.     I   want   to   eat   now.     I’m   hungry”   cried   Amalia   stubbornly.

“It’s   alright”   said   Aisha   leading   Amalia   to   the   table   and   pulling   out   a   chair   for   her.   “Let’s   not   stand   on   ceremony.     If   she   is   hungry   let   her   eat   first.”   Yoko   and   Sheila   went   around   the   table   choosing   the   food   Amalia   liked   and   putting   them   on   plates   that   they   placed   before   her.     Amalia   at   once   began   eating   and   called   for   wine.     Aisha   went   and   got   a   bottle   of   aged   red   wine   and   poured   it   into   a   glass   for   her.     The   old   lady   sat   there   eating   and   drinking   happily.   The   beauties   became   aware   that   Aisha   was   not   all   there   and   seemed   to   be   worried   about   something.  

“It’s   late”   she   said.   “Why   isn’t   Dimitri   here   yet?”

“When   we   brought   Amalia   over   to   the   party”   said   Yoko,   “we   stopped   at   Dimitri’s   apartment   which   was   on   our   way   meaning   to   give   him   a   ride   here.     But   his   apartment   was   empty.     We   don’t   know   where   he   went   to,   so   we   came   here   ourselves.”

“He   promised   to   come   to   the   party   so   we   could   all   have   Christmas   dinner   together   and   celebrate   the   holiday.   Could   he   have   gone   back   on   his   word?”

“No,   I   don’t   think   so”   said   Yoko.     “Let   me   call   his   good   friends   and   ask   them.   Richard,   Jamaz,   Big-O,   Mr.   Kaffee,   Dwarf   Micky   and   that   obnoxious   Mr.   Finger   are   always   together.     The   depth   of   Dimitri’s   friendship   with   them   may   exceed   that   of   his   relationship   with   us.     They   should   know   his   whereabouts.     I’ll   ask   them.”     Taking   out   her   cell   phone   she   punched   some   numbers   and   started   talking.     “Hello.   Is   that   Richard?’

“Yes,   this   is   Richard.     What’s   up?”

“Do   you   know   where   Dimitri   went?”

“No,   I   don’t.     I   just   know   he   is   having   dinner   with   you   guys   at   Aisha’s   place   to   celebrate   Christmas   Eve.     We   are   all   gathered   here   at   his   apartment   planning   to   have   our   own   all   male   holiday   celebration.”

“Well,   he   isn’t   here   yet.     His   eyes   are   bad.     Could   something   have   happened   to   him?”

“No,   that’s   impossible.     He   knows   this   area   like   the   back   of   his   hand   and   couldn’t   possibly   get   into   trouble.”

“We’re   just   afraid   there   might   have   been   an   accident.”

  “An   accident?     You’re   afraid   he   might   have   had   an   accident?     No,   I   don’t   think   so,   but   for   your   peace   of   mind   we   will   all   spread   out   and   look   for   him.     I’ll   keep   you   posted.”

“Thank   you”   said   Yoko   and   turned   off   her   cell   phone.   She   told   Aisha   that   Dimitri’s   friends   have   all   gone   out   to   look   for   him   and   the   queen   nodded.   She   had   been   uneasy   all   day   and   kept   thinking   about   Dimitri’s   words   ‘I   know   what   I   should   do...   I   know   how   to   solve   this   unsolvable   problem...’     “What   does   he   intend   to   do?”   she   wondered.   “How   is   he   going   to   solve   this   difficult   problem?”

Dim   street   lights   slanted   into   Dimitri’s   little   studio   apartment.     His   friends   looked   aghast   at   Richard   as   he   turned   off   his   cell   phone   and   exclaimed,

“Damn.     Damn.     Damn.     Dimitri   has   disappeared!     I   saw   him   at   three   o’clock   this   afternoon   and   he   told   me   that   he   was   going   to   have   Christmas   dinner   with   the   beauties   at   Aisha’s   house.     I   offered   to   drive   him   there,   but   he   said   he   preferred   to   walk.     Since   the   distance   from   here   to   Aisha’s   place   was   not   far   and   Dimitri   liked   his   independence,   I   let   him   go.     Yoko   called   and   said   he   wasn’t   there   yet.     He   should   have   reached   there   even   if   he   crawled!     They   are   worried   and   want   me   to   go   and   look   for   him   in   case   he   had   an   accident.”

“Ok”   said   Mr.   Kaffee.     “Why   don’t   you,   Jamaz   and   Big-O   take   your   car   and   look   for   him   at   his   usual   haunts?     Dwarf   Micky   and   I   will   remain   here   in   case   he   changes   his   mind   and   comes   back.     Your   car   is   too   small   to   accommodate   all   of   us.”

Richard,   Jamaz   and   Big-O   at   once   jumped   out   of   the   window   and   piled   into   the   dilapidated   pick-up   truck.     Richard   drove,   Jamaz   sat   in   the   passenger   seat,   Big-O   jumped   up   the   back   to   the   cargo   space   and   the   car   sped   off.     Big-O   stood   holding   onto   the   roll   bar,   his   thin,   loose   monk   robe   fluttering   in   the   cold   wind.

In   a   dark   corner   of   Dimitri’s   apartment,   Dwarf   Mickey’s   shrewd   bright   eyes   blinked   and   looked   around   saying,

  “I   don’t   think   Dimitri   disappeared.     He   has   vanished   temporarily   in   order   to   dodge   a   difficult   problem.     My   guess   is   he   doesn’t   want   to   go   to   the   Christmas   dinner   with   the   beauties.”

“Why   not?”   asked   Mr.   Kaffee   rather   surprised.     “You   just   said   he   has   vanished   temporarily.     What   do   you   mean?     He...he   has   not   committed   suicide,   has   he?”

“No,   no,   no!”   scoffed   Dwarf   Mickey.     “How   could   Dimitri   commit   suicide?     He   knows   life   continues   infinitely,   with   no   beginning   and   no   end;   so   he   would   never   attempt   to   end   it   with   suicide.     That’s   a   layman’s   concept.”

“Ok.     Ok.     I’m   not   interested   in   your   profound   philosophical   mumbo   jumbo.     If   Dimitri   has   not   committed   suicide,   what   does   ‘temporarily   vanished’   mean?     Why   doesn’t   he   want   to   go   to   the   sumptuous   dinner   party   prepared   by   the   beauties?”

“You   are   a   very   clever   and   capable   man,   Mr.   Kaffee”   laughed   Dwarf   Mickey.     “How   come   you   haven’t   figured   out   this   very   simple   problem   yet?     Dimitri   had   spent   a   lot   of   time   and   energy   building   his   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   hoping   that   the   beauties   could   have   a   safe   haven   and   live   peacefully   and   happily   there   free   from   worries   and   care.     He   never   expected   the   Kingdom   to   collapse   and   the   magnificent   palace   to   be   burnt   to   the   ground.     Although   he   already   had   a   back-up   plan   in   place   in   case   of   emergency   and   safely   evacuated   the   beauties   back   to   the   mundane   world,   he   had   always   been   the   center   of   gravity   to   them,   whether   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   or   here   on   earth.     He   is   like   a   magnet   to   which   they   all   gravitate.     As   long   as   he   exists,   the   beauties   would   never   leave   him.     So   in   consideration   of   their   future   happiness,   Dimitri   had   to   think   of   a   way   to   solve   the   problem.     In   the   kingdom   of   Dreams,   he   could   live   happily   surrounded   by   all   the   beauties;   but   here   in   the   mundane   world   that   would   be   impossible.     He   understands   this   so   he   has   arranged   to   vanish   temporarily.     With   the   center   of   their   lives   gone,   the   beauties   will   gradually   disband   and   each   go   their   own   individual   way.     That   is   his   strategy,   the   only   way   out.     You   will   never   find   him.”

“He   is   blind”   said   Mr.   Kaffee   “and   can’t   get   around   much.     How   far   can   he   go?     How   can   he   vanish   without   a   trace?     Can   he   evaporate   or   disappear   into   thin   air?”   Dwarf   Mickey   did   not   answer.    

“I’m   sure   Dimitri   has   his   way”   said   he.   “Wait   and   see.”

Richard   drove   on   the   empty   streets.     The   three   of   them,   three   pairs   of   anxious   eyes   searched   all   around,   hoping   to   find   some   trace   of   Dimitri.     Or   I   should   say   four   of   them,   four   pairs   of   eyes   because   Mr.   Finger   went   along   for   the   ride,   too.     He   was   still   jetlagged   changing   from   the   time   zone   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams   to   that   of   the   mundane   world,   so   he   hid   in   the   breast   pocket   of   Richard’s   jacket   and   slept.     When   the   little   man   heard   them   discussing   Dimitri’s   disappearance,   he   was   affected   by   the   seriousness   of   the   news.     Gone   were   his   former   cheeky   comments   and   angry   tantrums,   so   unrestrained   and   uninhibited.   For   once   he   did   not   think   only   of   himself.     He   poked   his   head   out   of   Richard’s   breast   pocket   and   looked   around   the   streets,   his   eyes   like   those   of   his   friends   searching   for   his   old   friend   Dimitri.     They   first   went   to   places   frequented   by   him,   such   as   the   steps   of   the   main   post   office,   the   water   fountain   in   Chinatown,   the   waiting   booth   of   #51   bus   stop   and   other   gathering   place   of   homeless   people.     At   each   place,   they   would   stop   the   car,   get   out   and   search   everywhere,   going   on   to   the   next   destination   only   when   they   were   sure   he   was   not   there.     In   the   meantime,   Yoko   had   called   three,   four   times   to   ask   if   they   had   any   news   and   each   time   Richard   answered,

  “Not   yet,   but   don’t   worry,   we   will   find   him.     He   is   blind   and   cannot   get   around   well;   therefore   he   could   not   have   wandered   far.     We   will   find   him.”   But   in   his   heart   Richard   was   really   worried.     They   had   searched   everywhere   to   no   avail.     Where   could   Dimitri   be...?

“Where   else   can   we   search?”   asked   Jamaz.     “We   can’t   just   drive   aimlessly   around   the   empty   streets!”

“There   is   one   more   place   we   could   try”   said   Richard.     “I   often   heard   Dimitri   mention   the   rose   garden   by   the   lake.     He   likes   to   take   a   bottle   of   liquor   and   go   there   to   make   speeches.     It’s   one   of   his   eccentricities.     Let’s   try   there.     We   might   get   lucky!”

“It’s   wintertime   now.     The   rose   garden   must   be   bare   of   both   leaves   and   flowers.     Who   would   go   there?”

“Let’s   go   anyway   as   we   have   no   other   leads.”

In   Aisha’s   spacious   living   room,   the   fire   burned   brightly   and   merrily,   making   the   room   warm   as   spring.     The   beauties   sat   on   sofas   and   chairs   scattered   around   the   fireplace.     Yoko   put   her   cell   on   speaker   phone   whenever   she   talked   to   Richard   so   that   everyone   could   hear   and   know   what   was   going   on.     Their   hearts   were   heavy   and   sorrowful   that   Dimitri   had   suddenly   vanished   on   Christmas   Eve,   when   they   all   waited   to   celebrate   the   holiday   with   him.     It   was   as   if   they   were   immersed   in   icy   water   and   a   sense   of   doom   overshadowed   their   hearts.     If   Dimitri   –   the   source   of   light   and   heat   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   vanished   without   a   trace,   it   would   be   like   the   solar   system   losing   the   sun’s   energy.     The   interplanetary   system   would   stop   rotating,   the   temperature   would   drop   dramatically   and   the   stars   would   be   permanently   wiped   out.     Even   Aisha,   who   was   famous   for   her   calm   and   grace   under   fire,   lost   her   cool.     Aisha   had   remained   cool   and   composed   even   when   King   Zeus   led   his   celestial   army   against   the   Kingdom   and   Dimitri   was   fighting   ferociously   with   Apollo   in   the   clouds   while   ten   monsters   in   the   guise   of   ten   suns   attempted   to   destroy   the   Kingdom.   That   was   because   she   had   Dimitri   behind   her   as   her   pillar   of   support.     Now   that   the   bedrock   she   relied   on   had   vanished,   Aisha   felt   lost,   like   a   traveler   stranded   in   the   wilds   with   no   sense   of   direction.     She   felt   helpless,   not   knowing   which   course   to   take.     But   Aisha   was   the   Queen,   highly   educated   and   self   disciplined.     After   a   short   period   of   panic   and   confusion,   she   calmed   down,   cleared   her   mind   of   miscellaneous   misgivings   and   quickly   regained   her   poise,   calm   and   composure.   Aisha   saw   that   Amalia   was   tired   and   sleepy   and   was   nodding   off   in   her   chair   after   a   very   satisfying   meal   and   drinks.     She   turned   to   Sheila   and   Yoko   and   said,

“Let’s   take   Amalia   to   my   room   and   let   her   rest   for   a   while.”     Saying   so   she   turned   to   go,   followed   by   Sheila   and   Yoko   helping   Amalia   along.     Dorna   ran   after   them   and   said   to   Yoko,

“Let   me   take   care   of   Amalia.     I   like   her   and   she   likes   me.     I   think   it   would   be   better   for   you   to   remain   here   in   case   Richard   calls.”     Yoko   nodded   her   assent   and   Dorna   and   Sheila   walked   Amalia   to   Aisha’s   room   and   settled   the   old   lady   down   on   the   bed.   Aisha   and   Dorna   left,   but   Sheila   remained   until   she   heard   Amalia   snoring.     It’s   really   wonderful   that   Amalia,   who   had   been   a   victim   of   fate   for   so   long   had   at   length   found   a   caring   and   comfortable   nest   in   her   old   age.     As   Sheila   walked   out   and   quietly   closed   the   bedroom   door,   she   heard   Aisha   ask   Yoko,  

“How   come   Megginn   and   Samantha   aren’t   here   yet?”     Looking   at   the   ornate   classic   grandfather   clock   in   the   hall,   Sheila   saw   it   was   already   8:30   p.m.     Yoko   made   a   call   and   said,

“Is   that   you   Megginn?     I’m   Yoko.     Where   are   you?     When   can   you   get   here?”

“No,   I’m   not   Megginn.     She’s   driving.     This   is   Samantha.     We’re   on   our   way   back   and   will   be   there   soon.     Wait...Watch   it!     Watch   it!”     Then   came   sound   of   screeching   tires   and   anguished   screams   and   the   phone   disconnected.     Everyone   heard   what   went   on.

“Oh   gosh!”   exclaimed   Aisha.     “Now   what?     It   never   rains   but   it   pours.     One   trouble   follows   another.”

After   making   the   rounds   in   the   large   hall,   socializing   and   talking   to   the   VIP   at   the   party,   Samantha   and   Megginn   finally   manages   to   make   their   excuses   and   leave   the   party.     They   hastened   to   their   car   and   drove   on   the   empty   streets   towards   Aisha’s   house.     Megginn   had   the   uncomfortable   feeling   that   Aisha’s   first   Christmas   party   upon   returning   to   the   mundane   world   with   all   the   beauties   attending   was   quite   out   of   the   ordinary   and   was   afraid   something   big   would   happen   or   would   be   announced..     Samantha   had   the   same   premonition,   so   they   sped   along   at   full   speed   anxious   to   get   there   as   soon   as   possible.     The   streets   were   empty,   with   no   sign   of   the   traffic   that   normally   congested   it   during   the   day;   so   Megginn   stepped   on   the   gas   and   sped   on   regardless   of   the   traffic   rules.     Her   cell   phone   rang.

“Please   answer   it,   Samantha.     I’m   driving.     It’s   probably   Aisha.”   Samantha   flipped   on   the   phone.

“This   is   Samantha.     We   just   got   off   the   freeway   and   will   be   there   in   just   a   few   minutes.”

Just   then,   they   both   saw   two   beautiful   young   girls   dressed   in   flimsy   clothes   made   of   material   transparent   as   dragonfly   wings,   dash   headlong   onto   the   middle   of   the   street   right   before   their   car.

Megginn,   who   was   driving   at   a   speed   far   exceeding   the   normal   limit,   had   no   time   to   react   to   this   unexpected   turn   of   events.     She   immediately   stepped   hard   on   the   brakes   and   both   she   and   Samantha   screamed   in   terror,   thinking   they   had   hit   the   girls   on   the   street.   Megginn   opened   the   car   door   nervously   expecting   the   worse,   but   no   one   was   in   sight.     Samantha   also   got   out   to   investigate.     The   cell   phone   rang   incessantly,   but   they   had   no   time   to   answer   it.

“Samantha,   there   is   a   small   flashlight   in   my   glove   box”   said   Megginn.     “Please   get   it   for   me.     We   must   look   and   see   if   the   girls   had   been   dragged   underneath   the   car.”   The   phone   rang   again,   but   they   both   ignored   it.     Samantha   handed   Megginn   the   flashlight   and   they   both   knelt   on   the   ground   to   peer   underneath   it.     There   was   nothing   at   all   beneath   the   car.     The   two   of   them   looked   at   each   other   in   astonishment,   thinking  

“That’s   strange!”     Just   then   a   voice   behind   them   asked,

“What   are   you   looking   for?”   Megginn   and   Samantha   almost   jumped   out   of   their   skins   in   surprise   at   the   sudden   question.     Turning   their   heads,   they   saw   two   beautiful   young   girls   standing   behind   them   and   in   amazement   recognized   them   to   be   their   old   companions,   the   twin   nymphs.

“Clementine!     Charmaine!   How   did   you   get   here?”   they   exclaimed   and   hugged   the   girls   tightly   in   an   embrace.   They   felt   as   if   they   were   embracing   empty   air   and   remembered   that   these   were   nymphs   from   the   seventh   heaven,   with   illusions   of   beautiful   images   but   no   substance.

“What   were   you   looking   for?”   asked   Clementine,   peering   under   the   car.

“We   saw   two   girls   standing   in   the   middle   of   the   street”   replied   Megginn,   “waving   their   hands   as   if   asking   for   a   ride.     I   tried   to   stop   the   car   but   I   was   going   so   fast   I   wasn’t   able   to   do   so   in   time   and   hit   the   girls.   We   stopped   to   find   out   if   they   were   hurt.     If   they   were,   we   intended   to   call   911.”

“We   have   no   flesh   body”   laughed   Charmaine   “so   we   can’t   be   hit.”   The   cell   phone   rang   again.     Samantha   climbed   into   the   car   and   took   the   call.

“This   is   Samantha...No,   nothing   happened...We’re   on   our   way   and   will   be   there   in   a   few   minutes.     We   are   bringing   two   VIPs   with   us...Who   are   they?     Uh...we   won’t   tell   you   that   yet.     It’s   a   surprise.   You’ll   have   to   wait   till   we   get   there.   We’ll   be   right   there.”     Saying   so,   she   turned   off   the   phone   and   said  

“They   are   urging   us   to   hurry,   so   let’s   all   get   into   the   car   and   get   going.     We   can   talk   as   we   drive.”     The   four   of   them   got   into   the   car.     This   time,   Megginn   drove   slowly,   having   learned   her   lesson   from   the   near-accident   which   almost   turned   fatal.

“Weren’t   the   two   of   you   living   in   the   palace   in   the   moon?”   asked   Megginn.     “How   come   you   are   here   on   earth?”

“We   saw   what   happened   to   the   palace   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams”   replied   Charmaine   “and   were   worried.   We   didn’t   know   what   happened,   so   we   reported   the   disaster   to   Father   Zeus   and   with   his   blessing   came   down   here   to   look   for   King   Dimitri.     We   just   got   here,   but   had   no   address.     I   know   we   couldn’t   go   flying   around   here   looking   for   you   dressed   like   this   for   fear   of   scaring   the   passersbys   on   the   streets;   therefore   we   hid   in   the   dark   corners   of   the   street   intending   to   ask   a   good   Samaritan   to   take   us   to   Queen   Aisha’s   house.     We   waited   and   waited   for   a   long   time   but   no   car   passed   by.     When   we   saw   your   headlights   coming   towards   us,   we   were   desperate   and   didn’t   want   to   miss   you.     So   we   both   jumped   into   the   middle   of   the   street   to   stop   you   for   a   ride...”     The   four   of   them   talked   animatedly   in   the   car   and   soon   reached   their   destination.     Under   the   bright   moon,   they   parked   across   the   street   and   walked   over   to   the   front   door.

Dorna   was   by   nature   active   and   could   not   sit   still   for   long.     She   walked   to   the   windows   and   stood   looking   outside   so   she   was   the   first   to   catch   sight   of   Megginn   parking   across   the   street.

“Hey   everyone,   Megginn   and   Samantha   are   here!”   she   exclaimed   loudly.     “Hey,   who   are   the   other   two?     Oh   my   gosh!   They   are   Clementine   and   Charmaine!     How   did   these   four   get   together?     They   are   walking   towards   the   house   now.”     Her   words   caused   great   commotion   among   the   beauties.     Dorna   rushed   to   open   the   door   and   Aisha   greeted   them   and   brought   them   into   the   living   room.     As   the   beauties   had   not   seen   the   twins   for   a   long   time,   everyone   was   solicitous   about   them   and   the   room   was   soon   filled   with   laughter,   chatter,   questions   and   answers.

“Weren’t   the   two   of   you   living   on   the   moon?”   asked   Aisha.   “Why   have   you   returned   to   earth?”

“From   the   moon,   we   saw   that   things   were   not   right   in   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams”   replied   Clementine     “and   the   palace   had   been   burnt   down   to   the   ground.     We   came   down   to   see   if   all   of   you   were   alright.”

“Father   Zeus   wanted   us   to   find   King   Dimitri”   said   Charmaine   “and   invite   him   to   go   and   see   him.     He   wanted   to   know   what   happened   to   the   Kingdom...     Everyone   is   here,   why   don’t   we   see   King   Dimitri?”   At   her   words,   the   smiles   on   the   faces   of   the   beauties   were   suddenly   wiped   out   and   their   countenance   became   clouded   by   sadness.     Yoko’s   cell   phone   rang   just   then   and   from   the   number   displayed   on   the   screen,   she   knew   it   was   from   Richard.     She   immediately   flicked   on   the   speaker   phone   for   all   to   hear.

“Hi   Richard,   this   is   Yoko.     Any   news   about   Dimitri?”

“Yes,   we   found   traces   of   him.”

“Where   is   he?”   exclaimed   Yoko   joyfully   in   great   excitement.     “Quick,   Quick.   Tell   us   quickly       where   he   is!”

“In   the   rose   garden   by   the   lake.”

“Why   don’t   you   bring   him   here?     Or   we   can   come   and   get   him.”

“Not   so   fast”   replied   Richard.     “We   found   his   clothing:   jacket,   pants,   shoes   hat   and   an   empty   whisky   bottle.”

“What?     You   found   his   clothing   by   the   lake?     Did   he   jump   into   the   water?”

“Don’t   be   silly.     How   could   Dimitri   have   committed   suicide!     From   what   was   left   behind,   we   could   see   that   he   was   drunk   and   lay   on   the   grass.     His   flesh   body   simply   disappeared   from   his   clothing.     His   jacket,   pants,   hat   and   shoes   were   positioned   exactly   as   if   he   were   wearing   them.”

“No,   that’s   impossible!     How   could   flesh   body   disappear   from   his   clothes?     You   must   be   drunk!”

“No,   we’re   not   drunk.     Please   ask   Aisha   to   come   and   see   for   herself.”

“Stay   there.     Don’t   move.     We’ll   be   right   over.”     Yoko   turned   off   her   cell   phone.     Aisha   stood   up   and   said,  

“I’m   sure   all   of   you   are   anxious   to   go,   but   Amalia   is   asleep.     It   won’t   do   for   her   to   wake   up   and   find   everyone   gone.”

“I   will   stay   here   at   the   house   with   Amalia”   volunteered   Sheila.   It   won’t   do   for   her   to   wake   up   and   find   no   one   around.   I’ll   take   care   of   you.     You   can   all   go.”

“Thank   you,   Sheila.   That’s   great.     The   rest   can   go   with   me   and   see   what   it   is   all   about.”     Saying   so,   she   walked   out   followed   by   the   beauties.     They   piled   into   four   cars   and   drove   to   the   rose   garden   by   the   lake.

When   Richard   met   Dimitri   at   three   o’clock   in   the   afternoon,   Dimitri   told   him   he   was   going   to   Aisha’s   Christmas   party.     When   he   refused   Richard’s   offer   for   a   ride,   his   old   friend   did   not   insist   because   he   knew   Dimitri’s   preference   for   independent   action.   But   when   Richard   drove   off,   Dimitri   at   once   changed   course   and   went   into   a   liquor   store   and   bought   a   bottle   of   good   whiskey.     Dimitri   was   a   frequent   customer   there   and   the   salesperson   who   knew   him   well   was   aware   that   he   usually   bought   the   cheapest   liquor   and   so   said   to   him   jokingly,

“Hey,   old   dog,   what   happened?     Won   the   lotto?   How   come   you’re   splurging   for   such   expensive   whiskey   today?”

“A   friend   of   mine   is   leaving   on   a   long   trip”   said   Dimitri   shyly   “and   I   am   sending   him   off   with   this   to   wish   him   bon   voyage.”

“Lucky   friend!     You   drink   only   cheap   liquor   but   treat   your   friends   royally.”     Dimitri   smiled   and   left.   Upon   leaving   the   store,   Dimitri   walked   silently   towards   the   lake,   savoring   the   happiness   of   leisure.     He   was   very   familiar   with   this   city   and   knew   it   as   well   as   the   back   of   his   hand.     At   this   moment   he   felt   a   sense   of   reluctance   to   leave   all   this   behind.

Dimitri   came   to   the   lake   and   from   the   position   of   the   stones   by   the   water   and   the   slope   of   the   terrain;   he   knew   he   had   come   to   the   secluded   rose   garden   he   loved.     He   sat   on   the   largest   rock   and   drank   the   whiskey   he   had   just   bought.     Winter   days   were   as   short   as   the   nights   were   long;   soon   darkness   would   cover   the   earth.     Dimitri   waited   a   while   longer   until   the   noise   of   traffic   died   down   completely.     He   walked   into   the   rose   garden   and   strolled   among   the   bare   and   withered   rose   bushes.     He   had   finished   three   quarters   of   the   bottle   of   whiskey   and   felt   light-headed   and   unsteady.     He   muttered,  

“Rose,   rose,   where   are   you?     Are   you   afraid   of   the   cold   and   have   gone   into   hiding?     Don’t   be   afraid!     Let   me   introduce   you   to   some   friends.”     Dimitri   was   blind.     Before   his   eyes   was   only   darkness,   pitch   dark   as   the   night   around   him.     He   thought   of   something   on   a   whim   and   suddenly   before   him   appeared   a   fabulous   orchid,   lovely   and   dewy.

“Ah,   it’s   you,   Queen   Aisha!”   he   said.     “Welcome.     Welcome.     Did   you   come   alone?     Where   are   the   others?”     Another   flower   appeared   a   colorful,   fragrant   peony   in   full   bloom.

“Ah,   it’s   you   Megginn!”   exclaimed   Dimitri.     “Welcome.     Welcome.     Don’t   bury   yourself   in   work   all   day.     You   must   take   it   easy   sometimes   and   enjoy   yourself.”     A   mysterious   streak   of   light   shone   on   a   black   tulip.

“Ah   Medusa,   the   protector   of   my   Kingdom   of   Dreams!     Is   that   you?   I   know   you   have   fully   recovered   now.     With   you   in   charge,   I   am   confident   my   Kingdom   is   in   good   hands.”    

Suddenly   a   host   of   beautiful   meteors   shot   across   the   sky   one   after   the   other   and   then   dropped   down   precisely   into   the   rose   garden,   turning   themselves   into   fully   blooming   flowers.   Or   it   could     more   objectively   be   described   as   beautiful   meteors   leaping   over   Dimitri’s   deep   brain   skin   to   fall   as   blossoms   onto   the   trees,   bushes   and   ground   of   the   rose   garden.     They   were:   plum   blossoms,   cherry   blossoms   camellias,   sweet   olive,   azaleas,   roses,   hibiscuses,   jasmines,   wisterias,   passion   flowers,   dahlias,   daffodils,   gladioluses,   chrysanthemums,   clivia,   orchids,   lilies,   lotuses,   birds   of   paradise,   tulips,   poppies,   peonies,   narcissuses   and   cyclamens.   All   had   come   in   answer   to   Dimitri’s   summons.     The   bleak,   dark   and   dreary   winter   scenery   was   suddenly   transformed   into   an   enchanting   night   where   under   the   luminance   of   a   full   moon,   the   spring   breeze   hovered   lightly   over   the   myriads   of   multi-colored   flowers.     These   beautiful   flowers   each   had   their   own   blooming   season,   but   at   Dimitri’s   bidding   they   all   burst   into   flower   together   at   the   same   time,   creating   a   dumb-founding   scene   of   unbelievably   surreal   beauty.

Dimitri   stumbled   around   the   rose   garden   on   shaky   feet,   comically   jocular   and   entertaining   in   his   tipsy   state.     He   muttered   aloud   earnestly   giving   his   absurd   speech,   or   you   can   say   it   was   the   meaningless   mumbling   of   a   down   on   his   luck   homeless   person.     He   said,

“You   are   all   here?     Good.     Good.     This   is   really   a   rare   occasion.     I   always   thought   of   myself   as   a   gardener   and   protector   of   myriads   of   flowers.     It   was   I   who   brought   you,   one   by   one,   to   my   Kingdom   of   Dreams,   which   I   originally   thought   was   a   bright,   peaceful   place   where   I   could   nurture   my   plants.     Who   knew   that   catastrophe   would   strike,   my   magnificent   palace   would   be   burnt   down   to   the   ground   and   the   whole   Kingdom   would   collapse?     My   Kingdom   of   Dreams   did   not   turn   out   to   be   a   safe   haven   after   all.     Nightmares   sometimes   enter   the   sweetest   of   dreams.     If   sweet   dreams   could   turn   into   nightmares,   so   could   nightmares   turn   into   sweet   dreams!     Dreams   are   ever   changing   and   capricious.     Therefore   they   are   really   too   unstable   to   be   a   safe   place   to   settle   down   and   live   happily   in   peace   and   quiet.     It   was   not   an   ideal,   place.     My   ideal   paradise   must   be   infinite,   permanently   peaceful,   boundlessly   joyful   and   bright.     I   will   continue   looking   until   I   find   it.     So   I   have   brought   you   all   back   to   this   mundane   world,   but...”  

  Dimitri   held   up   his   whiskey   bottle,   raised   his   head   and   took   a   large   drink.    

“You   are   all   the   products   of   my   brain.     I   took   you   to   my   Kingdom   of   Dreams   and   gave   you   beautiful   faces   and   bodies.     Now   although   my   kingdom   has   been   destroyed   and   my   magnificent   palace   burnt   down   to   the   ground,   I   have   successfully   evacuated   all   of   you   back   here   to   the   world.     But   why,   now   that   you   are   here   on   earth,   you   have   all   turned   into   human   being,   with   flesh   and   blood   bodies,   heart   beats,   body   temperatures   and   thoughts   and   one   as   beautiful   as   the   other.     I   really   don’t   understand!     All   of   you   surround   me   and   keep   me   company.     I   am   only   a   poor,   homeless   person.     I   am   not   worthy   of   all   this.     I   am   a   blind   man   cursed   by   fate.     I   am   not   worthy   of   your   gentleness   and   love.     But   one   thing   I   have   to   emphasize   and   make   clear   to   all   of   you.     In   this   world,   wherever   there   is   a   beginning,   there   is   sure   to   be   an   end.     All   gatherings   will   ultimately   disperse.     Life   is   like   a   banquet,   at   the   end   of   which   all   go   their   separate   ways.     There   can   be   no   such   thing   as   an   eternal   gathering.     I   want   to   tell   you   all   now   that   I   will   be   going   on   a   trip   to   a   far   away   place.     I   myself   am   not   quite   sure   yet   of   my   destination...”    

Dimitri   took   another   large   drink   from   his   bottle.     The   liquor   went   down   his   throat   to   his   stomach   in   a   fiery   line   and   turned   into   thermal   energy,   which   then   permeated   his   whole   body.     Dimitri   continued   on   tipsily,

  “Yes,   I   will   adventure   into   the   depth   of   my   soul.     That   is   a   place   no   human   have   been   to   before.     Yes,   I   will   adventure   there.     I   know   there   is   a   treasure   that   no   one   has   ever   seen   and   I   have   the   key   to   that   treasure.     I   will   go   and   open   it.     Perhaps   someone   has   been   there   before   me   and   had   already   opened   it.     But   no   one   knew   that   it   was   a   treasure.   Ha,ha,ha....”     Dimitri   stopped   for   a   moment   and   said,   “Let   me   empty   this   bottle   and   then   go   on   a   treasure   hunt.   Ha,   ha,ha...”     He   finished   drinking   his   whiskey   and   then   lay   on   the   ground,   throwing   away   the   empty   bottle   in   his   hand.     The   rose   garden   turned   back   to   its   former   bleak   and   barren   winter   scenery,   but   the   moon   remained   high   in   the   sky.

Aisha’s   four   car   motorcade   arrived   at   a   quiet   corner   by   the   lake.     Richard   stood   waiting   for   them   at   the   entrance   to   the   rose   garden.     The   beauties   came   of   the   cars   and   followed   Richard   into   the   garden   to   the   spot   where   he   had   discovered   Dimitri’s   clothing.     Aisha   saw   Dimitri’s   dilapidated   down   jacket,   loose,   ill-fitting   pants,   old   round-headed   shoes   and   safari   hat.     It   really   looked   as   if   he   was   lying   on   the   ground   and   his   body   had   just   vanished   from   his   clothes.     Dorna   looked   at   the   clothes   and   her   heart   tightened   in   pain.     She   couldn’t   help   throwing   herself   on   Dimitri’s   clothes,   pounding   on   them   repeated   crying   and   shouting,

“You   old   dog!     You   went   back   on   your   promise!     You   said   you   would   take   me   wherever   you   went!     Now   where   have   you   gone?     Come   back!     Come   back!   Or   tell   me   where   you   have   gone   to   and   I   will   come   and   find   you...”

Some   of   the   beauties   began   to   cry,   but   others   looked   solemn   and   grave.     Dimitri   delivered   his   eccentric   and   erratic   speech   to   the   flowers,   but   the   beauties   were   attuned   to   him   in   spirit   and   seemed   to   understand   that   he   wished   to   separate   himself   from   them   for   the   moment   and   did   not   want   to   see   them.     Angelica,   poetic   as   always,   pointed   to   a   cloud   by   the   moon   and   exclaimed,

“Look   everyone!     Doesn’t   that   cloud   look   like   Dimitri   when   he   has   had   a   bit   too   much   to   drink?     Comical,   jolly   and   so   likeable!”     They   all   looked   and   agreed   it   did   resemble   an   intoxicated   Dimitri.

“Dimitri   has   disappeared   into   thin   air”   said   Chanelle.     “If   he   could   do   so,   he   would   also   be   able   to   come   back   the   same   way   from   thin   air.”     Aisha   looked   at   the   evening   sky   and   said,

“The   life   of   a   legendary   figure   such   as   Dimitri   is   like   a   dream,   leaving   no   trace   behind...But   then,   whose   life   isn’t   like   a   dream,   over   in   the   twinkling   of   an   eye?”   December   weather   was   extremely   erratic.     Dark   clouds   suddenly   gathered,   obscuring   the   moon.     The   cloud   that   looked   so   much   like   Dimitri   was   also   swallowed   in   the   clouds.     The   wind   rose   with   a   sprinkling   of   rain.     Turning   to   Dorna,   Aisha   said,

“Please   fold   up   Dimitri’s   clothes,   Dorna,   so   the   rain   would   get   to   them.   We   will   take   them   home.”   Turning   to   the   beauties,   she   said,  

“Sisters,   whether   Dimitri   is   with   us   or   not,   life   goes   on.     It’s   Christmas   Eve   and   we   have   a   grand   feast   waiting   for   us.     Why   not   go   back   and   talk   while   we   eat.     I   also   have   some   excellent   wine   in   the   cellar.     Let’s   all   go   and   get   drunk.”   The   beauties   followed   Aisha   back   to   the   cars   and   drove   away.     Richard   went   quickly   to   his   dilapidated   pick-up   truck   where   Jamaz   and   Big-O   were   still   waiting.     Richard   started   his   car   and   followed   discretely   behind   them.     He   waited   to   see   them   all   go   safely   inside   Aisha’s   house   before   turning   back   to   drive   to   Dimitri’s   apartment.     Mr.   Kaffee   and   Dwarf   Mickey   were   there   waiting   to   hear   about   what   happened.

Every   day   snake-haired   beauty   Medusa,   with   King   Dimitri’s   sword   at   her   waist,   rode   on   her   intelligent,   snow   white,   flying   horse,   Lightning   and   patrolled   the   area   under   the   brilliantly   clear   blue   skies   of   the   Kingdom   of   Dreams.   True   to   her   role   as   Protector   of   the   Kingdom,   she   flew   over   the   burnt   ruins   of   the   palace   guarding   it   and   waited   for   the   return   of   her   lord   and   master.

                                                                                                                    THE   END
