HOT 閃亮星─無聊種子稿件大募集


III.   SPIRIT   AND   FLESH     Page   25

三     靈與肉

1.   The   most   obvious   fact   which   philosophers   refuse   to   see   is   that   we   have   got   a   body.   Tired   of   seeing   our   mortal   imperfections   and   our   savage   instincts   and   impulses,   sometimes   our   preachers   wish   that   we   were   made   like   angels,   and   yet   we   are   at   a   total   loss   to   imagine   what   the   angels'   life   would   like.   We   either   give   the   angels   a   body   and   a   shape   like   our   own----except   for   a   pair   of   wings---or   we   don't.   It   is   interesting   that   the   general   conception   of   an   angel   is   still   that   of   a   human   body   with   a   pair   of   wings.   I   sometimes   think   that   it   is   an   advantage   even   for   angels   to   have   a   body   with   the   five   senses.   If   I   were   to   be   an   angel,   I   should   like   to   have   a   school-girl   complexion,   but   how   am   I   going   to   have   a   school-girl   complexion   without   a   skin?   I   still   should   like   to   drink   a   glass   of   tomato   juice   or   iced   orange   juice,   but   how   am   I   going   to   appreciate   iced   orange   juice   without   having   thirst?   And   how   am   I   going   to   enjoy   food,   when   I   am   incapable   of   hunger?   How   would   an   angel   paint   without   pigment,   sing   without   the   hearing   of   sounds,   smell   the   fine   morning   air   without   a   nose?   How   would   he   enjoy   the   immense   satisfaction   of   scratching   an   itch,   if   his   skin   doesn't   itch?   And   what   a   terrible   loss   in   the   capacity   for   happiness   that   would   be!   Either   we   have   to   have   bodies   and   have   all   our   bodily   wants   satisfied,   or   else   we   are   pure   spirits   and   have   no   satisfactions   at   all.   All   satisfactions   imply   want.          


2.     I   sometimes   think   what   a   terrible   punishment   it   would   be   for   a   ghost   or   an   angel   to   have   no   body,   to   look   at   a   stream   of   cool   water   and   have   no   feet   to   plunge   into   it   and   get   a   delightful   cooling   sensation   from   it,   to   see   a   dish   of   Peking   or   Long   Island   duck   and   have   no   tongue   to   taste   it,   to   see   crumpets   and   have   no   teeth   to   chew   them,   to   see   the   beloved   faces   of   our   dear   ones   and   have   no   emotions   to   feel   toward   them.   Terribly   sad   it   would   be   if   we   should   one   day   return   to   this   earth   as   ghosts   and   move   silently   into   our   children's   bedroom,   to   see   a   child   lying   there   in   bed   and   have   no   hands   to   fondle   him   and   no   arms   to   clasp   him,   no   chest   for   his   warmth   to   penetrate   to,   no   round   hollow   between   cheek   and   shoulder   for   him   to   nestle   against,   and   no   ears   to   hear   his   voice.    

2.   我有時候想鬼魂或天使若無肉體就是種可怕的刑罰:見一泓清水,無法濯足享受清新愉快;見一盤北平或長島(Long   Island,美國地名)的鴨肉,無舌品嘗;瞧見烤面餅,無牙咀嚼;看到親愛之人的臉蛋,無從親近表現情感。倘若我們死後的魂魄,有天重返塵世,靜靜走入孩子的臥室,見其躺在床上,卻無手來愛撫他,無臂膀擁抱他,無胸膛感知其體溫;面頰與肩部中間沒有圓的凹處,使其依偎;無耳聽其音,這林林總總,何其哀哉!

3.     A   defense   of   the   angels-without-bodies   theory   will   be   found   to   be   most   vague   and   unsatisfying.   Such   a   defender   might   say,   “Ah,   yes,   but   in   the   world   of   spirit,   we   don't   need   such   satisfactions.”   “But   what   instead   have   you   got?”   Complete   silence;   or   perhaps,   “Void---Peace---Calm.”   “What   then   do   you   gain   by   it?”   “Absence   of   work   and   pain   and   sorrow.”   I   admit   such   a   heaven   has   a   tremendous   attraction   to   galley   slaves.   Such   a   negative   ideal   and   conception   of   happiness   is   dangerously   near   to   Buddhism   and   is   ultimately   to   be   traced   to   Asia   (   Asia   Minor,   in   this   case)   rather   than   Europe.

3.   為“天使無肉體論”辯護的理由定是模糊的、難令人信服。辯護者也許會說:“啊!很對,但精神世界裡,我們不需此種滿足。”   “但有別的來代替嗎?”一切噤聲了。也許用“放空——和平——寧靜”。如再問:“此時從中得到什麼呢?”   答:“沒有勞役,無痛亦無慮。”那好我承認有這麼一個天堂,但也只會吸引船役囚徒,這種消極的幸福觀已經不妙地近乎佛教教義了,其來源於亞洲(指小亞細亞)而非歐洲。

4.     Such   speculations   are   necessarily   idle,   but   I   may   at   least   point   out   that   the   conception   of   a   “senseless   spirit”   is   quite   unwarranted,   since   we   are   coming   more   and   more   to   feel   that   the   universe   itself   is   a   sentient   being.   Perhaps   motion   rather   than   standing   still   will   be   a   characteristic   of   the   spirit,   and   one   of   the   pleasures   of   a   bodiless   angel   will   be   to   revolve   like   a   proton   around   a   nucleus   at   the   speed   of   twenty   or   thirty   thousand   revolutions   a   second.   There   may   be   a   keen   delight   in   that,   more   fascinating   than   a   ride   on   a   Coney   Island   scenic   railway.   It   will   certainly   be   a   kind   of   sensation.   Or   perhaps   the   bodiless   angel   will   dart   like   light   or   cosmic   rays   in   ethereal   waves   around   curved   space   at   the   rate   of   183,000   miles   per   second.   There   must   still   be   spiritual   pigments   for   the   angels   to   paint   and   enjoy   some   form   of   creation,   ethereal   vibrations   for   the   angels   to   feel   as   tone   and   sound   and   color,   and   ethereal   breeze   to   brush   against   the   angels'   cheeks.   Otherwise   spirit   itself   would   stagnate   like   water   in   a   cesspool,   or   feel   like   men   on   a   hot,   suffocating   summer   afternoon   without   a   whiff   of   fresh   air.   There   must   still   be   motion   and   emotion   (in   whatever   form)   if   there   is   to   be   life;   certainly   not   complete   rest   and   insensitiveness.

4.   雖然此番推論是虛度時光,至少我可以指出“無知無覺的神靈”的觀念極不合理,因為我們現在已越加覺得宇宙本身也是有感覺之物。神靈的特性也許是運動,不是靜止;而無肉體的天使,會如質子般以每秒二萬或三萬匝的速率環繞原子核旋轉,從而尋得部分樂趣,比在康尼島(Coney   Island,位於紐約布魯克林區南端,是美國最早的大型遊樂城)乘觀光火車更為欣喜、更有吸引力。這定是種感覺。也許那無肉體的天使像光線或宇宙射線一樣,在太空波浪中以每秒183000哩的速率,繞著曲線形的空間而飛奔。定有精神上的顏料供天使作畫,享受著某種形式的創造樂趣;有太空的振動作為音調、聲響和顏色,令其感知;還有太空微風去吹拂天使的臉頰。否則神靈自身便會像污水池裡的死水那樣停滯,或如同沉悶夏日午後人的境遇,無些許新鮮空氣。是以世間有生命之處,就必有運動和情感(無論何種形式);而非完全的靜止、無知覺。
