HOT 閃亮星─無聊種子稿件大募集


Chapter   Two     VIEWS   OF   MANKIND     II.     Earthbound     Page   23  

第二章   關於人類的觀念       二     與塵世結不解緣           見比賽原文第二十三頁

The   situation   then   is   this:   man   wants   to   live,   but   he   still   must   live   upon   this   earth.   All   questions   of   living   in   heaven   must   be   brushed   aside.   Let   not   the   spirit   take   wings   and   soar   to   the   abode   of   the   gods   and   forget   the   earth.   Are   we   not   mortals,   condemned   to   die?   The   span   of   life   vouchsafed   us,   threescore   and   ten,   is   short   enough,   if   the   spirit   gets   too   haughty   and   wants   to   live   forever,   but   on   the   other   hand,   it   is   also   long   enough,   if   the   spirit   is   a   little   humble.   One   can   learn   such   a   lot   and   enjoy   such   a   lot   in   seventy   years,   and   three   generations   is   a   long,   long   time   to   see   human   follies   and   acquire   human   wisdom.   Anyone   who   is   wise   and   has   lived   long   enough   to   witness   the   changes   of   fashion   and   morals   and   politics   through   the   rise   and   fall   of   three   generations   should   be   perfectly   satisfied   to   rise   from   his   seat   and   go   away   saying,   "It   was   a   good   show"   when   the   curtain   falls.  

1.   是以人類若要生活,仍鬚生活在此塵世間;要拋開生活在極樂世界的諸類問題。人類的心神喲!毋張開翅膀,飛到天神之所,而忘卻塵世呀!難道我們不都是凡人,可免於死亡?上天賜予吾等七十年壽命,倘若吾等心志倨傲不遜,想要永生不死,這七十年,確是很短促的,然而稍為謙遜些,那就足夠長了。一個人在七十年可以學習體驗到很多東西;三代人的時間亦令其成為智者,看透愚昧。智者若足夠長壽,在此興衰沉浮中,見證了道德風俗及政局變遷,待他人生舞臺閉幕之時,絕對會心滿意足地起身而立,道一聲“這是出好戲”而走開吧。

For   we   are   of   the   earth,   earth-born   and   earth-bound.   There   is   nothing   to   be           unhappy   about   the   fact   that   we   are,   as   it   were,   delivered   upon   this   beautiful   earth   as   its   transient   guests.   Even   if   it   were   a   dark   dungeon,   we   still   would   have   to   make   the   best   of   it;   it   would   be   ungrateful   of   us   not   to   do   so   when   we   have,   instead   of   a   dungeon,   such   a   beautiful   earth   to   live   on   for   a   good   part   of   a   century.   Sometimes   we   get   too   ambitious   and   disdain   the   humble   and   yet   generous   earth.   Yet   a   sentiment   for   this   Mother   Earth,   a   feeling   of   true   affection   and   attachment,   one   must   have   for   this   temporary   abode   of   our   body   and   spirit,   if   we   are   to   have   a   sense   of   spiritual   harmony.

2.   我們屬於這塵世,生在其間又歸於塵土。大家都不否認:在這美麗的塵世上,似乎我們皆是過客。即使這塵世是個黑暗地牢,我們仍會儘量生活美滿;何況我們並非住在地牢裡,而是在這個美麗的塵世,要過大半個世紀的生活,倘若生活得不美滿,那就是不領情了。有時我們過於野心勃勃,蔑視這低卑卻慷慨的塵世。可是我們若要精神澄明和諧,對於大地母親就須有種柔情,對於這個身心的寄居之所須誠摯地依戀。

  We   have   to   have,   therefore,   a   kind   of   animal   skepticism   as   well   as   animal   faith,   taking   this   earthly   life   largely   as   it   is.   And   we   have   to   retain   the   wholeness   of   nature   that   we   see   in   Thoreau   who   felt   himself   kin   to   the   sod   and   partook   largely   of   its   dull   patience,   in   winter   expecting   the   sun   of   spring,   who   in   his   cheapest   moments   was   apt   to   think   that   it   was   not   his   business   to   be   "seeking   the   spirit",   but   as   much   the   spirit's   business   to   seek   him,   and   whose   happiness,   as   he   described   it,   was   a   good   deal   like   that   of   the   woodchucks.   The   earth,   after   all   is   real,   as   the   heaven   is   unreal:   how   fortunate   is   man   that   he   is   born   between   the   real   earth   and   the   unreal   heaven!


Any   good   practical   philosophy   must   start   out   with   the   recognition   of   our   having   a   body.   It   is   high   time   that   some   among   us   made   the   straight   admission   that   we   are   animals,   an   admission   which   is   inevitable   since   the   establishment   of   the   basic   truth   of   the   Darwinian   theory   and   the   great   progress   of   biology,   especially   bio-chemistry.   It   was   very   unfortunate   that   our   teachers   and   philosophers   belonged   to   the   so-called   intellectual   class,   with   a   characteristic   professional   pride   of   intellect.   The   men   of   the   spirit   were   as   proud   of   the   spirit   as   the   shoemaker   is   proud   of   leather.   Sometimes   even   the   spirit   was   not   sufficiently   remote   and   abstract   and   they   had   to   use   the   words,   "essence"   or   "soul"   or   "idea,"   writing   them   with   capital   letters   to   frighten   us.   The   human   body   was   distilled   in   this   scholastic   machine   into   a   spirit,   and   the   spirit   was   further   concentrated   into   a   kind   of   essence,   forgetting   that   even   alcoholic   drinks   must   have   a   "body"   ---   mixed   with   plain   water   ---   if   they   are   to   be   palatable   at   all.   And   we   poor   laymen   were   supposed   to   drink   that   concentrated   quintessence   of   spirit.   This   over-emphasis   on   the   spirit   was   fatal.   It   made   us   war   with   our   natural   instincts,   and   my   chief   criticism   is   that   it   made   a   whole   and   rounded   view   of   human   nature   impossible.   It   proceeded   also   from   an   inadequate   knowledge   of   biology   and   psychology,   and   of   the   place   of   the   senses,   emotions   and,   above   all,   instincts   in   our   life.   Man   is   made   of   flesh   and   spirit   both,   and   it   should   be   philosophy's   business   to   see   that   the   mind   and   body   live   harmoniously   together,   that   there   be   a   reconciliation   between   the   two.

4.   凡經世致用之哲理,必承認我們擁有身體這個實體。自達爾文進化論基本真理成立以來,自從生物學,尤其是生物化學,取得極大進步之後,我們中的一部分人就該坦白地承認“我們是動物”,也是必然的,如今正當其時。不幸我們的教師和哲學家都屬所謂的知識份子階層,對才智秉持特有的、職業性的自負,致力於精神的人以精神為榮,一如皮鞋匠以皮革為傲。有時他們連“性靈”都覺得不夠飄乎抽象,只能借助“精粹”   “靈魂”或“觀念”一類的詞字,並用大寫字體標示來嚇唬我們。人類身體便在這學術機器中,蒸餾成精神,隨後漸凝聚成一種精粹之物;卻忘了即使是酒也須有“實體”——和淡水混合起來——才能味美適口。然而吾等可憐的外行人卻覺得應該飲此精神所凝聚的精華。這種過分著重精神的態度是有害的。它使我們和自身的自然本能搏鬥,它無法促成吾等天性之融通圓一,這是我批評它的主要論據。同時我們對生物學和心理學知識的欠缺,對感官、情感,最重要的是本能所占生命裡的地位認知不足,都使此態度得以繼續。人類由靈與肉鑄成,哲學家之職責在於使身心和諧,二者統一。
