HOT 創作馬拉松,正式起跑閃亮星─無聊種子稿件大募集



星島日報以「傳中共提前釋放政治犯     劉山青已囚三年   營劉會遞請信   新華社拒收、逕寄趙紫陽紫」為題報導:「四男一女到新華社請願」。

成報以:「劉山青營救委員會     五代表新華社遞信」為題作了報導。

快報以「營救劉山青委會請願     新華社拒接受公開函     委會將郵寄中共領導」為題報導:「劉仲明稱委員會….派出六名代表同新華社遞交抗議信。




新報以「劉山青被囚三週年   救委會難送一封信     託新華社將信轉給國務院     因信内有抗議二字遭婉拒」為題報導:「劉仲明表示新華社香港分社拒絕替他們轉遞信件,他們會以雙掛號式寄到北京國務院。中國現時强調重視法治,希望國務院公佈案情並予以平反及立即釋放劉山青。」

南華早報在二十六日以「NCNA   reject   letter   on   detained   engineer   」為題報導:「”The   Chinese   authorities   have   never   disclosed   any   evidence   on   Liu's   alleged   criminal   conduct.   They   have   not   evens   announced   the   specific   crime   that   he   was   accused   of,   "said   a   spokesman   for   the     committee,   Mr.   Francis   Lau.

"We   are   concerned   that   Mr.   Liu   be   allowed   to   correspond   freely   with   his   family   in   Hongkong,   "said   Mr.   Lau.

  Meanwhile,   at   least   eight   other   pressure   groups   are   expected   to   add   their   support   to   the   campaign   for   Mr.   Liu's   release.

  The   groups,   including   the   Christian   Industrial   Council,   will   announce   their   battle   plans   at   a   press   conference   on   Sunday.   Broadly,   they   say   that   10   years   is   too   harsh   a   sentence   for   counter-revolutionary   offences   and   the   time   is   now   ripe   for   granting   Mr.   Liu's   early   release」

