HOT 創作馬拉松,正式起跑閃亮星─無聊種子稿件大募集



八三年九月二十八日,德國的   Requia   Jchoule   寫給位於意大利的張彩雲,希望知道我的五個情況。---「All   these   questions   are   very   important   for   us,   therefore   we   request   you   urgent,   for   a   possible   early   answer.   We   take   all   what   we   can,   to   get   Mr.   Shanqing   free.」

八三年十月十二日,張彩雲覆信。她介紹了我的一些過去,並表示:「It   was   not   know   where   Liu   Shanging   is   imprisoned   since   not   even   bis   father   is   allowed   to   visit   him.   Neither   is   his   health   situation   known.」

八三年十月二十一日,張彩雲得知廣州中級人民法院給中大羅永生的覆函後,立即通知   Requia   Jchoule   :「By   now   you   must   have   received   my   letter   of   12   October.

  I   received   some   new   information   on   Liu   Sanging.   Enclosed   please   find   a   letter   of   the   Chinese   authority   to   the   students   in   Hong   Kong.   I   think   this   letter   answers   many   of   your   questions,   」

