HOT 創作馬拉松,正式起跑閃亮星─無聊種子稿件大募集




英文虎報報導:「It   also   recommended   people   to   ask   the   authorities   to   make   public   information,   including   details   of   the   charges   about   Lau’s   trial,   and   the   trial   of   all   prisoners   of   conscience   detained   in   connection   with   the   Democracy   Movement.   "  

  Amnesty   International,   it   said,   was   working   for   the   release   of   30   prisoners   of   conscience   arrested   in   connection   with   the   Chinese   "   Democracy   Movement.   '  

"   Several   of   them   are   reported   to   have   been   brought   to   trial   during   the   past   year   and   received   heavy   prison   sentences   for   '   counter   -   revolutionary   activities,   "   it   said.  

The   statement   said   according   to   information   available   '   to   Amnesty   International,   no   official   statement   had   been   made   about   any   of   these   trials.  

“Amnesty   International   is   concerned   that   this   trend   may   mean   that   all   the   others   will   be   or   may   have   been   brought   to   trial   in   similar   circumstances   it   said.   」



