HOT 創作馬拉松,正式起跑閃亮星─無聊種子稿件大募集



House   of   Common

Foreign   And   Commonwealth   Affairs

Written   Questions  

Mr.   Rifkind   was   the   Secretary   of   State   for   Foreign   and   Commonwealth   Affairs.  


Consular   Assistance   (China)

Volume   28:   debated   on   Tuesday   20   July   1982

Mr.   Tilley

asked   the   Secretary   of   State   for   Foreign   and   Commonwealth   Affairs   whether   consular   assistance   by   Her   Majesty's   Government   is   afforded   in   the   People's   Republic   of   China   to   ethnic   Chinese   residents   of   Hong   Kong   who   are   citizens   of   the   United   Kingdom   and   Colonies.

Mr.   Rifkind  

British   consular   officials   in   China   as   elsewhere   endeavour   to   accord   consular   assistance   wherever   necessary   to   all   citizens   of   the   United   Kingdom   and   colonies,   irrespective   of   their   ethnic   origin   or   place   of   residence.   However,   citizens   of   the   United   Kingdom   and   colonies   who   possess   a   second   nationality   are   not   entitled   to   official   consular   protection   in   the   country   of   their   second   nationality.   Those   ethnic   Chinese   residents   of   Hong   Kong   who   are   both   citizens   of   the   United   Kingdom   and   colonies   and   citizens   of   the   People's   Republic   of   China   are   therefore   not   entitled   to   official   consular   protection   within   China.


Lau   Shan-Ching

Volume   28:   debated   on   Friday   30   July   1982

Mr.   Canavan

asked   the   Secretary   of   State   for   Foreign   and   Commonwealth   Affairs   whether   Her   Majesty's   Government   or   the   Hong   Kong   Government   have   made   any   representations   to   the   Government   of   the   People's   Republic   of   China   concerning   the   detention   without   trial   of   Hong   Kong   citizen   Lau   Shan-Ching   by   the   authorities   in   Guangzhou.

Mr.   Rifkind

Mr.   Lau   Shan-Ching   does   not   hold   a   British   passport   but   we   have   inquired   through   the   normal   channels   about   the   circumstances   of   his   disappearance   and   presumed   detention.   We   have   not   received   a   reply   so   far.

Mr.   Canavan

asked   the   Secretary   of   State   for   Foreign   and   Commonwealth   Affairs   whether   Her   Majesty's   Government's   diplomatic   representatives   in   China   have   attempted   to   gain   consular   access   to   Hong   Kong   citizen   Lau   Shan-Ching   currently   under   detention   in   Guangzhou.

Mr.   Rifkind


Mr.   Canavan

asked   the   Secretary   of   State   for   Foreign   and   Commonwealth   Affairs   under   what   circumstances   a   Hong   Kong   citizen   is   deemed   to   be   ineligible   for   normal   consular   access   by   Her   Majesty's   Government's   diplomatic   representatives   in   China.

Mr.   Rifkind

The   circumstances   in   which   Hong   Kong   residents   are   entitled   to   official   consular   protection   were   given   in   my   reply   to   the   hon.   Member   for   Lambeth,   Central   (Mr.   Tilley)   on   20   July.—[Vol.   28,   c.   92.]


Hong   Kong:   Sentencing   of   Pro-democracy   Activists

Volume   685:   debated   on   Monday   7   December   2020

Nigel   Adams   (The   minister   for   Asia)

We   regularly   raise   our   concerns   directly   with   the   Hong   Kong   authorities   in   this   regard.   We   are   very   concerned   about   the   arrest   of   Jimmy   Lai   and   others.   Normally,   we   do   not   provide   consular   assistance   to   dual   nationals   in   the   country   of   their   other   nationality.   China   does   not   recognise   dual   nationality.   It   is   therefore   impossible   to   be   granted   permission   to   provide   consular   assistance.


Topical   Questions

Volume   697:   debated   on   Tuesday   15   June   2021

Dominic   Raab   (Foreign   Secretary   )

I   have   had   long   conversations   with   the   families   of   Anoosheh   Ashoori   and   all   the   other   dual   nationals   who   have   been   detained.   Nothing   is   more   moving   or   heartbreaking   in   this   job   than   seeing   the   situation   of   dual   nationals   in   Iran   and,   indeed,   of   nationals   and   dual   nationals   around   the   world,   and   I   have   been   intensively   engaged   in   trying   to   resolve   this.   With   other   issues,   it   was   something   I   discussed   with   our   US   friends   at   Carbis   Bay.   I   am   doing   absolutely   everything   I   can   to   secure   the   release   and   return   home   of   all   our   detained   dual   nationals   in   Iran   and,   indeed,   around   the   world.

