HOT 創作馬拉松,正式起跑閃亮星─無聊種子稿件大募集

How Bad Technology is

Grown-ups   always   saying   how   bad   technology   is.   Well   they’re   using   it   all   the   time.   What   I’m   saying   is   my   mom   always   telling   me   and   my   sister   not   to   play   video   games.   She   says   technology   will   control   our   brains   and   we   will   play   video   games   instead   of   doing   work.   My   mom   uses   her   cellphone,   but   she   says   to   us   how   bad   is   technology,   my   mom   is   so   weird.   I   knew   how   bad   technology   is.   Maybe   one   day   the   robots   are   going   to   rule   the   world   and   were   going   to   work   for   the   robots   instead   of   the   robots   work   for   us.   Video   games   will   make   us   not   to   think   and   not   to   work   so   I   think   maybe   we   will   not   walk   by   our   legs   instead   of   sitting   in   a   robot   in   the   future.   You   can   use   technology,   but   not   to   use   it   to   much.   Wish   you   will   be   happy   all   the   time!

