HOT 創作馬拉松,正式起跑閃亮星─無聊種子稿件大募集

I love you so much

I'm   sorry   ......     For   what   ?

For   missing   you   too   much.

For   feeling   upset   if   you're   sick.

For   feeling   sad   if   I   don't   see   you.

For   wanting   to   be   with   you.

I'm   sorry   for   wanting   to   make   you   happy.

For   wanting   you   to   play   a   vital   role   in   my   life.

For   wanting   to   make   you   smile.

I'm   sorry   for   bothering   you   every   time   and   everyday

For   replying   quick   as   soon   as   possible.

For   annoying   you   with   my   messages   and   calls.

I'm   sorry   for   carrying   about   you.

I'm   just.....

Sorry   for   every   single   mistake   that   I   make.

But   above   all.......

I   wish   you   joy   and   happiness.



2017-06-10 19:00 透過電腦版 回應