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Roger   Federer....(關於澳洲網球公開賽,贏得第18座大滿貫冠軍杯得主費德勒,您不知道的故事)  

Every   year,   at   the   Australian   Open,   behind   Rodger   Federer's   coach   (earlier   Edberg   and   now   Ljubicic),   sits   an   elderly   couple!   There   is   a   story   to   this   couple,   and   it   shows   what   a   good   human   being   Federer   is.   The   couple   are   Bob   and   Diana   Carter,   the   parents   of   his   first   international   coach,   the   Australian   Peter   Carter.  


Federer   was   just   nine   when   coach   Carter   took   him   under   his   wing.

In   2002,   in   a   terrible   tragedy,   Carter   died   in   a   car   accident   while   on   a   vacation   with   his   wife.     He   was   only   37   years   of   age.   The   story   goes   that   Federer   (then   21)   was   so   affected   by   his   coach's   death,   he   ran   through   the   streets   of   Toronto   (where   he   was   playing   that   day),   bawling   his   heart   out.  


Carter   had   recognised   Federer's   genius   at   a   young   age,   and   was   determined   to   make   him   an   all-time   great.   He   was   not   Federer's   first   coach,   but   the   one   who   took   him   from   relative   obscurity   in   Basel   in   Switzerland   to   the   threshold   of   international   greatness.    

Every   year   since   2005,   Federer's   team   sends   an   all-expenses   paid   itinerary   to   the   Adelaide-based   couple   -   first-class   air   tickets,   bookings   in   the   same   hotel   as   Federer,   food,   winner's   parties   and   even   commiseration   parties   in   Melbourne.


And   they   sit   in   Federer's   box   at   the   Rod   Laver   Arena,   supporting   him   as   if   he   were   their   son.   They   see   their   son   Peter   in   him.   And   Federer   never   forgets   the   Carter   family's   role   in   his   life   and   career.

Federer,   now   34,   may   or   may   not   win   his   18th   Grand   Slam.   But   he   is   one   of   the   greatest   humans   to   have   set   foot   on   a   tennis   court.


Remember   the   people   and   the   things   that   have   made   an   impact   in   your   life   and   be   ever   grateful   for   their   contribution   in   making   who   you   are.


