HOT 創作馬拉松,正式起跑閃亮星─無聊種子稿件大募集

【The Poet】Chap.1

Chap.1【The   writer】

When   I   close   my   eyes,the   same   story   recurs   again   and   again,I   don't   know   how   it   could   have   continued,   but   I   know   I'm   really   tired   about   it.

“Are   you   okay   ?   ”I   ask.

Worries   and   care   in   her   beautiful   eyes,she   hasn't   slept   for   three   days.

“...Nothing,I   think.”her   sound   is   weak.

“Nothing   is   something...   ?   I'm   not   sure   if   you   know   what   I   mean,you   know,I   CANNOT   speak   your   language   well.”

“I   know.”she   answers   with   a   sad   smile   on   her   face.

“Do   you   mind   if   I   want   to   know   your   story   ?   ”

“Not   really,you're   interested   in   this   ?   ”

“Of   course   I   am   !   ”I   laugh,“Guess   what   ?   I'm   always   wondering   if   this   world   has   someone   who   can   do   magic,   and   now,a   girl   can   do   that   is   in   my   sight   !   How   can   not   I   feel   excited   ?   ”

“I   see.”she   says,“I'll   tell   you   my   story,   but,after   that,I   want   you   to   give   something   important   to   me.”

“What   is   something   important   ?   What's   the   thing   you   want   ?   ”I   don't   understand.

“I   don't   know.”she   smiles.

“Okay,”I   answer,“okay,I'll   pay   it.”

“Fine.”she   says.

“This   is   my   story...”


