英文作業 - Why I Write.
I lay in my bed with my computer on my laps. MP3 plays this instrumental version of greensleeves repeatedly. While spacing out in this warm afternoon, I start wandering inside my head. Thinking of the reasons why I write.
I write because it is essential in my life. I write because my teachers tell me to do so. I write in order to practice my writing. I write because it is hard and I accept challenges. I write with enthusiasm. I write because I do not have other ways to express myself so freely. I write when I am excited. I write when I am bored. I write when I am happy. I write when I am sad. I write in my diary. I write down records so I will not lose them. I write with my pencil. I write with my computer. I write with my voice. I write with my mind. I write when I am alone. I write when I am not alone. I write because that is how I communicate with myself. I write in order to understand myself and others better. I write in order to talk with other. I write indulgently. I write sincerely. I write quietly, but I also write crazily. I write with a desire to become better and better. I write about my dream when I am beaten. I write about my home when I miss it. I write about love when I am jealous. I write about prayers when I was repentant. I write about friendship when I am betrayed. I write so I can keep something important with me when I don't remember them anymore. I write so I can keep the me now when I am not me anymore. I write with a rainbow of memories. I write for words are my best friends forever. I write because the words comfort me with their tender voice and tender touch. I write to explore new ideas in my head. I write with all my heart and all my soul. I write because I am the author of my life.
Oh no did I make you feel bad?! ヽ(゚Д ゚; )ノ
I don’t want to hurt your feeling and I won’t correct you if that’s what you want.
However I think you should be happy to have friends who are willing to “help” you with your grammar, doesn't matter if they're just doing it for fun or they’re being serious.
Well, I used to spell words wrongly all the time. Words such as “grammar”, “separate”, “beginning” always confused me. But trust me, native English speakers make the same mistakes like we do. I’ve seen my teacher who teaches sophomore high school students (who are native English speakers) how to spell these words. (I'm not lying I promise you)
To be honest your English is good! (`・∀・)bbb
I’ve met people with awful grammar before, and sometimes I don’t even understand what they want to say! You have the first step, and you just need more and more practice.
Everyone makes mistakes. You don’t need to be sad nor ashamed of yourself. As for run-on sentences, I’m glad that you know what they are (I was so worry that you didn't know).
Yes, it’s hard to not write one because the grammatical structure of English is sometimes extremely confusing. It's fine to write run-on sentences, but you need to know where you make the mistake and change it next time.
The best way to check if you have a run-on is to read your sentences out loud. Like Chinese, if you read it you can sometimes catch something wrong because they don’t "sound" correct. O_<
Your teacher makes you write so much because writing helps you learn English. As for me, I use English everyday and I write all my homework in English. So if I can’t write English comfortably, I won’t survive in an English-speaking environment.
Anyway, it sounds like you don’t like English very much. Are you taking this class because it’s mandatory in your school?
My opinion is that if you don’t like English (or if you don’t need it in your life), it is hard to be concentrated on your English assignments. You should try to enjoy English and be friend with it.(ง๑ •̀_•́)ง
You can get used to English by reading magazines, watching movies/TV, listening to music, speaking to people, and writing dairy in English. Don’t try to force yourself to do something you don’t like and don’t try to "memorize" English. It’s not going to help you at all. If you just don’t feel like English is what you want to do, just try to make yourself as happy as your can when you have to deal with it. As long as you are enjoying it, time will fly by.(^_っ^)
Sorry for this super long reply. If there's any misinterpretation please tell me so. ^_^
If you have any question about English, I can try my best to help you. We can exchange Line/Email/etc. _(:3 」∠ )_
However, I cannot guarantee you that I will make good correction because I have been learning English for merely six years.
Be happy!ヽ(✿゚▽゚)ノ
"Why I write? I write because my teacher tells me that writing can help me practing my English, but the thing is my awful grammar is still with me after so much practices. "
**This is what I would correct it to. Remeber to not write run-on (incomplete) sentences by connecting two sentences with a coordinating conjunction. Also, be sure to spell vocabularies correctly (grammar with an a). You need to make sure you stay with either present tense or past tense through out your work. Do not change it around because you would confuse your reader. Also just a reminder, you need to avoid using casual languages (cuz) if you were writing an academic paper! **
Writing does help you practing your grammar skill and you defintely should keep writing whether you're just doing it for fun or for your English writing skill!
Good luck and nice to meet you!
原來是照著格式的,我還好奇為什麼下面寫了那麼多 I write....,but without any elaboration
1)express my self freely
2) the way to communicate with myself
3) keep the me now when i am not me anymore (這句超讚)
三)老實說我一直在思考這句話的文法有沒有錯XDDD。總覺得我們人啊從某些方面來說,變心比變天還要快(?)。前一秒認為這件衣服特別漂亮,下一秒就因為看到了更漂亮的衣服把之前那件給拋棄了(什麼怪比喻)!也許是peer pressure,或者像知知姊說得環境因素等等被影響了而被迫改變自己也不一定。不過只要我們把當下的感受和想法寫下來,像寫日記一樣的話,哪天再次翻開這一頁的自己,還可以回憶回億,感傷一下自己變得有多老什麼的(›´_`‹ )
她給了我們一篇叫做《Why I Write》的小短文,讓我們照著類似的格式也寫一篇我們自己的《Why I Wrtie》這樣O____<