HOT 閃亮星─無聊種子稿件大募集


The   blonde   guitarist   didn’t   make   it   back   to   the   hotel   from   the   party   until   1   a.m.   He   bypassed   everyone’s   eyes   and   headed   to   a   bar   in   the   suburbs.   It   wasn’t   until   after   he   drank   that   "special   drink"   that   he   truly   felt   sober   again.   At   this   moment,   he   hadn’t   yet   had   the   time   to   remove   the   heavy   stage   makeup,   and   Tommy   could   clearly   feel   all   the   eyes   from   every   direction   fixed   on   his   pretty   face.   And   he   obviously   didn’t   like   being   the   center   of   attention.

Just   like   prey.

As   soon   as   he   entered   the   room,   he   quickly   removed   the   makeup   from   his   face,   changed   into   a   loose   bathrobe,   and   took   a   rare   moment   to   gaze   at   the   view   from   the   20th   floor.His   eyes   eventually   landed   on   two   men   two   streets   away   from   the   hotel.   Based   on   his   intuition,   he   was   certain   they   were   up   to   something   shady.   The   blond   man   didn’t   want   to   waste   time   eavesdropping   on   their   conversation,   so   he   simply   drew   the   curtains.   He   let   himself   sink   into   the   soft   bed,   closed   his   eyes,   and   shut   out   all   the   sensations   of   the   outside   world,   relishing   a   rare   moment   of   solitude.

He   had   successfully   made   it   through   another   day.   Life   among   humans   was   truly   busy,   always   full,   and   never   allowed   a   moment   of   rest.

Tommy   glanced   at   the   time   on   his   phone   and   sighed   at   how   long   the   nights   always   seemed.   He   took   out   a   crystal   glass   from   the   cabinet,   along   with   a   bottle   of   whiskey   he   had   requested   earlier   from   the   front   desk,   and   quietly   sat   on   the   edge   of   the   bed,   drinking   himself   and   thinking   about   how   he   might   spend   his   free   moments   between   tour   stops.

He   slowly   exhaled,   the   visible   white   breath   and   the   temperature   displayed   on   the   air   conditioner’s   panel   both   hinting   at   how   different   this   man   was   from   ordinary   people.

A   sudden,   urgent   knock   on   the   door   shattered   the   good   mood   he   had   just   built.   For   a   split   second,   his   brown   pupils   flashed   a   terrifying   dark   red.

Tommy   reluctantly   walked   to   the   door;   he   knew   exactly   who   was   disturbing   him   again.



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晚曦 [完] 天樂九歌