HOT 創作馬拉松,正式起跑閃亮星─無聊種子稿件大募集

Until the day we meet again

The   story   is   started   by   nothing,   but   also   starts   in   a   sudden.  

11th   May.   2001,   at   the   same   time   in   Hong   Kong   and   Wellington...

Mr.   Wong   was   wandering   in   the   corridor,   while   the   surgery   room's   emergency   light   was   still   on.  

"AHHHHHHHH!"   A   loud   voice   stung   all   the   people   in   the   corridor,   then   the   light   was   off,   as   well   as   a   couple   of   nurses   and   doctors   came   out   with   all   their   sweat   on   their   forehead.  

"How   was   it,   is   that   a   he   or   she?"   Mr.   Wong   was   so   nervous   that   he   almost   smashed   toward   the   doctor.  

"Congratulation,   that   is   a   he."  

a   same   situation   in   Wellington   hospital.  

"Is   that   a   he   or   she?"   Asked   Mr.   Robertson.  

"Congratulation,   that   is   a   he."   Said   the   doctor.  

What   a   miracle,   two   young   and   smart   lives   born   at   the   same   time.   That   sounds   a   little   bit   funny   ay?  

Looking   at   both   Mr.   Wong   and   Mr.   Robertson,   they   were   crying,   for   these   new-born   happiness?   Or   the   sequel   of   a   tragedy?   Who   knows.

September,   1988.   United   Kingdom.  

It   was   a   sunny   day   today,   but   the   sunset   would   start   very   soon.   All   students   from   Cambridge   University   had   either   gone   home,   or   the   dormitories.   In   a   silent   art   room,   there   was   a   boy   sitting   there   quietly,   painting   his   gorgeous   art   work.   The   door   opened.  

"Tom,   I've   brought   you   a   pie,   I   wish   you   like   this   favor,   it   is   fish."   Said   the   girl   with   her   warm   dazzler   on   her   face.  

"Oh!   Thank   you   Malia,   how   did   you   know   my   favorite   pie   is   fish   pie?   Thanks   god,   I   feel   really   hungry."  

Malia   remained   her   dazzler   on   her   face,   but   spoke   nothing.   She   came   closer   to   Tom,   and   kissed   his   cheek.  

"Because   I   am   your   lovely   and   intimate   girlfriend."  

She   then   glanced   at   the   unfinished   art   work,   and   frowned.     She   knew   that,   when   Tom   finished   this   piece   of   artwork,   he   would   leave   United   Kingdom   and   move   to   the   States.  

"Is   it   a   must?   I   mean,   is   it   a   must   you   need   to   leave   me?"   Malia   finally   loss   control   and   cried.  

"Sorry   Malia,   I   must   go.   My   father   is   getting   even   sick   day   by   day."   Tom   couldn't   hold   his   tears   either.  

Then,   Malia   had   an   idea   pop   out   in   her   stupid   mind...

Why   not,   we   die   before   him??  



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