HOT 創作馬拉松,正式起跑閃亮星─無聊種子稿件大募集

難以言喻的想念 (Unexplainable miss)

Today   I   still   miss   you.

It's   been   a   month.

I   don't   want   to   leave   you.

But   you   still   don't   chat   with   me...

I   know   we   broke   up,

But   I   think   this   event   is   not   serious...

If   I   can  

I   want   to   be   your   friend.

Like   before,   If   I   sad,   you'll   take   care   of   me,   and   tell   me   ''   that's   okay,

don't   cry,   you   have   me!!!   ''

But   now,   everything   change...

I   can't   accept...

I   want   to   tell   you   ''   Xiao   Ye,   I   miss   you.   I   really   love   you!   Will   you   come   back...?   ''

