HOT 創作馬拉松,正式起跑閃亮星─無聊種子稿件大募集

4月3日 西元2013 隨想001

ALL   RIGHT   RESERVED   to   Michael   Hansmeyer   Computational   Architecture

Today,   as   I   am   still   in   this   world   of   ease,   it   is   a   time   where   I   can   be   carefree   to   the   money,   economy,   and   environment.   It   is   truly   a   bless   as   I   do   have   a   mundane   and   stable   job,   in   which   provides   me   with   time   and   energy   to   browse   the   web   for   different   ideas   and   facts.

I   watched   a   video   on   Michael   Hansmeyer:   Building   unimaginable   shapes.


It   is   interesting   as   the   speaker   has   constantly   imply   that   he   did   not   hinder   any   of   the   process   by   simply   let   the   algorithm   of   the   computer   software   dictate   the   outcome   of   this   adventure.   However,   on   the   other   hand,   we   have   to   ask   that   is   not   the   sole   act   of   creating   algorithm   interference   by   itself.   Furthermore,   what   is   the   guideline   as   to   the   end   product   of   such   algorithm;   such   as   how   many   folds   or   degrees   of   folds   should   there   be   performed?   I   am   simply   argue   that   even   until   the   date   of   the   automation   is   several   generation   passed   down   the   road,   when   the   time   machine   is   taken   over,   the   newest   and   most   genuine   product   would   be   as   the   same   as   the   cube   at   the   origin.  

It   is   undeniable   that   the   outcome   column   of   Michael   Hansmeyer   is   amazing   in   its   craftsmanship   and   the   artistic   value.   It   provides   the   insight   into   the   computer   constructs   that   we   have   not   able   to   imagine   prior.   In   addition,   the   complexity   of   the   technology   would   only   push   the   architectural   field   into   a   greater   and   better   production   systems   and   management   style.   This   organic   generation   through   the   computer   aid   process   surpasses   what   most   of   the   human   capacity;   even   the   building   of   great   architect,   such   as   Guadi   can   hardly   compare   to   the   complexity   that   a   single   column   possessed.  

Yet,   the   most   crucial   question   remained   after   the   hype   of   the   new   tools   and   techniques.   To   what   end   are   we   doing   all   these   for?   As   a   person   with   not   much   money   or   status,   I   simply   need   a   nice   little   house   that   I   can   comfortably   lay   down   my   head   at   night;   a   simple   square   column   that   I   can   nail   my   picture   on.   Does   this   imitation   of   nature   an   act   of   decoration   or   an   act   of   innovation?   I   do   not   know;   I   am   torn   in   between   the   advancement   and   excitement   of   the   news   in   architecture,   yet   confuse   if   we   have   deviate   from   where   we   have   started   as   to   live   with   the   nature   and   in   harmonious   relationship   with   our   environment.  

